arXiv:1804.00580v3 [math.NT] 19 Jun 2018 td ene h entoso h aointeafunctions theta Jacobian the of Definition. definitions the need we study θ fDdkn’ t ucin w,fu n ih qae theo squares eight and four Two, function; eta Dedekind’s of j ′′ θ θ θ θ (0 hogotti ae etake we paper this Throughout 2000 o rvt,w iluse will we brevity, For e od n phrases. and words Key h rtato stecrepnigauthor. corresponding the is author first The 1 2 4 3 ( ( ( ( | z z z NADTO OML O H AOINTHETA JACOBIAN THE FOR FORMULA ADDITION AN z τ | | | | ) τ τ τ τ ahmtc ujc Classification. Subject Mathematics = ) = ) = ) = ) epciey o ovnec,w iluetefmla not familiar the use will we convenience, For respectively. steDdkn t ucin ienwpof o aoistw Jacobi’s for proofs several new confirm and give theorems function, squares eta Dedekind the is .Gse.Aohrcnetrdiett nteconstant the on identity conjectured Another Gosper. W. p Abstract. oLusadto oml.Bsdo hsfruaw eueso th deduce From for we expansions identities. series formula new new this as certain on well establish as Based shall whi identities function function formula. theta th theta Jacobian In addition the Liu’s for identities. to formula function addition theta an interesting give other t identitie cubic many function Ramanujan and theta the a identity, obtained Winquist’s he identity, o formula theory addition the using this by From function theta Jacobian the for formula h eisepnin for expansions series The (7 n − q k k 5) + = = X X aointeafunctions theta Jacobian 4 1 iq ∞ ∞ −∞ −∞ k = 4 1 X ∞ ≡ −∞ k ( q = − X 0(mod7) UCINWT APPLICATIONS WITH FUNCTION k i Av ah 1()(07,3946 salse naddi an established 389–406] (2007), 212(1) Math. [Adv. Liu ∞ −∞ 2 1) q e k 2 k ( ( kzi q k − diinfrua litcfnto;Jcba ht funct theta Jacobian function; Elliptic formula; Addition k +1) 2 1) . IGH N OGU ZHAI HONGCUN AND HE BING 2 + 1 = e ϑ 2 k e kzi j q (2 ( ( k η a k τ ( 6 +1) ; k 2 + 1 = ) 1. ( q +1) ϑ , q ) ) k X zi ∞ q Introduction ∞ =1 e onwpof fRmnjnscongruence Ramanujan’s of proofs new to led e j ′ exp( = 2 = (2 ( = τ q θ k 12,1F7 33E05. 11F27, 11E25, k ) j +1) n k X Y q 2 ( ∞ ∞ q =1 =0 1 and tiooerciette ojcue by conjectured identities -trigonometric z o 2 cos 1 4 | zi τ ( (1 πiτ k X − ) ∞ =0 2 = ϑ for − 1) kz, ) j ′′ q , k aq ( k q q τ hr Im where j ( 1 4 k k ) η n 1 = +1) 2 2 k X ) rems; odenote to ( ∞ o 2 cos . =0 q ) , cos(2 ihfieparameters, five with s ( 2 and − , q kz. 1) 3 tiooercidentity. -trigonometric , litcfunctions. elliptic f Π > τ η k k 4 ,fu n eight and four o, s dniiswe identities ese 6 spprw will we paper is q q hi equivalent is ch ( . r enda 2,31] [23, as defined are 1) + k q sas settled. also is θ ( eafunction heta ) 0 k j , +1) (0 . where eknown me z, ation ocryotour out carry To | τ sin(2 ) θ , η tion ( j ′ q k (0 o;Power ion; ) 1) + | τ ) and z, AN ADDITION FORMULA FOR THE JACOBIAN 2

With this notation, the Jacobi triple product identity can be written as [3, 10]

∞ n n(n 1)/2 n ( 1) q − z = (q; q) (z; q) (q/z; q) , z =0. − ∞ ∞ ∞ 6 n= X−∞ The well-known η(q) is defined by

1 η(q) := q 24 (q; q) . ∞ Using the Jacobi triple product identity we can deduce the Jacobi infinite product expressions for theta functions:

1 2 2 2 2zi 2 2 2zi 2 θ1(z τ)=2q 4 sin z(q ; q ) (q e ; q ) (q e− ; q ) , | ∞ ∞ ∞ 1 2 2 2 2zi 2 2 2zi 2 θ2(z τ)=2q 4 cos z(q ; q ) ( q e ; q ) ( q e− ; q ) , | ∞ − ∞ − ∞ 2 2 2zi 2 2zi 2 θ3(z τ) = (q ; q ) ( qe ; q ) ( qe− ; q ) , | ∞ − ∞ − ∞ 2 2 2zi 2 2zi 2 θ4(z τ) = (q ; q ) (qe ; q ) (qe− ; q ) . | ∞ ∞ ∞ Differentiating the first identity with respect to z and then putting z 0 gives → 1 4 2 2 3 (1.1) ϑ1′ (τ)=2q (q ; q ) . ∞ Setting z =0 in the other three results we easily arrive at

1 2 2 2 2 2 (1.2) ϑ2(τ)=2q 4 (q ; q ) ( q ; q ) , ∞ − ∞ 2 2 2 2 ϑ3(τ) = (q ; q ) ( q; q ) , ∞ − ∞ 2 2 2 2 ϑ4(τ) = (q ; q ) (q; q ) . ∞ ∞ With respect to the (quasi) periods π and πτ, we have

(1.3) θ (z + π τ)= −θ (z τ), θ (z + πτ τ)= q−1e−2ziθ (z τ), 1 | 1 | 1 | − 1 | (1.4) θ (z + π τ)= −θ (z τ), θ (z + πτ τ)= q−1e−2ziθ (z τ), 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | (1.5) θ (z + π τ)= θ (z τ), θ (z + πτ τ)= q−1e−2ziθ (z τ), 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | (1.6) θ (z + π τ)= θ (z τ), θ (z + πτ τ)= q−1e−2ziθ (z τ). 4 | 4 | 4 | − 4 | We also have the following relations:

π πτ (1.7) θ z + τ = θ (z τ), θ z + τ = iBθ (z τ), 1 2 | 2 | 1 2 | 4 |     π πτ (1.8) θ z + τ = θ (z τ), θ z + τ = Bθ (z τ), 2 2 | − 1 | 2 2 | 3 |     π πτ (1.9) θ z + τ = θ (z τ), θ z + τ = Bθ (z τ), 3 2 | 4 | 3 2 | 2 |     π πτ (1.10) θ z + τ = θ (z τ), θ z + τ = iBθ (z τ), 4 2 | 3 | 4 2 | 1 |     AN ADDITION FORMULA FOR THE JACOBIAN THETA FUNCTION 3

1/4 iz where B = q− e− . The following trigonometric expansions for logarithmic derivatives of theta functions [23] will be very useful in the sequel:

θ ∞ q2n (1.11) 1′ (x τ) = cot x +4 sin(2nx), θ | 1 q2n 1 n=1 X − θ ∞ qn (1.12) 3′ (x τ)=4 ( 1)n sin(2nx). θ | − 1 q2n 3 n=1 X − Liu [21, Theorem 1] proved an addition formula for the Jacobian theta function by using the theory of elliptic functions. From this identity he derived the Ramanu- jan cubic theta function identity, Winquist’s identity, a theta function identities with five parameters, and many other interesting theta function identities. See Liu [18, 19], Shen [27, 28] and Whittaker, Watson [31] for more information dealing with formulas of theta functions by using elliptic functions. Liu’s addition formula is as follows:

Theorem 1.1. Let h1(z) and h2(z) are two entire functions of z which satisfy the functional equations 3 6iz h(z + π)= h(z) and h(z + πτ)= q− e− h(z). − − Then there is a constant C independent of x and y such that (h (x) h ( x))(h (y) h ( y)) (h (x) h ( x))(h (y) h ( y)) 1 − 1 − 2 − 2 − − 2 − 2 − 1 − 1 − = Cθ (x τ)θ (y τ)θ (x y τ)θ (x + y τ). 1 | 1 | 1 − | 1 | Actually, Theorem 1.1 has the following equivalent formula, which may also be viewed as an addition formula for the Jacobian theta function θ (z τ). 1 | Theorem 1.2. Let h1(z) and h2(z) are two entire functions of z which satisfy the functional equations 2 4iz (1.13) h(z + π)= h(z) and h(z + πτ)= q− e− h(z). Then there is a constant C independent of x and y such that (h (x)+ h ( x))(h (y)+ h ( y)) (h (x)+ h ( x))(h (y)+ h ( y)) 1 1 − 2 2 − − 2 2 − 1 1 − = Cθ (x y τ)θ (x + y τ). 1 − | 1 | Theorem 1.2 includes as special cases many interesting theta function identities. Theorem 1.3. For all complex numbers x and y, we have (1.14) θ (2y 2τ)θ (x τ/2) θ (2x 2τ)θ (y τ/2) = θ (x y τ)θ (x + y τ), 2 | 3 | − 2 | 3 | 1 − | 1 | (1.15) θ (2y 2τ)θ (x τ/2) θ (2x 2τ)θ (y τ/2) = θ (x y τ)θ (x + y τ), 2 | 4 | − 2 | 4 | 1 − | 1 | (1.16) θ (2y 2τ)θ (x τ/2) θ (2x 2τ)θ (y τ/2) = θ (x y τ)θ (x + y τ), 3 | 3 | − 3 | 3 | − 1 − | 1 | (1.17) θ (2y 2τ)θ (x τ/2) θ (2x 2τ)θ (y τ/2) = θ (x y τ)θ (x + y τ). 3 | 4 | − 3 | 4 | 1 − | 1 | The results in Theorem 1.3 appear to be new and we have not found them in the literature. Theorem 1.4. For all complex numbers x and y, we have (1.18) θ (x τ)θ (y τ)= θ (x y 2τ)θ (x + y 2τ) θ (x + y 2τ)θ (x y 2τ). 1 | 1 | 2 − | 3 | − 2 | 3 − | AN ADDITION FORMULA FOR THE JACOBIAN THETA FUNCTION 4

The identity (1.18) was proved by Lawden [16, (1.4.7)] using rearrangements of double infinite series and reproved by Zhai [32, (17)] employing the theory of elliptic functions. π π Making the substitutions x x + 2 , y y + 2 in (1.18) and applying (1.4), (1.5) and (1.7) produces the following→ result:→ (1.19) θ (x τ)θ (y τ)= θ (x y 2τ)θ (x + y 2τ)+ θ (x + y 2τ)θ (x y 2τ). 2 | 2 | 2 − | 3 | 2 | 3 − | This identity, which is equivalent to [8, p.140, (16)], was known to Jacobi and is also recorded in [16, (1.4.9)]. From (1.18) and (1.19) we can readily deduce that θ (x τ)θ (y τ)+ θ (x τ)θ (y τ)=2θ (x y 2τ)θ (x + y 2τ), 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 2 − | 3 | θ (x τ)θ (y τ) θ (x τ)θ (y τ)=2θ (x + y 2τ)θ (x y 2τ). 2 | 2 | − 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 − | Making the substitutions: x + y 2x, x y 2y in (1.18) we can get → − →

(1.20) θ (2x 2τ)θ (2y 2τ) θ (2x 2τ)θ (2y 2τ)= θ (x y τ)θ (x + y τ). 3 | 2 | − 2 | 3 | 1 − | 1 | Theorem 1.5. For all complex numbers x, y, u and v, we have θ (x u τ)θ (x + u τ)θ (y v τ)θ (y + v τ) 1 − | 1 | 2 − | 2 | (1.21) θ1(y u τ)θ1(y + u τ)θ2(x v τ)θ2(x + v τ) − − | | − | | = θ (u v τ)θ (u + v τ)θ (x y τ)θ (x + y τ). 2 − | 2 | 1 − | 1 | Actually, (1.21) is equivalent to [20, Theorem 1.3] via the substitutions x π + πτ π + πτ → x + and y y + . 2 → 2 Theorem 1.6. For all complex numbers x, y and u, we have

θ1(x u τ)θ1(x + u τ)θ2(2y 2τ) θ1(y u τ)θ1(y + u τ)θ2(2x 2τ) (1.22) − | | | − − | | | = θ (2u 2τ)θ (x y τ)θ (x + y τ), 2 | 1 − | 1 | θ1(x u τ)θ1(x + u τ)θ3(2y 2τ) θ1(y u τ)θ1(y + u τ)θ3(2x 2τ) (1.23) − | | | − − | | | = θ (2u 2τ)θ (x y τ)θ (x + y τ). 3 | 1 − | 1 | Theorem 1.7. For all complex numbers x and y we have θ3(x τ)θ (y τ/3) θ3(y τ)θ (x τ/3) 1 | 1 | − 1 | 1 | (1.24) ϑ1′ (τ/3) = θ1(x τ)θ1(y τ)θ1(x y τ)θ1(x + y τ). ϑ1′ (τ) | | − | | To the best of our knowledge, these identities (1.22), (1.23) and (1.24) seem to be new. The rest of this paper is organizied as follows. We will show the equivalence between Theorems 1.1 and 1.2 in Section 2. Section 3 is devoted to proof of Theorem 1.3 and derivation of several new series representations of ηk(q) for k =2, 6. Anew proof of Ramanujan’s partition congruence p(7n + 5) 0 (mod 7) is also given. In Section 4, we prove Theorem 1.4 using Theorem 1.2.≡At the same time, we derive another series representation for η6(q) using (1.20). In Section 5, we shall give new proofs for Jacobi’s two, four and eight squares theorems. In Section 6 we will prove Theorems 1.5–1.7 using Theorem 1.2. In addition, we employ Theorems 1.5 and AN ADDITION FORMULA FOR THE JACOBIAN THETA FUNCTION 5

1.6 to confirm certain q-trigonometric identities conjectured by W. Gosper. In fact, we will show two general and interesting q-trigonometric identities1: sin (x u) sin (x + u)cos (y v)cos (y + v) q − q q − q cos (x v)cos (x + v) sin (y u) sin (y + u) − q − q q − q = cos (u v)cos (u + v) sin (x + y) sin (x y) q − q q q − and 2 2 cos′′ 0cos (2z) = (sin′ z) sin z sin′′ z +2cos′′ 0cos z. q √q q − q q √q q Another conjectured identity on the constant Πq is also proved by using Theorem 1.7.

2. The equivalence between Theorems 1.1 and 1.2

We first prove Theorem 1.2 using Theorem 1.1. Suppose h1(z) and h2(z) sat- isfy the functional equations (1.13). Take f1(z) = h1(z)θ1(z τ) and f2(z) = h (z)θ (z τ). Then f (z) and f (z) satisfy the conditions of Theorem| 1.1. So 2 1 | 1 2 (f (x) f ( x))(f (y) f ( y)) (f (x) f ( x))(f (y) f ( y)) 1 − 1 − 2 − 2 − − 2 − 2 − 1 − 1 − = Cθ (x τ)θ (y τ)θ (x y τ)θ (x + y τ). 1 | 1 | 1 − | 1 | Applying the identity θ1( z τ) = θ1(z τ) and cancelling out the common factor θ (x τ)θ (y τ), we can readily− | obtain− the| result of Theorem 1.2. 1 | 1 | We now prove Theorem 1.1 using Theorem 1.2. Suppose h1(z) and h2(z) satisfy h (z) h ( z) h (z) h ( z) the functional equations of Theorem 1.1. Then 1 − 1 − and 2 − 2 − θ (z τ) θ (z τ) 1 | 1 | are two entire functions and satisfy the functional equations (1.13). Set f1(z) = h (z) h ( z) h (z) h ( z) 1 − 1 − and f (z)= 2 − 2 − in Theorem 1.2. Then θ (z τ) 2 θ (z τ) 1 | 1 | (f (x)+ f ( x))(f (y)+ f ( y)) (f (x)+ f ( x))(f (y)+ f ( y)) 1 1 − 2 2 − − 2 2 − 1 1 − =4Cθ (x y τ)θ (x + y τ). 1 − | 1 | Using the identity θ1( z τ) = θ1(z τ) again and multiplying both sides of the resulting identity by θ −(x |τ)θ (y−τ)/4 yields| the result of Theorem 1.1 immediately. 1 | 1 | 3. Proof of Theorem 1.3 and series representations of ηk(q) for k =2, 6 We first prove Theorem 1.3 using Theorem 1.2. Proof of Theorem 1.3. We first prove (1.15). It follows from (1.4) and (1.6) that θ2(2z 2τ) and θ4(z τ/2) satisfy the conditions of Theorem 1.2. Taking h1(z) = θ (2z|2τ) and h (z)=| θ (z τ/2) in Theorem 1.2 we have 2 | 2 4 | (3.1) 4(θ (2x 2τ)θ (y τ/2) θ (2y 2τ)θ (x τ/2)) = Cθ (x y τ)θ (x + y τ). 2 | 4 | − 2 | 4 | 1 − | 1 | We now determine the constant C. Applying the infinite product representations of theta functions we can find that 1/8 2θ (x πτ/4 τ)θ (x + πτ/4 τ)= q− ϑ (τ/2)θ (x τ/2). 4 − | 4 | 2 4 |

1See Section 6 for the definitions of q-trigonometric functions. AN ADDITION FORMULA FOR THE JACOBIAN THETA FUNCTION 6

Replacing x by x + πτ/2 in this equation and employing (1.6) and (1.10), we arrive at

1/8 (3.2) 2θ (x πτ/4 τ)θ (x + πτ/4 τ)= q− ϑ (τ/2)θ (x τ/2). 1 − | 1 | 2 4 |

It follows from the definition of θ2 and the Jacobi triple product identity that

∞ 1 2k(k+1) (2k+1)πiτ/2 θ (πτ/2 2τ)= q 2 q e 2 | k= X−∞ ∞ 2 (3.3) = q q2k +3k k= X−∞ 4 4 5 4 1 4 = q(q ; q ) ( q ; q ) ( q− ; q ) ∞ − ∞ − ∞ = (q4; q4) ( q; q2) . ∞ − ∞ Setting y = πτ/4 in (3.1) and using (3.2) and (3.3) we get C = 4. We substitute C = 4 back into (3.1) to establish the result (1.15). − − π π π + πτ Making the substitutions: (1) x x + , y y + ; (2) x x + , y → 2 → 2 → 2 → π + πτ πτ πτ y + ; (3) x x + , y y + in (1.15) we can easily obtain (1.14), 2 → 2 → 2 (1.16) and (1.17) respectively. This finishes the proof of Theorem 1.3.  Many series representations for (q; q)2 were found by different people in the literature. L.J. Rogers [25] was the first to∞ prove the following identity

∞ n(n+1) m(3m 1) 2 m+n − (q; q) = ( 1) q 2 − 2 . ∞ − m,n= n X2 −∞m ≥ | | Ewell in [9] found the series expansion for (q; q)2 ∞

∞ 2 2 2 2 (q; q)2 = (q3m +3n +n q3m +3n +3m+2n+1). ∞ − m,n= X−∞ In [29] Shen deduced the following formula for (q; q)2 ∞

∞ 2 2 (q; q)2 = ( 1)mqm +n +mn+n/2. ∞ − m,n= X−∞ Liu [20, 22] established two identities involving (q; q)2 : ∞

∞ 2 2 j 2n+1 2n +n j(3j+1)/2 (q; q) = ( 1) (1 q )q − , ∞ − − n=0 n j n X − X≤ ≤ 1 ∞ 2 2 (q; q)2 = (( 1)n ( 1)m)q(3m +3n +4m+1)/4. ∞ 2 − − − m,n= X−∞ From Theorem 1.3 we can derive several series representations of η2(q). AN ADDITION FORMULA FOR THE JACOBIAN THETA FUNCTION 7

Proposition 3.1. For q < 1, we have | |

∞ 2 2 (q; q)2 = ( 1)mq(3m +1)/4+3n (q2n qm), ∞ − − m,n= X−∞ ∞ 2 (q; q)2 = q q3m(m+1)+3n /4(q2m+1 qn), ∞ − m,n= X−∞ ∞ 2 (q; q)2 = q ( 1)nq3m(m+1)+3n /4(q2m+1 qn), ∞ − − m,n= X−∞ ∞ 2 2 (q; q)2 = q(3m +1)/4+3n (qm q2n). ∞ − m,n= X−∞ Proof. We first prove the first identity. Applying the Jacobi infinite product ex- pressions for θ1, we find that 1/4 2 2 (3.4) θ1(πτ 3τ)= iq− (q ; q ) . | ∞ It follows from the definitions of theta functions that

∞ 2 ∞ 2 ϑ (6τ)= q6k , θ (2πτ 6τ)= q6k +4k, 3 3 | k= k= (3.5) X−∞ X−∞ ∞ 2 ∞ 2 ϑ (3τ/2) = ( 1)kq3k /2, θ (πτ 3τ/2) = ( 1)kq3k /2+2k. 4 − 4 | − k= k= X−∞ X−∞ Replacing τ by 3τ in (1.17) and then setting x = πτ, y =0 we have ϑ (6τ)θ (πτ 3τ/2) ϑ (3τ/2)θ (2πτ 6τ)= θ2(πτ 3τ). 3 4 | − 4 3 | 1 | Substituting (3.4) and (3.5) into this equation and replacing q2 by q gives

∞ 2 2 (q; q)2 = ( 1)mq(3m +1)/4+3n (q2n qm). ∞ − − m,n= X−∞ This proves the first identity. Similarly, from (1.14)–(1.16) we can also derive the second, third and forth iden- tities. This completes the proof of Proposition 3.1.  Certain series representations for (q; q)6 appeared in the literature. Schoeneberg [26] gave an interesting formula: ∞

6 ∞ 2 (m2+4n2 1)/4 (q; q) = (m +2ni) q − , ∞ ℜ m,n= X−∞ where (z) denotes the real part of the z. In [9]ℜ Ewell also established a series expansion for (q; q)6 . Liu in [20] found the series expansion for (q; q)6 : ∞ ∞

6 1 ∞ m 2 2 (m2+n2 1)/4 (q; q) = ( 1) (n m )q − . ∞ 4 − − m,n= X−∞ We now give several new series representations for η6(q) using Theorem 1.3. AN ADDITION FORMULA FOR THE JACOBIAN THETA FUNCTION 8

Proposition 3.2. For q < 1, we have | | 1 ∞ 2 (q; q)6 = ((2m + 1)2 n2)qm(m+1)+n /4, ∞ 2 − m,n= X−∞ 1 ∞ 2 (q; q)6 = ( 1)n((2m + 1)2 n2)qm(m+1)+n /4, ∞ 2 − − m,n= X−∞ 6 1 ∞ 2 2 n2+(m2 1)/4 (3.6) (q; q) = (m 4n )q − , ∞ 2 − m,n= X−∞ 6 1 ∞ m 2 2 n2+(m2 1)/4 (q; q) = ( 1) (4n m )q − . ∞ 2 − − m,n= X−∞ Proof. It can seen from the series expansions of θ2 and θ3 that

∞ ∞ 1 2k(k+1) k2/2 ϑ2(2τ)= q 2 q , ϑ3(τ/2) = q , k= k= (3.7) X−∞ X−∞ 1 ∞ 2 2k(k+1) ∞ 2 k2/2 ϑ′′(2τ)= q 2 (2k + 1) q , ϑ′′(τ/2) = 4 k q . 2 − 3 − k= k= X−∞ X−∞ Differentiating both sides of (1.14) with respect to x twice and then putting x = y =0 we have 2 2(ϑ′ (τ)) = ϑ (2τ)ϑ′′(τ/2) 4ϑ (τ/2)ϑ′′(2τ). 1 2 3 − 3 2 Substituting (1.1) and (3.7) into this equation and replacing q2 by q we easily obtain the first result. Similarly, from (1.15)–(1.17) we can also deduce the other three results. This concludes the proof of Corollary 3.2.  We now use (3.6) to prove the well-known Ramanujan partition congruence2: (3.8) p(7n + 5) 0(mod7), ≡ where p(n) denotes the number of unrestricted partitions of the positive n. 6 n n Proof of (3.8). Set (q; q) = n∞=0 a(n)q . Comparing the coefficients of q on both sides of (3.6), we get∞ P 1 ∞ a(n)= (u2 4v2). 2 − u,v= −∞ 4v2+uX2 1=4n − If n 5(mod7), then 4v2 + u2 0(mod7). Examining all cases modulo 7, we find that≡u v 0(mod7) and so u≡2 4v2 0(mod72). This means that ≡ ≡ − ≡ (3.9) a(7n + 5) 0(mod72). ≡ By the binomial theorem, (3.10) (q; q)7 (q7; q7) (mod7). ∞ ≡ ∞

2 6 Actually, this congruence can be proved by any of the series expansions for (q; q)∞ in Corollary 3.2. AN ADDITION FORMULA FOR THE JACOBIAN THETA FUNCTION 9

From [3, (1.1.7)] and (3.10) we deduce that

∞ 6 n n 1 (q; q) n∞=0 a(n)q p(n)q = = ∞ (mod7). (q; q) (q; q)7 ≡ (q7; q7) n=0 X ∞ ∞ P ∞ Extracting the terms with indices of the form 7n +5 from the above identity and using (3.9), we obtain

7n+5 ∞ ∞ a(7n + 5)q p(7n + 5)q7n+5 n=0 0(mod7). ≡ (q7; q7) ≡ n=0 X P ∞ So p(7n + 5) 0(mod7). This proves (3.8).  ≡ 4. Proof of Theorem 1.4 and a series representation for η6(q) We first prove Theorem 1.4 using Theorem 1.2. Proof of Theorem 1.4. It follows from (1.4) and (1.5) that θ (2z 2τ) and θ (2z 2τ) 3 | 2 | satisfy the conditions of Theorem 1.2. Putting h1(z) = θ3(2z 2τ) and h2(z) = θ (2z 2τ) in Theorem 1.2 gives | 2 | (4.1) 4θ (2x 2τ)θ (2y 2τ) 4θ (2x 2τ)θ (2y 2τ)= Cθ (x y τ)θ (x + y τ). 3 | 2 | − 2 | 3 | 1 − | 1 | π We now determine the constant C. Setting x = 2 , y = 0 in (4.1) and applying (1.4),(1.5) and (1.7), we arrive at 2 (4.2) 8ϑ2(2τ)ϑ3(2τ)= Cϑ2(τ). Applying the infinite product representations of theta functions, we can deduce that ϑ (τ)θ (2z τ)=2θ (2z 2τ)θ (2z 2τ). 2 2 | 2 | 3 | Setting z =0 in the above identity gives 2 (4.3) ϑ2(τ)=2ϑ2(2τ)ϑ3(2τ). We use (4.3) in (4.2) to get C =4. Substituting C =4 into (4.1) and making the substitutions x + y x, x y y, we readily obtain (1.18). This finishes the proof of Theorem 1.4. → − →  We next derive a series representation for η6(q) using (1.20). Proposition 4.1. For q < 1, we have | | 1 ∞ 2 (q; q)6 = ((2n + 1)2 (2m)2)qm +n(n+1). ∞ 2 − m,n= X−∞ Proof. Differentiating both sides of (1.20) with respect to x twice and then putting x = y =0 we have 2 (4.4) (ϑ′ (τ)) =2ϑ (2τ)ϑ′′(2τ) 2ϑ (2τ)ϑ′′(2τ). 1 2 3 − 3 2 It follows from the definition of the theta function θ3 that

∞ 2k2 ∞ 2 2k2 ϑ (2τ)= q , ϑ′′(2τ)= (2k) q . 3 3 − k= k= X−∞ X−∞ AN ADDITION FORMULA FOR THE JACOBIAN THETA FUNCTION 10

Substituting these two identities, (3.4) and the first and the third formulas of (3.7) into (4.4) and replacing q2 by q we get

1 ∞ 2 (q; q)6 = ((2n + 1)2 (2m)2)qm +n(n+1). ∞ 2 − m,n= X−∞ This ends the proof of Proposition 4.1. 

5. New proofs for Jacobi’s two, four and eight squares theorems Representing natural numbers as sums of squares is an important topic in . Given a natural number n, denote by rl(n) the number of solutions of the n = x2 + x2 + x2 + + x2, 1 2 3 ··· l which counts the number of ways in which n can be written as a sum of l squares. In l-dimensional space, rl(n) also gives the number of points with integer coordinates on the sphere. Jacobi [15] was the first to give the formulas for r2(n), r4(n), r6(n) and r8(n). From then on, many proofs for these formulas appeared, see, for example, Andrews, Ekhad and Zeilberger [2], Bhargava and Adiga [4], Chan [5], Cooper and Lam [6], Hardy and Wright [12, pp. 241–242], Hirschhorn [13, 14], Lin [17] and Spearman and Williams [30]. In this section we give new proofs for Jacobi’s two, four and eight squares theorems using (1.18) and (1.19). Theorem 5.1. (Jacobi’s Two Squares Theorem) For each positive integer n, we have r (n)=4 1 1 . 2 −  d n d n  d 1(X mod| 4) d 3(X mod| 4) ≡ ≡ Proof. Differentiating both sides of (1.18) with respect to x and then setting x =0, we find

θ3′ θ2′ ϑ′ (τ)θ (y τ)= (y 2τ)+ ( y 2τ) θ ( y 2τ)θ (y 2τ) 1 1 | θ | θ − | 2 − | 3 |  3 2  θ θ (5.1) 3′ ( y 2τ)+ 2′ (y 2τ) θ (y 2τ)θ ( y 2τ) − θ − | θ | 2 | 3 − |  3 2  θ θ =2 3′ (y 2τ) 2′ (y 2τ) θ (y 2τ)θ (y 2τ). θ | − θ | 2 | 3 |  3 2  Using the infinite product representations of theta functions, (1.11) and (1.12) in (5.1) and after some direct computations, we get 2 2 4 2 2iy 2 2 2iy 2 tan y(q ; q ) (q e ; q ) (q e− ; q ) ∞ ∞ 4 4 2 ∞2 2iy 2 2 2iy 2 (q ; q ) ( q e ; q ) ( q e− ; q ) (5.2) ∞ − ∞ − ∞ ∞ ( 1)nq2n = tan y +4 − sin(2ny). 1+ q2n n=1 X It follows from the infinite product representations for ϑ4(τ) that

∞ (q; q) n n2 (5.3) ϑ (τ)= ∞ = ( 1) q . 4 ( q; q) − n= − ∞ X−∞ AN ADDITION FORMULA FOR THE JACOBIAN THETA FUNCTION 11

π 2 Setting y = 4 in (5.2), replacing q by q and applying (5.3) we are led to 2 4n 1 4n 3 ∞ 2 ∞ q q ( 1)nqn =1+4 − − . − 1+ q4n 1 − 1+ q4n 3  n=  n=1  − −  X−∞ X Replacing q by q in this equation we arrive at − 2 4n 1 4n 3 ∞ 2 ∞ q q qn =1 4 − − − 1 q4n 1 − 1 q4n 3  n=  n=1  − −  X−∞ X − − ∞ ∞ k(4n 1) k(4n 3) =1 4 q − q − − − n=1 X Xk=1   ∞ =1+4 1 1 qn. − n=1  d n d n  X d 1(X mod| 4) d 3(X mod| 4) ≡ ≡ Comparing the coefficient of qn in this identity we readily obtain the result.  Theorem 5.2. (Jacobi’s Four Squares Theorem) For each positive integer n, we have r4(n)=8 d. d n X4|∤d Proof. It follows from (1.11) and (1.12) that θ θ (5.4) 3′ (0 τ)= 2′ (0 τ)=0, θ3 | θ2 | θ ′ ∞ nq2n (5.5) 2′ (0 τ)= 1+8 ( 1)n , θ | − − 1 q2n 2 n=1   X − θ ′ ∞ nqn (5.6) 3′ (0 τ)=8 ( 1)n . θ | − 1 q2n 3 n=1   X − Differentiating both sides of (5.1) with respect to y using the method of logarithmic differentiation, setting y =0 and using (5.4) we get

2 θ3′ ′ θ2′ ′ (ϑ′ (τ)) =2 (0 2τ) (0 2τ) ϑ (2τ)ϑ (2τ) 1 θ | − θ | 2 3  3   2   θ 2 θ 2 (5.7) +2 3′ (0 2τ) 2′ (0 2τ) ϑ (2τ)ϑ (2τ) θ | − θ | 2 3  3   2   θ ′ θ ′ =2 3′ (0 2τ) 2′ (0 2τ) ϑ (2τ)ϑ (2τ). θ | − θ | 2 3  3   2   Using the infinite product representations of theta functions, we can verify that

ϑ′ (τ)θ (2z τ)=2θ (z τ)θ (z τ)θ (z τ)θ (z τ), 1 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | θ (z τ)θ (z τ)= ϑ (2τ)θ (2z 2τ). 3 | 4 | 4 4 | Then

(5.8) ϑ1′ (τ)= ϑ2(τ)ϑ3(τ)ϑ4(τ), 2 (5.9) ϑ4(2τ)= ϑ3(τ)ϑ4(τ), AN ADDITION FORMULA FOR THE JACOBIAN THETA FUNCTION 12 where (5.8) follows by differentiating the first identity with respect to z and then setting z = 0. Applying (4.3),(5.8) and (5.9) in (5.7), replacing q2 by q and using (5.5) and (5.6) we have

∞ nqn ϑ4(τ)=1+8 ( 1)n . 4 − 1+ qn n=1 X Replacing q by q in the above identity and using (5.3), we obtain − 4 n ∞ 2 ∞ nq qn =1+8 1 + ( q)n  n=  n=1 X−∞ X − 2n 1 2n ∞ (2n 1)q − ∞ 2nq =1+8 − +8 1 q2n 1 1+ q2n n=1 − n=1 X − X 2n 1 2n ∞ (2n 1)q − ∞ 2nq =1+8 − +8 1 q2n 1 1 q2n n=1 − n=1 X − X − ∞ 2nq2n ∞ 2nq2n +8 8 1+ q2n − 1 q2n n=1 n=1 X X − ∞ nqn ∞ nq4n =1+8 32 1 qn − 1 q4n n=1 n=1 X − X − ∞ =1+8 ( d d)qn. − n=1 d n d n X X| X4|d | Equating the coefficient of qn we establish the result.  Theorem 5.3. (Jacobi’s Eight Squares Theorem) For each positive integer n, we have r (n)=16 ( 1)n+dd3. 8 − d n X| Proof. Applying the infinite product representations of theta functions, we can deduce that (5.10) θ (z τ)θ (z τ)= ϑ (2τ)θ (2z 2τ), 1 | 2 | 4 1 | Multiplying (1.18) by (1.19), applying (5.10) and replacing q2 by q, we get ϑ2(τ)θ (2x τ)θ (2y τ)= θ2(x y τ)θ2(x + y τ) θ2(x + y τ)θ2(x y τ). 4 1 | 1 | 2 − | 3 | − 2 | 3 − | πτ πτ Making the substitutions x x + 4 , y y + 4 in the above indetity and using (1.7)–(1.9) we have → → ϑ2(τ)θ (2x τ)θ (2y τ)= θ2(x y τ)θ2(x + y τ) θ2(x y τ)θ2(x + y τ). − 4 4 | 4 | 2 − | 2 | − 3 − | 3 | π Replacing x by x + 2 in the above identity, applying (1.6), (1.8), (1.9) and (5.3) and setting y =0 we deduce θ (2x τ)ϑ3(τ)= θ4(x τ) θ4(x τ). − 4 | 4 1 | − 4 | Then 2x 1 1 x 1 x 1 (5.11) θ ϑ3 = θ4 θ4 . − 4 τ − τ 4 − τ 1 τ − τ − 4 τ − τ        


Recall the imaginary transformation formulas (see [31, p. 475] and [20, p. 140]): z 1 θ = i√ iτ exp((iz2)/(πτ))θ (z τ), 1 τ − τ − − 1 |   z 1 θ = √ iτ exp((iz2)/(πτ))θ (z τ). 4 τ − τ − 2 |  

Applying these imaginary transformation formulas in (5.11) and cancelling out certain common factors gives θ (2x τ)ϑ3(τ)= θ4(x τ) θ4(x τ). 2 | 2 2 | − 1 | Differentiating this identity four times with respect to x using the method of loga- rithmic differentiation and then setting x =0, we find

θ ′′′ 2[ϑ (τ)]4 2′ (0 τ)= 1′ . θ | − ϑ4(τ)  2  2 Using (5.8), (5.9) and (1.11) in the above identity and replacing q2 by q, we arrive at ∞ n3( q)n ϑ8(τ)=1+16 − . 4 1 qn n=1 X − We use (5.3) and replace q by q in the above identity to get − 8 3 n ∞ 2 ∞ n q qn =1+16 1 ( q)n  n=  n=1 X−∞ X − − 3 2n 1 3 2n ∞ (2n 1) q − ∞ (2n) q =1+16 − + 16 1+ q2n 1 1 q2n n=1 − n=1 X X − 3 2n 3 2n 1 ∞ (2n) q ∞ (2n 1) q − =1+16 + 16 − 1 q2n 1 q2n 1 n=1 n=1 − X − X − (5.12) 3 2n 1 3 2n 1 ∞ (2n 1) q − ∞ (2n 1) q − + 16 − 16 − 1+ q2n 1 − 1 q2n 1 n=1 − n=1 − X X − 3 n 3 4n 2 ∞ n q ∞ (2n 1) q − =1+16 32 − 1 qn − 1 q4n 2 n=1 n=1 − X − X − ∞ =1+16 d3 2 d3 qn. − n=1 d n 2d n X  X| dX odd|  When n is even,

d3 2 d3 = d3 2 d3 − − d n 2d n d n d n X| dX odd| X| dX odd| = d3 + d3 2 d3 − d n d n d n dX even| dX odd| dX odd| = ( 1)dd3. − d n X| AN ADDITION FORMULA FOR THE JACOBIAN THETA FUNCTION 14

When n is odd, d3 2 d3 = d3. − d n 2d n d n X| dX odd| X| Therefore, for any positive integer n we have

d3 2 d3 = ( 1)n+dd3. − − d n 2d n d n X| dX odd| X| Then the result follows readily by comparing the coefficient of qn in (5.12).  We now use (5.2) to give a new proof of a well-known result. Our proof is different from that of Berndt [3].

Theorem 5.4. Let r1,3(n) denote the number of representations of the positive integer n by x2 +3y2. Then

r (n)=4 1 1 +2 1 1 . 1,3 − −  d n d n   d n d n  d 4(X mod| 12) d 8(X mod| 12) d 1(X mod| 3) d 2(X mod| 3) ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ Proof. It follows from the Jacobi triple product identity that 2 2 ∞ 2 n n 2 2 2 2 (q ; q ) (q; q) ( 1) q = (q ; q ) (q; q ) = ∞ = ∞ . − ∞ ∞ ( q; q)2 ( q; q) n= X−∞ − ∞ − ∞ Then ∞ n2 ( q; q) (5.13) q = − − ∞ . (q; q) n= X−∞ − ∞ π 2 Setting y = 3 in (5.2), replacing q by q and making the substitution q q we derive →− ( q; q) ( q3; q3) ∞ n qn − ∞ − − ∞ =1+2 , (q; q) (q3; q3) 3 1 + ( q)n − ∞ − ∞ n=1   − . X where 3 denotes the Legendre symbol. Applying (5.13) in the above identity, we have  2n 2n+1 ∞ 2 ∞ 2 ∞ 2n q ∞ 2n +1 q qn q3n =1+2 +2 · 3 1+ q2n 3 1 q2n+1 n= n= n=1   n=0   X−∞ X−∞ X X − ∞ 2n q2n ∞ 2n +1 q2n+1 =1+2 +2 3 1 q2n 3 1 q2n+1 n=1 n=0 X   − X   − ∞ 2n q4n 4 − 3 1 q4n n=1 X   − ∞ n qn ∞ n q4n =1+2 +4 3 1 qn 3 1 q4n n=1 n=1 X   − X   − ∞ q3n+1 q3n+2 =1+2 1 q3n+1 − 1 q3n+2 n=0 X  − −  ∞ q4(3n+1) q4(3n+2) +4 . 1 q4(3n+1) − 1 q4(3n+2) n=0 X  − −  AN ADDITION FORMULA FOR THE JACOBIAN THETA FUNCTION 15

Expanding each of the quotients 1/(1 qk) into geometric series and then equating the coefficients of qn on both sides of− the above identity we can easily obtain the result. 

6. Proofs of Theorems 1.5–1.7 and q-Trigonometric identities In this section we first prove Theorems 1.5, 1.6 and 1.7 using Theorem 1.2. Proof of Theorem 1.5. From (1.3) and (1.4) we see that θ (z u τ)θ (z + u τ) 1 − | 1 | and θ2(z v τ)θ2(z + v τ) satisfy the conditions of Theorem 1.2. Taking h1(z) = θ (z u τ−)θ |(z + u τ) and| h (z)= θ (z v τ)θ (z + v τ) in Theorem 1.2, we get 1 − | 1 | 2 2 − | 2 | 4θ (x u τ)θ (x + u τ)θ (y v τ)θ (y + v τ) 1 − | 1 | 2 − | 2 | 4θ (y u τ)θ (y + u τ)θ (x v τ)θ (x + v τ) − 1 − | 1 | 2 − | 2 | = Cθ (x y τ)θ (x + y τ). 1 − | 1 | We put y = u in the above identity to know that C =4θ2(u v τ)θ2(u + v τ) and then substitute this constant back into the equality to obtain− (1.21).| |  Proof of Theorem 1.6. We first show (1.22). Using (1.3) and (1.4) we can verify θ1(z u τ)θ1(z + u τ) and θ2(2z 2τ) satisfy the functional equations (1.13). Setting h (z)=− |θ (z u τ)|θ (z + u τ) and| h (z)= θ (2z 2τ) in Theorem 1.2, we have 1 1 − | 1 | 2 2 | 4θ1(x u τ)θ1(x + u τ)θ2(2y 2τ) 4θ1(y u τ)θ1(y + u τ)θ2(2x 2τ) (6.1) − | | | − − | | | = Cθ (x y τ)θ (x + y τ). 1 − | 1 | Taking y = u in the above identity we get C =4θ (2u 2τ). 2 | We substitute C =4θ2(2u 2τ) into (6.1) to obtain the result. Similarly, we can also| deduce (1.23). This completes the proof of Theorem 1.6.  θ1(z τ/3) Proof of Theorem 1.7. It follows from (1.3) that the entire functions θ (z| τ) 1 | 2 θ1(z τ/3) and θ1(z τ) satisfy the functional equations (1.13). Setting h1(z) = θ (z| τ) and | 1 | h (z)= θ2(z τ) in Theorem 1.2 we get 2 1 | 4θ (x τ/3)θ2(y τ) 4θ2(x τ)θ (y τ/3) (6.2) 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | = Cθ (x y τ)θ (x + y τ). θ (x τ) − θ (y τ) 1 − | 1 | 1 | 1 | Putting y =0 in this identity and then cancelling out the factor θ2(x τ) gives 1 | θ (y τ/3) ϑ′ (τ/3) C = 4 lim 1 | = 4 1 . − y 0 θ (y τ) − ϑ (τ) → 1 | 1′ Substituting this constant back into (6.2) and simplifying we can easily obtain (1.24).  Gosper in [11] introduced q-analogues of sin z and cos z which are defined as 2n 2z 2n+2z 2 (z 1/2)2 ∞ (1 q − )(1 q − ) sin (πz) := q − − − , q (1 q2n 1)2 n=1 − Y − 2n 2z 1 2n+2z 1 2 ∞ (1 q − − )(1 q − ) (6.3) cos (πz) := qz − − . q (1 q2n 1)2 n=1 − Y − See [10] for other q-analogues of the trigonometric functions. From the above defi- π nitions of sinq and cosq, we can see that cosq z = sinq( z), limq 1 sinq z = sin z 2 ± → AN ADDITION FORMULA FOR THE JACOBIAN THETA FUNCTION 16 and limq 1 cosq z = cos z. In [11], Gosper gave two relations between sinq, cosq and → the functions θ1 and θ2, which are equivalent to the following identities:

θ1(z τ ′) θ2(z τ ′) (6.4) sinq z = | , cosq z = | , ϑ2(τ ′) ϑ2(τ ′)

1 where τ ′ = . In the same paper, He stated without proofs various identities − τ involving sinq z and cosq z. He conjectured these identities by using empirical evi- dence based on a computer program called MACSYMA. Using a direct analysis of its left-hand side and its right-hand side through logarithmic derivatives, Mező in [24] confirmed the conjecture (q-Double2). Applying the theory of elliptic functions, M. El Bachraoui [7] proved the conjectures (q-Double2) and (q-Double3). See [1] for proofs of another two q-trigonometric identities using theory of elliptic functions. Additionally, Gosper [11, pp.100–103] conjectured the following identities on the 3 q-trigonometric functions and the constant Πq:

(6.5) sin (x + y) sin (x y) = sin 2x cos2 y cos2 x sin 2y, q q − q q − q q 2 2 2 2 (6.6) (sin′ z) = sin z sin′′ z + (sin′ 0) (cos z) cos′′ 0(sin z) , q q q q q − q q 2n 1 2 2 ln q q − (6.7) cos′′ 0 = (sin′ 0) +2cos′′ 0= 1 4 ln q , q q √q π2 − (1 q2n 1)2  n 1 −  X≥ − 2 (6.8) ΠqΠq9 (Πq + 3Πq9 ) = Πq3 + 3ΠqΠq9 , where Πq pis given by 2 2 2 1/4 (q ; q ) Π = q ∞ . q (q; q2)2 ∞ In this section we shall establish three general q-trigonometric identities which include as special cases (6.5), (6.6) and (6.7).

Theorem 6.1. For all complex numbers x, y, z, u and v, we have sin (x u) sin (x + u)cos (y v)cos (y + v) q − q q − q cos (x v)cos (x + v) sin (y u) sin (y + u) − q − q q − q = cos (u v)cos (u + v) sin (x + y) sin (x y) q − q q q − and 2 cos (z v)cos (z + v) (sin′ u) sin′′ u sin u q − q q − q q 2 + sin (z u) sin (z + u) (cos′ v) cos′′ v cos v q − q q − q  q 2 = cos (u v)cos (u + v) (sin′ z) sin′′ z sin z . q − q q − q q  4 Proof. Dividing both sides of the identity in Theorem 1.5 by ϑ2(τ), replacing τ by τ ′ and applying (6.4) we obtain the first identity immediately.

cos 0 3 ′′ ′ 2 √′′ q Actually, in [11, p. 101] the q-trigonometric identity (6.7) is cosq 0 = (sinq 0) + 2 . This cos 0 → ′′ ′ 2 identity is not true since when q 1, it reduces to 2 = (sin 0) , which obviouly does not hold. So we modify it here. AN ADDITION FORMULA FOR THE JACOBIAN THETA FUNCTION 17

We now prove the second identity. Differentiating both sides of the identity in Theorem 1.5 twice with respect to x and then setting x =0 we get 2 θ (y v τ)θ (y + v τ) (θ′ (u τ)) θ′′(u τ)θ (u τ) 2 − | 2 | 1 | − 1 | 1 | 2 + θ (y u τ)θ (y + u τ) (θ′ (v τ)) θ′′(v τ)θ (v τ) 1 − | 1 | 2 | − 2 | 2 | 2 = θ (u v τ)θ (u + v τ) (θ′ (y τ)) θ′′(y τ)θ (y τ) . 2 − | 2 | 1 | − 1 | 1 |  4 Dividing both sides of the above identity by ϑ2(τ), making the substitution τ τ ′, employing (6.4) and replacing y by z we achieve the result readily. This finishes→ the proof of Theorem 6.1.  Corollary 6.1. The q-trigonometric identities (6.5) and (6.6) are true. Proof. The q-trigonometric identities (6.5) and (6.6) follow easily from Theorem 6.1 by setting u = v = 0 and applying the identities cosq 0=1 and sin q0 = cosq′ 0 = 0.  π Replacing x by x + 2 in (6.5) we obtain the result: cos (x + y)cos (x y) = cos 2x cos2 y sin2 x sin 2y. q q − q q − q q When y = x, this identity reduces to cos (2x) = cos 4x sin4 x, q q − q which is also conjectured by Gosper [11, p. 99]. When q 1, the first result in Theorem 6.1 reduces to the following interesting trigonometric→ identity: sin(x u) sin(x + u) cos(y v) cos(y + v) − − cos(x v) cos(x + v) sin(y u) sin(y + u) − − − = cos(u v)cos(u + v) sin(x + y) sin(x y). − − Theorem 6.2. For any complex number z, we have 2 2 cos′′ 0cos (2z) = (sin′ z) sin z sin′′ z +2cos′′ 0cos z. q √q q − q q √q q Proof. It follows from (6.4) that

θ2(z 2τ ′) (6.9) cos√q z = | . ϑ2(2τ ′) Differentiating (1.22) twice with respect to x and then setting x =0 we have 2 2((θ′ (u τ)) θ (u τ)θ′′(u τ))θ (2y 2τ) 4ϑ′′(2τ)θ (y u τ)θ (y + u τ) 1 | − 1 | 1 | 2 | − 2 1 − | 1 | 2 =2θ (2u 2τ)((θ′ (y τ)) θ (y τ)θ′′(y τ)). 2 | 1 | − 1 | 1 | π π We take y = 2 in this identity and applying (1.4), (1.7) and the identity θ1′ ( 2 τ)=0 to get | 2 2 ((θ′ (u τ)) θ (u τ)θ′′(u τ))ϑ (2τ)+2ϑ′′(2τ)θ (u τ)= θ (2u 2τ)ϑ (τ)ϑ′′(τ). 1 | − 1 | 1 | 2 2 2 | 2 | 2 2 2 Dividing both sides of the above identity by ϑ2(2τ)ϑ2(τ), making the substitution τ τ ′, using (6.4) and (6.9) and replacing u by z we obtain → 2 2 (sin′ z) sin z sin′′ z +2cos′′ 0cos z = cos′′ 0cos (2z). q − q q √q q q √q This concludes the proof of Theorem 6.2.  Corollary 6.2. The identity (6.7) is true. AN ADDITION FORMULA FOR THE JACOBIAN THETA FUNCTION 18

Proof. Setting z = 0 in Theorem 6.2 and applying the identities sin q0=0 and cosq 0=1 we can deduce the first equality of (6.7) immediately. The second equality of (6.7) follows readily by differentiating both sides of (6.3) with respect to z using the method of logarithmic differentiation.  We now use Theorem 1.7 to establish an interesting identity involving the q- trigonometric functions and the constant Πq. From this identity we can deduce the identity (6.8). Theorem 6.3. For all complex numbers x and y we have

3 3 3Πq3 sinq3 ycosqx cosq3 xsinq y = cosqxsinqycosq(x y)cosq(x + y). − Πq − In order to prove this theorem we need the following auxiliary result. Lemma 6.1. For any positive integer n, we have Π nϑ (τ )ϑ (τ /n) q = 1′ ′ 2 ′ . Πqn ϑ1′ (τ ′/n)ϑ2(τ ′) Proof. Recall from [31] the following imaginary transformation formula for the Jacobi theta function θ1 : 2 (6.10) θ (zτ ′ τ ′)= i√ iτ exp((iz )/(πτ))θ (z τ), 1 | − 1 | 2 (6.11) θ (zτ ′ τ ′)= √ iτ exp((iz )/(πτ))θ (z τ), 2 | − 4 | Differentiating (6.10) with respect to z and then setting z =0 we have

ϑ′ (τ ′)= iτ√ iτϑ′ (τ). 1 − − 1 Then ϑ′ (τ ′/n)= inτ√ inτϑ′ (nτ). 1 − − 1 So, by (1.1), 2 2 3 ϑ1′ (τ ′) ϑ1′ (τ) (q ; q ) = = n 1 ∞ . − 2n 2n 3 ϑ1′ (τ ′/n) n√nϑ1′ (nτ) n√nq 4 (q ; q ) ∞ It follows from (6.11) that

ϑ (τ ′)= √ iτϑ (τ). 2 − 4 Then ϑ (τ ′/n)= √ inτϑ (nτ). 2 − 4 Therefore, by (1.2), 2n 2n n 2n 2 ϑ2(τ ′/n) √nϑ4(nτ) √n(q ; q ) (q ; q ) ∞ = = 2 2 2 2 ∞ . ϑ2(τ ′) ϑ4(τ) (q ; q ) (q; q ) ∞ ∞ In view of the above, we have 2 2 2 n 2n 2 ϑ1′ (τ ′)ϑ2(τ ′/n) (q ; q ) (q ; q ) Πq = n 1 ∞ ∞ = , − 2n 2n 2 2 2 n ϑ1′ (τ ′/n)ϑ2(τ ′) nq 4 (q ; q ) (q; q ) nΠq ∞ ∞ which completes the proof of Lemma 6.1.  We are now in the position to prove Theorem 6.3. Proof of Theorem 6.3. It is easily seen from (6.4) that

θ1(y τ ′/3) θ2(y τ ′/3) (6.12) sinq3 z = | , cosq3 z = | . ϑ2(τ ′/3) ϑ2(τ ′/3) AN ADDITION FORMULA FOR THE JACOBIAN THETA FUNCTION 19

Replacing x by x + π/2 in (1.24) we have θ3(x τ)θ (y τ/3) θ3(y τ)θ (x τ/3) 2 | 1 | − 1 | 2 | ϑ1′ (τ/3) = θ2(x τ)θ1(y τ)θ2(x y τ)θ2(x + y τ). ϑ1′ (τ) | | − | |

We replace τ by τ ′ in this equation, divide both sides of the resulting identity by 3 ϑ2(τ ′/3)ϑ2(τ ′) and then employ (6.12) to get

3 3 ϑ1′ (τ/3)ϑ2(τ ′) sinq3 ycosqx cosq3 xsinqy = cosqxsinqycosq(x y)cosq(x + y). − ϑ2(τ ′/3)ϑ1′ (τ) − Then the result follows readily by combining the above identity and the special case n =3 of Lemma 6.1.  Corollary 6.3. The identity (6.8) holds for q < 1. | | Proof. We set x =0 in Theorem 6.3 to give

3 3Πq3 2 (6.13) sinq3 y sinqy = sinqycosqy. − Πq According to [11, p. 96] we have π 3 1 (6.14) sinq3 = , 6 Πq 2 Π 1   q3 − Π 3 3 q 2 π Πq3 (6.15) cosq3 = . 6 Πq 2 Π 1   q3 −  π 3 We temporarily assume that 0

1 1 3Π Π 9 1 (6.16) = q q . Πq 2 2 Πq 2 Π 3 2 − Π 3 3 q Π 1 q Π 1 Π 1 q3 − q3 − q9 − r   Let  2 Π 3 Π x = 3 q 1, y = q . Π 9 − Π 9 s q  s q Then Π 3 x> 1, y> 0, q = x3 +1 − Πq9 and p 2 Π Π Π 3 y q = q q = . Π 3 Π 9 Π 9 √ 3 q q  q x +1 We substitute these identities into (6.16) and simplify to get y4 x3 1 x = − − . x3 +3y2 +1 This means that y4 3xy2 x4 x3 x 1=0. − − − − − Since y4 3xy2 x4 x3 x 1 = (y x 1)(y + x + 1)(y2 + x2 x + 1), − − − − − − − − AN ADDITION FORMULA FOR THE JACOBIAN THETA FUNCTION 20 we see that x = y 1. − Namely, 2 Π 3 Π 3 q 1= q 1. Π 9 − Π 9 − s q  s q Cubing both sides of the above identity and simplifying we can easily deduce the result (6.8) for 0


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College of Science, Northwest A&F University, Yangling 712100, Shaanxi, Peo- ple’s Republic of China E-mail address: [email protected]; [email protected]

Department of Mathematics, Luoyang Normal University, Luoyang 471934, Peo- ple’s Republic of China E-mail address: zhai−[email protected]