Congressional Record—House H7901
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September 6, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7901 and a parade at her school, Sienna than disavow ICE and all law enforce- Eden Prairie community, and I wish Crossing Elementary in Fort Bend ment, these brave men and women de- him all the best in his retirement. County. serve our support for their service. f But Marlee’s biggest smile is yet to So, Mr. Speaker, as a member of the PREVENTING ALL-OUT CHAOS come. Soon, she will ring that bell that Homeland Security Committee, and she is cancer-free. Let’s smile with Representative from Wichita, I ask my (Ms. NORTON asked and was given Marlee and make D.C. gold this month. colleagues to join me today in thank- permission to address the House for 1 f ing all law enforcement for keeping minute and to revise and extend her re- communities like mine safe. marks.) A PICTURE IS WORTH A f Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, because THOUSAND WORDS of our diversity of interests and con- (Mr. CICILLINE asked and was given HONORING RONALD V. DELLUMS stituents, Congress is an inherently permission to address the House for 1 (Ms. JACKSON LEE asked and was volatile body. For stability, the Nation minute.) given permission to address the House typically looks to the President, the Mr. CICILLINE. Mr. Speaker, they for 1 minute.) one official elected nationwide. say a picture is worth a thousand Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I This President has abdicated his role words. This is a the moment when look forward to having the opportunity as a unifying figure. Instead, he daily Judge Brett Kavanaugh refused to to speak about former Congressman takes radically disconcerting actions, shake the hand of Fred Guttenberg, a Ron Dellums at a lengthier time, but I alarming residents who do not know man whose 14-year old daughter was wanted to stand and pay tribute to him what to expect from 1 day to the next. murdered during a school shooting at at this time, and to indicate what an The Republican majority does not Parkland, Florida earlier this year. important experience it was to serve even try to help, so, instead, Trump’s Instead of shaking his hand, Judge with him for the short period of time own appointees now seek to reassure Kavanaugh buttoned up his jacket, that I had to do so. the public and our allies that someone turned and walked away. That moment One of my predecessors, the Honor- on the inside is trying to prevent all- said all I need to know about Judge able Mickey Leland, who died in Ethi- out chaos. Kavanaugh. It is clear he doesn’t pos- opia some many years ago trying to Those who want the author of the sess the empathy necessary to serve on serve those who were starving, had a uncontradicted New York Times op-ed the highest court in the land. strong bond and friendship with Con- to resign need to explain how that Yesterday, Judge Kavanaugh said he gressman Ron Dellums, and it was would quell the undeniable chaos in the wants both parties in his cases believ- clear, when I came to the United administration or reassure the Amer- ing he gave them a fair shake. And yet, States Congress, why. Both men had a ican public that responsible officials when facing a man who lost his daugh- deep and abiding passion and con- are looking out for them. ter in one of the most horrific school science for what is right. f shootings in our country’s history, he And even as Mr. Dellums ascended to wouldn’t even shake his hand. the chairmanship or leadership of the RECOGNIZING NICK RATLIFF, 2018 As a judge, Brett Kavanaugh said he Armed Services Committee, he was al- CARHARTT BASSMASTER CLAS- believes a ban on the sale of semiauto- ways committed and dedicated to his SIC COLLEGE SERIES INDI- matic assault weapons is unconstitu- values, and that was peace, and rec- VIDUAL CHAMPION tional. That is his record. onciliation, and the idea that it was (Mr. COMER asked and was given On the Supreme Court, he will allow important to invest in people, as op- permission to address the House for 1 the unrestricted sale of weapons like posed to investing in enormous, large minute and to revise and extend his re- the one used to kill Mr. Guttenberg’s budgets for the defense. marks.) daughter. But as a person, his actions We thank him for his work on HIV/ Mr. COMER. Mr. Speaker, I rise toward Mr. Guttenberg on Tuesday AIDS but, more importantly, on his today to recognize Nick Ratliff, a na- speak louder than any legal opinion he counseling and mentoring, and we are tive of Elizabethtown, Kentucky, and a could write. grateful to his family for sharing him senior at Campbellsville University, The Senate must reject his nomina- with America. who recently earned the title of indi- tion. f vidual champion at the 2018 Carhartt f Bassmaster Classic College Series. RECOGNIZING CHIEF JIM DEMANN The grueling competition at Milford HUMAN TRAFFICKING (Mr. PAULSEN asked and was given Lake in Junction City, Kansas, tested (Mr. ESTES of Kansas asked and was permission to address the House for 1 Ratliff’s endurance and fishing prow- given permission to address the House minute and to revise and extend his re- ess, with only 4 ounces ultimately sep- for 1 minute and to revise and extend marks.) arating him from his competitor. After his remarks.) Mr. PAULSEN. Mr. Speaker, I want 3 days of challenges, and battling Mr. ESTES of Kansas. Mr. Speaker, I to recognize the service of Eden Prairie stormy conditions, Ratliff emerged the rise to offer thanks to the Wichita Po- Police Chief Jim DeMann, who will re- champion with a 13-pound, 8-ounce lice Department, FBI, and ICE for tire at the end of September after a ca- catch. making a series of arrests last month reer of dedication to the safety of Eden Following this incredible victory, he to help end human trafficking in my Prairie and Minnesota families. has earned the right to compete at the community in Wichita, Kansas. Chief DeMann spent his entire career 2019 Bassmaster Classic on the Ten- On August 23, several raids began in law enforcement serving our com- nessee River in March of 2019 in Knox- after an investigation into possible munity in Eden Prairie. In fact, his 31 ville, Tennessee. child sex trafficking led to a tip from a years of service began back in 1983, as I join with his family and friends, as 15-year-old female victim. Information a Police Department intern. But by well as his coach, Pete Hedgepath, in this brave young girl provided led to 1987 he was a sworn officer, and he congratulating him on this great ac- the arrest of eight people for charges of served for almost a decade as a canine complishment. I wish him the best of aggravated human trafficking, as well officer. luck in his future competitions, and as illegal firearms, drug possession, I have known Jim for years, and his look forward to many more titles and and rape. This would not have been leadership will surely be missed be- championships as a result of his con- possible without the partnership be- cause he led by example and has seen a tinued dedication to his sport. tween the local Wichita police, the lot of growth in our community. But f FBI, and the Homeland Security Inves- incoming Chief Greg Weber now will tigations unit of ICE. surely be up to the task. HONORING RONALD V. DELLUMS People may not be aware, but human On behalf of our entire Eden Prairie (Ms. MAXINE WATERS of California trafficking is one of the most heinous community, I want to thank Chief asked and was given permission to ad- crimes investigated by ICE. Rather DeMann for his service to the entire dress the House for 1 minute.) VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:47 Sep 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06SE7.064 H06SEPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with HOUSE H7902 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 6, 2018 Ms. MAXINE WATERS of California. of humanity in those brave men and always put his ideals and his values Mr. Speaker, I would like to thank women. Let us never forget their self- first, and he didn’t waver from them, Congresswoman BARBARA LEE and Con- less sacrifice. no matter how politically tough it be- gressman JAMIE RASKIN for organizing f came. a Special Order to follow the 1 minutes He was raised in a politically engaged to honor the memory of our dear friend b 1630 environment. His father was a long- and former colleague, Congressman HONORING RONALD V. DELLUMS shoreman who was deeply involved in Ron Dellums. the labor movement. His uncle, Ron Dellums was an unabashed pro- (Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS of Illinois Cottrell Lawrence Dellums, was instru- gressive icon, and a strong and out- asked and was given permission to ad- mental in helping A. Philip Randolph spoken advocate for his constituents, dress the House for 1 minute.) organize the Brotherhood of Sleeping veterans, people of color, and other Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Car Porters before being elected presi- vulnerable communities during his 13- Speaker, I rise to pay tribute to Rep- dent of that union in 1966. term tenure in the United States Con- resentative Ron Dellums, who, among Now, Ron, when he graduated from gress. other things, was known as one of the high school, enlisted in the United Understanding the unique problems most outstanding, articulate, and elo- States Marine Corps and spent several facing the African-American commu- quent persons to ever serve in this years in the Marines before an honor- nity, Ron Dellums joined with 12 fellow House of Representatives.