District Census Handbook, Buldhana, Part
CENSUS OF INDIA 1971 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK BULDHANA Part A-Town &' village directory Part B-Primary census abstract Con7-piled by THE MAHARASHTRA CENSUS OFFICE BOMBAY. Printed in India by ~he Manager, Governmen~ Press and Book Depot. Nagpur, and Published by the Director, Government Printing and Stationery. Maharashtra State, Bom.bay-4 1972 District hq. ________ _ @ Tahsil nq. _____ ~ ___ _ @ District boundary Tahsil boundary National highway State highway SH Other roads Rivers, canals, tanks etc. ___ ~ _ ® Towns ___________ _ ... Nandura \ _:~ R A VAT I D. Villages of pop . 5000 & over _. Sonolo I ~ Pose & telegraph office _ _ _ _ PT Rest house ____ ~ ______ . RH r"~ r c Hospital & d,spensa"es _ _ _ _ Gi "". Markets _____________ El Railways Broad gauge _________~i.-_ Metre gauge ______ _ Narrow gauge ____ _ __ ~~ Hilly regions & uplands ___ _ .' o _. ci I" ." ' ...... J " Dhomanguon Badhe ,$e!) ,. .... '-'\ pR.Man,,,. , ..... , '/ ."" ....J .1 " /" - - . '\, -'. ,, _ _ I , ( $ ~ , "' El R.H Dha.d Amdopur _ . /' • o /J'> "._ ...... , .-,_ I ',./ ,_. c z ._. ., i i _,'" ,.i" .j-' ...... _.) \ .. .... ,) ", ..,,, ""''_' _f~ PAR B H A N D. BUlDHANA DISTRICT MAHARASHTRA 10 5 o 10 20 )0 M ILES. 10 o 10 20 30 40 KILO METRES A-16~8-t-B CENSUS OF INDIA 1971 Central Government Publications Census Report, Series 11 -l\1aharashtra, is published in the following Parts- I-A and B General Report I-C Subsidiary Tables II-A Gene-ral Population Tables II-B General Economic Tables II-C Social and Cultural Tables III Establishments - Report and Tables
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