Program Committee

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Program Committee 28thAnnual Meeting June 29 – July 2, 2016 Vancouver, BC, Canada Plenary and Keynote Breakout Talks Rooms Breakout Room Coffee Breaks and Book Display BBQ HBES Opening Night Registration Reception 2 HBES 2016 Welcome to HBES 2016 Welcome to the 28th Annual Human Behavior and Evolution Conference at the Westin Bayshore Hotel in Vancouver, Canada. Douglas College, Simon Fraser University, the University of British Columbia, Kwantlen Polytechnic University and the University of Idaho are excited to be joint hosts of this event. In keeping with the past few years, the conference will begin with a plenary talk on Wednesday afternoon and will end with the Keynote on Saturday night. We have continued the tradition of holding conference- wide New Investigator and Post-Doctoral Competition sessions on Friday afternoon to highlight the work of the next generation of HBES researchers. The poster session will be held on Thursday evening in the Stanley Park Ballroom, with the posters being displayed through Friday (6pm). This year the BBQ falls on Canada Day, so after dinner we will have the pleasure of enjoying the annual fireworks display that will be held at 10:15pm over the harbor behind the hotel. We are also pleased to continue the tradition of hosting a Graduate Student Mentor Lunch on Thursday. Given the enormous interest in one of the mentor sessions: “Evolutionary Psychology: The future of the field”, we have arranged to video-record this panel. For the second year, there will also be a “Women of HBES” gathering on Thursday (6-7:30pm) at The Park at English Bay. Sadly, this year we note the passing of one of the pioneers in the field, Henry Harpending and we would like to recognize his contributions to the study of human evolution at the Banquet. Finally, we would like to mention a special symposium on Thursday afternoon in honour of Vancouver’s longest and most controversial scholar of evolution and human behavior, Charles Crawford. New this year we are excited to announce that we will be video recording all of the Keynote and Plenary talks for those who were not able to make it to the conference. Also new, and exciting, HBES has helped fund two pre-conferences: Cross--cultural and developmental perspectives on the evolution of human behaviour and cognition to be held on Tuesday at SFU Harbour Center, and Connecting Minds in Social Neuroendocrinology and Evolution on Wednesday morning at the Westin Bayshore Hotel. We are grateful to the many people who volunteered their time to make this conference happen (see next page for full acknowledgements). Greatest thanks to Catherine Salmon for remotely helping to co- organize and to Steve Gaulin and Russell Jackson on the program committee. Thank you to all of the committee members (Poster, New Investigator and Post-Doctoral) and to the HBES mentors for volunteering their time and wisdom. We would like to thank the HBES council, in particular Elizabeth Cashdan and Lisa Debruine. Thank you to past organizers Karthik Panchanathan and Robert Kurzban for their advice, and to Tessa Cappelle for her work on the Student Lunch. This year’s conference would not be possible without the interdisciplinary collaboration of faculty and host institutions. We would like to acknowledge Douglas College, Simon Fraser University (VP Academic and Provost), SFU Archaeology (Mark Collard), SFU Biology (Bernie Crespi), SFU Health Sciences (Pablo Nepomnaschy), SFU Psychology (Neil Watson), University of British Columbia Department of Psychology, and the Center for Human Evolution, Cognition and Culture (Ara Norenzayan), the University of Idaho (Russell Jackson), and Kwantlen Polytechnic University (Farhad Dastur). We sincerely hope that you enjoy the conference intellectually and socially. If you have any questions please contact one of the Host Committee Volunteers who will be identified with coloured name-tags. Laura Dane Chair Host Committee HBES 2016 Douglas College I HBES 2016 Acknowledgements HOST COMMITTEE: Laura Dane, Mark Collard, Bernie Crespi, and Pablo Nepomnaschy PROGRAM COMMITTEE: Catherine Salmon, Steve Gaulin, and Russell Jackson POSTER COMMITTEE: Sarah Hill, Aaron Goetz, and NEW INVESTIGATOR COMMITTEE: Diana Fleischman, Aaron Lukaszewski, and Bernhard Fink. POST-DOCTORAL COMMITTEE: Debra Lieberman, Norm Li, and Larry Sugiyama. STUDENT VOLUNTEERS: Santina Hammell, Narois Nehru, Marlene McCaffrey, Max Draymon, Madeline Lawrie, Jaspreet Ranger, Brea McCauley, Laura Bayes, Daria Yau, Jackie Fekete, Tomas Rapaport, Bakash Amiry, Brandon Woo, Adam Shillington, and Eliza Li.! MENTORS: Geoffrey Miller, Ilanit Tal, Kyle Thomas, Kelly Gildersleeve, Diana Fleischman, Aaron Lukaszewski, Lisa DeBruine, Pranjal Mehta, Mark Flinn, Leda Cosmides, David Buss, Doug Kenrick, Athena Aktipis, and Robert Brooks PRE-CONFERENCE ORGANIZERS: Jaime Palmer-Hague, Sam Zilioli and Bailey House ART WORK AND PHOTOGRAPHY: Maria Janicki, Marina Elliot, and David Froc BOOK VENDOR: Hugh Galford (Library of Social Science), Jennifer Cawsey (Macmillan/Worth Publishers), and Noy Leksinski (Pearson Canada) INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT and SPONSORS: Douglas College- Kathy Denton (President), Thor Borgford (VP Academic), John Fleming (Dean HSS), Dave Taylor (Marketing), and Normita Nuval (Finance) Simon Fraser University – John Driver (VP Academic and provost), John O'Neil (Dean Faculty of Health Science) Pablo Nepomnaschy, Neil Watson (Chair - Department of Psychology), Bernie Crespi (Department of Biology), Mark Collard (Department of Archaeology). University of British Columbia - Geoff Hall (Department Head, UBC Psychology), Social & Personality Area at UBC; Centre for Human Evolution, Cognition & Culture at UBC; John Templeton Foundation Kwantlen Polytechnic University - The Office of Research & Scholarship University of Idaho - Todd Thorsteinson (Psychology Department Chair); Andrew Kersten (College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences) HBES SUPPORT: Elizabeth Cashdan, Catherine Salmon, Lisa DeBruine, Tessa Cappelle, Gretchen Perry, and Katie Starkweather OTHER SPONSORS: Nature Human Behavior, Howe Sound Brewing II HBES 2016 HBES Officers PRESIDENT ELECT Rob Kurzban PRESIDENT Elizabeth Cashdan PAST PRESIDENT Mark Flinn TREASURER Catherine Salmon SECRETARY/ARCHIVIST Todd Shackelford STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE Tessa Cappelle COUNCIL MEMBER AT LARGE (2017) Clark Barrett COUNCIL MEMBER AT LARGE (2017) Lisa DeBruine COUNCIL MEMBER AT LARGE (2019) Nancy Segal COUNCIL MEMBER AT LARGE (2021) Bernhard Fink COUNCIL MEMBER AT LARGE (2021) Maryanne Fisher Publication Committee Meeting: Wednesday June 29 9-11am Prospect Room Executive Council Meeting: Wednesday June 29 11-2pm Prospect Room Business Meeting: Friday July 1 12:30-2pm Salon A REGISTRATION Wednesday June 29: 8:30 AM – 10:00 PM Thursday June 30: 8:00 AM – 7:30 PM Friday July 1: 8:00 AM – 7:00 PM Saturday July 2: 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM POSTER SET UP The poster session will be held in the Stanley Park Ballroom, the floor above the main conference area. Posters can be set up starting at 8:30 AM on Thursday and must be removed by 6 PM on Friday. SESSIONS AND SYMPOSIA All general session talks will be 15 minutes in length with and additional 5 minutes for questions. Speakers, please have your talks downloaded onto the desktops of the computer in your conference room BEFORE your session begins. Please take note of the light to indicate when time is up. III HBES 2016 Nature Human Behaviour - NEW! Launching in 2017 Now open for submissions Nature Human Behaviour will publish research of outstanding significance into any aspect of human behaviour: its psychological, biological, and social bases, as well as its origins, development, and disorders. The journal aims to enhance the visibility of research into human behaviour, strengthening its societal reach and impact. The journal will publish a range of content types including original research articles, Reviews, Comments, News and Features that elaborate on significant advances in the field and cover topical issues. Find out more by visiting: Follow us on Twitter: @NatureHumBehav IV !!!!!!!!SCHEDULE!AT!A!GLANCE! !!!!!!!!Wednesday,!June!29th! 9"12pm' Connecting!Minds!in!Social!Neuroendocrinology!and!Evolution!PreDconference,!Salon'D,'E! Publication!Committee!Meeting!9am!D!11am! Executive Council Meeting 11:00am - 2pm Prospect!Room! Prospect!Room! 2:30"2:40' HBES!BEGINS:'Announcements,'Introduction,'Salon'D,'E' 2:40"3:40' Afternoon!Plenary,'Salon'D,'E' Louise!Barrett:!SuperDsized!minds!versus!superDcharged!apes:!how!to!embrace!continuity!while!accepting!difference.! 3:40"4:10' COFFEE!BREAK!W/FOOD! Room' Salon'F' Salon'A' Salon'B' Salon'C' Session' The!Behavioral!Immune!System! Evolutionary!Criticism!of!Fiction! Fathers!and!Paternal!Effects! Cooperation,!Compassion,!and! TITLE' and!its!Relation!to!Social! Morality! Attitudes! 4:10"4:30' The!Paradoxical!Relation!between! Evolved!Human!Sociality!and! Pair!Bonding,!Fatherhood,!and!the!Role!of! How!Personal!Trust!Evolves:!The! Dispositional!Contamination! Literature!! Testosterone:!A!MetaDAnalytic!Review! Case!Of!VyegwaDGika!Pygmies! Aversion!and!Attitudes!about! Joseph$Carroll$$ Chance$R.$Strenth,$Ruth$E.$Sarafin,$Nicholas$ From!Burundi! Vaccines! M.$Grebe$ Cristina$Acedo>Carmona,$Enric$ Russ$Clay$$ Munar,$Antoni$Gomila$ 4:30"4:50' The!Behavioral!Immune!System! In!the!Jaws!of!Death:!An! Men’s!testosterone!and!oxytocin!levels!in! Welfare,!compassion,!and! as!a!Predictor!of!Interpersonal! Evolutionary!Approach!to!Horror! response!to!romantic!partners’!hormone! evolved!heuristics!of!caring:!Why!

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