Part A-Town &' village directory Part B-Primary census abstract


Printed in India by ~he Manager, Governmen~ Press and Book Depot. , and Published by the Director, Government Printing and Stationery. Maharashtra State, Bom.bay-4 1972 District hq. ______@ Tahsil nq. _____ ~ ___ _ @ District boundary Tahsil boundary National highway State highway SH Other roads Rivers, canals, tanks etc. ___ ~ _ ® Towns ______... \ _:~ R A VAT I D. Villages of pop . 5000 & over _. Sonolo I ~ Pose & telegraph office _ _ _ _ PT Rest house ____ ~ ______. RH r"~ r c Hospital & d,spensa"es _ _ _ _ Gi "". Markets ______El Railways Broad gauge ______~i.-_ Metre gauge ______

Narrow gauge ______~~ Hilly regions & uplands ___ _

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10 5 o 10 20 )0 M ILES.

10 o 10 20 30 40 KILO METRES

A-16~8-t-B CENSUS OF INDIA 1971

Central Government Publications

Census Report, Series 11 -l\1aharashtra, is published in the following Parts-

I-A and B General Report

I-C Subsidiary Tables

II-A Gene-ral Population Tables

II-B General Economic Tables

II-C Social and Cultural Tables

III Establishments - Report and Tables

IV Housing - Report and Tables

V Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribe:o, in l\Iaharashtra - Tables

VI-A Town Directory

VI-B Sptccial Survey Reports on Selected Towns

VI-C Survey Reports on Selected Villages

VII Report (m Graduates and Ttchnical perEonnel

VIII-A Administration Report - Enumeration (For official use only)

VIII-B Acministraticn Report - Tabulation (For official usc only)

IX Cer.~us Atlas of l\Taharashtra

State Government Publications

25 Volumes of District Census Handbooks in English

25 Volumes of District Census Handbooks in l\1arathi

Alphabt. tical List of Villages in lVlaharashtra (in l\Iarathi) INTRODUCTION

This is the third edition of district census handbooks brought out largely on the basis of the material collected during each decennial census of our population. Earlier editions had appeared after the 1951 and the 1961 censuses. The present volume generally follows the pattern of its predecessors in presenting the 1971 census tables for the district and basic demographic, economic and general information for each village therein. Particulars of the distribution of population down to the fmallest aC:ministrative unit like village and town and their broad characteristics are required for purpo~c:s ~uch as delimitation of electoral constituencies, adjustlnent of administrative boundaries, educaticnal and man­ power planning. The data provided for small areas serve as statisticnl frames for various surveys that may be taken up. Part A of this handbook gives information relating to each villagE; and town in the district. Revenue and municipal (_ fficia18 all over the district helped us in collecting the data for this section. Part B carries the 1971 primary census abstracts which present the population for each village and urban block. The items covered are area, population and its sex break-up, households, occupied houses, literacy, scheduled castes and scheduled tribes, workers and non­ workers with a break-up of workers into broad industrial categories. The population figures given here have the sunrise of 1 April 1971 as the reference date. Part C, 'which will be published separately this time, \vill have a general note on the physical features of the district, its administratiye set-up, its demographic a:r:.d socio-e(.c,I1Cnlic characteristics. It will include further census tables, detailed official statistics on climate, rainfall, agriculture, industry, education, health and the like.

In 1941, the population figures for villages and towns were exhibited aCCOIGll1g to Cc m­ munities, in the village handbooks published by the Goverr;ment of Bombay. In 1951. the basis of census clas:;;ification Changed fronl a social to an economic one; census data for villages and towns were presented according to eight livelihood classes in the primalY census abstracts publisbed in the district census handbooks. This was the first occasion when district census handbooks ,vere brought out. The handbook cor~tained information about different amenities available in respect (f each village and town. During the 1961 census, the scope of the handbook was enlarged. In addition to the census data in respect of each village and town, othcr official statistics for each district '\...-ere made available, with an introductory r'ote explaining the salient features of the districts. The village cirectory published as a part of the 1961 handbook carried basic census data included in the primary census abstracts; it indicatC:'d tbe amenities available in each vil1age and town by means of abbreviations. These included postal, medical and educational facilitits, sourCes of water-supply and bazar day. It was found that the primary census abstract, which needed a large number of columns to present different data, allowed very little space for information on anlenltleS. As a result, the district census handbook has betn divided into three parts in 1971 as mentioned above. The town and village directory of 1971 (Part A) gives information on amellltles and faci­ lities available in each town and village in the districts of Maharashtra. Tbe particulars are presented tahsilwise under each district. The villages and towns are arranged according to their census location Code numbers. The particulars in the village directory were collected through the revenue agency of the district on a prescribed fornl_ For tbe town directory, six statements were compiled. State­ ment I contains the 1971 census population data compiled by the census office. The non­ census data in the other statements were supplied by the municipal councils for their artas and by the revenue agency for non-municipal towns. For purposes of the census, districts are divided into urban and rural areas. The urban area (towns) is defined in detail; those areas which do not satisfy this definition are treated as rural areas (villages). The following places have been treated as urban areas (towns): (1) every place having a municipality or a cantonment board irrespective of its population; (2) every other place which had (i) a population of at least 5,000 and (ii) at least three-fourths of its male working population engaged in non-agricultural pursuits; (3) any other place not falling under the above two categories but which possesses certain distinct characteristics to qualify for its being treated as urban such as its being a project area or a developing township. IV INTRODUCTION

A place is called a village if it does not satisfy any of the criteria :r:-reEcribed ~bovc for its being treated as urban.

A 'village' for census purposes in lVIaharashtra has always been the 'revenue village' 'which is the ultimate unit of area in which the State is subdivided fcr 1and rever ue a£ministra­ tion. A few past censu£es concerned themselves on}y with revenue villages which had seme population and did not t3ke into account dnerted er uniLhabited 1 even ue ViII2gC ::. As in 1961, a village at the 1971 census is a revenue vilIvge having well-ddined bourOalit:", a map and a separate set of land records irresp{cctive of whtther that ddined ar{'a has any [-cpuJaticn or not and, if it has some population whether th2.t pcpulaticn resici(s in cr:e 1cc:ality (£::'l 1han) or is spr(ad over one or more identifiable clusters of population known as wadis, pacias or mazaras (hamlets). Each revenue village has a fPfCjfied at ea mal ked as its (;\\-n and its boun­ daria. with ether adjoining villages haVe always enjoyed a traditional Gunctity. H~mlds co cot have such dcfired boundaries or areas distir..ctly malked or allotted to them; Lor do tht.y haye any locally recognised status.

Revenue villages which co not have any residential populatic.n ~re aha ir.clucicd in the 1971 census cidinition of villages. They figure in the census list but arc c Ctcribf'd ~~ unin­ habitf'd to di<:tinguish them from the remainil-.g inhabited vi1I2gt:s. The Cf'I1l:US cdipiticl". of an uninhabited village differs slightly from the InCnUf {_'rfiniticD ()f vilhoge in that the latter defines an uninhabited village as one having a population of less than 25.

Wherever a revenue village situated on the (J u1 Ekins of a town is wholly or partly merged in that urban area, it has been treated as a separate yjl13gC. The population resiciirg in that area which is statutorily muged in the town limits has been treated as urban population of that town; the residual population, if any, residing in the area outside the limits of the town is alone treated as 1.he population of that village. Thus, a ft:w partly merged villages have returned SOffie populations. The populaticn for all fully melgt'a vil1ages bas been treated as urban population.

While the 1971 census village is thus completely identified with the re" en ue vi112ge , forest village make an exception. They are population centrc:s situated Within reserved fortst areas. Theu population consists mainly of forest labourers and their families. Most of them are permanent or semi-permanent localities and may have attached cultivated areas leased out by the forest department under certain conditions. The land records of such villag{'s are not maintained by the revenue department. The census list of vil1ages aho includes all inhabited forest vilIage~.

The district and tahsil maps show by name the district and tahsil heaC"quarters, other towns and bigger villages. Smallel- villages are indicated by lcCation Cede numbers. An alphabetical list of villages and towns faces each map. Hilly regions and uplands are tinted. Rivers and communications are aIEo Ehown.

Shri D. V. Rangnekar, deputy dirtotor of census operations (Hq.), laid the groundwork for the entire operation. His expericLce 2nd guic';:ocC'c have been of great value at {'velY stage. Shri G. A. Walawalkar ar.d Shri M. D. Baride, deputy directors of census operations, and Smt. V. Y. Joshi aLd Shri D. S. Pilpile, tabulation rfhcers, woe mainly re~ponsible for the collection and prccessir.g of cata for Palt A. Kumari V. T. Nimballcar, tabulation ofhcer, prepared Palt B based on primary census abstracts. Sllli S. Y. Pradhan, draught~man, drew the maps iLcluded in this volume. Shri C. 1\'1. Kane prepared the manuscript for the press.

Shri R. B. Alva, Manager, Government Press and Book Depot, Nagpur, was of great help in getting the bock printed during a pericd of strC'~s and strain.

I am grateful to all of them.

BOMBAY : R. B. CHARI. Gwli Pad'lva/16tll lYIarch 1972. CONTENTS


I ntrod uCtion 111 :Maps and Alphabetical Lists 1-13 Part A --Town and Village Directory 15-51 Part B -Primary Census Abstract 53-113 (Detailed contents for Parts A and B may please be seen at pages 16 and 54, respectively.)

List of Maps

Buldhana District Frontispiece Chikhli Tahsil 2 Malkapur Tahsil 4 Jalgaon Tahsil 6 Tahsil 8 Tahsil 10 MAPS AND ALPHABETICAL LIS"rS

A-l62B-2.-A.. !'~~------I


10 r;~I-"r,"

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.5IHldO/4 ' • • '.41 ...... ",.., 7. '" " KH ., o .. I, • • • :' • " .. 2fz ~• • 2: to 9' 'OJ '.4 u • z. .s " •• • g, • • , • • ,.. " • •• 32 3S 100 '.. ·51101,,u, IIr lit • . 'li ". .. 'I> 'll • • l ~ 6 r • • • '" • II. •• Iza '" H ·0 • '" • • " • • "0 • III • . DiaN 5.o1,,"onhuur, • '" •• • • 1J5 • • '.. .a:"","ur • ,,. ". H • • • •'7> "7 '10 •• "a• ·t .. ! .... '.. ."rn '89 • '01 • • '"•

•110 •z " ."• III .. , • • ...•

Dlltrlct hoq • __ •• _____ • _~.

Tah,n 1oI~. _____ ...... _' _ ... _ @

Tahsil b6ulildar'J

Towns ___ ... ~ __ ... _ _ _ ...~


• 2.50 to 199

• 500 to 999 6 1000 to-4-m

• 5,OOO&~r

Uflll'IftabllH t;11rt.g~ ... _ ~ ...... __ Q

loatlOfl code !'to. ____ .I' ...... _ zs

Natloftal tll'h ....y State "I,,",way Ot"." r*, / Rlyet's, bl'lals. hnltJ:jetc __ ~~ Pon 8i te4elr .. p" ofl'lu _ ...... _ -' P1'

a.,*~ house _ ... ___ ... _____ fll/

Hnly r~,lon1 a IoIpla~$._. __ ... __ •

A-t628-2-B. 3 1 CHIKHLI TAHSIL [Uninhabited villages are printed in italics and towns in capital letters.]

Population Populalion Populatior> Name of viUap Code N am. of villaae Cod. Name of viUage Code No. 11161 1971 No. 1961 1971 No. I9{lI (I) (z) (3) ( ..~ (I) (a) (3) (4) , (I) (z) (3)

Majalpur 60 47 79 Giroli Kh. 284 6:.. 811 756 Ainkhed 128 260 278 Godn z88 I,3aO 1,6Ja ~i~~da~. 518 Ajispur 81 619 701 Golellaon 289 474 668 Pad ali ... •• Aland •• 264 820 906 Gondbankhed 3 103 133 Padali Pro Malkapur 2,353 Ambaahi :.. 6 7.,077 1,293 ./ Gondbankhed 77 77 Pangra. 927 Ambhoda 19 1,141: 1.357 Gondhankhed •• ,,8 68 58 Palaskhed Ehat 664 Ambhora 273 205 332 Gondhankhed Pro Khe- 16. Pal ..khed Daulat Amdapul' 125 6.187 Fda. I J 04S 4.~~~ P.laskhed Jainti 415 Amkhed 212 773 Gondhankhed Siod- 392 449 Palaskhed Malakdeo Amona 2"5 845 972 khed. 280 Palaskhed Naga 618 Ancharwadi "32 Z,434- 2.086 Gummi 13 1,187 J,43S Pal askhed Sap. kal Andhai 114 ]05 301 Guniala Z29 410 407 384 Andhera •• Palaskhed Zalta sot 233 2,4°7 3,064 Hanwat Khed J06 Paldhall (FV) 8a 1.766 64 77 4 0 9 Antrikhedekar 222 1,4 Haralkhed 2,90 300 Ant.. ikoli '34 Pambulwadi. 176 546 737 Hami 101 471 806 Pandhardeo 5 Antrite1i 3 0 I 0 490 576 87 33 Hatedi Bk. 21 r,215 11532 Pangarkhed ...... 240 301l An,..i " 195 285 364 Hatedi Kh. 20 523 649 Pangri Pro Deulghat •• ABala •• o. 16 1,445 rJ'14~ II3 3 394 Hatni .. 703 903 Pangri Pro Japharabad A.olaPr. Kherda 228 71S '73 1,104 1.318 575 Hiwaranaik 123 :;:54 "53 Patod. AsolaPr. Sindkhed "77 693 I,OO[ 4'0:' 529 Ijl,pur 8 271 425 Peth .• .• 893 1:,.086 Atkal " 13 338 477 Pimpalgaon Bk. Awalkhed 28 55 Irla .. 58 510 68S 673 8 63 irmailpur 17 Pimpalgaon Pr Babhulgaon •• 357 5 640 743 149 390 Isoli ISO %,331') 2.734 J 8pharabau. Brigaon Pro Rherda •• z37 537 822 Isrul Pimpalgaon Sarai Baigaon Pro Malkapur 811 243 I j 096 1,337 53 3.78, 3,42, 246 63S Pimpalner •• 2'2 Pangra •• Jamb .. 56 1,036 IJ242 Pimparkh,d •• S9 99 Bamkhed 287 zl8 Jambharun •• •• 62 75 345 31 77 Pimparkhed Pro 2 513 Beldar; 174 jambharun Pro Amda- 145 Amdapur. '4 565 Belkhed 'PU'I'. 99 Pimpri .• 236 971 Berala •• 208 687 825 J.mbhora 2 0 4 245 374 957 Pokhari ,8 395 453 Bhadpon 52 7..17I I t 392 J.mbhora 274 152 194 Raipur Shadola 74 1,994 2,296 Yamdara III I,I 3.34~ Ranantri 3.845 Bhalgaon 209 1,110 J,254 ja·mthi "5 620 J,OOO 220 453 436 Bhankhe

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i I I i I i (' ._---­ ...... -- I! _j 2 MAL KAPUR TAHSIL [ UninhabIted villages are printed in italics and towns in capital letters.

Population Population Population Name of village Code Name of village Code Name of village Code No. 1961 197 I No. No. 196 I 1971

(I) (2) (3) (I) (2) ( I) (2)

Advihir .• 255 1:,503 1,883 Jawala Bazar 823 Pimpal Khuta 140 550 656 Ahmadpur (I) 124 ]eegaon I, 1 II) Pimpal-Khuta Bk. 91 571 633 AHMADPUR (z) (Incl;"ded in 3 Pimpal-Khuta Kh. 92 2'11 235 Urban Area V) Kabarkhed 243 676 Pimpal Pati 223 242 276 A('/arad 257 KajampuT 2.71 P,mpn Adhav 87 590 108 ICalegaon 44 331 444 Pimpri Gawali 226 :r.~~~ 2,132 ~l:~dur 156 Kalegaon 191 391 452 Pimprikoh 46 219 2~2 Amadari 212 KamardipuT '7 Pokhari 187 349 317 Antri 259 1,137 },097 Kandari Ilk. 247 273 280 Pophali •• I7R ',566 r,6i7 Audha Bk. II7 4 87 4 2 9 Kandari Kh. 246 Pot ... 150 368 3UX Audha Kh. Il6 "58 289 Kati _, 80 7 0 4 897 Potali .. '44 929 984 Aurangpul' 8'1 59 65 Kedar .. 130 132 162 Punhai •• 252 763 736 "1,086 Khadki 31 62 50 Auhaunaspur 164 1,147 Rahera .• Bamha"da J95 561 609 Khadki '183 352 495 207 3'9 371 Khaira .. 234 951 962 Rajur .. 278 2,017 2.476 Behraad 185 Khairkhed 282 136 205 Rampur 113 595 557 Belad 65 I.286 1,533 Khamkhed 34 671 721 Rangaon .8 287 Rantham '"94 Belad .• 103 429 4&8 Khamkhed 281 4 0 9 452 4 512 500 .• 96 476 50<6 Khandala 145 180 147 Rastapur 69 4 Bhadgani 88 1,100 I,J74 Khandwa 196 286 3 1 5 Rasulpur 74 " 47 2.6 790 1.053 KhapeTkhed 42 Rasulpur 141 691 6,6 l~:~3;~~ 7 556 529 260 1,875 1,981 Riullora 183 562 780 Bhilwadi II8 2 0 4 16,. J{_harkundi 102 179 163 Ridhora 249 316 407 Bhogalwadi 85 6 Khatkhed 143 277 2,8a Rohinkhed 200 3,653 4,474 Bhorawand 154 246 2'>I Khedgaon 4 8 3 0 2 340 Bhortck 435 2,40 Sahastramuli '177 177 457 Khedi .. 199 439 498 Sanglad . . .. Bhuishing ~~~ 3 08 243 Kherda 55 2.39 349 22.7 201 256 Borakhcui 253 1,142 1,458 Khokodi 63 Sanglad Pro Malkapur 225 58 4 55 Burti .• .• 81 309 4 0 7 KHUDAVANTPUR 126 (In~iudcd in 1 I3D H4 'U Burti PI'. Wadner II9 100 74 Urban Area V) ~:~~:d: . ~ ~ .. 67 100 7!S Sarola (l\'Iaroti) 189 1, 285 1,265 68 Khurngaon III 1,181 1,451 Sarol Pir 58 3,759 4,3 Kinhola 186 783 Sso 251 801 643 654 761 Sawali .. .. 86 Chawarda 235 Kodarkhed 100 87 89 "3 85 Chikhali 2. 65 70 Sawargaon Chahu 45 221 201 Kokalwadi 9 0 297 3 1 7 Sawargaon Juhagir Chwchkhcd •. 95 Kolasar .. 135 266 276 16" 1,1:;8 1,16z Chinchkhed Bk. 38 84 Sawargaon Nehu 49 7.;8 882 Kolhigaoli 173 638 746 Shahapur •. Chmchkhed Kh. 157 249 Kolhi Golar 175 503 4 64 204 7 5 Chinchol 5 159 Shelapur Bk. .. 222 1,162 :1.521 R_urhaIa 198 I,4zS I,6z8 Shelapu, Kh ... Chinchpur •• 236 65" KOTwad 6 221 1,196 .1,521 Chun (Pimpr;) •. 194 S helgao n Bazar 215 1,877 .z.o09 K()thali 272 2,079 2,395 hhclgaon lVlukund Kuml TIk. 29 815 983 139 1,224 1:,242 Dabha .• 2I1 628 676 Shemba Bk. 240 1,523 1,665 Dabhadi 2<4 1,694 I,BoI Kund Kh. 28 790 933 Shemba Rh. Kurha 639 799 239 277 313 Dahigaon IZO 1.469 262 2,°9 Shioni .. 10 63 181 74 Dahlgaon 160 1.627 Shiradhon 78 9.0;6 J:,IZO 2 Lapali .. 180 597 590 Dahiwadi 132 453 45 Shirawa 266 575 SI6 Dasnkhed 8 931 997 Lasun:l .• 89 565 (,47 Liha Bk. 169 1,578 1,585 Smdkhcd 176 I, II I r.:IS I Datala .• 79 3.54I 4.293 Sirmil Liha Kh. 2" 172 I Deodhaba 25 ",388 2,532 Sirsod1 '. .. '. log 1 8 Longhat 275 57 6z" 783 Dhadi.. .. 34 3 5 Sonbarad Pro Malkapur 179 2 Dhamangaon Badhe .• 190 4,862 5,774 Lonwadi 62. 844 948 Lonwadi 146 707 754 Sonbarad Pr.Rohinkhed 20S" 62 36 Dhamangaon Deshm.ukh '168 46 4 4 8 3 Sultanpur 261 I8 30 •• 66 1.1.13 679 Mahal Pimpri "38 2'9 IIO DhanoraBk .•• 148 2 0 4 ;?;03 Taka •. 106 161 Mahaillngi .. J 53 723 72.9 Dhanora Kh ••• 149 15' Mahalungl Jahagir 17I 1,104 1,013 Takarkhed 233 2,031 2,197 30 2,678 2,975 Mahamadpur (I) .. 125 .. 29 Takli 167 4 6 3 480 g-t~~r~~d 242 364 372 MAHAMADPUR (z) (Included in Takli .. .. 2,63 596 612 Didola Bk. 22<) 827 SIS Urban Area V) Takli Watpal .. 50 8 2 9 960 Didola Kh. 230 295 362 Makner 7Z 891 750 Talaswada '3 1,000 1'~47 61 1,042 1,322 Makodi .. r68 1",956 2,147 Talkhed 23 1 ',566 1,599 g~,]j,ed . '132 94- 113 Talni .. 2>8 2,039 2,1:95 68 8 88 Malegaon 147 1,367 I,302 Dudhalgaon .• 1,44 1,5 Malegaon .. .. I6r I, 189 ~ .. 3S6 Tandulwadi 14- 1,040 1,156 DudhaIgaon Kh. I II>S 266 MAL KAPUR (Urban Area) II :09,687 35,476 Tandulwadi 245 193 3.6 Dudhamal 2.44 Mamulwadi 107 998 I,173 Tapowan 188 4 2 9 455 Taroda 2110 1,266 1,684 Fardapur 192 254 Matoda .. 131 510 SI:Z Mendhali 934 856 Tarwadi 15"- +H 50:> Fuli _0 24-1 903 93 Mha-iswadi 9 1.402 1,643 Telkhed 15 lIZ II" Tembhi 165 277 :>61l 4 1 20 Modha .. 105 Tighra .. II 488 506 g~~ii.~d 73 Momtnabad 52 I p 022 1,076 Gaulkhed 2,'2, Morkhed llk. 77 690 804 Tighra .. 2J7 437 508 37 138 Ghirni .. 71 1,601 Morkhed Kh. 76 198 252 Tlkodi .. 540 575 Ghodi 20 Motala .. 254 1.722 2,378 Ubalkhed 202 SII 544 Ghordhadt JJO Moyegaon 279 291 356 60 659 Udepur II2 25 I Ghu.ar Hk. '119 '182 411 Murti •• 274 5 Umali 83 2,066 2,3°6 Ghusar Kh. 2."0 12.0 I54 Urha 163 667 721 Gondhankhed 133 Naigaon 134 647 853 Gorad . ~ Nalkunda 210 470 24 132. 157 Vitali 60 538 Gosing 250 304 2.08 Nalgangapur 228 612 150 6"9 122 106 Waadi lSI 1.133 1,J:66 Gotmara 203 4 64 637 Nandura •• 18 Nandura Kh. (I) 123 •• 1I2 Waadi '. 4 255 ~42 Gugli .• 177 5J7 45 1 Wadali .. 127 827 Gulbheli 206 737 681 NAN DURA Kh. (2) (Included in Urban area V) Wadgaon .. 14" 98 ~:6 Wadgaon Dighl Hanwatkhed 208 '168 37'1 NANDURA (Urban Area) V 1:7,405 20,251) 51 496 5'4 Hanwatkhed :048 21 106 Wadgaon :lama/pur .. 174 Harankhed Narawel 10 2,852- 3,.260 Wadgaon (Mahalungi) 166 250 3~6 ISS 1~382 1,48 7 Wadgaon Pro Rohinkhed Harasoda 23 2,998 3,214 Narayanpur I IS 51 94 193 635 690 1,220 Wadi .. 137 566 486 Harmad '0 276 Narkhed 129 1.242 Wadji r;8 1,181 r.:a90 Hing.1.8 '0 54 17 Nhavi .. :&17 53 70 Hingna Dharangao-n 21 Nlmbari 70 618 756 Wadner 75 4,205 4,562 Hingna Gavhad 938 Nimboli 27 53 69 53 1,655 1,721 56 874 Waghjal 269 297 Hingna Kazi .. 32 766 819 Nimgaon II4 4",a24 4,942 293 1&2 Waghola 3 7'9 <;>01 Hlngna Nagapur 16 43 283 Nimkhalli 868 Nimkhed 94 776 843 Waghud 59 977 lbrahimpur 267 527 614 Nimkhed %73 58 173 Wajirabad 35 149 .67 4:01 I21 41 I 447 Nipana 159 l~ol6 1 .. 004 Wakodi .. 04 S3 I ~:~~:d 47 199 25'1 'Varkhed 8. 1 .. 775 1,867 Palasoda 99 795 923 Warud .. "58 6:>4 Waruli .. 270 ~g~ Jahagjrpur I J 0-40 I,IIQ Pangarkhed 181 474 IZ Jaipur ~. I.330 1,500 PanheI"d 43 2,260 2,563 Wiwra . ~ 1:.1 IS I,aS4 :/alalabad II Panhera 197 I,35X 1,567 :/amalpur Pardha •• ",64 368 348 Yakat,pur 2.13 2i 1. ]aJllati •. Patonda .• ro. 578 600 Yerah ~. 104 _~~~_~I~ Jambhuldhaba 1,053 1,205 Pimpalgaon Devi 170 Total .... 239,304 268,235 Januna .. Pimp.l Khuta 33 4 0 9 490 o


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~ ~~0 g .... A l ..... g all G o ... ..'" .. "0: ~ § § I o I , - "" I ~ I ~ • I § ••• I o '" 011 I ..,.1 \ li § 8..... 0.. .,., ::0 Ii. o oCI Q. .. '0.. c _~ ....~ :; 7 3 JALGAON TAHSIL [ Uninhabited villages are printed in italics and towns in capital letters. J

Population Population Population Code Name of village COde------Name of village Code ------No. 196, 1971 No. 1061 J97I No. 1061 1971 (,) (,) (2) (3) (I) (2) (2) (3)

Khalad Bk. 6:& 49 56 Patan 128 82 102 Ado! Bk. 139 1,190 t,a47 Pailiarjani Adol Kk. 138 243 336 Khalad Kh. 63 31 45 237 (Deserted FY) Khamkhed 1 Patharpani 236 (Deserted FV) Ahmadpur 1I2 4 PaturdaKh. Ako!aKh. 134 675 768 .. ::115 1.005 997 Akoli Bk. 69 461 550 KHELANAMAT Pesoda " 2'11 822 754 JALGAON. 60s '" Pimpalgaon Kale 132 5.700 6,2II Akoli Kh. 70 39 52 :: 1 Pimpri Kaothal Alewadi 659 871 KHELRARI •• 172 278 330 '4 (Deserted FV) JALGAON. Pimpri Kodri •. 126 460 534 Ambabori Pimpri Pro Adgaon Ambavarwa 2 84 194 KHEL CHATARI BK. 183 8u 991 KHEL CHATARI KH. ~~~ HInc1uded in Pingli Bk. .• 16 1'14 124 An)'ar 3 PingliKh. Asrugaon 123 3,277 3.639 KHEL FOOT 103 I Urban Area 17 77 lIO Asaderi (Deserted FV) JALGAON. I VI) Raipur 86 A.wand 227 174 193 KHEL GOBAjI .. 991 Rajpur 81 I~~ I~~ Atkal 200 KHEL JALGAON KH. 102 RaJuraBk. 88 KHEL KHASA BK. 89 I Awar .• 201 626 RajuraKh. 80 'IS a7 KHEL KHASA KH. 97 J Rasulpur Balhadi SI 8 31 786 6.05:a 93 578 690 Khel Lon Ringanwadi •• 174 Banoda Bk. •• 60 KHEL MALI 105{(InclUded in 337 387 1.523 1,7,41 Rohin Khidki •• 6 172 333 Banoda Eklara 79 JALGAON. Urban Area Rudhana " 50 Z,3 12 3,905 VI) 167 1,042 I,Z.33 B. 205 1,169 1,371 Khel Mali Jamed 30 7:aS Saikhed IS 360 573 Bhendwad Kh. 2 0 4 4Il 4 01 Khll Murta:rapur 106 r (Included in SajaRPuri 66 Bhilkhed 169 30a 389 { Urban Area Salabad 176 Bhingara 10 151 l VI) Salwan •• •• 9 63 1~~ Bhon •• 222 8;8 9a6 Khel Para,kar :famod 39 767 Sangrampur • • • • 162 2,580 3,'15a Bhuikh~d 175 Khel Shiwapur Jamod 33 1.575 Sangrampu,. P,. 24 Bhu"khed 122 KHELSONI I07{(InclUded in Sangumali 242 (Des;rted Fvi . Bodkha 170 937 Urban Area SataH 140 524 570 Borala Bk. IS8 531 VI) Sawala 56 16 Borala Kh. 506 4 246 157 Khel Warghe:1amod •• 33 599 Sawali 223 4 0 4 492 Borkhed 38 171 Khe! Thorat aII1 Sawandan 129 Sawargaon Cholthana Bk. 28 Khel Dalvi Paturda '4 312)- 4,772 5.441 "'7 1,049 1.175 Chalthana Ciy_ 19 Khel Bhonga! Paturda aI3J ShevgaBk. 46 65 84 Chalthana Kh. 20 3U Khel Mali Paturda a14· Shevga Kh. 45 34 so Changeral Bk. 76 334 Khilampur 243 (Des;rted Fvi . Sogoda 4 0 885 1,065 Changefal Kh. 77 426 KherdaBk. 68 r.773 3.006 Sonala •• 23 4.366 6,01 5 Chaora •• 206 7+4- KherdaKh. 67 791 968 Sonbardi (FY) n 91 139 Chin~hkhed"Bk. 219 2 Khiroda .. .• '1:14 567 731 Sukli •• 136 175 233 Chimhkhed Kh. lIS Kill~ Pimpaldol (FV) 7 Sulaj II9 727 758 Chondhi 193 433 537 Kodri .... aI7 722 693 SultanpuT 142 Choonkhedi I 72 78 Kolat .• 81 588 696 Sungaon 27 3,393 4,018 Kolkhed Pro :falgaon 109 Takaleshwar Dadulgaon 145 45S 795 Kolkhed Pro Yamod 108 194 266 330 Takli Kbasa rSI 3 1 0 168 39 62 73 Kumbharkhed a08 176 223 Taklikhati •• Dautpur 92 Kundhegaon •• aI6 136 198 124 109 134 Takli PanchaganD 226 301 Deulgaon :US 167 107 Kurangad Bk. 1 8S '186 374 326 Devhari 159 TakH Paraskar 152 281 317 Kurangad Kh. 184 437 471 Tamgaon 161 1 Dhamangaon 72 409 568 Kuvardeo II 87 335 534 64 Dhanora III 1,403 I,8a8 TarodaBk. •• 177 16 9 lSI Dhormala •• (Deserted FV) Ladanapuw 37 968 1,397 Taroda :famod 65 245 TarodaKh. •• Dhult/hot (FV) 5 Lakatu 339 (Deserted FV) 178 60 88 Dhongukhed •• 232 (D~edFV)4 Lingai •• 240 (Deserted FV) Taroda Tulja •• 64 Dharmauria •• 233 (Deserted FV) Lohogaon Bk. 36 49 9a Tatarpur •• 95 Durgadyait Lohogaon Kh. •• 35 Tiwadi Ajampur 143 545 727 190 597 654 TunkiBk. •• Madakhed Bk. 189 873 1,085 22 1,716 2,286 Gadegaon Bk. 203 516 563 TunkiKh. 21 II2 234 Gadegaon Kh. 135 869 I,OIl Madakhed Kh. 188 377 451 U· Garpeth 83 2 Mahuli •• 153 378 4"1 a 241 (Deserted FV) Gaulkhed •• 144 99 Malthana Bk. •• 54 Uk'::'dgaon 180 20'1 247 Golegaon Bk. •• 149 23a '16a Malthana Kh. 55 Ukali 202 641 759 Golegaon Kh. ISO 198 417 Manardi 181 450 541 84 149 334 Oopalkhed •• 59 Mandva 137 430 356 Umara 74 397 46a OOTad Pro :falgaon u6 Manegaon •• 147 sal SS8 UsaraBk. 44 87 134 Gorad Pro :famed 18 Mangeri(FV) •• 4 UsaraKh. 43 57 42 GuItura •• 244 (Des~rted FY). Marod •• 215 240 UtiBIr. ISS 162 124 Mohakot ,,~i (Deserted FV) UtiKh. 154 IrO '43 Hanwatkhed •• 87 59 Mohamadpu1' Hashampur •• 91 510 725 94 WadgaonGad 90 894 1,128 Mohidipur lZI a45 138 Wadgaon (Patan) •• 120 Hingana Kavathal .-. 210 ISS 290 Mominabad 182 196 244 496 568 Hingan8 Pro BalapUl •• 146 365 471 Wadgaon Pro Adgaon 82 613 803 Muradabad 156 WadiBk. .. .. IIIora 6 I13 192 187 24 NaoKh. II7 43 87 WadiKh. .. II4 IslampUl IrO 202 349 Neknampur 200 152 310 Wadshingi .• 166 1,8~8 IIkhed 220 169 196 Niha!wadi 234 (Deserted FV) Wadwanal (F V) 85 JALGAON (Urban VI la,1I7 14,788 Nimbbora Bk. 7S soa 593 Wakana 168 76i 9'11 Area). Nimbhora Kh. 218 360 369 191 3.096 3,438 JaBtgao 198 583 618 Nimkarad 14' 234 Wanoor •. 53 Nimkhed 47 101 1I5 Warkhed •• 25 II 14 Kahupatta ._. 26 Kaiegaon •• Nirod 160 598 561 173 '1.381 2,680 179 772 898 Niwana 78 Warwat K,handerao 199 869 9as Kakanwada Bk. 163 587 726 753 939 , Wasali 13 546 7 1 7 Kakanwada Kh. 164 4a7 6a5 Palaskhed 18 '!57 31JS Wastagaon •• Kakoda Palaspani (Deserted FY) 197 195 405 477 234 Wawadi Hardo 42 Kalamkhed 196 372 460 Palshighat 130 Ia8 91 Wayal 52 Kamod 8 Pals hi Supo •• lI8 I,a6s 1,508 179 683 Yengaon 186 431 391 Kaothal 207 1,749 1.995 Palshi Vaidya •• 131 350 309 Karanwadi 135 lIS 169 Palshi Zashi •• 73 1,505 1,980 Zadellaon 148 691 763 Karmoda •. 61 596 680 639 746 Zashi 58 "195 350 a~ 368 506 Panchala Pr. B. Bir 49 9J Ia7 Kathargaon 171 aI7 260 Pan<:hala Pro Jamod 3a 3a Kathma! 231 (Deserted FV) Parashrampur •• I6~ 1'19 159 Total IlS,55I I39,8ao TahU' ~q ______. @

Tah,1I boundary Towns ______ISla ......

""Iares of pop $000 & o .... er. ~IWO \ 2000 - s.ooo """""'" Vll1ate, 01 pop • ______• Less thAn lSO G o • 2S0 to"" .. • 500[om

• 1000 to""" .SlmS_'

Urllnhabltu ~ill.,es _ ~ l.oc,Uo,n code no ______25

N&llon;r.i hol,hwa.y Stau MlhwilY

Ot.helf to..... R./vers. eaQills, un"',et( ~ ~~ '5 I • 'ost .. tel@,raph office _____ ~T • e I. • Rcat hou1it: .. _ • ____ • ___ 1'1).1 " Railways with sutlons _- .22e Z] •• z- .. •• 8 • .----,f-~~---.~~~ •••

o .90

'0, 16~ 88 8 ... Ie' • • 162 0 e4_-.SS o '66" 87 () JO*(I:", at... IC. '73 .'0 • 'IZ "0 • • 1&7KH"~MG~~~'69 :89 ~ , • 177 ,.• • I.... • __ 110 112 II. . Ie. ~_ ...... • "7 ' .ta • BAlAPUI. .. ISO "5 125 -Ill '87 '" '29 • ... ••• . '86 '8J '0. '05 • '39 • . • .n - • • • .. ' • • ,.0 1~4• .. , • .. , ••• '96 .. ... • 100 ,.,.itl&k.. • ·n • 191 o '''') , . .. .ot . • • • • 201 '0. .0 • • 0. '0 • • • ••• • o 00. .... 'U • • . "0 illS •. • 221 • U, U1 u. u ••• .__......

IS• • .. ,.. ..

IMA"GAOl TAMSI L 9 4 KHAMGAON TAHSIL [Uninhabited villa~es are printed in italics and towns in capital letters.]

Population Population Population Name of village Code Name of village 21:;::;; Code Name of village Code 196 I 1071 No. 1961 1971 ...... 4.~.' No. No. (I) (2) (,) (2) (,) (2) (3) (4)

8 808 Parkhed 47 1,2-1"6 r~I:z.o Adgaon •. 21, I~232 1,474 Jaipur .. .• 158 84 978 Jalaka-Bhadang 10 1,206 1.208 Patonda 201 295 289 Adsul .. 57 872 4 Pedka .• .• 368 328 J alaka_ Teli 185 464 554 202 67 1'12 Akoli .. 208 086 Pimpa!chuse .. Alasana .. 6, 1,150 I,38 7 .. 31 3.3 1 5 4. "5 Ir47Z Pimp.l]g..ton Nath 123 Alnbetakali 229 r,048 ~,:z74 J anori .. 19 r,326 371 350 1,154 Plmpalgaon HaJa Y03 6~612 Amblkapur 188 6 6 8 7 Januna . 0 168 1,024 5,776 54 0 Pimprala .. 109 616 1:,161 "(,239 J awala Bk. .-. 8~ Z,OIO 2,07 624 Ambodu 34 1,0M,S Pimprt Deshmukh Amsasi 37 333 587 J awala P alaskhed 86 93"- 43 724 739 1,791 Plmpn Dhanga 237 591 76'7 Antraj 134 2,T05 Pimpn Gaoli " 187 Asa 228 496 4 82 Kadamapur ,,-o7 1,146 1,206 1,434 1,382 Pltnpn Korde . 0 1.712 1,931 Kalbal . ~ 96 269 234 576 725 Atali 209 "93 Pimpri Mohodari 210 1,302 1, .. 37 Kalegaon 1",6 l.,2-.l0 1.,416 34 Awar 186 PeraJ .. .. III) Kalkhed 55 5 1 4 578 6;9 5 6 5 Kalwad .. 275 Barafgaon 95 47., 1 46 .. 'f 277 Rahud .. 100 Kanark]lcd 79 191 230 643 706 Belura .. 29 599 549 Rohana 12.S l,z64 1,090 88 115 Kanarkhed 230 964 919 Delura .. 106 Rotl I3I 164 Bhalegaon 1'4 1",440 1.,577 Kanzara 121 1 .. 253 1,456 Karegaon Bko 655 Bhandari 107 5~9 620 194 599 Ka1egaon KIt. 203 SagoJa 7 1,425 1~642 Bhastan 6 34S 490 Sajanpuri 167 564 Bhendi 68 Kasarkhed 105 90 HH 598 >29 47 62!l 650 Sambhapur 192 223 298 Bhongaon 8 1",7 2 3 I,9,zO Kathora 5 Kawadgaon 137 328 363 Sangwa 2H 339 355 Bhota .. 2 846 953 Sarola .. 140 7 Khadadgaon • 0 o. 92 868 767 Bhondgaon 9 "44 30" Sarola .0 Kham~aon (Rural Area) 166 57 37 o. 174 5 '8 Bori .. 2'4 932 .1,065 Sa'Loargaon Bk. IIO Boriawala 97 951 838 KHAl\fGAON (Urban VII 44,43" 53,69 2 ,,6 Area) Sauargaon Kh. III Botha .. '47 '43 Sawarkhed 217 Bothakazi 2II 80 1,030 Khatkhed 365 4 Kherda 961 Sawarna 73 298 4 12 Drahmanwada 27 284 2.84 Shahapur . . 221 Kherdr ~. o. 1",250 1,40 7 Kherdi 223 167 (Rural Area) .. 65 42 193 216 Chikh.1i Bk. •• 38 Kholkhed 441 571 SHEGAON (Urban Area) VHI 21,674 2~,993' Chikhali Kh. •• 39 186 Khutpuri 356 364 Shelgaon o. .. 160 27 4 0 Chmchkhed Band Kin!>i ., 988 Shelodi 162 692 779 Cllinchkhed Nath ;ta 217 Koktta . ~ 9~~ 17 Shendri 130 Chinchkhed Nath ISO 2.24 Shendri 190 Kolori .0 743 790 137 117 Chincholi 72. I,059 1:,245 Kontj .. 185 188 ShiraI a • 0 223 1~460 1,614 Chinchpur 235 I,5~4 1,694 Kumbhefal 1,017 1.061 Shirala .. .. •. "33 309 638 Chitoda 183 r.o26 1,1:16 Kurha o. 6S 160 Shlrasgnon Deshmunh 175 552 650 Kurkhed 634 646 Shirasgaon Nile .. 78 2.55 272 Dadgaon TO 680 6')3 Shrikshetra N agzari 75 767 844 Sujatpur .. 4 1 181 151 Dastapur 216 126 93 T .. akhanwada Bk. 226 2,604 2,91,5 Deulkhcd 220 179 189 Sutala ilk. 48 1.46 1. 1,804 Lakhanwada Rh. 225 52r 578 Sutala Kh. 165 8 Dhadam 236 ,,18 "-56 Lan700d 35 1,969 1,923 55 729 Dhapti •• '20 120 77 Lasu:t.a Bk. .. 71 447 50 7 Takali •. II7 Iz6 Dhorapgaon 124 r.446 1,42 3 Lasura ]ahagir 101 247 267 187 Dllotra 180 42 37 Tekali Dharao 22 675 700 Lasura Kh. .0 70 566 020 Takali.Hat .. 68 D.lvthara >27 305 301 Lokhanda 2Ill 2,or7 2.W 281 1.6.:u Takali Nagzari 8" 782 Dolarkhcd 14 483 559 Loni .. 212 946 887 323 Dondwada 20 II6 148 'T'akalivi ro 61) 977 1,030 Lontek . 0 74 Dongarkhed 49 Tandulwadi .. IIS 185 u4 Dudha .. 227 56 38 Tarodakasaba .. I72 728 805 Mach;ndrakhed 553 Tayoda Nath .. lIS Mahagaoll 205 Taroda Tarodl 18 Ekphal •• 205 898 905 33 Mahal·khed 1,278 T~mbhurna 181 r,65I 1,827 MaTalapur Thar ISS Fattcpur 232 183 2 0 4 Makta .• 349 'rIntrav 88 I~020 Manaykhed Gaigaon B.k. R2 609 70r TivhanBk. 23 199 Manasgaon I,o.zr I,IO.:,z Gaigaon Kh. 163 2 396 Tlvhan Rh. 24 195 4 3 Mandaka 768 77 1 Garadgaon 170 852 807 210 Garpeth 152 Mandanl '59 UmaraAtali 206 766 829 Manegaon r67 1 8 3 Um~ra Lasura Gaulkhed 64 775 794 o. 189 174 191 Matargaon . 4 1,067 UnHa (Nagzon 101 0 GavanJhala 2 1 3 1",,z83 1,259 453 34 ,,08 Ga,'han Matarj1;aon Bk. 4,056 4,475 Unalkhed 76 57 50 79 778 851 Matargaon 421 Geru •. 145 62 71 Kho 422. Mathani •• 194 3 1 9 Vlhigaon 200 1,137 1,238 Ghanevaotl 99 66I 674 Mehen .. .• Gharud 222 J,~73 r.447 ri 68<) J\,lorgaon Dig-cas 750 71 r Wadi .. 159 Ghatpu 164 846 Moykhf'd GI1Ui ~. 66 426 o. Wadji .• 139 ]12 Muramba Giroli •. J36 263 438 395 368 ·Whala Kh. 219 Waki .. Golegaon B •.• 53 528 5 61 154 Wakud 45 301 Golcgaon Kh. 54 189 193 Nagapur 6'1 Godhanapur •• 177 1,885 1.716 199 ,Valti Bk. 93 327 Naz;;;all Bk. 157 Walti Kh. Goradi .0 153 220 94 156 Nag::mri Rho 156 251 Waradh 17 221 Naidevl 205 623 Hingna-Bhota 3 298 381 Warkhed r82 Hingna-Dadgaon 12 Nandri 131 249 Warkheu Bk. 81 65 78 Nilegaon 934 90"- Hingna-Isapur II 202 222 195 '44 Warkhed Kh. r61 195 294 Nimbi ~. 0 221 Hingna.. V aiJinat h 67 321 369 3 Warna . 0 '32 r,097 1",082 Hingne.. Karegaon 196 1",201 1,396 Nimkawala J22 77 1 W.arud .. 170 471 574 Nimkhed ()I Hingnc .. Umara 184 326 266 "31 Wasadi Bk. 9 0 99 1 1065 Hiwara Bk. .• II2 630 578 Nipana 102 873 Wasadi Kh. 91 286 371 Hiwara Kh. 108 367 392 Nirod .• 224 4 6 5 Wazar •. 146 978 1,0';)7 Hlwarkhed 1,509 1,381 "4' Padsul .. 56 513 585 Yeulkhcd 16 666 730 PahurJira 4 0 3,033 3,048 Irkhed •. 77 2 Pahurpurna 51 738 816 Zadegaon 739 847 IsalU' 135 Palodi 58 453 7I9 Zodga •. 319 389 Isapur 13 305 3;'6 Palshi Bk. 197 1~923 2,o~6 Iwara II3 Palshl Kh. 1<)3 592 6,.8 Tota1 211,577 23M,160

A-1628-3-A. ..

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o • .- .. .li• ~. o ::; / • ... ~ o ~. - ;; 0 ~ ..,. ; . o . . . -. ; . ~. <> ..~ • -. o ... • '! "" .;;. £ o ~ ... ;;;- :::. • .. i ;;;- -. ;;- _ -I . ~ . ~ .- -_ ". : .~ .

i!. =. f • ::- .. 1 ~.

~ A \) -;'~ • t ., i l

--._------_j A-I 628-3-B. 11 5 MEHKAR TAHSIL

[ Uninhabited villages are Printed in italics and towns in capital letters]

Population Population Population Name of village Code ------­ Name of village Code Name of village Code No. 1961 1971 No. 1961 197I No. 1961 1971

(I) (2) (I) (2) (3) (I) (2)

Adgaon Raja 828 Chincholi 33+ GUlljmatha 73 Agefal .• 252 Chondhi 108 129 172 l-Ianwatkhed 268 335 Ajispur 342 7II 857 Chorpangra 280 914 1,088 H an'lvatkhed 102 •• 189 542 Dabha •• 319 Hanwatkhed 479 Ambewadi 10 9 370 Dadulgavhan 143 Hatta 288 507 Ambhora Daregaon 232 Hirdao •. 318 Anchrali 7 15 820 Daregaon 90 Hi\arkhed 63 Andhrud 800 I,034 Dawargaon 900 Hiwara 350 Andhrudi 1,040 Hiwara Bk. 477 Anjani Bk. 2,310 2,779 • Delap 4 Hiwara Bk. 190 570 AnjaniKh. 4,1 1 4 Antri Deokhed 293 Hiwara Gadling '00 758 Deu]gaon Ko] 2,113 Ardao 262 1,675 Hiwara Kh. 18 1,812 Deulgaon Kundpal 335 1,214 Hiwarkhed 206 1,105 1,289 Aregaon 19" 1,333 Deulgaon Mali 89 Babhulkhed Jafrabad 315 Deulgaon Sakharsha 5 Badhanapur 99 223 Jagdari >06 Deulgaon Waisa 2 Dagulkhed 94 3 ' 3 432 Jaitala •• >34 Dhad 508 Balsamudra 607 Jalgaon 203 Dbaifal 607 Banda 141 Jambharun 30 Dhandurwadi .. 914 1,161 Barda 20 5 Jambhora 224 1,272. I,44$ Dhanora 255 4 16 473 Bardapur Jambhul 330 796 953 Dhanora 3 0 3 609 685 Bardapur Jamgaon .27 87 Dhorvi 251 SIO 606 Barhai . 0- 292 362 Janefal:. • 33 Barlinga Digras Bk. 199 1,029 186 Januna •• 170 Bartala .• Digras Rh. 200 171 Januna N. Shendla Belgaon Dipkhed Jaulka 795 Bhalegaon Dongaon 5,575 6,983 786 879 Jawala 191 432 502 Dnlgbori Bllanapur l82 160 534 685 Dudha .• KGbra Bhandari lIO 500 558 352 358 Dusarbid Kalambesh'i\ar 32 1,889 Bhiwapur '3 21 279 Bhiwaput' 6 Kalapvihir 103 861 Ekamba 79 Bhosa 921 Kalyana lIS 852 1,037 10 Uhosa <34 278 Gaikhed 322 603 723 KamalJapur 160 Bhumra 121 8 Gajarkhed 68 399 423 Kambarkhed 59 453 Bhumrala 295 866 Gandhari 35 0 785 909 Kandari III 418 Bibi 275 1,037 Ganpur 145 558 Kanka Bk. 168 854 Bibkhed 251 3II Gaondhala II6 ~I2 KankaKh. 167 Bori 153 1,370 Garkhed 35 Karegaon 273 672 Borkhedi 151 43 1 Garkhed 234 439 Kasari •. 298 45 Borkhedi Bk. 0 3 4 +,8 Ghathori I,956 ~,693 Kasarkhed 31 410 522 Borkhedi Jalal 229 Ghatnandra 10 +94 Kaulkhed 33 2 195 250 Borkhedi Kh. Ghonfar Keshao Shioni 268 640 741

Botha . a Ghoradada Khairao 257 558 664 Br~hman Chikna 277 Ghmi •. Khairkhc.1 300 337 370 Brahmanuri 1,278 +7 Gohogaon r,259 1,579 Khalegaon 1,673 1,659 Butta 39" 230 3:'1 Gomedhar 19 459 Khamgaon 4 ,6 550

Chamgaon 129 1,173 Goregaon 87 694 Khamkhed '3 I 209 275

ChFmgefal 301 1,000 1.+60 Gotra .. 343 408 123 91 I29

Chikhala .285 802 Gundha Khandala 128 68 5 9+9 3 ' 2 928 1.080 181 233 Chinchala 1M 198 Gunj 74 852 923 Khandala Chincholi 804 Gunjapur II 10 Khaparkhed 255 377 Chincholi 786 Gunjkhed 798 861 Khudnapur 22 104 II2 12 5 MEHKAR T AHSIL-contd.

Population Population Population N .me of village Code ------­ ('ode Name of vlllage Code No. 1<)61 1971 No. No. 1961 1971

(I) (2) (I) (2) (I) (2)

Khurampur 601 907 Nandra 112 Rajni 256 245 Ratal; Kingaon Jattu 2.209 2,702 Nandra 349 70 551 Kingaon Ra.a .. 216 2,217 2.558 Nandra Najik Chaigaon 93 Ratnapur 4' 203 245 I-{jnhi 327 619 NarsapuT 14' Ratnapur 195 333 473

Konati 271 343 Nasirabad ,,6 359 Rumhna 517 599 Koyalil .. 124 337 261 Nimba 29 180 Sabra " J2Z 539 Nimgaon Wayal 1 Kuyali .. 3 L 537 602 '02. 579 69 ' Sakhar Kherda 78 5,286 Kumbhefal 552 662 Nimkhed 305 276 295 Saohed T~gaon 2r7 I,Z7R 1,501 Kundlas 101 ,61 Nimkhed N. Kasba 7 Sarangpur 136 502 529 Ni7ampur 159 us '57 Lavhala 62 566 Sarshiv 21 503 Pachal a ~araswati Lawana 503 49 451 321 772 I~OO4- Linga 290 397 Pahur 320 392. Sarf,hed

Longa 102. 335 Palashi 194 Sathegaon g02

Lonar 32.6 6,933 9,030 Pa/wklled 57 ,8 Sawadad 67 :r.20q

Loni 60 9+ 1,124 P alaskhed Chakka 419 566 ~awangi 204 1,175 ' Loni Gaoli 173 Palaskhed Jahagir 323 612 73<) Sawangi Bhagat 82 115 Loni Kale 24 SIS Panchdewala II 203 17 Sawangi l\IaJi 89 188 Pangarkhed 177 848 1,080 Sawangi \Vir 83 366 Madani 193 I,09~ 1,363 Pangarkhed 16+ Sawarg30n M31 234 234 225 44 1 530 Madhl .. 58 351 34 Pangradolc 339 1.359 1,75& Sswargaon Mundhe 354 960 0 538 Mahar Chikna 49 Pangri 219 662 813 Sawargaon Teli 294 553 668 0 Maharhkcd 221 499 57 Pangri Kate 91 320 4 1 3 Sawatra 900 988 Malegeon 34 470 S88 Parda 662 752 Say-ala 600 Malkapur Pangr. 260 2,283 2.728 Parda 337 705 722 Shahapur 373 524 Malkhed 6, 33S 3"9 Pardi 13 342 4zz Shara 3rt I.13 I Malkhed 147 Pardi 157 516 700 Shelgaon De')hmukh 174 Mandwa 269 1,110 1,399 Pardi 306 Shclgaon K.3Kde 7, 7 "I. 0 737 Mandwa (F.V.) 4 337 Parkhcd 8 370 599 SheIg-aon Raut 2II 304 339 Mandwa Samet Dongar 745 Partapur 137 52.2 09+ Shel\! 249 247 Maruti Peth 40 509 Pathardi 12 Shendala 55 1,085 "I.,376 Matarkhed 155 II6 Pathardl (Ghathori) Shendurjan 101 2,.fSO Matmal 3 1 6 474 572 Pathra 344 59 Shf"waga JahH~ir 76 277 309 Mehkar [Fardapur and 130 478 477 Pcntakali 43 556 Shioni Nemtapurl. 345 193 3 1 8 Pimpalgaon Kuda 286 300 447 MEHKAR (Urban Area) IX 1 1,872 16.I()fi Silioni Kallkql 97 Pimpalgaon Lendi 210 456 560 Meljanori 25 157 Shloni Pi::,a 253 861 1,088 Pimpalgaon Sonar 556 776 Mohadi 66 667 Shionitake 233 758 958 Pimpalgaon Unda 37 682 863 Mohana Bk. 2 574 Shivpuri 133 237 273 Pirr.palkhed Bk. 223 268 4 87 Mohana Kh. 217 Shirner 241 8 Pimpalkhed Kh. Mohodari Sindi Pimpalkhuta 317 597 Muhokhed 2.IS 210 Sindi Pirnpalkh1.1ta 208 Mohokhed 4"4 405 220 Pimpalner 329 1,052 Mola 866 1,080 Somthana Pimpri 276 509 615 Moli 450 472 Sonargavhan 450 PimpriMali 118 1,08 5 Mudefal 860 1.158 Sonati 197 1,241 1,685 Pokhari "53 Sonoshi 23I I.759 188 Nagapur 552 Pophal Shioni 250 437 Sonuna 341 377 480 NagzariBk. II3 4 06 Raheri Bk. 213 1,20.1 SoyandeQ 296 874 Nagzari Kh. 85 Rahcri Kh. 212 297 Subhanpur 85 132 117 Nagzar; Naiik 95 278 350 Shend urj an. Raigaon 353 Sukali 144 529 51 826 I.104 Naigaon Pro Ghatbori RaipllT 4~ 331 Sula 38 lSI Naigaon Pro Mehkar 6 1,568 Rajegaon 107 1.007 Sulajgaon "39 Nanaj 196 78 Rajgad 165 251 361 Sultanpur 150 3,012 13 5 MEHKAR TAHSIL-contd.

Population Population Population ------Name of village Code Name of village Code Name of village Code ------No. 1961 1971 No. 1961 1971 No. 1961 1971 (I) (2) (3) (4) (I) (;;:) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4)

Walhur 266 99 85 .sufyapur 148 Uk ali 131} 1,256 1,363 Umangaon 88 228 282 Wardadi 64 228 287 Tadhegaon 207 574 740 Umara 180 41}0 588 Wardadi 94 497 662 Tadshioni 289 676 751 Umarad 218 1,160 1,419 Wardadi Bk. 244 1,;;:83 1,581 Takarkhed S3 II Usran 119 315 377 Wardadi Kh. 274 Takarkhed 201 447 520 Uti 15 1,179 1,3 12- Warud 171 462 724 884 t,192 Tamhola 325 Waradi 75 447 421 Vizors 205 1 394 6 500 3 3 Tandulwadi 86 44 Warn'and 16 r,041 1,218 228 36 27 Wadsl; 7 809 843 Tandulwadi Wazar 299 1,003 1,242 Wadali 236 498 621 Talldu/,mdi 297 Weni 158 1'463 1,759 Wadgaon Malid 92 590 833 Tandu/rt'adi :109 Wishwi 169 r,600 2,062 Wadgaon Tejan 308 1,088 I,Z75 Tembhurkhed 16 I 250 468 Wirk"pd 164 Wadhao 33 1 1,400 1,685 Tivtivi 347 1,032 1,105 Waghala 104 8SS 1,06;;: Yeoti 336 697 91~ Tllrkhed 152 Yerondoli 120 6 Waghora <135 394 513 Yesapur 154 14;;: ;;:02 Udanapur 307 457 485 Waghrul 258 II 20 Udhawa 175 563 931 Wakad 259 345 425 Zotinga 261 ------1,102 1.4°5 Ugala 209 244- 321 Wakdeo 9 247 299 Total 234,230 290,894


Town directory Explanatory note 17 Statement I-Status, growth, history and functional category 18 Statement II-Physical aspects and location 19 Statement III-:Municipal finance 20 Statement IV-Civic and other amenities 21 Statement V-:;-Vledical, educational, recreational and cultural facilities 22 Statement VI-Trade, commerce, industry and bankir,g, etC. 23

Village directory Explanatory note 24 Chikhli tahsil 26 2 l\Ialkapur tahsil 32 3 J aJgaon tahsil .. 37 4 Khamgaon tahsil 42 5 Mehkar tahsil .. 46 TOWN DIRECTORY Explanatory Note

The tc,'Wn dirlctclY is prtHnttd in six stahmcnts calculated and according to the pcrct:ntage value covering difflHnt mpccts of UI ban life. The data the functicnal cnaHe t:xplanatory alid exports of imporhmt Cc rr,moditi(!':, manufacture note on "village directory". Thefe nine categories of important items, exister:ce of banks 2nd .-.gricuIt ural have been regrouped into five broad catqzories and non-agricultural credit societies. rerresenting five main functions of towns such as (i) primary activity (industrial categories I, II, III and Statement VII showing the distribution of the IV), (ii) industry (industrial eategories V and VI); 1971 popuJaticn by religion (originally inHr;dcd for (iii) trade and CL mmt:rce (industrial catt gal y VII); ir.clusicn here) will be inca1 porated in the state (iv) transport (industrial cattgoty VIII) ar:d ('L') tc Wn djrt~toty. This state directOlY cmbracing services (industrial catt gOly IX). For lach town all tc,,;ns in MaharaEhtra (arrarged alphabetically) the percentage of workers under each of thefe DYe will cany a note and an analysis of the various data c1aFses of econemic activity to total 'Walkers has been jnc1u~ed therein. A-1628-4-A. 18

T<>~N DIRECTORY ~ Q I 0 I ~ ~~ I -0 -0 -a '" ~ I I S a til _'"<-> '" i~ I o:! '" u .. ;:e 00 .:>.. ~ , I "" .., .... -.0 0- 00 « <'> -.0 0 ,., ...... , 00 0- 0- g- ~ '~I ...... i g- I ::; I ~ ~ o ;f ~ ..g I I~I ... ~ ~ '" ~ N j I I I , I I I I ...... , ...... 1~1 00 -0.... 0<> <> ~ .., ...... '" I '"0- ""...... I -=-0- I ~ I "" 00- -=Q; ..f. ~ ~- I~I !5 :-3 « 13 ~ .... N I - J J I J I I J I I ...... ';9, 0- .... oa ~ ~ ~ '"...., t .? ,-;:;-1 .0-:: u; H 0- ...... g- ..f. ""0: '" 0: ~ I I-=-' ~ ~- ~ ... ::;; ~ <§ 0 1 I I ~ I I I I ~ 1 I .... 0- D 0 N ...... t:; 0 I I~I 00 0 0- 0 ~ ..... N ~ I ~ j ~ J 00 .... 00 ~ ~ .... "" < :;: g- 00- 00- ..0- 0- 2" ..0- ::;; 00'" ~ 1;l I j~l ... ~ ... c.... I j i <.> I ~ I I ~ I ...... 0- c ~ ,..., '" ~ ... 0> =0 Z I <'> I~I R 0 -e, 0 oS?; I ~ "" 0 "!O -g- I~I ..:: ...:: ~ ~ :1 2" Ji ...:: '"5 J , I ... ~ E-I J , I -~ ~ I I Z 1 1 I I ..., ~ H ~ 8- -= ...... <> ... .., ,., I N 0 ~ 0- -=>.0 N ..., ~ -=or; "" .;; ..0- "" "'".;; -E-< g- Ie ..0- ;f g :;:;"" ;i Z I Q 1 I ] J I 0 ~ ~ u'" ~ t L I , J 0 >.0 ..., ,., a; E--< ...... N ..., N g; ;g: '" c=::: I I~j oa .... 0 l:;:: a ::! -=0- ....'" :§" I = ! I rz:t 0 I , I E-I ~ rz:t I I j II I I ::g - <'> N 0- ..... 0 == I I 00 0- -.0 .... ,., I ;::; I B "" <;:;j. ~ &-; g- §: ..;:: ...., _J ..., :d- 00 c§ ~ == I ! "'" H ~ ~ , 0 , c=:: , , ~ '" I I ~E i '"in , ::g ::g ~ ::g ~ :a;! :a;! ~ :a;! 00- -en=~ I~I I , I I I I ~E-I I I ~ I , I I I I ...... <> <> :::> '" '"co I~' ;a ::E ::E g. '"g. § '" ~ -'" ...... , f! ..... -'" Of Of '" ~ '" ~ ~ 1-3: ~ :E :E ::g ;;;;: -=;;.:: -"";;.:: I u u u ~ ~ I I I I I I c I , .... . 9 4) .... ~ .... -"0 \~l .... ~ ~ :> :> :> -;:; 0 gS ~I - - ...:l I I I I [ I [ I I J "E I 'N I 0"""" I~I J:« c Z c .... g I I <> :::> ~ ... a'" ;g g. :::> c r I g '" -"" -0-"" '" :0"1 "" "" I ! :3"'" Oil ~ ~ -=<> :3 :.E"'" ~ ~ -= -"" ! I u 2.1 Z ;§. :0<: tr.J ::E ! "'" "'"... "5£ I ~ en I I A-1628-4-Bo 19

STATEMENT II I 1 I I~I ;r I 1 ~I 1 I 1 I I I 1 I I";;; 1 1'::'1 I I I I 1 I I 1 1 1 I~l I ~ 1 I~ 1 1 1 1 I I 1 I I~I ::: I I~I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I~I I _g_ 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 I I 1 1 I 10'1 I~I 1 I I 1 1 1 I 1 I I~I Ie 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I~I I..!:: 1 I 1 1 I I~I o o o o ,:, 6- (, (, I~I N <"> N ct I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 o o I~I ~ .;,. .;,. o I~I ...... - ...- ~ I I I I ... 00 I~I o I~I 00 I I I I I 1 I I o o o o I~I (, U, 6- I.::; 8, o o o I I -c -c "" '" I I I I I I I, I IMI ,~, , I , I , I " , I j : I rn 131 I I 20 TOWN DIRECTORY 1 1 ... 1 ;:; 1 0 .... «> ... '3:a ;;5'j .. ;::: 00 .... v ~ 01'0 ~ ~ 0 r-;; ~ ... ~j "",- ..;: ~ - E-<~ -D ... ..,0 ..: ~ .,..... 1 ~ ... j j ~j a- ,...... E 00 ...,2 ~ 0 ~I .... "" "" ~ ' ..: I .0 1 g 1 0- ;::: ~ e>- O , '" ~I .t-... ~ o. ::;- ... "'.,at; ~I .. ,.;- "'" Z,.. I I I ~ 00 0 ~ ... 0 co ... . ~I 0- c:;:: ...... <'f ...... 0 .... "S ~I 00 0 0 0 N ~ ~ ... I « ~ .0- ..;: ~ ~ .;; ... I '"

... S 3: • ..lij' z r:o:: os a::: Q 0 ;; '" :..= go c ~ '"<> ...... c ..... g ... -= 0; j S 'if' :! ~ :<:l i .-"I ..d ... I'tI U Q ::; Z ~-. :.d en :al 0;' 'SZ '31 N ...... 00

STATEMENT IV I 1 1 I~I ..: I~I i 1 I 1 1 iJ 1 ~I I~I IJ :~I 1 1 1 I 1 I M ~ 1-;;;1 ..: M M I~ i I I 1 I i:;1 ! I I::: I~II~ 1 1 1 o 0 1 o 0 I~ i 1 ~ ~ ~ -. I~ ..0 g- 1 1 : I I 1 1 1 I -0; 1 ~I I 1 I 1 lG\ I~ I 1 1 1 1 o : :!3 1 t; Jo 1 1 1 1 I 1 I l I~I 00 IS I L § I I 1 1 1 1 'U; 1 I -I 1 1 J 1 1 1 I 1 jJ Q i;) i;) 1$1 '"o o 0 I 1 1:01 I I 13 I 1-:- 1- ~ '" 22 TOWN DIRECTORY I I 3 1 I~I .~ I I-=-I ~I I I ]1 I I I ]: 1;0 I "'"31 I -=- I ul I "gl I I "'I I~I "l!1 I!!;' , I~I .~ I I I til I I &:1 I_I I ;t J I I~J I I I I 1 I_I .. I I ~I I I~I I I I I , I I I I I I 'N' I co I I -=- I I I I I I I 1 I I l~ I 1-'::' I j I J I J J 1- ..... N I 18 I I- I I I I ~, I "'I J­ ;§I ]1 I.e

-II 00 $1 co!!;' I I ..:::~III I I I ~I -I ::E,"'I ~I I I I .., I ~ ~I Z ,,~r r , I I I , I ,121 , 23

STATEMENT V.I I 1-.,I I 1-=- , 1 I I 1 1 I o I"M I " 00...... I-=-I I 1 I I I I I" I ...... 1 ~ I I~ 1 I 1 I J I 1 I I~I I::: 1 I~ I 1 1 1 I 1 1-0-1 I-=-I I I I 1

1 '0 $11 J

I 1 1- I 8 1::1 I~I 1 lei 1 I j ~ j 1 I I I 1 1 , 1 1 1 I~' 1 1.!) , 1::1 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I I I 1 1 I~I I~I j- I I I J 1 J I J J 1 I J 1::1 Im l I- I~I 1 1 I ! I .... I~! I .... 1$1 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I ~I \ .... ! ':;1 S a I I 8... 8 uto I I 1 1 I 1 1 1 I I " I z~ r~1 I I r r 1 I '" . r~1 1-=-1 ]z 1 1 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Explanatory Note

The village directory furni~hes information for the year. This may be rice, jc "-ar, Tagi and other each village in 18 columns. The infol mat ion falls millet8. If it is d:fficult to mme cluuly a particular into two broad groups-amenities available within grain as the staple fcod a ecmbination of grains the villagc (3 to 9) and land utiliEation pattern mainly used as staple food, i.e., rice ar.d jowar,. (11 to 15). wheat and maize, etc., is shown.

Column 1 gives the location code of each village. Details about land utili~ation "lown in columns 11 All villages in a tahsil are serially arranged according to 15 are classified in three bread group", viz., forest to the code numbers assigned to them for the 1971 (11), cultivable land (12) to (14) and land not a'.-ailable census. The series starts from the north-west for cultivation (15). corner of a tahsil and proceeds from left to right in a zig-zag manner. Column 11 shows all forested area in the village classed or administered as forest under any legal Column 2 gives the names of villages as maintained enactment dealing with forests, whether statc­ in the village records. As far as possible standard owned or private. If any portion of such land is spellings which have been confirmed by the tahsil not actually wooded but put to somc agricultural offices are used. Wherever villages are entirely use, that portion is included under the appropriate merged in an urban area the entry 'included in urban heading of cultivated or uncultivated land. area' is made against them and all other columns Columns 12 and 13 cover all agricultural land are blank. including the net area soWn with crops and or­ chards and also current and other fallows. The The area of villages shown in column 3 represents latter implies all lands which were taken up for cul­ the total geographical area according to the revenue tivation but are temporarily out of cultivation for a records. There are differences between the figures period of not more than five years. In column 12, of total area arrived at by the Surveyor general and the extent of irrigated land under different types of by the village records. The former is calculated inigation, e.[!., wells, rivers, canals and others (which by planimetry from maps with the help of areas of includes tube wells and other types) is shown. quadrilaterals of 15 minutes' latitude and longitude already worked out. The latter are calculated bv Column 14 shows the extent of cultivable land in totalling the village returns. - thc village which includes land fit for cultivation whether or not ta'ken up for cultivation or orree taken Amenities available in each village are shown by up for cultivation but not Cultivated for more than abbreviations in columns 4 to 9. A list of abbre­ five years in succession. Such lands may be either viations used in columns 4 to 10 and 17 is given on fallow or covered with shrubs and jungles which page 25. are not put to any use. They may be assessed or unassessed and may lie in isolated blocks or within .Column 4 shows educational facilities like primary, cultivated holdings. Lands under thatching grass, mIddle and secondary schools and colleges existing bamboo and other groves for fuel, etc., which arc in the village. If there are more than one institution not included under orchards or forest arc included in of any type, its number is given within brackets this category. All grazing land, whether permanent against the abbreviation, 'f.'iz., P(4), 8(2), M(3). pastures or meadows or not, village common, and In column 5 medical facilities such as hospitals, dis­ grazing lands within forest areas are included in pensaries, maternity and child welfare centres, health this column. centres and family planning centres are shown. In Column 15 shows land not avaiJable for cultivation colmnn 6, the entry EI shown against a village means such as barren, uncultu"able land and land put to that it is electrified. Column 7 shows the !"Curces non-agricultural use. Barren and unculturable lands of drinking water supply within the village. The include rocky or hilly land or land which cannot be sourCes inclUde tap water, well: water, tank water easily brought under cultivation except at a high tube well water, river water, etc. ' cost. Land put to non-agricultural use includes land occupied by buildings, roads and railways or If a village is served by a railway or one or more under water, e.g., rivers and canals and land put to roads within a distanCe of one mile from it, parti­ uses other than agricultural. cul~rs such.as pacea road, kaeha road, railway station, navlgable nver or canal are shown in column 8. The added up area under columns 11 to 15 may not occasionally agree with the figures of total area given in column 3. This is because of double­ Postal facilities like a post office, a post and tek­ cropping in parts of the cultivable land in the village graph office and telephones are shown in column 9. concerned. Co]uI?n 10 gives. the stap~e food of the major Columns 16 to 18 are filled in on the basis of local populatlon of the VIllage dunng the major part of enquiry. 25 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS

Column No. Abbrevia- Column No. Abbrevia- in Item tion in Item twn Statement used Statement used (I) (2) (3) (I) (2) (3) ,

Column 4 Primary school P Column 8 Pacca rOad Pr Kacha road Kr Middle school M Navigable river Nr Secondary school S Navigable eanal Nc College C Railway station Rs Bus stop B Column 5 Hospital H Column 9 Post office Po Maternity and child welfare Me centre. Telegraph office To Post and Telegraph office PT Health centre Hc Telephone connection Ph Dispensary D Column 10 Rice Rc Family planning centre Fp Ragi R~ Column 6 Electrified village El Wheat Wh Jowar J Column 7 Tap water Tp Vari V Well water W Bajra B Tank water Tk Column 17 Sunday Su River water R Monday Mo Tube well water Tw Tuesday Tu Wednesday Wd Water from springs Sp Thursday Th Canal water C Friday Fr Nallah N Saturday 8t


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PART B PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CONTENTS PAGE Explanatory note .. 55 Synopsis of Census data 57 1 Chikhli tahsil 58 2 lVlalkapur tahsil 72 3 J algaon tahsil 84 4 Khamg;lOll tahsil 92 5 l\Iehkar tahsil 104 EXPLANATORY NOTE

The Primary Census Abstracts included in this In column (3) of the tables, the area of each -part give village and urban block-wise summary village is shown in acres while that of town (munici­ information about basic items like area, occupied pal and non-municipal) is given in square kilo­ residential houses, number of he useholds, general metres. The area figures for villages are collected population and its sex break-up, the population from the reVenue records and for municipal towns belonging to the scheduled castes and scheduled from the municipal authorities. tribes, literates and educated persons, workers classified into broad industrial categories and non­ Column (4) shows the total number of occupied workers in 1971. The tables present for each residential houses, i.e., houses, structures or parts of structures used as residences or put to residence­ tahsil in 38 columns the figures for total, rural uses. An occupied residential heuse may and urban areas separately and also for each village, cum-other have more than one household staying therein, town and urban block. The figures are compiled from the 1971 census individual slip \vhich included but it has been counted only once. que8tions on essential demographic data like r<:la­ Column (5) shows the number of households tionship to head of the household, sex, age, mantal in each village and urban block. The connotation status, birth-place, last place of residence; social of a household differs dightly frem that of a family. and cultural data like religion, literacy and mother­ It is a group of persons who commonly live together tongues; and economic data-covering the indivi­ in the same house and take their meals from a dual's main activity and secondary work, occupation common kitChen unless the exigencies of work; and industry, also of worker and activity if not prevent anyone of them from doing so. A domes­ working. The figures are collected with reference tic servant residing and eating at his employer's to th e time of sunrise on 1 April 1971. house is considered as a member of the household. Similarly, a friend or a guest (related or unrelated) The information presented in the abstraCts can residing and eating with the household during the be divided into two broad groups-demographic and social data (columns 4 to 14) and economic Census period is treated as a member of the house­ hold. On the other hand, a son, a daughter or a data (columns 15 to 38). At the beginning the figures for total, rural and urban areas of a tahsil relation residing outside the household in a hostel, are presented followed by village-wise presenta­ etc., is not treated as a member of the household. tion; at the end information is furnished for each Columns (6), (7) and (8) give the total population urban block. including institutional and houseless population and its sex break-up. Houseless population includes The villages are arrang_ed according to the 1971 persons who do not have any fixed place of resi­ Cens us location code system evolved for conve­ dence but go on moving from place to place, camp nience and identification of every unit of territory at night or just live on the streets, in gardens or covered. Each district has fixed number; within in open places without erecting a hut or a similar each district every tahsil or urban area (town) structure. They may include domestic servants bears a distinct number; within each tahsil every and other workers who do not reside in any house. village is allotted a number. Similarly each urban All such house1ess persons Were separately area within a district is given a number. The code enumerated on the night of 31 March 1971. numbers for tahsils have been given in such a way Institutional population includes persons enume­ that the tahsil having the district headquarters rated in the penal, charitable or mental institutions, located therein invariably received the first code hostels, hotds, hospitals, boarding and lodging houses. number. The code number for other tahsils are assigned in such a manner that the tahsil to the Columns (9), (10), (11) and (12) show the popula­ north or north-east of the tahsil having the district tion of the scheduled castes and scheduled tribes headquarters received the next code number in with sex break-up. The figures presented relate to the the series which then continued in a clock-wise totals of all scheduled castes and scheduled tribes and fashion for other tahsils. The lists of villages not their break-up by individual scheduled castes or within a tahsil have been arranged according to scheduled tribt:s. The groups of scheduled castes and the geographical contiguity of the villages as far as scheduled tribes do not include backward or other possible so that neighbouring villages can be backward castes or tribes for which certain privileges grouped for supervision or administrative opera­ and concessions art: allowed by the State Government. tion if necessary. The villages in the list generally They include only those scheduled castt:s and sche­ follow each other in area of proximity starting duled tribes which are included in the President's from the north-west and continuing to the south­ order. In cases where a caste or a tribe is declared as east. These lists also include urcan areas (towns) a scheduled caste or a scheduled tribe for a specified by the names by which they are known in the reve­ area, that caste or tribe has been counted only nue administration. If any village is partly merged for that specified area and not for any other area in a municipal area, it is shown in the list without of the district or elsewhere. any lOcation code for the village and only thc por­ tion remaining outside is given the code number. Columns (13) and (14) show the number of lIterates Uninhabited revenue villages are also includcd and educated persons. A hterate is a person who can in the list and given a serial number. read and write a simple letter in any language. 56 Columns (15) to (36) show the distribution of the for a household industry is the participation of one working population into nine broad industrial or more members of a household in rural areas. In categories. Category V (manufacturing, processing, the urban areas, household industry is confined to the servicing and repairs) is sub-divided into household residential house. industry and other than household industry. A household industry IS. r~lated to production.. processing, servicing, repaIrIng or making and The main economic activity returned by a person selling of goods. It does not include professions was the basis on which he was classified either as a such as pleader, doctor, barber, waterman or astro­ worker or non-worker. A worker is defined as loger. Persons working in another person's house­ person whose main activity is participation in any hold industry as paid employees are also treated as. economically productive work through his physical 'Workers in household industry. or mental activity. Work involves not only actual work but effective supervision and direction of work. Workers in manufacturing industry other than household industry include those engaged in all types Where the main activity of a person qualifies him of production, processing, servicing or repairing of to be treated as a worker he has been classified goods. according to the type of work. This categorisation is shown in the following nine broad economic Category VI categories: This category includes workers engaged in con­ I cultivators, struction and maintenance of buildings, roads, rail­ II agricultural labourers. ways, bridges, telegraph, telephones, water-ways,. III livestcck, forestry, fishing, hunting and planta­ reservoirs, etc. tions, orchards and allied activities, IV mining and quarrying, Category VII V (a) household industry, (b) manufacturing other than household industry, This category includes workers engaged in any VI construction, capacity in wholesale or retail trading activity and VII trade and commerce, commercial transaction relating to imports and ex­ VIII transport, storage and communication, ports, real estate and property, stocks and shares~ IX other services. insurance, money-lending, banking, etc. Category I Catelgory VIII This category includes both owner cultivators and This category includes workers engaged in trans­ tenant cultivators. Along with workers personally port activity by air, rail, road or water and in services working on land are also included persons who are incidental to transport such as packing, carting. engaged in supervision or direction of cultivation. loading, unloading, etC. Workers engaged in sto­ All persons working in cultivation of land wherein rage, warehousing and communication services such they have either ownership or tenancy rights are as posts, telegraph, telephones, wirelef's signalling. ioduded in this category. Cultivation involves information and broadcasting are alw included in ploughing, sowing and harvesting and production of this category. cereals, pulses, fibre crops and other crops like sugarcane, ground-nuts, but excludes fruit and vege­ Category IX table growing, working of plantation crops. This category includes (i) public utility services like electricity or gas or water-supply, sanitary Category II services; (ii) central, state or municipal employees; Persons working on another's land for wages in (iii) professional services; (iv) trade or labour asso­ cash or kind without holding any right upon the ciations, recreational services, etc. land are classified as agricultural labourers and included in this category. CategGry X -Non-workers Category III Non-workers are those who are not mainly engaged in any economically productive work. 'Vorkers in livcstock, forestry, fishing, hunting, They comprise seven broad groups: (i) those plantations, orchards and allied activities. basically engaged in unpaid household duties and doing no other work, fii) all full-time students and Category IV children attending school, (iii) retired persons not employed again in some full-time work and rentiers Workers in mining and quarrying. (iv) all dependents such as infants and children not attending school, persons permanently disabled from Category V work owing to illness, old age, etc., (v) beggars, A ' household industry' is defined as an industry vagrants, independent women without indication of conductcd by tht: head of the household himself source of income, those of unspecified sources of and/or mainly members of the household at home/or subsistence, (vi) inmates of penal, mental or charit­ within the village in rural areas and only at home able institutions, convicts in jails, and (vii) all non­ in urban areas. A houshold industry is not run on workers who may not come under any of the above six the scale of a registered factory. The main criterion categories but are seeking work. 57


Buldhana district lies partly in the Tapi badn 1971 1 %1

and partly in the Godavari basin between 20° and 21 0 (l) Occupied residential houses 233,730 214,002 north and 76° and 77° east. It has five tahsils. (2) Number of households 238,793 218,641 (3) Population- The district's population according to the 1971 Persons 1,262,978 1,059,698 census is 1,262,978. This shows an increase of Males 646,303 541,026 Females 616,675 518,672 19'18 per cent over the 1961 population of 1,059,698. (4) Density of population 130 109 Its urban areas account for 17'56 per cent of the (5) Number of towns 9 9 total population. Its 1971 literacy rate of 37'45 (6) Urban population 221,808 175,438 (7) Rural population 1,(i41,170 884,260 per cent compares with 26'99 per cent in 1961. (8) Scheduled castes population 68,326 56.214 The sex ratio (number of females per 1,000 males) (9) Literate and educated persons 471,622 286,050 is 954 as against 930 for Maharashtra. The sche­ (10) Workers 530,196 543,586 duled castes population of the district is 5 '41 per The change in the J 971 census concept of 'worker' cent of the total population. The table in the next from that applied in 1961 probably accounts for the fall in number of workers in the district by about column shows some summary figures from the J 961 J3,000 between the two censuses. The district and 1971 censuses. primary cenSus abstract is given beIQw;-


Total Rural Urban p M F P M F P M F (I) (2) (3) (4) ( 5) (6) (7) (8) (9) ( 10)

Total population 1,262,978 646,303 616,675 1,041,170 529,758 511,412 221,808 116,545 105,263 Scheduled castes 68,326 35,105 33,221 56,528 28,910 27,618 11,798 6,195 5,603 Scheduled tribes Literate and educated persons .. 471,622 331,779 139,843 353,617 255,690 97,927 118,005 76,089 41,916 Total workers (I-IX) 530,196 339,418 190,778 465,214 286,619 178,595 64,982 52,799 12,183 I -CuI tjvators 178,121 126,492 ' 51,629 171,439 120,701 50,738 6,682 5,791 891 II_AgricLllturallaboLlrers 274,227 141,264 132,963 253,584 129,200 124,384 20,643 12,064 8,579 III-Livestock, forestry, fishing, 4,265 3,899 366 3,047 2,760 287 1,218 1,139 79 hunting. pia n tat iOn s, orchards and allied actIvities.

IV-Mining and quarrying 173 138 35 149 124 25 24 14 10 V-Manufaeturing, processing, servicing and repairs- (a) Household industry 10,631 8,860 1,771 8,999 7,561 1,438 1,632 1,299 333 (b) Other than household 9,776 9,185 591 4,009 3,755 254 5,767 5,430 337 industry.

VI-Construction 3,434 3,081 353 1,960 1,647 313 1,474 1,434 40 VII-Trade and commerce 16,909 16,343 566 5,619 5.377 242 11,290 10,966 324 VIII-Transport, storage and 4,812 4,743 69 898 890 8 3,914 3,853 61 communications.

IX -Other servi"es 27,848 25,413 2,435 15,510 14,604 906 12,338 10,809 1,529 X-Non-workers 732,782 306,885 425,897 575,956 243.139 332,817 156,826 63,746 93,080



Total I Total population Scheduled Scheduled Literate and wurkers Cultivators (Including castes tribes educated (I-IX) institutional and persons houseless population)

1 CHIKHLI km2 Total •• 2,393·1 57,752 60,179325,860166,622159,2389,997 9,262 86,300 32,833 84,533 53,258 34,051 19,209 (acres 591,335) Rural •• 2,371·8 47,828 49,959270,456 136,917133,5398,1397,729 65,960 22,322 71,668 50,645 33,094 19,042 (acres 686,072) Urban 21·3 9,924 10,220 55,414 29,705 25,699 1,858 1,533 20,340 10,511 12,865 2,613 957 167 RURAL AREAS acres I Girda 3t341 93 93 500 255 2. 6 184 85 109 79 51 2 lVladha .. 2594 "'41 "41 1,250 640 44 49 334 95 245 49 II 3 Gondhankhal 75' 24 24 133 b9 5 3 23 11 21> 15 16 4 Padali .. 2,353 277 277 1,518 808 58 4& 545 213 257 153 4 8 5 Palaskhed Naga 2,333 9:> 106 6,8 317 72 06 1'13 54 137 09 66 6 Dattapur 1,053 61 63 345 175 1 3 80 30 54 45 26 7 Januna 2,386 139 139 69 1 363 6 a 95 21 166 104 104 8 Ijlapur 9 0 9 7z 72 425 2009 II> 17 93 47 93 55 57 9 Melkhcd 525 7 7 35 17 6 3 10 4 8 :10 Chautha I,ZZ5 160 160 955 493 150 4~ 246 69 264 90 118 II Umala ~#363 81 85 543 279 3 6 167 96 10 48 3 1"2 Gurnmi 3,972 274 278 1,435 748 107 75 288 62 370 249 235 I3 Atkal 1,157 91. 91 477 232 8 7 91 ,,8 138 75 87 14 Dahid Kh. 1,074 98 98 538 273 15 17 130 38 139 39 42 IS Dahid Bk. 2,761 3~o 3~0 1 1 710 876 37 34 438 130 451 194 195 16 Tandulwadi 1,569 18r 238 I.rr3 559 16 19 283 101 192: 185 365 137 37" 391 221 229 20 Hatedi Kh. 1,007 110 llO 649 320 329 36 26 164 1)0 174 19 106 5 21 Hatedi Bk. 2,028 276 276 I.S32 798 734 60 4 0 466 146 390 374 ISO 134 22 Shekapur 1,292 16 16 92 51 41 8 7 14 2. 25 20 II II) 23 Zari 1,393 36 38 198 96 102 3 I 12 53 45 25 21 24 Masrul 2.866 4"0 426 2,36 4 1,197 1.167 100 87 5~~ '3" 645 484 361 2-51 2.'; Jantthi 3,240 220 220 1,000 499 501 16 10 196 75 2:92 24" 95 73 26 Deopur 2,682 189 r93 1,049 531 518 12 240 57 2:93 91 135 8 27 Chikhala 1.697 116 ll6 738 368 370 31 184 80 178 167 74 69 28 A""alkhed •• 587 II 55 26 29 II 4 14 14 12 U 20 Dhamangaon 1,594 ;;oz. 1,256 634 622 40 323 127 300 21 3 149 96 30 Soyagaon 780 89 455 235 "'20 8 100 "'0 128 109 80 31 \Varud .• 9 6 3 201 201 1,153 585 568 45 38 262 88 300 236 ISO 56 32 Pangaokhed 761 66 66 305 144 161 12 17 72 21 77 50 33 33 Dudha 1,491 160 172 944 458 486 101 106 277 103 240 2~4 8, 64 34 Malwandi 1,957 213 213 1,070 53I 539 57 59 248 65 279 75 158 IS 3S Kesapur. 1,718 2.I5 2ZZ 1,159 596 563 26 26 306 III 306 307 I82 208 36 Domrul 1,290 I60 160 983 513 470 82 63 266 96 250 233 128 IZS :17 Dhod •• 5.377 836 865 5,178 '!,667 2,511 102 88 1",4-10 610 1,283 610 360 129 38 Dhalsawangi 3,703 229 288 I229 619 010 4 0 33 2 0 7 57 33° 281 136 102 39 N andraghat I,525 145 145 828 398 430 108 tIo 188 79 207 zII 21 14 40 Umarkhed 1,067 16 18 105 61 44 2 23 5 36 28 27 IS 41 Takli 863 70 70 470 223 "'47 14 2.5 107 3B 110 141 58 74 42 Kordi 1,348 63 63 4 1 2 209 203 32 37 91 36 95 62 55 25 43 Dasalwadi .• 647 77 77 505 244 261 25 39 124 42 12-8 61 34 3 44 KUOlbhephal 1,073 uS TZS 701 344 357 75 72 145 55 18S 65 98 4S Sawall 1.900 ISS 157 850 451 399 58 48 250 01 Z23 66 127 15 46 Ruikhed 2,408 268 268 1,498 766 73Z 92 97 186 86 4 0 7 3 8 5 233 232 47 Mohoj .• 2,149 12 12 84 38 46 19 I 24 16 16 12 48 Kulamkhed •• 540 138 13<) 780 366 414 14 16 174 36 186 244 116 168 49 Saigaon 1,972 264 273 1,533 781 752 121 104 46z 196 389 107 ISO 7 50 Mhasla Bk. 1,771 161 176 1,006 493 513 81 83 290 3Z 24-6 2:56 1I8 u8 51 Mh.sla Kh. 1,049 64 69 42Z :",8 204 17 19 98 17 138 122 97 77 52 Bhadgaon .. z,89z 257 262 r,3QZ 692 700 67 68 295 105 363 305 188 148 53 Pimpalgaon Sarai 3,756 533 559 3,42 7 1,66", 1,765 148 146 817 235 875 42'" 43+ 121 54 Mondh.!. 1,399 120 122 740 383 357 4' 39 170 43 T94 If}9 II9 126 55 ChHdol 6,46 3 68r 78B 4.747 2.449 2.298 188 190 1,153 385 1,268 879 47!l 239 56 Jamb 2,847 223 238 1.242 620 622 8 5 288 58 361 319 271 241 57 Bodegaon 871 72 76 387 194 193 16 2.8 74 "4 10+ 94 42 44 58 Irla .• 1,367 120 125 685 346 339 4 3 161 32 19 1 2IS 100 II7 59 Tarapur 2,225 40 51 283 144 139 54 6 78 48 52 24 60 Afajalpur 171 12 79 4 1 38 16 12 7 7 61 Blrsingpur 1,48r JI8 126 874 4 26 448 58 Z32 67" 200 lOS 76 62 Jambharur 1,904 14 18 77 39 38 5 2 'IS 18 2 6:l Buldhana Rural 3,9 1 3 71 207 1,055 6u} 436 68 37 428 lSI 259 In 20 63-A BULDHANA URBAN AREA I 64 l-lanwat Khed • 1,140 14 20 106 58 48 I 14 4 29 z. I 65 Borkhed .. 6,040 71 75 4 17 207 210 31 31 106 10 IIO 80 32 19 66 Paldhog (F. v.) 2,.'iZ5 75 7& 4 0 9 201 208 17 18 78 IS 109 88 68 54 J,499 1,008 1,154 6,915 3,472: 3,443 215 243 1.714 659 1,578 432- 4 00 40 ~§ ~a~~~~at (E:~ 1,012 47 47 2.75 13~ 143 64 3Z 77 48 34 25 (,Q Devari (F. V.) 7.852 54 5~ 249 125 12+ 48 22 75 SI 47 41 70 Kolwad (E.) 2,397 377 388 2,381 1,201 1,180 77 77 662 2II 639 581 20S 248 71 Sagwnn (E.) 1.842- 327 352 1.928 957 18 10 5~:J 242, 474 244 162 01 72 Sukalkhed 670 90 fIR nIB 306 4 74<} 45 156 197 3+ 5 73 Malwdlir I.B77 99 QO ..So 219 10 8 II7 39 ,-+0 139 67 G9 74 Bhadola 4,681 447 +50 ~.:796 1,151 4 0 25 613 219 58 .1 192 273 9 7; P,rnparkhed 80 3 Umnhabit.ed 7') Warwand .. 5,038 361 387 2.052 1,05 t 1,001 52 50 5 12 166 158 77 Gondhankhed I.3Hg 8 8 77 37 40 19 3 7 78 Pokhari 760 83 85 453 Z3~ 221 114 Z7 3 79 Borala 7,852 14 14 81 43 38 5 2 So Nandrakoli 3.279 404 405 2.399 1,192 1,207 25 26 590 68 A- J62S-9-B. 59 1 CHIKHLI TAHSIL

WORKERS II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Agricultural Live-stuck, MIning. l\1anufacturing, ctc. Construction 'Trade Transport. Other services Non-workers ~ labourers orchards. etC. quarrying and storage and 8 Household Otller t.han commerce communicahon~ industry household § Industry .~ --_------g F IV! F M F ;\1 F ,.J

(19) (20) (.>.1) (35) (J7) (18) (I)


31,016 32,433 1,063 114 13 9 2,559 3742,179 106 916 41 4,328 221 1,156 27 7,242 724 82,089 105,980 29,088 30,867 590 53 6 2,116 246 1,131 52 452 28 1,581 109 218 2 3,392 246 65,249 82,8940 1,928 1,566 473 61 7 9 453 128 1,048 54 464 13 2,747 112 938 25 3,850 4,78 16,840 23,086

45 58 2 4 12 I IJU 2I5 233 9 II 337 365 2 10 w " .. I 38 ~ lli6 201 3 50 7 30Y 453 4 67 69 6 .4 I7 T 164 5 34 28 2 3 90 II6 6 63 61 4 4 181 162 I 2 III ~9 36 123 ~ I 2 11 8 9 12'1 144 2 7 6 9 247 198 10 ::'7 7 I '+3 254 II I43 3 II 9 14 310 317 12 +3 I 2 2 4 10+ 107 '3 S7 4 " 2 I 7 133 126 '4 10 24 o 2 12 33 2 ;:}99 383 IS 9 0 3 8 272 3liZ 16 17 II9 12 16 II 9 IS 245 305 18 ~5 S 130 160 9 6 3 16 274 19 5) 14 2 "1 5 146 310 20 IfJ~ :136 8 IO 8 3b 2 4°)'{ 360 21 '4 6 20 21 22- 24 24 2 43 57 23 216 230 2 19 7 4 30 552 683 24 172 171 I 5 3 3 12 207 259 25 130 83 5 6 I 4 5 23g 427 26 ,0 79 8 2 '3 3 , 8 190 203 27 I 2 , 12 IS 28 lI6 z 10 18 6 22 334 409 29 9 ' 4 1 109 4 107 I II 30 109 170 30 9 4 5 285 332- 31 43 So I 07 III 3.a ,09 ISS 7 2 6 18 2 T6 218 262 33 9 6 55 12 4 9 2 2$2 41i4 34 90 99 2 2 3 '4 290 256 35 103 I 12" 4 T 16 I 2&3 237 36 5';2-"9 4 6 9 3° 57 I 44 12 I21 9 1,384 I.QOI 37 '77 179 3 7 2 8 2 8 3 329 38 17° 194 7 " 2 6 19 I 219 39 7 13 25 16 40 35 67 3 7 6 II3 106 41 33 37 I 5 II4 141 42 88 58 2 3 IT6 200 43 82 62 J I 3 159 292 44 82 51 4 2 7 228 333 45 112 153 22 2 4 3;9 347 46 5 3 2 '4 30 47 49 75 '4 5 180 I7Q 48 I I~4 89 7 34 9 12 2 28 392 (>45 49 77 II7 z 23 10 2 " 20 247 257 50 3 0 43 7 I 2 80 82 5' 120 148 14 5 5 18 12 329 395 52 28 2 328 293 -4 22 19 2, 37 787 1,343 S3 61 7T 5 I " 7 I 189 158 54 553 625 8 IOJ 10 II 2 4 53 2 57 3 I,I81 1,4 1 9 55 66 78 8 259 303 56 50 50 2 6 2 go 99 57 7 6 98 10 4 J55 124 58 25 24 Ii6 91 59 4 7 29 31: 60 99 1 0 4 z 2 4 JO 226 3-B 6. "3 18 '4 20 62 98 89 7 9 4 6 29 360 314 63 63A 27 2I I 29 27 64 79 61 2 2 91 1]0 65 37 33 I I z 92 120 66 8 12 20 t08 690 37 '4 24 4 4 17 1 1 8 94- 2,991 67 3 1 23 3 2 7 55 9S 68 u 9 2 6 8 50 73 69 19+ 283 29 17 34 8 IS 7 9 68 562 599 70 157 ,8T 10 2t 7 4 62 JO 41 497 713 71 ,o2 192 I " IS '56 109 72 62 70 4 J 6 12 T 80 73 24 1 '79 26 2 9 .. 23 561 959 74 75 325 I 6 2 30 5'7 76 14 2 3 "19 77 I08 5 110 78 13 18 79 4'5 4 6 4 3T 72.1 80 60 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT

WORKERS ~ "0 -Totai -----}--- Total population Scheduled Scheduled Literate and workers Cultivatol'B (including castes tnbes educated (I-IX) Village/Towni ] institutional and persons Ward/Block ..... houseless population) o ~ P M F 1\1 F M F M F M F M F (I) (2) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (II) (12) (13) (14) (IS) ._(_1_6>___ ('_7.:,.) __ (t8)

RURAL AREAS acres 81 AjisDur 868 141 I4S 701 344 357 25 29 53 IIS 13 87 8 8~ Yeluaon 3 0 2 3"3 I.648 806 842 58 71 125 411 4 14 175 18 83 Sao-- 25 1 25 1 :1,260 638 622 12 10 87 331 i:~6~ 245 "4 5 84 Ruikhed IJI64 2.14 1,018 510 50S 8 4 55 267 199 160 85 Kherdi 36 2~1 202 102 100 8 6 10 51 9" 643 47 19 2 86 Dongarkhandala 566 8 51 24I 2.485 555 3,14 1,595 1.553 54 72I 25' I78 87 Antriteli 754 66 66 330 165 165 5 2 21 16 30 3 88 Khupgaon 881 145 I45 719 374 345 34 35 91 196 89 89 Kolari .• 36 211 10 107 2 13 90 754 36 4 5 3 31 I 90 Dongarsheoli 315 7.,7 1 7 870 28 25 5.376 334 847 174 447 170 193 91 Kotkhed •. 61I Uninhabited z,I35 ISS IS7 88, 16 19 1 2 112 0 92 Sakhali Kh. 433 7 2 3 3 I06 I 93 Sakhali Ilk. 3.768 608 608 3.323 1,717 S4 72 876 0 5°9 79 173 403 27 94 Kelwad (E.) 2,752- 349 349 I,7S4 896 35 29 512 190 487 291 196 I,887 0 17 2" 95 Brahmap')Ii 178 '78 935 49 19 "'3 85 "147 199 "7 8$ 96 Kinhala •• 3,644 492. sol 2,691 1,340 3S 32 643 227 675 343 "1,278 I34 140 1 83 97 Dhodap .• 765 39 35 33 198 7I I9Z 3 I 98 Palaskhed Sakpal 50 5 384 197 2 :2 101 41 1>3 84 16 99 Belkhed 307 U;:nhabit~03 100 Chandhai 997 40 63 225 II2 II3 12 14 50 15 47 31 19 701 Morni 2.,3'1 I66 896 429 467 26 22 IS3 35 234 146 119 r02 Vairagad 2,049 260 1,209 628 581 23 22 318 II4 87 I23 4 103 Karvand •• 10,456 :095 1,626 813 8 1 3 17 21 4 62 102 376 197 I04 Takarkhed Helga 2,298 217 1,20 5 627 578 25 15 333 101 191 I34 I~3 1I8 19 1:05 Dasala I.s:6J 607 305 302 13 195 94 138 70 36 618 62T 105 106 Undri .. 2.,344 I~624 1,439 97 795 330 444 3 1 3 107 Kinlu Sawadod 1,538 x61 161 8I II 8 26 3 333 237 72 185 121 9z 108 Toranwada 1,352 184 184 444 449 2 Z 195 71 191 94 58 109 Kusumbi 46:0 II 7 I 110 Kus',mba 439 U;';."nhobitei •

III Yamdora 8:07 Uninhabited 112 Mohodari I,JOt 688 27 20 20 I~; It~ 10 92 3 1,901 394 10 69 38 I,tOI 301 I I ~~! t,~ 6I 62 22 45 5$ II :;t,Sll 0 115 Shelsur :>;75 2.83 1,45 3 4 167 223 I67 79 1I6 Shelodi I,Q44 156 164 824 417 40 7 23 20 210 64 23 1 88 126 '77 U7 Khomkhed 8"9 42 43 259 I33 43 4:0 76 27 66 34 16 ~ u8 GJndhankhed 393 IX II 56 29 27 '4 2 13 6 6 rI9 Mahattamkhed Z77 12 13 68 34 34 24 10 '9 12 16 12 Sawarkhed Najik 1 170 161 I:i!O 748 64 64 33 52 39 62 '10 94 80 39 30 I2I Kawhala 1,636 1.452 713 739 49 54 389 38S 246 .68 86 "'2 Wardada •• 454 uz;t;s,."abite~81 t::13 Hiwaranaik I,684 43 43 253 Ul 132 36 78 79 34 18 Karankhed •• 1:18 119 662 I24 323 339 158 I83 147 59 43 I25 Amdapur •• I~:;~ 874 1,097 6.187 3,120 3,067 69 83 t.731 1,666 7 1 0 4:8 49 1:26 Dhotrobhangoji •• t,453 267 270 1,390 716 58 57 3 20 IOI 358 2$8 .69 :z 1:27 Tarakhed Pro Amda- 1,313- IIg lIS 703 357 9 16 151 44 172 196 83 pur. 79 128 Ainkhed •• 260 5" 54 278 139 139 19 28 19 79 33 61 IX II 37 a 129 I, 4 77 34 43 19 I5 9 1,239 275 :078 1,303 678 625 25 20 130 ti=~aik' 95 4 ' 5 3 I :O '90 us 131 Kinhinaik 174 18S 883 43Z 451 23 '7 I92 55 272 '130 I32 Utrada t~6~ u8 ra8 735 370 365 22 16 IS2 59 179 I47 ..s 00 16 77 133 Karkhed 734 53 61 3 I36 4 17 26 59 7 74 16 I 134 Hara1khed uJ;~80 422 201 221 3 9 0 27 no S9 15 135 Dhuma ~;a;~

I t Z32 Z23 1,188 581 607 48 51 255 II6 332 333 t33 uS 60 192 1 18 :1,095 """ 7S 385 I93 3 ,,6 45 103 43 5" 734 86 86 443 219 z24 8 9 120 26 124 27 84 ;8 140 24 25 127 67 60 I2 9 24 2 45 25 30 16 16 6 I" 378 77 39 38 7 15 6 20 II 7 3 Borakludi •• 1$9 Uninhabiud PimparkileJ. Pr.Amdapur 803 99 IIQ 565 292 32 33 IS8 33 '57 1,166 602 33 Borgaonkakade 2,193 207 z27 64 60 3 I S Xl3 335 77 Pandhardeo 1.365 576 287 II 15 120 39 157 7_bhaTun Pr. 62" U~t;r 39 Amdapur.

.[46 Deodari •• •• 6 26 14 12 5 $ 147 Warkhed •• 123 648 3 1 7 331 II 12 ISO 46 137 6~ 148 Mangrul Nawllhare 4 1 0 2,350 1,214- I,I36 44 37 673 240 349 238 I49 Babhulgaon 70 357 177 180 ,,0 16 8s 33 28 27 ISO Isali 490 2,734 1.369 I.365 50 4S 639 157 34" 360

1$1 Mungi •• 1,841 Z II 5 6 3 2 I 2,0.44- 8 lSI 1$" Telhara ... '4 " 723 364 359 42 42 194 195 II4 77 2 Sawangi Gavali 2-,516 IU 115 61$ 306 21 26 153 3"9 134 170 129 7I 55 154 Sawarkhed Bk. 1,3sa 69 69 334 168 166 I6 17 $2 96 84 28 I 68 20 155 Sawarkhed Kh. 444 33 33 13 63 5 7 18 42 21 21 1 156 Dhanori 1.,609 7z 80 470 245 225 30 20 20 u8 7' 66 6 Eklara 3,098 1 1,824 01 157 3 8 3S4 9 923 34 38 179 472 471 2>2 I84 Patoda I.693 529 256 18 158 9" 94 273 22 38 143 '02 55 42 159 Bhorsa 562 126 I3D 718 378 340 177 ISO 36 190 106 71 160 Bhorsi 745 3" 3'1 187 95 9:1 II 51 47 34 a7" 61


WORKERS II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Agricultural Lives-tock, Mining, Manufacturing, etc .. Construction Trade Transport, Other set'Vices Non-workers labourers orchards,. etc. quarrying and storage and Household Other than commtce communications industry household industrv M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

(19) (20) (21) ( .. 2) (24) (zS) (26) (27) ( ..8) (29) (30) (35) (36) (37) (I)


S 8 I 8 229 344 81 395 2 3 3 7 :u 395 428 82 235 II 6 6 2 19 3 0 7 377 83 107 25 S 243 309 84 45 51 53 85 525 5 I3 2 7 22 4 1 7 18 832 86 13 8, '49 87 106 3 4 IS I70 149 88 2 13 1 45 104 89 244 4 10 2 9 7 2 .. 375 423 90 9 1 76 1 7 I .. 10 230 445 92 ,,85 143 IS Zl 10 17 39 927 1,433 93 "28 269 3 30 5 7 I 16 4 0 9 567 94 105 1I4 4 I 2 I 16 243 "'46 95 286 236 20 22 8 10 3 3 1 7 57 7 676 997 96 54 2 5 4 5 182 3 8H 97 47 53 17 14 2 I 74 II3 98 99 27 ,,8 4 2 48 66 100 80 "5 3 ,. 4 ISJ 233 101 2 0 5 82 9 I 5 2 7 II 266 494 10" I94 23S 2 29 13 z 2 13 10 354 437 103 180 133 2 3 4 Z 4 19 279 387 1 0 4 87 102 7 I 8 I3 I .64 105

376 5 "3 I 10 z 6 43 3 6 52 5 790 995 106 91 6 5 I58 ·iB 107 123 10 2" 4 II 201 258 108 to 109 110

III 7 3 6 175 318 112 69 " 89 131 113 34 3 , 4 64 107 114 143 z 12 '6 7 2 33 353 489 115 120 131 7 5 186 230 Jl6 ,,8 2 67 92 117 4~ 6 16 21 JI8 3 15 zz JI9 5" SO ,. 76 81 120 171 ISO 6 13 6 5 15 328 493 121 12,. « 61 43 53 123 106 103 '8 I 4 6 140 192 124- 744 6::08 9 98 a 53 4Z 10 ,28 134 18 1.454 2,357 125 132 253 27 3 u I 17 316 458 126 66 US 4 3 3 z Z 8 174 161 127

38 29 2 3 60 I06 128 10 IS 15 28 129 174 187 3 10 3 8 25 ,.63 313 130 163 182 6 I 6 I60 131 71 68 4 "Z 3 4 191 132 37 IS 6" 133 52 44 •I z 81 134 I3S 158 a05 10 o 4 s 3 5 2.49 2.74 136 36 43 I Z z 2 90 149 137 30 9 2 1 a 95 197 138 %4 %3 22 3S 139 II 8 10 27 140

'41 79 107 3 ...... 7 135 IJ2 14'" 145 163 4 4 7 4 7 17 267 313 143 73 81 3 z n 130 169 144- " 145 I 5 7 146 8~ 7 7 154 194 147 300 o 3 :a:o 3 9 ... 3 43 5 570 787 .411 10 II 8a Isa 140 z~ 3 5 "7 14 40 628 1.023 ISO I 3 6 lSI 06 1I0 4 I IX ,69 2.45 Isa 81 72 4 4 8 '39 '77 153 63 64 2 I z 72 82 I5+ 21 20 26 42 155 65 I 3 3 ... 3 117 154 156 1~! 282 6 II 3 8 13 2. 36 4"9 452 157 72 60 9 3 " 3 I 113 '71 IS8 1X4 t04 I 3 188 234 159 14 ao Z I +4 45 160 62 PRIMAR"i CENSUS ABSTRACT

WORKERS Total I Total population Scheduled Scheduled Literate and workers Cultivators Villa"e/Town/ (including castes tribes educated (I-IX) Ward/Block institutIonal and persons houseless populatIon)

p M F M F F 1\1 F M F M F ------~------(Il (2) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (Il) (12) (13) (10) (17) (18) RURAL AREAS acres Z6I Gondhankhed PT. 370 Uninhabited Kherda. 162 Naigaon Bk. 1,239 145 145 753 381 372 49 70 206 r49 97 47 163 N~ugaon Kh. • . 1,052: 74 76 358 177 18 I 37 23 <>7 8 4 1 104 .. 1,170 81 81 4 15 224 191 9 I4 132 143 66 77 165 Pangn Pro Deulghat 1,893 285 306 1,742 879 863 33 166 4 68 298 227 83

166 Shirpur 1 3,005 4 5 2,318 J,I67 1,15 I 74 246 665 584 4 0 0 4 06 167 Glrol.. 1,790 47 263 Iz8 135 I3 59 22 16 3 .168 Sawana 5,Z I 5 6 1 3 3,ISB 1,580 1,57<1 63 00 2M 802 668 30 3 226 I69 l'vlatla 1,555 137 770 3 8 5 385 4 3 49 217 190 98 87 I70 Shmdkhed 11z81 80 424 222 202 24 18 "3 I29 93 66 12 17 I Raipur .. ~ 6,015 6:'4 688 3,845 1,903 SO 46 977 447 1,02.3 786 419 289 172 ~atgaon Dhusari 5.684 429 430 2,185 1,092 236 253 601 220 582 4 6 8 ~47 191 173 Hatni 1,077 166 167 9 0 3 446 49 51 208 68 238 108 118 4 0 J74 Beldari .. 775 Uninhahited 175 Pala,khed Elml 117 13 131 131 664 340 324 9 183 55 18S Il7 1I8

176 Antrikoli I~I41 '40 14° 737 371 366 4 182 51 132 158 177 Waghapur 1,428 97 102 449 232 217 2, 113 45 45 10 178 SaWaTgaon Dukre 1.044 272 z80 1,602 808 794 34 43 4 80 225 158 87 '79 M.lgani (E.) I~Z42 ISS 162 781 4 0 5 376 6 4 2II 58 7' 75 180 Palaskhecl Jainti 699 80 8< 4 1 5 208 207 112 55 52 5 181 Walti 1.504 195 202 1,109 353 556 39 39 332 3I8 '47 9 6 7 182 Somthana 564 1 0 9 rog 576 290 286 2 2 116 32 149 73 78 J83 Borgaon Wasll 1,328 79 80 448 217 23 1 31 32 120 44 73 54 34 JH4 Dlwathana 964 149 ISO 788 389 399 129 33 14 1 91 I ,&5 Peth I J 091 175 214 1 1 086 50" 524 43 42 276 86 210 I4b 108

J86 Malshcmba 1,579 '47 391 376 31 '79 62 :<'5 I T3 "5 .87 Boral" 776 I 3 3 2 3 2 3 ,88 Godri .. 3,267 308 829 8 0 3 103 330 89 240 186 13 189 Rhogawati •. 981 82 290 255 9 13 1 30 153 110 108 100 Tambulwadi 701 4 1 '3' I25 3 6I 20 53 '4 S 2 .191 Pambulwadi 399 2 " 5 3 .92 Chikbli Rura. 4,447 285 313 1,505 820 685 S 2IO 21 7 lq2-A CHIKHLI URBAN AREA II .93 Shelud 1,325 189 307 1,001 5 0 9 36 2.22 85 9 JQ4 Shindi HaraJi 1,325 83 87 480 248 20 "7 8" 7S ,9,'; Anwl 1,091: 49 58 394 195 13 79 56 52

KhaT •• •• 1,649 It5 JIS 367 34 38 '3Z 45 '34- 73 4 Sakcg30n •• •• 1,720 126 126 3 1 9 27 31 160 3S 1 0 3 83 45 Chandhai P<. Chi-.• 1,634 173 193 539 25 30 188 69 252 102 khali. '''9 199 Khandala Makar- 3,467 232 248 1,317 645 33 30 357 lOS 336 302 88 7I dhwai. :zoo Shelgaon J ahagi-r ',738 105 123 722 370 43 203 53 '5' '35 102 Bhokar •• 3,290 238 238 1,30 5 668 4 I 278 76 390 295 ~'lungsar, 769 8& 96 $22 251 20 18 104 30 139 45 Palaskhed Daulat 1,136 IBl 184 1,°45 535 44 37 254 91 28r 139 JambhC'ra 1,31Z 61 6. 374 ,83 92 44 109 59 Bhanl 357 u8 444 188 264 91 Amboshi 3,"58 "38 239 l.z93 651 21 306 90 332 I82 II3 34 KonQd •• 2,747 89 89 4 68 238 10 70 7 llO 4 7 0 -I- 880 ~:~a~on D;:anger•• 4. J 52- 358 358 J,738 66 345 '''2 496 361 247 8, 1,5'70 '58 ,63 908 440 20 210 77 2.57 136 88 .0 Ranantri 78< 85 87 436 214 16 II9 42 125 100 56 28 Bharosa 5,90< 34" 34" .,894 945 949 41 41 445 93 500 IS 28, • Mera Kh .••• Z,,7Il 321 322 1,811 926 885 25 16 446 173 433 286 160 73 Kawathal .• 2,088 lIS lIS 613 328 285 22 16 166 128 173 83 73 18 Chambharwad 1,123 86 86 426 218 208 23 IS 93 31 129 27 102 4 Amora 2.,747 193 193 97" 502 470 237 47 2.80 ZI1 190 12.6 Misahvadi ... 1,688 104 1:06 640 320 32.0 8 "'0 4 1 185 '90 107 I31 Antrikhedekar l,so4 3"5 325 1,'766 945 821 8, 508 189 476 499 173 145 Asola Pro Kherda 2,350 125 126 7 1 5 36 2 353 128 :>2 198 213 137 '47 Gunjala 2,656 73 74 4 0 7 220 187 '7 94 18 120 128 72 Me:t:a Bk. b,67' 633 633 3,74b 1,885 1,861 136 87!) 324 942 661 4 02 1I0 231 Shelgllon Atol 3,270 330 339 1:,877 939 938 3 8 33 '49 510 222 147 232 Andarwadi 6,159 346 377 2.086 1,068 1,018 zr 41 140 539 227 200 233 Andhera 7,454 553 555 3,064 1,539 1,525 20 10 129 740 319 18 234 Manubai 1,062 127 I27 617 326 291 II 12 50 '45 85 42 235 Khadaka 1,279 Uninhabited

236 Pimpri .. •. 2,025 158 162 957 474 II II 229 50 245 259 I52 136 237 Baigaon Pro Kherda 1,678 153 154 82:> 393 18 '4 184 55 '95 9' 104 39 238 Mendl'aon .• ",636 238 238 I,49~ 736 34 34 325 79 . _391 358 Ib~ 143 239 Shivani (Armal) 3,051 I32 I32 • 772 357 6 6 215 80 192 zoo 100 IIS 240 Saokhed 1,4 1 $ I97 197 1,024 5 1 3 S 5 29 1 loR 274 63 '44 II 63


WORKERS II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Agricultural Livestock, Mining, Manufacturing etc. Construc­ Trade Transport, Other services Non-workers i labourers orchards. etc. Quarrying tion and storage and Household Other than commerce commun_ " industry household ications o induatry " ------.~ F M F M F M F M F ------M F M F M F M M F !vi F ~ ('9) (20) (2') (22) ("3) (24-) (25) (,,6) (27) (,,8) (29) (30) (3') (3,,) (33) (34) (37) (38) (I)



82 '00 9 , 1>- 175 223 I6z 47 8 2 " 5 80 173 163 S2 66 II " 3 9" 48 164 197 213 ~8 4 9 U 2 41I 565 16S 197 176 '4 I" 3 10 28 50" 567 166 41 IQ 2 69 II3 167 378 428 9 21 3 18 28 S 9 33 3 778 910 r68 .09 IIr 5 2 3 168 186 ,69 54 8r 2 4 2 93 109 '70 470 476 4 24 6 22 1 20 I 4 5Q 14 919 1.117 171 245 264 25 4 27 5 6 5 7 3 20 5II 624 172 76 68 X3 lZ 3 lZ ZI9 338 173 " 174 6" 6r 2 3 ISS 145 '75 6. 80 7 169 12.8 I,6 46 4S 4 I 3 1:12 158 177 '74 IQ5 ~ 8 9 31 4 4 0 4 507 I,8 II2 152 5 5 :iI 8 197 147 179 37 14 7 1I2 187 I80 140 8 4 X9 280 400 781 70 2 2 I I 4 140 137 18:& 31 X3 7 6 3 2 I02 158 183 140 1 4 "5 4 198 258 184 99 12 9 2 4 4 9 I 4 XI 279 314 I85 99 5 183 161 186 I I87 ::I:il7 r IS ,,0 412 56j 188 43 3 2. 4 128 10" 18\1 46 " 7 68 72 190 z 1 191 II4 IS 3 4 22 9 33 30 7 SIS 554 192 I92·A 150 212 5 ,6 '3 238 270 193 46 42 I I 1I8 lIS 194 33 "7 4 98 12.0 I9S 97 u8 3 7 2 7 178 253 196 90 58 I 4 4 I35 "43 197 X45 ISO 5 II 248 306 198

198 228 2 5 12 6 "3 309 199 53 48 4 5 7 166 201

81 75 6 3 5 278 29Z, 201 I 87 104 3 3 I1Z 103 2o~ U4 II6 3 5 12 254 292 203 4B 93 14 93 204 28 28 " 132 " 125 205 108 13S I 2 6 193 ,,88 206 59 73 2 's 4 9 I 3 12" 12.7 207 79 3 2 3 14 S 2II 385 z08 ISO 169 6 "5 9 I 25 17 II 280 z83 209 18 16 '99 307 " 3 5 21 3 440 540 .2:10 I 99 94 17 I 5 17 244 461: 21:1. 98 "'5 3 ,I 2 3 2 5 173 164 zI2 67 90 5 8 2 6 124 I2.7 213 87 II" 4 3 5 " 4 13 209 25" 214 u5 94 26 3 10 17 348 611 275 164 144 II 3 4 10 27 310 469 :u6 36 I I 120 234 217 202 277 16 3 6 7 ,8" 36" 519 zI8 I 153 125 7 9 205 310 210 70 19 8 8 2 10 "" 97 II4 z:z.o lSI 13 I '6 14 4 IS 445 934 221 229 213 5 3 2 5 16 493 599 2.22 85 63 7 2 4 155 202 zaJ 24 "3 I 89 8 If,[ 224 57 84 II " 3 10 "2;2 259 225 55 58 7 I 14 I 130 226 II 24" 23 4 ,,0 6 3:Z:.z 22.7 3 l 2 5" 6 2 4 140 228 45 u8 2 1 59 229 407 546 37 9 5 z6 55 4 I,200 .230 230 291 :;:0, 4 4 2. 2 4 3 23 490 231 254 341 23 I i 4 I "4 470 232. 286 335 27 9 5 16 I 68 " I.I6H 233 52 4S 5 3 2 0 4 234 235

IZ3 4 '0 , ,38 ZIS 236 S2 3 " 14 Z34 302 237 2: 15 I I 14 365 378 238 '''5 I 10 85 3 4 4 10 223 157 239 S2 8 4 9 4 ", 237 450 "40 64 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT

WORKERS .. Total Total population Scheduled Scheduled Literate and workers I "8 Village/Town/ (including castes tribes educated (I-IX) Cultivators Ward/Block instttutIonal and persons houseless population)

P M F M F M F M F M F M F (I) (2) (3) (4)._____ (~5~) _____(_6) ______(7_) _____~_) _____ (O_) ___(_lO_) ___ (_11_) __ ._(_lZ_) __ ~(1~3.) (IS) (,6) (q) (.8)

RURAL AREAS acres Padali Pro Makapur 2,197 171 172 927 4 82 17 18 231 72 24-3 u8 98 Pang1:a .. Mangrul Pr. Kherda 2>457 176 180 972 508 7 216 4-3 24-5 aas Isrul 2,99.I 261 261 I,337 666 38 336 II7 367 309 Dodra ... 3,525 149 149 810 395 32 77 69 205 130 Cb.in("hkbed :1,991 122 12" 7"3 356 3" 164 '73 19" 198 Baigaon Pr. Malkapur 145 8II 40 9 33 18. 53 201 180 107 Pangra. Waki Bk.•• 1,352 90 50 3 255 248 13 5 Il7 30 13a 13' 90 99 Waki Kh... .• 165 6 13,18 50 3 ' 4 149 66 15 72 10 4-7 I Dhotra Pro Malkapur 3,480 166 897 455 44"- 149 33 243 "'51 98 10::1 Pangra. Khallal Gawhan 1,1)82 19Z 11)2 607 586 92 93 281 72 31S 267 14-5 Sultanpur •• 950 26 2.6 137 65 72 7 9 18 3 37 24- 22 Mandapgaon 2,271 162 162 876 454 422 17 18 59 "36 210 14" 103'" Deulgaon Mabi 4,563 620 620 3,3 7 1,673 1,644 26 22 2""932 320 51)6 357 uS Saramba r,948 205 205 1,"14' 8 589 559 7 9 333 99 ~~ 248 '74 143 Sura .• I,ZI2 8 .. 86 543 278 265 II 17 IOI 2.I 156 147 102 9S Nangargaon 1,745 138 139 789 408 381 .8 18 191 37 232 247 17% Garkhcd •• 849 7"- 72 44' ZIS 223 o 7 79 20 3 I 4,503 2,827 1,448 r,379 66 0 682 168 750"." 578 .... 540 54-3 7 334- ~~~~aJah~~r 6,II9 381 38 2 ~JI24- I,OSS 1,069 53 45 496 153 56" 393 167 Tarakhed Pr. Sindkhed 1:,085 103 105 594 316 "78 u IS 135 23 17" 134 106 Kinhi Pro Sindkhed 772 559 295 264 2 8 147 19 153 139 Pimpalgaon Pro 3,263 743 378 365 22.6 103 "-09 22,0 J apharabad. Panllr; Pro JapbaIabad 2,956 :1,3 18 678 640 6 5 328 263 346 Aland 1,866 9 06 476 430 25 33 22,& 43 271 Rohana 1,675 4-2f 223 198 9 6 63 :3 II9

Narayankhed I,2lS 1)0 90 5 1 6 270 246 29 2~ 134 67 149 74 101 Nimgaon Guru 1,726 251 251 756 397 359 14 18 163 31 219 222 201 Kumhhar.. •• 1,267 S5 55 304- 168 136 86 "7 90 59 47 Gondhaokhed Pr. 654 74 74 449 240 209 & 6 86 '4 132 86 Sindkbed. Pimpalgaon Bk. 1,491 143 143 863 4 I S 445 31 23 149 34 54 135 271 Deulgaon Raja-Rural I5 IS 69 41 28 18 3 20 9 10 3 27I.A DEULeAON RAJA URBAN AREA III 27z Pimpalner •• 23 "3 99 62 37 33 9 31 17 8 7 159 I 273 Ambhora •• 69 69 332 173 3 63 '"~ 93 65 77 52 274 Jambhora •• 3S 35 194 103 91 I 4- 50 7 5" 4-8 49 4-S 12.8 130 755 0 365 ,,6 170 209 148 275 U'2;'~':i~=~.Pr. 39 "4 4" "31 ISO

276 Jawalkhed.. .. 3,491) 168 171 1,054- 534 520 16 15 225 274- II4- 83 277 Aoola Pro Sindkhed 1.,662 172 172 1,001 498 503 12 15 249 ~H 273 163 ISS 278 Chincholi Burkul 1,520 60 60 323 ,68 155 IS 9 67 8 96 51) So 279 Saokbed Bhci 2,206 217 2.17 1,176 616 560 48 4" "39 45 337 220 173 280 Jumd" 1,31.1 80 80 46" 223 239 13 14 64 24 134 93 lIS 281 Bhigaon Bk. 1,476 I2S I30 696 359 337 16 "0 ISO 25 218 78 20 28.. Bhi,'b(lon Kh. 381 Uninhabited 283 Giroli Bk.•• 2,4:15 146 147 830 4 18 4 1 2 21 16 37 218 98 79 284 Gimli Kh .•• "-,575 139 131) 811 4 10 401 37 2"4 163 199 285 Borkbedi Barvara I,3:a6 90 90 587 300 287 3" .6" 69 70 Palaskhed Zalta 2,415 78 7& 501 258 243 17 23 86 27 155 159 104 107 Bamkhed I t 6IQ 59 50 345 169 '76 3 3 77 3" 81 7§ 31) z. Nimkhed 1,246 76 77 5 18 248 270 13 13 86 IS ZI4 58 Golegaon 1,345 108 10& 668 332 336 44 44 166 34 171 176 88 96 Tuljapur 1,866 19" 192 I t 091 551 540 22 24 337 97 308 "'43 2<3 135 291 Palaskhed Malakdeo 49 280 '39 71 18 '74 87 44- 13 29" Shrikrushna Nagar :.ox 63 '4 a 31 "9 %6 I~ (FV). '''5 URBAN AREAS Km' I Bulciana Municipal 3'1)6 4,744 4,778 25,303 13,749 11 ,564 883 637 9,433 5,231 6,128 1,172 273 39 Council. 1 Ward No.1 N.A. 242 246 1.354 734 620 47 41 520 289 326 .5a 11

Block 141 14' 721 392 329 :r5 1& 250 '32 192 36 6 do. 2. 101 105 633 34-2 291 32 23 270 157 134 17 5 2 Ward No.2 288 288 1.543 789 754 III 97 462 277 374 148 11

310 61 Block 3 129 129 631 321 58 178 78 157 79 I ~ do. 4- 75 372 lSI 191 47 35 73 44 86 55 6 I do. 5 84 ~! 540 287 253 3 4 211 ISS 131 14 4 3 Ward No.3 204 205 1.413 766 647 19 15 467 287 310 20 15 Block 6 80 81 591 268 19 15 188 148 217 9 5 do. 7 '24- IZ4 822 379 279 139 193 II ~o ... Ward No.4 170 173 1,058 519 355 183 239 19 12

Block 8 III 737 353 ,,69 136 .69 17 II do. 9 62 321 166 86 47 70 2 65


WORKERS ---- II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Agricultural Livestock, Mining, Manufacturing etc. Construc.. Trade Transport, Other services Non.. workers labourers orchards. etc. quarrying tion and storage and Hou..ehold Other than commel'ce communications industry household industry M F M F M ------F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F (19) (20) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (3') (32) (33) (35) (38) (I)


114 II6 13 239 24' 80 102 16 I 5 263 239 242 115 124 9 '4 6 10 10 14 2 299 362 243 47 117 5 8 3 10 190 z85 2+1- 40 62 16 12 2 8 164 169 245 67 73 4 5 201 229 246

32 3 2 7 2 123 117 247 21 9 I 2 77 ISS 248 u8 '49 4 z 9 2I2 I9I 249 133 16 " 6 13 292 319 aso 22 2.8 48 251 .06 13 5 10 I 218 212 252 370 7 2 43" 3 67 6 849 1,048 253 104- 7 4 15 1 12 291 311 2.54 4-9 2 122. u8 255 75 7 I 3 5 134 256 4 I 2.20 257 234" 9 I4- 2 23 3 8 2 I 36 3 80;( 258 225 2 '3 II 5 4- I 21 676 259 23 8 5 " 3 5 144 260 67 80 7 4- I 2 J25 261: 8g t:n 4 3 Z 5 145 262.

.02 151 '3 18 I'} 332 322 263 39 35 2 4 20S J92 264- 2; " " 104 198 265 Q 6 Z UI 172 266 9 5 9 4 178 137 267 23 2 4 78 77 2.68 6 " 2 108 208 269 34 4- 20 4 12 176 391 7 b 2 10 27' z71A 16 10 3 31 20 272 13 13 3 80 94 273 3 2 51 43 274 53 81 6 181 134 275

136 >2 2 6 260 274 92 4 IZ 225 220 35 2- 72 52 109 2 2 3 279 24-7 4 0 89 83

126 57 8 6 141 2.59 28. 2,82 87 121 I I 6 200 21 I 283 40 56 4- 3 .86 145 Z84 79 90 2 138 125 285

43 so I 2 4 103 84 286 33 7> 5 88 47 8 3 "5 134 ~~i i~~ 71 80 8 4 16I 1:60 289 54 107 10 5 4 22 243 297 290 26 74 67 S2 291 TO 31 34 29"


I,O~8 637 312 56 5 9 66 51 339 21 236 8 995 3. 375 2,.99 317 7,6~1 10,382 I

~5 11 1 8 ~ 7 105 5 7 US :u 408 667 2I 22 10 ? 9 4 79 s 54- 8 200 293 4 3 15 3 26 "5 74 14 20S 274 118 118 10 1 5 9 27 5 100 9 12 86 8 4,15 6tI6 2

65 73 6 3 3 14- 16 4 46 2 .64 36 36 3 2 6 8 " 14 9 13 1 95 17 9 5 " 70 "6 27 5 156 1:1 5 7 36 19 83 36 98 I~ 456 3

2 7 14 1 44 9 34 7 206 .. " 22 18 39 27 64 5 2SO 96 14 5 17 17 19 15 58 4, 300

12 5 II 17 13 42 4 :U5 2 6 2 2 16 8S


WORKERS Total I Total population Scheduled Scheduled Literate and workers Cultivators Village/Town/ (includlng castes tribes educated (I-IX) Ward/Block institutIOnal and persons houscless populatIOn)

p M F M F M F M F l\I F M F

(1) (2) (3) (5) (6) (8) (9) (,0) (u) (u) (IS) (16) (17) ( .8)


Km 2 5 Ward No.:; N.A. 285 285 1,615 852 763 122 71 553 272 342 66 3

Block 10 92 92 470 236 3 ISS 96 122 13 do. '[I 97 97 626 357 75 22" 229 83 LIZ 30 d". 4S 06 06 519 259 44 47 166 93 10:'; 23 2 6 Ward No. (> 180 183 1,095 568 52'1 7 401 280 248 18 19

Block 12 81 84 558 288 270 7 203 'Z5 II 12 do. 13 99 99 537 280 257 198 123 7 7 7 Ward No. 7 249 251 1.286 683 603 3 5 498 290 ;194 48 11 Block 14 III II3 633 336 297 5 256 172 144 12 10 do. 15 138 I3R 653 34-7 3 0 6 242 I18 ISO 36 8 Ward No.8 230 230 962 512 450 397 329 247 29 9

Block 16 136 136 56S 290 23 1 208 I2.5 15 5 do. 17 94 04 397 222 166 12I 122 14 4 9 Ward No. 9 244 247 1,630 1,064 566 65 39 754 282 592 38 50

Block 18 65 68 333 192 14' lSI 84 13 3 do. 19 In I2T 633 32.5 3 0 8 16 24-5 130 9 2 do. zo 58 58 664 547 II7 23 358 378 16 45 10 Ward No. 10 4,12 426 2,178 1,111 1.067 73 680 479 216 19

Block 21 00 10;> 449 223 226 19 IS 126 117 99 46 16 dD• .:&2 75 75 388 191 197 39 46 65 22 89 87 do. 23 56 56 232 IJI 101 100 69 54 13 do. 24 140 140 839 429 410 IZ <} 320 180 167 4 do. 2S 51 53 270 137 133 " 3 69 22 70 66 3 :ll Ward No. 11 467 468 2,433 1.405 1,028 156 28 1.142 702 575 71 12

Block 26 738 375 363 2.80 22<) 174 33 9 7 do. 27 180 91 89 6 4 70 41 42 I I do. 28 64-8 339 309 14 13 2.70 266 121 7 2 do. 29 531 428 103 128 6 395 48 171 do. 46 336 172 164- 8 "'7 JI8 67 26 1:1 Ward No. 12 2,473 1,399 1,074 34 22 1,093 551 634 44 14

Block 3" 139 140 689 353 336 I 335 I81 159 14 8 do. 31 134 134 660 350 310 10 9 242 ,68 163 1:, do. 32 99 9<) 441 270 171 7 I 198 100 Il3 8 " do. 33 6s 65 349 212 137 II 6 '41 5" 129 4 do. 47 &a 83 3~4 2 1 4 ,,,0 5 5 177 50 70 6 3 13 Ward No. 13 233 233 1.239 684 555 8 8 501 249 280 12 17 3

Hlock 34 III III 536 310 8 8 117 s 8 do. 35 122 I2" 7 0 3 374- 132 7 9 14, Ward No. 14, 247 248 1,346 704 642 204 331 14 33

Block 36 146 147 713 369 34~ 259 144 178 7 28 do. 37 101 101 633 335 298 lSI 60 153 7 5 15 Ward No. 15 196 196 966 523 443 16 11 377 199 243 60 19 18

Block 38 116 ,,6 581 307 274 6 4 122 151 39 7 <} do. 39 &0 80 385 216 169 10 7 77 92 21 12 9 16 Ward No. 16 349 349 1,532 823 709 42 38 536 315 326 118 14. 1

Block 40 102 458 242 216 6 7 ,0 94 35 do. -4-1 145 648 342 306 36 31 94 139 7"­ 7 do. 4Z 102 426 =<39 187 'w 93 II 7 17 Ward No. 17 229 229 1,180 593 587 lSI 189 257 112 2a8 198 4 1

Block -4-3 123 1%3 347 355 174 177 ZI8 S2 18S 143 2 do. 44 106 106 24-6 232: 7 U 139 60 1<)3 55 2

II ClUkhlI Municipal 13·49 3,188 18,634 9,936 8,(>98 612 563 6,800 3,368 4,092 866 412 Coaucl1. 1 Wall"d No.1 N.A. 158 165 440 441 208 2110 33 35

Block • 92 94 '"44 "39 137 "5 IO 2 do. z8 {)6 71 196 202 71 85 23 '"14 2 Ward No.2 160 160 4,35 411 333 259 51 42 3

Block No. '" 65 65 191 174 155 122 8 24 do. Z9 9S 95 244 237 178 137 43 IS 3 3 W ...d No.3 14:1 151 493 501 336 168 228 35 32 1

Block 3 68 68 502 244- 170 78 112 22 do. 30 74 83 492 249 166 90 II6 35 10

A-I 628-ro-B. 67 1 CBDUlLI TAHSIL

WORKERS II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Agricultural Livestock, Mining, Manufacturing, etc. Construction Trade Transport. Other services Non... workers labourers orchards, etc. quarrying and storage and Household Other than commerce communications industry household industry -_---- M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F ( 19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (3 I) (32) (33) (35) (37) (38) (I)


87 37 10 28 2; 36 2 l27 97 20 510 697 5

18 3 S 9 22 17 2 5 46 8 Il4 221 46 25 II 3 2,. 12 17 2 245 239 23 9 5 8 II 'S 10 34 10 151 237 29 8 11 3 19 9 46 14 98 ') 320 509 6

!7 6 :I 2 12 4 25 5 45 4 163 259 12; 2 8 I 7 5 21 9 53 5 157 250 3'} 14 30 7 1 70 1 18 105 11 389 555 7 6 12 6 40 IS 50 7 192 2 85 33 CJ 18 3 0 3 55 4 197 270 2 1 15 12 66 1 11 125 26 265 421 8

2 7 8 27 4 7 1 165 260 4 8 4 39 7 54 100 Ibl 113 18 6 20 7 1 45 3 15 336 14, 47~ 528 9

7 3 10 3 25 3 9 24 4 108 la8 3 I 1 '23 9 195 299 103 '3 3 9 4 20 5 189 1 l(>q 101 130 162 31 3 2 1 11 9 15 10 252 48 632 851 10.

II u C) 3 58 32 '24- .80 60 l I 7 13 8 102 110 5 7Z 3 5 ~ 2 33 7 77 88 2 I I~ 6 2 I 143 262 40(> 5" 64 f, I 5 67 67 3;1 8 39 3 2 43 4 59 15 369 830 957 11

3 20 21 33 '" 7 81 21 aOI :330 "6 3 3 27 1 49 88 18 \) 8 IZ 3 68 5 zI8 302 5 4 3 4 '51 IS 257 79 10 10 I 42 3 105 158 15 8 50 2 34 1 30 133 50 30(> 31 765 1.030 12

2 9 6 28 13 80 II 6 I 10 7 49 26 4 8 ,0 3 2 7 II 19 6 52 6 I I I 4 27 96 I 3 :3 7 2 10 S 30 3 27 3 21 8 57 36 111 6

13 15 2 29 16 55 2 22r 14 2 " 6 6 28 19 56 4 3ZZ 111 10 10 15 1 9 41 41 71 3 628 14

9 3 10 8 34 34 46 3 337 102 7 5 7 7 25 .82'9' 291 12 14 8 2 15 7 55 1 J5 110 19 383 15

7 9 4 ] II 4 4 33 9 76 15 :Il3S 5 5 4 2 3 4 3 22 6 34 4 '48 97 91 27 5 8 1 33 2 39 106 17 691 1(>

14 17 14 I 18 II 36 9 ,81 51 66 8 6 16 41 5 234 3:0 8 5 ~ 12 29 3 '76 83 80 66 42 38 43 15 10 10 14 15 43 22 389 17

S~ 34 41 5 5 S II 9 24 20 162 212 4 2 10 5 5 3 6 19 2 143 '77

664 661 104 2 203 25 374 14 1(>0 2 1,037 37 265 6 871 86 6,844 7,83~ II

28 25 6 3 16 2 37 1 11 62 5 MO 408 1

13 3 4 9 17 8 0 129 2"9 15 22 4 4 2 7 20 3 22 , II' 179 3(> 22 13 (, 4 20 4 84 12 241 360 :/I

2 4 6 I I 9 107 r66 20 39 32 7 4 3 II '"2 45 i 134 I94- 39 33 7 8 14 41 37 :l2 28 1 265 466 ~

3 6 3 9 33 20 8 8 132 258 36 33 5 5 8 17 T4 20 133 208 PRIMARY CBNSUS ABSTRACT

WORKERS j Total I Total population Scheduled Scheduled Literate and workers Cultivators ] (including castes tribes educated (I-IX) Village/Town/ institutional and persons .S" Ward/Block .= hou-seless population) ~ o ..J Z


Km 2 4 Ward No.4 N.A. 129 145 792 388 404 53 62 267 144 173 15 37 1 Block 4 129 145 792. 388 S3 62 I44 173 IS 37 5 \Vard No.5 317 348 1,454 817 637 84 65 211 2910 127 13 B~,:k ~ 79 106 536 ,,8S 2.51 :2 3 211 79 114 69 6 Z47 149 5Z9 299 230 zz6 HZ 10.1 H do. 31 9 1 93 3 89 233 156 8; 62 lIS 2I 78 47 "5 (, Ward No.6 196 196 981 505 476 337 177 237 56 :ol6

Block 7 97 97 467 Z4Z ZZS ISO IOZ 103 IS IS do. 32 99 99 5 14 ,,63 Z5I 157 75 134 41 II 7 Ward No.7 158 157 905 479 426 20 20 374 218 223 27 6 3 Block 8 '02 XOI 547 295 252 2 2 117 137 II 3 • do. 33 S6 56 358 184 174 18 ,8 '01 86 16 3 2 8 Ward No.8 237 253 1,236 650 586 62 49 210 256 117 21 1

Block 9 147 '52 823 50 32. 137 166 66 1<) do. 10 90 101 4'3 12 17 73 9 0 51 9 Ward No.9 167 197 1,155 597 558 82 108 340 146 258 29 5 1 1"'11 Block u 102 721 374 347 "3 34 256 7 do. 12 65 434 223 "II 59 74 84 22 10 Ward No. 10 128 1,025 538 487 3 358 205 9

Block 13 4" 4 8 375 217 158 ISS .08 85 5 :<0 do. 14 86 98 650 aZl 3"9 3 Z03 97 '41 4 7 11 Ward No. 11 79 79 501 264 237 211 156 127 6 22 3

Block IS 79 79 501 237 211 156 127 6 22 3 12 Ward No. 12 227 229 1,611 770 7 6 571 303 369 33 14 5

B10clt ,6 84 84 397 207 190 169 92 100 II 4 do. 17 73 73 7"4 368 356 230 III Is6 "0 5 do. 18 70 72 490 266 Z24 7 6 17z 100 113 z 5 13 Ward No. 13 173 173 1,122 593 529 161 128 391 203 237 7 9

Block 19 88 88 647 333 3 1 4 z 3 "33 124 134 5 3 do. :u 85 85 475 260 :US 160 125 ISS 79 103 .. 6 14 Ward No. 14 386 499 2,116 1.326 790 34 27 1,038 312 381 102 34 13

Block 20 133 I33 578 327 2.5X 243 116 <21 40 21 13 do. a.t xS8 69 16 5' 14' 43 ' 273 239 79 5 do- aa 97 97 4 0 6 239 167 27 17 173 62 77 IS 5 do. 23 S· 51 165 105 60 8. 12 3 0 1:> do. 35 39 6, 342 Z2 4 lIS 7 I6z 3 0 60 8 do. 36 IS It) 194 158 36 14" 13 24 "S 3 15 Ward No. 15 289 28') 1,648 861 787 106 9B 523 197 393 181 65 2 Block 24 95 95 557 306 21 2I 205 62 137 4" 54 do. 25 10," 10," 560 276 lJ 27 '49 68 122 76 do. 37 92 9=< 531 279 52 50 169 67 134 63 II

16 Ward No. 16 242 24~ 1,367 709 653 478 2101 295 38 24 Block 26 125 us 715 376 339 26. 136 IS2 IS 18 do- 27 117 11'1 652 333 319 217 115 143 "3 (\ III DealQaoo Raja 3'86 1,99;;J 2,013 11,467 6,020 5,447 3603 333 4,107 1.912 2.645 575 ;;J72 93 MaD i c i p al CO.... dt.

1 Ward No. N.A. 123 123 6z1 3 19 302 3 s 205 ISO 6 .:. Ward No. 2 109 109 317 22 23 210 140 43 17 Ward No. 3 ISO 385 IS 104 180 88 23 16

4 Ward No. 4 113 331 320 21< 16i! 127 50

5 Ward No. 145 '4'1 386 36, 1I6 173 10 30 3

6 ward No. 6 130 130 368 35' 79 133 16S 19 4 7 Ward No. 7 129 I31 .p8 371 337 220 153 7 8 Ward No. 8 6~ 220 218 13'" 59 120 19 6 I) Ward No. 9 108 lOS 300 "98 "4 z6 188 61 131 6S 13 10 Ward No. 10 87 3I1 "92 58 63 194 76 131

11 Ward No. II ,6, 16t 471 381 16 16 352 IR6 13 16 2.

13 Ward No. IZ 156 4:;4 396 309 144 210 16 69



63 10 9 6 6 13 7 4 215 389 4

63 10 9 6 6 13 7 32 4 215

J.09 95 7 6 16 7 33 5 104 :lI5 522 5 35 59 6 6 10 6 10 r 4 0 3 171 18" 4 1 5 .6 2 35 196 "19 33 27" 7 2 29 20" 155 109 3(> 43 13 4 l 35 2 1 64 5 53 8 268 420 6

1 (0 6 5 4 6 25 36 6 139 210 2~ 37 8 " 29 39 4 17 2 129 210 7 10 7 12 32 9 98 1 16 2 45 1 256 399 7

4- 4 IZ I.!- 3 14 2 34 158 24' 3 t 3 18 6 2 II 98 158 73 107 1:01 35 27 11 11 43 8 394 469 8 "31'\ 57 7 34 10 4 14 9 31 7 275 316 35 50 5 17 7 9 2 I2 IIQ 153 20 14 23 33 16 53 4 51 35 339 529 9 13 5 14 1'5 n 4 0 I 34 26 210 340 (.1 17 Q 9 18 4- 13 3 17 9 129 189 3 10 12 2 131 2 25 2 16 1 312 478 10

8 I 45 I 8 132: 153 Q 4 1 8~ I 25 ., 8 180 325 .~ 30 <&l 3 26 2 137 231 Il

4 30 41 3 137 231 5 16 5 17 24 6 187 7 37 74 472 737 12 10 " < 7 6 3 39 35 3 107 179 4 9 <0 7 5 102 7 7 13 2U 6 [ I 20 33 I ~ 46 26 153 222 3 1 4S 26 19 48 11 67 3 356 I ,8 I 29 48 22 3 199 309 2 44 8 45 157 213 11 5 38 15 ltO 22 5' 78 " 88 5 945 6BB 14 5 25 12 39 5 35 I 206 II "3 3 I 4 "2 23 2 19 3 2°4 IO" 16 2 8 2 12 8 16 5 II 162 5 IZ 20 4 75 I~ 7 10 3 10 10 IZ 164 7 " 7 134 124 1<&9 8 12 10 22 10 75 15 25 52 468 606 15 0 I 2 23 I " 33 4 4 18 169 0 32 51 II 13 16 2 9 7 "7 5 34 10 2 154 208 59 58 3 9 5 18 r 5 "4 145 189 75 33 3 2 39 1 13 67 3 10 " 6:l1 1 414 620 16 43 1I 2.0 6 29 6 28 19 2:24 324 32 7 38 4 34 190 296 .l3f> :lI68 :'7 5 18<& 52 335 19 68 3 715 <&1 298 19 480 75 3,372 4,872 HI

2, 20 12 32 38 29 3 I(J9 17 3 1 39 2 17 3 18 7 18 13 177 220 2. II 2 38 18 40 4 5 33 .1 5 42 4 2 0 5 3 30 59 5 10 7 29 3 7 5 163 193 4 II 2 16 35 5 9 6 41 3 .lSI S 10 IS 4 " 4 12 4 17 7 52 7 203 3 0 3 6 x 29 37 3 265 3 65 '1 17 14 19 23 24 31 5 100 199 8 18 6 16 4" 6 2 17 6 14 9 230 9 13 6 2 23 180 287 10 6 8 31 4 " 63 32. 4 28 285 368 Ir 6 :r 43 IS 6 3 60 35 27 " 380 7f)


WORKERS g i., {j :s '0 ------Total I .. ~ .., .. I!... 11 Total poptllatio.. S .. heduled Scheduled Literate and workers CultivatoD .," Village/Town/ E '" (incl\KIing casta tribee educated (I-IX) c: Ward/Block ... .<::"'" institutional 8nd per8Ol111 ]~ .... houseless poPUl'atHll'l) .~ .5 :;:;0." 0 ., u O 0 ".. u'c ------,.J .:a 0 Z P ------" M F M F M F M F ------M F M F (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (II) (ta) (13) (14) (IS) (16)------(17) (18) URIIAN AJtEAS Km2

13 Ward No. 13 N.A. lIS II7 634 34S 2B, 75 51 24~ 102 138 6S 14 2' 14 Ward No. 14 I3:J 140 810 434 376 281 ISS 171 29 IS Ward 1\0. IS " 72 72 .548 291 257 240 J?S IaJ 16 16 Ward No. 16 " 73 73 4S I 234 217 S4 S4 149 48 91 S 4 17 Ward No. 17 82 82 482 248 234 135 44 131 31 7 18 Ward Ne. 18 41 42 381 J88 J93 134 J03 86 9 I 71


WORKERS ------~------~------~~------II III IV V VI VII VIII ------IX X Agricultural Livestock, Mining. Manufacturing, etc. ConstnictiBn Trade Transport, Other services Non.workers labourers orchards. etc. quarrying ------and storage and Household Other than c<>mmerce communications indU$try household industry ------_------M F NI F M F M F 111 F M F M F M F M F M F


r~ [~ 37 5 1- S 4-0 S 13 33 IS 207 224- 13 3 14 [ 62 [3 30 4- 263 371 I4 1I 3 611 25 170 256 IS 4- liS • 4- 10 "s IO I4-3 212 16 9 3S IS IS :11; 17 8 Z4 7 12 II7 203 17

[I 1 3 4- r 46 6 5 102 192 I~ 72 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT

WORKERS Total Scheduled Scheduled Literate and workers I castes tribes educated (I-IX) Cultivators persons.

M F (>7) (18)-

2 MALKAPUR Km' Total •• 1,686'1 49,770 50,433268,235137,015131,2206,4786,345 76,157 35,811 71,247 36,441 26,582 8,899' (acres 416,635) Rural •• • ,678o 2 Chikhali 780 II 15 70 31 13 7 23 II 3 Waghola 4~013 169 169 901 451 7 10 125 24 280 165 163'• 4 Rantham 65 1 1 IZ rl~ 500 258 27 28 133 33 157 91 4 5 Chinchol 875 25 25 159 75 47 10 4 0 23 4 6 KQTWad •• 707 Uninhabited 7 Bhandgura .. 1,46 5 I13 113 529 265 2 64 45 149 107 59 8 Dasarkhed •• 2.047 2 0 4 210 997 517 480 IS 14 86 273 230 J26 '9 Mhai<3wadi •• 1,56z ~oo 3 0 2 1,643 8 1 9 8:>4 22 17 229 4 16 4 0 5 171 10 Narawel 4.331 649 650 3,260 1,685 J,375 137 X05 546 886 8 2 9 357 II rrighra 1,670 103 103 506 251 255 37 42 29 141 74 68 12 Wiwra 2,272 233 235 1,254 648 606 23 17 2 0 3 358 189 207 13 Talaswada .• 1,925 202 202 1,147 589 558 65 52 '59 308 154 124 14 Tanclulwadi 466 23 1 23~ 1,156 576 580 "25 3 0 9 160 120 IS Telkhed 963 z5 25 II2 57 55 5 35 33 12 16 Hingna Nagapur 777 159 124 7 9 7 17 Kama"dipuT 1,174 U~inhabit.J 18 Rangaon 2.053 60 60 294 148 146 75 4' 14 91 88 '4 521 I I II 74 37 37 20 I 16 4 II 2: ~~ ~r;:~i 409 Uninhabited HinglW Dharangaon 790 Uninhabited 22 [.iha Kh. 669 UniTJ,.abited 23 Harasoda 5.112 624 624 3,214 1,6:;0 1,564 39 4 1 891 422 918 663 354 50 24 Gorad 830 32 33 157 74 83 35 16 47 33 IS 5 25 Deodhaba 2.779 494 506 2,532 1,330 I,ZOZ 72 58 72X 245 691 460 298 135 26 Bhalegaon 1,895 196 196 1,053 527 526 22 17 281 160 283 253 79 63 27 Nirnboli 581 14 14 69 35 34 15 I 22 17 .. 28 Kund Kh. 1,156 176 176 933 474 459 4 0 46 313 175 250 231 I04 93 29 Kund Bk. I~I51 I63 163 983 495 488 I 2 332 192 266 r80 128 37 30 Dharangaon 2,167 522 529 2,975 1,483 1,492 98 8s 942 554 747 023 338 258 3 1 Khadki •• 549 9 37 41 220 117 9 8 80 3S 56 :Z5 38 Chinchkhed Bk. 1,312 13 13 84 35 49 6 21 27 39 Jamhhuldbaba 2,559 267 267 1,569 778 791 18 29 373 154 416 33 It 4 0 jalalabad •• 618 Uninhabited 41 Gadegaon •• 349 4 20 10 10 3 5 6 42 Khapnkh.d •• 751 U:'inhabited 43 Panhera •• 4,665 51 I 530 2,563 .1,313 1,250 43 758 315 766 575 274- 14Z Kalegaon ., .• 526 89 89 444 231 :>13 2 1"9 39 130 12 100 7 44 8 45 Sawargaon Chahu •• 930 38 38 201 IO" 99 4 15 65 u 34 46 Fimpri Koli 984 43 43 222 109 Il3 4 6 2 62 56 26 x6 47 Isarkhed S50 51 51 25" I'll 13X 57 6 66 56 18 6 48 Khedgaon .. 959 79 80 340 160 180 3 5 96 32 94 47 47 J 49 Sawargaon Nehu 806 156 156 88:> 438 444- 14 IZ x7:O 76 247 171 64- 4 <0 Tskli Watpal 1,.172 190 190 960 49 1 4 69 60 56 263 II7 251 88 "'5 X3 5 I Wadgaon Dighi 337 89 89 5 1 4 257 257 6 6 151 54 140 59 83 4 ~2 Mominabad 2,39° 225 225 1,076 566 510 38 "2 268 80 317 207 76 IZ S3 Wadoda 4,206 369 369 1,721 880 841 18 51 533 168 535 299 266 IrS 74:> I 1 I I I ~~ ~~~~: 56~ 64 64 349 179 170 76 7 93 III 4 3 56 Hingna Gavhad I,452- 197 197 988 49 1 497 28 30 346 168 265 74 132 10 57 Sirsodi .• 1,338 149 149 71:13 4 0 5 37S 7 9 199 7:> 220 143 7 1 20 58 Chandur Biswa 3,066 772 791 4.308 2,I93 2,175 79 74 1,,264 696 1,098 452 302 6S 1,4°3 194 209 977 500 477 7 17 254 71 276 177 85 14 ~6 ~:!1rud 1,094- II, IZ3 629 321 30S 4 6 170 62 181 132 IIO 80 61 Dighi 1,94-Z 236 238 I,322 681 641 43 380 181 366 "35 124 38 6z Lonwadi 1,764 157 IS7 948 495 453 27" 119 275 "08 104 70 780 2 2 I I "" x I 63 W'..k~1i 881 103 103 53 1 266 ,,65 5 6 1 0 7 ,,8 159 1;23 8 ~~ Belad 1,639 273 307 1,538 776 762 3 1 39 36 4 ISO 439 283 25 66 Dbanora •• 896 118 139 679 34' 338 7 4 210 191 59 IS 20 67 686 17 17 71:1 42 36 4 10 68 g~Jh~~ao"" 2,4-71 302 302 1,588 7g8 800 43 455 3 1 6 4 II 388 224 24J 69 Rastapur 366 I I 4 2 :> X I 70 Nimbari 2,060 144 144 756 38 9 367 246 105 204 164 100 52 2,20 4 369 371 1,830 943 887 452 107 522 399 184 103 71 ~~~~!r 1,243 I49 lSI 750 3~S 365 248 84 206 168 82 39 ?~ Gahukhed 297 Uninhabited 74 Rasu lpur 716 47 23 24 II 70S Wadner 6.583 799 799 4,562 2,315 2,247 SO 44 1,240 1.:058 503 455 56 900 33 33 252 I29 123 II II 90 72 63 58 49 76 ~~~~~~~. 1,4':':4 148 148 80 4 399 405 22 30 221 205 11:16 91 76 ~~ Shiradhon 8 1 9 204 2 0 4 1,120 564 556 '4 14 356 "74 233 154 125 79 Da1"ala 4,756 906 906 4~293 2,190 ;z,I03 lIS 100 1,038 1,152 645 470 73 80 Kati 1,466 141 162 897 454 443 10 2 1 7 240 108 04 Z 73


WORKERS III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Livestock,. !\.lining, Manufacturing etc~ Construction Trade Transport. Other servIces Non-workers ~ orchards, etc. quarryIng and storage and Household Other than commerce communications 8 indu'itry household lodu,;:try .~ g M F M F 1\1 ----F M F M F M F:\1 FM F M M F H (19) (20) (21) (22,) (23) ('14) (25) ('16) (27) (28) (29) ------(30) (3 I) (32) (33) (34) (35) (37) (38) (I) TAHSIL

29,609 26,373 734 61 101 17 1,919 435 1,850 95 497 25 3,615 86 1,091 6 5,249 444 65,768 94,779

25,646 24,537 508 57 98 17 1,5!!i9 357 500 58 200 22 741 40 214 1 3,261 210 50,!!i12 70,419

3,963 1,836 4 3 360 78 1,350 37 297 3 :;1,874 46 877 5 1,988 234 15,256 24,360 RURAL AREAS

33 23 59 96 J '2 9 .6 20 2 81 79 8 6 IS 6 3 7 170 195 3 56 79 3 5 85 174 4 .6 13 I 44 58 5

75 I 3 2 II6 157 7 I~~ 121 6 1 4 20 2 244 250 8 2 0 4 25' I IZ 3 7 '9 2 4 0 3 4 1 9 9 44° 4 8 5 3 26 4 "2 II 4 46 13 799 746 10 68 67 2 'f, 3 IIO 181 H u8 121 10 " 3 14 • 290 4'7 12 156 76 3 8 2 13 3 281 4 0 4 13 149 'SS 3 8 5 " 17 267 420 14 2' 20 2 22 2;& IS 152 IIS 16 17 75 87 57 58 IS S 2 2' 33 19 20 21 22 492 S9~ 18 8 9 7 36 9 73" 901 23 23 28 2 7 27 50 24 256 29:1 23 36 IS 2 lZ 64 14 639 742 25 170 182 9 7 6 3 IS 244 273 26 .8 17 13 17 27 II2. 131 'j, 3 7 4 8 17 224 228 28 103 140 I .5 8 I I4 2 229 30 8 "9 285 343 2 32 19 9 II 3 66 3 736 869 30 7 13 '(, 5 9 13 31 '56 129 3 6 3 10 5 172 266 32 55 43 'f, '17 109 183 33 >20 88 " 3 IS 157 ZZ4 34 34 36 29 47 35 3 4 2 5 14 36 36A 52 25 2 6r 78 37 20 23 • 4 '4. zz 38 123 22 5 I 16 362 751:! 39 40 3 6 5 4 4 I 42 390 24 4 2 14 37 547 675 43 12, 5 I 5 101 201 44 23 3 5 37 87 4.5 31 39 3 47 57 46 44 50 55 75 47 45 4 6 I I 66 133 48 149 166 XI 7 6 I9[ 273 49 99 63 10 2 13 240 38I 50 51 54 2 4 117 198 5' 203 193 9 IS • 249 303 52 188 181 IS "8 4 6 2 345 542 53 I 54 84- 108 3 2 86 59 55 92 64 3 8 4 6 19 226 423 56 141 12;2 2 I 3 3 185 235 57 466 3z1 62 3 0 29 9 23 2 45 8 '3 156 .8 1,095 1,.723 58 174 163 4 I 4 8 224 300 59 56 52 2 12 140 176 60 2'7 197 8 .5 II 315 4 06 6I 138 132 4 9 9 2 7 220 2+5 62 I 63 II4 115 3 107 142 64 236 250 5 7 ,8 347 479 65 90 58 7 4 24 ISO 279 66 2,0 10 2Z 26 67 141 144 10 5 3 4 24 377 4 12 68 I I I 1 69 96 110 2 2 2 4 185 203 70 282 291 18 10 4 6 8 13 421 488 71 102 125 7 z 5 7 179 197 72 " 73 II IZ Z4 74 6~; 4 0 3 14 39 13 29 36 '6 75 16 1,057 1,744 7!1 13 14 I 57 60 76 97 108 4 3 6 194 2>9 77 99 106 I S 4 I II 290 323 71:! 49° 555 6 ZI 23 9 6 24 7 105 4 1,038 1,458 79 130 107 5 3 16 214 335 80 A-1628-II-A. 74 PRI:VIARY CENSUS ABSTRACT

WORKERS Total I workers Cultivators (I-IX)

RURAL AREAS acres 8:1 Burti •• 825 58 58 203 204 70 21 100 94 82 Auran~'Pur .• 628 12 12 3$ 30 13 I 21 18 83 Umali 3,149 461 461 1,150 1,156 77 8; 732 302 620 160 293 42 84 Warkhed 3,108 353 357 932 935 30 3Q 531 277 5 18 343 2'7 86 85 Bhogalwadi 236 Uninhabited

86 Sawali .. 624 17 17 85 29 rt 25 II II 3 87 Plmpri Adhav 1,269 13 0 132 590 '4 20" 93 151 35 77 88 Bhadgani 3,00 5 :253 ~53 1,37+ 27 451 201 442 3"''' 176 l09 89 Lasura .• I,Z41 12.0 r~5 6,17 4 1£7 '7 169 23 86 I 90 l<.okalw<:ldi •• 766 68 o~ 3 1 7 5 101 43 88 82 "3 12

9 I Pimpal-khuta Bk. I~227 106 106 633 314 319 173 77 167 74 82 4 9.:z Plmpal-khuta Kh. 734 45 45 :U5 >20 115 71 24 69 24 47 S 93 Mendhali •• 1,862 176 176 856 414 442 7 7 235 79 219 168 II3 51 94 Nimkhed 869 165 165 843 405 438 14 IS ,,69 ,",0 230 136 lIS 43 95 Chinchkhed 2+8 U ninhabited 96 Belura •• 731 90 526 157 55 132 6 97 J awala Bazar J ,416 I69 896 ~8 17 273 83 252 98 Jeegaon 2,$65 "24 [,154 38 28 304 90 333 6 99 Palasoda 1:,7+7 .88 928 74 66 197 51 251 I39 [00 Kodarkhed 543 20 89 IS 6 25 rOI Patonda •• 1,495 1:16 116 600 9 3 120 136 6 1:02 Kharkundi •• 479 25 25 ,63 22 13 z 103 Belad I,890 97 97 468 36 ]:04 Yerali 1,985 6 1,194 159 "5 1:05 Modha 1,246 Uni~h~bited 23 106 Taka ., 832 I ... 10 7 Matnulwadi 1.359 :aQO 200 1,173 597 ;8 29 295 94 3 0 3 IS] _J;g 6 108 1:,266 414 417 2,035 970 81 515 180 630 356 220 •• 6" 455 109 ~~~ur I,.°5Z 7" 72, 385 197 10 ,,0 94 53 100 59 47 5 110 Ghordhadi •• 144 Uninhabited XII Khumgaon 906 293 29+ 1,451 739 7I2 18 20 444 212 385 185 1I6 9 112 Udepur 1,450 I I I I I I 113 Rampur 625 87 97 557 286 271 2 5 163 46 172 70 77 4 II4 Nimgaon 4,3,)1 982 996 4,945 2,50 4 2,441 80 7S 1,136 682 1,321 776 415 163 115 Narayanpur 501 19 H) 94 44 50 4 " 19 5 25 '4 II 5 rID Audha K.h. 556 2 8 9 155 134 I 79 23 83 39 30 II7 Audha Bk..• :1,037 429 201 228 4 '1 95 3" I2.0 62 S. 118 Bhilwadi .. 819 162 83 79 56 30 45 32 II Ii'9 Burti Pro Wadner 30 4 74 37 37 22 5 23 13 4 120 Dahigaon :1,260 ,,62 I3' 13 1 7 '1 63 17 76 65 24

I2I Isabpur 986 8~ 8~ 447 225 '43 64 130 70 60 15 IZZ Nandura •• 23 23 106 58 29 10 20 I2:2-A NANDURA URBAN AREA V I23 Nandura Kh. (1) • ~ 8 8 12 12 8 10 NANDURA (2) Kh• INCLUDED IN URBAN AREA V ..t:Z4 Ahmadapur (I) •• '2 2 3 2 2 2 AHAMADAPUR (,,) INCLUDED IN URBAN AREA V 14 I4 29 18 II II 14 5 >:25 ~A1'iA~XDJ8R (2) INCLUDED IN URBAN AREA V 126 KHUDAVANTPUR INCLUDED IN URBAN AREA V 127 Wadali :144 144- 824 4 1 4 218 97 206 lIS 90 7 1.8 Bhuishing 52 59 243 124 48 39 63 31 4 129 Narkhed 242 242 1,242 629 329 I47 354 225 160'" 13 130 I~cdar 35 35 162 78 45 19 46 20 17

[31 Matoda I,098 1:08 lOS 269 146 32 lSI 74 78 9 132 Dahiwadi •• 972 :1:32 132 224 3 95 27 128 60 65 [33 Gondhankhed 144 Uninhabited [H Naigaon 987 169 177 440 4 1 3 12 9 267 88 261 169 81 6 135 Kolasar 710 60 6I 144 132: 1 68 35 77 51 27 7 136 Sangwa 498 28 37 121 57 30 2 35 16 16 >37 Wadi 1:,379 100 100 486 246 5 '6 133 42 '42 90 78 26 138 Tikodi •. I, ISS 97 97 575 292 3 4 1$3 58 154 80 61 6 139 Shdgaon Mukund I,30.z 247 247 1,242 626 57 53 361 156 3 67 62 163 7 201 '40 Pimpal Khuta 1:,048 II5 lIS 656 338 25 27 I30 41 '49 93 52 Rasulpur 885 120 120 616 322 7 10 Z09 89 173 58 72 2 Wadgaon 364 26 26 n6 56 33 7 26 38 I 2 Khatkhed 671 57 51 282 156 79 31 83 80 20 II Potali 1,425 ,89 II} I 98+ 496 17 295 117 299 200 144 40 Khandala 1,258 35 35 147 79 4 0 '5 4 I 10

J~on'\-vadi I,ll I 1:50 ~53- 754 392 64 189 45 227 96 II3 6 Maiegaor'l •• I,43Z 226 227 1,302 665 37 366 168 357 II3 180 12 Dhanora Ilk. 522 35 35 203 107 43 10 55 4' 23 4' Dhanora K.h. 354 25 z5 lSI 70 4 3 42 28 36 19 2. 2 Pot 978 7+ 74 361 177 10 9 83 27 105 82 62 20 IS' Waadi 1:,,80 201 1,166 599 76 71 328 135 335 223 181 30 151 68 52 'S~ Tarwadi 2,"157 97 502 266 3 S 117 153 Maha]ungi 1,753 IJ8 7 2 9 366 Q 16 184 83 205 59 140 154 Bhorawand 989 42 221 II7 I I 51 4 59 II 54 155 H"rankhed .• 67+ 30 -+ 1,+87 746 45 41 491 307 4 01 191 217

[50 Aland ., 1,83+ qJ '43 79-+ 394 12 z36 lOa 204 35 129 13 60 10 157 Chinchkhed Kh. 4~7 47 47 2~9 121 4 69 21 25 27 82 66 328 I52 6 [58 Wadji ::,o~"" "'33 233 :t,~90 677 4 237 33 ISO Nipana .• 2,139 175 184 1,004- ,503 17 273 125 250 192 149 74 [60 Dahigaon •• 595 333 333 I,n'7 838 01 497 198 4 26 2:27 IS8 58

A-1628-11-B. 75 2 MALKAPUR TAHSIL


II III IV V VI VII "III IX Agricultural Livestock. Mining, Manufacturing, etc. Construction Trade Transport, Other servi ces laboul"ers orchards, etc. quarryjng and storclge and }-Iousehold Other than COlllluel-ce cOlllnunicatlons industry hou~dlUld industry M F M F M F M F Ivl F M F M F M F 1\1 F

(19) (20) (2-1) (22) (23) (2-4-)-(-25-)- (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (3 I) (3)) (33) (3+) (35) (37) (38) (I)


100 103 110 8 1 21 ~~ '4 12 sa 210 113 2 10 14- 12 4 75 2 530 996 83 243 Z50 8 '4 I 6 28 5 4'4 592 84 85

10 8 2 21 28 86 51 35 I "6 16 153 251 R7 197 208 35 13 4 14 248 362 88 76 2I I 5 144 311 89 5Z 69 Z II 67 80 90

71 70 I 4 2 7 147 245 91 19 T9 2- • 5 I 9t 94 78 IIO 10 4 2 14 195 27-f 93 89 93 6 3 '3 175 3 0 2 94 9S 7 I 78 I 4 7 T45 164 96 96 72 5 5 6 2 23 228 336 97 I20 65 ZI 8 272 457 98 206 7 "2 5 208 330 99 10 9 ,6 38 100

82 :130 Z 3 13Z 160 101 16 12 42 70 102 47 34 3 3 II7 184 103 150 '50 19 4 4 14 294 4):6 104 " " lOS

I 106 159 175 9 2 2 13 273 414 I07 ZZI 225 3 22 6 2 21 435 515 108 50 54 3 " 88 138 109 110

zoo 176 '3 4 20 26 354 527 TTl I 112 89 64- 4 2 II4 201 TI3 689 577 3 22 3 31" ... II 91 10 ],183 1,665 TJ4 12 9 19 36 liS 46 39 5 72 95 1I6 62 62 2 4 81 166 117 30 3I I 3 38 47 118 IS 13 '4 "9 So 64 55 66 120 60 54 3 2 4 95 152 .121 2 2 16 38 48 :123 I2Z-A IO '23

I I24 14 s ... 6 12$

'20 105 107 5 r 2 ... 20S "95 127 "5 24 3 3 8 3 12 61 88 1:28 163 209 7 5 6 275 388 I29 "9 zo " 3" 64 130 67 65 6 liS 169 13:1 63 59 96 I68 I3" 133 '4~ 160 10 I 2 22 I79 244 134 43 44 " 2 I 2 67 8:1 135 18 16 22 48 136 58 64 2 3 104 ISO I37 84 72 I 2 4 138 203 138 168 55 14" 5 4 12 259 554 139 94 92 7 5 5 I 137 x6<) 140 83 56 13 149 236 141: 25 36 " 3 0 22 14Z 58 69 5 73 46 143 133 1&0 10 3 7 197 288 I44- 30 38 68 '45 98 90 I 7 165 266 I46 155 100 3 3 4 12 308 524 147 32 37 52 55 148 I3 17 34 62 1.49 43 62 72 102 15Q

131 155 13 4 7 264 344 lSI 85 63 2: 7 " 5 2 lIS 168 152: 57 4' 4 16, 30-+ 153 5 I I " 58 93 154 '45 106 ·8 3 3 24 345 550 155 63 2Z 4 7 190 365 156 30 IS 61 103 157 126 26 II• ... 33" 349 580 158 75 II8 I 4 I ·6 '4 z53 309 159 148 157 6 20 7 II 2 S 3 72 4 412 562 160 76 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT

WORKERS :2.. o Total I I -5 Total population Scheduled Scheduled Literate and workers Cultivators Village/Town/ (including castes tribes educated (I-IX) Ward/Block j j institutional and persons houseless population) .s,. ...o ~ .g P M F M F M F M F M F M F (z) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (II) (IZ) (13) (I~) (IS) (16) (I8) ----. ------RURAL AREAS acres ,6, Malegaon ... •• 2,999 269 274- 1,356 696 660 44 5" 377 374 109 149 II ,62 '7" Sawargaon Jahagir .• I l 734 213 z I 3 1,16~ 606 556 45 48 351 ISO 300 zOO 118 10 ,63 Urha .• •• 710 I34 134 721 367 354 34 40 ZII 51 187 lOS 66 II <64 Avhaunaspur 1,931 z06 z06 1,086 56, 525 23 19 3"5 "'3 296 z23 176 103 ,65 Tembhi 8z5 47 47 ,,68 132 136 44 53 87 38 66 73 "4 23

,66 Wadgaon (Mahalungi) 835 6z 64 316 158 158 3 2 40 6 93 33 16 I 167 Takli .• •• 843 7S 78 480 241 239 134 47 131 67 68 12 168 1,163 391 391 2.147 1,103 ].044 46 36 675 335 5 8 4 4 S5 :087 207 169 t'f~o~t ::. 2,162 31B 31B 1.585 834 751 31 2B 508 152 450 '45 260 74 170 Pimpalgaon Devi 3,806 232 232 1,2°5 595 6IO 54 47 308 '02 303 75 I12 7 171 Mahalungi Jahagir .. 1,132 214 216 5,,8 15 24 u8 28S ,68 21 '72 Sirmil .. .. 822 , t '73 KolhigaoH .. ... 2,201 149 1:49 382 I8 59 210 ,68 >22 93 '74 Wadgaon .7ama/puT :1,332 Untnhabited '75 Kolhi Golar ... I~362 9a 92 248 II 8 79 109 3 62 Sindkhed '76 :1,005 252 ::1152 623 23 13 320 443 329 248 '33 43 I77 Gugli 1,339 99 99 "43 10 9 '24 35 IZ7 55 37 5 '78 PQphali .. •. 3,350 3 17 317 83' 32 "7 4"0 158 431 322 135 13 '79 Sonbarad PT. Malka- 856 Uninhau;ted PUT. I80 Lapali 127 127 590 295 295 IS 30 166 58 '49 175 70 76 ,8, Pangarkhed 1,445 Uninh abited 18" Nimkhalli 797 Uninhabited ,83 Ridhora 2,1:06 134 140 780 396 20 23 179 62 '95 I 184 Waadi 1,446 63 63 342 167 5 6 80 22 90 4S ,85 Behardad 4aI Uninhabited 186 Kinhola 1,029 16z 850 444 4 0 6 7 241 8, 246 lSI HO 63 187 Pokhari ',598 68 317 105 152 4 56 I3 97 4I 43 I 188 Tapowan ... :I~34° 92 455 243 2>2 43 78 53 '38 92 68 3 189 Sarola (Maroti) ... 2,154 268 1,265 65" 6'3 9 326 78 379 330 224 IS8 190 Dhamangaon Badhe 5,786 :1,039 5.774 2,927 21847 '02 1,42 5 66I 1,522 759 547 195 191 Kalegaon 1.,13 1 94 94 452 "24 ",,8 IrS 42 128 123 72 76 I9z Fardapur .. 709 42 44 "54 127 1"7 72 26 78 43 42 15 193 Wadgaon Pro 1,419 118 1 IS 690 360 330 52 8 z31 77 187 1;:9 48 7 Rohinkhcd. 4 194 Chun (Pimpri) 421 Uninhabited 19S Bamhanda ],:113 ]09 log 609 303 306 49 31 172 56 85 4 106 Khandwa 1,790 69 72 315 I59 IS6 8 12- 16 88 4 0 35 197 Panhera 2,456 325 327 1,567 752 815 40 47 '128 390 ,60 125 1:98 Korhala 2,20 4 3 1 2 3 18 1,628 830 798 54 50 '47 443 2 0 9 157 I99 Khedi 1,288 94 97 498 260 238 " 7 37 152 91 82 200 Rohinkhed 8,19 1 81l 8 1 9 4,474 2,258 2,216 .213 20+ 470 1,20~ 495 79 jamalpuT 628 Un';nhabited Ubalkhed 2,0]2 98 98 544 269 275 21 9 135 34 154 ISO <01 12z Gotffi:?T'a 974 11:1 l:l2 637 3 10 327 I3 '9 I65 47 '71 134 I03 69 , r Shahapur 1,105 5 • 4 I 3 1 3 Sonbarad Pro 593 8 8 36 ,6 4 6 10 4 5 Rohinkhed. "0

206 Gulbheli 1,:]01 139 I39 681 35' 330 4 2 "'5 42 IS" T:t3 112 77 207 Rahera .• 845 60 60 371 IQO 181 3 I 70 II 106 59 66 27 208 Hanwatkhed 399 64 64- 372 195 I77 20 18 93 24 III 83 65 43 209 Kurha 2,225 134 134 799 426 373 9 8 ISO 13 249 133 IOI IS "10 Nalakunda 857 84 84 470 247 223 I6 20 49 3 152 "9 85 42

ZII Dabha 2,7Q6 12$ ]25 676 344 6 5 28 '96 102 II 212 Amadari 7,748 Uninhabited 213 Yakatpur 432 I I I I I 214 Dabhadi .• 1,865 333 333 1,801 916 885 6S 655 390 293 16j 2 I 5 Shelgaon Bazar 93 1 373 373 2,009 1,°34 975 50 787 4 6 5 "42 69 216 Jahagirpur •.• 992 202 202 I,'II9 5SI 538 3 0 7 137 31:5 245 I22 67 21~ Nhavi 43 1 II II 70 32 38 17 9 '7 17 9 9 218 'Talni 2~703 424- 424 2,I95 r,093 11102 9I 693 427 562 495 288 194 2 19 GhU~'lT Bk. 1,087 73 73 4" 207 2 0 4 8 99 37 '00 86 30 15 220 Ghusar Kh. 537 30 30 '54 97 57 45 2 46 36 14 S

22:[ Shelapur Rh. 856 270 270 1,521 766 755 34 35 484 298 385 186 152 222 Shelapur Bk. 1:,883 274 274 I,5.21 776 745 4 6 44 450 206 400 147 86 223 Pimp-alpati ... 949 44 44 276 140 136 6 Ii 77 35 68 IS z 224 Bhortek . . ... 829 45 45 240 lIS I25 8 8 62 29 6z ,6 7 ZZ5 S~nglad Pro Malka- 8,500 55 3 0 2,5 9 8 7 pur.

226 Pimpri Gawali 2,220 422 2,'132 I,OSO I,OS2 34 580 228 535 433 155 97 227 Sanglacl •• 1,113 69 250 13" 124 II 83 45 63 16 23 228 Nalangapur 35 150 9 1 59 37 I3 42 12 229 Didola Bk. I,6~~ 150 SIS 414 401 201 91 '92 82 3 230 Didola Kh. 6~2 64 36" IS" 180 88 38 89 29 4 231 Talkhed 2.826 300 304 1,599 799 800 69 70 467 194 439 249 172 II 232 Dolkhed 1,:34° 23 23 II~ 54 59 26 5 30 28 233 T'akarkhed 2,594 375 4'0 2,197 1,136 1,061 34 31 691 35" 553 152 343 ;8 234 Khaira 2,I2Q I81 181 962 491 471 2I 30 258 81 255 'OI 152 II 235 Chawarda 945 124 I24 761 4 0 4 357 25 23 208 60 182 '95 57 4S 236 Chinchpur 1,5J8 TTO "9 652 335 317 20 TZ 54 87 3 237 Tighra ... 4 1 4- 91 9' 50 8 251 257 Z 3 68 69 II 238 Mahalpimpri 1,458 24 24 IIO 63 47 '9 13 2 "39 Shemba Kh. 766 53 53 313 161 "52 45 27 240 Shemba Ilk. 924 32t 321 1,665 837 8.8 50 54 156 '73 20 77 2 MALKAPUR TAHSIL

WORKERS ·~I-V------V------II III VI VII VIII IX X Agricultural Livestock, Mining,. Manufacturing etc. Construction Trade Transport, Other services Non-workers labourers orchards, etc. quarrying and storage and Household Other than conunerce cOnllnunications industry household industry M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

(10) (:0O) (2)) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (2') (28) (29) (30) (3 I) (32) (33) (34) (35) (37) (I)


177 9 IS 11 20 3 551 1:61 144 6 IZ 19 4 356 I6z 102 13 246 163 105 6 ~ 302 164- 35 3 3 63 165 74 3:0 2 US .66 55 57 4 >72 167 219 "71 14 4 19 13 .0 ,,0 :0 559 168 148 68 II 7 21 I 606 160 151 65 3 " " 3>1 3 535 '7° 145 146 4 9 317 171 17" 72 72 2 4 3 ·s 196 173 174 4~ 2 5 213 17S

IS7 2 0 4 II 6 3 10 9 310 176 75 50 3 5 Z 5 153 177 184 3 0 5 2 5 3 5 7 4"1 464 1"18 1"10

51 4 7 4 8 I 1%0 180 181 182 74 %21 6 4 "1 ,"01 262 183 40 39 2 77 91 184 185

106 2 3 :03 198 225 156 5:0 I 68 J:J I 187 54 2 1>1 105 '''0 188 140 5 • 9 "73 ,,83 189 687 7 3 61 3 19 29 10 121 7 1,4°5 a,088 11)0 53 3 96 lOS I9z 34 I 49 84 191 125 I 13 173 201 193 194 77 52 6 2 131 250 195 4' 42 2 • 5 71 76 196 '59 208 IS 3 7 2 42 362 481 197 '88 213 20 2 6 2 18 3B7 4"4 198 56 65 3 • I 108 91 199 53' 542 43 15 >3 29 3 70 4 1,056 1,574 200 "01 32 9 2 :0 7 lIS 12-5 202- 51 I 3 6• Z >39 '93 203 2 0 4 10 10 205

57 4 4 5 207 206 38 I I 122 207 39 3 3 94- 208 '39 3 4 240 209 63 3 I :104 210

86 2 6 318 21r ,,12 I 213 '''9 i6 2 3 422 498 2'4 '48 13 " 10" 5 4 571 751 2IS '70 177 3 4 4 II 266 293 216 7 8 I <5 21 217 '77 290 Xl 44 18 '6 33 531 607 218 68 71 107 JIS :a9 3' 28 51 21 220 .68 171 9 • 20 I 381 431 221 .65 149 13 7 13 7• 9 2 43 3 376 497 "2Z 44 37 3 4 I 5 7" 93 ":03 43 35 I 53 83 ""4 7 14 "3 II 2-25

326 25 6 7 IS 33 3 619 ~26 13 4 16 2 108 227 u 4 I 20 47 228 ItO 76 2 3 9 I • 16 3 1 9 ""9 44 25 5 2 :rSI ~30 239 234 .0 3 13 SST 231 :0 " 59 232 153 18 II 2 37 909 233 86 2 IS 370 234 .05 5 6 5 2 7 I62 235

62 51 4 9 173 ,,63 "36 52 56 2 3 122 .89 337 19 17 3 .,8 ,,8 238 48 44 9 I 77 :I07 239 1,1 131 4 14 3 3 3 2 43 5 421 67" "40 78 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT

WORKERS Total I Totcll population Scheduled Sched"led Literate and workers CultJvaturs Village/Town (:indudlng castes tribes educated (I-IX) v\" ard jDlock institutional and pel-sons houseles5 population)


acres Fuli ... 1,578 172 1"72 45 8 445 5 4 249 95 245 102 32 Dhondkhed 944 b6 66 189 183 70 17 106 45 42 Kabarkhed •• 1,800 138 .I38 34 1 306 36 137 4 1 173 86 55 Dudhamal •• 4 00 Uninhabited Tandulwadi 542 59 59 155 16. 5 79 35 80 66 48 246 Kandari Kh. 5 0 3 Um,·nhablted 247 Kandan Bk. 1,100 59 59 143 137 5 5 29 78 II 61 3 248 Hanwatkhed zoo 18 I8 50 56 I 24 24 23 22 249 Ridhora 957 80 80 ,,,6 191 4 32 I2Q 83 IS 250 Cosing 1.871 38 38 108 100 25 22 10 63 13 36 3

251 Sarola Pir 2.,012- 135 13:5 643 327 316 I.~ ,8 36 177 1Z4 57 33 252 Punhni 2.075 134 134 736 381 355 74 87 Rz 18I lSI 8y 45 253 Borakhedi 1,994 233 233 1,458 726 732 49 So 21 I 376 '45 YIO 15 254 Motala 2,573 455 4 68 2,378 1,237 1,141 04 63 278 OSI J62, 159 3" 255 Ad'nhir z,ZI 7 312 3 6 9 I J HH3 9 26 957 24 '9 3 01 4'5 249 208 13

256 00 Jaipur 4- J 08I ::9Z 292 .1,5 76g 731 17 14 4,,6 17" 54 257 Ajdar.ed 237 Uninhabit~d Z5~ Warud r,944 144 .144 624 30 7 317 17 195 175 102 80 4 259 Antri 2,60 7 217 2 1 7 1,097 56 7 530 21 3:a-I ,,88 &0 135 IS 260 Kharbadi 1,566 350 356 I,98I 994 9S7 60 606 502 360 288 III

26 I Sultanpur 553 7 7 IS IS 3 I 9 4 6 263 lanuna 7 14 33 33 84 84 S 4 34 13 45 28 10 4 263 Takli 2)273 107 lIZ 31I 301 10 9 178 47 152 103 86 3' 264 Pardha 9 87 68 68 167 lSI 4 4 103 52 94 77 42 25 26S Jamat; 499 4 4 7 12 1 , 6 6

266 Shirawa " • . 1,576 II2 H2 2 2 145 23 94 267 IbrahimpuT.. " 877 133 '33 2 4 ISll 83 72 20 268 Dhamangaon-D eshmukhr ,605 89 ~9 4 4 133 67 71 I 269 Waghjal 86z 52 59 81 59 32 2 270 Waruli 2,127 66 67 3 2 132 136 26 24 271 KajampuT 242 Uninhabited 272 Kolhah 4,508 479 479 1,153 2.9 30 588 219 56" 330 280 2S 273 Nimkhed 997 40 4 0 8. 42- 8 53 2 47 274 Murti 1,41I 125 131 335 6 II 187 76 184 152 107 75 275 Longhat 807 Uninhabited 276 Harmod ... 881 Un£nhabiud 277 Sahastramuli 1,959 60 60 457 220 2 3 193 17 ISO 3 278 Rajur ... 2,350 418 4 18 2,476 1,187 30 27 4°2 190 665 31 279 Moyegaon " 327 59 59 356 184 I 6 67 3 94 1 280 Taroda 2,455 296 296 r~684 838 10 13 330 65 478 81

2.81 I<.:ham khed ... 752 84 85 452 216 236 3 2. Its 43 125 2 51 81 :282 J{hairkhed 233 63 63 z05 Il4 9' 37 7 60 9 21 283 Khadki 437 89 89 495 244 25 1 4 8 96 2' 5' 95 44 13

URBAN AREAS km2 IV Malkapur l\[unici .. 1'55 6,008 6,172 35,476 18,417 17,059 789 761 11,605 6,360 8,668 1,038 911 41 pH] Council. 1 Ward No.1 N.A. 259 272 1,556 780 759 462 296 361 25 31 3

Blo"k 114 669 348 321 180 15° 5 15 1 do.. ~ 145 887 432 455 1I6 211 20 16 2 Ward No.2 250 250 1,417 731 686 585 327 342 50 1"

B1o<:k 3 123 123 708 368 340 313 156 I8S 1 26 do. 4 127 127 709 363 346 272 171 157 3 24 3 Ward No.3 202 202 1,332 693 639 410 :l00 3:l4 53 28 [; Block S 136 136 855 456 399 "91 143 203 34 "3 3 do. 6 66 66 477 237 240 rI9 57 121 19 S 2 4 Ward No.4 232 233 1,316 674 642 420 230 332 133 22

Block 7 121 rZI 667 340 327 200 100 J69 66 9 do. 8 III IJ2 649 334 3 1 5 220 130 163 67 13 5 Ward No.5 217 244 1,347 693 654 550 340 320 19 57

Block 9 105 122 334 3 1 9 2 0 3 ,6, 6 17 do. 10 lIZ 122 359 335 137 159 13 4 0 6 ,\Vard No.6 195 195 503 491 3 190 250 33 35

B1o"k II 83 83 42" ZI2 210 3 ISS 84 II" 26 17 do. 12 112 lIZ 572 2o!; I 281 188 106 138 7 18 7 Ward No.7 238 294 1,658 865 793 577 360 381 22 53 2

Block '3 9S 12.2- 633 341 29" 243 137 157 <) 18 ,. do. 14 t:9 89 511 272 239 172 113 115 3 21 do. 52 54 83 5 1 4 252 262 162 110 1 0 9 10 14 8 Ward No.8 261 261 1,685 869 816 490 288 394 6 37

Dlock 15 135 135 4QZ 430 2"4 6 II do. 16 126 126 377 386 170 26 79


WORKERS II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Agricultural Livestock. Mining, Manufacturing, etc. ConstructIOn Trade Transport, Other services Non-workers labourers orchards, etc. quarrying ------and storage and l-Iousehold Other than commerce communIcations ______:~:~ ~~S~!~~~~ ______.~ __~ __ _F____ ~ ___~_~ ___ F__ ~~ __F___ M__ _! __ ~_:_ _ _F__ ~~ _ __!::___~__ _!'_.__ __~~ ___! ___~ __ 2'_ oS_ (19) (,,<» (ZI) (22) (36) (37) (I)


123 5 3 II 213 287 241 60 I 83 81 242. 08 6 3 7 3 168 166 243 244 3Z 75 95 245 246 '4 8 3 65 >26 247 I 20 32 248 713 sj 87 108 249 2.4 10 45 87 250

104 91 6 8 ISO :r9:2 :251 86 105 I 13 I 200 204 253 135 IH S 29 2 '6 4 II 57 2 350 587 2.53 193 lIz 12 66 7 20" 7 6 <04 IO 586 979 2.54 166 236 5 8 I 25 5U 708 255 217 188 7 3 Z Ii's 343 481 256 257 8z 2. I IO 1: 132. 2IS 2S8 '2.3 4 3 2. 5 6 IO 279 450 259 '70 2 18 3 4 18 492 627 260 6 IJ: 261 39 55 262 4 2. 2. 9 159 '98 263 2. 4 73 104 254 6 265 18 3 6 1: 124 2.24 266 ~~ 63 26 2 6 130 213 2.67 56 65 4 , ,. "9 164 268 34 57 4 4 62 9' 2.69 100 112 Z 104 loa 270 271 2r8 680 272 5 , 39 273 62 9 6 3 274- '4° 275 276 55 5S 180 2.77 340 55 '5 956 278 25 6 172 279 225 I 592 280 59 2. 9 3 01 234 281 37 9 ,. 54 82 28z 82. 3 3 X 193 156 283

URBAN AREAS 2,579 793 120 1 3 204 13 1,037 26 205 3 1,786 17 515 1 1,308 143 9,749 16,0::n IV 66 18 55 1 7 83 1 57 62 2 419 751 1

5 22 I 60 1 5 42. 3 1 6 61 17 33 6 23 52 20 435 1.17 2 4 6 25 5 69 9 57 I 389 682 2

75 I8 3 33 2 28 339 4" 4 6 7 2 36 7 "9 343 97 40 8 12 58 2 2 55 1 26 38 5 369 586 3 25 3 IO 36 2 4 8 26 30 253 365 7Z 5 2 22 2. 7 I 8 "3 II5 221 1.97 2 16 43 1 9 43 1 342 509 4 "'3 4 II 2 19 171 74 12 32 7 24- 171 18 6 1 34 1 3 90 2 9 1.02 7 373 5 '3 4- ,.4- 22 6 S5 2. 173 3I3 5 :l rz 2 2 3 47 5 2.00 3"" 38 21 3 11 1 21 15 1 11 40 8 253 458 6

16 '9 I II 5 II 33 5 '3 5 IOO 184 " " 16 4 43 6 "7 3 153 274 1.34 11 5 10 1 34 1 7 66 18 54 6 484 771 7

91 5 I 6 8 17 3 I3 2 I84- ,,83 23 I 4 12 17 9 25 , 236 20 4 "S7 5 4 14 r 3 32 6 I6 3 143 "52 48 4 3 3 8 96 12 92 43 45 475 810 8 IS 4 I 65 62 22 268 30 3 7 3§ a 31 5 37 23 ;>,07 80 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT

-;; WORKERS ~ ""§ ~ Total I It) ~ :gy~ -::~ Total population Scheduled Scheduled Literate and workers Cultivators 8 Village/Town! -§ ~ g (including castes tnbes educated (I-IX) persons .§ Ward/Block - "E c ..c: ho~~~i~~t:~;~l~!n) .5 .g. § "t) ] ~ ~~ ~ -P---~1--F- -M--F -M-~ -M---F- M F M F ------(I) (,,) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (n) (I:') (I3) ('4) ('5) (L6) (I7) (18)

URBAN AREAS Km' 9 Ward No.9 N.A. 230 230 1.352 706 646 474 27" 327 45 1 Block '7 132 13Z 761 391 370 "73 178 171 9 do. .S 08 08 59' 315 276 "01 06 156 36 10 Ward No. 10 21e) 210 1,414 729 685 528 302 3"6 17 Block 19 liZ H2 695 370 3ZS "77 137 181 ", I do. 20 08 98 719 359 360 251 165 165 5 I

11 Ward No. 11 'f 222 222 1,156 610 5"6 117 124 374 115 359 54 1 Block 2f lIZ II2 533 275 258 84 0 6 159 54 164 do.. 22 lIO 110 623 335 288 33 28 2IS 61 195 12 Ward No. 12 359 371 2,093 1,108 985 92 71 481 159 567

Block 23 l43 689 372 317 92 7 1 228 68 192 19 do. "4 64 4-56 232 224- 6. 19 uo 8 do. :>:5 94 502 267 235 '34 43 125 16 3 do" 53 70 446 237 ::000 5& 29 131 6 13 Ward No. 13 190 1,175 577 598 70 69 362 205 307 25 1

Block 26 99 99 607 296 3U 70 69 '76 90 5 7 do. 27 84- 91 568 281 287 186 115 17 18 14 Ward No. 14 231 231 1,578 829 749 59 69 464 200 S 27 Block 28 II7 117 794 429 365 268 II7 199 5 5 I do. 29 JI4 7I4 784 400 3 84 59 69 106 83 191 3 22 r 15 Ward No. 15 186 201 1,281 62Z 659 289 193 320 13 20 Block 30 80 95 614 300 3 14 IS2 II7 143 9 It do. 3I 106 106 667 32.2 3+5 137 76 177 4 16 Ward No. 16 310 286 1,986 1,034 952 69 66 357 120 S36 59 15 1 Block 32 88 543 202 16 8 62 IS 140 5 3 do. 33 700 366 2 ,« 55 100 26 12 do. 34 ~~t 743 376 J 56 15 I 50 206 28 17 Ward No. 17 310 310 1,594 810 784 158 14'7 516 379 76 26 102 J02 526 275 251 86 66 13 I 129 6 10 BJ~~k ~~ 107 107 510 260 "50 16 17 208 "'2 47 13 :; do. 37 lOX JOI 558 275 283 56 64 177 128 23 3 X 18 Ward No. 18 263 289 1.714 893 821 63 59 530 335 376 58 32 3 Block 38 109 JIO 6+7 338 309 17 ,,2 249 127 160 50 20 3 do. 39 73 74 514 255 259 165 92 lIS 6 3 do. 40 8. lOS 553 300 253 46 37 u6 116 101 2 9 19 Ward No. 19 286 287 1,361 729 632 523 28" 343 16 25

Block 41 135 672 351 321 2+0 133 '71 6 14- do. 4" Isr 689 378 3" 283 151 172 10 Il 20 Ward No. 20 296 314 1,530 806 .,24 11 10 5'75 324• 364 43 1 Block 43 172 190 881 486 39S 360 192 208 8 do. 44 124 124 649 32.0 329 II 10 215 132 156 35 21 Ward No. 21 472 472 2,228 1,230 998 6 3 967 583 S17 53 77 130 130 578 3J4 264 6 3 244 163 127 5 23 BJ~~k !~ 169 J60 936 515 421 428 266 204- ,8 39 '"4- da. 54 173 l73 714 4 01 3 1 3 295 154 186 30 15 22 Ward No. 22 343 343 2,211 1,147 1,064 141 141 801 484 455 69 :10 Block 47 13& nS 834 436 398 330 230 185 13 J4- do. 48 99 99 683 364- 3I9 25 ~8 258 135 147 13 6 do. 49 106 106 694 347 347 116 123 2 1 3 Ilg 123 43 23 Ward No. 23 253 :lI65 1,498 779 719 527 280 378 88 32 Block 50 03 93 306 227 115 152 29 IS do. 51 g2 9+ 244 IZO 32 1;., +4- 3 do. 55 78 78 22.9 180 133 105 15 14- V Nandura Municipal 5·67 3,556 3,559 20,259 10,504 9,755 544 530 6.682 3,824 ",997 1,416 816 170 CouDcil. 1 Ward No.1 N.A. 253 :lI53 1,394 74Z 652 89 81 454 191 344 140 54 3

Block I 128- 128 774 4 0 3 37 1 86 79 233 92 19Z 94 29 do. 2 125 125 620 339 281 3 z 221 99 152 46 ZS 3 2 Ward No.2 232 232 1,273 658 615 420 209 345 111 67 5

Block 3 103 1 0 3 572 293 279 196 lIS 143 34 3 do. 4 129 129 7 01 305 336 224 94 202 33 2 3 Ward No.3 .,19 .,19 1,105 584 521 373 201 282 63 19 10. 101 +9S 252 243 166 99 122 51 22 9 BJ~~k g u8 118 610 332 278 '2.07 102 160 33 41 10 81 :a MALXAPUR TAHSIL

WoRKERS II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Agricultural Livestock, Mining, Manufacturing etc. Construction Trade TransportJ> Other services Non-workers i iabvurers orchards, etC. quarrying and storage and Household Other than commerce communications industry household industry j M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F (10) (,,"') (35) (36) (37) (38) (I)


1:l0 35 3 22 4 2 73 6 37 5 379 601 9

32 2 19 4 2 68 6 :oil 3 220 311. 88 33 3 5 III :0 IS9 240 56 11 2 6 33 1 129 1 10 36 383 668 Ie 4" 10 2 I IS 5 I ,,0 ,89 313 14 5 18 78 "8 16 191- 35S 241 53 10 14 22 7 16 251 49:2 J1 16 III II8 14 6 9 9 ~, IZ3 39 4 5 6 7 7 '40 382 118 10 41 8 47 9 21 541 863 12

8. 14 8 31 6 :014 7 III I80 303 9I 19 S 2 I2 I II3 "Os 86 50 2 5 II 3 142 18'1 "'4 35 I loll 173 52 12 16 3 64 39 45 19 46 576 13

z8 3 13 45 I8 26 12 14 I33 306 24 9 3 3 t9 2t t9 7 32 4 137 270 153 3 2 1 61 2 61 49 18 18 439 741 14

77 52 29 10 '3 360 76 2 9 20 8 5 38I liS 17 18 3 10 50 2 11 36 302 646 15

55 5 2 3 16 IS 4 I5 "S7 30 5 60 IS 27 6 35 2 7 2I I45 341 360 56 -7 12 53 13 41 26 9 1 498 893 16

59 3 6 5 25 8 .6 I4 4 I5" a.¢ 111 25 7 25 5 16 9 4 176 308 190 28 3 9 3 I70 339 72 58 (> 1 29 37 51 3 113 1 45 5 431 708 17

IS I 23 '"4 26 2I I I7 17 146 245 38 6 13 2 22 2 138 ,,03 39 .~ 6 24 19 I8 5 17 72 6 3 147 ,,60 30 31 4 34 58 6 1 94 3 30 88 16 517 763 18

12 27 2 31 '"4 45 3 8 4 1 '3 259 3 4 2. 34 8 40 ,,0 I 253 15 19 4 9 I! 27 2 25I 10 8 56 3 2 61 24 2 616 19 .0 I I 39 23 f3 2 I80 a's 22 9 (>" 17 "• 38 II "06 aOI 67 3~ 11 65 1 54 1 23 6 442 681 2.

as u 1 44 22 7 57 5 278 387 42 34 I 21 32 16 21 I 164 294 50 40 16 12 74 1 3 141 :U 123 6 713 9411 :21 7 8 13 42 13 19 I 187 259 I8 u " 4 12 7 68 3 53 3 3I1 4 0 3 25 27 1- 54 31 5 51 2 215 283 27 11 9 3 51 231 8 106 58 692 995 22 18 5 5 38 57 5 46 8 251 385 9 6 ... 12 97 I 18 7 2I7 ao6 I 1 77 2 42 43 224 3 0 4 107 81 3 1 26 9 117 8 75 7 401 631 23

23 25 3 20 3 5 2 29 4 I54 226 66 1-3 2 6 g 6 32 x 123 204 I8 I3 4 54 14 z 124 201 1,384 1,043 106 3 156 65 313 11 92 1,088 :19 36:2 680 91 6,507 8,339 V

161 119 3 12 6 38 16 52 17 398 512

I ..O 77 I .6 8 3I III 2XI 277 6I 42 2 5 22 8 21 187 235 168 98 1 3 1 2 32 3 14 46 3 313 5CI4 :I

61 42 I II 5 3 1 3 150 230 I07 56 2 12 2 21 9 IS 163 "74 76 58 8 7 10 7 44 1 15 62 6 302 437 3

37 38 4 7 I 2 23 4- 2" 4 '30 39 20 4 9 5 21 H 3 0 :0 17" A-1628-12-A. 82 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT

WORKERS Total I Total population Scheduled Scheduled Literate and workers Cult! vators Village/Town/ (including castes tribes educated (I-IX) Ward/Block institutional and persons .5 houseless population)

~ P M F M F M F M F M F F ------(2) (3) (5) (6) (7) (8) __<_9_) __<_IO~)~ ( II) (l2) ('4) (I5J (I6J (18) URBAN AREAS Kmz 4 Ward No.4 N.A. 208 208 1,198 618 5 80 468 304 282 84 85 Block 7 109 109 635 329 306 245 153 154- 28 31 do. 8 99 99 563 289 274 223 151 128 56 54 I> Ward No.5 203 204 1,080 555 525 384 255 252 66 45

Block 9 103 1 0 4 621 316 305 2.20 170 133 16 2.2. 3 do. 1:0 100 IOO 459 239 220 r64 85 II9 50 2.3 3 6 Ward No.6 zOs 205 1,087 547 540 409 300 253 40 32 6

Block II 122 624- 3 1 7 237 192 138 15 17 4- do. IZ 83 46 3 223 172 108 lIS 25 IS z 7 WardNo.7 194 195 1,158 595 563 14 10 449 288 302 40 47

Block I3 83 84 480 253 2.27 184 IIO 133 2.1 2.3 I do. 14 III III 678 34" 336 14 10 2.65 178 1(>9 19 24 3 8 Ward No. 8 147 147 1,1)66 576 490 299 146 252 5 10

Block IS 85 85 604- 33Z 15 1 67 14' 2 I do. .6 62 6,. 4 6 2 244 '48 79 III 3 9 9 Ward No. 9 196 196 1,013 524 489 371 200 225 115 61 16 Block '7 95 95 48 4 269 "'S 205 106 108 18 41 9 do. 18 101 IOI 529 255 274 166 94 II7 97 20 7 10 Ward No. 10 131 131 1,174 613 561 19 21 387 226 265 15 24 4

Block I9 51 51 377 198 I79 IS" 90 9 1 9 19 3 do~ zo 80 80 797 415 382 21 235 136 '74 6 5 I 11 Ward No. 11 209 209 1,183 606 577 26 30 365 205 293 67 31 6

Block 21 76 76 428 197 23 1 4 9 130 104 16 2Z 5 do. za 133 133 755 409 346 22 21 2.35 101 51 9 111 Ward No. 12 168 168 1,223 657 566 51 357 217 17 7

Block 23 87 87 609 322 287 15 I7 224 140 143 4 5 do. 24- 81 81 614 335 279 47 34 133 77 144- 13 :2 13 Ward No. 13 256 256 1,467 789 678 4:1 4.7 463 220 371 51 47 6 Block zs 119 119 645 342 303 220 1:26 169 32 30 5 do. 26 137 137 822 447 375 42. 4-7 2.43 94- 202 I9 17 14 Ward No. 14 245 246 1,238 635 603 195 193 334 13l'> 3;15 IS4 28 2

Block 27 106 107 554 287 ,,67 ISO 146 47 '42 79 II do. 28 139 >39 684 3+8 336 45 47 88 183 105 17 15 Ward No. 15 157 157 833 399 434 200 196 108 40 16 Block 29 76 185 "32 13° lao 97 42 17 5 do. 30 81 "'4 202 '54 100 99 66 23 II 16 Ward No. 16 177 177 479 455 358 221 225 122 83 Block 31 83 83 221 2.15 161 106 93 21 25 do. 32 94 94 258 240 197 II5 132 lor 58 43 17 Ward No. 17 193 193 452 470 87 97 269 132 267 124 29 5 mock 33 89 8') .p.+ 213 "II 36 41 117 41 I3S 79 10 do. 34 104 104 498 239 259 51 56 152 91 132 45 19 S 18 Ward No. 18 163 163 911 475 436 238 174 231 43 63 :I Block 35 77 77 245 r69 85 II9 2.0 27 do. 36 86 86 230 69 89 lIZ 2.3 36

A-1628-12-B. 83 :;r MALKAPUR TAHSIL

WORKERS II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Agricultural Livestock, Mining, Manufacturing, etc. Construction Trade r 1'ransport. Other Non-women labourers orchards) etc. quarrying and storftlle and services Household Other than commerce communi.. industry household cations industry M F M FM F M F M F 1'-'1 F M F ---- (I9) (20) (,n) (22) (23._> ___<2_4_> __ (_2_5} __ <_,,_6_}_<_2_7_} __<2_&_} __ <29) (30) <31} (32)

URBAN AREAS 4.9 49 8 6 1 20 4 54 8 48 6 336

39 21 4 5 8 3 35 4 "5 3 >75 10 z8 4- , 12 19 4 23 3 161 60 53 3 6 20 6 50 14 48 5 a03 459 17 6 I 17 6 30 II 28 5 289 20 0 43 47 2 5 3 20 3 17 23 13 13 4. 2 13 5 95 7 11 57 12 294 500 6

~6 2 7 8 2. 4 0 I 5 8 302 II 6 "2 55 6 6 4 198 7 " 5 3 35 29 17 11 5 14 6 103 10 2 293 523 7 16 '7 16 3 (, I 39 5 26 IZO 206 19 12 '0 2. 8 5 64 5 33 2 173 317 78 :2 3- 9 1 13 105 IS 16 :.I au 485 8

52 4 7 57 13 7 19r "70 26 3 S 6 48 5 9 133 ZIS 65 94 8 3 20 3- 32 8 25 299 37"" 9

,6 8 20 I 16. 197 49 86 "6 :3 <"8 "I IZ 7 138 177 10 7 1 6 :1: 7 14:1 16 57 348 546 10

8 z Z 3 49 2. 7 107 170 2 4 4- 93 2. 14 50 241 376 57 52 9 f> 3- 16 7 50 83 2 3"" 4 313 510 11

3 0 8 3 3 4- 2 3 17 3 IOZ 2IS ;;;.7 44 6 3 3 '" 5 39 80 17 ..II 29S 165 2 10 3 39 19 42 16 370 549 12

53 '0 2 33 13 25 4- 179 283 112 6 6 <7 I2 191 ,,66 71 42 4 8 55 :2 10 59 93 24 I C18 627 13

46 "5 3 24 23 15 173 271 2S 17 8 8" 35 70 9 245 356 153 158 .5 14 21 1 II 47 :1: 12 34 310 <&19 lC

58 S8 r 19 20 2 I4 22 I45 I88 9S 100 4 2. 7 3 33 10" 12 165 231 37 74 5 16 6 U 6 2 47 :01 14 11 3 :.103 3:1:6 15

13 3 1 2 6 2 8 I 2 29 13 7 88 190 24 43 3 10 4- ,6 S I8 " , 4- 2 us 136 32 64 2 20 6 12 1 48 3 24 5 333 16 13 IS 8 • 25 • .6 4- '94 <9 49 12 5 23 2 " 8 '39 flO 92 14 1 24 17 21 8 54 4 :2 35 5 3% 17

53 58 II 17 .7 4 6 20 13 3 '32 27 34 3 7 17 z 34 22 2 2I4 (>4 38 19 1 11 3 49 Ii 16 393 18

42 19 9 4 I 9 >%6 22 19 IO 7 Z 2 4 7 u8 84 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT

WORKERS Total I j Total population Scheduled Scheduled Literate and workers Cultivators Villagerrown/ (incluCling castea tribea educated (I-IX) Ward,Block ] institutional and persons .51 houseless population)

] P M F M F M F M F M F ---- M F (2) (3) (6) (8) (9) (10) (II) (12) ------(7) (13) (14) (IS) (16) (17) (18) 3 JALGAON km' Total .• 1.:;1:;17'7 26.930 27,583139.8:ll9 71.Z80 68,549 3,Z54 3.118 33.847 15.:;149 39.578 20.879 13,883 3,038 (acres 303,3(5) Rural •• 1,225'1 24,172 24,789125,041 '::63,621 61,420 2,969 2,845 7.9,747 13.105 35,747 19,534 13,028 2,917 (acres 302,722) Urban 2·6 2,758 2,794 14,788 7.659 7,129 285 273 4,100 2,1H 3,831 1,345 855 121 RURAL AREAS acres- I Choonkhedi 14 14 78 4X 37 ,,6 4 :2 1\mbavarwa 39 39 194 102 92 S6 5 3 An"", •• Unt"nhabited 4 Manger; (F. V.) Uninhabited S Dhulghat (F. V.) Uninhabited 6 Rohin khidki .• 6.976 323 3 I07 97 37 Kille Pimpaldol(F. V.) Uni.9.~ited 6 .. ~ Kamod :1,,:18;' Uninhabited Q Sa1wan 6.976 22 22 128 60 68 38 41 20 10 Bhingano 1:1.273 32 33 151 78 73 6 43 14 4 4 It Kuvardeo .• 580 37 39 235 139 96 9 72 5 X 20 II 12 Ronbardi (F. V.) 55 26 31 I39 74- 65 6 44- 35 17 IJ Wasali 3,2:i8 148 148 717 367 350 159 .6 244- 214- 54 l 14 AJewadi 1,.728 159 159 87' 437 4-34 73 I "30 123 64 5 IS Saikhed 4.992 I08 I II: 572 29X 28x 90 5 '47 90 42 6 16 Pingli Hk. r,zRo 24 24 x24 67 57 19 8 38 40 :17 Pingli Kh.•. :1,,280 ,zr 2:a 1I0 66 44 2$ II 37 20 10 IS Gorod Pro jamocl .2,08 7 Uninhabit~d 19 Chalthaml Ciyam IU Uninhabited 20 Chalthana Kh. 838 47 53 32' 175 147 4 8 30 Kh••• 51 2 49 51 234 134 100 15 14 15 40 20 7 22 Tunki Bk.. .. T,Q8 4 451 454 2.286 I.I97 1,089 69 7' 220 "SS 215 10 23 Sonala .. .. S.31Z 1,148 1,181 6,015 3.0 96 2,QIQ 159 129 692 778 505 S3 %4 Sangrampur h. 320 Uninhahited Sonala. 25 Warkhed :1,,152 2 2 14 6 8 3 5 6 26 Kohupotta •• 1,291 Uninhabited 27 SUl1llllOn 5.766 826 836 2.028 134 <24 88:i: 31:0 1.157 945 551 28 Chalthmuz Bk. • • 4S3 Uninhabited 29 Khel Paroskar JamoJ 494 Uninhabited 30 Khel Mali Yamod •• 2,10% Uninhabited 31 Khel Lon Jamod •• 2.449 1.206 1,2-57 6,052 2,993 103 II8 1.335 594 :1,069 797 321 Khel warghe :lamad 567 Uninhal>ited . 33 Khel Shiwdpur Yamod 1.587 Uninhabiud 3+ Kannoda.. •• Z,JIZ 680 343 337 88 214 116 90 5 3S Lohogaon Kh. 512 Uni-:3.~bited 142 36 Lohogaon llk. 576 22 9' 46 17 4 2S 6 4 37 Ladanapur .... 5.348 2.72 1,397 679 9 7 245 82 368 200 3 38 Borkhed 70 4 24 171 III 51 '7 45 17 39 Danapur 38 4 13 73 38 .,. 8 21 22 40 Sogoda 198 1,06$ 496 15 313 139 287 uS 4' Khmnkhed •• 837 Uninhabit~d 42 Wawadi Hardo 494- Uninhabited 43 Usara Kh••• 740 9 9 42 2{ 21 '7 "­ '4 II I 44 UsaraBk.•• 922 25 25 X34- 66 68 28 IS 35 3 0 8 45 Shevga lited uS Taroda :/amad 448 Uninhabited 66 Sajantmri •• Uninhabited '9'" IIO 0 67 Kherda Kh. :l~344 198 198 968 5'S 453 54 56 279 3 7 ISS '43 17 1 68 Kherda Bk. J~344 399 399 2,006 1,0 9 987 25 16 500 2.07 540 24-3 2 0 9 II 69 Akoli Bk. 768 II3 IIS 550 280 "70 4 2 133 37 100 14-4 34 70 Akoli Kh. 256 I2 Ia 52 28 24- 22 19 17 3 17 19 6 71 Rajpur •• 320 19 19 flo 37 49 22 7 23 19 X7 7"- Dhamangaon 1.344- 105 109 5 0S z8z 286 6 3 ISS 71 171 93 105 5 73 Palshi Za.~hi I,984 363 396 T,9Ho 1.023 957 67 61 566 354 554 315 182 4 0 74 Urnara •. 1,280 92 92 4 6 • 239 223 113 50 130 80 59 26 75 Nimbhora Bk. 1.088 II6 I I6 593 3'3 280 14 17 128 182 106 36 5 II 76 Changefal Bk. :r~024 62 68 334 176 158 10 82 38 103 60 37 77 Changfeal Kh. 960 8I liz 4206 zo8 218 2.4- 2.0 106 39 116 llf> 4 0 2 78 Niwana .• 576 201 201 939 478 4 61 :u 14 270 lOS ,,64 14-7 58 13 79 Banoda Eklara 1.920 338 338 1,741 917 8"4- 3 7 5U 241 473 323 239 107 80 Kated 960 89 9 1 5 06 256 250 6 12 91 4 1 IS5 lIS 47 10 85


WORKERS II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Agricultural Live3tock, Mining, M).o.ufacturing etc. Con",truction T:~~e Transport. Other services Non-workers ..g IaboureI".3 orchard3, etc. quart"ying H~;;~id-Oili~tha~ commerce c::~~~i~!:~ons 8 industry household 5 -----~------~~~~,__. ______--.-______-'5 M F M F M FM F M F M F M F M F M F M F..3 - (~Q) - <..-;) ---(;;)- - (;;) - -(;3) - -(~)(~)-(';)-(;;)-(';8;-(,;;i-(;;)-00-6;--6;-C;-:;i--(;":~-(-;6)-~~-C;8)(0 ------TAHSIL

;1:),413 17,142' 39i 83 III 7 966 326 491 27 18b 35 957 43 127 3 2,121 175 31,702 47,670

352 8.:1 III 7 839 301 357 :25 145 35 583 21 53 3 1,628 121 27,874 41.886

:1,741 l,no 42 1 77 25 13' 2 41 374 22 574 493 54 3,828 5,784 RURAL AREAS

9 4 33 1 5 87 2 3 4- S 6 60 59 6 7 8 4' 22 27 9 10 35 59 10 3 8 " 67 4S IX 23 " 30 30 12 205 5 4- " <23 136 13 tIS I 2 207 3I1 14- 84- 4 2 I4-4- 191 IS 40 29 17 16 19 z 29 24 17 13 19 4" :0 6 77 20 43 30 3 3 I I 66 21 347 :069 5 Z5 9 4- .... 14- 3 "7 548 2" 926 689 34 70 29 41 18 3 49 3 59 1:,390 23 24-

5 6 2 25 26 II 3' :u 7 3 17 39 3 "7 28 29 1 0 665 6 4S 32 7 5 74 6 1,297 1,924 31 3" 33 ."a "'9 34- 35 [0 2I 4 0 36 [8. 19 7 2 3 z 12 350 479 37 3I 45 38 19 14 ~t 39 I4° 9 " 12 282 371 4-0 4 1 4" II n I 7 43 as 30 3I 44 [0 '2 " 12 45 16 23 33 4 6 23 t 17 S4 47 II I 3 IS 48 18 8 39 49 442 30 4- 4- 3 6 17 Z ZO 37 b61 I'O~! 50 3 I 4 1 8 51 Ie" IS 3 :z ISO 3:00 52 53 S4 5S 7~ :I 43 37 56 6I 5 50 70 57 b8 81 101) 58 59 60 110 9 '43 :081 6. 9 15 13 6" II 6 I3 63 64- 65 66 166 6 4 2 3 IS 208 67 9 10 4 8 ''0 479 68 ,,"7 90 '4~ 3 4 9 " 69 19 I II 70 '9 " 14- 71 88 4" , III 72 268 IS 5 6 :z 4 29 4- 69 73 53 , 4 4 109 74 100 ,. 5 131 75 59 II I I I 73 76 80 9 3 3 " 5 91: 77 129 II 15 6 4- 3 13 214- 78 212 I; :z " I 4 " 16 444- 79 75 18 20" Q 8 " 3 2 101 80 86


WORKERS Totol I Scheduled Literate and workers Cultivators "0 Total population Scheduled '" Village/Town! (including castes tribes: educated (I-IX) 8 Ward/Block institutional and persons .~ houseless population)

] M F M F M F M F M F

(.) (,,)

RURAL AREAS acres 8l Kolat ., 1,088 100 183 '92 93 8:0 Wadgaon Pro 704- 77 2I6 '59 75 Adgaon. 83 Garpeth .. 7. "- "- 84 Umapur .. 334- 58 05 Wadwanal (F. V.) Uninitbited 54

86 Raipur .. , 2,240 27 :1.7 147 81 66 3 18 30 87 Hanwatkhed 2,496 10 10 59 37 22 6 10 88 RalUra Bk. 1,472 Uninhabited 89 Raju .. a Kh. 704- 6 8 27 IS 12 5 90 Wadgaon Gad 1,344 ~o9 209 1,128 506 56z 3:> 114- JI4

9Y Hashampur 1:,216 l 373 352 lIS 67 92 Dautpur 384 UniJ?abited 147 93 Rasulpur .... 83" lIS xz8 3S I 339 3 4- 66 33 5 94 Mohamadpur 192 Uninhabited 95 Tatarpur •• 448 Uninhabited 96 KHEL ANAMAT JALGAON. 97 KHEL KUASA Rh. 98 KHEL KHASA Bk. 25I~:11 99 KHEL GOBAJI •• 301 lOO KHEL CUATARI 33 Kh.

101 KHEL CHATARI 84- INCLUDED IN URBAN AREA VI Bk. I 102 KHEL JALGAON 84" Rh. Kf{}l6f20T JAL- 310 KHEL BORI JAL... 756 GAON. lOS KHEL MALI JAL­ 376 GAON. 106 KHEL MURTIZA- 62 PUR. 107 KHEL SONJI •• .. J 108 KolMed Pro !famad 21r Uninluzbited 109 Kolkhed Pro !falgaon 284 Uninhabited rIO lslampur ...... • 2,624 66 66 349 177 172 13 100 "I

III Dhanora .. .. 3,200 864 86 421 "4 606 239 1<" 155 Uni~bited 3,45 113 ~~ia;l.~" .. . :1..2.12- Uninhabited 114 WadiKh • •. 436 Uninhabited IJ5 Chinchkhed Kh. 5lZ Uninhabited IJ6 Gorad Pro jalgaon 358 Uninhabited 117 Nao Kh. •. •. 998 13 13 87 45 5 9 28 23 4 .5 Jl.S Palshi Supo 2,449 299 31.'1 1,508 731 6:>" +8 4 0 5 437 "- 172 I 119 Sulai .. 166 166 758 3SS 28 17 192 239 147 92 29 120 Wadgaon Patan I,~~t III Ix6 568 293 '9 Il3 153 100 94 7 '" 18 121 Mohidipur .... 1", 613 28 ,,-8 138 75 19 48 27 7 120< Bhurkhed •• 61 5 Uninhabited 1"3 4,885 758 785 3,639 1,854 1,78:;: 1()9 795 539 1,027 731 "96 84 11 1Z4 *~kh~ti :: 1,312- 28 28 134 64 70 19 22 6 34 29 3 125 Karan wadi •• 1,538 35 35 .69 81 88 44 19 46 28 20 3 u6 Pimpri Kodri 7,448 91 98 534 279 255 35 2II 38 154 79 54 5 u7 Sawargaon 1,600 207 238 I,'I7S 593 582 26 285 215 357 157 110 6 u8 Patan .. " 576 23 23 102 4; 57 6 35 26 3 129 Satoandan .. " 3 8 4 Uninhabited " 1]0 Palshighat •• 732 21 21 9" 51 40 31 '7 35 u 18 2 131 Pal,hi Vaidya 3"0 60 60 309 158 'SI 8 6 81 52 72 52 1+ 3 132 Pimpalgaon Kale 56,046 1,208 1,216 6.211 3,048 3,163 212- 214 ',598 714 1,691 :1,075 497 208 133 Khandvi 1,433 193 197 913 455 458 3" 31 2 0 S 77 259 220 59 19 134 Akola Kh. 832 157 158 768 39" 376 33 38 206 90 217 14" 5" 9 135 Gadegaon Rh. 1,08S 199 '99 1,011 513 4118 'II 41 ,,83 .87 30 ," .b6 79 5 136 Sukli 1,024 4-3 4-3 232 120 112 51 7 56 42 137 Mandva 640 52 52 "56 127 129 3 3 6" 28 65 35 ~3 3 138 Adol Kh. 448 63 63 336 17" 162 29 25 76 21 89 23 IS 108 I3l "6 139 Adol Bk. I,:zx6 244 "44 1,247 627 620 4:> 49 340 '74- 344 140 Satali 1,356 II5 11.'1 570 280 290 II 13 127 52 167 128 100 6J

141 Nimkarad •• 1,024 36 36 234 12~ 112 42 10 53 35 3 448 Uninhabited ~!~ ~i~,:\f'1i~i)Ur 955 132 I3Z 7"7 34'" I,. +3 198 >19 3 144 Gaulkhed .• 555 14 14- 99 52 16 I 24 "I 145 Dadulgaon •• 921- 154 154 795 402 4 165 68 "o7 160 1-46 I-lingana Pc. Balapur r,oss 89 89 4-7' 227 8 7 4' IS7 134 70 52 147 Manegaon _. 2,:z6~ 105 105 558 264 4- 50 102 100 76 3 148 Zad~gaon •• I,~23 153 IS5 763 21 13 78 194 Il3 107 "3 149 Golegaon Bk. 70 4 56 56 ,,62 na 4 " 16 92 4 8 37 3 I SO Golegaon kh. 448 81 81 417 199 17 18" 49 133 19 27

151 Takli Rhasa 512 31 31 168 81 17 18 5 1 55 29 7 IS" Takli Parask.r 640 63 63 317 160 44 1+ 104 55 4-5 153 Mahuli %,02;4 6S 75 4 22 "IS 99 47 I:Zl 36 70 .0 154 Uti Kh. 960 28 ,,8 143 72 39 33 36 13 33 ." ISS Uti Bk. 640 29 29 124 62 28 6 42 33 28 '4 87 3 .JALGAON TAHSIt.

WORKERS ----ii------llI------IV------y------VI----viI------:vII1------nz--- X

Agricultural Livestock, Mining, I\'Ianufacturing, etc. CQnstruction Trade Transport. Other services Non~workers Cl) fabourers orchar.Js, et:C. quarrying -~------and stora~e and 8 Househo1d Other than commerce communications industry household .9 ______.__~ ______i~d~s~cy______'5 M F M F M F M F M F M FM F M F M F M F..3 ------_-----_------.....----(~)- -(z-;;)--(20 - -(2-;)--(;:D-(~)-(;S)-{26)- 0,7)- 08)-(;;)-Z;~-(;D-c:;-;)-03)-~)(;5~)-C;;){;;;}(;;- RURAL AREAS

73 , 6 2 lIS 3 u 7 149 10 204 34 78

II Ii> 4- 5 4° 23 6 5 .62 Il3 7 IS 17 220

3 <65 91 9Z ... '35 93 94- 95 96 97 <)8 99 100




107 108 66 '<;1 4 4 10<) 3 149 110 32.3 3Sz 4- [4 ZI S82. III " I13 Il3 Yl4 115 18 , 8 55 32 S.a 1St 24- 23 53 lOS 1 S2 I 86 179 IS3 19 35 59 154- 20 29 IS5 88 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT

WORKERS Total I Scheduled Scheduled Literate and workers Cultivators castes tribes educated (I-IX) persons

Acres RURAL AREAS IS6 MUTadabad t92 Uninhabited IS7 Borala Kh 576 90 90 506 255 251 13 6 I49 68 102 I03 74 '58 BoraJa Bk. 960 JI8 u8 SolI 274 257 32 25 135 63 u8 89 3'1' 1'59 De'f:/ul-ri 448 Uninhabited 160 Nirod 2"IIZ 116 116 56. 290 271 19 lJ6 53 158 85 45 " 16 I Tam.gaon .... J,.0:24 ",6 64I 333 308 164 69 173 132 20 I6~ Sangrampur 111'408 544 3,252 1,673 1.579 97 1,035 613 883 353 235 2Z I63 Kakanwada Bk. 1,.024 726 374 35::0 7 171 72 204 89 53 164 Kakanwada Rh. 83" 147"4° 625 323 30"" 156 63 181 131 37 • :165 Parashrarnpur 640 30 159 89 70 9 36 8 49 37 6 5

166 Wadshingi I r 664 380 2,01:;& 1,059 953 46 573 228 605 350 20S 3'" 167 Rudhana 83:1 225 1,223 623 600 30 309 97 348 166 197 42: 168 Wakana 1,088 207 9"" 464 457 12 225 89 278 241 127 68 169 Bhilkh"d 1,024 76 389 193 196 134 74 122 73 37 170 Bodkha 1,408 '72 937 487 450 '2 10 247 109 267 83 >23 8•

17:1 Kathartzlion 1,088 49 51 260 131 129 23 20 64 26 66 2 28 172 Pimpri KaothaJ 448 68 68 330 162 168 4 3 92 49 88 3 27 173 Warwat Bakal 2,688 2,680 1,350 7,330 9 6 88 789 352 745 348 280 174 Ringanwadi '768 4~~ 4~~ 387 186 20I 4 9 80 45 96 28 62 175 Bhuikh.d 256 Uninhabited

176 Sa1abad 448 13 13 55 30 7 I 21 I9 177 Taroda Bk.. 576 24 24 151 86 3 56 16 44 10 5 178 Taroda Kh# 3 84 19 19 88 42 3 19 4 24 17 6 179 964 <73 18I 898 474 53 233 82 272 131 4 ISO §kjajl::~n :: 578 49 50 247 123 3 67 28 60 7 3 IS. Manardi •• ~96 110 "3 541 "59 4 13 139 88 153 30 IS" Mominabad •• 942 47 47 244 128 10 5 33 9 71 46 2 183 Pimpn Pr. Adgaon 1.879 175 175 991 498 26 24 201 99 267 r60 2 184 Kurangad Kh. .. .. 487 79 89 471 234 18 23 III SS 139 21 2 185 Kurangad Bk. 1,099 74 84 374 196 r 5 107 ,,8 II2 54 186 Yengaon 873 80 80 391 189 202 5 5 t07 43 IIJ 52 45 5 187 Palaskhed •• 461 88 90 395 189 206 7 .. 61 32 u8 91 23 ... 188 Madakhed Kh. 805 92 92 45 1 231 220 3 2 124 38 140 5' 65 4 189 Madakhed Bk. 1,034 217 217 1,085 559 526 I) 7 328 u8 3 17 I60 III ... 190 Durgadyait I.SS7 119 123 654 326 328 7 7 1159 84 194 55 II2 2 101 Wankhed 5,208 696 3.438 1.732 1.706 1I8 102 9 1 4 580 935 654 7I 192 Illora 446 48 246 n6 130 44 3 1 65 3 0 4 193 Chondhi •• :1,804 100 537 288 249 3 1 24 III 41 I51 55 19 194 Takaleshwar 910 68 330 I68 162 61 19 98 62 I 195 Kakoda 968 104 477 249 2,,8 13 10 lOS 50 138 66

196 Kalamkbed 860 90 90 460 229 23I lI8 49 136 71 2 197 ,Wastagaon...... 250 Uninhabited 198 J astgaon ...... 859 113 113 618 310 308 5 8 I75 76 171 IIO 4 199 Warwatkhanderao •• 1,509 178 178 925 465 460 IQ 17 238 102 271 165 zoo Neknampur 837 36 36 210 103 107 30 4 58 14

201 Awar 1,526 146 656 335 321 I 3 220 84 201 110 106 202 Ukali •• 793 145 759 365 394 24 28 ,,1 77 218 178 63 34 203 Gadegaon Bk. .1,360 128 563 275 288 10 10 I52 29 160 120 52 18 204 Bhendwad Kh. 651 70 4 01 213 I8S J 5 135 59 123 51 63 7 205 Bhendwad Bk. 2.857 288 1,37 I 709 662 31 25 21:16 83 4 11 222 lIS 3 206 Chaora 1,140 142 154 744 386 17 .. I80 61 226 141 83 I 207 Kaothal •• 3,700 369 373 1,995 r,olz 16 .. 388 .66 574 175 '24 208 Kumbhar khed :1,013 0 223 I08 • 36 6 57 35 II 209 Atkal •• 277 U"i.,1.':.mted 4 .2 I 0 Hinganakavathal 535 53 64 290 150 9 89 42 76 25 23

2I1 Khel Thorat paturda 1.395 1.01:6 1,019 153 1,263 698 r,474 608 500 5I 212 Khel Veld PatuTda 2,4-29 Umnhabited 213 Khel Rl'Df'lgai PatuTda 1,085 Uninhabited 214 Khel Mali Paturda 1,062 Umnhabited 215 Paturda Kh. I.Sg0 186 186 5 1 4 48 3 I2 9 248 100 28I 222 82 27 216 }(undhegaon 684 36 36 94 104 40 17 56 27 2::0 4 2I7 Kodri .• 1,208 I36 138 336 357 17 24 ISS 69 191 1I3 74 9 :Zl8 Nimbhora Kh. 829 83 84 185 184 86 37 110 63 23 J 219 Chinchkhed Bk. 884 I I 2 r I 220 Itkhed 484 49 49 10, 89 '6 9 SO '4 56 33 36 17 221 Pesoda r.6S7 149 149 359 6 5 162 35 212 137 119 53 222 Bhon :r,6~7 199 20I ~~6 439 16 22 I43 93 290 151 us I8 223 Sawali 938 105 105 492 232 14 '5 121 46 146 HI 89 66 224 Khiroda 1,651 ISS 158 731 358 47 43 199 92 192 120 33 2 225 Deulgaon 450 20 20 107 61 16 10 25 17 9 a 226 Takli Panchagavan •• 725 76 76 326 162 8. 37 88 72 37 17 ::'27 Aswand •• 93 90 38 51 43 16 9 228 JALGAON 854 UR'ltAN AffitAS vi '" Villages with L. C. No. 229 to 245 are newly form.d forest (uninhabited) villag•• "rod URBAN AREAS K",2 VI Jalgaon Municipal 2'(>2 2.758 2.794 14.788 7,659 7,129 285 273 4.100 2,144 3,831 1,3"5 855 121 Council. 1 Ward/Block No.1 N.A. 14.1 151 881 470 411 22 16 229 114 190 59 23 1 2 Ward/Block No.2 124 124 7"1 369 372 203 126 182 29 46 2 3 Ward/Block No.3 159 161 727 "01 326 259 113 20" 107 43 2 " Ward/Block No. " 171 171 862 4"" "18 297 210 196 16 55 1 89


WORKERS II III IV V VI VII VIn lx X Agricultural Livestock, Mining, lVlanufacturing etc. Construction Trade Transport, Other services Non-workers labourers orchards. etc, quarrying and Rtorage and Household Other than commerce communications industry household jndu'Stry M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F (19) (20) ('0) (22) (25) Cao) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) '-(-3-4-)--(3-5-)---(3-6-)--(3'7) (38) ~~_;:_--'-:'_-';::"":"- RURAL AREAS 1 56 3S 27 4- 4- 2 107 149 IS? 51 86 4 4 7 6 113 139 rs8 ISO 108 83 4 132 186 .60

I 1%5 I~2. 5 3 19 160 <'16 H" 388 3 19 23 9 "5 61 143 700 1,2"26 162 101 79 16 5 t 3 4- 12 170 263 163 135 130 8 142 1'1' Il(i4 35 29 4 3 2 4 0 33 16S

3 0 6 17 9 I 60 454 603 166 124 7 3 9 275 434 167 173 " 8 5 '6 186 zI6 1'68 7:> 71 123 169 7S 8 220 3V7 [70 z 65 171 3 6 I 74 'E.!72 192 IZ 2 4 4 10 8 605 I?3 14 90 174 1 75

21 19 9 Ii 176 9 5 42 55 177 II tl IS 20 1'18 134 126 II IX "02 203 1 79 25 4 " 2. 63 II? ISo 77 29 9 106 252 IS[ 35 43 I 57 7° IS2 II5 156 2 7 2 4 8 231 333 11J:! 41 18 Z I 9 95 216 [84 85 54 " 2 84 124 185 6z 47 3 7 76 ISO 186 71 80 4 3 1 3 3 7 1 u5 187 01 47 2 I 2 9 91 169 188 r55 152 '3 3 4 3 ~6 4 242 366 189 71 52 " 6 I 2 132 273 190 544 487 10 51 18 rr 6 29 IS 797 1,052 19'J IS 26 6 51 100 192 88 36 7 137 194 1 93 67 01 I I 70 100 194- 5S 06 7 3 III 16,. 1 95 70 68 3 3 93 160 1 96 1 97 97 3 I IS '39 198 1 98 189 7 I '4 194 295 1 99 2:> 45 93 200

85 110 6 4 134 2II 201 119 143 3 16 4 II 147 :1;16 202 96 IO~ 5 7 IIS 168 203 53 44 S 90 I37 204 261 219 II" 3 3 '4 :1;98 440 20S

140 8 160 2I7 206 175 's 21 10 25 438 808 207 35 4 I 51 80 208 2 0 9 44 4- 4 74 II5 210

686 90 7 10 5 70 5 3 92 ~,I03 2lI 21" 213 214 ISZ IQ5 ? " 8 233 261 215 Z3 38 77 216 103 9 1 45 244- 217 60 2 75 121 2.I8 I 2 19 19 16 51 56 220 72 8] z 7 • "­ 3 7 183 2Z" 221 147 u6 6 :<1 7 197 z88 222 52 45 :I; 3 114 121 223 12b IIJ 2 8 16 181 "38 224- 16 IS " :'11 44 225 226 47 55 3 76 90 2"'7 34 34 52 97 228 hence arc not shown in the Primary Census Abstract and the map. URBAN AREAS

1,741 1,120 4,2 77 25 134 41 374 22 74 493 54 3,828 5,784, VI 99 4,9 3 10 2 10 1 15 2 27 7 280 352 1 61 24 1 1 10 3 36 6 18 3 187 343 2 100 105 6 1 17 35 197 219 3

4,0 11 3 14 2 4 42 2 34, 3 248 402 4


WORKERS Total I Total population Scheduled Scheduled Literate and workers Cultivators Village/Town/ (including castes tribes educated (I-IX) i Ward/Block institutional and persons " houseless population)

P M F 1\1 F MF M F M F M F 1 ._____ -- (I) ('I) (6) (7) (8) (9_:_:_) __(:_1_0.:...) _ (T I) (12) (13) (15) (16) (17) (18)

URBAN AREAS Km2 IS Ward Block No.5 N.A. 144. 14.5 754, 383 371 17 14. 191 78 196 93 33 9 6 Ward No.6 293 293 1,4.94. 768 726 101 90 303 105 396 256 134 77,

Block 6 154 154 8IS 418 400 146 53 195 129 43 I do. 7 139 139 676 350 3z6 lot 90 157 S2 201 127 91 71 7 Ward No.7 193 193 94.9 4.99 450 9 13 347 177 230 84 49 :)

Block 8 95 95 473 25" 221 I 190 III 114 36 II do. 20 98 98 470 247 229 8 13 157 66 lIb 4 8 38 8 Ward No.8 176 176 931 501 430 250 123 277 14 47 1

Block 9 9" 9" "49 218 no SI '46 6 r6 do. 21 84 84 25;0 2IZ 140 72- 13 I 8 31 9 Ward No.9 105 105 280 259 65 24. 174 10'" 39 Block 10 10 Ward No. 101 14.9 768 388 380 ISO 4.5 235 IDS 82 11 Block II 11 Ward No.ll/ 113 113 64.1 297 151 49 187 80 4.7 3 Block 12 12 Ward No. 12/ 175 175 881 437 15 9 236 103 236 121 63 3 Block '3 13 Ward No. 13 157 158 966 502 464 238 120 24.9 54 43

Block 14 9'1 93 607 324 283 169 85 ISO 19 3' 3 do. :::a 6S 65 359 178 181 69 35 99 35 11 14. Ward No. 14. 261 269 1,397 690 707 98 103 4.19 264 342 65 61 Block IS 155 163 783 393 390 17 23 267 180 193 18 4 0 do. 16 lO6 106 6 1 4 297 3 1 7 81 80 15" 84 149 47 21 15 Ward No. 15/ 116 116 751 396 355 274. 205 159 8 30 Block 17 16 Ward No. 16 281 295 1,506 780 726 23 28 488 288 378 147 60 6

Block IS 14" 144 768 39'1 376 3 8 209 169 8 27 do. 19 139 151 738 38& 350 ;00 '10 79 2 0 9 139 33

A-1628-13-B 91


WORKERS II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Agricultural Livestock. Mining, Manufacturing, etc. Construc­ Trade TransDort~ Other ~on-workers labourers orchards, etc. quarrying tion and storajle and services Household Other than commerce communi- industry household cations industry M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F (19) (2 I)----- (22) (23) (35) (37) (I) URBAN AREAS

104 77 4 3 2 15 21 3 1 21 2 187 278 5 180 169 4 6 19 19 1 2 37 8 372 470 6

121 127 3 26 1 223 271 S9 42 6 19 19 II 7 149 199 73 70 2 19 1 37 3 8 269 366 7

31 27 6 20 41 7 185 42 43 13 I' 2 3 I IS, 178 8 3 8 3 13 3 3 22 2 4.16 8

107 5 3 2 8 I 2 S 103 212 7 1 3 3 5 S " '4 121 2 0 4 125 104 3 3 3 1 10(> 155 9

118 '97 2 (> 19 4 153 272 10

104 75 11 1 1 10 2 11 157 317 11

U9 110 7 4 13 8 19 208 316

46 8 19 1 10 16 3 253 13

80 Ir 5 .6 5 II 3 174 77. 35 3 3 5 5 7<; 118 42 12 1 9 12 7 6 20 16 93 7 348 14

60 3 9 8 61 4 ,,00 372 58 ~ 9 4 6 II 8 3" 3 148 270 33 1 6 4 45 11 27 3 237 347 15

127 130 8 17 17 7 48 1 10 84 8 402 579 16

1 3 Ir 13 6 45 5 45 6 223 368 129 5 6 " 4 3 5 39 2 179 211 92



1~ Total population Scheduled Scheduled Literate and workers Cultlvatora Village/Town/ S (includin~ castes tribes educated (I-IX) Ward/Block -'" institutional and persons .S house1css population) ~ P M F M F M F M F M F «: ---_. (z) ----(3) (6)------(7) (8) (9) (10) (n) (IZ) (IS) «6) (I7) (I8) 4 KHAMGAON Km2 Total .. 1,838'9 46,468 47,254238,160122,603115,5575,6985,543 68,384 33,064 63,427 29,264 18,912 3,966 (acres 4.54,392) Rural .. 1,819'7 31,510 32,2261.58,471> 80,863 77,6123,6013,577 40,332 16,710 44,942 24,600 17,116 3,621 (acres 449,648) Urban 19'2 14,958 15,028 79,&8.5 41,740 37,9452,0971,96& 28,052 16,354 18,485 4,664 1,79& 345 RURAL AREAS acres I Roti 862 3 1 3I 164 83 3I 5 47 20 2 Bhota 1,275 172 I72 953 471 27 29 187 6. 259 90 16 3 Hingn.a-Bhot~ 447 61 64 381 19° 88 16 uo 56 ,,0 4 Kalwad 869 60 6I 275 139 4 4 59 II 95 20 I S Kathora 1,44~ 140 143 650 32;5 7 13 <:1.9 36 Igo 37 3 6 Bhastan 724 86 88 490 25Z II 16 74 37 139 59 I 7 Sagoda 2,287 II 328 1.642- 80g 30 27 ].p lIz 8 3 4 " 234- 7 8 Bhongaon 3,940 360 364 1,920 969 45 57 499 "30 530 190 II 9 Bondgaon 947 52 5" 302 IS2 4 3 76 3" 72 43 I 10 Dadgaon 1;>58 2 134 134 693 339 77 69 I9z 70 zoo lOS 59 H Hingna-Isapur 676 41 41 222 104 54 19 65 39 2 '2 Hingna-Dadgaon 5"9 13 13 78 33 10 4 2" 17 I3 Isapur 896 71 7I 306 136 "4 i6 85 "9 92 39 I4 Dolarkhed 644 no HO 559 281 44 47 133 48 158 5S IS M acbindrakhed 1,749 lOS 1I0 58 4 28S II IZ 120 61 158 4 1 .6 Yeulkhcd 2,414- 151 I5I 730 367 IO I3 174 70 211 IZ5 5I JJ '7 Waradh 909 38 38 20g 97 53 33 57 2" 21 I8 Taroda-Tarodi ",887 175 175 905 445 33 3" 187 58 273 166 60 '9 Janori 2,135 296 304- 1,472 747 79 89 375 17z 392 237 216 9" 20 Dondwada 466 31 3" 148 67 34 IS 4 1 4 33 2 21 Matargaon Bk. 4,457 820 896 4,475 ~,3I2 2,163 '37 145 1,141 584 .1,186 475 480 50 22 Takali Dharao 1,090 136 I36 700 346 354 IO 14 I97 103 '93 134 95 IZ 23 Tivhan Bk. 741 40 40 I99 "4 8S 2- z 60 ,8 61 36 48 "3 24 Tivhan Kh, 578 39 39 ",,0 I07 113 5 3 43 '3 56 I "7 I 25 Kholkhcd 9,,0 99 99 571 288 283 25 26 I30 49 166 lOS 46 26 Matargaon Kh. 496 71 84 421 ,,16 205 104 56 HI 70 56 36" Z7 Brahmanwada 969 66 66 284 IS2 13Z 81 26 81 3 0 28 Sangwa 841 81 8I 355 189 166 84 19 IOO 47 63 19 29 Be1ura 1,179 1I6 1I6 549 286 263 23 198 92 171 lIZ 67 4- 30 Nimbi 483 36 4 0 221 121 100 58 "3 88 49 77 44 31 Jalamb '1,1'18 833 836 4-,086 2,142 1,944 92 77 1,0[7 466 I,ll:; 536 370 I03 32 Kurkhed 1,030 1I8 II8 646 337 309 13 14 ''0' 64 19Z 175 72 66 33 Ekphal 967 4 0 40 "48 133 II5 I I 70 34 SO 34 Amboda 2,40 4 240 258 1.239 639 600 16 22 328 lIZ 333 I70 I~6 34 35 Lanzood 5,060 388 388 1,923 979 944 10 II 508 I69 520 ,,12 139 9 36 Morgaon Digras 1,769 163 163 731 370 361 9 9 2'5 68 203 155 34 4- 37 Amsasi 1,114 62 75 587 309 278 I4 25 OI 49 100 SI 34 I 38 Chikhaii Bk. I,IIZ 50 53 216 121 95 19 I9 59 lZ 75 44- 8 39 Chikhali Kh. 582 39 41 186 97 89 7 43 56 29 I6 2 40 Pahurjira 6,455 640 653 ],048 1,532 1,516 72 75" '799 268"" 869 590 306 97 41 Sujatpur I,Q55 27 'n lSI 8z 69 3 2 45 '4 37 I" 18 441 Koktta 969 38 38 178 92 86 25 24 32. 7 55 40 6 2 43 Pimpri Deshmukh 1,887 146 ISS 739 366 373 6 7 ,88 .66 206 103 87 4 44 Makta 889 95 95 497 266 23' 44 37 133 "5 149 60 36 5 45 Wakud 761 8'1 84- 386 I8 .. 204 '" IO 99 42 97 73 59 10 6 70 9 37 37 160 83 77 36 II 50 3" I4 3 4 ~<..:;k'i:.,d 4,921 227 227 1,120 576 544 9 I8 26z 80 314 2:01 '3" 29 !~ Sutala Bk, 4 06 4 0 9 1,804 974 830 7 5°0 92 483 302 144 "3 49 Dongarkhed 553 2 2 9 5 4 "'- 2 3 50 Khatkhed 774 70 70 365 19'" 173 6 7 77 3S I06 50 61 18 51 Pahurpurna r,8.rs 162 162 816 415 401 6 7 177 81 247 73 141 2 Z2;I I,JOZ 52 Manasgaon 2 J I09 ,,'" 556 546 5 4 "So 146 29Z I65 98 18 53 Golegaon Bk. 1,287 102 II5 561 294 267 39 36 157 69 I7Z 87 52 3 54 Golcgaon Kh. 493 36 38 193 I03 90 3 3 48 18 6 .. 27 25 55 Kalkhed 935 II5 II5 578 302 276 I2 4 152 75 166 48 69 3 56 Padsul 1,122 1"0 120 585 "93 29Z 5 4 ISS 84 161 91 69 2 57 Adsul 1,706 196 198 9'78 496 482 46 49 ,,20 107 277 162 '73 2 58 Palod; 1,340 104 III 7I9 359 360 13 10 120 56 139 56 59 Zadegaon 3,30 5 178 178 847 4II 436 16 34 243 274 245 <67'" 87 '6 60 Manegaon 882 34 34 183 88 95 47 24 4+ 43 18 9 61 Alasona 1",254 269 ,,69 713 674 39 41 37'" I43 356 196 75 6 6" M.hen 257 Uninhabited 63 Kherda 1,744 196 196 961 476 485 53 236 86 297 I4H 87 7 64 Gaulkhed 918 160 160 79+ 417 377 IS 2[5 '76 227 1'4 92 II Shegaon 110 83 So 27 59 13 26 65 URB~N ARIt.t VIll'93 65-A SHEGAON " 66 Ghui I,IOS 59 59 3I2 I9 "2 66 25 80 46 33 21 67 Hingna-VaHinath 1,681 72 90 369 3 2 89 39 69 4 22 I 68 Takali-Hat 1,202- 59 60 ,,8, 4 4 7". 31 81 65 32 18 2<2 .1,030 5I 108 69 Takaliviro 886 ,,'" 44 273 277 64 74 4 '70 Lasura Kh. 1,921 1,,0 Uz 6;;:0 '4 14 205 67 165 26 94 4- '71 Lasura Bk. 1,139 110 110 50 7 3 2 178 85 16 .. 66 36 3 '72 Chincholi 2,039 274 2074 1,245 55 53 336 100 403 333 14+ I2I 1,036 4IZ 13 12 96 101 '73 Sawarna 4 ' 96 17 Lontek •• 328 Um.,J,~bited 77 74 160 I60 246 " 75 Shrikshetra Nagzari 1,432 8 ..4 44 79 240 144 74 9 Unalkhed 454 7 7 SO ZI 120 3 <) 76 Uninhabited 3 77 lrkhed 267 78 Shirasgaon Nile 1,135 56 27z 143 9 88 58 27 3 Kanarkhed 528 37 230 104 IO 72 43 43 14 79 1 8 80 Gaigaon Bk. 1:,647 I38 701 339 3 4 204 130 47 10 93 4 KHAMGAON TAHSIL

WORKERS II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Agricultural Livestock, Mining, Manufacturing etc. Construction Trade Transport, Other services Non-workers labourers orchards, etc. quarrying and storage and Household Other than Commerce communications i industry household industry .: o M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F .oJ (I9) (20) (2') (22) (23)------(24) (25) (,,6) (27) (28) ("9) (30) (3I) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (I) 'rAHSIL

26,236 23,573 778 28 8 2 1,138 .2(>33,035 2(>5 921 178 4,71(> 1382,002 30 5,681 821 59,176 86,293

22,862 20,440 481 17 4 1 804 169 463 25 407 155 614 22 182 2,009 150 35,921 53,012

3,374 3,133 :197 11 4 1 334 94 2,572 240 514 :13 4,102 116 1.8~0 30 3,672 671 23,255 33,281 RURAL AREAS

27 I 34 82 I 137 1 4 0 z 3 J 12 2"3 3 1 3 2 50 67 3 71 103 3 70 66 3 2 41 72 4 141 ISS z 2 7 135 165 5 77 75 2 99 176 6 223 220 2 5 4 4- xo 35I 573 7 237 175 II 30 4 2 u 38 5 421 766 8 28 21 I 78 130 I) 78 97 3 2 6 154 182 10 .21 "4 53 78 IX 4 I 23 33 1:0 48 47 x 4 7 8 88 13 94 78 5 4 120 20," 14 ~OS z 9 141 285 15 "4- 5 8 152 242 16 ";6 22 55 75 2 0 4 .66 I ·s 187 279 ~~ 144 1 37 4 4 3 I 4 .6 'r, 333 510 I9 7 2 4 0 63 20 495 401 7 5 37 92 17 l,IZ6 1,688 21 9' 1"" 7 153 220 23 I2 13 I 53 49 23 26 51 It2 24 >14 98 5 5 " 122 178 25 42 27 5 7 3 5 105 135 26 45 4 I 71 '32 27 30 ;S I 6 89 119 a8 89 108 4 4 4 lIS lSI ao II 5 33 51 30 435 406 8 6 9 36 57 '47 19 I,OZ7 1:,4°8 31 93 lOS I a 15 8 134 3:0 23 .2 .~~ U5 33 154 13" 19 4 I '6 3 13 306 430 34 322 I99 10 S II I 32 459 73:0 35 152 lSI 3 5 2 7 .67 206 36 55 50 3 3 200 227 5" 43 4 I 3 6 4 6 51 ~~ "3 "7 9 4 I 3 41 60 39 450 482 I6 4 2 I6 3 38 7 663 926 40 18 u 45 57 41 46 38 2 37 46 42 98 99 6 4 '0 160 :>.70 43 I06 5S 4 I x II7 171 44 ,4 63 I 1 85 I31 4S 7 7 29 22 " 33 45 46 160 191 '6 x 's 262 323 47 zI3 275 3 '3 2 27 4 62 491 528 48 2 3 I 40 42 31 3 8g 123 So 84 70 6 5 3 a 7 .68 338 51 [46 1 39 3 3 3 12 2 z ,,6 264 381 52 96 83 3 5 4 3 3 (> U.2 180 53 34 7.7 2 I 41 63 54 92 4S 4 136 228 SS 81 89 5 6 X32 201 56 [71 158 5 14 3 xx 219 320 57 76 I2 I 6 220 348 58 140 158 4 3 10 .66 269 59 2S 34 I 44 52 60 2 0 4 186 '4 3 43 5 2 9 357 478 61 62 192 I.p 7 4 4 X70 337 63 122 101 3 "I) 190 263 64 ::00 II I" 51 70 65~1 16 ,,5 4- 7 76 no 66 4 1 3 I 4 II6 .80 67 45 47 2 I 62 73 68 184 59 3 4 I2 242 447 60 55 21 3 It 153 276 70 108 63 2 IS IOO 179 7' 2"2 210 9 5 19 233 276 72 82 94 1 I 99 .. 6 73 74 109 126 12 8 2 7 32 ,"20 240 75 20 ,,0 76 3 77 61 55 41 85 78 29 S4 6. 79 29 20 138 lIS 4 4 3 IS8 9 80 94 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT

WORKERS --;rc;~l------I--- 1 Total population Scheduled Scheduled Literate and workers Cultivator. Village/Town! (including castes tribes educated (I-IX) Ward/Block j institutional and persons I.., houscless population) .S.. ~.o P M F -M---F- M---F- ~ ~ M F (:0) (5) (6) (7) (8)--(g-)--(I-o-)-(rr) (12) (I) (3) ------(15) " KHAMGAON RURAL AREAS ,acres

~ I Warkhed Bk. 1,737 ISS 161 90" 461 441 4 3 83 253 In II3 82 Talrali Nagzari IjOQQ 51 51 323 166 157 31 93 3S 67 83 ManaTkhed X,1:45 Uninhabited 84 Mahagaon 4 05 38 40 194 93 101 3 21 54 51 85 J awala Bk. 1.754 4:a1 4~5 %,°70 1,062 1,008 22 27" "77 562 41] 13I- 36 J awaln Palaskhed :1,895 226 238 l,08S 529 556 34 49 137 287 174- 16 87 Majaiapu, 237 Uninhabited 88 Tintrav .2,228 208 :2:2.0 520 522 II r3 II> 67 170 2 89 G.vh,n 1,580 160 165 437 414 IS 16 laO lIS lZl 8 QO Wasadi Bk, 790 Zl:9 219 540 5"5 15 IS 14" III III 4 Q:r Wasadi Kh. 771 70 70 371 196 175 U5 74 I02 49 2 92 Khadadgaon 2,039 161 164 767 396 371 19 2 1 5 9" 95 "T 93 Walt; Uk. 912 50 50 245 133 It2 19 67 2~~ 35 94 Walti Kh. 629 32 3" 16" 85 77 47 9 47 21 9S Barafgaon 1,7°7 84 8S 464 228 236 4 4 45 101 >24 80 30 96 Kalbai 794 54 54 269 "43 ",6 91 3' 67 47 7 97 Borjaw.ala 2,753 178 180 838 4,,1 417 9 7 3 0 4 164 237 93 10 98 Muramba 939 83 83 368 184 I,,>; 4" "3 01;9 I 99 Ghanegaon 626 125 U7 674 333 ;!i ~6 ~6 203 8. r84 60 12 100 R:.mud 21~UI 136 136 706 367 339 14 16 "°9 8z 202 100 46 101 U mr. (Nagzoi) 1,882 39 39 208 III 97 2 2 40 4 64 39 61 34 IOZ Nipana 2,080 195 195 873 444 429 7 9 228 86 239 94 133 12 r03 S,Z59 1,181 1,181: 6,612 3,370 3,242 217 195 1,965 1.196 1,601 31S 50" 34 I04 J alaka Bhadang 3,126 250 261 1,208 632 576 55 61 341 130 344 226 120 33 r05 }(asarkhed 570 21 21 88 45 43 18 5 24 7 II 106 Belura 831 21 23 115 56 59 21 3 25 26 3 r07 Bhandari 1",324 ]27 I27 620 303 315 II 5 191 81 170 140 88 7 108 Hiwara Kh. 650 75 75 392 194 198 5 5 85 39 107 73 37 5 r09 Kumbhefal 3,206 209 209 1,061 S3S 526 7 2 285 130 ,,88 155 135 IIO Sawargaon Bk. 566 Ufl;1lhabited "I III Sawargaon Kh. 22" Uninhabited 112 Hiwara Bk. 2,371 122 124 578 299 279 3 6 156 94 62 "3 Iwara 1,64-2- Uninhabited "4 Hhalegaon 840 3I4 330 1,577 791 786 43 55 214 3 1 3 II9 39 Ir5 Taroda Nath 896 Uninhabited

;: 16 Chinchkhed Nath ., 731 40 4 0 217 107 IID I 60 45 29 II7 Takali 875 38 38 187 94 93 4 51 4-2 lIS Tandulwadi 501 49 49 214 107 107 I 8 65 31 119 Pnraj I,68s IIs 119 565 2 69 296 ]4" 13 6. I5 I UO Dhapti :I,r60 17 17 77 34 43 4 23 9 :I21 Ranzara 2,98z 244 244 1,456 749 707 191 394 155 24 IZZ Nimlmwala 1,279 166 166 771 380 391 88 ~I5 146 22 I23 Pimpalgaon Nath 975 69 69 350 181 169 20 108 95 2!> 2,793 287 292 1,423 704 719 I19 419 231 8 ~~~ ~~;;k~~~~ :1,2.59 Uninhabited 1:26 Kalegaon 2,30.a 264 362 1,216 610 606 24 "4 3 1 3 94 95 18 4 4 127 Divthann 1,477 58 58 301 ISO 151 79 29 69 53 21 128 Rohana 4,61 3 243 243 I,ogo 539 SSI 50 44 2.65 "'5 277 73 53 129 Dhendi 1,045 15 15 68 30 38 8 3 20 13 130 Shendri 627 Uninhabited t3t Nandri 732 so SO 123 126 67 24 57 IS 132 Warna 2,QII 166 168 I~~~~ 508 574 63 54 ZI5 147 254 JI8 133 Kontt 2,70 4- 36 36 188 96 92 :I I 33 8 41 "7 1:34 Antraj 6,746 359 3 63 1,791 931 860 75 72 471 i97 397 228 I35 Isalwadi I,393 Uninhabited r3fi Giroli 3,284 SI 81 :,,0 59 7 I47 120 47 39 1:37 Kawadllaon 5,769 6S 65 171 51 4 1I3 70 69 17 138 Kherdi 1:,103 Uninhabited 1:39 Wadji I,062- z8 28 101 53 ,,0 55 9 27 2 140 Sarol" 655 Uninhabited

141 Hiwarkhed 7,149 312 314 1,381 724 657 41 43 329 132 423 240 159 H. J4Z Mandani 1,960 38 38 ,"0 105 105 6 5 16 I 65 70 18 :to' Uninhabited ~:~ ~dn~ik1,ed Band Uninhabited 145 Geru 17 17 71 3:0 39 18 19 10

>1:46 Wazar 5,265 187 189 1,007 5 1 7 490 3 4 99 278 239 119 7!> 147 Botha 4,107 29 30 143 78 65 4 3 3 4S 33 25 20 148 Zodg. •• ",648 76 76 38 9 18 9 200 5 3 47 tIS 93 57 10 2,938 246 246 1,067 550 517 6 8 105 340 127 85 13 !1g ~~~f:~~d Nath :: 70 4 42 42 224 I21 103 2 72 49 19

lSI Maharkhed ",944 277 "77 685 657 59 376 131 4"9 :"'5 153 15~ Galpeth Uninhabited 153 GOTadi UfJinhabited 154 Wahi Uninhabit.«d ISS Thar Uninhabited

I 56 N agzari Rh. 978 6 251 u6 "'5 :18 71 13 "5 157 Nagzari Bk. 1,654- Unin1.~bited 4 IS8 Jaipur 2,639 171 171: 808 4 01 3 3 188 227 19 80 52 159 Wadi 007 04 94 4 0 S 195 5 5 II" 98 6 IS :0 :loa Shelgaon Sb9 40 40 40 19 4 13 9 95


WORKERS II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Agricultural Livestock, Mining, Manufacturing, etc. Construction Trade Transport_, Other services Non-workers labourers orebards, etc. quarrying and storage and '" Household Other than commerce communications "8 industry household o industry .~" ------" M F M F M F M F MF M F M F M F M F M F ..3 (24) (25)---'(-26-)--(2-7-)-(--'2-8-)--(70-9-)--'-(3-0-)--(-'-3-1)--(-'-3-2)--(-3-3)' (34) (35) (19) (zo) (21 ) (22) (I)


r09 04 4 13 13 2 208 330 81 70S 30 73 122 82 83 30 51 I 2 , 39 50 84 258 '2.77 9 5 5 19 5 500 595 85 93 144 7 8 5 2 IS 4 382 86 .. 87 77 6'2. 6 6 3 10 3 455 88 82 109 6 a 3 10 I 296 80 .66 IOI " 5 '0 4 9 414 90 45 '9 6 '54 91 '136 69 7 295 9" 29 63 49 93 26 40 37 94 36 S4 3 5 151 95 17 37 2 I 76 8" 96 12.3 41 17 184 365 77 5' " 5 7 1 132 ~~ ~09 128 3 3 8 195 99 93 74 70 , 6 ~~~ 219 100 5 I 47 58 101 8. I 8 1 205 335 102 260 's I .0 2 5 59 5 '35 IX I,769 ~~924 103 19" 9 4 5 3 II 1 288 350 r04 7 21 36 105 21 26 I 31 33 r06 39 13Z 32 9 13S 175 107 67 67 I 2 87 125 108 Il3 134 4 3 3 3 26 247 371 109 IrO

III 94 7 143 185 II2 113 263 S 39 9 26 37' 473 1<4- US 12 47 65 II6 12 43 51 117 33 4Z 76 IIS 77 lIS 296 XI9 6 7 II 34 I.aO

181 130 9 3 2 IS 355 5S.a 1"21 a45 a 4 ,65 ~5 laa 56 '''464 10 x I 3 73 74 123 231 n9 3 14 4 4 Il 7 285 488 124 125

'32 85 10 4 9 4 IS 247 SIX 126 4' +8 " I • 54 8z :rz7 213 220 5 13 230 274 1,.8 5 ao " " 18 J:z9 I" 130

2 69 I3I :z• 4 3 X IX 320 I3z I SI I33 3 x9 '6 II 9 20" 463 134 135 7' 80 13 3 9 3 81 90 136 44- 53 79 101 137 138 26 7 I I 46 7'; 139 140

'97 "':05 19 7 2 5 33 4 301 4 1 7 44 50 3 4" 35

6 19 14 "10 138 160 .. 5 8 "139 251 146 16 '3 2 2 33 32 1:47 45 8z 6 3 • 6 7' 107 1:48 32 18 19 2 7 I 7 4 2IO 390 Z49 53 49 " 49 54 1:50

ZI7 170 7 8 7 6 .8 2.66 442 151: " 152 '53 154 J5S

55 IIa 156 IS7 180 142 I 3 I I 6 207 158 20 u,. 189 159 3 3 " ,8 • 2 Q 8 10 160 96


'il WORKERS Total 1 j i ~ TQtal population Scheduled Scheduled Literate and workers Cultivators Village/Town! "8 e !g (including castes tribes educated (I-IX) i Ward/Block ..iii ."... II institutional and persons bouseless population) .S "aa ~o ·1 .. t:I 0 .3 Ja 8'" ~ P M F M--F- -M--F- M F -M----F- --M---F- (I) (2) _____..:(3::) ___ (.:.:'4<::..l _ _;(.::S)~~~~~(:..:(J-.:..)~_-_-_-_~(7::..)~~~~~(8;)~~~~(~Q::..)-_-:_-..:.(.,-1~0~)~~(~I~,.:...)-_-..:-(~1::2-)~~~.:.(.::1~3:.:..)-_-_-_-..:.-(.::1.:.4~)~~~~(~1:::5:..):--(.:,-6)-- (17) (18

RURAL AREAS acres ltir Warkhed Kh. I,128 58 58 294 158 136 XI 10 68 16 98 74 9 16", Shelodi 4.639 176 176 779 4 00 379 27 22 174 52 "S6 I32 71 163 Gaigaon Kh. 996 81 81 396 212 10 7 III 37 135 ,,8 43 r 164 Ghatpuri 2,].16 180 180 846 420 ~~~ 33 27 :lIS 79 232 155 68 5- 165 Sutala Kh. 46", 169 169 7"'9 390 339 ,8 19 :0154 79 193 138 33 13- 16() Khamgaon 15 18 6 I4 3 t66-A KHAMGAON UR:s'lN ARil VII 37 r67 Sajanpuri 6';; 114 II4- 598 331 267 14 II 112 201 81 16& Januna 3.471t ~38 245 1,154 S8S 569 '4 17 290 309 215 16" Pimpraia 2,983- 137 147 624- 310 7 10 165 182 30 170 Warud 1.874 1,1>7 119 574 ~ 285 17 14 183 147 70

171 Kolori 3,I8z ISS 188 790 390 400 6 II 226 >24 13 172. Tarodakn-saba 2.752 155 158 8Q5 436 369 "4 17 243 ~~3 185 2~ 173 Khutpuri 1,464- 73 73 364 176 188 IS 2.3 79 108 62 3 174 Sarola ... '3" 3 3 S 5 3 4 I 175 Shirasgaon Deshmukh 1,164- 135 135 6SQ 320 330 ISO 180 712 45 6 176 Mandaka 1:,4-58 156 156 771 394 377 3 4 255 133 250 186 97 r77 Gondhanapur 495 335 340 I,716 878 838 447 23S 491 282 1:<5 178 lVIathani 568 54 54 3 19 158 161 II9 109 83 3 3 179 Geradgaon ... 1,435 169 270 807 430 377 II I6 262 167 225 87 II6 ISO Dhotra Y,zJ6 9 9 37 18 19 7 u 8 2 195 21 lSI Tcmbhuma 4JQ4S 1 1,8%7 937 890 36 31 596 173 299 258 Uni3J.~bited 37 18:1 Warkhed IOI 128 183 Chitoda •• 2.459 '1.07 208 J,II6 554 56 2 '7 280 lOS 5 I84 HinJ,(Ile Umara 508 49 49 266 ug 137 57 27 71 52 5'" ISS Jalaka Teli 2,504 106 106 554 ,,66 288 "I ~6 '03 45 56 8S 0 2 262 6 186 Awar 4,009 zSS 29z 732 705 IS IS 3 7 u8 4 22 1 4 "1 242 ,87 Pirnpri G.Ul 3.988 304 3-ZZ ~',~~~ 688 694 19 3 7 liS 43 3 1.695 1'21 121 687 36" 3"5 I 2 182 58 202 715 20 ISS Ambikapur 17 18 Umara Lasura 1,170 34 34 191 1.03 88 50 IS 59 35 9 20 29 34 23 190 Shendri 319 23 23 117 63 54- 5 128 10 72 32 29 IQI Lasura J ahagir I,ISI 48 48 267 139 31 3Z 74 ISO b 8 69 76 44 43 192 Sambhapur 4W 5'1 51 298 148 43 Palshi Rh .•• 1.439 141 141 688 370 3 1 8 23 IS 85 205 132 5" 9 193 319 12 8 184 "3 66 194 Karegaon Bk. 1,880 112 J 12 655 3-36 9 4 J,IIO 74 70 4 49 35 14 9 '95 Nilegaon •• 33 33 144 2-,826 244 244 708 691 4 0 49 355 149 241 135 196 Hingne Karegaon ,,82 326 Palshi Bk. 3,101 439 439 1,054 1,002- 131 IZO (>I3 347 197 1 251 98 '09 ,a8 198 Kmhi 3,030 207 216 49 496 2.4 27 1.874 138 138 3 1 9 "94- 22; 14 143 44 12S 45 199 Nagapur 107 194 131 200 Vihjgaon z,98I 2.04 :1.64 651 587 2.3 29 294 28 J,OS9 63 63 153 136 65 24 90 66 "or Patonda .6 8 33 31 I4- 202 Pedka •• 1.367 28 28 61 61 5 4 203 KaseR!lOn Kh. Z,zzz. Uninhabited 82 85 I 3 33 23 _,3 16 34 5 204 Kherdi 973 35 35 ,67 3 1 0 ,,6 181 130 5" 7 205 Naideri 2,2 17 12.7 128 6"3 :313 5 4 '4'

20 IS 221 72 238 147 rr6 41 {_Tmara Atali ;2:,50 4 173 173 829 4 00 4"9 206 6 0 3720 229 135 25 Kadamapur 3,1 II 260 283 1,206 639 567 3 3 2 77 207 171 4 ? 91 63 92 64 43 3 208 Akoli •• :lh519 56 56 328 157 1 1,01 8 913 12 17 204 57 1 239 273 z Z09 Atali .• 6.367 382 384 1,93 53' 8 34 20 14 9 6 210 Pimpri l\lohodari 1,5 8 7 7 " 288 205 88 1.827 201 ZOI 1",030 541 IS '3 99 56 all Rothakazi ... 62 281 2IZ 2-,020 :215 2-1Q 887 447 9 9 77 7 Loni ... 121 0 189 83 :J\) "'2 2,5 10 244 :1.44 1,259 620 18 19 4 6 213 Gavandhala 110 176 153 51 889 202.2 2-2-3 1:,065 ~Sl 294 214 Bori 8 33 147 4"3 179 '59 20 ZI5 Adgaon z,I81 28S 285 1,474 74 10 28 22 10 :ZI6 Dastapur 1.946 17 19 93 4' 52 :2 17 Sowarhhed Uninhabited T 2,017 I,026 991 56 59 153 586 397 234- 100 213 Lokhanda •• 5.793 39 433 1 6 1.069 36 36 r 6 4 88 76 4 3 17 47 4 219 Wahala Kh. 62 40 zzo Deulkl)ed 961 42 42 189 102 87 4 '" 1,40 7 738 669 30 3 1 379 228 186 2Z1 Shahapur 2,582 287 294 165 292 1,447 722 7"'5 26 25 '~6 426 324 2Z2. Gbarud 5.887 29'" 101 5,528 91 91 638 325 3'3 31 139 44 ,223 Shirala 0 132 62 67 Nirod .• 385 103 104 465 226 "39 2. 4 224 Il6 289 289 6 58 188 101 82 225 Lakhanwada Kh. 1,980 "4 578 881 282 6 2,9 1 $ I,498 1,4L7 106 606 417 37 225 Lakhanwada Bk. 3.3"5 554- 5 9 IZ 10 1,140 8 8 38 21 17 2 227 Dudha 8, 1 122 85 35 [Z 1,189 96 4 82 228 2S4 21 30 4 223 Asa 93 123 225 202 83 0r 2.55 255 1,274- 624 650 22 22 357 370 :1.2.9 Ambctakali 2,4 268 191 85 I,Q8o 198 198 919 470 449 Ia "4 234 76 34 23" Kanarkhed •• S 1,009 13 6, 3" 19 S .zJl Nimkhed 67 24 21 :0 2.085 4 0 2 0 4- 106 I 232 Fattepur 21 22 458 324 II9 Shirala ... 2,41 0 303 1:,6 1 4 830 233 8 7 6 2 1 5 I73 37 t Pirnpri Korde 2,135 161 725 37 238 234 1.888 1,694 862 20 26 50;;0 319 IIJ 235 Chinchpur ... 369

2 2 52 7 80 61 25 7 Dhadarn ... 51 SI 125 98 19~ I44 61 PJInpri Dhang,lr 127 127 4 00 S 5 233 9' 4 KHAMGAON TAHSIL

WORKERS II III IV V VI vn VIII IX X AlIricultural Live-stock" Mining, Manufacturing etc. Constnlction Trade Transport, Other services Non-workers labourers orchards, etc. quarrying and storage and Household Other than commerce communica- i indUlltry household tions industry M F M F M ._---- F M F M F M F M F -M----F] (19) (ZO_>___ (_"_') ___ (_2_2_) (24) (25) (2b) (27) (28) (29) (30) (:p) (32) (33) (34) (315) (31) (I)


83 69 I I 6Q 62 161 171 131 3 I S 144 247 162 91 '207 I 77 156 163 139 145 9 4 I 6 I 7 188 271 154 no 123 4 2 4 5 5 27 197 2,01 ]65 8 3 3 8 166 166-.1 80 13 S 7 3 ]30 186 167 212- 2 2 21 IS 276 354 168 20 5 7 132 280 169 68 " 10 14' 2IS 170

108 4 30 3 ]36 276 171 174""" 165 8 ]98 184 172 60 S9 3 68 126 ]73 4 I I Z 174 1<>6 105 I' 4 2 S ]40 z]8 l75

'44 182 5 3 I9r 176 3ao 247 6 2 8 6 4 19 556 177 73 2 I 4 158 ]78 73 4 7 2 II ~90 ]79 10 7~ ~I ~&o

"57 266 9 8 8 S 5 2 44' 591 181 " 182 ISO 94 S 10 4 3 II 461 183 17 13 9 S " 1 3 66 ]84 52 56 6 232 185

242 209 10 8 3 6 3 2 lZ 310 443 186 282 238 8 6 I 13 257 452 187 84 90 i6 7 4 6 4 6 ]60 210 188 19 18 44 53 189 8 II 34 20 190

39 40 2 3 65 56 191 20 33 4 79 ]9'" 146 123 1 IS 165 ]~a ]93 109 112 3 2 4 IS' :;006 ]94 35 26 :'5 lS 195

204 194- 4 10 3 14 I 235 271 7 13 2 2 II 7 10 33 3 154 83 3 4 I 3 19 120 123 9 2 "2 7 '96 151 4 13 7 3 II "4 5

59 47 70 aol 19 20 ~o .aOZ 203 18 10 69 204 IIO 123 ]0 ";; 180 aos

99 105 5 I Ia 162 282 206 198 202 17 7 13 267 338 207 44 61 I I 3 6S 107 208 260 236 10 4 8 13 447 614 209 8 6 II H 210

161 147 2 6 4 '2oS 253 284 211 18. 20. 7 "I 15 16{l 228 212- 301 ISO 10 3 9 214 450 2 13 II9 124 3 1'1 Z57 338 214 233 177 " 6 18 325 547 "'S

17 30 216 217 290 8 4 24 594 218 4 0 3 " 3S 219 4 0 " 47 22() 139 19' 6 12 8 7 19 359 441 221 "36 2.47 5 3 13 290 401 2za 95 100 " 186 212 223 60 58 ,. 94 177 221- 96 85 2 S 101 ]88 2ZS

392 14 20 33 3 617 1,135 2~6 12 " 9 7 2:;07 8S I I 106 169 228 I-fI 7 4 "6 13 254 425 229 '" z II s 10 202 258 230 6 4 13 24 231 45 22 I 39 74 232 305 3 1 9 8 5 4 17 372 460 233 157 165 2 4 I 3 :;0 10 163 174 :;034 218 203 :u 2 5 2 4 2 12 360 51J 2JS

53 54 1 45 80 lSI " 3 3 4 b :;oob A-1628-14-A 98 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT

:3 WORKERS ;; ~ Total I Total population Scheduled Scheduled Literate and worken Cult;vatcn Village/Town/ (including ca.stes tribes educated (I-IX) Ward/Block l 1 institutional and persons llrl .S 'i5.1l ~ house less population) §.8 ZO o ______~ ______p__ _ M F M F M F M F M F M F (:o) (.~) (S) (6) (7) (8) _(_9_) ___(I_O~) ____ (_'_1) __ ~(_"~) ____ (_1~3_) ___ (14) ( 15) (16) (17) (18)

URBAN AREAS Km' II Kham~aon Munl· 13'36 10,063 10,080 53,69;' 211,216 ;'5,476 1,397 1,291 19,649 11,676 12,243 2,011 768 97 clpal Council. Ward No.1 N.A. 321 321 1,702 898 804 44 51 615 275 417 91 3

Block 92 92 228 196 180 99 89 23 10 do. 2 55 55 UO 97 86 41 57 18 5 do. 3 73 73 :>11 [98 S1 113 32 113 26 3 do~ 1- 101 101 339 313 z36 103 158 24 7 2 Ward No.2 367 367 1,794 946 848 41 34 742 436 391 45 47

Block 5 II4 "4 560 300 260 "28 130 I_27 7 10 0 ", IC> do. 6 4 1 4 401 263 22.8 34 "03 104 107 24- az do. 68 68 35" 175 '77 q8 104 75 6 81 81 3 do. ~ 391 208 ,83 [63 98 82 II '1 3 Ward No.3 326 326 1,633 865 76S 662 379 384 60 34 7

Block 9 lOS lOS 6,0 322 z88 215 106 ISO 23 4 105 105 280 26 do. 10 544 4 233 178 II2 9 19'" II3 113 216 z• do. II 479 263 214 95 H2 28 3 4 Ward No.4 367 368 1,795 948 847 762 482 404 30 44 91 91 508 251 Block 12 257 201 144- loR 9 10 do. 13 97 98 461 258 "03 205 III lOS 6 105 105 38<) 20t 188 5 do. 14 166 107 90 7 II do.. 15 74- 74 437 232 205 190 120 4 98 9 '7 Ii Ward No •.5 356 358 1,878 985 6 9 798 521 ., 421 60 41 Block 16 123 12.5 676 330 2.72 Z3Q I 107 '53 17 J do. [7 107 66x 344- 266 191 '34 do. ,8 u6 126 541 311 6 9 260 100 7 134 17 6 Ward No, 6 402 402 1,937 1,007 930 7 9 652 6 344 460 170 34 Block '9 II3 Il3 540 277 ,,63 3 3 171 71 133 3 do. 200 7< 71 326 ISO 146 2 2. 4" 8 97 52- 86 35 do. 21 96 Z38 2. 4 ISO 63 107 3 do. 22- 122 ,~~ t~; ~~ 283 234 158 73 8 134- 20 15 " '1 Ward No.7 330 331 1,958 1,008 950 130 126 641 370 434 100 25 Block 23 99 99 3IZ 318 76 71 2,,6 ek 187 127 14 10 do. 30 IIZ 112 6sz 321 331 253 aOI 108 108 545 ,,,& 267 19 13 do. 3' 205 14-1 10 • 308 310 1,963 1,036 927 10 Ward No, 10 626 327 18 17 1 Block 32 JZ4 12.6 785 4-18 367 263 141 ,61 4- 3 do. 33 89 89 603 303 300 190 100 138 do. 34 95 95 575 315 260 7 5 173 77 ISO 7 <) 305 305 1,514 783 731 11 Ward No. 11 5 502 312 369 77 14 2 112 II2 588 296 Block 35 292 19t 135 130 10 6 do. 36 95 9S 43~ 432 "00 128 66 II5 do. 37 98 98 494 255 239 5 39 4 183 III 124 ,,8 4 4U 442 1,970 1,027 943 33 12 Ward No. U 31 602 279 509 156 34. 7 Block 38 95 95 49S 228 lIZ 54 137 2 I08 108 396 16 5 do. 39 195 128 60 109 7 4- do. 40 122 122 545 262 IS 165 60 I3z J 117 II7 8 II do. 41 S34 25 197 lOS 131 II 13 Ward No. 13 421 421 2,125 1,126 999 153 137 593 149 526 9 Block 4" 96 9 6 475 2.55 'lao 176 13 lI6 86 86 346 186 160 Q 6 19 14 do. 43 97 47 93 4 0 6 7 do. 44 119 119 630 325 305 3 2 138 44 154 18 6 2. 120 120 674 360 do. 45 31:4 I~I I~9 182 45 163 57 6 .4 Ward No, 14 339 339 1,592 844 748 81 67 492 226 368 31 10 219 166 Block 46 97 97 385 1:·· ISO 59 87 16 S do. 47 105 lOS SOl 308 283 I 2 143 60 135 14 137 ~ 137 016 317 4- do. 48 299 So 65 199 107 146 I I 346 1,750 15 Ward No, 15 346 923 827 57 506 202 461 119 22 3 0.> 270 0 Block 4Q 9S 504 234 4 34 160 66 f3° 36 do. SO II2 112 626 3:1:1 303 9 4 4 169 66 155 51 9 do. 51 139 139 620 330 2<)0 13 14 177 7 0 176 3" 4 A-162S-14-B. <)9


WORKERS --~------I-II------IV------V------VI VII VIII IX X Agricultural Live-stock, Mining, Manufacturing etc. Constructjon Trade 'I'ransport. Other services Non-workers and storage and labourel'8 orchards, etc~ quarrying Household Other than commerce communications i industry household induotry f __~M~ _____F______M______F______M______F_____ M_____ F____ M F M F M F M F M F M F j

(19) (20) (2T) (2..) (2.3) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (3z) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38 ) (I)


72 l,1l7 235 406 23 3,190 96 1,197 26 ",925 545 15,973 23,465 VII 1.175 906 23" 10 3 1 228

6 6 52 14 2 90 ::I 65 1 114 9 481 713 1 ~9 66 12 I 19 7 28 3 139 173 3 14 7 17 II I 19 3 9 2 63 79 5 IS 4 6 18 6 IS aI 27 4 98 172 10 14 S 5 9 6 34 2 34 50 181 289 '7 ,,0 ;& 6 59 37 122 8 555 803 32 23 6 8 74 26 9 29 1'73 253 6 34 • IZ II "3 9 I6 29 4 156 2 0 4 IS 10 2 I6 IS 7 20 100 174 I 2 6 • 2 13 9 5 44 a 126 172 3 6 8 112 ::I 53 80 14 481 708 21 34 14 4 58 2 39 '4 172 .6S II 13 17 4 II z 7 45 & Ib8 I 18 7 :0' 3 141 i§§ ,0 22 4 23 3 3 17 134 ~O 544 817 , 2 48 59 13 23 6 39 8 149 16 7 Z9 4 ISO 4 "0 4 14 7 37 4 III I 13 " 4 :09 4 134 17 139 17 564 5 ar; 35 18 3 31 5 177 329 6 17 5 54 7 9 6 4 5 46 5 2[0 296 II 6 208 6 2 8 3 7 39 S 177 24 [5 Ii a 3 9 89 2 28 91 21 547 760 120 98 10 15 40 64 18 3 1+4 6[ 26 2 I 10 2] 6 2 2 18 I 94 36 ,"- 6 3 137 ,6 10 29 17 '5 2" 5 35 I 18 8 33 ]2 172 7 5 "5 9 48 1 7t. 13 574 850 7 115 60 14 56 7 7 7 29 I) '3 3 IS8 288 66 29 20 2 159 01 2']3 5 :08 6 33 3 30 7 32 7 13 4" 8 227 261 19 20 9 2' " 2 144 3 75 2 74 11 594 984 8 43 18 9 2 59 78 12 6. 9 I lSI 299 20 4 I 28 41 52 " 19 7 202 361 7 Z 2II 2 2 19 2 37 30 4 6 3 3"4 16 '4 6 3 4 125 1 35 15 107 18 .77 780 9 6 5 7 1 77 I) 20 35 I2 5 34 '38 "II 3 "­ 3' I 47 4 10 43 7 1'5 312 :2 4 26 43 9 30 5 I64 257 4 37 107 1 97 1 66 7 587 909 10 14 3 1 107 , 41 14 4 1 32 29 2 257 363 39 9 29 37 II 3 IbS 293 5 3 3 ]4 37 28 26 2 165 253 8 I 27 4 39 13 75 4 53 4. 68 16 414 654 11 12 11 2 6 126 6 34 4 30 29 3 16 166 4 3 13 • 117 8 44 17" 25 4 23 7 4 48 20 7" 20 II "9 8 13l 4 97 34 7 1 83 4 43 98 518 787 1"2 96 2 3 1. 17 9 19 23 130 216 59 33 II ,,6 2 12 27 7 92 ]57 3 38 23 17 2 3 26 7 15 I 1"4 35 9 3' 9 22 145 230 4S " ;& 2 79 157 50 600 865 45 2 11 101 24 12 88 13 IS 5 2 10 3 66 14 ]39 20] o 25 27 2 II IZ 93 120 22 I 5 4 9 26 3 " 28 47 IS 3 171 287 20 8 8 4 1:1 3S II 23 18 64 29 197 10 6 2 4 6 38 47.. 717 14. 69 12 12 2 113 9 12 67 • 21 7 2 16 ]6 14 132 150 ~ 7 2 30 ·6 2' 14 2" 173 269 16 g 37 7 4 55 3 ZI 8 10 ", "98 44 I 3 80 16 25 81 10 46~ 708 15 84 82 25 7 3 126 5 11 1 ]I 8 28 9 '40 4 3 3 4 5 6 II) 3 1I 23 168 ] 3 59 2 6 zo a 6 30 ]54 20 ]8 " 100


]. WORKERS ] Total I I Total population Scheduled Scheduled Literate and workers Cultivators Village/Town/ 'f! (including castes tribes educated (I-IX) Ward/Block ] instItutional and persons ]~ houseless population) .S gog :l -P---M---F" -M--F- -"M--F --M----F- M < g-= :£ F M F (I) (2) (3) ___(4~) ____ ~(5~) ______(6_) _____(_7_) _____(8_) ____ ~(9~) ___ (~"_o~) __(~'_I_) __(~'_2~) ___(~'~3)~ ___~(_'4~) ____ ~(I~5~) ____(~I_6~) ___ ('7) (18)

URBAN AREAS Km' 16 Ward No. 16 N.A 371 371 904. 1,069 253 246 475 4.83 .20 119 30 6 Block 52 112 1:12 S3Z 280 252 ISS 95 136 30 7 3 do. 53 107 107 520 277 243 157 76 125 51 II do. 54 10:0 102 515 262 253 99 41 117 2f II " do. 55 So 50 406 85 3"'1 64 271 4Z 17 I 17 Ward No. 17 ~70 470 2,312 t,177 1,135 146 115 749 338 601 195 15 Block 56 91 9 I 540 2 65 275 164 I3Z 127 I8 5 do. 57 100 IOO 523 275 253 I:I7 100 150 67 1:<9 53 do. 58 89 89 386 I93 193 17 8 In "9 99 53 do. 69 lIZ 113 5IO 261 249 10 7 221 57 143 48 2" do. 60 78 78 348 183 165 " 103 53 103 "3 6 18 Ward No. 18 257 257 1,681 903 778 .u 38 606 362 187 30 27 1 Block 61 77 77 453 2.32 221 159 10"- I09 5 do. 6:0 9 I42 72 70 '4 2 II do. 63 3:1" 33 I98 II3 85 84 41 57 2 do. 64 65 65 469 258 2II I78 101 106 do. 65 49 49 274- 147 127 I 0 9 81 66 I~ do. 66 34 24 145 81 64 63 35 38 19 Ward No. 19 276 27S 1,664. 851 813 57 52 610 413 366 36 24 Block 67 93 93 606 3 0 4 302 57 5>' I97 128 ZZ7 l6 5 do. 68 81 8I 455 225 230 I79 135 105 I4 8 I d~. 69 102 I02 6 0 3 322 281 234 "SO IH 6 II 3 20 Ward No. 20 305 305 1,857 1,010 847 74 60 765 502 .29 11 24 1 Hlock 70 89 89 59'1 320 277 13 12 2.29 151 134 3 3 do. 71 65 65 278 IS I I27 III 69 64 3 3 do. 72 38 38 22.9 IZ7 102. 84 S3 62 2 do. 73 73 73 503 2.88 215 61 240 143 I16 " I4 do. 74 40 4 0 250 I24 12.6 IOI 86 S3 3 " 21 Ward No. 21 278 !78 1,742 943 799 22 17 712 460 464 14 46 Block 75 SO 50 381 2Il 170 18 13 166 107 104 6 3 do. 76 93 93 572 304 268 4 4 236 IS3 I30 20 do. 77 51 5I 308 158 ISO 104 65 88 "3 7 do. 78 84 84 48I 270 ,,11 206 135 14" 3 16 22 Ward No. 22 326 326 2,008 1,085 923 2 852 1197 453 12 19 4 Block 79 30 30 I93 I06 87 84 49 46 3 do. 80 61 61 455 :013 197 159 114 do. 81 68 68 424 321"4" 203 183 149 IIO Z z do. 82. 6Q 69 394 226 168 177 109 87 "4 5 do. 83 98 98 542 290 2S:O 211 131 96 3 23 Ward No. ;13 301 302 1,736 937 799 19 13 750 498 385 18 28 Block 84- 77 77 251 223 2 0 4 143 104 4 7 do. 85 63 63 j~t ",S I80 180 122 88 8 do. 86 87 88 532 289 "'43 10 229 146 121 "6 6 do. 87 74 74 332 179 153 9 137 87 7. 6 7

2~ Ward No. 24 382 392 2,176 1,107 1,069 840 572 469 68 27 Block 88 65 65 35"- 186 166 IS3 In 67 2 8 do. 89 68 68 4'5 I98 >.17 I~O 147 95 5 do. 90 "S uS 850 436 414 298 186 I7Z 3 ~ do. 91 134- 134 559 287 272. 219 128 13S 58 7 25 Ward No. 25 439 439 2,101 1,106 995 19 907 663 419 44 24 Block 92 12.4 U4 6IO 329 2.81 289 :>06 1:>8 8 10 do. 93 I08 108 SI9 274 245 I9 229 I94 9" 8 4 do. 94- 80 80 377 207 170 I73 II2. 8t 9 7 do. 95 I2.7 127 595 296 299 ,.. 6 lSI 1I8 I9 3 2f> Ward No. 26 420 420 2,221 1,131 1,090 182 184. 705 434 40&4 153 18 8 Block 96 86 86 447 213 "34 52 63 zz" 8I 106 40 10 4 do. 97 105 I05 531 257 16 8 195 I36 87 20 do. 98 110 I10 665 ;~t 307 78 7" 19" 93 I33 46 do. 99 II9 "9 578 286 292. 36 41 I96 124 IIS 47 7 27 Ward No. 27 561 561 2,797 1.51( 1,283 17 13 1.101 675 553 94 27 Block 100 60 60 359 214 145 8 2 157 65 61 do. 101 138 I38 763 393 371 6 4 207 133 160 '6 do. 102 102 102 517 290 227 3 7 2.2.7 II6 III 2. do. 103 "4 II4 568 294 2.74 234 I73 II2 9 do. 104 147 147 590 324 266 276 188 109 10 28 Ward No. 28 410 410 1.994. 1,183 811 18 11 1.015 540 362 40 20 Block 105 165 163 710 39~ 338 16 Q do. 106 107 107 514 259 255 to 4 do. 107 98 Q8 465 303 .6" 6 6 do. 108 4 0 40 2-85 229 56 17 10 8

VIII She~aon Munlcl- 5'83 4,895 4948 25,993 13.524 12,469 700 675 8,403 4,678 6,242 2,653 1,028 248 pal Council. 1 Ward No.1 N.A. 272 294 1.525 796 729 30 25 467 244 334 101 10 Block 113 US 645 3~6 ]09 191 86 lSI 63 6 do. 4'1 87 107 460 2.p 219 30 25 139 83 9S 7 do. 2- 7,. 72 4 20 219 201 137 75 88 31 4 101


WORKERS - --- -II ------III ------iv------y---- VI VII VIII IX X Agricultural Live-stock, Mininar Manufacturing, etc,. Construction Trade Transport, Other services Non-workers labourers orchards.. etc. quarrying and storage and i Household Other than commerce communications industry household § industry "i -----!S M F M F M F M __F____ M_ F ..J (29) (30) (JI) (32) (33) (3l) (35) (36) (37) (38) (I)


63 46 100 23 19 11 66 7S 60 '27 950 16 2 5 45 18 II 3 1 2 6 23 7 222 30 "4 33 8 22 20 4- 192 %9 t7 II 5 47 12 232 IX 22 3 5 14" 3 0 4 " 96 12 1 1 19~ 38 11 3 127 10 27 128 46 940 17 t3 " IS 3 73 2 21 257 t3 3 33 7 2 12 3 3 S9 30" 200 47 r 27 2 I 3 5 ,,6 140 t7 5 J 7" '7 6 19 "3 '0 IS II 201 6 3 2 47 9 2 3 20 :>. 7 7 3 142 6 U 2 37 91 13 7 107 29 53 7 748 18 S 29 13 27 20 IS 123 199 9 I 61 fig 4 9 40 2 I 56 83 '6 37 18 4 TI 3 23 2 IS:>' 208 4- 21 I 10 6 81 125 9 I '4 4 "3 6 " 43 64 ::IlO 5 13 3 16 83 4 5 108 7 21 76 12 485 777 19 I <) 3 8 32 33 I 6 32 7 177 286 5 4- I 30 " 3" 6 9 19 3 120 216 1:5 3 's 2' 2 43 6 25 2 188 275 7 3 10 78 9 '216 27 55 7 581 836 20 ,. 27 3 58 15 25 2 186 274 2 5 7 I 3" 2 12 3 87 124 31 • 24 2 6S 100 3 3 I 4 83 6 172 215 2. 12 19 10 71 123

~ 30 69 5 193 72 6 479 785 '21 II 20 60 8 3 107 164 10 :U 39 S 30 2 174 266 " 2 28 13 "'9 2 " 7 9 3 70 147 I " 19 3 66 13 21 128 208 a" 1 1 38 9 150 16 115 7 63'2 911 '22 3 27 14 60 84 <) 84 2" 10 " 128 213 17 7' 3 12 III 201 5 5 46 24- 3 139 164 4 " 22 9 5S 2 194 "49 7 3 a 7 37 7 159 23 11~ 15 781 4 8 44 7 3 0 4- '47 219 3 " 51 23 I 'y' 178 •r 23 s 40 " 26 6 168 237 (> 15 4 " 4- 35 4 107 147 2::.1 8 2 50 21 '2 205 (> 17 115 30 638 1.001 ::u 9 t 24 6 18 2 119 1(4 .;' I 5 IZ 6 28 2 3 30 3 rC3 212 118 21 3 t 14 4 2 264 411 10 3S 6 ~3 :z6 " 3 IS z 4 " 46 23 152 214 ::.I 1 ::.I ~5 31 112 '2 43 156 37 687 951 25 7 5 51 10 45 4- 201 273 4 (> 17 13 45 7 18" 237 I .:0 3 7 IS 9 37 <) 126 161 2 31 13 29 II 29 17 1,8 280 <67 69 6 1 1 79 16 16 34 3 87 135 56 687 937 26 31 I "4 1 5 3 9 22 I 107 194 3~ 21 4 3 5 4 II 22 2I 6 187 237 20 6 2 "3 19 7 34 47 21 2Z5 Z61 9 9 2 14 4 5 13 2 22 45 28 168 z45 43 57 6 1 1 42 33 118 83 199 33 961 1.18') '27 5 I 10 34 10 I 153 143 22 ,8 "7 38 Z '4 33 37 3 232 329 <;I 14 .:0 2 4 21 3 68 II 179 201 6 5 I 7 10 34 4 41 9 182 26Q I 6 4 35 9 43 9 215 256 29 10 15 11 10 18 203 30 8:n 771 R 2 5 4 6 7J 14 260 3.4Z I II 5 I 8 62 151 245 ~ 2 4 4 43 ~ 220 156 .0 7 I I 25 1:90 48

'2 199 1.227 63 106 '22 455 5 108 91l 20 613 126 7.'282 9.816 VIII

65 95 6 1'2 5 16 193 1 25 3 ~62 1 I8S 33 63 5 4 97 z z 3 I 7 8 10 J 146 I I 18 3t H 4 14 131 102


WORKERS Total 1 Total population Scheduled Schedued Literate and workers Village/Town/ (including f;astes trjbes educated (I-IX) Ward/Block j institutional and persons .E housel.,.. population)

] p M F M F M F M F M F F (3) (6) (7) (S) (9) (10) (II) (12) (13) (IS) (16) (17) (18 »

URBAN AREAS Km2 2 Ward No.2 N.A. 248 254 1,246 6~1 605 23 26 415 216 290 1~7 30 14 [Hock 3 127 131 665 341 324 u "'01 115 152 69 22; 9- do. 4 UI 123 58 I 300 281 12 194 101 138 78 8 5 3 Ward No.3 234. 234 1,191 607 8 8 368 163 304 195 78 2'1

13lock 79 79 434 225 20g I 148 76 LIS 75 37 10 do. ISS 155 757 38,. 375 7 220 87 189 I20 4] 17

4 \VardNo.4 264. 264 1,~61 778 683 563 400 310 58 4~ 11

Block 7 ISS ISS 766 40 7 359 298 20" 35 14- do. 8 109 109 695 371 324 265 198 23 30 5 Ward No.5 240 246 1,36~ 697 667 14 10 492 322 125 68

"lock Q It2 u8 627 294 14- 10 233 154 51 16 do. 10 128 128 737 373 259 1(>8 74 5" 6 Ward No.6 183 1,552 7~5 244 233 421 200 148 57

Block I I 423 236 IS7 141 70 103 31 9 do. :12 2 1 7 216 8 II 160 90 lIO ]3 46 S• do. 13 ~~~ 354 34," 236 222 120 4 0 174 104 :a '1 Ward No.7 209 209 1,121 588 533 19 12 427 281 253 35 23

Block 14 110 1I0 535 261 If 6 108 ]4 I3 do. IS 99 99 586 272 8 6 145 2] 10 8 Ward No.8 271 271 1,373 730 643 1~ 16 319 308 51 35

Block ,6 1 6 5 764 4 1 3 351 4 6 174 24 1<> do. 17 106 D09 317 292 10 10 134 II :0 ') Ward No.9 217 217 1,113 609 504 216 254 108 49

Block 18 132 632 680 38 4 296 261 U4 75 26 do. 19 85 8; 433 ""5 "08 153 102 33 23 10 Ward No. 10 202 203 1,158 620 538 311 173 297 5~ 18

Block 20 93 94 521 281. 239 146 78 27 12 d04 2,1 109 I09 637 338 299 165 94 27 6 11 Ward No. 11 195 200 1,043 5~8 495 281 293 287 102 197 54 41 Block 22 "4 IJ4 547 284 183 2IJ 43 131 126 13 5 do .. 23 8, 86 496 211 98 82 59 ISO 71 4] 40 12 W .. rd No. 12 286 286 1,629 n7 21 12 2'14 397 139 45 14

Block 24 126 126 807 379 ]7 9 249 ]58 ]98 5:>' 24 do. 25 160 160 822 368 4 :3 295 lIb 199 87 2] 10 13 Ward No. 13 171 171 887 420 315 160 218 76 41

Block ",6 9 2 92 239 223 160 77 II7 47 34 do. "'7 79 79 228 197 ISS 83 101 29 7 14. Ward No. 14. 219 220 1,208 637 571 10 8 358 198 301 29 21 3 Block ",8 92 93 5 1 9 278 "41 154 8 4- do. 29 U7 127 689 359 330 10 204 :>'1 17 2• 15 Ward No. 15 368 370 1,841 950 891 643 363 202 150 Block 30 124 I::t4 684 353 331 208 JI6 91 38 ,,0 do. 31 117 u8 574 295 279 216 124 44 69 10 do. 32 "7 128 583 30" 281 219 123 67 43 12

16 Ward No. 16 213 213 1,054 525 529 263 237 88 103 2 Block 33 104 104 SZl 250 lIZ <29 49 do. 34 109 109 533 279 l2S '3:>' 39 ~! 17 Ward No. 17 227 230 1,204 589 313 302 133 52 25

Block 35 129 13Z 352 I6S 180 41 27 :3 do. 36 98 98 237 148 £2.:>. 92 25 22

18 Ward No. 18 274. 278 1,~26 722 70~ 227 327 2~8 67 3 Block 37 IS I 153 813 409 4 0 4 88 174 Ig8 8 a do. 38 123 125 613 3 13 300 139 153 50 59 I 19 Word No. 19 294 294 1,542 784 758 423 151 383 3:20 1>3 Block 39 101 101 506 259 '"47 108 25 127 do. 44 73 73 382 19" 190 U4 44 SI "4" ]4 do. 40 120 120 654 333 321 201 82 '75 37 20 War(l No. 20 211 211 1.055 521 36 32 282 120 262 199 30 I

Block 41 90 90 433 203 230 <22 61 '0] 96 5 do. 4Z I2I 121 622 318 3 0 4 32 160 59 .6I 103 25 103


WORKERS Il III IV V VI VII VIII IX X A~cultural Live-stock, Mining. Manufacturin. etc. Construction Trade Transport. Other services Non-workers labourers orchards. etc. quarrying and storage and Household Other than commerce communications industry household industry M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

(19) ____~(Z~0~) ____~(2_X~) ____(~Z_Z~) ____(~2~3~) __~(2~+~) __~("~5~) __(~2_6~) __(~2~7~) __~("_8~) __ ~(2~9~) __ (~3_0~) __(~3_I) ___ (~3_2~) __~(3~3_) ___(=34~)~ (35) (37) ([)


61 125 7 5 1 38 8 39 68 34 6 351 458 2

28 58 17 5 [4 45 16 2 189 255 33 67 z 5 21 3 25 23 18 4 162 203 1.04 162 7 1 4 1 25 11 30 2 20 25 2 303 389 3

34 61 S 4 3 Q I3 10 2 110 134 70 101 " 22 II 21 2 7 15 193 255 3~ ~9 6 39 1 6 90 13 80 16 468 625 4

28 22 6 '0 6 24 ') 65 '3 245 4 7 29 66 4 15 3 223 M 85 2 28 79 16 49 17 387 542 5

23 35 u 49 5 37 '5 .88 243 4" So .6 "2 30 I I 12 2 '99 299 J.83 113 25 4 55 10 49 2'1 420 597 .. "9 IS zg 5 7 133 156 U 8 I 10 z 9 107 203 "'08 76 4 ~ 2 16 3 33 27 ISO 238 19 27 3 22 3 12 84 15 75 4 335 498 7 8 10 I 10 37 8 27 4 166 247 u '7 " 12 3 47 7 48 ,69 zS' 39 35 9 19 34 1 76 24 60 2 422 592 8

18 '7 16 9 53 7 43 239 ,n 18 3 25 23 17 17 ,83 80 101 2 17 3 55 7 40 5 355 396 9

$1 71 >0 [ 3 6 4 17 2 "21 Z9 30 7 " [9 3 23 J '75 212 48 2 33 6 56 1 49 21 4 323 484 10

sB 25 .6 4 19 14 133 54 23 '7 " 30 7 + 190 :118 141 5 5 7 16 3 15 2 21 44 2 267 298 11

8. II3 5 7 5 I 6 7 X3 132 IS8 37 28 S II " 9 14 31 135 140 aOI 110 Ii 1 53 13 77 .. 58 44 9 485 608 12 39 [ ,,8 4 44 s 29 IS 4 327 71 4 "5 ') 33 29 29 5 281 59 1 2 1 10 5 30 1 24 27 11 13 4" 5 9 122 '76 I7 10 25 2.1 .8 10 127 168 :u 1 5 1 18 13 53 42 27 3 336 542 14

4 [ 5 ') 34 21 9 I 133 233 [7 4 I3 1- 19 21 .8 2 203 309 150 ~O 6 31 55 1 15 40 3 487 689 15 64 [7 4 12 16 7 '0 2 183 240 33 3 + [4 3 '4 I ISO 235 S3 2 IS 25 5 .6 154 2 14 840 18 1 19 3 ;19 2 264 441 16 4S 5 10 3 21 '42 3') 13 ') 8 IZ2 107 2 10 25 36 11 19 313 '56 17

38 ,,2. 3' 9 ·S 2 0 4 3 1I 69 [0 3 S 2 + 109 <45 242 9 1 7 23 5 24 2 395 456 18 195 • 6 4 15 235 :1.06 47 3 3 7 19 "3 9 [60 "'So 303 160 1 3 12 13 :13 401 19

.10 141 4 9 132 105 54 57 z 5 4 III tI9 99 105 IS "I 9 4 IO 158 ''''4 I8'9 190 :.t 1 1 1" 16 7 259 335 MI 95 6 5 2 IOZ 134 108 95 " 6 II 10 7 157 ZOI 104


WORKERS Total I Village/Townl Total population Scheduled Scheduled Literate and '\VorkeH Cultivators. Ward/Block (including castes tribes educated (I-IX) instItutIonal and perSons houseless population)

p M F M F M F M F M F M F (I) (6) (7)._---- (8) (9) (10) (I I) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) 6 MEIIKAB km' Total " 2,608'1 52,810 53,344290,1$94148,783142,111 9,678 8,953 67,091 22,886 80,633 50,936 33,064 16.517 ~acres 644,4(2) " 2,600'9 49,797 50,326274,698 140,263 134,435 9,066 8,413 61,781 20,163 76,680 49,829 32,608 16,47 Q. (acres 642,682) Urbar 7'23 3,013 3,018 16,196 8,520 7,676 622 540 5,310 2,723 3.953 1,107 466 4.7 RURAL AREAS acres l\!andnwa Samet 745 396 349 4 9 12.1 237 21+ 30 iJongar. 5 2. l\.1chana Dk. 131 132 715 349 366 237 16 192 189 100 ~ Pathardi 60 60 351 197 154 60 2 JI9 41 4 Mandawa (F.V,) " 68 68 337 175 162 J4 J5 76 8 99 83 62 5 Deulgaon Sakharsha 9.395 485 485 3,055 I,6~3 .1,432 33 37 740 500 920 524 312 6 N.ugaon Pr, Mehkar ~,133 "'73 273 1,568 822 746 233 IS" 431 250 498 228 190 .., Wadali 3.573 176 176 843 427 4 ,6 12. 133 28 282 213 J24 8 Parkhed 2,534 183 1~3 599 301 2911 5 7 101 9 155 166 86 9 Wakdeo 3.39" 59 59 299 146 153 39 12 83 74 40 10 Ghatnandra 3,392 100 101 494 245 249 17 23 83 33 135 84 43 [I Panchdewada: 2,206 17 9 8 5 3 12. Pathardi 2,046 UninT,;u,ired !3 Pardi 1,557 84 4"2 223 199 43 8 13" 8, 2S 14 Delap 1,32I 2 2 4 3 I 2 3 I IS Uti 2,900 "'39 240 1,312 664 648 IS 227 59 40 7 194 171 16 Warwand 2,120 268 271 IJZIS 628 590 150 7 272 102 363 217 124- 17 Botha 1:,38I 93 93 432 226 206 53 9 126 + '14 18 Hiwara Kh .. 5,893 399 4 0 1 2,113 1,113 1,000 160 101 498 rI8 721 58 5 257 19 Gomedhar I,I85 II3 II3 562. 2.78 284 3 7 101 33 ISS 106 65 20 Barda 595 25 26 138 71 67 28 " 'II JS JS %1 Sarashiv 1,034 102 J03 567 278 289 24 19 JI6 32 142 79 22 Khandnapur 700 20 23 112 56 56 1 3 22 !': 24 '~~ 13 23 Ghuti 1:,261 87 87 468 232. 236 18 14 96 48 121 74 44 24 Loni Kale 1,858 U2 620 306 314 12 21 135 30 185 62 '14 2S Meljanori 1,797 "'"32 32 184 90 94 4 7 23 5 53 20 27 26 Drulbori 2,054 128 130 685 343 34" 2.J 42 93 13 "J7 194 rao 99 1,715 117 117 299 268 IS IS 141 39 16" US 72 40 ~l ~~d:f~r 2,181: 189 20;Z IJ~l 640 SIS 27 24 333 9" 433 194 138 43 ~9 Nimba 1,082 1 231 ~28 103 2 53 10 58 7 21 30 jambharun 6:;u Uninh!biud 4 " 3 I Kasarkhed 772 99 99 522 257 2.6S 2 3 us 4' 56 8J SQ .3~ Kalambeshwar 9.395 416 4 16 2,113 1!o49 1,06+ 58 6S s08 J77 3 13 126 33 Janefa! 5.559 8IS 819 4,600 2,40 8 2,192 ISS ISS J,22-6 500 610 "7'364 96- 2,,167 :';19 119 5~8 309 "'79 4 4 llO 19 168 51 39 ~~ ~a~~:dn 1,.16 Uninhabited 36 Bhosa •• 2,216 181 181 921 458 3 0 25 23 3II 173 37 Pimpalgaon (Ur


WORKERS II III IV V VI VII VIlI IX X Agricultural Live~tock, Mining, Manufacturing, etc. Construction Trade Transport, Other services Non-workers labourers orchards; etc. quarrying and storage and HOll!';ehold Other than commerce communications industry household industry


(19) (20) (21) (22) (24) (z5) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (3 I) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (I)


33,960 33,442 930 80 6 2,268 373 1,630 98 561 74 :Z,727 78 367 3 5,120 271 68,150 91,175

32,902 32,518 829 78 6 2,193 365 1,304 94 443 73 1,858 50 223 2 4,314 179 63,5-83 84,606

1,058 924 101 2 7S 8 326 4 119 869 28 144 1 806 92 4,567 6,569 RURAL AHEAS

204 183 I I35 74 89 9 2 8 177 2 47 1 29 154 3 27 j'; 6 4 79 4 345 440 36 35 13 4 28 2 3 144 2 908 5 158 20Z z 14 6 4 123 518 148 I59 2 I z 5 203 "7 56 69 4 4 4 '32 8 40 42 2 79 9 8" 73 3 4 2 105 10 5 3 4 5 n 12 101 80 3 3 91 118 13 3 14 ,.,.1 '72 4 3 7 257 454 IS 2II 203 II 4 5 4 5 3 265 373 16 47 2 I 2 2 100 202 17 307 340 20 3 8 n7 39" 415 18 79 105 1 9 123 178 Ie) 21 IS 30 52 20 49 60 4 9 136 175 21 II 9 32 38 2:& 68 72 4 , III 162 23 98 52 7 3 3 121 252 24 2S 18 I 37 74 25 91 95 2 2 I J26 148 26 82 85 2 6 137 143 >'7 III '40 44 9 12 2. 4 3 no 217 z8 29 6 I 3 3 I 70 3;t 29 30 51 37 2 5 lIS 209 31 18 I I 1 266 186 5 6 30 45 751 3'" SZI 4 8 7 12. 33 51 4 8 S5 3 8 232 7 1,124 1,582 33 IIS 1Z9 3 J4° III 34 35 13 r II7 I 5 I 152 260 36 103 III 6 10 2 3 IS 2II 218 37 19 12 I 50 71 38 61 44 2 7 107 I62 39 94 77 5 I 122 223 4 0 4, 5z 42 69 41 7 5 7 4>' 98 1I4 4 7 2 4 ISO I33 43 90 77 7 2 5 10 216 3>.5 44 7 19 30 45 45 43 2. 2 z I 70 I02 46 '46 zoo 2 21 21 9 2 39 3 331 448 47 21 29 6 I I 70 75 48 74 64 I 4 II:) 109 49 48 40 18 8 z 3 70 107 50 164- <25 5 3 3 3 6 248 374 51 z9 25 2 63 74 sa 53 54 13 13 7 4 IS 3 0 9 662 55 124 2 8 rI I7" >'75 56 57 58 71 56 6 I 96 I62 59 nJ II9 4 5 238 292 60 34 15 2 78 123 61 65 95 z 8 148 214 6", 42 39 I 79 143 63 51 35 2 69 101 64 IS R 54 90 6S 129 105 10 207 198 66 162 165 12 " "5 3 17 323 512 67 44 49 3 4 85 76 68 29 31 I 13 II I 49 46 69 115 100 2 4 I39 r69 70 87 94 2 4 2 4 J76 236 ,. 6. 77 3 2 10 105 79 72 73 ::21 4 4 rI 22' 268 74 46 6 118 80 7S I 70 57 ,6 I:" 3 16 166 9 4 2 16 2 '3" '6 336 549 77 606 23 43 5 138 6 5 179 244 Ia 1,676 2,587 78 79 301 I3 36 6 20 7 I9 3 2 63 3 658 689 80

A-1628-15. 106


WORKERS Total " Total population Scheduled Scheduled Literate and workers I ""8 Village/Town! (including castes tribes educated (I-IX) Cultivators Ward/Block institutional and persons o houseless population) .~" g ...., P M F M F M F M F M F

(I) (2) (6) (7) (8) (9) (IO) (II) (12) (IS) (16) (17) (18)

HURAL AREAS acres S J Pimpalgaon Sonara 1,288 126 132 776 383 393 29 166 61 216 156 73 53 82 Sawangl Bh:agat 824 47 47 135 70 65 19 5 36 42 17 21 83 Sawanei Wir 1,036 90 90 486 253 233 IS 10 IZI 34 136 I37 42 84 Mohodari 1.569 84 84 458 251 207 76 In 125 ,,8 tt 59 85 Subhanpur 677 ,,2 22 II7 57 60 15 9 37 37 14 17

R6 Tandllh-'\ adi 1,S09 96 96 500 257 243 2 120 33 3 50 2 8, Gocegaon 1,613 127 128 776 402 3'74 79 2IX 39 174 62 40 88 Umangaon 1,161 97 97 282 139 143 61 18 9" 26 33 89 Sawangi Mali 823 42 4 2 242 no 122 5 5 68 12 65 28 28 90 Daregaon 2~728 I88 196 1,049 549 500 9 10 258 62 2'15 159 I34 1.333 86 86 4'3 193 42 62 109 27 121 49 57 IO ~~ ~~9~~~a~ali 1,268 x36 14° 833 4 1 7 22 23 64 38 213 ISO q3 Nandra Najik 949 3 1 ;31 185 100 9 9 44 8 45 3'1" 220 13 Chaigaon. 94 Wardadi 856 123 131 662 '9 23 155 46 177 '74 86 10 9S Nagzari N"ajik 1,lg8 65 66 350 9 12 45 34 95 6 43 Shendurjan.

96 Balsamudra I~299 113 113 607 315 292 32 154 163 57 67 97 Shionikanhal 765 Uninhabited 98 Sayala 1,165 104 104 600 296 304 2 3 42 160 18 lIS x2 99 Hadhanapur 849 46 46 223 110 II3 26 22 16 59 10 26 1 100 I-liwara Gadling 1.925 129 Iz9 758 391 367 25 30 33 2.06 69 lIo 2 8 rot Shend'Jrjan 5,600 521 536 2,742 1.375 1.367 85 85 219 552 282 10';: Linga 91" 69 69 4 06 196 210 43 4 6 32 III 23 103 Kalapvihir 1~9r6 I83 184 872 429 443 17 '4 59 1>7 122 ]:04 Waghala 1,716 205 20'7 1,062 542 520 29 20 43 13" 140 1:05 Hanwatkhed 865 60 60 335 166 169 IS IS 16 58 32

106 Jagdari 1.683 135 135 7I9 36I 358 59 IS3 40 204 125 JI6 I07 Rajegaun 2,069 204 204 1,097 549 548 47 24'" 86 273 264 56 :l08 Chondhi 598 27 27 '72 86 86 2 25 I 43 19 ~09 Ambewadi 712 70 7 0 37° 194 I76 6 66 14 102 74 37 2S 1: J 0 Bhandari 761 1.1X IiI 558 268 290 14 149 59 159 153 99 98 18 216 202 XII Kandari 684 84 84 4 20 21 121 60 1,,1 77 67 '4 lIZ Nandra 1,151 76 79 388 2 14 174 5<> 34 84 17 12I 99 27 29 113 Nagzari Bk. 336 73 73 4 0 6 211 195 .6 13 II" 35 105 73 32 :24 Il4 Nagzeri Kh. 1,792- 11 II 85 49 36 28 6 23 24 24 21 l.I5 Kalyana 682 178 178 1,037 545 49" 32 31 257 76 302 290 '27 140 1:16 Gaondhala 573 36 36 2I2 II4 10 36 5 61 35 117 Kabra 2,160 Uninhabited :rIS Plmpri Mali 806 253 255 1,624 926 53 51 326 67 ZIS 163 99 188 J19 Usaran 362 63 63 377 9 5 83 23 75 49 4 I,ZO Yerandoli U ninhabtted

J"2J Bhumraa Uninhabited >2 .. Sabra 93 96 279 10 12 16" 4 1 7 65 >23 Khanapur 20 ,zo 77 14 I 17 124 Koyah 48 48 136 9 II 61 12 51 31 1"5 Dipkhed Uninhabited

126 Babulkh~d 901 124 824 421 4 0 3 43 35 ,,02 178 60 I27 Jamgaon 624 25 135 76 59 4 39 4 1'18 Khandala J,534 122 68S 352 333 12 36 ,,00 .89 58 I29 Chame:aon •• 2,981 271 x.494 726 768 4 52 lIS 393 275 ' 69 130 Mchkar (Fardapur 4,061 84 477 247 230 23 22 '14 136 85 7 and Nemtapur). 130-A MEHKAR URBAN AREA I X 131 Kharnkhed 1,397 49 49 275 132 143 42 II 67 61 3I 24 132 Bartala 828 116 13Z 730 350 380 144 98 134 50 191 191 38 38 I 3 3 S hiopuri 833 47 47 "73 130 143 14 14- 68 34 6R 65 49 45 I34 Jaitala 835 68 69 368 198 I7° 31 16 66 10 110 113 36 43 135 Chincholi 1,063 132 138 804 418 386 18 13 222 82 212 240 II" 149 136 Sarangpur I,IbQ 110 110 529 277 252 99 34 I54 123 :137 Parlapur 686 121 IZI 694 374 320 13 152 4 1 222 190 86 1:38 Ghorauada 590 8 8 41 16 25 S 3 II 17 12 139 LTkah .. 2.-1-2I 250 250 I.363 704 659 43 230 56 378 349 124 28 I40 Parda Pro Mehkar ... 1,290 137 137 752 38. 371 161 39 188 99 4 I4I Banda 1,157 Uninhabited I42 Narsapur 384 Uninhablted 1:43 Dadulgavhan 1.167 97 97 307 18 2 1:03 44 16, 113 60 2 1:44 Sukali I,053 123 133 378 21 27 144 54 206 163 95 60 '145 Ganpur 860 I24 I~4 361 13 72 59 205 153 93 66 146 Antri 2,947 281 281 4 347 125 298 171 188 60 147 Malkhed 462. Uninhabzted I48 SUY'yapur 532 U ninhabzted 80 149 Hhanapur 665 32 32 80 7 32 50 22 29 9 J50 Sultanpur 4.5 1 5 685 697 1.991 I,935 105 "4 1,001 1.081 858 278 209 151 Borkhedi 881 83 8-1- 43 1 223 z08 3 93 112 37 56 152 Tu,khd 446 Uninhnbiled 68... J 53 Bori 2.352 251 :<:53 1.370 686 44 40 152 IOZ 4 0 2 3 0 5 16r 101 I S4 ye::::apur 765 35 35 202 96 lob •• 8 4' 3 58 20 38 5 I55 M.tdarkheu 346 24 24 '42 73 69 3 z 29 4' 44 26 30 ISO Mahalkhed 1,909 76 76 405 207 198 12 97 16 127 124 58 56 I57 PardI 1,197 "4 "4 700 334 3bo 55 >29 21 184 195 61 55 IS8 Wcni 4,342 330 334 1.759 QOl 858 69 295 73 532 450 n r 203 1:59 Nlzampur 445 25 25 157 72 85 34 5 37 42 31 38 160 Kamabapur 345 10 4 6 3 3 107 I> MEHKAR TAHSIL

WORKERS II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Aaricultural Livestock~ Mining, Manufacturing etc. Construction Trade Transport~ Other services Non... workers tabourers orchaxds. etc. quarrying and storage and Household Other than commerce communi- industry household cations industry M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F (IO) (20) (n) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (37) (I)


101 loa '3 IS 4 8 .67 8, 19 :n 34 8a 93 5 6 a 3 1I7 83 ~t 59 3 .26 84 23 20 aO 85 90 liS 8& 138 130• 6• 4 .87 8, 45 59 " 68 88 35 37 2 z 53 89 6, 90 9 8 3 13 288 9<> 53 39 4 4 I 90 9J 37 :& I 4 7 .. 10 a03 9a 19 • S 4 4 0 93 8x 64 3 6 147 94 46 5 5 83 95

95 16. 96 37 6 • 3 3 136 286 ~ 8 2 2 .. 103 99 ~g 4 X 7 7 I~; :098 100 343 5 :08 4 18 36 8 657 SIS 101 78 3~t I 1 3 90 99 102 XOX 71 3 3 2 7 189 326 103 101 80 30 I 5 I) 255 388 104 38 39 2 7 87 Ul lOS

76 65 4 2 5 157 106 175 215 10 9 12 3 276 :~! 107 2,. 2 43 86 108 57 49 2 3 92 102 109 so 55 4 6 109 137 HO 45 63 I 3 .. 95 125 HI 75 70 4 10 I .. 93 75 II:>: 63 49 3 2 4 '06 122 1<3 3 3 I Zl 12 II4 156 150 3 6 6 243 :1;02 lIS X5 5 S 53 97 lit; H7 u6 XOx ~ 8 7 .. II 541 483 u8 33 71 ~ :z 4 99 114 :119 laO

121 56 6 4 II z 4 13' 278 IU J8 J 41 52 1lI3 43 51 1 60 74 124 125

93 115 21 3 4 16 2 19 225 u6 ax 3 1 x 37 55 120 131 "2 5 6 IS2 144 ::i J9a :&06 24 9 20 333 493 >:09 '2 78 5 2 I 3 UI 145 '3° I]o-A

35 37 I 65 1]1 108 135 21 7 3 5 7 159 '32 16 :&0 6a 133 '2 70 " 88 79 90 2 14 206 '3'"'35 U4 ,. 3 2 6 '23 129 1]6 uS 6 3 3 6 '52 130 '37 4 5 8 138 a I 4 5 3 7 326 310 100 '39 10 '" 6 193 272 140 I4I I4a 9 6 3 16+ 143 79 '"90 3 " 3 205 '44 99 87 ""4 3 t 209 145 73 XII xo , 5 X3 568 146 I

51 7 3 5 5 80 74 IS6 109 4 8 ISO 171 I.5? 215 31 " 2 IZ 369 408 158 5 35 43 159 3 I 3 160

A-1628-16-A. 108



Total Population Scheduled Scheduled Literate and Total I Village/Town/ (includin" castes tribes educated workers Cultivators Ward/Block institutional and persons (I-IX) house!ess populatIon)

P F M F M F M F M F M F ------~--~--~------C,) (2) (6) (8!__ __«E._.!.I~ __C;;?__(~l;_ _~:! __ .£'~ __ (~:_ _ !I~ __ _!17}_ __ ~~

RURAL AREAS acres z6 16" Tembhulkhed 1,812 85 85 468 az8 50 4 130 6. [62 Hanwatkhed 530 Uninhabited II SS5 167 611 "00 163 Ghatbari 41730 2,693 J,;3:13 17 164 710 Un~ted 5zS Witkhed 10 112 92 165 Rajgad 60 60 361 183 12 7 54 166 Chinchal. 1,705 198 97 101 Z 2' 1,184 UniJ:!wited 38 167 Kanka Kh. 1 1,229 16a 16" 854- 426 o6~ J,Q6S 994 (,3 7' 49 160 Wishwi 4,9 4 62 37 170 Januna 1,904 103 103 5"4- :>.6" "6,, 2[ 22 101 206 68 I 1:71 Warud 2,476 II9 127 7"4 J52 372 "4 1 153 45 16 95 172. Lawana I,4~:z. 115 116 63' 3 5 316 27 "7 2,977 1,514· 1,4&3 (27, 12I 692 253 376 335 6~ 173 Loni Gaoli .• 5,879 5411 560 26. 101 <74 Shcgaon Deshmuld> 4,692 544 554 2,896 1.460 1.436 7' 69 656 "43 6"4 164 47 262 84 73 1:75 Udhawa 1,902- ISO 150 931 474 457 9 5 1:76 DegaQn .,655 Uninhabited 0 ,,65 30<> 9 177 Pangarkhel 1,333 Zl2 ZIZ 1,080 55<> 530 14 82 '21 94 239 85 0 4- 57 1 1"78 Mola 1,793 207 2IZ 1.080 529 55' 40 +6 3 7, 1 0 4 135 10 '179 • Mo1i 1,008 06 96 47z "30 24" 35 75 r 19 143 59 164 82 3 [80 Um'.lra 1,343 103 103 588 7,97 a9 '7 256 295 288 138 181 Andhrud 3.042 177 [77 1,034 542 497, 38 33 64 I8a /lndhrudi 656 Unirihabited 76 • 818 34 264 88 4J7 400 107 183 Gohogaon 2.,280 2Sa 282 %,579 3" 7,:' 1,998 1,007 991 91 85 394 'u 550 372 184 Belgaoo 6,653 354 356 51 149 [36 41 .85 Shahapur 1,482 73 78 5:'4· 7,59 265 ,,1 Z4 139 6,768 57,4 524 >',779 1,440 ',339 74 6" 632 r40 766 35 r86 Anjani Bk. I,6:z.v 1,91 I 68 fo,Bro I,Z50 l,aS7 (J,g83 3,6'1.7 3,366 '97 '95 855 t87 Dongaon 6 ::'0 726 97 97 55" 7,93 259 9 7 14 33 lS' :I88 Nagapur 19 r6 1Z7 34 '59 37 189 Akol. 1,567 [04 542 283 259 110 .. 3 13" 39 168 97 Z90 Hiwara Bk.. 1,478 !~t 57° 294- 276 136 lOa 1,382 94 95 502 7,58 244 24 20 9" 32 3 .1'0 I Jawala 8 .10 253 Z,436 Z_;I 257 1,54-5 793 75" 87 66 35 45° 59 :192 Aregaryo 107 324 82 381 z36 34 193 Madani 3,3+4- 1,36J 700 657 99 l,t89 Uni~it.d 7,54 1:94 Palashi 2a8 64 9 149 .04 73 33 :195 Ratnapur 1,301 93 93 47J "45 , I 20 8 26 5 :196 S8z rr 78 J8 ~ana; 1,685 8J9 134 Ij6 256 80 454- 267 67 I.97 Sonati 3,I3X z83 7,03 <)02 453 19 25 :>'19 44 23" 263 198 Satyegaon 1:,297 '54 JOI 306 305 115 Z,2-99 '97 1,147 60. 53 S4 '33 1:9Q Digras Bk. '06 14 63 '7 58 19 5 200 =¥ADigras K'l.. 7 b3 44 "28 " 137 59 loa 1,136 102 520 250 27<> 24 32 <:14- 45 Z4 ZOI Takarkhed 24 ISO 7[ 16" 57 78 202 Nimgaon Wayal I,I4Z UI 69[ 3+9 34" 33 78b 0 379 45 41 16z .8 "23 8:. 142 20 ZOJ Jalgaon r,588 141 4 7 61 2.8 1,175 5S6 589 78 62 :"5 93 325 187 24 204 Sawangi 2.S03 109 82 66 394 ,,<>8 186 7 5 99 29 52 47 2~~ Vizora ~,oS6 1,28 9 656 3' 33 298 97 357 378 I6S 107 201') Hiwarkhed r,157 a2S ".8 8 217 [08 III IS7 1:57 740 375 2" 7,8 157 3 209 207 Tad.hefit30n 2,°5'1 113 1I4 62 61 69 69 '98 3 4 83 14 a08 Pilupalkhuta [,075 68 17 78 94 6 45 46 4""321 15<> 4 9 4 zog Ugala . 1.538 ,,80 105 3 1 136 65 66 ZIO Pimpalgaon Lendl r,093 96 96 560 179 '3 [7 99 .6 9" 79 45 a I J: Shelgaol1 Rtlt1t t,297 6, 65 339 66 297 157 '7 17 78 IS 72 43 212 R'ilieri Kh. '1,1:93 47 47 508 ISO 392 221 202 %-,72.4- 241 2-41 1;361 714 53 4J 213 Rahen Bk. • • lZ 10 105 17 140 163 80 Z'4 Palaskhed Chakka •• 20,304 99 99 566 230 :&I 5 Sarkhed "50 Uninhabited 95 661 259 646 ,,65 98 zI6 Kingaon Raja 3.959 500 50S 2,558 1,284- 1,274 97 I.sot flo7 6!H 4 0 29 3SI 7" 412 187 62 ZI7 !'Jaold>ed z,367 "74- 274 87 366 206 25z 1,419 725 694 20 19 333 95 zrB Umarad 25" 160 191'1 149 163 1:>'4 8 1 3 4.8 395 2 I 53 Zl9 Pangri ;:~t~ "'4 102 I,8~o b14 1,906 8%4 '34 zzo Sindkned Raja 9,75$ I,3I8 1,334 7,IOS 3,688 3,417 97 160 86 101 :101 570 10 260 [4 9 5a I'" 45 ~% I Maharkhed t,191 3 ISS 85 III 56 115 lIS 584 1I 273 22 ,",0 4" =2 Hanwatkhed 854- 3 yz6 78 59 %,885 69 74 487 ::<:16 251 :J 3 I' ZZ3 Pimparkhed Bk. 80 68 170 369 373 7,40 270 1 221 22.3 1.445 7~O 70$ "'" 224 Jambhora 3,45 I+ 165 125 49 5 2,245 106 :106 530 "72 258 3 4 2%$ Sawargaon Mal 8Q 480 256 ;>;24 5 x.f' 70 '7 22.6 Nasirabad •• 926 75 75 7 5 853 of. 4 7 7 ""7 Nimkhed N. Kasba 15 6 I ::lz8 Tandulwadi 1,4Sz 5 5 27 I2 575 Uninhabited Z;09 Borkhedi :la/al 4-.0 30 JZ 52 7,.6 9'" 118 :230 Adgaon Raia 3,90 6 137 '30 828 I,75Q 853 6 9 [48 490 '57 249 34 231 Sonashi 2,384 3z4 3Z5 .8 8 6 13 54 2X 5 4 3 %3Z Daregaon 593 28 7,52 49 [41 6 2,688 158 158 958 464 13 '4 ,"33 Shionitaka 118 16 59 1 4'" Pangarkhed 56. 38 38 "34 (J6 ~34 513 266 37 30 137 4J ~35 Waghora 1,'832- 87 88 [54 [(0 100 101 62T 315 33 45 14 47 ::031> Wadali 883 1 241 tIl ~ 1,066 134 134- 8zo 379 37 38 7 "4 237 Anchali 6 '4 1 73 94 37 ',564 94 94 550 "So 238 Khamgaon 287 25 '2 13 161 I6~ 9'" 96 239 Sulajgaon 1,462 lOS lOS 554 "40 Pimpalkhed KII. 351 U ninMbit.d I Z 7, 313 8 3 .24r Shimer 229 210 7 8[ 10 14[ 40 242 Garkhed 605 83 83 439 64(J Uninhabited Z43 BorkJudi Kh. 8IZ 769 9 '4 75 458 9' 17 244 Warwadi Dk. 3.a.73 277 280 30 1 90 16x 163 532 50S 4 I 3 3 2'5 Z4~ Dawargaon 2,09Z

A-1628-16-B 109



II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Agricultural Ljye:::tock. lVlinmg. l\1anufacturing etc. Construction '1.'rade Transport. Other services Non-'\\orkcrs labourers orchards. etc. quarrying and stcraJ;!e and Household Other than commerce communications industry household industry

M F M F M F 1\1 F M F M F M F M F M F M F --~-~------(I9)-(2~--(~-;-)--(;;)--{;:D-(:;;)-(;S) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) RURAL AREAS

85 10.; 2 91 34 4 4 14 8 22 531

9 71

44- 2 35 53

'46 6 z 9 19z 280 313 3 22 10 5 16 446 632 74 IlO '5' 205 I 3 160 146 17' 7 6 3 5 14' 300 172 3 10 "s 45 3 14 9 16 I 36 I 666 1,087 173 507 15 33 8 13 3 IS I 43 6 653 812 174- 189 " :2 1 5 212 195 175 176 ut; 81 24 3 2 4 II 250 436 177 54 2 10 4 21 2"5 494 178 "'''56 65 t 3 95 167 170 92 133 209 180

"54 ISO'" 3 5 9 2 0 4 293 7 6 Z 4 13 3.24 418 347 23 3 I 3 12 457 619 95 8 2 2 4 110 129 310 77 7 27 4 22 1 4 3 28 674 1,219 186 804 57"- II 40 2 85 7 7 3 24 244- 2' 1,706 2.693 187 74 56 I 2 4 142 IX3 188 73 77 7 3 1:24- 1:45 189 51 77. z 3 4 1:06 107 190 61 97 4 I 6 2 Hz 144 191 I 16 "IS 189 3 I 2 8 IS 2 343 499 192 2I.J. 188 I 13 8 11 4 9 4 6 I 3Z5 421 193 194 71 71 3 96 195 6 6 ';' 32 196 234 193 3 9 II II 21 572 197 39 52 2[ 7 I 6 190 198 II< 185 18 5 7 4 IS 296 199 IS 14 8 87 200 "-7 34 2 3, 3 ZII 201 58 57 5 5 3 3, • 9 .285 Z02 53 20 17 42 I 2 7 297 203 H I 98 36 4 4 5 '5 528 2 0 4- 10 z 41 35 " 104 2 0 5 115 31 2; I IS 2; 5 19 206 4 8 14 4 5 2 17 II 7 9 z 207 49 2 a08 33 I 209 63 1 3 2.0 43 ";' 3 2II 14 10 I 4 21:2 101 IS 39 27 4 :2 5 2 22 213 43 5 5 " 3 4 "'4- 215

199 9 38 3 8 3 77 5 638 972 .216 '7' 1 12 9 ~ I 25 3 395 387 217 I.Z9 • 8 I 3, 8 10 359 446 218 4' 1 I 6 220 196 :~u9 503 6. 9 76 :2 :21 33 .8,. 5 13 .20 3 IJ78~ 3,003 220

4 8 76 3 7 II 4 ISO 139 2ZI 40 29 3 • 3 153 188 .2202 62 56 z I 110 173 223 101 6 91 " 3 z7 2 371 332. 224- lIS 120 I 107 133 225 S4 63 10 2 2 IrS .144 226 2 " 227 5 ";' I.=: 228 :2a9 80 90 2 3 20 '92 3.18 230 x88 Ul 3 13 6 6 "3 4 0 6 706 23 I 13 IS .13 23a 89 43 % 2 2 "5 242 415 233 17 57 117 234 87 64 2 2 IIO 200 23S 35 43 I 2 a 3 152 268 236, 96 101 13" :2 5 a II aoo 268 .237 16 a 2 129 2,07 238 6~ 71 3 3 106 119 239 240' 3 3 241 60 38 4 33 81'l 170 242 " 243 330 207 X3 3 354- 543 244- 87 ISO " 4 Z19 268 ;,;;e45 110

PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT WORKERS 'rota! I workers Cultivators (I-IX)

RURAL AREAS acres 246 Dhandurwadi 2,99"2- IS5 185 1,161 591 570 IS 17 127 35 355 I53 194 32 2,,007 51 51 27S 135 143 ro SZ 3 81 37 J7 14 47 Bhasa 4 J08 I ~8 Chincholi 2.383 147 149 786 390 396 4 1 34 '34 19 Z27 119 62 10 0 65 47 "9 249 She!u 1.068 55 55 3~3 152 '7' 8 7 9 a50 Pophal Shioni 2,216 124 124 437 217 220 6 7 84 35 103 7 59 3 1,649 93 93 606 305 301 6 5 154 51 .6z >45 95 52 251 Dharvi 51 252 AIr.fal 2,107 77 77 450 242 208 3 3 87 23 139 13 ' 59 253 Sliioni Pisa 1:135 ,,10 210 1,088 5.f8 540 3 0 28 279 9 1 260 216 124 IOO 966 I 10 6 4 6 4 5 Z 2 2 aS4 Gunjapur • 8 81 ~55 Dhanora 787 95 97 473 229 244 23 24 93 30 138 14 64'" " 60 z56 Rajni 9SS 38 J8 264 132 15 10 5 74 35 27 0 77, 2S7 Khairao I,I60 IZ2 >23 064 329 20 18 53 17" '4 99 258 Waghrul 1,083 5 5 20 IZ 3 4 Z 45 43 259 Wakad l.~OSO 7S 75 4'"15 I 1 23 109 95 1 6 20J 260 Malkapur Pangra S,3II 471 47" ~h7~8 1,306"°4 87 93 167 79 4 4 355 ZII a61 Zotinga 2.587 z36 2J6 1,40 5 711 694 44 J6 50 396 359 280 T,6"J5 867 808 20 zz 108 454 279 88 262 Deulgaon Kol 3.Z97 278 :0:07 263 K.balegaon 2,019 324 1,659 842 8 1 7 53 55 rs6 475 4>.1 3"4 11 133 ~64 Anjani Kh. 3.512 348 353 2-,114 :r,117 997 89 89 '110 64 396 265 Mahar-Chikna 997 105 106 538 260 278 19 17 35 144 117 6" 1 :n 7 266 Walhur (,46 '3 13 85 SO 3 20 I 3 '9 IS6 6 2 14 53 54 35 42 267 B arlinga 609 29 29 9 3 39 126 It 199 56 210 222 >22 268 Keshao Shioni 1.678 134 134 74" 357 '4 8 2,997 261 261 1,399 695 9 7 354 95 381 2,,6 I79 269 Mandwa 188 193 86 IOI 270 Kumbhefal I,422 II2 II2 66" 3 14 14<> 4 6 105 10 56 6" 271 Konati I,023 73 73 343 171 I 58 54 4 192 I6 10 70 3 13 1 IZ3 33 29 272 Khaparkhed 737 63 63 377 91 213 Kat'egaon 1,424 124 138 832 4 1 0 45 47 168 40 2"'5 "43 74 1:,2.06 Uninhabited 2-"74 Wa-rdadi Kh. I3I 275 Bidi 3,:!23 389 418 1,436 739 13 '4 373 139 396 203 118 I03 1,682 108 lOS 6 1 5 325 290 139 40 179 158 276 Pimpri 89 53 6, 277 Brahman Chikna J:,24 I 62 62 3 6 2 185 I77 4 2 64 18 85 ItO 8 6 239 21 22 lSI 55 144 82 50 278 S()mthana 859 110 4 5 Z4 267 171 1 2-,432- l,z57 1,175 101 60 3 ISO 757 5I7 " a79 Dosarbid 4,z44 4 9 445 97 u8 IZ3 a80 Cherpangra 1:,557 188 188 1.088 544 544 40 34 242 SO 264 300 S9 S9 350 179 171 4 6 39 97 37 59 Z8I Hiwara 999 33 36 33 282 Sindi :1:,529 44 45 z70 140 130 16 14 19 74 ,go 6 Z 56 80 Z54 293 161 :083 Jaulka :r,36I 139 ISS 8 9 4 7 442 54 57 62 41 4 1 233 IXZ 121 19 z6 15 67 76 284 Khand"la 720 242 744 130 :085 Chikhala I,804 178 178 949 4 6 9 480 8 10 60 294 236 211 81 67 IZI 34 1z8 86 47 13 286 Pimpalgaon Kuda •• 1,047 90 447 68 267 138 2J7o~ 1,398 1,304 68 82 684 "'36 755 4 287 Kingaon J att.. 7.358 484 64 22 ItO 57I 285 286 1. 5 111 25 154 89 z88 Hatta '1,978 , .. 7 250 158 184 2,231 Iar 751 390 301 6 9 199 130 :089 Tadshioni ICO 43 390 Linga 1,123 82 4 6 5 246 219 Ib 17 70 8 133 z8 2Z0 I2 10 HI 143 24 291 Bibkhed 2,005 75 75 457 237 Q 55 52 II2 298 16 17 144- 64 160 143 73 292 Rum.hana 774 lIZ 599 301 II 1,046 510 2S z8 283 79 ,,8z 157 150 293 Deokhed 1,103 198 202 536 40 105 IDS 668 327 341 ,. 5 122 31 IS7 '47 a94 Sawargaon Tel; 987 ,,8 I 165 61 295 Bhumrala 4,287 179 179 986 509 477 3 0 43 214 44 IS" 88 181 120 296 ~oyandeo 1.588 103 193 9ZI 480 441 85 57 Uninhabited Tandulwadi I,OSS 31 8 4 1,276 18 IS 84 42 13 2 3Z ~g~ Kasari IIO 1 329 151 158 \Vazar 1,192- 240 24S 1.:z4:z 603 19 16 265 33 299 16 87 19 XII 8 66 300 Khairkhed 9zo 70 70 370 194 IS 107, 3 9 103 4"1 3IX :00 3 30 I Changefal 3,900 229 258 1.460 745 715 75 76 ' 311 I6z 149 7 6 40 II 77 :U 45 5 30.2 Butta 900 55 55 76 I 1I6 116 685 3SZ 333 7 12 10. 1'1 203 I47 303 DbanoTa 1,444 1I9 99 74 677 85 85 4,8 2II 207 14 7 88 8 304 Borkhedi Bk. 12 80 65 II a 305 Nimkhed 766 49 49 295 146 149 5 7 49 Uninhabited 30b Pardi 203 ZI I35 89 5>' 1,103 89 89 228 35 134 147 g07 Udanapur 83 30z 189 134 38 308 Wad"aon Tejan 1,943 ~o~ 203 635 47 234 Uninhabited 309 TanJ'Llwadi 175 168 30 160 97 80 7 310 Koyali 1,475 96 96 3 1 3 289 45 327 96 368 329 Il3 73 Shara 2,054 260 z60 1,432 709 723 1<>7 103 17,0 3II 1,080 140 120 240 57 303 236 83 312 Gundha 3,381 190 19' 547 533 96 41 78 432 216 zI6 25 26 81 Z3 II7 57 313 llagulkhed 921 77 62 215 110 63 Gunjkhed 1,574 165 <66 861 4 ,8 443 48 4Z 2<7 "51 3I4 32 ,6 49 49 zz 3Is Jafrabad 1,145' 32 33 184 90 94 3 2 "" 1 13 184 164 66 9 3<6 Matmal 2-,167 III III 572 286 286 7 96 86 III Z90 II 13 9 16 178 >49 ;JI7 Pimpalkhuta 1,103 III 597 307 ' ",89 289 1,46 9 745 724 106 90 391 114 4"'4 2'" '57 3I8 Hirdao 2,908 Z 223 106 2,663 146 '46 831 4 1 7 4 4 147 144 ISS 47 23 n 3I9 Dabha ' 64 5 II9 69 54 3 320 Pahur 1.388 73 73 39Z '97 195 3 5 278 168 106 Saraswad 1,141 I8z 182 1,004 509 495 25 27 234 "0,,, 321 20 158 49 18S 137 76 II Gaikhed •• Z,z39 Iz6 >26 723 363 360 14 I57, 322 379 360 25 20 181 41 217 240 146 323 Palaskhed J ahagir •• 785 IZ4 >24 739 6 195 91 94 I,S7Q 108 108 647 329 318 9 9 158 4 193 324 Ardao 206 47 346 276 139 91 325 Tambola ~s263 ZIt 211 I,J92 60S 587 79 58 2,810 1.283 2.387 596 545 108 8.780 1,690 9,030 4.768 4,26:z 145 132 3zb 328 291 6 101 62 161 122 53 ZZ 327 Kinhi 1.493 98 619 4 z6 161 79 82 2 '16 44 47 15 I, 328 Kundlas 1.074 8 3JJ 267 149 120 3.817 216 1,164 610 554 15" IS 24 39 329 82 85 190 z5 265 202 156 130 330 r!:::~i'!.:'{r 2,908 180 953 478 475 '" II MEHKAR TAHSIL WORKERS -----ii------IU------IV------V------Vi----vIi----Vii'I----I-x:-- X A2rieultural Livestock, Mining~ Manufacturing etc. Construction Trade Transport, Other services Non-workers labourers orchards, etc. quarrying ------and storage and IIousehoJd Other than conunerce communications indus try household industry

F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F ---(~) - (;,;)--(~)--(,.~--(;;)--(;4}(;;)-(,,6) ("7) (28) (29) (30) (3 -)--(3-"-)--(3-3) (34) 1 (35) (36)------_------(37) (38) (I) RURAL AREAS

%33 lZO 14· 4 z 7 417 246 "'7 20 4 • • Io6 247 1 0 4 u8 7 " ·6 6 277 "'48 ",1 35 9 2 3 ... :106 249 38 4- I r ;1.13 559 47 93 5 2 I2 156 251 76 80 3 77 z52 ][07 114 '5 2 r 10 3'14 253 z 254 7Z 67 96 255 31 33 Z 7z z56 56 68 2 9 189 257 4- 10 258 50 50" 3 5 2 1 2 3 109 259 348 249 4 20 6 13 IO It 38 842 ",60 uS :r 16 3 ., 33S 261 .86 12 5 19 529 z6z .6. 'S 2 13 2 23 396 263 %91 9 20 4 7 23 8 2 147 601 264 39 8 I3 16, 265

IO 19 16 266 I6 43 36 ,,67 80 2 5 '47 I6z 268 164 20 4 3 2 I 13 3 1 4 478 269 oS 4 ",6 ISS 270 4 6 1 66 68 27' 91 2 3 61 62 272 '30 3 9 6 '9' 173 273 2'14 £54 "5' 3 8 7 I 6s 5 343 494 275 47 SS 8 146 13" 277 31 28 I 100 88 276 86 78 3 1 4 102 IS7 278 "52 269 41 41 si 22 25 II :iii 58 500 6S8 279 1"3 1 177 z 2 n 280 .244 2:80 37 I 2 8z 134 281 I • 66 97 2Sa 83 8 20 3 8 173 149 283 14 2 45 45 284 XI2 3 TO 175 :038 ,,85 68 IS 4 I I 9 <08 125 ,,86 315 4 4' 3 I 31 4 44- 8 643 836 287 67 2 3 131 197 ,,88 66 g .73 III %89 100 5 113 II9 "90 2 99 94 291 1 8 8 z 5 '4' ISS 29z 2 I 9 z 3 II 254 353 293 I 6 .70 194 "94 ~ 2 .0 228 325 29e;

2U 2 22:< 22;0 2l)6 " " 297 23 rr 298 104 13 7 7 20 3:10 299 37 I 4 .68 300 165 25 4 r 3 9 3"4- 404 30r 28 I • 85 :128 30Z 1I7 3 5 '49 186 303 I 92 108 304 6! 4 3 66 84 305 306 53 I I 110 93 307 U2 19 8 18 338 446 308 309 78 go 2 153 1"02 310 186 24 4 6 II 4 7 2I 34' 394 311 145 3 25 4 6 I 244 297 312 47 4 Z 7 99 120 31'3 IIZ II 3 IS " 167 228 314 24 2 41 45 3'5 nS 10:0 122 316 78 2 129 [47 3 1 7 ISI 3 42 3 14" 200 321 S03 3'18 107 7 • 9 185 %91 3:19 62 3 78 Iz6 320 "47 167 3 10 4 8 0031 327 321: II. 126 I '75 ~z3 322 56 88 10 I 4 162 1:20 323 89 100 8 3 136 %23 324 "75 183 16 4 II 259 311 325 750 421 53 3 73 37 z 338 6 379 37 2,381 3.666 326 93 100 9 5 167 1:69 327 ,,8 30 I 35 35 3:08 16", 147 4 9 I • 7 277 287 329 71 68 5 6 3 ... 7 2'3 273 330 112 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT

® '".~ WORKERS 1. ~ ~ Total ~ eN !::! ...... 0; Total population Scheduled Scheduled Literate and workers I 8 Village/Town I § :; C I d b d ed (I-IX) Cultivators Ward/Block _ "'C jns:~~tio~~r and castes tn es ep~~~~s .§ .9 'a, ~ houseless population) g ~ ~~ ~ ------_ ----_------~ -< 0 Z PM FM F M F M F M F M F ------~------~-----~------~~----~------~~--~~--~~--~---~--~~~~~~-~~~~-~~~--~~--~~-~~~ RURAL AREAS acres 331 Wardnao 3,849 309 3 0 9 1,685 107 381 88 490 196 332 Kaulkhed ~,rIZ 39 39 250 14 34 I4 63 37 333 Dhaifal 1,$34 Ir.7 J'i9 607 55 115 19 '77 93 334 Chincholi .• 1,887 I49 149 843 77 200 61 222 "3 335 Deulgaon KUlldpal 2,672- 253 253 1,300 19 34" 74 394 170 336 Yeoti 2,220 ,69 '72 9,g 7 277 go 267 80 337 Parda 1,418 I44 1:44 722 9 164 59 '99 I07 338 Ambhora 1,660 Uninhabited 339 Pangradole 2-,4-98 332 337 1,756 43 49 376 108 527 Z I 9 340 DeuJgaon Waisa 1,978 18", 183 942 28 29 182 70 275 127 341 Sonuna 1,764 88 88 4Ro 10 9 131 23 I33 83 34Z AjispuT I,657 ISS ISS 857 4 6 39 169 20 247 106 343 GotTa 2,432 103 104 543 16 14 83 II I64 52 344 Pathra 721 18 18 76 9 ", 10 6 "5 13 345 Shioni 1,428 67 67 318 I" II 82 14- 97 56 346 Khurampur 3,026 157 157 907 19 144 9 255 IZI 347 Tivtivi 3~6IO 209 209 1,105 2.1 170 2.8 327 142. 348 Bhiwapur 456 Uninhabited 349 Nandra 1,290 147 148 739 25 167 IS 227 90 50 350 Gandhari 248 I58 158 909 68 185 28 267 IJO 101 351 Madhi 2,563 I I I I 58 23 5 20 II 4 3 352 Dhad 2,588 94 96 508 245 Q 7 115 ZI ISI 127 82 65 353 Ralgaon ... 2.080 '73 173 965 470 29 30 243 46 270 215 125 71 354 Sawargaon rnudhe 2,737 166 169 960 484 17 13 181 30 2075 234 183 148 URBAN AREAS Km2 IX Mehkar Municipal 7.23 3,013 3,018 16,196 8,520 7,676 622 540 5,310 2,723 3,9&3 1,107 456 Council. Ward No.1 N.A. 271 271 1,427 764 663 127 81 606 340 309 56 14 mock 137 137 770 413 357 49 14 316 201 171 37 14 do_ 2 134 134 657 351 306 78 67 290 139 138 19 2 Ward No.2 224 224 1,234 635 599 217 207 243 42 329 207 20 7 Block 3 15Z 152 836 4 2 6 410 IOZ 103 184 33 222 ..6 20 7 do. 4 7" 72 398 209 189 115 104 59 9 <07 91 3 Ward No.3 198 198 1,316 675 641 27 24 289 108 333 107 48 Block 5 106 :106 7I5 359 356 9 I I 169 74 178 19 32 do. 6 92 92 6or. 316 ,,85 18 13 140 34 ISS 88 16 4 Ward No.4 339 339 1,456 789 667 2 1 473 142 356 191 43 23- Block 7 159 159 673 378 295 2 245 73 179 84 26 .J: do. 8 180 180 7 8 3 4 11 372 228 69 177 107 17 "" 5 Ward No.5 220 221 1,197 611 586 13 11 356 138 301 113 8 Block 9 125 uS 574 303 271 177 58 159 57 6 do~ 10 95 96 623 308 315 13 II 179 So 14'1 56 Z 6 Ward No.6 149 149 874 454 420 28& 114 204 18 5 Hlock II 92 92 441 236 205 ISO 61 98 II do. 12 57 57 433 2IS 215 135 53 106 7 5 7 Ward No.7 203 203 1,054 542 512 440 388 246 14 56 3 Block 13 83 83 510 269 241 ZIS IS2 rr6 4 27 do. 14 120 120 544 273 271 222 ,,06 130 10 29 3 8 Ward No. 8.1 175 176 1.128 578 550 394 259 258 45 31 Block 15 75 75 474 249 225 190 I:W >17 6 19 d'). I6 roo 101 654 32.9 3zS 204- 1"0 I41 39 IZ 9 Ward No.9 202 205 958 514 444 361 174 235 57 44 1 Block 17 III III 526 274 252 ;on rz7 127 17 IS do. IS 91 94 43 2 240 192 ISO 47 108 40 29 10 Ward No. 11) 186 186 9b8 485 483 9 14 346 235 231 52 37 Block 19 80 80 4 0 8 201 207 17:1; 146 98 9 27 do. 20 106 106 560 284 276 9 14 173 89 133 43 IO 11 Ward No. 11 169 169 817 451 366 4 t 325 124 217 31 44 Block 21 88 8S 407 "39 I6g 4 174 55 105 203 2.4 do. 22 81 81 410 212 198 151 69 lIZ 8 2.0 12 Ward No. 12 135 135 689 386 303 13 6 266 122 186 28 14 Block 23 87 87 450 239 ZII 13 6 181 98 104 13 do. 24 48 48 239 147 92 85 Z4 82 IS 13 Ward No. 13 125 125 664 369 295 27 25 281 165 196 30 41 6 Block 25 92 92 467 253 214 206 134 119 14 36 5 do. ,,6 33 33 197 lIb SI 27 25 75 31 76 16 5 14 Ward No. 14 198 198 1,138 568 570 79 81 262 125 273 131 22 Block 2.7 96 96 550 281 278 41 4 I 126 7 1 <29 67 10 a do. 28 IOZ IOZ 579 287 .292 38 4 0 136 5+ 144 64 U 15 Ward No. 15 219 219 1,276 699 577 104 89 384 247 281 26 29 Block 29 60 60 371 199 21 lOS 64- 86 17 6 do. 30 159 :IS9 905 500 68 276 183 '95 9 23 113 I> MEHKAR TAHSIL

WORKERS ------II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Agricultural Livestock, MinIng, Manufacturing, etc. Construcuon Trade Transport. Other 5ervice::l NOLl-workers labourers orchards, etc. quarrying and storage and Household Other than commerce communications industry household industry

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F === ~9~ = =(~o~ =J~~=J0==J2~==~~=~5i=~~=0~=§~J~~J~=~I) (3") ~~~!_-(35~_~~==~~__=___=_~~-=_§_ RURAL AREAS

20 2 1 5 232 "2 27 2 6 392 399 33 1 I 58 22 "5 1 65 3320 57 70 8 "3 4 3 8 3 "'9 130 333 9 2 5 6 13 213 Ib, 334 70 lIS 4 1 .6, "'24 4 4 2 33 '"2 17 3 6 348 335 " " 183 ~60 160 7 5 13 ''''7 33t> 83 70 3 6 165 2 1 3 337 338 2H2 "'47 I 6 3 13 383 551 339 JU7 138 5 2. II 205 210 340 " I 126 4 6 58 2 99 34' uo '4" ·s I 4 5 186 180 342 lOS 99 5 " II9 141 343 I2 10 " IS 23 344- 40 34 1 7" 75 345 .,0 104 3 6 4 7 214 302 346 165 165 3 4 12 227 34-7 347 348 1 13 8 2 5 163 185 349 6 I 8 19& 202 350 IS 12 35 1 2 2 IU II8 352 17 I 2 15 "- 225 255 353 2 I 5 6 201 250 354- URBAN AREAS

924 101 2 75 8 326 4 118 869 28 144 806 92 4,567 6,569 IX

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