FY2016 Budget
FY2016 Budget Operating & Capital Requests Approved by UA Board of Regents November 2014 Actual Expenditures and Revenue FY13-FY14 and Budgets FY14-FY16 by Fund Source (in thousands of $) % Change FY14 FY16 Budget FY13 FY14 FY13-FY14 Final FY15 BOR Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget Request Expenditures Personal Services 509,203.8 517,928.3 1.7% 534,984.0 528,618.2 547,255.8 Other 338,799.7 335,333.5 -1.0% 386,678.7 400,835.5 424,505.9 Total Expenditures 848,003.5 853,261.8 0.6% 921,662.7 929,453.7 971,761.7 Revenue State Appropriations GF (UGF) 352,631.6 365,800.8 3.7% 365,800.8 363,185.7 384,364.0 GF One-time (UGF) 1 4,930.0 6,392.9 29.7% 6,392.9 6,571.5 GF Match (UGF) 4,777.3 4,777.3 0.0% 4,777.3 4,777.3 4,777.3 GF MHTRUST (UGF) 605.8 639.2 5.5% 639.2 655.8 1,010.8 Technical Vocational Edu. (DGF) 5,449.1 5,380.0 -1.3% 5,380.0 5,226.9 5,630.0 State Appropriations Subtotal 368,393.8 382,990.2 4.0% 382,990.2 380,417.2 395,782.1 Receipt Authority (DGF) Student Tuition/Fees 127,751.7 125,115.1 -2.1% Indirect Cost Recovery 31,677.4 30,374.7 -4.1% Other University Receipts 114,642.8 112,343.1 -2.0% University Receipts Subtotal 274,071.9 267,832.9 -2.3% 300,091.2 311,466.0 327,467.2 Federal Receipts (Fed) 127,525.6 125,519.3 -1.6% 150,852.7 150,852.7 150,852.7 State Inter Agency Rcpts (other) 10,813.9 12,197.2 12.8% 16,201.1 16,201.1 16,201.1 MHTAAR (other) 1,404.1 1,675.8 19.4% 1,675.8 1,865.0 1,806.9 CIP Receipts (other) 9,408.7 10,539.0 12.0% 11,730.7 10,530.7 10,530.7 UA Intra-Agency Rcpts (other) 56,385.5 52,507.4 -6.9% 58,121.0 58,121.0 69,121.0 Receipt Authority Subtotal 479,609.7 470,271.6 -1.9% 538,672.5 549,036.5 575,979.6 Total Revenue 848,003.5 853,261.8 0.6% 921,662.7 929,453.7 971,761.7 1.
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