THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAM TRIPLE SHEET PHILADELPHIA,' MONDAY,- - MAY 15, 181. MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC. DRY QOOD8. - Th City Amusement. THIRD EDITIONIFOUKTII EDITION GREAT SALE IRISH SHIRTING- LINENS. Ac-dk- At thk mt of Music the last per- formance of The Black Crook will be given during the present week, so that those who MATTERS AT WASHINGTON. A FRESH IMPORTATION OPEN, AT have not jet seen this brilliant spectacle should Treaty of Washington. DA avail themselves of the lew remaining opportu- nities to do so. This spectacle is undoubted!? the handsomest affair of the kind ever exhibited ILLIIvEFJ'S LlfiiEIM STORES, in this citr, and it combines a greater number The Treatyin rjows from tho Dominion. of entertaining features than any o'her. the Senate At Tns Arch Miss Kate Reynold will com- 2 mence an engagement this evening, and will 1128 CIIESNUT Street and 828 ARCH Street. A 17 L S. appear in the sensational drama of Nobody's Woodhull-Clafli- n Case. 0 Daughter. The Debase not to be Reported. AT'Thb "Walupt the drama of Tfie Streets Upwards of 1000 Pieces In Stock. of I'hiladelphia will be produced this evening, with new scenery by Heilge, new appointments The New American Loan. and mechanical elects, and a cast embracing The Senator Blodgett Case. We fshow by far the largest stock of First-clas- s Linens in the city, and are prepared to sap-pl- y the full strength of the company. oar customers, by the single yard, piece, or whole case, At tub Chbsuct the comedy of Saratoga, which attracted crowded houses all last week, The Foster Murder Trial AT will be repeated this evening and until further Lincoln National XVXonumexit. IPPORTERS' PRICES. FOUR CASES, notice. This piece has made a great hit, and It MILLIKEN'8 GOLDEN-FLA- X LINENS IN ALL NUMBERS. is not improbable that it will run for the bal- lUCHAKDSON'S SONS & OWDEN'S LINENS. ance of the season. Etc., Etc., Etc.. Etc. Etc., Eto the Japanese troupe of LADIES' SUMMER LINENS. At toe American -- Bought in Paris during the jugglers and acrobats will appear this evening, Tire at loesport, ?enna. FROM WASHINGTON. A GOOD LINEN FOR LADIES' WEAR J AT 37j CENTS. in conjunction with other attractions. VERY SUPERIOR LINEN, $." PER PIECE OF 12 YARDS. siege HEAVY DRAWER at a great sacrifice. At the American Museum the exhibition fBT ASSOCIATED PRE3S MEDIUM AND LINENS. wonderful double-heade- d child com- of tie Kjclutfvelp to The Evening Telegravh. This is largest of mences to-da- This evening Mr. Robert Mc-Wa- Ktc. Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc the lot Treat)-ani- l MILLI KEN'S SHIRT BOSOMS. will appear as "Rip Van Winkle." The the Debate. AND The Italian Opera A season of Italian Washington, May 15 The Senate refused Pure Linen Shirt Bosoms, from 10 cents each np to the Finest Basani? in vie. WE NEW BEAUTIFUL opera will commence on next Monday evening FROM WASHING TON. to take up the resolution heretofore offered pro- CLAIM THAT OUR SHIRT BOSOMS ARE THE BEST AND CHEAPEST IN THE nt the Academy of Music under the direction of viding for tbe reporting in confidence of the TRADE. SHAWLS ever offered at any Slgnor Albites. Miss Clara Louise Kellogg, BT ASSOCIATED PRESS. debate on the treaty of Washington by the offi- Madame Agatha States, Slgnora Himela, cial reporters of the Senate, said report to be one time, and are now on sale Lmra Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph. Lodge. No. 134, A. V. M., are respectfully BURQLAR 8ignori Suslnt, Bacclll, Vlllanl, Caro-Bell- i, subject to future disposition of that body. One lin Invited FIRE ANU PROOFS Ah H Orlandinl, The Seunte This Morning, to attend the funeral, from the residence of hu ana, Buongiorno, and Fontanel will appear in of tbe objections against the resolution was that 1223 S. at less prices than India Shawls Washington, May 15 met 11 would Thomas Ogden, No. Third street, on Thursday The 8enute at tbe debate likely be thereby prolonged cr Hifjoletto, Sicilian Vespers, Traviata, Un Hallo afternoon, ism instant, ai a ociock, wnnout iur-tli- this morning, at which time only twelve mem- as Senators might desire at a future time to see MARVIN Sl OO.'S in Maschera, and Faust. notice. FIRE-PROO- have ever been placed upon Ghakj) Concert. Mrs. L. C. Levin de Barros bers were in tbelr seats. their speeches in print, and besides, it was Smith. On the 12th Instant, Mart Akn, wife of P pive a grand Musical Fund Hall thought best to complete action on the treaty aged 28 years. ALWAYS DRY, will concert at nnd reading Alonzo Smith, BURGLAR-PROO- F After prayer the of the Journal as family re- this market. on the 2th inst., aided by some of tbe finest as soon practicable. The relatives and friends of the are SAFES 731 CHESTNUT btreet. vocal talent of this city, New York, and Boston. of Friday, Senator Cameron came Into the A report prevailed this mornlne tbat tbe pro spectfully Invited to attend the funeral, from the Chamber from tbe meeting of the Committee on tocol has found its way in This is re- residence of her parents. Second street turnpike. The entertainment provided for the occasion print on x will undoubtedly be well worthy of the most Foreign Affairs, and moved that the Senate go garded as unfortunate and as not calculated to above Third Toligate, Thursday aiternuoo, at strengthen treaty. o'clock. To proceed to Monument cemetery. liberal patronage. Miss Antoinette Sterling as executive session, which was agreed to. the N. B. Carriages will be In waiting at 8. . cor- into on the contralto, Mrs. De Barros as soprano, Sigaor 1 u ine cciect (Jommitteo frlvueces of the ner of Sixth and Noble streets, at precisely 1 oVlock. all Tlic Great Treaty tlie Scuate. Senate, in connection premature pub- ,. Rizzo as baritone, and Mr. Simpson as tenor, Special Despatch to The Evening Telegraph. with the sroFFORD. oa tne I4tn instant, illiam of whom have fine voices and a thorough musical lication of the treaty, have summoned to appear SrOFFORO. education. Mrs. De Barros is the only child of Washington, May 15. The Foreign Relations before tbera, among others, the correspondents His friends and friends or the family, are respect. Committee did not finish the treaty on Satur- fully invited to attend his funeral, on Thursday SHARPLESS & SON, the late Hon. Lewis C. Levin, and Is well known of the Tribune, Herald, and World, and Assist- - day. They took a final rote this morning, and Secretary of Davis. afternoon, at S o'clock, at St. Luke's t hurch, Thir- in our musical circles for her admirable vocl ant State teentn street, oeiow tpruce. abilities and various accomplishments. We feel it stood six to one in favor of its ri ideation. The Treaty Reported. in MARVIN 8l CO.'S Mr. Caeserly, Democrat, voted agalr All FIRE-PROO- F confident that her merits will be fully recog- t it. Mr. Cameron reported tho treaty with favor will prove one of of tbe committee except Morton, are t posed to 1 K A D IS Alv iYS DRY, nized, and that the concert the able recommendation, and made a few remarks, E READ Y31 BURGLi AH -- PROOF. CHESNUT EIGHTH Sts., successes. Signor Rlzzo will preside as allowing the debate to be reported. vThey are P SAFES and greatest discussirjg and was followed by Mr. Morton In Its support. 781 CHESTNUT Street. Those who know the ed now the question in xecuUve director and pianist. session. Nominations Confirmed. Professor will feel an earnest assur The CLOTHIfJG, 513 8mw3!rp' PHILADELPHIA. ance faithful rendition of the choice The general sentiment of the committee is to Senate has confirmed the nomination of in.the force the debate, remaining in session each day Joseph K. Lewis, Associate Justice ot the Su- COMBINING STYLE, DURABILITY AND XX- - programme that will be presented at this enter- preme Court Mexico; M. Lucas, tainment. Tickets can be procured at our music UDtil five or six o'clock. There is no disposition of New Joiah CELLENCE OF WOKKMaNSUIP. ID. stores, and we advise an early application, as on the part of the committee to debate the treaty of Illinois, Consul at St. John s, Canada; Charles R. LEE, is a great demand already for seats. at length. They will explain its provisions and . Dahigren, Consul at Sandnmas, Mexico; An- there answer the arguments made against it. thony 6. Fuertes, Consul at Corunna, Spain. Jones' CITY ITEM S. The Blodgett Case. Government Weather Report. No. 43 N. EIGHTH Street, Morton, Stewart, and others who have charge War Department. Office of the Chief Signal DE-- l? Kid Giove Dat. Many persons notice this May 15 1030 A. M. Synop- IV of the ease of Senator Blodgett, of Georgia, in- Officer, Washington, O placard, "Kid Glove Day," displayed in a sis for the past twentv-fou- r hours: The weather RICE Will Open on --Monday, tend to call up the matter in order to get a voto remains unchanged at tna racmo ana moun- place at the Great Kid Glove Emporium, on his admission. Blodgett is here with a large kockv ESTABLISHMENT, MARVIN OO.'S 33 tain stations; cloudy and threatening weather, with FIRE-PROO- F 12500 Goods, at No. Norm Eighth street, exciting their curiosity. delegation urging action in his case. The Sen- falling weather, with falling barometer, continue In yards Summer Dress 12Vc They enter, 19 a Kid Qlovb Day in ALWAYS DRY, Organdie Lawns, reduced to worth and behold It ate not disposed to consider the question. xseDrasKa. Kastenv winds ana diminishing pressure C04 Street, BUKGL AR-PH- . 12c., 87c. making on Michigan: pressure lVIrlot SAFES 800 yards Spring Dress reduced, to close. deed, hundreds of ladles and gentlemen New Loan, continue lakes Erie and the 6 8 frnwem 721 CHESTNL'T street. Goods, Fluancca and the low and has rlseu their way up to the Kid Glove Counter to purchase Several leading financial men from New York continues in the Eistern States, geo. w. 25 pUces Handsome Grey ami Brown Silk Poplins, well-mad- e, but slightly in the Southern and Gulf States ; pair fitting, never or ay 98c. regular price, tl"25. a of tbe elegant rip are here to-d- and bad a conference with Mr. Cloudy and threatening weather, with occasional mmm.' tear Kid Gloves, for which this house is so cele- lioutwell as to the course he intended to purtue local ngnt rams, nave passed over micnigan ana tne 100 pieces Black Alpacas, at STc. to 62c etc. ) brated all over the land, as they send Eld Gloves by in the purchase of 0 bonds, nnd also whether Middle States, but clear weather now prevails in mail to all parts of the Union. If they do rip or tear he intends to commence under the authority of those regions. Handsome Garments made to order at the shortest on first they give pair In exchange. said bonds. Probabilities. it is pronanie tnat easterly winus notice. 4 13 sraw tf Black Silks. Black Silks. trial, another Congress to reduce the The Secre will continne on the lakes. Partially cloudy ard In fact, you may go into this popular establishment tary Is very reticent as to tne policy be Intends clear weather from the Mississippi eastwrra to tne Black Lining Silks, tl0fl. almost any day, and you would think It was Kid to pursue. He intends to do everything in his Atlantic. SPECIAL NOTICES. PLATED WARfc. Black Taffeta, to 2 T5, new com- f Glove Day. Tes, every day is Kid Glove Day at power to make the loan popular and Far additional Special Notieu m Truidt roots. this Popular Emporium. They also have Six Para- pel banks and others to subscribe for it. FROM NEW ORK. sol days every week, until the First of August. Debate ou the Treaty. I EC. M. DALY'S WHISKY WARE ROOMS, MEAD & R0BBXN3, Heavy Black Gro3 Grains, They have now in stock largest variety and The Senate has just voted down without a BT ASSOCIATED PRESS. Nob. 822 8. FRONT street and 139 DOCK St. the 1MUNSE STOCK FROM largest to In any division Senator Morton s resolution to allow Exclusively to The JSventng Telegraph. AUCTION. stock of Parasols be found house on to be Off TUB BEST BRANDS In city. All AU All linings, the debate the treaty reported. This the sizes. colors. color will shorten the session at least two Railway Lease. IN ORIGINAL BARRELS. SfO pieces White Satin Check Nalnaoo&s, very low. bound and plain, at popular prices. This firm oiler wesis. New York, May 15 The Midland Railroad Among which may be found the celebrated '"Uoldbn N. E. Cor. NINTH and Wedding,' Bourbon Wheat CIIESNUT, Flald Organdies. Plain organdies. a of goods, and same ninety-nin-e Middle-tow- n, of ancient date; and similar assortment at the has leased for years the Rye Whiskies, pure (in ori 50 pieces Real French Plaids, at 25c. prices, Empo- FROM THE WEST. all from manufacturers at the "Chesndt Street Kid Glove Unionville, and Water Gap Railroad now ginal pacnagea;, including mose weu-Know- n dis- rium," No. 90S Cliesnut street. Call at either store, BT ASSOCIATED PRESS. 1 in operation from Mlddletown to TJnionville, tillers. you will receive polite attention, and no misrepre- Exclusivity to The Evening Telegraph. THOMAS MOORE fc SON, MANUFACTURERS OP Great Bargains in White Goods Orange county, and is authorized to extend to jua-T- ii a. iiNCit a uu ana sentation of goods to effect sales. The Lincoln Monument. The Delaware Water Gap, Pa., THOMAS MOORS. Those who Desire a Brilliancy of Complex- Springfield, III., May 15 Tne National in the coal regions. The Midland Railroad Com- The attention of the trade la requested to test Linen Goods a Specialty. Lincoln Monnment, now being erected at the these W hiskies, at market rates. 8 4smw ion should beware of cheap patent pills, or other pany assumes the entire floating debt ot the - cathartics containing calomel and mercury. Use Oak Ridge Cemetery near this city, will be com- leased road and pays seven per cent, annually tfcw- "THE MAN FOR TUB TIMES: OR, TUB - CHAltACTKK DEM AN DSD BY TUB AGE." Silver-Plate- Ladies' Suits. Costumes. Nature's remedy, Helmbold'b Fluid Extract Sar- pleted about the 1st of July. The Monument on the stock. Lecture by Kev. A. A. WILLITS, In Rev. Dr. d Ware. BAPARILLA and IlBLMBOLD'S CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS. Association has decided to celebrate the occa Dale's church, RACE Street, near Sixteenth, oa Novelties In Suits opening daily. Church Dedication. , Component parts Fluid Extract Rhubarb and Fluid sion with appropriate services. Besides unveil- new Methodist Church at THURSDAY EVENING-- May 13, at 8 o'clock. Cheapest Linen and Lawn Suits In the market. Grape Liver Complaints, Jaun- The St. James, the xicKeis tu cen is. a is Extract Juice. For ing and inaugurating the bronze statue of Lin B. r dice, Bilious Affections, Dyspepsia, Sick or Nervous Harlem, of which the Rev. Henry Rldgway DEMONSTRATION IN SUITS. coln, just cast from a model by Mr. Meade, the Bishop gy LATEST STYLES IN GENTLEMEN'S Headache, Costlvcness, etc., the Pills are une- is pastor, was dedicated yesterday. Boots and Shoes. A large assortment of our Wedding qualled. remains of the murdered President will be Janes preaching the sermon. The edifice cost own make, ol dluerent measures, always on hand. Presents, transfered to the new vault in the base of the 1123,000, and nearly $47,000 was subscribed BARTLETT Hamburg our friends will 8 18 tf No. 83 S. SIXTH Street, above Chesnut. St. James Hotel, Boston. If monument. It is intended to make the occasion yesterday, removing all incumbrance of debt. AND kindly Inform us, either by telegram or by letter, of one of national interest, and it isprobable their Intended arrival, we shall be better prepared that Decoration Day. Vice-Preside- nt Hotels Furnished, (or their comfort The reputation of this new ana the President and of the United General II. A. Earnnm, commander of the THE BEST COAL. Guipure Bonnets. Departments, Supreme elegant establishment 1b such as to require no com- States, the heads of the New York Department of the Grand Army of ISAAC K. WRIGHT & SON, In erder to close out our large STOCK OF Court, Senators and Representatives in Congress the Republic, has issued a circular order re No. 124 South SECOND ment. Street. GUIPURE BONNETS, we have reduced fully Transient board Four Dollars per day. and the Governor and members of the Illinois questing the general observance of Decoration YARDS Corner EIGHTH and MASTER Sts. and Proprietor St. James Hotel, Boston. Legislature, and other distinguished persons will Day. wfmt No. 818 SWANSON St. above Queen. Families Supplied, 25 PER CENT. - I be.lnvited to participate in the ceremonies. litigne lsiaua. Youno Ladies, Beware of the Injurious effects Commander Henry Erben, Jr., with a detach OW OH EXIIIHITIOHf, WITH EVERT:ARTICLK REQUIRED IN THEIR or Cathartics and Purgatives, containing mercury, Canton Matting. calomel, and other deleterious drugs. In a short FROM BALTIMOR E. ment of 150 men from the , time they enervate and destroy tbe system as well sailed on Saturday for Key West to take charge Mr. Fesimore's Paintings, LINE OF GOODS. 8 92 wfm2mrp 200 Rolls CANTON MATTING and Red and bt associated press.! iron-cla- as the complexion. If yon would have a fresh, Telegraph. of the which are to be Bent to League Exclusively to The Evening AND OTHER IMPORTANT WORKS, White-Chec- healthy, and youthful appearance, use Hblmbold's Sale ot a Newspaper. Island Navy Yard to be laid up. FINANCIAL.. k HATTING, Cheapest Matting In the Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla and Hblmbold's Ca- National Lodge, From Philadelphia and New York: Artists, ' Bai.timOrr, May 15. The Evening Bulletin The Grand Market. (5 13 St tawba Grape Pills. They are purely vegetable ; , establishment was Bold to-da- y to a company for Daughter of St. Crispin, TO BU. SOLD AT PUBLIC SALE, a pleasant purgative, and cause neither nausea or held their third annual meeting in this city last Wilmington 5800. They propose to publish in a few days a and Reading griping pains. 1 Miss M. Walbrldge, Handsome New Parasols. called Baltimore De week and elected Martha At Scott's New Gallery, Refrigerators. daily afternoon piper the Pougee mocrat. of Stoneham, Massachusetts, first grand direct No. 1129 CHESNUT STREET, and Taffeta Silk PARASOLS, new style. Schooley's new patent American ress for the ensuing year, and Mrs. Frances R Refrigerator Is the best and only perfect Jones, of Stoneham, Massachusetts, grand sec' H8IKVV EYB INC, May 11. Railroad preserver in the world, and will keep such FROM THE STA IE. Till Bargains in Handkerchiefs. retary. NOW OPEN lOR EXHIBITION WITH C S. articles as Vegetables, Frulu, Meats, Game, Fish, BT ASSOCIATED PRES3. Milk, Eggs, etc. etc., longer, drier, and colder, with uenerai sneriaan, 9 6Ct Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph. with his staff, goes to Washington to-da- SALE POSITIVELY WITHOUT RESERVE. less Ice, than any ether Refrigerator now In ubo. 3 Burning a Mill. 7 rzn CENT. SONDS, Co., No. 820 Dock Btreet. of The Foster Murder Trial. "LACES." Far3on k Pa., May 15. The woolen mill of May 15. of Reading, New York, In the Court Oyer & We have now in store a handsome assortment of Mb. William W. Cassioy, the jeweller at No. 8 Levan & Butz, at Leesport, In this county, was and Terminer this morning, before Judge Car GARDNER FLEMING, 8out Second street, has one or the largest and most burned last night. Loss, tw,uw or upwards; dozo, the trial of Forter, for the murder of Mr. Free of Taxes lor l7,uw. Llama Lace SacquoF, attractive stocks or all kinds or Jewelry and Sliver insured Putnam, commenced. The prisoner was brought CARRIAGE BUILDERS, ware in the city. He has also on hand a One assort- hand-cuffe- all persons were Flowlngand Closed Sleeves, ment of fine American Western Watches. Those FROM NEW ENGLAND. in and excluded from the Court except the jurors, ceunsel, and who purchase at this store at the present time are No. 214 South FIFTH Stroot. AVe are offering $400,000 of the Second to get the werth of their money. IBT ASSOCIATED PRESS. reporters. The prisoner seemed unconcerned certain Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph, Mortgage Bond of Company Pofntes, Thirty-tw- o jurors responded. Judge BELOW this Llma Lco To Insure Health and Proper Digestion you Stuart, WALNUT. Death of Commodore tilynu. of the counsel for the defense, asked the Court la all qualities, Should nse Hblmbold's Catawba Grape Pills New May 15. Commodore James Haven, to assign additional counsel, and Judge Cardozo Which we offer at exceedingly They are composed or Fluid Extract Rhubarb and Glynn, of the Navy, died here Catawba Grape Juice. They assigned William G. Bartlett, remarking A LARGE ASSORTMENT Off AT 82 AND ACCRUED INTEREST. Fluid Extract excite on Saturday. that he O V 1 K 1 V E S. digestion, nourish and invigorate the system, and would assign two if necessary. Mr. It r Commodore Glynn was a native of . Stum purge out all the humors that grow and rankle in and was aDDOlnted to the navr rrom Vlrsrlnla March replied that one waa sufficient. LIGHT CARRIAGES, JOHN W. THOMAS & CO., tbe blood. Hblmbold's Sarsaparilla makes New, 4. 1818. lie was commissioned lieutenant January Up to noon three jurymen have been sworn in Blood, Com- on tne exploring Interest Payable January and Fresh, and Healthy and Beautifies the 13,1625. ue served united mates the case. is probable the court will INCLUDING PILETONS, JENNY LINDS, plexion. expedition of and commanded the Consort In It 2Toi. 405 and 407 V. SECOND Street, the expedition of 1337. lie became commander In adjourn until after the jury has been BUGGIES, ETC., July. A. S. Hamilton's 1841, captain In 1855, and commodore In 18tS2. He obtained. 8 22 wfm8mrp PHILADELPHIA. Machine Office, commanded the Macedon, In the Mediterranean ALWAYS ON HAND. Standard Sewino squadron, in lboi, ana since mat time ne nas oeen A grand parade of tbe The Bonds are la No. TOO Chesnut Street. on special auiy.i Knights of St. Crispin, SHAWLS AND DRESS GOODS Howe's, Grorer A Baker's, Folaom'B, and other All WORK WARRANTED to be Of the b SILKS, District of Manhattan, took place to day. At 10 WORKMANSHIP and MATERIALS. Crst-cla- ss machines sold 110 per month and to rent Chicago Flour and Wheat BlarUet. o'clock the procession formed in the Bowerv. Special Despatch to The Evening Telegraph. Also, an assortment of SECONDHAND CAR- SI OOOs, SSOOs, and SI 003, Materia-Medic- a which extending up from Military 1111. There were There is no Article in Chicago, May 158 80 A. M. Wheat steadr; many RIAGES for sale at reasonable prices. 0 ten societies in the line, and carriages. upersedes Castor OH, Magnesia, or Salts equal to and In lair demand for No. , cash Special attention given to RE FAIRING. oEonaa rr.rii, x of Catawba Grapb for purging and seller last half. seller June. Corn Is with Sons and Daughters St.CrUpln. Michael REPAINTING, Hblmbold's Pills Ferguson was Grand Marshal, and John Stevea REPAIRING, and VARNISHING. And can be REGISTERED free of expense. Tbe Ko. 91G, CIIESNUT from the system all superfluous and worn-ou- t mat- quiet but flnu at 6555c., seUerJune; 65i55)tfc., STREET, son Homerfleld Assistant Marshal. After the road Is doing a good business, with prospects of con- ter. For Biliousness, Oostiveness, Sick or Nervous Xearivli. ti)ip'ti. Seeeipt: Shlp'it. parade the Crispins adjourned to Jones Wood siderable Increase. Invites attention to his stock of Headache, etc., they are unequalled, as they cause Flour, bbis. 4,000 8,uoo Oats, bus.... 4,ooo 60,ooo to enjoy a summer evening iestivai. nausea or griping palos ; after which purify What,bus. 4,ooo 4,000 Rye, bus . . . . 3,000 6,000 This Issue la made procure additional roiling ALL, neitber vjoru, naney, none. to SILKS OF KINDS, and make New Blood by using Helmbold's Sarsa- uu..iii,wu dus.. 8,000 Baltimore Produce Market. NEW BOOKS. stock. May 15. Cotton very strong: mid INDIA AND OT1IEU SHAWLS. parilla. New York Money Stock Balttmorb. can be ob- and Market. dlmg uplauds, lso.; lowmldulings, HV"?ltu. Flour Bonds. Pamphlets, and Information Faucy Burnett's Kaluston The best cosmetic. Naw Tore, May 15 HtooU quiet and steadv. dull favors buyers, wneat uhlo Novelties lu Dress aud Good. Money easy at four per cent. Gold, and mnrket and LOCUST GROVE STORIES. Containing: tained of Ui)$. 5.904, lWi, Indiana dull at II oinor graies unchanged. Tbe Unruly Tougue Jacob's Wall Clara's Sur- INDIA, PONGEE,; AND CANTON CRAPfi IN In Spring and Summer Months the system tp., do. 1964, Cp., Ills do. 1866, op., ; Q0. 1848, eltss; the Ills m Corn white Southern higher at 7477c; yellow prise. 8. How Motet's Prayer was Amwered D 13 ainrp. nothing is so ac- Dew, 1661, 113','; do. 186)5, 16-4- SHAWLS AN D R ESSGOOD3. 4 should be thoroughly purged, and 113'ijdO. 113; Southern Arm at 7s76j. Oats active at 61670. Words-- How Good brings U jod out of Evil. B. Jack Virginia es, new, Can-to- n ceptable to the Stomach as Hblmbold's Catawba 108; Tl'; MlssourHa, 5fcs Mess l'ork quiet and steady; saouiaers, To.; rib Story and Paul Stanley Truth In TrlUes Love to & DRO., Co., b ; preferred, a DE HAVEN Cumberland 3o; N. Y. Cen- sides, vc.; clear ni), io4 ; nigur-cure- jSJ Aged. 4. DicHMtsonaud Harry Sym- tta PARASOLS, 76c., $1. f25: LINtD, IfSB, Ceapb Pills, after which use Hblmbold's Extract tral and Hudson Kiver, 83 s Erie, the Slack Umbrellas, 1, system, 87; Readme, lie. w lanky nrm anu scarce ai nigsau.uj, pathy for Others Johnnie's Lesson Aunt Clyde's J II 75: Silk Sun Wc, Pakbapabilla. They Invigorate the and 113V' ; Adams Express, bl''; Michigan Central. 1 DIXuN b, No. 1 1. E1Q11TU bt. t 1(M4l llllnnla VislU 6. The Earnest Uoy (iot's Eye upon Us at can be taken by Children with perfect safety. Ulnhlmn Knnthartl. ni.Ii Albrlgbt Mother 6; Pittsburg, 126; MARRIED. Dsns aod his Nannie Maloue. Mo. 40 South THIRD Street, Cleveland and Chicago and Butti-da- y nu-u-r- 6. The Party at the Hall Julia anI her Value 13 Incalculable Fer all diseases hoce in tan a, g- un rori wajue. Korosin Brown Bv the Rev. J. II. Peters. UMBRELLAS, ETO. Its ii4': JOHKl'H KOROblN tO MiSS AOMEi JJH0WK, all Of I'lllU- - Friend, Bell Newton. Uniformly boua't in clotn, PHILADELPHIA. with which children are afflicted during the process 18mo, and all In a neat paper box tl'TS. Soothing Syrup is a delphla. UMBRELLAS, PAY? AQOL8, f teething, Mrs. Winslow's New York Produce Market. NicnoiOM Clawbon on Thursday, May ltth. COINTRY CHILDREN" IN TOWS, 13mo, remedy. U,-v- . o0 and its SISON AND safe and certain Kbw Yore, May 15. Cotton quiet but Arm; at the residence of the bride's parents, bv tne clotn. ctuu. IIAEK MIA3U10, O. 11. U. hair-dressin- middling Orleaim, Titiany, D.D.. Mr. Jambs Nicholson, of A perfect g. middling uplands. I6,e.: lac. Just Published and for Sale by the Burnett's Cocoaine Flour dull: Mate. la!wa0: Ohio, tf'20 ruuaaeipnia, to aiuu .atb clayvbun, oi Newark SUM UMBRELLAS. Western, ift'ttxgT'SO; Southern Wheat rt. a). AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOO- L UNION llVIN Jillixf i if 4 There Is not such reliable purgative known as a08. JOSEPH FUSS2LL. Manufacturer, Urapb Tney are saie, . 1123 Btreet, PUUacUlphia. Hblmbold's Catawba riLLS. and amber Western, l'45)l-61- Cora dull; D1KD. CheUnut WALNUT St., cause nausea ; 13th 630 Nos. S and 4 porft FOURTH Street. -- ,.o, an Bfflracions. and neither nilxed Western, TtH.o. Oats dull Ohio 6.V8c. Ogden On Saturday, the instant, Kobiht B is WfUlGt Helmbold' Harsaparli la, the Heel quiet ana steady, fork quiet ana menuy. w. uuusn, in vae ft an yearui ui ge. or griping pains. FEILAD-LPIII- g HS5 sieaay. w urny quiet ana steady at The lelatlves and friends, and uieuiuen of Frank A. .UfmwU- - PHILlDtLPA, great Blood runner, Laia vic.