Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME06), Paris, France Mary had a little scoreTable* or the reacTable* goes melodic Sergi Jordà Marcos Alonso Music Technology Group Music Technology Group IUA, Universitat Pompeu Fabra IUA, Universitat Pompeu Fabra 08003, Barcelona, Spain 08003, Barcelona, Spain
[email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT selection of the correct notes [18]. When in 1997 one of the This paper introduces the scoreTable*, a tangible interactive authors designed FMOL, an instrument that was conceived with music score editor which started as a simple application for the proselytist intention to introduce newcomers, possibly non- demoing “traditional” approaches to music creation, using the musicians, to more experimental and ‘noisy’ music, in order to reacTable* technology, and which has evolved into an avoid a “wrong note syndrome” that would inhibit the independent research project on its own. After a brief performer’s experimentation and freedom of expression, he discussion on the role of pitch in music, we present a brief decided instead to minimize the importance of pitch. FMOL overview of related tangible music editors, and discuss several does neither fix nor correct pitch; it just dethrones it from its paradigms in computer music creation, contrasting synchronous privileged position and turns it into merely another parameter, with asynchronous approaches. The final part of the paper both at the control and at the perception level. describes the current state of the scoreTable* as well as its In any case, the prevalence of pitch as the primary variable in future lines of research.