Forms of Communication Practice in Social Conflict Mitigation Using Qualitative Content Analysis M. Isnaini1 {
[email protected]} Faculty of Communication, Universitas Budi Luhur, Jl. Ciledug Raya, Jakarta, Indonesia1 Abstract. This study aimed to identify forms of communication practice in social conflict mitigation. The research used qualitative approach with qualitative content analysis method. The study used secondary data in the form of news text about social conflict sourced from online media. Data analysis using NVivo 11Plus software. The results showed: forms of communication practice are socialization, collective action, gathering information, and dialogue.That forms of communication practice can be used as an instrument of mitigating social conflict . Keywords: Conflict, social, mitigation, communication. 1 Introduction Jakarta should appear as a friendly and livable city. This is because Jakarta as a barometer for other cities in Indonesia, to realize hospitality as well as a livable city is not an easy matter. Since Jakarta officially became the province and capital of the country in 1961, various problems have emerged. Unplanned and overlapping urban spatial planning, high levels of urbanization, and poor environmental carrying capacity, make Jakarta as a prone city. The National Unity and Politics Institution Badan Kesatuan Bangsa dan Politik DKI Jakarta/BKBPJakarta (2015) mentions several objective conditions faced by Jakarta people which has the potential to become threats, challenges, obstacles, and disturbances, such as: 1) Jakarta as the capital of the state is a center of political and power interests in government [1]. This situation makes Jakarta vulnerable to all impacts arising from political life in Indonesia; 2) Jakarta people is a pluralistic society consisting of various ethnic, racial, religious, and class.