DwarakaDossGoverdhanDoss VaishnavCollege (AUTONOMOUS) CollegewithPotentialforExcellence (LinguisticMinorityInstitution) UndertheManagementofShriVallabhacharyaVidyaSabha No.833,GokulBagh,E.V.R.PeriyarSalai, Arumbakkam,Chennai-600106. AcademicYear 2018-2019 Tel:044-23635101/102Fax:044-23635103 E-mail:
[email protected] Website:www.dgvaishnavcollege.edu.in 1 JagadGuruShrimadVallabhacharya 02 JaiShriKrishna TheCollegeCrest Enshrined in a lotus in full bloom, the college crest represents the cult of devotion preached by Mahaprabhu Shri Vallabhacharya. The sacrificial fire, at the centre of the crest symbolises the lord himself. The three steps of the altar signifying Kshara, Akshara and Poorna Purushothama lead on to the Lord. Yasmatksaramatitoham aksaradapicottamah atosmilokevedeca prathitahpurusottamah At the foot of the altar is the Book of Divine Knowledge (the Vedas); the three flowers on it represent the factors conducive to the acquisition and propagation of Knowledge - namely intelligence, action and material resources. The college motto, "Satyam Param Dheemahi", meaning ‘May we meditate on the Supreme Truth’, taken from Srimad Bhagavatam embodies the aim of true knowledge, which is the realization of Supreme Truth. The college colours are Flaming Red and Sky Blue. 03 VISION To impart value based quality academia; to empower students with wisdom and to instil rich Indian traditions and culture; to nurture self confidence, ensure holistic development and to broaden their vision towards nation building, communal harmony