Public Accounts of the Province of Manitoba for the Year Ended 31St March, 1960
0 1620 0749 0426 i , ■ _ ' * PUBLIC ACCOUNTS OF THE PROVINCE OF MANITOBA FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1960 PROVINCE OF MANITOBA for the Province of Manitoba, 1960 EG GOV DOC leferenc? CAE MA F P71- 1960 ken from ta¬ bard Ex LIBRIS UNiyERSITATIS albertensis PUBLIC ACCOUNTS OF THE PROVINCE OF MANITOBA FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1960 Printed by R. S. Evans, Queen’s Printer for the Province of Manitoba, 1960 WINNIPEG Un BRARY • a rta To the Honourable Errick F. Willis, Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of Manitoba. May It Please Your Honour: The undersigned has the honour to present the Public Accounts of the Province of Manitoba for the year ended 3 1st March, 1960. DUFF ROBLIN, Acting Provincial Treasurer. Office of the Provincial Treasurer. 8th December, 1960. I E | a V ' m The Honourable Dufferin Roblin, Acting Provincial Treasurer of Manitoba. Sir: I have the honour to submit herewith the Public Accounts of the Province of Manitoba for the year ended 31st March, 1960. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, GEO. D. ILIFFE, F.C.A., Comptroller-General Winnipeg, Manitoba, 8th December, 1960. Public Accounts 1959-1960 7 GOVERNMENT OF THE PROVINCE OF MANITOBA ORDER OF THE PUBLIC ACCOUNTS Page Main Statements: Balance Sheet as at 31st March, 1960 . 10 Schedules to Balance Sheet as at 31st March, 1960 . 12 Statement of Revenue and Expenditure for the fiscal year ended 3'lst March, 1960 . 26 Statement of Special Warrants issued during the fiscal year ended 31st March, 1960 . 30 Comparative Statement of Revenue, 1952-4960 .
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