A Compilation of Useful Information for Teachers & Teacher-Librarians

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A Compilation of Useful Information for Teachers & Teacher-Librarians SOURCES: A Compilation of Useful Information for Teachers & Teacher-Librarians Our last print issue also made available online. This issue deals with Mathematics and Science Education resources. Volume 23 Issue 2 ______________________________________________________ 1. President's Message: School Libraries at the Tipping Edge - Marlene Asselin 2. A Message from the Guest Editor - Holly Gunn 3. Searching Sources on the Web 4. Reference Sources on the Web 5. Mathematical Sources on the Web 6. Reading Sources on the Web 7. Science Sources on the Web 8. Sources for Teachers on the Web 9. Bibliography of Statistics Canada Sources 10. Online Sources from Statistics Canada 11. Literature Relating to Mathetmatics for Elementary Schools 12. Top 50 Kids Can Press Science Titles 13. Yes Magazine's Top Science Books 14. Looking at the Environment 15. Elementary Science Websites 16. Magazines for Children ______________________________________________________ Copyright ©2004 Canadian Association for School Libraries | Privacy Policy | Contact Us ISSN 1710-8535 School Libraries in Canada Online President's Message: School Libraries at the Tipping Edge Marlene Asselin Co-President, Canadian Association for School Libraries. She can be reached at phone: 604-822-5733; web: http://www.lled.educ.ubc.ca; email: [email protected] Issue Contents ______________________________________________________ Earlier this year, Ken Haycock described the situation for school libraries in Canada as being at the tipping edge. This image certainly captures the momentum and profile that school libraries have been developing over the last year. Some may say that the promises that are coming into sight were there in earlier times. However, I believe that this time school libraries are even more strongly positioned as effective enablers of the Canadian vision of education as well as of its society. The Canadian Council of Ministers of Education views education as: “lifelong learning process (where educators) strive to create a learning society in which the acquisition, renewal, and use of knowledge are cherished” (http://www.cmec.ca/publications/victoria99.en.stm). Canadian political and economic policy for the 21st century is premised on ensuring Canada’s competitive place in a global, knowledge-based society. A glance at school library policies in Canada, with the aligned school library services and programs, shows that they are supporting these educational and social/political visions. In this report, I present some of the recent initiatives and events that have continued to propel the move to the tipping edge. National School Library Day In June 2003, Roch Carrier, the National Librarian of Canada, announced that October 27th would be National School Library Day (in conjunction with International School Library Day). Provincial and local teacher-librarian organizations arranged events throughout the country to mark the day with their teaching colleagues, administrators, school trustees, and their students. On very short notice, teacher-librarians organized a host of activities and media events including press releases (one by Roch Carrier), author readings in schools, presentations to multiple audiences, the making of special t-shirts worn by weather broadcasters, and radio, newspaper and television coverage. For example, teacher-librarians in one BC school district arranged for firemen, policemen, hockey players, school board members, the mayor and people in the community to read to students in their schools. In Alberta, the Learning Resource Council presented the Honorable Lois E. Hole with the Award of Merit for her support of school libraries on National School Library Day - an event captured both in the newspaper and on television. To set the stage for October 27 in Newfoundland and Labrador, association president Heather Godden was highly visible in media throughout the fall: for example, an interview on CBC Radio’s “Morning Show”, with follow-up pieces published in the Telegram newspaper and broadcast on CBC Radio’s “On the Go” (where the Minister of Education, Mr. Gerry Reid was also interviewed). Finally, ATLC and CSLA joined forces to inform all Ministers of Education about National School Library Day, an announcement that was preceded with letters and copies of the two new Canadian documents concerning school libraries - The Crisis in School Libraries report by Ken Haycock, and the Standards for Achieving Information book by ATLC and CSLA. Sales and Use of Standards for Achieving Information Literacy Word of the new standards document is spreading to school districts throughout the country. We’re very excited that several districts have purchased copies for each school – in one large district, two copies per school (one for the teacher-librarian and one for the principal), and, in another large district, copies for all principals. As well, both the Haycock report and standards documents are now foundation resources in Canadian teacher-librarian education programs. But now the hard work begins as schools begin to assess the standards of their collections, staffing, ICT, and facilities. I am encouraging several of my students at UBC to develop independent projects using the standards in their schools and presenting findings to their administration, school boards, parent advisory groups, and local associations. ATLC and CSLA are now planning a section of SliP (School Libraries Information Portal at http://www.cla.ca/slip/) where teacher-librarians can obtain resources related to the implementation and use of the standards. I will keep you updated of this development as we acquire the necessary funding and support staff. CLA Annual Conference - Victoria, BC, June 16-19, 2004 The school library community has worked hard to submit proposals to this year’s CLA conference, the theme of which is Celebrating our Community: Sharing our Values, Sharing our Value. Thank you to Karin Paul, Past-President of CSLA, for organizing a package of proposals that showcase the strong place that school libraries have in the larger library community. Early in the new year, the final program will be available at the CLA website and we’re sure you’ll find many exciting sessions to draw you to Victoria. Thanks to Karin and her committee in Victoria, there will also be several social events both within the conference facilities and in lovely Victoria so we look forward to sharing ideas and good times with all of you. Again, I will keep you informed of the conference sessions and events as we know them ourselves. Awards and Looking Ahead Our awards program acknowledges the exceptional contributions of people to the field and strengthens the school library community by increasing our visibility both within and without the library world. Please consider nominating one of the many qualified people I’m sure you know for either the Teacher Librarian of the Year or the Margaret B. Scott award. Complete information is on the CASL website at http://www.cla.ca/casl/awards.html. National associations are a vital means of keeping school library issues on the “big picture” radar. CSLA and ATLC have been working hard the last several years to consolidate their energies and talents to position school libraries more visibly both in the library and education communities. While we are aiming towards unification in the near future, there are governance and logistical matters to negotiate. We are greatly heartened that CLA regards the merge of the two national associations as critical to the work of the larger library community. We are currently responding to a proposal from CLA to form a new division representing all teacher-librarians in the country. There is no doubt that “stronger together” is the only path to a powerful national voice for the school library field. The window of opportunity for convincing stakeholders’ of the role of school libraries in federal agendas and visions is now. As developments in this initiative proceed, we will keep you informed and seek your support. In sum, while the few of us who are trying to lead a new era in school librarianship are striving to realize this dream, we will be looking to the many other current and new leaders around the country to ensure that the dream flourishes. ______________________________________________________ Copyright ©2004 Canadian Association for School Libraries | Privacy Policy | Contact Us ISSN 1710-8535 School Libraries in Canada Online A Message from the Guest Editor Holly Gunn Teacher-Librarian, Sackville High School, Halifax Regional School Board Issue Contents ______________________________________________________ The SOURCES issue of School Libraries in Canada (SLIC) provides a compilation of useful sources of information for teachers and teacher-librarians. Past SOURCES issues have focused primarily on award-winning books with other sources interspersed throughout the issue. One previous SOURCES issue focused on Canadian sources, both books and websites. This issue places an increased emphasis on Web sources. It features five distinct sections: Reference Sources on the World Wide Web; Reading Sources; Sources Just for Teachers; Web Sources in Science and Math; and Sources for Searching the Web. The reference section is devoted to free reference sources on the Web. These sources could form the backbone of a virtual reference library. This section features many quality reference sources from a variety of subject areas. These online reference sources don't tend to disappear from the shelves when you need them, and they are updated frequently. The Reading Section contains award winning books, reading lists, and poetry sources. There is a substantial section devoted to teachers, containing Web links for useful tools for teaching, and sites specifically designed for K-12 teachers. Emphasis in this issue was placed on Web sources in science and math. A number of teachers with whom I have worked at the secondary level have provided lists of some of their most useful Web sources for their science and math curriculum. There is also a short section on Websearching tools. I do hope you find this issue of SOURCES useful. There should be something here for almost everyone on your teaching staff.
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