The Jewish the Jewish
THE JEWISH VETERAN Volume 69 • Number 3 Jerome Blum Elected 2015 Convention Highlights National Despite the rain, Jewish War This year’s Convention includ- Commander Veterans members gathered in ed many interesting speakers with Tampa, Florida, for JWV’s 120th diverse backgrounds, including Annual National Convention, while Joyce Loftin of the Florida National the Ladies Auxiliary met simultane- Cemetery, Lindsay Roberts of the ously for their 87th Annual National Veterans Crisis Line, Dan Cohen, Convention. JWV would like to author of the newly published thank all speakers, participants, at- Single-Handed, about Jewish Medal tendees, volunteers, and staff mem- of Honor recipient Tibor Rubin, and bers for their help in creating such a Marc Liebman, a former Naval great event. Officer and Naval Aviator, who The week began with a rainy transformed his love of writing into Monday morning bus tour of his- a career and is also a member of toric Ybor City, which was founded J W V. in the 1880s by cigar manufactur- Retired Marine Corps Major PNC David Magidson, left, and Jerry is a life member ers and populated by thousands of General Arnold Fields spoke Major General Baruch Levy. of the JWV John L. immigrants, from countries such about his work with The United Committee meeting, where they as Cuba, Spain, and Italy. The sun States of America Vietnam War conducted a question and answer Levitow Post 45 CT. came out for our afternoon at the Commemoration program. He session. They both thanked JWV A Vietnam veteran, Clearwater Marine Aquarium, and his colleague, Lieutenant for being a national partner with the he was assigned to the home of a dolphin named Winter, Commander John Supple, pre- 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam USS Vance, a Destroyer the star of the movie Dolphin Tale.
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