The Cell Phone Junkie Show #203 59:10 Show Notes coverage is out of this world, things are getting Incredible and if anyone Kin do it, Kin. iPhone/iPod Touch Application

New streaming player on The Cell Phone

How Verizon is conducting business

News Microsoft unveils Kin Social Networking Platform Microsoft Kin 1 and Kin 2 Kin 1 and Kin 2 specs Palm up for sale Sony posts first profitable quarter since 2008 Google announces Q1 earnings WiMAX 2 National Mobile TV service Ubiquitous wireless power getting closer Nasdaq and CEA announce Smartphone index Verizon and Sprint using more data than AT&T Congress to outlaw Caller ID spoofing AT&T getting rid of anti-Verizon campaign AT&T MicroCell going national Verizon covers more countries than actually exist Actual country information Verizon's new LTE center

Thanks to our sponsor, Netflix

Devices Bold 9650 coming late May to Verizon? White Bold 9700 coming to T-Mobile in May New C and E Series devices Verizon and HTC introduce the Droid Incredible T-Mobile MyTouch Slide Pantech Link launches on AT&T Sprint 4G case for iPad

TCPJ Unlocked Software news in a moment, but first a word about another way you can support The Cell Phone Junkie. TCPJ Unlocked is a bi-monthly premium podcast where Joey and I delve into some of the depths of the industry, and talk about all the things that give you your TCPJ fix. Sign up is easy, just visit, and click the link on the right for TCPJ Unlocked. Then, click the "subscribe to premium content" link and follow the instructions to get signed up. Thank you to everyone who has already supported us by signing up, we definitely appreciate each subscription.

Software Opera Mini for iPhone HTC looking at it's own OS posts Android 2.1 schedule Hero and Moment may get Android 2.1 in May NFL Mobile now on Verizon Adobe mobile flash player 10.1 coming in 2H 2010 Questions/Comments Question from Bill Version with Start Menu Icon Grab this .cab file - Settings CP Version Question from Greg Comment from James

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