ISSN 2414-0562 (Print) ISSN 2617-2224 (Online) DOI:

NGO “Ukrainian Assembly Interregional Academy of doctors of science of Personnel management in public administration”


№ 3 (18) — June 2019 (Special edition)

Collection is trained in scientific partnership with the Ukrainian Technological Academy

Kyiv ДП “Видавничий дім “Персонал” 2019 Редакція Editorial Головний редактор Editorial in Chief Романенко Євген Олександрович, Yevgen Oleksandrovych Romanenko, доктор наук з державного управління, Doctor of sciences in Public Administration, Professor, професор, академік Української Технологічної Academician of the Ukrainian Technological Academy, Академії, Міжнародної Кадрової Академії International Personnel Academy and Academy та Академії наук публічного управління, of Sciences of Public Administration, Honored Lawyer заслужений юрист України of Заступник головного редактора Deputy Editor Жукова Ірина Віталіївна, Iryna Vitaliivna Zhukova, кандидат наук з державного управління, доцент PhD in Public Administration, assistant professor

Публічне урядування Public management Свідоцтво КВ 21596-11496 Р Certificate КВ 21596-11496 Р Видається з листопада 2015 року Published from november 2015 Періодичність: 1 раз на квартал + 1 на рік Pereodisity: 4 times on a year + one Друкується за рішенням Вченої ради Published by the decision of Academic council of Міжрегіональної Академії управління персоналом Interregional Academy of Personnel Management (Протокол № 5 від 29.05.2019) (Protocol № 5 from May 29, 2019) Видання є таким, що реферується в міжнародних Сollection is included to the international and та вітчизняних наукометричних базах: domestic scientometrics databases Index Copernicus Index Copernicus, РИНЦ, ResearchBib, CiteFactor, International, ResearchBib, CiteFactor, Turkish Edu- Turkish Education Index, Eurasian Scientific Journal cation Index, Eurasian Scientific Journal Index, Polish Index, Polish Scholarly Bibliography, Electronic Scholarly Bibliography, Electronic Journals Library, Journals Library, КиберЛенинка, Scientific Indexing РИНЦ, КиберЛенинка, Scientific Indexing Services, Services, Cosmos Impact Factor, Google Scholar, Google Scholar, Cosmos Impact Factor, “Україніка “Україніка наукова”, “Джерело”. наукова”, “Джерело”. Згідно Наказу Міністерства освіти і науки According to the Order of the Ministry of Education України від 07.11.2018 № 1218 збірник and Science of Ukraine dated November 7, 2018, “Публічне урядування” внесено до Списку № 1218, the collection “Public management” друкованих періодичних видань, що включаються is included in the List of printed periodicals, which are до Переліку наукових фахових видань України, included in the List of scientific professional editions яким присвоєно категорію “Б”. of Ukraine, which have been assigned the category “B”. Відповідальність за зміст, достовірність фактів, The authors are responsible for the content, цитат, цифр несуть автори матеріалів. Редакція accuracy of the facts, quotes, numbers. The editors залишає за собою право на незначне редагування reserves the right for a little change and reduction і скорочення (зі збереженням авторського стилю та (with preservation of the author’s style and main головних висновків). Редакція не завжди поділяє conclusions). Editors can not share the world думки авторів та не несе відповідальність за надану views of the authors and are not responsible for the ними інформацію. Матеріали подано information provided. Materials filed в авторській редакції. in the author’s edition. Передрук — тільки з дозволу редакції. Reprinting — with the editorial’s permission strictly. Адреса редакційної колегії: Андріївський узвіз, Address of the editorial board: 11, Andriyivskyy буд. 11, оф. 68, м. Київ, Україна, 04070 Descent, office 68, , Ukraine, 04070 Е-mail: [email protected] Е-mail: [email protected] Адреса видавництва: Addres of the editorial: ДП “Видавничий дім “Персонал” ДП “Видавничий дім “Персонал” просп. Червонозоряний, 119, літ. ХХ, prospekt Chervonozorjanij, 119 lit. XX, Київ, Україна, 03039 Kyiv, Ukraine, 03039

Public management : collection. — № 3 (18) — June 2019 (Special edition). — Kyiv : ДП “Видав- ничий дім “Персонал”, 2019. — 510 p.

2 Головний редактор — Романенко Євген Олександрович, Проректор Міжрегіональної Академії управління персоналом, доктор наук з державного управління, професор, академік Української Технологічної Академії, Міжнародної Кадрової Академії та Академії наук публічного управління, заслужений юрист України. Заступник головного редактора — Жукова Ірина Віталіївна, кандидат наук з державного управління, доцент, завідувач кафедри професійної освіти та управління навчальним закладом Міжрегіональної Академії управління персоналом. Редакційна колегія 1. Акімова Людмила Миколаївна — кан- місцевого самоврядування Івано-Франків- дидат економічних наук, доцент, доцент ка- ського національного технічного університе- федри фінансів та природокористування ту нафти і газу. Національного університету водного госпо- 9. Валевський Олексій Леонідович — дарства та природокористування, Заслуже- доктор наук з державного управління, стар- ний працівник освіти України. ший науковий співробітник, провідний нау- 2. Андрущенко Тетяна Вікторівна — док- ковий співробітник Національного інституту тор політичних наук, професор, провідний стратегічних досліджень. науковий співробітник Інституту вищої осві- 10. Ващенко Костянтин Олександро- ти Національної академії педагогічних наук вич — доктор політичних наук, Голова Націо- України. нального агентства України з питань держав- 3. Афонін Едуард Андрійович — док- ної служби, член-кореспондент Національної тор соціологічних наук, професор, академік академії педагогічних наук України, заслуже- Української технологічної академії, заслуже- ний економіст України. ний діяч науки і техніки України, професор 11. Вендт Ян Анджей — доктор хабіліто- кафедри публічної політики та політичної ваний наук про Землю у сфері географії, про- аналітики Національної академії державного фесор, заступник директора з питань науки управління при Президентові України. та розвитку Інституту океанографії та геогра- 4. Балашов Анатолій Миколайович — фії Гданського університету (Польща). доктор наук з державного управління, про- 12. Гаєвська Лариса Анатоліївна — док- фесор, професор кафедри публічного ад- тор наук з державного управління, доцент, міністрування Міжрегіональної Академії заступник начальника управління з навчаль- управління персоналом, президент Всеукра- ної роботи — начальник відділу менеджмен- їнської академії наук публічного управління. ту знань Національної академії державного 5. Бова Тетяна В’ячеславівна — доктор управління при Президентові України, про- наук з державного управління, доцент, Хер- фесор кафедри управління освітою. сонський національний технічний універси- 13. Гвожьджєвіч Сильвія — кандидат тет, професор кафедри державного управлін- наук, кафедра адміністрації та національ- ня і місцевого самоврядування. ної безпеки Державної професійної вищої 6. Бодров Володимир Григорович — док- школи ім. Якуба з Парадижа в Гожуві-Ве- тор економічних наук, професор, завідувач ликопольcькому (Гожув-Великопольський, кафедри управління національним господар- Польща). ством та економічної політики Національної 14. Гечбайя Бадри Нодарович — доктор академії державного управління при Прези- економічних наук, асоційований професор, дентові України. Батумський державний університет ім. Шота 7. Бульба Володимир Григорович — док- Руставелі, факультет економіки і бізнесу. тор наук з державного управління, професор, Керуючий департаментом управління бізне- декан факультету підготовки магістрів дер- сом (Грузія). жавного управління Харківського регіональ- 15. Гурковський Володимир Ігорович — ного інституту державного управління На- доктор наук з державного управління, пер- ціональної академії державного управління ший заступник директора ВГО “Центр до- при Президентові України. слідження проблем публічного управління”. 8. Бутирська Тетяна Олександрівна — 16. Дацій Надія Василівна — доктор наук доктор наук з державного управління, доцент, з державного управління, доцент, завідувач професор кафедри державного управління та кафедри менеджменту і маркетингу Київ-

3 ського національного лінгвістичного універ- та психології Національної академії педаго- ситету. гічних наук України. 17. Девадзе Анзор Хемидович — кан- 27. Кіслов Денис Васильович — док- дидат економічних наук, доктор економіки, тор наук з державного управління, доцент, професор, Батумський державний універси- член-кореспондент Української Академії. тет ім. Шота Руставелі, факультет туризму Наук, професор кафедри публічного адміні- (Грузія). стрування Міжрегіональної Академії управ- 18. Денисюк Світлана Георгіївна — док- ління персоналом. тор політичних наук, професор кафедри су- 28. Козаков Володимир Миколайович — спільно-політичних наук Вінницького на- доктор наук з державного управління, профе- ціонального технічного університету. сор, професор кафедри державної політики 19. Довгань Валерій Іванович — доктор та суспільного розвитку Національної акаде- наук з державного управління, доцент, про- мії державного управління при Президентові фесор кафедри державного управління та України. місцевого самоврядування Хмельницького 29. Корнієвський Олександр Анатолі- університету управління та права. йович — доктор політичних наук, професор, 20. Драган Іван Олександрович — доктор головний науковий співробітник Національ- наук з державного управління, старший нау- ного інституту стратегічних досліджень. ковий співробітник, професор кафедри еко- 30. Кринична Ірина Петрівна — доктор номічної безпеки, публічного управління та наук з державного управління, доцент, про- адміністрування Житомирського державного фесор кафедри державного управління та технологічного університету. місцевого самоврядування Дніпропетров- 21. Драгомирецька Наталія Михайлів- ського регіонального інституту державного на — доктор наук з державного управління, управління Національної академії держав- професор кафедри філософських та соціаль- ного управління при Президентові України. но-політичних наук Одеського регіонально- 31. Крюков Олексій Ігорович — доктор го інституту державного управління Націо- наук з державного управління, професор ка- нальної академії державного управління при федри політології та філософії Харківського Президентові України. регіонального інституту державного управ- 22. Жулева Гергана — Доктор PhD, ви- ління Національної академії державного конавчий директор болгарської урядової управління при Президентові України. “Програми доступу до інформації” (Болга- 32. Литвин Юрій Олексійович — доктор рія). наук з державного управління, професор, за- 23. Іваницька Ольга Михайлівна — док- відувач кафедри державного управління та тор наук з державного управління, професор, місцевого самоврядування Академії муніци- професор кафедри теорії та практики управ- пального управління. ління Національного технічного університе- 33. Лопушинський Іван Петрович — док- ту України “Київський політехнічний інсти- тор наук з державного управління, профе- тут ім. Ігоря Сікорського”. сор, Херсонський національний технічний 24. Ірвін Студін — Доктор PhD, профе- університет, завідувач кафедри державного сор Школи державної політики та управ- управління і місцевого самоврядування. ління Університету Торонто, Президент 34. Мамічев Олексій Юрійович — доктор Інституту питань ХХІ століття, головний політичних наук, доцент, завідувач кафедри редактор і видавець журналу Global Brief теорії та історії російського та зарубіжного (Канада). права Владивостоцького державного універ- 25. Кайдашев Роман Петрович — доктор ситету економіки і сервісу (Росія). юридичних наук, доцент, професор кафедри 35. Миколайчук Микола Миколайо- публічного адміністрування Міжрегіональ- вич — доктор наук з державного управління, ної Академії управління персоналом. професор, Одеський регіональний інститут 26. Карташов Євген Григорович — док- державного управління Національної акаде- тор наук з державного управління, завідувач мії державного управління при Президентові кафедри управління проектами та загально- України, професор кафедри економічної та фахових дисциплін, Інститут менеджменту фінансової політики.

4 36. Мікеладзе Едуард Важаєвич — кан- вання Міжрегіональної Академії управління дидат економічних наук, професор, Хіча- персоналом. урський навчальний університет ім. святої 46. Пивоваров Костянтин Володими- Тбел Абусерідзе, факультет економіки та рович — доктор наук з державного управлін- бізнесу (Грузія). ня, професор кафедри публічного адміністру- 37. Мішель Маффесолі — професор вання Міжрегіональної Академії управління університету ім. Рене Декарта/Сорбонна — персоналом. Париж V (Париж, Французька республіка). 47. Пірен Марія Іванівна — доктор соціо- 38. Молодцов Олександр Володимиро- логічних наук, професор, Чернівецький наці- вич — доктор наук з державного управлін- ональний університет імені Юрія Федькови- ня, доцент, професор кафедри державного ча, завідувач кафедри. управління та місцевого самоврядування 48. Плющ Руслан Миколайович — док- Івано-Франківського національного техніч- тор наук з державного управління, доцент, ного університету нафти та газу. професор кафедри державного управління і 39. Науменко Раїса Андріївна — місцевого самоврядування Херсонського на- доктор наук з державного управління, про- ціонального технічного університету. фесор, професор кафедри публічного управ- 49. Половцев Олег Валентинович — док- ління та адміністрування Київського націо- тор наук з державного управління, професор нального торговельно-економічного універ- кафедри державного управління і місцевого ситету. самоврядування Херсонського національно- 40. Наумкіна Світлана Михайлівна — го технічного університету. доктор політичних наук, професор Дер- 50. Радченко Олександр Віталійович — жавного закладу “Південноукраїнський на- доктор наук з державного управління, про- ціональний педагогічний університет фесор, професор Університету Яна Длугоша ім. К. Д. Ушинського” (м. Одеса). в Ченстохові (Польща). 41. Непомнящий Олександр Михайло- 51. Ромат Євгеній Вікторович — доктор вич — доктор наук з державного управління, наук з державного управління, професор, професор, академік Академії будівництва завідувач кафедри маркетингу та реклами України, професор кафедри публічного ад- Київського національного торговельно-еко- міністрування Міжрегіональної Академії номічного університету. управління персоналом, Заслужений буді- 52. Руденко Ольга Мстиславівна — док- вельник України. тор наук з державного управління, доцент, 42. Новак-Каляєва Лариса Миколаїв- директор Науково-дослідного інституту пу- на — доктор наук з державного управління, блічного адміністрування та менеджменту доцент, професор кафедри державного управ- Чернігівського національного технологічно- ління Львівського регіонального інституту го університету. державного управління Національної акаде- 53. Ручка Анатолій Олександрович — мії державного управління при Президентові доктор соціологічних наук, професор, Інсти- України. тут соціології НАН України, головний науко- 43. Новаченко Тетяна Василівна — док- вий співробітник. тор наук з державного управління, доцент, 54. Саханєнко Сергій Єгорович — док- професор кафедри парламентаризму та полі- тор наук з державного управління, професор тичного менеджменту Національної академії кафедри державного управління і місцевого державного управління при Президентові самоврядування Одеського регіонального України. інституту державного управління НАДУ при 44. Олуйко Віталій Миколайович — док- Президентові України. тор наук з державного управління, професор, 55. Сіцінська Майя Володимирівна — голова Хмельницького обласного територі- доктор наук з державного управління, профе- ального відділення Антимонопольного комі- сор кафедри філософії та політології Націо- тету України. нального університету державної податкової 45. Пархоменко-Куцевіл Оксана Ігорів- служби України. на — доктор наук з державного управління, 56. Слінько Олександр Анатолійович — завідувач кафедри публічного адміністру- доктор політичних наук, професор, завідувач

5 кафедри політології та політичного управ- 63. Філіпенко Тетяна В’ячеславівна — ління Воронезької філії Російської академії доктор наук з державного управління, про- народного господарства та державної служ- фесор Міжрегіональної Академії управління би при Президентові Російської Федерації персоналом. (Росія). 64. Жукова Ірина Віталіївна — канди- 57. Соболєва Наталя Іванівна — доктор дат наук з державного управління, доцент соціологічних наук, старший науковий спів- кафедри публічного адміністрування Між- робітник, Інститут соціології НАН України, регіональної академії управління персона- провідний науковий співробітник. лом. 58. Сурай Інна Геннадіївна — доктор наук 65. Червякова Ольга Володимирівна — з державного управління, доцент, професор доктор наук з державного управління. кафедри публічного управління та публічної 66. Чернишов Юрій Георгійович — док- служби Національної академії державного тор політичних наук, професор, завідувач управління при Президентові України. кафедри Алтайського державного універси- 59. Суший Олена Володимирівна — док- тету, директор Алтайської школи політичних тор наук з державного управління, доцент, досліджень (Росія). Інститут соціальної та політичної психології 67. Шайгородський Юрій Жанович — НАПН України, завідувач лабораторії. доктор політичних наук, доцент, головний 60. Тадеуш Троціковскі — доктор наук науковий співробітник Інституту політичних про управління, професор, член-кореспон- і етнонаціональних досліджень ім. І. Ф. Кура- дент Регіональної Академії Менеджменту, са НАН України. Голова Правління Регіонального Центру Єв- 68. Шпак Юрій Валерійович — доктор ропейської Інтеграції (Польща). наук з державного управління, професор ка- 61. Усаченко Лариса Михайлівна — док- федри економіки підприємства Східноєвро- тор наук з державного управління, професор, пейського університету економіки і менедж- професор кафедри публічного адміністру- менту. вання Міжрегіональної Академії управління 69. Якимчук Аліна Юріївна — доктор еко- персоналом, Заслужений діяч науки і техніки номічних наук, професор, професор кафедри України. державного управління, документознавства 62. Халецька Аліна Анатоліївна — та інформаційної діяльності Національного доктор наук з державного управління, про- університету водного господарства та приро- фесор, завідувач кафедри менеджменту орга- докористування. нізацій та зовнішньоекономічної діяльності 70. Яутріте Бріеде — доктор юридичних Волинського інституту економіки та менедж- наук, професор, Латвійський університет, менту. юридичний факультет (Латвія).

6 Editor in Chief — Yevhen Oleksandrovych Romanenko, Vice-Rector of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Doctor of sciences in Public Administration, Professor, Academician of the Ukrainian Technological Academy, International Personnel Academy and Academy of Sciences of Public Administration, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine. Deputy Editor — Iryna Vitaliivna Zhukova, PhD in Public Administration, assistant professor.

Editorial board 1. Lyudmila Nikolayevna Akimova — PhD the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical Uni- of economic science, assistant professor, assis- versity of Oil and Gas. tant professor of the Department of finance and 9. Oleksii Leonidovych Valevskyi — Doc- environmental sciences of the National Univer- tor of science in Public Administration, Senior sity of Water and Environment, Honored Wor- Researcher, Senior Research of the National In- ker of Education of Ukraine. stitute for Strategic Studies. 2. Tetiana Viktorivna Andrushchenko — 10. Kostiantyn Oleksandrovych Vash- Doctor of Political Science, Professor, leading chenko — Doctor of Political Sciences, Head researcher of the Institute of Higher Education of the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil of National Academy of Educational Sciences of Service, member-correspondent of the National Ukraine. Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, 3. Eduard Andriyovych Afonin — Doc- Honored Economist of Ukraine. tor of sociological science, Professor, Professor 11. Andrzej Jan Wendt — Habilitovanyy of the Department of Political Analysis and doctor of Earth Sciences in the field of geogra- Forecasting of the National Academy for Pub- phy, professor, Deputy Director from questions lic Administration­ under the President of Uk- of Science and Development of Institute of the raine. Oceanography and Geography of the Gdansk 4. Anatolii Mykolaiovych Balashov — University (Poland). Doctor of science in Public Administration, 12. Larysa Anatoliivna Haievska — Doctor Professor, Professor of the Department of Pub- of science in Public Administration, Associate lic Administration of the Interregional Academy Professor, chief of Management from Educa- of Personnel Management, President of the tional Work is a Chief of Department of Mana- Ukrainian Academy of Science of Public Ad- gement of Knowledge of the National Academy ministration. of State Administration at President of Ukraine, 5. Tetiana Viacheslavivna Bova — Doctor Professor of Department of Management Edu- of science in Public Administration, Associate cation. Professor of the Dept. of Public Administration 13. Sylvia Hvozhdzhyevich — Candidate and Local Self-Government of the Kherson Na- of Science, Dept. of Administration and the tional Technical University. National Security of State Higher Professional 6. Volodymyr Hryhorovych Bodrov — School. named Jakub from Paradyzhu in Lub- Doctor of economic science, Professor, Head of lin-Velykopolckomu (Gorzow Wielkopolski, the Dept. of administration of National Econo- Poland). my and Economic Policy of the National Aca­ 14. Badry Nodarovych Hechbayya — Doc- demy of Public Administration under the Presi- tor of Economics, Professor Asotsiirovanyy, dent of Ukraine. Batumi State University of Shota Rustaveli. 7. Volodymyr Hryhorovych Bulba — Doc- Faculty of Economics and Business. Managing tor of Science in Public Administration, Profes- of the Dept. of business management (Georgia). sor, Dean of the Faculty of Masters Prepara- 15. Volodymyr Ihorovych Hurkovskyi — tion of Public Administration of the Kharkov Doctor of science in Public Administration, Regional Institute of Public Administration of First Deputy Director of the NGO “Center of the National Academy of Public Administration studies of problems of public administration”. under the President of Ukraine. 16. Dadiy Nadezhda Vasilivna — Doctor 8. Tetiana Oleksandrivna Butyrska — of Sciences in Public Administration, Associate Doctor of science in Public Administration, Professor, Head of the Department of Manage- Associate Professor of the Dept. of Public ment and Marketing of the Kyiv National Lin- Administration and Local Self-government of guistic University.

7 17. Anzor Hemydovych Devadze — Candi- 27. Kislov Denis Vasilievich — Doctor date of economic science, Doctor of Economics, of Sciences in Public Administration, Associ- professor, Sh. Rustaveli Batumi State Univer- ate Professor, Corresponding Member of the sity, Dept. of Tourism (Georgia). Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Professor of the 18. Svitlana Heorhiivna Denysiuk — Doc- Department of Public Administration of the In- tor of Political Science, Professor of the Dept. terregional Academy of Personnel Management. Sociopolitical Sciences of the Vinnitsa National 28. Volodymyr Mykolaiovych Kozakov — Technical University. Doctor of science in Public Administration, Pro- 19. Valerii Ivanovych Dovhan — Doctor of fessor of public policy and social development of science in Public Administration, Associate Pro- the National Academy of Public Administra- fessor of the Dept. of Public Administration and tion under the President of Ukraine. Local Self — government of Khmelnytsky Uni- 29. Oleksandr Anatoliiovych Kornievs- versity of Management and Law. kyy — Doctor of Political Science, Associate 20. Dragan Ivan Alexandrovich — Doc- professor, Chief Scientist of the National Insti- tor of Science in Public Administration, Se- tute for Strategic Studies (NISS). nior Researcher, Professor of the Department of 30. Iryna Petrіvna Krynychna — Doctor Economic Security, Public Administration and of science in Public Administration, Associ- Administration of Zhytomyr State Technologi- ate Professor, Professor Department of Public cal University. Administration and Local Self-Government of 21. Natalіia Mykhailivna Drahomiret- the Dnepropetrovsk Regional Institute of Pub- ska — Doctor of science in Public Administra- lic Administration of the National Academy of tion, Professor of the Dept. of Philosophy and Public Administration under the President of Social and Political Sciences of the Odessa Re- Ukraine. gional Institute of Public Administration of the 31. Oleksii Igorevych Kryukov — Doctor National Academy of Public Administration un- of science in Public Administration, Professor der the President of Ukraine. of the Dept. of Political Science and Philosophy 22. Gargana Zhuleva — Doctor PhD, of the Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Ad- Executive Director of the Bulgarian govern- ministration of the National Academy of Public ment’s “Program of access to information” (Bul- Administration under the President of Ukraine. garia). 32. Yurii Oleksiyovych Lytvyn — Doctor 23. Ivanitskaya Olga Mikhailovna — Doc- of science in Public Administration, Professor, tor of Science in Public Administration, Profes- Head of the Dept. of Public Administration and sor, Professor of the Department of Theory and Local government of the Academy of Municipal Practice of Management of the National Tech- Management. nical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic 33. Ivan Petrovych Lopushynskyi — Doc- Institute named after M. Sc. Igor Sikorsky”. tor of science in Public Administration, Profes- 24. Irvin Studin — PhD, Professor in the sor, Head of the Dept. of public administration School of Public Policy and Governance of the and local government of the Kherson National University of Toronto, President of the Institute Technical University. for ХХІ Century Questions, and also Editor-in- 34. Oleksii Yuriyovich Mamichev — Doc- Chief and Publisher of Global Brief magazine tor of Political Science, Associate professor, (Canada). Head of the Department of Theory and history 25. Roman Petrovych Kaidashev — Doctor of Russian and international law of the Vladi- of juridical science, Associate professor, Profes- vostok State University of Economics and Ser- sor of the Department of public administration vice (Russia). of the Interregional Academy of Personnel Ma­ 35. Mykola Mykolaiovych Mykolai- nagement. chuk — Doctor of science in Public Administra- 26. Evgeny Grigoryevich Kartashov — tion, Professor of the Dept. of economic and fi- Doctor of science in Public Administration, nancial policy of the Odessa Regional Institute Head of the Department of Project Manage- of Public Administration of the National Aca­ ment and General Professional Disciplines, In- demy of Public Administration under the Presi- stitute of Management and Psychology of the dent of Ukraine. National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of 36. Edward Vazhayevych Mikeladze — Ukraine. Candidate of Economic Science, Professor, Tbel

8 Abuseridze Hichaurskiy University. Faculty of Administration of the Interregional Academy of Economics and Business (Georgia). Human Resources Management. 37. Michel Maffesoli — Professor of the 47. Maria Ivanivna Piren — Doctor of So- Paris Descartes University/Paris V (Paris, the cial Sciences, Professor, Head of the Dept. of the French Republic). Chernivtsi National University. 38. Oleksandr Volodymyrovych Molodt- 48. Ruslan Mykolaiovych Pliushch — Doc- sov — Doctor of science in Public Admini­ tor of science in Public Administration, Associ- stration, Professor of the Dept. of Public ate Professor of the Dept. of Public Administra- Administration and Local Self-government of tion and Local Self-government of the Kherson the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical Uni- National Technical University. versity of Oil and Gas. 49. Oleh Valentynovych Polovtsev — Doc- 39. Raisa Andrіivna Naumenko — tor of science in Public Administration, Profes- Doctor of Science in Public Administration, sor of the Dept. of Public Administration and Professor, Professor of the Department of Local Self-government of the Kherson National Public Administration and Administration Technical University. of Kyiv National Trade and Economics Univer- 50. Oleksandr Vitaliiovych Radchenko — sity. Doctor of science in Public Administration, 40. Svіtlana Mykhailivna Naumkina — Professor of the University of Jan Dluosha in Doctor of Political Science, Professor of the Częstochowa (Poland). South Ukrainian National Pedagogical Univer- 51. Yevhenii Viktorovych Romat — Doctor sity named after K. D. Ushynsky. of science in Public Administration, Professor, 41. Oleksandr Mykhailovych Nepomni- Head of the Dept. of marketing and advertising ashchyi — Doctor of science in Public Admini­ of the Kyiv National University of Trade and stration, Professor, Academician of Academy Economics. of building of Ukraine, Professor of the De- 52. Olha Mstyslavivna Rudenko — Doctor partment of Public Administration of the Inter- of science in Public Administration, Associate regional Academy of Personnel Management, Professor, Director of the Research Institute of Honored Builder of Ukraine. Public Administration and Management of the 42. Larysa Mykolaivna Novak-Kaliaie- Chernihiv National Technological University. va — Doctor of science in Public Administra- 53. Anatolii Oleksandrovych Ruchka — tion, Associate Professor, Professor of the Dept. Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor, Chief of Public Administration of the Lviv Regional researcher of the Institute of Sociology of Na- Institute of Public Administration of the Na- tional Academy of Science of Ukraine. tional Academy of Public Administration under 54. Serhii Yehorovych Sahanienko — Doc- the President of Ukraine. tor of science in Public Administration, Profes- 43. Tetiana Vasylivna Novachenko — Doc- sor of the Dept. of public administration and lo- tor of science in Public Administration, Associ- cal government of the Odessa Regional Institute ate Professor of the Dept. of parliamentary and of Public Administration under the President of political management of the National Academy Ukraine of the National of Public Administra- of Public Administration under the President of tion under the President of Ukraine. Ukraine. 55. Maiia Volodymyrivna Sitsinska — Doc- 44. Vitalii Mykolaiovych Oluiko — tor of science in Public Administration, Profes- Doctor of science in Public Administration, sor of the Dept. of Philosophy and Political Sci- Professor, Head of Khmelnitsky regional terri- ence of the National University of the State Tax torial office of the Antimonopoly Committee of Service of Ukraine. Ukraine. 56. Alexander Anatoliiovych Slinko — 45. Oksana Ihorivna Parkhomenko- Doctor of Political Science, Professor, Head of Kutsevil — Doctor of science in Public Adminis- the Department of political science and politi- tration, Head of the Department of Public cal administration of the Voronezh branch of the Administration of the Interregional Academy of Russian Academy of National Economy and Personnel Management. Public Service under the President of the Rus- 46. Konstantin Vladimirovich Pivova- sian Federation (Russia). rov — Doctor of Science in Public Adminis- 57. Natalia Ivanivna Sobolieva — Doc- tration, Professor of the Department of Public tor of Social Sciences, senior researcher, lead-

9 ing researcher of the Institute of Sociology of Professor of the Interregional Academy of Per- National Academy of Science of Ukraine. sonnel Management. 58. Inna Hennadіivna Suraі — Doctor of 64. Iryna Vіtalіivna Zhukova — Ph.D. in science in Public Administration, Associate Public Administration, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Public Admini- Head of the Department of Professional Educa- stration and Public Service of the National of tion and Management of the Educational Insti- Public Administration under the President of tution of the Interregional Academy of Person- Ukraine. nel Management. 59. Olena Volodymyrivna Sushyi — Doctor 65. Olha Volodymyrivna Chervyakova — of science in Public Administration, Associate Doctor of science in Public Administration. Professor, head of the laboratory of the Insti- 66. Yurii Heorhiiovych Chernyshev — Doc- tute of Social and Political Psychology of the tor of Political Science, Professor, Head of the National Academy of Political Science of Department of Altai State University, Director Ukraine. of the Altai School of Political Studies (Russia). 60. Tadeusz Trocikowski — Doctor of Ma- 67. Yurii Zhanovych Shaigorodskyi — nagement Sciences, professor, corresponding Doctor of Political Science, Associate professor, member of the Regional Academy of Manage- Chief Research Scientist of the I. F. Kuras Insti- ment, Chairman of the Regional Centre for Eu- tute of Political and Ethnic Studies of the NAS ropean Integration (Poland). of Ukraine. 61. Larysa Mykhailivna Usachenko — 68. Yurii Valeriiovych Shpak — Doctor of Doctor of science in Public Administration, science in Public Administration, Professor of Professor of the Department of Public Adminis- the Dept. of Economics of the enterprise of the tration of the Interregional Academy of Person- East European University of economics and nel Management, Honored Worker of Science management. and Technology of Ukraine. 69. Alina Yuriivna Yakymchuk — Doctor 62. Alina Anatoliivna Khaletska — Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Professor of of science in Public Administration, Professor, the Dept. of public administration, documenta- Head of the Dept. of Management of Organiza- tion and information activities of the National tions and Foreign Activity of the Volyn Institute University of Water Household and Environ- of Economics and Management. ment. 63. Tetiana Viacheslavіvna Filipenko — 70. Jautrite Briede — Doctor of Law, Profes- Doctor of science in Public Administration, sor, University of Latvia, Faculty.

10 Content

Amosov O. Y., Gavkalova N. L. Goncharuk N. T., Pyrohova Y. V. Archetypes in the activities of the Сoceptual foundations of human united territorial communities...... 15 resources in public services: Afonin E. A., Martynov A. Y. an archetypal approach...... 158 Archetype as a source of innovation Doroshenko H. A. process ...... 28 Corruption as an obstacle Bakai A. E. to the sustainable development Archetypics of source of development of Ukraine (archetypal approach).... 171 of the state system ofmedical defence Yehorycheva S. B., Lakhyzha M. I. of population of Ukraine Public-private partnership in emergencies ...... 43 as a sustainable development factor: Bielska T. V., Lashkina M. H. an archetypal analysis...... 182 Architics of modernity: Ievdokymova V. V. Ukrainian measurement ...... 58 Archetipical models of sustainable Bilyk O. I., Blynda Y. O. development of countries: Architypic of efficiency of state comparative analysis...... 198 measures in the social sector ...... 74 Kozakov V. M., Piddubnyi M. I. Bobrovskyi O. I. Archetypical analysis of the national Archetypes of ukrainian youth awareness and patriotism of youth construction using the concept in modern Ukraine: on the example of the ‘universal epochal cycle’ of the public organization “Plast”..... 212 and computer games ...... 87 Konotopets Y. O. Burik Z. M. Strategies for sustainable development Ukrainian society to accept in conditions of civilizational defects: the concept of sustainable development kays of modern Ukraine (analysis of archetype) ...... 100 (architecture approach)...... 225 Valevskyi O. L. Korchak I. M. Problems of value transformations and The essence and significance of the public consolidation in the context of public conflict in the modern conditions Ukraine’s European choice ...... 115 of development of society and its connection with the archetypes Halanets V. V., Dzyanyy R. B., of the collective unconscious...... 238 Dziurakh Y. M. Public administration of development Kostenyuk N. I. of agroindustrial complex Archetypical reengineering in the in the context of the strategy context of improving the activities of sustainable development of Ukraine of local self government bodies...... 250 (archetype approach)...... 125 Lapina V. V. Holovanova N. V. Archetype of the peasant: Information policy of Ukraine as an the problem of accumulation european state in conditions of current and practical use of the human threats (architecture approach)...... 143 capital in Ukraine...... 260

11 Lekhan V. N., Kriachkova L. V., Serdechna L. V. Kanyuka G. S. Regulation of the advertising Personal potential success of the in the context of the sustainable modern health care manager...... 273 development of Ukraine Marchenko L. Y. (archetypical approach)...... 394 Archetypal principles Sobolnikov V. V. of implementation of sustainable Europe development within development technologies the confines of psychoanalysis: in the sphere of customers of state methodology, state of being treasury service of Ukraine...... 288 and prospects...... 403 Naplyokov Y. V. Sudakov V. I. An archetypal foundation of the culture Archetype of social justice of making managerial decision...... 298 and ideological confrontation Novachenko T. V. of the contemporaty models Archetype of complementary of social policy...... 417 in harmonization of public- Sushyi O. V. authorities relations...... 310 Social archetypic at the service Omelyanenko V. A. of public anti-crisis management...... 428 Architectic component SychovaV. V. of institutional networks development Soviet archetype in interaction strategy in the context of national authorities fnd political opposition security providing...... 321 as threat to national security Orliv M. S. of Ukraine ...... 444 In-service training for civil servants Tertychnyi O. V. in the context of ensuring Ukrainian archetype as a source the sustainable development of European security...... 461 of Ukraine (archetypal approach).... 336 Khim M. K., Patrakov V. P. Danylovych-Kropyvnytska M. L. Logos and Myfos. Hegel’s philosophy of Professional and personal development history and the collective unconscious of civil servants of Ukraine in the theory: the attempt of synthesis in the context of sustainable social context of sustainable development. 346 development (archetypal approach)... 478 Perkhach O. L., Lukashevska U. T. Yaremenko N. V., Kolomiets N. Y. Archetypal models Pedagogical empowerment as a model of public administration...... 357 of harmonization of psycho-cultural Prykhodchenko L. L., Lesyk O. V. complexes “puer” architecture creation Theory and practice of strategic of the prize of strategy for sustainable priorities of sustainable development development...... 488 implementation of Ukraine: Yaremchuk V. D. archetypal paradigm...... 369 The influence of outlook-value Semenets-Orlova I. A. archetypes on the functioning of the Valuable concept of peace-building regional political regimes in Ukraine in Ukraine...... 383 (Lviv region as an example)...... 497

12 Participants of the scientific Forum of the Ukrainian school of archetype! Dear participants of the Forum!

On behalf of the National Aca- demy of Sciences of Ukraine and myself, I warmly congratulate the organizers and participants of the scientific forum of the Ukrainian School of Archetype at the beginning of the work! Today, the Ukrainian country is ex- periencing a difficult period of its exist- ence. The numerous challenges facing the country as a whole and the Ukrai- nian science in particular require new, weighed approaches to their solution. An important role in the processes of state-building belongs to the na- tional scientific and intellectual elite, which has always played a special role in the Ukrainian society — a spiritual, cultural, moral leader-was not afraid of the word, the conscience of the nation. Despite all the difficulties experi- enced by Ukrainian science, she has something to be proud of: the high I am convinced that the discussion achievements in her were the result of of the problems of the development of a laborious, persistent (sometimes ex- fundamental and applied research, new hausting) labor, which required maxi- technologies, actualization of humani- mum concentration of effort, some- tarian discourse and the relevant pro- times — willingness to sacrifice in order posals expressed in his course will be of to achieve the goal. It is clear that with- great importance for the establishment out fundamental research there can be and development of an independent neither technological reconstruction of Ukraine. production nor the final restoration of I wish all participants of the Forum Ukrainian culture nor strengthening of for creative inspiration, fruitful work Ukraine’s position on the international and new groundbreaking scientific scene. achievements!

President of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Academician of the NAS Ukraine B. Paton

13 Dear authors, readers!

Development in Conditions of Civili- zational Transitions”, which took place on May 10–11, 2019 in Montpellier (France), Montpellier University. In the specialized issue, the ques- tions of the state-management, eco- nomic, legal and sociological provision of regulation of social processes from the point of view of the theory of arche- types are considered. The urgency of studying the change in the archetypes of the development of socio-political sentiment is also that they concen- trate on themselves and determine the creative (or destructive) forces of soci- ety. That is why a permanent scientific analysis of changes in social and mass sentiment needs to be made in order to predict and purposefully shape these attitudes and mass consciousness in I congratulate you with the release general, as well as to prevent destruc- of the next issue of the collection “Pub- tive socio-psychological manifesta- lic management” and with the fact that tions in the system of public adminis- together we have come a long way in tration. publishing interesting and, most im- Our collection is not in place. In portantly, useful articles. 2019, it is included in the international As it has already become a good research databases ResearchBib, Cite- tradition, this specialized publication Factor, Turkish Education Index, the number contains the content of the Eurasian Scientific Journal Index, the reports of the X International Theo- Polish Scholarly Bibliography, the retical and Methodological Seminar / Electronic Journals Library, and the VII International Contest of Young Google Scholar Search Engine. Scientists “Archetype and Public Ma- Have a pleasant and enjoyable time nagement: Strategies for Sustainable with your favorite edition!

Sincerely, Editor in chief Y. O. Romanenko

14 UDC: 316.354 DOI: 2224-2019-18-3-15-27 Amosov Oleg Yuriyovych, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of Economic Theory and Finances Depart- ment, Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Administration National Academy of Pub- lic Administration attached to the Office of the President of Ukraine, 61075, Kharkiv, Moskovsky ave. 75, tel.: +38 (050) 237 9725, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-8718-6343 Амосов Олег Юрійович, доктор економічних наук, професор, зав. каф. економічної теорії та фінансів, Хар- ківський регіональний інститут держав- ного управління Національної академії державного управління при Президентові України, 61000, Харків, Московський про- спект, 75, тел.: +38 (050) 237 97 25, email: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-8718-6343 Амосов Олег Юрьевич, доктор экономических наук, профессор, зав. каф. экономической теории и финан- сов, Харьковский региональный инсти- тут государственного управления На- циональной академии государственного управления при Президенте Украины, 61000, Харьков, Московский проспект, 75, тел.: +38 (050) 237 97 25, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-8718-6343 Gavkalova Nataliia Leonidivna, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of Public Administration and Regional Eco- nomy Department, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, 61166, Kharkiv, Naukу ave. 9-а, tel.: +38 (050) 622 61 48, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-1208-9607 Гавкалова Наталія Леонідівна, доктор економічних наук, професор, зав. каф. державного управління, публічного ад- міністрування та регіональної економіки, Харківський національний економічний уні- верситет ім. С. Кузнеця, 61166, Харків, просп. Науки, 9а, тел.: +38(050) 622 61 48, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-1208-9607

15 Гавкалова Наталья Леонидовна, доктор экономических наук, профессор, зав. каф. Государственного управления, пуб- личного администрирования и региональной экономики, Харьковский националь- ный экономический университет им. С. Кузнеца, 61166, Харьков, просп. Науки, 9а, тел.: +38 (050) 622 61 48, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-1208-9607

ARCHETYPES IN THE ACTIVITIES OF THE UNITED TERRITORIAL COMMUNITIES Abstract. Economic and social development is inextricably linked with a cer- tain territory, the characteristics of which largely depend on its orientation and dynamics. Its complex development is possible only with the purposeful deve- lopment of all the elements. The territorial and managerial components of each country are its administrative and territorial units that form its administrative- territorial subdivisions when accounting for archetypes inherent in a given ter- ritory. The issues of administrative-territorial system reforming connect with the decentralization, so problems of united territorial communities in Ukraine remain relevant. The points of reforming the administrative-territorial system are related to the actual problems of decentralization, and the study of the role of archetypes in new associations is practically absent in domestic developments, therefore the stated perspective is relevant and timely. The most current trends in the context of the decentralization of the capa- city of regional governments and local authorities are the following: adoption of an effective strategic document that defines the overall objectives, trends, tools and decentralization mechanisms in all systems of public-political and socio-eco- nomic relations; a widespread use of scientific approach to the development of regional development programs, with a focus on return on investment and/or real social and economic benefits; formation of a system of vertical and horizontal to coordinate efforts of local governments and territorial communities in order to enhance their cooperation in addressing the challenges of territorial develop- ment; a creation of an effective legal framework, which removes all the sensitive issues in the context of cooperation of local governments, territorial communities, business structures and civil society institutions in the process of socio-economic development of regions. One of the factors affecting decentralization is the social archetype. Its accounting allows both at the stage of formation and at the stage of development of the united territorial communities, to accept changes and imple- ment effective management of communities, their budgets, and land. One of the main characteristics of the territorial communities is its viabi- lity. By sustainable community we mean a consciously formed, economically, so- cially and politically active human community, as self-sufficient as possible in its existence and development in terms of providing financial and economic re- sources when taking into account the influence of public archetypes. The con-

16 ducted research on functioning and development of territorial communities has proved that one of the main reasons for the adverse socio-economic situation in small communities, is the lack of compliance of communities with the require- ments of viability of territorial communities: the number of community members that should be not less than the minimum possible level, financial autonomy, organizational and legal independence, state support and security, systemic in- tegrity. Ways to ensure the sustainability of the main territorial communities, improve the socio-economic situation and create conditions for their dynamic develop- ment is to carry out administrative-territorial reform, which is designed to solve legal, economic and organizational problems, taking into account the impact on communities of public archetypes. Keywords: archetypes, united territorial communities administrative-terri- torial reform. АРХЕТИПИ В ДІЯЛЬНОСТІ ОБ’ЄДНАНИХ ТЕРИТОРІАЛЬНИХ ГРОМАД Анотація. Економічний і соціальний розвиток нерозривно пов’язаний з певною територією. Цей комплексний розвиток можливий тільки при цілеспрямованому розвитку всіх елементів з урахуванням впливу архе- типів даної території. Территориальні складові кожної країни є її адміні- стративно-територіальними одиницями. Питання реформування адміні- стративно-територіальної системи пов’язані з актуальними проблемами децентралізації, а також з тим, що дослідження архетипів в об’єднаних територіальних громадах практично відсутні, що зумовлює актуальність та своєчасність заявленої проблематики. Сучасні тенденції в контексті децентралізації місцевих органів влади полягають у: прийнятті ефективного стратегічного документа, що визна- чає цілі, тенденції, інструменти та механізми децентралізації в усіх систе- мах суспільно-політичних і соціально-економічних відносин; формуванні системи вертикальної і горизонтальної координації дій органів місцево- го самоврядування та територіальних інституцій з метою розширення їх співробітництва у вирішенні задач територіального розвитку; створенні діючої правової бази, яка усуває всі спірні питання в контексті співро- бітництва органів місцевого самоврядування, об’єднаних територіаль- них громад, бізнес-структур та інститутів громадянського суспільства в процесі соціально-економічного розвитку регіонів. Одним з факторів, що впливають на децентралізацію, є національний архетип. Його урахування як на етапі формування, так і на етапі розвитку об’єднаних територіаль- них громад допоможе прийняти зміни і здійснити ефективне управління громадами, їх бюджетами, землею. Однією з основних характеристик новостворених територіальних гро- мад є їх життєздатність. Під сталою громадою ми розуміємо усвідомлено сформоване, економічно, соціально та політично активне співтовариство

17 людей, яке є максимально самодостатнім у своєму існуванні та розвитку з точки зору забезпечення фінансовими та економічними ресурсами з ура- хуванням впливу громадських архетипів. Проведені дослідження щодо функціонування та розвитку територіальних громад показали, що одна з головних причин несталої соціально-економічної ситуації в суспільстві є невідповідність громад вимогам щодо їх існування: кількість членів гро- мади повинна бути не менше можливого рівня для забезпечення фінан- сової автономії, організаційної та правової незалежності, державної під- тримки та безпеки, системної цілісності. Способами забезпечення життєдіяльності об’єднаних територіальних громад, поліпшення соціально-економічної ситуації та створення умов для їх розвитку є проведення адміністративно-територіальної рефор- ми, яка забезпечить вирішення правових, економічних і організаційних проблем з урахуванням впливів суспільних архетипів. Ключові слова: архетипи, об’єднані територіальні громади, адміністра- тивно-територіальна реформа. АРХЕТИПЫ В ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ ОБЪЕДИНЕННЫХ ТЕРРИТОРИАЛЬНЫХ ГРОМАД Аннотация. Экономическое и социальное развитие неразрывно связано с определенной территорией, характеристики которой во многом зависят от ее ориентации и динамики. Его комплексное развитие возможно только при целенаправленном развитии всех элементов с учетом архетипов, присущих данной территории. Территориальные и управленческие составляющие ка- ждой страны являются ее административно-территориальными единица- ми. Вопросы реформирования административно-территориальной системы связаны с актуальными проблемами децентрализации, а исследование роли архетипов в новых объединениях практически отсутствует в отечествен- ных разработках, поэтому заявленная проблематика является актуальной и своевременной. Современными тенденциями в контексте децентрализации потенциала местных органов власти являются: принятие эффективного стратегического документа, определяющего общие цели, тенденции, инструменты и механиз- мы децентрализации во всех системах общественно-политических и соци- ально-экономических отношений; формирование системы вертикальной и горизонтальной координации действий органов местного самоуправления и территориальных сообществ с целью расширения их сотрудничества в ре- шении задач территориального развития; создание эффективной правовой базы, которая устраняет все спорные вопросы в контексте сотрудничества органов местного самоуправления, территориальных сообществ, бизнес- структур и институтов гражданского общества в процессе социально-эконо- мического развития регионов. Одним из факторов, влияющих на децентра- лизацию, является общественный архетип. Его учет позволяет как на этапе формирования, так и на этапе развития объединенных территориальных

18 сообществ, принимать изменения и осуществлять эффективное управление сообществами, их бюджетами, землей. Одной из основных характеристик новосозданных территориальных со- обществ является их жизнеспособность. Под устойчивым сообществом мы понимаем сознательно сформированное, экономически, социально и поли- тически активное человеческое сообщество, максимально самодостаточное в своем существовании и развитии с точки зрения предоставления финансо- вых и экономических ресурсов с учетом влияния общественных архетипов. Проведенные исследования по функционированию и развитию территори- альных сообществ показали, что одной из основных причин нестабильной социально-экономической ситуации в малых сообществах является несоот- ветствие их требованиям жизнеспособности территориальных сообществ: количество членов сообщества должно быть не менее возможного уровня для обеспечения финансовой автономии, организационной и правовой неза- висимости, государственной поддержки и безопасности, системной целост- ности. Способами обеспечения устойчивости объединенных территориальных сообществ, улучшения социально-экономической ситуации и создания ус- ловий для их динамичного развития является осуществление администра- тивно-территориальной реформы, которая призвана решить правовые, эко- номические и организационные проблемы с учетом влияния на сообщества общественных архетипов. Ключевые слова: архетипы, объединенные территориальные сообщест- ва, административно-территориальная реформа.

Problem statement. The develop- pects of functioning of state and public ment of civil society in Ukraine is possi- administration bodies is public trust in ble when taking into account the influ- the actions of the highest and local level ence of social archetypes and processes institutions, however, existing manage- of decentralization of power, which ment mechanisms do not always pro- have come into conflict with the recur- vide the necessary level of public trust rence of authoritarianism (authorita- in authorities. rian society), the tendencies caused by The basis of trust is the interest of the existence of an “old” administrative parties to find the ways to problems so- and territorial system and corruption in lution. The role of trust in formation of power structures. mechanisms for the implementation of Further development of Ukraine is public authority is significant and im- possible, taking into account the emp- plies the existence of public archetypes, hasized problems, subject to a high since trust is considered as a social or level of public trust in public authori- group sentiment, social situation and ties, which also envisages an archetypal social problem, and performs such func- social paradigm. One of the main as- tions as: administration, reduction, or-

19 ganization, optimization of relations et alia [3–7] investigate these problems, and activities, reproduction, regulation the issue of the development of UTC, and balancing of social and cultural di- taking into account the influence of ar- versity, constructing vertical social re- chetypes, the scientific basis of which lations. was created in the Ukrainian science by In Ukrainian society trust is associ- scholars led by E. Afonin [8], as well as ated with the creation of new units — the authors of this article [9], is almost united territorial communities, their uninvestigated among the domestic sci- number at the end of 2018 amounted up entific community. to 806. The united territorial communi- The purpose of the article is to for- ty is a voluntary declaration of the will mulate the justification of scientific and of inhabitants of several villages about theoretical foundations of the develop- the consolidation of their self-govern- ment of united territorial communities ment bodies, provided by paragraph 2 taking into account the influence of ar- Article 1 of the Law of Ukraine “On Lo- chetypes. cal Self-Government in Ukraine” [1], Statement of basic materials. At formed in accordance with the Law of the heart of any economic system lies Ukraine “On Voluntary Association of the archetypal basis. The bottom line Territorial Communities” [2]. The crea- is that property relations are formed tion of the UTC is a vivid example of on the basis of social subconscious per- the results of decentralization taking ception of an object, as one that is the place in Ukraine. UTCs are definitely object of possession, disposal, use, ma- different in terms of the number of peo- nagement of an individual. Without this ple and the quality of their activities, the orientation towards the conscious which is expressed by the indicators of fixation of certain rules and norms does socio-economic efficiency, for example, not work. In our opinion, the use of law the level of management of the com- enforcement in a jury trial in the Uni- bined local budgets. If we go back to ted States is a confirmation of such an trust, its level depends on a number of opinion. influential factors, such as archetypal The basis of democracy is subcon- and economic. If the nature of economic scious as a result of transformation into is well-known: the higher is the finan- the sphere of consciousness, into a con- cial performance of UTC, the greater is sensual democracy. the level of public trust in the authori- In his book, “State Building: Go- ties; the archetypes are innovations in vernance and the World Order in the the concept of modern national science, 21st Century” F. Fukuyama notes that which makes this research relevant and the power of a young state depends on timely. both the desire of ruling elite to build Analysis of recent research and and strengthen statehood, and on their publications. Despite the fact that the ability to establish effective governance problem of development of united terri- and gain recognition of society [10]. torial communities (UTC) is rather new, A. Kolodiy in her work [11] notes many scientists, including S. Batazhok, that the US President A. Lincoln spoke S. Bila, N. Kaminska, G. Monastyrsky of democracy as “a government of peop-

20 le; by people; for people”. He combined to feel unprotected, remains alone with two meanings of the word “govern- his/her needs. The population of a ter- ment” [12], and the translation of his ritory with many unsatisfied needs can- famous phrase into Ukrainian could not be happy. Thus, the alienation of sound like this: “a government created society from happiness arises. by people that exercises governance At first glance, it seems that the pro- with the words of people and for pe- cesses of decentralization and develop- ople”. The phrase “e-government” ment of self-government have nothing (“e-governance”), “school of govern- to do with it. However, they precisely ment” can serve as an example, when refute alienation. the term “governance” is understood Man lives in a certain territory, in a not as a governing body but the pro- specific space. Economic and social de- cess. Therefore, the term “government”, velopment is a resource and is spatially which has got a widespread use in the and inextricably linked with a certain West since the 1980s, requires filling territory, the characteristics of which it with a new content, which is not re- largely depend on its orientation and flected by the word “government”, even dynamics. when they it is referred to as the process Accordingly, archetyping to the or- of political power implementation and ganization, its complex development conducting public policy [11]. is possible in case of the purposeful de- Public policy, in turn, is connected velopment of all its elements, which are with the types of democracy: constitu- the full carriers of system properties. tional, conservative, anarchist, polyar- The territorial and managerial compo- chical, consensual, and convectional. nents of any country are its administra- The “exclusion” or blocking of an arche- tive and territorial units that form its typal imperative in public life dampens administrative and territorial unit. Is- democracy as a power of people. De- sues of reforming of administrative and mocracy loses its meaning as a neces- territorial system are investigated by sary combination of people’s efforts to domestic scientists, but the problems solve problems of joint existence. of formation of united territorial com- It is known from political economy munities in Ukraine remain relevant, that economic relations are formed at including the fact that the territorial the level of society. Lowering the level features of archetypes are not taken of formation of economic relations to into account. the levels of interpersonal relations In a number of countries, includ- leads to the fact that they become the ing Ukraine, the problem of formation social interconnections of convectional of institutionally defined viable admi- or consortial type. nistrative and territorial units that met Thus, we are approaching an impor- the criteria of legal certainty, organiza- tant problem, namely, the alienation of tional completeness and financial and a person from power, territory of resi- economic sufficiency, approaching and dence and his/her community. A man elimination of alienation of people from is the pride’s being. Remaining outside the needs appeared in transformation the pride (community), he/she begins period, arises. Regionalizations, territo-

21 rial decentralization of power and divi- interests of territorial entities of diffe- sion of powers between different levels rent hierarchical levels, overcoming the have been and remain the subject of dis- alienation of a person from living condi- cussions. tions. One of the ways to ensure the sus- G. Monastyrsky believes [6] that a tainability of basic territorial commu- new territorial model of local economic nities, to improve socio-economic situ- development should meet the following ation and create preconditions for the requirements: ensuring optimization dynamic development of municipal en- of the territory of municipal services tities is to carry out an administrative- provision, taking into account the con- territorial reform, which is designed to nection of services, needs, their satis- solve the problem of formation of legal, faction, that is, not only social but also economic and organizational condi- minimum economic expediency; taking tions for effective implementation of into account not the subject, but the re- functions of local self-governmental sult of service provision; understanding bodies [7]. that territorial association is necessary, The issue of reforming the systems but not the only factor of strengthen- of the administrative and territorial ing of territories; clear delimitation of units and local self-governments on powers of state authorities and local the basis of archetypes is closely con- self-governmental bodies; the approxi- nected. The effectiveness of solving mation of power to people; deepening one will definitely affect the solution of of decentralization on the principle of another. According to the experience subsidiarity with the simultaneous for- of European states, the reform of admi- mation of a state monitoring system of nistrative and territorial system and local self-government activities within local self-government systems cannot the legal framework of the state; taking be resolved in time. into account the experience of admi- The implementation of reform of nistrative and territorial reforms of fo- local self-government and administra- reign countries, especially post-social- tive and territorial structure of Ukraine ist countries; the need for the formation on the basis of strengthening of local of a state municipal policy and practical self-government, deepening the decen- implementation of state regional policy; tralization of power, and the use of a taking into account the system of crite- liberal-democratic model of interaction ria for integrating various settlements of central and local authorities is neces- into a single territorial community; en- sary for the development of the coun- suring the formation of a full-fledged try. However, such reformation cannot local government at the secondary le- be formal, unreasonable, indefinite, vel, based on a combination of powers, masking the inappropriateness and ar- mechanism for their implementation chaism of existing model of territorial and responsibility; realization of the administration. To implement it, a com- mechanism of functional integration of mon, agreed political will of the coun- territorial communities; carrying out try’s top leadership is required, taking of administrative-territorial reform on into account the archetypes and social the basis of state-volitional decision;

22 integrated approach to the reform of experience gained on the territory of management model of development of Ukraine were conducted. The results of territories. Their consideration will al- the study allowed us to identify a num- low creating conditions for moderniza- ber of problems, the consequences of tion of management of local economic which will periodically slow down the development. progress towards the reforms. Namely: European integration is the adop- a) The state budget of Ukraine is tion of modern governance models. burdened with the implementation of Modern Europe is: reforms. The whole thing is that decent- • the Europe of self-governing ter- ralization is still costly or, at least, low ritories; effective. According to our forecasts, • the Europe of public administra- the UTCs will be able to reach the real tion, built on the principles of de- financial “capacity” in 3–4 years, and centralization; today their functioning is ensured by • the Europe of regulated regional the principle of subsidiarity. markets. b) Low wages of employees of public The former model of the state system administration bodies. Thus, the UTC in Ukraine was built, on the contrary, will be fraught with the staff shortage. on the principles of centralization. Now One of the ways to save money on ma- we often encounter its rudiments and naging the UTCs should be the num- recurrences. Such remnants should in- ber of staffing standards for individual clude the territorial and administrative units. And individual functions, such division; especially “at the local level”. as organizational work or HR, should Such a division is hopelessly outdated be performed on contract terms (out- and impedes European integration pro- sourcing, which is an effective public cesses. Relapses are usually associated management tool) to similar services with the symbiosis of oligarchs, public created for several UTCs. The mini- sector employees, and criminal pro- mum annual budget of the UTC should secutors on the basis of corruption con- ensure its functioning and, according sensus. to our calculations, should be at least We consider the decentralization UAH 30–40 million. and development of new forms of self- Definitely the district administra- organization of people as rapproche- tions should remain as a suggestion in ment and interpenetration of the Eu- light of this, but they should be trans- ropean way of organizing the life of a formed into public institutions (for ex- society with the preservation of social ample, the prefectures). They should archetypes. In the context of construct- provide solutions to common problems ing a new model, we will present some of 4–6 UTCs (not less, possibly more). considerations regarding the neces- That is, in our opinion, districts should sity and feasibility of functioning of the combine 4–6 UTCs. The district in united territorial communities (UTC) which there are at least 20 thousand and district state administrations people can be capable. (DSA). To substantiate our vision, re- The district state administrations search, study and generalization of the (prefectures) may include:

23 • General department; • Provision of child care and up- • Legal department; bringing conditions; • Department for conducting the • Education of children. state registers of voters; The minimum structure of the ex- • Centers for the provision of ad- ecutive bodies of the UTC can be rep- ministrative services (CPAS); resented as: • Organization of vital activity in • The head; emergency situations; • 2–3 assistants; • Department of culture and others. • The secretary; The criteria for the creation of UTC, • Finance department; in other words, should include: • Communal property department; • Number of people in the UTC • Legal sector; area; • Department of housing and com- • The right of executive bodies to munal services; join small-scale UTCs; • Department of economic deve- • Guarantee of reproduction of the lopment and investment; population and natural resources • Department of architecture and of the territory; construction. • Provision of social sphere; The UTC cannot be a source of cor- • Managerial: an opportunity to ruption or provision for people unable plan development; to do useful work. For example, accord- • The possibility of financial sup- ing to the research results, the average port; annual wage bill for the UTC employees • Project capability (opportunity should be at least UAH 1,5–2 million. to implement local projects); Thus, the DSA should be trans- • The number of the employed formed into a prefecture, or a body that population directly on the terri- would guarantee the observance of the tory of UTC; constitutional provisions (DSAs are • At least 1,000 people (those who the representatives of the guarantor of have a permanent income) are re- the constitution and the provision of quired for the normal functioning human rights) at the local level. The of the UTC; DSA needs to convey new functions • An opportunity to provide spe- that result from the reforms, such as cial facilities; coordination and regulation functions • The optimal population for the (coordination of local reforms) and, UTC is from 5,000 to 10,000– possibly, in part, strategic planning. 12,000; But the existence of the UTC and • Self-sufficiency; the DSA may conflict with the exist- • Providing conditions for safe liv- ing administrative and territorial divi- ing. sion of Ukraine. We should be ready to The UTC is created to maintain this and make appropriate changes and decent living conditions, thus, they remember that some of the problems should provide conditions for public of the UTC cannot be solved without healthcare and rest; the DSA, namely, the regulation of land

24 relations: the land should be nationally public leaders, capable to use public ar- owned and leased; raiding and racket chetypes in their activities. issues, etc. Conclusions and directions for As for the definition of archetypes in future research. In general, ensuring the context of formation of the UTC, it the effectiveness of administrative and should be noted that the formation of territorial reform as one of the areas of modern communities occurs through decentralization in society may be the the prism of public authority. The arti- way of creating the prerequisites for cle [13] states that public authority is the effective functioning of the UTCs, an ability of a person, a social group, an led by public leaders — carriers and dis- institution, an organization to exercise seminators of public archetypes and the their will through certain means. The DSAs. Further research will address nature of public power is often deter- the personality of public leaders of the mined also by the category of will, that UTC and an archetypal component of is, through action of the subjects, the making optimal managerial decisions. bearers of political will, who seek to capture reality, subjugate themselves to References objective existence, actively form the 1. Zakon Ukrainy “Pro mistseve samovri- vital functions of society. aduvannia v Ukraini” : vid 27.03.1997, An important role is played by a pub- № 280/97 [The Law of Ukraine “On lic leader — an authoritative member of Local Self-Government in Ukraine” society, whose particular influence ena- from 27.03.1997, № 280/97]. (1997). bles him/her to play a significant role Vidomosti Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrai- in social processes. A public leader is a ny — Bulletin of of person who is able to influence others Ukraine, 24. Retrieved from https:// in order to integrate common activi- ties aimed at satisfying the interests of [in Ukrainian]. community and is guided by the arche- 2. Zakon Ukrainy “Pro dobrovilne obiednannia terytorialnykh hromad” : types [13]. We believe that the head of vid 05.02.2015, № 157-VIII [Law the UTC can influence the effective- of Ukraine “On Voluntary Associa- ness of the community through means tion of Territorial Communities” from of public leadership, which results in 05.02.2015, № 157-VIII]. (2015). awareness of social archetypes that can Vidomosti Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrai- provide an understanding of social pro- ny — Bulletin of Verkhovna Rada of cesses that affect development of the Ukraine, 13. Retrieved from https:// UTC. Understanding and awareness create conditions for community activ- [in Ukrainian]. ity in implementing all initiatives to en- 3. Batazhok S. H. (2016). Dokhody mist- sevykh biudzhetiv yak osnova finanso- sure its functioning. All this takes place voi nezalezhnosti orhaniv mistsevoho within the framework of decentraliza- samovriaduvannia [Revenues of local tion, illustrated by administrative and budgets as the basis of financial in- territorial reforms. The success of the dependence of local self-government latter is determined by effectiveness of bodies]. Formuvannia rynkovykh the UTC, which should be headed by vidnosyn v Ukraini — Formation of

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27 UDC: 316.012:141.7 DOI: 2224-2019-18-3-28-42 Afonin Eduard Andriyovych, Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Chair of Public Policy and Political Analytics, National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, 03057, Kyiv, Str. Anton Tsedik, 20, tel.: +38 067 244 4659, e-mail: bpafonin@ ORCID: 0000-0002-7493-6907 Афонін Едуард Андрійович, доктор соціологічних наук, професор, професор кафедри публічної політики та політичної аналітики, Національна ака- демія державного управління при Прези- дентові України, 03057, Київ, вул. Антона Цедіка, 20, тел.: +38 067 244 4659, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-7493-6907 Афонин Эдуард Андреевич, доктор социологических наук, профессор, профессор кафедры публичной политики и политической аналитики, Националь- ная академия государственного управле- ния при Президенте Украины, 03057, Ки- ев, ул. Антона Цедика, 20, тел.: +38 (067) 244 4659, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-7493-6907 Martynov Andrii Yuriyovych, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Leading Researcher, Department of History of International Relations and Foreign Policy of Ukraine, Institute of History of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 01001, Kyiv, Str. Hrushevsky, 4, tel.: +38 044 483 1572, e-mail: martynov.andriy@gmail. com ORCID: 0000-0002-9802-5980 Мартинов Андрій Юрійович, доктор історичних наук, професор, провідний науковий співробітник відділу історії міжнародних відносин і зовнішньої політики України, Інститут історії України НАН України, 01001, Київ, вул. Грушевського 4, тел.: +38 (044) 483 1572, e-mail: martynov. [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-9802-5980

28 Мартынов Андрей Юрьевич, доктор исторических наук, профессор, ведущий научный сотрудник отдела истории международных отношений и внешней политики Украины, Институт истории Ук- раины НАН Украины, 01001, Киев, ул. Грушевского 4, тел.: +38 (044) 483 1572, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-9802-5980


Annotation. The article is devoted to the evolution of the social institute of science, its interrelation with social needs, the influence of the archetypes of in- dividual and collective on the innovative activity of a scientist. It is proved that the basis of the development of modern as postmodern rational society is the phenomenon of innovation, which is produced by the social institute of science. In particular, we are talking about the fact that science can be considered in dif- ferent contexts: as a specific system of special knowledge, as a system of social institutes that are oriented towards innovation, and as a search for truth. The so- cio-psychological nature of scientific knowledge is revealed, which is related not only to the individual achievements of the researcher, but also to the manifesta- tion of the collective unconscious, in particular archetype-logos as an intangible cultural-historical result of the development of the social institute of science. An application of the national model of 'Universal Landmark Cycle' for the research institute of science, which allows considering the social institute of the natural logic of its cultural-historical formation and development. Based on the idea of the Frenchman Gilbert Durand on the existence of two classes of archetypes (logos and myths), the focus is on the two psychosocial varieties of the scientist (rational and irrational) and the results of their participation in the innovation process. The first ones are inclined to articulate innovative ideas, the source of which 'the inspiration' is archetype-logos, while others are naturally inclined to produce new myths, the source of which is the archetype-mythos. In conclusion, the arti- cle aims at conducting a special study of the evolutionary logic of the innovation process from antiquity to the present with the allocation of 'subject specificity' in this process of each of the socio-historical epochs. The task is also to determine the mechanisms of the interrelation of the individual innovative conscious and archetypal collective unconscious. Keywords: archetype, individual, innovation, collective, logos, mythos, science, psychosocial type, social institute, universal epochal cycle. АРХЕТИП ЯК ДЖЕРЕЛО ІННОВАЦІЙНОГО ПРОЦЕСУ Анотація. Стаття присвячена еволюції соціального інституту науки, його взаємозв’язку з суспільними потребами, впливу архетипів індивідуального

29 та колективного на інноваційну діяльність вченого. Доводиться, що в основі розвитку сучасного — постмодерного раціонального суспільства лежить фе- номен інновації, який продукується соціальним інститутом науки. Зокрема, мова йде про те, що науку можна розглядати в різних контекстах: як специ- фічну систему спеціальних знань; як систему соціальних інститутів, орієнто- ваних на інновації; як діяльність, націлену на пошук істини. Розкривається соціально-психологічна природа наукового знання, яка пов’язана не тільки з індивідуальними досягненнями дослідника, а й виявом колективного не- свідомого, зокрема архетипу-логосу як нематеріального культурно-історич- ного результату розвитку соціального інституту науки. Обґрунтовується застосування вітчизняної моделі “Універсального епохального циклу” для дослідження інституту науки, яка дає можливість розглянути цей соціаль- ний інститут у природній логіці його культурно-історичного становлення і розвитку. Спираючись на ідеї француза Жільбера Дюрана про існування двох класів архетипів (логос і міфос), акцентується увага на двох психосоці- альних різновидах ученого (“раціонала” й “ірраціонала”) і результатів їх уча- сті в інноваційному процесі. Перші виявляють схильність до артикуляції ін- новаційних ідей, джерелом-“натхненником” яких виступає архетип-логос у той час, як інші природно налаштовані на продукування нових міфів, джере- лом яких виступає архетип-міфос. У висновку стаття скеровує на проведен- ня спеціального дослідження еволюційної логіки інноваційного процесу від античності до сучасності з виокремленням “предметної специфіки” в цьому процесі кожної із суспільно-історичних епох. Ставиться також завдання ви- значення механізмів взаємозв’язку індивідуального інноваційного свідомо- го і архетипного колективного несвідомого. Ключові слова: архетип, індивідуальне, інновація, колективне, логос, мі- фос, наука, психосоціальний тип, соціальний інститут, універсальний епо- хальний цикл. АРХЕТИП КАК ИСТОЧНИК ИННОВАЦИОННОГО ПРОЦЕССА Аннотация. Статья посвящена эволюции социального института науки, его взаимосвязи с общественными потребностями, влиянию архетипов ин- дивидуального и коллективного на инновационную деятельность ученого. Доказывается, что в основе развития современного — постмодернистского рационального общества лежит феномен инновации, который продуцирует- ся социальным институтом науки. В частности, речь идет о том, что науку можно рассматривать в различных контекстах: как специфическую систему специальных знаний; как систему социальных институтов, ориентированных на инновации; как деятельность, нацеленную на поиск истины. Раскрывает- ся социально-психологическая природа научного знания, которая связана не только с индивидуальными достижениями исследователя, но и проявле- нием коллективного бессознательного, в частности архетипа-логоса как не- материального культурно-исторического результата развития социального института науки. Обосновывается применение отечественной модели “Уни-

30 версального эпохального цикла” для исследования института науки, которая дает возможность рассмотреть этот социальный институт в естественной логике его культурно-исторического становления и развития. Опираясь на идеи француза Жильбера Дюрана о существовании двух классов архетипов (логос и мифос), акцентируется внимание на двух психосоциальных типах ученых (“рационала” и “иррационала”) и результатах их участия в иннова- ционном процессе. Первые проявляют склонность к артикуляции инноваци- онных идей, источником-“вдохновителем” которых выступает архетип-логос в то время, как другие естественно настроены на продуцирование новых ми- фов, источником которых выступает архетип-мифос. В заключении статья направляет на проведение специального исследования эволюционной логи- ки инновационного процесса от античности до современности с выделением “предметной специфики” в этом процессе каждой из общественно-истори- ческих эпох. Ставится также задача определения механизмов взаимосвязи индивидуального инновационного сознательного и архетипного коллектив- ного бессознательного. Ключевые слова: архетип, индивидуальное, инновация, коллективное, ло- гос, мифос, наука, психосоциальный тип, социальный институт, универсаль- ный эпохальный цикл.

Problem statement. Postmodern flection concerns the psychosocial as- rational society, the key mechanism of pects of the formation of a postmodern development of which is innovation knowledge society, in which the acqui- and the innovation process, actualize sition, dissemination, assimilation and the problems related to the functioning production of new knowledge is not and development of the social institute only a result of the cognitive activity of of science. The latter can be considered a separate investigator-individual, but in various epistemological contexts, in also the manifestation of a specific class particular: as a special system of know- of archetypes-logos as a cultural and ledge; as a specific system of public insti- historical result of the development of tutions designed to produce, store and a social institute of science [1]. disseminate knowledge; and as a speci- The purpose of the article is an at- fic kind of activity aimed at obtaining tempt to apply the national model of certain cognitive results. At the same the Universal Epochal Cycle for the time, the deepening of the social and study of the social institute of science psychological nature of the develop- and the sources of its development in ment of scientific knowledge requires the modern postmodern society. an adequate reflection on both the Analysis of recent researches and historical aspects of the development publications. An overview of scientific of science and the latest tendencies in literature on the issue of research sug- scientific and theoretical synthesis and gests that the social institute of science applied research. First of all, this re- (as well as other social institutions)

31 has its own development logic. At the community. In the end, these values individual level, it lies in the various are the ethos of science and acade- phases of the work of the scientist, mics as a professional social community. when in stages the birth of new ideas, In general, the concept of sociology of their testing and processing of research science, proposed by R. Merton in the results, the search for new, often intui- literature, was called the normative ap- tive solutions occurs. At the social and proach. Instead, the cognitive concept civilizational levels, science is today of the sociology as science, proposed by influenced by the socio-cultural envi- M. Malkey, puts the cognitive function ronment and, in particular, under the of science in direct dependence on its influence of the diversity of other so- social function. cial institutions of society. Max Weber The key hypothesis advanced in this in 1921 study, devoted to world reli- article relates to the attempt to consi- gions, concluded that in the process der within the framework of the cycli- of division of labour science excels in cal conception of socio-historical de- an industry under the influence of 'a velopment and the various stages of the certain configuration of social values' evolution of the social institute of sci- [2, p. 30]. Another German sociologist ence: from pre-classical, classical, non- K. Mannheim considered the socio- classical and post-classical science. At logy of knowledge not only as a result each of these stages of institutionali- of thinking, but also as a consequence zation of science, which correspond to of the ordering of the stock of know- the individual stages of the deployment ledge available in social reality. In his of the universal epochal cycle (revolu- opinion, knowledge must correct the tion, involution, co-evolution and evo- historical and cultural process on the lution) [4, p. 139–210], specific tasks basis of adequate understanding and are solved. explanation of its social essence [3, Thus, science becomes an instru- p. 46]. Robert Merton in the book Sci- ment for solving specific socio-histo- ence, Technology & Society in England rical tasks that arise on the way of the of the Seventeenth Century, published formation and development of society. in 1938, noted that the basic values In accordance with the concept pro- of Puritan morality, that is, utilitaria- posed by O. Conte, these tasks become nism, rationalism, individualism, had a evident in the context of two invariant decisive influence on the institutional types of cognitive activity as follows: features of contemporary European (1) myth-making as a form of actualiza- science. Among these values, R. Mer- tion of ancient traditional knowledge; ton highlighted: universalism, that is, and (2) experiment, rationalization and attempts to assess all knowledge in social practice: not only as a criterion terms of their compliance with univer- of truth, but also as an element of com- sal criteria of science, their universality munication with specific social needs. or the availability of scientific research Moreover, each new stage in the deve- results to the entire scientific commu- lopment of science, as if on the model nity, because the results of research of a doll, imparts the achievements of are estimated by the whole scientific predecessors and creates the precondi-

32 tions for the subsequent cultural-his- lated from the external forms of objects torical periods of innovation. and things into internal ones, includ- Presentation of the main material. ing psychological ones), but also by First of all, it is important to note that in group, professional, caste, ideological the modern innovation process, as well and other attitudes and interests. The as in its early cultural-historical forms experiment and the logic of scientific of the Roman Antiquity and the En- argumentation are of particular impor- lightenment, the leading role is played tance in these conditions. Accordingly, by scholars who, like representatives of the rational psychosocial type of scien- Greek-Roman Alchemy, combine intui- tist becomes the dominant one. tive (mystical) and rational methods of We recall that at the end of the 19th cognition, which update and relevant century F. Engels in the labour 'Dia- psychological mechanisms for ensuring lectics of Nature' (1872), referring to the needs for the functioning and de- the social needs in the scientific under- velopment of science. So, we are talking standing of the world, suggested that about people of a certain psychological the classification of the sciences in the composition (psychosocial type [5]) basis of which put the form of move- and their psychological mechanisms as ment of matter as follows: Mathema- follows: (1) intuition and intuitive think- tics, Mechanics (including Astrono- ing, as a sensory-perceptual set that my), Physics, Chemistry, Biology, the provides the connection of man with Science of Thinking and the Science of the treasury of innumerable riches of Society [7, p. 564–571]. In this form, archetype-logos (one of the varieties of this classification reflects tendencies the collective unconscious), and (2) ra- in the development of fundamental tionality, which, at least since the insti- and applied sciences in the West. But tutional self-determination of classical in the beginning of the 21st century, it European science has become and until becomes clear that the natural sciences recently remained the dominant. Both substantially outstripped the humani- of these start-up research activities are ties in shaping the scientific picture of the two ends of the Ariadne thread, the world. In particular, this applies to which lead scientists to find truth laby- the applied component of management rinths. not only material, but also social world. The Epoch of Postmodernism, as In view of this, under the new the summit of civilizational modernity, conditions, the British philosopher sets out a new rational vector of deve- G. Ryle proposed (1949) the typology lopment of science; nevertheless, the of knowledge by type of knowledge mythological as a regulator of intuitive 'how' and knowledge 'what' [8, p. 318– thinking, which in general changes the 319]. From a purely rational, even uti- social conditions of the conditioned litarian point of view, knowledge means knowledge [6, p. 10]. The content of to be able to do something. At the same the knowledge gained today is deter- time, theoretical, fundamental under- mined not only by the nature of the standing of applied synthesis lags be- object of cognition altered by nature hind today in the West from purely ap- (when the focus of attention is trans- plied research, which creates a modern

33 specific crisis of the Western paradigm is the result of development. It arises, of science. Instead, for the Eastern sci- changes under the influence of inter- entific tradition, fundamental research nal contradictions and turns into their was peculiar, which is now reoriented opposite. True, he considered nature on applied interdisciplinary scientific after the act of creation as an unchang- research. ing data, and according to the laws of However, another cycle earlier, dur- development gave the right to exist to ing the Enlightenment, I. Kant pro- knowledge and society only. posed to find a general and correct cri- Instead, K. Marx determined the so- terion of truth for any knowledge [9, cial practice by the criterion of objec- p. 159]. However, looking for a speci- tive truth. In his view, the technologi- fied universal criterion outside the cal revolution is an impetus for social historical method, that is, the interpre- change. At the same time, the victories tation of the relationship between the of technology seem to be bought at development of science and the inte- the cost of moral degradation of man rests of various social groups, ideolo- and society. All our discoveries, all our gies, specific historical events, is im- progress lead to the fact that material possible. In particular, I. Kant tried to forces are endowed with intellectual find an answer to the question of how life, and human life, devoid of its intel- Logic based Mathematics can be ap- lectual component, goes down to the plied to the nature sciences, which are level of simple material power. based on observation and experiment. Consequently, understanding the This outstanding citizen of Konigsberg nature of knowledge should cover the believed that time and space exist in our process of the emergence, develop- minds regardless of any experience. The ment, verification and change of sci- time-spatial continuum is a transcen- entific paradigms, as well as the social dental a priori prerequisite for experi- organization and ethos of science and ence. Therefore, according to Kant, scholars. And the Sociology of Know- Arithmetic and Algebra, which arose ledge should include the study of so- on the basis of the idea of time, and cially determined history of scientific Geometry that is related to space can thought. In this unanimous opinion, be used in empirical knowledge. The the Polish researcher B. Skaragh intro- above knowledge is systematized using duces the concept of 'intellectual for- twelve main categories that describe mation', which is important for the So- certain things in terms of quantity and ciology of Knowledge, as an aggregate quality, finality and infinity, random- of forms and essential content of think- ness and necessity, and so on. In es- ing in a certain historical period [10, sence, this is knowledge of the outer p. 13]. Directly the development of the side of things. The inner side of the Sociology of Knowledge, the definition 'thing in itself' is inaccessible to know- of its subject field and the range of re- ledge by the mind. search is associated with German so- G. Geogel made a significant con- ciologists, first of all, Max Weber, who tribution to the Sociology of Know- made a significant contribution to un- ledge, who noted that any knowledge derstanding the ethos of the scientist,

34 considering science as a vocation and the empirical. In the process of re- profession, and Carl Mannheim, who search, artefacts can be found that do also considered the phenomenon of the not fit into the old scientific paradigm development of the European science and require new hypotheses and theo- through the prism of the Sociology of ries for the purpose of their interpreta- Knowledge [2, p. 127]. tion. Finally, the emergence of a new Beginning from the 60s of the 20th paradigm T. Kuhn calls the scientific century, considerable attention in the revolution [11, p. 25]. publications devoted to the coverage of However, in today’s conditions of the historical and social aspects of the development of post-classical science development of science, was devoted more adequate, in our opinion, is a cy- to the problems of the social conse- clic model of the development of sci- quences of the scientific and techno- ence. Each of its cycles consists of four logical revolution. Within the frame- periods (revolution, involution, co- work of the classical Marxist paradigm, evolution and evolution) and the total the key role of science’s progress was number of such cycles is today three. recognized as a prerequisite for the In our opinion, this model more clearly social liberation of human. After all communicates the historical aspects of F. Engels noted that production is mov- the development of scientific know- ing science forward faster than a dozen ledge. universities. Especially characteristic 1. In particular, the revolutionary of this phenomenon was for the dawn stage of the First Cycle of Science De- of the Industrial Era in the history of velopment, associated with its emer- mankind [3, p. 42]. gence as a kind of intellectual activity The social dynamics of gaining new in the Ancient East and in the Ancient knowledge in the conditions of growing World. Science arises as a result of the tendencies in the development of the distribution of words and words of man scientific and technological revolution and the surrounding world, subject and has led to an in-depth development of object, knowledge and ethics. the socio-philosophical interpretation At the same time, according to the of the genesis of scientific knowledge. Platonic idea expressed in the involu- So, in 1962, Thomas Kuhn pub- tionary period of human history, reality lished the work The Structure of Scien- was divided into the world of ideas and tific Revolutions, in which he proposed the world of human existence. A spe- a two-stage model of the mechanism cialist in the History of Ancient Phi- for the development of science as a so- losophy A. Losiev noted that the ideas cial institution. That is, at a normative of Plato can be interpreted and purely stage a certain paradigm is established. from materialistic positions as an un- Scientists who adhere to it form a spe- derstanding of the essence, that is, the cific community that exists and func- totality of the main characteristics of tions in accordance with its standards certain things and processes. That’s and scientific criteria. At this stage, how Aristotle interpreted his teacher. there is a clarification of the facts, ap- But Plato understood knowledge as probation of theories that agree with the reflection by human organs of the

35 senses of the higher world of ideas as tific tradition were adapted by Arabian 'a kind of movement from ideal to ma- medieval scholars primarily in encyc- terial', in which philosophers, through lopaedic form. Instead, the Europe- the help of intuition, is better able to ans, thanks to the Crusades, the sub- know the world. In these intermediate sequent trade and cultural exchange, precision results of knowledge, accord- once again received access to the he- ing to the supporters of the Platonic ritage of ancient thought. Along with School, gives Mathematics. Physics, the revelation as the supreme source of which is mainly based on observation, knowledge, intelligence was allocated gives the most imperfect knowledge. as a source of knowledge about the sec- At the same time, Aristotle, unlike rets of the world, the logic of the abi- Plato, emphasized that the ideas, on lity to consistently think, as well as sen- the contrary, are generalizing the es- sory knowledge as the source of many sence of things and only the latter re- mistakes. However, it was on sensory ally exist. Therefore, the main source knowledge that was based on various of knowledge is not the abstract know- experimental studies that eventually ledge of ideas, but the study of real con- stimulated the development of modern crete things, phenomena and processes. science. According to Aristotle, the most valu- 2. The Religious Reformation Era able knowledge is given by research, changed the perception of the place of which is based on observation and man in the world, stimulated new para- logic, that is, Physics and Mathemat- digms in the development of scientific ics. It was Aristotle, who first built the knowledge, both fundamental and ap- formal-logical structures of knowledge, plied. A peculiar symbol of empirical and began to characterize scientific knowledge the Second Cycle of Deve- knowledge as a network of statements lopment of Science as the involutionary related to each other according to the Renaissance (14th–16th centuries) and laws of Logic. the evolutionary Enlightenment (17th– In general, the science of the Greek 18th centuries) became the aphorism of Era (involutional) and Roman (evo- English politician and thinker Francis lutionary) Antiquity was intellectual Bacon 'Knowledge is the power' that he elite of free people only, who were formulated in the methodological work not engaged in physical labour. World New Organon (1620). From this time, view of the Greeks who adored nature, exact sciences become directly related ruled out the possibility for active ex- to experiment and Mathematics. The perimentation. Apparently, a certain leading role of the experiment signifi- dichotomy between Platonic and Aris- cantly influenced humanitarian know- totelian approaches to the Theory ledge in the context of attempts to of Knowledge eventually provoked build mechanistic models of society. differences between traditional and In the 16th and 18th centuries, inten- purely scientific knowledge, between sive development of factories, which intuition and reason. Moreover, these require the solution of a number of contradictions continue to this day. technical problems. In these socio- Elements of the Greek ancient scien- historical conditions, R. Descartes

36 solves the problems of Mechanics, and whole and the social qualities of an in- F. Bacon puts forward the key thesis of dividual in this Era are exclusively be- a new science, sets it the goal of domi- havioural categories of irrational. nation over nature in order to improve In fact, the rational features of soci- the welfare of society and improve ety, science and culture are acquired in production. Thus, the modern ethos of postmodern society, which originates science was formulated [12, p. 54]. from the events of the Great Depres- A special place in the history of sci- sion (1929–1933) in the United States, ence is the Period of the Enlighten- spread after the World War II in Wes- ment, which is identified with the be- tern Europe and Japan, and gaining ginning of the evolutionary stage of the new strength in the late 20th — early development of scientific knowledge 21st century in the rest of the world, in- of the Second Epochal Cycle. Finally cluding in the Post-Soviet Space. in the 17th century greatly influenced Paradoxically, but at the current the development of science rationa- evolutionary stage of the development lism (R. Descartes, B. Spinoza and of science and electronic information G.-B. Leibniz) and empiricism (F. Ba- communications, when sensory know- con, J. J. Locke). ledge on the screen of a personal com- Rationalists emphasized the excep- puter again becomes a leading form of tional importance of evidence-based intellectual activity, the human mind is logical knowledge. Instead, empiri- again in a virtual reality that is subject cism sought to answer the question to the rationalism of mathematical pro- of a source of knowledge about a real, gramming logic only. changeable sensory world, which is Finally, the socio-cultural condi- not identical to purely mathematical tionality of modern society and its schemes. In particular, D. Hume noted scientific innovations, which have that if the only source of knowledge is substantially advanced the European a feeling, then it is impossible to know society, is illustrated by the historical if there is anything outside of them, we example of the use of gunpowder. In can know nothing but feelings. particular, it is known that its proper- 3. Complex and controversial ties were first discovered by Chinese turned out to be the Third Cycle of alchemists, but its military use was Science Development, associated gunpowder in Europe. The Chinese with the Social Modernity Era (18th — used it predominantly for holiday fire- early 20th century) and the Postmo- works, and Europeans, mainly used dern (mid-20th — early 21st century). In to inflict the maximum damage to the particular, the philosophical thought enemy. However, the greatest conse- of the Modernism Era, which it began quences of this invention have caused the Great French Revolution (1789– in Europe not much medieval castles 1794), mainly gives this social-histor- and chivalry, as feudal social culture as ical epoch a rationality as a term in the a whole, stimulating the first sprouts of broadest sense that signifies wisdom, centralized national states. consciousness, and the opposite of ir- In the 19th and early 20th centuries, rationality [13]. Instead, society as a the nature of the relationship between

37 science and society gradually changes. social perception, being perceived as a By accumulation of a rich heritage of guaranteed right. It is an institutiona- empirical knowledge, science summa- lized and legitimate symbolic capital, rizes the achievements of practice and which is inseparable from the academic goes on to more effectively solve the rank [15, p. 75]. The development of problems that practice put it before scientific and technical research stimu- it. Moreover, engineering thought and lates a wave of new social practices, the scientific creativity develop in parallel. patenting of scientific discoveries, and Karl Popper, in particular, noted that so on. knowledge is evolving, not faster than Access to information and the speed the feedback is formed through the at- of its receipt changes our imagination tempt of their verification and valida- in terms of global and regional boun- tion. Therefore, in his opinion, changes daries. And our intellect essentially in society will also take place no sooner changes traditional social practices and than there will be a request for verifica- material production. The determinants tion of the acquired social knowledge of this are innovation, education and in society. qualifications. Characteristic features A fundamentally new stage in the of classical European scientific know- development of scientific knowledge ledge are attempts to achieve the grea- came from the beginning of scientific test possible efficiency. The motivation and technological progress, which sig- of cognition, being one of the defining nificantly influenced social relations. It features of human nature, tries to reach should be noted that the technological the thought of the most mysterious and factor has always played a significant most dangerous depths of truth as to role not only in economic and social the secrets of the nuclear structure and processes, but also influenced the for- the origins of the human genome. mation of the political system of the The new communicative environ- modern world. Americans Elvin Tof- ment transforms the very nature of fler, in describing the agricultural, in- information and the information net- dustrial and post-industrial epochs, work of sociality. Thanks to the com- and Francis Fukuyama, who rightly municative revolution, mankind was pointed out that the industrial age given the opportunity to spread his with its factories, railways and a new knowledge quickly. High technologies social structure enabled the emergence and biotechnology change the human and functioning of the Weberian cen- world. For a long time, opportunities tralized state [14, p. 94]. for cloning a person are putting pres- Strengthening the institutional sure on established religious beliefs and influence of science during the scien- values. Total computerization changes tific and technological revolution is the perception of the material and vir- associated with a change in the social tual worlds, when in the first of them is status of a scientist. In the context the physical body of human, and in the of this trend, the French sociologist second — his spirit. P. Bourdieu considers professional or Consequently, the more effective the academic rank as a certain legal rule of science becomes, the less capable it is to

38 find the answer to the question of the In the current transitional state, meaning of human existence. In view Ukrainian society and most countries of of this, new mechanisms of interaction the world are 'experiencing' institutio- between scientific and social processes nal changes, eroding social structures, are needed. The thought of the ancient weakening social ties, and breaking Greeks remains relevant only: the one, the hierarchy of factors that constitute who progresses in the Sciences, but mechanisms for the reproduction of so- lags behind in morality, rather regresses cial structures. In particular, the causal than progresses. That is, the advantage relationship underlying the rational sci- of purely cognitive rationalist scientific entific method is eroded [17, p. 308]. procedures, oriented mainly on utilita- As a result, the temporary failure of rian daily needs, pushes the normative certain technical solutions, as a pro- functions of science to the foreground. duct of a scientific model of the vision Russian scientist S. Kara-Murza right- of the world, is as insolvent as the mo- ly emphasizes that science replaced the del itself. So, any technical problems church as the highest authority that le- are fundamentally impossible to solve gitimizes the political system and social in one model, are solved in another. order [16, p. 6]. In the end, we cannot tell today what In general, for the first time, the exactly historically driven knowledge acute sense of the crisis of the scientific set yesterday, tomorrow will be disa- vision of the modern world picture was vowed. Recognizing the probable na- observed at the turn of the 19th and 20th ture of knowledge, we must agree with centuries, when the discovery of an the thesis that predictions of the past electron buried hopes for the atom as are as complex as predicting the future the foundation of the Universe. At the [18, p. 212]. beginning of the 21st century, the Rus- Thus, we can state that at the cur- sian philosopher Alexander Panarin rent transitional stage of social deve- rightly emphasized the change in the lopment, as the applied knowledge is ideological atmosphere in the scientific systematized, the social need for fun- environment. The idea of progress that damental theoretical understanding of has matured in the depths of science such achievements increases. First of has become one of the main reasons for all, it concerns the scientific tradition the ideology of industrialism; it seems that has taken shape in the transatlan- to be experiencing a crisis with it. The tic civilization. Instead, the current main postulates of the idea of progress scientific crisis in the countries of the are put into question (doubt). Firstly, East and the South can be regarded as it was doubtful that the artificial, cre- transforming their former fundamental ated by the recipes of advanced scien- science towards highly specialized ap- tific knowledge is better than natural plied research, and hence the need for or inherited from ancestors. Secondly, interdisciplinary communication and denied belief in the infinity of progress, comparativism is needed to maintain a finally, thirdly, the idea of socio-cul- holistic scientific vision. tural uniqueness of progress is rejected The current evolutionary stage in [17, p. 91]. the development of science, which we

39 are unilaterally linked to today with the paradigm of post-classical science for influence of the processes of globaliza- the Western and Eastern civilizational tion (universalization), is in fact under habitats. the influence of a situation in which, Conclusions and prospects for fur- as Scottish sociologist Roland Robert- ther researches. The passage of the son notes, 'global and local tendencies cultural-historical analysis of the de- complement and interpenetrate each velopment of the Institute of Science other, although in specific situations can in the article proves the existence of a come into collision' [19]. In this context, tight relationship between the psycho- the President of the International So- social properties of the scientist and the ciological Association, A. Martinelli, results of its innovation activity. In this points out, that international academic regard, it seems expedient to expand associations, are trying to strengthen with the use of the domestic metho- the prestige and influence of a particu- dological model of 'Universal Epochal lar professional community. Therefore, Cycle'. It is a special complete (from international scientific associations in antiquity to modernity) analysis of the the field of social sciences are called to study of the logic of the formation and promote global governance by enrich- development of the innovation process, ing public discourse at the world level, while highlighting the followings: through an honest analysis of various • 'Subject specificity' in the innova- dimensions of globalization [20, p. 25]. tion process of each of the socio-histo- This also applies to research tasks in rical epochs; the field of Sociology of Knowledge • Sources of development of the and its historical aspects, consisting space of archetypes of the collective un- of interdisciplinary and comparative conscious, based on the theory of the studies designed to promote the search phased formation of the intellectual for a new paradigm of post-classical action of Petr Galperin, in particular, science. its components, such as: genesis (ma- Today, however, the attention of terial, materialistic, perceptual, exter- scientists from most countries of the nal real and intrapersonal forms), and world who work in various fields of structure (Indicative basis: Knowledge knowledge focuses on the needs of ap- and Operational Bases) of intellectual plied research, and therefore there is an action; accumulation of substantial amounts • Socio-historical stages of 'develop- of applied knowledge, which will re- ment' and 'production' of archetypes of quire and theoretical reflection. This the collective unconscious in their rela- task becomes relevant for the Western tionship with the innovation process; transatlantic civilizational area, which • Subjects-‘translators’ of archetypes is now torn up by a new post of post- of the collective unconscious in the inno- modern perspective on the develop- vation process in their relationship with ment of the Institute of Knowledge. psychosocial properties and varieties of It is the multidimensional property archetypes of logos and myths; of the tasks of the institute of science • Features of the relationship of the today, in our opinion, defines a new collective unconscious with the scientific

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42 UDC: 351.7 DOI: 2224-2019-18-3-43-57 Bakai Andrii Evgenovich, postgraduate student National academy of public administration under President of Ukraine, Deputy Head of Department — Head of the Operational Medical Depart- ment of the Health Department, Administra- tion of the State Border Service of Ukraine 03057, Kyiv, Str. Antonа Tsedika, 20, tel.: +38 067 652 53 68, е-mail: a.e.bakai@ukr. net ORCID: 0000-0001-8752-2159 Бакай Андрій Євгенович, аспірант кафедри соціальної і гумані- тарної політики Національної академії державного управління при Президентові України, заступник начальника управлін- ня — начальник оперативно-медичного відділу управління охорони здоров’я, Адміні- страція Державної прикордонної служби України, 03057, Київ, вул. Антона Цедіка, 20, тел.: +38 067 652 53 68, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-8752-2159 Бакай Андрей Евгеньевич, аспирант кафедры социальной и гуманитарной политики Национальной академии го- сударственного управления при Президенте Украины, заместитель начальника управ- ления — начальник оперативно-медицинского отдела управления здравоохранения, Администрация Государственной пограничной службы Украины, 03057, Киев, ул. Ан- тона Цедика, 20, тел.: +38 067 652 53 68, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-8752-2159

ARCHETYPICS OF SOURCE OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE STATE SYSTEM OF MEDICAL DEFENCE OF POPULATION OF UKRAINE IN EMERGENCIES Abstract. The article discusses the archetypical sources and regulatory frame- work for the functioning of the state system of medical support and protection of the population of Ukraine in emergency situations, describes modern problems and suggests new approaches in organizing public administration of medical sup- port for the population of Ukraine in emergency situations and meeting the needs of the population in medical protection emergency situations of peacetime and wartime.

43 The main forms of organization of the health care system in emergency situ- ations were characterized, the key problems in the organization of medical pro- tection were evaluated (as a system of organizational and managerial measures and their implementation), attention was paid to the expediency of combining and sharing civil-military bodies and operational management systems in the aftermath emergency situations using international experience in organizing an integrated system of medical care, that, under certain conditions, will allow to achieve compatibility in matters of medical support in joint peacekeeping opera- tions, defined the concept of “medical care” and “medical protection”, conducted a theoretical justification of the need for structural and organizational transfor- mations in the health care system. The necessity of further development of the general medical care system with preservation of the security component on the basis of a single medical space and its integration into the national health care system was noted. Analyzed models of interdepartmental cooperation in matters of medical sup- port of the population, reviewed the existing bodies of management of medical protection of the population and design forms of interdepartmental cooperation in emergency situations of a military and peaceful nature, confirmed the feasibi- lity of improving the mechanisms of interdepartmental interaction in organizing medical assistance to victims in emergency situations. The main prerequisites for building a joint medical space of departmental medical services and the civil health system are identified, which necessitates the centralization of the mechanisms for managing medical protection of the popula- tion, defining and introducing common principles for organizing medical care, developing and implementing new strategies and programs for interagency and interagency cooperation. Keywords: archetypical sources of systemic development, medical support, management of medical protection. АРХЕТИПНІ ДЖЕРЕЛА РОЗВИТКУ ДЕРЖАВНОЇ СИСТЕМИ МЕДИЧНОГО ЗАХИСТУ НАСЕЛЕННЯ УКРАЇНИ В НАДЗВИЧАЙНИХ СИТУАЦІЯХ Анотація. Розглянуто архетипні джерела і нормативно-правові основи розвитку та функціонування державної системи медичного забезпечення і захисту населення України у надзвичайних ситуаціях, визначено сучасні проблеми та запропоновано нові підходи до організації публічного адміні- стрування медичним забезпеченням населення України у надзвичайних си- туаціях та реалізації потреби населення в медичному захисті при виникнен- ні надзвичайних ситуацій у мирний і військовий час. Наведено характеристику основних форм організації системи охорони здоров’я у надзвичайних ситуаціях, проведено оцінку ключових проблем з організації медичного захисту (як системи заходів організаційно-управлін- ського характеру та їх реалізації), наголошено на доцільності об’єднання та спільного використання цивільно-військових органів та систем оперативно-

44 го управління при подоланні наслідків надзвичайних ситуацій з викорис- танням міжнародного досвіду в організації інтегрованої системи медичного забезпечення, що за певних умов дасть змогу досягнути сумісності з питань медичного забезпечення у спільних операціях з підтримання миру, визна- чено поняття “медичне забезпечення” та “медичний захист”, проведено тео- ретичне обґрунтування необхідності структурно-організаційних трансфор- мацій системи охорони здоров’я. Наголошено на необхідності подальшого розвитку загальної системи медичного забезпечення зі збереженням безпе- кової складової на засадах єдиного медичного простору та її інтеграції в за- гальнодержавну систему охорони здоров’я. Проаналізовано існуючі моделі міжвідомчої кооперації з питань медич- ного забезпечення населення, розглянуто існуючі ограни управління медич- ним захистом населення та проектні форми міжвідомчої взаємодії у надзви- чайних ситуаціях воєнного і мирного характеру, підтверджено доцільність удосконалення механізмів міжвідомчої взаємодії з організації медичної до- помоги постраждалим у надзвичайних ситуаціях. Визначено основні передумови побудови солідарного медичного про- стору відомчих медичних служб та цивільної системи охорони здоров’я, що зумовлює необхідність централізації механізмів управління медичним захи- стом населення, визначення та впровадження єдиних принципів організа- ції медичної допомоги, розроблення і реалізації нових стратегій та програм міжсекторальної та міжвідомчої взаємодії. Ключові слова: архетипні джерела системного розвитку, медичне забез- печення, управління медичним захистом. АРХЕТИПНЫЕ ИСТОЧНИКИ РАЗВИТИЯ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЙ СИСТЕМЫ МЕДИЦИНСКОЙ ЗАЩИТЫ НАСЕЛЕНИЯ УКРАИНЫ В ЧРЕЗВЫЧАЙНЫХ СИТУАЦИЯХ Аннотация. Рассмотрены архетипные источники и нормативно-правовые основы функционирования государственной системы медицинского обеспе- чения и защиты населения Украины в чрезвычайных ситуациях, охаракте- ризованы современные проблемы и предложены новые подходы в организа- ции публичного администрирования медицинским обеспечением населения Украины в чрезвычайных ситуациях и реализации потребности населения в медицинской защите при возникновении чрезвычайных ситуаций в мирное и военное время. Охарактеризованы основные формы организации системы здравоохра- нения в чрезвычайных ситуациях, проведена оценка ключевых проблем в организации медицинской защиты (как системы мер организационно-управ- ленческого характера и их реализации), акцентировано внимание на целесо- образности объединения и совместного использования военно-гражданских органов и систем оперативного управления при ликвидации последствий чрезвычайных ситуаций с использованием международного опыта в органи- зации интегрированной системы медицинского обеспечения, что при опреде-

45 ленных условиях позволит достичь совместимости в вопросах медицинско- го обеспечения в совместных операциях по поддержанию мира, определено понятие “медицинское обеспечение” и “медицинская защита”, проведено теоретическое обоснование необходимости структурно-организационных трансформаций в системе здравоохранения. Отмечена необходимость даль- нейшего развития общей системы медицинского обеспечения с сохранением безопасности составляющей на основе единого медицинского пространства и ее интеграции в общегосударственную систему здравоохранения. Проанализированы модели межведомственной кооперации в вопросах медицинского обеспечения населения, рассмотрены существующие органы управления медицинской защитой населения и проектные формы межве- домственного взаимодействия в чрезвычайных ситуациях военного и мир- ного характера, подтверждена целесообразность усовершенствования ме- ханизмов межведомственного взаимодействия в организации медицинской помощи пострадавшим в чрезвычайных ситуациях. Определены основные предпосылки построения солидарного медицин- ского пространства ведомственных медицинских служб и гражданской си- стемы здравоохранения, что обусловливает необходимость централизации механизмов управления медицинской защитой населения, определения и внедрения единых принципов организации медицинской помощи, разработ- ки и реализации новых стратегий и программ межсекторального и межве- домственного взаимодействия. Ключевые слова: архетипичные источники системного развития, меди- цинское обеспечение, управление медицинской защитой.

“The path to the essence of the phenomenon lies through its definition” Aristotle

Formulation of the problem. In the lex, and the mechanisms of overcom- complex of the important problems of ing them are beyond the scope of the the national security (national policy independent realization within the sys- of Ukraine) the issue of effective ad- tem itself. The perception and aware- ministration, reforming and creating ness of the essence and the necessity new sectoral administration systems of the systemic changes will accelerate today occupy a prominent place. The the process of reforming the profile of transformational processes taking the healthcare sector and optimize the place in Ukraine extend their influence mechanisms of regulation of the pos- on all the spheres of the public life. sible transformations that are the ba- Most of the problematic issues in the sis for the development of the modern organization of the medical protection civilization, society, human, etc. of the population in the nationwide There is no doubt that the interac- system of the medical care are comp- tion of the public authorities is a de-

46 cisive element in inter-sectoral rela- maintaining a single medical space of tions with regard to the provision of the state as an instrument of systemic medical care to the population. For changes in the administration of the example, the medical services of the industry and determine the order of ci- military formations use the existing vil-military interaction on emergency forces, resources and skills to provide medical care require the population of medical protection of the population in Ukraine (on the solidarity principle), the overall system of the civil-military the development and implementation cooperation in emergency situations of a generally recognized strategy to of war and peace, although this is not be developed for a system of medical their main operational function. support for the defense forces with the In such situations the organization achievement of the strategic goal “The of the interaction between the civil goal of the Ukraine-NATO partnership and military organizations is a key is- G5404 “Reforming the medical sup- sue. The creation of effective commu- port system” and the implementation nication links between the public ad- of the steps (indicators) of the govern- ministration actors, interdepartmental ment’s priority action plan in the field approval of the practical actions and a of defense and security of Ukraine are clear implementation of the common needed. opinion will allow at the state level to The relevance of the topic is con- perform joint infrastructure projects, firmed by the hybrid challenges that invest in the profile industry and, ul- create tangible medical and social con- timately, to create a single operational sequences and continue to have a nega- and medical space of Ukraine. tive impact in the present and distant The issue of the regulatory and le- future and is that the problem of pro- gal regulation of the functioning of the viding medical assistance in emergency medical care system during the special situations during a state of emergency period, the state of emergency, and and other crisis situations has a mul- other crisis situations in Ukraine is also tidimensional nature that necessitates gaining significance. the centralization of the mechanisms Under these circumstances, the ex- for administrating the system of the isting form of healthcare organization medical protection, the definition and needs to identify and define the stra- implementation of the common princi- tegies (possible scenarios) for respond- ples for the organization of the medical ing and organizing the public health assistance, elaboration and implemen- during emergencies, and identifying an tation of new strategies and programs effective mechanism for inter-agency for the intersectorial and interdepart- cooperation as an instrument of the mental cooperation, including medical public healthcare administration of the training programs, functional integra- population of Ukraine. tion of the departmental healthcare The principles and policies of the structures of all the forms of owner- organizing medical support for the ship, application of common standards Ukrainian defense forces in the general (norms) on general principles, and the healthcare system, the creation and like.

47 Analysis of the recent publications Describing the general state of re- on the issues and identification of pre- search of the system of the public ad- viously unsettled parts of the general ministration of medical protection of problem. The conceptual principles of the population in emergency situations the interaction of politics and adminis- of military and peace time, it should be tration, social globalistics, social prob- noted that the overwhelming majority lems of the formation of the Armed of the scientific works reveal exclu- Forces of Ukraine were initiated and sively the question of narrow-profile founded by the founder of the scien- internal support (V. Bily, A. Verba, tific schools of military-social studies, V. Livinsky, H. Roshchin) and does not social globalistics and the architecture takes into account the need for a “comp- of the public administration, Professor rehensive approach to the study of the E. A. Afonin [1–4]. A number of social and humanitarian problems of works are devoted to the definition a military organization carried out on of the theoretical foundations of the an interdisciplinary basis and on the social archetype by O. V. Sushiy [2; basis of international cooperation” 4–6]. (E. A. Afonin) [3]. The questions of the public admin- The purpose of the article: the istration of the medical protection in study of the principles of the organiza- emergency situations were investiga- tion of the system of medical care and ted by P. Volyansky [7], S. Huriev [8], civil-military cooperation in emergen- N. Guselyetova, L. Zhukova, A. Mosti- cy situations of war and peace time in pan, A. Terentyeva. terms of modernizing the system of the Possible mechanisms for intera- medical protection administration and gency coordination of the efforts to practical steps to overcome the prob- form a unified medical space in over- lems of medical care in different peri- coming the health consequences of ods, as well as determining the direc- emergencies and planning of health- tions and ways to improve it. care provision at the local level were Presentation of the main research investigated by N. Zahoruiko, N. Iskra, material. Increasingly, the concept of R. Maydanchyk, O. Melnyk, I. Slichko, “health of the nation” is recognized as a V. Tarasyuk. P. Klimenko, O. Mazu- key factor in the stability and develop- renko, O. Nabochenko, Ya. Radysh, ment of the state and society. Particu- A. Stoyka examined the mechanisms of lar importance is given to the function- inter-sectoral interaction between the ing of the system of medical care of the state authorities and public associa- population of Ukraine under various tions at the regional level. operational conditions in a special pe- The experience of medical support riod, emergency state and other crisis of NATO troops in the organization of situations. the medical protection of the personnel Each sphere of the social life has its and population in emergencies is con- own logic and rhythm of the deploy- sidered in articles by M. I. Badyuka, ment of cycles, any one may be un- A. V. Barovska, V. O. Zhakhovsky [9], finished or interrupted through both O. H. Shekera. external historical and immanent in

48 relation to the subject circumstances level, it affects both implicit order, that [4]. In the process of the social trans- is, the archetypical field. formation fundamental changes occur The transformational processes tak- not only at the external — the social- ing place in Ukraine extend their influ- institutional level of the social system, ence on all the spheres of the public life but also in the deep structures of [6]. In connection with the change in the human existence [5]. The Ukrai- the socio-political vector there was an nian Revolution of Dignity and the objective need to adapt the principles military-political conflict in the East and policies of the organization of me- of the country not only changed the dical care in emergency situations to in- role of the state in the modern world, ternational doctrinal standards, which but also showed the western world determined the need for a scientific the power and invincibility of the search for ways to accomplish these Ukrainian spirit. The British historian tasks, taking into account the multifa- A. Toynbee rightly said: “Physically, ceted components of the organization the material future depends a little on of the healthcare system in Ukraine. us. An earthquake can ruin our home. In its turn, the non-aligned status Let the stones be destroyed, but the of Ukraine did not provide protection light that illuminates our path does of the state from the aggressive foreign not fade away. In the end, there will be policy. In view of the fact that the in- something that should be. Even if it is ternational obligations regarding the different” [5]. independence, sovereignty and invio- The need for optimization and lability of Ukraine’s borders proved to modernization of the processes of the be incapable of guaranteeing external social interaction, of course, implies a security, there was a need for radical reliance on the basic philosophical and changes and the formation of new prin- scientific traditions that reveal the es- ciples of the state policy in the field of sence of the organizational space of the the national security. Taking into ac- human life. The experience of the con- count the goals and tasks of Ukraine’s flict century clearly demonstrates that foreign policy and the priorities of the a number of powerful social crises are strategic partnership, we consider it accompanied by unprecedented free- useful, first of all, to turn to the experi- dom in choosing the theoretical and ence of organizing the medical support methodological interpretations in the of the military-political alliance “The research of archetypes of the collective North Atlantic Treaty Organization” unconscious in the formation of all the (NATO) in order to apply the com- forms of social relations and interac- municative instruments of the inter- tion (according to C. G. Jung). Since national cooperation and their further the elements in explicit form are always use in the field of medical protection in resonance with their implicit and of the population. That is, the practi- unrepresentative sources (which can cal value of the cooperation within the be considered as “archetypal”, accord- framework of the Governmental pro- ing to C. G. Jung), when the event is grams of Ukraine-NATO cooperation configured appropriately at an explicit will, in our opinion, be based on the

49 possible use of the international expe- World Health Organization, the Inter- rience in constructing its own emer- national Red Cross, NATO, etc., de- gency response model (organization of veloped a concept and basic principles the medical care system in crisis situa- for the use of the civilian and military tions). components in coping with the effects In 2014, E. A. Afonin argued that of emergencies that are called “Guide- “today, unfortunately, no comprehen- lines for the use of the Armed Forces sive study of the social and humanita- and Civil Defense Forces” [10]. At the rian problems of the military organi- same time, the coordination of actions zation, carried out on an interdiscipli- to overcome the consequences of emer- nary basis and on conditions of inter- gencies is proposed to be implemented national cooperation, has been found, through the development of joint plans although the need for such studies is to overcome the consequences of emer- obvious” [3]. gencies and interaction and organiza- At the same time, overcoming the tion of information and analytical sup- consequences of emergencies has al- port under the standard forms of the ways required the organization of a UN and NATO. multi-level administration system. The The literature distinguishes be- harmonization of the normative legal tween the concept of medical care and acts of the national legislation with the medical protection of the population provisions of the directives of the Eu- and military contingents by defining ropean Community and the European the medical care as a system of mea- Union (ratified by the Verkhovna Ra- sures for the preservation and strength- da of Ukraine in 2014) provides for the ening of the health, prevention of the development of a new provision on the emergence and spread of the diseases, State Service for Disaster Medicine, provision of medical care, treatment its structure and tasks, the procedure and rehabilitation after injuries (dis- for interaction with the state struc- eases). The concept includes organiza- tures and public associations providing tional, treatment and evacuation, sani- emergency medical care to the victims tary and hygiene and anti-epidemic of emergencies. measures, medical supplies, training The public administration of pro- of the military medical personnel and viding medical assistance to victims the scientific solution of the problems of an emergency should become an in- of military medicine. The implemen- tegrated set of measures of legislative, tation of these measures is ensured by executive and supervisory nature, car- the availability of appropriate regula- ried out by the public authorities in the tory framework, appropriate logistics, field of medical protection of the popu- a clear management system, quality lation as a component of a single state communication and information sup- civil protection system [1]. port. It should be emphasized that in In contrast, the medical protection 2007 the international organizations is a complex of administrative, legal, such as the UN Office for the Coor- organizational, planning and practical dination of Humanitarian Affairs, the measures aimed at preventing or re-

50 ducing the degree of the human suffer- task of which is to provide free medical ing as a result of an emergency, timely care to the affected population in the provision of emergency medical care area of emergency and during evacu- and ensuring sanitary and epidemio- ation to the medical institutions on a logical well-being. The medical protec- daily basis and in a special period. The tion of the population includes the use medical formations of the State Disas- of forces and facilities of health care ter Medicine Service are deployed on institutions regardless of the form of the evacuation routes of the victims, ownership [12]. One of the most im- provide them with the reception and portant components of this process is provision of state-guaranteed medical the organization and interagency coor- care, that is, they organize and provide dination of the administration process. emergency medical care at the pre- The analysis of the status of the le- hospital stage, primary and secondary gislative and regulatory framework on (with elements of specialized) medical the issues of medical protection of the assistance to the victims in the event population of Ukraine in emergencies of an emergency situation of the regio- and during a special period indicates nal and state levels (based on the size the imperfection of the tools of the in- of sanitary losses). Consequently, the teraction in the single medical space of medical emergencies are carried out by the state. The main disadvantage of the the forces and means of the central and regulatory and legal regulation of the territorial levels, regardless of the de- medical care of the population in emer- partmental subordination. gency situations is the lack of a definite It should be emphasized that for mechanism for bringing the organiza- today the disaster medicine service, as tional-staff structure of disaster medi- the State Service, is a subsystem of the cine to functioning in the state system State Civil Defense that has been de- of medical protection of the popula- veloped at the central and regional le- tion. The procedure for the transfer of vels. The centralization of the struc- the departments of the State Service ture is conditioned by the need for for Disaster Medicine to work in emer- centralization of administration at an gency situations of a special period extraordinary event of the state level is also not defined [8]. However, the by all the forces of the Civil Defense, responsibility for the organization of including the forces and means of the timely and consistent measures taken medical protection, with the possibili- to provide adequate medical care and ty of the formation and delivery of lo- treatment of the victims is entrusted to gistic resources, with a time constraint. the authorities in the affected areas. That is, the public administration of The organizational component of the provision of medical care to the vic- the state system of healthcare in emer- tims during the special period, the state gency situations in Ukraine is the of emergency, other crisis situations to Disaster Medicine Service as a special date is an integrated set of methods type of regional specialist rescue medi- of public administration that provide cal service of the Emergency Medical a system of legislative, executive and Center and Disaster Medicine the main supervisory nature of the state bodies

51 in the field of medical protection of the valid and subject to unconditional ful- population. In this context it is neces- fillment [8]. sary to determine the mechanisms of The normative legal basis for the the interaction between the public ad- functioning of the system of medical ministration bodies in the organization care of the population in emergencies of the medical protection of the popula- in Ukraine is formed by the Constitu- tion. Accordingly, when implementing tion of Ukraine and the Law of Ukraine a set of measures during a special pe- “Fundamentals of the Legislation of riod, a state of emergency, other crisis Ukraine on Healthcare”. In accordance situations, it is difficult to organize the with the requirements of the legal field, interaction between all the involved the Law of Ukraine “On Emergency actors and control over the exercise of Medical Aid” [13] and, in part, the re- their functional responsibilities, which quirements of the Law of Ukraine “On ultimately affects the responsiveness the Civil Defense of Ukraine” [12], and efficiency administration [11]. which define the organizational and It should be emphasized that the legal basis for providing the citizens of issues of reorganization of the system Ukraine and other emergency medical of the forces and means of medicine assistance, including emergency situa- of disasters and medical protection of tions and their consequences, and the the population during the operation foundations for the establishment, ope- of a special period, state of emergency, ration and development of an emergen- other crisis situations by the relevant cy medical care system [13]. state authorities (including for norma- At the same time, in the event of a tive creation activities) are ground- military threat, it is necessary to take lessly postponed. The loss of the vali- into account the volume, strengths dity of a number of fundamental and resources, accessibility and accept- Laws of Ukraine “On Civil Defense of able standards of the military and civi- Ukraine” (1993), “On Emergency Ser- lian health systems. Thus, at the initial vices” (1999), “On Protection of the stage of the organization of medical Population and Territory from Emer- care in the event of an emergency situa- gencies of Technical and Natural Cha- tion in wartime, the medical services of racter” (2000) resulted in non-compli- the Ukrainian Defense Forces must be ance with the requirements of the arti- prepared to provide assistance not only cles of direct effect of these laws. At the to wounded servicemen, but also to the same time, due to the errors in the sys- injured and sick civilians. The forces tem of the state legal regulation of the and resources of the military health functioning of the service of medicine system may be limited, and the civi- for disasters (at the current stage of re- lian needs can be difficult to quantify. forming the system of the medical pro- It should also be understood that the tection of the population of Ukraine), provision of direct medical assistance normative acts of direct action, that to servicemen while participating in have not been canceled by the govern- territorial defense and the repression of ing body, that it has approved, in the armed aggression can seriously weaken general legal practice are considered the local and healthcare resources.

52 The ability of the military to deploy ditions for joining NATO [14]. One of medical resources in a short time under the ways of forming the national de- any operational conditions, using spe- fense capabilities is the modernization cialized infrastructure and an existing of the military healthcare with con- well-coordinated administration sys- centration of efforts on medical care tem makes them extremely effective. in possible conflicts and the maximum Under such circumstances, the organi- civil-military cooperation in the field zation of the interaction between the of healthcare. The development of a military and civilian and the health- democratic society based on European care facilities is a key issue. values increases the requirements for Thus, in order to bring the issues the state of health of the population of normative and legal regulation in- of Ukraine in modern conditions. The to the system of medical care of the public control over the military struc- population in emergency situations in tures ensures the observance of the Ukraine, the review of functions and legislation on the social protection of tasks of the organs and units that form the servicemen, first of all, its medical and ensure the policy of the medical component. protection of the population should In our opinion, the main reason for be completed in Ukraine in order to the inadequacy of the medical care sys- avoid duplication of the departmental tem in the conditions of hybrid threats administration systems, distribution is the lack of basic legal acts that would of responsibilities of the administra- determine the theoretical basis for or- tors and their subordinate administra- ganizing the system of training the ci- tion bodies, reflecting the objectives of vil and military healthcare for work in medium-term planning in the relevant emergency situations and mechanisms strategic and operational development for organizing the medical support for programs indicating the specific imple- the servicemen and civilians in war mentation dates. time. The implementation of the provi- The wide range of hybrid challenges sions of the Military Medical Doctrine and threats to the national interests of Ukraine and the state target program of Ukraine necessitates a well-consi- for its implementation will ensure the dered state military policy and effec- creation of a modern, sustainable and tive strategy in the area of reforming effective system of military healthcare and development of the Armed Forces that will become a full-fledged com- of Ukraine and law-enforcement bo- ponent of the national health system dies — the subjects of the national se- on the platform of the unified medical curity. One of the main goals of the space of the state [9]. National Security Strategy of Ukraine The use of the military formations is the consolidation of the rights and in modern conditions takes place in a freedoms of the man and citizen, the complex security environment. The provision of a new quality of economic, troops can be involved not only in social and humanitarian development, fighting, but also in restoring the infra- Ukraine's integration into the Euro- structure both in Ukraine and abroad, pean Union and the formation of con- including for providing medical care

53 to the civilian population. That is, the efficient and rational use of the medical system of the medical support for the resources, ensuring standardization of defense forces is largely integrated the medical care provision in emergen- with the civilian health system [8]. cy situations, conducting evacuation, The civil-military cooperation on rehabilitation through the construc- healthcare issues is proposed to be im- tion of a system of medical care on the plemented through the introduction of basis of common principles. The legal general administration, coordination, basis for their development is the laws interaction, information support and of Ukraine and other normative legal joint planning. The Ministry of Health acts on state defense and healthcare. of Ukraine accordingly provides the The principles and policies reflect the readiness of the health facilities, other system of views, guidelines, regulations necessary forces and facilities for the and requirements for the organization provision of medical assistance during of the medical care and do not detail a special period, emergency, and other the individual components and clinical crisis situations. aspects. The systemic changes in the global At the same time, the integration of and regional security have led to new the military system of medical care into threats to the sovereignty and terri- a single medical space involves a func- torial integrity of Ukraine, which can tional combination of the forces and be implemented according to different means of the medical services of the scenarios from an armed conflict on defense forces and the civilian health the state border to full-scale armed ag- system in order to maximize the imple- gression, requires the military medical mentation of the capacities while pre- system to be in constant readiness and serving organizational independence. capable of medical support not only for Conclusions and perspectives of military contingents, but also the civi- further research. The analysis makes lian population on various options for it possible to conclude that the effec- its use, both independently and in co- tive functioning of the state system of operation the civil system healthcare, the medical protection of the popula- which necessitates the adoption and tion in emergency situations of war and approval of unified principles and poli- peace time is possible in the conditions cies of the medical support. of definition of the uniform principles The principles and policies of the and policy of the organization of the medical care are a set of principles, interaction between the coordination provisions and uniform organizational bodies of administration. requirements for the order of medical With the functional unification of provision of all the components of the the administration bodies and the in- defense forces while performing state troduction of horizontal administra- defense tasks by ensuring, at the na- tive links, the medical services acquire tional level, interagency coordination the ability to provide assistance to the of the activities of the medical services victim more fully and effectively. of departmental subordination and the When introducing the doctrinal civil health system from the purpose of principles and practice of providing

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57 UDC: 351:35.078.3 DOI: 2224-2019-18-3-58-73 Bielska Tetiana Valentynіvna, Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Pub- lic Administration, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, 61002, Kharkiv, Marshal Bazhanov Str., 17, tel.: +38 (066) 450 62 12, e-mail: tanya_ [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2792-4700 Бєльська Тетяна Валентинівна, доктор наук з державного управління, доцент, доцент кафедри менеджменту і публічного адміністрування, Харків- ський національний університет міського господарства ім. О. М. Бекетова, 61002, Харків, вул. Маршала Бажанова, 17, тел.: 066 450 62 12, e-mail: tanya_belska@ ORCID: 0000-0002-2792-4700 Бельская Татьяна Валентиновна, доктор наук по государственному управлению, доцент, доцент кафедры менеджмента и публичного админис- трирования, Харьковский националь- ный университет городского хозяйства им. А. Н. Бекетова, 61002, Харьков, ул. Маршала Бажанова, 17, тел.: +38 (066) 450 6212, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2792-4700 Lashkina Mariia Hryhoriivna, psychologist-conflictologist, PhD in Pub- lic Administration, Assistant-consultant of People Deputy of Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 01005, Kyiv, Str. Hrushevskogo, 5, tel.: +38 (050) 397 2912, e-mail: maria. [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-8331-1853 Лашкіна Марія Григорівна, психолог-конфліктолог, кандидат наук державного управління, помічник-консультант народного депутата України, Верховна Рада України, 01005, Київ, вул. Грушевського, 5, тел.: 050 397 29 12, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-8331-1853

58 Лашкина Мария Григорьевна, психолог-конфликтолог, кандидат наук по государственному управлению, помощ- ник-консультант народного депутата Украины, Верховная Рада Украины, 01005, Киев, ул. Грушевского, 5, тел.: +38 (050) 397 29 12, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-8331-1853

ARCHITICS OF MODERNITY: UKRAINIAN MEASUREMENT Abstract. The authors claim that “populism” as a phenomenon becomes the archetype of the modern world. They point out that populism is based on the emo- tional and irrational nature of fear and the self-preservation instinct. The authors determine that all the psychological traumas of previous generations affecting modern social life were imprinted in the collective unconscious. At the same time, new archetypes that are grown and been formed, become a factor in influencing the behavior of a generation of people. The article justifies that the information-communicative world, which is deve- loping rapidly, is the instrumental basis of populism. It is stated that the moderni- zation of countries around the world, easy access to global information networks and the widespread use of smartphones give people the opportunity to use the Internet. Social networks are one of the most popular online activities. It is indicated that the media in the modern society life play an important and at the same time dangerous role, replacing the function of informing the popula- tion to form certain attitudes, ideas and thoughts. The authors claim that modern information resources are primarily aimed at manipulating the public conscious- ness, which is controlled by governments of different countries, owners of televi- sion channels, and are used as a propaganda weapon. Under such conditions, the authors predict, the archetype of populism will increase its influence on the sub- conscious during democratic electoral races. The article proves that the ground for the development and flourishing of the archetype of “populism” in Ukraine is very fertile, because the society is trauma- tized in the third and second generation and is experiencing post-traumatic psy- chological syndrome of famine, repressions, loss of statehood, Russian aggression in Eastern Ukraine, therefore, the use of “populism” in society will only increase and will contribute to making of irrational decisions. At the same time, there is a public demand for change and the need for a self- actualized introverted active person. Keywords: archetype, populism, democracy, netocracy, governance, electoral process, Ukrainian school of archetype. АРХЕТИПИ СУЧАСНОСТІ: УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ВИМІР Анотація. Автори стверджують, що “популізм” як явище стає архетипом сучасного світу. Вони вказують, що популізм базується на емоційній та не-

59 раціональній природі страху та інстинкті самозбереження. Автори визнача- ють, що в колективному несвідомому закарбувалися всі психологічні травми попередніх поколінь, ґрунтується сучасне соціальне життя, вирощуються та наповнюються нові архетипи, які стають фактором впливу на діяння цілого покоління людей. У статті обґрунтовується, що інструментальною основою популізму є інформаційно-комунікативний світ, який стрімко розвивається. Стверджу- ється, що модернізація країн по всьому світу, спрощений доступ до світо- вих інформаційних мереж і широке використання смартфонів дають людям можливість користуватися Інтернетом. Соціальні мережі є одним з найпо- пулярніших онлайн-видів діяльності. Вказується, що засоби масової комунікації в житті сучасного суспільства відіграють важливу та водночас небезпечну роль, замінюючи функцію ін- формування населення на формування певних поглядів, ідей і думок. Ав- тори впевнені, що сучасні інформаційні ресурси спрямовані, насамперед, на маніпулювання суспільною свідомістю, яка контролюється урядами різ- них країн, власниками телевізійних каналів і використовується як пропа- гандистська зброя. За таких умов, прогнозують автори, архетип популізму під час демократичних виборчих перегонів нарощуватиме свій підсвідомий вплив. У статті доведено, що ґрунт для розвитку та процвітання архетипу “по- пулізму” в Україні є дуже плідним, оскільки наше суспільство має травму і в третьому і в другому поколінні та переживає посттравматичний психоло- гічний синдром голодомору, репресій, втрати державності, російської агресії на сході України, тому використання “популізму” в суспільстві буде тільки посилюватися та сприятиме прийняттю нераціональних рішень. Водночас існує запит суспільства на зміни та потребу самоактуалізованої інтровертної активної людини. Ключові слова: архетип, популізм, демократія, нетократія, управління, виборчий процес, Українська школа архетипіки. АРХЕТИПЫ СОВРЕМЕННОСТИ: УКРАИНСКОЕ ИЗМЕРЕНИЕ Аннотация. Авторы утверждают, что “популизм” как явление становится архетипом современного мира. Они указывают, что популизм базируется на эмоциональной и нерациональной природе страха и инстинкте самосохране- ния. Авторы определяют, что в коллективном бессознательном отпечатались все психологические травмы предыдущих поколений, влияющие на совре- менную социальную жизнь. Одновременно выращиваются и наполняются новые архетипы, которые становятся фактором влияния на действия целого поколения людей. В статье обосновывается, что инструментальной основой популизма яв- ляется информационно-коммуникативный мир, который стремительно раз- вивается. Утверждается, что модернизация стран по всему миру, упрощен- ный доступ к мировым информационным сетям и широкое использование

60 смартфонов дают людям возможность пользоваться Интернетом. Социаль- ные сети являются одним из самых популярных онлайн-видов деятельности. Указывается, что средства массовой коммуникации в жизни современного общества играют важную и одновременно опасную роль, заменяя функцию информирования населения на формирование определенных взглядов, идей и мыслей. Авторы уверены, что современные информационные ресурсы на- правлены, прежде всего, на манипулирование общественным сознанием, ко- торое контролируется правительствами разных стран, владельцами телеви- зионных каналов и используются как пропагандистское оружие. При таких условиях, прогнозируют авторы, архетип популизма во время демократиче- ских избирательных гонок будет наращивать свое влияние на подсознание. В статье доказано, что почва для развития и процветания архетипа “по- пулизма” в Украине является очень плодородной, поскольку наше общество имеет травму и в третьем и во втором поколении и переживает посттравма- тический психологический синдром голодомора, репрессий, потери государ- ственности, российской агрессии на востоке Украины, поэтому использова- ние “популизма” в обществе будет только усиливаться, будет способствовать принятию нерациональных решений. В то же время существует запрос общества на изменения и потребность самоактуализированного интровертного активного человека. Ключевые слова: архетип, популизм, демократия, нетократия, управле- ние, избирательный процесс, Украинская школа архетипики.

“There are no Jungian archetypes, every seer sees what does he suggest to his education?” Umberto Eco

Problem statement. The statement, comprehension of contemporary poli- which became the epigraph of this ar- tics. ticle, belongs to the famous contempo- Within the framework of the Ukrai- rary writer Umberto Eco. He used it in nian School of Archetype (further — his book “Hot Wars and Populism in UScA), the question of the existence of the Media” that focuses on the influ- various types of archetypes, their mani- ence of the media on the formation of festation and transformation in society not only the agenda, but also thoughts and the emergence of new ones under and approaches to decision-making, to the influence of the information space politics. Writers and art people in non- have been repeatedly raised. Archetypi- systemic transitional and turbulent cal methodology allows us making a chaotic times tend to more accurately deep analysis of the psycho-emotional sense the content of what is happening; and psycho-traumatic state of the so- therefore, it is necessary to rely on their ciety and its consequences. Jungian ar- thoughts and ideas in the analysis and chetypes that are entrenched in stereo-

61 typed logic, simplify the view of modern roots on the example of the Ukrainian processes and help to identify and un- society. derstand those schematic matrices that Analysis of recent publications and underlie the collective unconscious and identification of previously unsolved influence social behavior in modern life. parts of the general problem. In politi- In this sense, we can say that Jung was cal science, populism as a phenomenon a visionary, since he proposed a metho- is studied not so long ago, and in the dology for understanding the processes majority it is interpreted as political of a rich informational and communi- technology, and not as a psychological cative modern world in which we live phenomenon, therefore, most of it is with you. analyzed by journalists and political sci- The described strategic archetypes entists. The modern journalistic study of the Logos, Samostos, Tini, Animi of the American journalist John B. Ju- and Animus, Chaos give impetus to an dis “The Great Populism” [1] reflects understanding of the formation of self- the historical context of the growth of identity, national identity and identity, populism in the United States. but do not explain the phenomenon of In the Ukrainian contemporary po- societal that exists in a globalized and litical science, I. Becker [2], M. Demia- global world. And the world continues nenko [3], V. Kavka [4], I. Kiyan [5; 6], to rapidly globalize, despite the tempo- N. Khoma [7]) were engaged in prob- rary populist factor of nationalism, and lems of populism. Extremely relevant it is no resistance to anyone. are the works of professor and a ideo- Experts say that in the collective un- logical inspirer of the Ukrainian school conscious, all the psychological injuries of archetype E. Afonin [8], who in his of previous generations were captured. monitoring of societal changes in so- The social life is based on these injuries ciety recently captures an increase in of conscious and unconscious, and new categories that identify the identity of archetypes are grown and filled with self-actualized introvert active person. these traumas, which also become a O. Sushi [9] and S. Sibiryakov [10] factor of influence for generations. In studied archetypal manifestations of modern practice of the informational socio-psychological phenomena and the and communicative globalized world, environment on the mass conscious- new archetypal forms arise, in particu- ness. O. Donchenko [11] formulated lar archetypes: “democracy,” “com- the foundations of fractal psychology mon European values,” “nationalism,” and expanded the content of the matrix “populism,” and others. New arche- archetype. The works of K. Jung and types become forms and constructions all his followers are also important for on which the mentality of the new us; M. Maffesoli [12], who discovered generations is based, therefore they re- the phenomenon of modern tribalism; quire a separate and careful scientific J. Duran [13], K. Levy-Strauss [14] and analysis. In our study, we propose to others. consider the popular and widespread In the scientific searches of the phenomenon in the modern world — UScA, whose representatives have been “populism,” to consider its archetypal actively studying the Ukrainian soci-

62 ety for ten years with the help of the previous generations. “A living system, methodology of archetypal manifesta- whether it wants to or not, realizes or tions, the current archetypes that arise, only feels, becomes a hostage to the be- including under the influence of the havioral features acquired by previous existing information field, are still in- living systems” [16, p 26], — Haeckel- sufficiently researched. The hypothesis Muller, the author of the biogenetic law, of our scientific analysis is that such a interprets in the nineteenth century. phenomenon as “populism” has become It is believed that democracy as an an archetype that appeared and evolved ideological and institutional concept because of the traumas of society that arose in ancient Greece; its main pos- were encapsulated in the subconscious, tulates were developed in the works of were not used and not lived that was J. Locke, D. Gobes, S. Louis de Montes- based on and brought up during the quieu, other thinkers and statesmen of years of phobias, which, in turn, rely on the Renaissance. The values that were a strong emotion of fear and a natural invested in understanding of the con- human self-preservation instinct. tent of this political regime, as an ideo- Purpose of the article — to conduct logical concept, are already almost se- a descriptive analysis of those arche- venteen centuries, if we count from the types of the present that are inherent in Antiquity! At the same time, research- the Ukrainian society, but which, at the ers of tribal societies argue that democ- same time, are typical threats and are racy was inherent in prehistoric tribes, contagious for the entire international where the power belonged not only to space of the world. To realize this, we the leaders but also to the elders, repre- will try to conduct a descriptive intel- senting the representative power of the lectual analysis, using the interpreta- people. We can state that “democracy” tion of the ideas of K. Young to under- is an archetype, the planform on which stand the archetypal nature of populism social practices of interaction and trust and democracy in order to understand are based [17]. the phenomenon of identity. Dale A. Bertelsen in the paper “Me- Statement of the basic material. dia Form and Government: Democracy The concept of collective unconscious as an Archetypal Image in the Epoque that is based on certain schemes, arche- Age” [18] convinces that participatory types, was the result of K. Jung’s search democracy functions as an archetypal [15] of comprehension and explana- image that dominates political think- tion of too rational models of society’s ing and political communication in behavior. The formation of the cultural contemporary culture, which allows in- constancy of the nation is always influ- vestigating and anticipating the change enced by: historical memory, symbols of government and the form of political and signs, archetypes, etc. A nation communication. consists of individuals, each of which Most Western countries already have has its own mental structure, and as the a big experience and historical memory social psychologist O. Pokalchuk notes, of democratic procedures and processes the psychic development of the indivi- and rather stable working democratic dual repeats the path of development of institutions. At the same time, today

63 these traditions show a strong rigidity tion created by netocrats. In a netocra- of the ruling elites, in which it is im- tic society, there is always the possibili- possible to solve problems in the mo- ty of creating a “parallel, virtual” reality, dern informational, globalized and quite manipulation, loss of privacy, which is a conflicting world. An example of this is threat to the national security of states the process of British withdrawal from and the depreciation of democratic va- the European Union as a result of the lues. At the same time, the netocratic “Brexit.” The Great Britain has become society provides unlimited opportu- hostage to the archetypes of “demo- nities for personal development, the cracy” and “British traditions,” which spread of knowledge and information, do not allow it to quickly resolving the globalization of ideas and thoughts, political issues of the day. and multiculturalism [20]. The authors of the study of netoc- In the modern world, the attitude of racy, A. Bard and Ya. Zoderkvist [19], in citizens to the surrounding social po- their book “Netocracy,” warned about litical reality is largely determined by the threat to the processes of democ- those, who control the world of com- racy under the influence of technolo- munications. It can be said that a per- gies of the information world. They son possessing information has an op- first described this phenomenon in “A portunity to influence the formation of New Elite and the Life after Capita- public consciousness, and one, who has lism.” According to the authors of the the ability to distribute information in term “nectocracy,” the development of his own interpretation, has almost un- technology has generated a new ruling limited possibilities to form the opinion class — the NETWORK class. The capi- of citizens on any issues (political ma- talist way of production can no longer nagement of the society). In December be dominant; the fight for information 2018, the number of Internet users in flows, information channels, network the world was 3,9 billion people, com- virtual structures, and social networks pared with 1,02 billion in 2005 (Fig. 1). replace the struggle for sales markets Simplified access to computers, and production resources. The power of modernization of countries around the great capital retreats, the power of non- world and the widespread use of smart- directors (owners of information, con- phones give people an opportunity to tent, interpreters, and manipulators) use the Internet. Social networking comes. Netocratia does not require is one of the most popular online ac- money, only a place in the NETWORK, tivities. On the one hand, in the life of where those, who find the entrance and modern society mass media play a very know the access code. important, but, on the other hand, a In addition to the new ruling class, dangerous role when it replace their ini- a new grassroots class will emerge, but tial function of informing of the popula- this is not a new proletariat, it is con- tion on the formation of certain views, suameriat (English consuming), which ideas and thoughts. Today, information is easy to manage for those, who have resources are aimed primarily at mani- wider access to information. They will pulating public consciousness, which is use the smoke curtains and disinforma- controlled by governments of different

64 Fig. 1. The number of Internet users around the world from 2005 to 2018 (in millions) [21] countries, owners of television channels modern “Luddism”. But, if “democracy” and used as propaganda weapons. The is a consistent archetype of European destructive aspect of social networks identity, then how do you understand is the involvement of networking com- the surge of populism in the world that munities in informational and cyberwar we are seeing lately? [22, p. 97–198]. Today, we can talk not only about Sooner or later new technologies the confrontation of generations, as the will lead to the loss of the traditional older generation is worse understood in system of views, the structure of power, technology, but about the total fear and and relationships in the society. The Eu- rejection of a new world in which we ropean identity is destroyed under the have rapidly entered. This fear becomes influence of modern tribalism (from the common, inherent not only to the older English tribe-tribe, a clan, the term that generations, but also to young people. introduced M. Maffesoli into the sci- New generations come to this world entific circulation [23]). Politologists with the fear of lack of resources, in par- say that the manifestation of nationa- ticular natural ones for their lives; older lism, the result of which, in particular, generations do not take innovations in Brecksit in the UK, the election of the technology and are fed up with fear of U.S. President D. Trump in the United being pushed away from the basic life States, the coming to power of the po- processes due to their too technologi- pulists in Italy, countries that were an cal turbulence. The third reason is the example of democracy, is based exclu- global stratification between the vari- sively on populism. ous strata of the society. More and more The emergence of non-system poli- people are start realizing that that won- ticians is a world trend that became derful future with eternal life in smart the result of two factors — netocracy homes and smart cars, not for everyone, that led to the break of generations and will be unavailable to the majority of

65 population. There is a confrontation life situations. Societies also share the to all innovations, there are many, who collective potential of fear. want to support popular ideas of a so- Those communities that in the cialist, and sometimes radical-aggres- past have had the opportunity to con- sive direction. John B. Judis observes trol their fate independently for a long that there exist both right and left and time and to deal with external threats centrist populist parties. This is not an are less prone to fear. At the same time, ideology, it is a political logic — a way those communities that did not have of thinking about politics. He refers to long-term control over their fate and the definition of the historian Michael were in danger have a subconscious fear Kazin, who reveals the logic of popu- and a more supportive escalation of this lism — “this is a language, and those, emotion and its responses-aggression, who resort to it, represent ordinary conflict behavior in society, and po- people as a huge group, not limited to pulism [25]. the narrow limits of the class; consider Fear — an a priori irrational emo- their opponents among the elite selfish tion, laid naturally that needs protec- and undemocratic; tend to overwhelm tion, support, and acceptance. Hence, the first and others” [24, p. 16]. the odious needs of individuals to unite Populism is a kind of blackmail, into society and have leaders in power, when populists are convinced that the who offer quick and easy decisions. establishment will agree to satisfy their Archetypes have a great influence claims, but there is no doubt that the on human emotions, have their own ini- emergence of populist movements or tiative and contain a certain way of re- politicians serves as a signal of warn- sponding. In a situation favorable to his ing about a political crisis. The politi- manifestation, the archetype is capable cal class and the elites must respond of giving birth to thoughts and impul- quickly to such manifestations, there ses, thereby interfering in it, distorting are many ways to resolve social con- true intentions of a man. If we proceed flicts before aggressive crisis pheno- from another property of an archetype, mena occurs. as an independent area of the psyche, it Populism is based on fear, and tech- can be argued that they have a specific nological opportunities help to foment own energy that is capable of giving this strongest emotion to the crazy birth to new emotions. scale. Sociologist Eva Nalajewka, ex- Modern populism is a consequence ploring the interconnection of the phe- of the unfulfilled fears of several genera- nomena of political populism and social tions of people that arose as a result of fear in Poland, argues reasonably that adapting to changes that quickly took the instigation of collective fears is one place under the influence of technology of the main tools of the influence of and development of science. political populists. Populists have two The unsystematic processes also ge- main tools for mobilizing supporters — nerate populism. It is easier to talk about fear and promise. Individuals differ in things from the past, understandable to the level of perception of fear, which most, than to understand the singula- affects how their reaction in individual rity and convergence of the present. The

66 manifestations of populism are a conse- ety was characterized by subconscious quence of an archetypal behavior model fear of change, so something had to be for mankind that has no other model. changed to not change anything. In K. Jung predicted that under the influ- 1994 year — the slogan changed, accord- ence of new technologies humanity will ing to the preferences of a certain part of have new fears that in turn will lead to the population: “Ukraine – Russia: less the emergence of new archetypes. walls and more bridges.” In 1999 year, Ukraine has now entered to a period the pendulum of preference and fear of great global electoral cycle, which fluttered on the side of L. Kuchma only will last until the end of 2020. In March in contrast to the leader of the Com- 2019, there were general elections of munists P. Simonenko, after the sudden the President of Ukraine, elections in death of the obvious leader of that race the parliamentary elections in Octo- V. Chornovil. The 2004 elections ended ber, and in October 2020 elections to with the Orange Revolution and the local authorities, unless the Verkhovna victory of V. Yushchenko, who received Rada decides otherwise. In the course this post, according to specialists’ con- of the election campaigns, the activity clusions, only thanks to the populist of populists of various degrees became strategy of Yulia Tymoshenko, who be- so threatening that it could ultimately came his associate. The main slogans are lead to the loss of statehood, as ailing “for Gangsters — prisons,” “The law is post-traumatic society is constantly in one for all,” as well as an odious phrase a state of nervous excitement with a of the politician: “these hands did not higher degree of emotion and aggres- steal anything.” There is a map of divi- sion. It is heated in the media, social sion of the country into three varieties, networks, messengers and other tech- causing indignation and annoyance in nologies. Sociologists state that the si- some of the population. 2010 year — tuation in Ukraine is much better than the confrontation of Y. Tymoshenko it looks in the media [26]. To attract at- and V. Yanukovych ends with the vic- tention, media distorts the real picture, tory of the latter, accusations of falsi- and people under their influence realize fications, courts, but the recognition the pragmatism of the situation. of the winner of Viktor Yanukovych Election races in Ukraine have al- with the general slogan “Improvement ways been accompanied by the use is already today.” 2014 — the victory of populist techniques and promises. of P. Poroshenko in the first round on Starting with the election of the first the background of annexation and the President of Ukraine in 1991, all can- fear of losing statehood and a part of didates for the post of the head of state the territory with the slogan: “Live in a were at the preference of the population, new way.” Not on races, citizens did not not offering ideas and strategies. In fear demand clear programs from leaders, or of the reproduction of the USSR, the a vision of the future. Only blind faith slogan “Ukraine: a European Power for and fear, that there was no worse. The Opportunities, the Moscow colony on behavior of the society is similar to the the situation” sounded. Nothing could reaction of a small child who is looking be realized, because the state of the soci- for a large adult “father” or “mother,”

67 who solves all his/her problems with- the societal changes in the society in out changing his existence. recent times show that the amount of The Races — 2019 are traditionally identity of self-actualized introverted characterized by a large level of popu- active person is increasing, which gives list slogans starting from “lowering gas some optimism about the “maturing” of twice” to “lowering taxes by up to 5 per- the Ukrainian society [28]. cent,” the unsurpassed level of aggres- Conclusions and prospects for fur- sion being heated by candidates, and su- ther research. The first attempts to perimposed on the archetypal nature of consider contemporary archetypes lead fears. At the same time, observers state to the conclusion that “populism,” as a some of the manifestations of social be- phenomenon, becomes an archetype of havior that are similar to the reactions the modern world. Populism is based and behavior of man and puberty age, on the emotional and irrational nature in particular, the appearance of a non- of fear and instinct of self-preservation. system candidate V. Zelensky and his In the collective unconscious, all the high pre-election rating. There were no psychological traumas of previous ge- promises in his political campaign, but nerations were captured. In the collec- only mystery, game and crony commu- tive unconscious, all the psychological nication with his potential electorate. traumas of previous generations were In the collective unconscious trau- captured. It is on these injuries of con- mas are reflected in the third genera- scious and unconscious that social life tion, therefore one can imagine the is grounded, new archetypes are grown traumas of the historical times of the and filled on these traumas and arche- Ukrainian society — “famine,” “repres- types also become factors of the sub- sions,” “loss of statehood” that are only conscious influence on the actions of a now beginning to be reflected in our whole generation of people. The instru- present generation. That is why the so- mental basis of populism is the rapidly ciety has such a high level of fear and evolving information and communi- distrust of one another and state insti- cative world. Modernizing countries tutions, why populism wins, why the around the world, facilitating access to values of democracy are so hard to come world-wide information networks and to terms with. a widespread use of smartphones give The level of trust to own state and people access to the Internet. Social government institutions also depends networking is one of the most popular on the psychological state of the society. online activities. Mass media in the life Unfortunately, for Ukraine, the figures of the modern society plays an impor- are disappointing, according to Gallup’s tant and at the same time a dangerous analytical and consulting company for role, replacing the function of informing 2018, the level of confidence in the go- the population on the formation of cer- vernment is only 9 %, the lowest in the tain views, ideas and thoughts. Obvi- world [27]. In such conditions, there is ously, modern information resources are a great demand in the society for new aimed, first of all, at manipulating pub- politicians and changes. The indicators lic consciousness, which is controlled recorded by E. Afonin in monitoring of by governments of different countries,

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73 UDC: 316.3 DOI: 2224-2019-18-3-74-86 Bilyk Olena Ivanivna, Phd of Economic, associate professor, Associ- ate Professor of the Department of Adminis- trative and Financial Management, National University “Lviv Polytechnic”, 79000, Lviv, Str. Stepana Bandery, 12, tel.: 097 28 96 888, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-7110-7257 Білик Олена Іванівна, кандидат економічних наук, доцент, до- цент кафедри адміністративного та фі- нансового менеджменту, Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”, 79000, Львів, вул. Степана Бандери, 12, тел.: 097 28 96 888, e-mail: olena.i.bilyk@ ORCID: 0000-0002-7110-7257 Билык Алена Ивановна, кандидат экономических наук, доцент, до- цент кафедры административного и фи- нансового менеджмента, Национальный университет “Львовская политехника”, 79000, Львов, ул. Степана Бандеры, 12, тел.: 097 28 96 888, e-mail: olena.i.bilyk@ ORCID: 0000-0002-7110-7257 Blynda Yurii Orestobych, assistant of the Department of administra- tive and financial management, Lviv Poly- technic National University, 79000, Lviv, Str. Stepana Bandery, 12, tel.: 0979370409, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-9579-9382 Блинда Юрій Орестович, асистент кафедри адміністративного та фінансового менеджменту Національного університету “Львівська політехніка”, 79000, Львів, вул. Степана Бандери, 12, тел.: 097 937 04 09 e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-9579-9382 Блында Юрий Орестович, ассистент кафедры административного и финансового менеджмента, Национальный университет “Львовская политехника”, 79000, Львов, ул. Степана Бандеры, 12, тел.: 097 937 04 09 e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-9579-9382


Abstract. In the article the authors raise the problem of archetype of con- structing social relations. Of the central concepts that arise from these consi- derations, the concept of “regulation” and “social relations” is definitely the most controversial. Based on a retrospective analysis using scientific achievements, the researcher identifies the main stages of constructing social relations in different countries and time spans. The research allowed to outline the role of state regula- tion in ensuring social relations and social protection. As for the selection of stages of social protection in Ukraine, the authors used an example of a pension system that takes into account both a mandatory and voluntary form. The periodization of the retirement stages has allowed to highlight the main problems in the state regulation of social protection in the area of pensions. The statistical data showed the overload of social security costs is exactly the cost of retirement provision. Also, based on the allocation of archetype forms, the authors investigated various institutional forms that characterize the nature of social relations. One of the ways of solving social problems, authors see the creation of the necessary conditions for creating new types of jobs, taking into account new requirements of modern times. The processes of interaction between the organization, the organizational environment and professional practice are social relations, and some generative mechanisms are trying to restore the obviously incomprehensible links between different social levels. The authors present a link between technology and model of social relations development and social conditions improvement. From techno- logy to technical application. The result is a change in the organizational structure of both the public sector and entrepreneurship in the long run. Keywords: archetype, social protection, social relations, pension provision, institutional forms. АРХЕТИПІКА ЕФЕКТИВНОСТІ ДЕРЖАВНИХ ЗАХОДІВ У СОЦІАЛЬНОМУ СЕКТОРІ Анотація. Піднімається проблематика архетипіки побудови соціальних відносин. З центральних понять, що виникли з цих міркувань, поняття “регулювання” та “соціальні відносини”, безумовно, є найбільш спірними. На основі ретроспективного аналізу з використанням наукових досягнень виділено основні етапи побудови соціальних відносин у різних країнах та часових проміжках. Дослідження дало змогу окреслити роль державного регулювання у забезпеченні соціальних відносин та соціального захисту. Щодо виділення етапів соціального захисту в Україні, авторами було ви- користано систему пенсійного забезпечення, яка враховує і обов’язкову, і добровільну форми. Періодизація етапів пенсійного забезпечення дала можливість виділити основні проблеми у державному регулюванні соці- ального захисту у сфері пенсійного забезпечення. Статистичні дані пока-

75 зили перевантаження витрат на соціальне забезпечення, а саме — витрати на пенсійне забезпечення. На основі виділення архетипової форми авто- рами досліджено різні інституційні форми, які охарактеризують природу соціальних відносин. Одним із шляхів вирішення соціальних проблем ав- тори вбачають у створенні необхідних умов для нових видів робочих місць із врахуванням вимог сучасності. Процеси взаємодії між організацією, організаційним середовищем та професійною практикою і є соціальними відносинами, а деякі генеративні механізми намагаються відновити незро- зумілі зв’язки між різними соціальними рівнями. Соціальні виклики ча- сто можуть бути вирішені при розробленні і впровадженні новітніх ідей та побудові ефективних концепцій, які поширюються через кордони. Проте світові та національні кризи вимагають у вирішенні питань окреслення ро- лі інформаційного та технічного прогресу. Авторами представлено зв’язок між технологією та моделлю розвитку соціальних відносин і покращення соціальних умов. Від технології до технічного застосування. Наслідком є зміна організаційних структур як державного сектору, так і підприємни- цтва у довгостроковій перспективі. Ключові слова: архетипіка, соціальний захист, соціальні відносини, пен- сійне забезпечення, інституційні форми. АРХЕТИПИКИ ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТИ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫХ МЕРОПРИЯТИЙ В СОЦИАЛЬНОМ СЕКТОРЕ Аннотация. Поднимается проблематика архетипики построения соци- альных отношений. Из центральных понятий, возникших из этих сообра- жений, понятия “регулирование” и “социальные отношения”, безусловно, являются наиболее спорными. На основе ретроспективного анализа с ис- пользованием научных достижений выделены основные этапы построения социальных отношений в различных странах и временных промежутках. Исследование дало возможность определить роль государственного регу- лирования в обеспечении социальных отношений и социальной защиты. О выделении этапов социальной защиты в Украине, авторами была использо- вана система пенсионного обеспечения, которая учитывает и обязательную, и добровольную формы. Периодизация этапов пенсионного обеспечения позволила выделить основные проблемы в государственном регулирова- нии социальной защиты в сфере пенсионного обеспечения. Статистические данные проиллюстрировали расходы на социальное обеспечение и перегруз затрат на пенсионное обеспечение. На основе выделения архетипов фор- мы авторами исследованы различные институциональные формы, которые охарактеризуют природу социальных отношений. Одним из путей решения социальных проблем авторы видят в создании необходимых условий для новых видов рабочих мест с учетом требований современности. Процессы взаимодействия между организацией, организационной средой и профес- сиональной практикой являются социальными отношениями, а некоторые генеративные механизмы пытаются восстановить непонятные связи между

76 различными социальными уровнями. Социальные вызовы часто могут быть решены при разработке и внедрении новейших идей и построении эффек- тивных концепций, которые распространяются через границы в условиях глобализации. Однако мировые и национальные кризисы требуют в реше- ние вопросов очерчения роли информационного и технического прогресса. Авторами представлены связь между технологией и моделью развития со- циальных отношений и улучшение социальных условий. От технологии к техническому применению. Следствием этого является изменение органи- зационных структур как государственного сектора, так и предприниматель- ства в долгосрочной перспективе. Ключевые слова: архетипика, социальная защита, социальные отноше- ния, пенсионное обеспечение, институциональные формы.

Formulation of the problem. The creasing state measures in the social issue of supporting vulnerable versts of sector. population in the modern world is quite Analysis of recent publications. acute. The need to identify the main The discovery of the essence of arche- causes of asymmetry between the social type was carried out by a great amount versts has deep historical milestones. of domestic and foreign scholars, in par- Conflicts generate new types and forms ticular E. Afonin [1], O. Gagarinov [2], of social risk. State support programs O. Sushyi [3], D. Trufanov [4]; prob- should help mitigate the crisis, but lems of state regulation of social pro- have not resolved it. Unemployment is tection were disclosed by V. Antonyuk increasing, many companies face bank- [5], O. Zhadan [6], A. Petrova [7] and ruptcy, and payroll taxes are increas- others/ ing. Social segregation, child poverty The purpose of the article is to pro- or demographic changes are examples vide a theoretical substantiation of the of urgent social problems in many archetype of state regulation of social European countries. Traditionally, protection, to carry out a historical this relates mainly to socially oriented analysis of the development of social organizations that deal with socially protection in the world, to describe vulnerable groups in society. The grow- contemporary problems and ways of ing complexity and the sudden nature their solution. of many social problems and the con- Presenting main material. Obvi- comitant decline in public investment ously, the development of society re- in the social sector have also increased quires a rethinking of social relations. the requirements for non-profit organi- But talking about social relations means zations, and hence the efficiency of the a certain sequence in how people relate entire nonprofit sector, which updates to each other. When it comes to “social the topic of the study. The research of conditions” in a multitude of daily so- the archetype of social relations can cial activities, this can be called the re- allow the design of directions for in- gularity of certain social practices. This

77 pattern does not arise independently: reality. This is supported by interna- neither objective nor subjective. The tionalized norms. But since the rules commodity-money ratio, which is so change with the corresponding projects widespread today, originally developed and conflicts, it also requires regulation only in the quasi-experimental, adven- of the transformation of these norms. turous state of birth and only consoli- Social procedures and cases that ensure dated through its historical generali- this common modification of norms zation. The redistribution of funds of also create regulatory forms that pro- funds is the basis for modern financing mote the way of regulation [8–10]. of social protection of the population. The state is a form of regulation, so Using insurance mechanisms, working that different factions of society (which individuals, as well as legal entities, pro- are defined by social conditions: social vide socially vulnerable groups of the classes, gender differences or individual population by paying taxes and manda- individuals) are constantly in a state of tory payments. The state, through the conflict. The confrontation will con- creation of an appropriate legislative tinue until the hegemonic configura- field and the accumulation of financial tion of social relations continues, and resources, provides social protection of the individuals and classes involved in the population. Therefore, the question the struggle will not fully address each of determining the category of “social other’s problems. The form of govern- relations” is acute. Defining social rela- ment is neither a guarantor nor an ex- tions means carrying out a theoretical pression of harmony in the sense that (not empirical) act, including all the members of the community have no theoretical risks and dangers for which reason to fight. This is an expression of the individual responds independently. hegemony, which is usually manifested This act is never socially neutral, since through the domination of certain so- it relates to the idea that individuals cial groups. So violence is the latest create for society, and therefore it can form of government, but if violence has contribute to the substantiation or always been necessary for the reproduc- doubt of these relationships. After all, tion of social conditions, then it would the social recognition of the nature of be impossible to talk about the state an- the relationship is a component of the ymore. In general, the state reproduces attitude that, of course, “recognizes” hegemony, which is expressed in the the theorist and not necessarily what state itself and in those who embody the society recognizes. But every so- power. This is a hegemony armed with cial connection, including economic, coercion: the norms, which are symbo- implies the measurement of social ima- lized by the state, are internalized and gination for everyday, ritual or political accepted by their own will or coercion, codification. The elasticity and adapt- and in cases of conflict between the old ability of social relations during their and the new, as well as between con- historical duration is an integral part flicting interests, recognition is equiva- of the concept. In addition to repro- lent. The social order of recognition of duction, social procedures and cases of the role of an arbiter of the state: it has a conflict resolution must ensure their “monopoly of legitimate power”. There-

78 fore, it is important to retrospectively national standards should be adopted, analyze the system of development and who will engrain them, and which in- legitimization of the social protection stitutions will implement them and process. authorize them. It concerns the consti- Each historical epoch in its own way tutional order of a particular country solves the question of helping disabled and the competence of the structure of members of society. In different coun- state authorities. tries at different times, the forms of such Traditionally, social protection has assistance varied depending on the sys- been used in the European welfare state tem of values and material capabilities and other parts of developed countries of society and its individual groups. to maintain a standard of living and Social policy is designed to protect solve the problem of temporary poverty life risks, mitigate complex, socially [11]. One of the first examples of state determined life situations and ensure social protection can be traced to the retirement. It is mainly funded by con- Roman emperor Trajan, who expanded tributions and social security taxes, so the program of free grain, which in- social policy is based on wealth, which cluded the poor citizens of the empire. first needs to be “developed” and dis- In addition, he founded public funding tributed. There are uncertainties such to support poor children [12]. as changes in the distribution of em- In the XVI century there was a ployment and demographic trends. At central turning point in the histori- the same time, it becomes clear that in- cal development of Europe. With the terference in the social sphere depends expansion of the monetary economy, on three conditions: internationally active banks and the 1. On the one hand, publicly sup- beginning of long-distance trade, the ported normative standards are needed foundations of economic activity based to assess the negative social status that on private ownership of means of pro- can be overcome through public insti- duction were laid, profit maximization tutions of social orientation (charita- for entrepreneurs and targeting quali- ble foundations, public organizations). tative and quantitative expansion of These institutions are heavily depen- markets. Technical progress, new in- dent on social interests and historical ventions supported this development. circumstances. As a result, the economy, focused only 2. Secondly, this requires the pre- on the availability of natural resources sence of stakeholders. Various stake- and the possibility of exchange, lost holders can work together but also importance in comparison with the mo- conflict with each other. Stakeholders netary economy, and the role of agricul- may be private individuals or smaller ture has decreased. groups (such as individual initiatives), With the invention of a steam en- as well as social movements, such as la- gine in the second half of the eighteenth bor movement, trade union movement, century, the discovery of new sources and women’s movement. of raw materials and opportunities for 3. And, thirdly, it requires institu- their use and the growing demand for tional requirements as to how these industrial goods, industrial-capitalist

79 economic structures originally pre- modern social protection has grown to vailed in England, later on the Euro- a much wider range of issues and goals; pean continent. it is now used as a political approach in This development was accompanied developing countries to address per- by a legal termination of serfdom of feu- sistent poverty and target structural dal lords and the liberation of labor. It causes. was during this period that there was a In Ukraine, the cost of social protec- rethinking of the role of the state, em- tion is increasing annually: thus, com- ployer, employee and change in social pared with 2017 — UAH 145,5 billion, relations. At the same time, a general in 2018 — UAH 151,5 billion, and in social policy emerged that stimulated the project for 2019 — by UAH 27 bil- new social movements and the emer- lion (from UAH 151 billion to UAH gence of basic social norms, including 178 billion) [14; 15]. The share of social personal responsibility: from the col- protection expenditures in Ukraine is lapse of the feudal system there were quite high, but within the values rep- the beginnings of bourgeois society — resented by European countries. How- rather within the city than in territo- ever, about 70 % of social security costs rial districts. The works of the Geneva are retirement expenses. Proceeding philosopher and educator Jean-Jacques from this, we propose to consider, on Rousseau (1712–1778) became the ba- an example of pension provision, the sis for the birth and development of the periodization of its development in new bourgeoisie. Ukraine. A retrospective analysis of so- As a basis for a new era, it was to cial protection can be linked to the pay- take solidarity in social relations, but ment of pensions. In our opinion, a pen- Rousseau could not yet foresee that sion can be considered as a postponed the bourgeoisie simultaneously crea- salary of an employee, reserved in the ted a new class, the depleted lower form of retirement contributions for fu- classes, for which this term prevailed in ture expenses, which replaces earnings the XIX century. In England, this de- in the event of established pension con- velopment began in the second half of ditions and provides protection against the 18th century, in Germany from the poverty. Since the pension is the legal 1820s [9]. income of an employee for past work, Organized social protection was im- which is used today, it should be borne perfect until the end of the 19th cen- in mind that a number of economic fac- tury and beginning of the 20th century. tors influence the size of the retirement It was during this period that social benefits, in particular: the actual annual security systems aimed at providing rate of investment income, the level of workers (see National Insurance) were inflation, the level of GDP per capita in created in Germany and Great Britain the country. [13]. The United States moved to the Thus, the first stage can be out- social welfare system in a few years, lined from 1859 to 1917. This period during the Great Depression, with was characterized by the creation and emergency relief for those who suf- functioning of emerical (pension funds fered the most severe losses. However, of different departments). First of all,

80 these funds were created to pay pen- tions”), but it was not clearly defined sions to the military (from the Latin the possibility of carrying out activities “emeritus” — the service years), and in the field of non-state pension provi- then the idea of creating cash regis- sion. In 1994, the first non-state pen- ters was picked up by the management sion fund was created, and in 1999 their of railways. Next, cash registers were number was more than 100, but more created for employees of other depart- than 40 % of these pension funds were ments and workers. Of these funds, engaged in commercial activities, or did pensions were paid for seniority, assis- not function at all. During this period tance to widows and orphans, pensions there is a problem of non-fulfillment of in the event of disability. Along with non-state pension fund commitments. the emerial cashiers began to create The reasons for this were: lack of appro- and develop savings and auxiliary cash priate legislative framework; activity departments and pension funds of the of pension funds as financial pyramids, insurance type. The activities of the unregulated areas of diversification of savings and auxiliary cash departments pension funds, inactivity of state con- were as follows: the worker deducted trol bodies. The positive aspect was a certain percentage of his own ear- that during this period, the Association nings, the funds accrued in his account was created in support of the develop- and returned with the onset of pension ment of non-state social insurance and conditions for the worker, but with ad- the Association of non-state pension ditional profits. Pension insurance pre- funds, the main purpose of which was miums were paid out even when certain to promote the establishment of pen- cases occurred. sion legislation. However, due to the revolutionary The third stage lasts from 2004 to events of 1917, the first stage of the de- October 1, 2011 — began with the en- velopment of non-state pension funds try into force of the laws of Ukraine was completed, since during the Soviet “On Compulsory State Pension Insu- period voluntary participation in the rance” and “On Non-State Pension Pro- non-state pension provision was not vision”, the rules of which established a foreseen. three-tier pension system and the pos- The second stage of the develop- sibility of implementing non-state pen- ment of non-state pension funds in sion provision and control over it. At Ukraine began in 1992 and lasted until this stage the non-state pension funds 2003 inclusive — characterized by the was given the opportunity to carry out restoration of the country’s indepen- its activities as cumulative socio-eco- dence and, in addition, the economic nomic institutions. crisis and the crisis of pensions in par- The fourth stage — from October 1, ticular. It was during this period that 2011 and till now — the introduction of the law established the possibility of the Law of Ukraine “On Measures on entrepreneurial activity (the Consti- Legislative Support of the Reform of tution of Ukraine, the laws of Ukraine the Pension System” into the pension “On Enterprises in Ukraine”, “On En- reform, although the foundations of the trepreneurship”, “On Business Associa- activity and development of non-state

81 pension funds were laid down in the • a theoretical analysis of the repro- third stage [16]. duction of these conditions and thus Of course, social protection is based their requirements and dynamics. They not only on pension provision but, in its can be called immanent laws or trends example, it is interesting to present the that “dominate” the usual behavior of sources of its formation: at the expense social actors; of insurance mechanisms (both on the • an emphasis on social processes basis of compulsory and voluntary), that make individuals and groups ad- inclusion of expenses for social events, here to the logic of existing relation- services and programs in budgets of all ships and thereby act as laws or forces levels, at the expense of non-profit or- with coercive force; ganizations (non-profit organizations, • the internalization of the interpre- charitable organizations, mutual assis- tation of social reality by individuals tance funds, unions, associations, etc.) or groups, as well as their motives and Thus, on the basis of this archetype norms of behavior, and, finally, predic- form, other forms of regulation are de- tions and choices that are compatible ployed in institutional forms and net- with the reproduction of the whole works. (even if they seek to change it). Institutional (or structural) forms The combination of these levels of are phenomenal and even legal forms in reality forms a kind of “social model” which interested subjects enter into so- (“moule social”) [18], which reflects cial relations (even if they do not have the structural stability of society. The an adequate understanding of the na- more or less inevitable accumulation ture of these relationships): the estab- of discrepancies and contradictions lished rules make the group that unites between levels (which in themselves them understandable. They are the is a consequence of the controversial result of an institutionalized compro- and conflicting nature of social condi- mise: accepting the exchange of goods tions) can lead to discontinuities in for money is already a compromise on the reproduction of these conditions: the hidden power of the socialization of crisis. The overcoming of crises and private works; wage acceptance means its consequences is a priority task in a compromise that does not include the institutional form of social rela- wages [17]. tions. Therefore, within the framework But these institutional forms, as they of state regulation in the field of social initiate the forms of mediation (money, protection is the establishment of so- indirect wages), at least require the cial standards and social guarantees, material organization of these interme- on which the social model of the state diaries: public administration, money is based. circulation, government agencies and One of the ways to overcome the cri- social state organizations. Therefore, sis is to use technological progress. The it is necessary to draw attention to the belief in the existence of a new develop- three points which, in our opinion, are ment model, which is potentially con- necessary in the analysis of socio-eco- tained in the technological revolution, nomic conditions: was disclosed by Jean Hervé Lorenz and

82 others, “The crisis of the twentieth cen- gle for control over the production pro- tury” [19]. They generalize the crisis in cess and social reproduction, and even such a way that productivity is too low, in the development of habits and con- fixed capital is too fixed, and the tertiary ventions, as well as in the “linear” or sector is unproductive and bloated. On “gradual” development of productive the other hand, information techno- forces. Further research is the study of logy will increase productivity (even at problems and the search for solutions to tertiary level), thereby reducing costs them in the field of social protection in while increasing purchasing power; re- the development of information tech- ducing the cost of fixed capital, there- nology and the participation of emplo- by increasing the rate of self-financing yers in expanding the field of socially and creating new needs and, thus, new responsible business. products. Thus, a new model emerges that is quite similar to the previous ac- REFERENCES cumulation regime, since it focuses on mass production and consumption, but 1. Afonin Ye. A., Bandurka O. M. and with new products and new processes, Martynov A. Yu. (2002). Velyka Rozto- ka (hlobalni problemy suchasnosti sot- as well as with a new central industry: sialno-istorychnyi analiz) [The Great information, e-commerce, office, telein- Rash (Global Problems of the Pre- formatics and the automotive industry. sent: Socio-Historical Analysis)] Kyiv: Therefore, the crisis is just a crisis of PARAPAN [in Ukrainian]. change (mutation) from one model to 2. Gagarinov O. V. (2017). Stratehiia another. transformatsii postradians’koi systemy There is a number of links between derzhavnoho upravlinnia Ukrainy technology and development model; it iak neobkhidna umova vyrishennia ta is social relations and conditions. From zapobihannia sotsial’nykh konfliktiv technology to technical application: di- (arkhetypnyj pidkhid) [The Strategy of the Transformation of the Post-Sovi- rect production relations (who decides et System of Public Administration of how an organized team is organized?); Ukraine as a prerequisite for the solu- from production to economy: a set of tion and prevention of social conflicts socio-economic conditions (will there (archetypal approach)]. Arkhetypika be enough consumers, there are enough i publichne upravlinnia: stratehii ta investors to produce, what form of full mekhanizmy rozv’iazannia konfliktiv employment to provide?). In other u suchasnomu sviti: zbirnyk naukovyh words, a new accumulation regime and prats peremozhtsiv i kraschykh avtoriv a new regime of regulation, especially V mizhnarodnoho konkursu molodykh the relation to pay. The digitalization of uchenykh. — Archetype and Public Administration: Strategies and Mecha- economic relations will obviously lead nisms for Conflict Resolution in the to a change in approaches to state regu- Modern World: Proceeding of the win- lation and social relations. ners and best authors of the Fifth In- Conclusions and perspectives of ternational. Young Scientists Contest, further research. Thus, it should be (p. 15–22.) Kyiv: Psyche [in Ukrainian]. noted that historically social protection 3. Sushi O. V. (2016). Teoretychni zasady and its state regulation lay in the strug- sotsial’noi arkhetypiky [Theoretical

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86 UDC: 39:572.1/.4:004 DOI: 2224-2019-18-3-87-99 Bobrovskyi Oleksii Illich, Assistant of Applied Mathematics and In- formation Technologies Department of State Higher Educational Institution, ‘Prid- neprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture’, 49000, Dnipro, Tytova str., 2, tel.: +38 (097) 578 74 75, e-mail: bobe- [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-7395-7477 Бобровський Олексій Ілліч, асистент кафедри прикладної мате- матики та інформаційних технологій, Державний вищий навчальний заклад “Придніпровська державна академія бу- дівництва та архітектури (ПДАБА)”, 49000, Дніпро, вул. Титова, 2, тел.: +38 (097) 578 74 75, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-7395-7477 Бобровский Алексей Ильич, ассистент кафедры прикладной математики и информационных технологий, Госу- дарственное высшее учебное заведение “Приднепровская государственная академия строительства и архитектуры (ПГАСА)”, 49000, Днепр, ул. Титова, 2, тел.: +38 (097) 578 74 75, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-7395-7477


Abstract. The essence of the basic concepts and ways of a new interdisciplinary research area formation and development — social archetypes (the archetypes of the collective unconscious) is shown as the psychological basis of the formation and development of society, its national and cultural identity. A vision of the archetypal relationship between the consciousness of indivi- duals and the public consciousness as a whole is provided with the impact of the archetypes of the collective unconscious on a person’s ability to self-expression, self-affirmation and acquisition of a new democratic worldview, which is signifi- cantly influenced by the archetypes of the collective unconscious, which manifest themselves from the childhood.

87 The possibilities of the theoretical and methodological design of the ‘archetype of Ukrainian youth’ are considered, starting with the fundamental principles of its life. The domestic analytical-synthetic model of the ‘Universal Epochal Cycle’ was taken as the basis for such an implementation. According to this model, the life course of a person is considered by periods, the totality of which, in fact, consti- tutes a mini-model of the ‘human life cycle’. This approach is complemented by the features and the general content of the ‘archetypical components’ that manifest themselves at each stage of a person’s life path. In the context of the approach, the expediency of creating a cascade process of developing and introducing computer games as an instrument for modeling men- tal abilities and psychological qualities of an individual at each stage of a person’s life path is substantiated. The goal of the games is to choose the development of spirituality, sociality, patriotism and other important social values. It is proposed to construct social processes taking into account the principles of continuity, in- terconnection, specific living conditions and peculiarities of the stages of human socialization and directing them towards achieving the goals of social development and consistently increasing the complexity of tasks using innovative methods to solve them in the context of the country’s sustainable development. To develop such an ‘intelligent algorithm’ of innovative technologies for creating the basis for the development of the ‘archetype of Ukrainian youth’, it is proposed in the article to involve specialists from various fields of knowledge who are most sensitive to understanding the underlying essence (psychosocial or archetypical) of the youth age cohort. Keywords: the theory of social archetypes, the structure of the elements of the archetype, the archetype environment, the archetype of the Ukrainian youth, ‘The Universal Epochal Cycle’, computer games. КОНСТРУЮВАННЯ АРХЕТИПІВ УКРАЇНСЬКОЇ МОЛОДІ ІЗ ЗАСТОСУВАННЯМ “УНІВЕРСАЛЬНОГО ЕПОХАЛЬНОГО ЦИКЛУ” І КОМП’ЮТЕРНИХ ІГОР Анотація. Розглянуто сутність основних понять і шляхів становлення та розвитку нового міждисциплінарного напряму наукових досліджень — соці- альної архетипіки (архетипів колективного несвідомого) як психологічного підґрунтя становлення та розвитку суспільства, його національно-культур- ної ідентичності. Розроблено візію стосовно архетипного взаємозв’язку між свідомістю ок- ремих особистостей і суспільною свідомістю загалом, впливу архетипів ко- лективного несвідомого на здатність людини до самовираження, самоствер- дження і набуття нового демократичного світогляду, на який здійснюють свій вплив як генетична спадщина людини, так і архетипи колективного не- свідомого, що позначають себе від дитячого віку. Розглянуто можливості теоретико-методичного конструювання “архети- пу української молоді”, починаючи з першооснов її життя. За основу такої реалізації взято вітчизняну аналітико-синтетичну модель “Універсального

88 епохального циклу”. Згідно з цією моделлю життєвий шлях людини розгля- дається за періодами, сукупність яких, власне, й становить міні-модель “жит- тєвого циклу людини”. Означений підхід доповнюється особливостями та загальним змістом “архетипних складників”, що виявляють себе на кожному етапі життєвого шляху людини. У контексті підходу обґрунтовано доцільність створення каскадного про- цесу розробки і запровадження комп’ютерних ігор як інструменту моделю- вання розумових здібностей і психологічних якостей особистості на кожному етапі життєвого шляху людини. Метою ігор пропонується вибрати розвиток духовності, соціальності, патріотизму та інших важливих суспільних ціннос- тей особистості. Конструювання соціальних процесів пропонується здійс- нювати із врахуванням принципів спадкоємності, взаємозв’язку, конкретних умов життя і особливостей етапів соціалізації людини та їх спрямування на досягнення цілей розвитку суспільства і послідовного зростання складності завдань з використанням інноваційних методів їх вирішення у контексті ста- лого розвитку країни. Для розробки такого “інтелектуального алгоритму” інноваційних техно- логій створення підґрунтя розвитку “архетипу української молоді” пропо- нується залучити фахівців різних галузей знань, які найбільш чутливі до розуміння глибинної (психосоціальної або архетипної) сутності молодіжної вікової когорти. Ключові слова: теорія соціальної архетипіки, структура елементів архети- пу, архетипне середовище, архетип молодих українців, “Універсальний епо- хальний цикл”, комп’ютерні ігри. КОНСТРУИРОВАНИЕ АРХЕТИПОВ УКРАИНСКОЙ МОЛОДЕЖИ С ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕМ “УНИВЕРСАЛЬНОГО ЭПОХАЛЬНОГО ЦИКЛА” И КОМПЬЮТЕРНЫХ ИГР Аннотация. Рассмотрено сущность основных понятий и путей станов- ления и развития нового междисциплинарного направления научных ис- следований — социальной архетипики (архетипов коллективного бессозна- тельного) как психологической основы становления и развития общества, его национально-культурной идентичности. Разработано видение относительно архетипной взаимосвязи между со- знанием отдельных личностей и общественным сознанием в целом, влияния архетипов коллективного бессознательного на способность человека к само- выражению, самоутверждению и приобретению нового демократического мировоззрения, на которое оказывают существенное влияние как генети- ческое наследие человека, так и архетипы коллективного бессознательного, проявляющие себя уже с детского возраста. Рассмотрены возможности теоретико-методического конструирования “архетипа украинской молодежи”, начиная с первооснов ее жизни. В качест- ве основы такой реализации взята отечественная аналитико-синтетическая модель “Универсального эпохального цикла”. Согласно этой модели, жиз-

89 ненный путь человека рассматривается по периодам, совокупность которых, собственно, и составляет мини-модель “жизненного цикла человека”. Ука- занный подход дополняется особенностями и общим содержанием “архети- пических составляющих”, проявляющих себя на каждом этапе жизненного пути человека. В контексте подхода обоснована целесообразность создания каскадного процесса разработки и внедрения компьютерных игр как инструмента мо- делирования умственных способностей и психологических качеств лично- сти на каждом этапе жизненного пути человека. Целью игр предлагается выбрать развитие духовности, социальности, патриотизма и других важных общественных ценностей. Конструирование социальных процессов пред- лагается осуществлять с учетом принципов преемственности, взаимосвязи, конкретных условий жизни и особенностей этапов социализации человека и их направление на достижение целей развития общества и последователь- ного роста сложности задач с использованием инновационных методов их решения в контексте устойчивого развития страны. Для разработки такого “интеллектуального алгоритма” инновационных технологий создания основы развития “архетипа украинской молодежи” предлагается привлечь специалистов различных областей знаний, которые наиболее чувствительны к пониманию глубинной (психосоциальной или архетипной) сущности молодежной возрастной когорты. Ключевые слова: теория социальной архетипики, структура элементов архетипа, архетипная среда, архетип украинской молодежи, “Универсальный эпохальный цикл”, компьютерные игры.

Formulation of the problem. The development and the conditions for se- complicated and contradictory move- curing economic needs in comparison ment of Ukraine towards the European with developed countries of the world. community requires national cohesion, As a result, there is a lack of sustain- mutual understanding, solidarity, and able consolidation among the youth of commitment to concrete actions to pre- the country in the event of problems serve and increase the social values and of different nature, loyalty, initiative economic well-being. A special role in and voluntary participation in solving the country’s movement towards the existing problems become questionable; future and its sustainability belongs decreasing manifestation of pride, pat- to the youth, which today is under the riotism acceptable to Ukrainians. The influence of many challenges, most aforementioned aspects confirm the of which are concentrated inside the need to increase attention to the so- country. They consist of inconsistency cialization of youth, to give it a proper of life values, preferences, needs, and status in solving public affairs and in the degree of their satisfaction with the government administration. The revi- criteria of social protection and social val and development of Ukrainian

90 youth can contribute to the creation of USA — was established and success- a kind of “archetypal environment”, the fully functioning. At the same time, the gradual and consistent enrichment of its complexity, novelty and diversity of the spirituality, the harmonization of youth questions of the theory of social arche- consciousness with the correspond- types create a certain incidence of re- ing archetypes of the collective uncon- search that does not cover all the areas scious, and the world outlook, culture of its possible use. The latter concerns and professionalism — with its partici- the study of the formation of a stable pation in solving the problems of the archetype of young Ukrainians, which state formation and the degree of intel- updates the search for possibilities for lectual capital growth as psycho-ener- its creation. getic source of personal development. Purpose of the article: to find out Analysis of the recent research and the possibilities of implementing the publications. The problem of studying theory of social archetype in creating the mental abilities of people, peculiar conditions for the formation and deve- archetypal programs was formulated lopment of the personality of represen- in the writings of foreign scientists: the tatives of the Ukrainian nation. Find- German philosopher Immanuel Kant, ing an answer to the question — how to the Austrian psychiatrist and psycholo- form an archetype of Ukrainian youth in gist Sigmund Freud, the Swiss psy- the Ukrainian society that will become chologist and philosopher Carl Gustav an active integrating factor and founda- Jung and their followers [1–4]. But tion for the development of the social they considered the development of capital of Ukrainians, who can express mental abilities of man at an angle of their ideology, goals and ensure the genetic factors. The scientific generali- dynamic movement of the progressive zation, development and methodologi- development of the Ukrainian state. cal approaches to the practical applica- Presentation of the main mate- tion of the theory of social archetype rial. For Ukraine the 21st century be- in Ukrainian society are presented gan with the definition of the existing in the writings of E. A. Afonin [5; 6], problems of social development, which O. V. Sushiy [9], T. Belska [10; 11], led to a change in the social behaviour A. Yu. Bolshakova [12], O. A. Donchen- of its population as a result of aware- ko [13; 15], O. Yu. Amosov and ness of changes in the social system, N. L. Havkalova [16], V. V. Druk [14], participation in public affairs, the emer- V. M. Kozakov [18], and many others gence of new dubious opportunities for [17], that identified the key factors in self-sufficiency and development. This the formation of a mature archetypal trend has also been observed among foundation of people as participants in young people. However, people’s ability the joint activity and their influence to perceive changes in the environment on development processes. These fac- does not come at the same time as the tors are widely used in the scientific re- changes come, it takes some time and search, education and practice systems the creation of the necessary conditions not only in Ukraine but also abroad. for their revival. As I. Kant argued, The Ukrainian School of Archetype — “…based on the eternal and immutable

91 laws of the mind itself, it is necessary (education, environment, level of edu- to conduct a study whose object can cation, living conditions, professional not be indifferent to human nature” [1, affiliation, influence on behaviour from p. 11] (translation of the author — O. B.). the part of society). Therefore, it is diffi- S. Freud proposed the concept of human cult to agree with S. Freud's conclusions psychoanalysis and defined the struc- that the main thing for human develop- ture of his psyche, which, in his opi- ment is another person, not the objects nion, consists of the pre-conscious, con- that surround her. At the present stage scious and unconscious. In the nature of socio-economic transformations in a of the pre-consciousness is the content society for a person all the factors in- of spiritual life that can easily become fluencing its psychological state, rela- conscious — emotions, thinking, memo- tions in society, state of health, as well ry, will. Conscious — this is a personal as social, economic, cultural, environ- perception of the outside world, and the mental, political and other factors are unconscious — this is an instinct, and important. In various social processes that part of the psyche where the uncon- are involved hundreds and thousands of scious desires are concentrated, pushed archetypes on various grounds, which out of the consciousness. In the charac- under certain conditions can be united, ter of the personality he identified three integrated and act on the basis of the components: “Ego”, “Super-Ego”, “Id”. collective unconscious. “Ego” is formed with the application The current state of the Ukrai- of the principle of reality, “Super-Ego” nian youth can not be considered close is developed on the basis of the princi- to the Ukrainian archetype of a young ples of awareness of the norms of mora- consciously educated person who has lity and values that society adheres to, reliable historical roots, developed and “Id” is formed on the basis of principles established features of the Ukrainian of satisfaction and uncontrolled lean- people, the integrity of the social per- ings (or impulses). C. Jung, studying sonality to whom hopes can be put into the components of the structure of the the development of the future Ukrai- human psyche, introduced the concept nian state. That is, we can state that a of “archetype”, “archetypal structure of reliable and durable archetype of Ukrai- the individual”, which reflect the abi- nian youth has not yet been created. lity to a certain type of representation Thus, young graduated specialists who of themselves, the world and accumu- during the period of studying do not re- lated human experience [3]. Empha- ceive proper training in the future field sizing a large number of archetypes, of activity after the defense of a diploma C. Jung, E. Durkheim, L. Levy-Brühl or master’s degree work have a negligi- and others [4] considered them as com- ble opportunity to work for a specialty, ponents of the social evolution — “sti- do not have a belief in the possibility of mulators” and “de-stimulators” of de- their own development in their home velopment and as “regulators” of their country. The awareness of the lack of tuning. But this did not take into ac- conditions for self-realization and the count the importance of the social fac- realization of the dream, which formed tors in shaping the behaviour of people the path during studying, pushes the

92 youth to search for their “own happi- nian people, its culture, human dignity, ness” in more developed countries. It respect and harmony of relations, to takes a lot of time to achieve their am- promote the development of the social bitious plans. Excessively long-term community of the people, internal col- self-determination and self-assertion lective behavioural control, reduction leads to a decline in the social capital, and leveling of the undesirable manifes- discouragement in one’s own strengths tation of the “collective unconscious”, of both individuals and entire groups, increase the social layer of the conscious reduces the value orientations of the “Ego” and “Super-Ego”. The content Ukrainian society. The connection with of the archetypal core should be based the destiny of their people, the desire to on the best features of the Ukrainian create decent living conditions in their nation and the development of arche- country, the choice of the role of the typal youth models that are relevant creator of their own and the social fu- to the modern Ukrainian society. This ture — these are the necessary features requires the creation of theoretical and and characteristics of a person who methodological foundations and mech- should be valued by the society and the anisms for constructing the archetypes state, educated, supported and stimu- of Ukrainian target orientation, the lated to preserve the Ukrainian nation. construction of social technologies for However, today the state takes care their formation and harmonious deve- of young people in a certain way. Mea- lopment. Mastering the processes of hu- sures are being taken to support the man assimilation of the individual and young family at the birth of a child, in the collective foundations of the social the provision of loans for housing, sub- life and understanding of their own in- sidies for the construction of communal tellectual capabilities in the context of housing, etc., are provided. But, unfor- the archetypal concept is a multi-level, tunately, it does not take into account end-to-end process. It can be imagined moral values, human intelligence, the as an unceasing stream of a large num- desire to increase activity in joint acti- ber of representations, symbols, situ- vities, to develop their own qualities ne- ations, knowledge and information in cessary to increase the social conscious- the social space of the human being, ness that is needed for active Ukrain- inseparable and closely related to each ian, the desire to create conditions for other, the goals of development, which improving life together. Therefore, it is develops the consciousness of man. necessary to create a youth stratum of This influential stream originates from people with an archetypical core that preschool age and encompasses school, will reflect not only the individual, but educational and professional period, also the general nature, the generalized professional life and even retirement experience of previous generations, en- period [6, p. 14]. compass the transpersonal universal The definition of phased features meaning and act as the ideological basis of the formation of human archetypes of people’s lives. This archetypal core and factors influencing the formation can be considered as a historical foun- of Ukrainian youth is possible through dation of the mentality of the Ukrai- the use of the analytical model of the

93 “Universal Epochial Cycle” proposed their own understanding of the future, by the Ukrainian scholars E. Afonin and it creates an idea about the develop- A. Martynov [6, p. 44–52]. The cycle ment of the necessary knowledge and includes four phases: revolution, invo- qualities for the imaginary profession. lution, co-evolution, and evolution. If During this period “Ego” and “Super- we consider the human way of life, then Ego” are becoming actively formed, it also consists of separate stages: child- understanding their influence on the hood, adolescence, youth, and the stage achievement of their own identity with of professional and human maturity. the environment. And although the stages of the cycle of In the middle age (10–15 years) human existence are different in con- the formation of spiritual traits of the tent and shorter in time, they are filled character and morality dominates, in- with profound meaning, are influenced dividualizations and tendencies to self- by the historical conditions of exist- immolation, aspiration for independent ence of the country, contain unlimited decision-making, freedom of expression changing opportunities of individual and personal freedom, certain rules of and collective processes of formation behaviour are formed, the choice of fu- and consolidation of the archetypes ture professional activity is determined of personality. At each stage of life the more precisely. conditions of their acquisition and pre- The worldview is intensively formed servation change. at the senior school age (15–17 years), In children’s (preschool) age the the understanding of the natural and world perception of the environment is fundamental laws of reality is deepened, formed on the basis of a sense of love, new knowledge is acquired in the world attention from parents, relatives, edu- of future professions in conditions of cators; contact with fairy tale heroes, their manifestation and existing possi- their behaviour. At this age there is a bilities of their mastering. There is an rejection of evil, no mercy, injustice, in- understanding of the limits, constraints difference and mistrust. As a child the and possibilities of own development. following traits are brought up: kind- The directions of spiritual development ness, compassion, desire to come to the are diversified, the purposeful volitional help, make a good deed, make friends. willingness to act in the chosen direc- As a principle to follow parents and tion is formed, the social modeling of fairy-tale heroes are chosen. Sprouts of the future life status is strengthened, dreams about their own volitional cha- and the “Super-Ego” is actively formed. racteristics in adult life are born. At the In the student age (17–22 years) level of the personal unconscious, in the begins to actively develop and further period from 1 to 3 years, the child begins influence the life (22–29 years) the col- to separate the line of his own “Ego” for lective unconscious. Getting acquaint- the first time. ed with the senior students’ youth, com- At junior school age (6–10 years) municating with classmates, forming the influence of fairy tales gradually social groups by interests, adjusting to decreases and pupils’ dreams are almost mastering the chosen profession creates unrelated to fabulous heroes. It forms an understanding of the competitive ad-

94 vantages and features of leadership, the facing the path of youth formation. It is desire to compete for a certain place and necessary to create a national strategy self-affirmation in the student’s society for the education of a new generation appears. At this stage there are abilities of Ukrainians to continue adopting and and aspirations for the role of the leader elaborating new reforms in Ukraine. Its or role of the subordinate or the role of key task should be to identify as many the executive. In a new light the histori- types of archetypes of modern youth cal past is revealed. It becomes clearer and create an idea of their structure and about the actual future, the expected conditions for optimal development. and innovative changes in the morality Appropriate institutions should also and spirituality of the nation, its conti- be set up to develop and monitor the nuity, sociality, efficiency, commitment implementation of the concept of the to the protection of dignity, independ- revival of Ukrainian youth, which will ent, social and economic security, the consist of specialists and have the ne- ability to overcome difficulties and faith cessary financial and material support. in a truly secure future. The ideology of Information technology and com- Ukrainian patriotism is being streng- puter games should become one of the thened. important tools for implementing the At this stage one can state that the process of upbringing and strengthen- archetype (archetypal mechanisms) of ing the archetypes of a young Ukrai- a young, professionally educated per- nian. The use of modern computer in- son was formed, but the structure of its formation technologies has become one elements, “Ego”, “Super-Ego” and the of the most dynamic areas of science and collective unconscious are in a state technology development today. Com- of further development. Their content puter technologies are capable of creat- may vary and in different ways appear ing broad opportunities for activating in certain life situations. and developing intellectual capital of Apparently, in the process of profes- people through the design, construc- sional life the individual unconscious of tion and implementation of processes of a person can be substantially changed, socialization of the individual, includ- and this period needs even more atten- ing in support of the archetypes of the tion. If a young person is left alone with collective unconscious inherent in the his own problems, he is able to get under younger generation. the influence of different circumstances It should be noted that at the pre- of life and substantially change his indi- sent stage the consideration and assess- vidual “Ego” and the individual uncon- ment of the archetypal component of scious that will have its consequences. personal development is in some way The above shows that in the pro- present: in education and professional cess of individual development there activities; in management for determin- is always a place for the construction ing the psychological compatibility of a of archetypes of Ukrainian youth, as person with other people; when forming should be under the control of society project teams; in medicine in determin- and the state and attract the attention ing the mental state of a person; in sport of older generation specialists who are with mastering technology of profes-

95 sional skill development and in solving cies for the unification and common other problematic issues. activity of people of related nature for Today there are a lot of computer their spirituality, culture, social beha- games in the country, but the prevail- viour, interests. After all, the common ing majority of their subjects are tuned vision and creation of the future in- to get acute feelings, to rest, to master creases the social power and energy of new knowledge or practice, and to make people, their social capital, activates its money. When investigating the problem capabilities to achieve sustainability of of the development of the archetype of the development. young Ukrainians, it is quite appropri- The harmonization of the process of ate to raise the question of creating a formation, reproduction and develop- bank of “intellectual games” for each ment of the psychosocial (archetypal) age with clearly defined psychodiagnos- nature of Ukrainian youth will contri- tic, training and other auxiliary purpos- bute to a significant reduction of con- es for employing “archetypal grounds” flict in the social environment, will al- and opportunities for socializing young low “converting” the archetypal poten- people. These are the creation of games tial of the collective unconscious into aimed at the intellectual and social de- the ability and desire of young people to velopment of youth potential that will engage in solving social problems at the stimulate their inner creative activity level of local self-government and soci- while at the same time developing and ety as a whole. streamlining the computer market of In our opinion, further research and Ukraine, capable of becoming interest- solution of this problem lie in the plane: ing for solving social problems of youth the study of the structure and content and business development in our coun- of the components of the archetypes of try, as well and beyond. Ukrainian youth adjacent to the stages Conclusions and perspectives of of its life; definition of psychosocial further research. The theory of psy- types of youth groups and harmonious- chosocial analysis and archetype of the ly acceptable spheres of life, compatibi- collective unconscious contains a great lity and direction of their behaviour in potential for further deep understand- the circle “leader — subordinate — exe- ing of the essence of man, his culture cutive”; study of common features and and social behaviour in the process of professional features of the activities of formation, development and, in fact, be- youth participants in social projects; de- haviour in various life situations. velopment of gaming computer techno- The upbringing of socially mature logies for diagnostics and evaluation of young people capable of comprehend- the archetypal basis of youth life; study ing themselves and the world, historical of other related issues of becoming a ma- experience and evolution, modernity, as ture psychosocial type of Ukrainian. well as awareness of the role and place of the archetypes of the collective un- REFERENCES conscious in the modern-postmodern 1. Kant I. (1994). Sobranie sochineniy world will allow deepening human un- [Collected Works]. (Vols. 1–8). Mos- derstanding, strengthening the tenden- cow: Choro [in Russian].

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99 UDC: 122/119 : 316.3 DOI: 2224-2019-18-3-100-114 Burik Zoryana Mikhailovna, Doctor of Science in Public Administration, senior lecturer of Regional management and Local Self-Government Department, Lviv Regional Institute for Public Administration National academy for Public Administra- tion under the President of Ukraine Lviv, Ak. Lazarenka Str., 48a/7, tel.: 067-999-42-40, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-4394-6766 Бурик Зоряна Михайлівна, доктор наук з державного управління, старший викладач кафедри регіонального управління та місцевого самоврядування, Львівський регіональний інститут дер- жавного управління Національної академії державного управління при Президентові України, Львів, вул. Ак. Лазаренка, 48а/7, тел.: 067-999-42-40, e-mail: z.burik@ukr. net ORCID: 0000-0002-4394-6766 Бурик Зоряна Михайловна, доктор наук государственного управления, старший преподаватель кафедры регио- нального управления и местного самоуправления, Львовский региональный институт государственного управления Национальной академии государственного управления при Президенте Украины, Львов, ул. Ак. Лазаренка 48а/7, тел.: 067-999-42-40, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-4394-6766


Abstract. The essence of concepts of “sustainable development” and “arche- type” is explored in the article. The basic principles of the concept of sustainable development are determined. It is noted that the basic elements of culture that form the constant models of spiritual life and the basis of the ecology of culture in the information society are the archetypes of the unity of man and nature. It is found out that, perceiving the concept of sustainable development, built on the development of personality, it is necessary to take into account that the arche- typal person inherits, so he is in it, but at the same time he is also from the outside.

100 Innovation in the school of archetype is the model of the universal epochal cycle. It is complemented by a system of social indicators, which, during the last decade, has been monitoring the psychosocial changes in Ukraine. It is emphasized that the main goal of sustainable development of society is to ensure the conditionally infinite existence of human civilization and its progressive development. Such a goal requires the solving of two levels of tasks. The first level can be marked as necessary — it is the physical survival of the human biological. The second level — sufficient, it involves the spiritual development of human rights. It is noted that the state policy on sustainable development should be based on the following basic principles: the balance of development of Ukrainian society; ecologically and technologically safe conditions of life of the population; the establishment of humanism, democracy and universal values; ecological and economic equilibrium of development of separate regions and its coordination with national needs. It is argued that the efficiency of the functioning of public authorities depends on the depth of awareness of the performers and the entire population of new ap- proaches that reflect: the acquired experience (negative and positive); forecasts of the situation in the biosphere; practical needs of people; archetypal component of human development (conscious and overconscious). Keywords: archetypes, society, sustainable development, human develop- ment. СПРИЙНЯТТЯ УКРАЇНСЬКИМ СУСПІЛЬСТВОМ КОНЦЕПЦІЇ СТАЛОГО РОЗВИТКУ (АРХЕТИПНИЙ АНАЛІЗ) Анотація. Досліджено сутність понять “сталий розвиток” та “архетип”. Визначено основні принципи концепції сталого розвитку. Відмічено, що ба- зисними елементами культури, які формують константні моделі духовного життя, та основою екології культури в інформаційному суспільстві є архе- типи єдності людини і природи. З’ясовано, що сприймаючи концепцію ста- лого розвитку, побудовану на розвитку особистості, потрібно врахувати, що архетип особистість успадковує, тому він перебуває в ній, але водночас він є і ззовні. Новацією школи архетипіки є модель “універсального епохального циклу”. Вона доповнена системою соціальних показників, з використанням яких упродовж останнього десятиріччя ведуть моніторинг психосоціальних змін в Україні. Виокремлено, що головна мета сталого розвитку суспільства полягає у забезпеченні умовно нескінченного існування людської цивіліза- ції та її прогресивного розвитку. Така мета вимагає вирішення завдань двох рівнів. Перший рівень можна позначити як необхідний — це фізичне вижи- вання людини біологічної. Другий рівень — достатній, він передбачає духов- ний розвиток людини соціальної. Зазначено, що державна політика щодо сталого розвитку повинна базуватися на таких основних принципах: зба- лансованість розвитку українського суспільства; екологічно та техногенно безпечні умови життєдіяльності населення; утвердження гуманізму, демо- кратії та загальнолюдських цінностей; еколого-економічна збалансованість

101 розвитку окремих регіонів та її узгодження із загальнонаціональними по- требами. Стверджено, що ефективність функціонування органів державної влади залежать від глибини усвідомлення виконавцями й усім населенням нових підходів, які відображають: набутий досвід (негативний та позитив- ний); прогнозні оцінки ситуації у біосфері; практичні потреби людей; архе- типову складову людського розвитку (свідомого і надсвідомого). Ключові слова: архетипи, суспільство, сталий розвиток, людський роз- виток. ВОСПРИЯТИЕ УКРАИНСКИМ ОБЩЕСТВОМ КОНЦЕПЦИИ УСТОЙЧИВОГО РАЗВИТИЯ (АРХЕТИПИЧЕСКИЙ АНАЛИЗ) Аннотация. Исследована сущность понятий “устойчивое развитие” и “архетип”. Определены основные принципы концепции устойчивого раз- вития. Отмечено, что базисными элементами культуры, которые формиру- ют константные модели духовной жизни, и основой экологии культуры в информационном обществе являются архетипы единства человека и при- роды. Выяснено, что воспринимая концепцию устойчивого развития, по- строенную на развитии личности, нужно учесть, что архетип личность на- следует, поэтому он находится в ней, но одновременно он и извне. Новацией школы архетипики является модель “универсального эпохального цикла”. Она дополнена системой социальных показателей, с использованием кото- рых в течение последнего десятилетия ведут мониторинг психосоциальных изменений в Украине. Выделены, что главная цель устойчивого развития общества заключается в обеспечении условно бесконечного существова- ния человеческой цивилизации и ее прогрессивного развития. Такая цель требует решения задач двух уровней. Первый уровень можно обозначить как необходимый — это физическое выживание человека биологического. Второй уровень — достаточный, он предусматривает духовное развитие человека социального. Указано, что государственная политика в отноше- нии устойчивого развития должна базироваться на следующих основных принципах: сбалансированность развития украинского общества; эколо- гически и техногенно безопасные условия жизнедеятельности населения; утверждение гуманизма, демократии и общечеловеческих ценностей; эко- лого-экономическая сбалансированность развития отдельных регионов и ее согласование с общенациональными потребностями. Утверждено, что эффективность функционирования органов государственной власти зави- сят от глубины осознания исполнителями и всем населением новых подхо- дов, отражающих: приобретенный опыт (негативный и позитивный) прог- нозные оценки ситуации в биосфере; практические потребности людей; архетипически составляющую человеческого развития (сознательного и сверхсознательного). Ключевые слова: архетипы, общество, устойчивое развитие, развитие общества.

102 Statement of the problem in gene- its achievement, among the lumina- ral and its connection with important ries-researchers of sustainable deve- practical tasks. One of the most press- lopment on a global scale: V. Behrens, ing challenges facing the countries of L. Brown, G. Brundtland, N. Virzba, the world is the achievement of sustain- St. Wood, A. Darnton, G. Daly, J. Dern- able development. The aim is to ensure bach, J. Egelman, A. King, M. Keating, economic recovery and the simultane- B. Commoner, T. Malthus, D. L. Mea- ous protection of the resource base and dows, D. Medows, J. Mintz, A. Pech- the environment, taking into account chei, A. Renda, J. Randers, J. Robinson, the interests of future generations. Sus- F. Strong, G, Shinazi, B. Schneider, tainability of economic development A. Wallace, L. Hughes and others. In is a state of the economy in which the addition, it is necessary to highlight stability of the output (final) para- the research in the field of sustainable meters of the development of produc- development management, related to tion, social and economic indicators is the study of the mechanisms of its ef- maintained. Sustainable development fectiveness: John McIntyre, S. Ivanaj, as a key concept includes two main fea- V. Ivanaj (“Multinational Enterprises tures: first, the survival and indefinite and the Challenge of Sustainable Deve- long development of civilization (soci- lopment”), Sh. Leader, Ong D. (“Glo- ety) and, secondly, the preservation of bal Project Finance, Human Rights and the natural environment, especially the Sustainable Development”), M. Segger, biosphere. Thus, sustainable develop- M. Gehring, A. Newcombe (“Sustain- ment is a harmonious (balanced) devel- able Development in World Invest- opment of society and the environment. ment Law”), F. Gaol, F. F. Hutagalung. But the changes that used to take place N. Bagautdinova (“Social Sciences and over centuries and millennia and were Interdisciplinary Behavior”), etc.). perceived as a process of evolutionary Among domestic researchers of development, in our time become stun- sustainable development we should ning, almost unpredictable. At the heart also highlight the scientific works of: of the negative changes there is the ir- A. Balashov, O. Bezuglyi, Ye. Borshcuk, responsible, unconditional and violent O. Veklych, V. Vernadskyi, V. Heyets, human activity against the nature. S. Herasymchuk, E. Hirusov, B. Da- Therefore, it is important to identify nylyshyn, M. Zgurovskyi, L. Mel- the mental driving forces that influence nyk, M. Mykolaichuk, O. Karintseva, the course of sustainable development O. Osaulenko, H. Platonov, etc.). and the development of social reality. The founder of the concept of “ar- Archetypes are some of them. chetype” was C. Jung. He used ar- Analysis of recent publications chetype theory to explain mythology, on the subject and identification of religion, art, and other cultural phe- previously unsolved parts of the over- nomena. Further ideas of the theory of all problem. Many scientific works of archetypes were developed by such fo- domestic and foreign scientists were reign scientists as P. Bourdieu, M. We- devoted to the issues of sustainable ber, E. Durkheim, M. Eliade, G. Lebon, development and the possibilities of S. Moskovichi, H. Ortega-i-Gasset,

103 G. Tard, E. Fromm et al. The represen- age their economic growth and to en- tatives of the national school of arche- able all societies to achieve their basic typics are as follows: E. Afonin, L. Bur- needs. The report states that social and lachuk, A. Donchenko, A. Martynenko, economic justice can ensure the growth Yu. Romanenko, etc. Nevertheless, the and maintenance of the environment, analysis of Ukrainian society’s percep- thus highlighting the three main com- tion of the concept of sustainable de- ponents of sustainable development of velopment through the prism of arche- the environment, economy and society, types is a complex scientific problem, which later became known as the tri- which is debatable and has not yet been umvirate [2]. completely solved. The concept of sustainable develop- The purpose of the article is to re- ment gained particular importance and veal the Ukrainian society’s perception design, at the UN conference in Rio de of the concept of sustainable develop- Janeiro, which was attended by heads ment through archetypal analysis. of government, representatives of the Presentation of the main research scientific and business communities, material with full justification of the experts from 179 countries. The con- scientific results. The term “sustainable ference called on all countries to adopt development” first appeared in an offi- national sustainable development cial document, signed by thirty African strategies. The second most important countries in 1969 under the auspices of was the world “Earth Summit – 2002”, the International Union for Conserva- which took place ten years later in Jo- tion of Nature (IUCN). In the same hannesburg. He It and concretized the year, the United States created the En- concept of sustainable development vironmental Protection Agency, whose and adopted important documents for leadership had a huge impact on the its implementation. In fact, there was a development of the theory and prac- transition from the study of sustainable tice of global environmental policy. The development of ecological and econo- law that made up NEPA (the National mic system in the concept of sustain- Environmental Policy Act of 1969) de- able development of socio-ecological fined sustainable development as: “eco- and economic system [3]. To solve the nomic development that can benefit problem of combining the interests of present and future generations without society and nature in 1999 on the initia- compromising the planet’s resources or tive of the United Nations development biological organisms” [1]. Program and the US Agency an inter- Approval of the concept of sustain- national project “Program to promote able development was held together sustainable development in Ukraine” with the report of G. H. Brundtland was launched [4]. “Our common future” in 1987. The There are many different defini- Report of G. H. Brundtland focused tions of “sustainable development” in primarily on the needs and interests of the literature. To a large extent, they people, and called for a global equity are a specification or refinement of for future generations by redistributing the definition made by the UN World resources to poorer nations to encour- Commission on environment and de-

104 velopment. Sustainable development ing the prospects and problems of long- is a development that meets the needs term social ecological and safe develop- of the present generation and does not ment E. V. Hirusov and G. V. Platonov jeopardize the ability of future genera- defined six aspects of the term “sustain- tions to meet their own needs [5, p. 38]. able development”: political and legal, K. Parikh states that sustainable deve- economic, environmental, social, inter- lopment can be defined as “the preser- national and informative [9, р. 7]. The vation of opportunities to reduce the concept of sustainable development is economy that provides certain goods based on three main principles: ensur- and services derived from the state of ing the balance of the economy and the nature” [6]. P. Elkins notes that “there environment; ensuring the balance of is no experience of an environmentally the economic and social spheres in the stable industrial economy anywhere in human dimension, which means maxi- the world where such sustainability re- mum use for the benefit of the popu- fers to an inefficient economy, depletes lation of the resources that economic the fund of environmental capital. So, it development gives; solving problems is not immediately obvious that, on the related to development not only in the one hand, the term “sustainable deve- interests of the modern generation, but lopment” is not just an oxymoron” [7, also all future generations with equal p. 44]. rights to resources [10, p. 187; 11, p. 85]. D. Pers defines sustainable develop- This concept of conservation of re- ment as “a situation in which the vec- sources for future generations is one of tor of development, that is, the vector the main features that distinguish sus- of the desired social goals, which in- tainable development policy from tra- cludes access to resources, as well as an ditional environmental policy, which increase in real per capita income, im- also tries to understand the external proving health and nutrition, achieving factors of environmental degradation a high level of education, a more equi- [12]. table distribution of income and an in- It should be noted that sustainable crease in basic freedom do not decrease development is a complex and volu- over time” [8, p. 2–3]. minous category, which is the basis of Sustainable development of the a certain way of seeing reality and ref- country means its functioning of the lects a new stage of development of the national economic complex, when at social subsystem of the biosphere. Now the same time it provided to meet the we can talk only about the most general growing material and spiritual needs theoretical contours of the concept, and of the population, rational and eco-safe not about the completed theory of sus- management and highly efficient use of tainable development. It is quite rea- natural resources, maintaining favorab- sonable to assert that the main idea of le human health, natural and environ- sustainable development coincides with mental conditions of life, preservation, the idea of the concept of noosphere by reproduction and enhancement of envi- V. Vernadskyi, which is as folows: man ronmental quality and natural resource is a natural stage of the evolution of liv- potential of social production. Explor- ing matter, the main purpose of which

105 is to eliminate the spontaneity of the mind when creative activity is released, biosphere and ensure the transition to or under the influence of uncertain life the evolution controlled by the mind obstacles in situations of internal con- [13, p. 109]. flict. The scientist also described the Therefore, sustainable development basic essential characteristics of arche- should be seen as a new paradigm of so- types: first, as C. Jung noted, archetypes cial development, which should be in- arise in the mind in the form of images; tegrated as soon as possible into the na- secondly, archetypes are not available tional strategies of countries to stop the for direct observation; thirdly, they depletion of resources, the destruction cannot be discursively comprehended of ecosystems, and the violation of the and “adequately” expressed verbally. natural balance. The implementation of Archetypes, according to the scientist, this objective need depends to a large can be studied, but only with the help extent on such factors as the existence of methods of description, interpreta- of political will, the recognition of the tion and typing [16, p. 105]. priority of the transition to sustainable Carl Jung in his theory came to the development, the definition and study conclusion that, in addition to the in- of ways to implement this idea [14, dividual unconscious, there is also col- р. 7]. lective, racial unconscious, which is a It is important that the archetypes of manifestation of the creative cosmic the unity of man and nature are the ba- force common to all mankind. Jung be- sic elements of culture, forming a con- lieved that in the process of individu- stant model of spiritual life, the basis of alization a person can overcome the the ecology of culture in the informa- narrow boundaries of the Ego and the tion society. The coming century — the personal unconscious and connect with century of the human information soci- the higher self, which corresponds to ety — should become an era of genuine all mankind and the whole Cosmos [17, humanization of culture, the achieve- p. 26]. ment of which is impossible without its Archetypes, according to E. Neu- greening. mann’s research, “are formal elements Since the Swiss scholar Carl Jung, in of the unconscious, connecting with 1919 in the work “Instinct and the un- certain ideas of individual experience, conscious” introduced into scientific use are subjected to a unique conscious pro- the concept of psychological archetype, cessing”, as a result of which archetypal defining it as impersonal or collective images are created and used. They arise unconscious, the understanding of this and are fixed after a number of changes, phenomenon has become an integral transformations of subconscious con- component of socio-humanitarian re- tents first in the subconscious, and then search [15]. Therefore, C. Jung defined in the conscious structure of the per- the archetype as a universal pattern, a sonality. In the future, such individual, fundamental principle that affects the spontaneous formations are included overall structure of the personality and in the set of phenomena of social con- the sequence of images that exist in the sciousness and through the acquisition subconscious and are actualized in the of meaning and meaning become collec-

106 tive forms — symbolic archetypes [18, experience of the external (social, that p. 94–96]. is, specific mental): experiences, sensa- Archetype is a cultural stereotype tions, perceptions, volitional, spiritual hidden in the collective subconscious, and social connections, feelings and the “prototype”, an innate psychological like. In short, there is a mutual influ- scheme of thinking, which indirectly ence of the social psyche of the nation affects the activities of social subjects. and the individual psyche of its mem- At the same time as a person is aware bers [20]. of himself as a subject of social deve- Perceiving the concept of sustain- lopment, archetypes are directly “inter- able development, built on the develop- twined” in the structure of the mental ment of personality, it should be borne existence of a person and become a kind in mind that the archetype (according of “connecting” material that provides to Jung’s theory) is inherited by a per- personal integrity and stability of de- sonality, so it is in it, but at the same velopment. The first image acquires time it is from the outside. Part of the its semantic content, penetrating into archetype, assimilated and directed consciousness and getting filled with outward, forms a “person” (“mask”), the conscious experience of reality, that side of the archetype, turned inside the is, archetypal representations, images, individual, that is a “shadow” (“shadow symbols and the like, which reflect the has an innate character: if you break desires, expectations, aspirations and the “mask”, you will see the “shadow”, hopes of people arising from the joint which manifests itself in complexes, work of consciousness and the collec- symptoms”). Psychological correction tive unconscious [19]. is effective only if there is a correction A person, who is born into the world, of a “shadow” and a “person”. The indi- somehow assimilates all that huma- vidual unconscious of a person can be nity has developed over the millennia, known through “complexes” — a set of reproduces ethnic characteristics and mental meanings charged with one emo- the like. This becomes possible due to tion, one affect”. The complexes mani- the influence of mental mechanisms of fest themselves through symptoms, and the individual psyche. Each individual the totality of symptoms constitutes a reproduces and transforms the past po- syndrome (e.g., fear, aggressiveness). tential of the development of the eth- Complexes should be corrected in a nos, nation and humanity, adding to it whole, and there is no use in elimina- a drop of his spiritual and practical ex- ting individual symptoms — by re- perience of relations with the world, so- moving one a symptom we get new ciety, nation and people. The psyche of symptoms, because the root cause — each person (ethnophor) is included in complex — continues to exist and has its the social psyche, is a micro particle and destructive force. To correct the “com- a kind of “generator psycho energy”. At plex”, it is necessary to extract from the same time, the social psyche of the the unconscious emotionally charged ethnic community to which this person “complex”, understanding it and chang- belongs is “present” in the individual ing its emotional sign, changing the psyche as an internal psychological direction of affect, that is, the goal is to

107 eliminate not the symptom, but the af- This does not mean any order or hier- fect that underlies the “complex” [21]. archy. Both levels are extremely impor- It is important to note that the in- tant and interdependent. Sometimes it novation of the archetypic schools is its seems that the problem of human sur- own approach to the analysis of world vival as a species is more understand- history. In particular, on the basis of able and relevant priority. But it is no the cyclic paradigm, a fundamentally less clear that a person without spiritu- new for social philosophy and other so- al development, a person whose perso- cial sciences theoretical and synthetic nality is visible only by a natural desire model of socio-historical analysis and to continue the race, to provide physi- forecast was developed — the model of ological functions, is a regression, the the “Universal Epochal Cycle” (UEC), loss of the main thing by a person — the which reflects the features of the social humanity, difference from the animal world as a result of the development world. It is at the level of human social of different-scale social subject-object development, that human personality entities: man, society, civilization. Ac- becomes possible to create the idea and cordingly to the socio-historical deve- reality of the concept of sustainable de- lopment is considered in the format of velopment [23, p. 87]. this model at the micro, meso and mac- Ukrainian society’s perception of ro levels as a process of “passing” of five the concept of sustainable development social cycles. Each of these cycles de- was studied by scientists using a na- scribe using the four universal elements tional sociological survey in February– (“revolution”, “involution”, “co-evolu- March 2017 [24, p. 2]. According to tion”, “evolution”), subordinate to the the results of the empirical study, more general logic of changes in the regula- than half of the respondents (54 %) tory periods (involution, evolution), al- pointed to the potential of sustainable ternating transitive States (revolution, development to stimulate the transfor- co-evolution) of social development. mation processes in Ukraine, which will The UEC model is supplemented by a contribute to the achievement of equa- system of social indicators, which are lity, peace, social well-being for all and used to monitor psychosocial changes the preservation of the environment. in Ukraine during the last decade [22, At the same time, the share of those p. 124]. who are confident in this prospect is In view of the above, the main goal almost equal to the share of pessimists of sustainable development of society (18,2 % vs. 19,4 %). The vast majority of is to ensure the conditionally infinite respondents (61,3 %) believed that the existence of human civilization and its sustainable development goals rather progressive development. This goal re- cover the whole range of development quires two levels of challenge. The first priorities for Ukraine. At the same level can be designated as a required time, almost a quarter of respondents one — it is the physical survival of the (23,3 %) were of the opinion that these biological person. The second level — goals fully cover the priority directions is the sufficient one, it involves the of development of our country. At the spiritual development of human social. same time, in the opinion of 3,1 % of re-

108 spondents (37 people), the sustainable rent categories of respondents in these development goals do not sufficiently three important problems was studied: cover the priority areas of development among all the participants of the sur- of Ukraine [24, p. 16–17]. vey, the problem of poverty is most of Also, in order to identify global risks concern to women, older respondents, for future generations, respondents were with complete secondary and second- offered a list of seven existing problems, ary special education, as well as resi- among which they had to choose the dents of the Eastern region. In turn, the most terrible and threatening had to be importance of the problem of economic chosen in the second place. Compared development of Ukraine is noted more to the first survey (2014), the hierar- often than other respondents with sec- chy of the biggest threats to humanity, ondary and higher education, residents according to respondents, actually re- of the Eastern, southern regions and mained unchanged. Wars and conflicts the capital. Among the important prob- (68,8 %) remain in the first position lems of our country, which were addi- with a significant separation from other tionally mentioned by the respondents, threats, which is understandable, given the anti-terrorist operation in the Don- the relevance of this threat to Ukraine. bas and the achievement of peace were At the same time, environmental issues the most often mentioned issues [24, also remain in the focus of public opi- p. 20–21]. nion. If we combine the responses to Taking into account the results of the two environmental threats (pollu- the surveys, the state policy of sustain- tion and depletion of natural resourc- able development should be based on es), the level of environmental con- the following basic principles, which cern of the survey participants can be provide [4, p. 20]: balance of develop- defined as quite high (35,2 % and 20,7 ment of Ukrainian society; parity of %, respectively, in total — 55,9 %). This economic, social and environmental illustrates that the population is quite components, recognition of the impos- a realistic view of threats in connec- sibility of long-term progressive deve- tion with the deterioration of the envi- lopment of society in terms of environ- ronment and the inadequate measures mental degradation; environmentally aimed at addressing them. Among the and technogenically safe living con- dangers, which were additionally men- ditions of the population; approval of tioned by the respondents, it is worth humanism, democracy and human val- mentioning moral and ethical relations ues; ecological and economic balance between people and the spread of harm- of development of separate regions and ful habits that have a negative impact its coordination with national require- on human health (“alcoholism, smok- ments. ing”) [24, p. 19]. In ensuring these principles of sus- Since the principle of sustainable tainable development we should talk development is not only the preserva- about the mentality and archetype tion of the environment, but also the of the nation is not separate, but as a overcoming of poverty as a result of mental and mental subsystem of its economic growth, the attitude of diffe- social psyche. Mental is such a forma-

109 tion of the collective unconscious and projection, as we know, is a system of the subconscious collective social psy- mental and sensory images that try to che of the nation that is a powerhouse, unconsciously stimulate and regulate the core, the essence of her inner spirit the behavior of members of society in connected with the mysteries of birth, specific socio-cultural conditions. ethnic group, its interactions with na- Conclusions and prospects for ture and social world, psycho energy further research. So, we can conclude which concentrates the rest of the set of that the concept of sustainable deve- mental, that is in any way manifested in lopment is the ideological basis for the behavior, actions, ways of thinking, at- development of society. This concept titude, worldview, etc. during the life of broadly reflects human needs and in- the nation [25, p. 76]. terests among other management con- The field of state qualities is formed cepts. Its essential components cover all by archetypes of human relations and spheres of human existence. The quality other norms, stereotypes of actions, of life reflects the level (completeness) lifestyle and figurations of inter-human of satisfaction of needs and interests, is dependence. That is, state qualities: regulated by the target policy of public are formed from explicit and implicit administration. At its core, the ideas of norms that determine behavior that is sustainable development should be ap- mastered and mediated by archetypal plied in the processes of goal-setting symbols; are created as a result of col- in public administration, which will lective activity, together with their contribute to improving the welfare of embodiment in objects. Therefore, the the country. The formation of public effectiveness of the functioning of pub- outlook on the implementation of the lic authorities depends on the depth of ideology of sustainable development in awareness of the performers and the en- everyday life is a necessary condition for tire population of new approaches that the further development and democra- reflect: the experience gained (negative tization of all spheres of public life. The and positive); predictive assessment of concept of “archetype” in the modern the situation in the biosphere; practical science of culture, the relationship bet- needs of people; archetype component ween man and nature receives the status of human development (conscious and of a category, which is the basis for the superconscious). Given this situation, inter paradigm dialogue. The change of it is necessary to learn how to com- time is determined by the archetypes pare the needs with the possibilities of created in society, that is, the change of the environment and nature, as well as times means the change of archetypes or their own interests with the universal. ways of their manifestation. Realizing This is a stable specific formation of the complexity of solving the problems, the link “collective unconscious — col- there is a need for further study. lective unconscious”, which holds the features of the socio-psychological im- REFERENCES age of society in historical and cultural conditions, which are constantly pro- 1. Chi znaete vi, koli vpershe zyavilasya jected on today’s social reality. And this stiykist? [Do you know when sus-

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114 UDC: 316.422' 3.061.1 ЄС (477) DOI: 2224-2019-18-3-115-124 Valevskyi Oleksii Leonidovich, Doctor of Science in Public Administra- tion, Senior Researcher, National Institute for Strategic Stugies, 01030, Кyiv, Str. Piro- hova, 7-a, tеl.: + 38 (050) 654 38 98, е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 000-003-0403-0277 Валевський Олексій Леонідович, доктор наук з державного управління, про- відний науковий співробітник, Національ- ний інститут стратегічних досліджень, 01030, Київ, вул. Пирогова, 7-a, тел.: + 38 (050) 654 38 98, е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 000-003-0403-0277 Валевский Алексей Леонидович, доктор наук государственного управле- ния, ведущий научный сотрудник, На- циональный институт стратегических исследований, 01030, Киев, ул. Пирогова, 7-a, тел.: +38 (050) 654 38 98, е-mail: walewsk@ ORCID: 000-003-0403-0277

PROBLEMS OF VALUE TRANSFORMATIONS AND PUBLIC CONSOLIDATION IN THE CONTEXT OF UKRAINE’S EUROPEAN CHOICE Abstract. The research task of the publication is to analyze the value transfor- mations occurring in the public consciousness, which are caused by the European integration of Ukraine. Since the processes of value transformations and the for- mation of identity are non-linear, in addition to quantitative methods, it is neces- sary to apply an archetypal approach to verify them. It is proved that the European integration of Ukraine is connected not only with economic and institutional transformations, but also with the need to master European values and behavioral models on which the economic, social and politi- cal spheres of the European community are built. It is shown that as a result of the Russian aggression and the strengthening of European integration tendencies, value changes occur in the assessments of Ukrainian citizens of social processes and worldview orientations. The attrac- tiveness of integration models with the participation of the Russian Federation is

115 significantly reduced, but the number of supporters of the European direction is increasing. It is proved that value transformations occur slowly, and this process is not linear. However, it can be argued that the conditional set of “European values” is gradually increasing the number of its supporters among citizens. Large-scale public perturbations that are associated with Russian aggression in the Donbass and the economic crisis have contributed to the formation of a request for unity and consolidation in the public consciousness. However, at the moment the need for values of consolidation and unity remains largely unfulfilled. It is concluded that the need to ensure the irreversibility of the process of value transformations makes it necessary to perceive cultural activities from a different angle. It is proved that the dynamic development of culture is of key importance for the successful modernization of Ukraine and ensuring sustainable develop- ment. Keywords: аssociation of Ukraine with the EU, value transformations, con- solidation of society, cultural policy, modernization of society, sustainable deve- lopment, archetypical approach. ПРОБЛЕМИ ЦІННІСНИХ ТРАНСФОРМАЦІЙ ТА СУСПІЛЬНОЇ КОНСОЛІДАЦІЇ У КОНТЕКСТІ ЄВРОПЕЙСЬКОГО ВИБОРУ УКРАЇНИ Анотація. Дослідницьке завдання полягає в аналізі ціннісних трансфор- мацій, які відбуваються у громадській свідомості та пов’язуються із напрямом європейської інтеграції України. Оскільки процеси ціннісних трансформацій і формування ідентичності є нелінійними, то для їх верифікації у громадській свідомості, окрім кількісних методів, необхідно застосовувати архетиповий підхід. Доведено, що шлях європейської інтеграції для України пов’язується не лише із економічними та інституційними перетвореннями, а також із необ- хідністю опанування європейськими цінностями та поведінковими моделя- ми, на яких будуються економічна, соціальна та політична сфери функціону- вання європейської співдружності. Показано, що внаслідок російської агресії та посилення євроінтеграцій- них тенденцій відбуваються ціннісні зміни в оцінках українськими громадя- нами суспільних процесів та світоглядних орієнтацій. Суттєво зменшується привабливість інтеграційних моделей за участю РФ, натомість збільшується кількість прихильників європейського напряму. Доводиться, що ціннісні трансформації відбуваються повільно, і цей про- цес не є лінійним. Однак можна стверджувати, що умовний набір “європей- ських цінностей” поступово збільшує кількість своїх прихильників серед громадян. Масштабні суспільні пертурбації, які пов’язані із агресією РФ на Донба- сі та економічною кризою, сприяли формуванню у громадській свідомості запиту на цінності єдності та консолідації. Проте на цей момент потреба у

116 цінностях консолідації та єдності залишається багато в чому не реалізова- ною. Робиться висновок, що необхідність забезпечення незворотності процесу ціннісних трансформацій змушує під іншим кутом зору сприймати культурну діяльність. Доводиться, що динамічний розвиток культури має ключове зна- чення для успішної модернізації України та забезпечення сталого розвитку. Ключові слова: асоціація України з ЄС, ціннісні трансформації, консоліда- ція суспільства, культурна політика, модернізація суспільства, сталий розви- ток, архетиповий підхід. ПРОБЛЕМЫ ЦЕННОСТНЫХ ТРАНСФОРМАЦИЙ И ОБЩЕСТВЕННОЙ КОНСОЛИДАЦИИ В КОНТЕКСТЕ ЕВРОПЕЙСКОГО ВЫБОРА УКРАИНЫ Аннотация. Исследовательское задание публикации состоит в анализе ценностных трансформаций, происходящих в общественном сознании, кото- рые вызваны европейской интеграцией Украины. Поскольку процессы цен- ностных трансформаций и формирования идентичности являются нелиней- ными, то для их верификации, кроме количественных методов, необходимо применять архетипный подход. Доказано, что европейская интеграция Украины связана не только с эко- номическими и институциональными преобразованиями, а также с необ- ходимостью освоения европейских ценностей и поведенческих моделей, на которых строятся экономическая, социальная и политическая сферы функ- ционирования европейского содружества. Показано, что в результате российской агрессии и усиления евроинтег- рационных тенденций происходят ценностные изменения в оценках укра- инскими гражданами общественных процессов и мировоззренческих ори- ентаций. Существенно уменьшается привлекательность интеграционных моделей с участием РФ, зато увеличивается количество сторонников евро- пейского направления. Доказывается, что ценностные трансформации происходят медленно, и этот процесс не является линейным. Однако можно утверждать, что услов- ный набор “европейских ценностей” постепенно увеличивает количество своих сторонников среди граждан. Масштабные общественные пертурбации, связанные с агрессией РФ на Донбассе и экономическим кризисом, способствовали формированию в об- щественном сознании запроса на ценности единства и консолидации. Од- нако на данный момент потребность в ценностях консолидации и единства остается во многом не реализованной. Делается вывод, что необходимость обеспечения необратимости процес- са ценностных трансформаций заставляет под другим углом зрения воспри- нимать культурную деятельность. Доказывается, что динамичное развитие культуры имеет ключевое значение для успешной модернизации Украины и обеспечения устойчивого развития.

117 Ключевые слова: ассоциация Украины с ЕС, ценностные трансформа- ции, консолидация общества, культурная политика, модернизация общества, устойчивое развитие, архетипный поход.

Problem statement. In 2014, with promotion of rapprochement between the victory of Euromaidan in Ukraine, Ukraine and the EU, which is based on the course for European integration was common values. declared. The Association Agreement Thus, the path of European integra- between Ukraine and the EU, which tion for Ukraine is associated not only fixed the path of European integration, with economic and institutional reforms. came into force. The Preamble of the This path should be accompanied by va- Agreement states that its creation is lue transformations in public conscious- based on the fact that Ukraine and the ness and behavioral models, since the EU member States share common val- Agreement gives value transformations ues. It is stated that “Ukraine as a Euro- the same importance as socio-econo- pean country shares a common history mic, legal and institutional changes. and common values with the Member In 2017, the Cabinet of Ministers States of the European Union (EU) of Ukraine approved an updated ac- and is determined to support these tion Plan for the implementation of values”. The preamble also states that the EU-Ukraine Association Agree- there are relations between Ukraine ment. This Plan defines that European and the EU based on common values. It integration is an integral part of the should be noted that an exhaustive list strategic planning and policy-making of these values is given here. Namely, of each ministry. The action plan is an respect for democratic principles, the ambitious document that sets out the rule of law, good governance, human 1943 tasks, covering 27 areas. 106 au- rights and fundamental freedoms, in- thorities of Ukraine are responsible for cluding the rights of persons belonging performance of tasks [2]. The govern- to national minorities, respect for di- ment regularly publishes reports on the versity, human dignity and devotion to implementation of tasks related to the the principles of a free market economy Agreement. Thus, as of the first half of [1]. It also notes “the importance that 2018, Ukraine has fulfilled 41 % of the Ukraine attaches to its European iden- annual action plan for the implementa- tity”. It is important to note that the tion of the Agreement [3]. Preamble states that Ukraine’s integra- At the same time, in discussions tion with the European Union will de- around the implementation of Ukraine’s pend on Ukraine’s achievements in en- tasks related to the Agreement, it is the suring respect for common values and problem of value formation that is not progress in approaching the EU in the given due attention. This can be ex- political, economic and legal spheres”. plained by the fact that value transfor- Finally, the list of objectives of the As- mations are not directly related either sociation in the first place indicates the to the activities of the authorities or to

118 institutional transformations. Howev- 3,6 points. In 2017 Putin’s assessment er, it is inappropriate to neglect this fac- by Ukrainian citizens fell to 2,9 points tor of the European integration process, [4 p. 498]. However, given the large as it is given an important functional scale of the devastating consequences importance. The Agreement proceeds of Russian aggression, this figure is still from the postulate that the criterion a cause for concern. However, the men- for the success of Ukraine’s integration tioned dynamics of assessments shows with the EU is the level of mastery of its that the process of rejection of the ide- basic European values in the political, ology of Moldova is increasing in the economic and legal spheres. Finally, the public consciousness. list of objectives of the Association in In 2014, Ukrainian society formed the first place indicates the promotion a significant number of citizens who of rapprochement between Ukraine supported the priority nature of fo- and the EU, which is based on common reign policy partnership with Russia. In values. particular, according to surveys of the The aim of the article is to analyze Razumkov Center, in 2009 their num- the value transformations that occur in ber reached a record level of 51,1 %. the public consciousness and are associ- It is worth paying attention to the ated with the direction of European in- factors that at that time, according to tegration of Ukraine. Since the process- respondents, could contribute to the es of value transformations and identity rapprochement of Ukraine and Rus- formation are nonlinear and indicate sia. This is the common historical past complex and ambiguous trends in the (42,7 %), family ties between the inha- public consciousness, it is necessary to bitants of both countries (41,7 %), pro- apply an archetypal approach to their ximity of cultures (24,6 %) [5, p. 72–75]. verification, in addition to quantitative Traditionally, supporters of strengthen- methods. ing contacts with Russia are residents Presentation of the main material. of the Eastern and southern regions. The first thing that attracts attention However, until 2014, such attachment when it comes to value transformations acquired in some places hypertrophied in recent years is the weakening of the forms. Thus, according to the Razum- influence of the ideologems of the “Rus- kov Center, in 2009, 65,7 % of the rep- sian world” (RW) on the public con- resentatives of the conditional “Slavic sciousness of Ukrainian society. Thus, community” of Crimea (citizens of monitoring studies of the Institute of Ukraine who are ethnic Ukrainians or sociology of NAS of Ukraine in 2013 Russians) were convinced that Ukrai- recorded abnormally high positive nians and Russians are one people, and attitude of citizens of Ukraine to 44,2 % did not consider themselves rep- Putin — the average score of the inte- resentatives of the Ukrainian political grated assessment (according to the nation [6]. following scale: “1” — low, “10” — the However, since 2014, as a result of highest score) was 5,8 points. By the understanding the causes of Russian way, Ukrainian President of that peri- aggression and strengthening of Euro- od received a much lower score — only pean integration processes, there are

119 changes in the assessments of Ukrai- accession to NATO were 46,3 % of nian citizens of foreign policy orienta- citizens, “against” — 31,6 %. Accor- tions. An illustration of this is the dy- dingly, 58,1 % of citizens support acces- namics of the attitude of citizens to sion to the European Union, 23,9 % do Ukraine’s accession to the Customs not support it [9]. However, the data Union. It should be recalled that during obtained should not make an impres- 2013, a massive information processing sion about the consolidated support of of the consciousness of Ukrainian citi- the population of the Western vector zens regarding Ukraine’s accession to of integration. It should be borne in the Customs Union was carried out. mind that according to the survey, 51 % It gave the results — at that time 45 % of the residents of the southern and of citizens positively treated Ukraine’s 53 % of the Eastern regions do not sup- accession to the Customs Union, 25 % port NATO membership. Accordingly, treated negatively. In 2017, the num- 41 % of residents of the southern and ber of those who positively assessed 40% of residents of the Eastern regions Ukraine’s accession to the Customs are skeptical about joining the EU. This Union decreased to 22 %, but the num- regional distribution of responses leads ber of opponents of such an integration to the conclusion that value transfor- model increased to 57 % [7, sec. 501]. mations are slow and not linear. Certain A similar trend is observed in changing value enclaves remain in the society, attitudes towards integration models which do not perceive changes. aimed at bringing Ukraine closer to the The study of orientations of Ukrai- Western world. Thus, in 2013, 28 % of nian citizens shows that the conditional citizens had a negative attitude to the set of “European values” is gradually idea of Ukraine’s accession to the Eu- gaining the increasing number of its ropean Union. In 2017, there were 24 % supporters. Thus, the study "Ukrainian of them. At the same time, the number society and European values”, conduc- of those who support Ukraine’s acces- ted in 2017 by the Gorshenin Institute sion to the EU increased significantly in cooperation with the representa- from 41 % in 2013 to 54 % in 2017. tive Office of the F. Ebert Foundation Similar trends are observed in the atti- in Ukraine, showed that the values of tude of citizens to the idea of Ukraine’s personal well-being — health, success, accession to NATO. Thus, the number prosperity, happy family, lack of stress, of those who negatively perceived this personal development are dominant in idea decreased from 54 % in 2013 to the minds of Ukrainians. This is fol- 35 % in 2017. At the same time, the lowed by the values associated with number of supporters of NATO mem- paternalism-quality and free education bership increased from 14 % in 2013 to and medicine, decent pensions, social 40 % in 2017 [8, p. 502]. benefits, job security, commensurate In general, there is reason to believe with income prices. And only last of that in recent years, pro-Western senti- all respondents pointed to the values ments have been growing in the public that can be described as “European” — consciousness. According to a study the rule of law, democracy, freedom of conducted in late 2018, “pro” Ukraine’s speech, honesty/transparency, the de-

120 sire to provide equal opportunities to contradictory trends in the develop- all citizens like [10, p.13]. The results ment of the values of private initiative of this study showed that European and the free market are recorded. Ac- values are attractive to Ukrainians, cording to the survey conducted by the and the need for their implementation Sociological group “Rating” in 2019, is unanimously supported by both sup- almost 40 % of Ukrainians would like to porters and opponents of EU accession. have their own business. On the other In particular, respondents indicated hand, half of the respondents (48 %) that the most relevant value is the rule did not express such desires. While in of law. Values such as equality before 2013 there were only 27 % who wan- the law, human rights and democracy ted to do their own business, and those are set out below. At the same time, the who did not want it amounted to 63 %. authors of the study indicate that the Therefore, the number of supporters of respondents agree that “the path to the private initiative is gradually increas- implementation of these values will be ing [12]. However, this trend does not long, because, in their opinion, in our yet prove that the mood of paternalism country there are no fair courts, the le- is disappearing in the public conscious- gislative system is extremely imperfect, ness. Thus, according to the results of in the minds of citizens there is neither the 2019 survey, the majority of citizens respect nor fear of the law”. Another (64 %) were of the opinion that the conclusion reached by the authors of role of the state in the development of this study is that “basic European va- the economy is to ensure income equa- lues are perceived by Ukrainians as lity and social justice. And only 27 % good ones that should be sought and believed that the state should ensure which in the future may affect positive freedom of development and fair com- social trends. At the same time, Ukrai- petition rules. As you can see, there is nians are characterized by the fact that an effect of “duality”. On the one hand, they tend to hypothetically support the number of citizens who want to im- these values, but in everyday practice plement a private initiative, and there- they are selectively embodied” [11, fore the number of supporters of liberal p. 19] . views, is growing. On the other hand, Since 2014, in the public conscious- the majority adheres to purely pater- ness there are value transformations nalistic attitudes and requires the state under the influence of the development to ensure equality of income. of new economic and social practices re- To demonstrate the scale of the lated to the European integration way. problem of cultural development of Eu- Mastering these practices is an urgent ropean values the society is facing, it is task, given the need to adapt Ukrainian necessary to turn to the specifics of the society to the European economic and population's understanding of the con- humanitarian space. tent of basic values related to human At the same time, as noted, this pro- rights. The results of the study “What cess is faced with the need to overcome Ukrainians know and think about hu- many difficulties, phobias and prejudi- man rights: assessment of changes ces of mass consciousness. In particular, (2016–2018)” show that despite the

121 fact that the population has a fairly high of the Eastern and Southern regions. level of support for human rights values, 24 % of citizens pointed to the threat there is a significant imbalance in their of anarchy and anarchy [14]. However, perception [13]. Thus, two thirds of the at the moment the need for the values population prioritize socio-economic of consolidation and unity remains rights, and this is not surprising against largely unfulfilled, because neither po- the background of the high level of po- litical forces nor public institutions for verty in the country. According to the various reasons cannot unite society, authors of the study, the problem is that offering a realistic set of values and be- the average person is not fully aware of havioral models. the primacy of political and civil rights. The need to ensure the irreversibi- The authors also note that 50–60 % lity of the process of value transforma- of Ukrainians justify restrictions on tion forces to perceive cultural activi- the rights of drug addicts, former con- ties from a different angle. After all, cul- victs, people with unpopular political ture has the proper value and spiritual views, Roma and representatives of potential for the preservation of nation- the LGBT community. Moreover, the al identities and values and the forma- situation of willingness to restrict the tion of the worldview of modern man. rights of persons belonging to these so- Neglecting the possibilities of culture cial groups has deteriorated. The study in the formation of modern man, pre- also showed the frustration of people in ferring, first of all, the solution of eco- the ability to defend their rights before nomic and social problems, is a short- the authorities. In general, the results sighted position. confirm the need to continue systema- Dynamic development of culture is tic educational and cultural work both crucial for successful modernization of from the content of the citizens of their Ukraine and sustainable development. rights, and the need to respect human The erroneous view that the success of rights by the authorities. reforms lies only on the economic and Large-scale social perturbations social plane should be abandoned as associated with the aggression of the soon as possible. Reforms can be suc- Russian Federation in the Donbas and cessful only when they are accompa- the economic crisis, contributed to the nied by an effective policy of the state formation in the public consciousness of in the spiritual sphere. These were the the request for the values of unity and ideas Ukrainian reformers lacked, who consolidation. Thus, according to the mistakenly linked the objectives of the results of the survey in 2019, 28 % of reform only with increasing material citizens noted that the country lacks consumption. At the same time, such unity most of all. As for the poten- tasks as promoting value transforma- tial threats, the citizens are also quite tions, developing the creative potential acutely aware of the threat of decon- of society, creating conditions for the solidation of society. Thus, in the list formation of a creative environment of potential threats, 33 % pointed to and new forms of social organization the “collapse of the country”. The most did not fall into the attention of the re- acutely it is felt by the inhabitants formers.

122 Public opinion research shows that integration models with the partici- Ukrainians are becoming more confi- pation of the Russian Federation, in dent that it is necessary to focus on the particular the Customs Union. At the European values of the social order in same time, the number of supporters the modernization of Ukrainian society. of the Western vector of integration of At the same time, citizens realize that Ukraine is increasing. Also, monitor- in modern conditions of poverty, cor- ing studies show that in the Eastern ruption in central and local authorities, and Southern regions of the country low level of legal and political culture there is a significant number of citizens it is impossible to “simultaneously” in- who favor the ideology of the “Russian troduce European values into public world”. Therefore, value transforma- practice. This requires painstaking and tions are slow, and this process is not systematic work, designed for a signifi- linear, so certain “value enclaves” remain cant period of time. in the public consciousness. Summary. 3. The study of orientations of 1. Since 2014, in the context of re- Ukrainian citizens shows that the sistance to aggression of the Russian conditional set of “European values” Federation and the beginning of the is gradually gaining the increasing Association of Ukraine with the EU, number of its supporters. At the same there are changes in the value percep- time, this process is faced with the need tion of public opinion socio-political to overcome many phobias and preju- processes. Actually, the need for such dices in the mass consciousness. We transformations is conditioned by the have to deal with a peculiar effect of Association itself, where in the Pre- “duality”, when declared commitment amble it is stated that the way of Eu- to “European values”, and in practice ropean integration for Ukraine is con- behavioral models tend to paterna- nected, first of all, with the mastery of listic or authoritarian attitudes. The the value basis on which the European perverse consequences of this “duality” community is built. A list of such va- can be seen, in particular, in the field lues is provided: respect for democratic of human rights, where there are many principles, the rule of law, good gover- violations. nance, human rights and fundamental 4. One of the factors of the ongoing freedoms, including national minorities, transformations was the formation of respect for diversity, human dignity and the demand in the public consciousness commitment to the principles of a market of the value of unity and consolidation. economy. The most acute relevance of such values 2. The results of monitoring stu- is experienced by residents of the East- dies make it possible to determine some ern and Southern regions. However, at vectors of value transformations in the the moment this request remains large- public consciousness that occur. Thus, ly unfulfilled. Neither political forces after 2014, the idea of the priority fo- nor public institutions, for various rea- reign policy nature of Ukraine’s part- sons, can unite society by offering an nership with Russia collapsed. Similar exhaustive set of values and behavioral negativism is recorded with respect to models.

123 5. The need to ensure the irrever- lable at: sibility of the process of value trans- news/2018/09/19/7192587/ formation forces to perceive cultural 4. Ukrainian society: monitoring social activities from a different angle. After change. Collection of scientific works. all, culture has the proper value poten- Issue 4 (18), Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of tial for the formation of the worldview Ukraine — Kyiv — 2017. of modern man. Once again we have to 5. Ukrainian–Russian relations in the note that the new cultural policy should estimations of Ukrainian citizens. All– become a means of development of the Ukrainian sociological survey of the innovative potential of society and its Razumkov Center // National Secu- consolidation around the values of pro- rity and Defense. — 2009. — № 4. — gress. Such cultural policy is able to P. 72–84, [Online], available at: http:// resist the influence of disintegration processes. ukr/NSD108_2009_ukr.pdf The real scale of the problems faced 6. Crimean society: dividing lines and prospects for consolidation. Analyti- in the formation of a new system of va- cal Report of the Razumkov Center // lues in the minds of Ukrainian citizens National Security and Defense. — has no analogues in the past. Here the 2009. — № 5. — P. 4–5. [Online], cultural and humanitarian policy ma- available at: kers have to operate in an environment uploads/journal/ukr/NSD109_2009_ where old patterns and approaches do ukr.pdf not work. Therefore, there is an urgent 7. see: Ukrainian society: monitoring so- need to develop a new methodology for cial change the design and implementation of hu- 8. see: Ukrainian society: monitoring so- manitarian and cultural policy, because cial change 9. “Socio-political situation in Ukraine” we are talking about the need to change (2018). The results of the study of the destructive attitudes of self-con- KIIS, SOCIS and the Razumkov sciousness of a large number of people Center, [Online], available at: https:// and the formation of a new system of values. ws&id=784&page=4 REFERENCES 10. “Ukrainian society and European va- lues” (2017). Report on the results of 1. Association Agreement between a sociological study conducted by the Ukraine and the European Union, Gorshenin Institute in cooperation [Online], available at: https://zakon. with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Ukraine. // Friedrich Ebert Foun- 2. Action Plan on Implementation of dation. Representation in Ukraine, the Association Agreement between [Online], available at: http://fes.kiev. Ukraine and the European Union. ua/n/cms/fileadmin/upload2/JEv- Eurointegration portal, [Online], avai- ropeiski_cinnosti__tables_and_dia- lable at: grams_MR_.pdf hodiv-z-vykonannia-uhody 11. see: “Ukrainian society and European 3. During the first half of 2018, Ukraine values” (2017) fulfilled 41 % of the Association 12. Assessment of relations between the Agreement plan, [Online], avai- state and business. March 2019. So-

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125 2018) / Резюме дослідж. [С. Колі- 14. Настрої та оцінка загроз українця- ушко, М. Паращевін, В. Яворський]; ми. Соціологічна група “Рейтинг”, за заг. ред. Т. Печончик. — К., 2018. — 2019 [Електронний ресурс]. — 96 с. [Електронний ресурс]. — Ре- Режим доступу: http://rating- жим доступу: uploads/pdf/19484532155c0fae449ca nastroeniya_i_ocenka_ugroz_ ba5.69437042.pdf ukraincami.html

126 UDC: 338.24 : 338.436 (477) DOI: 2224-2019-18-3-127-142 Halanets Volodymyr Vasyliovych, PhD in Public Administration, associate pro- fessor at the Department of Administrative and Financial Management, Lviv Polytech- nic National University, 79054, Lviv, Petly- ury Str., 4, Apt.192, tel.: +38 098 54 79 129; e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-9348-6211 Галанець Володимир Васильович, кандидат наук з державного управління, доцент, доцент кафедри адміністратив- ного та фінансового менеджменту, На- ціональний університет “Львівська полі- техніка”, 79054, Львів, вул. С. Петлюри, 4, кв. 192, тел. +38 098 54 79 129, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-9348-6211 Галанец Владимир Васильевич, кандидат наук государственного управ- ления, доцент, доцент кафедры адми- нистративного и финансового менед- жмента, Национальый университет “Львовская политехника”, 79054, Львов, ул. С. Петлюры, 4, кв. 192, тел. +38 098 54 79 129, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-9348-6211 Dzyanyy Rostyslav Borisovich, PhD in Chemistry, associate professor at the Department of Administrative and Financial Management, Lviv Polytechnic National Uni- versity, 79491, Bryukhovychi, Sosnovaya po- liana str., 4/1, tel.: +38 097 711 65 83; e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-1530-8633 Дзяний Ростислав Борисович, кандидат хімічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри адміністративного та фінансового менеджменту, Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”, 79491, Брюховичі, вул. Соснова поляна, 4/1, моб. +38 097 711 65 83, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-1530-8633 Дзяный Ростислав Борисович, кандидат химическиих наук, доцент, доцент кафедры административного и финан- сового менеджмента, Национальный университет “Львовская политехника”, 79491, Брюховичи, ул. Сосновая поляна, 4/1, тел. +38 097 711 65 83, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-1530-8633

127 Dziurakh Yurii Mikhailovich, assistant at the Department of Administrative and Financial Management, Lviv Polytech- nic National University, 81100, Pustomyty, Mazepy Str., 8/3, tel.: +38 098 979 07 58; e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-7131-7468 Дзюрах Юрій Михайлович, асистент кафедри адміністративного та фінансового менеджменту, Національ- ний університет “Львівська політехні- ка”, 81100, м. Пустомити, вул. І. Мазепи, 8/3, тел. +38 098 979 07 58; e-mail: yriu. [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-7131-7468 Дзюрах Юрий Михайлович, ассистент кафедры административного и финансового менеджмента, Националь- ный университет “Львовская политехни- ка”, 81100, г. Пустомыты, ул. И. Мазепы, 8/3, тел. +38 098 979 07 58; e-mail: yriu. [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-7131-7468

PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION OF DEVELOPMENT OF AGROINDUSTRIAL COMPLEX IN THE CONTEXT OF THE STRATEGY OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF UKRAINE (ARCHETYPE APPROACH) Abstract. Agroindustrial complex consider to be the locomotive of the Ukrai- nian economy. It provides traditionally 15–20 % of GDP annually, generates cur- rency earnings from exports of agricultural products, under the conditions of the debt burden on the national economy is a source of coverage of current liabilities. The main task of the agroindustrial complex is to ensure the country’s food se- curity, and the population is a quality production of domestic production. Active participation of the country in international economic relations is a decisive factor in the development of the country’s economy. In place of the theory of economic growth, the concept of sustainable develop- ment arose. Today, in the scientific literature there are many definitions of sustain- able development. This situation is conditioned by two factors: the complexity of the concept, which includes the economic, environmental, social and other aspects of the development of society, as well as the divergence of views of scientists, en-

128 trepreneurs and politicians. For better understanding, this term should be divided into two parts. The combination of the terms “sustainable” and “development” can strengthen the connection of the orderly changes in the world economy system, taking into account the integration of different goals, territories and time in the nature of the nature. Sustainable development of agroindustrial complex requires state support. In addition to solving the issue of ensuring food security of the country, sustainable development of the agricultural sector is important from the point of view of pro- viding employment, increasing the export potential of the country. Ukraine is one of the key players in the global agricultural market. The lack of innovative approaches to the development of the industry leads to a lack of invest- ments that are necessary for its development, while rural residents are looking for work abroad. In the conditions of existence of an objective threat of exhaustion of natural resources as sources of fuel for the needs of mankind, the need to solve the problem of finding alternative sources for covering energy needs becomes more urgent. Bioenergy could satisfy a significant part of the energy needs of the housing and communal services of Ukraine. In addition, the land which, due to pollu- tion, became unfit for the cultivation of food plants, could be used to grow energy crops. The agrarian sector of the economy has a powerful potential that can be acti- vated under the condition of the implementation of the Strategy of Sustainable Development of Ukraine and Archetype in Public Administration. Keywords: public administration, sustainable development, agriculture, ar- chetype approach. ПУБЛІЧНЕ УПРАВЛІННЯ РОЗВИТКОМ АПК В КОНТЕКСТІ СТРАТЕГІЇ СТАЛОГО РОЗВИТКУ УКРАЇНИ (АРХЕТИПНИЙ ПІДХІД) Анотація. АПК вважають локомотивом економіки України. Він забезпе- чує традиційно 15–20 % ВВП щорічно, генерує валютний виторг від експор- ту сільськогосподарської продукції, в умовах боргового навантаження на на- ціональну економіку є джерелом покриття поточних зобов’язань. Найголовнішим завданням АПК є: забезпечити продовольчу безпеку кра- їни, а населення — якісною продукцією вітчизняного виробництва. Активна участь країни у міжнародних економічних відносинах є визначальним фак- тором розвитку економіки країни. На зміну теорії економічного зростання виникла концепція сталого роз- витку. Нині в науковій літературі існує багато визначень сталого розвитку. Та- ка ситуація зумовлена двома факторами: складністю концепції, що включає в себе економічні, екологічні, соціальні та інші аспекти розвитку суспільства, а також розбіжністю поглядів вчених, підприємців і політиків. Для кращого розуміння цей термін варто розділити на дві частини. Поєднання термінів “сталий” і “розвиток” дає змогу посилити зв’язок упорядкованих змін сис-

129 теми світового господарства з урахуванням інтеграції різних за характером цілей, територій, часу. Сталий розвиток АПК потребує державної підтримки. Окрім вирішення питання забезпечення продовольчої безпеки країни, сталий розвиток аграр- ного сектору є важливим з точки зору забезпечення зайнятості населення, нарощування експортного потенціалу країни. Україна є одним із ключових гравців на світовому ринку сільськогоспо- дарської продукції. Брак інноваційних підходів до розвитку галузі спричиняє нестачу інвес- тицій, потрібних для її розвитку, сільські мешканці в пошуках роботи їдуть закордон. В умовах існування об’єктивної загрози вичерпання природних копалин як джерел одержання палива для потреб людства, все більшої актуальності набуває необхідність вирішення проблеми пошуку альтернативних джерел для покриття енергетичних потреб. Біоенергетика могла б задовольнити значну частину енергетичних потреб житлово-комунального господарства України. Крім того земля, яка внаслі- док забруднення стала непридатною для вирощування харчових рослин, мог- ла б використовуватись для вирощування енергетичних культур. Аграрна сфера економіки має потужний потенціал, який можна активу- вати за умови реалізації Стратегії сталого розвитку України та архитипіки в публічному управлінні. Ключові слова: публічне управління, сталий розвиток, сільське господар- ство, архитипний підхід. ПУБЛИЧНОЕ УПРАВЛЕНИЕ РАЗВИТИЕМ АПК В КОНТЕКСТЕ СТРАТЕГИИ УСТОЙЧИВОГО РАЗВИТИЯ УКРАИНЫ (АРХИТИПИЧЕСКИЙ ПОДХОД) Аннотация. АПК считается локомотивом экономики Украины. Традици- онно он обеспечивает 15–20 % ВВП ежегодно, генерируя валютную выручку от экспорта сельскохозяйственной продукции в условиях долговой нагруз- ки на экономику страны, является источником покрытия текущих обяза- тельств. Главная задача АПК: обеспечить продовольственную безопасность стра- ны, а ее население — качественной продукцией отечественного производст- ва. Активное участие страны в международных экономических отношениях является определяющим фактором развития экономики страны. На смену теории экономического роста со временм пришла концепция устойчивого развития. Сегодня в научной литературе существует много определений устойчивого развития. Такая ситуация обусловлена двумя факторами: сложностью концепции, включающей в себя экономические, экологические, социальные и другие аспекты развития общества, а также несовпадением взглядов ученых, предпринимателей и политиков. Для луч- шего понимания этот термин следует разделить на две части. Их сочетание:

130 “устойчивое” и “развитие” позволяет усилить связь упорядоченных измене- ний системы мирового хозяйства с учетом интеграции разных по характеру целей, территорий, времени. Устойчивое развитие АПК нуждается в государственной поддержке. Кро- ме решения вопроса обеспечения продовольственной безопасности страны, устойчивое развитие аграрного сектора является важным с точки зрения обеспечения занятости населения, наращивания экспортного потенциала страны. Украина является одним из ключевых игроков на мировом рынке сель- скохозяйственной продукции. Отсутствие инновационных подходов к развитию отрасли вызывает не- хватку инвестиций, необходимых для ее развития, сельские жители в пои- сках работы едут за границу. В условиях существования объективной угрозы исчерпания природных ископаемых как источника получения топлива для нужд человечества, все большую актуальность приобретает необходимость решения проблемы по- иска альтернативных источников для обеспечения энергетических потреб- ностей. Биоэнергетика могла бы удовлетворить значительную часть энергети- ческих потребностей жилищно-коммунального хозяйства Украины. Кроме этого земли, ставшие непигодными для выращивания продовольственных культур вследствии загрязнений, могли бы использоваться для выращива- ния энергетических культур. Аграрная сфера экономики имеет мощный потенциал, который можно активировать при реализации Стратегии устойчивого развития Украины и архитипики в публичном управлении. Ключевые слова: публичное управление, устойчивое развитие, сельское хозяйство, архитипний подход.

Formulation of the problem. The coverage of current liabilities. In the need for sustainable development of coming years, Ukraine is obliged to Ukraine’s economy today is evident. pay the principal amount of exter- An important part of it is the agroin- nal debt and interest in the following dustrial complex (AIC). Many econo- volumes: 2019 — US $ 5,987 billion mists consider the agro-industrial USA; 2020 — USD 6,081 billion USA; complex to be the locomotive of the 2021 — $ 6,286 billion USA; 2022 — Ukrainian economy. It provides tra- 3,658 billion dollars USA [1]. The ditionally 15–20 % of GDP annually, main task of the agroindustrial com- generates currency earnings from ex- plex is to ensure the country’s food ports of agricultural products, under security, and the population — quality the conditions of the debt burden on goods of domestic production. Active the national economy is a source of participation of the country in interna-

131 tional economic relations is a decisive nomic growth, the concept of sustain- factor in the development of the coun- able development arose. Today in the try’s economy. According to the results scientific literature there are many of the global competitiveness assess- definitions of sustainable development. ment in 2017, Ukraine ranks 81 out of This situation is conditioned by two 137 countries, and the market effi- factors: the complexity of the concept, ciency of goods 101 [2]. This requires which includes the economic, environ- increased attention to the issues of the mental, social and other aspects of the proper management of the develop- development of society, as well as the ment of the agroindustrial complex of divergence of views of scientists, en- Ukraine. trepreneurs and politicians. For better Analysis of recent publications. understanding, this term should be di- An important contribution to the de- vided into two parts. The combination velopment of theoretical, methodolo- of the terms “sustainable” and “deve- gical, scientific and practical principles lopment” can strengthen the connec- of sustainable economic development tion of the orderly changes in the world was made in the works: I. Bistryakova, economy system, taking into account O. Veklych, K. Melnyk, A. Chukhno, the integration of different (nature, A. Borodin, A. Malinovsky, V. Yurchy- economic, social), territories (separate shyn. Conceptual principles of arche- settlements, regions, states, continents, types became the subject of research by planets), time (present and future E. Afonin, O. Donchenko, S. Krymsky, generation). These components are of K. Jung. Despite the large number of great significance, since they provide a studies devoted to the sustainable de- variety of liveliness and the needs of an velopment of the economy, the deve- individual and of mankind as a whole. lopment of the agro-industrial com- Social progress, in turn, is possible in plex, the study of archetypes, the prob- the case of an integrated implemen- lems of the public management of the tation of the mentioned components development of agro-industrial com- [3, p. 35]. Under constant social deve- plex in the context of the strategy of lopment understand only those chang- sustainable development of Ukraine on es that are in the interests of the majo- the basis of the archetypical approach rity of citizens, contributing to impro- remain insufficiently highlighted. ving the quality of their lives. The purpose of the article is: to Sustainable development of AIC identify the trends and identify the pe- requires state support. At the state culiarities of the public management of level, it is worthwhile to select the AIC development in the context of the following forms of direct budget sup- strategy of sustainable development of port: subsidizing agricultural produc- Ukraine on the basis of an archetypal tion; subsidizing of short-term and approach. investment crediting of agricultural Presenting main material. The enterprises; provision of subsidies to theory of sustainable development compensate farmers for agricultural has gained popularity over the past crop insurance; subsidies on capital decades. In place of the theory of eco- expenditures. Indirect support is the

132 purchase of agricultural products, In addition to solving the issue of foodstuffs; regulation of the market of ensuring food security of the country, production through the procurement sustainable development of the agri- of grain, the implementation of com- cultural sector is important from the modity interventions; protection of point of view of providing employ- economic interests of commodity pro- ment, increasing the export potential ducers in the field of AIC in the course of the country. of their foreign economic activity, etc. Ukraine is one of the key players Under conditional direct support, pro- in the global agricultural market. The duction potential and positions on the agrarian sector of Ukraine today is the consumer market are strengthened backbone of the Ukrainian economy by means of measures that provide fa- and is one of the main budget-filling vorable organizational and economic and export-oriented sectors of the na- conditions for the functioning of agri- tional economy. About 20–24 % of cultural producers. This includes mea- Ukrainian exports are agricultural sures to restructure the indebtedness products of Ukraine. The products are of agricultural producers for payments exported to more than 190 countries of to the budget of all levels, state extra- the world, Ukraine holds leading posi- budgetary funds, energy suppliers and tions in the world market, in particular, other logistical resources; creation of a exports of cereals and oilseeds. Com- special tax regime; support of agrarian modity structure of export and import science; realization of state programs of AIC products is shown in Table. and national projects. Commodity structure of Ukraine’s According to K. M. Melnyk [4], the exports has fallen in most commodity effectiveness of state regulation and groups since 2015. The reason was the support of the agrarian sector can be crisis in the economy and the loss of achieved if: the Russian market, the prohibition of • resources, benefits, subsidies, sub- transit of Ukrainian products through ventions, etc., will be allocated in ad- the territory of Russia. A similar situ- vance to state programs of agricultural ation with regard to the commo- development and support of agricul- dity structure of imports, the country tural producers; became less dependent on imported • unconditional compliance by goods from abroad, began to increase agrarian enterprises of the mandatory the turnover of production of own requirements provided for by these products. programs will be ensured; In the structure of imports, ready • the precise definition of the share food products, which is evidence of the of the state and the share of enterprises irrational structure of foreign trade, in expenses in the implementation of when more goods are imported with the corresponding programs will be de- high added value, while mainly raw termined in advance; materials and products with a small de- • measures will be taken to attract gree of processing are exported. international technical assistance to The main market for Ukrainian ag- the agro-industrial complex. ricultural products is the Asian market,

133 Commodity structure of export and import of agricultural products of Ukraine [5]

Commodity Export in mln. of dollars Import in mln. of dollars group 2013 2014 2015 2016 2013 2013 2014 2015 І. Live animals, 1084,1 1014,5 823,4 775,1 1894,5 1124,1 548,2 626,3 products of animal origin % to the total 6,4 6,1 5,7 5,1 23,1 18,6 15,7 16,1 ІІ. Products of 8875,9 8736,1 7971,5 8093,7 2670,1 2031,6 1146,2 1284,8 vegetable ori- gin % to the total 52,1 52,4 54,7 53 32,6 33,5 32,9 33 ІІІ. Fats and 3507,1 3822,1 3299,8 3962,9 403,4 301,7 1823,4 245,9 oils of animal or vegetable origin % to the total 20,6 22,9 22,7 25,9 4,9 5 5,2 6,3 ІV. Ready food 3571,7 3096,3 2468,4 2450,1 3219,5 2601,8 1607,7 1734,0 products % to the total 21 18,6 16,9 16 39,3 42,9 46,1 44,6 Total 17038,8 16668,9 14563,1 15281,8 8187,4 6059,3 3484,4 3891,1 with India, Iran and Turkey the main able competitive development of agrar- partner countries. The main partners ian business and minimize the negative of EU member states are Spain, the impacts and risks of the world market, Netherlands and Italy. Ukraine needs to diversify agricultural The trend in recent years is a reduc- exports both in terms of the product no- tion in revenues from exports of goods menclature and range, and in relation and a simultaneous reduction in ex- to the geographic markets. Specialists ports of agro-food products. However, emphasize that the raw vector does not although trend is negative, exports of provide prospects for the development other, non-agricultural products de- of the national economy, if Ukraine clined even faster. The past two years will be positioned only as a producer of have seen even an increase in agricul- high value-added raw materials. Over tural exports. Over the past 5 years, the past twenty years, the value added the share of AIC in the structure of of agriculture and the food industry in Ukraine’s export earnings has in- the structure of gross value added of creased from 26 % to 42 %. It should be Ukraine has decreased from 23 to 14 %. noted that the basis of agricultural ex- A rapid decline in this indicator poses ports in the future is the export of raw a real threat to national food security. materials, the main positions — wheat, The basis of Ukrainian agri-food ex- corn, barley, soybeans. ports is products with a low and medi- In the analytical report, the Na- um degree of processing — cereals and tional Institute of Strategic Studies oilseeds, sunflower oil, products of the notes that in order to ensure sustain- food industry. The share of these com-

134 modity positions over the past 10 years • state support of producers of live- has increased from 62 % to 90 % [6]. stock products; Scientists emphasize that the purely • other types of state support of ag- raw material for agricultural exports ricultural producers. should be gradually replaced by stimu- Support for the development of ru- lating investment in livestock farming, ral areas is carried out in the following and in the case of oilseeds, to deepen ways: their processing for food (sunflower, • solving short-term tasks connec- soybean) and bioenergy (rapeseed). ted with support of incomes of agricul- The promising niche for the AIC of tural producers by artificial reduction Ukraine is organic products, for this of production costs, subsidization of purpose it is necessary to develop a cer- certain types of products. Such a form tification system. of support does not always contribute The main factors hindering the to the intensification of production, strengthening of the competitiveness the introduction of new technologies, of domestic agricultural products in the increase of labor productivity in foreign markets are: low level of deve- the agrarian sector, in general, has a lopment of the financial and credit sys- minimal impact on these processes; tem, underdevelopment of the sphere • measures aimed at solving long- of insurance against production and term problems related to technical and credit risks, underdeveloped infra- economic development, promote the structure of agroindustrial complex, implementation of intensive manage- which increase the cost of production. ment methods, increase the efficiency In addition, agricultural products have of agricultural production. a low quality, accordingly, the prices on It should be noted that the imple- it are reduced. In general, the agricul- mentation of sustainable development tural sector needs state support. of the economy must be carried out in In accordance with the Law of the context of the Strategy of Sustain- Ukraine “On State Support to Agricul- able Development of Ukraine until ture in Ukraine”, state support is pro- 2030. vided as follows [7]: The draft Strategy for Sustainable • state regulation of prices of cer- Development of Ukraine for the period tain types of agricultural products; up to 2030 was discussed in June-De- • state regulation of the agricultural cember 2016. representatives of public insurance market; authorities and local self-government • other types of support for pro- of all regions of Ukraine, deputies of ducers of agricultural products and different levels, academics and educa- the agrarian market (state mortgage tors, representatives of civil society or- purchases of grain, credit support for ganizations, professional associations, agricultural producers (credit sub- business, mass media, experts of inter- sidy), deregulation of the Ukrainian national organizations took part in re- agricultural market and prohibition gional and national consultations. of discrimination of the rights of its In 2030 Ukraine is seen as a country owners; that is developing on the principles of

135 sustainable development. The strategy According to the strategy, the na- of sustainable development of Ukraine tional goals of sustainable development until 2030 is focused on the vectors of Ukraine are singled out, in particu- identified in the Strategy for Sustain- lar [9]: able Development “Ukraine 2020” [8]: • ensuring sustainable branch and • the vector of development - ensur- regional development; ing the country’s sustainable develop- • promote sustainable development ment, carrying out structural reforms, of the agro-industrial complex; ensuring economic growth in an en- • provide access to affordable, reli- vironmentally sound way, creating fa- able, low-carbon energy for all and in- vorable conditions for conducting eco- crease energy efficiency; nomic activity; • to ensure sustainable develop- • the vector of security — ensur- ment of regions on the basis of preser- ing the security of the state, business vation of national cultural values and and citizens, protecting investment traditions. and private property, securing peace It is important to pay attention to and protection of borders, fair and the investment potential of the agri- impartial justice, urgently carrying cultural sector, the process of forma- out purges of power at all levels, and tion of which is largely associated with ensuring the implementation of effec- the process of primary accumulation of tive anti-corruption mechanisms. The capital by enterprises. The growth of priority is the safety of life and health the volume of investment resources is of a person, which is impossible with- not accompanied by the development out an effective system of public health of investment activity directly at en- protection, provision of proper medical terprises. The reasons for this are that services, protection of socially vulner- there are no conditions for the deve- able groups of population, a safe en- lopment of investment activity, lack vironment and access to high-quality of trained specialists and managers, drinking water and sanitation, safe and unresolved issues of industry reform, high-quality food products, and indus- prevailing costly business practices, trial goods; and the lack of implementation of • the responsibility vector is to pro- innovations. As a result, about 50 % of vide guarantees to every citizen regard- the total investment goes to interme- less of race, color, political, religious or diary activities, and not to direct pro- other beliefs, gender, ethnic or social duction. Lack of land market, low edu- origin, property status, residence, lan- cation and lack of innovation, unusual guage or other characteristics, have ac- approaches lead to the fact that the cess to high quality education, security potential for increasing producti- systems health and other services in vity, efficiency and diversification is the public and private sectors; not used. • the vector of pride is to ensure Ukraine ranks 96th out of 189 in the mutual respect and tolerance in soci- Doing Business World Bank ranking ety, pride in its own state, its history, [10]. The country ranked 76th in the culture, science, and sport. Global Competitiveness Index.

136 The lack of innovative approaches to (by USD 2 billion) in 2014 of cash the development of the industry leads flows from Ukrainian workers. By to a lack of investments that are ne- 2014, the bulk of migrant workers from cessary for its development, while rural Ukraine worked in Russia and the mili- residents are looking for work abroad. tary conflict turned this trend. The labor force from Ukraine be- Already in 2015, the growth of came one of the main export items, transfers from migrant workers, which dividing the TOP with metal, grain reoriented to Europe, resumed and and oil. In 2018 migrant workers trans- amounted to $ 7 billion. USA. In 2017, ferred to Ukraine $ 11,6 billion USA. Ukraine received a visa-free regime The war and the provision of Ukraine with the EU and it also provoked mas- with a visa-free regime have stimulated sive labor migration. The volume of massive labor migration from Ukraine. income from labor migrants in 2017 According to the International Mo- grew to $ 9,3 billion. The USA and in netary Fund, in other countries there 2018 — up to 11,6 billion dollars. USA. are three million migrant workers from The volume of transfers from the Ukraine. labor migrants in 2015–2017 was at Private money transfers coming to the level of 8 % of the nominal annual Ukraine over the past five years have GDP of Ukraine, and according to the become an important factor in mac- results of 2018, this year, all chances to roeconomic stability. As noted by the reach more than 12 % (Fig. 1). World Bank, transfers from labor mi- Having compared volumes of trans- grants positively contribute to the sta- fers and volumes of foreign invest- bility of the hryvnia exchange rate. ments to Ukraine, one can conclude The change of power, a number of that starting from 2014, migrant wor- other factors, led to a sharp decrease kers every year invest in the Ukrainian


Fig. 1. Dynamics of Private Money Transfers to Ukraine (2013–2019)

137 economy several times more than fo- fers from them closely approached the reign investors (Fig. 2). volumes of currency earnings from the Unfortunately, investors did not export of iron ore and metal. believe in the current authorities of In the conditions of existence of an Ukraine and are in no hurry to open objective threat of exhaustion of natu- their production here. As a result, ral resources as sources of fuel for the Ukrainian workers are forced to go needs of mankind, the need to solve the to Eastern Europe, which is often the problem of finding alternative sources competitor of domestic enterprises in for covering energy needs becomes foreign markets. more urgent. Comparison of income from labor Reducing natural gas consumption migrants with the volume of foreign and developing energy efficiency are exchange earnings from exports of the most pressing challenges facing the mining and smelting complex, the Ukraine today. Ukraine is one of the agro-industrial sector (including food most energy-intensive countries in the exports) and IT showed that: in 2018, world. The country’s energy security is Ukrainian enterprises sold grain, pro- heavily dependent on the degree of di- cessed products, vegetable oils, semi- versification of energy used to meet its finished products for export and ready- energy needs. made food at $ 16,8 billion. USA; The primary task of national energy Exports of iron ore and ferrous me- is to seek and use alternative fuels, the tals, including semi-finished products, alternative of which is, first of all, their rolled products and pipes, amounted to environmental and rehabilitation. 13,5 billion dollars. USA. IT industry Taking into account national in- has brought 3,6 billion dollars. USA. terests and energy security, renewable In the ranking of currency donors, the energy should be considered a prio- wage earned the third place, and trans- rity direction of energy development


Fig. 2. Money transfers and foreign investments in Ukraine (billion US dollars)

138 in Ukraine. Bioenergy could satisfy a money for the purchase of traditional significant part of the energy needs of energy sources. the housing and communal services of Recently, special attention is paid to Ukraine. In addition, the land which, issues of archetype in public adminis- due to pollution, became unfit for the tration, as a practical field of applica- cultivation of food plants, could be tion of scientific and theoretical re- used to grow energy crops. The deve- search. Modern researchers in the field lopment of bioenergy, and in general of studying archetype are: E. Afonin, the renewable energy sector, could help I. Birich, S. Krymsky. solve many environmental problems. Ideally, the people and the state The urgency of using biomass as an they form must rely on the collec- energy source is extremely high. The tive unconscious. Every nation has a largest economic potential of biomass unique archetype. It is a form of collec- is the production of maize for grain, tive unconscious, through which the experts do not recommend its use as a experience of the people is passed from biofuel because of the climatic peculi- generation to generation. Knowledge arities of Ukraine — corn stems do not of archetype allows you to explore the have time to completely dry up, and mentality of the people, his prehistory therefore are unsuitable for burning and the future. without additional costs for their dry- It is known that no country in any ing, which is expensive and inappro- era survived the crisis due to purely priate, since it significantly increases economic circumstances. Indeed, at the the cost of biofuels. The second place heart of economic activity is a certain is the waste of grain (straw), economi- psychoculture. cally expedient potential — 31,78 thou- Given that archetype in public ad- sand tons or 18,24 thousand tons of ministration generates a certain tool conditional fuel (c.f.). The third place for the implementation of state policy, is sunflower waste (stems and husk). one should take into account the need The economically feasible potential of to restore the archetype of the Ukrai- sunflower stems is 15,24 thousand tons nian-host. c.f., and sunflower husk — 1,23 thou- In a simplified form, the psychoso- sand tons c.f. The total economic cial portrait of a Ukrainian is a self- potential of sunflower waste is 16,47 sufficient master who relies on his own thousand tons c.f. strength; psychosocial portrait of a The use of straw as the primary European is a hired employee who has source of energy for the production of formed a civil society through which heat for heating and hot water needs is he defends his rights. a top priority of the energy use of the To the defining archetypes of the potential of local biofuels. Ukrainian mentality, S. Krymsky refers The use of biomass as a fuel will to the land and the ideal of freedom. ensure the development of a new busi- The archetype of the land integrated ness — the procurement of local fuels the agrarian-industrial, social-histori- with the involvement of small and cal and spiritual-cultural attributes of medium businesses; save significant national life.

139 The social system gave birth to the Philippines, the Dominican Republic, psychotype of a Ukrainian as a self- Sri Lanka. sufficient host who relied on his own With all these negatives, the agra- strength. It was this psycho-type that rian sphere has a powerful potential did not allow the emergence of a home- that can be activated if the Strategy of grown feudal class, and therefore the Sustainable Development of Ukraine task of state creation, which was unsus- and Archetype in the Public Adminis- tainable for him, lay on the shoulders tration are implemented. of the peasantry and the Cossacks. It In further research, in order to in- is worth noting that the urgency and crease the effectiveness of the imple- the need to restore the archetype of mentation of public administration the Ukrainian-master today is just in strategies, in particular in the agrarian time. After all, only the real owner of sector of the Ukrainian economy, one the land — a peasant, the farmer will must rely on an archetype - a psychoso- be able to effectively use it, perceiv- cial portrait of a Ukrainian self-reliant ing at the same time the archetype of owner who appreciates land, freedom the earth and able to combine modern and innovation in farming. technology of management. Conclusions and perspectives of REFERENCES further research. The development 1. Sait Derzhavnoi sluzhby statystyky of public management of AIC in the Ukrainy [Site of State Statistics Ser- context of the strategy of sustainable vice of Ukraine]. development of Ukraine impedes the Retrieved from http://www.ukrstat. difficulties that are characterized by [in Ukrainian]. the general complex political-econo- 2. Zakon Ukrainy “Pro derzhavnu mic situation in the country, ground- pidtrymku silskoho hospodarstva v less administrative barriers, corruption Ukraini” : vid 24.06.2004, № 1877-IV [Law of Ukraine “On State Support and excessive regulation. The inflex- to Agriculture in Ukraine” from June ible land market coupled with low edu- 24 2004, № 1877-IV]. (n.d.). zakon. cation and the lack of young, business, Retrieved from http:// innovative farmers restrain the forma- tion of an effective structure of eco- cgi?nreg=720%2F95 [in Ukrainian]. nomic activity in agriculture and lead 3. Melnyk K. M. (n.d.). Derzhavna finan- to the non-use of the potential for sova pidtrymka silskoho hospodarstva increasing productivity and diversi- [State financial support of agricul- fication in the agrarian sector. The ture]. Retrieved country ranked 96th out of 189 in the from Soc_Gum/inek/2011_1/235.pdf [in World Bank’s Doing Business rating Ukrainian]. for 2015. Despite a slight increase in 4. Popova O. L. (2010). Teoretychni os- the rating due to reforms registered novy stiikoho rozvytku ahrosfery ta in 8 spheres, Ukraine still lags behind formuvannia adekvatnoi ukrainskoi all the countries of the region. On a stratehii [Theoretical Foundations of global scale, the business environment Sustainable Development of the Agro- in Ukraine can be compared with the sphere and Formation of an Adequate

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142 UDC: 35:316.77:341.1/8 DOI: 2224-2019-18-3-143-157 Holovanova Natalia Viktorivna, Ph.D. student of the 4th year of the Depart- ment of Political Science and Philosophy, Kharkiv Regional Institute of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, 61000, Kharkiv, avenue Moscow, 75, tel.: +38 097 946 90 79, +38 099 146 60 19, e-mail: natalya041162@gmail. com ORCID: 0000-0002-6729-2226 Голованова Наталя Вікторівна, аспірант 4 курсу кафедри політології та філософії, Харківський регіональний ін- ститут Національної академії держав- ного управління при Президентові Украї- ни, 61000, Харків, просп. Московський, 75, тел.: +38 097 946 90 79, +38 099 146 60 19, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-6729-2226 Голованова Наталья Викторовна, аспирант 4 курса кафедры политологии и философии, Харьковский региональный ин- ститут Национальной академии государственного управления при Президенте Укра- ины, 61000, Харьков, просп. Московский, 75, тел.: +38 097 946 90 79, +38 099 146 60 19 e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-6729-2226

INFORMATION POLICY OF UKRAINE AS AN EUROPEAN STATE IN CONDITIONS OF CURRENT THREATS (ARCHITECTURE APPROACH) Abstract. The sources of the anthropocentric matrix of concepts and ideas in the information sphere are presented. The challenges and threats to the infor- mation sphere of Ukraine are given. The external and internal factors of these threats are specified. Specific facts of threats in the world are considered. The peculiarities of the European countries’ regulatory policy in the area of counter- acting threats and legal security of information security as a sub-branch of infor- mation law are analyzed. The landscape of the threat of information security 2019 is defined. The mechanism of ethnic lobbying as a tool of soft law is given. It’s shown that the tendency of citizens’ strivings is not to safety, but to freedom. It is revealed that security measures are simultaneously factors limiting the freedom of citizens. The importance of launching the anti- counterac-

143 tion system in the area of the Anti-terrorist operation in the East of Ukraine in April 2018 and activities within the framework of the Framework Cooperation Program of Ukraine with the Council of Europe and the European Union was emphasized. To counter propaganda, it is proposed to apply and improve the uni- versal international legal regulation of media space, to build a single European space. The content of Ukraine’s national interests according to the Doctrine of Information Security of Ukraine is determined. Objects of national interests in the information sphere are called information, information infrastructure and sta- tus of the subject in the information sphere. It is emphasized on the value-filling of information policy of the state. The realization and survival of an individual, society and state are defined as the goal of information policy in the context of modern threats. State security, economic prosperity, the development of society and the harmonious existence of the country in the global context are indicated as the result of effective information policy. It is suggested to rely on the state- owned approaches inherent in historical Kyiv and the modern Ukrainian state. Keywords: geopolitical confrontation, propaganda, manipulation, fake, cyber troops, landscape threats, sources of soft law, ethnic lobbying, national values, European and national security systems, information security, information infra- structure. ІНФОРМАЦІЙНА ПОЛІТИКА УКРАЇНИ ЯК ЄВРОПЕЙСЬКОЇ ДЕРЖАВИ В УМОВАХ СУЧАСНИХ ЗАГРОЗ (АРХЕТИПНИЙ ПІДХІД) Анотація. Представлено джерела антропоцентричної матриці понять та ідей в інформаційній сфері. Зазначені виклики і загрози інформаційній сфе- рі України. Уточнені зовнішні та внутрішні чинники цих загроз. Розгляну- ті конкретні факти загроз у світі. Проаналізовані особливості регуляторної політики європейських держав у напряму протидії загрозам та правового забезпечення інформаційної безпеки як підгалузі інформаційного права. Визначений ландшафт загрози інформаційної безпеки 2019 р. Приведений механізм етнічного лобізму як інструменту “м’якого” права. Наголошено на тенденції прагнення громадян не до безпеки, а до свободи. Виявлено, що заходи безпеки є одночасно факторами обмеження свободи громадян. Під- креслено важливість запуску системи протидії антиукраїнському мовлен- ню в зоні проведення антитерористичної операції на Сході України у квітні 2018 р. та заходів у межах Рамкової програми співробітництва України з Ра- дою Європи та Євросоюзом. Для протидії пропаганді запропоновано засто- совувати та вдосконалювати універсальне міжнародно-правове регулюван- ня медіапростору, будувати єдиний європейський простір. Визначено зміст національних інтересів України згідно з Доктриною інформаційної безпеки України. Об’єктами національних інтересів у інформаційній сфері названо інформацію, інформаційну інфраструктуру і статус суб’єкта в інформацій- ній сфері. Наголошено на ціннісному наповненні інформаційної політики держави. Реалізацію і виживання окремої особи, суспільства та держави ви-

144 значено як мету інформаційної політики в умовах сучасних загроз. Безпеку держави, економічне процвітання, розвиток суспільства і гармонійне існу- вання країни у світовому контексті зазначено як результат ефективної ін- формаційної політики. Запропоновано спиратися на державницькі підходи, притаманні історичному Києву та сучасній українській державі. Ключові слова: геополітичне протиборство, пропаганда, маніпулювання, фейк, кібервійська, ландшафт загрози, джерела “м’якого” права, етнічний ло- бізм, національні цінності, системи європейської і національної безпеки, ін- формаційна безпека, інформаційна інфраструктура. ИНФОРМАЦИОННАЯ ПОЛИТИКА УКРАИНЫ КАК ЕВРОПЕЙСКОГО ГОСУДАРСТВА В УСЛОВИЯХ СОВРЕМЕННЫХ УГРОЗ (АРХЕТИПИЧЕСКИЙ ПОДХОД) Аннотация. Представлены источники антропоцентрической матрицы по- нятий и идей в информационной сфере. Указаны вызовы и угрозы инфор- мационной сфере Украины. Уточнены внешние и внутренние факторы этих угроз. Рассмотрены конкретные факты угроз в мире. Проанализированы особенности регуляторной политики европейских государств в направлении противодействия угрозам и правового обеспечения информационной без- опасности как подотрасли информационного права. Определен ландшафт уг- розы информационной безопасности 2019 г. Приведен механизм этнического лоббизма как инструмента “мягкого” права. Отмечены тенденции стремле- ния граждан не к безопасности, а к свободе. Показано, что меры безопасно- сти являются одновременно факторами ограничения свободы граждан. Под- черкнута важность запуска системы противодействия антиукраинской речи в зоне проведения антитеррористической операции на Востоке Украины в апреле 2018 г. и мероприятий в рамках Рамочной программы сотрудничества Украины с Советом Европы и Евросоюзом. Для противодействия пропаган- де предложено применять и совершенствовать универсальное международ- но-правовое регулирование медиапространства, строить единое европейское пространство. Определено содержание национальных интересов Украины согласно Доктрине информационной безопасности Украины. Объектами на- циональных интересов в информационной сфере названы информация, ин- формационная инфраструктура и статус субъекта в информационной сфере. Отмечена важность ценностного наполнения информационной политики государства. Реализация и выживание отдельной личности, общества и го- сударства определены как цель информационной политики в условиях сов- ременных угроз. Безопасность государства, экономическое процветание, раз- витие общества и гармоничное существование страны в мировом контексте указаны как результат эффективной информационной политики. Предложе- но опираться на государственные подходы, присущие историческому Киеву и современному украинскому государству. Ключевые слова: геополитическое противоборство, пропаганда, манипу- лирование, фейк, кибервойска, ландшафт угрозы, источники “мягкого” пра-

145 ва, этнический лоббизм, национальные ценности, системы европейской и на- циональной безопасности, информационная безопасность, информационная инфраструктура.

Target setting. Regarding the cur- tion, control of troops and weapons, rent geopolitical situation and policies navigation, intelligence, and electronic of European countries in terms of the warfare... Thus, geopolitical transfor- use of military-political mechanisms for mations determine the nature of coop- the provision of security and defense, eration and confrontational relations the issue now stands for the construc- in the 21st century. The main field of tion of a new system of European and confrontation is the information space national security, which should include of the global, regional and national le- all existing security and defense in- vels. Geopolitical conditions determine stitutes for a clear separation of their the military information policy of the functions. Traditional ideas about the state in the most important spheres of symbols of power and ways of achiev- geopolitical rivalry and confrontation” ing world domination change. Previ- [1, p. 44–45]. ously, it was about land, air and sea The aggressive external environ- spaces, now it is about updating the role ment was put forward by Ukraine in of information space and a new field of the years 2014–2019, first of all in the geopolitical confrontation — the infor- face of the state’s information policy, mation sphere. Therefore, the problem new threats. of modern challenges and threats to Analysis of basic research and Ukraine’s information security is ex- publication. Some researchers identify tremely relevant. The Internet has a the main types of threats to information dominant role, the undisputed leader security as follows: of the development of which is the • large-scale informatization, in- United States. However, today there’s creasing the dependence of the military an opinion on the need to optimize the sector on modern information techno- paths of global information flows. That logies, simplifying communications and is, we can already say that the world is accelerating the flow of information on the verge of a new battle for the con- flows; trol over the information space and the • formation of information sphere “transportation of information”. not bound to state borders; “Of course, in today’s geopolitical • transforming the information conditions, the importance of the infor- space of Western powers into a single mation factor increases. There is a clear global information space, where the tendency to increase the role of infor- United States and EU countries play a mation resources of states in the overall dominant role in controlling informa- system of defense capabilities. Its most tion flows; important elements are information • the formation of a global infor- systems and means of strategic preven- mation infrastructure based on the

146 Internet, which can be considered as nal, information and cultural basis of strengthening the spatial interdepen- society, the main custodian of which is dence of states; the system of education and upbringing • displacement of domestic news of new generations of society; agencies, mass media from the internal • threats associated with the de- information market and strengthening struction or degradation of a produc- the dependence of the spiritual, eco- tive information subsystem of society nomic and political spheres of public are scientific, technical, analytical, and life in Ukraine from foreign informa- ideological centers that create or im- tion structures; port relevant information products and • manipulation of information, fake, information technologies. etc.; In the system of ensuring national • development of information wea- security of the state, US military re- pons or its elements in almost 120 coun- searchers Jagger Richard and George tries of the world (according to Ameri- Barber consider the following triad: can experts); • national values in the information • Information influence of foreign sphere; political, economic, military and infor- • national interests in the informa- mation structures on the development tion sphere; and implementation of the foreign poli- • national goals in the information cy of the state; sphere. • spread abroad of misinformation According to the Doctrine of Infor- about Ukraine’s foreign policy; mation Security of Ukraine, Ukraine’s • violation of the rights of citizens national interests in the information and legal entities in the information sphere are: sphere of Ukraine and abroad; • observance of constitutional rights • attempts to unauthorized access and freedoms in the possibility of ob- to information and influence on infor- taining information, preservation and mation resources, information infra- strengthening of values; structure of state authorities, which • representing Ukraine in the inter- implement the state foreign policy, national environment and informing Ukrainian representations and organi- Ukrainian citizens about state informa- zations abroad, and representations of tion policy; Ukraine at international organizations • development of modern informa- [1, p. 45–52]. tion technologies; We have the following major groups • protection of information resour- of threats: information, information and ces [2]. technology, electronic control over life, Objects of national interests in the the use of new information technolo- information sphere are the information, gies for political purposes. information infrastructure and the sta- The most significant are the follow- tus of the subject in the information ing: sphere. The state information policy is • threats connected with destruc- aimed at the realization and survival tion or degradation, internal and exter- of the individual, society and the state.

147 For the state as a whole, this means its will take as a basis the fact that man is security, economic prosperity, the de- the center of the universe and the pur- velopment of society and the harmoni- pose of all events that it was designed ous existence of the country in a global and created by God in His image and context. likeness. Value added information policy Primary sources and first legislators is important. It’s made, according to became ancient sacred books are: C. Lerci and A. Said, by individual citi- • Bible (XV century BC – I cen- zens, society, state, socially interested tury AD); groups and government [3, p. 11]. On • Tanah; the basis of values, the priorities of in- • Quran; formation policy are formed. The for- • Trypitka (Pali canon); mation of priorities should be of a sys- • Go away; temic nature. • V-Jing; M. Weber believes that the system • Tao tsan, Chuang-tsi. of values is determined primarily by the Biblical commandments of bliss are: historical epoch [4, p. 64]. • Blessed [happy] poor in spirit B. Gogwood and L. Gang consider [need the Spirit, realize the need national values as beliefs, morals, stan- for spiritual self-perfection — are dards, and other specific benchmarks spiritually perfected], because that influence policy making at all le- theirs is the kingdom of heaven. vels, since they create contexts of deter- • Blessed are sorrowful, for they rence, influence, and incentive for par- will be comforted. ties to take decisions in one or another • Blessed are the meek, for they in- process [5, р . 160]. herit the earth. According to the work of V. Gor- • Blessed are hungry and thirsty for bulin and A. Kachinsky, the core value the truth, for they will be filled. consolidating society is national secu- • Blessed are the merciful, for they rity, spiritual heritage, prosperity, inter- will be merciful. national relations, patriotism and social • Blessed are the pure in heart, for justice [6, p. 107]. they will see God. The purpose of the article is to find • Blessed peacemakers, for they out the directions and principles of in- will be called the sons of God. formation policy of Ukraine as a Eu- • Blessed are persecuted for righ- ropean state in the context of modern teousness, for theirs is the king- threats. dom of heaven. The statement of basic materials. • Blessed are you, when they will Seeing that fact and truth are relative disgrace you and persecute and concepts, and approaches are created utterly wickedly speak evil of by man, in our opinion, it’s important Me. Rejoice and be glad, for your to immediately determine the matrix of reward is great in heaven! For so concepts and ideas. persecuted also the prophets that We define the matrix of concepts were before you (Matthew 5: and ideas as anthropocentric, that is, we 3-12).

148 The challenges and threats to rity development of national software; Ukraine’s information security are: the insufficient level of development of na- presence of problems in the formation tional information infrastructure, low and implementation of state informa- competitiveness of domestic high-tech tion policy, adequate to the challenges production of information technolo- and threats to Ukraine’s information gies, information products and services; security; the lack of effective informa- insufficient reliability of information tion and analytical support for the lea- and telecommunication systems for the dership of the state and state authori- collection, processing and transmis- ties; attempts to interfere in the inter- sion of information in emergencies, the nal affairs of Ukraine by foreign states, absence of effective national and local organizations and groups; use of infor- notification systems, early warning and mation space by foreign states for the emergency response; manifestations of purpose of informational or military unauthorized access to personal data aggression; dissemination of negative and information resources of state au- informational and informational and thorities and local self-government; technological influences on human violation of the established procedure consciousness; the creation of foreign for collecting, processing, storing and powers of cyber troops, cyber units in transmitting data; illegal interception traditional genera of troops, the deve- of information in telecommunication lopment of new types of information networks, separatist and other crimi- weapons and weapons of a cybernetic nal manifestations in the information nature; the dependence of the national sphere; inconsistency of legal respon- information infrastructure on foreign sibility with contemporary challenges manufacturers of high-tech products; and threats to information security; the improper level of informatization of the lack of effective democratic control over activities of state bodies, local govern- the activities of the subjects of ensuring ments and other areas of information information security, the security of the activity; imperfection of the state stra- national information infrastructure and tegy and the system of counteraction to information space of Ukraine. The vast external information expansion into the majority of these threats are inherent national information space; restriction in different countries, but in the con- of freedom of speech and dissemination ditions of socio-cultural and economic in the media of a cult of violence, cruelty, transit experienced by the Ukrainian disdainful attitude towards human and state and society, these threats are ac- national dignity, provoking confronta- tualized and aggravated. tion in society; the implementation of Contemporary challenges to the software and mathematical tools that information security of Ukraine, as violate the functioning of information V. Konakh and O. Lazorenko rightly systems, radio-electronic locking of point out, are caused both by inter- communication and control, the inclu- nal and external factors. The domestic sion in the software of hidden malware ones are most associated with the back- functions; the use of unlicensed and wardness of information technology in uncertified software, the lack of prio- Ukraine from the leading countries of

149 the world, the inadequacy of govern- extremism; information aggression of ment bodies and legislation in the infor- states [9]. mation sphere, as well as indifference, The experience of Austria, Swit- low level of understanding and profes- zerland, Finland and Ireland in data sional responsibility of both groups and protection, early detection of cyber- citizens who are currently conducting threats and cyberattacks, critical in- its activity in the information space of frastructure enhancement, cyber-rush, Ukraine. External — with the efforts cyber-espionage and cyber-sabotaging of foreign actors to influence the world is helpful. [10] and domestic information space in or- The most important aspect of the in- der to provide their own interests” [7, formation security of all EU countries p. 74–77]. without exception is protection of per- In this situation, the issues of infor- sonal data, the principles of which are mation security first of all, its informa- defined by Directive 95/46 / EC “On tional and psychological component, Protection of Individuals in the Con- are put on the foreground. Today, the text of the Processing of Personal Data fact that the more information the state and the Free Circulation of Such Data”. possesses, the more likely it is (the more The document simultaneously declares equal conditions) that it will attain the desire for free movement of infor- strategic advantages in the information mation between EU member states. space. This is especially relevant for de- The new Personal Data Protection termining the role and place of Ukraine (GDPR) rules enhance the storage of in the current conditions of informa- personal data and impose a more severe tion globalization. penalty for late-reporting of the data What is the experience of informa- stream [11]. Active implementation tion security policy of foreign coun- of the new rules is Romania, Bulgaria, tries? Moldova. CM document (2002) 49 proclaims According to the “European Criteria five key principles of NATO’s security for Information Technology Security” policy [8]: (1991), for the EU countries, security • “principle of latitude”; and integrity of information resources • “principle of depth”; are important for the EU countries, • “principle of centralization”; and the CIA Triad is the main charac- • “principle of access control”; teristics of information security is con- • “the principle of personal control”. fidentiality, integrity and accessibility. An important task for NATO is to Problems are uncoordinated national prevent acts of aggression in cyber- approaches, as well as the lack of a Eu- space, as well as to the cyber defense of ropean-level partnership between the individual member states. public and private sectors. P. Kornis of the London Royal Insti- Germany is developing the methods tute of Foreign Affairs offers the follow- of “active defense”. France also has a ing classification of information threats: similar drive. hacker-alone attacks; organized crime Poland, the Czech Republic and Slo- in networks; ideological and political vakia have developed new legislation to

150 protect classified information on new agencies that help in filming the right principles. movies. Hungary adapted to the require- In Britain the behavior of football ments of NATO the former legislation fans, as well as protesters is seriously on the protection of state and official studied, in the United States the be- secrets and the first of the post-socia- havior of the crowd and looking for list countries adopted a legal act on the automatic recognition of patterns of protection of personal data. abnormal passenger behavior at the air- The national cyber security strategy port are seriously studied. was adopted in Croatia. Recognition and observation sys- “According to long-term forecasts, tems are located on the streets in the the prospects for global development phones of citizens. will determine the global regroup- The system was also work with mass ing of forces as a result of information consciousness, where primacy belongs progress in the US, EU, Japan, China, to China. China has created a system India and Russia. It is planned to de- of “de-extremism” to rebuild its Uighur velop three powerful geostrategic and Muslim population, as well as a sys- informational “centers of the world”: tem of social credit for all: people gain the American (US), European (Euro- points for good behavior (for example, pean Union) and Asian (China, India, visit their old parents) or lose them. Japan). The Russian Federation is try- With a small amount of points it’s im- ing to become a similar center of infor- possible to borrow or buy a plane ticket. mation influence in modern conditions. There’s an application for the phone Ukraine in this international design oc- which states that next is the debtor. cupies a special place due to its geopo- It’s also an example of interference litical location” [1, p. 46]. in the election of other states. “We live in a world where states Regulatory policy of European (and large corporations) translate in states, in particular in the field of their favor any technical novelties broadcasting in the face of information that at first seem quite democratic. threats, takes into account the criteria Everything is gradually becoming con- of accuracy, impartiality, independence, trolled by the state or a large business responsibility and the establishment of capable of paying for controllability standards as criteria for approaches. costs” [12]. The world that technically goes G. Pocheptsov gives examples of the forward loses its social orientations victory of the states over potentially behind. This is clearly demonstrated dangerous tendencies for them. by giants like Facebook, when well- Social networks China, Israel, Rus- designed for making money to its crea- sia, and the USA have made it manage- tors, the technical model has come into able. conflict with moral standards, with Reviews in online stores, for the people whose personal information most part, became fake. is a resource, where Facebook makes Hollywood has a representation its money. And since this business of American military and intelligence model is based on monopoly giants,

151 they try to dictate these rules to every- Each year, the Information Security one. Forum (ISF), a nonprofit association Concerning Fake’s, G. Pocheptsov that explores and analyzes security asserts that the answer to them or the and risk management issues on behalf complaint is post-factorial journalism, of its members, publishes the “Danger” it is not as effective as it covers a wider report to present the prospect of the audience or fake covers one audience greatest security threats for two years. and the answer is different. In his opi- Here are the biggest threats until nion, the Ukrainian counter-narrative 2019: [13] is a warning blow needed. • excessive dependence on compli- The legal security of information cation and sensitivity (unreliability) of security is a subset of information law. communication; This sub-sector acquires special signifi- • actions of criminal syndicates; cance in the conditions of negative ex- • loss of trust in information; ternal influence on information space. • the problem of observance of legis- The state of information security is lative norms [15]. influenced by: Under conditions of modern threats, • foreign policy situation in the ethnic lobbing becomes a special value, world; which becomes an instrument for build- • internal political situation in the ing up the “soft power” of Ukraine [16, state; p. 280–283]. • presence of potential threats; At the same time, researchers note • the level of development of the the tendency of citizens to strive not media space of the country. for safety but for freedom. At the same In 2015 “Ukraine ranked 5th in the time, security measures are simultane- world ranking of risk of collision with ously factors limiting the freedom of Web threats. In the third quarter of citizens [17; 18]. 2015, one-third (33,7 %) of antivirus The peculiarities of the philosophy users encountered threats that spread of Kyivan Rus right to become: through the Internet. The problem is • syncretism; the lack of software updates and the • variety of approaches and poly- use of pirated software. About 17 % of phony; the infections were committed to out- • cordocentrism and wisdom; dated WindowsXP users. Encryption • kyivocentrism; programs that require money after en- • jerusalemocentrism and travel. crypting files that can not be accessed The role of the Ukrainian capital is without a special key are also danger- decisive in the nation-forming, histo- ous. A major problem is social engineer- rical-cultural, spiritual-value, human- ing. Malicious people are spreading dimensional, linguistic and geopoliti- their programs through social net- cal aspects. Kyiv itself, as the capital, is works, phishing and malicious sites” the center that cements the unity of the [14, p. 87]. state and provides harmonious coexist- The terrain of the threat of informa- ence of the regions of Ukraine, gives tion security is constantly evolving. the mental field, the media space of

152 the country the national spiritual and • provision of high-quality content aesthetic qualities inherent in the best of television and radio programs, par- personalities and embodied in the best ticipation in the programs of scientists, examples of science and art. Prognosti- specialists, experts, compliance with cally, Kyiv itself can be a model of state- the broadcasting code, provision of owned approaches. benefits in the part of retransmission to On April 19, 2018, Ukraine an- public broadcasting programs; nounced the launch of a system to coun- • elimination of stereotypes; ter anti-Ukrainian speech in the area • rhetoric of peace; of the Anti-Terrorist Operation in the • the development of translation ac- East of Ukraine, developed with the ac- tivities and the inclusion in the List of tive participation of the Ministry of In- television and radio programs adapted formation Policy, the State Service for for broadcasting in Ukraine, show- Special Communications and Informa- ing films of the countries of the Euro- tion Protection, the Committees of the pean Union and other countries of the Verkhovna Rada on National Security world; and defense and freedom of speech and • development and support of information policy, the National Coun- Ukraine’s communications with the cil on Television and Radio Broadcast- world, in particular the dialogue of in- ing, the Security Service of Ukraine tellectual elites of experts and experts and other bodies of state power. in the world media space, initiation of Among the activities within the the All-Ukrainian, All-European and framework of the Framework Program World-wide linguistic dialogue; of Co-operation (RPM) of Ukraine • development of the cultural and with the Council of Europe and the educational space as a part of the so- EU, the project “Freedom of the Media cial space and media space of Ukraine in Ukraine” — creation of low-power of the metamodern era and populariza- broadcasting (community broadcast- tion of the study of every Ukrainian of ing) and control over observance of its own history, ideally, of universal hu- legislation on language quotas on radio manitarian education; recognition by and television. universities and academies of the status The conclusions of the European of centers of knowledge and sources of Parliament Resolution of 23 Novem- innovative ideas in society; ber 2016 on EU Strategic Commu- • introduction of non-violence poli- nications for Combating Propaganda cy in society; (2016/2030 (INI) [19] are effective. • the introduction in practice of Conclusions. The agenda for the the principles of New Public Gover- information policy of Ukraine as a Eu- nance, curbing “soviet” methods and ropean state in the context of modern approaches in information policy, the threats is: introduction of subjective-subjective • universal international legal regu- social relations, the transition from the lation of the media space, the construc- web of hierarchical connections to the tion of a single European space, taking network of interconnections and the into account the space of the world; power of creativity;

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157 UDC: 35.08 DOI: 2224-2019-18-3-158-170 Goncharuk Natalija Trohimivna, Doctor of Sciences on Public Administration, Professor, professor of Public Administration and Local Self-Government Department, Dnipropetrovsk Regional Institute of Pub- lic Administration of National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, 49044, Dnipropetrovsk, Gogol Str., 29, room 316, tel.: +38 067 633 45 45, e-mail:[email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2681-6687 Гончарук Наталія Трохимівна, доктор наук з державного управління, професор, заслужений діяч науки і техні- ки України, професор кафедри державного управління та місцевого самоврядування, Дніпропетровський регіональний інсти- тут державного управління Національної академії державного управління при Президентові України, 49044, м. Дніпропетровськ, вул. Гоголя, 29, к. 316, тел.: +38 067 633 45 45, Е-mail:[email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2681-6687 Гончарук Наталия Трофимовна, доктор наук государственного управления, профессор, заслуженный деятель науки и техники Украины, профессор кафедры государственного управления и местного са- моуправления, Днепропетровский региональный институт государственного управ- ления Национальной академии государственного управления при Президенте Укра- ины, 49044, г. Днепропетровск, ул. Гоголя, 29, к. 316, тел.: +38 067 633 45 45, Е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2681-6687 Pyrohova Yuliia Valeriivna, Ph.D. student of the 1st year of the Department of Public Administration and Local Self-Go- vernment, Dnipropetrovsk Regional Institute of Public Administration of National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, 49044, Dnipropetrovsk, Gogol Str., 29, tel.: +38 067 974 02 33, e-mail:[email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-9579-9454 Пирогова Юлія Валеріївна, аспірант 1-го курсу кафедри державного управління та місцевого самоврядування, Дніпропетровський регіональний інститут державного управління Національної ака- демії державного управління при Президентові України, 49044, м. Дніпропетровськ, вул. Гоголя, 29, тел.: +38 067 974 02 33, Е-mail:[email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-9579-9454 Пирогова Юлия Валерьевна, аспирант 1-го курса кафедры государственного управления и местного самоуправ- ления, Днепропетровский региональный институт государственного управления На-

158 циональной академии государственного управления при Президенте Украины, 49044, г. Днепропетровск, ул. Гоголя, 29, тел.: 067 974 02 33, Е-mail:[email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-9579-9454

СoNceptual foundations of human resources in public services: an archetypal approach Abstract. The essence of the concepts of “human resource management” and “human resource management in the public service” is defined. The problem tree has been considered, which has made it possible to distinguish three systemic problems that necessitate improvement of human resources management in the field of public service of Ukraine. The current state and problems of human re- source management in Ukraine are analyzed. Attention is focused on the approach in which staff is not viewed as a cost factor that needs to be reduced, but is an es- sential resource that needs to be competently managed and create conditions for its development. It was noted that the main goal of human resources management in the public service sphere is the formation of high-quality human resources, en- suring the professional development of employees, encouraging and motivating staff to perform higher-level functions. It was concluded that in the public service it is necessary to improve the efficiency of human resources management services along with the growing role of the socio-psychological component of management and to define the conceptual framework for human resource management. Accord- ing to the authors, the management of human resources in the public service should be carried out within the framework and on the basis of modern state personnel policy, realization of its goals, principles, standards and priorities, is an effective mechanism for implementation of the personnel strategy of the public authority, which can significantly improve its efficiency. It has been determined that human resource management in state bodies and local self-government bodies is broader in content than personnel management, which causes a transition from personnel management to human resource management. It was noted that the formation of an innovative model of human resource management in the public service sphere will contribute to the creation in Ukraine of a professional, stable, respectable, ethical, prestigious and highly efficient public service capable of responding to challenges and effectively fulfilling obligations to society and citizens of Ukraine. Keywords: public administration, public service, human resources manage- ment, public servants, public service personnel, personnel policy. Концептуальні засади управління людськими ресурсами У сфері публічної служби: архетипний підхід Анотація. Визначено сутність понять “людські ресурси” та “управління людськими ресурсами на публічній службі”. Проаналізовано сучасний стан

159 і проблеми управління людськими ресурсами в Україні. Акцентовано увагу на підході, за яким персонал розглядається не як фактор витрат, які необ- хідно скорочувати, а як найважливіший ресурс, яким потрібно компетентно управляти, створювати умови для його розвитку. Наголошено, що основною метою управління людськими ресурсами у сфері публічної служби є форму- вання якісного кадрового потенціалу, забезпечення професійного розвитку службовців, стимулювання та мотивація персоналу до виконання функцій більш високого рівня. Визначено, що управління людськими ресурсами в державних органах та органах місцевого самоврядування ширше за змістом діяльності порівняно з управлінням персоналом, що зумовлює перехід від управління персоналом до управління людськими ресурсами. Зроблено ви- сновок, що у сфері публічної служби України необхідно підвищити ефек- тивність діяльності служб управління персоналом разом із зростанням ролі соціально-психологічної складової управління та визначити концептуаль- ні засади управління людськими ресурсами. Наголошено, що формування інноваційної моделі управління людськими ресурсами у сфері публічної служби сприятиме створенню в Україні професійної, стабільної, доброчес- ної, етичної, престижної і високоефективної публічної служби, здатної від- повідати на виклики сьогодення, ефективно виконувати зобов’язання перед суспільством та громадянами України. Ключові слова: публічне управління, публічна служба, управління люд- ськими ресурсами, публічні службовці, персонал публічної служби, кадрова політика, архетипний підхід. Концептуальные основы управление человеческими ресурсами в сфере публичной службы: архетипический подход Аннотация. Определена сущность понятий “управление человеческими ресурсами” и “управление человеческими ресурсами на государственной службе”. Рассмотрено дерево проблем, что позволило выделить три сис- темные проблемы, обусловливающие необходимость совершенствования управления человеческими ресурсами в сфере публичной службы Украины. Проанализировано современное состояние и проблемы управления чело- веческими ресурсами в Украине. Акцентировано внимание на подходе, при котором персонал рассматривается не как фактор затрат, которые необходи- мо сокращать, а как важнейший ресурс, которым нужно компетентно управ- лять, создавать условия для его развития. Отмечено, что основной целью управления человеческими ресурсами в сфере публичной службы является формирование качественного кадрового потенциала, обеспечение профес- сионального развития служащих, стимулирование и мотивация персонала к выполнению функций более высокого уровня. По мнению авторов, управ- ления человеческими ресурсами на государственной службе должно осу- ществляться в пределах и на основе современной государственной кадровой политики, реализации ее целей, принципов, стандартов и приоритетов, что

160 является эффективным механизмом реализации кадровой стратегии орга- на публичной власти, способным существенно повысить эффективность его деятельности. Определено, что управление человеческими ресурсами в го- сударственных органах и органах местного самоуправления шире по содер- жанию деятельности в сравнении с управлением персоналом, что обуслов- ливает переход от управления персоналом к управлению человеческими ресурсами. Сделан вывод, что в сфере публичной службы необходимо по- высить эффективность работы служб управления человеческими ресурсами вместе с ростом роли социально-психологической составляющей управле- ния и определить концептуальные основы управления человеческими ре- сурсами. Отмечено, что формирование инновационной модели управления человеческими ресурсами в сфере публичной службы будет способствовать созданию в Украине профессиональной, стабильной, добропорядочной, эти- ческой, престижной и высокоэффективной публичной службы, способной отвечать на вызовы, эффективно выполнять обязательства перед обществом и гражданами Украины. Ключевые слова: публичное управление, публичная служба, управление человеческими ресурсами, государственные служащие, персонал публичной службы, кадровая политика, архетипный подход.

Formulation of the problem. Mo- that the socio-psychological aspects dern requirements for public service of human resources management were personnel include the presence of, be- not fundamentally investigated, due to sides professional and business, high the complexity of this issue. Paying at- moral, ethical and personal qualities. tention to the mentioned, it is possible That is why the issue of determining to outline the main groups of scientific the psychological components of pro- areas in which such studies were con- fessional activity and the competence ducted. of public servants in the process of func- The first group includes the sci- tioning of the public service attracts the entific works of domestic researchers attention of many scientists. The neces- T. E. Vasilevskaya, N. L. Gavkilova, sity to make the transition from the N. T. Goncharuk, S. D. Dubenko, practice of personnel management to N. A. Lipovskaya, N. R. Nizhnik, human resource management requires O. Yu. Obolensky, V. M. Oluijka, T. I. Pa- study of the theoretical sources and khomova, A. P. Rachinsky, M. I. Ru- forming on its basis the new concept of dakevich, A. S. Sitsinsky, S. M. Seryo- modern human resource management gina, I. V. V. Shpekierenko and others, in the public service of Ukraine. in which fundamental problems of de- The analysis of recent research and velopment and reform of the public publications devoted to the issue of hu- service are solved, that have theoreti- man resources management in the field cal and methodological significance for of public service in Ukraine showed the study of socio-psychological factors

161 of management of human resources in the state administration of Ukraine for the public service of Ukraine.The se- 2016–2020, Concepts of the introduc- cond group of works is devoted to the tion of specialist posts on reform issues, analysis of foreign experience of human Concept of implementation of the in- resources management in the field of formation system of human resources public service and the possibilities of its management in public agencies, Con- adaptation in Ukraine. These include, in cepts of reforming the system of voca- particular, the works of Yu. Yu. Kizilov, tional training of civil servants, heads V. I. Lugovoi, Yu. D. Polyansky, of local state administrations, their A. B. Poshtovyuk, L. L. Prokopenko, first deputy and deputy, officials of lo- G. D. Stratienko, V. O. Chmigy and cal self-government and members of others. However, despite the consider- local councils, the Concept of optimiza- able attention of scientists to the above tion of the system of central executive mentioned issues, the multidimensio- authorities [1–6]. nality and complexity of the analysis All problems in dealing with public of these issues, the holistic study of the service staff are usually based on persis- impact of socio-psychological factors tent contradictions between the basic on human resources management in the scientific regulations, the requirements field of public service was not carried for working with personnel in the field out, the conceptual foundations of hu- of public service and the practical im- man resources management in the field plementation of this work. The reason of public service of Ukraine with posi- for these contradictions is both objec- tions of the archetypical approach are tive and subjective factors. Considering not defined. the problem tree, can be distinguished The purpose of the article is to de- three systemic problems that necessi- fine the conceptual principles of hu- tate improvement of human resources man resources management in the field management in the field of public ser- of public service of Ukraine from the vice of Ukraine. The main systemic standpoint of an archetypal approach. problem is the lack of a Concept of Presenting of main material. The Human Resource Management in the necessity to improve human resources Public Service of Ukraine and a clear management is due, first of all, to the legal regulation of relations in the field presence of a number of problems that of human resources management. The have been characteristic of it for more second systemic problem is the incom- than twenty years. Problems that need pleteness of public authorities in the to be addressed in the process of human modernization of human resources ser- resources management are set out in a vices in the personnel management and number of strategic regulatory docu- transfer of their activities to a higher ments, in particular, in the Strategy of level — human resources management; the State Personnel Policy for 2012– the third is the low efficiency of person- 2020, the Strategy of Civil Service Re- nel management in the public service form and Service in Local Self-Govern- system. ment Bodies in Ukraine for the period It should be noted that today the up to 2017, Strategies for reforming state authorities are insufficiently

162 equipped with specialists capable of of public service is defined as an ele- analyzing the state of affairs in the re- ment of social and individual identity, spective areas of state policy, formulat- which includes values, norms, interests, ing political proposals, developing and needs, motives and arrangements that implementing key national reforms, motivate public servants for certain and the level of financial motivation of actions and are a means of humanizing public servants remains insufficiently human resources policy. The condi- attractive on the labor market. This ne- tions of social development, characte- cessitates an increase in the efficiency rized by chaotic changes and unpre- of management activities of public au- dictability, require high levels of atten- thorities and improvement of human tion from the public servants, observa- resources management in the field of tion skills and effective communication public service. (which are components of psychologi- Management activity of the person- cal competence) [8, p. 63–70]. Taking nel of the public authorities of Ukraine into account that the natural tendency is characterized by a number of psycho- of modern public management is the logical peculiarities that depend on the improvement of social development, current state of human resources mana- logical analysis and intelligence can not gement in public authorities. Manage- remain the only tool for the adoption ment activity of public servants always of state-management decisions in the provides for amateur and creativity of personnel policy. To address the limi- subjects and objects of management. tations of standard approaches to hu- The embodiment of management acti- man resources management in public vity is the actions, operations performed authorities of Ukraine, it is advisable to by a public servant in the process of apply new staffing technologies based management, the implementation of on actualization of intuition and aware- managerial functions. This is the work ness of the unconscious. Traditionally, of people between whom there are cer- most experts and managers pay atten- tain social and psychological relations. tion only to the rational aspects of hu- That is why the managerial actions are man behavior, while, according to sci- aimed at taking into account all the entists, the only rational approach is diversity of patterns and relationships the recognition and understanding of that arise between the participants in the irrational motives of leaders that the management process. They require influence decision-making. Therefore, the intelligent use of human resources they see their task as helping managers in management: taking into account in the development of emotional intel- individual socio-psychological, psy- ligence [8, p. 63–70]. chophysiological, and motivational pe- The management of human resour- culiarities of the individual, which will ces in the field of public service at the contribute to obtaining a significant present stage relates, first of all, to the social, economic and moral effect in the development of a new organizational organization [7, p. 63–70]. culture of public administration, which The psychological component of hu- involves changing the role and place of man resources management in the field public servants in the management sys-

163 tem. Contrary to the approach whereby vide socially-economic welfare of citi- staff are considered as a cost factor that zens. needs to be reduced, it is necessary to Any organizations are created for implement an approach whereby staff the sake of realizing goals that are not are the most important resource that related to the goals of people working needs to be managed competently and in these organizations; people are con- create conditions for its development. sidered as a means for achieving goals Human resources management is based (personnel, personnel, human resour- on strategic objectives and is not only ces). The approach to people in an orga- an action that responds to problems, nization is determined either by public but also based on the principles of de- policy or by the management strategy mocracy, realism, creative orientation, for staff. Historical heritage has set the justice, equality, openness, lack of dis- theoretical problem of the choice of an crimination, legality, individuality, hu- adequate conception of management manism. Since changes in the manage- and the practical problem of creating an ment of human resources determine appropriate governance structure that the requirements for their competence, will ensure the necessary functioning of the personal factor becomes more and the state before the public authorities more important and is a psychological of Ukraine. After simplifying the de- component that brings in the system partments of labor, social development, of public administration an individual labor protection, and professional deve- color. On this basis, modern HR policy lopment, the process of managing peo- should direct managers to creative and ple has not been singled out as a special independent search for the optimal so- management function. The specialized lution. departments of the public authorities Archetypes as a force of nature are of Ukraine are engaged in wage labor manifested in the mental so that a per- issues, verify the availability of docu- son can project them to the surround- ments confirming the work experience ing world (nature, other people). An and education received, but according archetype, wherever he appeared, has to the composition and qualifications a powerful motive force that always of working professionals, they do not comes from the unconscious. Each of us solve the issues of stimulating labor is the bearer of the potential for deve- motivation, do not carry out an analy- lopment, individual mental capabilities. sis of the labor market, do not develop All this is in the field of archetype ap- personnel policies and do not carry out proach. human resources planning. We join the opinion of Ukrainian For the theoretical substantiation scholars O. Yu. Amosov and N. L. Gav- of human resources management pro- kolov [9] concerning the concept of cesses, it is important to define the public administration, the principles terms “human resources” and “human of which are collective unconscious resources management in the public as a unifying factor of various social service”. The term “human resources” interests and life strategies of citizens characterizes the qualitative, meaning- in a society whose purpose is to pro- ful side of the staffing or the entire staff

164 of the state body and includes the abi- informational, documentary and re- lity to creativity and the potential for source support for the human resources comprehensive development of civil management system. The management servants, organizational culture, ethics of human resources in the public service and moral reliability, improvement of can be considered as a self-functioning team relationships, responsibility, mo- system, first of all — a system of per- tivation and incentives, etc. The term sonnel work, which includes real goals, “human resources management” (Hu- tasks, priorities, mechanisms and tech- man Resources Management) origina- nologies. The management of human ted in Western, American management, resources in the public service should be outlining the changes in the role and carried out within the framework and place of man in the labor process. This on the basis of modern state personnel management function is determined as policy, the realization of its goals, prin- a “strategic and consistent approach to ciples, standards and priorities, and is an managing the most valuable assets of an effective mechanism for implementation organization: a person working there of the personnel policy of the public au- who collectively and individually con- thority capable of substantially improv- tributes to solving the organization’s ing the efficiency of its activity [11]. task” [10, p. 35]. In the conditions of the develop- As for human resources management ment of Ukraine as a democratic, law- in the public service, it is the imple- governed state, the creation of an effec- mentation of all management functions tive system of public administration, related to planning, selection, develop- the constant search for new approaches ment, rational use, assessment, motiva- to the formation of a professional public tion and remuneration, and improve- service, updating the content of activi- ment of the human resources capacity of ties and enhancement of the prestige of government agencies. Human resources public authorities is becoming urgent. management can also be considered as Analysis of the main theories of human part of a state body’s strategy, which resources management in the field of involves the purposeful comprehensive public service makes it possible to dis- provision of its functioning by the nec- tinguish the following socio-psycho- essary staffing, as well as the creation logical features of this phenomenon: a of favorable socio-psychological con- strategic approach to human resource ditions for its productive activity. The management; reorientation of the per- management of human resources in sonnel management system to indivi- state and local self-government bodies dual work with the personnel, wider is wider than the content of activities use of individualistic values in the man- in comparison with personal manage- agement of human resources; the focus ment, and therefore, according to the on increasing the efficiency of long- authors, it's time for the public service term investment in human capital; ori- to move from personal management to entation on the competence of public human resources management. Human servants, which is a key element of the resource management provides for reg- human resources potential of the public ulatory, methodological, organizational, service [11–16].

165 It should be noted that the main To develop the Concept for improv- directions of improvement of human ing human resources management in the resources management in public au- field of public service, it is necessary to thorities are: definition of positions of form a certain complex area that would public servants who are responsible for assimilate a number of theoretical con- carrying out basic national reforms; in- cepts and approaches that take into troduction of the principles of public account objectively existing socio-eco- administration in the public service nomic conditions of functioning, prob- system through the effective imple- lems and sector specifics, which will al- mentation of the Law of Ukraine “On low to independently choose acceptable Civil Service”, the adoption and the methods of human resources manage- enactment of the new wording of the ment, focused on solving current prob- Law of Ukraine “On Service in Local lems and strategic directions of state Self-Government Bodies”, financial development. Thus, in our view, the stability of the reform of the system of first step towards improving the quali- remuneration of public servants; opti- ty of the personnel of public authorities mization of the number of employees should be recognition of the existence in the system of public administration of this problem, the identification and bodies in the conditions of decentraliza- use of the potential of all administrative tion of power in Ukraine; formation of bodies whose tasks include human re- structural units for personnel manage- sources management and development. ment in public authorities with a view Today, human resource specialists to developing modern human resources have become specialists in a broader management; creation of an integrated field. Each human resource specialist human resources information manage- becomes a multi-disciplinary specia- ment system in the public service; mod- list. Human resources contain a set of ernization of the system of professional socio-cultural and socio-psychological training of public servants [17]. characteristics, and their difference is The main objective of human re- as follows: people (the staff of public sources management in the field of pub- power) are endowed with intelligence, lic service is to ensure the professional and therefore their reaction to exter- development of employees, stimulate nal action (management) is emotional- and motivate staff to perform higher- meaningful, not mechanical; the pro- level functions. The evolution of mana- cess of interaction between the subject gement systems, particulary in human of control and the object is two-way; resources management, is characterized having intelligence, public servants are by a wide range of approaches related to capable of continuous self-perfection the implementation of management im- and development, which is the most pacts on personnel. For public service, important and long-term source of in- this is quite complicated, because fo- creasing the efficiency of any organiza- reign models are not always adequate to tion; people choose a particular type of the level of complexity and uncertainty activity (production / non-productive, of their functioning in the conditions of mental / physical), deliberately setting the transformation period. a goal [14; 18].

166 Human resources are the competi- human management in the context of tive wealth of any organization, and their professional activities. The consis- therefore the subject of management tent change in the concepts of manage- must provide all opportunities for the ment in the labor sphere has led to the realization of their goals, create condi- evolution of types of human resources tions for the implementation of motiva- management: from passive to reactive, tional installations to work. and then to strategic system manage- Conclusions. Modern foreign sci- ment of human resources. At the same ence is represented by all sorts of cur- time, in the field of public service, the rents, schools, directions, concepts of effectiveness of human resources mana- human resources management, which gement services should increase, along are not always compatible with each with the growing role of the socio-psy- other. According to specialists, there is chological component of governance. no internal unity and logical connection The formation of an innovative human in it. The analysis of existing theories resources management model in the shows that over the last hundred years field of public service will contribute to there has been a profound transforma- the creation of a professional, stable, in- tion of the concepts of HR management tegrity, ethical, prestigious and highly from the level of the personnel depart- effective public service in Ukraine ca- ment to the personnel management ser- pable of responding today's challenges, vices and further — human resources effectively fulfilling its obligations to management services. Human resour- society and citizens of Ukraine. ces management in public authorities is a focused coordinated activity of ma- References nagers and specialists in the formation and efficient use of human resources, 1. Pro Stratehiyu derzhavnoyi kadro- which involves the development of a voyi polityky na 2012–2020 roky : concept and strategy of personnel pol- Ukaz Prezydenta Ukrayiny (February 1. 2012 № 45/2012) About the Stra- icy, principles and methods, and the tegy of the State Personnel Policy for formation of a human resources man- 2012 - 2020: Decree of the President agement system. The concept of im- of Ukraine. Retrieved from: president. proving human resources management[in in the public service of Ukraine should Ukrainian]. include a wide range of functions and 2. Pro skhvalennya Stratehiyi reformu- activities of public authorities in rela- vannya derzhavnoyi sluzhby ta slu- tion to: selection, hiring and dismissal zhby v orhanakh mistsevoho samo- of employees, planning, providing staff vryaduvannya v Ukrayini na period with authorities, motivating their work, do 2017 roku ta zatverdzhennya planu zakhodiv shchodo yiyi realizatsiyi: managing conflicts, assessing employ- rozporyadzhennya Kabinetu Minist- ees, training them, advanced training riv Ukrayiny (an order of 18 March. and retraining, management of the pro- 2015) On Approval of the Strategy for cess of career advancement, personnel Reforming the Civil Service and Ser- audit. Human resource management vice in Local Self-Government Bodies is both a science and an art of effective in Ukraine for the period up to 2017

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170 UDC: 381.1+351.82 DOI: 2224-2019-18-3-171-181 Doroshenko Hanna Alexandrovna, Doctor of Economics, professor, Head of the Department of Economics and Management, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Mironosicka Str., 1, of. 3-21, tel.: +38 050 199 32 57, email: anyadoroshen- [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-5535-8494 Дорошенко Ганна Олександрівна, доктор економічних наук, професор, за- відувач кафедри економіки та менедж- менту, Харківський національний уні- верситет ім. В. Н. Каразіна, м. Харків, вул. Міроносицька, 1, кім. 3-21, тел.: +38 050 199 32 57, email: anyadoroshenkonew@ ORCID: 0000-0002-5535-8494 Дорошенко Анна Александровна, доктор экономических наук, профессор, заведующий кафедрой экономики и менед- жмента, Харьковский национальный университет им. В. Н. Каразина, г. Харьков, ул. Мироносицкая, 1, ком. 3-21, тел.: +38 050 199 32 57, email: anyadoroshenkonew@ ORCID: 0000-0002-5535-8494


Abstract. The current study is devoted to the analysis of corruption and the shadow economy in Ukraine through the prism of the archetypal approach. In particular, the formation of the relation to the shadow economy under the influ- ence of the factor of the collective unconscious is considered. In the process of evolution every nation forms its own mentality, as a reflection of the accumu- lated common experience, as awareness of its place in the world and the world in itself, as a way of knowing and explaining the phenomena of the environment. The formation of the mentality of the people is largely unconscious, but it defines the basic values and standards of the human behaviour in general, the feelings and acceptable standards of an individual. The mentality, the absence of a gene- rally accepted and propagandized national idea and strategy of development, the practice of applying mechanisms for the effective transfer of power and “social

171 lifts” lead to the domination of private interests over the public, and impunity — to the growth of corruption with all the branches of power and the formation of a “para-power”, “para-economy”. To confirm this thesis in the work the influ- ence of the shadow economy on the fiscal policy of the state is analyzed in de- tail, the essence and significance of the indicators of corruption and indicators of corruption control are analyzed, the results obtained are compared with simi- lar indicators of the countries of the near Europe and the EU, conclusions are made and author’s recommendations for further steps in solving the problem of struggle with “para-economy” in Ukraine not only in the area of economic changes, but also in conducting information and educational work in this direc- tion. Keywords: shadow economy, “para-economy”, collective unconscious, eco- nomic growth, tax losses, corruption. КОРУПЦІЯ ЯК ПЕРЕПОНА СТАЛОМУ РОЗВИТКУ УКРАЇНИ (АРХЕТИПНИЙ ПІДХІД) Анотація. Поточне дослідження присвячене аналізу корупції та тіньової економіки в Україні крізь призму архетипного підходу. Зокрема розглянуто формування відношення до тіньової економіки під дією фактора колектив- ного несвідомого. У процесі еволюції кожний народ формує власний мен- талітет, як віддзеркалення накопиченого спільного досвіду, як усвідомлен- ня свого місця у світі і світу в собі, як спосіб пізнання та пояснення явищ навколишнього середовища. Формування менталітету народу багато в чому має несвідомий характер, але саме він визначає основні цінності та еталони людської поведінки загалом, почуття та прийнятні стандарти окремого ін- дивіда. Ментальність, відсутність загальновизнаної та пропагандованої на- ціональної ідеї і стратегії розвитку, напрацьованої практики застосування механізмів ефективної передачі влади та “соціальних ліфтів” приводять до домінування приватних інтересів над публічними, а безкарність — до зростання корупції з усіма гілками влади і формування “паравлади”, “пара- економіки”. Для підтвердження цієї тези в роботі детально вивчено вплив тіньової економіки на фіскальну політику держави, проаналізовано сутність та значення показників корупції та показників контролю за корупцією, отримані результати зіставлені з аналогічними показниками країн ближньої Європи та ЄС, зроблено висновки та надано авторські рекомендації щодо подальших кроків у вирішенні проблеми боротьби з “параекономікою” в Україні не лише в площині економічних зрушень, а й у проведенні інформа- ційно-виховної роботи в цьому напрямі. Основною метою та стратегічним пріоритетом щодо боротьби з корупцією в Україні має стати створення умов суспільного неприйняття цього явища, зміна стандарту громадської пове- дінки і, паралельно з цим, підвищення інвестиційною привабливості країни, оптимізація податкової та регуляторної політики та ін. Ключові слова: тіньова економіка, “параекономіка”, колективне несвідо- ме, економічне зростання, податкові втрати, корупція.

172 КОРРУПЦИЯ КАК ПРЕПЯТСТВИЕ УСТОЙЧИВОМУ РАЗВИТИЮ УКРАИНЫ (АРХЕТИПИЧЕСКИЙ ПОДХОД) Аннотация. Текущее исследование посвящено анализу коррупции и те- невой экономики в Украине сквозь призму архетипического подхода. В частности рассмотрено формирование отношения к теневой экономике под действием фактора коллективного бессознательного. В процессе эволюции каждый народ формирует собственный менталитет, как отражение накоп- ленного совместного опыта, как осознание своего места в мире и мира в себе, как способ познания и объяснения явлений окружающей среды. Формиро- вание менталитета народа во многом имеет бессознательный характер, но именно он определяет основные ценности и стандарты человеческого пове- дения в целом, чувства и приемлемые стандарты отдельного индивида. Мен- тальность, отсутствие общепризнанной и пропагандируемой национальной идеи и стратегии развития, наработанной практики применения механизмов эффективной передачи власти и “социальных лифтов” приводят к домини- рованию частных интересов над общественными, а безнаказанность — к сро- станию коррупции со всеми ветвями власти и формированию “паравласти”, “параэкономики”. Для подтверждения этого тезиса в работе проанализиро- ваны сущность и значение показателей коррупции и показателей контроля за коррупцией, полученные результаты сопоставлены с аналогичными по- казателями стран ближней Европы и ЕС, сделаны выводы и даны авторские рекомендации по дальнейшим шагам в решении проблемы борьбы с “пара- экономикой” в Украине не только в плоскости экономических реформ, но и в проведении информационно-воспитательной работы в этом направле- нии. Основной целью и стратегическим приоритетом борьбы с коррупцию в Украине должно стать создание условий общественного неприятия этого явления, изменение стандарта общественного поведения и, параллельно с этим, повышение инвестиционной привлекательности страны, оптимиза- ция налоговой и регуляторной политики и т. д. Ключевые слова: теневая экономика, “параэкономика”, коллективное бессознательное, экономический рост, налоговые потери, коррупция.

Formulation of the problem. Cor- viduals, and also provokes a high level ruption in Ukraine is one of the main of corruption in the public sector. Fol- barriers to the economic growth, living lowing the political changes of 2013– standards and European integration. 2014 the solution of these problems The concept of “shadow economy” and was proclaimed a priority direction of “corruption” in our country are closely the economic reforms. However, the intertwined. The shadow economy re- realization of any measures related to flects the active illegal economic ac- corruption only in this plane, without tivity, low legal and tax levels of the taking into account the processes ta- consciousness of legal entities and indi- king place in the mass consciousness of

173 the society, does not give a positive re- searchers as A. Vlasyuk, V. Bazylevych, sult. At the same time, the significance I. Mazur, A. Baranovsky, P. Nikolenko, of the influence of the irrational sphere M. Flechuk. of mass consciousness, in particular the Unfortunately, at the present stage mass unconscious, is not taken into ac- of theoretical development the essence count at all. The extremely high level of the measures to combat corruption of corruption as a key element of the in Ukraine is to deal with the conse- shadow economy in Ukraine jeopardi- quences, and not the reasons, that is zes the establishment of a democratic, ideologically wrong. The corollary of independent and strong state, greatly corruption in the national context re- undermining the prospects for the eco- quires in-depth study, taking into ac- nomic growth of the country, in par- count its specificity in Ukraine, the ticular, preventing private investment. socio-economic and historical precon- Therefore, the reduction of the share ditions for its formation. of “shadow” in the official economy is The purpose of the article is to essential for accelerating the process of study and assess the shadow sector of the economic integration of our coun- Ukraine, its corruption component, try into the European space and this and identify possible ways to combat should be based on the influence of the this problem at various levels of the mass unconscious on the basic socio- government policy implementation. economic processes. Presentation of the main mate- Analysis of the recent publications rial. The presence of a “para-economy”, on the issues and identification of pre- that is a shadow sector, that exists in viously unsettled parts of the general parallel with the official economy, be- problem. For quite some time corrup- comes a global problem of the present. tion as an object of research was con- In Ukraine the decisive role in its de- sidered in the context of the analysis velopment was played by the slow pace of the shadow economy. The scientists, and inconsistency of the economic researchers and representatives of the transformations, the fatigue of the po- national economic thought from the pulation from poverty and ineffective middle of the 20th century are actively power. Therefore, the “para-economy” working to solve the problem of the serves not only as a cause, but as a con- existence of the shadow economy, “pa- sequence of the deformation of the le- ra-economy”, the identification of its gal economy. factors and methods of counteraction. One can distinguish several key H. Myurdal, L. Lavrusha, J. Galbraith, factors of the high level of the shadow F. Hayek, and others devoted them- economy in Ukraine [1, p. 95]: selves to the theoretical principles of • high level of tax burden on the en- research of this phenomenon in the 70s terprise; of the last century. Various theoretical • corruption in the bodies of state aspects of the problem of the shadow power and local self-government; economy, especially in the context of • bad conditions for doing business. the causality of the processes of sha- The presence of a high level of cor- dowing, are seen at such Ukrainian re- ruption makes it possible to signifi-

174 cantly reduce the likelihood of timely creases, and, accordingly, the degree detection of tax evasion, while imper- of satisfaction of the society with the fect legislation allows tax payments to quality and volume of services financed be reduced to a minimum. It is common from the budget. practice to keep enterprises in a state Based on the published data [3], of unprofitableness in order to evade [4], the average tax losses due to the taxes and receive and launder huge functioning of the shadow economy shadow revenues. in Ukraine in the period 2012–2018 The high level of the shadow econo- amounted to about 22,6 % of the of- my in Ukraine has many negative con- ficial GDP, performing their activities sequences, the main ones [2, p. 136]: underground. • the loss of tax revenues, as well The main negative effect of the as the result — the complication of the shadow economy on the efficiency of state’s implementation of its financial the state is traced in the increase of obligations to the society and increa- corruption in all the functional subsys- sing the unevenness of tax pressure; tems of the state apparatus. Corruption • reduction of investment resources has been and remains one of the biggest in Ukraine; obstacles to Ukraine’s economic re- • distrust of confidence in power, forms. It threatens the very existence which establishes the perception of il- of the state; this is the main obstacle legal ways of resolving issues as normal; to raising the standard of living, eco- • an increase in the number of eco- nomic development, civil society, the nomic crimes due to the impossibility fight against crime. The Ukrainian cor- of resolving a labour dispute in a court ruption system is also a major obstacle or a commission on the resolution of to business development, attracting labour disputes due to the lack of a le- foreign investment and advanced tech- gal basis for resolving labour disputes nologies into the economy [5, p. 32]. between the agents engaged in the sha- Before turning to the analysis of the dow sector, large-scale development impact of this factor on the economy, we of organized crime, which leads to the note that over the past 5 years the num- loss of the state’s ability to regulate it, ber of Ukrainians who believe that the monitor and perform other socially im- level of corruption is increasing has in- portant functions. creased from 49 % to 61 %. The biggest On the other hand, the citizens of problem that impedes the development Ukraine are aware of the benefits of of the country is corruption — 79 % of being officially unemployed — the lack the population said it. But while still of income tax, additional tax deduc- one in five Ukrainians bribes [6]. That tions, which leads to an increase in net is, we see a certain dissonance between wages “on hand”, freedom of choice and how this phenomenon is evaluated and changes in the areas of its activities as how the Ukrainians themselves act. It soon as possible. However, the reverse is difficult to explain from the stand- side of the medal is the decline in the point of rationalism, but the use of con- well-being of the citizens themselves cepts is a collective unconscious and [2, р. 148], as the budget capacity de- an archetype that provides a platform

175 for reflection on such a situation. For artistically meaningful ideas, concepts, example, for Jung, “the collective un- programs, ideological orientations that conscious is a deep layer of the human characterize the intellectual potential psyche that is deeper than the level of of a nation. The state-political level is the individual unconscious, common to the level of national consciousness in all the people as a result of human his- which national interests, political de- tory” [7]. It is formed from historical mands, and state policy are directly and even prehistoric collective experi- captured and formed. Thus, at the level ences that are manifested in the cha- of the individual, the state, a society is racteristic patterns of behaviour and formed to demand the formation of ide- standards of thinking of each person. ology, political forces, programs aimed The archetypes provide the basis for at the formation of the images that do behaviour, the structuring of persona- not recognize corruption as a normal lity, understanding of the world, inhe- phenomenon at any level of existence. rent in one or another ethnic group, the The study examined the most internal unity and the relationship of popular indicators of corruption and culture and understanding [8]. At the compared them with an international same time, as Sushiy O. V. notes “Turn- perspective for Ukraine. In particular, ing to the study of mass consciousness, we compared the level of corruption the researchers distinguish two levels: in Ukraine with the same indicator as the primary (irrational, emotionally “Low and middle income countries”, effective), based on the bright emo- “Central, Eastern and Southeastern tional experience of a particular social Europe” (CESEE), and the European problem (war, revolution, large-scale Union. In the index of corruption per- economic crisis), which is a common ception ranging from 0 to 100 and re- concern; and a secondary (rational) flecting the perception of corruption level that includes different cognitive by business people and experts in the components: public knowledge, mas- public sector, in 2017 Ukraine ranked sively discussed and sharing informa- 130th with a score of 30 points, the tion that spreads through rumors and lowest among the countries compared the media” [9]. Thus, a person, denying (Figure 1). corruption at the emotional and spiri- Based on the data above, one can tual level, is ready to solve the neces- conclude that the level of corruption in sary issues for her through the bribe. Ukraine is at a very high level, which The collective unconscious determines is not acceptable even for low-income the social consciousness. countries in Europe. Therefore, the I. Kresina [10] identifies three le- reduction of corruption can serve as vels of national consciousness: stan- an indicator in helping to accelerate dard, theoretical, state-political. The Ukraine’s economic integration with standard level is characterized by the the European Union. unity of conscious and unconscious, In our opinion, it will be important mental and archetypal elements of the to consider GDP per capita and its national consciousness. The theoreti- comparison with the level of corrup- cal level is scientifically grounded or tion in a particular country. To this end,

176 Fig. 1. The Corruption Perceptions of European Countries by the Corruption Perceptions Index, 2017 (*Developed on the basis of [11]) we have taken three European count- tries. In 2017 the three other countries, ries — Poland, Romania and Latvia, on average, have GDP per capita that which started the transition to a mar- is three times higher than in Ukraine. ket economy in 1992, today surpassed (Chart). Per capita GDP in Poland Ukraine by this indicator. Romania is 70 percent of the EU average, and and Poland are two other big Eastern Ukraine is about 20 percent [12]. European countries with respectively As can be seen from Figures 2 and 19,5 and 38 million inhabitants, com- 3, there is a strong correlation between pared with 43,9 million in Ukraine. the ability to control corruption and Latvia is much smaller (2 million). In GDP per capita growth in the ana- 1992 per capita GDP was approxi- lyzed countries. In the case of Poland mately the same for these four coun- the indicator of corruption control was

Fig. 2. GDP per capita dynamics, 1992–2017 (*Developed on the basis of [12])

177 Fig. 3. Dynamics of the Corruption Index estimated by the World Bank, 1996–2017 (*Developed on the basis of [13]) quite high throughout the investigated main recommendations can serve as period, and the economic growth was follows: higher. On the other hand, Ukraine’s 1) The active use of the instruments economic growth of +91,5 % over 25 of influence on collective conscious- years in parallel with the low level of ness, which according to a model of control over corruption appears to historically changing social behaviour be scanty in comparison with Poland can give a positive short- and long- (+ 461 % since 1992). term result in solving the issue of non- Analyzing the anti-corruption po- acceptance of corruption. licy and environment in these three 2) Improving and increasing the countries, the progress made can be ex- frequency of use of electronic taxation plained as follows: they rely on strong systems in order to reduce contact with anti-corruption institutions that be- customers, and accordingly reduce the nefit from good governance and strong possibility of resorting to corruption public support, as well as law enforce- schemes at the state level. ment agencies that, unlike Ukraine, 3) Improving the efficiency of the incorporate effectively functioning and state bodies and improving the legisla- trusted judicial power. It is also worth tive framework for entrepreneurship, noting public support for anti-corrup- which will significantly reduce the tion institutions and disclosure by in- incentives for shadow activity and in- vestigative journalists of violations in crease control over the shadow opera- these countries [14]. tions of the government agencies. In order to minimize the level of 4) The reduction in the number of the shadow economy in our country, mandatory taxes and the overall reduc- first of all, involvement in the same tion of the tax burden on enterprises in state and the formation of effective order to encourage participation in of- tools for the propaganda of anti-cor- ficial labour relations, as well as reduc- ruption policy are necessary. Based tion of tax privileges that will provide on the experience of other states, the equal opportunities for all the taxpay-

178 ers and minimize incentives to reduce tail. By these results we confirmed the tax liabilities. theoretical assumptions of the scien- 5) Strengthening the responsibility tific community regarding the negative for avoiding registration of labour re- impact of significant shadow economy lations between the employee and the on the fiscal sphere in Ukraine. employer, as well as tax evasion and so- The main goal and strategic prio- cial security contributions. Increasing rity of combating corruption in the responsibility for using shadow tax Ukraine should be the creation of con- schemes and deliberately minimizing ditions for social rejection of this phe- tax liabilities. nomenon, the change of the standard 6) Conducting a tax amnesty on the of the social behaviour and, in parallel, basis of a transparent and clear pro- increase of the country’s investment cedure that will increase the business attractiveness, optimization of the tax confidence of the state authorities and and regulatory policy, and so on. increase budget revenues. It is also important for Ukraine to Due to the impossibility of com- reduce the level of the shadow econo- pletely eliminating the shadow eco- my as well as strengthening the mea- nomy in real political, economic and sures to fight corruption. Among the social conditions, it should firstly be important ways to overcome the prob- guided by the approach of its level to lem of corruption are the development the value of this indicator in the coun- and use of electronic monitoring sys- tries of the near Europe. The reduction tems for the state operations, measures of the shadow economy of Ukraine to to increase the independence of the the level of Poland will allow the state judiciary, improve the work of anti- budget to receive additional funds in corruption committees and bureaus, as the amount of several hundred billion well as broad engagement of the public hryvnias, which in turn will give the in activist activities. state additional resources and oppor- The further development of the tunities for building a strong and inde- problem of research into shadow socio- pendent state. economic relations in Ukraine should Conclusions from the conducted be based on the use of the causality research. The conducted research has theory apparatus to analyze the histor- shown us the dynamics of the shadow ical model of the Ukrainian society and economy of Ukraine during the last its developmental laws in modern con- twenty years. The losses of the state ditions that have their own specifics budget of Ukraine from tax evasion and differ significantly from the well- that in hryvnia equivalent in 2018 known models of the European states. amounted to over half a trillion hryv- nias that the state has lost due to the functioning of the shadow economy, as References well as the impossibility of considering 1. Varnalii Z. S., Honcharuk A. Ya., Zhali- these cases in the courts in the absence lo Ya. A. et. al. (2013). Tinova ekonomi- of a legal basis for resolving labour ka: sutnist, osoblyvosti ta shliakhy le- disputes has been investigated in de- halizatsii [Shadow economy: essence,

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181 UDC: 351:334.752:330.341:159.964 DOI: 2224-2019-18-3-182-197 Yehorycheva Svitlana Borysivna, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Pro- fessor of the Department of Management, Institute for Personal Training of the State Employment Service of Ukraine, 03038, Kyiv, Novovokzalna str., 17, tel.: (067) 378 18 03, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-7829-7073 Єгоричева Світлана Борисівна, доктор економічних наук, професор, про- фесор кафедри менеджменту, Інститут підготовки кадрів державної служби зайнятості України, 03038, м. Київ, вул. Нововокзальна, 17, тел.: (067) 378 18 03, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-7829-7073 Егорычева Светлана Борисовна, доктор экономических наук, профессор, профессор кафедры менеджмента, Ин- ститут подготовки кадров государствен- ной службы занятости Украины, 03038, г. Киев, ул. Нововокзальная, 17, тел.: (067) 378 1803, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-7829-7073 Lakhyzha Mykola Ivanovych, Doctor of Public Administration, Professor, Professor of the Department of Public Ad- ministration, Institute for Personal Training of the State Employment Service of Ukraine, 03038, Kyiv, Novovokzalna str., 17, tel.: (096) 552 17 89, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-8676-4578 Лахижа Микола Іванович, доктор наук з державного управління, професор, професор кафедри публічного управління та адміністрування, Інсти- тут підготовки кадрів державної служ- би зайнятості України, 03038, м. Київ, вул. Нововокзальна, 17, тел.: (096) 552 17 89, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-8676-4578 Лахижа Николай Иванович, доктор наук по государственному управлению, профессор, профессор кафедры пу- бличного управления и администрирования, Институт подготовки кадров государ-

182 ственной службы занятости Украины, 03038, г. Киев, ул. Нововокзальная, 17, тел.: (096) 552 17 89, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-8676-4578


Abstract. An archetype analysis of the problems of public-private partnership (PPP) functioning and its role in ensuring sustainable development has been car- ried out. The necessity of taking into account transformational changes which re- sulted not only in changing the political system and forms of ownership and the transition to democracy and market economy, but also combined with the change in the mentality of the population, was emphasized. There is a need to rethink the role of the state in public relations. The partnership is considered, on the one hand, as a goal and a task of sustainable development, which demonstrates a change in the paradigm of solving problems from individualized to unified, network, and on the other hand, as a factor of its providing. The significant role of PPP in ensuring sustainable development has been proved. The dependence of the level of deve- lopment of PPP on the development of state and civil society, the level of aware- ness of public and private partners of their social responsibility is indicated. It is noted that the concept of “public-private partnership” is broader and more con- sistent with the tasks of stimulating sustainable development than “state-private partnership”. It is concluded that national mentality, social and cultural norms in the country can significantly influence the perception of the idea of the PPP, and therefore these projects should be adapted to the local context. The barriers for implementation of PPP are analyzed, among which the following are highlighted: imperfection of administrative processes, insufficient legal and regulatory frame- work with frequent changes in the legislation and regulations, concentration of attention on procedural issues with underestimation of the innovative and invest- ment potential of the PPP, and in particular, its role in the formation of new public relations and civil society. An archetypal analysis has allowed substantiating the need for increased participation of the third sector in the processes, ensuring their openness and transparency. It is about overcoming “collectively unconscious” in favor of conscious collective action in support of sustainable development. Keywords: sustainable development, public-private partnership, moderniza- tion, archetype, mentality, implementation barriers. ПУБЛІЧНО-ПРИВАТНЕ ПАРТНЕРСТВО ЯК ФАКТОР ЗАБЕЗПЕЧЕННЯ СТАЛОГО РОЗВИТКУ: АРХЕТИПНИЙ АНАЛІЗ Анотація. Здійснено архетипний аналіз проблем функціонування публіч- но-приватного партнерства (ППП) та його ролі в забезпеченні сталого роз-

183 витку. Наголошено на необхідності врахування трансформаційних змін, які призвели не лише до зміни політичного ладу та форм власності і переходу до демократії та ринкової економіки, а й супроводжувалися зміною мента- літету населення. Відзначається необхідність переосмислення ролі держави у суспільних відносинах. Партнерство розглядається, з одного боку, як ме- та і завдання сталого розвитку, що демонструє зміну парадигми вирішення проблем з індивідуалізованої на об’єднавчу, мережну, а з іншого — як фактор його забезпечення. Доведено значну роль ППП у забезпеченні сталого роз- витку. Вказується на залежність рівня розвитку ППП від розвитку держави та громадянського суспільства, рівня усвідомлення публічним та приватним партнерами своєї відповідальності перед суспільством. Відзначено, що по- няття “публічно-приватне партнерство” ширше і більше відповідає завдан- ням стимулювання сталого розвитку, ніж “державно-приватне партнерство”. Зроблено висновок, що національний менталітет, соціальні та культурні норми в країні можуть істотно впливати на сприйняття ідеї ППП, тому ці проекти мають бути пристосовані до місцевого контексту. Проаналізовано бар’єри для впровадження ППП, серед яких виділено: недосконалість управ- лінських процесів, недостатню нормативно-правову базу з частими змінами законодавства та правил регулювання, концентрацією уваги на процедурних питаннях при недооцінці інноваційного та інвестиційного потенціалу ППП, а особливо — його ролі у формуванні нових суспільних відносин та грома- дянського суспільства. Архетипний аналіз дозволив обґрунтувати необхід- ність посилення участі в процесах ППП третього сектору, забезпечення їх відкритості та прозорості. Йдеться про подолання “колективно несвідомого” на користь свідомих колективних дій на підтримку сталого розвитку. Ключові слова: сталий розвиток, публічно-приватне партнерство, модер- нізація, архетип, менталітет, бар’єри впровадження. ПУБЛИЧНО-ЧАСТНОЕ ПАРТНЕРСТВО КАК ФАКТОР ОБЕСПЕЧЕНИЯ УСТОЙЧИВОГО РАЗВИТИЯ: АРХИТИПИЧЕСКИЙ АНАЛИЗ Аннотация. Осуществлен архетипический анализ проблем функциони- рования публично-частного партнерства (ПЧП) и его роли в обеспечении устойчивого развития. Отмечена необходимость учета трансформационных изменений, которые привели не только к изменению политического строя и форм собственности и перехода к демократии и рыночной экономике, но и сопровождались изменением менталитета населения. Отмечается необ- ходимость переосмысления роли государства в общественных отношениях. Партнерство рассматривается, с одной стороны, как цель и задачи устойчи- вого развития, что демонстрирует изменение парадигмы решения проблем с индивидуализированной на объединительную, сетевую, а с другой — как фактор его обеспечения. Доказано значительную роль ПЧП в обеспечении устойчивого развития. Указывается на зависимость уровня развития ПЧП от развития государства и гражданского общества, уровня осознания пуб-

184 личным и частным партнерами своей ответственности перед обществом. Отмечено, что понятие “публично-частное партнерство” шире и больше со- ответствует задачам стимулирования устойчивого развития, чем “государ- ственно-частное партнерство”. Сделан вывод, что национальный ментали- тет, социальные и культурные нормы в стране могут существенно влиять на восприятие идеи ПЧП, поэтому эти проекты должны быть приспособлены к местному контексту. Проанализированы барьеры для внедрения ПЧП, среди которых выделены: несовершенство управленческих процессов, недостаточ- ную нормативно-правовую базу с частыми изменениями законодательства и правил регулирования, концентрацию внимания на процедурных вопро- сах при недооценке инновационного и инвестиционного потенциала ПЧП, а особенно — его роли в формировании новых общественных отношений и гражданского общества. Архетипический анализ позволил обосновать необ- ходимость усиления участия в процессах ПЧП третьего сектора, обеспече- ния их открытости и прозрачности. Речь идет о преодолении “коллективно бессознательного” в пользу сознательных коллективных действий в под- держку устойчивого развития. Ключевые слова: устойчивое развитие, публично-частное партнерство, модернизация, архетип, менталитет, барьеры внедрения.

Formulation of the problem. The word sustainable in other languages: concept of sustainable development is stable, measured, balanced, responsible, the most promising paradigm of func- viable, supported, long, etc. tioning of the modern society, which, In addition, the rate of development provided consistent, comprehensive is not always carried out at the most and effective implementation, will al- important level in order to implement low to resolve the contradictions of it, because investments in the new in- the civilizational evolution, minimize frastructure in the world in the coming the threats to the existence of huma- years, according to various estimates, nity and provide a permanent process should be from 3,5 to 5 trillion dollars for improving the situation of every annually. It is clear that, first of all, the person. The very person, its compre- states are responsible for achieving the hensive development, welfare, health, goals of sustainable development. But, and not only the quantitative indicators given the objective limitations of the of the economic growth, is the purpose public financial resources, the question of the embodiment of this concept. Its is how to attract private capital to ad- essence that consists in the necessity of dress these challenges. Among other harmonious combination of three com- ways, the mechanism of public-private ponents of development — economic, partnership (PPP) that is already suf- social and environmental, — are mul- ficiently institutionalized and practi- tifaceted reflecting synonymous terms cally tested is capable of significantly that are translations of the English reducing the gap between the resource

185 requirements and the possibilities for as domestic (S. Doroshenko, I. Zapa- their accumulation. This requires the trina, S. Yushyn) and as well foreign deepening of the research on the nature authors (M. Kanya). In our view, the and content of the PPP, the conditions archetype is precisely a promising ap- for its use, and also the institutional, proach that will highlight the previ- mental and other obstacles to its effec- ously unresolved problem aspects of tive functioning. the functioning of the PPP to ensure Analysis of the recent research sustainable development. and publications. The problem of the The purpose of the article is to de- development of state-private (and now termine the role of PPP as an effective more and more — public-private) part- tool for the implementation of sustain- nership has been in the field of domestic able development, to find out the un- scientists, representatives of both eco- derlying factors of the influence on its nomic science and state administration development, the reasons for the intro- science for more than ten years. They duction of the barriers and the theoreti- have developed a significant multi- cal generalization of the possibilities of dimensional theoretical work that has an archetypical approach in this area of only been embodied in recent years in social relations. a number of fundamental monographs Presentation of the main mate- [1–3]. At the same time, the scien- rial. The end of the 20th century in the tists are actively studying the issues global dimension was characterized of interconnectedness of the PPP and by complex and ambiguous transfor- ensuring sustainable development. mations. On the one hand, new states Among recent studies it is worth noting arose in Europe, accompanied by pro- the work of such authors as V. Gusev, cesses of national renaissance, growing A. Zhukovska, N. Ilchenko, I. Kulchiy, attention to national characteristics, D. Lavrentiy, S. Maystro, O. Makar, and the desire, through an analysis of B. Pomogaybo [4–11] and others. the national mentality, to comprehend These problems are discussed in the the events of our time. On the other format of scientific and practical con- hand, under the influence of globaliza- ferences [12; 13]. Important for our tion there was a blurring of the national research are the publications of foreign peculiarities, the world’s perception of scientists, in particular [14–16]. people was rapidly changing, new va- However, it is well-known that pub- lues and beliefs were formed. For ex- lic-private partnerships have not come ample, for the countries of Central and up with the modern conditions of de- Eastern Europe, the common denomi- velopment where it is most needed — in nators in the period of post-communist developing countries and in the coun- transformation were the abandonment tries with emerging markets. In order of totalitarian mentality, “Europeaniza- to improve this situation, it is expedi- tion” that consists in the adoption of ent to apply new approaches and me- common standards for life and develop- thods for analyzing PPP mechanisms. ment for the countries of the European An analysis of the PPP from the point Union. Accordingly, the scientists and of view of archetype has already begun politicians have grown up in search

186 of answers to questions of civilization the International Conference on Envi- membership and the possibility of using ronment and Development in Rio de existing experience of the successful Janeiro, where the need for a harmoni- functioning of the developed countries ous combination of two goals was set: [17]. An analysis of “self”, as defined by to provide a high-quality environment C. Jung, was an actual analysis of the and meet the needs of people at the ex- archetype of the integrity of the indi- pense of stable, long-term economic de- vidual, uniting the conscious and the velopment. In 2002 a new organizatio- unconscious, mutually complementing nal form for the implementation of this each other. The subject of analysis, in- concept was proposed — the so-called cluding in terms of archetype, became partnerships for sustainable develop- such categories as “public”, “private”, ment that emphasized the importance “partnership”. of joining forces, joint actions both It is important to note that it was globally and nationally. during this period that active searches In 2015 the United Nations adopted for new forms of public administration a sustainable development based on its took place that would take into account program of activities by 2030 and iden- both the interests of the state and the tified the seventeen Sustainable De- interests of the society, and placed the velopment Goals (SDG) that were en- focus of attention on the person. Conse- dorsed by all UN member states. These quently, inevitably it had to increase — goals are specified in 169 tasks and re- and indeed it has increased — the atten- flect such spheres of action as people, tion to a person as a reasonable political planet, prosperity, peace and partner- and social being. There was a need to ship. rethink the role of the state and society, Our country has been working hard to find out the underlying foundations to adapt the global SDG to the national of such social phenomena as partner- specificities, which resulted in the Na- ship, cooperation, interests, conflicts, tional Report “Sustainable Develop- standards, values, etc. Increased at- ment Goals: Ukraine” [18] that contains tention has been paid to the interde- 17 goals, 86 tasks and 172 indicators. In pendence of the concerns of the whole this, one of the goals is directly defined world — environmental, economic, so- as a partnership for sustainable deve- cial, and cultural, that are united in the lopment and includes tasks 17,3 — to paradigm of sustainable development. develop partnership relations between Recall that in the early 1970’s there the state and business to achieve the was a conviction that the problems of Sustainable Development Goals. the development and the environment The analysis of the content of the should be considered in close relation- above documents leads to the conclu- ship, but the very term “sustainable de- sion that they have a partnership, act- velopment” and its definition appeared ing on the one hand as a goal and ob- in Brundtland's report “Our Common jectives of sustainable development, Future” only fifteen years later, in demonstrating a change in the para- 1987. Sustainable development ideas digm of solving individualized prob- were formally proclaimed in 1992 at lems, divided into unifying, collectivist,

187 network, and on the other — as a fac- It is worth noting that these coun- tor in its provision. In particular, the tries are characterized by a high le- global partnerships serve as guarantors vel of legal regulation of PPP, since of peace preservation and contribute to 95 % of them have adopted special laws overcoming poverty and inequality in on public-private (or state-private) the world. And the PPP is in modern partnership. However, they are some- terms a method that allows “to build a what inferior to the highly developed sustainable infrastructure, to promote OECD countries regarding the qual- inclusive and sustainable industrializa- ity of the preparation of PPP projects tion and to promote innovation” (ninth and the procedures for identifying a global goal). However, since the con- private partner: while the assessments tent of the goals of sustainable deve- of these processes in these countries are lopment “intersects”, the formation of 65 and 79 points (out of 100), for ECA a quality and affordable infrastructure countries they make 50 and 67 points, to support economic development and respectively [19, p. 37, 46]. As regards human well-being will simultaneously the management of the project imple- mean progress, in particular, in crea- mentation, post-communist ECA coun- ting new jobs, providing energy from re- tries with 52 points fall not only from newable sources, clean water, hygienic the highly developed OECD countries living conditions, high-quality health (60 points), but also from the countries care and education, etc. In turn, the of Latin America and the Caribbean PPP infrastructure project, for exam- (63 points) and the Middle East and ple, in the water supply sector, corre- North Africa (54 points). But especial- sponding to goal 6 (“clean water and ly they are lagging behind the leaders proper sanitary conditions”), will con- (72 points) regarding the availability of tribute to reducing the mortality and proposals for the PPP coming not from disease from the use of contaminated the public, but from the private sector water (task 3,9). You can still cite a (53 points) [19, p. 56, 64]. large number of similar examples. Over the last decade, the share of Consequently, the role of the public- ECA post-communist states in total private partnership in ensuring sus- investment in PPP projects in develo- tainable development can be really sig- ping countries and emerging markets has nificant, but not always its potential is declined from 30 % to 5 % [20, p. 7]. effectively implemented in practice. In The situation in Ukraine is described in particular, small-scale and low rates of the above-mentioned National Report implementation of PPP in almost all that states that the pace of practical post-communist countries of Europe application of the PPP is unsatisfac- and Central Asia (ECA) indicate that tory. One of the main reasons for this is there are certain deterrent factors that the lack of confidence in the state as a we believe are generated not only by business partner due to the continu- the national institutional and mental ing instability of the public finances, characteristics, but also by the general the volatility of legislation, and the features of modernization processes oc- high level of corruption [18, p. 125– curring in these states. 126].

188 Recall that the very question of the ber of post-communist states (Belarus, introduction and development of PPP Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Poland, Russia, in post-communist countries could on- Ukraine) on this issue, relevant Eng- ly arise in the process of modernization lish-language publications. First of all, of all the spheres of the social relations, it should be noted that only Bulgaria the formation of a full-fledged market and Poland use the term “public-private economy, the organization and im- partnership”, which has become wide- provement of the mechanisms of public spread throughout the world from the administration. Post-communist trans- countries listed. We support the view- formation is a process of substantial, point of those domestic scientists who profound social change, that, moreover, note that PPP in terms of content, form began suddenly, without a preliminary and range of partners differs from the calculation of possible losses, without a concept of state-private partnership prepared economic and political elite, (SPP) [4, p. 68]. In the election of such without historical experience of over- a term reflects the mental perception of coming the communist social heritage. the state as the dominant entity in re- The crisis of the social consciousness lations with other actors (business and appears as the root cause and source of civil society) [8, p. 85]. But experience, the institutional changes [21, p. 6]. in particular, Poland demonstrates a Analyzing the PPP in this context, significant role in PPP and local self- it is methodologically advisable to note government bodies that can not be the need for an interdisciplinary ap- covered by the term “state”. Conse- proach rather than a mechanical combi- quently, in this case, there is a classic nation of the results of various scientific version of conservative thinking and fields. Our research of the phenomenon an orientation towards the established of PPP in the post-communist states terminology of the normative legal acts. shows the aspiration of both scientists In addition, both PPP and SPP, in and practitioners to study and imple- our opinion, are traditionally consi- ment existing experience, an attempt dered in the narrow sense — as agree- to use achievements that have already ments, projects of cooperation between shown themselves positively in other the public and private sectors in the le- countries. In this case, the analysis of gislatively defined framework (projects, the mental factors is often left aside, concessions, joint ventures). However, which in practice leads to attempts to in today's conditions there is a tenden- introduce others from the point of view cy that is characterized as the develop- of archetype practice to a particular ment of “state-private-civil partner- country. ship” [6, p. 34], “joint responsibility of The awareness of the essence of the state, community and business” [9, post-communist transformations in the p. 246], etc. Therefore, we believe that conditions of globalization and the ob- the term “PPP” is broader, covering the jectivity of change of consciousness al- public sector, local government, the pri- lows to re-evaluate the public-private vate sector and civil society. After all, partnership. We analyzed the legal acts the traditional perception of the SPP as and practices of scientists from a num- the sole economic and legal mechanism

189 for cooperation between the public ness or, conversely, excessive savings, authorities and business in the field of the propensity to pressure from the so- infrastructure development is not suffi- cial or professional groups, the subordi- cient to focus on the environmental and nation to political interests, opportu- social goals advanced by the concept of nism, inconsistency in actions, etc. The sustainable development. At the same private sector can be characterized by a time, the civil society actors do not act desire for profit at all costs, selfishness, as a party to the agreement, but create a tendency for self-promotion, the de- a network of support, dissemination of sire to take advantage of tax privileges, information, training, analytical sup- etc. The public sector is characterized port, and others. by, in particular, the lack of skilled per- Consequently, we can conclude sonnel, financial ignorance, lack of con- that, in the broadest sense, the PPP solidation and responsibility, dispersion should be perceived as an integral part and inconsistency of actions, etc. [22, of the development of the principles of p. 321–323]. a democratic social state and of ensu- The analysis allowed to identify the ring sustainable development that goes barriers to the implementation of the back to the theory of social partnership. PPP, which, in particular, derives from In the narrow sense PPP is an alterna- the above features. First of all, this is an tive to privatization, an instrument for inadequate level of communication be- creating infrastructure and economic tween the stakeholders and the general growth, a social responsibility of the public. There is a clear distrust, the de- private sector, the emergence of a new sire of the public sector to show its de- public administration, and the provi- cisive role, ignoring the interests of the sion of quality public services. partners, etc., which is a manifestation It is worth to understand that the of past stereotypes. At the same time, place of PPP in the public relations it must be taken into account today and its impact on sustainable develop- that any mechanism aimed at providing ment is determined by its advantages public goods, but not subject to private and disadvantages that are sufficiently control, can not be successful without comprehensively analyzed in the scien- broad consultation, exchange of views, tific literature [1; 3; 15], as well as the consideration of different interests, presence of barriers to the implemen- public support and admissibility of tation and operation. Thus, the Polish its conditions for all the stakeholders. scientist M. Tkachuk believes that each Summarizing, we can say that it is ne- of the three sectors (public administra- cessary to create an atmosphere of trust tion, business and non-governmental the main role in what should play the sector) in the post-communist coun- state. Without this inevitably there is tries is different in its specificity, which a conflict of interest that can be consi- holds back the development of partner- dered the next obstacle to the develop- ship and, in our opinion, has an arche- ment of the PPP. typal nature. For the public sector it is The national mentality, social and the belief in omnipotence, bureaucracy cultural norms in the country can sig- and schematism in actions, wasteful- nificantly influence the perception of

190 people of the idea of public-private participation of a private partner), the partnership and their relation to its possibility of receiving services at an implementation. Organizationally, the earlier date, ensuring higher standards PPP relates to a relatively small num- of service provision, etc. ber of public and private partners and A significant barrier to the imple- remains a mysterious phenomenon for mentation of the PPP is the inadequacy most citizens, which is not only charac- of the requirements of the time (weak- teristic of the Ukrainian mentality that ness) of the management processes, is embodied in the saying “my hut is which, in the broadest sense, include on the edge”. Therefore, PPP projects an imperfect incentive (engagement) should be adapted to the local context. policy, a lack of legal and regulatory It is necessary to remember that it is framework, with frequent changes in concrete people, not abstract “public” legislation and regulation and, directly, and “private” partners who are involved project management mistakes. The ex- in the organization of these processes. perience of Ukraine, Bulgaria, Poland, In addition, they operate in a certain and other post-communist countries mental environment that can be favour- shows the complexity of developing able, neutral or even hostile in relation a regulatory framework in the field of to the attempt to attract business to the PPP, which, on the one hand, would provision of public services, which is take into account world the (Europe- considered the prerogative of the state. an) standards, and on the other hand, In particular, in the post-communist was adequate to the national speci- countries, especially in the former re- ficity and state of the economy. This publics of the USSR, the paternalistic is largely due to the targeting of the idea of the state and its social functions existing legislation to strengthen the is not yet fully absorbed. Accordingly, public ownership of the development it is from the state and local govern- of various types of infrastructure and ments that it is expected to provide its inadequacy to the needs of the pri- affordable, inexpensive, and even better vate sector; focusing on procedural is- free services, and not only control over sues in underestimating the innovative their provision. This idea is the oppo- and investment potential of the PPP, site of the PPP ideology that does not and, in particular, its role in shaping focus on who the provider is, but focu- new social relations and civil society, ses on the need to provide people with the important principles of which are the best possible access to high-quality pluralism, rule of law, mutual responsi- public services. The main criterion for bility of the state and persons, equality the effectiveness of such projects is of law for all, etc. The ignorance of the recognized as “value for money”, that psychological factors and mentality of is, the ratio of the value received by the the business representatives was one society and the cost of its provision. of the main reasons for the ineffective- At the same time, the value can be un- ness of the law on public-private part- derstood not only the volume of ser- nership that was adopted in Poland in vices, but also the fact of their availabil- 2005 and had to be replaced in 2008 by ity (which would not be without the new ones.

191 Regarding the deficiencies in the to understand it from the standpoint management of PPP that hinder its of perception by the partners, each of implementation, it is worth noting the which has and tries to defend their in- dominance of chaos that manifests itself terests. Finding the PPP at the junc- in the lack of correctness of the proce- tion of the public and private inte- dure for identifying and selecting the rests makes it vulnerable to corruption, projects where private participation is which O. Lukyanov regards as an ar- appropriate; attempts at the same time chetype of the social degradation [23, to achieve several conflicting project p. 27], pointing out its historical roots objectives (financial, macroeconomic, and linking the growth of corruption social, environmental, etc.); irrational with the decline of the national con- distribution of responsibilities and risks sciousness during the crisis and stress- between the partners during the pro- ing the strong relationship between the ject implementation, which in one way archetype of power, the mechanisms or another will increase the amount of for its legitimization and the archetype the public expenditure; lack of clear cri- of corruption. We agree with his opi- teria and indicators of the effectiveness nion that the archetypal nature of cor- of the project implementation, which ruption is confirmed, in particular, by complicates the monitoring of achieve- its persistent high level of perception ment of the objectives, etc. in the underdeveloped societies. Like It is important that the above-men- other manifestations of archetypes, tioned barriers are recognized by the modern corruption is complex. In the participants in the PPP process — the sphere of PPP the most corrupt and representatives of the public and pri- dangerous are the procedures for selec- vate sectors, as evidenced in particular tion of a private partner that are often by the results of expert surveys con- opaque and biased, the organization of ducted in Poland at two scientific and public procurement, ensuring the quali- practical conferences in 2007 and 2011 ty monitoring of the provision of public [12]. The first positions were taken by services and compliance with the terms such barriers as low level of conscious- of the agreement, etc. ness and lack of understanding of PPP That is why, in our opinion, it is im- value, high cost of economic and legal portant to participate in the processes of analysis, lack of simple and transpar- PPP of the third sector, ensuring their ent legal solutions, skilled personnel, openness and transparency. It is a broad accessible information, complex and process of abandoning the old stereo- opaque selection of partners. As we see, types, changing the notion of the state the possibility of reducing or elimina- as the sole subject of securing social ting practically all the barriers is within and other rights of the citizens, forming the competence of the state, which as- new values, perceiving business as an signs it the main responsibility for the equal partner of a public sector, acting implementation of the PPP as a factor on the basis of an agreement and having for ensuring sustainable development. its own interests. Thus, the question of Realizing the complexity of a phe- overcoming “collectively unconscious” nomenon like a PPP, it is important in favour of conscious collective actions

192 in support of sustainable development ried out in a much wider context, in is being actualized. One of the ways of view of changing the mentality of the implementing this was the initiative population, its relation to the role and of the UN Economic Commission for tasks of the state and business, the pro- Europe to improve the mechanisms of visions on the social functions of the public-private partnership known as business and relations with the civil People-first PPP [24], whose main cri- society, etc. Perspective is the evalua- teria are directly increasing the access tion of PPP from the standpoint of con- to basic services and reducing the so- cepts such as “stereotypes”, “values”, cial inequality and injustice; increase of “interests”, “motivation”, “innovation”, economic efficiency; possibility of repli- “social conformism”, and “anomie”, etc. cation and further development of pro- The understanding of the relationship jects; the most complete involvement of between the public and private sectors all the interested parties. and civil society and the underlying Conclusions. Thus, the archetypal foundations of transformational change analysis of PPP as one of the factors will be needed. contributing to sustainable develop- ment suggests the need for its percep- References tion as a complex phenomenon that in the broad sense means cooperation be- 1. Simak S. V. (2016). Instytutsiinyi ro- zvytok publichno-pryvatnoho part- tween the public sector, business and nerstva: teoriia, metodolohiia, me- civil society, and in the narrow sense is khanizmy derzhavnoho upravlinnia interpreted as agreements, projects be- [Institutional Development of Public- tween the public and private sectors in Private Partnership: Theory, Metho- the sphere of realization of the public dology, Mechanisms of Public Admi- interests. In conducting an archetypal nistration]. Kyiv: AMU [in Ukrainian]. evaluation of the PPP, it is important to 2. Tyshchenko V. F., Ostapenko V. M. concentrate not only on clarifying the (2016). Finansovyi potentsial pub- peculiarities of the national character lichno-pryvatnoho partnerstva: svi- tovyi dosvid ta perspektyvy realizat- and mentality, but also on such impor- sii v Ukraini [Financial potential of tant issues as the level and peculiarities public-private partnership: world ex- of the formation of the civil society, its perience and perspectives of realiza- influence on reforms, innovations, cor- tion in Ukraine]. Kharkiv: KhNEU ruption, barriers, etc. From the point im. S. Kuznetsia [in Ukrainian]. of view of post-communist transfor- 3. Melnyk A. F., Pidhaiets S. V. (2017). mation, it is important to take into Derzhavno-pryvatne partnerstvo v account the growing role of the civil systemi instytutiv natsionalnoi eko- society and the need to apply the prin- nomiky: mekhanizmy rozvytku [Pub- lic-private partnership in the system ciples of a new public administration, of institutes of the national economy: first of all, in terms of enhancing the mechanisms of development]. Terno- role of the public and business in sol- pil: TNEU [in Ukrainian]. ving the public affairs. 4. Husiev V. O. (2015). Publichno-pry- An assessment of the impact of PPP vatne partnerstvo yak mekhanizm rea- on sustainable development can be car- lizatsii “Stratehii staloho rozvytku

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197 UDC:316.772.4 DOI: 2224-2019-18-3-198-211 Ievdokymova Valentyna Vоlоdymyrivna, сandidate of sociological sciences, Associated Professor, Open international university of human development “Ukraine”, 03115, Кyiv, Str. L’vivs’ka, 23, tel.: +38 050 440 72 24, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-0468-613X Євдокимова Валентина Володимирів- на, кандидат соціологічних наук, доцент кафедри соціальної роботи та педагогіки, Інститут соціальних технологій Відкри- того міжнародного університету роз- витку людини “Україна”, 03115, м. Київ, вул. Львівська, 23, тел.: +38 050 440 72 24, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-0468-613X Евдокимова Валентина Владимировна, кандидат социологических наук, доцент кафедры социальной работы и педагогики, Институт социальных технологий Открытого международного университета раз- вития человека “Украина”, 03115, г. Киев, ул. Львовская, 23, тел.: +38 050 440 72 24, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-0468-613X


Abstract. The main features of a balanced approach to meeting their own needs from the point of view of “sustainable development” are considered. It is emphasized that the organization of provision of communal services is a basic need of every citizen and, according to the concept of rational bureaucracy, M. Weber, should work to meet the needs of each citizen. It is emphasized that developed European countries devote considerable attention to the quality of life of the population. In particular, the city of Vienna (Austria) for the tenth consecutive year is ranked first in the quality of life rating. The archetypal dimension of the formation of a quality component of the supply of communal services in developed countries of Europe is briefly reviewed. Among them, Germany, which until 2006 formed a modern market for quality public utilities based on free competition. One of the

198 peculiarities of the organization of the supply of housing and communal services in Germany has been the ease of transition from one service provider to a more acceptable one. The experience of Germany in the arrangement and retrofitting of old houses of the Khrushchev type in East Berlin is distinguished for prestigious and elite. Modern German-quality approaches are designed to ensure that Germany becomes a country without “harmful energy” from 2020, namely, it will turn to new energy saving technologies that are affordable for middle class people. The market for communal services in Austria and Poland has also been theoretically researched. The archetypal dimension of the organization of provision of housing and communal services in Ukraine is described. On the basis of the conducted theoretical research and practical experience it is proved that archetypal ap- proaches to the organization of provision of housing and communal services in Ukraine are fundamentally different from the European countries. In Ukraine, by the year 2014, the procedure for the formation of prices and tariffs for electri- city, gas supply, etc. was established by law. utilities. Namely, the National Com- mission for Energy Regulation and Utilities (NERCAP) is setting the threshold levels of prices in Ukraine for electricity, natural gas for the population, budget organizations and institutions, utility companies, and utilities tariffs. NKREKP acts in compliance with the Law of Ukraine “On Natural Monopolies”, where “a natural monopoly is the state of the commodity market, in which the satisfaction of demand in this market is more effective in the absence of competition due to technological features of production (in connection with a significant reduction of production costs on unit of goods as production volumes increase), and goods (services) produced by subjects of natural monopolies can not be replaced by con- sumption of other goods (services), in connection with which the demand for this product line It depends less on the price changes for these goods (services) than the demand for other goods (services)”. It is proved that the vertical mechanism of forming the housing and communal services market is uncompetitive. High quality of provision of housing and com- munal services can be achieved only under conditions of free competition. Keywords: sustainable development, organization of provision of communal services, formation of prices and tariffs, quality of life. АРХЕТИПНІ МОДЕЛІ СТАЛОГО РОЗВИТКУ КРАЇН: КОМПАРАТИВНИЙ АНАЛІЗ Анотація. Розглянуто основні ознаки збалансованого підходу до задово- лення власних потреб з точки зору “сталого розвитку”. Наголошено, що ор- ганізація надання комунальних послуг є базовою потребою кожного грома- дянина і, за концепцією раціональної бюрократії М. Вебера, має працювати на забезпечення потреб кожного громадянина. Підкреслено, що розвинені європейські країни значну увагу приділяють якості життя населення. Так, місто Відень (Австрія) десятий рік поспіль займає першу позицію у рейтингу якості життя. Стисло розглянуто архетипний вимір формування

199 якісної складової постачання комунальних послуг у розвинених країнах Єв- ропи. Серед них Німеччина, яка до 2006 року сформувала сучасний ринок надання якісних комунальних послуг на основі вільної конкуренції. Однією з особливостей організації ринку постачання житлово-комунальних послуг у Німеччині виявлено простоту переходу від одного надавача послуги до більш прийнятного. Виокремлено досвід Німеччини в облаштуванні й переосна- щенні старих будинків “хрущовського” типу в Східному Берліні на престиж- ні та елітні. Сучасні підходи німецької якості розраховані на те, що з 2020 року Німеч- чина стане країною без “шкідливої енергії”, тобто перейде на нові технології енергозбереження, що доступні людям середнього класу. Також теоретично досліджено ринок організації надання комунальних послуг в Австрії та Поль- щі. Схарактеризовано архетипний вимір організації надання житлово-кому- нальних послуг в Україні. На основі проведеного теоретичного дослідження та практичного досві- ду доведено, що архетипні підходи щодо організації надання житлово-кому- нальних послуг в Україні кардинально відрізняються від європейських країн. В Україні до 2014 року законодавчо закріпився порядок формування цін і та- рифів на електроенергію, газопостачання та інші комунальні послуги. Вста- новлення граничних рівнів цін в Україні на електроенергію, природний газ для населення, бюджетних організацій і установ, підприємств комунальної теплоенергетики, тарифів на комунальні послуги здійснює Національна ко- місія з питань регулювання енергетики та комунальних послуг (НКРЕКП). НКРЕКП діє на виконання Закону України “Про природні монополії”, де “природна монополія — стан товарного ринку, при якому задоволення попиту на цьому ринку є більш ефективним за умови відсутності конкуренції внас- лідок технологічних особливостей виробництва (у зв’язку з істотним змен- шенням витрат виробництва на одиницю товару в міру збільшення обсягів виробництва), а товари (послуги), що виробляються суб’єктами природних монополій, не можуть бути замінені у споживанні іншими товарами (послу- гами), у зв’язку з чим попит на цьому товарному ринку менше залежить від зміни цін на ці товари (послуги), ніж попит на інші товари (послуги)”. Доведено, що вертикальний механізм формування ринку житлово-кому- нальних послуг є неконкурентноспроможним. Висока якість надання жит- лово-комунальних послуг може бути досягнута лише за умови вільної кон- куренції. Ключові слова: сталий розвиток, організація надання комунальних по- слуг, формування цін і тарифів, якість життя. АРХЕТИПНЫЕ МОДЕЛИ УСТОЙЧИВОГО РАЗВИТИЯ СТРАН: КОМПАРАТИВНЫЙ АНАЛІЗ Аннотация. Рассмотрены основные признаки сбалансированного подхода к удовлетворению собственных потребностей с точки зрения “устойчивого развития”. Отмечено, что организация предоставления коммунальных услуг

200 является базовой потребностью каждого гражданина и, в соответствии с кон- цепцией рациональной бюрократии М. Вебера, должна работать на обеспе- чение потребностей каждого гражданина. Подчеркнуто, что развитые евро- пейские страны значительное внимание уделяют качеству жизни населения. В частности, город Вена (Австрия) десятый год подряд занимает первую позицию в рейтинге качества жизни. Кратко рассмотрен архетипный подход к измерению формирования качественной составляющей коммунальных услуг в развитых странах Европы. Среди них Германия, которая до 2006 года сформировала современный рынок предоставления качественных комму- нальных услуг на основе свободной конкуренции. Одной из особенностей организации рынка жилищно-коммунальных услуг в Германии выявлено простоту перехода от одного поставщика услуги к более приемлемому. Выде- лен опыт Германии в обустройстве и переоснащении старых домов “хрущев- ского” типа в Восточном Берлине на престижные и элитные. Современные подходы немецкого качества рассчитаны на то, что с 2020 года Германия станет страной без “вредной энергии”, то есть перейдет на но- вые технологии энергосбережения, доступные людям среднего класса. Также теоретически исследован рынок организации предоставления коммунальных услуг в Австрии и Польше. Охарактеризован архетипный подход организа- ции предоставления жилищно-коммунальных услуг в Украине. На основе проведенного теоретического исследования и практического опыта доказано, что архетипные подходы к организации предоставления жилищно-коммунальных услуг в Украине кардинально отличаются от евро- пейских стран. В Украине до 2014 года законодательно закрепился порядок формирования цен и тарифов на электроэнергию, газоснабжение и другие коммунальные услуги. Установление предельных уровней цен в Украине на электроэнергию, природный газ для населения, бюджетных организаций и учреждений, предприятий коммунальной теплоэнергетики, тарифов на ком- мунальные услуги осуществляет Национальная комиссия по вопросам регу- лирования энергетики и коммунальных услуг (НКРЕКП). НКРЕКП действует во исполнение Закона Украины “О естественных монополиях”, где “естественная монополия — состояние товарного рынка, при котором удовлетворение спроса на этом рынке является более эффек- тивным при условии отсутствия конкуренции вследствие технологических особенностей производства (в связи с существенным уменьшением расходов производства на единицу товара по мере увеличения объемов производства), а товары (услуги), производимые субъектами естественных монополий, не могут быть заменены в потреблении другими товарами (услугами), в связи с чем спрос на данном товарном рынке меньше зависит от изменения цен на эти товары (услуги), чем спрос на другие товары (услуги)”. Доказано, что вертикальный механизм формирования рынка жилищно- коммунальных услуг является неконкурентоспособным. Высокое качество предоставления жилищно-коммунальных услуг может быть достигнуто при условии свободной конкуренции.

201 Ключевые слова: устойчивое развитие, организация предоставления коммунальных услуг, формирования цен и тарифов, качество жизни.

Formulation of the problem. The dokimova, V. Knyazev, N. Nyzhnyk, modern development of Ukraine de_ S. Popov, Yu. Surmin, S. Seryogin and monstrates many examples of real steps others. considering the issues of the of integration into a developed world public management adhere to the ten- society. In particular, this is a joint ef- dencies of human-centered orientation. fort of the authorities and the commu- The issue of the quality of communal nity to obtain Tomos on autocephaly by services among scientists is given by the Orthodox Church of Ukraine [1] the Candidate of Social Sciences, the and the adoption by the Verkhovna Ra- Head of the Union of Housing Owners da of a bill on the consolidation of the of Ukraine O. Kucherenko, the ques- strategic course for membership in the tion of a comparative analysis of heat European Union and NATO [2] and the consumption in Ukraine and the world exclusion from the Transitional Pro- is considered by the Doctor of Techni- visions of the Constitution of an item cal Sciences, Professor V. Deshko with that allowed the use of existing mili- co-authors in 2008. Pricing for gas for tary bases on the territory of Ukraine domestic consumers is considered by for the temporary stay of foreign mili- T. Pilkevych. It should also be noted tary formations on lease terms [2], and that the above issues are considered the Concept of Combating Terrorism in either by political organizations or law- Ukraine [3] and Law on counteracting yers ( However, bullying [4]. These steps demonstrate the theoretical developments of these the maturation and unanimity of the issues slowly intersect with practice. Ukrainian society in the correctness Therefore, the purpose of this of the chosen path and leave no doubt work is a comparative analysis of the about increasing the moral, cultural archetypal models of sustainable deve- and professional components. How- lopment of the countries in the field of ever, business communication at the providing quality communal services level of meeting the basic needs of the and encouraging further discussion. organization of providing high-quality Presentation of the main research communal services remains a problem. material. In this paper the term “sus- The analysis of the recent publi- tainable development” is considered cations on this topic shows that the from the point of view of the “Concept issue of organizing the provision of of Sustainable Development” proposed high-quality communal services by the by Brundtland Commission, which scholars was not systematically consi- worked from 1984 to 1987. From this dered. More attention was paid to oth- standpoint the concept of “sustainable er components of the state and public development” takes into account the administration. The modern scholars, satisfaction of human needs, the im- namely: E. Afonin, V. Bodrov, V. Yev- provement of the welfare of the present

202 generations and the preservation of re- services was formed. For electricity sources for the future generations. That services: there are over 1000 electricity is, a balanced, non-detached approach suppliers and more than 13000 electri- to satisfaction of own needs. city tariffs. As an incentive the suppli- The system of providing communal ers constantly offer certain bonuses to services worldwide is a prime location the subscribers who have entered into for meeting human needs. an agreement with them. On the site The system of providing communal CHECK24 the subscriber in a short pe- services, in a broad sense, can be called riod of time can choose the affordable one of the components of the bureau- capacity, tariff, read subscribers reviews cracy, which, according to the concept on the quality of services provided and of rational bureaucracy of M. Weber, make his own choices. There are also must work to meet the needs of each certain conditions that a subscriber citizen. must fulfill. If the agreement is con- According to the international con- cluded for 12 months, the price for the sulting company Mercer in 2019 [5] consumed electricity will be fixed, re- (see Table 1), the highest place in the gardless of whether the tariff increased world in terms of quality of life rating during this time. If the subscriber at the is Vienna (Austria) for the tenth con- end of the agreement has not switched secutive year. Of the 231 studied cities to another provider of electricity sup- in the world Kyiv does not rank first. ply, then the tariff for him will also in- Luxembourg is named the safest city in crease. It is convenient that the sub- the world. scriber's task is to only select a service The study also considered the qua- provider on the site, and the entire pro- lity of communal services in developed cedure of disconnecting from the past European countries. One of them is service provider and connecting to the Germany. In Germany [6] by 2006 a new service provider is the task of the modern market for quality communal organization chosen by the subscriber.

Table 1 Quality of life in cities around the world Rank City Country / Region 1 Vienna Austria 2 Zurich Switzerland 3 Vancouver Canada 3 Munich Germany 3 Auckland New Zealand 6 Dusseldorf Germany 7 Frankfurt Germany 8 Copenhagen Denmark 9 Geneva Switzerland 10 Basel Switzerland

203 Regarding the gas supply: in Germa- Since 2009 energy-independent ny [6] since 2006 the subscriber chooses homes built in Germany have become a supplier of gas at his own discretion. popular with new technologies using To compare gas tariffs the German sub- the energy of the Sun and the heat of scribers can go to the CHECK24 site the Earth for heating. Such houses are and knowingly choose a gas supplier in accessible to people of middle class. a few minutes. There are currently more Such approaches are designed to ensure than 825 gas suppliers in Germany. This that Germany will become a country approach ensures high quality of sub- without “harmful” energy in the fu- scriber service and the ability to keep ture [7]. The non-volatile construction reasonable prices for gas service. Since standard becomes mandatory in Eu- in the case of raising prices or providing rope from 2020. poor-quality services, the subscriber has In this work the prices for the above the right to choose a new gas supplier. services are not discussed, but we em- The homeownership services in Ger- phasize that a person who works is able many are provided by the private com- to pay for the communal services. panies whose responsibilities include Austria. Heating in new energy-effi- the maintenance of the residential cient homes is cheaper. Table 2 shows buildings, capital and current repairs of the percentage that represents a cer- the buildings and public places. tain operational service from the total Also interesting is the experience of amount of payment for the communal Germany in the reconstruction and ret- services. rofitting of the old “Khrushchev” type There are many gas and electricity buildings in East Berlin: communica- service providers in the Austrian com- tions are completely replaced by new munal services market. The subscriber and modern, the walls are insulated, only selects the service provider ac- the roof is new, equipped with built-in ceptable for himself, the connection is elevators, the doors in the entrances carried out by the organization itself. are replaced by glass and modern ones. As a rule, the service providers offer Such housing in modern Germany has profitable bonuses — several months of become prestigious and elite. It is also free use, reduced rates, etc. transformed into elite the old schools. The operational services of the Aus- This is evidenced by eyewitnesses, in trian market include: particular, the staff of the University • Central heating and hot water “Ukraine” after a business trip. supply; Table 2 Distribution of operating costs in % of the total

Other Water H ouse H ouse sewage cleaning R emoval expenses I nsurance of garbage, management 16 16 11 25 26 6

204 • Cold water supply and drainage; ate a community for the maintenance • Sewerage and its cleaning, repair of the houses, such as the Ukrainian of pipes; Association of co-owners of a multi- • Chimney sweeping; apartment building. The staff of such • Removal of garbage, cleaning gut- a community consists only of the di- ters and utilization of messy things; rector and accountant. Electricians, • Disinsection, fight against insects plumbers, wipers are hired from third- and rodents; party organizations that provide qua- • General lighting of the house, lity services. The trend is the abandon- staircase, yard, including the cost of ment of domestic gas and the transition electricity, light bulbs, fuses; to induction electric stoves. That is, • Compulsory insurance (from fire, the satisfaction of basic needs in qua- water supply breakthrough, including lity communal services depends on the corrosion); ability to unite the inhabitants of the • Voluntary insurance (from hurri- house. cane, beating of windows); for this type It should be noted that the new ap- of insurance consent of most residents proaches to the organization of the com- is required; munal services in developed countries • Administrative expenses — by have been systematically implemented agreement; since the middle of the last century. You • There may be additional costs for can add to the list of the countries you the communal services (laundry, sauna, have Denmark, Sweden, Finland, and swimming pool, etc.); others. Replacing the supplier of gas or elec- In Ukraine, the prices and tariffs are tricity is the same as in Germany. formed by the National Commission It has its own peculiarities of pro- for Energy Regulation and Communal vision of the communal services and a Services (NCERCS). neighbor to Ukraine, Poland. One of Applying an archetypal approach we these features is that the inhabitants of will consider the origins of the above the apartment houses themselves cre- Commission (Table 3). Table 3 An archetypal component of the formation of the Commission for the regulation of prices for the communal services in the Independent Ukraine Years Basis Powers Loss of validity 1 2 3 4 1991– Law № 507-XII of Decem- The basic principles of the es- on the basis of the 1994 ber 3, 1990 “On Prices and tablishment and application of Law of Ukraine of Pricing” the prices and tariffs and the June 21, 2012 “On organization of control over Prices and Pricing” their observance № 5007-VI 1994 Decree of the President of Formation of the pricing policy Decree of the Presi- Ukraine dated December for setting tariffs for electric dent of Ukraine da- 8, 1994 № 738/94 “On the power, starting from April 1, ted November 23, National Commission for 1995 2011 “On liquidation Electricity Regulation” of the National Elec-

205 1 2 3 4 tricity Regulatory Commission of Ukraine” 1997 Decree of the President of Powers of the National Com- In force Ukraine of August 19, 1997 mission that carries out state № 853 “On Measures to regulation in the field of ener- Implement Government gy, is extended to the oil and Policy in the Sphere of Na- gas sector tural Monopolies” 2011 Decree of the President In compliance with the Law of In force of Ukraine dated July 8, Ukraine № 1682-14 “On Natu- 2011 № 743/2011 “On the ral Monopolies”, tariffs for the Establishment of the Na- communal services are set tional Commission for the Regulation of the Com- munal Services Market of Ukraine” 2014 Decree of the President of State regulation of activity of In force Ukraine dated September the subjects of natural mo- 10, 2014 № 715/2014 “On nopolies and economic enti- Approval of the Regulation ties conducting activities in on the National Commis- adjacent markets in the fields sion for State Regulation in of electricity, heat, centralized the Spheres of Energy and water supply and drainage, in Communal Services” the markets of natural gas, oil (associated) gas, gas (metha- ne) of coal deposits and gas of slate strata (hereinafter – natural gas), oil and petroleum products, as well as the pro- cessing and disposal of the household wastes 2014 Decree of the President of Powers of The National Com- In force Ukraine dated August 27, mission that carries out state 2014 № 694/2014 “On regulation in the field of ener- the National Commission gy has been extended to the for State Regulation in the communal services (National Spheres of Energy and Commission for State regula- Communal Services” tion in the fields of energy and communal services)

From the above table it is clear that effective in the absence of competition in Ukraine the prices and communal due to the technological features of pro- services tariffs are formed in accor- duction (in connection with a signifi- dance with the Law of Ukraine “On cant reduction in production costs per Natural Monopolies”. unit of goods with increasing produc- “Natural monopoly — the state of tion), and goods (services) produced the commodity market in which satis- by the subjects of natural monopolies faction of demand in this market is more can not be replaced by consumption of

206 other goods (services), therefore, the today is defined in National Standards demand in this commodity market is of Ukraine 13109-97 “Norms of quality less dependent on changes in prices for of electric energy in general-purpose these goods (services) than the demand power systems” and National Stan- for other goods (services)” [8]. dards of Ukraine EN 50160:2014 By 2014 the procedure for forming “Characteristics of power supply volt- prices and tariffs for electricity, gas sup- age in electric networks of general pur- ply and other communal services was pose”. The powers of the Commission legally established in Ukraine. Namely, for monitoring and regulating the qual- the National Commission for Energy ity of the electric energy are not cur- Regulation and Communal Services rently included” [9]. (NCERCS) is setting the threshold le- Concerning the quality of the com- vels of prices in Ukraine for electricity, munal services: at the end of 2018 the natural gas for the population, budget Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine ap- organizations and institutions, commu- proved the “Procedure for checking nal services companies, and communal the quality of the provision of certain services tariffs. communal services and management NCERCS — a state collegiate services for a multi-apartment house body subordinated to the President of according to the parameters stipulated Ukraine and accountable to the Verk- by the agreement on the provision of hovna Rada of Ukraine, the state reg- the relevant services” [11]. ulatory body for energy and commu- This Procedure determines the nal services. Regulatory powers of the mechanism for carrying out the veri- Commission apply to electricity, gas, fication of compliance with the qua- heat supply, water supply and drainage lity of the provision of services for the [9]. supply of heat energy, hot water supply, It should be emphasized that the centralized water supply, centralized Government of Ukraine has abandoned sewage disposal, domestic waste ma- the bonuses and “over-the-counter pay- nagement in relation to the provision ments” when signing a new agreement of services for the disposal of household with the board of the “Naftogas” com- waste (hereinafter referred to as com- pany [10]. munal services) and services for man- From the Report of March 31, 2016 aging the multi-apartment house para- № 515 approved by the Resolution of meters, provided for in the agreement the National Commission that car- on the provision of the relevant services, ries out state regulation in the fields of in order to assess their compliance with energy and communal services “On the the basic requirements for the quantity results of the activities of the National and quality and taking measures for the Commission that performs state regu- providing security and reliability when lation in the energy and communal ser- providing communal services and ma- vices sectors in 2015”, we see that “In- nagement services for a multi-apart- dicators of the quality of electric energy ment house. (which is characterized by the level of In case of failure to provide, provi- voltage, frequency, overvoltage, etc.) sion of incomplete or inadequate quality

207 management services for a multi-apart- tion of prices and tariffs for communal ment house or housing and communal services is carried out with the help of services, the consumer and not less a market mechanism which is not in- than two other consumers of the re- fluenced by outside organizations. The levant service (living in neighbouring prices are formed depending on demand apartments) constitute an act of claim. and supply. Providing quality services The communal services provider or the is in higher demand. manager of the multi-apartment house In Ukraine a vertical model for pri- within five working days decides on cing and tariffs for the communal ser- the satisfaction of the requirements set vices has been formed. The mechanism forth in the act of claim, or provides the for checking the quality of provided consumer with a substantiated written housing and communal services is slow refusal. and bureaucratized. The consumer of The consumer also has the right to housing and communal services, as a apply to the relevant authorized state rule, has no alternative and is compelled authorities for the protection of the to use the services of the only available violated rights regarding the quality of provider of the given service. communal services or management ser- The prospect of further research vices for a multi-apartment house. may be the consideration of alternative It should be noted that in Ukraine approaches to the organization of qua- there are alternative opportunities for lity communal services in Ukraine. concluding agreements for electricity supply. In particular, the “Trade Elec- References tric Company” (TEC), a limited liabi- lity company, is the supplier of electric 1. Usi predstavnyky Vselens'koho pa- energy to consumers in Ukraine. But triarkhatu pidpysaly Tomos dlia this company does not provide services Ukrainy [All representatives of the to individual consumers. Ecumenical Patriarchate signed To- mas for Ukraine]. (n.d.). Conclusions. From the study of the ua/news/2019/01/9/7203315/. Re- archetypal models of sustainable deve- trieved from lopment of the countries we see that the ua/news/2019/01/9/7203315/ [in organization of providing high-quality Ukrainian]. communal services is one of the impor- 2. Rada zakripyla v Konstytutsii kurs na tant components of satisfaction of the YeS i NATO [The Council has estab- basic human needs. From this compo- lished a course on the EU and NATO nent the sustainable development of in the Constitution]. (n.d.). ukrin- the state depends on the whole. The countries that have addressed these ba- rada-zakripila-v-konstitucii-kurs- na-es-i-nato.html#. Retrieved from sic issues are effectively developing, are at the highest levels in the quality of life polytics/2635688-rada-zakripila-v- rating and are among the countries of konstitucii-kurs-na-es-i-nato.html# sustainable development. [in Ukrainian]. In the countries of successful models 3. “Kontseptsiia borot’by z teroryzmom v of sustainable development the forma- Ukraini” zatverdzhena Ukazom Prezy-

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211 UDC: 321:352 DOI: 2224-2019-18-3-212-224 Kozakov Volodymyr Mukolaevich, Doctor of Sciences in Public Administration, Professor, Academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Technology, Professor of the De- partment of Social Development and Pub- lic-Power Relations, National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, Kyiv, Str. A. Tsedika, 20, tel: (050) 393 12 12, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-1330-5244 Козаков Володимир Миколайович, доктор наук з державного управління, професор, академік Української техноло- гічної академії, професор кафедри суспіль- ного розвитку та суспільно-владних від- носин, Національна академія державного управління при Президентові України, м. Київ, вул. А. Цедіка, 20, тел: 050 393 12 12, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-1330-5244 Козаков Владимир Николаевич, доктор наук по государственному управ- лению, профессор, академик Украинской технологической академии, профессор кафедры общественного развития и об- щественно-властных отношений, На- циональная академия государственного управления при Президенте Украины, г. Киев, ул. А. Цедика, 20, тел: 050 393 12 12, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-1330-5244 Piddubnyi Mikhailо Ivanovich, postgraduate student of the Department of Social Development and Social-Power Rela- tions, National Academy of Public Adminis- tration under the President of Ukraine, Ky- iv, Str. A. Tsedika, 20, tel .(067) 433 91 07, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-4682-1376 Піддубний Михайло Іванович, аспірант кафедри суспільного розвитку та суспільно-владних відносин, Національна академія державного управління при Президентові України, м. Київ, вул. А. Цедіка, 20, тел.067 4339107, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-4682-1376

212 Поддубный Михаил Иванович, аспирант кафедры общественного развития и общественно-властных отношений, Национальная академия государственного управления при Президенте Украины, г. Киев, ул. А. Цедика, 20 тел. 067 4339107, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-4682-1376


Abstract. Тhe article analyzes an archetypal analysis of national identity and patriotism of youth in modern Ukraine. The essence of the concept of na- tional self-consciousness, which is defined as a holistic self-reflection of a nation (comprehensive understanding of the nation of its historical civilization voca- tion), is revealed. National consciousness acts as a powerful means of its historical progress, full functioning in the world community, promotes the collective hu- man will to an active life position, mobilization of all available and hidden vital resources of the people. The urgency of national-patriotic education of citizens, especially young peop- le, is conditioned by the process of consolidation and development of Ukrainian society, the current challenges facing Ukraine and require further improvement of the system of national-patriotic education, optimization of state policy in this area. Youth organization “Plast” occupies a special place in the national-patriotic up- bringing of youth. “Plast” — the national scout organization of Ukraine is a non- political and non-confessional youth organization. The aim of Plast is to promote comprehensive, patriotic education and self-education of Ukrainian youth by con- scious, responsible and full-fledged citizens of local, national and world communi- ties, community leaders on the ideals of “Plast” and on the principles of Christian morality. One of the main tasks of the modern Plast movement is the development of human potential, the education of a creative, thinking generation of a new formation, new leaders, reformers and statesmen. The basis of the system of na- tional-patriotic education is the idea of the development of Ukrainian statehood as a consolidating factor in the development of society and the nation as a whole. Forms and methods of education are based on archetypes of Ukrainian folk traditions, the best achievements of national and world pedagogy and psycho- logy. Keywords: national self-consciousness, patriotism, archetype, archetype analysis, patriotic education of youth, youth organization “Plast”.

213 АРХЕТИПОВИЙ АНАЛІЗ НАЦІОНАЛЬНОЇ САМОСВІДОМОСТІ І ПАТРІОТИЗМУ МОЛОДІ В СУЧАСНІЙ УКРАЇНІ: НА ПРИКЛАДІ ГРОМАДСЬКОЇ ОРГАНІЗАЦІЇ “ПЛАСТ” Анотація. Проаналізовано архетиповий аналіз національної самосвідо- мості і патріотизму молоді в сучасні Україні. Розкрито сутність поняття на- ціональна самосвідомість, яка визначається як цілісна саморефлексія нації (всебічне розуміння нацією свого історично-цивілізаційного покликання). Національна самосвідомість виступає могутнім засобом її історичного посту- пу, повноцінного функціонування у світовій спільноті, спонукає колективну людську волю до активної життєвої позиції, мобілізації всіх наявних і прихо- ваних життєвих ресурсів народу. Актуальність національно-патріотичного виховання громадян, особли- во молоді, зумовлюється процесом консолідації та розвитку українського суспільства, сучасними викликами, що стоять перед Україною і вимагають дальшого вдосконалення системи національно-патріотичного виховання, оптимізації державної політики у зазначеній сфері. Особливе місце у національно-патріотичному вихованні молоді займає молодіжна організація “Пласт”. Це національна скаутська організація Укра- їни, яка є неполітичною і позаконфесійною молодіжною організацією. Мета “Пласту” — сприяти всебічному, патріотичному вихованню та самовихован- ню української молоді на свідомих, відповідальних і повновартісних грома- дян місцевої, національної та світової спільнот, провідників суспільства на ідейних засадах “Пласту” та на засадах християнської моралі. Одним з головних завдань сучасного пластунського руху є розвиток людського потенціалу, виховання креативного, мислячого покоління нової формації, нових лідерів, реформаторів та державотворців. В основу систе- ми національно-патріотичного виховання покладено ідею розвитку україн- ської державності як консолідуючого чинника розвитку суспільства й нації загалом. Форми й методи виховання ґрунтуються на архетипах українських народних традицій, кращих надбаннях національної та світової педагогіки та психології. Ключові слова: національна самосвідомість, патріотизм, архетипіка, ар- хетиповий аналіз, патріотичне виховання молоді, молодіжна організація “Пласт”. АРХЕТИПИЧЕСКИЙ АНАЛИЗ НАЦИОНАЛЬНОГО САМОСОЗНАНИЯ И ПАТРИОТИЗМА МОЛОДЕЖИ В СОВРЕМЕННОЙ УКРАИНЕ: НА ПРИМЕРЕ ОБЩЕСТВЕННОЙ ОРГАНИЗАЦИИ “ПЛАСТ” Аннотация. Представлен архетипический анализ национального са- мосознания и патриотизма молодежи в современной Украине. Раскрыта сущность понятия национальное самосознание, которая определяется как целостная саморефлексия нации (всестороннее понимание нацией своего

214 историко-цивилизационного призвание). Национальное самосознание вы- ступает мощным средством ее исторического развития, полноценного функ- ционирования в мировом сообществе, побуждает коллективную человече- скую волю к активной жизненной позиции, мобилизации всех имеющихся и скрытых жизненных ресурсов народа. Актуальность национально-патриотического воспитания граждан, осо- бенно молодежи, обусловлена процессом консолидации и развития укра- инского общества, современными вызовами, стоящими перед Украиной и требующими дальнейшего совершенствования системы национально-па- триотического воспитания, оптимизации государственной политики в ука- занной сфере. Особое место в национально-патриотическом воспитании молодежи за- нимает молодежная организация “Пласт”. Это национальная скаутская орга- низация Украины, которая является неполитической и внеконфессиональ- ной молодежной организацией. Цель “Пласта” — содействие всестороннему, патриотическому воспитанию и самовоспитанию украинской молодежи на сознательных, ответственных и полноценных граждан местного, националь- ного и мирового сообщества, лидеров общества на идейных основах “Пла- ста” и на принципах христианской морали. Одной из главных задач современного пластунского движения является развитие человеческого потенциала, воспитание креативного, мыслящего поколения новой формации, новых лидеров, реформаторов и государствен- ных деятелей. В основу системы национально-патриотического воспитания положена идея развития украинской государственности как консолидиру- ющий фактор развития общества и нации в целом. Формы и методы вос- питания базируются на архетипах украинских народных традиций, лучших приобретениях национальной и мировой педагогики и психологии. Ключевые слова: национальное самосознание, патриотизм, архетипика, архетипический анализ, патриотическое воспитание молодежи, молодежная организация “Пласт”.

Problem statement. The formation people, is predetermined by the process of a democratic, social, legal state in the of consolidation and development of direction of sustainable development Ukrainian society, modern challenges is possible provided that the agents of facing Ukraine and require further im- qualitative changes in the country are provement of the system of national- patriotic, professional, nationally con- patriotic education, optimization of scious people with leadership qualities state policy in this area. and skills. In Ukraine, the national-patriotic The relevance of national-patriotic education of young people should be- education of citizens, especially young come one of the priorities of the state

215 and society for the development of the main structural units of the national citizen as a highly moral person who consciousness of young people and cherishes Ukrainian traditions, spiritu- the ways of its management impact on al values, with appropriate knowledge, the development of national conscious- skills and abilities, is able to implement ness: from the worldview through its potential in modern society, pro- morality — to ideology and further fesses European values, ready to fulfill through politics — to the way of life of the duty to protect the Fatherland, in- people [1]. dependence and territorial integrity of Presentation of the main material Ukraine. And this education (among of the study. Recently, a lot of scientific other approaches) should be based on research has been devoted to the arche- the archetypes of the past, historical types of the unconscious. At the heart memory and traditions of the Ukrai- of these scientific works the problems nian people. of national consciousness and Patriotic Analysis of recent publications on education based on the study of arche- the subject and identification of pre- types, folk traditions and the like were viously unsolved parts of the overall researched. Archetypes here perform problem. The theoretical basis for un- the function of social memory, contain derstanding the mechanisms of forma- the knowledge and experience of the tion and implementation of the state people. “The uniqueness of the arche- policy of national-patriotic education type is that it arises not only in the of young people were studied in the context of the wise past, but also helps works of such scientists as V. Alekseiev, to build the guidelines of the modern” E. Afonin, V. Bakumenko, M. Holo- [2, p. 23]. vatyi, V. Kniaziev, V. Koval, Yu. Kuts, The problem of self-consciousness N. Perepelytsia, A. Popok, V. Rebkalo, has interested mankind since ancient T. Seniushka, Yu. Surmin, S. Teleshun, times. Socrates formulated it as a philo- V. Troschynskyi, L. Chuprii and others. sophical credo, cognitive imperative — The importance of national trends “Know yourself!". Such knowledge in the education of youth was stressed was for him not only a means of satis- by Ukrainian officials, teachers, H. Vas- fying human curiosity, but above all a jchenko, B. Hrinchenko, M. Hrushevs- basis for solving the question of the kyi, O. Dukhnovych, M. Drahomanov, moral imperatives of human activity. I. Ohienko, V. Sukhomlinskyi, and the For example, the category of “duty”, like. developed in ancient times, becomes Despite the importance of these the cornerstone of moral consciousness studies, they focus only on the need for throughout the history of mankind, and the formation of patriotic values among today the interpretation of its content young people, leaving without consi- in the context of practical and spiritual dering all the variety of ways of natio- experience accumulated by mankind nal-patriotic education. remains one of the central worldview The purpose of the article is to problems [3]. conduct an archetypal analysis of the In this regard, it is appropriate to formation and implementation of the pay attention to a more detailed typo-

216 logy of the category of self-conscious- National identity as a consequence ness. of the historical genesis of the nation at Depending on the subject, which the same time is a necessary condition acts as a carrier of self-consciousness, for its full development and progress. it can be individual (personal) or col- The essence of national consciousness lective (self-consciousness of a certain is defined as a holistic self-reflection group of people, objectively or con- of the nation (a comprehensive under- sciously united in a certain community: standing of the nation’s historical and family, clan, class, professional group, civilizational vocation). National con- religion, party, nation and the like). sciousness is a powerful means of its his- Consequently, we can talk about the torical development, full functioning in presence of various forms of self-con- the world community, encourages the sciousness (individual and collective) collective human will to an active life and its various types: personal, generic, position, mobilization of all available professional, class, religious, ethnic, na- and hidden vital resources of the peop- tional, universal and the like. le. Such an understanding we find in A person can be a carrier of almost D. Dontsov: “Millions of divergent hu- all kinds of self-consciousness at the man wills are united in one — “joint tri- same time. Moreover, the formation umphs in the past”, “glory of ancestors”, of self-consciousness of the individual then — a common will in the present occurs as a result of the integration of and “readiness for further major cases, a number of its self-meanings in vari- one big goal for all in the future”, one ous sections and areas of reality, living big enterprise that would unite under space, that is, as a generalized result of its slogan all enthusiasm, all fanaticism, individual, social, professional, politi- all the burning of millions, tearing them cal, religious, national, etc. self-identi- in critical moments of life beyond their fication. For a holistic view of himself, everyday worries and egoisms towards the individual must be aware of his atti- one great goal” [4]. p. 225], which are tude to the greatest possible number of not able to replace any mercantile cal- existing values and relationships in so- culations, material benefits and the like. ciety. Depending on the circumstances However, this latter is not always a reli- and needs, one type of self-identifica- able support for national development, tion gives way to or coexists with an- because they are easily transformed by other. The rest of the time remains in the fluctuation of economic and socio- the shadows, does not play a leading or political conditions on the brake of even significant role in the life. Among national development, and even on its the numerous self-determination of a crushing and destructive force. But, the person, national self-identification oc- patriotism generated by national con- cupies a prominent place, which in its sciousness practically do not depend developed form appears as national on the financial situation of the nation. self-consciousness. This is due to the Moreover, in our opinion, the deterio- fact that the nation for modern man re- ration of living conditions, the threat mains the most vital, fundamental his- to national progress or independence, torical community. other such negative phenomena stimu-

217 late the spiritual energy of a nationally policy, international relations, personal conscious citizen, and therefore cause a prospects of life and their determinants surge of his patriotic activities. [5]. Patriotic consciousness of the person Structurally, substantively and func- is a complex holistic education, which tionally, any social (including national) combines a set of knowledge about the self-consciousness of an individual is a actual genetic roots, understanding of complex system that includes a huge social reality, trends and prospects of number of elements and their connec- its development, the establishment of tions. In its historical development, it readiness for creative activity and pro- goes a long way of self-improvement tection of the Fatherland as the pre- from elementary ideas, stereotypes and dominant motive of life in the context norms to a highly developed holistic of the prospects of their own existence. system of beliefs and values. The main The study of the problems of Patriotic content of the structural elements of consciousness has a number of aspects: national consciousness is determined a) philosophical and patriotic con- by the functions that it performs in sciousness as a source of personal acti- public life. There are three main func- vity in the actual and potential envi- tions: cognitive, value, regulatory (see ronment of life; Figure). b) psychological — patriotic con- Archetypes of national conscious- sciousness, as the level of mental life ness of the person in relation to the per- of the individual, which reflects the son and society: uniqueness of the social world and is • stimulation of self-knowledge, expressed in the development of regu- self-reflection, from finding the point lators of behavior, social relations and of reference and spiritual source of self- human activities aimed at creating the creation; power of the Fatherland, and provide • knowledge of national and cul- readiness for extreme conditions of pro- tural traditions of a kind and people, tection of the Motherland; awareness of the social significance of c) sociological — patriotic con- their own activities and the meaning of sciousness as a set of orientation, inte- life in general; rests, representations of people United • formation of the spiritual basis and in social groups, which are differentia- wisdom of life-a sense of civic duty and ted on various grounds, in relation to personal responsibility to previous and the interests of society as a whole, state future generations;

Formation of the system Self-awareness Knowledge of the world of views and values


The process of formation of national consciousness of the individual

218 • self-realization of the person, the nation, people (“I-national-psycholo- maximum manifestation of his mental- gical”); 3) self-awareness as a carrier of creative and moral-spiritual potential national properties of the individual on “learning from someone else and not the basis of knowledge of the depen- shunning”; dence of their life position, attitude to • awareness of national peculiarities reality, other people, work on national and differences of mentality, tolerant identity (“I-national-social”); 4) con- attitude to other peoples and cultures; scious attitude to the historical past, • preservation of cultural and gene- modern and future ethnos, nation; tic code, enrichment and development 5) conscious, effective attitude to of intellectual potential of the nation, the spiritual and material values of reduction of “brain drain” abroad and the nation and the steady need for promotion of scientific and techno- their preservation and enhancement; logical progress and economic growth, 6) awareness of the individual’s own achievement of high social standards; responsibility for the fate of the nation, • education of respect for the past its present and future. Due to national native land, awareness of the historical characteristics, a person is able to pre- role and mission of Ukrainians among serve the continuity of traditions and other peoples of Ukraine and in the customs of his people, to continue the world; path of its social and cultural develop- • the search for answers to the ques- ment” [7, p. 117–118]. tion: Who are we, what kind of tribe are Formation of national conscious- children, what were they and why they ness, national-patriotic education of became so that they could and what youth is inextricably linked with mo- they learned? [6] dern forms of youth organization, its Carrying out the archetypal analysis participation in various youth organi- it is necessary to define that national zations. The system of national-pat- consciousness of youth is an under- riotic education is based on the idea of standing and feeling of belonging to an development of Ukrainian statehood ethnic community as result of develop- as a consolidating factor in the deve- ment of culture, traditions, customs of lopment of society and the nation as a the people. It is possible to agree with whole. Forms and methods of educa- the Ukrainian researchers V. Yurchen- tion are based on Ukrainian folk tradi- ko and Yu. Prykhodko who consider tions, the best achievements of national that national consciousness includes: and world pedagogy and psychology. “1) awareness of itself as the individu- A special place in the national- al on the basis of representations and patriotic education of young peo- knowledge of the natural and biologi- ple is the youth organization “Plast”. cal properties, appearance (“I-national- “Plast” — the national scout organiza- physical”); 2) self-awareness as a carrier tion of Ukraine is a non-political and of national psychology on the basis of non-confessional youth organization. knowledge of the impact on mental pro- The purpose of the Formation is to pro- cesses, feelings, manifestation of will, mote comprehensive, Patriotic educa- mind, speech, belonging to a particular tion and self-education of Ukrainian

219 youth on conscious, responsible and it (cossacks). This gave rise to two al- aware citizens of local, national and most opposite forms of the archetype of international community, leaders of consciousness on which the modern na- society on the ideological principles of tional-patriotic education of the scouts the Formation and on the principles of is based. The first archetype is a type Christian morality. of defender, warrior, mad, rampant and The first children’s Ukrainian youth adventurous, intoxicating from a bach- organization called “Plast” was created elor party, capable of affective, reckless in 1911 thanks to A. Tysovskyi, which and heroic deeds. Such Cossacks often became a school of formation of natio- appear in “Kobzar” of Taras Shevchen- nal consciousness and patriotism. Tens ko, such they were represented by the of thousands of young patriots were Ukrainian and Polish romantics. brought up in this organization. To The second type of archetype of achieve educational goals “Plast” used Ukrainians was determined by modera- its own unique method of education, tion and peacefulness, which allowed the basic principles of which are volun- to “wait out” numerous bad weather tary membership in the organization, of historical destiny. This type of con- education and training through play sciousness found itself in a certain isola- and work, a gradual program of classes tion of character, a tendency to defend and tests, a circle system of self-organi- against the outside world and the ap- zation, promotion of initiative and self- peal of psychic energy to the develop- government, knowledge of nature and ment of inner life. One of the features life among nature, support of special of this style, that carefully avoids the interests and abilities of children and imposition of the contact is a peasant youth. habit to answer a question with a ques- In summer camps, during excur- tion. sions, in daily activities and commu- An exceptional advantage of the nication, they learned the history of peasant class in some periods of the Ukraine from childhood, studied and Ukrainian history and also had a posi- practiced the Ukrainian language, tive impact on the Ukrainian menta- hardened themselves physically and lity: peasant life, which is mostly man's spiritually. The three main archetypal dependence on nature than of another duties of the “Plast” member are like person, causes high emotional experi- three pointers that should be noted by ence of nature, calm, mellow disposi- “Plast” members in historical memory, tion, elegant, tenderness, and a ten- to show the “Plast” path in daily life dency to reflection. These features which the “Plast” member undertakes, also contributed to the preservation of making a Plast oath [8, p. 34]: to be family and tribal groups, friendship and faithful to God and Ukraine, to help fraternity. others, to live by the “Plast” law and to At the same time, Ukrainians have listen to the “Plast” heads. such positive features as diligence, hos- For a long time the society was di- pitality, thirst for education, healthy vided into those who fed the country optimism, courage, universality, buil- (peasantry), and those who defended ding strong family relationships. All

220 these qualities formed the basis of na- table one. Tolerance is a moral impera- tional-patriotic education of youth. tive, an attribute of the highly moral The Ukrainian family has traditio- life of mankind and, accordingly, a kind nally been characterized by a large role of social and moral code, with the help of women and, above all, of the mother. of which the development of civil so- With the death of her husband, she al- ciety is measured. “The real political ways came to the fore, became the head gift, — the famous Ukrainian philo- of the family — even when she mar- sopher S. Krymsky said on this occa- ried for the second time. The image of sion, — is the art of movement in the the mother-widow-sane, kind and at corridor of different voices and opi- the same time strict mistress-vividly nions, that is, the state of tolerance, depicted in classical literature. The which Aldous Hackley called the reli- Ukrainian woman participated in all gion of our time” [10, p. 2]. matters of a family not only after death The church played an important of the husband, but also during his life. role in the formation of Ukrainian men- “The man at one corner of the hut hol- tality and the formation of national ding and woman-three”, — the proverb consciousness of young people. Histori- says. In ancient times, when patriarchal cally, the people’s worldview of Ukrai- relations reigned in Europe, in Ukraine nians has three main layers: demono- it was possible for a girl to match to a logical, mythological and Christian. guy. The Christian religion, which came to The next archetype that affects the the Ukrainian lands at the end of the formation of the Plast-patriot is the 10th century, absolutized the pre-chris- ideological tolerance expresses the abi- tian hierarchy, trying not to destroy lity of the Ukrainian people to accept the old worldview system, but to adapt into their culture the mental attitudes it as much as possible to its needs. The of other peoples and their cultures. To- result of this confrontation of ideas was lerance is an absolute value in the con- a religious dualism (dualism), elements ditions of social and cultural pluralism of which are still preserved in folk cus- in the society of competing interests, toms and rituals. With the introduction sometimes colored by national or con- of Christianity in beliefs and beliefs the fessional intolerance. The idea of to- element of the supernatural increases. lerance has a symbolic content. It was At the same time, the fantastic and su- born as a religious tolerance, passed its pernatural, which was not associated formation as a principle of optimal re- with the official religion, was forced in- lations between Church and state, and to the sphere of folk tradition (poetry, finally developed as a basic principle of fairy tales, legends and the like). interpersonal and inter-group relations, We can not say about cordo cen- mitigating differences related to eth- trism — the ability to perceive the sur- nic and confessional affiliation, sex and rounding world out of the opposition, age, material and social status in soci- “sensual – rational” through the heart, ety [9]. No interpretation, no range of which appears to be a special complete possible actions can be accepted as the world, the center of physical, mental only correct and absolutely indispu- and spiritual life. It is the spirit, which

221 is called the heart, that plays a leading by all means. This does not mean a role in the development of personality negative attitude to other nations and in man. the desire to harm them, it means car- One of the main tasks of the modern ing for their people and multiplying its “Plast” movement is the development achievements [11]. These sincere feel- of human potential, education of crea- ings can develop Ukraine, become an tive, thinking generation of the new engine of progress. Patriotism should formation, new leaders, reformers and be considered simultaneously in diffe- statesmen. Today “Plast” movement in rent aspects: as one of the components Ukraine is the most modern and pro- of social and individual consciousness, ven technique for centuries, which al- mentality, national consciousness; as a lows one to form the leaders of a new component of ideology, culture, history, generation of Ukrainians. The forma- psychology; as one of the highest values tion of spiritual values and universal of society and the individual; as a direc- moral qualities depends on the level tion of education; as a source of well- of spirituality, patriotism and national being, well-being and successful deve- consciousness for a comprehensive ap- lopment of the most important spheres proach of education of a young person of life of society and the state. it is necessary to solve the following Today “Plast” is the largest and tasks: oldest Ukrainian scout organization, • education and self-education of which operates in many countries of moral and cultural qualities on the the world and unites the “Plast” mem- principles of Christian morality; bers of Ukraine and the diaspora, whose • education of national conscious- members are about 10 thousand people ness, responsibility and belonging to from all over Ukraine the Ukrainian society; Conclusions and prospects for fur- • education of love for Ukraine and ther research. As we can see, the ar- readiness for its protection, respect for chetypal analysis proved that the rais- the state symbols of Ukraine. ing method of education, the formation To solve these problems, it is ne- of a real citizen-a patriot of the useful cessary to have a set of educational world, to his people, to himself — is ca- activities and a system of cooperation pable and proven by more than one ge- between state institutions and the For- neration. Thanks to the clear and pre- mation, involving the media, scientists, cise purpose of “Plast”, the three duties institutions of social and cultural pur- of the “Plast” Oath and fourteen points pose. of the “Plast” Law; with a long process From the position of the arch-typi- of education and self-education, know- cal analysis of the activity of the youth ledge, practical experience, formation organization “Plast” is the people’s of useful habits and skills; on the basis mentality. It is love for the country of love to the native nature (relation that should be the source of spiritual to nature), the people, the history of strength of the citizens of Ukraine. his native land, national traditions and And to be a patriot is to wish prospe- peculiarities of their mentality; inclu- rity to the countrymen and the state sive (loose) formation environment of

222 growth motivation (a system of titles from and samples) — a patriot-personality dokumenty/ridna_mowa_uk/index. grows from the individual. php?page=rm38_02 [in Ukrainian]. In further studies, special attention 7. Prykhodko Yu. O., Yurchenko V. I. will be paid to the analysis of the for- (2012). Psykholohichnyi slovnyk- dovidnyk [Psychological dictionary- mation of social responsibility of young directory]. Kyiv: Karavela [in Ukrai- people in the process of national-pat- nian]. riotic upbringing. 8. Tsabaniuk I., Tarnavska O. (1991). Batkam pro Plast [For Parents on References Plast]. Melburn [in Ukrainian]. 1. Afonin E., Bazhal Yu., Bakumenko V. et. 9. Remenets O. (2013). Vytoky tsinnostei al. (2004). Rozvytok suspilstva [De- ukrainskoi kultury [Origins of values velopment of society]. I. Rozputenko, of Ukrainian culture]. B. Lesser (Eds.). Kyiv: K.I.S. [in Ukrai- nian]. nikPK/article/download/7487/8545. 2. Kohut O. V. (2010). Arkhetypni siu- [in Ukrainian]. zhety y obrazy v suchasnii ukrainskii 10. Krymskyi S. B. (2006). SNB! Fronezys dramaturhii (1997–2007 rr.) [Arche- [SNB! Fronesis]. Den — Day, Novem- typal plots and images in contempo- ber, 2 [in Ukrainian]. rary Ukrainian drama (1997–2007)]. 11. Artemchuk A. (n.d.). Natsionalna svi- Rivne: NUVHP [in Ukrainian]. domist, hidnist i patriotyzm — shliakh 3. Saimon H. A. (2001). Administratyvna do pokrashchennia dobrobutu naselen- povedinka: Doslidzhennia protsesiv nia Ukrainy [National consciousness, pryiniattia rishen v orhanizatsiiakh, dignity and patriotism — a way to shcho vykonuiut administratyvni improve the well-being of the Ukrai- funktsii [Administrative Behavior: A nian population]. Re- Study of Decision-making Processes in trieved from Administrative Organisations]. Kyiv: hmenu-137/4666-2327 [in Ukrainian]. ArtEK [in Ukrainian]. 4. Dontsov D. (1991). Dukh nashoi davnyny [The Spirit of Our Anti- Список використаних quity]. Drohobych: Vidrodzhennia [in джерел Ukrainian]. 1. Розвиток суспільства: монографія / 5. Kontseptsiia hromadianskoho vyk- за заг. ред. І. Розпутенка, Б. Лессе- hovannia osobystosti v umovakh ра; кол. авт. : Е. Афонін, Ю. Бажал, rozvytku ukrainskoi derzhavnosti В. Бакуменко та ін. — К. : К.І.С., [Concept of civic education of the in- 2004. — 340 c. dividual in the conditions of develop- 2. Когут О. В. Архетипні сюжети й ment of Ukrainian statehood]. (2003). образи в сучасній українській дра- Doshkilne vykhovannia. — Preschool матургії (1997–2007 рр.) : моногра- education, 2, 3–8 [in Ukrainian]. фія / О. Когут ; Нац. ун-т вод. госп- 6. Yurchenko V. (n.d.). Formuvannia v ва та природокористування. — molodi natsionalnoi samosvidomosti — Рівне : НУВГП, 2010. — 440 с. odne z holovnykh zavdan osvity [For- 3. Саймон Герберт А. Адміністративна mation in the youth of national con- поведінка: Дослідження процесів sciousness is one of the main tasks of ed- прийняття рішень в організаціях, ucation]. Retrieved що виконують адміністративні

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224 UDC: 316.422.42 DOI: 2224-2019-18-3-225-237 Konotopets Yevghenia Olegivna, student of the 3 course of the Department of Political Science and Sociology, National Aviation University, 03058, Kyiv, Prosp. Kos- monavta Komarova, 1, tel.: +38 (098) 583 87 65, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-5529-3811 Конотопець Євгенія Олегівна, cтудентка 3-го курсу кафедри соціології та політології, Національний авіаційний університет, 03058, м. Київ, просп. Космо- навта Комарова, 1, тел.: +38 (098) 583 87 65, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-5529-3811 Конотопец Евгения Олеговна, студентка 3-го курса кафедры социоло- гии и политологии, Национальный авиа- ционный университет, 03058, г. Киев, просп. Космонавта Комарова, 1, тел.: +38 (098) 583 87 65, e-mail: eok.eok37@gmail. com ORCID: 0000-0002-5529-3811


Abstract. The modern world is constantly evolving. Progress in all spheres of human life has reached unprecedented speed. For example, the technology market is completely upgraded for 5 years. Global society creates a variety of concepts and strategies in order to maintain such a level of progress. They are the benchmark for anyone who wants to grow effectively. The Concept of Sus- tainable Development is the leading way for most of the countries. It determines the directions for the development of the countries, their policies on the interna- tional and domestic scenes, the laws that they adopt, etc. This concept rooted not only at the state level. Organizations are guided by it when they plan their own activities. Also, ordinary people are guided by it in their everyday lives. The pur- pose of the article is to review the peculiarities of the state of Ukrainian society and the development of a new strategy for sustainable development of Ukraine.

225 In the analysis theories of classics of sociological and psychological thought were used: T. Parsons, O. Spengler, P. Stompky, K. Jung. With their help, the Ukrainian social modernity was analyzed and the theoretical confirmation of the possibi- lity of successful development of the country was discovered. The compliance of Ukraine’s legislation with sustainable development goals was also established. This allowed us to get a real picture of the reality of Ukrainians and to propose a possible strategy for sustainable development of the country, a strategy of cul- tural development that would allow the society to achieve the goals better and to make progress in the modern “world of changes”. A deeper immersion allowed (on the example of the activities and state policies of such states as America, South Korea, and Kazakhstan) to demonstrate the feasibility of introducing the proposed strategy. During the course of the work, proposals were made for fur- ther activities of the country in accordance with the strategy of cultural changes. Keywords: sustainable development, social changes, reform, social develop- ment, progress, culture, Ukrainians, archetype, Child archetype. СТРАТЕГІЇ СТАЛОГО РОЗВИТКУ В УМОВАХ ЦИВІЛІЗАЦІЙНИХ ЗРУШЕНЬ: КЕЙС СУЧАСНОЇ УКРАЇНИ (АРХЕТИПНИЙ ПІДХІД) Анотація. Сучасний світ невпинно розвивається. Прогрес у всіх сферах людського життя досяг небаченої раніше швидкості. Наприклад, ринок тех- ніки та технологій повністю оновлюється за 5 років. Для підтримання такого рівня прогресу глобальне суспільство створює різноманітні концепції і стра- тегії. Саме вони є орієнтиром для кожного, хто бажає ефективно розвивати- ся. Концепція сталого розвитку наразі є провідною для більшості країн світу. Саме вона визначає напрями подальшого розвитку держав, їх політику на міжнародній та внутрішній арені, закони, які вони приймають, тощо. Вкорі- нена ця концепція не лише на державному рівні, нею керуються й організації при плануванні своєї діяльності, а також звичайні люди у своєму повсяк- денному житті. Метою статті є розгляд особливостей стану українського суспільства та вироблення нової стратегії сталого розвитку для України. У процесі аналізу українського суспільства використовувалися теорії класиків соціологічної та психологічної думки: Т. Парсонса, О. Шпенглера, П. Штом- пки, К. Юнга. З їх допомогою було проаналізовано українську суспільну су- часність та виявлено теоретичне підтвердження можливості успішного роз- витку країни. Також було встановлено відповідність законодавства України до цілей сталого розвитку. Це дало можливість отримати реальну картину дійсності українців та запропонувати можливу стратегію сталого розвитку країни, стратегію культурного розвитку, яка дозволить суспільству якісніше дотримуватися визначених цілей та прогресувати в сучасному “світі змін”. Глибше занурення дозволило на прикладі діяльності та державної політики таких держав як Америка, Південна Корея, Казахстан показати доцільність запровадження запропонованої стратегій. У ході роботи було сформовано пропозиції щодо подальшої діяльності країни згідно зі стратегією культур- них змін.

226 Ключові слова: сталий розвиток, соціальні зміни, реформа, суспільний розвиток, прогрес, культура, українці, архетип, архетип дитини. СТРАТЕГИИ УСТОЙЧИВОГО РАЗВИТИЯ В УСЛОВИЯХ ЦИВИЛИЗАЦИОННЫХ СДВИГОВ: КЕЙС СОВРЕМЕННОЙ УКРАИНЫ (АРХЕТИПИЧЕСКИЙ ПОДХОД) Аннотация. Современный мир постоянно развивается. Прогресс во всех сферах человеческой жизни достиг невиданной ранее скорости. Например, рынок техники и технологий полностью обновляется за 5 лет. Для поддер- жания такого уровня прогресса глобальное общество создает различные концепции и стратегии. Именно они являются ориентиром для каждого, кто желает эффективно развиваться. Концепция устойчивого развития сейчас ведущая для большинства стран мира. Именно она определяет направления дальнейшего развития государств, их политику на международной и вну- тренней арене, законы, которые они принимают и тому подобное. Укоренена эта концепция не только на государственном уровне, ею руководствуются и организации при планировании своей деятельности, а также обычные люди в своей повседневной жизни. Целю статьи является рассмотрение особенно- стей состояния украинского общества и выработка новой стратегии устой- чивого развития для Украины. При анализе украинского общества исполь- зовались теории классиков социологической и психологической мысли: Т. Парсонса, О. Шпенглера, П. Штомпки, К. Юнга. С их помощью была проана- лизирована украинская общественая современность и выявлены теоретиче- ские подтверждения возможности успешного развития страны. Также было установлено соответствие законодательства Украины с целями устойчиво- го развития. Это позволило получить реальную картину действительности украинцев и предложить возможную стратегию устойчивого развития стра- ны, стратегию культурного развития, которая позволит обществу качествен- нее соблюдать определенные цели и прогрессировать в современном “мире изменений”. Более глубокое погружение дало возможность на примере госу- дарственной политики таких стран как Америка, Южная Корея, Казахстан показать целесообразность введения предложенной стратегии. В ходе рабо- ты были сформированы предложения по дальнейшей деятельности страны согласно стратегии культурных изменений. Ключевые слова: устойчивое развитие, социальные изменения, рефор- ма, общественное развитие, прогресс, культура, украинцы, архетип, архетип Ребенка.

Problem statement. In 1992 in Rio paradigm direction of human develop- de Janeiro at an international confe- ment — sustainable development was rence in the framework of the adop- proclaimed. “Sustainable development” tion of the “Agenda for XXI century” is a three-pronged concept of economic,

227 environmental and social development, Presentation of the main mate- which, at the same time, allows for a rial of the study. Progress is the goal proper existence for both present and of any society. Every civilization, every future generations. Ukraine, as one of nation, every person is trying to jus- the European countries focused on pro- tify their confidence in a better future. gressive growth, is also trying to build Ukrainians are no exception. Ukraine its policy according to the theses of sus- is a relatively young state. But the tainable development. Unfortunately, ethnological roots of Ukrainians can be progress in a certain direction has been traced back centuries in history. Ukrai- very slow over the 27 years of indepen- nian people is strong and original, but dence. In Ukraine, there is no generally it has always been considered as part accepted strategy for the implementa- of the Slavs. Therefore, we find theore- tion of the concept of sustainable deve- tical substantiation of the future lopment, which would take into ac- development of Ukrainians, first of count the realities and characteristics all, from scientists who developed the of the economic, environmental and theory of development of civilizations social spheres of Ukrainian society. M. Ya. Danylevskyi and A. Shpengler. Analysis of recent publications. M. Ya. Danylevskyi believed that The concept of sustainable develop- there is no universal civilization, there ment is being implemented at the glo- are different cultural and historical bal level. Scientists from all countries types of civilizations. O. Shpengler was are involved in its development and a follower of his ideas. Each of these sci- design of implementation models. A entists in their theories focused their significant contribution to the develop- attention on the Slavic civilization, or ment of the concept of sustainable de- rather on the origin of Slavic culture, velopment was made by V. M. Anderson, which is the first stage in the develop- N. M. Andreeva, V. V. Berens, S. V. He- ment of cultural and historical types rasymchuk, V. R. Kates, D. L. Mea- of civilizations. According to the logic dows, D. H. Meadows, Y. Renders, of V. Spengler, Slavic culture is only M. A. Khvesyk and the like. In our at the beginning of its “life cycle” and work we will pay attention to the works still has to go through three phases: of such domestic scientists as I. K. Bys- 1) pre-cultural, or “ethnographic” state; triakov, O. I. Borodin, S. M. Iliashenko, 2) the actual cultural period, which is N. A. Khvesyk and analyze their ap- divided into “early” and “late” periods; proaches to the implementation of the 3) the period of civilization. That is, concept of sustainable development in right now, in the XXI century, the Slavs Ukraine. have a chance for the successful deve- Purpose of article. To analyze the lopment of their societies. process of implementation of sustain- Since Ukrainians have always been able development in Ukraine with the part of the Slavs, the thesis of the be- help of classical sociological theories ginning of development can be applied and propose a strategy for the develop- to Ukrainian society. However, in our ment of Ukrainian society based on the opinion, the Ukrainian society will be idea of sustainable development. able to fully realize its passion, in par-

228 ticular, if it implements the universal The sustainable development ap- trend of the global world — the idea of proach was proclaimed at the 1992 con- stable development (through the deve- ference and was worded as follows: “de- lopment of state policy and the forma- velopment that meets the needs of the tion of cultural and behavioral values present generation without compro- on their basis). After all, in our opinion, mising the ability of future generations this concept is the most appropriate se- to meet their own needs” Now this is curity challenges of the modern global the basic interpretation of the concept world, is very thoroughly conceptually of sustainable development, on which sound and has been effectively imple- all existing sustainable development mented in many countries of the world. strategies are based. This concept guarantees progressive The strategy can also be defined as development on the basis of gradual a certain paradigm vector, in the con- social changes (in particular, through text of which the process of formation social reforms as a kind of social pro- of sustainable development is consi- gress) [1]. dered. Now there are many different Also, to confirm the possibility of paradigmatic theories. For example, the successful development of Ukraine, approaches of advanced development, we turn to the concept of Jung arche- the strategy of gradual social change types. We consider the involvement of (J. Duk) and others. Different ap- this concept appropriate, because it is proaches determine how one or another the universal mental is the basis of all entity considers necessary to coordinate social structures. Archetypes are so- existing development of the country, cial instincts [2] that act as structural regions, subregions, etc. with sustain- elements of the collective unconscious. able development, the main objectives Their specificity concerns humanity as of which are formed in the UN docu- a whole [2]. K. Jung singled out sev- ments [4]. Sustainable development eral archetypes of the collective uncon- involves the harmonious development scious: mother, Child, shadow, Animus, of three areas: environmental (preser- Anima, Wise old man, wise old woman. vation of the environment), economic Applying this concept to Ukrainians (to ensure growth while maintai- as a great Association of people, it can ning social justice and environmental be noted that they are inherent in the responsibility), social (to implement archetype of the Child. As in a large and maintain equitable distribution of social group, Ukrainians can be ob- benefits) [5]. And it is the strategy that served thirst for new and love to learn. harmoniously coordinates the sequence Therefore, with the proper educational of changes in modern society. After all, activities of the state apparatus and ap- it is clear that the economic, environ- proved the above concept of sustain- mental and social spheres have both able development, society has a chance common vectors of development and of stable progressive growth. Even Jung diametrically opposed ones that require himself noted that the child is a poten- coordination. tial future, and the essential aspects of Ukraine does not yet have a clear the child's motives are the future [3]. strategy for implementing the prin-

229 ciples of sustainable development. Ac- The current state of development of tivities in this direction are fragmen- society, more than ever, is a reflection of ted and ineffective. The decree of the temporary changes in society. Time is a President of Ukraine on the Strategy universal context of social life. But at of sustainable development “Ukraine – the same time, time is not only a uni- 2020” [6] and the national report “Sus- versal dimension of social changes, but tainable development goals: Ukraine” also their basis, a constructible factor [7] can be defined from the main docu- [1]. The present historical moment in ments of Ukraine on sustainable de- Ukraine is felt more acutely than ever. velopment. Based on these documents, For the first time since Ukraine’s in- we note that Ukraine adheres to such dependence, Ukrainians are beginning vectors: vector of development, vector to feel the changes. The revolution of of security, vector of responsibility, vec- dignity, the annexation of the ARC, the tor of dignity. Within the framework of military actions on the territory of the them, it is expected to implement 62 re- country are all manifestations of the forms and development programs of the transformation of society. Sensing these state. Although these vectors should changes, Ukrainians are beginning to complement each other, it is obvious rally to ensure their security and the that the implementation of all tasks si- security of their country. This indicates multaneously in the conditions of poli- an increase in the level of patriotic sen- tical and economic instability in mod- timents of Ukrainians [8]. ern Ukraine leads to a general slow- Unfortunately, the desire to act is down in progress. not the only condition for successful de- As for the formation of cultural velopment. Now we can say that Ukrai- values, the situation in Ukraine is not nians are ready for changes, but they controlled at all. For example, let us do not have a theoretical and cultural consider the environmental education background for cohesive deliberate ac- of Ukrainians. In 2017, the “natio- tion. Today, the whole world is gradu- nal strategy for waste management in ally changing. Sustainable development Ukraine until 2030” was adopted, and goals are gradually being implemented in 2018 — the law “On strategic envi- by companies and citizens of different ronmental assessment” was adopted. countries. For example, the transna- At the citizen level, the purpose of the tional company Adidas has released a laws was to promote sustainable de- model of sneakers UltraBoost Uncaged velopment by protecting the environ- Parley produced from ocean debris. ment and the safety of human life. Un- Widely known fashion house Chanel re- fortunately, no systematic (at the state fused to use leather and fur. And recent- level) information or educational cam- ly, a mass action of schoolchildren was paigns have been conducted. Therefore, held around the world with an appeal most citizens of Ukraine do not have to protect the planet from the environ- the knowledge and skills to implement mental threat. It began with the usual new approaches to waste management, Swedish Schoolgirls Reti Tuner which energy efficiency, environmentally res- in August 2018 every Friday went on ponsible business. strike for climate under the Parliament

230 of Sweden. Now tags #Fridays4future at the individual or group levels. Of and #Climatestrike quickly spread. course, the Decree of the President of Many students and adults began to pro- Ukraine on the Strategy of sustainable test around the world. development “Ukraine – 2020” states Recently, residents of Ukraine have that Ukraine has created a new idea — reduced the use of gas by half. Of course, “the idea of dignity, freedom and the fu- one can try to explain this with envi- ture” [6]. But there are no proper other ronmental consciousness of Ukrainians, documents that would declare, for but in fact it is only a forced necessity example, a purposeful desire to form caused by the economic situation in new values of Ukrainians in the direc- the state. Unfortunately, in Ukrainian tion of increasing environmentally re- society environmentally responsible at- sponsible behavior. Namely, cultural titudes as a phenomenon of everyday development is one of the determining consciousness are formed very slowly. factors in the success of social reforms, Today, time is “shrinking” at an incre- in particular, and the formation of new dible rate. Although Ukrainians have institutions in society. already felt the need for change, they Nevertheless, it is necessary to re- are still not ready for it. turn to the criteria that will help to es- In order to optimize the work of the tablish the concept of sustainable deve- state and society in Ukraine, it should lopment as one of the leading concepts be noted which criteria for the imple- of the development of society. We con- mentation of sustainable development sider it expedient to turn to T. Parsons should be used. After analyzing the again. In his work “On the structure of reforms that are taking place, we con- social action” he writes: “to ensure the clude that almost all of them involve stability of the entire social system, it is institutional changes, that is, structural vital to have agreement with respect to changes. It is here that it is necessary ... the main orientations of the choice of to turn to the classic structural and alternatives” [9]. That is, most people functional approach in the sociology of who are members of society must ap- T. Parsons. prove and make the same decisions for T. Parsons emphasizes that the so- the stable and progressive operation of cial system has its own structure with the system. The most effective way to levels: individual — group — institu- develop unanimity in decision-making tions — society as a whole. The obvious is the development of common criteria fact is that changes in one of the compo- for decision-making, that is, the values nents cause at least minimal changes in and morals of people, the development others. Therefore, institutional changes of their culture. in Ukrainian society should be suppor- Confirmation of the priority of cul- ted by changes in other areas. It should ture in the development of society can be noted that institutional changes are be found in works of A. Shpengler. He dictated by the newly elected vector of considers the world culture as a num- European development (i.e. changes at ber of independent cultures living, like the level of society). But we do not find living organisms, the periods of origin, any legal document to support change formation and death [10].

231 The need for the development of cul- promote certain value orientations. ture at both the general and individual First of all, it happens with the help of levels can be derived from the concept mass culture. In a Large encyclopedic of Jung’s archetypes. For the activa- dictionary, mass culture is defined as tion of the archetype “psychic energy” “a concept that covers the diverse and is necessary — the tension between the heterogeneous phenomena of the cul- primitive nature of the newborn and ture of the twentieth century, which are its highly differentiated heredity [2]. common in connection with the scien- Along with the experience left by the tific and technological revolution and ancestors, nowadays Ukrainians re- the constant updating of the media” quire the fastest possible formation of [11]. new modern cultural habits on the basis The main distributor of mass cul- of this experience. ture is the USA. American cinema is In our opinion, the formation of the most popular in the world. “RKO”, a new value picture of the world for “Paramount”, “Columbia”, “Metro- Ukrainians will contribute to the im- Goldwin-Mayer”, “20th Century Fox” — plementation of the ideas of sustainable all these companies are producers of development in practice, including its films, cartoons and TV programs that development in the ordinary conscious- broadcast American values. Fans of ness and behavior of each person. The American cinema can be found every- development of civil society, which is where, and therefore — fans of Ameri- one of the guarantors of sustainable de- can values. The same situation has de- velopment in the document “Ukraine – veloped with the musical sphere of the 2020”, should also be an important con- USA. American singers and actors are sequence of the reassessment of the va- perhaps the most popular people on lue orientations of Ukrainians. Earth. Millions of people follow their An important fact is that although lifestyles and share their thoughts. the concept of sustainable develop- Although the American showman ment implies monitoring of human of mass culture is the most common development, the system does not in- it is worth paying attention to a few clude monitoring of human values and more examples from the present. Now culture (the following indicators are singers from South Korea are gaining monitored: 1) the standard of living popularity. BTS band is one of the most estimated through GDP per capita), popular. Recently, the participants 2) the level of literacy of the popula- of this group took part in 73 UN Ge- tion (expected duration of education), neral Assembly, where they proclaimed 3) life expectancy (assessment of lon- a speech. BTS together with UNICEF gevity). This means that it is necessary are the founders of the campaign “Love to focus on the development of cultural Myself”, which aims to support young attitudes of Ukrainians, which will people around the world. Since Novem- meet the goals of sustainable develop- ber 2017, more than 500 million Kore- ment. an won were donated in support of this Many states are now trying to de- campaign by the singers themselves. velop the cultural sphere of society to Currently, South Korea is known for

232 the fact that various organizations are through teaching relevant disciplines actively working to improve the qua- in school, creation of clubs and unions lity of life of children and adolescents in order to spread the idea of sustain- around the world. able development and its culture, pub- The development of the culture of lication of materials in the media and Kazakhstan is also interesting. Kazakh- the Internet. Thirdly, it is necessary to stan’s musical culture is not as popular develop mass Ukrainian culture, which as the above-described phenomena. It will become a translator of new Ukrai- is mainly focused on the domestic con- nian values and directions of growth in sumer market. But within its country line with the concept of sustainable de- it has considerable influence. Ninety velopment. One is the most popular boy’s band, Conclusions and prospects for which is the pioneer of youth fashion further research. Today, the concept in Kazakhstan. It is noteworthy that of sustainable development is the lea- one of the members of the group Dulat ding one in most countries of the world. Mukhametkaliiev has been a “People’s Unfortunately, the situation in Ukraine Deputy” since 2018. This became pos- is somewhat different. Neither de jure sible through a referendum, through nor de facto the dominance of the prin- which the young artist was appointed ciple of sustainable development in the to the position. integrated development programs of The influence of culture on people’s the state and society was not declared minds is significant. This fact cannot in the country. And if the adoption of be denied. Ukrainians need a quick and the relevant official documents can radical change of consciousness in order take place without hindrance, the real to be able to adapt to the changes in the implementation of the principle of sus- world that are happening now. In our tainable development among people is opinion, in order to reorient the value hampered by their value and moral ori- picture of Ukrainians and to implement entations, which do not fully meet the the strategy of cultural development, challenges of modern society. A striking first of all, it is necessary to take as a example is the “National waste manage- model the values of the citizens of the ment strategy in Ukraine until 2030”. European Union defined in the Maas- It is an official document of Ukraine tricht Treaty: “the Union is based on and declares individual institutional the values of respect for human dignity, changes, but it is not accompanied by freedom, democracy, equality, the rule any educational or information cam- of law and respect for human rights, in- paigns. Through this, new values of cluding the rights of persons belonging environmentally responsible behavior to minorities. These values are shared by of Ukrainians as an installation of mass member States in a society characterized consciousness are not formed. There- by pluralism, non-discrimination, tole- fore, it is necessary to provide state sup- rance, justice, solidarity and equality be- port for the formation and development tween women and men” [12]. Secondly, of new values and cultural attitudes it is necessary to start active forma- among Ukrainians, in accordance with tion of these values in new generations the principles of sustainable develop-

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237 UDC: 316.4 DOI: 2224-2019-18-3-238-249 Korchak Irina Mykolaivna, graduate student, National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, 02000, Kyiv, Str. Ezhena Potie, 20, tel.: +38067147 7859, +380674711907, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-3737-5431 Корчак Ірина Миколаївна, аспірант, Національна академія держав- ного управління при Президентові Украї- ни, 02000, м. Київ, вул. Ежена Потьє, 20, тел.: +380671477859, +380674711907, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-3737-5431 Корчак Ирина Николаевна, аспирант, Национальная академия го- сударственного управления при Прези- денте Украины, 02000, г. Киев, ул. Эжена Потье, 20, тел.: +380671477859, +380674711907, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-3737-5431


Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of 'public conflict' in the system of public administration, the search for a more precise and scientifically-based ver- sion of the definition of the concept of 'public conflict'. In the period of global transformations and rapid pace of social development, conflicts arise that take on other forms that are not always related to social conflicts. By this time in the scientific literature mainly exploring and defining the conflict provided as social conflict, meets the definition of a political conflict, however, in terms of informa- tization and globalization a significant part of conflict situations moving to an- other is different from the above mentioned forms of conflict as 'public form'. In this article, the author not only introduces a new term 'public conflict', but rather revolutionary (as for conflict science as a science), justifies the need for a com- prehensive and comprehensive study of this phenomenon and provides his own

238 vision of the definition of 'Public Conflict'. Trying to explore the essence of 'public conflict' in the article focuses on its influence in the field of public administration, and simultaneously emphasizes that this is only one of the directions of research, the rest of the same directions need to be added to his study of all interested sci- entific community. Conditionally accepted in the article the term 'public conflict' often occurs in the field of public administration, especially its study of the sphere of public administration. The rational nature of modern conflicts leads to massive innovative activity, which results in dynamic changes in the institutional sphere of public life, including the institutions of the state. The article analyses the events of recent years, during which there have been dramatic changes in the Ukrainian society, which were constantly accompanied by the intensification of conflict situations because of the contradictory nature of human life, in which each individual one way or another self-determines and self- asserts in the process of conflict-related interaction throughout life. The 'active principle of the ancestral' (according to K. Yung) is currently operating in Ukrai- nian society by rethinking and returning to the spiritual and moral values of the Ukrainian people, including hereditary ones. The outbreaks of conflict situations in Ukraine testify to the expansion of the social base, the polarization of society in the face of a sharp stratification. Therefore, research into this article of contem- porary forms of conflict will provide comprehensive and universal prevention and resolution of conflicts in the future. The 21st century requires the personality of profound professional, informatio- nal knowledge, innovative skills, knowledge of new technologies, the manifesta- tion of such virtues as spirituality and patriotism. In this dynamic of human prog- ress towards sustainable development of a personality, the person always conflicts with his own 'Self' and the social 'We'. Keywords: archetypes of the collective unconscious conflict, public policy, public conflict, social conflict. СУТЬ І ЗНАЧЕННЯ ПУБЛІЧНОГО КОНФЛІКТУ У СУЧАСНИХ УМОВАХ РОЗВИТКУ СУСПІЛЬСТВА ТА ЙОГО ЗВ’ЯЗОК З АРХЕТИПАМИ КОЛЕКТИВНОГО НЕСВІДОМОГО Анотація. Досліджено сучасну природу соціального конфлікту як об’єкта публічного управління, пошуку більш чіткого й науково обґрунтованого варі- анта визначення самого поняття “публічний конфлікт”. У період глобальних перетворень і швидких темпів розвитку суспільства виникають конфлікти, які набувають нових форм, не завжди пов’язаних зі звичним уявленням що- до соціального конфлікту. До того ж в умовах інформатизації та глобалізації значна частина конфліктних ситуацій переходять у відмінну від зазначених форм конфліктів — “публічну”. Автор не просто вводить новий термін — “пу- блічний конфлікт”, а досить революційно (як для конфліктології) обґрунто- вує необхідність всебічного дослідження цього явища і надає своє бачення поняттю “публічний конфлікт”. Намагаючись дослідити сутність “публічного конфлікту”, акцентовано увагу на його поширенні у сфері публічного управ-

239 ління і водночас наголошено, що це лише одна із суб’єктивних точок зору, яка вимагає належної об’єктивації і вивчення всім зацікавленим науковим співтовариством. Прийнятий умовно в статті термін “публічний конфлікт” найчастіше виникає у сфері публічного управління. Водночас його “раціо- нальна сутність” так чи інакше стосується масової інноваційної активності людей, в результаті якої піддається динамічним перетворенням інституційна сфера суспільного життя, в тому числі інститути держави. Проаналізовано події останніх років, упродовж яких відбулися радикаль- ні якісні зміни в українському суспільстві. Вони супроводжувалися посилен- ням конфліктних ситуацій, які багато в чому відбуваються внаслідок супе- речливої природи людини, її самовизначення і самоствердження в процесі конфліктологічної взаємодії. “Активний принцип спадкового” (за К. Юнгом) в даний час працює в українському суспільстві, змущуючи переосмислювати і повертатися до духовних і моральних цінностей українського народу. Спа- лахи конфліктних ситуацій в Україні свідчать про розширення соціальної бази поляризації суспільства на тлі його різкого розшарування. Тому дослі- дження сучасних форм конфліктів здатне забезпечити комплексне й універ- сальне запобігання і вирішення конфліктів у майбутньому. XXI століття вимагає від особистості глибоких професійних, інформа- ційних знань, інноваційного таланту, знання нових технологій, прояву таких якостей, як духовність і патріотизм. У цій спрямованості до сталого розвитку суспільства особистість завжди вступає у конфлікт з власним “Я” і громад- ським “Ми”. Ключові слова: архетипи колективного несвідомого, конфлікт, публічна політика, публічний конфлікт, соціальний конфлікт. СУЩНОСТЬ И ЗНАЧЕНИЕ ПУБЛИЧНОГО КОНФЛИКТА В СОВРЕМЕННЫХ УСЛОВИЯХ РАЗВИТИЯ ОБЩЕСТВА И ЕГО СВЯЗЬ С АРХЕТИПАМИ КОЛЛЕКТИВНОГО БЕССОЗНАТЕЛЬНОГО Аннотация. Исследована современная природа социального конфликта как объекта публичного управления, осуществлялся поиск более четкого и научно-обоснованного варианта определения самого понятия “публичный конфликт”. В период глобальных преобразований и быстрых темпов разви- тия общества возникают конфликты, которые приобретают новые формы, не всегда связанные с привычным представлением социального конфлик- та. К тому же в условиях информатизации и глобализации значительная часть конфликтных ситуаций переходят в другую — отличную от выше- упомянутых форм конфликтов — “публичную”. Автор не просто вводит но- вый термин — “публичный конфликт”, а достаточно революционно (как для конфликтологии) обосновывает необходимость всестороннего исследова- ния этого явления и предоставляет свое видение понятия “публичный кон- фликт”. Пытаясь исследовать сущность ”публичного конфликта”, внимание акцентируется на его влиянии в сфере государственного управления и од-

240 новременно подчеркивается, что это лишь одна из субъективных точек зре- ния, которая требует должной объективации и изучения всем заинтересован- ным научным сообществом. Принятый условно в статье термин “публичный конфликт” чаще всего возникает в сфере публичного управления. Вместе с тем его “рациональная сущность” так или иначе касается массовой иннова- ционной активности, в результате которой подвергается динамическим пре- образованиям институциональная сфера общественной жизни, в том числе институты государства. Проанализированы события последних лет, в течение которых произо- шли радикальные качественные изменения в украинском обществе. Они со- провождались усилением конфликтных ситуаций, во многом происходящих вследствие противоречивой природы человека, его самоопределения и само- утверждения в процессе конфликтологического взаимодействия. “Активный принцип наследственного” (по К. Юнгу) в настоящее время работает в укра- инском обществе путем переосмысления и возвращения к духовным и нрав- ственным ценностям украинского народа. Вспышки конфликтных ситуаций в Украине свидетельствуют о расширении социальной базы, поляризации общества на фоне его резкого расслоения. Поэтому исследование современ- ных форм конфликтов способно обеспечить комплексное и универсальное предотвращение и разрешение конфликтов в будущем. XXI век требует от личности глубоких профессиональных, информацион- ных знаний, инновационного таланта, знания новых технологий, проявления таких качеств, как духовность и патриотизм. В этой устремленности к устой- чивому развитию общества личность всегда вступает в конфликт с собствен- ным “Я” и общественным “Мы”. Ключевые слова: архетипы коллективного бессознательного, конфликт, публичная политика, публичный конфликт, социальный конфликт.

The problem is presented in ge- It is impossible to avoid conflicts and neral terms and its connection with their consequences, and therefore the important scientific and practical study of conflicts, changing the forms tasks. Economic globalization and the of conflict requires constant study and spread of information technology, the modelling, forecasting and prevention. creation of virtual interest groups, new Analysis of recent publications on forms of identity politics, centred on re- the issues and identification of previ- ligious beliefs, weak governments, back- ously unsettled parts of the general ward economies, religious extremism, problem. An analysis of scientific stu- disproportionate growth in the number dies and publications shows that many of young people. These factors will be scientists from different countries and combined, creating ideal conditions for at different times engaged in the prob- internal conflicts in different regions lem of identifying conflicts, their emer- [1, р. 5]. gence and resolution and prevention. In

241 the conditions of independent Ukraine, nature of the conflict and the profes- this issue was given attention by sional use of modern methods of public O. M. Bandurka, V. A. Druz, L. M. He- administration depends to a large ex- rasina, M. I. Panov, V. Ya. Tatsii, tent on the manageability, balance and Yu. M. Tadyk and M. I. Piren, etc. non-conflict of the social system and its But the changes that are taking place existence. in the Ukrainian society are closely in- Conflict is a collision of opposite in- tertwined with the development of so- terests and views, tension and extreme cial processes in the world. In the con- sharpening of contradictions, which ditions of the globalization of the world leads to active actions, complications, society, new challenges arise that cause struggles, accompanied by complex col- conflicts in new manifestations and lisions. forms, especially in the context of infor- The history of human development matization of society. One of the forms from ancient times to the present day of conflict manifestation at the present testifies that conflicts have always been time is a 'public conflict'. The specified and will be. The sciences of any profile form of conflict has not yet been thor- (Philosophy, History, Culture, Politi- oughly studied, but is already reflected cal Science, and World Religions) ope- in emergencies, and has become a factor rate the concepts of conflict through in influencing political processes and the concepts of good and evil, order decision-making processes in public and chaos. For example, historians look and state administration. for identifying the causes of the deve- The purpose of the article is through lopment and decline of states and deep the historical analysis of the disclosure crises and long-term prosperity in the of the essence of the general concept of lives of individual peoples, because all 'conflict' and understanding of the con- these processes are problematic and flict in the current challenges of social conflicted [1, р. 23]. change as to define and formulate one The nature of the conflicts was al- form of conflict, namely, as 'public'. This ready conceived by ancient Greek today forms the emergence of new so- philosophers: Anaximander (about cial phenomena and the formation of 610–547 BC), Ancient philosopher new democratic values. Such a study of Heraclitus (about 530–470 BC). In the the conflict will enable us to meet the Middle Ages, Thomas Aquinas (1225– challenges of the information society in 1274), Erasmus Rotterdam (1469–1536) a globalized world and find ways to pre- and Immanuel Kant (1724–1804), who vent and resolve these conflicts. considered the conflict as manifested as Presentation of the main research a factor in the war in society and in geo- material with full objectivation of the political processes. received scientific results. The term Georg Hegel (1770–1831) wrote 'conflict' comes from the Latin word that the main cause of conflict is rooted 'conflictus'. It means collision. Conflicts in social polarization between the accu- are a natural phenomenon that is inhe- mulated wealth, on the one hand, and rent in any society, especially modern the forced labour of the people on the society. Adequate understanding of the other.

242 Charles Darwin (1809–1902) pro- society is a consequence of a collision of posed a theory of evolution, the main social interests [1, р. 27]. ideas of which are described in the work In the first half of the 20th century Origin of Species through Natural Se- was dominated by the theory of social lection, or Conservation of Favourable conflict and conflict as opposed to be- Breeds in the Struggle for Life. The de- tween minorities of management and velopment of wildlife is carried out in managed by the majority is the eternal a constant struggle for survival, that is, truth, which always different conflicts. a constant conflict; he considered [1, Starting from the middle of the 20th р. 24]. century, there is an active development Great interest among conflictolo- of scientific and practical understan- gists at the end of the 19th and early ding of conflicts. 20th centuries caused the sociological Problems of conflict were devo- theory of conflict, which is reflected in ted to the works of S. Freud, K. Jung, the writings Karl Marx (1818–1883) E. Bern and other authors. as the theory of class struggle; G. Rat- Austrian psychologist Sigmund tsenhofer (1842–1904) as the theo- Freud (1856–1939) created one of the ry of conflict of social relations; and first concepts of conflictology as the William Sumner (1840–1910) began theory of psychoanalysis. Carl Gustav the systematic study of the norms of Jung (1875–1961) founded a school social behaviour, intragroup and in- of analytical psychology, put forward tergroup relations. German sociologist the concept of the existence of the col- Georg Simmel (1858–1918) is consi- lective unconscious, and suggested a dered the first to introduce the term typology of personality traits that to 'sociology of conflict' into scientific some extent explained the behaviour of use. the individual in conflict. The theoretical reflections of German sociologist Ralph Daren- G. Simmel were divided in the 20 years dorf and other scholars generalized of the twentieth century. Sociologists the theory of the 'conflict model of so- at the Chicago School, whose promi- ciety', the dialectical theory of conflict, nent representatives were Robert Ezra sought to identify and show the com- Park (1864–1944), Ernest Watson Bur- mon causes for conflicts for all social gess (1886–1996) and Albion Woodbury systems, as well as identify ways to op- Small (1854–1926). They considered timize the conflict process. the social process in the aspect of four R. Darendorf singled out not only interrelated types of interaction: com- the negative sides of the conflict but petition, conflict, adaptation and as- also the positive ones. The conflict, in similation [2]. his opinion, may be a source of innova- The sociological significance of the tion and social change. Another Ameri- conflict was determined by the Ameri- can scientist M. Amstuti developed the can sociologist A. V. Small, who defined idea of 'utility' and 'negativity' (harm- the conflict as a general conflict of in- fulness) of conflicts [1, P. 28]. terests, where individuals are a product K. Jung complements Freud’s work of struggle for their own interests, and by investigating the phenomenon of

243 synchronicity and what he calls 'col- new values and yet still find conside- lective unconscious'. Scientist examines rable inner conflict in all senior age co- how synchrony phenomenon in which horts society with the emergence of the the outside world event in a meaning- phenomenon in the post-Soviet space, ful way coincides with the mental state 'the private life' of a person goes into of man. This is a recurring experience, a public plane and is reflected above which is reflected in cases that do not all in the social and political events in obey the laws of time, space and cau- Ukraine. sality. According to Young’s definition, The old collective and group values this 'working' in us is a collective un- that have been destroyed in the process conscious, passed on from generation of social transformation generate per- to generation and accumulates human sonal conflicts that complement pro- experience. And the memory of the perty, money and social stratification individual as an active principle of he- in society. In the end, the spiritual fall, redity consists of the memory of ances- the destruction of industrial ties, unem- tors, 'invisible parents', whose power is ployment, etc. as all this has destroyed born again with the child'. The latter, of the former integrity of man as a person, course, does not know about these con- but also does not contribute to the res- sequences. He only feels that something toration of this integrity on the basis of interferes with the free manifestation of new principles of self-sufficient identity his instincts; and he designs this inter- and 'unique individual'. nal barrier first on parents, and then on The biggest problem for the working society [3, р. 16]. and most active part of the population Today it's about the 'active principle was the fact that the working profes- of the ancestral' vividly displayed in the sional is not able to provide for him- social development of the society and self and his family a decent standard is reflected in social, economic, and po- of living. This erased the boundary be- litical processes taking place in Ukraine tween the classes among the classes of and the development of information Ukrainian society, nominally fell into technology more these processes take the middle class, which exists and de- place in a public plane. velops, but it cannot materially provide The global changes that have taken itself where the paradox of the 'working place in Ukrainian society over the past beggar' originated, which, in addition 25 years have led to the unconsciously to developing itself, has to spend its reproducing the once lost spiritual con- time on providing the material side of nection of the Ukrainian nation with his/her life and way of life. This state 'the memory of ancestors'. This com- of the individual generated a conflict pletely overturns the former Soviet between the needs of reality and indi- imagination and the system of values in vidual capabilities. the current 'self-sufficient' (atomized) E. Shostrom equates the situation Ukrainian born by the Orange Revolu- of the conflict with the two party sys- tion (2004) and tempered the Maidan tem of democracy: in each of us there of Dignity (2013–2014). Of course, is a two-party system of democracy in that born in these events have brought which one is a part of the power. The

244 second one is a loyal opposition. But rather than 'concord' and 'understan- the opposition can assume not only ding'. control and criticism, but also a brutal At the same time, in today's world, a struggle, i.e. conflict. [4, р. 73]. strong tendency is to focus on common In the languages of such a conflict human interests and the movement for environment, in which the public is the civil rights of the individual. The centre last 27 years, a system of state power of public debate is the issue of relations was created in Ukraine by representa- between state and civil institutions, tives who seek self-realization through transparency of power, environmental material enrichment at the expense cleanliness, social justice, etc. In open of corruption schemes for theft of the civil societies of the western type the state budget, namely, the human public problem of social protection is reduced, domain. In such power representatives on the one hand, to the provision of col- who are focused on rapid material en- lective rights, on the other hand to en- richment, the boundaries of spiritual sure the rights of their representatives. values, democratic values, which inte- The Ukrainian society is characte- grate into our society, have been eroded. rized by a general social imbalance, a The country is torn by narrowly break in the internal-social relations, selfish interests, both the economic and the tension between the population and political nature of various groups and the state, between the spiritual elite individuals. The problem is that the for- and the masses, and endless conflicts mula that was determined at the start within the political elite. The outbreaks of the development of an independent of conflict situations in Ukraine testify state, which is still guided: first of all, to the expansion of the social base of reforms, and then the solution of social both ultra-right and ultra-left forces, problems: it was not only false, but also the polarization of society against the deeply destructive and conflictive. In backdrop of sharp stratification, first of practice, it has come down to the well- all, property between the socially un- known: reforms due to social factors. protected layers of the people and the Even the social achievements, which at authorities, which in a critical situation one time were borrowed from the Wes- carries the threat of a public explosion tern countries, were dismantled [5]. and gives grounds for the activity of The crisis of spirituality has not been various political speculators. overcome, new values and ideals have People in a state of intrapersonal not been established on the scene, the conflict are potentially dangerous for idea of national statehood under the in- interpersonal relationships in the group, fluence of political struggle and social as the negative effects of the conflict are tension, which has become part of its fraught with stress, neuroses, increased supporters in separate regions, has lost anxiety, general psychological depres- some of its supporters and the Ukraini- sion of man or excessive aggressiveness, an nation remains unconsolidated. The and can be directed to objects that do situation in Ukraine, at the level of so- not have relation to the conflict. And if cial consciousness, can be characterized we keep in mind those who hold high rather by the notion of 'civil opposition' positions in society, then they can have

245 a negative impact on relations of a lar- the world, people as individuals are ger scale. Consequences of internal con- even more advanced and require ex- flicts often lead to a decrease in labour pression and internal growth, self-rea- productivity and even to accidents and lization and recognition as a person. man-made disasters. The ability to real- Such events in the Ukrainian soci- ize its internal needs and desires will re- ety deepen the inner personal conflict duce the number of conflict situations of the individual himself, the source of in society, which is an indicator of the which is, nevertheless, the sphere of re- viability of the system itself. [6, р. 48]. sidence. Such researchers as both Such internal conflicts do not allow M. Bakunin and P. Sorokin argued for the modern development of a demo- about the necessity adaptation of the cratic society in Ukraine with demo- social environment to the needs of the cratic values. Personal conflicts in the individual, the implementation of the current social environment in Ukraine principle of human freedom and bring- did not allow for reforms at the state ing human needs into line with the pos- and local levels. Officials were always sibility of their satisfaction [7]. in the election stresses that changed the But not all individuals express their key positions on 'their', which also came well-intentioned intentions, most often to power and realized that the cost of people want to influence the decision- a position should be compensated and makers of states in order to profit their with the possibility of access to state- preferences and achieve material inte- public resources is an opportunity for rests. Therefore, in this development of rapid material enrichment. Under such publicity, it is important as the coun- conditions, a state-political conflict is try’s largest policy to 'develop the spiri- very developed, which has prompted tual values' and implement a system of the development and prosperity of la- democratic values. bour conflicts in public administration, A vivid example of a public conflict and not the desire of civil servants to in Ukraine is the election of the Presi- change something and frequency and dent of Ukraine in 2019, which showed to change themselves in the conditions how the conflict becomes public, and of transnational development of world this has already gone beyond the go- society. vernment of Ukraine and goes to the in- Such conflicts have gone beyond the ternational level in the form of a public bounds of public administration and conflict as the struggle for power, state are increasingly gaining ground in pub- power and international influence. lic conflicts, as with the development V. Zelenskyi provoked the acting Presi- of civil self-consciousness and civil so- dent Poroshenko to enter a public de- ciety in Ukraine, with the rapid deve- bate. There was no such quick reaction lopment of information resources, the to the public challenge of P. Poro- issue of public and state administration shenko. Waiting for him a public reac- becomes a widespread publicity. tion during the seizure of Ukrainian From the development of informa- sailors, and it was not there. And here tion technologies and transnational a serious impetus as the struggle for transformations that take place around power was a challenge and went into a

246 public conflict, an open confrontation Conclusions and prospects for and needed an appropriate reaction as further researches. Public conflict is to take part in the presidential elec- inherently inherent and inexhaustible tion debates. So we will see one of the in its cognitive possibilities the object forms of conflict resolution as Presi- of attention from the side of society. dential Debate. Thus, today we have a Its roots lie in the dual nature of man, new form of conflict as public, which which develops no less rapidly, as the reflects the mood of society, the needs man himself, his social environment of the will-personality of the individual and mankind as a whole. as the individual, the desire to make Modern as informational stage of decisions in public administration, the human development expands the boun- sharp sense of justice and equality of daries of human nature, whose noo- rights and freedoms of the individual in spheric dimension actualizes the arche- social development. typal potential of the collective uncon- We have no way back, the process of scious in the solution of social conflicts. social change is no longer stopped, and Sigmund Freud and especially Carl the task of the Ukrainian political sys- Jung, who focused on the phenomenon tem is to translate it into a civilized way of the collective unconscious as the cen- with an intelligent strategic prospect trepiece of the unity of the 'atomized' for Ukraine. In addition, European af- world of modern man, may well become filiation of Ukraine determines its deve- the basis for reliable ideas, methodolo- lopment on the basis of civil society. It is gies, and tools for resolving conflicts in the State which must first of all ensure the modern postmodern world. the rights of its citizens and their social protection, and the new principles of its References administrative and structural construc- tion as to ensure the maximum reduc- 1. Piren, M I. (2003). Konfliktolohiia [Conflictology]. Kyiv: MAUP [in tion of corruption and clannishness. Ukrainian]. A psychological basis for deterring 2. Vlasiuka O. S. (Eds.). (2002). Stratehii a social explosion should be a certain rozvytku Ukrainy: teoriia i praktyka level of tolerance as patience for repre- [Strategy of Ukraine’s Development: sentatives of different social groups. In Theory and Practice]. Kyiv: NISD [in the context of the prospects for the de- Ukrainian]. velopment of the state and society, to- 3. Odaynik V. (2010). Psikhologiya poli- lerance should be considered not only tiki: Politicheskie i sotsialnye idei as a potential for maintaining peace and Karla Gustava Yunga [Psychology of tranquillity in the country, but also as politics: Political and social ideas of Carl Gustav Jung]. Saint Petersburg: an indicator of the readiness of the mass Izdatelskaya gruppa “Azbuka-klassika” consciousness of the population for [in Russian]. openness and cooperation on the prin- 4. Shostrom E. (2008). Chelovek-mani- ciples of social justice. It accumulates pulyator. Vnutrennee puteshestvie ot human experience from generation to manipulyatsii k aktualizatsii [Man- generation, about which K. Jung wrote manipulator. Internal travel from ma- in his writings. nipulation to actualization]. Moscow:

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249 UDC: 352.07:005.5 DOI: 2224-2019-18-3-250-259 Kostenyuk Natalia Ivanivna, Senior lecturer of the department “е-Gover- nment and Information Systems Department” Odessa Regional Institute for Public Admi- nistration, National Academy for Public Ad- ministration under the President of Ukraine, 65009, Odessa, Genuzska str., 22, tel.: (+38) 0503911354, e-mail:[email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-6723-7166 Костенюк Наталія Іванівна, старший викладач кафедри “Електронно- го урядування та інформаційних систем”, Одеський регіональний інститут держав- ного управління Національної академії державного управління при Президентові України, 65009, м. Одеса, вул. Генуезька, 22, тел.: (+38) 0503911354, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-6723-7166 Костенюк Наталья Ивановна, старший преподаватель кафедры “Электронного правительства и информацион- ных систем”, Одесский региональный институт государственного управления На- циональной академии государственного управления при Президенте Украины, 65009, г. Одеcса, ул. Генуэзская, 22, тел.: (+38) 0503911354, e-mail:[email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-6723-7166

ARCHETYPICAL REENGINEERING IN THE CONTEXT OF IMPROVING THE ACTIVITIES OF LOCAL SELF GOVERNMENT BODIES Abstract. The concept of reengineering in the context of improving the activi- ties of local self-government bodies on the basis of archetype is considered. The analysis of the implementation of structural reforms in the activities of local self- government bodies with the help of archetypical methods, which allow to achieve a sustainable economic effect, subject to the harmonization of priorities and stages of reforming the activities of local self-government bodies. It has been characterized that the local self-government body acts as the cen- ter of administrative and managerial processes. Reengineering sets processes that are focused on specific goals. The set goals are achieved by the influence of per- sonnel and means of production on information, material goods and services. In the context of reforming the MHI, the ultimate goal is to provide services to the

250 population. In this case, interested persons receive the opportunity to implement managerial goals. To do this, you need to take into account both the current and future implications of managerial actions. The basis of the system of local self-government is two main subjects: the state and the community. The role of the state lies in the legislative regulation of the local governance process. The mechanism for the formation of democratic and efficient local self-government is decentralization, which ensures the transfer of power to self-governing structures. The object of decentralization is a community that is a local social system capable of implementing a managerial function. The effectiveness of OMC activities depends on the level of interaction with citizens and enterprises, the quality of work of each institution, the interaction of govern- ment authorities among themselves. The development of the relevant technical base will not solve all problems in the system of local self-government, but can sig- nificantly improve the efficiency of its work at different levels. After all, the use of modern ICTs is accompanied by optimization of organizational procedures, which makes them simpler and more logical. Keywords: archetype, local government, reengineering, reform, territorial community. АРХЕТИПІКА РЕІНЖИНІРИНГУ В КОНТЕКСТІ УДОСКОНАЛЕННЯ ДІЯЛЬНОСТІ ОРГАНІВ МІСЦЕВОГО САМОВРЯДУВАННЯ Анотація. Розглянуто поняття реінжинірингу в контексті удосконален- ня діяльності органів місцевого самоврядування на основі архетипіки. Про- аналізовано проведення структурних реформ у діяльності органів місцевого самоврядування за допомогою архетипіки, які дають змогу досягти стійкого економічного ефекту за умови гармонізації пріоритетів і етапів реформуван- ня діяльності органів місцевого самоврядування. Схарактеризовано, що орган місцевого самоврядування виступає як центр адміністративно-управлінських процесів. Реінжиніринг встановлює процеси, які орієнтовані на певні цілі. Поставлені цілі досягаються впливом кадрами і засобами виробництва на інформацію, матеріальні блага і послуги. В умовах реформування діяльності ОМС залишається вищою метою надан- ня послуг населенню. Зацікавлені особи отримують можливість реалізації управлінських цілей. При цьому необхідно враховувати як поточні, так і майбутні наслідки управлінських дій. Основою системи місцевого самоврядування є два основні суб’єкти: дер- жава і громада. Роль держави полягає у законодавчій регламентації процесу місцевого управління. Механізмом формування демократичного і ефектив- ного місцевого самоврядування є децентралізація, яка забезпечує передачу частини владних повноважень самоврядним структурам. Об’єктом децен- тралізації виступає громада — локальна соціальна система, яка спроможна реалізовувати управлінську функцію. Ефективність діяльності ОМС за- лежить від рівня взаємодії з громадянами і підприємствами, якості роботи

251 кожної установи, взаємодії органів влади між собою. Розвиток відповідної технічної бази не вирішить усіх проблем у системі місцевого самовряду- вання, але може істотно підвищити ефективність її роботи на різних рівнях. Застосування сучасних ІКТ супроводжується оптимізацією організаційних процедур, що робить їх більш простими і логічно витриманими. Ключові слова: архетипіка, органи місцевого самоврядування, реінжині- ринг, реформа, територіальна громада. АРХЕТИПИКА РЕИНЖИНИРИНГА В КОНТЕКСТЕ СОВЕРШЕНСТВОВАНИЯ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ ОРГАНОВ МЕСТНОГО САМОУПРАВЛЕНИЯ Аннотация. Рассмотрено понятие реинжиниринга в контексте совер- шенствования деятельности органов местного самоуправления на основе архетипики. Проанализировано проведение структурных реформ в деятель- ности органов местного самоуправления посредством архетипики, которые позволяют достичь устойчивого экономического эффекта при условии гар- монизации приоритетов и этапов реформирования деятельности органов местного самоуправления. Охарактеризовано, что орган местного самоуправления выступает как центр административно-управленческих процессов. Реинжиниринг уста- навливает процессы, которые ориентированы на определенные цели. По- ставленные цели достигаются влиянием кадрами и средствами производства на информацию, материальные блага и услуги. В условиях реформирования деятельности ОМС остается высшей целью предоставления услуг населе- нию. При этом заинтересованные лица получают возможность реализации управленческих целей. Для этого необходимо учитывать как текущие, так и будущие последствия управленческих действий. Основой системы местного самоуправления есть два основных субъекта: государство и общество. Роль государства заключается в законодательной регламентации процесса местного управления. Механизмом формирования демократического и эффективного местного самоуправления является де- централизация, которая обеспечивает передачу части властных полномо- чий самоуправляемым структурам. Объектом децентрализации выступа- ет община, которая является локальной социальной системой, способная реализовывать управленческую функцию. Эффективность деятельности ОМС зависит от уровня взаимодействия с гражданами и предприятиями, качества работы каждого учреждения, взаимодействия органов власти меж- ду собой. Развитие соответствующей технической базы не решит всех про- блем в системе местного самоуправления, но может существенно повысить эффективность ее работы на разных уровнях. Ведь применение современ- ных ИКТ сопровождается оптимизацией организационных процедур, что делает их более простыми и логично выдержанными. Ключевые слова: архетипика, органы местного самоуправления, реинжи- ниринг, реформа, территориальная община.

252 Problem statement. The constitu- of irrational territorial organization tional foundations of local self-govern- authorities leads to a conflict of compe- ment have been laid down in Ukraine, tence both either among local govern- the European Charter of local self-go- ment bodies or local government bodies vernment has been ratified, a number and local executive authorities. of basic legal acts have been adopted Thus, the revolution of structural creating legal and financial bases for reforms is an important, complex and the activities of local self-government timely issue that will reveal the pos- bodies. sibility of achieving a sustainable eco- Since the moment the Ukrainian nomic effect, subject to the harmoniza- Constitution and basic regulatory and tion of the priorities and stages of these legal acts on local government issues reforms with the reform of local self- were adopted, the local government de- government in researching of archety- velopment was actually carried out at pic paradigm, but the topic of this the level of territorial communities of article is too urgent [1, p. 23]. cities of regional importance, whereas Analysis of recent publications. the overwhelming majority of territo- These problems are reflected in the is- rial communities proved untenable to sues considered in the framework of the fulfill all the powers of local govern- newly formed scientific directions in ment bodies for their excessive frag- development of the reengineering at lo- mentation and extremely weak mate- cal government bodies and archetypic rial and financial base. concept. The system of local government does Y. Alekseyeva, V. Boklag, V. Ga- not meet the needs of society today. brinets, M. Ditkovska, A. Dudkina, The functioning of local government S. Kanzyuba, A. Karpenko, V. Ma- bodies does not ensure the creation tyukhin and others researchers are en- and maintenance of a favorable living gaged in the theory and practice of local environment in most local communi- government in Ukraine. Identification ties, necessary for the full development of unresolved tasks of the common of a person, one’s self-realization, pro- problem previously. There is no single tection of one’s rights, and providing view on the effectiveness of reenginee- people with local government bodies, ring based on the archetypical para- institutions and organizations created digm among Ukrainian scientists de- by them of high-quality and affordable spite numerous publications written by administrative, social and other servi- foreign researchers, which analyze the ces to the population in the respective implementation of the reengineering territories. of local authorities’ self governing and Therefore, the system of local self- the work of domestic scientists explor- government requires thoroughness in ing the characteristics of adaptation in improving the management efficiency reengineering of local self governing of social development in the respective adopted in the world. territory. Preservation of dispropor- The purpose of the article. Investi- tion of the administrative-territorial gating of reengineering in the context structure as the basis for the existence to improve the activities of local go-

253 vernments on the basis of archetypic The main directions of the reengi- paradigm. neering process include understanding Statement of the main material of of the importance of urgent response to the research. The extremely impor- external factors of influence, awareness tant task has been arising in the mod- of the need to develop and implement ern conditions of local self-government solutions aimed at meeting customer development: to restructure not only needs, ensuring clear and consistent the LGB (local government bodies) communication for effective manage- functioning system, but also to improve ment and efforts concentration. Reen- the management mechanisms on achie- gineering also contributes to raising ving effective performance of the LGB. awareness and opportunities for lear- Reengineering is one of the effective ning and moving the emphasis on more means of developing and introducing of meaningful opportunities using the new effective management tools, being “costs/benefit” analysis [3, p. 544]. a modern management tool based on ar- That is, the goals of reengineering chetypical concept under such circum- implementation are building relation- stances. ships within the authority and its key Reengineering being as a tool for interested parties, identifying possible improving the activities of the LGB has consequences of differences of opinion emerged at the junction of two areas — among interested parties, achieving a management and information. That is common understanding of the essence why, new specific means of presenting of real problems and determining the and processing information are needed range of desired results. in the process of reengineering, which Therefore, the activities of local go- would be understandable to local self vernments can be considered as a set government officials. Such tools require of specific archetypes (for example, the the integration of the information tech- “Master”, “Manager”, “Scientist”, “Pu- nology achievements and the creation pil” archetypes). The body of local of appropriate tools to support reengi- government acts as a center of adminis- neering [2, p. 12]. trative and managerial processes. Reen- Reengineering is an intensive, cus- gineering establishes the processes that tomer oriented top-down management are focused on specific goals. initiative aimed at making a break- The set goals are achieved by the in- through in improving efficiency and fluence of personnel and means of pro- cost reduction processes. The use of duction on information, material goods reengineering tools consists of review- and services. Providing services to the ing the organization’s methodology to population remains the highest goal in carry out its management activities and the context of reforming the LGB ac- improve the LGB activity by building tivities. Interested parties receive the processes, labor, technology, and orga- opportunity to implement manage- nizational structure further, so that the rial goals at this case. It is necessary to LGB support the vision and values of consider both the current and future providing administrative services to implications of managerial actions the population [3, p. 544]. herewith. Government officials headed

254 by LGB are defined as the “Center” ar- The “Specialist” archetype controls chetype. the use of resources. The “Specialist” The “Contractor” archetype will de- stimulates the “Contactor” based on the fine the person who will implement spe- reengineering methodology. All gov- cific managerial processes. The “Con- erning bodies (“Manager”, “Specialist”) tractor” can handle managerial issues. are aimed at managing the “Contactor” The “Center” will affect several “Con- on the basis of their functionality. The tractors”. “Contractors” will perceive “Contractor” solves a managerial task. selectively and rework these actions. Thus, the “Contractor” is directly en- The complexity of modern managerial gaged in the provision of services, and processes leads to the need for a highly the interested parties are engaged in qualified “Contactor”. At the same time, managing the “Contactor”. the “Center” will not be able to control Therefore, the activities of the LGB the activities of “Contractors” without can be represented as a set of certain their foresight taken into account. governing bodies (“Manager”, “Specia- An interested party involved in list”, “Contractor”), to have the “Con- the activities of the LGB is called the tractor” managed and the “Contrac- “Leader”. This “Manager” — “Contac- tor” must meet the expectations of the tor” two-level system serves as the “Center”. basic model of the LGB activities for That is, the basics of the reenginee- implementation of the method of re- ring process include understanding of engineering management processes. the importance of responding to ex- The “Manager” archetype follows the ternal influencing factors, awareness methodology of the LGB reengineering of the need to develop and implement activities and carries out planning and solutions aimed at meeting the needs stimulation of the “Contactor” acti- of citizens, ensuring clear and consis- vity. The “Manager” uses a reengineer- tent communication for the purpose of ing technique to manage resources. the effective LGB activities and con- In this case, the “Manager” compares centration on efforts. Reengineering the previous state with the current one also contributes to emerging of aware- and draws conclusions. Self-studying of ness and opportunities for organiza- the “Manager” and learning from past tional learning and the shifting focus mistakes and successes are carried out to more significant opportunities [4, in that way. He manages material, labor p. 44]. and financial resources. The process of This approach greatly increases the LGB activities is formed on the basis efficiency of work by reducing the time of the reengineering methodology. The for its implementation and the number “Manager” provides material and moral of performers. It is very important here incentives for the activities of the “Con- that the managerial approach is chan- tractor”. An interested party who does ging — employees make their own not have the right to manage resources, independent decisions. Not only hori- but plans and controls the activities of zontal, but also vertical compressions of the “Contractor” is called the “Specia- processes take place during the reengi- list” archetype. neering.

255 Where the traditional ways of work be considered as a composition of smal- organization take place, the decision ler elements, on which it is necessary maker should had applied to the ma- to carry out optimization operations, nagement previously, but one makes the processes of the smallest structural decisions on one’s own now. Empow- unit are undergone in transformations, ering employees, increasing the role of within the framework of which the pro- each of them in the work process lead cedure can be distinguished. to a significant increase in the impact of A prerequisite for improving the ef- their work. fectiveness of the LGB activities is the The fact that the administrative transformation of governing bodies, and management process is implemen- based on the improvement of admi- ted in a natural manner, it is of no less nistrative and managerial processes in significance. Reengineering processes these bodies and among them. Since eliminate the linear ordering of work the management structures provide in- procedures. It allows you to separate formation and indicative planning, it is processes. In addition, the administra- necessary to improve information flows tive process has various implementa- and work with information resources. tion options. But constant adaptation But, first of all, it is necessary to prepare of the process to external conditions the control structures for the imple- is required today. Then it is legitimate mentation of these technologies. This to choose an option that has several can be done with the help of reengi- implementation versions. The choice of neering methodology of administrative the version is made in accordance with and managerial processes proceeding in the specific situation. Furthermore, the the governing bodies [8, p. 122]. number of inspections is limited signifi- The effectiveness of LGB activities cantly [5]. depends on the level of interaction with Combining individual work proce- citizens and enterprises, the quality of dures allows you to reduce the number work of each institution, the interac- of inspections and management actions; tion of government authorities with in addition, the number of approvals is each other. The development of the ap- significantly reduced, that is, here we propriate technical base will not solve are talking about erasing the boun- all problems in the system of local self- daries among functional units. Modern government, but it can significantly techniques open up the possibility of improve the efficiency of its work at LGB to act autonomously at unit level, different levels. After all, the usage of retaining the right to use centralized modern ICT (information communica- data and knowledge. tion technologies) is accompanied by It is advisable to carry out the pro- optimization of organizational proce- cess of changing the structure and the dures, which makes them simpler and LGB activities in blocks, where current more logical. management bodies can be at the initial Conclusions and the prospects of stage since reforming of the whole sys- further research. Further areas of re- tem is an expensive and very risky pro- search are to detail the areas of refor- cess. That is, the local government can ming the LGB activities in Ukraine, to

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259 UDC: 316.342 DOI: 2224-2019-18-3-260-272 Lapina Viktoria Viktorivna, Candidate of Sociological Sciences, PhD (Social Psychology), leading sociologist, Fa- culty of Sociology, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 01601, Kyiv, Str. Volody- myrska, 64/13, tel.: +380506451807, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-1071-2971 Лапіна Вікторія Вікторівна, кандидат соціологічних наук, PhD (соці- альна психологія), провідний соціолог фа- культету соціології, Київський національ- ний університет імені Тараса Шевченка. Україна, 01601, м. Київ, вул. Володимир- ська, 64/1, тел.: +380506451807, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-1071-2971 Лапина Виктория Викторовна, кандидат социологических наук, PhD (социальная психология), ведущий социолог фа- культета социологии, Киевский национальный университет имени Тараса Шевчен- ка. Украина, 01601, г. Киев, ул. Владимирская, 64/13, тел.: +380506451807, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-1071-2971

ARCHETYPE OF THE PEASANT: THE PROBLEM OF ACCUMULATION AND PRACTICAL USE OF THE HUMAN CAPITAL IN UKRAINE Abstract. The analyzis of the existing theoretical approaches to the research of the attribuive features of the peasant archetype which determinate the social factors that cause the need to study the social reproduction of these features as the stimulus for the preservation, accumulation and use of human capital is prsented in the article. The author pays attention upon the disputable character of the problem that is connected with the identification the social status, the place and the social role of a peasant in the system of the contemporaty social relations and communications. It is argued that the political and economic transformation by the XX–XXI centuries have been caused the radical socio-economic changes in the rural culture and changed the peasant’s traditional way of life. Underlined that these circumstances one must have to take into account trying to obtain the relevant scientific evaluations of the prospects for the further development

260 of the human resources in the rural communities. It was emphsized that at pre- sent time there is no exists the special sociological theory of rural culture, which corresponds to the global challenges of the new forms of management, and of the innovative changes in the territorial structures of the contemporary societies Therefore, the problem of the formation and the use of human capital in Ukraine requires innovative scientific understanding in the aspect of justifying the need in developing the new forms of business in the rural regions with the obligato- ry account of the progressive sociocultural experience. The importance of the conceptual reconstruction of the ideas by C. Jung, who in his studies proposed the definition of the attributive features of the peasant archetype was argued. The system of the social factors that determine the process of the sustainable reproduction of these attribute features of the peasant archetype especially in the mono-functional nature of the peasant’s labor is investigated by the author. Proved that such features of the peasant archetype as the ability for self-activity, calculation and belief in the ultimate efficiendy of own work, self-suppoting and informal care not only about the welfare of members of the family circle, but also about the security of other people in crisis time during the wars and catastrophes are the important social factors for the preservation, accumulation and the ratio- nal use of the human capital in Ukraine. Keywords: peasant as a social actor, peasant archetype, attributive features of peasant archetype, agricultural labor, human capital, globalization, Ukrainian society. АРХЕТИП СЕЛЯНИНА: ПРОБЛЕМА НАКОПИЧЕННЯ І ВИКОРИСТАННЯ ЛЮДСЬКОГО КАПІТАЛУ В УКРАЇНІ Анотація. Проаналізовано існуючі теоретичні підходи до визначення атрибутативних рис архетипу селянина та ідентифікації підходів змісту соці- альних чинників, які зумовлюють потреби в соціальному відтворенні даних рис як стимулів збереження, накопичення та використання людського капі- талу. Звернуто увагу дискусійному характеру проблеми визначення соціаль- ного статусу місця та соціальної ролі селянина в системі сучасних суспільних відносин та комунікацій. Аргументовано, що політичні та економічні транс- формації ХХ–ХХI ст. спричинили кардинальні соціально-економічні зміни в сільському господарстві та повністю змінили сам спосіб життя селянина, що необхідно враховувати при здійсненні наукових оцінок перспектив роз- витку потенціалу людських ресурсів в сільських громадах. Констатовано, що в умовах сьогодення ще не існує спеціальної соціологічної теорії сільського господарства, яка б відповідала сучасним викликам нових форм господарю- вання, змінам територіального устрою та новітнім глобальним викликам. Тому проблема формування та використання людського капіталу в Україні потребує інноваційного наукового осмислення в аспекті обґрунтування до- цільності розвитку нових форм господарювання на селі з обов’язковим ура- хуванням набутого прогресивного соціокультурного досвіду. Наголошено на важливості концептуальної реконструкції ідей К. Юнга, який запропонував

261 певне визначення атрибутивних рис архетипу селянина. Також з’ясовано систему чинників, які зумовлюють процес стабільного відтворення атрибута- тивних рис архетипу селянина та монофункціональний характер селянської праці. Надано докази, що такі риси архетипу селянина, як здатність до само- діяльної активності, розрахунку та віри в кінцеву ефективність власної праці, режим самозабезпечення та неформальне піклування не лише про добробут членів свого родинного кола, а й про долю інших людей у кризові часи війн та катастроф — є важливими соціальними чинниками збереження, накопичен- ня та використання людського капіталу в Україні. Ключові слова: селянин як соціальний суб’єкт, архетип селянина, атри- бутивні риси архетипу селянина, сільськогосподарська праця, людський ка- пітал, глобалізація. АРХЕТИП КРЕСТЬЯНИНА: ПРОБЛЕМА НАКОПЛЕНИЯ И ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЯ ЧЕЛОВЕЧЕСКОГО КАПИТАЛА В УКРАИНЕ Аннотация. Проанализированы существующие теоретические подходы к определению атрибутативных характеристик архетипа крестьянина и иден- тификации подходов содержания социальных факторов, обуславливающих потребности в социальном воспроизводстве данных характеристик как сти- мулов сохранения, накопления и использования человеческого капитала. Обращено внимание на дискуссионный характер проблемы определения социального статуса места и социальной роли крестьянина в системе совре- менных общественных отношений и коммуникаций. Аргументировано, что политические и экономические трансформации ХХ–ХХI в. вызвали карди- нальные социально-экономические изменения в сельском хозяйстве и пол- ностью изменили сам образ жизни крестьянина, что необходимо учитывать при осуществлении научных оценок, перспектив развития потенциала че- ловеческих ресурсов в сельских общинах. Констатировано, что в настоящее время еще не существует специальной социологической теории сельского хозяйства, соответствующей современным вызовам новым формам хозяй- ствования, изменениям территориального устройства и новейшим глобаль- ным вызовам. Поэтому проблема формирования и использования челове- ческого капитала в Украине требует инновационного научного осмысления в аспекте целесообразности развития новых форм хозяйствования на селе с обязательным учетом накопленного прогрессивного социокультурного опыта. Подчеркнута важность концептуальной реконструкции идей К. Юн- га, который предложил характеристку атрибутивных черт архетипа крестья- нина. Также выяснена система факторов, которые обусловливают процессы стабильного воспроизводства атрибутивных черт архетипа крестьянина и монофункциональный характер крестьянского труда. Предоставлены до- казательства, что такие черты архетипа крестьянина, как способность к са- модеятельной активности, расчетливость и вера в конечную эффективность собственного труда, режим самообеспечения и неформальная забота не

262 только о благополучии членов своего семейного круга, но и о судьбе других людей в кризисные времена войн и катастроф — являются важными соци- альными факторами сохранения, накопления и использования человеческо- го капитала в Украине. Ключевые слова: крестьянин как социальный субъект, архетип крестья- нина, атрибутативные черты архетипа крестьянина, сельскохозяйственный труд, человеческий капитал, глобализация.

Target setting. It is known that This resource base one sould regard as among the innovative scientific re- the stimilus for the successful solution searches in the contemporary social of the problems of economic and social sciences the problematics on identifica- development such as: the the rise of the tion and determination of the social role living standards, professional qualifi- and place of the peasant’s archetype in cation, educational level of the rural preserving and using human capital in population, the modernization of the the rural regions and the related prob- natural, scientific, technical, agricultu- lems of scientific study of the causes of ral and industrial potential and the pres- the social decline of the Ukrainian vil- ervation of socio-historical and cultural lages are the urgent subject-matter for traditions of the people of Ukraine. To- scholars. It should be noted that at the day these unsolved tasks become the present stage of the transformation of subject of scientific discussions both in the Ukrainian society, the processes of Ukraine and abroad. changing the economic interactions, That is why, as we believe, in mo- agrarian reform, and the emergence of dern theoretical sociology the urgent the new territorial communities deter- scientific problem is the analysis of minate the importance the problem of existing theoretical approaches to the protection of the collective and indivi- identification of the attributive fea- dual interests in these communities tures of the peasant’s archetype and have become the new objects of scientif- also to the identification of the special ic studies. It is also important to under- approaches to the research of the so- line that the question of accumulation cial factors of the preservation and de- and preservation of human capital has velopment of the human capital in the the the specific cognitive significance rural settlements. Taking into account in shaping the strategy of sustainable these circumstances, it is important development of society, espessially in to emphasize that development of the the aspect of the preservation and de- theoretical approaches to the identifi- velopment of the human resources and cation of the attributive features of the their cultural identity. On the way to peasant’s archetype wil be the impor- global integration, it is important to tant stimilus for modernization of the create the resource base for social prog- technologies of social management in ress, democratization and humaniza- the aspect of humanization of public tion of society, and of the rural regions. life.

263 Analysis of recent research and were formulated by F. Znanieski, who publications. The problems of the rural as the founder of the Western agrarian sociology was the object of the scienti- sociology, initiated a sociological study fic attention by the Ukrainian sociolo- on the problems of the social differences gists. V. Tarasenko [1] was the first who in the rural culture and traditions [5]. turned to the problem of scientific study The results of theoretical and empiri- of the causal factors which determinate cal studies by P. Sorokin, O. Chayanov, of the social decline of the Ukrainian and V. Bolshakov of the problems of villiges. In his publications and reports, the peasantry were presented in the he argued that there is a big mistake the sociological publications by the end radical division of the rural settlements of the 19th and by the beginning of the into “perspectives-unperspectives”. 20th centuries. These studies were the The the results of sociological stu- influenced factors of formation of the dies of the rural life in Ukraine under specialized trend in the researchers conditions of the contemporary social of rural life, represented in the works transformations were presented in pub- by T. Shanin, R. Redfield, P. Stirling, lications by A. Shatokhin, M. Sakada, R. Dumon, B. Galensky, K. Dobrovol- V. Chigrin, and other Ukrainian scho- sky, J. Skotta and by the another scho- lars, who focused their attention upon lars [11–14]. the situation in the agrarian sector of Thus, the analysis of the presented the national economy and also upon the scientific sources one should regard as current state of the rural regions after the valid foundation for development of radical reforms of the political and eco- the perspective studies of the peasant's nomic systems in Ukraine [2–4]. archetype in the aspects of identifica- It should be noted that the over- tion of the opportunities and prospects whelming majority of recent researches of agricultural labor in the processes of were based on the tradition of theoreti- accumulation and use of human capital cal study of the problems of the rural in Ukraine. population in world science, which The purpose of the article. The dates back to the 19th century (A. Ge- main purpose of this article is to ana- len, P. Sorokin, K. Zimmermann). The lyze the existing theoretical approaches first attempts to comprehend the prob- to the identification of attributive fea- lems of using the human potential of tures of the peasant archetype and also the rural population in the wbyorld sci- to the identification of the special ap- entific thought were initiated in histo- proaches to the research of the social rical studies in economics, and later in factors, which determinate the need in political economy, sociology and social social reproduction of the attributive psychology. In Europe, mostly in the features of the peasant archetype as the its easten and southern regions, where stimulus for the conservation, accumu- agriculture was the most developed at lation and use of human capital. that time, the first attempts to provide The statement of basic materials. the scientific studies of the peasantry First of all, it should to pay attention problems begun at the beginning by the upon the circumstance that in the con- 20th century. The most progressive ideas temporary societies the indentification

264 of a peasant’s role in organization of so- of that they have own homes in the vil- cial relations is rather indefinite. The lages. Finally, in suburban villages there peasantry is traditionally understood is a large number of people who work by the scholars as “a specific group, as a at enterprises in neighboring cities. part of the population that employed in Speaking of rural culture, we mean the the rural economy, and which organizes culture of the peasantry — the bulk of the resource basis of own existence by the rural population. At the same time, usinng an individual, family estate or in the concept of “peasant” we include cooperative-collective forms of agra- all people professionally engaged in ag- rian labor, which determinates the sys- ricultural labor, independently of the tem of social ties and the specific way forms of ownership and organization of of life, spatial and territorial localiza- their labor [7, р. 42–43]. tion, as well the social relations that are This explanation, as I believe, sepa- formed at the same time, as the organic rates the status of a peasant from the unity in its vital attitude to the natural- status of a human person, which only biosphere conditions and in organiza- indirectly relates to the peasant way of tion of productive forces” [6, р. 509]. life and the organization of socio-cul- From my point of view, this tradi- tural relations in certain social groups tional interpretation of the peasantry in a specified territory for a specific pe- does not fully explain the content of the riod of time. scientific fact that the concept of “pea- Political and economic transforma- sant” reflects the complex and histori- tions by the 20st–21st centuries. caused cally variable forms of social self-deter- radical socio-economic changes in ag- mination of the rural worker. Therefore, riculture and completely changed the it is important to take into account the peasant’s own way of life. Thus, the pro- point of view by L. Kogan who writes: cesses of collectivization, cooperation, “It is important for a sociologist to take and the development of farms have into account the fundamental diffe- substantially changed the mass percep- rence between the concepts “rural po- tions of the image of the peasant as the pulation” and “peasant”, which are of- landlord, and as an active social agent ten mixed in contemporary researches. engaged in agricultural activity. In In the villages (especially in the con- this connection, the question arises: is temporary period) there is a large num- the contemporary resource basis of the ber of people not directly engaged in peasant’s way of life now integrates and agricultural labor, that at any level of reproduces some essential features from its mechanization, will never become a the traditional peasant culture, and is it “kind of industrial labor”. Some part of possible to preserve the ethnocultural the rural population has traditionally identity of the archetype of the Ukrai- been employed in the specific agricul- nian peasant? tural industry, construction, transport A definite answer to this question and communication enterprises and can be found in the specielized literature also in the sphere of culture and ma- of encyclopedic character: “By chan- nagement. Therefore, some townspeo- ging in different socio-economic for- ple are not the rural residents in spite mations, the peasantry passes through

265 all formations and epochs of human and urban mentality, as well as the cus- existence, while preserving its own tomary rules of reproduction of the cer- socio-cultural archetype, its purpose tain way of life. The difference in rural of family or collective-public manage- mentality is determined by the propen- ment. Industrialization and, especially, sity to folk traditions, enhanced religi- the automation of agrarian production osity, which determinate the respect of the peasant economy does not reject, to the cultural heritage that is trans- but uses the most rationally, in the sizes lated from generation to generation. As acceptable to rural production in ac- E. Giddens argues, “traditional cultures cordaunce to its own scale” [6, р. 509]. are characterized by the reverence of However, the problem seems to require the past, and the symbols are valued for a more detailed study and an explana- containing and perpetuating the expe- tion of the perspective of developing rience of generations” [8, р. 101–102]. the human resource potential of rural A significant difference one can ob- communities. serves in the consumer behavior of the It is important to pay attantion peasant and urban dweller. For citizens, upon the circumstance that at pre- consumer behavior is most aceptible as sent time there is no special sociological a member of the “consumer society”. theory of agriculture that would be re- This behavioral stereotype arises from levant to the contemporary challenges economic and cultural globalization of the new forms of management, and to and exists as the specific adoptation the changes in the territorial structure to the new patterns of consumption, in under conditions of globalization. Ob- particular, to the symbolic consump- viously, the problem of the formation tion. The consumer preferences of the and use of human capital in Ukraine de- rural residents are closer to the tradi- terminates the need to elaborate an in- tional consumer experience and are novative scientific reflection in the as- more ascetic. pect of substantiation of the new trends It should be noted that in the last and forms of business in the village, three decades in the Ukrainian soci- taking into account the progressive so- ety new socio-economic categories of cio-cultural experience. people have emerged that differ signifi- Therefore, the research attention cantly in terms of incomes and accu- should be paid to the complex forms of mulated wealth, which indicate a deep direct and indirect dependence of the gap between rich and poor groups of existing state of economic relations in people. Another problem, which in re- the villages from the certain archetypal cent years has become quite acute — is conditions of the traditional way of life the lack of workers in the rural settle- of peasants that has been formed during ments. It is quite certain that the diffi- the many centuries. Unlike the urban culties of constructive solution of these market, which is more technologically problems, are the essential obstacles advanced, innovative and dynamic, the for progressive formation and develop- rural market is different in its conserva- ment of the individual farms and far- tism. Such differences can be entirely ming in Ukraine. At the same time, mass explained by the contrasts of the rural perceptions concerning of the prestige

266 of professions and the social status of life. Paying attention upon this aspect, the urban citizen have significantly ex- it is important to recognize that the re- panded, and this factor now stimulates source base of urban and rural cultures the outflow of the young people from causes the quite different opportunities villages to the city, and this situation for social integration of the big groups led to a decrease of the labor potential of population. The labor process in the of the village. city and the villedge is characterized by And here it is reasonable to recall various possibilities for the distribution that in the 50–60 years by the last cen- of the system of labor functions. Obvi- tury the ideological policy was oriented ously, the archetype of peasant labor is to active propaganda of the social pres- characterized by a certain monofunc- tige of the peasant, which was reflected tional routine. And this circumstance, in popular films, songs and fiction. The as we believe, was very important for collective farm’s status was presented K. Jung, who tried to identify the at- as the perfect archetype of a rural wo- tribute features of the peasant’s ar- man who working in the fields, on the chetype, when he has emphasized the farm, and even as the head of the col- features of this archetype as: reliabi- lective farm. Ans this status was greatly lity, predictability, consistency, work- respected by the state and represened ability, endurance and patience. As we woman as the lord not only of her own consider, these features of the peasant’s home but as the co-owner of collective archetype were defined by K. Jung in a farms. Unfortunaly, but now the social purely masculine projection. Therefore, status of a peasant has obtained a new as the certain addition to these features negative form. That is why in the mass can also be some characteristics of the conciousness the peasant defines as the archetype of a woman as a mother- person who — undeveloped, inexpe- worker [9, p. 235–246]. rienced, deprived of information and It is important to emphasize that the even the word “village” began to use in process of sustainable reproduction of the sense of stigmatization. the attributive features of the peasant’s Obviously, it is quite realistic point archetype and the monofunctional na- of view that there are certain social ture of peasant labor are significantly conditions for the mass evaluations of influenced to factors such as: 1) the sea- the negative social image of a peasant in sonal character of labor; 2) the struc- a society. Taking into account this cir- tural peculiarities of labor, due to pro- cumstance, it is useful to recognize that cesses of the specific time distribution the scientific identification of the con- during the day (for example, caring for tent of these conditions is important cattle, which is forcedly carried out in have not only theoretical, but also the the morning, at lunch and in the eve- practical significance. First of all, it is ning); 3) the the real difficulties to ob- important to draw attention to the dif- tain the additional compensations for ferences between the integrative foun- the work on weekends and during holi- dations of the urban and rural culture, days; 4) the preservation of the patriar- which significantly affect the sustain- chal structure of the family, in which the able reproduction of certain ways of representatives of several generations

267 coexist (so the care for elderly people is dealers. This market testifies that today important); 5) the conservatism of so- the main target of the shadow buyers, cialization practices based on the expe- first of all, is to obtain the land shares of rience of the older generations, due to those peasants who can not effectively the poor development of the network use them. The owners of these preferred of preschool educational institutions; shares, taking into acconnt an incred- 6) the demonstrative nature of open- ible jump in land prices especially not ness to communications as a factor that far from the cities, try them to sale suf- conceals the real competitive interac- fering of hopelessness and poverty. And tions among peasants, which arise as a for peasent in this situation is impor- result of the monofunctional routine of tant the common sense: what is the use their work. from such land that does not give the Taking into account the content of expected income, and the tax for this these factors, it should be useful to un- land one must to pay” [1, р. 137]. derline the significance of the sociologi- It should be emphasized that the cal researches conducted by the group spontaneous nature of market transfor- of Ukrainian sociologists under the mations was considered by V. Tarasenko leadership by V. Tarasenko. The results as the most significant factor in the de- of these studies convincingly testified humanization of public life in Ukraine. to the importance of developing land A particularly important topic of his re- relations and peculiarities of the pea- searches was the scientific study of the sant labor in the rural economy under causal factors of the social decline of the the context of contemporary market re- Ukrainian village. It is reasonable to re- forms in Ukraine. These studies allowed call that in his studies he argued that to identify the complex of the dramatic the radical division of rural settlements realities of the rural life, which are ge- by the authorities into “perspectives — nerally caused by the monofunctional un perspectives”. As a sociologist, he nature of the rural labor and its poor re- analyzed various situations that led to source support both from the peasants’ the disappearance of more than 500 vil- own funds and from state and non-state lages on the map of Ukraine and, there- commercial institutions. Therefore, fore, he was painfully experiencing the now the following conclusion is not lo- contradictory realities of “wild capita- sing its scientific sense: “The general lism” in the rural life. picture of events both in the system Therefore we support the scientific of land relations and in the sphere of argument, according to which the land political struggle around them is very that has been received by the peasants controversial. On the one hand, the was not the factor of becoming of the black market of land is growing and real owners, because peasents could not reproduces itself on the basis of certain independently use the fruits of their “imperfections” in the land legislation; labor on own land. From the begin- and also due to the corruption by the ning, the state did not create the special state officials and by the local govern- agrarian bank for them, which would ment officials, legal “darkness” of the provide loans to farmers at least in the peasants and by the illegal actions by initial setting up of farms. Therefore,

268 the peasants were forced to give their able to put the question: whether the shares to argrarian holdings. Thefore Ukrainian village will have the chance the new master who actually owns the to be a resource base for the preserva- alien hectares of land, turning the real tion and further accumulation of hu- landlord into a “paper” owner [1, р. 131– man capital. 148]. It is imrortant to pay aatantion upon Thus, taking into account the pre- the intensive discussions in the con- sented argumentation, it is important temporary socio-humanitarian know- to conclude that the traditional preser- ledge, which are connected with iden- vation of the monofunctional nature of tification of the essential characteris- work in the rural settlements is a signi- tics, structural features and functional ficant factor in the further uncertainty specificities of human capital. Taking of trends in the development of the ru- into account this circumstance, we con- ral infrastructure. And this factor, as we sider it important to support the opin- believe, is the most deterrent to the de- ion of those researchers who emphasize velopment of human capital. It is use- that human capital — is the ability of ful to pay attention to the official web- people to participate in a system of the site of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy effective and productive interactions and Food of Ukraine that presents the and communications, as well as their shocking statistics on the declining in- ability to learn in order to obtain the frastructure of Ukrainian rural settle- quality education and mastering the ments. “Today, more than half of the knowledge that serves as the basis for total number of villages lack paramedic the active lifestyle, self-employment, and obstetric stations, only one third is self-provision and participation in the provided with kindergartens, schools — various practices of civil society [11, 41 %. Only 58 % of villages have solid р. 309–312; 12, p. 9–49; 13, p. 249–284; roads, road lighting — 33 %. That’s not 14, р. 52–69]. to mention the fact that gas equipment From the our point of view on the is 84 %. The inhabitants of many vil- attributive features of the peasant’s ar- lages do not have guaranteed sources chetype, it is important to consider such of quality water supply, and the num- features of this archetype as: the ability ber of unorganized landfills of domes- to self-employed activity, calculation tic and industrial waste is increasing. and belief in the ultimate effectiveness Unresolved housing problems are one of one’s own work, self-sufficiency and of the reasons for the outflow of young informal care not only about the well- professionals from the village, most of being of members of a family circle, but the villagers are not able to afford their also about the destiny of others people homes. No one will go to work in the in times of wars and catastrophes. Prac- countryside if there is no housing, me- tical promotion of such qualities taking dical care, education and infrastruc- into account the latest trends of eco- ture. And all the figures say that there is nomic, political and cultural globaliza- a lot to be done in this direction” [10]. tion, as we consider, is the one of the As a result of the analysis of the pre- most promising trends in the develop- sented digital data, it is quite reason- ment of the contemporary civilization.

269 Conclusions and perspectives of fore the problem of the preservation of further research: human capital in the rural settlements 1. The presented analysis of the exis- becomes as the important problen of ting scientific approaches to identifica- social management. The constructive tion of the social status, the place and solution of this problem requires inno- social role of the peasant in the system vative scientific reflection in the aspect of the contemporary social relations of substantiation of the need to develop and communications, made it possible of the new forms of farming in the vil- to find out that the traditional inter- lage with the support of the progressive pretation of the peasantry does not ful- socio-cultural experience. ly explain the content of the scientific 4. The processes of the sustainable fact that the concept “peasant” reflects reproduction of the attributive features the complicated and historically chang- of the peasant’s archetype and of the able form of social self-determination of monofunctional nature of the peasant’s the rural laborer. Therefore, it is impor- labor are determinated by the follow- tant to investigate the cognitive pecu- ing factors: 1) the seasonal character of liarities of scientific approaches to the labor; 2) the structural peculiarities of idenficaton of attributive features of labor; 3) the real difficulties to obtain the peasant’s archetype and the process the additional compensations for the of reproduction of these features as es- work on weekends and during holidays; sential for the conservation, accumula- 4) the preservation of the patriarchal tion and use of the human capital. structure of the family; 5) the conser- 2. The political and economic trans- vatism of socialization practices; 6) the formations by the XX–XXI centuries demonstrative nature of openness to substantially changed the traditional communications as the factor that con- basis of the peasant’s life, which pas- ceals the real competitive interactions sing through the all stages of socio-eco- among peasants, which arise as a result nomic development still retains its own of the monofunctional routine of their socio-cultural archetype and its practi- work. cal experience of the family or collec- 5. Thinking about the prospects for tive-public management in the rural further development of the of human economy. It is important to emphasize capital in the rural regions, it is neces- that this circumstance one must have sary to continue the scientific search to take into account trying to obtain in the applied aspect of humanitarian the relevant scientific evaluations of knowledge and also to take into account the prospects for the further develop- the existing theoretical researches that ment of the human resources in the ru- are oriented to the overcoming of the ral communities. existing difficulties in the economic, 3. The nature of labor in the city and social and cultural spheres of the pea- the village is characterized by the vari- sant’s life in order to create the favor- ous opportunities in the system of dis- able perspectives for the rural life and tribution of the labor functions, which also to elaborate the effective social greatly affects the integration of the ru- technologies for the democratic chang- ral population groups in the cities.The- es in the globalized Ukrainian society.

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272 UDC: 614.253.6:159.9.07 DOI: 2224-2019-18-3-273-287 Lekhan Valery Nikitivna, Professor, PhD/MD, Head of the Department of Social medicine and health management, Department of Social medicine and health management, Dnipropetrovsk Medical Aca- demy of Health Ministry of Ukraine, State In- stitution (DMA, SI), 49027, Dnipro, avenue Yavornytsky, 24, tel.: +38 (067) 713-71-18, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-2953-3292 Лехан Валерія Микитівна, доктор медичних наук, професор, заві- дувач кафедри соціальної медицини, орга- нізації та управління охороною здоров’я, ДЗ “Дніпропетровська медична академія МОЗ України”, 49027, м. Дніпро, просп. Яворницького, 24, тел.: +38 (067) 713-71- 18, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-2953-3292 Лехан Валерия Никитична, доктор медицинских наук, профессор, заведующая кафедрой социальной меди- цины, организации и управления здраво- охранением, ГУ “Днепропетровская ме- дицинская академия МЗ Украины”, 49027, г. Днепр, просп. Яворницкого, 24, тел.: +38 (067) 713-71-18, e-mail: social.medicine. [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-2953-3292 Kriachkova Lilia Viktorivna, PhD/MD, Professor of the Department of Social medicine and health management, Department of Social medicine and health management, DMA, SI, Dnipro, 49027, Dni- pro, avenue Yavornytsky, 24, tel.: +38 (066) 297-23-29, e-mail: ORCID: 0000-0001-7635-2609 Крячкова Лілія Вікторівна, доктор медичних наук, доцент, професор кафедри соціальної медицини, організації та управління охороною здоров’я, ДЗ “Дніпропетровська медична академія МОЗ Украї- ни”, 49027, м. Дніпро, просп. Яворницького, 24, тел.: +38 (066) 297-23-29, e-mail: social. [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-7635-2609

273 Крячкова Лилия Викторовна, доктор медицинских наук, доцент, про- фессор кафедры социальной медицины, организации и управления здравоохране- нием, ГУ “Днепропетровская медицинская академия МЗ Украины”, 49027, г. Днепр, просп. Яворницкого, 24, тел.: +38 (066) 297-23-29, e-mail: ORCID: 0000-0001-7635-2609 Kanyuka Galina Stepanivna, Candidate of Sciences in Psychology, Head of the Laboratory of Psychophysiological Re- search, DMA, SI, Dnipro, 49027, Dnipro, ave- nue Yavornytsky, 24, tel.: +38 (050) 453-56- 48, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-3091-4690 Канюка Галина Степанівна, кандидат психологічних наук, завідувач лабораторії психофізіологічних дослі- джень, ДЗ “Дніпропетровська медична академія МОЗ України”, 49027, м. Дніпро, просп. Яворницького, 24, тел.: +38 (050) 453-56-48, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-3091-4690 Канюка Галина Степановна, кандидат психологических наук, заведующая лабораторией психофизиологических ис- следований, ГУ “Днепропетровская медицинская академия МЗ Украины”, 49027, г. Днепр, просп. Яворницкого, 24, тел .: +38 (050) 453-56-48, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-3091-4690

PERSONAL POTENTIAL SUCCESS OF THE MODERN HEALTH CARE MANAGER Abstract. The purpose of the article was to study the psychological compo- nents of the personal potential of the success of the health care manager at the present stage of industry modernization and the formation of new archetypes of management. A psychodiagnostic survey of 65 managers of healthcare insti- tutions in the Dnipropetrovsk region was conducted. Methods were used: the method of studying the orientation of the personality of V. Smekal and M. Ku- cher; test L. Shmisheka to determine the type of personality accentuation; Т. Leary personality test of ability to form relationships in groups; D. Francis, M. Wood- cock “Unblocked manager” for studying the psychological limitations of mana- gers; MACH-IV test of person Machiavellianism. It was revealed that there are management archetypes needed, sufficient opportunities for successful manage- ment, as evidenced by a small number of managerial blocks (from 0 to 3) for most

274 (70,8 %) of those studied. It was found that 67,7 % of managers dominated by the focus on the job. The most pronounced types of accentuations are a combination of hyperthymic, emotive, and stubborn accentuations of personality traits (the so-called triad of successful management — required management archetype). The dominant types of interpersonal relationships allow managers to success- fully exercise their authority — 69,2 % (95 % CI 58,0–80,5 %) of the surveyed are characterized by power-leading, 27,7 %; (95 % CI 16,8–38,6 %) is a responsively generous type. In 84,6 % of the patients, a high level of archetype of Machiavel- lianism was found (from 50 points and above). In general, the current managers of healthcare institutions are characterized by a fairly high personal potential for successful management, the presence of the necessary archetypes of management, but they also have certain psychological traits that are shaped by the pressure of uncertainty in long-term health care development policies that may impede the implementation of large-scale changes in the industry — an unbalanced accentua- tion of level 2 managers and a high level of Machiavellianism compensating for the lack of confidence in their abilities in more than 80 % of those examined. It was determined that it is possible and necessary to influence the formation of a modern archetypal management strategy in health care, since this is the key to successful transformation of the industry. Keywords: management archetypes, personal potential, psychological charac- teristics, health care institutions, managers. ОСОБИСТІСНИЙ ПОТЕНЦІАЛ УСПІШНОСТІ СУЧАСНОГО КЕРІВНИКА ОХОРОНИ ЗДОРОВ’Я Анотація. З метою визначення психологічних складових особистісного потенціалу успішності керівника охорони здоров’я на сучасному етапі мо- дернізації галузі та формування нових архетипів управління проведено пси- ходіагностичне обстеження 65 керівників закладів охорони здоров’я Дніпро- петровської області. Використовувалися методики В. Смекала і М. Кучера для вивчення домінуючої орієнтації особистості; Г. Шмішека — для діагнос- тики типу акцентуації особистості; Т. Лірі — для оцінювання відношення до навколишніх; М. Вудкока і Д. Френсіса “Аналіз обмежень” — для досліджен- ня психологічних обмежень керівників; Мак-шкала для вимірювання рівня макіавеллізму особистості. Виявлено наявність необхідних архетипів управ- ління та істотних можливостей до успішного менеджменту, про що свідчить невелика кількість управлінських обмежень (від 0 до 3) в більшості (70,8 %) досліджених. Встановлено, що у 67,7 % керівників домінує спрямованість на виконання завдання. Найбільш вираженими типами акцентуацій є сполучен- ня гіпертимної, емотивної та демонстративної акцентуацій рис особистості (так звана тріада успішного управління — необхідний архетип управління). Домінуючі типи міжособистісних відносин дозволяють управлінцям успіш- но реалізовувати свої владні повноваження: 69,2 % (95 % ДІ 58,0–80,5 %) обстежених притаманний владно-лідируючий тип; 27,7 % (95 % ДІ 16,8– 38,6 %) — відповідально-великодушний тип. У 84,6 % обстежених виявлено

275 високий рівень архетипу макіавеллізму (від 50 балів і вище). Загалом дію- чі керівники закладів охорони здоров’я характеризуються досить високим особистісним потенціалом успішності управління, наявністю необхідних архетипів управління, однак їм властиві також певні психологічні риси, що формуються під тиском невизначеності довгострокової політики стосовно розвитку охорони здоров’я, які можуть перешкоджати здійсненню масштаб- них перетворень у галузі — неврівноважена акцентуація у керівників 2 рівня і компенсуючий невпевненість у своїх силах високий рівень макіавеллізму більш як у 80 % обстежених. Визначено, що можливо і необхідно впливати для формування сучасної архетипічної стратегії управління в охороні здо- ров’я, оскільки це є запорукою успішної трансформації галузі. Ключові слова: архетипи управління, особистісний потенціал, психоло- гічні характеристики, заклади охорони здоров’я, керівники. ЛИЧНОСТНЫЙ ПОТЕНЦИАЛ УСПЕШНОСТИ СОВРЕМЕННОГО РУКОВОДИТЕЛЯ ЗДРАВООХРАНЕНИЯ Аннотация. С целью определения психологических составляющих лич- ностного потенциала успешности руководителя здравоохранения на сов- ременном этапе модернизации отрасли и формирования новых архетипов управления проведено психодиагностическое обследование 65 руководи- телей учреждений здравоохранения Днепропетровской области. Исполь- зовались методики В. Смекала и М. Кучера для изучения доминирующей ориентации личности; Г. Шмишека — для диагностики типа акцентуации личности; Т. Лири — для оценки отношения к окружающим; М. Вудкока и Д. Фрэнсиса “Анализ ограничений” — для исследования психологических ограничений руководителей; Мак-шкала для измерения уровня макиа- веллизма личности. Выявлено наличие необходимых архетипов управле- ния и достаточных возможностей для успешного управления, о чем сви- детельствует небольшое количество управленческих ограничений (от 0 до 3) у большинства (70,8 %) исследованных. Установлено, что у 67,7 % ру- ководителей доминирует направленность на выполнение задания. Наибо- лее выраженными типами акцентуаций является сочетание гипертимной, эмотивной и упорной акцентуаций черт личности (так называемая триада успешного управления — необходимый архетип управления). Доминиру- ющие типы межличностных отношений позволяют управленцам успешно реализовывать свои властные полномочия: 69,2 % (95 % ДИ 58,0–80,5 %) обследованных присущ властно-лидирующий тип; 27,7 % (95 % ДИ 16,8– 38,6 %) — ответственно-великодушный тип. У 84,6 % обследованных вы- явлен высокий уровень архетипа макиавеллизма (от 50 баллов и выше). В целом действующие руководители учреждений здравоохранения харак- теризуются достаточно высоким личностным потенциалом успешности управления, наличием необходимых архетипов управления, однако им при- сущи также определенные психологические черты, которые формируют- ся под давлением неопределенности долгосрочной политики по развитию

276 здравоохранения, которые могут препятствовать осуществлению масштаб- ных преобразований в отрасли — неуравновешенная акцентуация у руково- дителей 2 уровня и компенсирующий неуверенность в своих силах высокий уровень макиавеллизма более чем у 80 % обследованных. Определено, что возможно и необходимо воздействовать на формирование современной ар- хетипической стратегии управления в здравоохранении, поскольку это яв- ляется залогом успешной трансформации отрасли. Ключевые слова: архетипы управления, личностный потенциал, психо- логические характеристики, учреждения здравоохранения, руководители.

Problem statement. It is proved The concept of 'personal potential' that the Healthcare (HC) System is means the ability of a person to mul- one of the most important components tiply their internal capabilities, first of the social sphere, on which depends of all, the ability to develop. The po- both the health of the population and tential of the individual is the ability the welfare of the state [1]. The sector to live a rich inner life and effectively has its own specific archetypal compo- interact with the environment, be pro- nents of management, which form the ductive, grow successfully and develop policy in the medical field and have to [6]. That is, a modern manager in the undergo a certain transformation path field of healthcare for the achievement to meet the requirements of the present. of professional skills requires not only At the present stage of develop- knowledge, skills and abilities, but also ment, the National Healthcare System certain qualities of an individual that is in Ukraine is undergoing a complex a prerequisite for success [7]. path of large-scale transformation: the Analysis of recent publications on transition from the distribution system research issues. According to the re- of financing to the purchase of medical sults of recent studies, it has been de- services; steps are being taken to intro- termined that the HC managers are duce financial incentives for medical dominated by managers who have a personnel; institutional changes are be- positive social state but who do not ing made, aimed at strengthening pri- fully possess the knowledge and tech- mary healthcare, establishing a Public nologies of modern management, their Health System, etc. [2; 3]. practical everyday activities are based The success of sectorial reforms de- on outdated archetypes, available per- pends not only on their content, the sonal qualities and managerial skills ac- use of adequate tools and mechanisms quired through research [8]. of transformation, but also on the corps The Ukrainian scientists, namely: of managers of bodies and healthcare L. A. Melnyk, T. A. Vezhnovets, institutions that share the ideology of V. Buhro, N. I. Koltsova, O. Z. Detsyk, reform, have training in the field of mo- N. B. Fedorkiv, T. Stepurko, I. Hryha, dern health care management [4] and N. Ya. Panchyshyn, V. L. Smirnova, have a certain personal potential [5]. R. Yu. Pohoriliak and O. P. Hulchii etc.

277 are developing measures to solve prob- To solve this goal, a psychodiag- lems of improving the management of nostic examination of the HCI mana- the healthcare sector, mainly through gers was carried out using a number the development of new job require- of techniques. In particular, the follo- ments for management personnel, the wing methodology was used, namely by: development of the necessary compe- V. Smekala and M. Kucher to study tences and approaches to continuing the dominant orientation of the indivi- vocational training [4; 8–13]. dual; H. Smishek’s method for diagnos- Most scientists agree that the quali- tics of personality accentuation type; fication level of healthcare managers, T. Leary’s methodology for assessing which provides for contemporary ar- the attitude of others; Methodology by chetypal strategies, plays an important M. Woodcock and D. Francis 'Analysis role in the process of reforming the sec- of Constraints' to study the psychologi- tor and is the key to its success [8–13]. cal limitations of managers; Mac-Scale Considerably less attention is paid for measuring the level of personality to the problem of psychological readi- of machiavellianism (man’s predisposi- ness of healthcare organizers to pro- tion to manipulation) [15–18]. fessional activity in the context of Statistical processing of the results modernizing the healthcare system. In was performed using STATISTICA individual works, personal professional 6,1 software (StatSoft Inc., Serial psychological qualities of healthcare in- № AGAR909E415822FA) using des- stitutions (HCI) managers, their type criptive statistics and related tasks, of interpersonal relationships and ac- data type and their distribution of sta- tivity orientation, etc. are considered tistical analysis methods. p < 0,05 (5 %) [8]. value was considered significant for all Taking into account the changes the statistical tests conducted. that in early 2019 affected the manage- Presentation of the main research ment of the sector, namely the distri- material. The research was conducted bution of functions of the director and in the framework of long-term dynamic medical director of healthcare institu- monitoring of the socio-psychological tions [14], there was a need to revise portrait (collectively) of the managers the requirements to professional and of healthcare institutions, conducted personal qualities that form the arche- by the Department of Social Medicine, types of management in all representa- the organization and management of tives of the senior management of the healthcare of Dnipropetrovsk Medi- medical sector, which caused the re- cal Academy of Health Ministry of levance of the study. Ukraine, State Institution (DMA, SI) Formulating the purpose of the ar- [19]. ticle. Definition of psychological com- During the 2018–2019 academic ponents of personal potential of success year, 65 managers of healthcare insti- of the head of healthcare at the present tutions in the Dnipropetrovsk region stage of modernization of sector and were tested, among them 30 managers formation of new archetypes of ma- (46,2 %) of the 1st level of management nagement. (directors, chief doctors, etc.), 35 peop-

278 le (53, 8%) of the 2nd level of manage- more than half (55,4 %) were found ment (medical directors, deputy direc- in 1–3 restrictions, while in the rest tors, etc.); 41 women (63,1 %) and 24 (29,2 %) more than three. There are no men (36,9 %). The age of the surveyed differences between the levels of ma- varied from 30 to 70 years and amoun- nagement regarding the distribution of ted to an average of 55,0 (43,0; 60,0) the number of limitations of the mana- years (median and interquartile scale). gers of the difference (p = 0,476 by Representatives of the 2nd level of Pearson’s Hi-square criterion (χ2). management belonged to the younger The most frequent are the follo_ generation versus top managers: 50,0 wing limitations, such as weak manage- (39,0; 59,0) and 57,0 (55,0; 62,0) years rial skills — a frequency of 41,5 % (95 % respectively (p = 0,007 according to confidence interval (CI) 29,6–53,5 %); the Mann-Whitney criterion). Similar the inability to manage oneself and differences (20,0 (10,0; 30,0) and 11,0 blurred personal values that met with (5,2; 19,0) years respectively for the 1st the same frequency of 40,0 % (95 % and the 2nd levels of management) are CI 28,1–51,9 %); insufficient under- inherent in the average age of the sur- standing of the features of management veyed at the position of the HCI head work — 33,8 % (95 % CI 22,3–45,4 %); (p = 0,010), which for all surveyed inability to influence people and ina- makes an average of 13,5 (7,25; 27,0) bility to teach — the same frequency years. Consequently, according to the is 32,3 % (95 % CI 20,9–43,7 %); lack age group of managers who participa- of creativity and low ability to form ted in the study, it can be assumed that a team: the same frequency is 29,2 % the emergence of new qualification re- (95 % CI 18,2–40,3 %). The most com- quirements for directors and medical monly encountered restrictions were directors [14], which more closely re- the suspended self-development — late to representatives of the first level 18,5 % (95 % CI 9,0–27,9 %) and un- of management, will lead to 'rejuvena- clear personal goals — 7,7 % (95 % CI tion' of the top management of the HCI 1,2–14,2 %). Between management le- management. vels in relation to the frequency of oc- Sufficient managerial experience in currence of the constraints of discrepan- the surveyed managers can be consi- cies was not identified for all obstacles dered as an indirect indicator of their to successful management activities success. The indicators of the success of (p > 0,05). management activities include such a According to the rank correlation researched characteristic as managerial analysis, blurred personal values corre- restrictions of managers, since the ef- late with such constraints as weak man- fectiveness of the professional activity agerial skills (Spirman rank correlation of managers is determined by certain factor rs = 0,84; p = 0,018) and with frameworks that restrain the potential inability to teach (rs = 0,79; p = 0,021) and performance of organizations [17]. Consequently, blurred personal values In the course of the study, it was associated with inability to teach sub- found that 15,4 % of the surveyed HCI ordinates and weak managerial skills, managers did not find any restrictions, can negatively affect the processes of

279 reforming the sector, as they will be p = 0,048), collectivist orientation is a hindered managers make sound ma- direct connection (rs = 0,37; p = 0,046). nagement decisions within the frame- Consequently, the years spent on the work of modern innovations. managerial position contribute to a In general, managers of health care greater degree of interaction and lesser have an average level of manifestation steadiness of the manager in their own of the main types of orientation without interests. statistically significant differences be- Determination of the type of ac- tween levels of management (p > 0,05) centuation, personality traits accord- according to the criterion of the Stu- ing to the method of H. Shmishek dent for all types of orientation): self- (fig. 1) showed that the HCI mana- orientation (personality) — 28,7 (5,30) gers are more likely to have hyperthy- points (arithmetic mean and standard mic (median and interquartile scale — deviation); collectivist orientation (on 18,0 (15,0; 21,0) points) and emotional interaction) — 33,6 (5,82) points; the (15,0 (15,0; 18,0) points) personality focus on the assignment (business) — accentuation and demonstrative (16,0 37,7 (5,90) points. (12,0; 18,0) points) and stuck (rigo- Consequently, the indicator of self- rous, persistent) accentuation of per- orientation is of the least pronounced sonality (14,0 (13,5; 14,5) points). orientation, the highest is the orienta- Such a dominant combination of tion to the task, the focus on interac- types of accentuation (hyperthymic, tion occupies an intermediate position. emotive, and demonstrative) can be It should be noted that the level of busi- called such an archetype of manage- ness orientation is statistically signifi- ment, as the necessary 'trident' of the cant (p < 0,05) exceeded other types of leader as a management triad, since it personality orientation. is this combination that provides suc- This tendency is also observed in cessful management. Hyperthymic the structure according to the domi- traits allow the HCI managers to easi- nant orientation of the surveyed HCI ly adapt to the new situation, quickly managers. Among the surveyed, the engage in the process of work and in- majority (67,7 %) has a dominant ori- spire others with their vigor, thirst for entation for the task, a quarter (26,2 %) activity and richness of ideas; emotive for interaction, and only 6,1 % (4 per- manifests itself in joy for others’ good sons among the surveyed) have the luck, a sense of duty towards other dominant orientation to themselves. people (to a certain extent, is a reflec- This situation is favourable, as during tion of professional medical qualities); the period of reforms it is important persistence differs with the desire to to increase the business activity of the achieve significant indicators in any management, which is possible in the case, a manifestation of high demands context of the orientation of most exe- on themselves and others and a thirst cutives in fulfilling their tasks. for justice. With the experience of work in a By levels of management, differen- leading position personal orientation ces are determined only by the average correlates the feedback (rs = –0,36; score of the excitable (unbalanced) type

280 Fig. 1. A generalized character profile based on the methodology of H. Shmishek of the surveyed the HCI managers (mean score in the form of median and interquartile scale according to the type of personality accentuation: 1 – hyperthymic type, 2 – anxiety and fearful type, 3 – dysthymic type, 4 – pedantic type, 5 – emotive type; 6 – excitable type, 7 – stuck type, 8 – demonstrative type, 9 – cyclothymic type and 10 – affective exalted type) of personality accentuation (p = 0,004 (rs = –0,53; p = 0,005), therefore, the according to the Mann-Whitney crite- higher the level of manifestation of this rion), which was more common to ma- accentuation, the less the number of nagers of the 2nd level of management managerial constraints inherent in the (13,0 (12,0; 15,0) points) compared to manager. the 1st level (9,0 (3,0; 9,0) points). The It should be noted that all the ave- existence of such accentuations of the rage marks are in the range of signs of 2nd level managers can be interpreted accentuation (from 12 to 15 points) as a psychological impediment to the and range of tendencies (from 15 to 19 introduction of innovative elements points). The managers, who had more in the healthcare system, which is a than 19 points on a certain scale, deter- projection of inconsistent healthcare mined a certain accentuation. Among policy, lack of a clear strategy for sector the surveyed, there are no individuals development. with an affective exaltation, excitatory The level of accentuation for the and unbalanced type of accentuation. hyperthymic type correlates with the They have not reached a statistically direct relation with the collectivist ori- significant level; therefore, we cannot entation of the individual (rs = 0,57; assert that there is a dysthymic, cyclo- p = 0,009) and inverse — with the to- thymatic and anxiety-fearful type of ac- tal number of manager restrictions centuation.

281 The highest incidence is hyperthy- By the mark of 8 points, which is the mic — 40,0 % (95 % CI 28,1–51,9 %), limit of harmonious behaviour, only au- emotive — 15,4 % (95 % CI 6,6–24,2 %), thoritarianism is obtained (median and demonstrative — 15,4 % (95 % CI 6,6– interquartile scale of 10,0 (8,0; 12,0) 24,2 %) and pedantic — 6,2 % (95 % CI points) and altruistic (9,5 (6,0, 12,0) 0,3–12,0 %) types of personality accen- points), indicating accentuation ac- tuations. cording to these directions. The least The presence of hyperthymic, emo- expressed suspicion is 3,5 (3,0; 7,0) tive and demonstrative accentuation points. correlates with the direct connections Depending on the dominance of a of the average force with the dominance particular octant in the subjects, their characteristic determined by T. Leary’s type of orientation in interpersonal method (Spirman correlation factors relationships is distinguished. For ma- rs = 0,40; p = 0,034; rs = 0,45; p = 0,013; nagers of health care institutions, there rs = 0,38; p = 0,041). are predominantly two dominant types With the help of Leary’s methods, of interpersonal relations: the leader the peculiarities of interpersonal be- (69,2 %, 95% CI 58,0–80,5 %) and res- haviour of the HCI managers (fig. 2) ponsible generous (27,7 %, 95 % CI refers to the fact that there are no sig- 16,8– 38,6 %) types of interpersonal nificant differences in the assessment of relations, in which the dominance and the 'Real self' and 'Ideal self' and statis- vigor of leaders combined with cordi- tically significant differences in the as- ality and compulsion. Similar forms of sessments of managers of the 1st and 2nd interpersonal relations in medical in- levels of management (p > 0,05). stitutions are observed for a long time [16; 19] and can be called peculiar ar- chetypes as 'management reins'. The analysis of the most characteris- tic vector of behaviour based on the cal- culation of integral indicators showed that the 'domination' vector, which in- dicates the degree of authority, authori- tarianism, confidence, amounted to 8,5 (3,6; 12,0), which is statistically higher (p < 0,001) for the 'friendliness' value — 3,3 (–0,6; 8,0), which reflects the desire of the individual to establish friendly relations and cooperation with others. The 'friendliness' vector in the in- Fig. 2. A generalized profile terpersonal attitudes of the HEI mana- of interpersonal relationships gers correlates with direct relationships of the surveyed the HCI managers with the age (r = 0,40; p = 0,007) and (median significance for octants I – authori- s tarianism, II – egoistic, III – aggressiveness, work experience (rs = 0,32; p = 0,035) IV – suspicion, V – conforming, VІ – depen- managers, with a focus on interaction dence, VII – benevolent and VIII – altruistic) (rs = 0,43; p = 0,039) and reverse with

282 a low ability to form a team (rs = –0,67; (triad of successful management), po- p = 0,047) and an indicator of perso- wer-leading and responsible, generous nality machiavellianism (rs = –0,36; types of interpersonal relations, which p = 0,030). causes the absence or small (1–3) ad- The degree of machiavellianism ministrative constraints in the vast ma- (propensity to manipulate), which can jority (70,8 %) of the managers of the be attributed to one of the archetypes first (direct horses, chief doctors, etc.) of management, ranged from 38,0 to and the second (medical directors, de- 82,0 points in the surveyed. The ave- puty directors, etc.) management levels. rage level measured on the MAC-scale At the same time, current managers is among all 59,6 (12,67) points scored have certain psychological characteris- (arithmetic mean and standard devia- tics, outdated management archetypes, tion) without statistically significant which are formed under the pressure differences between levels of manage- of uncertainty of long-term healthcare ment (p = 0,428). 3 persons with a policy and can hinder the success of low level of machiavellianism from 30 management activities in the context of to 40 points (4,6 %) were found only; sector reform: unbalanced accentuation 7 managers (10,8 %) have an elevated of the 2nd level managers and compen- level in the range of 40 to 50 points; and sating for the lack of self-confidence in the overwhelming majority of respon- the high level of machiavellianism in dents — 55 (84,6 %) have a high level of more than 80 % of the surveyed. This machiavellianism (from 50 points and archetypal management can be defined above). In 5 surveyed (7,7 %), the level as 'feudal management' [20], when there of the value exceeds 80 points. Such a is a departure of managers from the va- high level of machiavellianism involves lues of science, pragmatism becomes the a number of positive qualities, inclu- norm of decision-making, and relations ding criticality, persistence in achieving with a superior manager (head) become the goal, goal orientation, pragmatism, the only managerial reality. but at the other end, neglect of social This is to a certain extent a reflec- approvals, self-esteem, internal con- tion of the peculiarities of the beha- flicts and vanity, etc. People with high viour of the majority of managers, con- scores on the Mac-scale are much more nected both with outdated archetypal likely to compete and win using others institutions to management, the politi- as a means. cal and socio-economic situation, and Conclusions and prospects for fur- with the system of selection and career ther researches. The leadership of the development of management person- healthcare institutions is characterized nel and their postgraduate training and by the presence of a significant personal self-improvement. Under all these cir- potential for success, the necessary ar- cumstances it is possible and necessary chetypes of management, as evidenced to influence the formation of a modern by the predominance of the dominant archetypal management strategy in orientation to the task, the combination healthcare. of hyperthymic, emotive and demon- Prospects for further research are to strative accentuation personality traits conduct research on the justification of

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287 UDC: 351.72:336.14 DOI: 2224-2019-18-3-288-297 Marchenko Lyudmila Yuryevna, post-graduate student of Personnel Ma- nagement and Labour Economics Depart- ment, KRI NAPA, Deputy Head of Taxation Administration-Head of Department of Ex- penditures, Administration of State Treasury Service of Ukraine in Kharkiv City, Kharkiv Region, 61051, Kharkiv, Str. Klochkivska, 276-B, f. 107, tel.: (067) 7774705, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-3577-0630 Марченко Людмила Юріївна, аспірант кафедри управління персоналом та економіки праці ХарРІ НАДУ, заступ- ник начальника управління – начальник відділу видатків, Управління державної казначейської служби України у м. Хар- кові Харківської області, 61051, м. Харків, вул. Клочківська, 276-Б, кв. 107, тел.: (067) 7774705, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-3577-0630 Марченко Людмила Юрьевна, аспирант кафедры управления персоналом и экономики труда ХарРИ НАГУ, замести- тель начальника управления – начальник отдела расходов, Управлениe государствен- ной казначейской службы Украины в г. Харькове Харьковской области, 61051, г. Харь- ков, ул. Клочковская, 276-Б, кв. 107, тел.: (067) 7774705, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-3577-0630


Abstract. The article notes that Karl Jung is the founder of fundamental posi- tions of the collective unconscious, which consists of archetypes and ideas. It is analyzed that today the introduction of the newest information technologies in the sphere of customer service provided by the State Treasury Service of Ukraine through the prism of archetype. It is outlined that the transformation of the State Treasury Service of Ukraine is carried out taking into account the basic provi-

288 sions of archetype, including balancing of work and facilitating the interaction of officials with clients of the Treasury through the introduction of the latest information systems that facilitate interpersonal interaction and improve the mi- croclimate in the teams of the Treasury Service. It is substantiated that the deli- berate work of the individual person and the whole collective is the motive power of the introduction of the newest technologies in the sphere of customer service provided by the Treasury bodies. The general principles of introduction of sus- tainable development technologies regarding treasury service of clients are deter- mined. Priority directions of the State Treasury Service activity are considered. It is characterized the implementation of the remote customer service through the software and technical complex “Client of the Treasury – Treasury”, with the help of which simplification and optimization of spending units (receivers) inte- raction with Treasury bodies as well as an electronic format of customer service using electronic digital signature and modern Internet technologies are provided. Such electronic services reduce the financial expenses of clients serviced by the Treasury, and also affects the workload of officials by various paper work, which from the point of view of collective consciousness, taking into account the ar- chetypes that have developed in our country today, improves both interpersonal contacts and interaction of state authorities with enterprises, institutions, orga- nizations in general. The modern problems of sustainable development technolo- gies introduction in the sphere clients servicing by the State Treasury Service of Ukraine are determined, and measures aimed at their solution are proposed. Keywords: archetype, State treasury service of Ukraine, electronic document flow, electronic reporting, e-government, clients, priority areas of Treasury bo- dies activity, remote service system, sustainable development, technology. АРХЕТИПНІ ЗАСАДИ ВПРОВАДЖЕННЯ ТЕХНОЛОГІЙ СТАЛОГО РОЗВИТКУ В СФЕРІ ОБСЛУГОВУВННЯ КЛІЄНТІВ ДЕРЖАВНОЇ КАЗНАЧЕЙСЬКОЇ СЛУЖБИ УКРАЇНИ Анотація. Відзначено, що засновником фундаментальних положень ко- лективного несвідомого, яке складається з архетипів та ідей, є Карл Юнг. Проаналізовано, що на сьогодні досить актуальним є впровадження новіт- ніх інформаційних технологій у сфері обслуговування клієнтів Державною казначейською службою України через призму архетипіки. Зазначено, що трансформація Державної казначейської служби України здійснюється з урахуванням засадничих положень архетипіки, в тому числі проводиться діяльність щодо збалансування роботи та спрощення взаємодії посадових осіб з клієнтами Казначейства через впровадження новітніх інформаційних систем, що полегшують міжособистісну взаємодію, покращують мікроклімат у колективах органів Казначейства. Обґрунтовано, що рушійною силою в процесі впровадження новітніх технологій у сфері обслуговування клієн- тів органами Казначейства є цілеспрямована праця окремої людини, всього колективу. Визначено загальні принципи впровадження технологій сталого розвитку щодо казначейського обслуговування клієнтів. Розглянуто пріори-

289 тетні напрями діяльності органів Державної казначейської служби. Схарак- теризовано впровадження системи дистанційного обслуговування клієнтів через програмно-технічний комплекс “Клієнт Казначейства – Казначейство”, за допомогою якого забезпечується спрощення та оптимізація взаємодії роз- порядників (одержувачів) бюджетних коштів з органами Казначейства, крім того використовується електронний формат обслуговування клієнтів з ви- користанням надійних засобів електронного цифрового підпису та сучас- них інтернет-технологій, що зменшує фінансові витрати клієнтів, яких об- слуговує Казначейство, а також впливає на завантаженість посадових осіб різноманітною паперовою роботою, що з точки зору колективної свідомості з урахуванням архетипів, які склалися нині в нашій державі, покращує як міжособистісні контакти, так і взаємодію органів державної влади з підпри- ємствами, установами, організаціями загалом. Визначено сучасні проблеми впровадження технологій сталого розвитку у сфері обслуговування клієнтів Державної казначейської служби України та запропоновано заходи, спрямо- вані на їх вирішення. Ключові слова: архетип, архетипіка, державна казначейська служба України, електронний документообіг, електронна звітність, електронне уря- дування, клієнти, пріоритетні напрями діяльності органів Казначейства, си- стема дистанційного обслуговування, сталий розвиток, технології. АРХЕТИПИЧЕСКИЕ ОСНОВЫ ВНЕДРЕНИЯ ТЕХНОЛОГИЙ УСТОЙЧИВОГО РАЗВИТИЯ В СФЕРЕ ОБСЛУЖИВАНИЯ КЛИЕНТОВ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЙ КАЗНАЧЕЙСКОЙ СЛУЖБЫ УКРАИНЫ Аннотация. Отмечено, что основателем фундаментальных положений коллективного бессознательного, которое состоит из архетипов и идей, яв- ляется Карл Юнг. Проанализировано, что на сегодня достаточно актуаль- ным является внедрение новейших информационных технологий в сфере обслуживания клиентов Государственной казначейской службой Украины через призму архетипики. Отмечено, что трансформация Государственной казначейской службы Украины осуществляется с учетом основных поло- жений архетипики, в том числе проводится деятельность по сбалансиро- ванию работы и упрощению взаимодействия должностных лиц с клиен- тами Казначейства через внедрение новейших информационных систем, облегчающих межличностное взаимодействие, что улучшает микроклимат в коллективах органов Казначейства. Обосновано, что движущей силой в процессе внедрения новейших технологий в сфере обслуживания клиен- тов органами Казначейства является целенаправленная работа отдельного человека, всего коллектива. Определены общие принципы внедрения тех- нологий устойчивого развития относительно казначейского обслуживания клиентов. Рассмотрены приоритетные направления деятельности органов Государственной казначейской службы. Охарактеризовано внедрение сис- темы дистанционного обслуживания клиентов через программно-техниче-

290 ский комплекс “Клиент Казначейства – Казначейство”, с помощью которого обеспечивается упрощение и оптимизация взаимодействия распорядителей (получателей) бюджетных средств с органами Казначейства, используется электронный формат обслуживания клиентов с использованием надежных средств электронной цифровой подписи и современных интернет-техноло- гий, что уменьшает финансовые затраты клиентов, которых обслуживает Казначейство, а также влияет на загруженность должностных лиц разно- образной бумажной работой, а также с точки зрения коллективного созна- ния с учетом архетипов, которые сложились сегодня в нашем государстве, улучшает как межличностные контакты, так и взаимодействие органов госу- дарственной власти с предприятиями, учреждениями, организациями в це- лом. Определены современные проблемы внедрения технологий устойчиво- го развития в сфере обслуживания клиентов Государственной казначейской службы Украины и предложены меры, направленные на их решение. Ключевые слова: архетип, архетипика, государственная казначейская служба Украины, электронный документооборот, электронная отчетность, электронное управление, клиенты, приоритетные направления деятельнос- ти органов Казначейства, система дистанционного обслуживания, устойчи- вое развитие, технологии.

Problem statement. In modern con- resources, as well as improve the qua- ditions of globalization of the econo- lity of customer service of the Treasury. my, one of the priorities of sustainable The key problem of the success- development in the field of customer ful implementation of the latest in- service of the State Treasury Service formation technologies in the field of of Ukraine is the interaction and es- Treasury customer service is the li- tablishment of relationships at various mited time and proper financial sup- levels in the management of public fi- port, which threatens to ensure high nances, which is the key to increasing rates of economic growth and the transparency and efficiency of their growth of the competitiveness of the distribution, as well as the target di- national economy. rection of public finances for specific Analysis of recent research and purposes. The introduction of modern publications. The problem of arche- information technologies in the bod- types goes back to the origins of ana- ies of the State Treasury Service of lytical psychology, but it will always Ukraine (hereinafter — the Treasury remain interdisciplinary, because it is bodies) will create qualitatively new built on the fundamental categories, forms of organization of activities of the concepts, ideas of both psychology and Treasury bodies and their structural psychiatry, political science, sociology, units, optimize interaction with public public administration, cultural stu- authorities and local governments by dies, philosophy. Classical representa- providing access to state information tives of various scientific fields, which

291 at different times concerned the study the collective unconscious, recognized of archetypes are E. Durkheim, Har- in our experience and are, as a rule, in ry Stack Sullivan, S. Freud, K. Jung. the images and motives of dreams. A significant contribution to the de- According Jung’s theory the main velopment of theoretical provisions ar- archetypes of the collective uncon- chetypic was brought by such modern scious are as follows: self, anima and local scientists: A. Amosov, E. Afonin, animus, shadow, mask, sage, God. The N. Havkalova, V. Omelianenko, O. Su- archetype is a sense form, a common shii etc. meaning inherent in all individuals, In turn, the study of issues related which is preserved at the level of the to the introduction of new information collective unconscious and is mani- technologies was performed by such fested in the form of symbols. The sym- domestic scientists and practitioners bol is the immediate implementation as S. Bulhakova, T. Kublikova, E. Kur- of the archetype, but it never exhausts ganska, Yu. Paseichnyk, P. Petrashko, the richness of its meanings. According V. Stoian, N. Sushko, V. Fedosov, to Jung, archetypes are important only S. Yurii, etc. However, taking into ac- when they are implemented in the form count the constant transformation of symbols. Only persistent work and processes in the Treasury research experience gives a person the oppor- problems of information technology tunity to understand own archetypes. implementation, which are based on C. Jung believed that a person develops the principles of archetypes, developed throughout life. He called this way of in ancient times by classical represen- self-knowledge, self-improvement and tatives of various scientific trends, in self-assertion individuation. One of the field of Treasury customer service the main goals of human life is to find is relevant and timely. It is necessary oneself. In this context, the key is the to focus on the fact that there are prac- archetype of self [1]. tically no scientific papers on the in- So, we got a view of science arche- troduction of new technologies in the type which can be used to reach under- Treasury. standing in the field of modern theore- Purpose of the article. Analysis of tical and practical researches, includ- the introduction of new information ing in public administration. technologies in the field of customer The driving force in the process of service by the Treasury through the introducing the latest technologies prism of archetypes. in the field of customer service by the Presentation of the main material Treasury is the purposeful work of an of the study. Carl Jung was the foun- individual, the whole team. der of the fundamental provisions of The use of modern methods of in- the collective unconscious, which con- formation processing, continuous sists of archetypes and ideas. modernization and improvement of Carl Jung believed that the arche- information technologies used by the type (in analytical psychology) is the Treasury, can improve the efficiency universal primordial innate mental and effectiveness of the Treasury sys- structure that make up the content of tem of customer service and budgets.

292 The general principles of imple- openness and transparency in the ac- mentation of sustainable development tivities of the State Treasury Service of technologies in relation to Treasury Ukraine; participation in the introduc- customer service are: attraction of ad- tion of a single account for the transfer vanced information technologies; use of customs payments [2]. of reliable information; application of Since 2016 treasury bodies carry out electronic digital signature; compa- full-scale implementation of SRS of cli- tibility and unity of technical stan- ents through the software and hardware dards; availability and ordering; con- complex “Treasury Client – Treasury” fidentiality and information security; (hereinafter — SHC “Treasury Cli- maximum integration with informa- ent – Treasury”) that provides access to tion resources of public authorities; resources of the information environ- openness and transparency of informa- ment of the Treasury in the formation tion; guaranteed data safety. and transmission to the authorities of Every year the Ministry of Finance the Treasury payment documents with of Ukraine (hereinafter-MFU) ap- use of electronic digital signature, ex- proves the priorities of the State Trea- change of routine budget documents sury Service of Ukraine. So for 2019 (annual painting of the assignments the following activities were approved: of the state budget, paintings of local full-featured service of managers (re- budgets, targets, allocations, estimates, cipients) of the state budget funds using etc), loading information concerning the system of remote service “Treasury the budget commitments and budget client – Treasury” (hereinafter — financial commitment, download dis- SRS); optimization of the number tributions open appropriations and or- of participants in the system of elec- ders on the allocations of the local bud- tronic payments of the National Bank get, formation and receipt of electronic of Ukraine — territorial bodies of the statements of accounts by the Treasury Treasury, by further centralization of client. information resources of the Treasury; The purpose of creation of SRS ma- participation in the modernization of nagers (recipients) of budgetary funds the accounting system in the public by bodies of Treasury is simplification sector: consolidation of financial state- and optimization of interaction of ma- ments prepared in accordance with nagers (recipients) of budgetary funds national regulations (standards) of ac- with bodies of Treasury, introduction counting in the public sector; adapta- of an electronic format of service of cli- tion of the accounting system as “EU- ents with use of reliable means of the Treasury” and the internal payment electronic digital signature and mo- system of the Treasury to the Chart of dern Internet technologies. accounts in the public sector; the intro- The key points that will allow to duction of the software and hardware effectively carry out the services ad- complex “Accredited key certifica- ministrators (recipients) of budgetary tion center “CryptoKDC” by acquir- funds of all levels, are as follows: get- ing the status of a qualified provider ting client real-time tracking of status of electronic trust services; increased of accounts; optimization of expenses

293 for support services for administra- The number of institutions and or- tors at all levels; achieving significant ganizations included in the Unified economic effect due to the significant register of managers and recipients time savings, reducing costs for travel, of budgetary funds today is equal to consumables for printing and transpor- 70 632 (in 2016 — 77 626); and the tation [3]. number of institutions and organiza- The customer benefits in the cost tions connected to the SRS of clients of a system of remote customer service through the SHC “Treasury Client – through SHC “Treasury Client– Trea- Treasury” is only 32 730 (2016–2230) sury” in comparison with other on- [7]. The number of institutions and line systems: free of charge provision organizations connected to the SRS of Treasury services for key genera- of clients through SHC “Treasury Cli- tion of digital signature; free of charge ent – Treasury” to the total number of use of the customer system for remote institutions and organizations inclu- maintenance of SHC “Treasury Cli- ded in the Unified register of managers ent– Treasury”; free of charge primary and recipients of budgetary funds as a clients connection to the system of re- percentage is 46,3 % (in 2016 — 2,9 %). mote customer service through SHC That is, since 2016 the number of client “Treasury Client– Treasury”; free of who have expressed a desire to work in charge customer support on the use of the SRS increased almost by 16 times. remote customer service through the The Treasury bodies continue to SHC “Client Treasury– Treasury” [4]. outreach to connect to SRS clients On November 15, 2017, the Cabinet through SHC “Treasury Client – Trea- of Ministers of Ukraine adopted order sury”. However, one of the problematic № 816-p, which recommended to de- issues is the cost of acquisition of pro- termine Treasury services through the tected key information media (herein- SRS to managers (recipients) of state after — PKIM) at the expense of cli- and local budgets to be the priority and ent. There is a number of institutions to carry out organizational and techni- or organizations that have the status cal measures to connect to such a sys- of non-profit ones and receive funds tem [5] . as recipients of budgetary funds as a Now the Treasury bodies have con- result of winning tenders for certain cluded 32 431 contracts with clients projects and they do not always have on remote settlement services using the financial opportunity to buy pro- SHC “Treasury Client – Treasury”, tected PKIM. Therefore, it is necessary including 8 237 clients financed from to solve the problem by the possibility the state budget, 23 578 — from the of using alternative PKIM, which will local budget, 616 — funds (other cli- also be suitable for use. Also practi- ents or recipients of budgetary funds, cally it turns out that when scanning respectively). Connection of 25 areas supporting documents for registration working in the system has been carried and capital expenditures, there is a out. At the same time, 21 268 clients very large amount of information that receive statements, 16 391 — make needs to be processed by both parties payments [6]. of the SRS — the Treasury and client.

294 In addition, there is a problem of lack to Treasury body subordinated orga- of knowledge of accountants in orga- nizations, observance of the terms of nizations and institutions necessary to submission of the reporting established work with the above software, which by Treasury body. In case of need in hinders the process of introduction of due time to pay attention of subor- new technologies. However, these of- dinated organizations to the allowed ficials are often not even willing to use distortions (inaccuracies) at filling of these programs, mainly due to lack of indicators in the corresponding forms time to study. of the reporting; it allows to carry out One of the ways to improve the automated consolidation of all forms of automated processes of formation and financial and budget reporting at each execution of budgets of different levels level of consolidation; to accelerate the is electronic reporting using informa- audit of the reporting by the Treasury tion technology and electronic digital bodies [8]. signature. As part of the implemen- As of 16.01.2009 for submission of tation of the Action Plan for the mo- the reporting in AS “EU-Reporting” dernization of the accounting system by managers (recipients) of budgetary in the public sector for 2016–2018, ap- funds 46 709 electronic offices were proved by the order of the MFU from created, namely: by managers of bud- 28.11.2016 № 1038, the State Treasury getary funds of the state budget — 998; Service of Ukraine has created and put by managers of budgetary funds of the into operation an accounting system of local budget — 23 529; by recipients electronic reporting by managers and of budgetary funds — 13 182, and also recipients of budgetary funds and state 107 358 users were registered from trust funds (hereinafter — AS “EU-Re- which 733 are administrators; ac- porting”) [8]. countants — 2 050; treasurers — 3 525; AS “EU-Reporting” is a single for- heads — 53 592; chief accountants — mat of electronic reporting of Treasury 47 458 [9]. clients, and it is an important step in The use of electronic reporting has a the modernization of the accounting number of advantages, namely: submis- system in the public sector. AS “EU- sion of reports according to common Reporting” allows you to fill in elec- standards; implementation of automa- tronic financial statements, budget tic analysis and verification of reports; statements, checks, sign with an elec- reduction of time for submission and tronic digital signature (hereinafter – consolidation of reports; cancellation EDS) each form of financial statements of reporting on paper (saving working and submit to the Treasury body at the time and material costs); reporting via place of service; to the main managers the Internet; creation of an electronic of budgetary funds and managers of archive of reporting. budgetary funds of the lowest level to Conclusions and prospects for fur- which network managers (recipients) ther research. Adaptation and imple- of budgetary funds are included, it al- mentation of the Treasury clients re- lows to control the condition of draw- mote access system through the SHC ing up and submission of the reporting “Treasury Client – Treasury” will re-

295 duce the impact of the human factor, (2019). Re- the probability of errors, it will increase trieved from https://www.treasury. the security of data exchange, sim- plify the passage of payments, service yi-ta-prioritetni-zavdannya/prioritet- of managers (recipients) of budgetary ni-napryami-roboti/2019 [in Ukrai- nian]. funds at all levels of the Treasury bo- 3. Концепція розвитку інформаційних dies and increase the transparency of технологій Державної казначейської the budget process. The introduction служби України на 2015–2017 роки : of AS “EU-Reporting” is an impor- лист ДКСУ від 18 лютого 2015 p. tant step to modernize the accounting № 17-10/202-2929. system in the public sector, which will 4. Perevahy dlia kliientiv u vytratakh improve the automated processes of na systemu dystantsiinoho obsluho- formation and execution of budgets of vuvannia kliientiv cherez PTK “Kli- different levels, as well as it will hwlp ient Kaznacheistva – Kaznacheistvo” to achieve a qualitatively new level of porivniano z inshymy on-line sys- temamy [Advantages for customers government, based on the principles of in the cost of a system of remote cus- efficiency, transparency, openness, ac- tomer service through the PTC “Kli- cessibility, trust and accountability. ient Kaznacheistva – Kaznacheistvo” From the point of view of the arche- compared with other on-line systems]. typal approach to sustainable develop- (n.d.). Retrieved ment technologies in the field of cus- from tomer service in the Treasury bodies, it main/uk/publish/article/276806 [in is necessary to focus on improving the Ukrainian]. SHC “Treasury Client – Treasury” and 5. Rozporiadzhennia Kabinetu Ministriv AS “EU-Reporting” in order to simpli- Ukrainy “Deiaki pytannia dystant- siinoho obsluhovuvannia rozporiad- fy and reduce the burden on Treasury nykiv (oderzhuvachiv) biudzhetnykh employees and accountants, as well as koshtiv” : vid 15.11.2017, № 816-r to develop more detailed guidelines for [Order of the Cabinet of Ministers the use of software products. of Ukraine “Some issues of remote servicing of administrators (recei- References vers) of budget funds” from November 15, 2017, № 816-r]. (n.d.). www.kmu. 1. Filosofiia [Philosophy]. (n.d.). stud- Retrieved from https://www. Retrieved from https:// [in [in Ukrainian]. Ukrainian]. 6. Informatsiia shchodo pidkliuchennia 2. Priorytetni napriamy diialnosti do systemy dystantsiinoho obsluhovu- Derzhavnoi kaznacheiskoi sluzhby vannia kliientiv cherez PTK “Kliient Ukrainy na 2019 rik, atverdzheni Min- Kaznacheistva – Kaznacheistvo” [In- istrom finansiv Ukrainy O. Markaro- formation on connecting to the system voiu 08.01.2019 [Priority lines of ac- of remote customer service through tivity of the State Treasury Service the PTK “Kliient Kaznacheistva – of Ukraine for 2019, approved by Kaznacheistvo”]. (2018). www.treas- the Minister of Finance of Ukraine Retrieved from https:// O. Markarova on January 8, 2019].

296 znachejstva-kaznachejstvo/statistika 3. Концепція розвитку інформаційних [in Ukrainian]. технологій Державної казначейської 7. Ofitsiinyi sait Derzhavnoi kaznachei- служби України на 2015–2017 роки : skoi sluzhby Ukrainy [Official site of лист ДКСУ від 18 лютого 2015 p. the State Treasury Service of Ukraine]. № 17-10/202-2929. Retrieved from http:// 4. Переваги для клієнтів у витратах на [in Ukrainian]. систему дистанційного обслугову- 8. Shchodo zaprovadzhennia AS вання клієнтів через ПТК “Клієнт “Ye-Zvitnist” lyst Derzhavnoi ka- Казначейства – Казначейство” по- znacheiskoi sluzhby Ukrainy vid рівняно з іншими on-line система- 31.01.2018, № 14-08/94-1951 [Re- ми [Електронний ресурс]. — Режим garding the introduction of the доступу: E-Reporting System, a letter from main/uk/publish/article/276806 the State Treasury Service of Ukraine 5. Деякі питання дистанційного об- dated 31.01.2018, № 14-08/94-1951]. слуговування розпорядників (одер- (2018). Re- жувачів) бюджетних коштів [Елек- trieved from тронний ресурс]. Розпорядження ua/uk/document/100007172-scho- Кабінету Міністрів України від do-zaprovadzhennya-as-ye-zvitnist- 15.11.2017 № 816-р. — Режим до- list-derzhkaznacheystva-ukrayini- ступу: vid-31-01-2018-no-14-08-94-1951 [in npas/250431800 Ukrainian]. 6. Інформація щодо підключення до 9. Про реалізацію рішення Колегії системи дистанційного обслуго- Державної казначейської служби вування клієнтів через ПТК “Клі- України від 01.02.2019 наказ єнт Казначейства – Казначейство” Державної казначейської служби [Електронний ресурс]. — Режим України від 14.02.2019 № 52. доступу: https://www.treasury. Список використаних kaznachejstvo/statistika джерел 7. Офіційний сайт Державної казна- чейської служби України [Елек- 1. Філософія [Електронний ресурс]. — тронний ресурс]. — Режим доступу: Режим доступу: https://studfiles. net/preview/5461486/page:30/ 8. Щодо запровадження АС “Є-Звіт- 2. Пріоритетні напрями діяльності ність” лист Державної казначей- Державної казначейської служби ської служби України від 31.01.2018 України на 2019 рік [Електрон- № 14-08/94-1951. ний ресурс]. — Режим досту- 9. Про реалізацію рішення Колегії пу: Державної казначейської служби ua/pro-kaznachejstvo/funkciyi-ta- України від 01.02.2019 наказ Дер- prioritetni-zavdannya/prioritetni- жавної казначейської служби Укра- napryami-roboti/2019 їни від 14.02.2019 № 52.

297 UDC: 35.077 DOI: 2224-2019-18-3-298-309 Naplyokov Yuriy Vasilievich, Master of Strategic Sciences, Master of Mili- tary Art and Science, senior lecturer of the de- partment of training of peacekeeping person- nel, National Defense University of Ukraine named after Ivan Chernyakhovsky, Colonel, postgraduate student of the Department of Management and Administration of Kharkov National University of Municipal Economy named after O. M. Beketov, 03049, Kyiv, Po- vitroflotsky prospect, 28, tel.: 098 2421353, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-0343-8337 Напльоков Юрій Васильович, магістр стратегічних наук, магістр вій- ськових наук та військового мистецтва, старший викладач кафедри підготовки миротворчого персоналу, Національний університет оборони України ім. Івана Черня- ховського, полковник, аспірант кафедри менеджменту і адміністрування Харківського національного університету міського господарства ім. О. М. Бекетова, 03049, м. Київ, Повітрофлотський проспект, 28, тел.: 098 2421353, е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-0343-8337 Наплёков Юрий Васильевич, магистр стратегических наук, магистр военных наук и военного искусства, старший преподаватель кафедры подготовки миротворческого персонала, Национальный уни- верситет обороны Украины им. Ивана Черняховского, полковник, аспирант кафедры менеджмента и администрирования Харьковского национального университета го- родского хозяйства им. А. Н. Бекетова, 03049, г. Киев, Воздухофлотский проспект, 28, тел.: 0982421353, е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-0343-8337

AN ARCHETYPAL FOUNDATION OF THE CULTURE OF MAKING MANAGERIAL DECISION Abstract. Governing of different systems such as countries, regions, and or- ganizations is a complex process that requires a comprehensive approach to de- cision-making (DM). A dynamic environment complicates DM because of big data, delay in DM, human features, unpredictability of second and third order effects, and other reasons. To deal with the problem of governing in this environ- ment requires applying of a special DM approach.

298 This approach has to help to visualize, analyze and understand the system, the environment, and their mutual influences. Different philosophies of thinking can create so called DM cultures that are distinguishable, effective, and fundamental. A nature of a DM culture can have an archetypal foundation because it has been formed for centuries and remain relatively stable in time. A DM culture provides comprehensive approach to problem-solving based on a certain unconscious vi- sualization of the desired future and deep understanding of the problem in the given environment. For public governing it is possible to use DM cultures in order to understand different parts of the system and solve complex problems properly. A DM culture can take in account all elements of the system, the environment, their mutual in- fluence and dynamic of change. Applying of a DM culture can improve sensitive- ness and “Emotional Intelligence” of the system. Archetypal foundation of a DM culture provides universal, balanced approach to understand and solve problems and facilitates effective governing. Difficulties to analyze a big data in contem- porary environment complicate the decision making process (DMP) and forces making mistakes. The DM culture, as an archetype, encompasses all possible ef- fects in analysis because it is already rooted in the DM framework. This quality can provide effective governing in the changeable and dynamic environment and facilitate better understanding of the competitors. Also, it can facilitate deter- mining a level of delegation of power between the state authority and the civil society for better DMP in given conditions. Keywords: decision-making, culture, thinking, archetype, public governing, system, environment, equilibrium, effectiveness. АРХЕТИПНЕ ПІДҐРУНТЯ КУЛЬТУРИ ПРИЙНЯТТЯ УПРАВЛІНСЬКОГО РІШЕННЯ Анотація. Управління різними системами, такими як країни, регіони та організації, є складним процесом, який вимагає комплексного підходу до прийняття рішень (ПР). Динамічне середовище ускладнює ПР через вели- ку кількість даних, затримку в ПР, людські особливості, непередбачуваність ефектів другого і третього порядку та інші причини. Для вирішення про- блеми управління в цьому середовищі необхідно застосовувати спеціальний підхід до ПР. Цей підхід повинен допомогти візуалізувати, аналізувати і розуміти си- стему, середовище та їх взаємні впливи. Різні філософії мислення можуть створити так звані культури ПР, які є помітними, ефективними і фундамен- тальними. Природа культури ПР може мати архетипову основу, оскільки во- на формується століттями і залишається відносно стабільною в часі. Культура ПР забезпечує комплексний підхід щодо вирішення проблем на основі певної неусвідомленої візуалізації бажаного майбутнього і глибокого розуміння проблеми в цьому середовищі. Для державного управління можна використовувати культури ПР, щоб зрозуміти різні частини системи і правильно вирішити складні проблеми.

299 Культура ПР може враховувати всі елементи системи, середовище, їх взаєм- ний вплив і динаміку змін. Застосування культури ПР може поліпшити чут- ливість і “емоційний інтелект” системи. Архетипне підґрунтя культури ПР забезпечує універсальний, збалансований підхід до розуміння і вирішення проблем та сприяє ефективному управлінню. Труднощі аналізу великих даних в сучасній обстановці ускладнюють про- цес прийняття рішення (ППР) і спонукає до помилок. Культура ПР, як архе- тип, охоплює всі можливі наслідки в аналізі, оскільки це вже впроваджено в структуру ПР. Така якість може забезпечити ефективне управління в мін- ливому і динамічному середовищі і сприяти кращому розумінню конкурен- тів. Крім того, це може сприяти визначенню рівня делегування повноважень між державною владою та громадянським суспільством для кращого ППР в даних умовах. Ключові слова: прийняття рішень, культура, мислення, архетип, держав- не управління, система, середовище, рівновага, ефективність. АРХЕТИПИЧЕСКАЯ ОСНОВА КУЛЬТУРЫ ПРИНЯТИЯ УПРАВЛЕНЧЕСКИХ РЕШЕНИЙ Аннотация. Управление различными системами, такими как страны, ре- гионы и организации, является сложным процессом, который требует ком- плексного подхода к принятию решений (ПР). Динамическая среда услож- няет ПР из-за большого количества данных, задержки в ПР, человеческих особенностей, непредсказуемости эффектов второго и третьего порядка и других причин. Для решения проблемы управления в этой среде требуется применение особого подхода в ПР. Этот подход должен помочь визуализировать, проанализировать и по- нять систему, среду и их взаимное влияние. Различные философии мыш- ления могут создавать так называемые культуры ПР, которые различимы, эффективны и фундаментальны. Природа культуры ПР может иметь архе- типическую основу, потому что она формировалась веками и остается отно- сительно стабильной во времени. Культура ПР обеспечивает комплексный подход к решению проблем, основанных на определенной неосознанной визуализации желаемого буду- щего и глубоком понимании проблемы в данной среде. Для государственного управления можно использовать культуры ПР, чтобы понять различные составные системы и правильно решать сложные проблемы. Культура ПР может учитывать все элементы системы, среду, их взаимное влияние и динамику изменений. Применение культуры ПР может улучшить чувствительность и “эмоциональный интеллект” системы. Архе- типическая основа культуры ПР обеспечивает универсальный, сбалансиро- ванный подход к пониманию и решению проблем и способствует эффектив- ному управлению. Трудности анализа больших данных в современной среде усложняют процесс принятия решений (ПP) и призводят к совершению ошибок. Куль-

300 тура ПР, как архетип, охватывает все возможные эффекты анализа, потому что это уже внедрено в структуру ПР. Это качество может обеспечить эф- фективное управление в изменчивой и динамичной среде и способствовать лучшему пониманию конкурентов. Кроме того, это может способствовать определению уровня делегирования полномочий между государственной властью и гражданским обществом для улучшения ППР в данных условиях. Ключевые слова: принятие решений, культура, мышление, архетип, го- сударственное управление, система, среда, равновесие, эффективность.

Target setting. The process of pub- rent DM strategies [4] with a distinc- lic governing goes through the DMP tion between analytic strategies and in- that includes analysis with gathering tuitive or holistic strategies [5]. Thus, of data, developing information and different authors describe influence of knowledge, and establishing of under- national culture on DM, but they do standing. All this activities requires not introduce the notion of DM as a proper thinking. There are different comprehensive approach for the DMP philosophies of thinking that seriously in a certain environment. influence DM, direct us on how to see, Also other authors see a DM culture analyze and solve the problem. These as a certain type of ethical behavior that philosophies introduce the notion of is connected with a leadership style and a DM culture that can have an arche- organizational features. However, DM typal foundation. This notion can be culture is an archetypal comprehensive critical for successful public governing. approach to analyze the problem based Proper applying of a DM culture can on understanding of the system and the help to identify and solve a problem in environment in their connections and the context of comprehensive under- mutual influence now and in the future. standing of the system and the complex The purpose of the article is to in- and dynamic environment. troduce the notion of DM culture based Analysis of the recent research and on archetypal foundation as a practical publications. DM is introduced as a approach to govern the system in the logical process of problem solving. Dif- complex and dynamic environment. ferent researchers highlight the impor- The statement of basic materials. tance of influence national culture, in- The author proposes to use the notion dividual and collective characteristics of “DM Culture” as a philosophy of on DM and judgment. The culture de- thinking in a certain environment. It fines perceptions of risk and provides a is not national or organizational cul- certain features “orienting disposition” tures it is a culture to see us, the sys- [1] or a “collective programming of the tem, the environment, and the problem mind” [2]. Cultural differences in judg- as a whole and make decisions based on ments and choice depend on people’s an analysis with taking in account fu- values [3]. Cross-cultural differences ture possible effects from our decisions. influence on the DM. There are diffe- The DM culture encompasses features

301 of decision-makers, the environment, geopolitical location, cooperation with a possible opposing side, and probable neighbor nations and religions. They future second and third order effects. are very stable in comparison with our Selection of a suitable DM culture habits. However, changes, such as new may facilitate making a right decision. technologies, communication, and glo- Knowledge and application of different balization may force revising them as a DM cultures can help to understand a part of system adaptation to the envi- situation better and establish a com- ronment. It is a complicated and psy- mon language between competitive chologically painful process. sides. Explanation of the human psyche as There are different philosophical a system of processing of external and schools of thought that have existed for internal information can prove arche- millenniums without serious changes. typal foundation of the DM culture. A system structure has physical and The human psyche has individual and mental parts. The DM culture presents collective forms that are divided into a mental part that is based on human conscious and unconscious. The col- believes, values, perceptions, and ex- lective unconscious is divided into in- perience. Certain geopolitical environ- stincts and archetypes [11]. It is pos- ments create diverse DM philosophies sible to suppose that the DM culture or cultures. For instance, philosophers is a collective unconscious archetype. and strategists of China, India, Wes- It may be formed based on human inte- tern Europe, and Japan such as Sun rior and exterior involvements to ana- Tzu [6], Kautilya [7], Clausewitz [8], lyze the system and the environment in Miyamoto Musashi [9] wrote remark- their connection. able DM strategies-philosophies. They There are two natural types of peo- introduced unique DM cultures as dif- ple — extraverts and introverts [12]. It ferent approaches of problem-solving. is possible to assume that the DM team For instance, Sun Tzu proposes adapta- may have both extraverts and intro- tion as a natural way to problem solving verts in order to analyze the system and and waiting without a direct contact the environment deeply. On one hand, with adversary (focus on the future and it is possible to understand the system possible effects), Kautilya — deception under influence of the environment and play with options (flexibility, and from the filter of the system. On the change today, right now), Clausewitz — other hand, it is critical to see the envi- shaping of the environment (a direct ronment and the system from “the hill” approach), and Musashi — survivabili- (“to stay on the balcony”), evaluate and ty and speed of reaction (synergy effect: visualize the environment and the fu- to be in right time in a right place). ture. Therefore, application of a set of Description above can verify that different exterior and interior tools in DM cultures are different. It happens thinking, feeling, intuitive and sensitive because beliefs, values, principles, a way human domains can form a certain DM of thinking, and emotions have been culture that is the most suitable in the formed for centuries based on features given environment. Applying of diffe- of climate, geographical conditions, rent DM cultures can be useful because

302 they can reflect a proper combination of In these conditions applying of an extroversion and introversion. appropriate DM culture to the DMP Jung identified several types of per- can generate right decisions. An arche- ception of information: logical and emo- typal foundation of the DM culture tional, sensory (emphasis on the organs may explain the reason to use a certain of perception) and intuitive (emphasis DM culture in a certain environment. on imagination) [12]. In other words, However, applying of one DM culture mental attitudes show how we interact can be not effective in certain condi- with the world around us and where we tions and, also, analysis of the OPFOR direct energy. An archetype can present requires understanding of their thin- a certain balanced approach for human king and a DM approach. Thus, it is group development through a proposed about a process of understanding of set of unconscious thinking, feeling, in- both sides (own and the opposing side). tuitive, and sensitive understanding of Literally, knowledge of the problem and the interior and exterior world in order understanding of two sides can solve to survive. the problem easier, because the problem Also, the archetypal foundation of will be obvious and clear. It can facili- human consciousness can be explained tate developing a way to solve the prob- by inseparability in the consciousness lem through increased communication. of emotional and cognitive processes Analysis is based on thinking and that only in their unity reflect the real goes through the process of making of world in the mental world of the sub- assumptions that have to be proved by ject: “emotional processes ... cannot be facts, deduction and conclusions (see opposed to cognitive processes as exter- fig. 1). To apply an appropriate DM nal, excluding opposites of each other” culture requires knowledge of potential [13, p. 386]. Also, a person “experiences opposing sides and their philosophy of what happens to him and accomplished thinking, understanding of approaches by him; he relates in a certain way for own analysis. That is why decision- to what surrounds him” [13, p. 513]. makers have to apply critical, creative Collective emotions and shared col- and system thinking in order to estab- lective emotions could reflect the DM lish mutual understanding and avoid culture. anchoring from different DM cultures. In addition, cognitive psychology Everyone can see a problem from has developed quite complicated mo- different angles based on perception, dels to describe human decision ma- understanding of the desired end state king based on selection of “the one and criteria for success. The archety- alternative that has both a high sub- pal foundation of the DM culture can jective value and a high likelihood of help to visualize possible reaction of a success” [14, p. 3]. However, different certain side of the conflict and explain decisions do not fit such simple models. how to deal with this side from own po- Also, today decisions are made in con- sition. ditions of complexity, possible multiple A primary task of the DM is to main- goals, dynamics, opaqueness (the DM tain equilibrium between the system situation is not obvious) [14, p. 4]. and the environment or create a new

303 Fig. 1. The process of analysis Source: created by the author one and achieve the goal as a realization not provide a proper organizational of ambitions of the system as a result culture; openness of the system (not a of human development and growth. learning organization); 4) misinterpre- There are two ways to do this: to shape tation of the philosophy of adaptation the environment by the system or/and and its intersections with the national adapt the system to the environment. culture, human perceptions and experi- DM cultures are based on these two ence; 5) misunderstanding of the need approaches to solve the problem. Adap- to revise mental models, the nature of tation may be a primary approach in Risk (wrong risk evaluation) and fear the DM based on an appropriate DM of change; and 6) misunderstanding of Culture. But also it depends on the the DM culture, a law ability to ana- situation and balance of ends, ways, and lyze, visualize reactions of own and op- means in the framework of possible per- posing sides properly [10, p. 15]. missible risk. Development of the system is a Applying the DM culture can mini- continuous process of problem-sol- mize mistakes in the DMP and sa- ving with a certain system structure. tisfy two main conditions of success: Change of the environment can force 1) ends, ways and means with risk have changing the system structure (physi- to in balance; 2) the system has to be cal and mental parts). It is time when in equilibrium with the environment. the DM culture can be updated. But There are some reasons of mistakes in the DM culture supports the environ- the DMP: 1) misunderstanding of the ment and the system in their connec- environment, the system, their inte- tion. Change can happen, but inside of rests and possible mutual influence (se- this notional surface that has to be ba- cond and third order effects); 2) wrong lanced with other surfaces. It is a system analysis, judgment because of lack of in the system. It is a connected combi- critical, creative, and systems thinking; nation of events and elements based on human biases, prejudices, and traps; a certain energetic potential that can 3) not appropriate leadership that does be relatively constant. The archetype

304 presents this potential and describes the opposing side in the context of a it. Even after reshaping the system re- Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning (fig. 2). turns back on the previous position, but An individual approach means a DM on a quality new level of development. culture can identify in which degree is It can happen until the system does not better to apply a certain type of thin- cross a bifurcation point. After system king and how is better to see the prob- point the system changes structure and lem and the way to solve it. The DM cul- its functionality supported by another ture proposes this proportion based on archetype. experience as the best combination for In order to understand mental, so- a certain situation. It is more than just cial and physical location in a 3D vision pure analysis it is a philosophy of thin- format, a person has to build a model of king that can provide understanding of his/her coexistence with others in or- future possible second and third order der to survive based on his/her natural effects. abilities. Applying of archetypal foun- DM cultures can help to secure a dations of personality such as extro- system from possible destruction based version, introversion, thinking, feeling, on the idea that system archetypes intuition, and sensitiveness he/she can form the set of tools that describe pat- identify an approach to conduct critical terns of behavior in systems. They are and creative thinking (fig. 2) in order to Limits to Growth (or Limits to Suc- make a decision. cess); Shifting the Burden; Drifting or Therefore, a DM culture is a certain Eroding Goals; Escalation; Success to individual (for any system – a person, the Successful; Tragedy of the Com- a group, a region, a nation) approach mons; Fixes that Fail; Growth and to lean the environment, the system, Underinvestment; Accidental Adver-

Fig. 2. A Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning Source: Taxomony of educational objectives [15, p. 18]

305 saries; and Attractiveness Principle Applying of the DM culture can [16]. help to establish a required under- It is possible to assume that diffe- standing between the system and the rent conditions force applying diffe- environment. The DM culture is ap- rent approaches in order to follow with propriate when generates a resonance relatively stable principles of system in the DMP, for instance, between the development. The DM culture can be state authority (SA) and the civil so- different even for regions of one coun- ciety (CS) to produce a right decision try. Therefore, it forms a certain set of in order to solve a problem. It can be a approaches or philosophies how to act combination of involvement in analy- and respect principles above in order zing extroversive and introversive hu- to make decisions that allow surviving man features. It is a kind of the use of of the system in the given conditions. human nature in the given conditions Thus, it is important to understand the in the best way — to use proper com- need to apply a required DM culture in bination of convergent (critical think- certain conditions for better DM. ing) and divergent (creative thinking) The DM culture can be a set of ap- processes in thinking, external visua- proaches and tools based on longtime lization or sensitive interior feeling to experience that can be the most suitable analyze a situation. DM culture reflects for the DMP in the given environment. relationships between the SA and the Combination of different DM cultures CS and proposes a proper way for prob- can be also important to be goal-orien- lem-solving. ted and adaptable simultaneously in or- Resonance in thinking can be a key der to achieve the end-state. In spite of to apply a certain DM culture. For different values and end-states it is pos- public governing it is critical because sible to apply DM cultures properly and the DM culture may identify a level get a positive result in problem-solving of democracy, delegation of authority by minimum means and the simplest between the SA and the CS and the ways. They have a purpose to provide wish of the CS to take this power. For maximum possible system effectiveness instance, in a certain conditions (inte- in existed conditions. rior and exterior) public governing can Coincidence of fluctuations of the have a certain model that is the most system and the environment can be suitable to solve the problem based on seen as the highest level of reaction be- archetypal principles of the DM cul- tween each other. This process produ- ture that can be only improved, but not ces so called resonance. It means mutual drastically changed during a period of feeling and understanding between the time because of technological develop- system and the environment fully based ment, innovations, and globalization. on open and non-interrupted feedback Resonance in public governing can and communication. It can happen with be seen as the highest level of under- a person’s perception, when he isolates standing, trust and confidence in each from the general mass of various infor- other between the SA and the CS. It mation that which he is tuned to, which can also facilitate achieving a synergy he demands. effect. To establish this condition means

306 to lead the system effectively and pro- mind and keeps going according to the vide balance of the system through es- environmental change and feedback tablishing equilibrium between the sys- from the CS. This participative leader- tem and the environment. This process ship style of the SA can be suitable to has to be reflected in the cycle process build a learning organization based on of system development that includes an appropriate DM culture. DMP, implementation of decisions, and Applying of different DM cultures transition of the system to a new level can improve public governing because of development. they create a comprehensive approach DM cultures can be connected with to solve a problem in the given condi- archetypes of social life such as “De- tions. Practically DM cultures can mocracy” that define a proportion of help problem-solving in the best way in delegation of state power between the proper conditions. The leadership task SA and the CS. Applying of DM culture is to identify when, where, and how to can provide proper leadership between apply a certain DM culture. the SA and the CS. It can be based on Also, an appropriate DM culture analysis of human behavior, constant can establish mutual understanding feedback, and prediction of their ex- between sides of the conflict. Even pectations. The task of the SA is to lead one system can have different parts the CS through observation of human because of geopolitical locations and behavior. Public governing has to de- cultural features. It gives an opportu- velop knowledge and understanding of nity to solve a problem by using of “soft this behavior and be able to change own power”. In the complex and dynamic goals in order to establish proper rela- conditions applying of different DM tionships between the SA and the CS approaches can solve a problem for both and continue developing of the system. sides of the system and secure national It is a game between the SA and the interests simultaneously. CS. The winner is who can control this Conclusions. To summarize, the DM move. The winner forever who goes to- culture, as a philosophy of thinking, has gether with others in order to satisfy an archetypal foundation. It can be ap- their current and near future wish in plied for suitable conditions based on order to get and maintain own inte- balance among ends, ways, and means rests. It means to have a higher level of in the framework of possible permissi- “emotional intelligence” than others. ble risk. Applying of a certain DM cul- This approach can be a philosophy of ture can improve the DMP because it public governing because it can allow provides a comprehensive approach to achieving a goal by using a motivated a problem-solving. Knowledge of DM human movement based on synergy ef- cultures can help to understand the op- fect. In leadership, it can provide unity posing side better and propose a way of and inspiration to go the SA and the CS mutual adaptation. Thus, DM cultures together. The authority can use only at- have a practical value in the DMP. Also, tractors to correct the flow of human archetypal nature of DM cultures al- move. It is a smart leadership when lows predicting possible reaction and the SA just controls the flow of human a way of thinking of an opposing side

307 in order to conduct DM and planning 10. Naplyokov Yuriy (2017). NATO Ope- properly to achieve a desired goal. rational Planning process. Kyiv: NDU. 11. Jung Carl G. (1969) Aion: Researches References into the phenomenology of the Self. Vol. 9.2 of the Collected works of 1. Dake K. (1991). Orienting dispositions C. Jung. Trans. R.F.C. Hull. Princeton: in the perception of risk: An analysis of Princeton University Press. Contemporary worldviews and cul- 12. Jung Carl G. (1971). Psychological tural biases. Journal of Cross-Cultural Types. Princeton, New Jersey: Prince- Psychology, 22, p. 61–82. ton University Press. 2. Hofstede G. (1984). Culture’s Con- 13. Рубинштейн С. Л. (2002). Основы sequences. Newbury Park, CA: Sage общей психологии (1940). Изд-во: Publications. Питер. 3. Triandis C. Harry. (2006). Cultural In- 14. Strohschneider S. (2002). Cultural telligence in Organizations. “Group Factors in Complex Decision Ma- and Organizational Management,” Vol. king. Online Readings in Psycho- 31, p. 20–26. https://www.research- logy and Culture, 4 (1). hps://doi. org/10.9707/2307-0919.1030 Cultural_Intelligence_in_Organiza- 15. Bloom Benjamin S. (1956). Taxomony tions of educational objectives. Longmans: 4. Yates J. F. & Lee J. W. (1996). Chinese Edwards Bros. Michigan. decision making. In M. H. Bond (Ed.), 16. Braun William (2002). “The system Handbook of Chinese Psychology, Archetypes.” Retrieved from: https:// Hong Kong: Oxford University Press. /#q=The+Syste 5. Kahneman Daniel (2003). A Perspec- m+Archetypes+by+william+braun&* tive on Judgment and Choice. Map- &spf=1 ping Bounded Rationality. American Psychologist. Vol. 58. № 9, p. 697–720. 6. Sun Tzu. The Art of War. Translated Список використаних by Lionel Giles in 1910. Published in джерел 2000. Allandale Online Publishing: Leicester LE2 1WS, England. 1. Dake K. (1991). Orienting dispositions 7. Kautilya. Arthashastra. Translated by in the perception of risk: An analysis of R. Shamasastry in 1915. Bangalore: Contemporary worldviews and cul- Government Press. https://www. tural biases. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 22, p. 61–82. RDqnorgTIspL4DQ&q=the+arthasha 2. Hofstede G. (1984). Culture’s Con- stra+of+kautilya&oq=the+Arthas%D0 sequences. Newbury Park, CA: Sage %B1stra+of+&gs_l=psy-ab.1.1.0i19l2.1 Publications. 31455.131455..134851...0.0.. 3. Triandis C. Harry. (2006). Cultural In- j1...... 0....2j1..gws-wiz.evaHPA8JbRk telligence in Organizations. “Group 8. Clausewitz Carl Von. On war, ed. and Organizational Management,” Vol. Michael Howard and Peter Paret 31, p. 20–26. https://www.research- (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1989). Cultural_Intelligence_in_Organiza- 9. Musashi Miyamoto. A book of five tions rings. Trans. Victor Harris (New York: 4. Yates J. F. & Lee J. W. (1996). Chinese The Overlook Press, 1974). decision making. In M. H. Bond (Ed.),

308 Handbook of Chinese Psychology, 10. Naplyokov Yuriy (2017). NATO Ope- Hong Kong: Oxford University Press. rational Planning process. Kyiv: NDU. 5. Kahneman Daniel (2003). A Perspec- 11. Jung Carl G. (1969) Aion: Researches tive on Judgment and Choice. Map- into the phenomenology of the Self. ping Bounded Rationality. American Vol. 9.2 of the Collected works of Psychologist. Vol. 58. № 9, p. 697–720. C. Jung. Trans. R.F.C. Hull. Princeton: 6. Sun Tzu. The Art of War. Translated Princeton University Press. by Lionel Giles in 1910. Published in 12. Jung Carl G. (1971). Psychological 2000. Allandale Online Publishing: Types. Princeton, New Jersey: Prince- Leicester LE2 1WS, England. ton University Press. 7. Kautilya. Arthashastra. Translated by 13. Рубинштейн С. Л. (2002). Основы R. Shamasastry in 1915. Bangalore: общей психологии (1940). Изд-во: Government Press. https://www. Питер. 14. Strohschneider S. (2002). Cultural RDqnorgTIspL4DQ&q=the+arthasha Factors in Complex Decision Ma- stra+of+kautilya&oq=the+Arthas%D0 king. Online Readings in Psycho- %B1stra+of+&gs_l=psy-ab.1.1.0i19l2.1 logy and Culture, 4 (1). hps://doi. 31455.131455..134851...0.0.. org/10.9707/2307-0919.1030 j1...... 0....2j1..gws-wiz.evaHPA8JbRk 15. Bloom Benjamin S. (1956). Taxomony 8. Clausewitz Carl Von. On war, ed. of educational objectives. Longmans: Michael Howard and Peter Paret Edwards Bros. Michigan. (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University 16. Braun William (2002). “The system Press, 1989). Archetypes.” Retrieved from: https:// 9. Musashi Miyamoto. A book of five /#q=The+Syste rings. Trans. Victor Harris (New York: m+Archetypes+by+william+braun&* The Overlook Press, 1974). &spf=1

309 UDC: 159.922.644 DOI: 2224-2019-18-3-310-320 Novachenko Tetyana Vasylivna, Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Associate Professor, Professor, of the Depart- ment of Public Policy and Political Analytics National Academy of Public Administration, Office of the President of Ukraine, 03057, Kyiv, Str. Antona Tsedika, 20, tel.: +38 (097) 421 0548, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-6812-5342 Новаченко Тетяна Василівна, доктор наук з державного управління, доцент, професор кафедри публічної по- літики та політичної аналітики, Націо- нальна академія державного управління при Президентові України, 03057, м. Київ, вул. Антона Цедіка, 20, тел.: +38 (097) 421 0548, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-6812-5342 Новаченко Татьяна Васильевна, доктор наук государственного управления, доцент, профессор кафедры публично- го управления и политической аналітики, Национальная академия государственно- го управления при Президенте Украины, 03057, г. Киев, ул. Антона Цедика, 20, тел.: +38 (097) 421 0548, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-6812-5342

ARCHETYPE OF COMPLEMENTARY IN HARMONIZATION OF PUBLIC-AUTHORITIES RELATIONS Abstract. The article presents the rationale that the archetype of complemen- tarity, as a complementarity, has a deep, intrinsic character to objects or phe- nomena, which is proved by an analysis of recent scientific research. In modern Ukrainian society, public power relations can be designated by the concept of “deprivation” — loss, mental state, resulting from life situations, when a citizen has no conditions to meet his life needs for a long time. This hampers democratic procedures, the functioning of a liberal economy, the formation of civil society institutions, the need arises to harmonize social relations of power. The contents of the concepts of “consciousness” and “collective unconscious” were analyzed, which allowed to state the following: consciousness is a person’s ability to under- stand the world and himself through thought and reason, which consists of the

310 following components: sensory-affective, value-willed, abstract-logical, reflective and is acquired in lifetime experience. At the same time, the collective uncon- scious is not acquired in the lifetime experience of the subject, but exists in his soul at the moment of birth, which are inherited from the ancestors. Therefore, the archetypes are the “mental condensate”, which has become an indispensable heritage of each person, and with each succeeding generation only awakens, not acquired. However, each person through his unique biological abilities and per- sonal life experience assimilates the form of the archetype and its energy in its own way, an important role is played by the personality type. In Ukraine, the dy- namics of psychosocial processes are growing at the level of the system-forming factors of the life activity of society and the individual. At the same time, the leadership of state authorities has rationality, being characterized by responsi- bility, competence, ability to realistically assess facts and events, changing the motivational basis of the behavior of the whole society. Thus, it is confirmed that the archetype of complementarity, based on the binary independent dominants of the conscious and collective unconscious, is an expression of the psychological integrity of a person, group, society, undoubtedly influences the harmonization of modern social and power relations. Keywords: complementarity archetype, conscious, unconscious, collective unconscious, social power relations, personality types. АРХЕТИП КОМПЛЕМЕНТАРНОСТІ В ГАРМОНІЗАЦІЇ СУЧАСНИХ СУСПІЛЬНО-ВЛАДНИХ ВІДНОСИН Анотація. Обґрунтовано, що архетип комплементарності як взаємодо- повнення має глибинний, притаманний предметам або явищам характер, що доводиться аналізом останніх наукових досліджень. У сучасному україн- ському суспільстві суспільно-владні відносини можна позначити поняттям “депривація” — втрата, психічний стан, який виникає в результаті життєвих ситуацій, коли влада громадянинові не створює умови для задоволення йо- го життєвих потреб упродовж тривалого часу. Це ускладнює демократичні процедури функціонування ліберальної економіки, формування інституцій громадянського суспільства, виникає необхідність гармонізації суспіль- но-владних відношень. Проаналізовано зміст понять “свідомість” та “колективне несвідоме”, що дозволило констатувати наступе: свідомість — це здатність людини пізна- вати навколишній світ і саму себе за допомогою мислення та розуму, що складається з таких компонентів: чуттєво-афективного, ціннісно-вольового, абстрактно-логічного, рефлексивного і отримується в прижиттєвому досві- ді. Водночас колективне несвідоме не отримується у прижиттєвому досві- ді суб’єкта, а існує в його душі вже у мить народження, що успадковується від предків. Тож архетипи є “психічним конденсатом”, що став невід’ємною спадщиною кожної людини, яка з наступними поколіннями потребує тільки пробудження, а не набуття. Однак кожна людина через свої унікальні біоло- гічні здібності та індивідуальний життєвий досвід засвоює форму архетипу

311 та його енергію по-своєму, важливе місце у цьому відіграє тип особистості. В Україні зростає динаміка психосоціальних процесів на рівні системоутворю- вальних чинників життєдіяльності суспільства й особистості. Керівництво органів державної влади, які наразі постають раціональними, характеризу- ється відповідальністю, компетентністю, реально оцінюють факти і події, змінюючи мотиваційну основу поведінки всього суспільства. Викладене доводить, що архетип комплементарності розбудовує свої ідеї, поєднуючи одиничне і множинне, монологічне і діалогічне, базуючись на бінарних незалежних домінантах свідомого й колективного несвідомого є виразом психологічної цілісності людини, групи, соціуму, що безсумнівно впливає на гармонізацію сучасних суспільно-владних відносин. Ключові слова: архетип комплементарності, свідоме, несвідоме, колек- тивне несвідоме, суспільно-владні відносини, типи особистості. АРХЕТИП КОМПЛЕМЕНТАРНОСТІ В ГАРМОНИЗАЦИИ ОБЩЕСТВЕННО-ВЛАСТНЫХ ОТНОШЕНИЙ Аннотация. Представлены обоснования того, что архетип комплемен- тарности, как взаимодополнение имеет глубокий, присущий предметам или явлениям характер, что доказывается анализом последних научных иссле- дований. В современном украинском обществе общественно-властные от- ношения можно обозначить понятием “депривация” — потеря, психическое состояние, возникающее в результате жизненных ситуаций, когда властью гражданину не создаются условия для удовлетворения его жизненных по- требностей на протяжении длительного времени. Это затрудняет демокра- тические процедуры функционирования либеральной экономики, фор- мирования институтов гражданского общества, возникает необходимость гармонизации общественно-властных отношений. Проанализировано содержание понятий “сознание” и “коллективное бес- сознательное”, что позволило констатировать следующее: сознание — это способность человека познавать окружающий мир и самого себя посред- ством мышления и разума, которое состоит из следующих компонентов: чувственно-аффективного, ценностно-волевого, абстрактно-логического, рефлексивного и обретается в прижизненном опыте. В то же время кол- лективное бессознательное не обретается в прижизненном опыте субъекта, а существует в его душе уже в момент рождения, которое наследуется от предков. Поэтому архетипы являются “психическим конденсатом”, который стал неотъемлемым наследием каждого человека, и с каждым следующим поколением только пробуждается, а не приобретается. Однако каждый че- ловек через свои уникальные биологические способности и личный жизнен- ный опыт усваивает форму архетипа и его энергию по-своему, важную роль в этом играет тип личности. В Украине растет динамика психосоциальных процессов на уровне системообразующих факторов жизнедеятельности об- щества и личности. Руководство органами государственной власти облада- ет рациональностью, характеризуясь ответственностью, компетентностью,

312 умением реально оценивать факты и события, меняя мотивационную осно- ву поведения всего общества. Из изложенного вытекает, что архетип комплементарности, основываясь на бинарных независимых доминантах сознательного и коллективного бес- сознательного, является выражением психологической целостности чело- века, группы, социума, несомненно влияет на гармонизацию современных общественно-властных отношений. Ключевые слова: архетип комплементарности, сознательное, бессозна- тельное, колективное бессознательное, общественно-властные отношения, типы личности.

Formulation of the problem. The the binary concepts of the archetype of sustainable, predictable, fair rules and complementarity. partnership are indisputable institu- Analysis of the recent research tional basis for the harmonization of and publications. The theoretical and the social-power relations, however, methodological principles of the ar- nowadays, the social-power relations chetype can outline the facets of un- in Ukraine can mostly be denoted by derstanding of certain socio-political the concept of “deprivation” — the loss, processes and phenomena, in particular, the psychological state that arises as the harmonization of the social-power a result of life situations when for the relations. The archetypes (collective citizen the authorities do not create unconscious) were studied by foreign conditions for satisfying his vital needs scholars, in particular: E. Durkheim, for a long time. In particular, this is a M. Eliade, L. Levy-Brühl, K. Levy- low level of law-making process, the Strauss, C. Jung and others. In the na- threat of reducing the environment tional scientific discourse the study of of the comfortable living of the indi- archetypes is emphasized by E. Afonin, vidual; deeply rooted in the mentality V. Burlachuk, A. Martynov, A. Don- of a large part of the Ukrainian society chenko, S. Krymsky, Yu. Romanenko, of paternalism and its unwillingness to O. Sushiy, T. Belska and others. The radically change the social relations, recent research and publications are etc. The lack of institutional demo- devoted to the problem of determining cratic foundations, which is outlined the laws and peculiarities of the Ukrai- in the total public distrust of power nian transformation. E. Afonin and institutions that has become threate- A. Martynov in the monograph “Ukrai- ning, promotes a sense of dispossession, nian Miracle. From Depression to So- revealing the issues of general mora- cial Optimism” analyze the patterns lity, culture, value harmonization, of the social changes in the socio-psy- social order, cooperation, and the chological context, emphasizing that unanimity of the social action, which everything that takes place in a social collectively determines the need for environment in which a person is passes harmonization of the social power re- through her consciousness [1]. E. Afo- lations, updating the need to address nin and O. Sushiy reaffirm that the ra-

313 dical social transformations are taking The purpose of the article is to sub- place, noting that they are related to stantiate the significance of the comple- the movement from totalitarianism to mentary actions of the conscious and democracy and refer to all the aspects collective unconscious in harmonizing of the social life [2]. The complementa- the modern social-power relations. rity as reciprocity has a deep, intrinsic Presentation of the main material. character of objects or phenomena. The In accordance with the theory of com- principle of complementarity/reciproc- plementarity, and also in the opinion of ity was formulated and introduced into C. Jung, that conscious and unconscious the scientific circle by the Nobel Prize is a pair of opposites that complement winner (1922), Danish physicist Niels each other. However, for the first time, Bohr. In the context of our analysis, the relationship between the conscious the idea of Werner Heisenberg is actua- and the unconscious was considered by lized, which emphasized that the prin- S. Freud, who emphasized that there ciple of complementarity is universal, is an irreversible barrier, even antago- since every social phenomenon objec- nism, between these phenomena, since tively needs to be reciprocal, since it is the unconscious can not become con- potentially open to interact with other scious. Until now, this question remains dynamic open systems, and each person one of the most difficult and does not seeks perfection. In modern legal stu- have a unique solution. In accordance dies the term complementarity is de- with the fact that administration from fined as the factor of social co-regu- the standpoint of psychology is con- lators, through the correlation of law sidered from the perspective of human and morality [3]. S. Fateyeva observes relations, the task of securing the soci- that the idea of complementarity and ety and the state from various kinds of interaction, in contrast to the rigorous social and psychosocial dysfunctions is perceptions of the antinomies of class actualized. Thus, the results of the com- differences, became of particular signi- plementary analysis of the conscious ficance in the contemporary economic and unconscious will contribute to the culture [4]. H. V. Atamanchuk empha- achievement of organic and harmoni- sizes that in the analysis of administra- ous social-power relations by studying tion to the consideration it is almost various aspects of the new phenomena not accepted that obvious fact that all of information social and psychological the subjects of the power are intercon- reality, namely: social interaction, moti- nected and interdependent [5]. vation, administration style, communi- As we see, the scientists advocate cation, leadership, authority, etc. the need for the concept of complemen- The consciousness is the highest in- tarity in a number of scientific studies, tegrated form of the psyche (from the but in the science public administra- ancient Greek, ψυχή, “breath, soul” and tion to this term is paid insufficient at- the Latin suffix — “ic”) is the property tention. Accordingly, the study of the of the brain that consists of reflecting complementarity archetype in harmo- objective reality under the influence of nizing the social-power relations is par- socio-historical conditions, in the work ticularly relevant. of a person and his communication with

314 other people. Therefore, the conscious- ges of such objects or phenomena that ness occupies a central place in almost at a certain moment do not cause us all the aspects of the human activity. feelings, but which previously acted on According to R. U. Sperry, the con- the senses; various affections — strong sciousness is a transfer system of all our spontaneous reactions of a person to values, our understanding of the pur- external stimuli (anger, rage, horror, pose and content, the right and wrong, despair, sudden great joy, etc.). love, hatred, beauty, holiness and eve- The value-volitional component rything else that makes life valuable. includes such elements as: will — the According to modern scientific views, ability of a person to set himself the the scientists understand conscious- goal, mobilizing himself to achieve it; ness as the highest form of information emotions — value-painted human re- development — information that cre- actions to external influences, in par- ates, and the bundle of “information- ticular: motives, interests, needs of consciousness” is such a fundamental the person in unity with its ability to manifestation of the Universe as “en- realize the goal. The abstract-logical ergy-matter”. Accordingly, the essence thinking is a component of the con- of the consciousness consists in the sciousness that appears in such forms perception of what is reflected — this as: concept — reflection in the thinking is the ability of a person to know the of common, most significant features world around him and himself through of objects, phenomena of the objective thinking and reason. The consciousness reality, their internal, crucial relation- has a fairly complex structure, so some ships and laws; judgments — a form of aspects of this phenomenon, in particu- thought in which the presence or ab- lar: properties, functions, mechanisms, sence of the objects and phenomena of are not yet sufficiently explored, there- any signs and connections are reflected; fore, there is a debate, even the oppo- inference — a form of thinking when a site of views on the understanding of new judgment is derived from one or this phenomenon. The scientists define several judgments, which contains a the components of the consciousness as new knowledge about objects and phe- follows: sensory-affective, value-voli- nomena; various logical operations. The tional, abstract-logical, reflexive, each reflection (self-consciousness) compo- of which consists of the corresponding nent of the consciousness when certain elements. The sensory-affective compo- phenomena of the mind become the nent of consciousness is determined by subject of a special analytical activity the basic scientist, which includes: feel- of the subject; reflection is the isolation ing — reflection in the brain of indivi- of oneself, the attitude towards oneself, dual properties of the objects and phe- the evaluation of their capabilities. nomena of the objective world, which The structural elements of the con- directly affect our sensory system (sen- sciousness are interconnected and in- sory organs); perception — the image teracting, providing a number of vital of the object as a whole, which is not functions for a person. The main func- reduced to the sum of properties and tion of the consciousness is cognitive parties; representations — concrete ima- (or reflective), which is realized in the

315 acquisition and accumulation of know- giving it such a form that is necessary ledge about nature, society and the for a person, society. person himself. At the same time, in The communicative function is due to the memory of man the accumulated the fact that people in a joint labour need knowledge acquired by him not only constant communication. This connec- from direct, personal experience, but tion of thoughts is carried out through also those obtained by previous genera- sound language, texts, coded informa- tions of the people and their contempo- tion, radio, television and the Internet. raries. Accumulating, these knowledge The regulatory-administration func- is actualized, reproduced and serve as a tion provides reasonable regulation and means of implementing other functions self-control of the behaviour in human of the consciousness. So, the richer the activities, its relationship with the out- memory of a person, the easier it is to side world. The regulatory-administra- make the best decision. The creative- tion function of the consciousness is constructive function manifests itself interwoven in the interaction of man in a forward-looking reflection, in the with the environment and serves in two imaginary modeling of the future and forms: motivational and executive. The in the purposeful transformation on motivational form of behaviour and this basis of reality, in the creation of activity of people takes effect when a object forms that do not exist in nature. person commits acts consciously, pur- The axiological (estimating) function posefully, according to his convictions; of the consciousness absorbs the result executive — leads the activities of the and purpose of the value relation to the people in accordance with their needs, world, allows us to comprehend the ensuring the attainability of goals and meaning of the existing, the degree of real means for its regulation. conformity of the world and its mani- Consequently, the consciousness is a festations to the human interests, needs multifaceted unique phenomenon that and meaning of their own lives. The is revealed through a system of func- valuable attitude towards the world tions, the unity of which provides a per- and its awareness requires personal ef- son a special way of growth. Therefore, fort, reflection and experience of the any situation that arises in the process truth. The function of goal-setting (goal of the public administration is con- formation) is an essential characteris- trolled by the consciousness, namely: tic of the consciousness. The goal is an when the administrator faces unexpec- idealized need of a person who has ted, complex intellectual problems that found a subjective image of an object do not have an obvious solution; when of activity in the ideal form of which a an administrator needs to overcome practical result is foreseen. The goals psychological impediment in determin- are formed on the basis of all the collec- ing the priority decision on a particular tive experience of the mankind, mani- problem; when it is necessary to under- fested in the form of social, ethical, aes- stand and find a way out of any conflict thetic and other ideals. The purposeful situation, which itself can not be solved human activity is grounded in the need without a volitional solution; when the to change the world for the better, administrator, in the event of failure to

316 take appropriate action, suddenly finds the idea of a conflict between the na- himself in a situation that poses a po- ture of man and his social form of exis- tential threat to his subordinates. The tence [7]. consciousness manages the most com- Consequently, the definition of the plex forms of administrator’s behaviour scientists of the unconscious was not that requires constant attention and unambiguous, but they reached a con- control. The above situations arise be- sensus that the direct and indirect ac- fore the administration practically con- tions of the individual unconscious tinuously, therefore, the consciousness manifest themselves in the range from as the higher level of mental regulation elementary psychic acts to creati- of behaviour is constantly functioning. vity and actively influence the life and Consequently, the consciousness is a behaviour of each person in any acti- program that organizes the actions of vity. the administrators, their inner lives and The existence of the collective uncon- the actions of the human groups. scious (archetypes) was discovered by At the same time, many behavioural C. G. Jung, but he did not give a clear acts are committed by a person at the explanation for this phenomenon. The level of unconscious regulation. At the content of the collective unconscious end of the 19th — early 20th century there is not obtained in the life experience were systematic scientific and philo- of the subject, but exists in his soul al- sophical notions of the unconscious. ready at the moment of birth inherited Thus, E. Durkheim, analyzing the phe- from their ancestors. However, empha- nomenon of a group of individuals, con- sizing their “uniqueness” and “regular cludes that in such a state there is a new repeatability”, the scientist notes that result, which is not specific to each in- the archetypes are just as much as there dividual separately. E. Durkheim called are typical life situations. When a situ- this phenomenon a collective notion or ation arises that corresponds to one or a social fact. Such collective represen- another archetype, the archetype is ac- tations the scientist defines being the tivated and reaches its matter contrary religion [6]. to reason and will. C. G. Jung empha- The next type of unconscious phe- sized that the interpretation of the ar- nomena are those that Sigmund Freud chetypes should be very thin and diffe- says about personal unconscious. These rentiated so that it does not diminish are desires, thoughts, intentions, needs, the specifics of the individual and cul- ousted from the sphere of the human tural values of the archetypal ideas and consciousness under the influence of symbols, giving them a stereotyped, censorship. Each of the types of un- purely intellectual meaning. The “pri- conscious phenomena is in every way mary image” is determined according connected with the behaviour of man to its content only when it is realized, and his conscious regulation. Note that that is, it is inherited not specific mani- S. Freud, who, treating the psyche as festations of the archetype, but only the a complex phenomenon, developed the form that in the outlined context does concept of psychoanalysis. The most not differ from the instincts, which are controversial part of his teaching was also determined only formally [8].

317 Thus, the archetypes are a “mental cal — to positively influence the subor- condensate” that has become an inhe- dinates, communicating with them on rent inheritance, which requires every the basis of individual characteristics, generation only an awakening, not an etc. However, much of the representa- acquisition. And what is extremely im- tive of the state authorities as a person portant, the society has a kind of mecha- feels and manifests through the fact nism for responding to challenges due that the psyche lay a layer of the collec- to those individuals who have achieved tive unconscious. The latter with all its self-awareness and take responsibility types and forms, which can not be con- for the polyphony of the subjectivity sidered arbitrary, influencing the for- present in her personal “I”. mation of emotions, ethical representa- The Ukrainian society is currently tions and world outlook of the person, carrying out an extremely important confirm its social nature and social in- and inevitable social-historical mis- teractions. sion — the transition from totalitaria- However, every person, including a nism to democracy, which requires per- representative of the state authorities, sonal change that must be focused in so- because of his unique biological abilities cial transformations. At the same time, and individual life experience, learns it should be noted that it is the quality of the form of the archetype and its energy the representatives of the power struc- in his own way. An important place in tures, as the most stable characteristics this occupies his person to one or an- of the person, have a decisive influence other type of personality — extrovert or on administration activity. With regard introvert. The concept of locus control to the above, it is important to think of is a psychological factor characterizing C. G. Jung who believed that an adult the first or second type of personality. should be firmly confident in his com- Therefore, the propensity of the rep- petence. The latter is determined by resentative of the state authority to the presence of an adult in the form of attribute responsibility for the events special education and the rosy general occurring in life, the results of their ac- and professional erudition concerning tivities to external forces — is external, professional and personal qualities that external locus control, and their own are rooted in the rational sphere of the abilities and efforts — internal, internal person, in particular: responsibility, re- locus control. Thus, in the first variant, liability, resistance to stress, creativity, the representative of the state autho- emotional stability, etc. Obviously, the rity is convinced that his successes and competence of the representatives of failures are determined primarily by the the state authorities involves the “in- influence of the external circumstances, clusion” of the consciousness, in par- talent, accident or actions of his subor- ticular: the reflectivity of thinking — dinates or other people. In the second, critical and self-criticism — the ability the events that have taken place depend to see deficiencies both in its influence first of all on his competence, purpose- on the subordinates and in their ac- fulness and ability and determined by tions; the ability to charge other people his own activity and efforts. However, by energizing them; ability to be tacti- in the groups of extroverts and intro-

318 verts there are significant differences in the state authority, changes into a ra- the social activity that C. G. Jung linked tional (abstract-logical) characterized to a different level of development of by responsibility, a priority of intangi- the mental functions — thinking and ble values, a “sense for oneself”, a com- emotions (logic-ethics), intuition and petence that affects the consciousness, sensations (intuition-sensors). So, for perception and understanding of the a person of an emotional type there is public — voluntary relations, changing an ability to influence others with their the motivational basis of the behaviour emotions, feelings of guilt, which pours of the society as a whole [9]. out on others, etc. The thinking type Consequently, the archetype of com- of people is characterized by an orien- plementarity develop its ideas combi- tation towards the system, structure, ning individual and multiple, mono- law and order, the tendency to analyze logue and dialog, is based on the binary and establish a logical order. The in- independent dominant of the conscious tuition type live in the past and in the and collective unconscious, which is future, they have inherent indifference an expression of their psychological and doubts, they are more inclined to integrity, that contributes to the har- the theory than to practice, while the monization of the modern social-power sensor type “live here and now”, they relations. Further research can be a are practical, realistically evaluate facts scientific study of a practical compo- and events, in no hurry to start a new nent of the harmonization of the social- business, enjoy to do something with power relations on the basis of the their own hands. As you can see, sensor methodology of the archetype. people are tactic people, and intuitive people are strategists. Carl Gustav Jung References divided people into rational and irratio- nal, characterizing the first somewhat 1. Afonin E., Martynov A. (2019). Ukrai- nske dyvo. Vid depresii do sotsialnoho conservative, who are attracted to the optymizmu [Ukrainian miracle. From sustainable system, since the need for depression to social optimism]. Kyiv: change impairs their balance. The ir- Vydavnychyi dim “Kyievo-Mohylian- rational people, on the contrary, want ska akademiia” [in Ukrainian]. change and calmly perceive them. Ra- 2. Afonin E., Sushyi O. V. (2015). Za- tionality and irrationality are compli- konomirnosti ta osoblyvosti ukrain- cated personal qualities that characte- skoi transformatsii [The Patterns and rize the means of information processing Features of Ukrainian Transforma- and human interaction with the world. tion]. Stratehichna panorama – Stra- However, during the periods of radical tegic Panorama, 1, 94-108 [in Ukrai- nian]. changes, by which the present is cha- 3. Dromina N. V. (2005). Yurysdyktsiia racterized, the dynamics of the psycho- mizhnarodnykh kryminalnykh sudiv social processes increases at the level of i trybunaliv [Jurisdiction of Interna- system-forming factors of the life of the tional Criminal Courts and Tribunals]. society and personality. Therefore, the Candidate’s thesis. Odesa: Odeska emotional-sensory (irrational) nature natsionalna yurydychna akademiia [in of man, in particular the leadership of Ukrainian].

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320 UDC: 330.341.1:159.9 DOI: 2224-2019-18-3-321-335 Omelyanenko Vitalii Anatoliyovych, PhD, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Business Economics and Administration Department, Sumy State Pedagogical Uni- versity named after A. S. Makarenko, 40002, Sumy, Romenskaia str., 87, tel.: +38 (095) 167 5952, е-maіl: omvіtalіy@gmaі ORCID: 0000-0003-0713-1444 Омельяненко Віталій Анатолійович, кандидат економічних наук, доцент, до- цент кафедри бізнес-економіки та адмі- ністрування, Сумський державний педа- гогічний університет ім. А. С. Макаренка, 40002, м. Суми, вул. Роменська, 87, тел.: +38 (095) 167 5952, е-mail: omvitaliy@ ORCID: 0000-0003-0713-1444 Омельяненко Виталий Анатольевич, кандидат экономических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры бизнес-экономики и админи- стрирования, Сумской государственный педагогический университет им. А. С. Мака- ренко, 40002, г. Сумы, ул. Роменская, 87, тел.: +38(095) 167 5952, е-maіl: omvіtalіy@ gmaі ORCID: 0000-0003-0713-1444

ARCHITECTIC COMPONENT OF INSTITUTIONAL NETWORKS DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY IN THE CONTEXT OF NATIONAL SECURITY PROVIDING Abstract. The relevance of the study of the security aspects of the present processes and the prospects for development within the framework of the arche- type methodology is determined by the fact that the systemic transformation of society requires a more precise determination of the factors of a number of pro- cesses. This issue is also actualized in the context of the course on forming an effective dialogue with the society, research of mechanisms and ways to improve the quality of interaction between the state, business and society. Therefore, it becomes necessary to develop the theoretical and methodological foundations of an integrated model for organizing the interaction of the processes of individual self-regulation, corporate development and public administration based on an ar- chetype approach. The aim of the study is to analyze the archetypal component

321 of the formation of institutional networks in the context of security strategies. Institutional-network approach to security strategies involves consideration of a set of institutions and the laws of their interaction within the framework of active networks that ensure the transformation of resources into real results by effective methods in accordance with the national context and the needs of society. The source of the answers to the question of security is proposed to consider from the point of view of archetypes. The approaches outlined in the study are based on the understanding that in modern conditions of government and responding to threats to national security cannot be limited to traditional methods. The role of sociocultural institutions has been determined, which rises in modern conditions in solving problems in the security-development system, on the one hand, and the objective need to use their potential, on the other. This makes it possible to in- clude archetypes in the processes of ensuring security not only on the basis of the complementarity principle, but also on an equal footing due to the development of their interaction with formal institutions. Using an archetypal approach will help to develop innovative approaches to the development of security strategies through solutions based on comprehensive research and public policy agendas. Keywords: national security, archetype, institution, institutional network, strategy. АРХЕТИПНА СКЛАДОВА СТРАТЕГІЇ РОЗВИТКУ ІНСТИТУЦІЙНИХ МЕРЕЖ В КОНТЕКСТІ ЗАБЕЗПЕЧЕННЯ НАЦІОНАЛЬНОЇ БЕЗПЕКИ Анотація. Актуальність дослідження безпекового аспекту процесів сього- дення та перспектив розвитку в рамках архетипної методології визначаєть- ся тим, що системна трансформація суспільства вимагає точніше визначати чинники ряду процесів. Ця проблематика також актуалізується в контексті курсу на формування ефективного діалогу із суспільством, дослідження ме- ханізмів і способів поліпшення якості взаємодії держави, бізнесу та суспіль- ства. Тому виникає необхідність розроблення теоретико-методологічних основ комплексної моделі організації взаємодії процесів індивідуального са- морегулювання, корпоративного розвитку та державного управління на ос- нові архетипного підходу. Метою дослідження є аналіз архетипної складової формування інституційних мереж у контексті безпекових стратегій. Інститу- ціонально-мережевий підхід до безпекових стратегій припускає розгляд су- купності інститутів та закономірностей їх взаємодії в рамках активних мереж, що забезпечують перетворення ресурсів в реальні результати ефективними методами відповідно до національного контексту та запитів соціуму. Джере- ло відповідей на питання забезпечення безпеки запропоновано розглядати з точки зору архетипів. Підходи, викладені в дослідженні, ґрунтуються на розумінні того, що в сучасних умовах не може обмежуватися традиційними методами управління та реагування на загрози національній безпеці. Визна- чено роль соціокультурних інститутів, що підвищується в сучасних умовах у вирішенні проблем в системі “безпека – розвиток”, з одного боку, і об’єктив-

322 на необхідність використання їх потенціалу, з іншого. Це зумовлює можли- вість включення архетипів у процеси забезпечення безпеки не лише на осно- ві принципу додатковості, а й на паритетних засадах за рахунок розвитку їх взаємодії з формальними інститутами. Використання архетипного підходу сприятиме виробленню інноваційних підходів до розвитку безпекових стра- тегій за допомогою рішень, заснованих на комплексних дослідженнях і по- рядку денному в сфері публічної політики. Ключові слова: національна безпека, архетип, інститут, мережа інститу- тів, стратегія. АРХЕТИПНАЯ СОСТАВЛЯЮЩАЯ СТРАТЕГИИ РАЗВИТИЯ ИНСТИТУЦИОННЫХ СЕТЕЙ В КОНТЕКСТЕ ОБЕСПЕЧЕНИЯ НАЦИОНАЛЬНОЙ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ Аннотация. Актуальность исследования аспекта безопасности процессов настоящего и перспектив развития в рамках архетипной методологии опре- деляется тем, что системная трансформация общества требует более точно определять факторы ряда процессов. Эта проблематика также актуализиру- ется в контексте курса на формирование эффективного диалога с обществом, исследование механизмов и способов улучшения качества взаимодействия государства, бизнеса и общества. Поэтому возникает необходимость разра- ботки теоретико-методологических основ комплексной модели организации взаимодействия процессов индивидуального саморегулирования, корпо- ративного развития и государственного управления на основе архетипного подхода. Целью исследования является анализ архетипной составляющей формирования институционных сетей в контексте стратегий обеспечения безопасности. Институционально-сетевой подход к стратегиям обеспечения безопасности предполагает рассмотрение совокупности институтов и законо- мерностей их взаимодействия в рамках активных сетей, которые обеспечива- ют превращение ресурсов в реальные результаты эффективными методами согласно национальному контексту и запросам социума. Источник ответов на вопрос обеспечения безопасности предложено рассматривать с точки зрения архетипов. Подходы, изложенные в исследовании, основываются на понимании того, что в современных условиях управления и реагирование на угрозы национальной безопасности не может ограничиваться традици- онными методами. Определена роль социокультурных институтов, которая повышается в современных условиях в решении проблем в системе “безопас- ность – развитие”, с одной стороны, и объективная необходимость использо- вания их потенциала, с другой. Это обусловливает возможность включения архетипов в процессы обеспечения безопасности не только на основе прин- ципа дополнительности, но и на паритетных началах за счет развития их взаимодействия с формальными институтами. Использование архетипного подхода будет содействовать выработке инновационных подходов к разви- тию стратегий обеспечения безопасности с помощью решений, основанных на комплексных исследованиях и повестке дня в сфере публичной политики.

323 Ключевые слова: национальная безопасность, архетип, институт, сеть институтов, стратегия.

Formulation of the problem. The issues of the mentality are well under- urgency of the study of the security as- stood, but as a safety factor, it is an im- pect of current processes and develop- portant and relevant research object. ment perspectives within the archetype Therefore, there is a need to develop methodology is determined by the fact theoretical and methodological founda- that the systemic transformation of so- tions of a complex model for organizing ciety, the construction of its own state- the interaction of processes of indivi- hood, and the correction of the vectors dual self-regulation, corporate develop- of foreign policy activity requires more ment and public administration on the precisely to determine the factors of a basis of an archetypal approach. number of processes. This problem is Analysis of research and publica- also actualized in the context of the tions. The active interaction of socio- course on the formation of an effective cultural institutions and their arche- dialogue with the society, the study typal basis in solving security problems of mechanisms and ways to improve causes changes both in the management the quality of interaction between the of this interaction, and in the system for state, business and society and is an ac- managing the development of security tual scientific and practical problem. spheres at the expense of a significant The worldwide experience of “leaps” expansion of their spectrum [1–3]. in development convincingly suggests The study [4] rightly notes that in that they can only be achieved by at- the context of the development of sys- tracting and concentrating a significant temic development strategies, there amount of resources and their focus on are problems of scientific synthesis, in priority areas identified on the basis particular the synthesis of the spectrum of public dialogue under the coordina- of social sciences with emphasis on the tion of the state. In domestic practice, socialization and humanization of eco- predominantly as a resource, consider nomic theory. The history of economic economic (financial), neglecting the exercises demonstrates a clear ten- factors of human nature (factors of dency for transition from simple two- formation and use of social and human dimensional models of interaction and capital), which are most important in behavior on the market to more com- modern conditions. plex, systematic, to attempts to take Consequently, the current political into account social aspects of behavior, and economic situation sharply raises including ethics (Adam Smith also paid the question of finding the best forms attention to it). and strategies for organizing the secu- The basis for such synthesis can rity of both the individual and the state be the evolution of understanding of as a whole, taking into account national the processes of social development. peculiarities. Despite the fact that the Already since the XVІІІ century the

324 peoples begin to be treated as collective global thinking and responsibility of individuals, endowed with individual human for life (understanding himself “characters” (Montesquieu, Herder) in the world). The research [7] notes with the corresponding consequences. that solving problems of noosphere so- A little later, romance develops the cial reproduction should proceed from doctrine of the “spirit of the people” the understanding that a person is in- as a given form of attitude towards the cluded not only in the socio-economic, world and the corresponding program sociocultural, innovative, socio-histo- of its historical self-realization [5]. rical, but also in the evolutionary The co-founder of Deepmind Mus- (genetic) global process. tafa Suleiman expressed the need to In the framework of this we propose develop new models of socio-economic to consider the possibility of obtaining processes. Recognizing the success of resources as a result of taking into ac- the existing system (capitalism and mo- count archetypes within the security dernity), he notes that the system has aspect. As part of modern approaches, strategically ceased to serve the benefit culture and, above all, mentality and of mankind. Need new “forms of mind” social institutions can both promote and tools that will help solve current and prevent the realization of opportu- problems. nities embodied in market relations and From this point of view, the arche- democracy [8]. typal component forms a new plane of The model of group behavior of analysis, bringing into circulation new Houmanse shows that informal organi- resources of non-material nature. At zations dynamically interact with the one time Adam Smith cited the evi- formal, affect the adoption of various dence that human behavior leads to the solutions. In modern conditions, this birth of a new order. interaction takes place within the sys- According to the well-known Ukrai- tem of network structures. nian economist M. Tugan-Baranovsky, As part of the strategic analysis, we the psychological feelings of a person, in note Myrdal [9], who is a representa- particular religion, patriotism, morality, tive of the direction of institutionalism, national character and self-awareness, which pays heed to moral, ethical and and other factors of non-material na- social factors. The role of these issues ture, are capable of being the most po- often dominates its own political and werful forces in the development of economic problems. One of the most economic activity, and intangible important ideas of Myrdal is the prin- values — even a greater motive than ciple of general causality, according to material needs [6]. which patterns of interaction between Separate elements of archetypical economic and non-economic (social) methodology are found in V. Verna- variables are constructed. According dsky’s doctrine of the noosphere, wi- to these models, we can trace the close thin which the survival of civilization relationship between the level of health is possible only on condition of harmo- care, education, social assistance and nization of the relations of man, society productivity. Inclusion in the analysis and nature as a whole on the basis of the of non-economic variables opens up the

325 possibility of studying numerous in- tive methods in accordance with the terdependent processes, for which the national context and the needs of so- generally accepted economic analysis is ciety. In the study, some aspects of this not suitable. approach will be studied in case studies The conducted analysis of the studi- as examples of leading experience. es showed that the security component The methodology of the research is is almost not considered within the also based on the ideas of the resear- framework of the archetypal approach, chers at the Copenhagen School, which which leads to a loss of potential to fundamentally influenced the develop- counter threats to national security. ment of modern security research [10]: The purpose of the study is to ana- • a broader understanding of the lyze the archetypal component of the concept of “security”, which is no longer formation of institutional networks in confined to military discourse. Instead, the context of security strategies. the five main sectors in which security The research methodology in- issues are emerging as the most signifi- cludes general scientific methods of cant are considered: military; political; analysis and synthesis, historical and ecological; economic and societal; logical, system and structural-functio- • security research comes from the nal analysis, simulation institutional sphere of international relations, ad- and evolutionary modeling with the ding to them the maximum interdisci- aim of maximizing synergy effects in plinary character; public management space and a system- • developed the analytical concept atic approach to its construction. of “securitization”, which helps in the To solve a wide range of optimization study of how one or another case can be tasks, adapted decision-making me- attributed or not referred to security. thods will be used based on optimiza- In the context of these ideas, the tion of performance indicators, methods archetypal component is a new aspect for finding innovative ways of develop- of the analysis of institutional interac- ment, methods of complex analysis of tions. policy development and methods of Presenting main material. In mo- project management. At the same time, dern conditions, interaction strate- the necessity of attracting archetype gies play a special role in organizing methodology is conditioned by the fact socio-systems and allow you to identify that the tasks of complex reformation new aspects of a number of processes of public administration should be de- through the synthesis of interdisci- cided taking into account national fea- plinary knowledge. At the expert level, tures of each country. even the characteristic feature of the The institutional and network ap- industry 4.0 solutions — “the effective- proach to security strategies involves ness of interaction” — was formed. This consideration of the totality of insti- phrase is often the starting point for as- tutions and the patterns of their inter- sessing the readiness of societies for the action within the framework of active new conditions of development. Ability networks, which ensure the conversion to interact with others — quickly inte- of resources into real results by effec- grate into network communications or

326 adapt to new conditions, openness to considering that this will not change such interactions becomes essential fac- anything. For comparison, one can cite tors of competitiveness, which in turn the fact that on average 90 % of the in- becomes a mechanism for ensuring se- habitants of Norway, Denmark and the curity. United Kingdom are ready to inform The paper [11] describes the trends the authorities of the facts of corrup- of the modern model of innovation de- tion. velopment. The authors state that in In accordance with the spatial and recent times the requirements for state geographical interaction of social insti- policy have increased significantly, as tutions, we can identify such intercon- global competition changes the usual nected levels of security — global, inter- state of affairs. National and regional national, national, social and personal innovation systems need to be streng- in a single network structure, where thened on the basis of institutional co- they are of equal value [12]. Thus, ordination. the national security system is a func- For example, in the US, politics is tional system with interdependent a coordinated, state-funded initiative components, among which, for the pur- to mobilize national resources to ac- poses of our study, we distinguish the celerate innovation and technologi- following: cal change and maintain leadership in • national interests; global competition. In these circum- • threats to national security; stances, the question arises of deve- • national values and archetypes; loping national strategies, since for • an institutional system for ensu- Ukraine a new technological revolution ring national security. represents a chance to change the role It is within the framework of the last of global economic competition, but the component that it is worth conside- state does not yet fully exploit the exis- ring the network aspect. Accordingly, ting innovative potential. the system of ensuring national secu- At the end of the last century, the rity can be considered as structurally security systems of the United States organized activities of the authorities and Western Europe have undergone (a network of formal institutions), vari- transformation aimed at implementing ous organizations, citizens (networks of the principle of “active social partner- informal institutions), combined goals ship”, which implies the integration of and objectives for preventing, elimina- social activity into the security system. ting and eliminating external and inter- Widespread use has been made of com- nal threats. municative policies such as community In the Stanford Encyclopaedia of policing, problem-oriented services, Philosophy [13], a social (social) insti- municipal and community-based pre- tution is defined as “historically formed vention services, and so on. or purposeful effort to form a common In Ukraine, we can mention the life of people whose existence is dicta- “mentality of silence”, since numerous ted by the need to meet the social, eco- polls show that an absolute majority of nomic, political, cultural or other needs Ukrainians do not report corruption, of society as a whole or a part of it”.

327 Institutes represent the structure Client capital represents the value of that people impose on their relation- customer relationships. Organizational ships, thus defining the incentives for capital includes innovative capital development. In the case of an institu- (mainly capital of innovation) and pro- tional network, total opportunities are cess capital, which is an infrastructure also growing [14]. (information technology, work proces- The security aspect of the influence ses, etc.), that is capital, materialized in of archetypes should be viewed from effective internal processes. the point of view of the capital formed The complexity of constructing em- in the institutional networks and at pirical models of the influence of intel- the same time influencing their evolu- lectual capital on the results of activity tion. is primarily due to its special properties, In fig. 1 shows the scheme of forma- which must be taken into account when tion of institutional networks in the developing hypotheses, the choice of context of a security approach that analytical methods, as well as the inter- takes into account the generation of pretation of the results. capital of interaction, as well as the task The following characteristics of the and outcome of security management. intellectual capital can be classified as In accordance with the classical follows [16]: approach outlined in the study [15], • the properties of the public good — structural capital includes client and not exclusivity and noncompetitive- organizational capital. ness, leading to the emergence of multi-

National interests Threats to national National values security and archetypes

Institutional system of national security

Tasks Results 1. Resource management 1. Preparation and distribution of 2. Provision of public information security products services 2. Learning through joint initia- 3. Evaluating the effective- tives ness of public institutions 3. Development of models of 4. Strategic planning public administration 5. Development of expert 4. Development of resource network management mechanisms I nstitutional network 5. Development of the capacity of state institutions

Capital of interaction

Fig. 1. Scheme of formation of institutional networks in the context of a security approach

328 directional results in the use of intellec- security issues; are the goals and objec- tual capital; tives of ensuring national security a re- • ability to reproduce when the sult of social dialogue. components of intellectual capital do The institutional network combines not lose their value in distribution on a various processes at micro and macro part, and increase it in distribution and levels. Berneys [17], one of the first PR exchange; professionals in the United States, iden- • inseparability from the carrier (in tifies PR as an area of activity designed the case of human capital); to engage in relationships between a • subjectivity, which means that the person, group, idea or other unit of the value of knowledge strongly depends public on which it depends. on the context of their use. Network interaction of institutions Considering the structure of soci- that are essentially based on a socio- ety and the development of resources cultural (archetypal) basis, acts as a (capital), it should be noted three basic factor in the development of these com- institutional levels: political, economic, ponents of national security, and they and socio-cultural (mental). The upper respectively affect the nature and con- part of the structure is formed by po- tent of the interaction of institutes. In litical institutions, through which the this context, the problem is often con- chosen political model is realized. The fronted with formal and informal insti- basic component on which political and tutions based on archetypes. economic institutions rely, organize Formal institutions consist mainly socio-cultural (mental) structures that of existing informal rules and mecha- provide the internal integrity of soci- nisms. The structure of formal insti- ety along with economic interests and tutes is formed by economic, political political preferences. In turn, they are institutions, as well as the system of largely determined by socio-cultural treaties. norms, traditions, and customs that Informal institutions are an integral have been formed at the mental level. part of the modern structure of society. The national security system is Informal institutes functioned long based on the concept of ensuring na- before the transformation into legally tional security, whose historical change and organizationally formulated rules is closely linked to the development of interaction. Moreover, the multidi- and establishment of democratic re- rectional nature of these institutions gimes [12]. Accordingly, the key ques- has necessitated the emergence of in- tions in analyzing the concepts of ensu- stitutes and civil society organizations ring national security are the following that provide for the realization of these questions: which of the interest groups interests. The most important func- have the greatest influence in building tions of non-formal institutes are the the hierarchy of goals; how they affect maintenance of a relationship between the state of national security; is there a the state, on the one hand, and business, partnership between the state and soci- on the other. ety in this matter; is society permissible It is in the underestimation of insti- in the process of making decisions on tutional problems and their nature that

329 the main reason for the failures of re- to a critical relation to the existing rea- forming the public space lies. According lity. On the basis of this, the study [8], to D. North’s concept [18], institutions for example, concluded that Confucia- limit and define the range of alterna- nism forms critical thinking and thus tives available to economic agents and contributes to social progress. influence their decisions. In our opi- An example of interdisciplinary use nion, the archetypal approach allows us of synergetics can serve as a model of to specify the reasons for the develop- migration. This issue is quite painful ment of alternatives and success or fai- for a number of developing countries. lure in their practical implementation. It distinguishes between the micro- Using an institutional approach level of individual decisions and the can overcome the barriers that can macro level of dynamic collective pro- not overcome neoclassical theories. In cesses in society. Macroprocesses are countries with a low level of develop- described at the level of socio-configu- ment of social institutions, where there rations, each of which is characterized is no trust between government, busi- by its vector of behavior. Migration in ness and society, economic institutions society is also well illustrated by com- can not obtain and rationally use mar- puter models with changing centers, ket information that reduces the rate of due to non-linear interactions of social development even at high investment groups. rates. The relevant network strategy con- The study [19] shows that deve- siders the sustainability of economic loped countries with strong economies growth as the result of systematically (in particular, the United Kingdom, coordinated the use of modern com- Argentina, and the People’s Republic petitive advantages (innovative, infor- of China) place on the development mational and intellectual) at all stages institutions the task of transforming of the chain of value creation with the depressed or underdeveloped areas into participation of a number of agents and spaces for people and business. In this institutions. case, specially created development The security strategy focuses on institutes are an effective tool, as they the coordinated work of development accumulate human capital (expertise institutions on the basis of market and competencies) needed to develop mechanisms, information exchange and grounded in the system (organic) con- coordination of actions, which should tent of development plans and their involve government structures at dif- implementation into reality. ferent levels, public associations and The archetypal basis of the evolu- business. tion of development institutes is the The Network of Institutes Coordi- criticality that promotes progress nation is a multilateral institutional through the discovery of omission and platform for continuous exchange, disadvantages to overcome them. For modeling and building up of experience example, Confucianism has developed and knowledge through the creation of an ideal that needs to be achieved and an expert network in the field of public the presence of which inevitably leads administration development.

330 In the context of security issues, we technologies for advancing priori- note the readiness of institutional net- ties, the formation of an information works to counteract threats. The inter- environment, cultural and educational action of institutes that have a network programs, image design, and so on be- character and takes into account the ar- gan to emerge from the outset in poli- chetypal structure can lead to the cre- tics. ation of a network socio-cultural orga- The formation of development net- nization, based on the implementation works can be considered from the theo- of interaction models that promote the retical component of the evolution of pooling of resources and the develop- community communities and the secu- ment of agreed solutions (fig. 2). rity of their development. Today, cities Networks provide the formulation are drivers for the development of the of proposals for joint actions with other world economy and they account for up institutions, in search of interested in- to 80 % of the gross domestic product, stitutions and for the establishment which is shaped by the concentration of interaction. If there is an event in a of human capital and lower transaction certain institute, they are immediately costs. informed about others. Cities (communities) undergo the The factor of active networks based following stages of evolution: on archetypes should be taken into • City 1.0 — an industrial city with account in the context of the gradual a developed industry; large enterprises decrease in the effectiveness of the are located; traditional force-based approaches to • City 2.0 — the city moves more to security strategies. The soft-power the sphere of services, development of mechanisms, in particular, network small and medium business;



archetypes archetypes

Institution Institution Institution

Field of interest

Socio-cultural basis

Fig. 2. Scheme for the formation of an active institutional network

331 • City 3.0 — the post-industrial aspect can be successfully used in other city, which is the center of education, areas of public administration. the center of technology, the center Conclusions and perspectives of of knowledge. City 3.0 is also a well- further research. The source of the developed public initiative that deve- answers to the questions of security is lops global education, multicultural- proposed to consider from the point ism, international communication and of view of archetypes. The approa- becomes a center of knowledge and ches outlined in the study are based on technology. For example, in London on- the understanding that under current ly 2 % of the gross product is formed by conditions of management and response industry. At the forefront are financial to threats to national security can markets and the knowledge economy. not be limited to traditional methods, The presented evolution illustrates but should take into account the re- changes in the basis of development source potential of an archetypal com- and growth of the role of the socio-cul- ponent. tural factor of the development of new The role of socio-cultural institu- industries. tions is determined, which is rising in We can also consider cooperation be- the current conditions in solving prob- tween universities, business and society lems in the system “security — deve- as networks of development institutes. lopment” on the one hand, and the ob- Within this framework, it is advisable jective need to use their potential, on to consider the peculiarities of the stra- the other. This leads to the possibility tegic role of academic institutions, in of incorporating socio-cultural institu- particular in the context of three main tions in security assurance processes missions: educational, research (scien- not only on the basis of the principle of tific) and social. Analyzing the state of additionality, but also on a parity basis implementation of these missions, we through the development of their inter- can note the practical absence of system action with formal institutions. It can processes in the latter two, which leads stimulate the transformation of public to the loss of development potential administration through the streng- and impairs the realization of an educa- thening and utilization of human po- tional component that is not related to tential and cooperation mechanisms. practice. The use of an archetypal approach Formation of networks of institu- will foster the development of innova- tions not only facilitates the efficient tive approaches to the development of transfer of knowledge, but also allows security strategies through scientifical- scientists to formulate topical research ly sound decisions based on integrated tasks, conduct high-quality research research and agenda in the field of pub- and obtain a clearer idea of how to ap- lic policy. ply the results of research in the disci- Further research should be focused plines (ie, to increase their value and on the analysis of specific institutio- potential for other institutions). In this nal networks that are emerging (to be example, we see an increase in the value formed) to address certain security of all of the above types of capital. This issues.

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335 UDC: 35.088.6(477) DOI: 2224-2019-18-3-336-345 Orliv Mariana Stepanivna, Ph.D in Economics, Docent of the Depart- ment of Public Administration and Manage- ment, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, 76019, Ivano- Frankivsk, Karpatska Str., 15, tel.: +38(067) 650 35 45, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-9022-2130 Орлів Мар’яна Степанівна, кандидат економічних наук, доцент ка- федри публічного управління та адміні- стрування, Івано-Франківський націо- нальний технічний університет нафти і газу, 76019, м. Івано-Франківськ, вул. Карпатська, 15, тел.: +38(067) 650 35 45, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-9022-2130 Орлив Марьяна Степановна, кандидат экономических наук, доцент кафедры публичного управления и менед- жмента, Ивано-Франковский национальный технический университет нефти и га- за, 76019, г. Ивано-Франковск, ул. Карпатская, 15, тел.: +38(067) 650 35 45, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-9022-2130

IN-SERVICE TRAINING FOR CIVIL SERVANTS IN THE CONTEXT OF ENSURING THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF UKRAINE (ARCHETYPAL APPROACH) Abstract. The problem of low level of functional competence of civil servants caused by the declarative character of the use of strategic, competence and in- dividual-centered approaches in their professional and personal development is actualized. The aspects of organization of the professional development of civil servants taking into account socio-cultural and psychological-mental charac- teristics on the basis of results of the implementation of multi-phase program “Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness” as well as sci- entific research of the representatives of the Ukrainian School of Archetype are explored. It is substantiated that the main attributes of leadership in modern societies (charisma, participativity, and team orientation) necessitate the com-

336 bination of individually-centered and system-oriented approaches in in-service training through the introduction of organizational learning and activity-based learning in public authorities, and the use of innovative democratic technolo- gies for personnel development, including coaching, to ensure the effectiveness of their functioning. The questions of civil servants’ personal qualities assessment and formation of individual professional development strategies as well as individual programs of professional competence development based on its results are considered. It is argued that the modern system of in-service training for civil servants should ensure the formation of a competitive human capital as an intensive factor of the sustainable development of the state, based on the combination of the principles of human-centeredness and pragmatism. The essence of human capital at the in- dividual, organizational and national levels is determined as the value which is accumulated in the result of investing (in a rational approach) and capable of self-growth. The prospect of further scientific developments is the study of the problems of ensuring the effectiveness of the professional in-service program im- plementation for public servants at the request of authorities, taking into account the aspects which are considered in the article. Keywords: archetype, professional competence, system of in-service training for civil servants, professional development, personal development, cultural va- lues, good governance, human capital, leadership. ПІДВИЩЕННЯ КВАЛІФІКАЦІЇ ДЕРЖАВНИХ СЛУЖБОВЦІВ У КОНТЕКСТІ ЗАБЕЗПЕЧЕННЯ СТАЛОГО РОЗВИТКУ УКРАЇНИ (АРХЕТИПНИЙ ПІДХІД) Анотація. Актуалізовано проблему низького рівня функціональної ком- петентності державних службовців через декларативний характер вико- ристання стратегічного, компетентнісного та індивідуально-центричного підходів у їх професійному й особистісному розвитку. Досліджено аспекти організації підвищення кваліфікації державних службовців з урахуванням соціально-культурних та психологічно-ментальних характеристик на основі результатів реалізації багатофазної програми “Глобальне лідерство і ефек- тивність організаційної поведінки” та розвідок представників Української школи архетипіки. Обґрунтовано, що основні атрибути лідерства у сучасних суспільствах (харизматичність, партисипативність та орієнтація на команду) зумовлюють необхідність поєднання індивідуально-центричного та систем- но-орієнтованого підходів у підвищенні кваліфікації шляхом запровадження організаційного та діяльнісного навчання в органах державної влади, вико- ристання інноваційних демократичних технологій розвитку персоналу, зо- крема коучингу, для забезпечення ефективності їх функціонування. Розглянуто питання оцінювання особистісних якостей державних служ- бовців та формування на основі його результатів індивідуальних стратегій професійного розвитку та індивідуальних програм підвищення рівня профе- сійної компетентності. Аргументовано, що сучасна система підвищення ква-

337 ліфікації державних службовців має забезпечувати формування конкуренто- спроможного людського капіталу, як інтенсивного фактора сталого розвитку держави, на засадах поєднання принципів людиноцентризму і прагматизму. Визначено сутність людського капіталу на індивідуальному, організаційно- му й національному рівнях як нагромаджену в результаті інвестування (за раціональним підходом) цінність, здатну до самозростання. Перспективою подальших наукових розвідок визначено дослідження проблем забезпечення ефективності реалізації професійних програм підвищення кваліфікації дер- жавних службовців на замовлення органів влади з урахуванням розглянутих у статті аспектів. Ключові слова: архетип, професійна компетентність, система підвищен- ня кваліфікації державних службовців, професійний розвиток, особистіс- ний розвиток, культурні цінності, належне врядування, людський капітал, лідерство. ПОВЫШЕНИЕ КВАЛИФИКАЦИИ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫХ СЛУЖАЩИХ В КОНТЕКСТЕ ОБЕСПЕЧЕНИЯ УСТОЙЧИВОГО РАЗВИТИЯ УКРАИНЫ (АРХЕТИПНЫЙ ПОДХОД) Аннотация. Актуализировано проблему низкого уровня функциональ- ной компетентности государственных служащих вследствие декларатив- ного характера использования стратегического, компетентностного и инди- видуально-центричного подходов к их профессиональному и личностному развитию. Исследованы аспекты организации повышения квалификации государственных служащих с учетом социально-культурных и психологи- чески-ментальных характеристик на основе результатов реализации много- фазной программы “Глобальное лидерство и эффективность организацион- ного поведения” и разведок представителей Украинской школы архетипики. Обосновано, что основные атрибуты лидерства в современных обществах (харизматичность, партисипативнисть и ориентация на команду) обуслов- ливают необходимость сочетания индивидуально-центричного и системно- ориентированного подходов в повышении квалификации путем введения организационного и деятельностного обучения в органах государственной власти, использования инновационных демократических технологий раз- вития персонала, в частности коучинга, для обеспечения эффективности их функционирования. Рассмотрены вопросы оценивания личностных качеств государственных служащих и формирования на основе его результатов индивидуальных стра- тегий профессионального развития и индивидуальных программ повыше- ния уровня профессиональной компетентности. Аргументировано, что сов- ременная система повышения квалификации государственных служащих должна обеспечивать формирование конкурентоспособного человеческого капитала, как интенсивного фактора устойчивого развития государства, на основе сочетания принципов человекоцентризма и прагматизма. Определена сущность человеческого капитала на индивидуальном, организационном и

338 национальном уровнях как накопленная в результате инвестирования (за рациональным подходом) ценность, способная к самовозрастанию. Пер- спективой дальнейших научных разведок определено исследование проблем обеспечения эффективности реализации профессиональных программ по- вышения квалификации государственных служащих по заказу органов влас- ти с учетом рассмотренных в статье аспектов. Ключевые слова: архетип, профессиональная компетентность, система повышения квалификации государственных служащих, профессиональное развитие, личностное развитие, культурные ценности, надлежащее управле- ние, человеческий капитал, лидерство.

Problem statement. According to the level of functional incompetence of the strategy of sustainable develop- civil servants reached values over 80 % ment “Ukraine-2020” the goal of pub- at the time, as the level of readiness for lic administration reform is to build the fulfillment of their functions at the a transparent system of public admi- level of “productive activity” did not nistration, create a professional public exceed 4,7 percent [2, p. 10]. This situa- service, ensure their effectiveness and tion was due to the fact that the compe- ability to form and implement a holistic tence-based and personality-oriented public policy aimed at sustainable social approaches in the professional develop- development and adequate response to ment of civil servants were mainly de- internal and external challenges [1]. clarative and were not integrated into Therefore, one of the main criteria for all processes of state personnel manage- assessing of the institute of public ser- ment. vice, its compliance with European Now there is a lack of developments standar is the readiness of civil servants that would form a systematic view on to implement the functions of public the implementation of effective mecha- administration with the use of modern nisms and ways to influence the pro- management technologies. However, fessional and personal civil servants in the results of studies conducted by the the system of training. In the context Department of public administration of ensuring sustainable development of and social development of the National Ukraine, it is necessary to take into ac- Academy of Public Administration un- count the fact that, unlike the private der the President of Ukraine (more — sector (where business entities invest NAPA under the President of Ukraine) primarily in the development of spe- and the Department of monitoring re- cific competencies as long as it is be- search of socio-economic transforma- neficial to them), the training of civil tions of Institute of economy and fore- servants should ensure the public good, casting of NAS of Ukraine, showed that including through the state order for at the time of the adoption of sustain- its implementation. able development strategies and reform Analysis of recent research and of public administration in Ukraine publications. Problems of professional

339 and personal development of civil ser- value of a person in society, in fact, en- vants, effective management qualifica- tails appropriate institutional changes, tion were examined by M. Bilynska, which are embodied in the administra- A. Vasylieva, K. Vashchenko, A. Vo- tive reform as a transition from depart- ron’ko, L. Gogina, N. Honcharuk, mental to functional in public adminis- V. Hoshovska, L. Dayilenko, D. Dzvin- tration, the activities of civil servants chuk, V. Zahoeskyi, N. Izha, S. Ka- and work with managerial personnel, lashnikova, V. Kuibida, A. Lipentsev, including the assessment of their com- V. Luhovyi, V. Miliaieva, R. Naumenko, petence and functional readiness [2, L. Pashko, V. Ponedilko, I. Rozputen- p. 7–8]. Therefore, the modern system ko, A. Rudenko, S. Seriohin, V. Ter- of professional development of civil tychka, S. Hadzhyradieva and several servants in Ukraine is a dynamic com- other local scientists. Their develop- ponent of the system of their profes- ment is implemented in the educatio- sional training, which is characterized nal process of institutions of the system by organizational and institutional of training and used in the preparation structures, relationships and processes of draft regulations, requirements and that provide targeted personal and pro- guidelines for the introduction of the fessional development of civil servants standard of educational activities for in accordance with the needs of the in- training, competitive selection of can- dividual, authorities and the state. didates for vacant positions in govern- The problem of ensuring the effec- ment, the formation of training pro- tiveness of the system is the lack of ef- grams, the organization of formal and fective tools to motivate civil servants informal training, etc. However, the to improve their skills, its planning and system of professional development organization, taking into account the of civil servants continues to develop characteristics of the individual, as well fragmentary and does not provide the as the creation of conditions for the de- possibility of implementing strategic velopment of its potential, taking into approaches to their professional and account national and mental factors personal development. and traditions. In this sense, the results The purpose of the article is to im- of the multiphase research program prove the approaches to improving the “Global leadership and organizational skills of civil servants, taking into ac- Effectiveness” (“Global Leadership count the socio-cultural and psycho- and Organizational Behavior”, herein- logical and mental characteristics in after — the GLOBE program), which the context of sustainable development was attended by about 150 scientists of Ukraine. from 61 countries, and research repre- Presentation of the main material. sentatives of the Ukrainian school of The key element and generator of insti- archetypes, deserve attention. tutional changes in society, including The GLOBE program is one of the the institute of public service, is now largest international research projects the processes of self-identification, on management, focused on the study in the context of which there is a hu- of the relationship between social and man personality. The affirmation of the organizational cultures and leader-

340 ship, which has made a significant con- participative and team-oriented lea- tribution in the field of applied social dership, and the least significant are Sciences. The project identified 9 im- self-motivated and autonomous [4]. portant cultural aspects that can chara- The GLOBE program did not ex- cterize the society in three directions: tend to Ukraine, but domestic scien- 1) what is important for society tists note that Ukrainian society in the (future orientation, result orientation, organization of its life also traditio- avoidance of uncertainty, human orien- nally tends to group actions, sometimes tation); even by limiting individual preferences 2) how to organize society (social [5, p. 193]. This necessitates a combi- collectivism, intragroup collectivism); nation of personality-centric and sys- 3) how society should interact tem-oriented approaches to improving (power distancing, assertiveness, gen- the skills of civil servants, in particular der egalitarianism) [3, p. 5–6]. the introduction of organizational and In particular, for the societies of the activity training. After all, according to USA, Great Britain, France and Po- the theory of social constructivism of land, the most important values with P. Berger and T. Lukman [6], the re- different priorities are result orienta- sult of intra-group interaction in the tion and human and intra-group col- process of activity training is the for- lectivism (see table). Despite the fact mation of new knowledge as a social that the actual values of the indicators product, which after application and differ significantly from the value es- habitualization turns into competence, timates, the main attributes of leader- that is, the intellectual component of ship in these countries are charismatic, human capital. At this stage, its deve-

Results of the evaluation of cultural aspects characterizing the society USA Great Britain France Poland

Cultural aspects value value value value actual value actual value actual value actual value assessment assessment assessment assessment Focus on the future 4,15 5,31 4,28 5,06 3,48 4,96 3,11 5,2 Result orientation 4,49 6,14 4,08 5,9 4,11 5,65 3,89 6,12 Avoidance 4,15 4,0 4,65 4,11 4,43 4,26 3,62 4,71 of uncertainty Focus on the person 4,17 5,53 3,72 5,43 3,4 5,67 3,61 5,3 Social collectivism 4,2 4,17 4,27 4,31 3,93 4,86 4,53 4,22 Intra-group collectivism 4,25 5,77 4,08 5,55 4,37 5,42 5,52 5,74 The distancing of power 4,88 2,85 2,8 4,65 5,28 2,76 5,1 3,12 Assertiveness 4,55 4,32 4,15 3,7 4,14 3,38 4,06 3,9 Gender egalitarianism 3,34 5,06 3,67 5,17 3,64 4,4 4,02 4,52 The table is compiled on the basis of source:

341 lopment does not require significant Presidential personnel reserve “New investments. elite of the nation” and the formation According to representatives of the of a comprehensive program of profes- Ukrainian school of archetypes, cul- sional development of persons enrolled tural values play a crucial role in the in it. According to the Guidelines for formation of social identity as a multi- conducting a survey of candidates dimensional psychosocial reality, which [8] personal, business, creative and is recognized as a reliable means of har- cognitive qualities and abilities were monizing the internal life of society, the determined by the multifactor per- key to its self-acceptance and further sonal technique R. Kettell, the basics development. Therefore, it is the arche- of which were developed in 1949, and types that form the cognitive structures today are in-depth and actively used of people (attitudes, scenarios, con- in working with different categories cepts, images and prototypes), which of respondents in different countries. predetermines their readiness to act in According to this method, the assess- one direction or another [7, p. 60], in- ment of adaptation of the person is cluding the development of professio- carried out on the basis of indicators nal competence, in the process of which of extroversion and introversion of it is necessary to take into account the personality — qualities discovered by extra-or introvert personality, its ra- K. Jung. But the problem is how to use tionality or irrationality. In this sense, these results in the process of further V. Petrenko formed a complex spatial personal development. model of management styles (based on Since the introduction of the con- three evaluation criteria — the orienta- cept of good governance in public tion of the head to the task, partnership authorities predetermines the need and himself), which allowed to deter- for the use of innovative democratic mine those management styles that technologies for the development of contribute to the implementation of the personnel, a comprehensive program concept of proper intellect usage, and of professional development of persons develop an algorithm for transforming enrolled in the Presidential person- the organizational group of people into nel reserve was provided for coaching, a team under the influence of the leader which is an effective tool for impro- [5, p. 185–196]. The use of the spatial ving competence and personal devel- model in the selection and evaluation opment. After all, with the help of coa- of senior civil service personnel, their ching, a person's motivation is created, further training, as well as the intro- followed by the definition of specific duction of organizational training is steps of change and development, the important to ensure the effective func- nature and sequence of which depends tioning of public authorities. on her personal characteristics, level of This approach was used in 2012– creativity, professionalism and the like. 2013 by the Institute of advanced Thus, depending on the type of refe- training of the leadership of the NAPA rence persons use 3 approaches to the under the President of Ukraine in the organization of coaching and achieve process of competitive selection to the its goals:

342 1) motivation to change + mento- be formed with the focus on improv- ring — for persons with external re- ing the level of professional compe- ference (who are more focused on the tence and individual efficiency, taking opinion of authoritative and experi- into account the factors that affect its enced persons, objective results, ac- competitiveness and career growth. cepted standards, etc); Accordingly, the modern system of 2) motivation to change + indepen- advanced training of civil servants on dent search for solutions — for people the basis of a combination of principles with internal reference (who prima- of humane centrism and pragmatism rily focus on their own vision, opinion, should ensure the development of com- position, and therefore more trust the petitive human capital in the public conclusions that came on their own) sector, which is accumulated as a result and mixed reference; of investment value capable of self- 3) motivation to change + a com- growth: mon search for solutions for persons 1) at the individual level — the with a mixed reference [9, p. 14]. value that is determined on the basis The results of personal qualities of professional competence, personal testing should also be taken into ac- potential and social status of the civil count in the formation of an individual servant; strategy of professional development 2) at the organizational level — an and an individual program to improve intangible asset of the authority, the the level of professional competence, improvement or increase of which (in according to article 49 of the Law of particular in the system of training) has Ukraine “On civil service” is annually a long-term effect. Its components are: compiled by civil servants based on the the personal potential of employees; results of their performance evaluation. intellectual capital, which is formed In determining the priorities of in- through the development of profes- dividual development, one of these sional competence; social capital — strategies can be chosen: through their interaction; organiza- 1) development of weaknesses (ac- tional capital — through the institu- quisition of missing or improvement of tionalization of knowledge and synergy poorly developed skills); of intellectual and social capital; 2) compensation of weaknesses by 3) at the national level — an inten- strengthening the strengths (impro- sive factor of sustainable development ving already developed skills to further of the state, the main components of their active use in order weaknesses to which are: the professionalism of go- be levelled out on their background); vernment officials, effective technolo- 3) integrated approach to deve- gies of their interaction and the system lopment (the combination of the first of institutionalized knowledge. two approaches in the given sequence, Decisions to invest in training ac- which requires more time, but is the tivities for civil servants should be most effective). made in a rational manner, using the The strategy of individual deve- “benefits-costs” method, which in- lopment of the civil servant should cludes an analysis of the achievement

343 of the planned results and all related References benefits. Conclusions and prospects for 1. Ukaz Prezydenta Ukrainy “Pro Strate- further research. In the context of hiiu staloho rozvytku “Ukraina-2020” ensuring sustainable development of [The order of the President of Ukraine Ukraine, the system of professional de- “On the Strategy of Sustainable De- velopment “Ukraine-2020”]. (n.d.). velopment of civil servants should fo- Retrieved from cus on the formation of human capital at the individual, organizational and show/5/2015 [in Ukrainian]. national levels, taking into account 2. Afonin Ye. A. (2015). Funktsionalna socio-cultural and psychological and i kompetentnisna hotovnist’ der- mental characteristics. zhavnykh sluzhbovtsiv Ukrainy do The results of studies of foreign sci- zdiisnennia publichnoho administru- entists show that the main attributes of vannia v umovakh demokratii [Func- leadership in modern societies are cha- tional and Competent Readiness of risma, participation and team orienta- Civil Servants of Ukraine for Pub- lic Administration in a Democracy]. tion. The result of intra-group interac- Ukrainskyi sotsium — Ukrainian So- tion is the formation of new knowledge cium, 1, 7–22 [in Ukrainian]. as a social product, which after the ap- 3. House R. (2002). Understanding Cul- plication and habitualization turns into tures and Implicit Leadership Theo- competence, that is, the intellectual ries across the Globe: an Introduction component of human capital. Therefore, to Project GLOBE. Journal of World professional and personal development Business, 37, 3–10. of civil servants should be carried out in 4. Global Leadership & Organizational combination of personality-centric (to Behavior Effectiveness (n.d.). globe. build human capital at the individual Retrieved from http:// level) and system-oriented approaches GBR?menu=country (for the development of collective lea- 5. Petrenko V. P. (2006). Upravlinnia dership processes and human capital at protsesamy intelektokorystuvannia v the level of public authorities). At the sotsialno-ekonomichnykh systemakh same time, it is important to ensure the [Management of the Processes of In- systematic use of valid methods for as- tellectual Use in Social and Economic sessing the personal qualities of civil Systems]. Ivano-Frankivsk : Nova servants and to take into account its Zoria [in Ukrainian]. results in the formation of individual 6. Berger P. & Lukman T. (1995). strategies for professional development, Soczial’noe konstruirovanie real`nosti. Traktat po socziologii znaniya [Social the organization of non-formal training Construction of Reality. Treatise on in public authorities. In this regard, the the Sociology of Knowledge]. Mosk- prospect of further research is the study wa: Medium [in Russian]. of the problems of ensuring the effec- 7. Novachenko T. V. (2013). Arkhetypova tiveness of professional training pro- paradyhma avtorytetu kerivnyka v grams for civil servants commissioned derzhavnomu upravlinni [Archetype by the authorities, taking into account Paradigm of Authority of Manager the aspects discussed in the article. in Public Administration]. Nizhyn –

344 Kyiv: Vydavets Lysenko M. M. [in GLOBE / R. House // Journal of Ukrainian]. World Business. — 2002. — № 37. — 8. Goshovs’ka V. A. (2013). Metodychni P. 3–10. rekomendatsii z provedennia anketu- 4. Global Leadership & Organizational vannia kandydativ do Prezydentskoho Behavior Effectiveness [Electronic kadrovoho rezervu “Nova elita nat- resource] / GLOBE. — Access mode: sii” [Methodical Recommendations for Interviewing Candidates to the countries/GBR?menu=country Presidential Personnel Reserve “New 5. Петренко В. П. Управління про- Elite of the Nation”]. Kyiv: NADU, [in цесами інтелектокористування в Ukrainian]. соціально-економічних системах : 9. Ivanova S. (2014). Razvitie potenc- монографія / В. П. Петренко. — Іва- ziala sotrudnikov: Professional’nye но-Франківськ : Нова Зоря, 2006. — kompetenczii, liderstvo, kommunikac- 352 с. zii [Employee Capacity Development: 6. Бергер П. Социальное конструиро- Professional Competences, Leader- вание реальности. Трактат по социо- ship, Communication]. Moskwa: логии знания / П. Бергер, Т. Лук- AL’PINA PABLIShERA [in Russian]. ман. — М. : Медиум, 1995. — 323 с. 7. Новаченко Т. В. Архетипова пара- Список використаних дигма авторитету керівника в дер- джерел жавному управлінні : монографія / Т. В. Новаченко ; за наук. ред. 1. Про Стратегію сталого розвит- Е. А. Афоніна. — Ніжин–Київ: Вид. ку “Україна-2020” : Указ Прези- Лисенко М. М., К., 2013. — 319 с. дента України від 12.01.2015 року 8. Методичні рекомендації з прове- № 5/2015: [Електронний ресурс]. — дення анкетування кандидатів до Режим доступу: https://zakon1.rada. Президентського кадрового резерву “Нова еліта нації” / Л. І. Данилен- 2. Афонін Є. А. Функціональна і ком- ко, Н. М. Дембицька, Т. М. Яблон- петентнісна готовність державних ська; за ред. В. А. Гошовської. — К. : службовців України до здійснен- НАДУ, 2013. — 7 с. ня публічного адміністрування в 9. Иванова С. Развитие потенциала умовах демократії / Е. А. Афонін, сотрудников: Профессиональные О. М. Балакірєва // Укр. соціум. — компетенции, лидерство, коммуни- 2015. — № 1. — С. 7–22. кации / [С. Иванова, Д. Болдогаев, 3. House R. Understanding Cultures and Э. Борчанинова и др.]. — 5-е изд. — Implicit Leadership Theories across М. : АЛЬПИНА ПАБЛИШЕРА, the Globe: an Introduction to Project 2014. — 279 с.

345 UDC: 930.1 DOI: 2224-2019-18-3-346-356 Patrakov Vladimir Petrovich, philosopher, independent researcher, Repub- lic Kazakhstan, 021500, Stepnogorsk, 3, tel.: +7 702 123 1671, e-mail: bolinbrog@gmail. com ORCID: 0000-0002-4418-4257 Патраков Володимир Петрович, філософ, незалежний дослідник, Республі- ка Казахстан, 021500, м. Степногорськ, 3, тел. +7 702 123 1671, e-mail: bolinbrog@ ORCID: 0000-0002-4418-4257 Патраков Владимир Петрович, философ, независимый исследователь, Республика Казахстан, 021500, г. Степногорск, 3, тел. +7 702 123 1671, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-4418-4257

LOGOS AND MYFOS. HEGEL’S PHILOSOPHY OF HISTORY AND THE COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS THEORY: THE ATTEMPT OF SYNTHESIS IN THE CONTEXT OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Abstract. The article discusses an attempts to concretize Hegel’s philosophy of history on the basis the collective unconscious theory of C. G. Jung and his followers. The key categories connecting these theories is the notion of national spirit. In order to clarify the main contradiction of historical development, the structure of Hegel’s dialectical contradiction is considered. In the world-histo- rical process, the main contradiction is the contradiction between Logos (ideas) and Mythos (collective unconscious, people spirits). Absolutization of the uni- versal, Logos, in Marxism or liberal bourgeois protestantism leads to the loss of national identity and/or social degradation of the masses. In turn, the abso- lutization of Mythos, which underlies various fascist and racist theories, leads to national isolation and stagnation. The mythology of history, based not on a concept (Reason), but on archetypes, myths and symbols, is the path to a histori- cal dead end. Therefore, only the contradictory unity of Logos and Mythos leads countries and peoples to stable development. Not national self-isolation and a sense of exclusivity, and not dissolving in global world processes, but develop-

346 ment based on national archetypes and values (genocodes) in close cooperation with other countries. Thus, the worldview, which sees the source of development in contradictions, should become popular. This worldview is concretized on the modern scientific material Hegel’s dialectical philosophy. according to which, “to him who looks upon the world rationally, the world in its turn presents a rational aspect. The relation is mutual”. On the contrary, the nowadays rational intellect, which divides the world into parts, cannot understand the dialectical rationality of the world and plunges it into nonsense. This is the source of the emergence of popular political science theories of “chaos”, “turbulence”, etc. Thus, the worldview, which sees the source of development in contradictions, should become popular. This worldview is concretized on the modern scientific material. Keywords: dialectical contradiction, philosophy of history, dialectic and ra- tional mind, Mythos, Logos, genocodes of national cultures. ЛОГОС І МІФОС. ФІЛОСОФІЯ ІСТОРІЇ ГЕГЕЛЯ І ТЕОРІЯ КОЛЕКТИВНОГО НЕСВІДОМОГО: СПРОБА СИНТЕЗУ В КОНТЕКСТІ СТАЛОГО РОЗВИТКУ Анотація. Зроблено спробу конкретизувати філософію історії Гегеля на базі теорії колективного несвідомого К. Г. Юнга і його послідовників. Клю- човою категорією, що зв’язує ці теорії, є поняття народного духу, оскільки, згідно з теорією Гегеля, Світовий дух (загальне) розвивається через народ- ні духи (особливе). Для з’ясування основного протиріччя історичного роз- витку розглядається структура діалектичного протиріччя Гегеля. У всес- вітньо-історичному процесі головним є протиріччя між Логосом (ідеями) і міфосом (колективне несвідоме, народні духи). Абсолютизація загального, Логосу, в марксизмі або буржуазному глобальному лібералізмі веде до втра- ти національної ідентичності та соціальної катастрофи. Своєю чергою, аб- солютизація міфосу, що лежить в основі різних фашистських і расистських теорій, веде до національної ізоляції і стагнації. Міфологія історії, заснована не на понятті (Розумі), а на архетипах і міфах — це шлях в історичний тупик. Тому тільки суперечлива, діалектична єдність Логосу і Міфосу веде народи до сталого розвитку. Не національна самоізоляція і винятковість, і не розчи- нення в глобальних світових процесах, а розвиток на основі національних архетипів і цінностях в тісній співпраці з іншими країнами. Таким чином, світогляд, який вбачає у протиріччях джерело розвитку, має стати затребу- ваним. Цим світоглядом є конкретизована на сучасному науковому матері- алі філософія діалектичного розуму Г. Гегеля, згідно з яким, “хто розумно дивиться на світ, на того і світ дивиться розумно”. Навпаки, панівний нині розумовий розум, що розділяє світ на частини, не може зрозуміти діалектич- ної розумності світу і занурює його в нісенітницю. Саме в цьому полягає ви- тік появи популярних політологічних теорій “хаосу”, “турбулентності” та ін. Ключові слова: діалектичне протиріччя, філософія історії, Міфос, Логос, діалектичний і розумовий розум, генокоди національних культур.

347 ЛОГОС И МИФОС. ФИЛОСОФИЯ ИСТОРИИ ГЕГЕЛЯ И ТЕОРИЯ КОЛЛЕКТИВНОГО БЕССОЗНАТЕЛЬНОГО: ПОПЫТКА СИНТЕЗА В КОНТЕКСТЕ УСТОЙЧИВОГО РАЗВИТИЯ Аннотация. Сделано попытку конкретизировать философию истории Гегеля на базе теории коллективного бессознательного К. Г. Юнга и его по- следователей. Ключевой категорией, связывающей эти теории, является по- нятие народного духа, поскольку, согласно с теорией Гегеля, Мировой дух (всеобщее) развивается через народные духи (особенное). Для выяснения основного противоречия исторического развития рассматривается структу- ра диалектического противоречия Гегеля. Во всемирно-историческом про- цессе главным является противоречие между Логосом (идеями) и Мифосом (коллективное бессознательное, народные духи). Абсолютизация всеобщего, Логоса, в марксизме или буржуазном глобальном либерализме ведет к утрате национальной идентичности и социальной катастрофе. В свою очередь, абсо- лютизация Мифоса, лежащая в основе различных фашистских и расистских теорий, ведет к национальной изоляции и стагнации. Мифология истории, основанная не на понятии (Разуме), а на архетипах и мифах — это путь в исторический тупик. Поэтому только противоречивое, диалектическое един- ство Логоса и Мифоса ведет народы к устойчивому развитию. Не националь- ная самоизоляция и исключительность, и не растворение в глобальных ми- ровых процессах, а развитие на основе национальных архетипов и ценностях в тесном сотрудничестве с другими странами. Таким образом, мировоззре- ние, которое видит в противоречиях источник развития, должно стать во- стребованным. Этим мировоззрением является конкретизированная на сов- ременном научном материале философия диалектического разума Г. Гегеля, согласно которой, “кто разумно смотрит на мир, на того и мир смотрит раз- умно”. Напротив, господствующий ныне рассудочный разум, разделяющий мир на части, не может понять диалектичной разумности мира и погружает его в бессмыслицу. Именно в этом заключается исток появления популярных политологических теорий “хаоса”, “турбулентности” и др. Ключевые слова: диалектическое противоречие, философия истории, Мифос, Логос, диалектический и рассудочный разум, генокоды националь- ных культур.

Target setting. Hegel’s philosophy ticular, the theory collective uncon- of history has a powerful scientific and scious of Jung of and his followers. The heuristic potential, which, in our opi- dialectic combination of the Hegelian nion, is not sufficiently demanded by Logos and the Jung Mythos will make researchers. For this, Hegel’s philoso- it possible to highlight the main con- phy of history needs to be concretized tradiction of the historical process, the by modern scientific theories, in par- understanding of which can play an

348 important role in developing mecha- this contradiction is more complicated. nisms for sustainable development. “In point of form Logical doctrine has Analysis of basic research and pub- three sides: [a] the Abstract side, or lications. In recent years, the topic of that of understanding; [b] the Dialecti- the collective unconscious and Hegel’s cal, or that of negative reason; [c] the philosophy of spirit has become popu- Speculative, or that of positive reason” lar in scientific literature [1–6]. But in [7, §79]. The abstract side is the im- these articles and books the most im- mediate unity of the concept (A), at portant problem has not been solved: the negative stage it is divided into op- how can we dialectically combine the posites (–A, + A), and at the specula- collective unconscious theory with the tive stage the contradiction is resolved philosophical system of Hegel? How and unity is restored in a higher form to include the scientific material of (± A). In connection with this basic this theory in the categorical system of structure, three things need to be re- Hegelian philosophy? Which category membered. First, the second moment in this synthesis will be the key, on the of the dialectical conceptual move- basis of which this synthesis can occur? ment is a contradiction between the In our opinion, this category is the con- two sides (+ A and –A), which mutu- cept of the national spirit — Volksgeist. ally condition and deny each other. Se- The purpose of the article. On condly, the abstract moment (A) should the basis of the refined national spirit not be confused with the second side of concept, we will show that the main the contradiction (+ A). Thirdly, syn- contradiction of the socio-historical thesis is the unity of opposite moments process is the contradiction between (+ A and –A) and the immediate iden- Mythos and Logos, the collective un- tity (A) [8]. conscious and the idea. Then we con- Thus, the basic form of the dialec- sider some of the most important con- tical method consists of three points clusions from it. (unity, division or analysis and synthe- The statement of basic material. sis) and four terms. In “Science of Lo- At first we consider the source and gic” Hegel describes it so: “this nega- the driving force of development — tivity is as self-sublating contradiction the Hegelian dialectical contradic- the restoration of the first immediacy, of tion. Then we look at the dialectic of simple universality; for the other of the Mythos and Logos in world history. In other, the negative of the negative, is conclusion, the significance of this dia- immediately the positive, the identical, lectic for social practice in the aspect of the universal. In the whole course, if the sustainable development theory of one at all cares to count, this second im- will be shown. mediate (± A) is third to the first imme- A). The structure of the dialectical diate (A) and the mediated (–A +A). contradiction. The myth of the triadic But it is also third to the first or formal structure of the dialectical contradic- negative (–A) and to the absolute ne- tion thesis – antithesis – synthesis is gativity or second negative (+A); now widespread. However, Hegel never in so far as that first negative is already used these terms and the structure of the second term (–A), the term coun-

349 ted as third (± A), can also be counted body). The synthesis of the logical Ab- as fourth, and instead of a triplicity, the solute Idea, Nature and Spirit takes abstract form may also be taken to be place in the Absolute Spirit. “Thus, the a quadruplicity; in this way the nega- transition from logic to nature is the tive or the difference (+А and –А) is first negation, the path from nature to counted as a duality” [9, p. 746]. the mind is the movement of the return Doubling the middle is that mo- to the first moment — the negation ment that cannot be understood with of the negation. Finally, the Absolute triad of thesis – antithesis – synthesis. Spirit is the synthesis of all moments. It is important to note that since sepa- The system has a circular structure, its ration arises from the initial unity, the last point coincides with the starting dialectical contradiction is a contradic- point, but now it has a new value. The tion within the same subject, which is Absolute Spirit is a logic that is recog- the source of its self-movement and de- nizable in all nature and history” [8]. velopment. B). Dialectic structure of world In relation to the entire philosophi- history. By analogy with the above cal system of Hegel, this contradiction scheme (fig. 2), we construct the dia- will look like this. lectical structure of world history. Hegel’s philosophy is objective idea- Hegel’s concept is the unity of the lism. The World is the Spirit (Idea, universal, the particular and the sin- Concept). First, the Spirit develops its gular. The universal basis of world logical categories, then it is objectified history is the World Spirit, the people into Nature (space), and into History spirits are special, and individuals are (time). Therefore, “Logic” is the first, singular. Humanity is the nations and abstract-universal point. Then the lo- the World spirit accomplishes the de- gical idea is self-negated (alienated) velopment through the development into Nature, which is studied by the of the nations, the national spirits. “Philosophy of Nature”. Nature is op- Hegel described the general scheme posed by the Spirit, who has acquired of world history from the World (ab- the existence of being (the natural stract-universal) Spirit to the Absolute

+A Sublate of contradiction

A ± A Reflexion


–A Fig. 1. Structure of dialectical contradiction [8, p. 115]

350 Philosophy of Mind

Science of Logic Absolute Spirit

Philosophy of Nature Fig. 2. Enciclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences [8, p. 124] (specifically-universal) Spirit through and history are only servants of its re- national spirits. “The spirit of a people velation and vessels of its honour” [10, involves the necessity of nature, and p. 249–250]. stands in external reality (§483); the The people spirit of determines ethical substance is infinite within it- the national mentality that underlies self, but for itself a particular and li- national cultures and values, which mited substance (§549 and 550) and ultimately “programs” the history of its subjective side is encumbered with nations. And Hegel repeatedly em- contingency, unconscious custom, and phasized that the development of the consciousness of its content as a tem- World Spirit from natural necessity to poral asset, standing in relationship to freedom lies through the development an external nature and world. But it is of national spirits, that the history of the spirit thinking within the ethical every nation is unique. Therefore, so- substance that sublates within itself cial institutions created by one national the finitude that it has in virtue of be- spirit cannot be transferred to the soil of ing a national spirit, in its state and the another national spirit. But in the time state’s temporal interests, in the sys- of Hegel, almost nothing was known tem of laws and customs. This thinking about the individual and collective spirit ascends to awareness of itself in unconscious and his reasoning about its essentiality, an awareness, however, national spirits was abstract. Later, in which itself has the immanent limi- the second half of the 19th and in the tation of the national spirit. But the 20th century, conditioned and uncondi- thinking spirit of world history, when tioned reflexes, archetypes and modes it sheds these limitations of the parti- of the collective unconscious were dis- cular national spirits as well as its own covered, and a lot of work was done on worldliness, grasps its concrete univer- measuring the national cultures values. sality and ascends to awareness of the It was understood that the natural, in- absolute spirit, as the eternally actual nate principle plays a huge role in the truth in which rational awareness is life of an individual and entire nations. free for itself, and necessity, nature One of the pioneers of trans-cultural

351 value measurements, Geert Hofstede, ments, therefore, enter into the object called his main monograph “Software of our investigation; the first the Idea, of the Mind”. But the discovery of the the second the complex of human pas- unconscious, Mifos does not mean the sions; the one the warp, the other the abolition of the mind, the Logos. A per- woof of the vast arras-web of Univer- son, knowing himself, can highlight the sal History.”[11, p. 23]. Passions are shadow side of his psyche, subordinate associated with unconscious instincts, it to the light of reason. The founder of reflexes and archetypes. Archetypes analytical psychology, C. Jung, called underlie their opposites — ideas [12]. this process an individuation. But Jung The bearers of ideas and passions are and his followers focus mainly on indi- people. But the creators and executive viduals, not groups and communities. of great ideas, in which there is a uni- Therefore, the knowledge of the col- versal (Logos), are great people whose lective unconscious peoples with their vocation is to be “trusted representa- archetypes, modes of imagination and tives of the World Spirit”. “For that values (i.e. genocodes), remains rel- Spirit which had taken this fresh step evant. Hegel, on the basis of his dialec- in history is the inmost soul of all indi- tical method, proposed a general way viduals; but in a state of unconscious- of solving this problem; further work ness which the great men in question would be to concretize it. aroused. Their fellows, therefore, fol- In essence, the people spirits that low these soul-leaders; for they feel the defines national mentalities is Mythos, irresistible power of their own inner a collective unconscious with its ar- Spirit thus embodied” [11, p. 16]. Note chetypes and values. Mythos, in turn, that the contradiction, the struggle and is denied by Logos, ideas created by the interaction between the Logos and great people. As a negation of negation, Mythos exists on the individual level: the Logos is the personified, embodied the struggle between reason and pas- World Spirit. One of these spirits was a sion, desire and duty, temptation and contemporary of Hegel, Napoleon. And conscience is the main contradiction of finally, the World Spirit, Mythos and the moral development of man. There- Logos find their synthesis in the Abso- fore, from ancient times comes the call: lute Spirit, that realized itself through “Know yourself”, realize the reason for the consciousness of the creators in art, your actions and passions, turn the ir- religion and philosophy, the highest rational into rational. fruits of world history. In the World history the main con- C). The main contradiction of tradiction between the national spirits world history. The main contradic- that emerge from the kingdom of na- tion and the driving force of history ture and the ideas (Logos) is the source is the World Spirit’s internal contra- of development. But since the arche- diction between the natural people types of the collective unconscious spirits and Ideas, the irrational part of are the natural basis of ideas, any idea the psyche — Mythos and thinking — that has value in the people life must Logos. Hegel defined the sides of this be based on its archetypes, cultivated contradiction as follows: “Two ele- on its native soil of the collective un-

352 conscious. Therefore, knowledge of soil philosophy of fascism and racism. the national culture, peculiarities of The most recent example is A. Dugin’s historical development, values of the “Noomahia”, with its three logos figh- people is absolutely necessary for re- ting with each other. In fact, this my- searchers and politicians. But these thology of history is the conceptual ba- same politicians, in order to advance sis of the theories of social regression, fruitful and progressive ideas, need to degradation and simplification. Dugin have an idea of a single world historical and his followers are scared of rapid so- process, the foundations of which were cial and technical progress and cannot laid by Hegel. That is, the dialectic of dialectically explain the profound con- the universal and the particular must tradictions generated by this progress. be observed. Otherwise, ideas based on Therefore, they seek consolation in the national archetypes will form the basis past, sing the Inquisition and the caste of the theories of national superiority system, the darkest and darkest times and exclusivity and lead to confronta- in history and call for a return to the tion with other nations. late Plato — the most modern philoso- Thus, the contradiction between pher in their view [13]. Mythos and Logos is the main contra- This mythology of history, based not diction of history. The basis of a full- on Mind, but on archetypes, myths and fledged historical process, the social life, symbols, merges with its opposite — must be the unity and struggle of these liberal cosmopolitan social theories, opposites. If there is a rift of contradic- which absolutize not the special mo- tion, isolation of opposites, then the life- ment, but the universal moment, Lo- giving thread, which leads to the Abso- gos. According to these theories, peo- lute Spirit and the highest achievements ples are formed exclusively by social of historical progress, is lost. relations and they have no special sub- But the dialectic of Hegel’s main strate (i.e. the national spirit). There- historical contradiction was misun- fore, national and racial characteristics derstood and perverted. The followers that are important at the initial stages of Hegel, on the basis of rational, ana- of history disappear over time under lytical thinking, separated the peculiar the influence of social relations. Exam- moment of the national spirit from the ples of this approach are Marxism and universal, the World Mind, and laid liberal bourgeois globalism (for exam- it at the base of nationalist ideologies. ple, the F. Fukuyama’s theory the end The rapid development of ethnogra- of history. phy, the study of national cultures, the The Hegelian concept of the na- teachings of Freud and Jung led them tional spirit is dialectical. The World to absolutize the natural component of Spirit — Reason, as the universal, rules the people soul. They began to see the history. His goal is Freedom, the spi- mechanisms and driving forces of his- rit’s awareness of the laws of external tory in national myths, archetypes and and internal (unconscious) nature and, symbols. From here came the theories thereby, liberation from them. But the of independent civilizations of Dani- universal does not exist by itself, it levsky and Spengler, the blood and exists in unity with the particular (peo-

353 ples) and the individuals. If the goal of cally limited nature of modern Hegel the universal (the World Spirit) is free- science. Therefore, the World Spirit in dom, then freedom cannot be under- the form of Hegelian philosophy at the stood abstractly, from the point of view next stage its development, after the of individual nation, for example, the death of Hegel, took the path of self-de- Anglo-Saxons with their theory of li- nial: rational Hegelian philosophy was beralism. The concept of freedom, opposed to irrationalism: intuitivism, while preserving its basic essential philosophy of life, existentialism, phi- points, will be different for other na- losophy of the unconscious. Schelling, tions, since freedom begins with the Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Spengler, awareness of the Mythos of a people, C. Yung, G. Durand and others made a its genocode. And then, taking into great contribution to the philosophy of account this genocode, the whole life of Mythos. Almost at the same time, the the people will be built. philosophy of Logos emerges, in the With the collapse of the USSR and person of left Hegelianism, and later the dualistic world order, the century Marxism and neo-Marxism. Being em- of ideologies has replaced the century bodied in political regimes, these phi- of nationalism and the revival of na- losophies clashed on the margins of the tional cultures (S. Huntington). The Second World War. Historian E. Carr World Spirit has entered a new phase. noted that in the battle of Stalingrad The processes of westernization and two schools of Hegelian philosophy modernization began to develop. And came together in a mortal battle. In in many cases, social reforms led by this battle, the Marxist Logos defeated Western experts in the third world and the fascist Mythos. But when fascism former communist countries ended was defeated, the Bolshevik Logos, in in failure. This happened because the the absence of its inner opposite, the idea of freedom was embodied in them Bolshevik Mythos began to decimate in isolation from the national spirits of until it lost its present existence with these countries. On the contrary, in the collapse of the USSR. countries that combined moderniza- But let’s move on to modernity. tion with the traditional values inhe- The religious stage of human history rent in these people, there was a rapid ends. World and traditional religions social development (Singapore, South are increasingly losing their influence. Korea, Taiwan). The world is becoming very complex D). On the way to a dialectical and contradictory, and from the stand- worldview. The main contradiction of point of rational thinking, absurd and history applies to the history of phi- chaotic. Occult and mystical trends, losophy, as its part. Hegel’s philosophy the development of mythical and was the highest achievement of the symbolic thinking, are growing every- centuries-old process of development where. From the side of Logos, in European philosophy. It represented addition to neo-Marxism, all sorts of the unity of Logos and Mythos based scientistic directions are developing — on the Logos. But this unity was still cosmism, transhumanism, etc., which abstract, “in-itself,” due to the histori- absolutize scientific achievements and

354 make a kind of computer machine out from world development, is harmony of man. There is a painful formation between the universal and the particu- of a new worldview connecting Logos lar, Logos and Mythos. Therefore, the and Mythos, and Hegel’s philosophy development of a method that com- should become the basis of this syn- bines national development with glo- thesis. As in the time of Hegel, but on bal development is the most important a richer empirical material, the mind task of national elites. dialectically connects opposites, artifi- 7. The World Spirit, developing to cially broken by the rational intellect: the Absolute Spirit through the deve- science and religion, the idea and ar- lopment of people spirits, unites hu- chetypes, logical and mythical, rational manity on the basis of the contradictory and irrational. unity of Mythos and Logos. Therefore, Conclusions and prospects for fur- the worldview of global development is ther research. the philosophy of the dialectical mind, 1. Theories of local, independently which sees in contradictions the source developing civilizations of Danilevsky, of development. The worldview of ra- Spengler, Dugin and others, based on tional thinking, eliminating contradic- the isolation of Mythos from Logos tions, plunges the world into chaos and and the absolutization of the first, and endless confrontation. mythology of history as a whole are un- Further work consists in concreti- tenable. zing the theses expressed in the article, 2. The world historical development and in the first place, the concept of the is a universal process, accomplished national spirit. through the development of the par- References ticular — the countries and peoples inhabiting them. Therefore, the deve- 1. Faritov V. T. (2015). Filosofskiy i lopment of people spirits and national psikhologicheskiy diskurs o dukhe ideologies is inevitable. (G. V. F. Gegel i K. G. Yung: sravnitel- noe issledovanie) [Philosophical and 3. Freedom, among other things, in- psychological discourse about the cluding the awareness of the genocode spirit (G. V. F. Hegel and C. G. Jung: of a given national culture. Since the comparative study)]. Filosofiya i genocodes of national cultures are spe- kultura — Philosophy and Culture, 2, cial, the concept of freedom is not uni- 251–259 [in Russian]. versal, but nationally specific. 2. Mills J. (2000). Hegel on the Uncon- 4. Absolutization of the universal scious Soul. Science et Espri, 52(3), moment (Logos) and its separation 321–340 [in English]. from the particular (Mythos) leads to 3. Sayt zhurnala “Dream Work” [The abstract cosmopolitan theories of de- website of the magazine “Dream Work”]. Retrieved velopment (world communist revolu- from [in tion, global bourgeois democracy, etc.) Russian]. and social catastrophes. 4. Plotnitsky A. (1993). In the Shadow of 5. The basis of stable socio-cultural Hegel: Complementarity, History, and and economic development, which is the Unconscious. Florida: University impossible on the path of self-isolation Press [in English].

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356 UDC 35.351.071 DOI: 2224-2019-18-3-357-368 Perkhach Oksana Liubomyrivna, PhD in Economics, Docent, Associate Pro- fessor of the Department of Administrative and Financial Management, Lviv Polytech- nic National University, 79013, Lviv, Stepan Bandera str., 28a, 5th educational building, room. 2-b, tel.: + 38 (032) 2582630, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-4452-4685 Перхач Оксана Любомирівна, кандидат економічних наук, доцент, до- цент кафедри адміністративного та фі- нансового менеджменту, Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”, 79013, м. Львів, вул. Степана Бандери, 28а, 5-й навчальний корпус, кім. 2-б, тел.: + 38 (032)2582630, e-mail: Oksana.L.Perkhach@ ORCID: 0000-0003-4452-4685 Перхач Оксана Любомировна, кандидат экономических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры административного и финансового менеджмента, Нацио- нальный университет “Львовская по- литехника”, 79013, г. Львов, улица Сте- пана Бандеры 28а, 5-й учебный корпус, к. 2-б, тел.: + 38 (032) 2582630, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-4452-4685 Lukashevska Ulyana Tarasivna, PhD student, assistant of the Department of Administrative and Financial Management, Lviv Polytechnic National University, 79013, Lviv, Stepan Bandera str., 28a, 5th educa- tional building, room. 2-b, tel.: + 38 (032) 2582630, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-0270-8734 Лукашевська Уляна Тарасівна, аспірант, асистент кафедри адміністративного та фінансового менеджменту, На- ціональний університет “Львівська політехніка”, 79013, м. Львів, вул. Степана Банде- ри, 28а, 5-й навчальний корпус, кім. 2-б, тел.: + 38 (032)2582630 , e-mail: ulya_brodka@ ORCID: 0000-0003-0270-8734

357 Лукашевская Ульяна Тарасовна, аспирант, ассистент кафедры административного и финансового менеджмента, На- циональный университет “Львовская политехника”, 79013, г. Львов, ул. Степана Банде- ры, 28а, 5-й учебный корпус, к. 2-б, тел.: + 38 (032) 2582630, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-0270-8734

ARCHETYPAL MODELS OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Abstract. The article contains relevant information for the modern world. The paper describes the definition of public administration, its mechanisms and mo- dels. The influence of public administration on society is revealed. The formation of the public administration process, the historical stages of the development of an archetype model are considered. The archetypal mechanisms of public administra- tion are developed on the background of the created model. The understanding of mechanisms of public administration is considered. It has been determined that public administration tools constitute effective means for mechanisms of develop- ment of public administration, their features are analyzed. The influence of public administration on society is revealed. The necessity of development of mechanisms is proved. Different theories re- lated to this topic are analyzed. The activities of public administration, methods and means of classical management, as well as developed a model of public ad- ministration described the basic elements are explored in the article. The theory of representatives of the school of scientific management is considered. The basic archetype models and their levels are developed. The processes of public manage- ment using an archetype model are analyzed. The existing conceptual and theo- retical positions are summarized. The necessarily of new approaches of managerial influence is revealed. It is proved that public opinion and interests are the prin- ciples of the concept of public administration. The concepts of public administra- tion as well as mechanisms are considered. The emphasis is on the mechanisms of public administration. The main features and principles of public administration are revealed. An archetypal model is also singled out, and a brief description is provided. The approach of public administration between state and public institu- tions to common goals and objectives is determined. It is established that the state should ensure and implement measures to strengthen social stability with the in- volvement of all strata of the population. Joint activity of the subjects of society requires new forms of cooperation. Keywords: public management, archetype model, mechanisms of public ad- ministration, society, governmental management. АРХЕТИПНІ МОДЕЛІ ПУБЛІЧНОГО УПРАВЛІННЯ Анотація. Стаття містить актуальну інформацію для сучасного світу. У роботі представлено визначення публічного управління, його механізми та

358 моделі. З’ясовано вплив публічного управління на суспільство. Розглянуто формування процесу публічного управління, історичні етапи розвитку ар- хетипної моделі. На фоні створеної моделі розроблено архетипні механіз- ми публічного управління. Розглянуто розуміння механізмів публічного управління. Визначено, що інструменти публічного управління становлять ефективні засоби механізмів розвитку публічного управління, проаналізо- вано їх особливості. Розкрито вплив публічного управління на суспільство. Доведено необхідність розвитку механізмів. Проаналізовано різні теорії, що стосуються цієї теми. Описано діяльність публічного управління, методи та засоби класичного менеджменту, а також розроблено модель публічного управління, розглянуто базові елементи. Висвітлено теорії представників школи наукового менеджменту. Розроблено основні архетипні моделі та їх рівні. Проаналізовано процеси публічного управління із застосуванням ар- хетипної моделі. Узагальнено наявні концептуальні та теоретичні положен- ня. Показано необхідність нових підходів управлінського впливу. Доведено, що суспільна думка та інтереси є засадами концепції публічного управління. Висвітлено значення поняття публічного управління, а також механізми. Ак- центовано увагу на механізмах публічного управління. Розкрито основні оз- наки та принципи публічного управління. Виокремлено архетипну модель, а також стисло її схарактеризовано. Визначено підхід публічного управління між державними та громадськими інституціями до спільних цілей та завдань. Встановлено, що держава повинна забезпечувати та втілювати заходи на зміцнення соціальної стійкості із залученням усіх верств населення. Спільна діяльність суб’єктів суспільства потребує нових форм співробітництва. Ключові слова: публічне управління, архетипна модель, механізми пу- блічного управління, суспільство, державне управління. АРХЕТИПНЫЕ МОДЕЛИ ПУБЛИЧНОГО УПРАВЛЕНИЯ Аннотация. Статья содержит актуальную информацию для современно- го мира. В работе представлены определения публичного управления, его механизмы и модели. Выяснено влияние публичного управления на обще- ство. Рассмотрено формирование процесса публичного управления, исто- рические этапы развития архетипной модели. На фоне созданной модели разработаны архетипные механизмы публичного управления. Рассмотрено понимание механизмов публичного управления. Определено, что инстру- менты публичного управления составляют эффективные средства механиз- мов развития публичного управления, проанализированы их особенности. Раскрыто влияние публичного управления на общество. Доказана необхо- димость развития механизмов. Проанализировано различные теории, каса- ющиеся этой темы. Описана деятельность публичного управления, методы и средства классического менеджмента, а также разработана модель публич- ного управления, описано базовые элементы. Освещены теории представи- телей школы научного менеджмента. Разработаны основные архетипные модели и их уровни. Анализируются процессы публичного управления с

359 применением архетипной модели. Сделан обзор концептуальных и теоре- тических положений. Показана необходимость новых подходов управлен- ческого воздействия. Доказано, что общественное мнение и интересы яв- ляются основами концепции публичного управления. Освещено значение понятия публичного управления, а также механизмы. Акцентировано вни- мание на механизмах публичного управления. Раскрыты основные призна- ки и принципы публичного управления. Выделена архетипная модель, а также предоставлена краткая характеристика. Определен подход публично- го управления между государственными и общественными институтами к общим целям и задачам. Установлено, что государство должно обеспечивать и воплощать меры на укрепление социальной устойчивости с привлечением всех слоев населения. Совместная деятельность субъектов общества требует новых форм сотрудничества. Ключевые слова: публичное управление, архетипная модель, механизмы публичного управления, общество, государственное управление.

Problem statement. The processes L. Gilbert, G. Emerson, G. Ford be- that occur in modern society charac- lieved that the system of public admi- terize different areas of influence. To- nistration should be focused on achie- day, science considers approaches to ving the goal with maximum efficien- the stabilization of such processes as cy at minimum cost. It was typical for social, political and economic environ- them to recognize the existence of the ment. The use of management tools in closest connection between the theory the field of public power involves a new of public administration and the science relationship between the public and of management of private enterprises. the government and is based on the na- The purpose of the article is to tional archetype. Referred to in article study the historical stages of develop- models of public management are based ment of archetypal models of public in the socio-economic model and the administration and their institutional archetypal paradigm, the subject of this foundations. article is relevant and their research is Presentation of the main material. important. Public administration is based on the Analysis of recent researches and universal foundations of archetypes, in publications. Researchers, namely: particular the idea of natural law. The E. Barker, D. Cole, G. Lascy, C. Man- founders of this idea are Aristotle, Sto- ning, W. Robson, G. Finer made the ics and Cicero, the idea of the state as greatest contribution to the study of the guarantor of natural law, the idea state-political institutions, forms of of the Constitution of the law and the government and political systems. state in the act of the free will of man Representatives of the school of scien- and the ideas of the people, which are tific (classical) management, namely: inherent in the sovereign right and L. White, F. Taylor, G. Munie, F. and power.

360 Public administration combines concepts is that it is based on the fol- power, business and society, creates the lowings [1]: basis for building a solidarity society • Self-diagnosis of the problem; and should correspond to the postu- • Self-formulation; lates of civil society. • Self-determination of the best po- The formation of the public admi- licy option; nistration process meets the challenges • Self-determination of the problem; of the present, is disclosed to the whole • Self-proposing solution to the society and requires the definition of problem; methodology as a system of knowledge • Self-acceptance of the action plan; about the method, which is understood • Self-control and self-esteem; and as a set of practical instructions. Com- • Involves the involvement of ar- pliance with these instructions ensures chetypes of democracy. that the desired results are achieved. Archetypal management models The difference between public ad- represent a sequence of actions, the ministration and other management implementation of which ensures the

Historical Stages of Archetypal Model of Public Administration Development [1; 2; 7; 8] Historical Archetypal Characteristics of Public Administration Period Model 1 2 3 9–7 thousand The ancient Greeks (Plato) paid particular attention to the Philosophical years BC – organization and management of production processes, About the 18th and cared for a clear specialization of workers. Socrates century gives an understanding of management as a special field of human activity. He said that the main thing in management is to put the right person in the right place and achieve the tasks assigned to him/her 1776–1890 The coup in industrial relations is associated with the Indus- Industrial trial Revolution that began in the middle of the 18th century. The Industrial Revolution involves the allocation of three levels of governance: upper, middle and lower. There was a master at the production. At this stage in the development of governance, there was a tendency to shift from the prin- ciple of supervising workers to the principle of organization of labour on a scientific basis only. Great contribution to the formation of science of management was made by the Bri- tish political economists, namely: William Petty, Adam Smith (They analysed the forms of division of labour and gave a description of the duties of the peasant and state) and Robert Owen (Before the others, he noticed and appre- ciated the role of the human factor in production, his ideas of humanization of production management, and improve- ment of working conditions) 1856–1960 Management science is constantly evolving. Life forced to Systemic look for more systematic approaches to management. The emergence of large-scale productions ensured the work of

361 1 2 3 large groups of people, which meant that owners could no longer observe the activities of all workers. For these pur- poses, the best workers were trained so that they could rep- resent the interests of the owners in the workplace. These were the first managers 1960 – Later management theories were developed mainly by rep- Engineering Nowadays resentatives of the School of Management Science (Quan- and Informa- titative Schools: Acoff, Goldberger and Klein). The forma- tional tion of the School is associated with the development of mathematics, statistics, engineering sciences and other related fields of knowledge public administration of the relevant ples of such mechanisms are the mecha- authorities or their officials through nism of regulation of social and labour the gradual transformations in the state relations by the Ministry of Labour and of public administration objects [2]. An Social Policy of Ukraine, the mecha- important component of the manage- nism of health care management by the ment model are the principles, their relevant head office of the regional state compliance ensures the creation of con- administration and the mechanism of ditions for the effective manifestation management of communal property of of objective laws. the city, etc. [5]. For mechanisms that involve the To date, the development of arche- implementation of archetypal models typal models of public administration of public administration, it is envisaged is carried out through the development to take into account both the manage- and implementation of appropriate ment principles and those relating to a management mechanisms that create particular branch, related to the laws of the conditions for the actual and effec- the functioning of the economy or the tive resolution of those present in this social sphere or of certain spheres of its area of discrepancy. life [3]. First of all, procedural mecha- The mechanisms of public admi- nisms implemented by the President of nistration are special methods that en- Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada (the Su- sure the regulatory influence of public preme Council) of Ukraine, the bodies administrations on the socio-economic of state executive power, the bodies of territorial systems of different levels justice and local self-government bodi- (villages, urban villages (settlements), es should be included in the archetype districts in cities, cities, districts, re- model of public administration [4]. gions, the Autonomous Republic of Since archetypal models of public Crimea and the whole country) in order administration carried out by public to provide decent living conditions for authorities and local governments at people residing in the state and citizens different levels of government have of Ukraine temporarily residing abroad. their own peculiarities and are rather The activities of public administra- complex, separate process mechanisms tion repeat the methods and means of for them should be developed. Exam- classical management: administrative,

362 economic and socio-psychological. administration archetypes is necessary These elements are part of the mecha- [8]. Such governance is based on the nism of public administration of social archetypes of democracy and is gaining and economic processes, and public publicity at the state level. administration represents the unity of The model of public administration such components as public administra- is a set of forms, methods and admi- tion, interaction of public authorities nistration tools. By themselves, forms, and local self-government with citizens, methods and tools do not provide the implementation of control procedures desired effect on the object [9]. Another and management process. Based on the scientist believes that the model of pub- needs of the time, this complex mecha- lic administration is a system of inter- nism is being improved [6]. connections of economic phenomena An archetypal model of public ad- that arise under certain conditions un- ministration must contain all elements der the influence of the initial impulse, and components of public administra- and also contains a certain sequence of tion, take into account the influence economic phenomena: its constituent of factors of the external and internal elements simultaneously serve the in- environment, and also are based on the put and output phenomena, as well as principles of civil society [7]. the whole process, which occurs in in- The basic elements of public admi- tervals between them [10]. nistration are divergent in relation to According to D. Lerner [12] and basic archetypes. The consideration of other scholars, the greatest benefit of the conceptual foundations of public managerial science can be in solving

The institutional framework of an archetypal model of public administration: • The State; • A social contract treating civil society as a • System of executive bodies; result of a convention of social phenomena • Non-governmental organizations (NGO); (institutions); • Subjects of economic activity; • Law(s); • Society, etc. • The set of legal norms regulating the orga- nizational structure of the system of execu- tive bodies and the processes of its functio- ning and development, etc.

Types of an archetype model of public administration:

Economic Model Motivational Model Organizational Model (Model of public manage- (Set of command-adminis- (Objects, subjects of public ment of banking, monetary, trative, socio-economic and administration, their goals, foreign currency, invest- other incentives that encou- tasks, functions, methods of ment, innovation, credit, rage civil servants to work in a management and organiza- tax and insurance, etc.) highly efficient manner) tional structures, as well as the results of their functioning) Fig. 1. Institutional Foundations and Typology of Archetype Model of Public Administration

363 mid-level problems, such as forecas- place through the development and ting the effects of specific parliamen- implementation of appropriate ma- tary projects or assessing the economic nagement mechanisms that create con- impact of certain tax proposals (psy- ditions for the actual and effective so- chological approach). lution of the disagreements present in In 1916, A. Faiol [13] formulated this area. the 'Theory of Administration' (laid the As one of its properties, all types of foundations for the management of the systems have developed management. school of 'scientific management'). He In order to conduct in-depth reforms argued that the proposed provisions to date, a favourable situation has and arrangements are universal and emerged in Ukraine, as there are many can be applied in almost all spheres of unresolved problems and problematic public life: the economy, the system of situations in society. It is necessary public administration and the army, etc. to involve civil society institutions in A. Faiol argued that management is to making state decisions, to create the foresee, organize, dispose, coordinate necessary conditions for the formation and control (monitor). and strengthening of the development Accordingly, it can be concluded of partnership relations between go- that the model of public administration vernment and society. is a set of administrative tools, forms In general, public administration is and methods for the purpose of reali- the organization of activities in accor- zing people’s needs and solving prob- dance with the requirements of objec- lems at the expense of state influence tive laws, the implementation and or- on the basis of established norms. ganization of targeted influence. Public To date, the implementation of the administration considers management process of public administration takes as an impact on society in order to or-

• Centralized • English and Model American General Regional Model State Level Level

Single Local • European Mixed Level Level • European with Divided Mixed Elite Hierarchy Model Model

Fig. 2. The Main Archetype Models of Governance and their Levels

364 ganize and coordinate their activities in development of the country and the the process of life. Public administra- regional economy are determined, and tion is a significant element of admi- state and regional socio-economic de- nistration, since it opens up the ability velopment programs, financial and tax of society to power. policies are developed. The functions In order to redistribute administra- of interstate relations, environmental tive and political functions in public protection, and regulation of monetary administration, it is necessary to use circulation, defence and taxation by effective methods and technologies of central authorities are fixed. The state management and it is necessary to in- form of ownership prevails. troduce modern democratic principles 2 Regional Level: Business, regional of the organization of the activities and sectorial interests are coordinated. of public administration bodies: spe- The Oblast (region) is the main subject cialized, structural and system-wide. of management. Public organizations, authorities and 3 Local Level: Regarding the in- business structures should ensure the terests of territorial communities, the process of development of facilities in State Regional Policy is implemented. the economic system for the proper 4 Single Level: Harmonization of a functioning and development of all separate entity (separate village, urban spheres of society. village (settlement), etc.) with a Deve- The main archetype models of the lopment and Activities Program for the following governance system: realization of their interests. 1 Centralized Model: It is carried out According to these models, the fo- by state authorities, at all levels of go- cus is on organizational and economic vernance; they are formed by the instruments; public administrations are government or head of state; characterized by organizational flex- 2 English and American Model: It is ibility. The economic mechanism makes carried out by local authorities, ma- it easier to use instruments, because nagement at all levels, except for the they are understandable and provide a state; quick response. 3 European Mixed Elite Model: It is As to the nature of the models of a combination of the first two models effective public administration, the at the local level, and it is carried out analysis of publications allows us to by the authorities of local self-govern- conclude that all of them must meet the ment; following three main criteria: 4 European Mixed with Divided Hi- • Integrity; erarchy Model: It is carried out by the • Complexity; local state administration at the level of • Balancing. the region and district of management Public administration is required only [11]. to represent and provide, as well as Each archetype model has the fol- the complex needs and lives of people lowing four levels: through the operation of their mana- 1 National Level: The priorities, as gerial components. Effective factors well as goals of the general economic of public administration include: mo-

365 tivation, attitude to work, knowledge, truvannia (arkhetypova paradyhma) skills, abilities, initiative and responsi- [Models of public administration (ar- bility. chetype paradigm)]. Publichne uprav- Thus, the effectiveness and efficiency linnia: teoriia ta praktyka, 6–13 [in of public administration are determined Ukrainian]. 3. Bakumenko V. D. &. Popov S. A. by the effect of qualitative factors of (2015). Paradyhma innovatsijnoho ro- a technical, political, organizational, zvytku suspil’stva: suchasni kontsept- moral and ideological and socio-psy- sii reformuvannia publichnoho uprav- chological nature. In highly developed linnia. [Paradigm of innovative society market economies, mechanisms of pub- development: modern concepts of re- lic administration are the best combina- forming public administration]. Efek- tion of peculiar principles for commo- tyvnist’ derzhavnoho upravlinnia, 43, dity production, targeted policy of state 21–28 [in Ukrainian]. regulation of economic processes and 4. Kozak V. I. (2015). Publichne uprav- public-private partnership. linnia v systemi koordynat ukrains’koi derzhavnosti. [Public administration Conclusions. It can be concluded in the coordinate system of Ukrainian that the archetypal model is formed un- statehood]. Efektyvnist’ derzhavnoho der the influence of social and political upravlinnia 44 (1), 64–70 [in Ukrai- development of the state. To date, the nian]. mechanisms of public administration 5. Kolesnykova K. O. (2013). Spivvid- are being modernized and the Eco- noshennia derzhavnoho upravlinnia nomic Policy is optimized by the State ta publichnoho administruvannia u Policy. protsesi suspil’noi transformatsii. [Va- Public administration must neces- lue of public management and public sarily represent and ensure the needs administration in the process of social transformation]. Publichne upravlin- of people. With regard to public ma- nia: teoriia ta praktyka 3, 41–45 [in nagement models, the analysis of publi- Ukrainian]. cations allows us to conclude that they 6. Obolens’kyj O. & Lukin S. (2013). must meet their main criteria. Building Publichne upravlinnia: publichna an institutional-archetypal environ- sfera, publichne pravo i publichna poli- ment and creating mechanisms will en- tyka–spivvidnoshennia poniat [Public sure the success of a wide range of tasks. administration: public sphere, public law and public policy-correlation con- cepts]. Derzhavne upravlinnia ta mist- References seve samovriaduvannia 2, 3–11 [in 1. Amosov O. Yu. & Havkalova N. L. Ukrainian]. (2015). Kontseptual'ni zasady pub- 7. Obushna N. I. (2015). Publichne up- lichnoho upravlinnia: arkhetypnyj ravlinnia iak nova model’ orhanizatsii pidkhid [Conceptual principles of derzhavnoho upravlinnia v Ukraini: public management: an archetypical teoretychnyj aspect [Public manage- approach]. Publichne upravlinnia: teo- ment as a new model of organiza- riia ta praktyka vyp. 1, 8–12 [in Ukrai- tion of governmental management in nian]. Ukraine: theoretical aspect]. Efek- 2. Amosov O. Yu. & Havkalova N. L. tyvnist’ derzhavnoho upravlinnia 44 (2013). Modeli publichnoho adminis- (1), 53–63 [in Ukrainian].

366 8. Prykhodchenko L. L. (2010). Sutnist’ управління: архетипний підхід / mekhanizmu zabezpechennia efek- О. Ю. Амосов, Н. Л. Гавкалова // tyvnoho derzhavnoho upravlinnia. Публічне управління: теорія та [The essence of the mechanism for en- практика. — Вип. 1. — К., 2015. — suring effective public management]. C. 8–12. Teoriia ta praktyka derzhavnoho up- 2. Амосов О. Ю., Гавкалова Н. Л. Моде- ravlinnia 3, 3–12 [in Ukrainian]. лі публічного адміністрування (ар- 9. Prykhodchenko L. L. (2009). Struktura хетипова парадигма) / О. Ю. Амо- mekhanizmu derzhavnoho upravlin- сов, Н. Л. Гавкалова // Публічне nia: vzaiemozv’iazok komponentiv управління: теорія та практика. — ta faktory vplyvu na efektyvnist’. К., 2013. — C. 6–13. [Structure of the mechanism of pub- 3. Бакуменко В. Д., Попов С. А. Пара- lic administration: the relationship of дигма інноваційного розвитку су- components and factors of influence спільства: сучасні концепції рефор- on efficiency]. Visnyk Natsional’noi мування публічного управління / akademii derzhavnoho upravlinnia pry В. Д. Бакуменко, С. А. Попов // Prezydentovi Ukrainy 2, 105–112 [in Ефективність державного управ- Ukrainian]. ління. — О., 2015. — С. 21–28. 10. Sharov Yu. P. (2009). Demokratychni 4. Козак В. І. Публічне управління zminy v publichnomu upravlinni: в системі координат української prohramno-tsil’ova ideolohiia zdijs- державності / В. І. Козак // Ефек- nennia. [Democratic changes in public тивність державного управління.— administration: program-target ideo- Вип. 1. — Л., 2015. — С. 64–70. logy of implementation]. Visnyk Aka- 5. Колесникова К. О. Співвідношення demii mytnoi sluzhby Ukrainy. Ser.: державного управління та публіч- Derzhavne upravlinnia, 1, 52–57 [in ного адміністрування у процесі сус- Ukrainian]. пільної трансформації / К. О. Ко- 11. Sharov Yu. & Chykarenko I. (2010). лесникова //Публічне управління: Yevropejs’ki standarty publichnoho up- теорія та практика. — Вип. 3. — Пе- ravlinnia: proektsiia na munitsypal’nyj реяслав-Хмельницький, 2013. — riven’. [European standards for public С. 41–45. administration: projection to munici- 6. Оболенський О., Лукін С. Публіч- pal level]. Derzhavne upravlinnia ta не управління: публічна сфера, mistseve samovriaduvannia, 295–304 публічне право і публічна полі- [in Ukrainian]. тика–співвідношення понять / 12. Lerner D., Coleman J. & Dore R. О. Оболенський, С. Лукін // Дер- (1968). Modernization [w:] Interna- жавне управління та місцеве само- tional Encyclopedia of the Social Sci- врядування. — Вип. 2. — Х., 2013. — ences. NY, Vol. 10 [in English]. С. 3–11. 13. Fajol’ A., Yemeron H., Tejlor I. & Ford 7. Обушна Н. І. Публічне управління H. (1992). Upravlenye — eto iskusstvo як нова модель організації держав- [Management – is an art]. Moscow [in ного управління в Україні: теоре- Russian]. тичний аспект / Н. І. Обушна // Ефективність держ. управління. — Список використаних Вип. 1. — Херсон, 2015. — С. 53–63. джерел 8. Приходченко Л. Л. Сутність меха- 1. Амосов О. Ю., Гавкалова Н. Л. Кон- нізму забезпечення ефективного цептуальні засади публічного державного управління / Л. Л. При-

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368 UDC: 330.34.01:330.16](477):159.9 DOI: 2224-2019-18-3-369-382 Prykhodchenko Liudmyla Leonidivna, professor, Doctor in public administration, head of Public Administration and Regio- nalism Chair Odessa Regional Institute for Public Administration, National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, 65009, Odessa, Str. Genuezska, 22, tel.: 066-76-181-42, e-mail: liudmyla.pryk- [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-6454-6729 Приходченко Людмила Леонідівна, професор, доктор наук з державного управління, завідувач кафедри публічного управління та регіоналістики Одесько- го регіонального інституту державного управління Національної академії дер- жавного управління при Президентові України, 65009, м. Одеса, вул. Генуезька, 22, тел. 066-76-181-42, e-mail: liudmyla. [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-6454-6729 Приходченко Людмила Леонидовна, профессор, доктор наук по государствен- ному управлению, заведующая кафедры публичного управления и регионалистики Одесского регионального института госу- дарственного управления Национальной академии государственного управления при Президенте Украины, 65009, г. Одес- са, ул. Генуэзская, 22, тел. 066-76-181-42, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-6454-6729 Lesyk Olena Vasylivna, PhD in public administration, senior lecture of Public Administration and Regionalism Chair Odessa Regional Institute for Public Administration, National Academy of Pub- lic Administration under the President of Ukraine, 65009, Odessa, Str. Genuezska, 22, tel.: 066-44-84-777, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-1542-284X Лесик Олена Василівна, кандидат наук з державного управління, старший викладач кафедри публічного управ- ління та регіоналістики Одеського регіонального інституту державного управлін-

369 ня Національної академії державного управління при Президентові України, 65009, м. Одеса, вул. Генуезька, 22, тел. 066-44-84-777, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-1542-284X Лесик Елена Васильевна, кандидат наук по государственному управлению, старший преподаватель кафедры публичного управления и регионалистики Одесского регионального института госу- дарственного управления Национальной академии государственного управления при Президенте Украины, 65009, г. Одесса, ул. Генуэзская, 22, тел. 066-44-84-777, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-1542-284X

THEORY AND PRACTICE OF STRATEGIC PRIORITIES OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IMPLEMENTATION OF UKRAINE: ARCHETYPAL PARADIGM Abstract. Through the prism of formed by the historical tradition of arche- types the sustainable development strategic priorities as a component of strategic planning and the object of efforts consolidation of public authorities, business structures and the public in the medium and long-term perspective are consi- dered as well as their conditionality is determined. These are determined the re- quirements for distinguishing the stages of fundamental transformations in the process of reforming the public administration system, and their compliance with the stages of development during the years of independence are analyzed. The emphasis is on optimization requirements (complexity, organizational flexibility, stratification or ranking of goals, the pace of transformations), stemming from the objective aspects of archetypes of the modern Ukrainian society. It is estab- lished that for national experience of reforming characteristic features are: refusal from the analysis of own experience; distortion of information flows; failures in policy implementation and unpopular transformations; the tendency to increase the number and complexity of structures and scale of tasks that is difficult to adapt to changing conditions; lack of effective leadership and management skills. The problematic issues that arise in the process of strategic priorities realization are singled out. On the basis of the analysis of the reasons that make impossible the sustainable regional development on the basis of regional development strategies of Ukraine for the period up to 2020, it is justified the need of updating the methodological provision for their development and revision. The practical experience in deter- mining sustainable development strategic priorities on the example of Vinnitsa is investigated. It is indicated the objective (based on the archetypes formed by the historical tradition) and subjective (due to the variability and specificity of their manifestations) factors of the unpopularity of strategic transformations,

370 the reasons for failures in the reforms implementation, the negative effects of their manifestations, which in aggregate made it possible to identify the main threats to the implementation of the sustainable development strategic priori- ties. Keywords: strategic priorities, sustainable development, public administra- tion system, reform, transformations, optimization requirements, archetypal pa- radigm. ТЕОРІЯ ТА ПРАКТИКА РЕАЛІЗАЦІЇ СТРАТЕГІЧНИХ ПРІОРИТЕТІВ СТАЛОГО РОЗВИТКУ УКРАЇНИ: АРХЕТИПНА ПАРАДИГМА Анотація. Крізь призму сформованих історичною традицією архетипів розглянуто стратегічні пріоритети сталого розвитку як складову страте- гічного планування та об’єкт консолідації зусиль органів публічної влади, бізнес-структур та громадськості на середньо- та довгострокову перспек- тиву і вказано на їх зумовленість. Визначено вимоги для виокремлення етапів кардинальних перетворень, що здійснюються в ході реформування системи публічного управління та проаналізовано їх дотримання в поетап- ності розбудови за роки незалежності. Акцентовано увагу на оптимізацій- них вимогах (комплексності, організаційній гнучкості, стратифікації або ранжуванні цілей, темпах трансформаційних перетворень), що виплива- ють з об’єктивних аспектів, що наявні в сучасному вітчизняному суспіль- стві архетипів. Встановлено, що для вітчизняного досвіду реформування характерними ознаками є: відмова від аналізу власного досвіду; викрив- лення інформаційних потоків; невдачі в реалізації політик та непопуляр- ність перетворень; тенденція до збільшення кількості та складності струк- тур і масштабів завдань, що складно адаптувати до змінних умов; брак ефективного лідерства та навичок управління змінами. Виокремлено про- блемні питання, що виникають у процесі реалізації стратегічних пріорите- тів. На основі аналізу причин, що унеможливлюють сталий регіональний розвиток на основі стратегій регіонального розвитку регіонів України на пе- ріод до 2020 р., обґрунтовано потребу в оновленні методичного забезпечен- ня їх розроблення та перегляду існуючих. Досліджено практичний досвід щодо визначення стратегічних пріоритетів сталого розвитку на прикладі м. Вінниця. Вказано на об’єктивні (що спираються на сформовані історичною традицією архетипи) та суб’єктивні (зумовлені варіативністю та специфіч- ністю їх виявів) чинники непопулярності стратегічних перетворень, причи- ни, що зумовлюють невдачі при здійсненні реформ, негативні наслідки їх вияву, що в сукупності надало змогу визначити основні загрози для реаліза- ції стратегічних пріоритетів сталого розвитку. Ключові слова: стратегічні пріоритети, сталий розвиток, система публіч- ного управління, реформування, трансформаційні перетворення, оптиміза- ційні вимоги, архетипна парадигма.

371 ТЕОРИЯ И ПРАКТИКА РЕАЛИЗАЦИИ СТРАТЕГИЧЕСКИХ ПРИОРИТЕТОВ УСТОЙЧИВОГО РАЗВИТИЯ УКРАИНЫ: АРХЕТИПНАЯ ПАРАДИГМА Аннотация. Сквозь призму сформированных исторической традицией ар- хетипов рассмотрены стратегические приоритеты устойчивого развития как составляющая стратегического планирования и объект консолидации усилий органов публичной власти, бизнес-структур и общественности на средне- и долгосрочную перспективу и указано на их обусловленность. Определены требования для выделения этапов кардинальных преобразований, осуществ- ляемых в процессе реформирования системы публичного управления и про- анализировано их соблюдение за годы независимости. Акцентировано вни- мание на оптимизационных требованиях (комплексности, организационной гибкости, стратификации или ранжировании целей, темпе трансформацион- ных преобразований), которые выплывают из объективных аспектов, присут- ствующих в современном отечественном обществе архетипов. Установлено, что для отечественного опыта реформирования характерными признаками являются: отказ от анализа собственного опыта; искривление информацион- ных потоков; неудачи в реализации политик и непопулярность преобразова- ний; тенденция к увеличению количества и сложности структур и масштабов задач, их адаптация к изменяющимся условиям; недостаток эффективного лидерства и навыков управления изменениями. Выделены проблемные во- просы, возникающие в процессе реализации стратегических приоритетов. На основе анализа причин, которые делают невозможным устойчивое региональное развитие на основе стратегий регионального развития регио- нов Украины на период до 2020 г., обоснована необходимость в обновлении методического обеспечения их разработки и пересмотра существующих. Ис- следовано практический опыт по определению стратегических приоритетов устойчивого развития на примере г. Винница. Указано на объективные (ко- торые опираются на сформированные исторической традицией архетипы) и субъективные (обусловленные вариативностью и специфичностью их про- явлений) факторы непопулярности стратегических преобразований, причи- ны, обуславливающие неудачи при осуществлении реформ, негативные по- следствия их проявления, что в совокупности дало возможность определить основные угрозы для реализации стратегических приоритетов устойчивого развития. Ключевые слова: стратегические приоритеты, устойчивое развитие, си- стема публичного управления, реформирование, трансформационные пре- образования, оптимизационные требования, архетипная парадигма.

Problem statement. The practice and implementation of various stra- of modern state building in the con- tegic programs at the present stage of text of substantiation of expediency development gives grounds to assert

372 that the definition and implementation exacerbated by the lack of constructive of sustainable development strategic interaction between central and local priorities and related policies is first government bodies, local self-govern- of all the initiation of a certain type of ment, representatives of science, busi- reforms aimed at improving the public ness and the public. administration system and the forma- Analysis of recent publications on tion of a sufficient scale of strategic po- the issues and identification of previ- tential with optimizing the parameters ously unsettled parts of the general of its use. In Ukraine, in line with the problem. The methodological basis of Strategy for Sustainable Development the research of the questions of sustain- “Ukraine 2020” [1], these are deter- able development strategic priorities mined the goals, directions, strategic forming and ways of their realization priorities of the state development, is the works of domestic and foreign which are specified in the Concept for scientists: S. Albert, S. Bila, B. Gar- the Reform of Local Self-Government rett, B. Danilishin, M. Dyussozh, and Territorial Organization of Power M. Dolishny, V. Keretsman, V. Ma- in Ukraine [2], the State Strategy monova, P. Nadolishny, M. Porter and for Regional Development till 2020 others. These works form the basis for [3], the Program and Action Plan of the research of socio-economic and en- the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, vironmental components of sustainable and correlate with the general course development, mainly at the regional of European integration (“European level, and serve as a methodology for Principles of Public Administration” development strategies researching. At (OECD, 1999; SIGMA, 2017). They the same time, the research of problem are the basis for implementing Euro- issues and the substantiation of ways pean standards of living in Ukraine for overcoming them in the process of through the implementation of 62 re- the sustainable development priorities forms and development programs that implementation was not paid attention. require rapid transformations in the ad- The purpose of the article. Based ministrative subsystem based on a radi- on the substantiation of the theoretical cal reorganization of existing adminis- foundations of the sustainable develop- trative mechanisms. However, the real ment strategic priorities, the definition achievements over the past 4 years for of requirements and characteristics the accomplishment of key indicators of the process of reforming the public attest to the slow pace of their achieve- administration system, to investigate ment [4, p. 471–473], which is largely problem issues and identify the main due to the neglect of the national en- threats for their implementation in dogenous potential, national features, Ukraine. traditions and available archetypes. So, The presentation of the main re- we’ve got a crisis in the administration search material with the full substan- system, which indicates the existence of tiation of the scientific results. Strate- problem issues as well the theory, me- gic priorities are an integral part of stra- thodology as practice of implementing tegic planning and determine not only strategic priorities, which in turn are the mechanisms for ensuring national

373 security, but also the direction of the The implementation of strategic socio-economic sphere development in priorities also involves the consolida- the medium-term perspective. At the tion of the efforts of disparate authori- same time, they can be considered as an ties, that is, the consistency of forecast object of efforts consolidation of state indicators and vision of the future, authorities and local self-government planned documents (in terms of goals, bodies, business structures and the tasks, terms), coordination of activi- public in the medium and long-term ties, etc. It is about a joint coordinated perspective, a key to achieving social activity of all components of the public consensus on the solution of topical administration system to achieve the problems of sustainable development at declared goals, which will enable them the local, regional, national levels. to be successfully implemented. Development priority which is ob- Scientists Sauer K., Gemino A. jectively defined (including taking into and Reich B. [5] and Fishenden J. and account the peculiarities of the deve- Thompson M. [6] found that the risk lopment of the village, district, city and of failures in the implementation of any oblast, state as a whole), is backed by strategies, programs and projects, in- the existing resource supply, becomes cluding governmental, is growing from the basis for successful achievement of the increasing in the number of persons the sustainable balanced development who are involved in its implementation goal, competitiveness growth of the and in the time for which they are cal- regions and the state. Strategic deve- culated. So, if the task needs to be spent lopment priorities determine the defini- less than 24 man-months, there is a tion of tasks and tools for solving social 25 % probability of failure, provided problems, increase the level of econo- that this number is 500–1,000 man- mic potential of territories, their eco- months, then this probability is 50 %, nomic performance, profitability of 1,000–2,400 — the risk tripleth and is business and incomes, and, as a re- 75 %, and there were no successful pro- sult, create conditions for the general jects with labor costs over 2,400 man- increase of social standards, quality months at all. of life and the business environment Taking into account the complexity development. In strategies are typi- of reforms outlined in the Strategy, it cally involved complex, large-scale, is impossible to make the transforma- non-differentiated transformations, in tion in one stage, as far as the funda- which components with not identified mental transformations have to be in high and low risks. Therefore, instead harmony with the informal structure of of building up activities on the basis of the system, which changes quite slowly. the selection of less risky components, Therefore, it is necessary to define the if these are provided that they are po- requirements for distinguishing trans- tentially successful, we get mixed in formation stages: terms of complexity, scale and degree • the result of each stage should be of risk activities, which ultimately com- a holistic functionally completed set of plicates the possibility of risk manage- activities (autonomous reform, the re- ment and control of major risks. sults of which can be evaluated);

374 • each of the stages is the basis for dictions of more complex and profound building a complex of transformations transformations. of a higher quality level: the results of Taken to attention the potential hid- the previous ones are aimed at achie- den in archetypes (democracy, lack of ving the goals of the following stages; own statehood, local self-identification, effective forms of transformation need etc.) [7], let’s compare it to the society’s to be preserved, regressive — to be re- perception of the reforms. The most no- moved, complement with new forms ticeable, according to the general pub- (methods, technologies); lic opinion, are the changes connected • to overcome the increasing com- with the decentralization reform. The plexity, discoordination and other dys- level of this reform implementation is functions should be systematically allo- steadily growing, the estimation of the cated in the complicated structure of a effectiveness of the reforms by the po- group of homogeneous or closely rela- pulation is also quite high, and almost ted components, to create mechanisms 50 % of the population has experienced for their coordination; significant changes in the implementa- • the development of each new stage tion of this reform (we note that the appropriate to carry out through the level of perception of other reforms advance promotion of leadership sub- ranges from 15 to 25 %). systems that have the highest organiza- Another disadvantage of reform, in tional potential for the development of the outlined sense, is the rejection of progressive approaches and technolo- the own experience analysis, which, in gies. essence, is a consequence of the mani- We would like to stress the fact that festation of the archetype of its own during the years of independence, and statehood long absence. Quite often the actual development of a modern we are witnessing a situation in which public administration system, in stages all previous developments are a priori of reform, almost none of the above re- recognized as negative: so, among all quirements were met. Every new go- the Prime Ministers of Ukraine, only vernmental team outlined its own tra- V. Groisman thanked his predecessors jectory of transformations, however, its for the quality work, while the rest of cadence made it possible to implement the same critically advocated the ac- (and not always) only the first stage of tivities of predecessors and their conse- such transformations. As a matter of quences. fact, during the period of Ukraine's in- Also, the optimization requirement dependence, the Cabinet of Ministers of is complexity, within which the addi- Ukraine was headed by 21 prime minis- tive character and synergistic effect ters (including several times), with 20 from uniting efforts is revealed. Com- relevant government programs opera- plexity implies: ting there. And this despite the fact that • the comprehensiveness and mutu- the implementation of complex trans- al co-ordination of the impacts on the formations is a difficult and long-term object of administration: “the conduc- process and requires the implementa- tion of some, even the most appropriate, tion of a complex algorithm, with pre- measures will not give a proper return if

375 they are isolated. Taken outside the sys- mism of transformations under certain tem, they can contradict each other and conditions are suboptimal. not lead to the desired effect” [8, р. 9]; Given the above, it is worthwhile to • complementarity of the forms outline a number of reasons for failures and dynamism of the ways of the sys- in reforms implementation: tem, which involves a combination of • distortion of information flows, the best domestic and adaptive foreign the results of which may be completely practices of the public administration missing information on the condition of system reforming, based on its endo- the reformed object, that is, the lack or genous potential; incompleteness or unreliability of the • complementary combination of source data (for example, the Strategy components. This aspect works best of public administration reform was de- within the public authorities’ structure, veloped in the absence of a systematic since its specificity is best disclosed in idea of the object of reform, and com- relation to the organizational structure plete integrated analysis was carried of a separate functional unit. out as early as mid-2018); in the end, Regarding the organizational fle- the authorities can’t adequately plan xibility of the public administration the needs for change and how they have system — the possibilities to change to be implemented; according to the conditions of the ex- • failures in policy implementation ternal and internal environment, to and unpopular transformations (data change the functional purpose, in ac- from sociological surveys indicate an cordance with the dynamism of inter- existing tendency to lower confidence mediate goals, etc., for this, the deve- in the authorities and increasing skep- lopment of such features of the system ticism about the prospects for refor- is a priority. ming success [9]; thus, trust to public Considering the planning process administration bodies is catastrophi- begins with goal-setting, it is necessary cally low, and a significant part of the not only to identify the priority tasks population sees it precisely in the ad- (“links”), but also to stratify or to rank ministrative workers (public servants targets. That is, it makes impossible one- and politicians) the main brake factor step transformation, or transformation for reforms). In essence, solving this over a short period of time. Thus, with complex and large-scale problem lies in this special significance the process of the course of the movement in all key goal-setting becomes: the discordance areas of the reform, as the development of the goals to the real opportunities for of relationships, especially taking into their achievement causes defeat the en- account the potential by adjusting the tire process of reform. Also important is influences in the form of feedback, will the transformations pace of the system actually allow the defined strategic prio- development that should be synchro- rities to be effectively implemented; nized not only with internal needs but • the tendency to increasing of the also with the requirements of the envi- number and complexity of structures ronment, with both a significant lag be- and tasks scale that is difficult to adapt hind the others and the excessive dyna- to changing conditions (simultaneous

376 implementation of a range of strategic Ukraine’s loss of key positions in the reforms and a long transition period international economic space, lack of resulted the existence of a number of readiness for new external and internal duplicating structures in the public ad- challenges, and the aggravation of prob- ministration system; the complexity of lems at the local level are the result of the division of powers and responsibili- deepening of both economic and social ties (for example, between rayon coun- and humanitarian disparities between cils, rayon state administrations and the regions, which in aggregate con- newly formed united territorial com- stitutes a threat to the security of the munities, especially if the latter united state. After all, without realistic consi- all communities of the district), dilu- deration of regional aspects, achieving tion of control area); sustainable development in general is • lack of effective leadership and not possible. special management skills. The formulation and implementa- Thus, when we talk about problems tion of regional development strategies in strategic priorities implementing, we as a document outlining prospects con- should highlight the following: tributes to the effective use of existing • the ambitiousness and complexity resource potential, the identification of the planned transformations, which, and use of unique competitive advan- coupled with the long-term perspec- tages, which creates the preconditions tive, present a grave risk of changes in for economic growth and social and the legislation, vectors of public policy humanitarian development, ensuring and their implementation technologies; stability in general. Recall that the • a critical perception of the in- Strategies for Regional Development of terim results of the goals implementa- Ukraine’s Regions until 2020 were ap- tion, negative analysts’ evaluation and proved in the second half of 2014–2015 public discontent, which may lead to a (except for the strategies of the Autono- failure of plans implementation, while mous Republic of Crimea and Sevasto- such incompleteness causes a reduc- pol), which was envisioned by the State tion in the effectiveness of the stra- Strategy for Regional Development for tegy, and the unpopularity of reforms, the period till 2020 [3] for implementa- as evidenced by world practice, is of- tion Action Plan for its realization. ten due to the roots of change that in In defining archetypes [7], we turn, yields positive results on the con- noted the territorial (regional, local) dition of full realization of the planned self-identification, which is one of the course and only in the long-term per- most controversial archetypes. In the spective; national realities and according to the • low level of professional compe- historical preconditions in this arche- tence of both public servants and con- type, its manifestation in the adminis- sumers. At the same time, the level tration object hides the threat of a split of consciousness of the latter is deci- of the country in accordance with the sive, since large-scale transformations language, religious, foreign policy pre- should be approached with a strategic ferences of certain territorial commu- vision and awareness of social necessity. nities. By means of this archetype it is

377 possible to clearly illustrate the need to changes in the socio-political situation ensure the consolidation of the nation, and market principles of the economic the formation of self-identification at component. These actualize the need the level of “I am a citizen of Ukraine”. for updating methodological support Taking into account national characte- for strategy development. In particular, ristics and significant differences within during the period from 2015 to 2016, the framework of European integration the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine aspirations, it would be worth taking and the Ministry of Regional Deve- the key principle of building the EU — lopment of Construction and Housing unity in diversity. On the basis of this it and Communal Services of Ukraine is possible to start the consolidation of adopted a number of normative and the entire society and the formation of legal documents: a national identity. Especially conside- • The procedure for the develop- ring the fact that on time, the presence ment of the State Strategy for Regio- of real external threats serves as an ad- nal Development of Ukraine and the ditional consolidating factor. plan for its implementation, as well as Among the reasons that make sus- monitoring and evaluation of the effec- tainable regional development and tiveness of the implementation of the their transformation into competitive Strategy and Action Plan (11.11.2015, regions impossible, is defined [10]: Decree № 931); • lack of systemic approaches and • The procedure for the formulation coherence of the strategy, both with the of regional development strategies and priorities of the state regional policy, as action plans for their implementation, well as with the program documents as well as the monitoring and evalua- and directions of the region’s develop- tion of the effectiveness of the imple- ment; mentation of these regional strategies • low effectiveness of regional de- and action plans (11.11.2015, Decree velopment strategic planning, inclu- № 932); ding forecasting: the plan of action is • Methodology for developing, foreseen for only 5 years, and the lack monitoring and evaluating the effec- of vision of future development scena- tiveness of implementation of regional rios transforms the strategy into opera- development strategies and plans for tional plans, which serve to clarify the their implementation (31.03.2016, or- current goals, mechanisms and means der number 632). of achieving them — we work accor- As the existing regional develop- ding to the principle “Extinguishing ment strategies were approved in the fire”; 2014–2015 on the basis of previous • static and focused on addressing methodological recommendations from existing regional development prob- 2011, this necessitates a regular upda- lems. ting and adjustment of three-year plans Undoubtedly, the process of forma- for their implementation. The above- tion and implementation of strategies mentioned methodological recommen- for regional development is directly de- dations from 2016 in fact can be applied pendent on the external environment — only to monitoring the implementation

378 of strategies and assessment of imple- It should also be added that for mentation of action plans for their im- implementation of the “Development plementation. Strategy of Vinnytsia-2020” a number Let’s consider in more detail the of conceptual programs was adopted, practical experience in determining the implementation of which is aimed strategic priorities of sustainable de- at achieving development priorities. velopment on the example of Vinnitsa. In particular: Investment Promotion Thus, “Development Strategy of Vin- Program in Vinnitsa for 2018–2020, nytsia-2020” [11] focuses on achieving approved by the decision of the City a high standard that meets modern re- Council dated November 24, 2017 quirements, the level and quality of life, № 930; The marketing strategy of the and comfortable conditions for living city of Vinnitsa-2020, approved by the on the basis of the formation of a com- decision of the city council dated June petitive economy and a developed so- 27, 2018, № 1222. Thus, the implemen- cial sphere. For these, five strategic di- tation of the Marketing Strategy of the rections is identified and approved: the city of Vinnytsa-2020 will contribute formation of a strong local community; to the formation of a positive invest- economic development aimed at high ment and tourist image of the city, crea- and quality employment; sustainable ting real opportunities for attracting environmental development and im- investment, establishing effective re- provement of the quality of communal gional and international relations. services; quality of social life; balanced An example of the potential effec- spatial development. tiveness of implementing rather unpo- For example, within the first strate- pular reforms is the provision of trans- gic priority “Formation of a strong local port services. With the aim of overcom- community” over the past two years, 77 ing the unprofitableness of local public projects was implemented, of which transport by local government bodies of 27 was implemented for the purposes Vinnitsa, it was decided to abandon the of “Vinnitsa as a city with a developed services of private carriers and allocate civil society” and “Leadership of Vin- part of the budget funds for the cre- nitsa in improving the efficiency and ation of municipal tram and trolleybus effectiveness of local municipality”. Be- and bus parks. Despite the clarity and hind these figures, the daily work of the planning of the reform, the clear miscal- executive committee of the city council culation of loads and the study of pas- and its deputy corps on development: senger flows in the first stages of imple- administrative and social services ori- mentation, it was not only unpopular, ented to citizens, civil society institu- but also caused significant social dis- tions, urban identity, etc. And all this is content, and residents of certain parts accompanied by constant training not of city even organized demonstrations only direct employees, but all involved to cancel such decisions. However, after participants in the implementation a series of corrective actions, after the of the development strategy: forums, inhabitants of the city got used to the trainings, round tables, conferences, newly formed system, it was possible etc. not only to update the rolling stock of

379 the municipal transport, but also to en- size and ambition of transformations; sure the transportation of passengers fragmentation and non-coordination according to clear schedules, and the of actions; excessive concentration on result obtained now has rather high es- selection of methods and process, in- timates of the inhabitants of the city. completeness of activity. And the main Conclusions and perspectives of reason for the unpopularity of strategic further research. The reasons for failu- transformations is the need to direct re in the reforms implementation are: significant resources over a long period failure to take into account endogenous of time and delay in end results, which potential and available archetypes; dis- collectively leads to negative public tortion of information flows, the results perceptions. In essence, these threats of which may be completely missing are inherent not only for national ad- information about the state of the re- ministration practice, but the arche- formed object; failures in policy imple- types available in Ukraine significantly mentation and unpopular transforma- increase and exacerbate the negative tions; the tendency to increasing the manifestations of some of them. number and complexity of structures Therefore, Ukraine’s aspiration to and scale of tasks that is difficult to sustainable development on the basis adapt to changing conditions; the lack of competitiveness, along with other, of effective leadership and change ma- urgently needs to reform the public nagement skills, etc. The negative con- administration system on scientifically sequences of the manifestation of these grounded, methodologically tested factors are: principles. As well as the development • the increasing complexity of ad- and introduction of new approaches to ministrative procedures (the transition the use of human, economic and natu- period is due to the introduction of new ral resources, and other potential of the rules and procedures in parallel with state, which would provide a qualita- existing ones, which reduces the level tively new standard of living for Ukrai- of transparency and confidence to the nian citizens, which is the subject of authorities); further scientific research. • complication in coordinating the activities of structures (the problem of References fuzzy distribution of powers, the pre- 1. Ukaz Prezydenta Ukrainy Pro stra- sence of gaps and duplication, which tegіyu stalogo rozvytku “Ukraina – manifest themselves against the back- 2020” № 5/2015 vіd 12 sіchnya 2015 r. drop of inconsistency of activity of dis- [Decree of the President of Ukraine parate structures, which in aggregate About the Strategy of Sustain- not only complicates, but also makes it able Development “Ukraine 2020” impossible to achieve the set goals). № 5/2015 dated January 12, 2015]. Retrieved from: Thus, the main threats for the im- plementation of strategic priorities are: ments/18688.html?PrintVersion [in lack of relevant managers and leaders; Ukrainian]. lack of proper administrative skills; 2. Rozporyadzhennya Kabіnetu Mіnіst- weak risk management; complexity, rіv Ukrainy pro shvalennya koncepcіi

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382 UDC 351.851:005.332.3 DOI: 2224-2019-18-3-383-393 Semenets-Orlova Inna Andriivna, Doctor of Sciences in Public Administration, Associate Рrofessor of the Department of Po- litical Science and Sociology, National Avia- tion University, 03058, Kyiv, Str. Komarova, 1, tel: (044) 406-71-53, e-mail: innaorlova@ ORCID: 0000-0001-9227-7426 Семенець-Орлова Інна Андріївна, доктор наук з державного управління, до- цент кафедри соціології та політології, Національний авіаційний університет, 03058, м. Київ, вул. Комарова, 1, тел/факс: (044) 406-71-53, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-9227-7426 Семенец-Орлова Инна Андреевна, доктор наук по государственному управ- лению, доцент кафедры социологии и по- литологии, Национальный авиационный университет, 03058, г. Киев, ул. Комарова, 1, тел/факс: (044) 406-71-53, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-9227-7426

Valuable concept of peace-building in Ukraine Abstract. The conducted study concluded that the most integrative potential for the successful completion of democratic transit in Ukraine could be a model of patriotism built on the basis of a high level of civil competency of individuals and called the “citizenship patriotism” model. Citizenship patriotism requires a critical amount of patriots trained to con- structive interaction in a complex society and oriented towards securing public interest. As the results of the survey showed, the level of citizenship competen- cies of children and youth is not high enough in Ukraine at the moment. How- ever, if the same tendency is maintained for the actualization of the issue of civil education in public discourse, in few years the model of citizenship patriotism can become an effective model of patriotism for the majority of Ukrainians, which will be effective in the unstable context of socio-political development and play a key factor in the successful completion of democratic transit in Ukraine. The article compares the content of the definitions of “nationalism” and “pa- triotism”, comparing the characteristics of sentimental and constructive types of

383 patriotism. It is emphasized that citizenship, like patriotism, involves care for pub- lic interest. The main component of citizenship is the active participation of the individual in the life of society for the public good. At the heart of the civic culture is the focus on civil responsibility. It is proved that civil patriotism is an ideal model for a complex society, which is reflected in the commitment of the person to the interest of the country (public and public interest), an active position on its protection and fulfillment of civil obligations, along with a substantiated (and affective, and rational) positive assessment gen- eral national realities of flexible format. The concept of citizenship from the point of view of strategy approach is analyzed. The further development of the study of “pedagogy of peace” was obtained. The special educational potential of the culture of civic citizenship in the Ukrainian society is emphasized. Keywords: citizenship, peace-building, value concept, archetype approach, sustainable development. Ціннісний концепт миробудівництва в Україні Анотація. Проаналізовано інтегративний потенціал моделі громадян- ського патріотизму для успішного завершення демократичного транзиту в сучасній Україні. Зазначено, що громадянський патріотизм вимагає критичної кілько- сті патріотів, які мають освітню підготовку до конструктивної взаємодії у складному суспільстві та орієнтовані на забезпечення суспільних інтересів. Наголошено, що рівень громадянської компетентності дітей та молоді на сьогодні в Україні недостатньо високий. Проте, якщо тенденція актуаліза- ції питання громадянської освіти в публічному дискурсі зберігається, то за кілька років модель громадянського патріотизму може стати ефективною для більшості українців. Ця модель виявлятиме особливу дієвість у неста- більному контексті. У роботі порівняно зміст дефініцій “націоналізм” та “патріотизм”, зістав- лено характеристики сентиментального та конструктивного видів патріо- тизму. Наголошено, що громадянськість, як і патріотизм, передбачає тур- боту про суспільний інтерес. Основною складовою громадянства є активна участь особистості в житті суспільства для суспільного блага. Основою культури громадянськості є орієнтація на громадянську від- повідальність. Доведено, що громадянський патріотизм — ідеальна модель для складного суспільства, відображається в прихильності особи до інтер- есу країни (суспільного, публічного інтересу), активній позиції щодо йо- го захисту та виконання громадянських обов’язків поряд з обґрунтованою (і афективною, і раціональною) позитивною оцінкою загальнокраїнових реалій гнучкого формату. Проаналізовано поняття громадянськості з точ- ки зору підходу стратегемності. Дістало подальшого розвитку дослідження “педагогіки миру”. Приділено увагу на особливому інструментальному по- тенціалу освіти для розвитку культури громадянськості в українському су- спільстві.

384 Ключові слова: громадянськість, миробудівництво, ціннісний концепт, архетипний підхід, сталий розвиток. Ценностный концепт миростроительства в Украине Аннотация. Проанализирован интегративный потенциал модели гра- жданского патриотизма для успешного завершения демократического тран- зита в современной Украине. Отмечено, что гражданский патриотизм требует критического количества патриотов, которые имеют образовательную подготовку к конструктивному взаимодействию в сложном обществе и ориентированы на обеспечение об- щественных интересов. Указано, что уровень гражданской компетентности детей и молодежи в настоящее время в Украине недостаточно высок. Одна- ко, если тенденция актуализации вопроса гражданского образования в пуб- личном дискурсе будет сохраняться, через несколько лет модель граждан- ского патриотизма может стать эффективной для большинства украинцев. Эта модель проявит особую эффективность в нестабильном контексте. В работе проведено сравнение содержания дефиниций “национализм” и “патриотизм”, сопоставлены характеристики сентиментального и конструк- тивного видов патриотизма. Отмечено, что гражданственность, как и пат- риотизм, предполагает заботу об общественном интересе. Основной состав- ляющей гражданства является активное участие личности в жизни общест- ва для общественного блага. Основой культуры гражданственности является ориентация на граждан- скую ответственность. Доказано, что гражданский патриотизм — идеальная модель для сложного общества, отражается в приверженности личности к интересу страны (общественного, публичного интереса), активной позиции по его защите и выполнения гражданских обязанностей наряду с обосно- ванной (и аффективной, и рациональной) положительной оценкой реалий страны. Проанализированы понятия гражданственности с точки зрения подхода стратегемности. Получило дальнейшее развитие исследование “пе- дагогика мира”. Отмечено особый инструментальный потенциал образова- ния для развития культуры гражданственности в украинском обществе. Ключевые слова: гражданственность, миростроительство, ценностный концепт, архетипический подход, устойчивое развитие.

Problem settings. In modern educational paradigm called “pedagogy Ukraine, the question of peace-build- of peace”, based on the concepts of glo- ing remains open for discussion during bally expanded responsibility, empa- 5 years. Recently, the appeal of scien- thy, and trust [1, p. 21]. The task of the tists to this problem has also become pedagogy of peace — to create peace of more frequent. A well-known Ukrai- mind in the education subjects in whole nian theoretician S. Klepko analyzes an without taking into account numerous

385 factors. However, the scientist empha- Confucianism. Therefore, strategy is sizes that the war does not start from to promote national interests through the effectiveness of education, rather, a special approach to the translation they are initiated by educated rulers, so of cultural values, support for social for the purposes of education important harmony, understanding based on the philosophical knowledge of the nature sociocultural features of each country, of modern wars [1, p. 21]. M. Barber’s as well as verification of the effective- speech “Short reflections on education ness of ideas and concepts in practice. and the causes of wars” is valuable in We have repeatedly referred to the ap- this debate. The British scientist deter- proach of practical significance of cer- mines the significant potential of edu- tain ideas in our publications, substan- cation to eliminate the causes of wars tiating the practical social and political and calls for lifelong learning [2]. participation of children and young Reflecting on the role of cultural people as an integral part of the process factors in the process of educational of forming their civic beliefs and atti- change, scientists often analyze a case tudes [4]. of “soft power” (for example, as an ap- The analysis of recent publica- proach to modern successful moder- tions on the issues. The problem of nization of China). The theory of “soft world-building and the role of educa- power” was first developed by Ameri- tion in this process became the subject can political scientist J. Nye who em- of works by foreigners (G. Almond, phasized the importance of a way to M. Barber, S. Verba, M. Heidegger, achieve success on the world stage, L. Richardson, S. Huntington, etc.), in addition to economic and military and ukrainian scientists (S. Klepko, might, cultural and political values of G. Rodyk, L. Skorokhod, and others). the country [3]. Many Chinese scholars An archetypal paradigm is represented based on this theory substantiate the in the Ukrainian scientific thought by approach of building China’s political the works of scientists of the Ukrai- power on the basis of growing atten- nian school of archetype — E. Afonin, tion to culture (this is reflected in the O. Sushiy, O. Bandurka, A. Martynov enhancement of cultural exchanges, and others. In this paper, the problem promotion of the attractiveness of the of world-building will be considered in Chinese model of development, peace- the aspect of analyzing the instrumen- ful foreign policy and the belief in their tal potential of citizenship education responsibility). On this basis, the theo- and citizenship education. rists characterize the so-called strategic The purpose of the article is to thinking of the Chinese, consisting in study the value concept of world-build- extraordinary methods of achieving the ing in Ukraine on the basis of analysis goal by peaceful means, based on gra- of the educational potential of society. dual, pragmatic, flexible, objective, Presentation of the main research spiritual freedom, humanity, and integ- material. Political transit determines rity. The prerequisites for such a pheno- two main prerequisites for a successful menon were the philosophical schools transition to democracy: the presence of Ancient China: Taoism, Legislation, of an appropriate level of national unity,

386 political will for a democratic transition lectual reserves, has long been forced and a real struggle for democracy [5, to import someone else’s experience. It p. 667]. The rethinking of various ways was a situation of manifestation of the of solving the problem of ensuring na- archetype of “distortive experience” tional unity after the civil protest ac- [7] and in some way influenced the fact tions in Ukraine entitled “Revolution that the political culture of Ukraini- of Dignity” was reflected in many scien- ans is controversial, eclectic, marked tific publications and public discourses. by the lack of a clear orientation of At the stage of the surge in civil acti- political development and the priori- vity from the first half of 2014 and so ties of domestic politics, the growth of far, scholars have increasingly begun to social pessimism and the presence of call patriotism a factor that can ensure a syndrome of wonder, weakening po- sustainable civil participation, as well litical will of a person. However, du- as effective work of the state apparatus ring the last 4 years, cordocentrism that in the context of the problems of po- is mentally peculiar to Ukrainians has litical development (annexation of the become more or less transformed [8] — Crimea, the beginning of military ag- Ukrainian society is beginning to lessen gression on the East of Ukraine). This trust in promises of politicians, loses its was reflected even in the fact that in the illusion, begins to think more and more first version of the draft Law of Ukraine rationally. “On Civil Service” among the list of The Stanford Philosophical Ency- principles of civil service “patriotism” clopaedia gives the standard definition was put in the first place. After about of “patriotism” as follows: it is love for two years of public discussion, in the fi- one's country [9]. Other scholars point nal version of the Law of Ukraine “On out that patriotism must be understood Civil Service”, adopted by the Verk- as a commitment and a sense of belong- hovna Rada of Ukraine on December ing to one’s country [10]. Its meaning is 10, 2015, patriotism (defined as “devo- usually related to its role in supporting tion and faithful service to the Ukrai- national cohesion on behalf of the state nian people”) was placed on the fourth to the extent that the state encourages position in the above-mentioned list members of society to respect their civil (article 4, paragraph 1, subparagraph responsibilities. The consideration of 4). In the previous Law “On Civil Ser- this question varies greatly from one vice” dated December 16, 1993 [6], the context to another, so theorists suggest notion of “patriotism” was not men- talking about “patriotism” in plural, tioned at all. Of course, in a situation stating the diversity of its manifesta- of cases of treason by certain public of- tions [10]. ficials of Ukraine’s national interests in Patriotism can be defined as a sys- the Crimea and in some territories of tem of views (cultural, consciousness Donetsk and regions, the re- attitudes) that reflect the inflexible levance of patriotism sounded in a new attachment of a person to a particular way. country, characterized by an indisput- In order to solve internal problems, able positive assessment of that coun- Ukrainian society, having its own intel- try, persistent loyalty and intolerance

387 to critics. In Western political philoso- patriot considers the nation's critique phy, there is a debate about the type of dissent, which is contrary to the long- patriotism that can provide an effective term national interests [12, p. 183]. alternative to nationalism, as a meta Famous researchers G. Almond and idea for a stable statehood [9]. The theo- S. Verba in the work “Civil Culture: rist S. Nathanson defines patriotism Political Relations and Democracy in as the identification of a person as a 5 Nations” [13] highlighted the fol- member of his/her country, manifested lowing signs of civil culture: a sense of in a special love for it, a sense of pride pride in their nation, an expectation of in achievement of his/her country and a fair attitude to the society on the part shame for its loss, anxiety about the of the authorities, a tolerant attitude to well-being of its people, willingness to the opposition parties, active participa- sacrifice for the happiness of its future tion of the community in local self-go- [11, p. 34–35]. Hence, the rationale for vernment, confidence in one’s ability to patriotism as an affective phenomenon, participate in politics, civil cooperation the content of which is strong symbolic and trust, citizens’ membership in au- (sentimental) interpretations, is valu- tonomous associations. able. G. Orwell contrasted “patriotism” The theorist H. Kelman suggested and “nationalism” from the following two basic types of patriotism — senti- point of view. In his view, the apologists mental and instrumental [12, p. 174]. of nationalist ideas immerse their indi- Sentimental patriotism implies “per- viduality in the collective aspirations of ceiving the group for personal iden- their people, seek to get as much power tity”, instrumental — “perceptions of and prestige as possible for their coun- the group to meet one’s personal needs try. Patriots, unlike nationalists, con- and interests”. Hence, individuals who sider their people to be better, but they perceive the country to form their per- do not want to impose their own way sonal identity will be hostile to criti- of life on others [14, p. 362]. Therefore, cism of the country. Individual carriers from the point of view of G. Orwell, pa- of instrumental patriotism are likely triotism is more full of ideas of tolerance to criticize the country if it does not and pluralism, and hence of democracy. manage to reach the expected level of Agreeing with G. Orwell, the theorist national welfare. Consequently, senti- M. Billing argues: when love and spe- mental patriotism is characterised by cial care about one’s country becomes an unquestionable positive assessment, “unbridled” and causes to think about a country’s loyalty and intolerance to its bad attitude towards others, then such critics. Instrumental (or constructive) traits characterize nationalism [15, patriotism is characterised by critical p. 55–59]. loyalty to the country, due to the desire Methodologically valuable is the vi- for positive change. Both orientations sion of the discrepancy between the no- demonstrate positive identification tions of “nationalism” and “patriotism” based on a sense of affective commit- by the theorist L. Acton: patriotism, ment to the country. However, the sen- unlike nationalism, is the awareness, timental (sometimes called — “blind”) first of all, of our moral responsibilities

388 to the socio-political community [16, characterized with concern for “public p. 163]. We will rely on this definition interest” [23, p. 81]. Public interest is in our work further. In this position, a a generalized variant of individual and meaningful assessment of morality as a group interests legitimized in public universal regulator of the world of the opinion. French theorists emphasize future is important, which, in particular, a different meaning of patriotism as a the author of the theory of “The Black recognition of responsibilities to each Swan” N. Taleb substantiated [17]. other as citizens, requiring collabora- According to recent studies, the near tion, cooperation, tolerance and dis- future will be characterized by the pro- interestedness [10]. In this approach, liferation of collective identities, as well in general, one can identify the mea- as emotionally volitional meanings of ning of the concepts of “patriotism” and social communities [18]. After all, with “citizenship”. However, we do not agree the further development of democracy, with its authors, although we recognize analysis and development of policy re- some meaningful synonymy of the con- quire more and more complicity among cept of “citizenship” and “moderate pa- citizens, and the attitude of patriotism, triotism”. In our opinion, in the system which can act as a motive for such com- of categories adjacent to the issue, the plicity, is most widespread in the form citizenship is more meaningful to the of its symbolic (sentimental) type (the notion of “state patriotism” as an active sentimental type is approximately 40 % and responsible patriotism. The logic is: more common in modern democratic “I love my people, a strong statehood societies, than the constructive type of creates opportunities for its unity and patriotism [19]. being, so I will help the state in the rea- S. Nathanson reflected on the type lization of its functions, caring for pub- of patriotism that is more closely associ- lic interest”. ated with morality, therefore, can be de- By the notion of “citizenship”, fined as the optimal model, based on the Ukrainian researchers point to a certain discussion above. The scientist suggest- moral and spiritual state of the people, ed to call it “moderate patriotism” [20]. which implies a feeling of one’s own The meaning of “moderate patriotism” freedom and, at the same time, respon- is illustrated by the attempts to com- sibility, and a belief in social values [24, bine the attitudes of the achievement of p. 42]. According to another scientist good for one’s compatriots and the idea I. Ilyin, to be a real citizen is to “feel an of caring for all humanity. S. Nathanson indissoluble identity between the inte- rejects the cosmopolitan approach of rest of the state and one’s own interest. A. MacIntyre [21] and emphasizes the And that is why, as one’s own interest, importance of moral thinking in defi- each spiritually correct interest of their ning the main meaningful components fellow citizens is to be recognized” [25, of patriotism [22]. p. 271]. Citizenship reflects the desire Patriotism is defined as love for and will to live together. Consequent- one’s country, identification with it, ly, citizenship, like patriotism, contain special care for its well-being, and also meaningful concerns about the interest about compatriots, which can also be of fellow citizens.

389 A well-known philosopher J. Haber- greatly enhanced in the context of the mas, in his work “Between Facts and decentralization of power in Ukraine. Norms”, argues that the normative Proceeding from the historical tra- meaning of democratic citizenship ditions of the Ukrainian people, and can be determined without the forma- taking into account sensitivity as an tion of an individual in the context of indispensable characteristic of his men- a “national state” [26]. This approach tality, we consider citizenship as a valu- is somewhat inconsistent with our de- able basis for peace-building in modern sire to combine “patriotism” and “citi- Ukraine. In the Ukrainian context, citi- zenship” for their interconnection, but zenship is a peculiar strategy, endowed also takes place in scientific discourse. with enormous potential for the ob- A theorist H. Starkey has a similar posi- jective reflection of the socio-cultural tion, he claims that the concept of “citi- features of Ukrainian society. The role zenship” in its meaning always has a of education in the process of forma- political and legal dimension. Although tion and development of the culture citizenship is in some way linked of citizenship, and, on the basis of civil to a national concept, it is an auto- patriotism, is enormous. And although nomous and independent theory. In education as an instrument of social this context, H. Starkey observes that change is characterized by significant in the new concepts, citizenship exists time consuming, in addition, the pur- also at supranational levels [27, p. 7]. poseful educational process characte- Unlike H. Starkey, the Irish researcher rizes stable results, long-term and value M. Craith argues that although the ba- significance for both a particular person sis of modern citizenship is the focus and for the whole society. Consequent- on civil responsibility, it is the cultural ly, world-building in modern Ukraine forces (the value attitude of the indi- depends to a large extent on the effec- vidual to the state, the country and its tiveness of methods and technologies citizens) that implicitly fasten compo- of domestic education, including civic nents of modern citizenship [28]. Our education as its component. position correlates with the Irish re- searcher’s point of view. Citizenship patriotism is an ideal REFERENCES model for a complex society, which is 1. Klepko S. (2016). Pedagogika my’ru i reflected in the commitment of the in- filosofiya vijny’: poshuk isty’ny’ [Pe- dividual to the interest of the country dagogy of Peace and the Philosophy of (public interest). War: Finding Truth], Postmetody’ka, Conclusions. Citizenship patrio- 2(125), 21–23 [in Ukrainian]. 2. Барбер М. Kratky’e razmishleny’e ob tism is endowed with the potential to obrazovany’y’ y’ pry’chy’nax vojn [A promote sustainable development of brief reflection on education and the society, national unity and the develop- causes of wars]. Retrieved from http:// ment of local and nationwide democ- [in Russian]. racy in Ukraine. Citizenship patriotism 3. Nye, J. (2004). The Means to Success is a necessary prerequisite for a sustain- in World Politics. N.-Y.: Public Affairs able democratic transit. Its relevance is [in English].

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393 UDC:351.82:659.1]-027.21(477) DOI: 2224-2019-18-3-394-402 Serdechna Liudmyla Vasylіvna, Candidate of sciences in public administra- tion, doctoral candidate, National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, 03057, Kyiv, Str. Anton Tsedik, 20, tel.: +38 (095) 551 7885, e-mail: lvser- [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-4311-3596 Сердечна Людмила Василівна, кандидат наук з державного управління, докторант, Національна академія дер- жавного управління при Президентові України, 03057, м. Київ, вул. Антона Це- діка, 20, тел.: +38 (095) 551 7885, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-4311-3596 Сердечная Людмила Васильевна, кандидат наук по государственному управлению, докторант, Националь- ная академия государственного управления при Президенте Украины, 03057, г. Киев, ул. Антона Цедика, 20, тел.: +38 (095) 551 7885, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-4311-3596

REGULATION OF THE ADVERTISING IN THE CONTEXT OF THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF UKRAINE (ARCHETYPICAL APPROACH) Abstract. The article covers the actual questions of the theory and practice of regulation of the advertising in the process of formation and implementation of state policy in the field of advertising. In particular, the methodological problems of using the archetypical approach for analyzing the regulation of advertising in the context of the sustainable development of Ukraine. Advertising activity in modern conditions affects the formation of key value orientations of society and is one of the causes of aggravation of social contradictions. One of the main objec- tives of advertising is to stimulate consumption, and therefore the solution of the problem of balanced consumption, as defined by the Strategy of Ukraine’s Sus- tainable Development till 2030, creates a contradiction. Solving the problem re- quires the transformation of the conceptual framework of regulation of advertising sphere. The author advocates the necessity of developing a paradigm of regulation of advertising on the basis of value systems based on the concept of sustainable

394 development and, in particular, on balanced consumption. Certain value systems (archetypes), which predetermine the development of regulation, respectively, have an impact on the level of corporate social responsibility of the advertising business and contribute to the harmonization of relations advertising business, society and the state. It is substantiated in the article that the question of value systems in regulation of the advertising from the standpoint of tasks of the Stra- tegy of Sustainable Development in relation to balanced consumption should not be considered as a choice of alternative. The optimal ratio of the material interests of the business and the intangible values of society in the regulation of the adver- tising sphere depends on the ratio of value-semantic archetypes, when the subjects of advertising activity have an effective motivation regarding social responsibility, which complements, but does not exclude corporate interests. Keywords: advertising, archetypes, Sustainable development strategy, regu- lation of the advertising. РЕГУЛЮВАННЯ СФЕРИ РЕКЛАМИ В КОНТЕКСТІ СТАЛОГО РОЗВИТКУ УКРАЇНИ (АРХЕТИПНИЙ ПІДХІД) Анотація. Pозглядаються актуальні питання теорії і практики регулю- вання в процесі формування та реалізації державної політики в сфері ре- клами, зокрема, методологічні проблеми застосування архетипного підходу для аналізу регулювання реклами в контексті сталого розвитку України. Рекламна діяльність в сучасних умовах впливає на формування ціннісних орієнтацій суспільства і є однією з причин загострення соціальних супе- речностей. Багатовекторність реклами і масовий характер зумовлюють проблеми її функціонування, зокрема, таку як вплив на раціональність споживання в сучасному суспільстві. Одним із основних завдань реклами є стимулювання споживання, а отже, вирішення завдання збалансованого споживання, що визначене Стратегією сталого розвитку України до 2030 р., створює суперечність. Вирішення проблеми вимагає трансформації концеп- туальних основ регулювання рекламної сфери. Обґрунтовано необхідність вироблення парадигми регулювання реклами на основі ціннісних устано- вок, на яких ґрунтується концепція сталого розвитку і, зокрема, збалансо- ваного споживання. Певні ціннісні установки (архетипи), що зумовлюють розвиток регулювання, відповідно мають вплив і на рівень корпоративної соціальної відповідальності рекламного бізнесу і сприяють досягненню гар- монізації відносин рекламного бізнесу, суспільства і держави. Обґрунтовано висновок, що питання ціннісних установок в регулюванні реклами з пози- цій завдань Стратегії сталого розвитку щодо збалансованого споживання не повинно ставитися як вибір альтернативи. Оптимальне співвідношення ма- теріальних інтересів бізнесу й нематеріальних цінностей суспільства в регу- люванні рекламної сфери залежить від співвідношення ціннісно-смислових архетипів, коли суб’єкти рекламної діяльності мають дієву мотивацію щодо соціальної відповідальності, яка доповнює, а не виключає корпоративні ін- тереси.

395 Ключові слова: реклама, архетипи, Стратегія сталого розвитку, регулю- вання в рекламній сфері. РЕГУЛИРОВАНИЕ СФЕРЫ РЕКЛАМЫ В КОНТЕКСТЕ УСТОЙЧИВОГО РАЗВИТИЯ УКРАИНЫ (АРХЕТИПНЫЙ ПОДХОД) Аннотация. Рассматриваются актуальные вопросы теории и практики регулирования в процессе формирования и реализации государственной по- литики в сфере рекламы, в частности, методологические проблемы приме- нения архетипного подхода для анализа регулирования рекламы в контекс- те устойчивого развития Украины. Реклама в современных условиях влияет на формирование ценностных ориентаций общества и является одной из причин обострения социальных противоречий. Массовый характер рекла- мы обусловливает проблемы ее функционирования, в частности, такую как влияние на рациональность потребления в современном обществе. Одной из основных задач рекламы является стимулирование потребления, а следо- вательно, решение задачи сбалансированного потребления, поставленной в Стратегии устойчивого развития Украины до 2030 г., создает противоречие. Решение проблемы требует трансформации концептуальных основ регули- рования рекламной сферы. Обоснована необходимость выработки парадиг- мы регулирования рекламы на основе ценностных установок, на которых основывается концепция устойчивого развития и в частности сбалансиро- ванного потребления. Определенные ценностные установки (архетипы), обусловливающие развитие регулирования, соответственно имеют влияние на уровень корпоративной социальной ответственности рекламного бизнеса и способствуют достижению гармонизации отношений рекламного бизнеса, общества и государства. Обоснован вывод, что вопрос ценностных устано- вок в регулировании рекламы с позиции задач Стратегии устойчивого раз- вития по сбалансированному потреблению не должен ставиться как выбор альтернативы. Оптимальное соотношение материальных интересов бизнеса и нематериальных ценностей общества в регулировании рекламной сферы зависит от соотношения ценностно-смысловых архетипов, когда субъекты рекламной деятельности имеют действенную мотивацию социальной ответ- ственности, которая дополняет, а не исключает корпоративные интересы. Ключевые слова: реклама, архетипы, Стратегия устойчивого развития, регулирование в рекламной сфере.

Target setting. Modern advertising powerful social institution that affects plays an important role not only as a the economy, politics, culture, the state tool for a market economy. In Ukraine, of social morality, and other spheres in a rather short period of time, it was of socio-economic life of society. The formed into a developed industry and a multi-directional nature of advertising

396 and its mass character, respectively, de- entists G. Pocheptsov, E. Romat and termine the problems of its functioning, others. particularly, such as the impact on the Aspects of public administration, rationality of consumption in modern including in the field of communica- society. At the same time, the goals and tions and advertising, problems of va- objectives of the country’s sustainable lue regulation were studied by domes- development strategy, aimed at ensur- tic scientists in the field of public ad- ing economic growth, social justice and ministration, economics, sociology, law. rational use of nature, include the need In particular, the works of V. Bakumen- to balance consumption and produc- ko, O. Valevsky, V. Golub, L. Gonjukov, tion, and to create a culture of consump- V. Kozakov, G. Pocheptsov, V. Rebkalo, tion. Consequently, new approaches to E. Romat, V. Tertychka should be noted researching the problems of the regu- among the others. lation of advertising in the context of An archetype became a new scien- sustainable development through the tific direction in social sciences, includ- prism of archetypes are particularly ing the public administration, largely important for developing an adequate due to the research of Ukrainian sci- understanding of the relevant social entists E. A. Afonin, O. A. Donchenko, phenomena and interconnections, in O. V. Sushiy and others, whose works particular, for understanding the mo- are devoted to the influences of arche- dern areas of effective regulation in the types on social life and politics, as well field of advertising. as management and public administra- Analysis of recent research and tion. publications. The question of study- As the theoretical basis of this study ing advertising is devoted to numerous the author used scientific works, which scientific studies and publications. Mo- raise issues of social responsibility ad- dern advertising is being studied by vertising, in particular, J. Baudrillard, sociologists and economists, psycholo- E. Fromm and G. Lipovetsky. gists and philologists, cultural scien- The purpose of the article. The tists and linguists, and its impact on purpose of the article is to analyze the people has become the subject of study regulation of advertising in the context even in medicine. of sustainable development of Ukraine, Among the research in the field of justification of the ways of balancing advertising a significant proportion of the interests of society and advertising work devoted to the problems and as- business, the need for adequate regula- pects of advertising as a kind of mass tion, including state and public on the communication. In particular, the ques- basis of an archetypal approach. tions of the theory and practice of ad- The statement of basic materials. vertising communication are reflected In a relatively short historical period, in the works of T. Ambler, D. Burnett, advertising in Ukraine has gained not V. Freiburger, F. Kotler, J.-J. Lamben, only economic significance, but began S. Moriarty, D. Ogilvy, K. Rotzol, to play a variety and important roles J. Segel, D. Traut, W. Wales and in the in many spheres of socio-economic and scientific researches of Ukrainian sci- political life of society. In the difficult

397 conditions of the transformation period development of the industry came. For in the economy of the Ukrainian state, example, for only five years from 1997 against the backdrop of a decline in ma- to 2002, the volume of the domestic ny spheres of production and even the advertising market, which was already disappearance of entire industries, the formed at that time, increased 6 times advertising industry was rapidly gain- and reached almost $1 billion [2, p. 38]. ing momentum. And such a relative indicator of the ef- The formation of the industry took fectiveness of advertising as the level of place in times difficult for the country’s advertising costs of $1,000, the income economy. Domestic and foreign scho- of the population in 2001 was higher lars, specialists and politicians, World than that of the USA [2, p. 47]. That Bank experts noted that the reforms is, the advertising load on the average that took place during the quarter cen- Ukrainian at that time was higher in tury of independence in the Ukrainian relative terms than even the average economy had devastating consequences American. In the value of consumer for its rather high industrial potential. goods and services, more than 1 % ave- In particular, according to the World raged the cost of advertising. The ratio Bank, for the period of 1991–2014, the of advertising expenditures and GDP real gross domestic product (GDP) set in the early 2000’s exceeded 2 %, out- the world record for the fall and de- pacing the same ratio in the advanced clined by 35 %, which was the worst countries. result in the world. Domestic produc- The development of the advertis- tion “got bottom” in the 90’s. Due to its ing market and favorable conditions for constant downfall in the first nine years advertising business have led to stable of independence, Ukraine lost almost growth of incomes, the advertising in- 60 % of GDP [1]. dustry today is one of the most profit- But it was in those years that the able in the Ukrainian economy. Active emergence and rapid growth of the ad- growth was largely due to the very vertising industry, which for almost a favorable conditions of regulation, in- few years has evolved from the sphere cluding the regulatory and institutio- of small business to a powerful indus- nal framework. During this period, two try and industry, and also formed into types of advertising regulation were an influential social institution. Ac- formed and successfully co-existed in cording to the results of the author’s Ukraine: state and the self-regulation study, the beginning of the formation of advertising. At the same time, regu- of advertising as an economic phenom- lation of such a sphere, acting as a po- enon in the recent history of Ukraine werful means of forming the values of has its roots in the 1990’s. By the same society, is an issue that, without exag- period in the then Ukrainian SSR the geration, determines the state of soci- concept of “advertising” was generally ety. absent as a type of economic activity [2, Advertising in modern social life p. 37]. At the end of the 1990’s and the generates social and spiritual problems, beginning of the 2000’s, the most active advertising activity creates new chal- and fruitful period of the formation and lenges, to some extent deepens the crisis

398 state of society. Such a situation is not type, profit is steadily increasing [3, unique for Ukraine alone. For exam- p. 42]. This leads to a situation where ple, in the opinion of American com- the potential of archetypes is intensive- munication specialists, advertising has ly exploited in modern branding and been influenced by the American way advertising in general. The study of the of life not less than the Bible. However, action of archetypal advertising, aimed in Ukraine, these changes took place at children and adolescents showed very rapidly, which led to a lag in the that in some cases, there was a “social development of regulation of advertis- pressure” [3, p. 324]. ing sphere from the pace of transforma- Negative phenomena associated tion in society, caused by the influence with advertising, including the stimu- of advertising. Therefore, the study of lation of inappropriate demand and ex- the problem of elimination of this im- cessive consumption, create problems balance requires new approaches, one for society. So, the World Health Orga- of which is based on the study of ar- nization (WHO) in a special study on chetypal features of advertising acti- obesity in Europe highlighted advertis- vity and the formation of the principles ing among its causes. It is about adver- of its effective regulation. It should be tising harmful products, promoting un- noted that the advertising industry it- healthy lifestyles, stimulating irrational self is actively using the archetypal ap- demand and consumption of food pro- proach to improving the effectiveness ducts, which in turn is designed taking of advertising. into account archetypes. WHO also According to an American research recognized the important role of ad- on archetypes in the advertising con- vertising food products aimed at chil- ducted by Margaret Mark and Carol dren, the emergence and development S. Pearson of Saybrook University, “for of this problem among the latter [4, the first time in the history of mankind, p. 132–164]. common myths began to take their po- The problem of balanced consump- sitions, and the place of general sacred tion in modern society is much deeper revenues was occupied by advertising” and of a global nature. At the United [3, p. 322]. The use of archetypes in Nations Summit on Sustainable Deve- advertising is the use of their positive lopment, which took place in Septem- potential for profit. At the same time ber 2015 in New York, new development there is a “stream of advertising, which benchmarks were approved. The final reinforces the negative potential of the document of the Summit “Transforming archetype or its manifestations at the our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustain- lowest levels” [3, p. 326]. able Development” includes 17 sustain- The results of a special research able development goals and 169 objec- conducted by the American company tives, including balanced consumption. Brand Asset Valuator (BAV), which Ukraine, like other UN member surveyed 120,000 respondents in 33 states, has joined the global sustain- countries, showed that under condi- able development process. In order to tions where the companies’ brands establish the strategic framework for clearly correspond to a certain arche- national development in 2017, a draft

399 Strategy for Sustainable Development of advertising industry, enhance non- of Ukraine until 2030 (hereinafter re- commercial public self-transformation ferred to as the Strategy) was deve- target component in the regulation of loped, and in February 2019, the Verk- advertising, expansion of relations and hovna Rada of Ukraine included in the cooperation with the public in public agenda the Draft Law on the Strategy administration. of Sustainable Development of Ukraine E. Fromm in his work “To Have or to until 2030. Among the goals defined by Be?” gives a very rigorous assessment the Strategy, Strategic Goal #5: ensur- of the social role of advertising and its ing the transition to models of balanced impact on society. Advertisement with consumption and production, tasks its purely suggestive methods, in his for achieving this goal include, among opinion, “the man pursues everywhere, others, the following measures [5, not giving her a break, day or night, p. 15–16]: plunging it into the outskirts of con- • to provide information to con- sciousness and loss of sense of reality.” sumers and producers regarding the He is convinced that “it is necessary to importance and benefits of balanced prohibit any method of brainwashing consumption and production and the in commercial advertising and politi- formation of a modern consumption cal propaganda” [6, p. 413]. Questions culture, in particular, the economical of value (archetypal) objectives of use of resources by the year 2030; to have or to be in the regulation of ad- • to implement a national strategy vertising, from the standpoint of the so- for education for sustainable develop- cial concept of E. Fromm, should not be ment by the year 2030. regarded as a choice of alternative. It can One of the main objectives of adver- be said about the possibility of achiev- tising is to stimulate consumption, and ing the optimal ratio of material inte- therefore the solution of the problem of rests of business and intangible values of balanced consumption, as defined by society in the regulation of advertising, the Strategy of Ukraine’s Sustainable in particular, through increasing the ef- Development till 2030, creates a con- fectiveness of self-regulation. Value has tradiction. a relation of value-semantic archetypes Under the influence of advertis- of “possession” and “being”. Its most ac- ing, a person loses the opportunity of ceptable form is creative possession, rational free choice, because his or her when actors of self-government have an desires are programmed from the out- effective motivation for “being”, which side. The need to protect children from complements, but does not exclude, the the negative impact of advertising, the corporate interests of “possession”. protection of consumers and certain J. Baudrillard, investigating the social groups from the influence of in- crisis phenomena in the culture of the dividual advertising images, prevention twentieth century, noted that in the so- of the deformation of moral principles ciety consumption of advertising prob- becomes an urgent need for society. lem is reduced to the interpretation of This makes it necessary to establish desires. Desires materialize in speeches, an adequate state policy in the field and things represent desire and mate-

400 rialize certain functions of social order. The goal setting in regulation, based on Advertising creates a world in which value systems, helps to balance the in- social problems are not solved, people terests of the participants. and things: “Any tension, any individu- Conclusions. The concept of sus- al or collective conflict can be solved by tainable development in contempo- means of certain things” [7, p. 105]. rary world socio-economic theory and In a study by Gilles Lipovetsky it is practice is considered as a strategy for noted that the postmodernist state of addressing the problems of conserva- European culture was the result of pro- tion and reproduction of the natural cesses encouraged, among other things, environment and ensuring a high stan- by mass consumption and the media dard of living of the planet’s population. [6, p. 44]. He labels the modern era “the Among the tasks defined in the Strategy era of mass consumption” [8, p. 17]. of Sustainable Development of Ukraine In such circumstances, in addition to until 2030, there is a particular one, ‘en- the development of legislation and ex- suring balanced consumption and pro- ternal control, effective self-governance duction and the formation of a modern and self-regulation in the advertising consumption culture’. In the context of sphere can contribute to the solution of these challenges and taking into account the problem. That self-regulation can be the scale of the advertising industry, its the answer to the question “to have or to role and the possible impact on society, be”, or rather to put it in another key – it is understood that even the most per- “to have and to be”. Erich Fromm’s fect legislation and effective system of work introduces the concept of “exis- external control will not eliminate all tential possession”, defined as efficiently the contradictions associated with it. due desire for self-preservation and not But in terms of interaction with legisla- contrary to nature of “being” in terms tive mechanisms, state and public exter- of existence. One manifestation of this nal control systems, the self-regulation principle, creative ownership, can be the of advertising can ensure the existence basis of the value (archetypal) target- of a harmonious relationship between ing self-regulation, despite the fact that advertisers, society and the state. overall business activity less peculiar ar- The question of value systems in chetype of “being”, but the motivation advertising regulation, from the stand- of self-regulation may lie in its grounds. point of tasks of the Sustainable De- The practice of self-regulation shows velopment Strategy for balanced con- that it is capable of ensuring a harmo- sumption, should not be considered as a nious relationship between advertisers, choice of alternative. One can mention society and the state quickly, flexibly the possibility of achieving an optimal and without unnecessary expense. balance between the material interests As the historical experience shows, of business and the intangible values transformations in the economy and of society in regulating the advertising the social sphere occur, among the sphere, particularly, in increasing the ef- other things, under the influence of cer- fectiveness of self-regulation. A correla- tain value systems (archetypes) of the tion of value-semantic archetypes that participants in social-power relations. determine creative ownership, when

401 actors of advertising self-government modern individualism], SPb. : Vladi- have an effective motivation for social mir Dal’ [in Russian]. responsibility, which complements, but Список використаних does not exclude corporate interests, джерел still matters much. 1. Кораблин С. Великая депрессия. Украина [Електронний ресурс] / REFERENCES С. Кораблин // Зеркало недели. — 1. Korablin S. Velyka depresiia. Ukraina 2015. — № 30. — Режим доступу: [The Great Depression. Ukraine] available at: depressiya-ukraina-_.html level/velikaya-depressiya-ukraina-_. 2. Serdechna L. V. Economic and legal as- html (accessed March 30, 2019). pects of development of the advertise- 2. Serdechna L. V. (2017). Economic and ment in Ukraine / L. Serdechna // The legal aspects of development of the ad- Strategic Potential of the State and Ter- vertisement in Ukraine. The Strategic ritorial Development [collective mono- Potential of the State and Territorial graph] / European Institute of Con- Development [collective monograph], tinuing Education — Donetsk State (р. 37–53). European Institute of University of Management: Slovak Re- Continuing Education — Donetsk public, Podhájska, 2017. — Р. 37–53. State University of Management: Slo- 3. Марк М. Герой и бунтарь. Созда- vak Republic, Podhájska. ние бренда с помощью архетипа / 3. Margaret Mark and Carol S. Pearson, М. Марк, К. Пирсон; пер. с англ. (2005). Geroy i buntar [The Hero and под ред. В. Домнина, А. Сухенко. — The Outlaw]. St. Petersburg: Peter [in СПб.: Питер, 2005. — 336 с. Russian]. 4. ВООЗ. Проблема ожирения в Евро- 4. Francesco Branca, Haik Nikogosian and пейском регионе ВОЗ и стратегии ее Tim Lobstein (Eds.).The challenge of решения / под ред.: Francesco Branca, obesity in the WHO European Region Haik Nikogosian и Tim Lobstein. — and the strategies for response. (2009), Б/м : Всемирная организация здра- WHO. воохранения, 2009 г. — 392 с. 5. Stratehiia staloho rozvytku Ukrainy 5. Стратегія сталого розвитку України do 2030 roku [The Strategy of до 2030 р. [Електронний ресурс] / Ukraine’s Sustainable Development Проект-2017, 108 с. — Режим досту- till 2030], available at: http://www. пу: dam/ukraine/docs/SDGreports/ docs/SDGreports/UNDP_Strategy_ UNDP_Strategy_v06-optimized.pdf v06-optimized.pdf (accessed March 6. Фромм Э. Забытый язык. Иметь 30, 2019). или быть? / Э. Фромм ; пер. с нем. и 6. Fromm E. (2009). Zabytyj yazyk. Imet’ англ. — М.: АСТ; АСТ-Москва, ili byt’? [Forgotten language. To have 2009. — 442 с. or to be?]. Moscow : AST [in Russian]. 7. Бодрийяр Ж. Система вещей / 7. Baudrillard J. (2001), Sistema veshchej Ж. Бодрийяр. — М. : Рудомино, [The system of objects]. Moscow : Ru- 2001. — 216 с. domino [in Russian]. 8. Липовецки Л. Ж. Эра пустоты: Эссе 8. Lipovetsky G. (2001), Ehra pustoty: о современном индивидуализме / Ehsse o sovremennom individualizme Л. Ж. Липовецки. — СПб. : Влади- [The era of emptiness: An essay on мир Даль, 2001. — 336 с.

402 UDC: 159.92+ 159.923+ 1(44)(092) DOI: 2224-2019-18-3-403-416 Sobolnikov Valery Vasilyevich, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Professor of the Department of General Psychology and History of Psychology, Employee of the scientific laboratory “Archetypal and addic- tive identity”, NSPU, Russian Federation, 630126, Novosibirsk, Str. Vilіuіska, 28, tel: +7 (905) 951 1047, e-mail: vsobolnikovis@ ORCID: 0000-0002-5880-7283 Собольников Валерий Васильевич, доктор психологических наук, профессор, профессор кафедры общей психологии и истории психологии, сотрудник научной лаборатории “Архетипическая и аддик- тивная идентичность”, НГПУ, Россий- ская Федерация, 630126, г. Новосибирск, ул. Вилюйская, 28, тел.: +7 (905) 951 1047, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-5880-7283 Собольніков Валерій Васильович, доктор психологічних наук, професор, професор кафедри загальної психології та істо- рії психології, співробітник наукової лабораторії “Архетипна й адиктивна ідентич- ність”, НДПУ, Російська Федерація, 630126, м. Новосибірськ, вул. Вилюйська, 28, тел.: +7 (905) 951 1047, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-5880-7283

EUROPE DEVELOPMENT WITHIN THE CONFINES OF PSYCHOANALYSIS: METHODOLOGY, STATE OF BEING AND PROSPECTS Abstract. The updating of national-regional specifics greatly complicates the problem of the sustainable development of Europe. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to study the archetypal roots as an infrastructure and a driving factor of the state of being and development potential of the EU based on the methodo- logy of depth psychology and the genesis of the European archetype. The analysis of the “falling apart” architectonics of the EU was built on the identification of “two different mental status” setting political and psychoanalytic discourse. The fairness of the political field of events is objectified with the help of the psycho- analytic method, where tactics and means (psychoanalytic, phenomenological and

403 hermeneutic) performed identical tasks, enlarging and specifying the knowledge obtained earlier. The archetypal complex of Europe as a mentally shaped keynote of the cultural heritage of the “Goths epoch”, destined the peculiarity of the Ger- many historical curve and Europe archetype. Being a primary archetype, it is un- derstood as a process of anthropological socio-genesis expressed by a symbol. The analysis of the event-driven structure of the archetypal space as an irratio- nal flow exposed the conclusion of a “functioning” with synchronicity collective unconscious. Accumulation of negative experience by the latter resulted in the understanding of the fractal as a means of transferring “mind and evil” from one generation to another. Therefore, synchronicity can be dangerous, which is being observed in the destructive tendencies of Europe development. The author’s ap- proach concerning the comprehension of the context of evil “attraction”, the pro- bability of its meaning-changing transformation and the transition to anotherstate mechanism has been substantiated. The conceptualization of Europe archetype defines the objective of further scientific research of its development prospects. Keywords: Europe, development, disintegration, methodology, depth psy- chology, trans generation, symbol, archetypes, archetypal space, synchronicity, historical pulse beat. РАЗВИТИЕ ЕВРОПЫ В ГРАНИЦАХ ПСИХОАНАЛИЗА: МЕТОДОЛОГИЯ, СОСТОЯНИЕ И ПЕРСПЕКТИВЫ Аннотация. Актуализация национально-региональной специфики мно- гократно усложняет проблему устойчивого развития Европы. Поэтому целью статьи является: исследование на основе методологии глубинной психологии и генезиса архетипа Европы, его архетипических корней как инфраструктуры и движущей силы состояния и перспективы развития ЕС. Анализ “рассыпающейся” сегодня архитектоники ЕС был построен на выде- лении двух разных психических состояний, задающих политический и пси- хоаналитический дискурсы. При этом достоверность политического поля событий объективирована с помощью психоаналитического метода, приемы и средства которого (психоаналитические, феноменологические и герменев- тические) выполняют схожие задачи, дополняя и уточняя знания, получен- ные ранее. Архетипический комплекс Европы как психически оформленная доминанта культурного наследия “эпохи готов”, определил особенность исторического пути Германии и архетипа Европы. Являясь базовым архети- пом, он воспринимается в виде свернутого в символ процесса антропосоци- огенеза. Анализ событийной структуры архетипического пространства как иррационального потока обнажил вывод о “работающем” синхронистично коллективном бессознательном. Аккумуляция последним негативного опы- та привела к пониманию фрактала как средства передачи одним поколением другому “духа и зла”. Поэтому синхроничность может представлять опас- ность, что просматривается в деструктивных направлениях развития Ев- ропы. Обоснован авторский подход в понимании контекста “притяжения” зла, вероятность трансформации его смысла и механизма перевода в другое

404 состояние. Концептуализация архетипа Европы определяет задачу дальней- шего научного исследования перспектив ее развития. Ключевые слова: Европа, развитие, дезинтеграция, методология, психо- логия глубин, трансгенерация, символ, архетипы, архетипическое простран- ство, синхронистичность, историческая пульсация. РОЗВИТОК ЄВРОПИ В МЕЖАХ ПСИХОАНАЛІЗУ: МЕТОДОЛОГІЯ, СТАН І ПЕРСПЕКТИВИ Анотація. Актуалізація національно-регіональної специфіки багатора- зово ускладнює проблему сталого розвитку Європи. Тому метою статті є: дослідження на основі методології глибинної психології і генезису архетипу Європи, його архетипових коренів як інфраструктури і рушійної сили стану і перспективи розвитку ЄС. Аналіз архітектоніки ЄС, що сьогодні “розси- пається”, був побудований на виділенні “двох різних психічних станів”, які задають політичний і психоаналітичний дискурси. При цьому вірогідність політичного поля подій об’єктивується за допомогою психоаналітичного методу, прийоми і засоби якого (психоаналітичні, феноменологічні і гер- меневтичні) виконують схожі завдання, доповнюючи й уточнюючи знання, що отримані раніше. Архетипний комплекс Європи як психічно оформлена домінанта культурної спадщини “епохи готів”, визначив особливість істо- ричного шляху Німеччини і архетипу Європи. Будучи базовим архетипом, він сприймається у вигляді згорнутого до символу процесу антропосоціоге- незу. Аналіз подієвої структури архетипового простору як ірраціонального потоку оголив висновок про “працююче” синхроністично колективне несві- доме. Акумуляція останнім негативного досвіду привела до розуміння фрак- тала як засобу передачі одним поколінням іншому “духу і зла”. Тому син- хронічність може становити небезпеку, що проглядається в деструктивних напрямах розвитку Європи. Обґрунтовано авторський підхід у розумінні контексту “тяжіння” зла, ймовірність трансформації його змісту і механізму переходу в інший стан. Концептуалізація архетипу Європи визначає завдан- ня подальшого наукового дослідження перспектив її розвитку. Ключові слова: Європа, розвиток, дезінтеграція, методологія, психологія глибин, трансгенерація, символ, архетипи, архетиповий простір, cинхроніс- тичність, історична пульсація.

Formulation of the problem. The under the Maastricht Treaty (1992) steady trend towards the formation as an economic and political subject of of a united Europe was manifested in international relations, objectively be- the form of the transformational res- came such a center. At the same time, toration of the medieval Holy Roman the presence of systemic contradictions Empire of the German nation. The symbolizing the process of “crumbling” European Union (EU), established Europe brings challenges and a threat

405 to the stability of its state. The aware- members do not have the basis for con- ness of the underlying mental processes sensus on the future. A. Bosoni, “...the and the vision of a new basis for the exis- national state rises from the ruins after tence of Europe actualizes the solution European experiments with integra- of the important scientific and practical tion, and it is it that will play a key role problems. The problem of understand- in determining the future course of the ing the present, on the basis of studying continent” [3]. the past for constructing the future of The behaviour of the elite of the the EU within the limits of the analyti- EU members is very specific, which is cal psychology, becomes relevant. obviously far from the necessity of its Analysis of recent research and destruction, but is obliged, overcoming publications. The unipolar world that national interests, to make concessions has emerged but already “crumbling” on issues important for Europe. An al- continues to implement the political ternative to this leads to weaker inte- concept of N. Spykman “who dominates gration and the prospect of a collapse Eurasia, controls the destinies of the of the EU. The choice of the “golden world” [1, p. 54]. The political discourse mean” is likely to cause big problems of the recent studies and publications in in the future. The experts, analyzing the EU’s “coordinate system” allows for the causes of the crisis, are convinced the detection of contradictions indicat- that “the European project reflects at ing the fragility of its state [2]. So, if the the European level a policy without party “Alternative for Germany” (AfG) politicians, and at the level of the states requires withdrawal from the EU, then politicians in the absence of politics” [4, the UK has begun the Brexit proce- p. 7]. At the same time, the archetyped dure. At the same time, Hungary and political discourse exposes the hidden, Poland are counteracting the streng- deep (depth top) layer. O. Spengler thening of the European integration. At believed that “...absolute monarchies, the same time, Austria, Finland and the colonization of the entire Earth, emerg- Netherlands insist on protecting their ing radical ideologies, all these features sovereignty and the market. The inten- of the European politics, are explained sification of the contradictions between by its great symbol” [5, p. 2–3]. Italy and France led to the recall of the The purpose of the article. The psy- ambassador from Rome. However, Ger- chology of perception of the tops of the many and France manifest themselves depths of Europe is revealed in the form in different ways. Apparently, the keys of a subjectified virtual and illusory rea- to the future of the EU are located in an lity of the unbroken past, present and economically developed Germany and future. At the same time, the problem nuclear-armed France. Under these of analyzing the archetype of Europe conditions France and Germany speak in the context of its development is not out on strategic issues as a united front, visible in the available literature. A de- but national interests split them in dif- scription of individual mythologies and ferent directions. In general, despite archetypes is given, which determines the risks of the existence of the union, an in-depth analysis and a due degree in the opinion of most experts, the EU of novelty of the work. Therefore, the

406 purpose of the article is: a study based of consciousness with the unconscious, on the methodology of the depth psy- and causality with synchronicity” [7, chology and the genesis of the Euro- p. 8–9]. At the same time, they consider pean archetype of its archetypal roots synchronism as “a special class of natu- as an infrastructure and driving force of ral events that define randomness as an the state and development prospects of eternally existing factor as the sum of the EU. individual acts of creation” [8, p. 305]. The presentation of the main mate- Decisive is the use of the phenomeno- rial. logy that is calibrated for the analytical a) to the research methodology of psychology. The question of the herme- the archetype of Europe. neutisation of the mythical reality of The system-forming element of the Europe due to many well-known myths European consciousness and culture is (the archetypes of the Transformation, the life-sense archetype of Europe that Hero, shadows, etc.), the boundaries, reflects all the processes of its develop- the use of which are established by in- ment. The archetype traces the main trospection, is being updated. There- tendencies of the existence of the Eu- fore, taking into account the above, ropean community as a result of the within the framework of the analytical genesis of culture and the analogies psychology, the methodological toolkit arising in the collective unconscious. is revealed, which allows to “disobject” The penetration beyond the material the archetypical content of Europe. world with the help of consciousness or The complex nature of our research “quasi-consciousness” [6, p. 226–227] leads to the need to conduct it based on reveals the uncertainty of the values, the concept (a) of the Ukrainian school their polyvariability. The rejection of of archetypal, with its significant posi- the use of scientific tools can lead to the tion of “historical pulsation”; (b) fate impoverishment of the meaning of re- analysis that justified the function of search in the modern sense, opening the the clan unconscious; (c) the psycholo- way for dogma, faith, etc. The search gy of the depths (imagination) in which for new meanings of the mental world the process is distinguished, including of European society has necessitated its stages in the form of a specific rea- the construction of the methodologi- lity. The scientific potential of a set of cal knowledge. Therefore, approaches selected ideas, theories and concepts in to the study of the problem will be de- a transformed form sets the framework termined by the understanding that for the formation of the psychoanalytic the archetype of Europe was formed in method of our research. the culture of antiquity and the Mid- The statement of the collective un- dle Ages that was strengthened by the conscious, “inhabited”, according to connection of the individual with the C. Jung, by collective and innate ar- collective unconscious. C. Jung right- chetypes [8] opens up another world ly believed that “...consciousness as a in which the society lives in mytholo- product of the unconscious in the ma- gems and myths. At the same time, the terial-causal world where the transcen- process of layering objective and sub- dental process ensures the connection jective fragments on myths when they

407 infiltrate into consciousness generates society that is at the heart of this con- “new” mythical images. Moreover, nection. Here, the generic unconscious, the mythology that has outlived itself formed by identical or related gene fac- and based on falsehood, revealing the tors, attracts and holds people together “truth” of the past, can actively influ- [9] and becomes an important element. ence the modern society, giving rise to In “the psyche they personify the prin- destructive behaviour. “From where, ciple of the formation of the existence asks L. Sondi, suppressed claims of the of communities, being the regulators of ancestors that determine the fate of an the motivating sphere” [10, p. 23], and, individual through the choice of pro- consequently, the motivating forces of fession, illness and method of death”, the society. In the context of the above, etc., are places where both complexes the method of our research focuses on and archetypes can be present” [9, the semantic content of the archetype p. 72]. Obviously, the myth, living in of Europe, where, on the one hand, the the “basements” of the psyche, breaks Transformation archetype, and on the into consciousness sporadically — in other, relativization of the myth of the the form of images, neuroses, psychoses development of the continent reveals and other mental disorders. Through the depths top. awareness the position is refined and The topic (Greek. Topos — place) of the individual can achieve significant the depth psychology of the European changes in the hereditary dialectic of society causes the transformation of the the motivations of the society [9]. Con- spatial organization of the mental repre- sequently, the overthrow of the myths sentation of its structural and semantic can be associated only with the myth- models. In this case, the collective un- making process in the form of creation conscious continues to live in cyclical and destruction, i.e., the cyclical re- and linear time. The specificity of the petition of “birth – eros” and “death – two-story topics study and the possi- thanatos”. The cyclical nature of the bility of realizing its depth are revealed events is largely beyond causality, but by means of synchronism of the vertical an explanation of this becomes pos- axis [7, p. 195–307]. Here, the trans- sible using the principle of “synchroni- formational vector of the social change city”. Synchronization (from the sets a promising link between the pre- Greek. Synchronismos — simultane- sent, past and future. His perception as ity) is a mechanism that reveals the an actor of “changes in the social space nature of coincidence in time of similar in a given dynamics, rhythms, cycles or similar in meaning and causally un- [11, p. 36–37] remains important. The related events [10, p. 320]. The princi- awareness of the archetypal complex of ple is triggered where something more Europe as a mentally shaped choice of is involved than the probability of a the context of the interaction of psy- blind event, which ultimately allows us chophysical and spiritual principles be- to assume the presence of a deep con- comes a “sweep” of the idea of society in nection. It is genotropism as a function space and time. As a result of its general of the tribal unconscious and the fate movement, the historical path and par- of the family, ethnic group, nation and ticularity of the nation emerged, with

408 the powerful driving force of the psy- the process of transgeneration based on chology of the depths. the culture of the “era of the goths” be- In these conditions, the method comes possible. This does not exclude of analytical research through a topic the regressive withdrawal of the society involves the use of systemic and sy- to lower levels of the mental develop- nergistic approaches, as well as a num- ment, where an awareness of new needs, ber of psychoanalytic techniques. goals, etc., forms the basis for subse- Among them are the techniques of quent progress. “reverse perspective” (P. A. Florensky, b) fragmentary analysis of the 2006), “arrows of time”, (I. Prigogine, event structure of Europe: a psycho- I. Stengers, 2003), synchronies analytic context. (C. Jung, 1916; S. Grof, 2000), anthro- The formation of the mass man and pies (S. Cohen, 2012), virtual reality the elite in Europe is associated with (N. A. Nosov, 1997) and others. A cer- the era of Enlightenment, the Reforma- tain role in this will be played by the tion and the industrial revolution. The techniques of hermeneutics and the adaptation to new conditions led a per- means of phenomenology. The percep- son to a rupture of consciousness with tion of the archetype of Europe makes the unconscious, being forced out of it possible to reveal its existence and nature and the destruction of individu- development with the help of the Trans- ality. The priority of the rational mind formation archetype, which causes and the state has led to the formation changes and transformations of the per- of conceptual and semantic architec- sonality and society as a whole in the tonics of the “early logos as an arche- process of infiltration of the content of type of power and the content of the the unconscious. The transformation mental mass man” [12, p. 46]. The ac- process leads to a significant change in cumulation of repressed psychic energy the Ego and translates man into a being led to its release in destructive forms of a different nature. The spiritual or (mental insanity, diseases, “new” cults destructive consequences of the trans- on a religious and other basis, etc.). formation manifest themselves in the However, “...the gods who once caused totality of hereditary, unconscious ideas the thrill did not disappear, they only, and images of the formation of a new clarifies C. Jung, changed their names: society or its disintegration. Involving now they were ciphered to — “ism” [13, the methods of the analytical psycho- p. 275]. The state and the church, be- logy allows us to perceive the archetype ginning from the Middle Ages and sub- of Europe through the elements of the sequently, began to initiate and use for collective unconscious that are actively their own purposes mass psychic phe- generating the archetypal space of the nomena, mental states, attitudes, reac- continent. Therefore, the influence of tions. For example, crusades and reli- the Transformation archetype in rela- gious processions were initiated, and tion to a European person who pos- later political movements, revolutions, sesses a certain type of representative strikes, etc. Any crisis, including orga- system is absolute. The rebirth of the nized, as a rule, exceeds the level of the fragments of the spiritual heritage in critical mass of the psychic energy and

409 its release in various forms could be ob- man nation that has found its manifes- served at all times. tation, allows it to live in the real world During the 20th century the Euro- and the imaginary world” [14, p. 283]. pean community, realizing the concept The infiltration of the expansion of the of Europeanism, reached its greatest “Gothic culture” into the Western Eu- development. However, two world ropean “Faustian” culture imposed the wars, new challenges and threats (fas- form of the individual volitional “I” and cism, totalitarianism, etc.) led to the the desire for territorial or other expan- division of Europe. A number of arche- sion of the zone of influence. C. Jung types (“father”, “mother”, “baby”, etc.) points to the mythological significance with a “margin of safety” smoothed the of the Wotan archetype as having an deformation processes and the force intuitive and inspiring side in shaping of the external pressure and instabi- the psychology of the German people lity of the established order. However, and the particularity of its path [14, the lag of the evolutionary processes of p. 275]. The desire to unite the conti- the psyche from the pressing problems nent from the time of capture by the of epistemology. The repression of the German tribes (Goths) has its conti- unconscious directed the mass man to nuation and is seen in the archetype of unite and demonstrate the universal Europe. The genesis of the expansion of will with its destructive content. The Wotan is revealed as the realization in reduction of the repressed unconscious the consciousness of the destructive po- received its completion in the capture tential of an archetype capable of mani- by the irrational of a significant mental festing and shaping the behaviour of the “charge” that initiates aggression and elite and the mass man. “The behaviour destruction. At the heart of the mean- (of the Germans) is realized under the ing of understanding this is the arche- influence of the Wotan archetype that type of Transformation. The transfor- has magical power and turned into a mation of the personality of a mass man “devil” [14, p. 276]. As a result, there is that took place, under the influence of a shortage of deterring destructive ten- unconscious contents, actualized his dencies and reveals the destructive ex- condition “ search for a leader who perience of all the previous generations. is able to define new landmarks, and The Transformation as an archetype then life perspectives” [13, p. 264–265]. against the background of the post-war Obviously, the “culture of the goths” systemic crisis of Europe, the suscepti- possessing a rich mythological heritage, bility of a mass man, giving rise to sacri- with the help of the supreme god Wotan, fice, directed the German nation along in essence, set the specifics of the Eu- the path of an unconscious psychologi- ropean transformation. “Wotan, Jung cal process. The pagan magic, that cap- notes, is a fundamental characteristic of tured the imagination of the Germans, the German soul, its mental, irrational enslaved the spirit, soul and heart, but factor, putting pressure on civilization with defeat and the beginning of the and sweeping it in its path”. “The du- crisis, Wotan “disappears”. The state alism of the human nature, he believes, of regression led the mass man to be- in the well-known division of the Ger- ing spiritless, uniting by his own kind

410 and searching for a leader who showed mon fate at various stages of the history. himself. He became the spokesman of The dynamic chaos in Germany at a their lawless and chaotic desires and certain stage by creating an attractor in put the mass man in a state of breaking the form of a fractal opened a universal, the individual morality and subjective archetypical model of thinking. The ar- control. A further “dehumanization” chetypal structure of the fractal (from of the mass man provided the leader the Latin. “irregular in form”, “broken with the seizure of power, and then the and “fragmented”) is explained by frac- forced integration of the “new” order ture and self-similarity; which may look into the unconscious. As a result of an like a whole, or with a small deforma- incredible personification, he managed tion” [11, p. 36–47]. It is known that to transform himself into the “leader- the swastika, “fractal movements” and symbol” of a number of European na- other signs of sacred and mystical sig- tions. The use of the “evil” by the ir- nificance were used to “connect” the rational factor and immense power, mass man to the fractal. C. Jung believes, led to an uncritical Obviously, at the bifurcation point understanding of what is happening, it is quite difficult to determine the di- and then to totalitarianism and slavery rection of the further development of [8]. The unfulfilled need for world do- the nation. It can be assumed that the mination along with the urgent demand possibility of transition to a new, higher of the world led to the collapse of the level of orderliness in its development spirit and greatness of Germany and its has taken place. However, the “evil” of community. Once again, Germany suf- the Wotan archetype, reinforcing the fered a crushing defeat in the war, but state of chaos in the society, promoted on a large scale [13]. Wotan being pre- a short-term “take-off”, and then its viously swift and active in new condi- rapid aging with the pathology and tions disappears and becomes invisible. death resulting from it. The archetypes Hidden in the background, he can stay that store the society’s way of life in in this state for a long time, and then re- the brain structure: love, family, home, manifest himself. gratitude, happiness, have been sig- A. Schutzenberger finds a good his- nificantly destructive and depreciated. torical memory in the collective un- With their destruction there was a loss conscious in the account of important of the meaning of life and an increase events [15, p. 92] of the life cycle of the in suicidal feelings. The collapse of Na- nation, the state and Europe as a whole. zism was perceived by the society as the The transgeneration of the past of the end of life and all that exists. As a re- German nation in the present, taking sult, along with the awareness of guilt, into account their mentality and col- the “collective shadow” in the form of lective psychology [16], can be justified the lowest side of the consciousness of from the position of the concept of fate the nation was revealed by the elite to analysis. Here, the generic unconscious the mass man. The violent elaboration [9] acts as an integrator of identical or of its unconscious destructive princi- related genes, determining the expan- ple, that had lost its “evil imagination” sion of the object of the choice of a com- and unfamiliar with guilt feelings, gave

411 rise to mental impairment, putting so- impact. Moreover, she believes that ciety before a choice: death or mental the skills of recognizing the signs of de- evolution [17]. The latter implied the struction of a society will allow localiz- elaboration of the collective “shadow” ing hazards in the event that a control notions through the transformation of system is established [17]. Individu- guilt into personal responsibility. ation according to C. Jung becomes a “French Europe” has sunk into eter- real alternative to the psyche massag- nity, and then “German Europe”, the ing, putting civilization into a state of time of “pan-Europe” has come. With integration with the unconscious and the conclusion of the Maastricht Agree- the consciousness [18, p. 218]. ment in 1991, the community got its In modern conditions, the rigi- name European Union (EU). The basis dity, assertiveness and materialism of of the association was the problems of the German mentality continues to the economy, the development of the strengthen and dominate over the rest society, as well as threats to the secu- of the peoples of Europe. The weak in- rity of humanity. In this connection, fluence of the Wotan archetype in the the “revealed” factor was in the form striving of the German nation to the of powerful psychic forces rooted in economic mastery of the world is re- the instincts of the man over the initial vealed. Understanding the myth and power. One of the ways to transform the archetype as an evolutionary pro- and balance the aggressive instincts C. cess necessitates the formation of a Jung saw in the democratization of the common European policy to return to society. Therefore, the transformation the original understanding of the ar- of aggressiveness in the subject of self- chetype [19]. Important in this regard analysis contributes to the selection is the understanding of the essence of of shadows and the overcoming of the the probabilistic “historical pulsation” society by the overwhelmingly excit- of the change of mental states of the ar- ing force of the shadows [16]. For more chetypal space of the collective uncon- than four centuries the psychic energy scious. The archetypal paradigm deve- of the Western man rushed outward. loped by the Ukrainian school reveals The presence of obstacles in the condi- in time a shift in the mental states of tions of the “sprinkled” world does not the mass man and the elite. The mani- allow at the present time to do this, and festation of the archetypes of mythos the energy returns to its origins. A sig- and logos within the framework of the nificant role in this is assigned to the ar- historical epochs of modern and post- chetype of the self which today reflects modern have a different probabilistic the evolution of the human psyche. perspective. Thus, the features of the However, the evil in the depths of the archetypal space of the collective un- psyche is manifested in the desire to es- conscious postmodern allow the logos tablish harmony between the conscious to be realized in the innovation process, and unconscious parts of the mental and the mythos to develop. With regard at the individual and collective levels. to modernism, the development of the M.-L. Von Franz points out the need to logos is observed, and the mythos, in be prepared to prevent its destructive the form of individual subjects, realizes

412 itself as a representative of group and events. The evaluation of the prospects collective interests. for development and the future state Consequently, the development of of the EU should be based on the ex- Europe in the postmodern era becomes perience gained, the extrapolation of sustainable in the conditions of the de- trends in the patterns of development. velopment of mythos and its implemen- Outdated traditional values, M. Mafes- tation of the logos in the innovation soli believes, have the prospect of their process. At the same time, the processes return. Therefore, after a period of “un- in Europe proceed in very difficult con- spelling the world”, it is time to “re-co- ditions. Great innovations never come coon” it with the common component, from above, they come from below, is which is the joint sensuality or com- sure C. Jung. “Since the upheavals in mon emotions. The question of power the world and in our minds are relative as a projection of the future determines and a person of dubious nature, he be- the “conflict harmony” of the scattered lieves, he looks at the distracted world, communities with differentiated archi- but his soul rushes to a decision that tectonics. It is the societal “thirst for would reduce the chaos of doubt and life” and the power of Mother Nature uncertainty” [20, p. 490]. Apparently that give a feeling of renewable globa- the current conflict between modern lity [23]. The external indifference of and postmodern should be considered the masses as a form of reorientation of within the framework of the identi- the social life towards something more fied mentalities and the fight against substantial, namely, “here-and-now” repressiveness and totalitarianism. M. becomes the main value of the epoch of Maffesoli pays attention to the process the future. of mythologization of the mass con- Conclusions and prospects for sciousness (an increase in the number further research. The search for ways of subcultures, tribalization of the soci- of resolving the contradictions of Eu- ety, etc.). At the same time, despite the rope is reflected in the logic of their problem of contradictions, he believes, development that is rather difficult for a new sociality is emerging [21]. The understanding. The study of the ar- latter opens up the possibility of finding chetypal space captures the influence the basis of civilization development. It of the archetypes of Transformation, is not by chance that C. Jung singles Wotan, the Ego-hero and the shadow out the archetype self, that “provides on Europe. In modern conditions, the compensation in the conflict between archetypes reveal their potential in the the internal and the external. The ar- form of “historical pulsations”, cycles, chetype gives a sense of the goal of life etc. The variants of responding to a and the fate of not only the individual, crisis and other phenomena are seen in but the whole group, society, in which the archetypal field of the existence of he complements others to a complete Europe, the mechanism of survival and image” [22, p. 314]. From the arche- its development. Obviously, the process typal point of view, the sought-for in takes place in very difficult conditions, its pure form does not exist, but its only where the probabilistic result is not function is to identify significant, “real” completely clear. The events-fluctu-

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416 UDC: 316.012 DOI: 2224-2019-18-3-417-427 Sudakov Volodymyr Ivanovich, Professor academic rank, Doctor of Sociolo- gical Science, Head of the Theory and History of Sociology dpt., Faculty of Sociology, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 01601, Kyiv, Volodymyrska Str., 64/13, tel.: +38 067 5028648, e-mail: vl_sudakov@ukr. net ORCID: 0000-0002-2032-1093 Судаков Володимир Іванович, доктор соціологічних наук, професор, за- відувач кафедрою теорії та історії со- ціології факультету соціології Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка. Україна, 01601, м. Київ, вул. Во- лодимирська, 64/1, тел.: +38 067 5028648, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2032-1093 Судаков Владимир Иванович, доктор социологических наук, профессор, заведующий кафедры теории и истории социлологии факультета социологии Киевского национального университета име- ни Тараса Шевченка. Украина, 01601, г. Киев, ул. Владимирская, 64/13, тел.: +38 067 5028648, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2032-1093

ARCHETYPE OF SOCIAL JUSTICE AND IDEOLOGICAL CONFRONTATION OF THE CONTEMPORATY MODELS OF SOCIAL POLICY Abstract. The analysis of the essential characteristics of the social justices ar- chetype as the integrative transcultural basis of peaceful human coexistence and as the specific foundation of the conflict type that determinate reproduction of the different forms of ideological confrontations among of the protective, liberal and intersocietal (global) technological models of social policy in the contemporary class-stratified societies is presented in the article. Argued that the modern pro- cesses of economic, political and cultural globalization are the important factorsб which determinate the need to elaborate the new theory of social justices that should be the valid cognitive instruments for explanation the contradictions of the global social stratifications and of the global social inequalities among agra- rian, industrial and postindustrial societies and also it should be the conceptual

417 base for modernization of existing models of social policy. The author supports the scholars who try to use the new ideas of “distributive justice” in order to develop the specific social themes on justice under the contradictory context of the con- temporary globalized intercultural relations and communications. Substantiated that the urgent research task is concretization cognitive content of the concept “social policy”. Proved that it is important to understand that under conditions of globalization the content of this concept includes the specific elements, which reflect the specific dimensions of the global, supranational and national character. It is concluded that the identification of the conceptual basis of the protective, liberal and intersocietal technological models of social policy one can regard as the scientific proven fact that these models have common intension to justification of the archetypal status of social justices. Emphasized that, as the instruments of so- cial management, these models have strong populist orientation and manipulative influence and this circumstance is a factor that restricts their practical efficiency as the means for democratization the mechanisms of social control. Keywords: social justice, archetype of social justice, social policy, technologi- cal models of social policy, ideological contradictions among the models of social policy. АРХЕТИП СОЦІАЛЬНОЇ СПРАВЕДЛИВОСТІ ТА ІДЕОЛОГІЧНА КОНФРОНТАЦІЯ СУЧАСНИХ МОДЕЛЕЙ СОЦІАЛЬНОЇ ПОЛІТИКИ Анотація. Проаналізовано сутнісні характеристики архетипу соціальної справедливості як інтегративного транскультурного базису мирного співіс- нування людей та як специфічної конфліктогенної основи, яка зумовлює від- творення різних форм ідеологічної конфронтації між протекціоністською, ліберальною та інтерсоцієтальною (глобальною) технологічними моделями соціальної політики в сучасних класово-стратифікованих суспільствах. Ар- гументовано, що процеси економічної, політичної та культурної глобалізації є важливими чинниками, які зумовлюють потреби наукової розробки нової теорії соціальної справедливості як пізнавального інструменту пояснення суперечностей глобальної стратифікації та глобальних соціальних нерівно- стей між аграрними, індустріальними та постіндустріальними суспільства- ми, а також як категоріальної основи модернізації існуючих технологій со- ціальної політики. Автором підтримується позиція вчених, які намагаються використати нові ідеї “дистрибутивної справедливості” з метою розвитку спеціалізованих соціальних тем стосовно справедливості в суперечливому контексті сучасних глобалізованих міжкультурних взаємодій та комуніка- цій. У статті звернуто увагу на значущість конкретизації поняття “соціальна політика”, зміст якого визначається специфічними вимірами глобального, наднаціонального та національного характеру. Здійснено ідентифікацію категоріальної основи протекціоністської, ліберальної та інтерсоцієтальної технологічних моделей соціальної політики та доведено, що цим моделям притаманна спільна інтенція обґрунтування архетипного статусу соціальної

418 справедливості. Водночас констатовано, що ці моделі, як інструменти соці- ального менеджменту, мають виразну популістську орієнтацію, що обмежує їх практичну значущість при вирішенні завдань демократизації соціального контролю. Ключові слова: соціальна справедливість, архетип соціальної справедли- вості, соціальна політика, технологічні моделі соціальної політики, ідеоло- гічні суперечності моделей соціальної політики, глобалізація. АРХЕТИП СОЦИАЛЬНОЙ СПРАВЕДЛИВОСТИ И ИДЕОЛОГИЧЕСКАЯ КОНФРОНТАЦИЯ СОВРЕМЕННЫХ МОДЕЛЕЙ СОЦИАЛЬНОЙ ПОЛИТИКИ Аннотация. Осуществлен анализ сущностных характеристик архетипа социальной справедливости как интегративного транскультурного базиса мирного сосуществования людей, а также как специфической конфликто- генной основы, которая обусловливает воспроизводство различных форм идеологической кофронтации между протекционистской, либеральной и интерсоциетальной (глобальной) технологических моделей социальной политики в современных классово-стратифицированных обществах. Ар- гументировано, что процессы экономической, политической и культурной глобализации являются важными факторами, которые обсусловливают по- требности в научной разработке новой теории социальной справедливости как познавательного инструмента объяснения противоречий глобальной стратификации и глобальных социальных неравенств между аграрными, индустриальными и постиндустриальными обществами, а также как кате- гориальной основы модернизации существующих технологий социальной политики. Автором поддерживается позиция ученых, которые пытаются использовать новые идеи “дистрибутивной справедливости” с целью раз- вития специализированных социальних тем относительно справедливости в противоречивом контексте современных глобализированных межкуль- турных взаимодействий и коммуникаций. В статье обращено внимание на значимость конкретизации понятия “социальная политика”, содержание ко- торого включает специфические измерения глобального, наднационального и национального характера. Осуществлена идентификация категориальной основы протекционистской, либеральной и интерсоциетальной технологи- ческих моделей социальной политики и доказано, что этим моделям прису- ща общая интенция обоснования архетипного статуса социальной справед- ливости. В то же время констатировано, что эти модели, как инструменты социального менеджмента, имеют четкую популистскую ориентацию, кото- рая ограничивает их практическую значимость при решении задач демокра- тизации социального контроля. Ключевые слова: социальная справедливость, архетип социальной спра- ведливости, социальная политика, технологические модели социальной поли- тики, идеологические противоречия моделей социальной политики, глобали- зация.

419 Target setting. At first glance, the health protection; social insurance, so- conceptual problem that reflects inter- cial security, guarantees of labor rights, connection between the principles of regulation of market relations, distribu- social justice and social policy is rather tion of social wealth and benefits, gen- simple due to the self-evident of its con- der equality etc. tent. Taking into account the pragmatic Analysis of the recent publications aspect of this problem, it is easy to as- on the issue. First of all it should be sume that theoretical interpretations noted that the general content of the of the principle of social justice not just contemporary researches of the social as an abstract social ideal of achieving justice problematics reflects the situa- democratic social order and social con- tion of necessity to create the new fun- sensus, but as a regulative principle of damental theory of justice. The liberal, social relations, underline the archety- socialist and conservative theories of pal status of social justice. Therefore, in justice now present the system of con- most cases, scholars and policy-makers ceptual argumentation and statements define social justice as the fundamental about social justice as a desired state stimulus for the self-realization by per- of social equality in the aspects of en- sonal and collective social actors and hancing democratization and huma- also define this archetype as the value nization of public life. In spite of that in transcultural basis of human life. fundamental researches by J. Rawls [1], As a significant constitutive element F. Hayek [2], M. Walzer [3], R. Nozick of the “practical meaning” of the peace- [4] have been proposed and substanti- ful human coexistence, social justice ated the new ideas of “distributive jus- is the specific ideological archetypal tice”, many scholars try to develop the foundation, which encourages people specific social themes on justice under to realize their human potential in the the contradictory context of the con- society where they live. That is why temporary globalized intercultural people constantly actively fight for the relations and communications [5–8]. establishment of social justice, making K.Sorrels in her book “Intercultural various claims to specialized power in- communication, Globalization and So- stitutions, which propose, constitute cial Justice” [7] presents innovative and provide different models of social analytical study of the contemporary policy. But today contradictions of transcultural nature of social justice. the global social stratifications and of M. Sandel also underlines the need to the global social inequalities among investigate in modern liberal socie- agrarian, industrial and postindustrial ties the communicative foundations of societies determine different forms of social justice taking into account the ideological confrontations of the exis- priority human rights and liberties over ting contemporary models of social common goods [9, p. 185–218]. policy. Such ideological confrontations In fundamental research by reflect some theoretical and practical D. North, J. Wallisd and B. Waingast difficulties of effective solving the basic “Violence and Social Orders. A concep- problems of the human coexistence and tual framework for interpreting recor- sustainable development: education; ded human history” [10] the social jus-

420 tice archetype is presented as the global that the most influenced basic state- problem of two different patterns of ments concerning scientific under- social order — the “closed social order” standing the archetypal status of social and “open social order”. According the justice have weak conceptual argu- authors’s point of view, the social con- mentation. But in spite of this circum- tradictions between these patterns are stance these statements one should the basic sources of violence, which one regard as an important cognitive inten- must overcome by introducing effec- tions of the scientific and theoretical tive social policy. consciousness by many scholars, who It is well-known that social policy is try to overcome the simplicity of tra- an important institutional mechanism ditional scientific discourse, about so- of social integration and social solida- cial justice as a desired state of social rity [15]. As technological instrument solidarity in the aspects of enhancing of social management and public admi- equality of citizens, democratization nistration, social policy has the specific and humanization of public life. It is goal-orientation, which people usually obvious that overcoming the obsolete understand as practical establishing the stereotypical ideas about social jus- progressive forms of social inclusion by tice is a difficult task, because now one the common adopted norms of social can easily to notice the lack of a gene- justice. But it is reasonable to agree rally recognized fundamental theory of with the scientists who believe that in justice. the contemporary class-stratified socie- Today the scientific elaboration and ties different technological models of development of the new theory of jus- social policy functionally support the tice is an innovative research task. The conflict processes of social exclusion scientific search in this direction, of and social inequalities [11–14]. This course, is connected with the formu- circumstance is important for scholars lation of the basic conceptual coordi- who try to study the ideological contra- nates of the theoretical work. “What dictions among the protective, liberal is the theory of justice?” “What is the and intersocietal technological models conceptual core of this theory?” In the of social policy [15–19]. fundamental research “A theory of jus- The purpose of the article. The main tice” John Rawls proves that this theory purpose of this article is the analysis of is the specialized cognitive instrument essential characteristics of the social for explanation the specific principles of justice archetype as the integrative ba- regulating the activities of institutions sis of peaceful human coexistence and as as the “basic structures” of society. He the specific conflict foundation that de- writes: “Justice is the first virtue of so- terminates the different forms of ideo- cial institutions as truth is of system of logical confrontations among the pro- thought. A theory however elegant and tective, liberal and intersocietal tech- economical must be rejected if it is un- nological models of social policy in the true; likewise laws and institutions no contemporary class-stratified societies. matter how efficient and well arranged The statement of basic materials. must be reformed if they are unjust” First o all it is important to emphasize [1, р. 3].

421 I believe that such abstract under- ing the conceptual boundaries of the standing of the cognitive status of a the- modern theory of social policy as the ory of justice is disputable. For exam- specialized cognitive tool of scientific ple, F. Hayek argues, that today exis- understanding of the relationship be- ting theory of justice does not have tween the principles of social justice objective epistemological standards. and social responsibility. Therefore Therefore it rather is a “mirage of social I agree with J. Rawls who proves that justice”, because the meaning of the ab- social policy must be “fair, honest and stract managerial institutional rules of responsible”, because without this value justice really ignores the system of “pri- conditions the social policy will not be- vate interests which are unknown” [2, come the basis of the consensus integra- p. 11]. G. Esping-Andersen also proves tion in the aspects of ensuring the equal a position according to which the need freedoms of citizens and maintaining a for a theory of justice simply does not certain level of social inequalities and exist — one can easily organize scien- power relations among them “only as a tific study without it, focusing research result of compensation for the benefits interest on the empirical investigation for everyone” [1, p. 14–15]. of the specific, historically changing As I believe from this formulation “motivations”, “ interests” and “ele- of the problem the two difficult disput- ments” of social justice [14, p. 75–78]. able questions arise: 1) can social policy The reasons for these nihilistic po- always be socially responsible; 2) to what sitions, from my point of view I can extent does it serve as a justification for explain by the empirical fact that the social justice? implemented programs of social policy From my point of view it will be rea- in different countries are recognized sonable to underline the importance by scientists as ineffective because in of the three circumstances. Firstly, the these programs usually undermine both global economic competition between the paternalistic and liberal founda- countries may encourage them to re- tions of social justice. As a result of this duce the total amount of budget funds situation are, indicated by R. Dahren- allocated to social protection in order to dorf [11, p. 141–165] and U. Beck [12] increase the competitiveness of natio- the “new social conflicts” and the new nal economies. Secondly, the migration “world of risk”, because “we are becom- of the economically active population ing of a global community of threats” objectively creates precedents for the [12, p. 4]. Obviously, that the economic, spontaneous redistribution of income political and cultural trends of globa- between states, which limits the eco- lization determinate the main factors nomic opportunities for separate coun- which cause the need to elaborate in- tries to implement an effective social novative theory of social policy beyond security policy for the citizens. Thirdly, of the state-territorial localities of the the global labor and capital markets contemporary social life. lead to the emergence of supranational That is why for scholars today is the power structures, whose activities may important task to propose the construc- threaten the social rights of citizens at tive solution of the problem of expand- the national level.

422 These circumstances, as I consi- dividual and collective life. Therefore der, also try to research B. Deacon and the various fields of theoretical work P. Stubbs who argue that today the are related to the concepts of “equa- concept of “social policy” has at least lity”, “social justice”, “limited resources”, three conceptual dimensions: 1) global “non-market distribution of benefits”, 2) supranational, and 3) national (re- “institutional systems of social “ser- gional” [16]. vices”, “social security”, “welfare state”. Unfortunately, the authors do not So, the general technological orienta- fully clarify the cognitive sense of the tion of the protective model of social terms “global”, “supranational” and policy should be the expression of the “national” which they used for iden- non-market segment of people’s lives as tification of the different types of so- citizens of certain states. This specific cial policy paying attention upon the segment of social life, as M. Walzer be- problem” how a particular policy fields lieves, is functionally autonomous and become globalized” [16, p. 6]. At the reproduces itself outside the fluctua- same time, it is possible to agree with tions of the free markets of commodi- such approach if we take into account ties, labor and capital. He advices to that the main subjects (actors) of any identify and to research the different types of social policy are the global, “spheres of justice” as the main object- supranational and national power in- field of social policy because “justice is stitutions and organizations. Certainly, a human construction and its doubtful these institutions and organizations in that it can be made in only one way” some ways want to establish and to de- [3, p. 6]. velop different communications among 2. The liberal (active) model of social them. But when we try to research and policy. In its possible humanistic form, to evaluate the resource base of social this technological model today is most policy that realize the global, suprana- clearly represented in the theory of hu- tional, and national power institutions man development. The basic axiom of one can easily identify the situations this theory is that “development” must of the clash and ideological confronta- create and empower people in such way tions of the three contemporary tech- that they can choose their own way of nological models of social policy. life and by own affords to create the It is important to stress that each base of self-protection because “instead of this model has the specific cognitive of goods, a person has been put [2; 4, and ideological foundations. So paying p. 6]”. In such a conceptual perspective, attention upon this statement I believe the basic categories of the liberal model that it will be useful to characterize of social policy are: 1) “productivity” — these models. the ability of people to constantly in- 1. Protective model of social policy. crease their incomes, economic growth It should be noted that many modern and to work for a monetary reward; theorists believe that the conceptual 2) “equality” — the absence of restric- field of the scientific theory of social tions related to gender, race, nationa- policy should be distanced from the so- lity, class affiliation, origin, place of res- cial drama of market realities of the in- idence, level of well-being, etc., imped-

423 ing the acquisition of opportunities for P. Kennet believes, should consist of 5 full participation in economic and polit- fundamental categories: 1) “inequa- ical life; 3) “sustainability” — an expres- lity” — the process that reflects differ- sion of the principle of “universalism of ent social consequences of social strati- human rights”, according to which ac- fication; 2) “polarization” — the specific cess to resources and a fair distribution process of fixing the extreme charac- of benefits should be provided not only teristics of existing inequalities; 3) “po- to present but also to future genera- verty” — an institutionally defined mi- tions; 4) empowerment — creating stim- nimum norms of the level of consump- ulus for the full participation of people tion, below which it is impossible to in the decision-making process and all maintain livelihoods; 4) “social exclu- other processes that improve their well- sion” — the process of socially limited being; 5) “private and public expendi- autonomy of various social subjects: i.e., tures” — the resource base for imple- the process of systematically restriction mentation the necessary programs of of resource limiting opportunities for the individualized social policy. individuals and groups to improve their 3. Intersocietal (global) model of so- well-being; 5) “perverse integration” — a cial policy. In its basic conceptual co- complex of social consequences of the ordinates this technological model is development of the globalized crimi- focused on taking into account the in- nal economy of information capitalism, fluence of the specific social challenges which increase the illegal distribution which caused by economic, political of incomes between the members of the and cultural globalization. Therefore rich and poor groups, who, the opportu- I agree with B. Deacon and P. Stubbs nities and chances of globalization, use who argue that this model is based on in various ways [17, p. 8–9]. “multylateralism complex” that reflects Taking into account the peculiarities “terrain of emergent global governance, of conceptual foundations of the three multiplicity of actors and process come technological models of social policy, I together rather in unpredictable ways” can conclude that each of these models [16, p. 8]. I also would like to support have the specific ideological orienta- the general research positions which tion which consist of different inten- formulates P. Kennet [17] who empha- tions to be well-grounded justification sizes that the scientific basis for the new of the archetype of social justice. But, in global “integrated theory of social poli- the contemporary class-stratified socie- cy” should be based on the comparative ties these models, as V. Lapina proves, cross-national analysis. Such type of really protect the strategy of the elite analysis will allow us to make the new over-consumption [6, p. 164–165]. understanding of the contemporary Therefore, existing technological mo- value principles of the neoliberal ideo- dels of social policy have strong popu- logy of “social well-being”, “distribu- list orientation and manipulative influ- tive justice”, and “welfare state”. The ence as instruments of social manage- conceptual structure of the intersoci- ment. And that is why “there is a failure etal technological model of social policy that social policy can be the instrument that based on cross-national analysis, as of social control” [15, p. 4].

424 Conclusions. status of social justice. But, as the in- 1. The analytical approach, which is struments of social management, these presented in the article, demonstrates models have strong populist orienta- the necessity of the new scientific re- tion and manipulative influence and searches of the essential characteristics this circumstance is the factor that re- of the social justice archetype as the in- stricts their practical efficiency as the tegrative transcultural basis of peaceful means for democratization the mecha- human coexistence and as the specific nisms of social control. foundation of the conflict type that determinate reproduction of the diffe- REFERENCES rent forms of ideological confrontations 1. Rawls J. A Theory of Justice / John among the protective, liberal and inter- Rawls. — New York; Oxford univ. societal technological models of social press, 1973. — 607 p. policy in the contemporary class-stra- 2. Hayek F. A. Law, Legislation and Liber- tified societies. ty. — Vol. II: The Mirage of Social Jus- 2. Contemporary processes of eco- tice / Friedrich August. A. Hayek. — Chicago: The Univ. of Chicago press, nomic, political and cultural globaliza- 1976. — 210 p. tion are the important factors, which 3. Walzer M. Spheres of Justice. A De- determinate the need to elaborate the fense of Pluralism and Equality / new theory of social justice that should Michael Walzer. — New York: Basic be the cognitive instrument for expla- books, 1983. — 345 p. nation the contradictions of the global 4. Nozick R. Anarchy, State and Utopia / social stratifications and of the global Robert Nozick. — Padstone, Corwill: social inequalities among agrarian, in- Blacwell Publ., 2003. — 367 p. dustrial and postindustrial societies 5. Theorizing of intercultural communi- and also the conceptual base for mo- cation / W. Gudykunst (ed). — Thou- sand Oaks, California: Sage publ., dernization of existing models of social 2005. — 480 p. policy. 6. Afonin E. A., Martynov A. Y. Archetypes 3. The urgent research task is con- of the sociocultural conflicts: from cretization cognitive content of the modern to postmodern / A. E. Afo- concept “social policy”. It is important nin, A. Y. Martynov // Public manage- to understand that under conditions of ment. — 2017. — № 3 (8). — Р. 17–32. globalization the content of this con- 7. Sorrels K. Intercultural communica- cept includes the specific elements, tion, Globalization and Social Justice / which reflect the specific dimensions of Katryn Sorrels. — Thousand Oaks, the global, supranational and national California: Sage publ., 2013. — 290 p. 8. Lapina V. V. Over-conumption arche- character. type globalization as a new source of 4. Proposed by the author the iden- social conflicts and social tension / tification of the categorical basis of the V. Lapina // Public management. — protective, liberal and intersocietal 2017. — № 3 (8). — Р. 158 –166. technological models of social policy 9. Sandel M. J. Liberals and Limitations one can regard as scientific proven fact of Social Justice. — 2-nd ed. / Michael that these models have common inten- Sandel. — Cambrige: Cambrige univ. sion to justification of the archetypal press, 1998. — 234 p.

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426 York: Cambrige univ. press, 2013. — Stubbs. // Global social policy. — 320 p. 2013. — № 1 (13). — Р. 5–23. 11. Dahrendorf R. The Modern Social 17. Kennett P. Comparative Social Policy: Conflict. The Politics of Liberty // Theory and Research / Patricia Ken- Ralf Dahrendorf. — Berkley and Los nett. — Buckingham, Philadelphia: Angeles: Univ. of California press, Open univ. press, 2001. — 189 p. 1990. — 219 p, 18. Archer M. The sociological approach to 12. Beck U. World at Risk / Ulrich Beck. — the tension between equality and so- London: SAGE Publ., 2009. — 226 p. cial inequality / Margaret Archer. // 13. Habermas J. The Divided West / Jur- The Study of the Tension between Hu- gen Habermas. — Cambrige ; Polity man Equality and Social Inequalities. press, 2006. — 224 p. From the Perspectives of the Various 14. Esping-Andersen G. Two societies, one Social Sciences. — Vatican city: Aca- sociology and no theory / Gosta Esp- demy of Political Sciences, 1996. — ing-Andersen // The British Journal Acta 1. — Р. 81–99. of Sociology. — Vol. 51, issue 1. — Ja- 19. Atkinson A. B. Social exclusion, Po- nuary/March 2000. — Р. 58–78. verty and Unemployment / Anthony 15. Social Policy: Theories, Concepts and Atkinson. // Exclusion, Employment Issues / ed. by M. Lavette, A.Prat — and Opportunity / A. B. Atkinson and 3ed. — London. : Sage, 2006. — 325 p. J. Hills eds. — London: School of Eco- 16. Deakon B. Stubbs P. Global social nomic and Political Science, 1998. — policy studies /Bob Deakon, Paul Р. 1–20.

427 UDC: 351/354:167.7 DOI: 2224-2019-18-3-428-443 Sushyi Olena Vladimirovna, Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Head of depurtment, Institute of Social and Political Psychology of the NAES of Ukraine, 04070, Kyiv, Andriivska str., 15, tel.: +38 067 9109926, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-4364-7571 Суший Олена Володимирівна, доктор наук з державного управління, завідувачка лабораторії методології пси- хосоціальних і політико-психологічних досліджень, Інститут соціальної та по- літичної психології НАПН України, 04070, м. Київ, вул. Андріївська, 15, тел.: +38 067 9109926, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-4364-7571 Суший Елена Владимировна, доктор наук по государственному управлению, заведующая лабораторией методоло- гии психосоциальных и политико-психологических исследований, Институт социаль- ной и политической психологии НАПН Украины, 04070, г. Киев, ул. Андреевская, 15, тел.: +38 067 9109926, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-4364-7571

SOCIAL ARCHETYPIC AT THE SERVICE OF PUBLIC ANTI-CRISIS MANAGEMENT Abstract. The article presents an analytical projection of the societal crisis in Ukraine. Its coordinate systems are described, in which the corresponding sec- tions of the social crisis are manifested, namely: system coordinates reflect the main spheres of the societal system crisis (political and legal, economic, social, cultural); structural coordinates reflect such poles as: a crisis of institutions, a crisis of interests and goals, a crisis of values, a crisis of identity; temporal coordi- nates reflect the crisis cycles of the national-state development of Ukraine; socio- psychological coordinates allow us to consider the problem of crisis (mass) con- sciousness at the level of socio-psychological phenomena (behind the dominant type of social experiences and forms of socio-psychological thinking). Each of the crisis sections characterizes a quite specific side of the societal crisis, which can be considered both in relative autonomy and in tight interdependence with its other parties. In its combination, in each new slice, the components of the societal crisis reproduce its new quality (synergy effect). Together, they form a complex (mul-

428 tifactorial), contradictory (multi-vector) and dynamic architectonics of the soci- etal crisis in Ukraine, where each phenomenon (its structural component) can be viewed both as a cause and as a result of the conflict-confrontational tendencies of the national-state development of Ukraine. It is argued that a deep societal crisis actualizes the problem of ensuring security and stability of sustainable de- velopment in Ukraine. In turn, the practical implementation of the concept of development of the situation in Ukraine in the context of a social crisis depends on the effectiveness of state crisis management, its strategy and tactics, the abi- lity to predict and take into account the risks that provoke a crisis situations. The analytical projection of the societal crisis reveals the potential and possibilities of the social archetypika as a diagnostic tool of the public crisis management. Keywords: crisis, societal crisis, crisis management, public crisis management, social archetypika. СОЦІАЛЬНА АРХЕТИПІКА НА СЛУЖБІ ДЕРЖАВНОГО АНТИКРИЗОВОГО УПРАВЛІННЯ Анотація. Презентовано аналітичну проекцію соцієтальної кризи в Укра- їні. Описано системи координат, що виявлюють відповідні зрізи соцієталь- ної кризи, а саме: системні координати, відображені кризою основних сфер соціальної системи (політико-правової, економічної, соціальної, культур- ної); структурні координати, полюси якої складає криза інституцій; криза інтересів та цілей; криза цінностей; криза ідентичностей; темпоральні коор- динати, що відтворюють кризові цикли національно-державного розвитку України; соціально-психологічні координати, що дають змогу розглянути проблему кризової (масової) свідомості на рівні соціально-психологічних феноменів (за домінуючим типом соціальних переживань та формами со- ціально-психологічного мислення). Кожен з кризових зрізів характеризує цілком конкретну сторону соцієтальної кризи, яка може бути розглянуто як у відносній автономності, так і у щільній взаємозалежності з іншими її сторонами. У своєму поєднанні в кожному новому зрізі компоненти соці- єтальної кризи відтворюють її нову якість (ефект синергії). У сукупності вони формують складну (багатофакторну), суперечливу (різновекторну) та динамічну архітектоніку соцієтальної кризи в Україні, де кожне явище (її структуруючий компонент) можна розглядати і як причину, і як наслідок конфліктно-конфронтаційних тенденцій національно-державного розвитку України. Стверджується, що глибока соцієтальна криза актуалізує пробле- му забезпечення безпеки і стабільності сталого розвитку в Україні. У свою чергу, практична реалізація концепції сталого розвитку в Україні в умовах соцієтальної кризи залежить від ефективності державного антикризового управління, його стратегії і тактики, можливостей прогнозування та вра- хування ризиків, що провокують кризові стани. Здійснена аналітична про- екція соцієтальної кризи розкриває потенціал та можливості соціальної архетипіки як діагностичного інструментарію державного антикризового управління.

429 Ключові слова: антикризове управління, державне антикризове управ- ління, криза, соцієтальна криза, соціальна архетипіка. СОЦИАЛЬНАЯ АРХЕТИПИКА НА СЛУЖБЕ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОГО АНТИКРИЗИСНОГО УПРАВЛЕНИЯ Аннотация. Представлена аналитическая проекция социетального кризиса в Украине. Описаны системы координат, в которых проявляют- ся соответствующие срезы социетального кризиса, а именно: системные координаты, отражающие кризис основных сфер социальной системы (по- литико-правовой, экономической, социальной, культурной); структурные координаты, отражающие такие полюсы, как: кризис институтов, кризис интересов и целей, кризис ценностей, кризис идентичности; темпоральные координаты, отражающие кризисные циклы национально-государственного развития Украины; социально-психологические координаты, позволяющие рассмотреть проблему кризисного (массового) сознания на уровне социаль- но-психологических феноменов (за доминирующим типом социальных пе- реживаний и формами социально-психологического мышления). Каждый из кризисных срезов характеризует вполне конкретную сторону социеталь- ного кризиса, который может быть рассмотрен как в относительной авто- номности, так и в плотной взаимозависимости с другими его сторонами. В своем сочетании в каждом новом срезе компоненты социетального кризиса воспроизводят его новое качество (эффект синергии). В совокупности они формируют сложную (многофакторную), противоречивую (разновектор- ную) и динамическую архитектонику социетального кризиса в Украине, где каждое явление (его структурный компонент) можно рассматривать и как причину, и как следствие конфликтно-конфронтационных тенденций наци- онально-государственного развития Украины. Утверждается, что глубокий социетальный кризис актуализирует проблему обеспечения безопасности и стабильности устойчивого развития в Украине. В свою очередь, практи- ческая реализация концепции устойчивого развития в Украине в условиях социетального кризиса зависит от эффективности государственного анти- кризисного управления, его стратегии и тактики, возможностей прогнози- рования и учета рисков, которые провоцируют кризисные состояния. Осу- ществленная аналитическая проекция социетального кризиса раскрывает потенциал и возможности социальной архетипики как диагностического инструментария государственного антикризисного управления. Ключевые слова: антикризисное управление, государственное антикри- зисное управление, кризис, социетальный кризис, социальная архетипики.

Problem statement. Our time is an integral part of the modern world, called the era of crises: crises of different which adapts to the existence in crisis scales, levels and orders have become conditions. And this case is becoming

430 more and more difficult, because un- verhniuk, K. Voronina, V. Dziundziuk, like its, so to speak, classical analogues L. Kostetska, N. Liba, S. Stavchenko, in the past, modern crises occur in the I. Chykarenko, I. Yarova). form of spontaneous mutagenesis. That Modern researchers understand is why, more precisely, we exist in an crisis management (CM) as a type of era of societal crises. The mutation of management focused on foresight, re- crises, the formation of new complex cognition of crisis situations, as well as forms due to combinations of crisis readiness to manage in a crisis and get elements, the transformation of crises out of it with a new impetus for the fur- into “self-feeding process” by playing or ther development of the organization, a flowing into new formats — this is the particular industry or system as a whole. new reality of the societal crisis. This Considerable emphasis is placed, on the is the scale of the crisis we are witness- one hand, on understanding the subjec- ing in Ukraine. In fact, we are dealing tive and objective causes of the crisis in with several crises that were located at the conditions of cyclical development all levels of social space (micro-, meso-, of the system (industry, organization) macro-): from the personal to the soci- [1], and on the other — on the analysis etal one. Some of them arose almost si- of processes that provide synergy, that multaneously, others, as a consequence, is, a situation where the whole is grea- were driven by the causes and conse- ter than the simple sum of its parts [2]. quences of previously released, but un- The strategy of the CM is considered finished crises. to be effective provided that in a crisis Deep societal crisis in Ukraine actu- situation successful activity in one di- alizes the problem of security and sta- rection does not compensate for failure bility of sustainable development. In or failure in the other. Accordingly, in turn, the practical implementation of a situation of uncertainty, the purpose the concept of sustainable development of crisis management is to develop and in Ukraine in the context of the soci- implement anti-crisis solutions aimed etal crisis depends on the effectiveness at comprehensive neutralization of of state crisis management, its strategy the most dangerous factors leading to and tactics, the ability to predict and a crisis. In turn, diagnostics of system take into account the risks that pro- development (industry, organization), voke crisis conditions. detection of traps and contradictions Analysis of recent research and that lead to a crisis state is the primary publications. Despite the fact that the task of the CM. theory of crisis management is active- While there is no dispute that the ly developing over the past decades, a study and forecasting of crisis situa- significant number of scientific papers tions should be based on an interdiscip- in this area mainly relate to the crisis linary approach, from the standpoint of management of individual enterprises economics, sociology of management, or socio-economic systems, while re- management theory, social psychology searchers pay much less attention to (psychology of individual and group the problem of public crisis manage- behavior), etc., respectively, crisis ma- ment (A. Adamska, A. Babych, T. Bez- nagement as a theoretical discipline

431 can successfully develop, integrating the initial stage of CM — diagnostics the concepts and methods of these and of crisis states and processes, which al- other sciences. However, here, in my lows to plunge into the deep layers of opinion, there are several problems, the collective unconscious, remain al- especially dangerous in the context of most completely without attention. public crisis management. First, the Perhaps it is in the perspective where developments of these branches of the archetype is the horizon and con- scientific knowledge are used chaoti- text of understanding the phenomena cally: in a complex crisis phenomenon, of social reality and at the same time some parties or aspects are identified the phenomenon of specific psychoso- that are studied from the standpoint of cial process underlying the new social specific scientific disciplines, and then and power-management reality, we can from the data obtained an attempt is get an alternative vision of the causes made to recreate a complete picture of and consequences of the crisis and ways the causes and consequences of the cri- of their development. sis, which affects the system (industry, Now we have a situation when the organization). The result is a dichoto- real state of social transformations in mous transcription of the crisis (which Ukraine, including the state anti-crisis can be symbolically expressed as: management, does not meet the mod- 2 + 2 = 4) and remains behind the ern scale of changes. In other words, the scenes of its energy effect (which can modern social experience in Ukraine, as be symbolically expressed as: 2 + 2 = 5). it was rightly noted by S. Rymarenko, For this reason the development and is based on past social schemes and pat- implementation of anti-crisis strategy terns that cannot make real changes in inevitably falls into the trap when the society, because despite the fact that success of mastering certain crisis mani- they have lost their legitimacy, they festations at one stage or in a particular still remain, in fact, “a guiding force” [3, area is offset by failure at another stage p. 179]. So there is a special crisis style or another area (which can be symboli- of social movement inherent in the cally expressed as: 1 × 0 = 0, whereas it post-Soviet states. It is characterized, should be like this: 1 × 1 = 1). according to A. Babych’s apt observa- Secondly, the scientific and expert tion, by the fact that the contradictions environment is quite conservative in of social development do not disappear its essence, and therefore seeks to apply soon after their detection as a result the usual approaches and methods and of adjusting the chosen course while is suspicious of experimental methodo- maintaining its general orientation, but logical developments until they have remain and develop, generating anoth- received universal recognition. In this er “false trend”, until they lead to a new aspect, the importance of the analysis crisis. Under such circumstances, the of the irrational sphere of mass (collec- way out of the next crisis is not stabili- tive) consciousness in the unity of its zation or even movement to it, but the conscious and unconscious components prologue of the next crisis [4]. is partly underestimated. The possibili- The purpose of the article is to re- ties of social archetypics, first of all, at veal the potential of social archetypic

432 as a scientific approach and diagnostic in public administration, is quite na- tools from the arsenal of the state of cri- tural. sis management that gives one the op- However, now there is a need to re- portunity to make analytical projection duce the degree of critical attitude to of societal crisis in Ukraine. social archetypics and delicate adjust- Presentation of the main material. ment of its perception by the scientific The domestic scientific community and expert community as an interdisci- does not have sufficiently established plinary area of research in the subject opinions regarding social archetypic as field of public administration. The so- interdisciplinary areas of research and lution of the task will depend on com- its methodological foundations. The ba- pliance with a number of conditions. sis for critical judgments on the part of First — the correct use of ideas that some of them is the ambiguous attitude influenced the formation and develop- to the teachings of C. Jung about the ar- ment of social archetypes, especially to chetypes of the collective unconscious the concept of C. Jung “on the arche- and psychoanalytic trends in general, types of the collective unconscious”, as which were ironically proclaimed “a well as socio-psychological concepts new religion of the twentieth century”. that can be used for its representation, Others disparagingly call social arche- in particular: “the concept of the social types to be the pseudoscience, posi- psyche” (A. Donchenko), “universal tioned as a panacea for solving all sorts epochal cycle” (E. Afonina, A. Mar- of social troubles of the present. tynov), “socio-psychological thinking” In her previous publications [5–7] (M. Sliusarevskyi) and the like. Se- I repeatedly emphasized that the ac- condly — an adequate understanding of tualization of the problem of the mass both the horizon of possibilities of so- (collective) unconscious, including the cial archetypics, which is determined archetype, which acts as the horizon by its original ways of explanation and and the context of understanding the methods of analysis of difficult to grasp phenomena of social reality, is not only social phenomena, which can become and not so much a return to the archaic a guide for further theoretical and em- foundations of spirituality, but a turn to pirical research, and theoretical and the future, since the archetypes embody practical limitations of the archetypal the hopes and dreams of the people. In approach. That is why social archety- archetypal representations, images, pics is positioned as an interdisciplin- symbols and the like, there is a hidden ary area of research, which, in particu- deep nature of the desires, expecta- lar, can be effectively used at the initial- tions, aspirations and hopes of people diagnostic stage of CM. that arise as a result of the joint work Social archetypics is not a universal of consciousness and the collective scientific apparatus and unorthodox unconscious. And since the archetype imitation of Yung ideas. Rather it is a can be considered to be the informa- scientific tool that allows to establish tion that has a social and managerial the laws and features of modern social value, so the appeal to social archetypes development, to touch the deep na- in modern social science, in particular ture of modern threats, to deal with a

433 wide range of new motives for human a combination of crises of economic, development, to anticipate the likely political, social, psychological nature, scenarios of the future, and most impor- where the objectivity of the aggrava- tantly — to offer a consensus vision of tion of the situation is combined with possible solutions to the key problems subjective factors expressed in the “cri- of present and future. Its practical ap- sis consciousness”, which can be mani- plication has considerable potential to fested both in the form of acute protest provide an effective solution to urgent and in the form of political apathy and problems arising in the course of social cynicism [9, p. 101]. In the case when transformation. And sometimes it is crises covers social units of different just a metaphor by which the resear- levels, in their integral, system-wide cher is invited to plunge into a broader sense — the whole society, its main sys- psychosocial and socio-cultural context tems and subsystems, institutions, rela- of social phenomena and processes. It is tions and processes — we talk about the on the basis of these postulates that I societal1 crisis. propose to diagnose the societal crisis in Ukraine and determine its coordi- 1 The concept of “societal” appears in so- nate system. ciological theory at the turn of the XIX– We will proceed from the fact that XX centuries (V. Sumner, A. Keller, T. Par- sons, P. Sorokin, etc.), when there was a need the crisis is a natural phase in the de- for concepts that can reflect the essence of a velopment of any system. However, a new wave of transformational processes at protracted, chronic crisis is extremely the macro level, but the tradition of using the dangerous and threatens the existence term “social” in Western empirical sociology did not correspond to this task. American so- of any system. In social sciences, the ciologist W. Sumner with the help of this term crisis is understood as an acute form sought to identify patterns of certain collec- of manifestation of social contradic- tive or group organization of the individual. tions, which makes the stable, sustain- His pupil and follower of A. Keller usee this able development of society as a whole concept for the sociological analysis of the organizational aspects of society, seeking to or its vital subsystems impossible. For build a comprehensive theory of societal evo- this reason the concept of “social crisis” lution [10]. T. Parsons applies the concept of is used in broad and narrow meanings. “societal”, describing the processes that oc- In a broad sense, the concept of “social cur in society as a whole (macro level), that is, when it comes to characteristics, concepts crisis” is defined by such a maxim: any and processes related to the level of society crisis associated with the development consolidation as a whole, and the concept of of society can be considered to be a so- “social” — to social phenomena and processes cial one. They can be transformational, (micro level). The specificity of society as a cyclical, systemic/structural, conjunc- special type of social systems, according to T. Parsons, is that, on the one hand, it is a so- tural, local, local, regional and the like. cietal community with an adequate level of The concept of social crisis in a narrow integration (or solidarity) and a character- sense is used in the differentiation of istic status of membership, and on the other spheres of society. That is, we can talk hand, a societal community is a complex net- work of interpenetrating groups and collec- about the economic, political, social, tive loyalties, a system characterized by diffe- psychological crisis [8]. The concept rentiation and segmentation [11]. P. Sorokin of “systemic crisis” can be defined as writes about societal and cultural changes in

434 The concept of the “societal crisis” individuals included in their function- is multifaceted and ambiguous. To give ing. If this process meets, let’s say, the a substantial justification of this term, “ideal” (in M. Weber’s understanding) first, apparently, it would be neces- rules of the game, there is a tendency to sary to give an academic lecture on the adapt to the forms and methods of func- course of sociology on “Society as a tioning of the social system of its struc- societal system”, tracing the evolution tural and personal elements, which to- of the use of this concept in the works gether, respectively, form a new quality of classics of Western sociological of the societal system, to have signs of thought — E. Durkheim, M. Weber, distinct dynamics of its development T. Parsons, P. Sorokin, etc. Due to the (evolution, progress). If in the process lack of volume of the publication, I of behavior of the societal system there can note that the concept of “societal” is a “substitution” of functions, when is used in cases when it comes to the the subjects of social relations included characteristics, concepts and processes in the functioning of this system begin related to the macro level of the func- to perform unusual functions; or the tioning of society, and ensuring the “incompetence” of personal elements preservation and integrity of society, of this structure increases, as a result, consolidation and reconstruction of so- the balance in the functioning of both cial life. At the societal level, the social structural and personal elements of the system goes to a qualitatively different system is disturbed. In this case, the level of integration of the social system, behavior of societal system becomes therefore, in a generalized form, the so- dysfunctional. Actually, both described cietal system can be characterized by tendencies of behavior of the societal the formula: “integrity, which is much system are dialectically connected with larger than the total number (amount) each other, these processes with one or of elements forming it”. another intensity permeate the society The societal system constantly at all — from micro to macro-levels. reproduces the social quality of its Despite the fact that the term “soci- structures and, accordingly, the social etal” firmly entrenched in the scientific qualities of individuals and groups of thesaurus in the broad sense of system- wide, societal crisis is not reduced to a his four-volume monograph “Social and cul- tural changes” [12]. The scientist presents systemic social crisis, that is, it is not a the social system as a macroscopic, integral reduction of the crisis of political, eco- and dynamic cultural and social complex and nomic, ideological, socio-cultural. So, believes that it is composed of “personality, on the one hand, it arises as a result of society and culture as an indissoluble triad”. the accumulation of systemic contradic- None of the components of this inseparable triad — the personality as a subject of inter- tions and absorbs all kinds of crises of a action; the society as a set of interacting in- systemic nature, but on the other hand dividuals with its socio-cultural relations and it is the personification of a structural processes; the culture as a set of values and crisis (institutions, goals or values), norms possessed by interacting persons, and a set of carriers that objectify, socialize and re- which affects other structural elements veal these values — can not exist outside the of the social system is the opposite other two components [13]. effect of the crisis provoked by itself.

435 The societal crisis in Ukraine did parameters of the societal crisis, in my not arise by chance and this is not an opinion, are quite naturally structured exceptional case of Ukrainian transfor- in relation to several dependent coor- mation. To clarify its semantic context, dinate systems that discover relevant it should be recalled that with the de- sections of the social crisis in Ukraine, struction of the Soviet system, newly namely: formed independent national states — • system coordinates revealed by the former Soviet republics — faced the the crisis of the main spheres of the so- need to radically reformat the socio- cial system: political, legal, economic, economic and political foundations social, spiritual; and basic values of social organization • structural coordinates, the poles in order to enter the country on new of which are the crisis of institutions; tracks of social and state development. crisis of interests and goals; crisis of va- In the most general sense, this meant a lues; crisis of identities; transition from a totalitarian political • temporal coordinates reproducing system of government to a democratic crisis cycles of national-state develop- one, from a planned economy to a mar- ment of Ukraine; ket one, from a single true Commu- • socio-psychological coordinates, nist ideology to pluralism of opinions, which allows us to consider the prob- from censorship to freedom of speech, lem of crisis (mass) consciousness at the from the values of collectivism to civil level of socio-psychological phenomena and political rights and freedoms, from (the dominant type of social experi- paternalism to civil political culture, ences and forms of socio-psychological from command and administrative to thinking). civilized “rules of the game” and much Contour two-dimensional model of more that highlights the global stra- societal crisis (system-structural coor- tegy of liberalization as a modification dinates). In its system-structural co- of relations between the state and civil ordinates, the societal crisis has two society, and democratization, as a modi- dimensions: one direction is presented fication of the relationship between the as a crisis of the main spheres of the so- state and the political community. cial system: politically legal, economic, It is worth noting that the post-so- social, spiritual; the second as a crisis of cialist transformation, which unfolds its main structural components: institu- as a societal process, has as its conse- tional crisis (deformation — disintegra- quence, first of all, the complications tion); value crisis (conflict – leveling), (multidimensionality) of social space. crisis of interests and goals (collision – That is why the fundamental changes struggle); crisis of identity (polariza- in the system of “man – society – state” tion – erosion). Systemic and struc- affect the deployment of systemic dys- tural crises are interrelated and interde- function that comprehensively per- pendent, they form a dense connection meate the social sphere. The spread of of systemic dysfunctions, passing from their chain manifestations in various one plane to another. Some arise in the spheres of social life inevitably acquires course of direct changes in the main reasoned character. In this regard, the spheres of public life (the main of them

436 are: economic crisis, political and legal, The latter, in fact, coincide with the socio-cultural, derived from them, par- terms of the presidential cadences [14] tial — financial, parliamentary, party, and have a wave-like (cyclic) dynamics migration, information, etc.), others — of changes in the trends of “democratic arise due to disproportion in the deve- advancement” and “authoritarian roll- lopment of its segments in the course of back”, which characterizes the current structural changes and transformations. system-wide crisis state of develop- Crisis manifestations acquire their ex- ment of society and the state [15]. In pression at two main levels: institutio- the transition stages of development of nal and value levels, which are closely complex social systems, changes in so- interlinked. Their continuation and ad- cio-political trajectories in two cardinal dition is the conflict of interests and the aspects — the system of values and insti- conflict of identities. Unresolved social- tutional structure — can guide the fur- ly important problems inevitably give ther development of the social system rise to conflicts, and unresolved con- both towards democracy and towards flicts lead to a systemic crisis. In turn, autocracy. However, a rather thorny the unresolved systemic crisis causes path of democratic reform shows that new outbreaks of conflicts, which leads in the process of social transformation to another round of systemic crisis. In- fundamental changes occur not only at stitutions, values, interests and identi- the external — socio-institutional level ties are equivalent to all subsystems and of the social system, but also in the deep spheres of social life, providing social in- structures of the mental life of people. tegrity of society, and, accordingly, con- We can say that the measure of weak- stitute a subsystem (structural) compo- ening or strengthening of authoritarian nents of the social crisis: institutional tendencies and, accordingly, strength- crisis, crisis of values, crisis of interests ening or weakening of democratic prin- and crisis of identities. ciples in the course of systemic trans- Cyclic model of societal crisis (tem- formations is determined in general by poral coordinates). The wave-like na- the ratio of psychosocial, socio-cultural ture of national processes, with tides, and institutional components. In fact, the increase of crisis phenomena and this circumstance allows us to compre- their overcoming makes it possible to hend the specifics of the deployment of systematize the time rhythms and pe- the social crisis in Ukraine in temporal riods of the social crisis in Ukraine in coordinates, since it is in this perspec- the appropriate temporal coordinates2. tive — at the level of building a demo- cratic state, the formation of civil soci- ety and the formation of a new social 2 The concept of “temporality” is applied, ac- cording to M. Heidegger, in the ontological identity — that institutional, socio-cul- aspect, as the horizon of understanding of be- tural and psychosocial features of trans- ing, which becomes clear only in the horizon formational changes in Ukrainian soci- of temporality [16]. In this sense, the concept ety and the state are becoming more of temporality is not identical to the concept of physical time: physical time must be strict- familiar [see: 15; 17]. ly distinguished from the ontological time, i.e. Socio-psychological model of soci- the changeability of being. etal crisis (socio-psychological coordi-

437 nates). Socio-psychological interpre- of the consolidation program as a form tation of the societal crisis in Ukraine of SPM, containing the nation-forming allows one to plunge into a broader factor potential and requires its activa- psychosocial and socio-cultural con- tion [see: 19]. text of social phenomena and processes So, now we need to explain the prin- that impede the course of the Ukrai- ciple by which in certain coordinates nian nation- and state creation, and to complex (multifactorial), contradicto- carry out its “archetypal reconstruc- ry (multi-vector) and dynamic design tion”. Under the conditions of cardinal of the social crisis in Ukraine is recre- societal changes, the manifestation of ated, where each phenomenon can be which is, in particular, a societal crisis, considered as the cause and as a conse- there is an accentuation of archety- quence of the conflict-confrontational pal programs of the conflict (the term trends of national-state development of D. Lvov [18]). The latter can bring Ukraine. To do this, I offer the reader both potential elements of destabiliza- a little mental exercise. Let us imagine tion and latent means of integration several different items from our every- and optimization of the social system. day life: a telescopic tumbler, consist- However, since the archetype organi- ing according to the principle of an ac- zes and structures a “pattern” in which cordion of rings of different diameters, various specific fillings can be embed- which when unfolding form a sealed ded, it can perform both stabilizing cone-shaped cup; matrioshka which is and destabilizing functions in society. folded/unfolded based on the principle For example, cultural stereotypes, ag- of the location of one figure inside an- gressive clichés, sometimes outright other, which, in turn, is inside the third, hostility and the like are able to pe- etc.; children’s toy — a pyramid that netrate so deeply into the mass (collec- folds/unfolds consisting of the rings tive) consciousness/unconsciousness, based on the principle of the largest to become the formula of “thinking” of the smallest; finally — volume puzzles people about themselves and “actions”, of varying complexity and configura- according to a given program. In other tion, that provide a complete picture words, they turn into a form of socio- of the subject of modeling and develop psychological thinking that contains spatial thinking. conflict potential. That is, we interpret Next, let us try to make a 3-D pro- the archetypal program of the conflict jection of the societal crisis in Ukraine as a form of socio-psychological think- based on the principle of creating a sys- ing, containing the conflictological po- tem of each new level of societal crisis tential and requiring its deactivation. from the systems of the previous level Accordingly, it can be assumed that the and previous levels. Let us start with value orientations that embody the vi- its deepest socio-psychological coordi- sion of the desired future and feed on nates, presented through the archetype the principles of human creative acti- of the conflict program, that reveals the vity, are also rooted in the mass (col- features of the crisis (mass) conscious- lective) consciousness/unconscious, ness at the level of socio-psychological and therefore constitute the archetype phenomena (the dominant type of so-

438 cial experiences and forms of socio-psy- cially in the realities of modern Ukraine, chological thinking) and relevant prac- can be really effective — that is, able to tices. Next, move through the temporal bring the country out of the existing, coordinates of the societal crisis, repro- extremely unfavorable situation on the ducing the crisis processes of national rails of sustainable development — only and state development of Ukraine, if it is really systemic. In other words, where at the level of building a demo- it does not respond to individual crises, cratic state, the formation of civil so- but takes into account the totality of ciety and the formation of a new social the crises that we are dealing with, as identity institutional, socio-cultural well as the causes that have prompted and psychosocial features of transfor- them and may have common roots. mational changes in Ukrainian society Each of the crisis sections described and state become more distinct. In the above characterizes a very specific side end, go through the system-structural of the societal crisis, which can be con- coordinates, represented by the crisis sidered both in relative autonomy and of the main spheres of the social sys- in close interdependence with its other tem: politically legal, economic, social, parties. Being combined in each new spiritual, the poles of which are the cri- slice the components of societal crisis sis of institutions; crisis of interests and play new roles. Accordingly, in their to- goals; crisis of values; crisis of identities. tality they form a complex (multifacto- Now try to make an instant “snap- rial), contradictory (multi-vector) and shot” of societal crisis in Ukraine, dynamic architectonics of the societal presented, on the one hand, mytholo- crisis in Ukraine, where each phenome- gems — ideologemes of the “split non (its structuring component) can be Ukraine” and “dichotomist Ukrainian considered as the cause and as a conse- national identity” reflecting polariza- quence of the conflict-confrontational tion of the Ukrainian society (one can trends of national-state development of provide other examples: the case of Ukraine. In fact, we have a multi-factor N. Savchenko, Saga of M. Saakash- model of the societal crisis in Ukraine, vili, the phantom of the servant of the which reveals the dialectics of consoli- people), on the other hand — pulsars of dation and confrontation of the Ukrai- presidential races that absolutize the nian nation, and which is structured by confrontation of cognitive and affective, a number of derivative models, consis- rational and irrational, real and ideal, tently inherit its crisis sections. conscious and unconscious in public Let us note, that in its parame- discourse, which revealed, on the third ters — a system of positive (consolida- hand, the complete weakness of institu- tion) and negative (deconsolidation) tional, value, ideological and even self- values, space-temporal and system- cherished foundations of national-state structural elements — the analytical development of Ukraine. This is how design of the social crisis is close to (in the first approximation) now a soci- its analogues in the exact sciences (for etal crisis in Ukraine looks like. example, in cartography), that is, pro- Conclusions and prospects for fur- vides frames of reference of these data ther research. Anti-crisis policy, espe- to the corresponding coordinate sys-

439 tem, allows them to coordinate with that lies between the art of harmoniz- other data, to carry out their projec- ing goals, principles, ideals and the art tion with the highest possible accuracy, of manipulation and substitution of as well as a wide-profile diagnosis and meanings, values, ideas. The violation examination in real time and a specific of this border opens the way for mani- location. Accordingly, with respect to festation of spontaneous mass uncon- this coordinate system, it makes sense scious. In this case, there is a situation to develop a road map of the CM for the when rational consciousness, which purpose of national unity and consoli- operates by analysis, logic, compari- dation of Ukrainian society in general son, search for differences, checking and minimization of confrontational information and reflexive testing of manifestations in particular. its own grounds, enters into an open When developing anti-crisis strate- struggle with the manifestations of the gies, it should be remembered that the unconscious, where other tools work: fundamental difference between the analogy, identification, emotions, non- latest crises and their classical versions contradiction to contradictions, image, is the cumulative effect of the combina- synthesis. Among them there is no re- tion and mutual strengthening of dys- flection, which contributes to the lack functions that occur in completely dif- of control of its existence [20, p. 25]. ferent areas and have a different nature. The prospect of further research will If the anti-crisis measures proposed by determine a number of tasks related to experts/managers are designed exclu- the analysis in the coordinates of the sively to overcome the crisis situation societal crisis of the current national- and at the same time to ignore other and state processes in Ukraine, and the negative processes that, although oc- further development of psychologically curring simultaneously, have a different sound strategies and technologies of cri- nature, such anti-crisis solutions may sis management, which will improve the not gain the desired effect. ability of the state-management bodies The social archetypics should be foк the perspective vision and strate- included in the pool of diagnostic ap- gic thinking, to enrich the possibility of proaches of CM. Now it is obvious that social forecasting and social design in implicit meanings, carried through the strategic planning of sustainable deve- depths of the unconscious and time, lopment, the modeling of variable sce- not only contain and store vital infor- narios of social and state development, mation, but also act as deep stimuli. the design and adjustment of the course For example, in the transition of so- of political and socio-economic reforms. cio-cultural mythology in the plane of political urological structures and col- REFERENCES lective representations become part of 1. Korotkov E. M. (2014) Antykryzys- the socio-political everyday life with noe upravlenye [Crisis management]. its symbolic, mythological, ritual and Moskva: Yurait [in Russ.] ceremonial forms addressed to the mass 2. Zub A. T. (2014) Antykryzysnoe up- conscious and unconscious. Hence, in ravlenye [Crisis management]. Mosk- fact, an extremely thin line originates va: Yurait [in Russ.]

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443 UDC: 316.752.4 : 321.74 : 351.74/76 DOI: 2224-2019-18-3-444-460 SychovaViktoriiaViktorivna, Doctor of Public Administration, Full Pro- fessor, Full Professor of Sociology of Mana- gement & Social Work Department, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, tel: +38 (097) 440-11-23; e-mail: vvs2679@ ORCID: 0000-0001-5001-8389 Сичова Вікторія Вікторівна, доктор наук з державного управління, професор, професор кафедри соціології управління та соціальної роботи соціо- логічного факультету, Харківський на- ціональний університет ім. В. Н. Кара- зіна, тел. +38 (097) 440-11-23; e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-5001-8389 Сычова Виктория Викторовна, доктор наук по государственному управлению, профессор, профессор кафедры соци- ологии управления и социальной работы социологического факультета, Харьковский национальный университет им. В. Н. Каразина, тел. +38 (097) 440-11-23; e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-5001-8389

SOVIET ARCHETYPE IN INTERACTION AUTHORITIES AND POLITICAL OPPOSITION AS THREAT TO NATIONAL SECURITY OF UKRAINE Abstract. In the article, in the context of the archetypal approach, were ana- lyzed the peculiarities of the cultural code in the interaction of power and politi- cal opposition in the independent Ukraine (1991–2019). It was clarified that the cultural archetype of the has features of a culture of confrontation and conformism-consolidation. And also the coexistence of at least two projec- tions of the Ukrainian past, two antagonistic archetypes, at the present stage in the collective consciousness of Ukrainians. It is determined that the Soviet archetype manifests itself in the formation of the image of “other” as “alien”/“enemy” using aggressive rhetoric, verbal wars, hanging labels; technologies of administrative resources, mass manipulation, in

444 particular, linguistic issues in Ukraine, intimidation of the electorate of the ene- my; the use of information pressure by the authorities to the opposition, some- times force methods, political repressions — political criminal practices, tactics of ignoring the opposition, unanimous bureaucratic administration, forced methods for the electorate, with imitation of “participation” of citizens in decision-making. It is revealed that to a greater extent the Soviet archetype is characteristic of the supporters of the communist, socialist ideology, as well as of the part of the political elite, whose world-view principles formed during the Soviet Union, and which represents the electorate with Soviet identity. The first were personified by the Communist Party of Ukraine and the Radical Party of Oleg Lyashko. The second — the Party of Regions, the Political Party “Opposition Bloc”, “Opposi- tion Platform — For Life”. The Soviet archetype in the interaction of power and political opposition with the attitude of one to one as an enemy dominated from 1991 to 2004, and especially in 2010 — the beginning of 2014. Due to external aggression, the water-turbulence between the authorities and the political op- position since February 2014 has intensified not only ideologically, but also in the national (patriotic) context of “our/patriot — a stranger/separatist/traitor”. Methods of implementing decommunization laws also indicate manifestations of the Soviet archetype. It is proved that the Soviet archetype in the interaction of power and political opposition manifests itself in conditions of curtailing the democratic regime, so- cial inversion, during election campaigns and in extreme situations. At the same time, the democratization of the regime leads to the transformation of the image of an opponent from the “enemy” to “another” in political discourse, the power- political opposition. It is substantiated that the existence of two archetypes — genuinely Ukrainian and Soviet — polarizes Ukraine, threatening its civil consolidation and social sta- bility. And also that the Soviet archetype in the interaction of power and political opposition in the conditions of external danger in the world-wide uncertainty of the part of Ukrainian society is a political danger threatening the national secu- rity of Ukraine. Keywords: soviet archetype, confrontational and conformal culture, interac- tion of power and political opposition. РАДЯНСЬКИЙ АРХЕТИП У ВЗАЄМОДІЇ ВЛАДИ ТА ПОЛІТИЧНОЇ ОПОЗИЦІЇ ЯК ЗАГРОЗА НАЦІОНАЛЬНІЙ БЕЗПЕЦІ УКРАЇНИ Анотація. У контексті архетипного підходу проаналізовано особливос- ті культурного коду у взаємодії влади та політичної опозиції у незалежній Україні (1991–2019 рр.). З’ясовано, що радянському культурному архетипу притаманні риси культури конфронтації та конформізму-консолідації, а та- кож співіснування на сучасному етапі у колективній свідомості українців, як мінімум, дві проекції українського минулого, два антагоністичні архетипи. Визначено, що радянський архетип виявляється у формуванні образу “ін- шого” як “чужого”/“ворога” з використанням агресивної риторики, словес-

445 них війн, навішуванням ярликів; технологій адміністративного ресурсу, ма- сового маніпулювання, зокрема, мовним питанням в Україні, залякуванням електорату противника; застосуванням владою до опозиції інформаційного тиску, іноді силових методів, політичних репресій — політичних криміналь- них практик, тактики ігнорування опозиції, єдиноначального бюрократич- ного управління, примусових методів до електорату з імітацією “участі” гро- мадян у прийнятті рішень. Виявлено, що більшою мірою радянський архетип властивий прихиль- никам комуністичної, соціалістичної ідеології, а також частині політичної еліти, світоглядні засади якої формувалися за часів СРСР, та яка репрезен- тує електорат із радянською ідентичністю. Перші уособлені Комуністичною партією України та Радикальною партією Олега Ляшка. Другі — Партією Регіонів, Політичною партією “Опозиційний блок”, “Опозиційною плат- формою — За життя”. Радянський архетип у взаємодії влади та політич- ної опозиції по відношенню одна до одної як до ворога домінував у 1991– 2004 рр. та особливо у 2010 — поч. 2014 р. У зв’язку із зовнішньою агресією розділ між владою та політичною опозицією з лютого 2014 р. посилився не лише по лінії ідеології, а й у національному (патріотичному) контексті на “свій/патріот — чужий/сепаратист/зрадник”. Методи імплементації деко- мунізаційних законів також свідчать про вияви радянського архетипу. Доведено, що радянський архетип у взаємодії влади та політичної опози- ції виявляється в умовах згортання демократичного режиму, за соціальної інверсії, під час виборчих кампаній і в екстремальних ситуаціях. Водночас демократизація режиму призводить до перетворення образу опонента з “во- рога” на “іншого” у політичному дискурсі влада — політична опозиція. Обґрунтовано, що існування двох архетипів — автентично-українського та радянського — поляризує Україну, загрожуючи її громадянській консолі- дації і суспільній стабільності. Також радянський архетип у взаємодії влади та політичної опозиції в умовах зовнішньої небезпеки за світоглядної неви- значеності частини українського суспільства є політичною небезпекою, що загрожує національній безпеці України. Ключові слова: радянський архетип, конфронтаційна та конформна культура, взаємодія влади та політичної опозиції. СОВЕТСКИЙ АРХЕТИП ВО ВЗАИМОДЕЙСТВИИ ВЛАСТИ И ПОЛИТИЧЕСКОЙ ОППОЗИЦИИ КАК УГРОЗА НАЦИОНАЛЬНОЙ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ УКРАИНЫ Аннотация. В контексте архетипного подхода проанализированы осо- бенности культурного кода во взаимодействии власти и политической оп- позиции в независимой Украине (1991–2019 гг.). Выяснено, что советскому архетипу присущи черты культуры конфронтации и конформизма-консо- лидации, а также сосуществование на современном этапе в коллективном сознании украинцев, как минимум, двух проекций украинского прошлого, двух антагонистических архетипов.

446 Определено, что советский архетип проявляется в формировании образа “другого” как “чужого”/“врага” с использованием агрессивной риторики, сло- весных войн, навешиванием ярлыков; технологий административного ресур- са, массового манипулирования, в частности, языковым вопросом в Украине, запугиванием электората противника; применением властями к оппозиции информационного давления, иногда силовых методов, политических репрес- сий — политических уголовных практик, тактики игнорирования оппозиции, единоначального бюрократического управления, принудительных методов к электорату с имитацией “участия” граждан в принятии решений. Выявлено, что в большей степени советский архетип присущ сторонни- кам коммунистической, социалистической идеологии, а также части поли- тической элиты, мировоззренческие основы которой формировались во вре- мена СССР, и которая представляет электорат с советской идентичностью. Первых олицетворяют Коммунистическая партия Украины и Радикальная партия Олега Ляшко. Вторых — Партия регионов, Политическая партия “Оппозиционный блок”, “Оппозиционная платформа — За жизнь”. Совет- ский архетип во взаимодействии власти и политической оппозиции по отно- шению одна к другой как к врагу доминировал с 1991–2004 гг. и особенно в 2010 — нач. 2014 г. В связи с внешней агрессией разделение между властью и политической оппозицией с февраля 2014 г. усилился не только по линии идеологии, но и в национальном (патриотическом) контексте на “свой/патри- от — чужой/сепаратист/предатель”. Методы имплементации декомунизаци- онных законов также свидетельствуют о проявлениях советского архетипа. Доказано, что советский архетип во взаимодействии власти и полити- ческой оппозиции проявляется в условиях свертывания демократического режима, при социальной инверсии, во время избирательных кампаний и в экстремальных ситуациях. В то же время демократизация режима приводит к превращению образа оппонента с “врага” на “другого” в политическом ди- скурсе власть — политическая оппозиция. Обосновано, что существование двух архетипов — аутентично-украин- ского и советского — поляризует Украину, угрожая ее гражданской консоли- дации и общественной стабильности. Также советский архетип во взаимо- действии власти и политической оппозиции в условиях внешней опасности по мировоззренческой неопределенности части украинского общества яв- ляется политической опасностью, угрожающей национальной безопасности Украины. Ключевые слова: советский архетип, конфронтационная и конформная культура, взаимодействие власти и политической оппозиции.

Formulation of the problem. The the urgency of ensuring the national hybrid war of the Russian Federation security of Ukraine. The annexation against the Ukrainian state stipulates of the Crimea (2014), the occupation

447 of the Donbas (2014), as at one time ously unsettled parts of the general Transnistria (1992) and South Ossetia problem. Archetypal laws of social and and Abkhazia (2008), testify to the “im- state governance processes, behavi- perial” legacy of Russia’s foreign policy, oral peculiarities of certain Ukrainian its aspirations before the reintegration politicians are taken care by E. Afonin, of the post-Soviet space, about the O. Donchenko, V. Kozakov, S. Krymsky, “Soviet” attitude to the national ques- A. Martynov, V. Rebklo, A. Sushi [2–6]. tion, the denial of another national The connection of the national iden- identity (Ukrainians, Moldovans, tity to the problem of national security Georgians, etc.). from the beginning of the 2000s became In the May 2015 National Security the subject of the study of O. Vlasyuk, Strategy of Ukraine, among the topi- A. Kolodiy, S. Rymarenko, M. Stepik, cal threats to the national security of and others [7–10]. Appears works that Ukraine, are noted “information and investigate the dangerous influence, in psychological warfare, humiliation of particular, of Soviet identity, the “Sovi- the Ukrainian language and culture, et” archetype on the self-identification falsification of Ukrainian history, the of Ukrainian society (O. Vovchenko) formation of an alternative to the rea- [11], the formation of a single humani- lity of the distorted information picture tarian space as a component of national of the world” by the Russian mass com- security (G. Kasyanov, A. Portnov, munication media [1, p. 3]. Therefore, V. Sichov) [12–14]. At the same time, under the circumstances of the imma- the “Soviet” archetype in the interac- turity of the Ukrainian national iden- tion between the authorities and the tity, the Soviet archetype as the basis of opposition in the context of the threat the “Russian world” is the basis for the to Ukraine’s national security has not intensification of separatism, specula- yet become the subject of an analysis tion about the “language issue” and fo- of researchers, indicating the scientific reign policy priorities of the country’s relevance of this issue. development. At the same time, the irre- The purpose of the article is to jus- sponsible game of power and opposition tify the existence of a Soviet archetype on differences in the value, ideological, in the interaction between the authori- linguistic and cultural orientations of ties and the political opposition for the Ukrainian citizens increases polariza- national security of Ukraine. tion, radicalization of political forces Presenting main material. The set and the electorate. The presence of the of values contained in the collective un- “Soviet archetype” in the interaction conscious, the primitive and primordial between the authorities and the op- image — the archetype (as defined by position is turning into a factor of un- K. Young) has a decisive influence on dermining social and political stability, social tendencies and transformations. from within threaten the national secu- The analysis of archetypes, according rity of Ukraine, which determines the to S. Krymsky, is a sufficiently adequate political relevance of the topic. method of studying the mentality, the Analysis of recent publications on prehistory and the future of social for- the issues and identification of previ- mations. In his opinion, “archetypes

448 structurally form certain prototypes or ministration, the features of the Soviet can be reconstructed as prototypes” [4, model of the corresponding interaction p. 97–98]. So, the interaction of some were clarified [15]. Thus, in the absence characteristics of the social structure of civil society, private property, and with others, in particular, the authori- parliamentarism, the Soviet authorities ties and political opposition, is based on in the 1920s and 1930s proclaimed cer- certain prototypes that influence future tain “political” currents and target so- socio-political processes. According to cial groups as “enemies of the people”. E. Afonin, A. Martynov, the nonlinear In the conditions of the operation of character of the processes of the tran- the command and administrative sys- sitional period in which Ukraine is lo- tem, the government, state bodies re- cated are characterized by changes in peatedly used violent methods of state the tendencies of the social process: administration to the unstructured op- from the germination and spread of new position, up to its physical destruction institutions to social inversion (the col- (shootings of “class enemies”), to the lapse of the social space and the return Holodomor 1921–1923, 1932–1933 bi- to the institutional past) [2, р . 45–46]. ennium. The Soviet model of relations According to O. Vovchenko, one between the bodies of state administra- of the prototypes for Ukrainian self- tion and the Ukrainian opposition of identification, significant periods of the first third of the twentieth century. “archetype” of Ukrainian identity, can be defined as confrontational [15, became Soviet times. The researcher p. 147]. Cultural confrontation, accord- calls the following features inherent in ing to T. Bazarov, B. Eremin, is charac- the Soviet archetype: “social security terized by the following main cultural along with the lack of political and legal archetypes: “closed organizational sys- foundations, the formation of a num- tem, bureaucratic management form; ber of sustainable images embodying target region — the interests of the egocentrism, treason, along with this “upper”; ... power mechanism — uni- frankness, honesty and devotion” [11, ted with bureaucratic apparatus; main p. 110]. function — redistribution of resources; V. Rebkalo and V. Kozakov sub- political culture — conservatism (party stantiate that the repressive Soviet of power); mechanisms of social mo- system “created “a new person”, which bilization — compulsory; basic ethical was characterized by such features as value — rank (hierarchy); basic moral- intolerance, aggressiveness, claims to psychological principle — conformism” monopoly possession of truth, oppor- [16, p. 16]. tunism. These signs finally formed a The establishment of a totalitarian completely unstructured person in an regime in eastern Ukrainian lands since ideal-value sense ...” [5, p. 101]. 1929, which allowed organizing and Formation of a Soviet man took mass repressions against the opposition place outside the ethnic and national (the “great terror” of 1937–1938), con- contexts [10, p. 24]. Based on the study ditioned the formation of conformism of the interaction between the Institute in the attitude of the opposition to the of Political Opposition and Public Ad- government [15, p. 147]. The culture of

449 conformism-consolidation is character- Nationalist, and especially National- ized by such cultural archetypes as “the Democratic ideology [7, p. 139]. power mechanism — the public opinion Consequently, the Soviet cultural of the reference group (“ Whoever is not archetype is more characteristic of the with us, he is against us”); ... political supporters of the communist, socia- culture — traditionalist or radical type; list ideology, as well as representa- the presence of collectivist mechanisms tives of the political forces represent- of social mobilization. The main ethi- ing the electorate mainly in the eastern cal value is social justice, the extent of and southern regions of Ukraine. Of which determines authority (religious, course, part of the political-managerial spiritual, political)” [16, p. 16]. There- elite, whose ideological principles were fore, the Soviet cultural archetype has formed in the times of the USSR, is also the features of a culture of confronta- prone to the use of “Soviet” methods tion and conformism-consolidation. of management. The conflict between At the present stage, various projec- worldviews and socio-cultural identi- tions of the Ukrainian past coexist in ties, political sympathies and beliefs is the collective consciousness of Ukraini- clearly manifested in the interaction of ans. According to M. Stepiko, “at least power and political opposition. two of them — actually Ukrainian and The Soviet archetype in the inter- Little Russian, containing pro-Russian action of power and political opposi- and Soviet components. It can be ar- tion with the attitude of one to another gued that these projections of histori- as an enemy dominated from 1991 to cal memory are not complementary, but 2004. The then political opposition, in some manifestations — and openly which was personified by the Commu- antagonistic [10, p. 273]. According to nist Party of Ukraine (CPU), identi- O. Vlasyuk, the real threat to the na- fied the authorities as someone else: tional security of Ukraine at the pre- “a corrupt bureaucracy”, carrying out sent stage is that almost half of the mo- the bouts of the “criminal bourgeoi- dern Ukrainian population identifies sie”, fixing “the ideology of inequality, itself as bearers of Soviet traditions and the cult of power, cave nationalism” values, far from the authentic Ukraini- [17]. Later, its leader, P. Symonenko, an culture; and a significant proportion described the parliamentary majority of citizens consider themselves Russian formed after the Velvet Revolution in [7, p. 139]. Based on numerous socio- the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2000) logical surveys, the Ukrainian scientist as the so-called “majority”, which “is concludes that among the respondents run by representatives of the mafia who define themselves as “the people of capital and militant nationalist circles”, the former Soviet Union”, the suppor- which “are pushed through parliament ters of the left-wing political views — anti-people’s laws” [18]. communist and socialist ideology. And In turn, in response to the massive among the reference groups that iden- anti-presidential actions of 2001, the tify themselves with the “Ukrainian authorities for the first time resorted to population”, there are always more attaching the labels of the “fascists” to supporters of the Social-Democratic, the mass opposition political structure

450 of the “National Initiative "National Changing the form of government Salvation Forum” (NFP), formed by from 2005 to 2010 (from the presiden- the National Democrats and Socia- tial-parliamentary to the parliamenta- lists. Thus, in the official appeal of the ry-presidential republic), the democ- authorities (then-President of Ukraine ratization of the political regime led to L. Kuchma, Speaker of the Verkhovna the transformation of the image of an Rada of Ukraine I. Plyushch and Prime opponent from the “enemy” to “anoth- Minister V. Yushchenko) to the Ukrai- er” in the political discourse of power- nian people, known as “Letter of the political opposition. Three” (dated February 13, 2001), was However, the inversion of the po- noted : “... before us — the Ukrainian litical, the return to the institutional variety of national-socialism”; “One can past — to the constitutional model of not but see that attempts to disperse 1996 (presidential-parliamentary form the street element, to launch frankly of government) in 2010–2013 restored provocative methods, with which they the Soviet cultural archetype (con- want to deepen the split in society, to frontational culture) in the interaction push the power to a power struggle, of power and political opposition. The create a real threat to the national secu- communists used militant rhetoric not rity of the state. We should not forget only to the authorities but also to the the lessons of history — let’s recall what national-democratic opposition (May- and how fascism began” [19]. June 2013): “... the fight will have to be The Soviet archetype with the signs on two fronts — “orange-brown “and” of confrontation “our — stranger/ white-blue”; to become units of the enemy” was particularly acute on the army, which victoriously fights against eve and during the electoral race. Dur- capitalism, the primary must coordi- ing the presidential election campaign nate action across the front” [21, р. 18]. in 2004, the authorities, personified by Referring to party friends as “fighting the headquarters of the presidential friends”, the first secretary of the Central candidate, Viktor Yanukovych, shaped Committee of the CPU, P. Symonenko, the enemy's image against the opposi- assigned them the role of forwards in tion candidate for president, Viktor the fight against the enemy: “Today you Yushchenko, using the “alien” markers, are again on the front of the war against demonstrative intolerance: “fascist”, Nazism” [22, p. 4, 5; 23, p. 12]. “American son-in-law”. In turn, the Under the Yanukovych regime, the headquarters of the opposition candi- authorities resorted to the tactics of po- date V. Yushchenko intimidated the litical persecution of opponents, using electorate with the future “Donetsk ar- administrative resources, abusing the bitrariness”, the prospect of transform- country’s criminal justice system, and ing Ukraine into a dictatorial state in the technology of identifying political isolation [20]. Opposition on Maydan and criminal responsibility. In 2011, 2004, using the slogans of value and criminal cases were initiated against evaluation (“Freedom not to stop!”, former Prime Minister Yulia Tymo- “Gang away!”) Emphasized the “hosti- shenko and former Interior Minister lity” of power to society. Y. Lutsenko.

451 As R. Voitovich noted, “the post- political opposition not only through Soviet practices of building a strong ideology but also in the national (patri- state are based on their technology for otic) context of “our/patriot — alien/ the establishment of a strong political separatist/traitor”. The Communists, regime and the powerful subordina- as the carriers of the Soviet archetype, tion of society to the interests of the continued to use militant rhetoric and state. This is precisely the fundamen- put the labels of the “fascists” on the tal difference between the methodo- authorities (March 2014); characte- logy of building a strong state in the rize the regime in Ukraine as a “national post-Soviet and European space, where fascist, established as a result of a coup the emphasis is primarily on the need d’etat”; scare by “the threat of fascisa- to establish an effective interaction of tion of state and public life ... covered power with the public as the basic im- by the authorities!”, call “... fascism will perative for strengthening the state’s not pass! Get up, the country is great!” potential” [24, p. 12]. Thus, in 2010– [26, p. 6, 11]. Pro-Russian party “Op- 2013, the authorities regularly applied position bloc”, formed by rebranding violent methods of state administration the “Party of Regions”, following the to the political opposition: the disper- Russian propagandists began to label sal by the power by the forceful way of the government: “junta”, “banderivtsi”, the Language Maidan (July 2012); the “fascists” (from February, 2014). Be- break-up of EuroMaydan in Kyiv (No- came a parliamentary minority in the vember 2013) with the use of excessive Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the 8th force, the elimination of the opposition convocation, the “Opposition bloc” was and alternative media; The shooting of accusing the parliamentary majority of peaceful protesters on Maydan in Kyiv the reluctance to end the war by hang- (February 18, 2014). Launched on Feb- ing it on the label “coalition of war”. ruary 19, 2014, the so-called “antiter- And also criticized the authorities, be- rorist operation” in Ukraine, according lieving that its purpose was to “by any to the “Boomerang” plan, pursued the means” pull “out of the population more goal of physical destruction of all those money to fill the empty treasury”. “The who at that time were in the building government has reached practically the of the Trade Unions, as well as leaders social genocide of people, but they do and activists of the opposition parties not seem to care” (July 2015) [27]. of the Batkivshchyna Party, “Udar” The attitude of political opposition and “Freedom”. On February 20, 2014, to power as an enemy led to destabili- within the framework of the “antiter- zation of society, complicated the deve- rorist operation”, according to the Or- lopment of democracy, threatened the der of the Minister of Internal Affairs preservation and strengthening of state of Ukraine V. Zakharchenko, firearms sovereignty of Ukraine, as well as the were used against the protesters for de- ability of the state to make fundamen- feat [25]. tal and vital decisions in the interests of Russia’s hybrid war against Ukraine, the entire Ukrainian society. the annexation of the Crimea, the occu- Understanding the internal politi- pation of the Donbas divided power and cal threats to the national security of

452 Ukraine in conditions of external ag- 6]. The absence of a collective Ukrai- gression, in order to level the influence nian unconscious (Ukrainian language, of the Soviet archetype and strengthen democratic values, national democratic the national identity, the authorities ideological orientations) in some re- were forced to accelerate the policy of gions of Ukraine, the preservation of decommunization from 2015. Accord- the Soviet cultural archetype: The Rus- ing to A. Portnov, the negative attitude sian language and culture, symbolism, to the policy of de-communization of values orientations, customs and tradi- the political opposition (Opposition tions, is becoming a significant threat to bloc and CPU) showed the existence the humanitarian security of the state. of the problem of “ignorance and mis- The Soviet archetype in the interaction understanding of the Soviets” [13]. It between the authorities and the opposi- seems that the rejection of the said po- tion creates an internal political danger litical opposition by the crimes of the to the national security of Ukraine. communist regime is due to the pre- Rebroadcasting of the Soviet arche- sence of its stable Soviet archetype. type, in particular, appeared during the In order to eliminate the symbols 2019 presidential election campaign in of the Soviet identity, on April 9, 2015, campaigning for opposition candidates. decommunization (“memorial”) laws Thus, the participants of the election were adopted. The law of Ukraine “On race (in particular, Y. Boyko, O. Vilkul, the Conviction of Communist and Na- O. Lyashko etc.) demonstratively dis- tional-Socialist (Nazi) Totalitarian Re- tanced themselves from the authorities, gimes in Ukraine and the Prohibition of resorted to populist statements, irres- the Promotion of Their Symbols” pro- ponsible flare up with the instincts of hibited Soviet symbolism, condemned voters, giving promises that could not the communist regime [28]. Although be fulfilled: reduction of communal ta- he, in essence, identified the commu- riffs, decrease the price of gas, increas- nist and Nazi totalitarian regimes, the ing salaries of pensions, the growth of authorities did not hide the label of industry, agriculture. Firstly, the slo- “fascists” on modern communists. At gans concerning the increase in wealth the same time, according to G. Kasya- (incidentally, is not the authority of the nov, the methods of implementation of president) were often dominated by the decommunization laws differed slightly speeches of the opposition candidates. from those used in the Soviet period It is known that the domination of [12]. material needs, the commitment to au- In June 2018, the Law of Ukraine thoritarian methods of government, the “On National Security of Ukraine” was fear of nationalism, the cult of strength adopted, in which threats to the na- and power, intolerance are inherent in tional security of Ukraine determine the Soviet identity [8, p. 74]. the phenomena, trends and factors that Secondly, anti-Ukrainian agitation make it impossible or complicate or was heard (with Soviet / Russian values may make it impossible or difficult to in the background), which complicated realize national interests and preserve civil consolidation, threatened social national treasures of Ukraine [29, p. 1, stability, made it impossible to preserve

453 the national values of Ukraine. Thus, “citizen participation in decision-ma- the representative of the left forces, the king”. The brightest Soviet archetype leader of the Radical Party Oleg Lyas- in the corresponding interaction mani- hko, positioning himself as a “people’s” fests itself in conditions of curtailing president, in essence, hinted at the es- the democratic regime, during electoral tablishment of an authoritarian regime: races and in extreme situations. The “Lyashko will be in Ukraine like Lu- existence of two types of worldviews, kashenka in Belarus. Everyone will fly two archetypes — genuinely Ukrainian like a thorny broom” [30]. The leader and Soviet/pro-Russian — polarizes of the Opposition Platform — For Life, Ukraine, threatening its civil consolida- Co-chairman of the opposition bloc tion and social stability. The Soviet ar- Y. Boyko in one of the campaign video chetype in the interaction between the promises to “stop the fratricidal war; to authorities and political opposition in teach children in school in their native the face of external danger in the world- language, and not as imposing; pay for wide uncertainty of a part of Ukrainian real tariffs, and not those that enrich society is a political danger threatening the power; to go to the church to which the national security of Ukraine. we want, but not to which the authori- Further research will be devoted to ties force; Celebrate holidays that you the study of the development of trends value, not imaginary regime”. So the in the interaction between the authori- presidential election witnessed a con- ties and the opposition with the use of frontational interaction between the an archetypal approach. authorities and the political opposition, which is a manifestation of the Soviet REFERENCES archetype. Conclusions and perspectives of 1. Ukaz Prezydenta Ukrainy “Stratehiia further research. Thus, the Soviet ar- natsionalnoi bezpeky Ukrainy” : vid chetype in the interaction of power 26 travnia 2015, № 287/2015 [Decree of the President of Ukraine “Stra- and political opposition manifests itself tegy of National Security of Ukraine” in shaping the image of the “other” as from May 26 2015, № 287/2015]. “alien”/“enemy” using the instruments (n.d.). Retrieved of speech influence (aggressive rheto- from ric, verbal warfare), hanging labels; show/287/2015 [in Ukrainian]. technologies of administrative resourc- 2. Afonin E. A., Martynov A. Yu. (2016). es, mass manipulation, in particular, lin- Arkhetypni zasady modeliuvannia sot- guistic issues in Ukraine, intimidation sialnykh protsesiv [Archetypal prin- of the electorate of the enemy; the use ciples of modeling of social processes]. of information pressure by the authori- Publichne uriaduvannia — Public administration, 2, 34–47. Retrieved ties to the opposition, sometimes force from methods, political repressions — politi- pubm_2016_2_5 [in Ukrainian]. cal criminal practices, tactics of ignor- 3. Donchenko O. (2010). Fenomenolo- ing the opposition, unanimous bureau- hiia arkhetypu i derzhavne upravlin- cratic administration, forced methods nia [Phenomenology of archetype and for the electorate, with the imitation of public administration]. Publichne up-

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460 UDC: 316.012 DOI: 2224-2019-18-3-461-477 Tertychnyi Oleksandr Vasyliovych, Independent Scholar, Coordinator of the Joint Project Group, 03134, Kyiv, Symyranka str., 13/1, apartment 28, tel.: +38 093 5709848, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-4034-5196 Тертичний Олександр Васильович, незалежний дослідник, координатор гру- пи “Спільний Проект”, 03134, Київ, вул. Симиренка, 13/1, кв. 28, тел.: +38 093 5709848, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-4034-5196 Тертычный Александр Васильевич, независимый исследователь, координатор группы “Спільний Проект”, 03134, Киев, ул. Симиренко, 13/1, кв. 28, тел.: +38 093 5709848, email: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-4034-5196

UKRAINIAN ARCHETYPE AS A SOURCE OF EUROPEAN SECURITY Abstract. The publication proceeds from the fact that the destruction of the world security system has become both a sign and a consequence of the recent cri- sis in the West. Of the total set of reasons, the attention of the authors is attracted by the loss of landmarks and meanings, the departure from the basic values, sof- tening of norms and taboos. The consequence was a dangerous reduction of pub- lic trust, which, in fact, is based on democracy. As you know, in these circumstances, the hopes of many Western intellectu- als appealed to Ukraine: “Today, the Ukrainian Maidan represents Europe at its best ... Let us help Ukrainians build a new Ukraine — and then they will certainly help us build a new Europe and a more just world”. So Maidan combined two historical processes: the improvement of Ukrainian society and traditional democracies. FUNDAMENTAL European values were sought by both Ukrainians and European intellectuals, but the process of rene- wal was slowed down: the results of five years do not suit either Ukrainians or Europeans. In Ukraine, the first vice president of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, director of the National Institute for Strategic Studies Volodymyr Horbulin, wrote in 2016, the main brake became the feudal-oligarchic system, the radical restructuring of which is the first precondition for victory

461 over the aggressor and the restoration of territorial integrity and state sove- reignty. Similar conclusion was previously arrived by citizens who in 2012 founded an interdisciplinary group of independent researchers of the Joint Project. The group has put forward the concept of de-oligarchy and sustainable development, which proceeds from the fact that the country’s renewal is possible only with mass support of citizens. They should receive an attractive and true prospect of development of the country and the National Roadmap. The current reformers do not have a similar perspective, they did not receive mass support, which, in particular, showed Ukrainian politicians losing their “new face” in the presiden- tial elections on March 31, 2019. During 2012–17, the Joint Project modeled the Positive scenario, which pro- vides and justifies this perspective. The System Technology Research Agency provided a review of the Document, which stated, in particular, that the Positive scenario could be recommended as a draft unification platform program. The publication attracts attention to those Scenario fragments that reflect similar features of Ukrainian and Western European processes, and thus open up possible directions for cooperation between Ukrainian and foreign researchers. Keywords: Ukrainian archetype, entelechy, network democracy, personal mandate, “yellow vests”, public sociology, deoligarchy. УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ АРХЕТИП І ЄВРОПЕЙСЬКА БЕЗПЕКА Анотація. Публікація виходить з того, що руйнування світової системи безпеки стало як ознакою, так і наслідком новітньої кризи Заходу. Із усієї су- купності причин увагу авторів привертають втрата орієнтирів і сенсів, відхід від базових цінностей, розм'якшення норм і табу. Наслідком стало небезпеч- не зменшення cуспільної довіри, на якій, власне, і ґрунтуються демократії. Як відомо, в таких умовах сподівання багатьох західних інтелектуалів звернулися до України: “Сьогодні український Майдан представляє Євро- пу в найкращому вигляді... Дозвольте нам допомогти українцям побудувати нову Україну — і тоді вони, безумовно, допоможуть нам побудувати нову Європу і більш справедливий світ”. Так Майдан поєднав два історичних процеси: оздоровлення українського суспільства і традиційних демократій. ФУНДАМЕНТАЛЬНИХ європей- ських цінностей прагнули як українці, так і європейські інтелектуали, але процес оновлення загальмувався: результати п’яти років не влаштовують ні українців, ні європейців. В Україні головним гальмом стала феодально-олі- гархічна система, докорінна перебудова якої є першою передумовою пере- моги над агресором та відновлення територіальної цілісності й державного суверенітету — написав у 2016 р. перший віце-президент НАН України, ди- ректор Національного інституту стратегічних досліджень Володимир Гор- булін. Аналогічного висновку раніше прийшли громадяни, які у 2012 р. засну- вали міждисциплінарну групу незалежних дослідників “Спільний Проект”.

462 Група висунула концепт деолігархізації і сталого розвитку, який виходить з того, що оновлення країни можливе лише за масової підтримки громадян. Вони мають отримати привабливу і правдиву перспективу розвитку країни та Національну Дорожню карту. Подібної перспективи чинні реформатори не мають, масової підтримки не отримали, що, зокрема, засвідчив і програш українського політикуму “новому обличчю” на виборах президента 31 бе- резня 2019 р. Протягом 2012–2017 рр. “Спільний Проект” змоделював концепт Пози- тивний сценарій, який передбачає і обґрунтовує таку перспективу. Агенція досліджень системних технологій надала рецензію на Документ, де зазначи- ла, зокрема, що Позитивний сценарій може бути рекомендований як проект програми об’єднавчої платформи. Публікація привертає увагу до тих фрагментів сценарію, які відобража- ють схожі риси українських і західноєвропейських процесів, отже, відкрива- ють можливі напрями співпраці українських та іноземних дослідників. Ключові слова: український архетип, ентелехія, мережана демократія, персональний мандат, “жовті жилети”, публічна соціологія, деолігархізація. УКРАИНСКИЙ АРХЕТИП КАК ИСТОЧНИК ЕВРОПЕЙСКОЙ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ Аннотация. Публикация исходит из того, что разрушение мировой сис- темы безопасности стало как признаком, так и следствием нового кризиса Запада. Из всей совокупности причин внимание авторов привлекают потеря ориентиров и смыслов, уход от базовых ценностей, размягчение норм и табу. Следствием стало опасное уменьшение общественного взаимодоверия, на котором, собственно, и основываются демократии. Как известно, в таких условиях надежды многих западных интеллектуа- лов обратились к Украине: “Сегодня украинский Майдан представляет Ев- ропу в лучшем виде ... Позвольте нам помочь украинцам построить новую Украину — и тогда они, безусловно, помогут нам построить новую Европу и более справедливый мир”. Так Майдан объединил два исторических процесса: оздоровление укра- инского общества и традиционных демократий. К ФУНДАМЕНТАЛЬ- НЫМ европейским ценностям стремились как украинцы, так и европейские интеллектуалы, но процесс обновления затормозился: результаты работы пяти лет не устраивают ни украинцев, ни европейцев. В Украине главным тормозом стала феодально-олигархическая система, коренная перестройка которой является первой предпосылкой победы над агрессором и восста- новления территориальной целостности и государственного суверенитета — написал в 2016 г. первый вице-президент НАН Украины, директор Нацио- нального института стратегических исследований Владимир Горбулин. К аналогичному выводу ранее пришли граждане, которые в 2012 г. осно- вали междисциплинарную группу независимых исследователей “Спільний Проект”. Группа выдвинула концепт деолигархизации и устойчивого разви-

463 тия, который исходит из того, что обновление страны возможно только при массовой поддержке граждан. Они должны получить привлекательную и правдивую перспективу развития страны и Национальную Дорожную кар- ту. Подобной перспективы действующие реформаторы не имеют, массовой поддержки не получили, что, в частности, показал и проигрыш украинского политикума “новому лицу” на выборах президента 31 марта 2019 г. В течение 2012–2017 гг. “Спільний Проект” смоделировал концепт Пози- тивный сценарий, который предсказывает и обосновывает такую перспекти- ву. Агентство исследований системных технологий предоставило рецензию на документ, где отметило, в частности, что Позитивный сценарий может быть рекомендован как проект программы объединительной платформы. Публикация привлекает внимание к тем фрагментам сценария, которые отражают сходные черты украинских и западноевропейских процессов, сле- довательно, открывают возможные направления сотрудничества украин- ских и иностранных исследователей. Ключевые слова: украинский архетип, энтелехия, облачная демократия, персональный мандат, “желтые жилеты”, публичная социология, деолигархи- зация.

Formulation of the problem. In rostrum of the General Assembly of the 2010, the owner of the portal Netzpoli- United Nations in 2016 acknowledged: Markus Bekedal said that lead- “... the world is by many standards less ing German politicians overslept the violent and more prosperous than ever Internet, where is the birth of the fifth before, nevertheless, our societies are power, and now politicians must learn full of uncertainty, anxiety and discord. to communicate with civil society [1]. Despite the tremendous progress, peo- The author’s concept comes from both ple are losing confidence in the institu- aspects of the diagnosis: social net- tions ...” [4]. works have opened a new era of civili- One of the hallmarks of this process zation [2], and the political elite does was mass protests, the first wave of not have time to react to the parabolic which took place in 2011: in the spring acceleration of social development [3]. and summer in Europe under the motto The collapse of the world security REAL DEMOCRATIE YA, and in au- space logically follows from the inter- tumn and winter in the US under the nal crisis of a mighty West. The loss of slogan Occupy Wall Street. President landmarks and meanings, the depar- of the International Sociological As- ture from basic values and the easing sociation, Immanuel Valerstane, noted of norms and taboos has led to a de- that this was the most important po- crease in confidence in western coun- litical event in the United States since tries. Lowering confidence is destroy- 1968 ... [5]. ing democratic societies. In particular, From the fall of 2018, “yellow waist- US President Barack Obama of the coats” do not stop, which actually ex-

464 tended the wave of 2011. They have The general contours of a success- already forced the French president to ful Ukraine and the Roadmap were accept part of their demands, then to presented by the Joint Project at the hold an unprecedented national debate 2nd Congress of the Sociological As- to “hear the French”. But that was not sociation of Ukraine [9]. The said au- enough to stop the protests, and further thor concept confirmed and filled the events remain unpredictable. real life of the Maidan, which began one The Ukrainian school of archetype month after Congress. The Swiss eco- explains this process from the stand- nomist, a former member of the Club point of the universal social cycle: “The of Rome, futurist Bogdan Havrylyshyn society of transitional state (revolution emphasized: “There was no competi- and coevolution) is undergoing insti- tion on the Maidan, but all the neces- tutional changes, during which social sary services were created: not by order structures and social norms are eroded, of the government, but through a sense social relations weaken and even rup- of duty to their fellow citizens and the ture during inversion, the hierarchy country... This motivation is fantas- of factors is violated, which constitute tic. Thus, our people have already be- mechanisms for the reproduction of so- gun to act in accordance with this new cial structures” [6, 12]. paradigm for which the world must The expectations of eight dozen live. We do not have to overcome the Western intellectuals appealed to whole world — whether it’s Europe or Ukraine: “Today, the Ukrainian Mai- the United States ... There is very little dan represents Europe at its best — in a need for a Ukrainian economic miracle way that many thinkers of the past and to begin. I think that the beginning may present have defined fundamental Eu- be two years, but total transformations ropean values ...” [7]. are needed” [10]. On Maidan, two historical processes Unfortunately, the hoped total have been united: the improvement of transformations were blocked by the Ukrainian and pan-European societies. feudal-oligarchic system. The first vice Both the Ukrainians and the European president of the National Academy of intellectuals sought the fundamental Sciences of Ukraine, Volodymyr Hor- values of Europe. bulin, in 2016 stressed: “A radical re- The author concept took into ac- structuring of this system is the first count the change in the European dis- precondition for the victory over the position that Bernard-Henri Levy for- aggressor and the restoration of terri- mulated as follows: “This Europe seems torial integrity and state sovereignty” to have petrified during the Maidan, [11]. it is Europe that does not dare to raise It is possible to conduct a de-oligar- its voice on Putin — it is a frightened chy only at a certain level of mutual Europe, afraid. This is Europe, which trust in society, with the mass support no longer believes in itself — of course, of citizens. They should receive an at- such a disappointing Europe. So there tractive development prospect, because is the idea of Europe, which now carries without vision of the future there can Ukraine ...” [8]. be no unity or inspiration. In theory,

465 such a perspective should be provided leading positions in the world” [14]. by the State Strategy, but it still does The unreliability of those intentions not exist in Ukraine. was evidenced by the practice. Analysis of recent research and The Foundation for Future (fff) publications. The reaction to the lack research community has adopted the of a state strategy was the activity of contractual principle as a methodologi- public “strategists”. They simulated cal basis. The draft Social Contract their vision of the future as “project ob- created by its leading participation jectives” — for the subsequent creation contains many interesting ideas and of the State Strategy. Have put forward useful innovations. But the subject of a lot of original ideas, worked out many the implementation of the Treaty in the interesting concepts. But none is con- documents remains open, as in other sistent with the Ukrainian archetype, “visionaries” [15]. the historical mission and the aspira- Under the scientific guidance of the tions of the nation [12]. academician of the National Academy The number of visions is increasing, of Sciences of Ukraine M. Zgurovsky, and determination of the best of them a large “Foresight of the economy of has not yet been possible. In response Ukraine” was created in 2015. The to such uncertainty at the V TMS 2014 document contains in-depth analysis, seminar, the third group of dynamic many useful predictions and recom- networks recommended the STRA- mendations. By the horizon of 2030, the TEGY OF OUTPUT OF UKRAINE probability of future scenarios Forsyth FROM SYSTEM CRISIS [13], which determined pessimistic: “Alien subjec- consists of 12 abstracts. № 1: The Stra- tivity” — about 30 %, Gray Zone — tegy should begin with the definition of 15–18 %, Disintegration — about 5 %, a socially acceptable Goal of Ukraine’s balanced development (positive op- development in the foreseeable future. tion) — 2 %. At the same time, Forsyth Ten abstracts are provided by the back- leaves hope for the implementation of bone of the first edition of the Positive the least likely scenario of “balanced scenario of the Joint Project. development”: thanks to the people of The Next, 2015 year, the Decree of Ukraine, whose actions can not be fore- the President of Ukraine approved the seen [16, 136]. Strategy for Sustainable Development The authors acknowledged the li- “Ukraine – 2020”. Unfortunately, the mited technological foresight, which document does not match the title: in implies the need to resort to futuristic essence, this package is not structured methods. The same need, already in according to the priorities of intentions 2018, was recognized by Volodymyr and wishes. In particular, the movement Horbulin, the first vice president of was foreseen in four vectors and at the the National Academy of Sciences of same time implemented 62 reforms and Ukraine, director of the National Insti- programs. The purpose of the Strategy tute for Strategic Studies, who called was to declare within 5 years “the intro- for “to give at least some understand- duction of European standards of life in able and futuristicly acceptable bench- Ukraine and Ukraine’s emergence of mark” [17].

466 Particular attention is drawn to the Ukraine”, reformed administrative ser- developments of the Ukrainian school vice and banking sector, patrol police, of archetype. Many of its axioms, ob- public procurement system ... servations and conclusions coincide However, most of the innovations with some of the nodes of the author’s turned out to be a traditional imita- Vision. Both directions, at least in part, tion. Cleansing, lustration and con- are based on metaphysical concepts, tests for the post were held by trusted both emphasizing the new, subjective people who have been linked by com- role of the person, both came to the mon interests and mutual obligations optimistic prediction of the Future of in the past. The renovation of struc- Ukraine. tures is so slow that it gives the Sys- At the same time, the Positive sce- tem time to “crush” new, out-of-system nario was originally created as a re- people: to buy, to intimidate, to squirm search project (based on Imre Laka- on. tos’ theory). Therefore, the prediction “We were used” — recognized rep- of the Joint Project has become only resentatives of a number of public or- a basis for further development of the ganizations under the control of “Av- methods of current targeted influence toomaydanu”, which began to control on the future. The author’s vision of the the certification of police officers. Fol- Ukrainian dream [18] has become only lowing, a similar statement was pro- one of the important nodes in the pro- mulgated by the Public Council of In- cess of finding a common goal, a road- tegrity, which did not manage to clear map and a social subject. the judicial corporation. The purpose of the article is to out- The falsity of such a course has line the possibilities of disseminating shown the greatest decrease in the the values of the future and practical trust of Ukrainians in power (up to experience of Maidan (“maidan” arche- 9 % [19]), and the notable defeat of the type) to create a consolidated system of Ukrainian politics in the presidential security and sustainable development: election of March 31, 2019. More than both in Ukraine and in European coun- 30 percent of the votes that received a tries. An important condition for suc- “new face” were apparently not voices cess is the dismantling of the oligarchic FOR an unknown neophyte candidate, System, which threatens the very exis- but a protest AGAINST living stan- tence of sovereign Ukraine. dards, the failure of the anti-corruption Presentation of the main research campaign and disregard for society by material. From the beginning of 2015, the authorities after the Revolution of public administration in Ukraine is Dignity. aimed at rebuilding the System. New The conclusion about the mista- institutions have been created, leading kenness of the current policy has been public authorities have recruited recog- already come and by some of its sup- nized foreign professionals, donors and porters and participants. Quite autho- lenders have funded civic activists and ritative experts have explicitly stated: media support. There are certain results: “... some international agencies and do- essentially “cleared” NJSC “Naftogaz of nor governments, including their em-

467 bassies in Kyiv, have a fairly superficial cific constraints of both “professional” idea of corruption in Ukraine” [20]. The and “applied” sociology. authors hope that the West will change The subject of the study was also its policy on Ukraine to “correct”, but very specific to the “visionaries”: the underestimate the internal contradic- Strategic Goal of Ukraine and the tions of their hopes. For, in the same Roadmap to it. In order to “catch up”, cited article, it is fairly stated that state the Joint Project had to be guided by institutions do not represent the inte- the principle of minimum sufficiency, rests of citizens who, in their turn, do which became the basis of the ad hok not trust them. methodology (in this case). At first, So in 2019, the reformers finally they discovered a minimum of key rap- came up to the problem, which was pro- pers of the historical process, and put mulgated by five years ago a very com- everything behind the brackets: to keep petent person — Andriy Yermolayev. from the rupture the boundary line, He left the position of the head of the outlining the essence and ensuring the National Institute for Strategic Studies integrity of the concept. In fact, this on the eve of the day and publicly sta- method is a condensed version of the ted: state institutions in Ukraine were principle of a minimal universe. privatized [21]. That is, the reformers The condition for the completion of have an object, but there is no subject the concept needed the logical search of reform. chain to the strategic Ukrainian Goal, For independent researchers, the and (returning) to a concrete answer problem was evident a long time ago, to the practical question: what to do and in the year 2012, a Joint Project today? was created to find a solution to it. The However, in order to see the Vision, Group has developed a Positive scena- it was necessary to understand the es- rio, which received a favorable review sence of the Goal, and it could not be by the Agency for the Study of System formulated outside the vision of the Technologies [22]. historical horizon. On the other hand, Positive scenario as a model of the Goal will be achievable if it relies public sociology. The appeal of civil not only on predictions but on a basis activists to the problems of social phi- that already exists or needs to be deve- losophy and futurology became a public loped. To understand the integrity of reaction to the limited dominant form the Vision, it is necessary to find out of sociological thinking, as sociologist the meaning of its constituent parts, but Y. Yakovenko determined [23]. Public parts, separately in their understanding same researchers do not depend on the and purpose, become open only on con- state and the market, free in the choice dition of clarity gestalt features of the of subject and methods. In particular, Vision [24]. they do not feel the pressure of scienti- Thus the circle is closed: the imple- fic authorities, not connected with con- mentation of the Vision requires the servative forms and conventions, have subject — the subject needs the Pro- the opportunity and need a public for- gram — the program should be based on mat. This allows to overcome the spe- the Visuals Platform.

468 Social subject of modernization. should be. He plays the role of a social The bearers of the latest “Maidan” ar- stabilizer, that is, the Conservative Sys- chetype can be estimated from 3 to 10 tem, but has no signs of freedom. The percent of Ukrainians. The lower limit authors recall that in this case it is pos- is the share of volunteers [25], and the sible to agree with some researchers higher is the proportion of participants who believe that the middle class has in the Maidan. Keeping the eastern not always played a progressive role in outpost and inspiring the hopes of tired society” [26]. Europe, they should take care of the fol- Meanwhile, as the Joint Project lowing problem: the rise of socio-eco- suggests, Maidan and the war have nomic and technological development launched a new social stratum in of the country. Ukraine — responsible. Traditionally, Most sociologists and political sci- the emerging freedom-loving com- entists attribute hopes for moderniza- munity, the authors of the concept de- tion with the middle class. It has long fine the term class. Its specificity is, in been considered the basis of Western particular, that the basis is made up of democracy, in particular, because the purely Ukrainian social communities: aspiration of personal liberty among its maidanivtsi and volunteers. Their in- representatives prevailed for the desire terests coincide with the vector of per- of wealth and power. However, over spective development of society, which time, there are more and more ques- offers a Positive scenario. tions that cast doubt on the role of the Some psychologists are paying at- “hegemon of democracy”. tention to the important feature of this The Ukrainian Center for Econo- class: after the front, volunteers are mic and Political Studies named after trying to return to the life they fought O. Razumkov identified the following in the war: the same corruption, theft, socio-class groups: the upper class — social injustice, etc. With this new/old 1 %; middle class — 14 %; middle class life, most veterans will never agree. periphery — 35 %; lower class — 31 %. The script takes into account that Percentage shows that the revealed the freedom-loving class is at the stage middle class has an unusual position of of formation and self-awareness. Right the highest class for the tradition, since now, intellectuals can play the “engi- 1 % is obviously made up of represen- neering” function of its formation — in tatives of large capital. And the middle accordance with the transition from position (the next 35 %) is occupied the state of “class in itself” to the state by the population attributed to the of “class for itself”. UCEPS research- PERIPHERY of the class: according to ers hope for such a transformation of the Center's methodology, their mate- another (middle) class. rial wealth, the quality of education and It should be recalled that Profes- culture, and the real status in society do sor Michael Burava noted: public so- not reach the indicators of “conditio- ciology involves participation in the nal” middle class. creation and transformation of public Our middle class is NOT the bea- structures [27]. This is exactly what the rer and defender of democracy, but it Joint Project did when it discovered

469 and disseminated information about canceled — without interference from the specific interests and values of the any intermediate instance [29]. responsible class, the differences or co- The unified idea proceeds from incidences with the interests of other the fact that the Verkhovna Rada is communities. unlikely to adopt the Law on the intro- Unified platform for the subject. duction of a personal mandate without The vision of the future and the Road- prolonged extra-system pressure. Such map should become the subject of the a pressure could trigger a “Personal modernization program. The most sig- Mandate” civil campaign, which would nificant aspects of the Scenario are gradually consolidate a significant part focusing on the concept of a Single of civil society, and hence its structures. Vision (common vision) of the future Such a campaign does not require of Ukraine and the methodology for significant expenses for functionaries creating the Strategy and Program for and agitation: each public structure the Implementation of Reform [28]. As has the ability to initiate the creation a startup package for the country’s re- of local cells by the forces of its acti- newal, in 2017, the script proposed to vists. put forward a unifying memo “personal Collaboration on the implementa- mandate”. This is a legal innovation, tion of the Mandate can be a joint proj- which is intended to convey the actual ect of all the social and ethnic struc- control of elected persons directly to tures of the nation. In order to avoid the hands of citizens. A vote cast for a starting competition for the ideological candidate or a party, each voter must flag of consolidation, the Joint Project be able to withdraw before the end of has done the following with the slogan the current term. If the chooser does “make and go”: announced the refusal not fulfill the conditions for political of hypothetical participation in the or- lending (for example, he votes against ganizational stage of creating a unifying promises), he violates the conditions platform [30]. for the use of the loan. Thus, the lender- The attractiveness of the Personal voter has grounds to stop lending at a Mandate, as a possible unifying goal, time when he has verified the violation is confirmed both in the expert and in of the agreement. the political environment. Mikhail Saa- The concept of the Personal Man- kashvili became the first well-known date implies the introduction of an politician who publicly acknowledged electronic voting, similar to that al- and personally substantiated the social ready in place in some countries. In need for a Personal Mandate. In a video this case, “termination of lending” address in the summer of 2018, he for- can take place in the same convenient mulated the essence of innovation in way as voting: dial the corresponding his words: voters do not need to believe personal code on your phone or com- in politicians — they must be controlled puter — and press the enter key. When under the threat of immediate recall the number of withdrawn votes reach- [31]. The video with this speech re- es a critical mark (for example, 15 or ceived 147,000 views and 3,177 broad- 20 %), the mandate is automatically casts.

470 At a later stage of consolidation, the the event of damage. In particular, the availability and transparency of the ini- oligarchic system available in Ukraine tiative can be ensured by the use of an has absorbed key elements of the state LiquidFeedback type IT platform (cur- apparatus and local self-government rent feedback). The appropriateness bodies. Therefore, they can not operate of such a platform is evidenced by the at the expense of the System, and auto- experience of its use by some European matically issue simulations. parties in Germany, Spain, Sweden. To replace the current system and Conclusions and perspectives of simultaneously create another system further research. The role of the Ukrai- requires a powerful outsystem entity — nian archetype as a source of European a mass non-partisan platform. Taking security stems from the leading spiri- into account the presence of the “mai- tual position of Ukraine in European dan” archetype of Ukrainians, a respon- processes. The essence of the new phe- sible class can become a healing sub- nomenon, the French philosopher Ber- ject, which is now undergoing a stage nard-Henri Levy, fixed the metaphor: of self-awareness. Consolidation of civil “... there is an idea of Europe, which society can take place on the unifying now carries Ukraine”. Platform — according to Ortega-i- It is impossible to restore the sys- Hassetti’s idea of a joint project of the tem of international security without future that can only unite a modern na- overcoming the internal crisis of Wes- tion. tern civilization. Significant obstacles The Visiting Project of such a Plat- to the path to sustainable development form may become the concept of the were oligarchic consequences, which Positive scenario of the Joint Project. destroyed the foundations of democ- According to the Independent System racy — public trust. Ukraine suffers the Research Institute, the scenario pro- most from this trouble, where, accord- posed constructive steps towards con- ing to Volodymyr Horbulin, the first vergence of civic movements and com- vice president of the National Academy munities in order to consolidate them of Sciences of Ukraine, the problem has in confronting the oligarchic System already become existential. and accelerating the implementation of The anticorruption campaign of fi- reforms. nancial and diplomatic pressure on the Publication can be viewed as one power of donors and allies, the direct of the new approaches to safe and sus- participation of their representatives tainable development in a civilizational in the internal processes of a positive shift. The author hypothesis suggests change did not bring. that in the medium term (by 2030) Eu- A different view of solving the prob- ropean countries can build, together lem is provided by a multidisciplinary with Ukraine, a new security system. team of independent researchers in the To do this, you should master the latest Joint Project. The author hypothesis insights on the current state of human is based on the well-known properties development and technology of work of systems: they have mechanisms for with the Future, make significant ad- protection and self-reproduction in justments to public administration.

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477 UDC:З16.422 DOI: 2224-2019-18-3-478-487 Khim Mariia Kimsanivna, Assistant Professor, Department of Admi- nistrative and Financial Management, “Lviv Polytechnic” National University, 82000, Stary Sambir, str. Gogolya, 18, tel.: 063 3569527, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-3151-6435 Хім Марія Кімсанівна, асистент кафедри адміністративного і фінансового менеджменту, Національ- ний університет “Львівська політехніка”, 82000, м. Старий Самбір, вул. Гоголя, 18, тел.: 063 3569527, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-3151-6435 Хим Мария Кимсановна, ассистент кафедры административного и финансового менеджмента, Националь- ный университет “Львовская политехни- ка”, 82000, г. Старый Самбор, ул. Гоголя, 18, тел.: 063 3569527, e-mail: missm28@ ORCID: 0000-0002-3151-6435 Danylovych-Kropyvnytska Marta Lvivna, Ph.D, Associated Professor, Department of Theoretical and Applied Economics, “Lviv Polytechnic” National University, 79044, Lviv, str. Melnyka, 5, tel.: 097 0218981, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-3963-5524 Данилович-Кропивницька Марта Львівна, кандидан економінчих наук, доцент кафе- дри теоретичної та прикладної економі- ки, Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”, 79044, м. Львів, вул. Мель- ника, 5, кв. 1а, тел.: 097 0218981, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-3963-5524 Данилович-Кропивницкая Марта Львовна, кандидат экономических наук, доцент кафедры теоретической и прикладной экономи- ки, Национальный университет “Львовская политехника”, 79044, г. Львов, ул. Мельни- ка, 5, кв. 1а, тел.: 097 0218981, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-3963-5524

478 PROFESSIONAL AND PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT OF CIVIL SERVANTS OF UKRAINE IN THE CONTEXT OF SUSTAINABLE SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT (ARCHETYPAL APPROACH) Abstract. The article is devoted to clarification of the specificity of the influ- ence of archetype on professionalism in the field of public administration. The ar- ticle investigates the main aspects of professional and personal development of civil servants of Ukraine in the context of sustainable social development in ac- cordance with their archetypes. Today, domestic scientists are often investigating the archetype of political leaders. The application of archetype methodology in the presented study made it possible to determine that the authority of a civil ser- vant as a personified subject of a postmodern society is a value system of dominant societal properties that specifies the archetype, according to which priorities are set in the choice of imperatives, the principles of achieving legitimacy and ma- nagement methods, which are used to achieve the management objectives. In this article modern archetypes of different groups of employees of public authorities in Ukraine are proposed and their main archetypal characteristics as the main com- ponent of their image are singled out. According to the characteristic features of each of the archetypes of the civil servant, the main problems of their professional and personal development are identified. The necessity of taking an archetypical approach into realization of the basic modern mechanisms of development of civil servants, which promote their professionalism, is substantiated. Creation of an effective civil service system requires improvement of approach- es to the formation of a new type of civil servant guided by such values as self- realization, professional development, morals, creativity, defending own opinion, self-esteem, etc. Due to this, the level of professional activity increases, the desired status is achieved, which implies a successfully built career. This article provides guidance on how to adapt them to specific aspects such as professionalism, learn- ing and motivation. Keywords: archetype, civil servant, official, professional and personal deve- lopment. ПРОФЕСІЙНИЙ І ОСОБИСТІСНИЙ РОЗВИТОК ДЕРЖАВНИХ СЛУЖБОВЦІВ УКРАЇНИ В КОНТЕКСТІ СТАЛОГО СУСПІЛЬНОГО РОЗВИТКУ (АРХЕТИПНИЙ ПІДХІД) Анотація. Статтю присвячено з’ясуванню специфіки впливу архети- пу на професіоналізм у сфері державного управління. У статті досліджу- ються основні аспекти професійного і особистісного розвитку державних службовців України в контексті сталого суспільного розвитку відповідно до їхніх архетипів. Сьогодні вітчизняними науковцями досить часто до- сліджується архетипіка політичних лідерів. Застосування архетипової ме- тодології у дослідженні, що презентується, дало можливість визначити, що

479 авторитет державного службовця як персоніфікованого суб’єкта постмодер- ного суспільства є ціннісним комплексом системи домінуючих соцієталь- них властивостей, які конкретизує архетип, відповідно до чого встановлю- ються пріоритети у виборі імперативів, принципів досягнення легітимності та методів управління, що використовуються для досягнення поставлених управлінських цілей. У статті запропоновано сучасні архетипи різних груп службовців органів публічної влади в Україні та виокремлено їх основні ар- хетипові характеристики як основні складові їхнього іміджу. Відповідно до характерних ознак кожного з архетипів державного службовця виокремлено основні проблеми їхнього професійного і особистісного розвитку. Обґрунто- вано необхідність урахування архетипного підходу при реалізації основних сучасних механізмів розвитку державних службовців, що сприяють підви- щенню їх професіоналізму. Створення ефективної системи державної служби вимагає вдоскона- лення підходів до формування нового типу державного службовця, який керується такими цінностями, як самореалізація, підвищення кваліфікації, професійний розвиток, моральність, творчість, відстоювання власної думки, самоповага тощо. Саме завдяки цьому підвищується рівень професійної ді- яльності, досягається бажаний статус, що передбачає успішно побудовану кар’єру. У статті надано рекомендації щодо їх пристосування у розрізі окре- мих аспектів, таких як професіоналізм, навчання та мотивація. Ключові слова: архетип, державний службовець, посадова особа, профе- сійний і особистісний розвиток. ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНОЕ И ЛИЧНОСТНОЕ РАЗВИТИЕ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫХ СЛУЖАЩИХ УКРАИНЫ В КОНТЕКСТЕ УСТОЙЧИВОГО ОБЩЕСТВЕННОГО РАЗВИТИЯ (АРХЕТИПИЧЕСКИЙ ПОДХОД) Аннотация. Статья посвящена выяснению специфики влияния архети- па на профессионализм в сфере государственного управления. В статье ис- следуются основные аспекты профессионального и личностного развития государственных служащих Украины в контексте устойчивого обществен- ного развития в соответствии с их архетипами. Сегодня отечественными учеными довольно часто исследуются архетипики политических лидеров. Применение архетипической методологии в представленом исследовании дало возможность определить, что авторитет государственного служащего как персонифицированного субъекта постмодернистского общества являет- ся ценностным комплексом системы доминирующих социетальных свойств, которые конкретизирует архетип, в соответствии с чем устанавливаются приоритеты в выборе императивов, принципов достижения легитимности и методов управления, используемых для достижения поставленных управ- ленческих целей. В статье предложены современные архетипы разных групп служащих органов публичной власти в Украине и выделены их основные архетипические характеристики как основные составляющие их имиджа.

480 Согласно отличительных признаков каждого из архетипов государственно- го служащего выделены основные проблемы их профессионального и лич- ностного развития. Создание эффективной системы государственной службы требует со- вершенствования подходов к формированию нового типа государственного служащего, который руководствуется такими ценностями, как самореали- зация, повышение квалификации, профессиональное развитие, нравствен- ность, творчество, отстаивание собственного мнения, самоуважение и тому подобное. Именно благодаря этому повышается уровень профессиональной деятельности, достигается желаемый статус, предусматривающий успешно построенную карьеру. В статье даны рекомендации по их приспособлению в разрезе отдельных аспектов, таких как профессионализм, обучение и моти- вация. Ключевые слова: архетип, государственный служащий, должностное лицо, профессиональное и личностное развитие.

Problem statement. The growth work that would meet the requirements of the human factor in management is of public services to European stan- today one of the main trends in the de- dards. Thus the main attention should velopment of the public administration be paid to the search, enrichment and system both in Ukraine and abroad. As sustainable use of capacities of public a result, we can observe an increasing servants to preserve and strengthen the interest in the peculiarities of behavior quality of staff, the best reconcile needs of representatives of various authori- of central authorities and the personal ties and management structures. The interests of government officials. It is formation of a democratic and law- actualize scientific rethinking the role governed state, the development of the and place of political archetypes and foundations of civil society, the inte- built on these myths in modern gover- gration of Ukraine into the standards nance process. of the European Union, and the imple- Analysis of recent research and mentation of administrative reform, in publications and identification of pre- particular the reform of the civil ser- viously unsettled parts of the general vice, require the preparation of a new problem. The archetype of public ad- generation of managers and specialists ministration was formed on the basis of state authorities, the formation of of an archetypal approach. E. Afonin, a professionally trained personnel re- T. Vakulova, O. Donchenko, L. Kochu- serve for replacing positions in state bei, O. Krutiy, O. Pelin, O. Romanenko, structures. Every year the experts put Yu. Shajgorodsky, V. Shedyakov and forward new requirements for activities others pay considerable attention to the in modern conditions, but government study of archetypes in the national sci- officials often lack personal experience, entific discourse. Some aspects of this social practice and qualification frame- problem were investigated in works by

481 O. Obolensky, V. Oluyka, S. Seryogina, the main factors of strengthening the S. Khajiradeva, G. Shchokina and oth- state, an effective instrument for the ef- ers. Among the works devoted to the fective realization of its functions. Pro- social and value principles of public ad- fessional and personal development of ministration, the formation of national civil servants acts as the main principle consciousness, historical memory and and mechanism of formation and deve- other aspects of the modern process of lopment of personnel potential of pub- state formation in Ukraine, it should be lic administration system. Today there noted works by G. Atamanchuk, V. Ba- is a problem in providing the system of kumenko V. Kozbanenko, V. Knyazev, public administration of professional, O. Kryukov, I. Nadolnyk, M. Piren, specially trained personnel, defining V. Rebkalo, G. Sitnik, P. Shompka, the priorities of personnel development, F. Shamhalov. However, the place of taking into account the professionaliza- archetype in the formation of profes- tion of the personnel. After all, develop- sional and personal development of a ment involves the continuous forma- civil servant in the scientific literature tion of a professional staffing system of was almost not considered. Therefore, public administration, at the same time, the relevance of the subject matter is the continuous repeated selection and beyond doubt. improvement of personnel potential of The purpose of the article is to find this system. Although there are mecha- out the specifics of the influence of ar- nisms for professionalising the person- chetype on professionalism in the field nel of the public administration system, of public administration, to study the it is precisely now that there is a “lack” main aspects of professional and per- of skilled personnel. sonal development of civil servants of Defining the state of professional Ukraine in the context of sustainable competence, it is necessary to refer to social development in accordance with the research of S. Dubenko [1], O. Obo- their archetypes, to offer modern arche- lensky [2], which makes it possible to types of different groups of employees distinguish two levels of qualities that of public authorities in Ukraine and ac- should have a civil servant: the first — cording to the characteristic features the primary, initial qualities, inherent in of each of the archetypes of the civil a person who claims to the state office, servant to outline the main problems and the second — the acquired qualities of their professional and personal deve- that are formed in the process of perfor- lopment, as well as to give recommen- mance of official duties, accumulation dations for their adaptation in terms of of experience and promotion. All these certain aspects, such as professionalism, qualities, that form the archetype of a learning and motivation. civil servant, regardless of his rank, or The main research material. The his duties. The archetype forms one or formation of a professionally prepared another psychosocial set of value prio- apparatus of state authorities of Ukraine rities, preferences, patterns of behavior and bodies of local self-government, ca- that directly affect the professionalism pable of permanent and dynamic deve- of a civil servant. Therefore, we can lopment, is rightfully considered one of assert that, on the one hand, the influ-

482 ence of globalization factors, and on the it does not affect the majority). This other hand, the existence of archetypes type assumes that an individual main- and archetype leads to the emergence of tains loyalty only to his group and sup- new features in public administration, ports it in the fight against political op- in particular those relating to profes- ponents. sional and personal development. Psy- The pluralistic archetype admits cho-social cultural factors of social life that the recognition of human rights of become a defining, system-forming be- equality with other citizens can change ginning, defining the “fate” of external, their political passions, recognizes that socio-material, institutional practices others have the right to have other be- of the development of public adminis- liefs. tration and society as a whole [3]. Quite interesting is the idea of In the scientific literature one can V. Lisnichy [5], who proposed a typo- find a rather diverse typology of arche- logy of political archetypes according types inherent in the entire society, as to their most characteristic features well as political leaders in particular. (see Table 1). Thus, in modern political science It is clear that the list of such ar- there are several basic archetypes: har- chetypes is inexhaustible, and after monious, hegemonic, conflict and plu- analyzing some of them it can be seen ralistic [4]. that their main differences are based on Harmonious — implies the existence two components: self-interest (personal of a homogeneous cultural environ- development) and focus on social inte- ment, established traditions and civil rests and careers (professional develop- society (in this case, new generations ment) (see Figure): easily enter into political life). This Within the civil service it is impos- type represents the close interaction sible to imagine such a post, for which between power and person, and the in- the personal component would not be dividual relates to power with a high of great significance. In addition, a civil degree of respect. servant of any rank must qualitatively The hegemonic archetype is most and professionally perform the task , re- commonly found in closed political sys- gardless of whether the power changes tems, which are not susceptible to the and, therefore, should be “distant” from values of other systems and are self-suf- politics. Along with the rapid pace of ficient. This type assumes that a person globalization, modern administrative has a negative attitude to all political reforms and other transformational pro- and social norms, except propagated by cesses new archetypal images based on his group (class, religion, etc.), which basic archetypes have begun to emerge, has a dominant power in society and is but they are becoming characteristic of part of politics solely on its values. modernity. Conflict — characterized by a low Therefore today, we can safely talk general culture of the entire spiritual about archetypes of not only political sphere — general, religious, socio-poli- leaders, but also civil servants of any tical (in such societies sometimes there level. Table 2 proposes archetypal im- is a highly developed elite culture, but ages of contemporary civil servants in

483 Table 1 Archetypes of politicians Archetype Characteristic features of politicians Businessman high managerial and business qualities, reliability, ingenuity, ability to get out of difficult situations through making non-standard decisions Reformer a converter in any field of socio-political life, science, technology, art, etc. Professional a specialist in his business with a solid luggage of knowledge, experience. He knows what needs to be done to achieve the goal Master a leader who works fruitfully throughout his life. In the presence of a limited number of resources can provide a stable work of subordinates, as well as rationally solve all existing problems Man of power The leader, who proved his ability to solve difficult tasks, has extensive ex- perience in working at the state level, and has the support of reputable leaders and citizens Lawyer a person who has decent legal knowledge and services in the law enforce- ment sphere of activity Popular a man who has gained natonalwide popularity and respect outside poli- personality tics, which became a springboard for the political elite Fighter A categorical person, who always ready to fight negative appearances and encourage others to fight

Targeting toeards own interests (personal development) Businessman Professional

Man of power Master Lawyer

Popular personality Reformer Fighter

orientation towards public interests and career (professional development) The difference between politicians’ archetypes by focusing on their own interests (personal development) and public interests and careers (professional development) view of their personal and professional So, based on foreign experience, one interests. To construct these archetypal should pay attention to the fact that images it is expedient to use the ideas the restructuring of the civil service in of American economist and political Ukraine can not completely eliminate scientist E. Downs, who proposed his the development of egoistic or selfish typology of civil servants [6]. goals by civil servants (financial sup-

484 Table 2 The archetype of a modern civil servant More focused on personal development and More focused on professional own interests development and career goals “Careerist” “Protagonist” They are interested in official status, financial Devotional supporters of individual con- support, recognition and prestige; they are al- cepts, clearly fulfill their specific tasks, most uneasy about reliability, loyalty, the interests stand firmly in favor of their point of view, of society or service and its specific tasks. They despite any arguments and objections willingly support the “majority” policy. However, reaching their own goals can eventually become “guardians” “Guardian” “Defender” They are also interested in official status, financial Their work is more focused on the opi- support, recognition and prestige, but their activi- nion of the majority, but they defend their ties are mainly related to the concepts of conve- position almost in spite of objections and nience and security.They are more focused on remarks enlargement, but on maintaining their status – “Statesman” Concerned about the social significance and usefulness of the supported ideas and their tasks. Therefore, they are prone to compromise, and less aggres- sive in defending their point of view port, prestige, power) and negative self-development and opportunities for qualities (conservatism, adaptability, self-realization; etc.). • development of optimal and un- It is clear that in order to intensify derstandable criteria of professional both professional and personal deve- growth of a particular institution; lopment, and at the same time realize • tracking the capacity of each civil personal and professional interests, it servant to plan his prospects within a is necessary to develop a clear career single institution; strategy for each of the proposed arche- • organizing an objective assessment types, which consists of: of the professionalism of specialists to • match the personal interests of the improve the personnel reserve, reduc- civil servant and the interests of the in- ing the excessive needs of employees stitution; and increasing the professional and • drawing up a clear program for qualitative qualities of the candidates professional development with taking being elected; into account the specifics and needs of • the formation of plans for the pro- each particular civil servant; fessional development of employees to • implementation of the open plan- meet the needs of the institution at the ning and career development process; right time [7]. • avoiding situations of termina- Effective use of a career strategy will tion of career development within one make it possible to combine the interest institution and absence of prospects for of civil servants in professional and ca-

485 reer growth and their personal interests ful growth of both the personal and and incentives (office status, prestige, professional development of a civil stability, material improvement, self- servant of any category belongs to the realization and self-development of the manager or chef who, above all, should individual). As part of the career deve- be responsible for the personnel policy lopment of civil servants, their positive of the institution. attitude will increase, first of all, to po- Conclusions and perspectives of sitive organizational goals: loyalty to further research. In the conditions of positions and interests of others, the the rapid development of modern busi- fulfillment of not only their tasks, but ness space and new administrative re- also assistance in implementing pro- forms, there is the emergence of new grams of collaborators. archetypal images of not only political The broader and more definite pros- leaders and executives, but also civil pect of career growth in the career servants of different ranks. Based on the development of employees, the practi- above research, the necessity of taking cal orientation of qualification exams into account the archetypical approach and service attestations is a significant in realization of the basic modern me- incentive both in mastering special chanisms of activation of professional knowledge, skills and abilities, and in and personal development of civil ser- using them in the next job. Since West- vants is substantiated. Therefore, for ern civil service systems are predomi- each of the following archetypes, the nantly career, foreign scientific, metho- combination of two elements, a subjec- dological and other materials relating tive and a business career, is necessary to career systems can be found to be and compulsory. These two elements broader and more constructive in co- must always be accompanied by self- vering the range of issues related to realization and optimisation of profes- civil service reform in Ukraine [8]. sional activity. Given the current needs For the rapid activation of the pro- for improvement of the qualitative com- fessional and personal development of a position in the field of public admin- civil servant of any category, the follow- istration, the prospects and directions ing elements are integral: education and of further research are determined, in self-education; analytical component, particular: development of the system ability to predict the development of of professional and personal develop- events, realistic thinking; communica- ment of civil servants in EU countries, tive skills, ability to work in a team; con- current tendencies of formation of pro- trol of behavior, stress resistance, pur- fessional and personal mentality of civil posefulness; well-defined career goals; servants in Ukraine, use of experience persistence; readiness for independent of EU countries on the professional and management decision-making, ability to personal development of civil servants solve non-standard tasks and problems; in Ukraine, the formation of a state realistic assessment of their skills and strategy of professional and personal abilities; respect for oneself and others. development of civil servants on the ba- At the same time, it should be re- sis of the implementation of European membered that the key to the success- standards.

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487 UDC: 351.82:[37.014.6:005.6] DOI: 2224-2019-18-3-488-496 Yaremenko Natalya Volodymyrivna, PhD of philological sciences, KryvyiRih State Pedagogical University, 50086, Krivoy Rog, Prospect Gagarina, 54, tel.: +3(067) 564 30 08, e-mail: yartala28@gmail.сom ORCID: 0000-0003-2834-0894 Яременко Наталя Володимирівна, кандидат філологічних наук, доцент, ДВНЗ “Криворізький державний педаго- гічний університет”, 50086, м. Кривий Ріг, просп. Гагаріна, 54, тел.:+3(067) 564 30 08, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-2834-0894 Яременко Наталья Владимировна, кандидат филологических наук, доцент, ГВУЗ “Криворожский государственный педагогический университет”, 50086, г. Кри- вой Рог, просп. Гагарина, 54, тел.: +38 (067) 564 30 08, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-2834-0894 Kolomiets Natalia Yevheniivna, PhD of philological sciences, KryvyiRih State Pedagogical University, 50086, Krivoy Rog, Prospect Gagarina, 54, tel.: +3(067) 940 08 14, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-5455-2538 Коломієць Наталія Євгенівна, кандидат філологічних наук, доцент, ДВНЗ “Криворізький державний педагогічний уні- верситет”, 50086, м. Кривий Ріг, просп. Гагаріна, 54, тел.: +3(067) 940 08 14, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-5455-2538 Коломиец Наталия Евгеньевна, кандидат филологических наук, доцент, ГВУЗ “Криворожский государственный педа- гогический университет”, 50086, г. Кривой Рог, просп. Гагарина, 54, тел.: +3(067) 940 08 14, email: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-5455-2538


488 Abstract. The article attempts to clarify the specifics of practical implementa- tion of empowerment-pedagogy in order to harmonize the psycho-cultural com- ponents of the archetype “puer” through the prism of the strategy of sustainable development, adopted in September 2015 by the decision of the General Assem- bly of the United Nations. Among the main provisions, it is indicated that the creation of a new educational paradigm is crucial for realizing the potential of the future, which will contribute to the formation of a responsible person capable of making the world safe and comfortable. The acrticle established that the change in the paradigm of social conscious- ness caused the necessity of transforming the education system, since the future potential is formed in the process of formation of the child’s personality. There is no doubt that the formation of sustainable development requires updating of existing pedagogical models, filling them with new content, aimed at forming the system of views, habits, lifestyle that corresponds to modern tendencies in the students. It is revealed that at the present stage, an appeal to the pedagogy of the empowerment, which focuses on the direction of the younger generation to ac- tion, the achievement of personal progressive changes, is important. In exploration it was observed that the content of this approach is empower- ment, the acquisition of individual self-confidence, the disclosure deep potential mobilization of internal resources under conditions of trust partnerships in any dialogue. Since the same archetype “divine child” is a kind of matrix potential col- lective unconscious experience, it is a modern life stream adaptation that should be the basis for implementing the requirements of social and cultural life. The authors emphasize that today’s needs correspond most closely to such an approach, which contributes to the disclosure of the creative potential of the younger generation, the improvement of the effectiveness of learning, the acqui- sition of skills to competences that a modern, dynamic world requires. Keywords: empowerment-pedagogy, archetype, Puer, Sustainable Develop- ment Program. ЕМПАУЕРМЕНТ-ПЕДАГОГІКА ЯК МОДЕЛЬ ГАРМОНІЗАЦІЇ ПСИХОКУЛЬТУРНИХ СКЛАДОВИХ АРХЕТИПУ “PUER” КРІЗЬ ПРИЗМУ СТРАТЕГІЇ СТАЛОГО РОЗВИТКУ Анотація. Зроблено спробу з’ясувати особливості практичного втілення емпауермент-педагогіки з метою гармонійного узгодження психокультурних складових архетипу “puer” крізь призму стратегії сталого розвитку, ухваленої у вересні 2015 р. рішенням Генеральної Асамблеї ООН. Серед головних по- ложень зазначено, що для реалізації потенціалу майбутнього вирішальним є створення нової освітньої парадигми, яка сприятиме формуванню відпо- відальної особистості, здатної зробити світ безпечним і комфортним. Вста- новлено, що зміна парадигми суспільної свідомості зумовила необхідність трансформації системи освіти, оскільки потенціал прийдешнього формуєть- ся в процесі становлення особистості дитини. Безперечно, що освіта сталого розвитку потребує оновлення існуючих педагогічних моделей, наповнення

489 їх новим контентом, спрямованим на формування в учнів системи поглядів, звичок, стилю життя, які відповідають сучасним тенденціям. Виявлено, що на нинішньому етапі важливим є звернення до педагогіки емпауерменту, яка орієнтована на спрямування молодого покоління до дій, досягнення особис- тісних прогресивних змін. У розвідці спостережено, що змістом подібного підходу є наснаження, набуття особистістю впевненості у власних силах, розкриття глибинного потенціалу, мобілізація внутрішніх ресурсів за умов довірчих партнерських стосунків у будь-якому діалозі. Оскільки ж саме ар- хетип “Божественна дитина” є своєрідною матрицею потенціалу колектив- ного безсвідомого досвіду, саме його адаптація в сучасному житєвому пото- ці має стати базисом для реалізації соціокультурних вимог буття. Авторами акцентовано, що потребам сьогодення найбільше відповідає подібний підхід, як такий, що сприяє розкриттю творчого потенціалу молодого покоління, по- кращенню результативності навчання, набуття навичок до компетенцій, які потребує сучасний динамічний світ. Ключові слова: емпауермент-педагогіка, архетип, Пуер, Програма стало- го розвитку. ЭМПАУЭРМЕНТ-ПЕДАГОГИКА КАК МОДЕЛЬ ГАРМОНИЗАЦИИ ПСИХОКУЛЬТУРНЫХ СОСТАВЛЯЮЩИХ АРХЕТИПА “PUER” СКВОЗЬ ПРИЗМУ СТРАТЕГИИ УСТОЙЧИВОГО РАЗВИТИЯ Аннотация. Сделана попытка выяснить особенности практического во- площения эмпауэрмент-педагогики с целью гармонизации психокультур- ных составляющих архетипа “puer” сквозь призму стратегии устойчивого развития, принятой в сентябре 2015 г. решением Генеральной Ассамблеи ООН. Среди основных положений указано, что для реализации потенциала будущего решающим является создание новой образовательной парадигмы, которая будет способствовать формированию ответственной личности, спо- собной сделать мир безопасным и комфортным. Установлено, что изменение парадигмы общественного сознания обусловила необходимость трансфор- мации системы образования, поскольку потенциал будущего формируется в процессе становления личности ребенка. Бесспорно, что образование устой- чивого развития нуждается в обновлении существующих педагогических моделей, наполнение их новым контентом, направленным на формирование системы взглядов, привычек, образа жизни, которые соответствуют совре- менным тенденциям. Выявлено, что на нынешнем этапе важным является обращение к педагогике эмпауэрмента, ориентированной на пробуждение молодого поколения к действиям, достижению личностных прогрессивных изменений. В статье обнаружено, что содержанием подобного подхода яв- ляется вдохновение, приобретение личностью уверенности в собственных силах, раскрытие глубинного потенциала, мобилизация внутренних ресур- сов в условиях доверительных партнерских отношений в любом диалоге. Поскольку же архетип “Божественный ребенок” является своеобразной матрицей потенциала коллективного бессознательного опыта, именно его

490 адаптация в современном жизненном потоке должна стать базисом для реа- лизации социокультурных требований бытия. Авторами акцентировано, что сегодняшним потребностям наиболее соответствует подобный подход, как таковой, что способствует раскрытию творческого потенциала молодого по- коления, улучшению результативности обучения, приобретение навыков к компетенциям, в которых нуждается современный динамичный мир. Ключевые слова: эмпауэрмент-педагогика, архетип, Пуэр, Программа устойчивого развития.

Problem statement. The multidi- who carry out orders without blinking mensional transformation of the so- their eyes <...>, but the people capable cio-cultural life of modern Ukraine is of making critical decisions who can find conditioned by the influence of integra- their way in a new environment, which tional world processes, the approach to quickly establish new relationships in a the values of the European community rapidly changing reality” [1, p. 328]. and the actualization of deep layers of The re-accentuation of society from the national potential. The substan- industrial to information actualizes the tial reforming of educational strategy need to create a modern educational occurs, which is a core of intellectual, paradigm that will serve as the basis cultural, spiritual development of the for the cultural and civilized progress state under such conditions. The cur- of the state, and will be aimed at gene- rent state of modernization of society as rating information and presenting cre- a whole and education as a significant ative ideas. At the present stage of the factor is predefined to a great extent to transformation of society, it is impor- the implementation of the Sustainable tant to appeal to the empowering peda- Development Program, which orien- gogy, which focused on the direction tates people to continuous training in of the young generation to actions, the a dynamic world, the harmonious com- achievement of personality changes. prehensive development of represen- The content of similar approach is in- tatives of various articles, inspiration, spiration, personal self-confidence, the and others. Similar inquiries appeared disclosure of deep potential, mobiliza- before a modern man on the way to tion of internal resources under confid- achievement of vital success determine ing partner relations in any dialogue. the permanent updating, an indispens- The needs of today are best met by a able intellectual growth of personality. similar approach, as such, which helps American futurist A. Toffler out- to unleash the creative potential of the lined the changes that must take place younger generation and improve the ef- in a person of the era of global changes: fectiveness of training. “The technology of tomorrow requires Analysis of recent research and not millions of superficially well-read publications. The problem of em- people who are ready to work in unison powering pedagogy as a direction to on endless monotonous works, not people educational strategy in the interests

491 of sustainable development in the mulated during the Second United center of scientific research has arisen Nations Conference dedicated to the until recently. The emergence of this solution of environmental safety is- theoretical concept is associated with sues (Rio de Janeiro, 1992). It is indi- the activities of the Brazilian scientist cated among the main principles that P. Freire (late twentieth century). in order to realize the potential of the Modern researches raise the question future, it is crucial to create a new edu- of the essence of the term “empower- cational paradigm that will contribute ment”, the peculiarities of its func- to the formation of a responsible person tioning (N. Kryvokon, O. Müllender, capable of making the world safe and D. Ward, T. Sila, and others). The appli- comfortable. The UN World Summit cation of methods of empowerment in in Johannesburg (South Africa, 2002) psychology and social work have been formulated the concept of education paid attention by R. Armando, S. Geno, for sustainable development, based on N. Kryvokon and others. the requirement to revise the educatio- N. Vovk, M. Zhukova, N. Myskova, nal process in order to implement the N. Telychko and others addressed the foundations and values of sustainable practical implementation of the ideas development in the educational space. of empowering pedagogy in the educa- Ukraine had joined the Fifth UNECE tional process. Environment Ministers Conference The purpose of the article is to find “Environment for Europe” (Kyiv, 2003) out the peculiarities of the practical to this end, recognized it is education implementation of empowering peda- that the leading means of promoting gogy with the purpose to harmonize the organic interaction between hu- the psycho-cultural components of the mans and the environment, sustainable “puer” archetype through the prism of a development. The Ministers have ap- sustainable development strategy. proved the Statement of Education in Statement of the main material. favor of sustainable development and Searching for ways to solve the global proposed to include the concept of sus- socio-environmental crisis that unfol- tainable development in the national ded in the second half of the twentieth educational environment at all levels to century has intensified precisely in the enhance positive transformations. new style formation for a civilized hu- The draft Strategy for Sustainable man behavior in everyday life, aimed at Development of Ukraine for the period a rational attitude towards the environ- until 2030 defines that “a balanced soci- ment and other members of the world ety is a knowledge society. New know- community. In particular, the acute ledge, skills and competences are need- problem of searching for ways appeared ed to solve many development prob- sharply in developing such global com- lems, to understand the complex issues munity that, while meeting its urgent and solve interrelated issues of public needs, would not jeopardize the possi- life” [2]. According to the principles of bilities of future generations. the “UNECE Education for Sustain- The main principles of the Sustain- able Development Strategy” adopted in able Development Program were for- Vilnius in 2005, a person, regardless of

492 “ethnic or social origin, property status, work “Pedagogy of the oppressed” by place of residence, language or other Brazilian scientist P. Freire, who fo- signs, will have access to high-quality cused on the need to awaken the self- education, health care system and other identity of the individual in order to services in the public and private sec- gain knowledge. Since the practice of tors” [3]. enslaving is based on the idea of sub- It is indisputable that the education mission, isolation, keeping a person in of sustainable development needs to a passive state, deepening the distance update the existing pedagogical models, between people, the researcher empha- filling them with new content aimed at sized the need for transformation, the forming a system of attitudes, habits, way out of the situation of deperso- and lifestyle for the students, which nalization, the search for inner support correspond to modern trends. Accord- in order to “<...> change their weak- ing to T. Kovalenko, “<...> the follow- ness to the transformational force with ing principles were laid down at the which they can change the world and legislative level in Ukraine since 1991: make it more humane” [6, p. 127]. the priorities of the interests of the According to the scientist, such child; ensuring the full life of children; transformations are possible under the involvement of children in the commu- condition of the pedagogy of coopera- nity life and proclaiming the absence tion based on the dialogue: “Since the of any manifestation of discrimination liberation activity is a dialogue in its against children in Ukraine” [4, p. 109]. nature, the dialogue cannot be a con- Similar assertions prove the idea that sequence of this activity, but should all the essential moral and ethical ideas accompany it. And since the libera- that dominate in the society are rooted tion should be a continuous condition, in archetypes. Prospective develop- the dialogue becomes the aspect of the ment of the future progress of mankind liberation activity that is constantly aiming at the development of a holistic ongoing” [6, p. 120]. harmonious model becomes possible, to The concept of “empowerment” has our opinion, subject to that the regu- received various interpretations in the latory role of the archetypes in which aspect of the liberation of individual the mental in man is encoded, “<...> its consciousness: the liberation of indi- historical experience and helplessness, vidual through transformation in the despair and confidence, loneliness and educational process; overcoming vari- collectivity, uniqueness and standar- ous forms of domination of people in so- dization, uniqueness and all-humanity” ciety; gender equality; the acquisition [5, p. 195]. Appealing to the “puer” ar- of potency by socially depleted groups chetype within the framework of the of people; recognition of various social concept of sustainable development groups, subcultures, etc. Thus, the cha- makes it possible to build a panoramic racteristic modes of this concept are the projection of the transformation of the measurement of power (as potencies to cultural experience of mankind. influence the course of events), coope- The empowering pedagogy origi- ration without hierarchical barriers and nates from the ideas outlined in the the learning process, during which the

493 self-realization skills of personality are society and nature, formation of a criti- formed. cal, creative look at the urgent issues According to N. Telychko, pedagogi- of the day are actualized at this angle. cal empowerment can be described as The development of the modern child “the art of creating life that a person occurs in conditions of redundancy of seeks to live; as a way of forming a vi- information, lack of parental attention, able personality, noting that this aspect lack of a sense of security, which leads in activity is intended for people who to the destruction of emotional contact, are ready to bring themselves to the constant adaptation to the conditions forefront of self-development; as a pro- of society. The inspiration contributes cess of preparing a person for indepen- to the depiction of worldview orienta- dent actions” [7, p. 199]. tions, the formation of positive motiva- The strategy of pedagogical em- tion in obtaining knowledge, develop- powerment is applied with the purpose ing the ability to make extraordinary of obtaining such skills and qualities decisions, etc. by the participants of the educational The methodical basis of classes, dur- process as independence in making ing which the arsenal of empowerment decisions, ability to active social life, means is used, is the view at a child as self-change in accordance with the an equal person capable of producing demands of society for success, etc. interesting ideas, able to realize one’s Firstly, the fulfillment of inspiration oc- potential in learning and direct it to the curs by forming a positive attitude of creative mainstream. It is this person a student towards oneself and faith in who wants a sustainable development the potential, the development of basic and self-improvement. skills and functional capabilities. Se- An appeal to the mental code of a condly, psycho-emotional shifts, indica- culture realized through the studies of tors of which are adaptation in stressful the components of the “Divine Child” environments, lack of fear in communi- archetype within the collective uncon- cation, overcoming asthenical feelings, scious is quite appropriate, since they optimism, a self-confidence, etc. Third- are the expressions of the psychic ener- ly, the practical application of a beha- gy that is synthesized by the person as vioral model of organizing educational noted by C. Jung. That is, the collective activities based on the motivation for subconscious contains impersonal ob- success, dedication, life activity, the jectivity, which is determined by high willingness to express one’s own opi- intensity of the experience and cultu- nion, to defend one’s position and listen rally independent repetition. Thus, the to the opinions of others, and the like. archetype can be perceived as a sign of The harmonious adjustment of a kind of brace that holds the human the psycho-cultural components of being, family, nation, state, humanity as the “puer” archetype is seen as pos- a whole, and therefore the study of the sible with a bearing on the empowering specifics of their functioning in vari- pedagogy. The problems of providing ous spheres of ethnic culture helps to inner strength in the process of infor- overcome the socio-humanitarian cri- mational interaction of the individual, sis. The term “empowerment” literally

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495 Список використаних джерел

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496 UDC: 141 : 321 (477.83) DOI: 2224-2019-18-3-497-507 Yaremchuk Vyacheslav Dmutrovich, Doctor of Political sciences, Associate profes- sor, Leading research fellow, I. F. Kuras In- stitute of Political and Ethnic Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 01011, Kyiv, General Almazov str., 8, tel.: + 38 (050) 410 50 68, e-mail: sl_yarem- [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-1534-1348 Яремчук В’ячеслав Дмитрович, доктор політичних наук, доцент, провід- ний науковий співробітник, Інститут по- літичних і етнонаціональних досліджень ім. І. Ф. Кураса НАН України, 01011, Київ, вул. Генерала Алмазова, 8, тел.: + 38 (050) 410 50 68, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-1534-1348 Яремчук Вячеслав Дмитриевич, доктор политических наук, доцент, веду- щий научный сотрудник, Институт политических и этнонациональных исследований им. И. Ф. Кураса НАН Украины, 01011, Киев, ул. Генерала Алмазова, 8, тел.: + 38 (050) 410 50 68, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-1534-1348

THE INFLUENCE OF OUTLOOK-VALUE ARCHETYPES ON THE FUNCTIONING OF THE REGIONAL POLITICAL REGIMES IN UKRAINE (LVIV REGION AS AN EXAMPLE) Abstract. The aspects of influence of outlook-value archetypes (certain vi- sions, which were the symbols of behavior models, existence ways on individual and common levels), typical for the population of Lviv region on the process of the formation, functioning and further transformation of the regional political regime at the years of Ukraine independence are considered. Substantiated po- sition about the social-economic resources of Lviv region (among them the ab- sence of the conditions for the creation of the monopolies on the regional level) and the mental traditions of the nation, political culture, frontier location which strengthen the influence of the European civilization made the ground for the formation in the region the competitive, pluralistic regional political regime with

497 the engagement of the broad area of individuals of political relations (using the democratic procedures of the recruitment and further rotation of political elite). The high level of the consensus of common socio-cultural and political values of the society dealing with its homogeneous composition, the ability for the mo- bilization were the conditions for the existence of the political regime quite au- tonomous regarding the external influences. This was assisted by the existence of the consolidated political elite of Lviv region which was trying to be the spokes- man of the society and directed its activity not only on the performance of the directives from “Center” but also on the creation of political and socio-cultural conditions which were necessary for the execution of the regional interests. As it was cleared the main criteria for the legitimation of the regional political actors was their solidarity with the main national-ethnic archetypes of the region. Any attempt of the opposing with the region had an irreversible effect for the politi- cians — withdrawal from the regional socio-political relations which was made by the way of legitimate procedures or the force method. Keywords: outlook-value archetypes, Lviv region, regional political regime. ВПЛИВ СВІТОГЛЯДНО-ЦІННІСНИХ АРХЕТИПІВ НА ФУНКЦІОНУВАННЯ РЕГІОНАЛЬНИХ ПОЛІТИЧНИХ РЕЖИМІВ В УКРАЇНІ (НА ПРИКЛАДІ ЛЬВІВСЬКОЇ ОБЛАСТІ) Анотація. Розглядаються аспекти впливу світоглядно-ціннісних архети- пів (певних образів, що символізували моделі поведінки, способи буття на ін- дивідуальному та колективному рівнях), типових для населення Львівської області на процеси формування, функціонування і подальшу трансформацію регіонального політичного режиму в роки державної незалежності України. Обґрунтована позиція, що сукупність соціально-економічних ресурсів Львів- щини (серед них — відсутність умов для створення монополій на регіональ- ному рівні) у поєднанні з ментальними традиціями суспільства, політичною культурою, прикордонним розташуванням, яке посилювало впливи євро- пейського цивілізаційного простору, створювали підстави для формування в області конкурентоздатного, плюралістичного, регіонального, політичного режиму із залученням широкого кола (через демократичні процедури рекру- тування політичної еліти та її ротації) суб’єктів політичних відносин. Високий рівень консенсусу загальних соціально-культурних і політичних цінностей суспільства, пов’язаний з його гомогенним складом, здатністю до мобілізації створювали умови для існування політичного режиму достатньо “автономного” щодо зовнішніх впливів. Цьому сприяла наявність консолідо- ваної політичної еліти Львівщини, яка, прагнучи бути виразником суспіль- ства, спрямовувала свою активність не лише на виконання директив “Цен- тру”, а й на утворення політичних і соціально-економічних умов, необхідних для реалізації інтересів свого регіону. Як виявилося, головним критерієм ле- гітимації регіональних політичних акторів була їхня солідарність з головни- ми національно-етнічними архетипами регіону. Будь-яка спроба протистав- лення з регіоном мала незворотний наслідок для політиків — вилучення з

498 регіональних суспільно-політичних відносин, що відбувалося шляхом легі- тимних процедур або силовим способом. Ключові слова: світоглядно-ціннісні архетипи, Львівська область, регіо- нальний політичний режим. ВЛИЯНИЕ МИРОВОЗЗРЕНЧЕСКО-ЦЕННОСТНЫХ АРХЕТИПОВ НА ФУНКЦИОНИРОВАНИЕ РЕГИОНАЛЬНЫХ ПОЛИТИЧЕСКИХ РЕЖИМОВ В УКРАИНЕ (НА ПРИМЕРЕ ЛЬВОВСКОЙ ОБЛАСТИ) Аннотация. Рассматриваются аспекты влияния мировоззренческо-цен- ностных архетипов (определенных образов, которые символизировали моде- ли поведения, способы существования на индивидуальном и коллективном уровнях), типичных для населения Львовской области на процессы форми- рования, функционирования и дальнейшую трансформацию регионально- го политического режима в годы государственной независимости Украины. Обоснована позиция, что совокупность социально-экономических ресурсов Львовщины (среди них — отсутствие условий для создания монополий на региональном уровне) в сочетании с ментальными традициями общества, политической культурой, пограничным расположением, которое усиливало влияния европейского цивилизационного пространства, создавали основа- ния для формирования в области конкурентоспособного, плюралистичного, регионального, политического режима с привлечением широкого круга (че- рез демократические процедуры рекрутирования политической элиты и ее ротации) субъектов политических отношений. Высокий уровень консенсуса общих социально-культурных и политиче- ских ценностей общества, связанный с его гомогенным составом, способно- стью к мобилизации создавали условия для существования политического режима достаточно “автономного” относительно внешних влияний. Этому способствовало наличие консолидированной политической элиты Львов- щины, которая, стремясь быть выразителем общества, направляла свою активность не только на выполнение директив “Центра”, но и на образова- ние политических и социально-экономических условий, необходимых для реализации интересов своего региона. Как оказалось, главным критерием легитимации региональных политических актеров была их солидарность с главными национально-этническими архетипами региона. Любая попытка противопоставления с регионом имела необратимое следствие для полити- ков — исключения из региональных общественно-политических отноше- ний, что происходило путем легитимных процедур или силовым способом. Ключевые слова: мировоззренческо-ценностные архетипы, Львовская об- ласть, региональный политический режим.

Problem statement. The problem of is currently experiencing requires an the transformation period that Ukraine in-depth examination of the function-

499 ing of political power in the centre and region (the Head of the Lviv regional on the ground, the identification of its state administration; O. Salo) from the peculiarities. In this regard, the study blocked protesters of the premises told of a new phenomenon in the unitary the correspondent of The New York Ukrainian state of regional political re- Times his vision of a practiced politi- gimes, which, reflecting the processes cal relations format as 'our region never of political subjectivization of regions did not recognize the authorities', (oblasts), strengthening their influ- stipulating it in the traditional radical ence on public policy, require scientific sentiments of society ('insurgent spi- study, development and implementa- rit') [2]. tion of an effective model of multi-level Analysis of recent researches and political relations, which involves both publications. The problem of archetype the consideration of interests and pow- fell into the field of national researchers ers in the Centre — Region system and of social sciences at the beginning of the as well as rethinking the general ap- 21st century. Among them, we can men- proaches to public administration. tion them, namely: Ye. Afonin, M. Ho- Given the significant role of the lovatyi, O. Donchenko, L. Zubrytska, Lviv Oblast in the modern state-build- L. Kochubei, O. Kriukov, O. Kulinich, ing processes of Ukraine, which led to T. Novachenko, M. Piren, O. Radchen- constant attention from the central ko, Yu. Romanenko, H. Pocheptsov and authorities, leading politicians, who of- others, whose scientific work involved ten sought to neutralize or subordinate the solution of a wide range of theo- socio-political processes in the region, retical, methodological and practical the subject of the Lviv region was con- problems in the field of public admi- stantly present in the political and sci- nistration, political psychology, politi- entific discourse. The consequence was cal leadership and image-management the emergence of certain assessments and public relations, etc., laying the (markers or labels), which often had a foundations for a more in-depth un- multipolar, far from impartial character. derstanding of contemporary political So, even on the eve of the independence processes, political actions of the social of Ukraine (1990), the new political and ethnic communities of the country. elite of Lviv (from the circle of 'revo- At the same time, the use of archetypal lutionary romantics'), concentrated in paradigm in the field of political regio- the Lviv Regional Council headed by nalism, including the applied nature, V. Chornovil, considered the region as is still relevant, and this article is also a certain standard of functioning of po- devoted to this. wer, worthy to follow the place 'deve- The purpose of the article is to lopment of mechanisms and principles identify, with the archetype paradigm, of realization of the eternal dream the specificity and influence of the po- of our people about an independent, licy environment at the level of the Lviv democratic Ukrainian state' [1, р. 220– Oblast on the formation and transfor- 221]. Instead, in the context of the de- mation of the regional political regime ployment of the Revolution of Dignity, during the years of Ukraine’s state in- the last ‘chief administrator’ of the Lviv dependence.

500 Presentation of the main material. to society, and consequently led to a de- A special role in the study of modern crease in the level of personal responsi- political processes associated with the bility and initiative of members of soci- existence in a unitary country of such ety, etc.) [5, р. 263–265], in its territory, a phenomenon as regional political re- taking into account the combination of gimes plays the application of the ar- historical, socio-economic and cultural chetypal method, in particular its com- factors, developed the social charac- ponent as various characters, which teristics of the western type. There are together can be reduced to symbolic among them individualism, apprecia- capital including individual and col- tion of personal freedom, critical atti- lective feelings, guides, experiences, ac- tude to power, tolerance, spirituality tions, etc. ('if we want to see the phe- (including high level of religiosity at nomenon in the right perspective, we the 'churched' level, and respect for the need to understand ... the past' [3]). It is institution of private property, etc.). the processes associated with symbolic At the initial stage of development capital, its reconstruction ('new read- of Ukraine as a sovereign state, this led ing'), giving it new forms of communi- to a complete denial (through the iden- cation interaction, including the activa- tification gap) with the socio-political tion of ideological and value archetypes traditions of the Soviet time, partially (adopted in the society of ideas about pre-Soviet (Polish and Austrian days), justice, freedom, equality, honesty and the actualization of the symbols of the dignity) became a powerful motive for 'ancient Ukrainian Lviv' (as basic), collective political action, significantly which included certain stereotypical influencing the processes of political or mythological representations, but solidarity and mobilization of society coexisted with each other in a non-an- in 1990s. In turn, it also accelerated the tagonistic relationship. In the political formation on the basis of sustainable sphere among them, we can distinguish sociocultural images and representa- the following: tions on the political map of Ukraine • Belonging of the Lviv Oblast to regions with their mental archetypes, the 'Historical Galicia' heritage as the with their characteristics of regional centre of ancient Ukrainian statehood, self-consciousness, regional interest, preservation and cultivation of the and regional dimension of political and Ukrainian ethnos and its culture, an cultural traditions [4, P. 58]. integral part of the European civiliza- Regarding the Lviv region (as well tional space (including recognition of as the historical Galicia as a whole), in the fundamental values of democracy, contrast to the widespread stereotypes in particular, tolerance in the inter- and emotional-sensory reactions in the national, political, religious and other Ukrainian society, which had connec- spheres); tion with Byzantine archetypes and • Belonging of Lviv region to the Byzantine mentality (they contained phenomenon of 'All-Ukrainian spiritual elements of fatalism, the domination Pyomon'; of the state over society and persona- • The tradition of sacrificial struggle lity, irresponsibility of the authorities for the implementation of Ukrainian

501 statehood in modern times (including gion', and local officials and business- military symbols: Ukrainian Sich Rifle- men into the regional political elite. men, Ukrainian Nationalists Organiza- As for the latter one. Despite the tion, and Ukrainian Insurgent Army). existing contradictions and the com- Their set created grounds for the petition between the various groups of politically active community of the the political elite of Lviv ('authorita- region, the regional political elite to rian nationalists', 'moderate nationa- claim not only participation but also a lists', 'functional pragmatic actors' from special role (the main retransmission the circle of the former party-Soviet of the 'Ukrainian national idea') in nomenklatura, and 'politically active the development of the newest state of businessmen'), it was characterized by Ukraine (to become 'a model for the de- the consensus in the field of 'national velopment of the whole of Ukraine' [6, issues (including national traditions, р. 17–18]). This was also exacerbated historical memory, etc.), which made it by the fact that the population of the adjust to the sentiments of society [7, region was characterized by high ho- р. 113]. However, on the level of this mogeneity (primarily ethnic and reli- 'correction', it is necessary to refer to gious), which determined the high level the conclusions of the American tran- of compatibility (consensus) of com- sitologist T. Catothers, who noted: in mon socio-cultural and political values, the context of the 'democratic transit' solidarity, based on ethno-cultural, tra- carried out by Ukraine, the political ditional archetypes of behaviour and elites, although they were 'pluralistic' activities. The consequence of the po- and 'competitive', remained 'deeply litical-cultural and mental peculiarities estranged from citizens' [8, р. 51]. Be- of the region was the deep rooted in the cause of this, the regional political re- social consciousness of the primacy of gime in the Lviv region, which began to the primacy of national interests, which form in the 1990's, its further transfor- determined the dominant position in mation, in spite of its formal democracy, the Lviv region of the ideology of eth- all the same resembled the transitional nocentrism, including 'national radica- form from 'political monopoly' to 'po- lism' (inherited from integral natio- litical oligopoly', serving primarily the nalism), which was combined with the interests of a small part of society, and pro-European civilization the choice of its higher social strata. the country. The high level of aware- The choice of the strategies of the ness of the population of Lviv region political elite of Lviv region, which had of its socio-cultural unity, its own inte- insignificant resources, in relations with rests and the desire for their articula- the 'Centre’, was rather narrow. While tion and realization in the conditions of in the early 1990’s the most prominent politicization of regional peculiarities, among them was the 'game of autono- the appearance of sufficiently autono- my' or the 'trip to Kyiv', which turned mous political actors involved in 'poli- out to be unrealized, then in the future, tical decisions', contributed to the political actors were forced to hold transformation of the region in the loyal (including political mimicry) or 1990’s from the 'territory' to the 're- anticipated positions. In turn, this pro-

502 vided both the obtaining of the neces- ening control over regional groups of sary resources for the development of elites, their consolidation under the the region, as well as guarantees for the leadership of the 'party of power', in- preservation of the powers of the cur- cluding the format of 'imposed consen- rent elite and its conservation. At the sus'. To this end, an effective tool for in- same time, the subjects of the political fluencing the 'Centre' over the 'Regions' field of Lviv region (as well as other re- was used as a regional state administra- gions) with respect to the 'Centre' took tion. And although in Lviv region, the far from a consolidated position. Thus, state administration was formed mainly the regional political elite (from dissi- by people from the region, from the cir- dents, human rights activists, activists cle of representatives of the dominant of the national revival) has often been political elite, the emergence of a new in conflict with official Kyiv, which at leading political player with his inten- the initial stage of state independence tions to exercise leadership on behalf of of Ukraine was to a large extent repre- the 'Centre', the channel of penetration sented by the ex-party-Soviet nomen- into the region of various 'parties of klatura. A condition for the successful power', created only a new field of col- activity of the economic elite was its lision the interests of which resulted in 'adaptive qualities', showing loyalty to the strengthening of social tension and the 'Centre', which created the condi- record high (!) rotation of the heads tions for obtaining certain preferences of Lviv Regional State Administration [9, р. 8]. The latter, as the business poli- (during these years of 1995–2018, such ticians from the second half of the 1990s appointments were made 16). transformed into the leading 'political In general, during the years of players' [10], due to the concentration Ukraine’s independence in the Lviv re- of material resources in their hands, and gion, it is possible to distinguish several the receipt of social legitimacy by them, stages in changing the qualities of the significantly influenced the level of in- local political regime, the formation and teraction of the region with the 'Cen- functioning of which had a close link tre'. The above-mentioned made sig- to the political situation in the capital. nificant correction regarding the main Their change, in turn, led to the rota- indicator of regional political elites tion of regional political actors, changes ability (regardless of external influ- in the configuration of the local multi- ences) to adhere to their local regional party system, which negatively affected socio-economic and political interests. the observance of continuity in regional The transformation of the politi- policy. cal regime in Ukraine with the coming I. The development of political rela- to power of the President of Ukraine tions in the Lviv region in 1991–1997, L. Kuchma significantly changed the which included political actors belong- course of political processes in the re- ing to the traditional national demo- gion, which was followed by an increase cratic forces in the region, contributed in authoritarian tendencies, the forma- to the establishment of a pluralistic tion of a 'territorial-hierarchical system regional political regime in which the of power', the intentions of strength- most involved political strategies,

503 which in general, were consistent with mise' to 'force' (power) using a wide the state of development of society; his range of administrative resources in value orientations, were such that they the fight against political rivals aimed resembled the 'struggle for the rules', at eliminating them, reminiscent of the and 'the community of the elites'. It strategy like 'winner receives every- can be argued that at that time the re- thing'. In the era of L. Kuchma’s presi- gional political regime was developing dency, the leading political actors in the on its own, since the 'Centre' (in the Lviv region were, as a rule, not typical era of the presidency of L. Kravchuk, representatives of the 'party of power' the beginning of the first cadence of for the region, which led to attempts L. Kuchma) had not yet had the neces- to unify the region, impose certain mo- sary levers (the legislative framework dels of political behaviour and practice, and personnel) for the implementation in particular, patronage-client 'rules' in of a comprehensive political control and a relationship with the 'Centre', which giving the region’s political relations strengthened the resistance of the the 'right format'. At the same time, the local elite, a society that reached its new phenomena of socio-political and height during the Orange Revolution economic relations are the transforma- in 2004. tion of local self-government bodies III. In 2005–2010, political rela- that are increasingly transforming from tions in the Lviv region resembled at- institutions representing the interests tempts to implement the 'Lviv version' of territorial communities to represen- of the regional political regime (like tatives of local political elite groups, an 1991–1997), however, due to the pre- instrument for lobbying their interests, dominance of centralization tendencies the emergence of new political players of the ‘Centre’, they did not find their of 'political pragmatists', which were implementation. The reason for this replaced by 'romantic politicians', as was the actions of President Viktor well as 'business politicians', repre- Yushchenko, his desire to monopolize sentatives of the Financial-Industrial the political space of the Lviv region, Group (FIG), the progressive tendency to establish in it space with the domi- of nepotism and political corruption nant political actor (based on the fol- caused the crisis of traditional me- lowing political parties: Our Ukraine, thods of political relations, and hence Our Ukraine People’s Union (OUPU), the regional political regime, which which in practice led to a change in took advantage of the 'official Kyiv' in the levels of interaction of subjects of strengthening its positions. political life from the 'struggle for the II. In 1997–2004, the characte- rules' or the 'community of elites' to ristics of the political regime in Lviv 'the winner receives everything', which region have undergone substantial created new fields of tension among the changes in accordance with the intro- political elites belonging to the 'orange duced standards of the 'Centre' ('Soft camp', not contributing to the forma- Option'). At this time, the practice of tion of a stable, predictable political 'being' used 'the tradition of transition regime and giving it the nature of un- in political strategies from 'compro- certainty.

504 IV. Years 2010–2013 can be charac- Dignity, the 'Centre' in its policy used terized as an attempt to ‘impose con- the strategy of relying on the 'domi- sensus’ (‘hard version’) on the part of nant political actor', which at that time the ‘Centre’, when during the presiden- was FREEDOM, All-Ukrainian As- cy of V. Yanukovych, the main subjects sociation and subsequently to SELF- of politics in the Lviv region (execu- HELP Association, Progressing party. tive power vertical) were mainly ‘Va- However, after winning the presiden- rangians’ (those from the oblast, who tial election P. Poroshenko, central au- lost contact with him), ‘regionalists’, thorities once again had been tempted ‘technical administrators’, whose ac- to resources of Lviv region, aiming to tivities were aimed at maintaining the create 'desired format' regional politi- region’s loyalty to the new President of cal regime in the form of a presidential Ukraine. This was done through a vari- project, which was carried out via the ety of tools, including personnel policy, promotion of the 'new party of power' the use of administrative pressure dur- as BLOCK PETRO POROSHENKO ing election campaigns, and the impact Party (SOLIDARITY, Block Petro on the formation of local government Poroshenko Party). The domination of bodies, which was neutralized by the the latter at the local elections of 2015 sharp opposition of society. As a result, provided a process of complete appea- this led to the fact that the Centre was rance, when the pro-presidential forces forced to refuse to use force methods in seized the main political institutions of the Lviv region, giving preference to its the region. At the same time, these re- manipulative technologies and budge- alities have led to the creation of addi- tary pressure in its policy. In general, tional voltage zones in the region, the the 'imposed consensus' strategy did threat of loss due to the requirements not work in the Lviv region, leading to of political expediency of the pluralist a confrontation between the vertical of tendencies that traditionally existed in the executive and the representative the political life of the region. bodies of local self-government, power Conclusions and prospects for and society, when the system of political further researches. Modern processes relations in the region entered a stage of of transformation of the political sys- political turbulence. The latter contri- tem of Ukraine, connected with the buted to the lightning-fast change in far-not complete 'democratic transit', the characteristics of the regional po- the formation of civil society and the litical regime, which took place in the implementation of administrative and context of the deployment of the Pro- territorial reform, require a profound secution Revolution in 2013–2014. scientific diagnosis of modern socio- V. In 2014–2015, the standards of political relations. These circumstances the functioning of the political regime require the use of modern effective re- at the level of Lviv region largely repeat search tools and techniques, including a the 'post-Orange period' with all its more in-depth application of the arche- successes and problems. Trying to make typal paradigm, which should contrib- the most use of the region’s resources ute not only to the search for harmoni- after the victory of the Revolution of zation of relations between the 'Centre'

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№ 3 (18) — June 2019 (Special edition)

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