Rockland Gazette
©he gofhland ferttr.' gptr frm tiw g PCBLISIIKD KVEItY TllCKSlIAY AFTERNOON BY | ESTABLISHMENT V O S E & P O R T E R Having every facility In Presses, lype and Materia! 244 Main Street. to which we are constantly making additions,w e are prepared to execute with promptness and good style, every variety of Job Printing, including t i : ;t v h ; Town Reports, Catalogues, By - Laws, Post 11 paid btriclly in advance—per annum, $2,00 ers, Shop Bills, Hand Bills, Programmes, Il payment is delayed G months 2,25 Circulars, Bill Heads, Better Heads, 11 not paid till the close ol the year, 2,50 j Baw and Corporation Blanks, expected to make the ) Receipts, Bills ot Tiding, Business. Address and I Wedding Cards, T ags, B ab els, &o.,«Sto., j y singly copies live cents—lor sale at the office VOL. SO. ROCKLAND, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 14, 1875. NO. 6 PRINTIN'Q IN COBOR8 AND BRONZINO J . B. PORTER. I will receive careful attention. hear me ask you (<» carry m e?” Ami Join fairv vision, to others mine againt every man. At last they know that I do not even know yon name ? . recognize the body of one of my cousins. wearied of me ami sent me here, ami I’ve Iiis E x p e r ie n c e .—“ Xo sir, I never re- Wistar lifted the little form, felt the child child o f) erhaps four . r live summe •s, witii “ Delaval. Your mother was a Delaval, I| “ Yoill* Your T1AWSnews i«ais good,”OT»ml ” C«li.Isaid George,f-lorvvrvr, retted marrying Molly here.
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