PART 2« PAGE 10 DETROIT SUNDAY TI ME S (PHOSE CHERRY, 8900} Surtdav. October 26, 1941

1 30,000 Expected Wing Rookies Get ~..., , ~„ ,a.„ o. - II i To Watch Lions Test Sunday Bay Indianapolis to Appear Play Green in Last Prep Game Cunninqhams DRUG I STORES Passing Packers » Rated Olym- It's Old Home Night at j ¦« Only Team Having pia as Herbie Lewis, the former Delicious Ice Cream Treat -SPECIALS FOR MONDAYAND TUESDAY Hart’s the Grafting Card That Chance to Stop Bears , Red Wing Stanley Cup hero.) Fresh Only You Can Sand——Photagraphia ;brings his Indianapolis Capjtols in Strawberry CHRISTMAS CARDS to their last By LEWIS H. W ALTER give the Red Wings (teat before the start of the Na- ICE CREAM PIE « FOR 25 FOR to 12