I Am the Good May 10, 2020 :1-11

Sermon Summary In the of John, we find a series of statements that all begin with “.” Each of these statements bring clarity to who is and what it is that He came to do. Over the next few weeks, we are going to be in a teaching series focused on these “I Am” statements Jesus made. These statements are usually accompanied by a miracle or sign that illustrates and points to who Jesus is and what He came to do. This series will help us learn about the person and work of and why He, above anyone or anything else, should be central in our lives.

Jesus is referred to as a Shepherd in multiple places n the . Here he is the who gives his life for the . In 1 Peter 5:4 he is the Chief Shepherd. In Hebrews 13:20 he is the Great Shepherd. Of all the “I Am” statements, this is the most personal. No passage in the New Testament gives more insight into how Jesus feels about the sheep and what the relationship with Jesus is like for the believer. We must follow our Shepherd.

He Knows Us – vs. 4-5 Jesus, the one that calls you by name and knows you is intimately familiar with you, will keep you from the wolves and lead you to the abundant life in Him.

He Gave His Life for Us – vs. 10-11 The sacrificial death of Christ shows the value he places on the sheep. The Greek preposition translated “for” is literally “in the place of the sheep.” Here is the most remarkable part of the gospel story, the Shepherd became a sheep. He made himself as vulnerable and as helpless as the sheep so that he could die in the place of the sheep. The strongest affirmation of your value that you will ever know is found in what Jesus Christ did for you when he the Shepherd became the sheep and was slaughtered in your place so that you could be saved!

He Provides for Us – vs. 3-4 1. He provides protection 2. He provides meaning

I Am the Good Shepherd May 10, 2020 John 10:1-11

Small Group Guide

Ice Breaker and Introduction • What’s the difference between a good boss/leader/coach and a bad one? • Tell a story of a bad boss/leader/coach or your own leadership failure • Who’s the best boss/leader/coach you’ve ever had? Why? • Today we are talking about Jesus as the Good Shepherd in John 10. • As our Shepherd, he leads us and we follow Him. • As our Good Shepherd, we can confidently follow Him!

He Knows Us – vs. 4-5 • Why do you think the uses the sheep/shepherd metaphor so much? • What does it say about us as “sheep”? • How does it comfort you to know that Jesus knows you and protects you? • How would that it be different if he protected you without knowing you? • Read Psalm 139:1-3. What perspective does that give Jesus as the Good Shepherd who knows his sheep?

He Gave His Life for Us – vs. 10-11 • What’s the most valuable thing you own? What would you do to protect it? • What does Jesus’ willing to die FOR you say about your value to him? • React to this statement: “The strongest affirmation of your value that you will ever know is found in what Jesus Christ did for you when he, the Shepherd, became the sheep and was slaughtered in your place so that you could be saved!” • Does anyone have questions about their salvation?

He Provides for Us – vs. 3-4 • Who in your life provides for you? Who do you provide for? What are those relationships like when they are healthy? • What does Jesus providing for you look like to you? • Discuss the difference between him leading us rather than just sending us. • Have you ever forgotten someone’s name or had your name forgotten someone that was close to you or it put you or them in an awkward situation? • What does it mean to you that Jesus knows your name and all about you?