Scholars Crossing 1985 The Fundamentalist Journal 12-1985 The Fundamentalist Journal, Volume 4, Number 11 Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation "The Fundamentalist Journal, Volume 4, Number 11" (1985). 1985. 8. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the The Fundamentalist Journal at Scholars Crossing. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1985 by an authorized administrator of Scholars Crossing. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. atutuil: 2600Ace Lane.P.O. Box 1"438 Lewisvill., TX 75067 (2141462-1776 n'HelpingLocal ChunchesStant Chnistian Schools" ufl/y, New hfe of 2g Solzhenitsylrr t.. Irenthralling rr... " huget and yours FREE $29.95in storw- fiw wlmyou join tlu ConywiliveM Club The ravespour in - evenfrom sourcessometimes critical oila Io Ia Ia Ia iloIoil ail ail oil ailoilail oila of Solzhenitsyn Massive:1,051 pages PLUS 16 pagesof photographs(many from "Huge... absorbing ... valuable."-Wall St. Journal Solzhenitsyn'sown collection) L1 "Enthralling... the scholarlysifting and disentanglingonly adds to the Endpapermap: "Solzhenitsyn's fascination."-NYTi mes Russia"t-l Comprehensivesubject "By far the most comprehensiveand authoritativebiography ... clear and and proper-nameindex ol ovel gracefuIly written."-Ph iI adel ph i a Inq u i rer 2,000entries tlNotes Ll4-part "Richlydetailed, shrewd, balanced and absorbing book tells the whole im- bibliography probable story... superbly."- Boston Globe oilailailaIoilaIailoIoIoiloiloIailoiloilo Solzhenitsyncloseup - andalso a panoramaof life in the Bmpircof Bvil e The formationof a youngCommuni$. Four authorsSolzhenisyn o Preciouspassages from his conespondence,before and after exile . wonhipped.Why dialctical materialism"enthralled" him.