Congressional Record—House H541
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February 29, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H541 The less than 1 percent area where Republican leader Ken Maddy became the Nation. One is a very important the oil is can be explored without cut- known as the ``go-to guy'' for both Supreme Court decision that was just ting one tree or bush or harming a sin- Governors Deukmejian and Pete Wil- handed down on January 24 of this year gle animal. Offshore oil can now also be son. whereby the court basically upheld the produced in a very environmentally Senator Maddy combined grace with constitutional authority of State legis- safe way. good looks. He loved people, and he latures and this body to be able to I voted several years ago to require loved life. Few men will ever match the place campaign contribution limita- double hulls on oil tankers and have positive impact he had on California tions in the political process. voted for many other environmental politics. He believed in governing and This is an important holding that the bills. But you cannot just shut down the role of compromise in legislative Supreme Court again resolved after the development of natural resources with- politics. Smart, dedicated, trust- seminal case of Buckley v. Valeo dur- out destroying jobs, driving up prices, worthy, Ken Maddy simply reflected ing the 1970s in which the court upheld and hurting poor and working people the very best that California has to the ability of legislators to impose con- most of all. offer public affairs. tribution limitations because often- Often what is behind much of what His special passion for horses and times in this body during the course of happens here is big money. Some of racing went back to his teenage years campaign finance reform debates, one these environmental extremists are as a groom at Hollywood Park. Among of the chief arguments against doing some of the best friends extremely big many highlights of his legislative ca- anything in an attempt to get the big business has. reer, which ranged from efforts to money out, is that we have a free I wonder if some companies which strengthen our criminal justice sys- speech concern and a first amendment want us to import a lot of oil, or pos- tem, to impacting ethics standards for that we would be infringing upon if we sibly the OPEC countries themselves, State legislators, to preserving private start taking the big money out of the or possibly oil companies with big in- property rights, are the real highlights, political process. vestments elsewhere simply do not the California Center for Equine Health And lo and behold, now the Supreme want us drilling in Alaska because they and Performance and the Equine Ana- Court this year basically said no to would lose big money. lytical Chemistry Laboratory at the that argument. I think it gives new life Are they supporting and funding University of California at Davis. Sen- and a breath of fresh air to the whole some of these environmental groups be- ator Maddy's private pride and joy was campaign finance reform debate. Hope- cause it is to their monetary advantage a horse named Work the Crowd. The fully it will provide more impetus to to do so? California-bred champion filly now the cause across the country and more I mean, if you are talking about drill- grazes in green pastures in the valley. political courage quite frankly here in ing on only a couple of thousand or a Raising a brood of California cham- Washington to do the right thing. few thousand acres out of an area pions, Work the Crowd probably won- The other event in regards to finance many millions of acres in size and you ders where her Ken has gone. reform occurred today, actually on the can do so in a completely safe way en- Senator Ken Maddy was a proud steps of this Capitol where Granny D vironmentally, why do these people graduate of Fresno State and served as finished her long trek across the coun- keep fighting it? a member of the President's Club and try in support of campaign finance re- Almost all of these radical environ- the Bulldog Club. In 1999, the Kenneth form. It is a marvelous story for my mentalists come from wealthy fami- L. Maddy Institute of Public Policy colleagues who have not heard about it lies. But they will be hurting the poor was dedicated at CSU-Fresno as a vital yet. It is receiving a lot of attention and working people the most if they training ground for the next generation nationally today since she concluded keep these oil prices from coming of Valley political leaders. He grad- her long walk. down. uated from UCLA Law School in 1963, I brought with me today a picture Mr. Speaker, we should open up this and in 1998 he was recognized as one of that I was able to download off her Web less than 1 percent area of ANWR and UCLA's outstanding graduates. site. It shows a picture of Granny D, a certain other offshore areas, get many Ken Maddy, one of the most re- 90-year-old grandmother of eight, I be- millions barrels of oil and become less spected legislators to ever grace Cali- lieve, and a great grandmother of 12, dependent on foreign oil in the process. fornia's capital. On February 18, 2000, someone who has arthritis and emphy- If we do not, gas prices in the future this prince of a leader, who dreamed of sema but felt strongly enough about could go even higher or not come down the sport of kings, passed on to be re- the cause of campaign finance reform and millions of poor and working peo- membered forever by those who care that she decided to make it a national ple will be the ones who are hurt the about politics, the profession he loved. issue by dedicating herself to walking most. f across the country, starting out in f Pasadena during the Rose Bowl of Jan- CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM uary 1 of 1999 last year and then tra- IN MEMORIAM KENNETH L. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under versing over 3,100 miles, traveling MADDY the Speaker's announced policy of Jan- through 12 different States, receiving a The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a uary 6, 1999, the gentleman from Wis- lot of local media attention along her previous order of the House, the gen- consin (Mr. KIND) is recognized for 60 way, encouraging individuals to con- tleman from California (Mr. LEWIS) is minutes. tact their representatives at the State recognized for 5 minutes. Mr. KIND. Mr. Speaker, I rise tonight and national level to impress upon Mr. LEWIS of California. Mr. Speak- to take a few moments along with a them the urgency of campaign finance er, this is a humble attempt on my couple of my colleagues to talk about a reform. part to remember the life and contribu- very important issue that comes and And now today she finally walked tions of a great leader in California, goes in this institution of ours and we into Washington, D.C. and walked right one Ken L. Maddy. are hoping to be able to resurrect it up to the steps of this Capitol and de- Mr. Speaker, all of California can be again yes, even during this presidential livered a marvelous, marvelous speech. proud of the favorite son Fresno sent election year, one that we hope will I think a real inspiration for the cause to Sacramento three decades ago. A never go away until Congress gets it of citizen advocacy and participation legislator's legislator, Ken Maddy right, and that is the issue of campaign in our democratic process, especially never was far from the Central Valley finance reform and the necessity to given her own story. I will go into a lit- district and the agricultural industry enact common sense reform to get the tle bit more detail but recognizing one he represented. He was elected to the big money and the influence of money of my colleagues' time constraints who assembly in 1970 in a district with a lit- out of our political process. would like to join in this discussion to- tle over 30 percent Republican registra- There have been two very important night, I yield to my good friend, the tion. As the Democrats of Fresno loved events so far this year, Mr. Speaker, in gentleman from Maine (Mr. ALLEN), him, the Republicans of Sacramento regards to the campaign finance reform who I came to Congress with. And we looked to him for leadership. Senate debate that we are having throughout helped form a freshman bipartisan VerDate 16-FEB-2000 05:41 Mar 01, 2000 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29FE7.063 pfrm12 PsN: H29PT1 H542 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE February 29, 2000 task force on campaign finance reform limited, that go directly to campaigns, We still have the opportunity, we that he took a real leadership role in. directly to individual candidates. But have most of a year, to enact real cam- And he has been a strong advocate for that system of limits is completely un- paign finance reform this year and to enacting finance reform with Shays- dermined if wealthy individuals, cor- stop the flow of big money, of soft Meehan that did pass this body last porations, and labor unions can give money, to the national parties. We year already and then languished in unlimited amounts of money to the na- need bipartisan support in order to do the United States Senate.