Red Bank Section One
SECTION ONE RED BANK SECTION ONE VOLUME ••NO RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1942. PAGES 1 TO 16 Howard Monahan Busy Induct Mayor, 194% News Chronology Rumson Obtains M.B.C. to Omit Annual Two Councilmen, Federal Aid For - First Aid Instructor At Little Silver Appears lit: This Issue Sewage System Binnerfor^Duration Frake Points to - : "Made Known in New Highlands' New Fire Chief Was Review Of the Year wjll Be Sound Financial Years Message, by Victory Banquet At Close Of Wr Well-Known Professional Boxer Condition of Boro Found In First Section Mayor Auchincloss To Replace February 22d Event Howard J. Monahan, now lira chief * On prfges 9,10,11,12 and 13 of Scc- pleasure of telling of the great By a unanimous vote tho Mon- of Highlands and recognized At the re-organlzation meeting of tlpn 1 of^thlB issuo of Tho Register, amount of progress that has been Rumson's excellent financial con- mouth Boat club at its monthly bust- throughout this section as Mon- Capt. Runyon Little .Silver governing body New will bo fouiftha comprehensive review been ^nado in our section. Our col-dition, federal aid for the aewage Many New Homes, ness session Monday night decided mouth county's No. 1 American Ked Years day, Mayor Oliver G. Frake of tho main news events of the past umnsfhavc been crowded with news system ,taken over by the borough, to, eliminate the annual Washington1* Cross first aid Instructor, has had u and Councilman Donald E. • Lawcs year, as well as a record.of deaths and of street Improvements, many new acquisition of Iho Monmouth Con- Birthday dinner for tho duiatlon of busy and varied career during his To Again Head woro sworn In for new terms and a weddings that have occurred in 1541 torea and public buildings, auch as Roads Improved the wai' and to hold a Victory ban- first 40 years, which he reached last new member' of tho council, Frank* in Red.
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