MRCS A ESSENTIAL REVISION NOTES BOOK 2 Edited by Claire Ritchie Chalmers BA PhD FRCS Catherine Parchment Smith BSc MBChB FRCS MRCS ERN VOL 1 prelims.indd 1 8/19/2016 11:05:26 AM © 2016 Pastest Ltd Egerton Court Parkgate Estate Knutsford Cheshire WA16 8DX Telephone: 01565 752000 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the copyright owner. First published 2012, reprinted 2015, 2016 ISBN: 978 1 905 63583 2 eISBN: 978 1 909 49115 1 MobiPocket 978 1 908 18571 6 ePUB A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. The information contained within this book was obtained by the author from reliable sources. However, while every effort has been made to ensure its accuracy, no responsibility for loss, damage or injury occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a result of information contained herein can be accepted by the publishers or author. Pastest Online Revision, Books and Courses Pastest provides online revision, books and courses to help medical students and doctors maximise their personal performance in critical exams and tests. Our in- depth understanding is based on over 40 years’ experience and the feedback of recent exam candidates. Resources are available for: Medical school applicants and undergraduates, MRCP, MRCS, MRCPCH, DCH, GPST, MRCGP, FRCA, Dentistry, and USMLE Step 1. For further details contact: Tel: 01565 752000 Fax: 01565 650264
[email protected] Text prepared in the UK by Carnegie Book Production, Lancaster Printed and bound in the UK by Bell & Bain Limited, Glasgow MRCS ERN VOL 1 prelims.indd 2 8/19/2016 12:10:03 PM Contents Acknowledgements v Preface v Picture Permissions vi Contributors vii Introduction ix Chapter 1 – Abdominal Surgery 1 Catherine Parchment Smith, Arin K.