Bakubung Reservoir Sensitivity Screening

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Bakubung Reservoir Sensitivity Screening SENSITIVITY SCREENING OF THE PROPOSED BAKUBUNG RESERVOIR, PILANESBERG NATIONAL PARK, NORTH-WEST PROVINCE April 2017 Prepared for: Tosca Grünewald NuLeaf Planning & Environmental PostNet Suite 168 Private Bag X 844 Silverton 0127 Prepared by: ECOREX Consulting Ecologists CC PostNet Suite 192 Private Bag X2 Raslouw 0109 Author: Warren McCleland Reviewer: Dr Robert Palmer (Nepid Consultants) Sensitivity Screening: Bakubung Reservoir 1. Introduction Pilanesberg Resorts (Pty) Ltd is planning to construct a one megaliter potable water reservoir at the edge of Bakubung Lodge, Pilanesberg National Park, North-west Province. The new reservoir will replace three existing aging reservoirs currently servicing the Bakubung Lodge. NuLeaf Planning & Environmental are conducting the Basic Assessment for this development and have appointed ECOREX Consulting Ecologists CC to undertake a biodiversity sensitivity screening for the reservoir site. The study was undertaken by Warren McCleland, terrestrial ecologist and owner of ECOREX Consulting Ecologists. He has conducted over 120 biodiversity assessments for EIAs in South Africa since 2006, primarily in savannah and grassland biomes, as well as numerous assessments in 14 other countries in southern and tropical Africa. Warren has expertise in both flora and vertebrate fauna. He co-authored the “Field Guide to Trees and Woody Shrubs of Mpumalanga and Kruger National Park” (Jacana 2002), and is lead author on the “Field Guide to the Wildflowers of Kruger National Park” project. 2. Approach and Methods Fieldwork was conducted on 21 April 2017 and the location of the proposed reservoir was indicated on site by a Pilanesberg Resorts (Pty) Ltd representative. The site was surveyed on foot along a meandering transect covering all microhabitats present. All species of flora that were located on site were recorded and the area was screened for potentially occurring conservation-important vertebrate fauna (mammals, birds, reptiles and frogs). The search was focused on locating conservation-important species as listed under the North West Biodiversity Management Act (No. 4 of 2016), National Forests Act (No. 30 of 1998), National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act Threatened or Protected Species (No. 10 of 2004) and various national Red Data Lists. The location of all conservation- important species was recorded on a hand-held GPS (with approximately three-meter accuracy). ECOREX Consulting Ecologists CC 2 PO Box 57 White River 1240 (013) 750-1893 (083) 231-5632 [email protected] Sensitivity Screening: Bakubung Reservoir 3. Assumptions and Limitations The field survey period was very brief, given the small impact footprint that needed to be searched. This did not allow for a comprehensive survey of fauna, most of which would not be resident but would move irregularly through the site. However, sufficient time was available to survey the flora present. A number of herbaceous plant species were not in flower at the time of fieldwork and it is possible that certain geophytic species were not visible due to tall and quite dense grass cover. However, recommendations are given to mitigate this shortcoming and it should not negatively influence a Record of Decision. 4. Study Area The proposed development is located on portion 6 of the farm Ledig 909 JQ, which is situated within Pilanesberg National Park, Moses Kotane Local Municipality, North West Province (Figure 1). The proposed development will entail the construction of a new one megalitre (1000 m3) potable water reservoir to replace the three existing aging reservoirs currently servicing the Bakubung Lodge. It is understood that the total development footprint will not exceed one hectare. ECOREX Consulting Ecologists CC 3 PO Box 57 White River 1240 (013) 750-1893 (083) 231-5632 [email protected] Sensitivity Screening: Bakubung Reservoir Pilanesberg National Park Bakubung Lodge Figure 1. Location of the study site within the Pilanesberg National Park ECOREX Consulting Ecologists CC 4 PO Box 57 White River 1240 (013) 750-1893 (083) 231-5632 [email protected] Sensitivity Screening: Bakubung Reservoir 5. Results 5.1 NATIONAL VEGETATION TYPE The study area is situated within Pilanesberg Mountain Bushveld in the Central Bushveld Bioregion of the Savanna Biome (Mucina & Rutherford, 2006). The vegetation type is closely associated with the rocky hills encircling the ancient volcanic caldera that dominates Pilanesberg, occurring on a variety of mostly alkaline soils. Vegetation structure is fairly dense, broad-leaved, deciduous woodland on hillslopes, with more open woodland or savannah on hilltops and valley floors. Soils are mostly shallow, rocky lithosols on the hillslopes. Broad-leaved tree species such as Combretum apiculatum, C. molle, C. zeyheri and Strychnos cocculoides are dominant canopy species in Pilanesberg Mountain Bushveld, with shrubs or small trees such as Diplorhynchus condylocarpon, Elephantorrhiza burkei and Grewia flava being prominent in the mid-stratum. Dominant grasses include Chrysopogon serrulatus, Elionurus muticus, Panicum maximum and Themeda triandra (Mucina & Rutherford, 2006). Pilanesberg Mountain Bushveld occurs almost entirely within the Pilanesberg National Park and is thus well protected. The vegetation type has a national conservation status of Least Threatened (Mucina & Rutherford, 2006). The map in Mucina & Rutherford (2006) indicates Zeerust Thornveld as being close to the boundary of Bakubung Lodge, but data collected during fieldwork indicate that this vegetation type is not represented in the study area. 5.2 THREATENED ECOSYSTEMS The study area is not situated within any Threatened Ecosystems as defined in Government Gazette No. 34809 of 9 December 2011 (DEAT, 2011). 5.3 NORTH-WEST BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION PLAN The study area is in an Ecological Support Area level 1 (Protected Area Corridor) according to the latest version of the North-West Biodiversity Sector Plan (Schaller et al., 2015). There are six Protected Area Corridors in North-West province, with the study area being located in the Pilanesberg-Madikwe Heritage Park. Ecological Support Areas (ESAs) are not necessarily essential for meeting biodiversity representation targets, but they play an important role in supporting the ecological functioning of critical biodiversity areas and/or in ECOREX Consulting Ecologists CC 5 PO Box 57 White River 1240 (013) 750-1893 (083) 231-5632 [email protected] Sensitivity Screening: Bakubung Reservoir delivering valuable ecosystem services. 5.4 VEGETATION DESCRIPTION - STUDY SITE The proposed reservoir site is situated within the hills near the southern boundary of Pilanesberg National Park. The vegetation within the proposed reservoir footprint has been significantly impacted by bush clearing, possibly for the nearby transmission line route. Vegetation structure is low, closed to mid-dense shrubland (Figure 2). Dominant large woody shrubs or small trees are Acacia caffra, A. nilotica, Combretum apiculatum, C. molle and C. zeyheri, while other fairly common woody species include Dichrostachys cinerea, Grewia flava and G. monticola. Dominant grass species are Aristida congesta, Panicum maximum and Heteropogon contortus, while other common species are Enneapogon cenchroides, Melinis repens, Eragrostis cf. chloromelas and Hyperthelia dissoluta. Herbaceous species were poorly represented in the dense, grassy undergrowth, but these species are likely to be more visible after spring / early summer rains when grass cover is lowest. Herbaceous species located during fieldwork included Justicia betonica, Corbichonia decumbens, Melhania prostrata, Rhynchosia totta, Sphedamnocarpus pruriens and Waltheria indica. Sixty-six species were recorded in the 1200m2 footprint during fieldwork (Appendix 1), with the most well represented families being Leguminosae (9 species), Poaceae (9 species), Malvaceae (7 species) and Asteraceae (5 species). The highest species richness was among forbs (28 species), although cover-abundance of these species was generally low. The dominant growth form in terms of species richness and cover-abundance is trees and shrubs (26 species). Three protected plant species were recorded within the footprint (Appendix 1). Three coppicing trees or low shrubs of Sclerocarya birrea subsp. cafra, which is protected under the National Forests Act (No. 30 of 1998), were located and are indicated on the map in Figure 3. Two other species are listed as specially protected under Schedule 2 of the North West Biodiversity Management Act (No. 4 of 2016), namely Pellaea calomelanos and Spirostachys africana. These species are also indicated on the map in Figure 3. ECOREX Consulting Ecologists CC 6 PO Box 57 White River 1240 (013) 750-1893 (083) 231-5632 [email protected] Sensitivity Screening: Bakubung Reservoir Figure 2. Photos of low, dense shrubland vegetation within the reservoir footprint ECOREX Consulting Ecologists CC 7 PO Box 57 White River 1240 (013) 750-1893 (083) 231-5632 [email protected] Sensitivity Screening: Bakubung Reservoir 5.5 POTENTIALLY OCCURRING SPECIES OF CONSERVATION CONCERN 5.5.1 Flora Fifteen threatened plant species occur in North West Province (Hahn, 2013), none of which occur in the vicinity of Pilanesberg National Park and none are thus likely to occur in the impact footprint. One species protected under the Threatened or Protected Species list of the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act (No. 10 of 2004), Drimia sanguinea, occurs in woodland habitat in the vicinity
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