The Belfast Gazette of FRIDAY, 31ST DECEMBER, 1965 Bg
NUMBER 2339 SUPPLEMENT TO The Belfast Gazette OF FRIDAY, 31ST DECEMBER, 1965 bg Registered as a Ne\vspaper SATURDAY, 1ST JANUARY, 1966 CENTRAL CHANCERY OF O.B.E. THE ORDERS OF KNIGHTHOOD To be Ordinary Officers of the Civil Division of the ST. JAMES'S PALACE, LONDON S.W.I said Most Excellent Order : 1st January 1966 William Francis BLACKMORE, Esq., Principal The QUEEN has been graciously pleased to signify Officer, Ministry of Agriculture for Northern Ire- her intention of conferring the Honour of Knight- land. hood upon the following: The Reverend Brother Stephen KELLY, Deputy Knight Bachelor Manager, St. Patrick's Training School, Belfast. William JENKINS, Esq., J.P., Lord Mayor of James Thomas KERNOHAN, Esq., Secretary Man- Belfast. ager, Royal Ulster Agricultural Society. John James MAGUIRE, Esq., J.P., Secretary, Fermanagh County Council. CENTRAL CHANCERY OF Anne Margaret Olive, Mrs. TOUGHER. For public THE ORDERS OF KNIGHTHOOD services in Belfast. ST. JAMES'S PALACE, LONDON S.W.I M.B.E. 1st January 1966 The QUEEN has been graciously pleased to give orders To be ordinary Members of the Civil Division of for the following appointment to the Most Honour- the said Most Excellent Order: able Order of the Bath: Samuel John BRADLEY, Esq., District Inspector, C.B. Royal Ulster Constabulary. James Robert FAIRGRIEVE, Esq., General Man- To be an Ordinary Member of the Civil Division of ager, Reed Corrugated Cases Ltd. Warrenpoint, the Third Class, or Companion, of the said Most County Down. Honourable Order: James Alexander GASTON, Esq., J.P. For public John Ernest GREEVES, Esq., Permanent Secretary, services in County Antrim.
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