www.nmwild.org NEW MEXICO WILDERNESS YO! What’s with the ALLIANCE Main Office Spotted Kitty? 505/843-8696 • fax 505/843-8697
[email protected] • www.nmwild.org P.O. Box 25464 ince we went with our new masthead, Albuquerque, NM 87125 we have received many inquiries about 202 Central Avenue, SE • Suite 101 Albuquerque, NM 87102 the big, wild cat gracing the left-hand corner of our front page: Las Cruces Field Office 275 N. Downtown Mall S “Why do you have an African animal for Las Cruces, NM 88001 505/527-9962 your mascot?” Mission Statement “We don’t have cheetahs in New Mexico. The New Mexico Wilderness Alliance is dedicated Who are you trying to kid?” to the protection, restoration, and continued enjoyment of New Mexico’s wild lands and “I hope that big cat eats all you wacko Wilderness areas. greenies” NMWA Staff Las Cruces Office And our personal fave: “Yo! What’s with the Greta Balderrama, Grassroots Organizer spotted kitty?” Albuquerque Office Tisha Broska, Membership Coordinator Well, that “spotted kitty” is a jaguar. Steve Capra, Associate Director Panthera onca. El tigre del Norte. Nathan Newcomer, Grassroots Organizer Roxanne Pacheco, Finance Manager And not an African import, but a native Jim Scarantino, Executive Director Michael Scialdone, Director of Wilderness Protection New Mexican. Jaguars have been in New Board of Directors Mexico so long they probably know what Dave Parsons, Chair, Albuquerque, NM happened at Chaco Canyon. Tom Mouck, Treasurer, Albuquerque, NM Nancy Morton, Secretary, Albuquerque, NM Jaguars once ranged far north into New Pam Eaton, Denver, CO Mexico, and beyond into southern Colorado Panthera Onca Dave Foreman, Albuquerque, NM Randall Gray, Lake Valley, NM and Utah.