THE PROGRAMMATIC GIANT Some Opportunities Are Too Big to Keep Secret
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THE PROGRAMMATIC GIANT some opportunities are too big to keep secret PReface A new operating system for advertising The evolution of communication on the basis of data and knowl- edge is as old as communication itself. Today however, self- Programmatic Advertising is the future of advertising – it is with- learning algorithms and real-time measurement are regulating out doubt not clear if it is evil or good, but the bottom line is that this development. Unbelievable efficiency and speed is intro- knowledge of Programmatic is mandatory. We therefore set out duced into our classic customary processes – the reason why it to write a paper, which shines some light on the agency market, is a nuisance to some. But at its core, it brings virtually inconceiv- sets a direction, and puts the topic on everyone’s agenda. A paper able opportunities for the evolution of communication. Program- that is easy to read, understandable, and uses as few acronyms matic Advertising introduces new players to the industry and and technical terms as possible. After all, the speculations sur- opens up new possibilities for established players. Genuine rounding Programmatic extend from the death of media agencies relevance, real impact, and brilliant storytelling with individual to algorithm-only based creative. The Armageddon of advertising meaning instead of one-size-fits-all in the amorphous ambient – the exitus of Mad Men. Time to give this subject some serious noise of advertising. thought. The rules of engagement are being realigned, but the game re- When we started researching for this white paper, we were very mains the same – to convince, to surprise and, yes, to woo. skeptical (admittedly) about whether this was not just a new Charming. Impressive. Relevant. Advertising is getting a new hype, of which nothing remains in the end – just as with count- operating system. less other digital niche topics. But we were seriously wrong be- cause Programmatic currently is like e-commerce was in 2000. Barely a serious option, far from being the new normal. "Too expen- sive," "technically much too demanding," "only interesting to a handful of pioneers." These excuses sound familiar? Precisely! 3 ConTenTs Management summary p. 05 Why you should be making Programmatic Advertising your business now p. 08 Programmatic Advertising is not just a hype. We are facing a fundamental transformation of advertising. To stay ahead you need to act today. Programmatic Advertising – venturing into a new advertising age p. 10 Real time data, algorithms and interconnected touchpoints usher in a new era of advertising. Within the next few years Programmatic Advertising will establish itself over four development stages. Why Programmatic Advertising will prevail p. 23 Complex markets, media and brands can only be managed with the aid of digital means. The infrastructure exists already. What Programmatic Advertising means for agencies p. 31 There will be new markets and fields to grow in for creative, media and performance agencies. As agents of the transformation, they will pave the way for others in the advertising market of tomorrow. Still hesitant? Four excuses, four responses p. 42 Programmatic Advertising is complex but will soon be up and running. Make sure that you and your business keep pace with it. Conclusion p. 47 The new operating system of advertising is coming. Check your compatibility, develop new applications and prepare to upgrade. 4 MAnageMenT Summary Why you should make Programmatic Advertising Many agencies have already taken the plunge and are invest- your business ing in Programmatic Advertising. They are building up expertise and services. soon others will need to catch up. Those who Programmatic Advertising is not some abstract topic of the future. simply close their eyes are at risk. Competitors, both new and The new operating system of advertising is already being in- old, are in the starting blocks to win business for themselves. stalled and ensures that advertising is gradually being gener- opportunities are still virtually equally available and it is not ated and run with far more automation. This transformation pro- advisable to simply jump in headfirst. one thing is clear – Pro- cess is accelerating more and more rapidly, and its side effects grammatic Advertising will not come overnight. The new system are changing the structures, processes, business models, and will be continually improving its performance through four devel- power balances of the market. opment stages. We have already tackled the first stage. But we still have a way to go until we arrive at the final vision of a The transformation facing the entire industry can be anticipated self-learning advertising system, which puts together modular by the success achieved from Programmatic Buying. The auto- elements to create individual messages, and leads consumers mation of media planning and placement, more accurate ways through the marketing funnel in a straightforward manner. of measuring success, changed payment models, and increas- ing transparency are transforming a key part of the advertising In the end, we will not live in a dystopian future in which pro- world. Many other areas, such as strategy and creation, will fol- grams reign over communication and take on the work of adver- low. The rate at which the changes are taking place is breath- tisers. equally we will not have an advertising paradise in which taking. According to a forecast by Magna Global, Programmatic mass media claims attain an accuracy of n = 1. Instead, Program- will handle a third of advertising space in Germany by 2017. 1 matic Advertising will be a new way of thinking, acting, and Programmatic Advertising is something nobody can ignore – operating. It provides a chance to perfectly align the unique capa- least of all agencies (who are playing a key role in the transforma- bilities of people and programs. tion process of the industry). As change agents, they are paving the way and creating new options. 5 Why Programmatic Advertising is becoming the Programmatic Advertising eco-system. The technical capabili- new operating system of advertising ties are in place, albeit not able yet to provide cross-channel selling, omnipresence, or comprehensive coverage. The expan- Marketing and advertising are starting to show their limitations sion of technological infrastructures for Programmatic Adver- in the highly complex and dynamic environment in which they tising will be shaping the agenda of decision-makers in the operate. It is becoming ever more impossible to control the years to come. But this is not nearly enough. The development faster moving global markets, our more differentiated society, of a clear-cut Programmatic Advertising strategy and the search and the complex media using the standard processes and for a business model that is sustainable in the future is much mechanisms – let alone analog. The installation of a new advertis- more important. ing operating system is a matter of urgency if we wish to con- tinue to operate successfully in the future. The good news is that Programmatic Advertising is already showing its effects What needs to be decided now today, because all prerequisites are already in place. Appropriate data on the social, consumption, and informational habits of According to a collaborative study by advertising technology people are being collected in quantities and qualities never platform Appnexus, the IAB association, and the Warc Insti- seen before. Powerful hardware and software, learning algo- tute, Programmatic Advertising has already been explored rithms, and scalable cloud infrastructure are helping with the by every second German advertiser. 2 This is the right move, analysis of data in real-time and converting this information because now is the time to set the strategic direction of the directly into instructions for implementation. At the end of the future. The transition within the industry offers enormous op- process, there will be a programmatic infrastructure able to gen- portunities for growth. These will include offers of new services erate individual messages. This is undergoing continual enhance- in connection with established aspects. Creativity will expe- ment. After computers, smartphones, and tablets, we will soon rience a Renaissance – programs cannot simply replace creative see OOH, television, and radio becoming integral parts of the performance. 6 What is needed now are designs related to the new challenges now, you need to answer two important questions in prepara- and possibilities. These include new context-sensitive crea- tion for the new redistribution of tasks, services, and budgets. tions, and intelligent campaign mechanisms for network infra- firstly, which Programmatic Advertising options are you willing structures – with new touchpoints such as wearables, virtual to offer your customers? And secondly, how can you benefit reality gadgets, and smart cars. The role of consultancy and from the changes and distinguish yourself from the future com- strategy support will also gain much more relevance (be it petition? media or brand strategy, CRM or planning). It is about skill- fully guiding customers through the transition and managing The aim of this white paper is to support your understanding of automated processes with clear-cut objectives and rules. and assess Programmatic Advertising. Therefore, this white Knowledge of brands, people, campaign mechanisms, per- paper reviews the topic in all its operative and technical niches formance models,