Resonant Truth presents NATURAL TIME A 13 Moon

inspired by Mayan cycles

Red Overtone Moon Year

July 26, 2010 - July 24, 2011 July 26, 2010 - July 24, 2011 HowRED Can OVERTONE I Best Empower MOON Myself

Red Overtone Moon is the fifth year in a cycle of 13. Four years ago, we began a new 13-year ‘wavespell’ that celebrates the energy of Red Moon. A wavespell is any cycle of 13, be it days, moons or years. As its name indicates, a wavespell is a spell of time that builds and breaks in a wave formation. There are 13 stages in the growth of the wave and its dissolution, each offering a specific teaching for us as guidance in our own transformation. In the Overtone time the wave begins its ascent in earnest. For the past four years we have been making preparations, in a sense, laying a foundation for the accomplishment to come. We have been held in check, a little, from taking off with our dreams, but only in order to be truly ready when they come closer to reality. The Overtone energy is described as an act of empowerment; we are given the life force to rise. Think again of the ocean and the moment when the swell that began in the depths pushes above the surface, starting a visible arc towards the sky. We are in that magic transit, when we not only feel ourselves uplifted but see the reflection in our lives. The journey to the wave’s peak is very much a movement towards the sun itself and the enlightenment it holds, so we will feel some pleasure and ease this year, that we are steadily climbing closer to the heavens, and towards the divinity that lives there. This 13-year wavespell is an ode to the Red Moon, one 0f 20 archetypes that the Maya celebrated in their sacred calendar. Our purpose for 13 years is to celebrate the moon itself and its tidal influence on the waters of our planet, including our own liquid make up. The moon makes our moods, as we reflect its shades of dark and light in the night sky. Water purifies, and teaches us to go with the flow and look for the path of least resistance, the opening through obstruction. We are individually and in the planetary collective learning to be more fluid and pure, and to listen again to nature’s cycles - such as the moon phases - in order to remember we are part of nature, and not above it. In this year of the Red Overtone Moon, we will become empowered by the moon’s guidance to purify, flow and find the water- way through our lives. It’s a perfect time to be guided by the Natural Time calendar and its reverence to lunar cycles! Red Overtone Moon is also called a ‘portal’ year, a gateway for exponential growth. Every day of its unfolding will have a precious intensity and opportunity to choose the open door instead of feeling shut out. And we will be open ourselves, as portals for each other. July 26, 2010 - July 24, 2011 how the calendar works

13 MOONS THE TZOLKIN (‘zol-kin’) COUNT WAVESPELLS Each calendar page celebrates a 28-day The Maya had a sacred calendar of 260 The wavespells are counted in the Mayan ‘moon’, divided into four of seven days (reflecting our gestation in the womb). numeric system of ‘dots’ and ‘bars’, like days. Each is oriented to a direction Each day is oriented to one of the four stones and sticks. Each dot represents one, of the medicine wheel: Red/East, directions, is part of a 13-day wavespell, and a unit of five is a bar. White/North, Blue/West & Yellow/South. and is pictured in the glyph as one of 20 A wavespell is named for its first day. We The directions also describe a process of revered archetypes from the Mayan continue to track its resonance over the growth from initiation to purification to culture. If we follow the 20 days in con- entire 13 days as an overlying energy and transformation to ripening. Follow the sciousness -meditating on the names and theme for growth.The wavespells also move guidance of these words to feel the distinct images - we honor all aspects of life in through the four directions - East, North, changes in each week’s energy. balance, and feel reflective harmony in West & South - and their themes. ourselves.

PORTALS GUIDING POWER CHAKRAS & LUNAR PHASES Within the Tzolkin count are 52 portal Every Tzolkin day is guided either by an- To honor other spiritual traditions, the days that signify a doorway through dif- other archetypal energy or ‘its own power Natural Time calendar offers a daily orien- ficulty or obstruction, They are also con- doubled.’ Magnetic, Rhythmic & tation to the chakras and the moon’s ebb sidered higher-energy days, so that they Spectral days are guided by themselves, and flow. radiate a certain intensity of focus that can while the ten other stages of the The chakras are experienced in a spiral be simply exhilarating. On these days you wavespell are guided by glyphs that share formation instead of a vertical line: Crown, might notice when time seems to shift or the same direction of the medicine wheel. Root, Third Eye, Sacrum, Throat, Solar- stand still, or you have heightened clar- Use the Guiding Power as a marker to seek plexus & Heart. The length of a complete ity. The invitation is to move through the or follow as you move through your day, lunar cyle is 29.5 days, so is not the same open door without doubt or fear, for your or reflect back at day’s end and see if you as a ‘moon’, but certainly influences us tid- own positive growth. can identify how this power aided you. ally as it waxes and wanes. Feel it! MAGNETIC Moon of Purpose The first, Magnetic moon is the moment when we naturally, effortlessly attract our purpose for the entire 13 Moon year. We are ourselves magnetic, pulling in the next piece of our destiny, The moon has an in- tensity - a density - as we draw in people, events, and a preview of the whole year’s unfolding. Our purpose will be the refrain every moon, and finding it now, early on, is almost unwieldy, so we have to be patient with ourselves and the process of a potent new beginning. The overwhelm will sort itself in time, and some tired parts of us will fall away to make room for the year’s changes. The Magnetic moon is a rush of new possibilities. Balance the excitement with the stillness of centering, strengthen- What is my purposE? ing your magnetism for holiness - instead of hard karma. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 1 7/26 2 7/27 3 7/28 4 7/29 5 7/30 6 7/31 7 8/1

pop Red white blue yellow Red white blue overtone rhythmic resonant galactic solar planetary spectral moon dog night human skywalker wizard eagle initiateguided by earth guided by Dog guided by EAGLE guided by warrior guided by moon guided by wind guided by eagle 8 8/2 9 8/3 10 8/4 11 8/5 12 8/6 13 8/7 14 8/8

yellow red white blue yellow red white crystal cosmic magnetic lunar electric self-existing overtone warrior earth mirror storm sun dragon wind guided by star purifyguided by dragon guided by mirror guided by monkey guided by seed guided by earth guided by Dog 15 8/9 16 8/10 17 8/11 18 8/12 19 8/13 20 8/14 21 8/15

uo blue yellow Red white blue YELLOW RED rhythmic resonant galactic solar planetary SPECTRAL CRYSTAL night seed serpent worldbridger hAND STAR MOON guided by night guided by warrior guided by moon transformguided by wind guided by eagle guided by STAR guided by DRAGON 22 8/16 23 8/17 24 8/18 25 8/19 26 8/20 27 8/21 28 8/22

white blue yellow Red white blue yellow cosmic magnetic lunar electric self existing overtone rhythmic dog monkey human skywalker wizard eagle warrior guided by wizard guided by monkey guided by seed guided by earth guided by Dog ripenguided by night guided by warrior LUNAR Moon of Challenge When we enter the Lunar Moon, our experience of life is defined by shadows and light, We notice that within our purpose for the year there lies a distinct challenge - an invitation to strengthen and grow. It can also feel hard, and most often is an old burden or battle we can’t believe is surfacing once more. But it’s close to our skin in order to find direct sunlight and shift from an inner darkness to an outer glow. Let the black moods and accom- panying doubt have their place. Know shade is simply a counterbalance to bright light, and like the moon phases shifts back again. WhaT is my challenge Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 8/23 8/24 8/25 8/26 8/27 8/28 8/29 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Red white blue yellow Red white blue resonant galactic solar planetary spectral crystal cosmic earth mirror storm sun dragon wind night initiateguided by moon guided by wind guided by eagle guided by star guided by Dragon guided by wizard guided by hand 8 8/30 9 8/31 10 9/1 11 9/2 12 9/3 13 9/4 14 9/5

zip yellow red white blue yellow Red white magnetic lunar electric self existing overtone rhythmic resonant seed serpent worldbridger hand star moon dog guided by seed purifyguided by earth guided by Dog guided by night guided by warrior guided by moon guided by Dog 15 9/6 16 9/7 17 9/8 18 9/9 19 9/10 20 9/11 21 9/12

blue yellow Red white blue yellow red galactic solar planetary spectral crystal cosmic magnetic monkey human skywalker wizard eagle warrior earth star guided by eagle guided by guided by dragontransformguided by wizard guided by hand guided by sun guided by earth 22 9/13 23 9/14 24 9/15 25 9/16 26 9/17 27 9/18 28 9/19

white blue yellow Red white blue yellow lunar electric self existing overtone rhythmic resonant galactic mirror storm sun dragon wind night seed guided by dog guided by night guided by warrior guided by moon guided by wind ripenguided by eagle guided by star The Electric Moon holds the arrival of a divine influence ELECTRIC Moon of Service -a force of healing that settles between us and whatever we feel distanced from or in conflict with. We feel direct contact with a deity or simply the sun center of our galaxy, soothing the ways we are stretched thin from the last moon of challenge. As we feel the gift of this healing presence, we are encour- aged to sense the ways we want to give in turn - to ourselves How can I best be of serviceand the world around us. In the Electric Moon we discover our will to be of service, not selfish, as we move forward on our path towards health and wholeness. The connection to a higher realm is always there, but sometimes we’re lost in shadow. The Electric Moon is a pulse of light to help us see we’re not alone. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 9/20 9/21 9/22 9/23 9/24 9/25 9/26 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

zotz’ Red white blue yellow red white blue solar planetary spectral crystal cosmic magnetic lunar serpent worldbridger hand star moon dog monkey initiateguided by dragon guided by wizard guided by hand guided by sun guided by skywalker guided by Dog guided by night 8 9/27 9 9/28 10 9/29 11 9/30 12 10/1 13 10/2 14 10/3

yellow Red white blue yellow Red white electric self existing overtone rhythmic resonant galactic solar human skywalker wizard eagle warrior earth mirror

guided by warrior guided by moon guided by wind guided by eagle guided by star guided by Dragon guided by wizard 15 10/4 16 10/5 17 10/6 18 10/7 19 10/8 20 10/9 21 10/10

blue yellow red white blue Yellow red planetary spectral crystal cosmic magnetic Lunar electric storm sun dragon wind night Seed serpent guided by hand guided by sun guided by skywalkertransformguided by worldbridger guided by night guided by warrior guided by moon 22 10/11 23 10/12 24 10/13 25 10/14 26 10/15 27 10/16 28 10/17

xul white blue yellow Red white blue yellow self existing overtone rhythmic resonant galactic solar planetary worldbridger hand star moon dog monkey human guided by wind guided by eagle guided by star guided by dragon guided ripenby wizard guided by hand guided by sun SELF-EXISTING Moon of Form

We have been given our purpose, our challenge and our service for this year’s cycle. Now we come to details, practical measures that will make the dream we have been given real. We are to look and listen now for the specifics that will allow the divine support we received in the Electric moon to make a difference in our earthen reality.The Self-Existing Moon lays a foundation for the temple of this year’s particular prayer. The planning and patience of this time is the best preparation for the adventure to come, a true heroic journey where we seek to work through obstacles and find hidden truth within ourselves. Later the way will be clearer for the map you are presently creating. What form will my service take Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 10/18 10/19 10/20 10/21 10/22 10/23 10/24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Red white blue yellow red white blue spectral crystal cosmic magnetic ,lunar electric self existing skywalker wizard eagle warrior earth mirror storm initiateguided by skywalker guided by worldbridger guided by storm guided by warrior guided by Moon guided by wind guided by eagle 8 10/25 9 10/26 10 10/27 11 10/28 12 10/29 13 10/30 14 10/31

yellow Red white blue yellow Red white overtone rhythmic resonant galactic solar planetary spectral sun dragon wind night seed serpent worldbridger guided by star guidedpurify by dragon guided by wizard guided by hand guided by sun guided by Skywalker guided by worldbridger 15 11/1 16 11/2 17 11/3 18 11/4 19 11/5 20 11/6 21 11/7

blue yellow yaxkin Red white blue yellow Red crystal cosmic magnetic lunar electric self existing OVERTONE hand star moon dog monkey humAN SKYWALKER guided by storm guided by human guided by moon transformguided by wind guided by Dog guided by STAR guided by DRAGON 22 11/8 23 11/9 24 11/10 25 11/11 26 11/12 27 11/13 28 11/14


guided by WIZARD guided by HAND guided by SUN guided by SKYWALKER guided by WORLDBRIDGER guided by STORM guided by HUMAN OVERTONE Moon of Radiance In the Overtone Moon we begin to unfurl our gathered energy, moving in round, wider circles instead of along a straight determined line. We held our momentum in the first moons, did not bolt forward head first, or spin too fast in a rush to win some invisible race. But now there’s freedom to run, moving from the square form of our blueprint to the exhilaration of open space. The Overtone Moon is the surge of lift off, breaking from the steady pace and habitual patterns into a skyward unknown. Sense your heart soar, body follow, as you are energized into an unexplored part of yourself and your world. Feel free, a little wild, unchained and uncharted. Trust the ascent into the astral realm, leaving the How can I best empowerearth landscape myself for a little while. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 11/15 11/16 11/17 11/18 11/19 11/20 11/21 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


guided by SERPENT guided by WIND guided by EAgLE guided by STAR guided by DRAGON guided by WIZARD guided by HAND 8 11/22 9 11/23 10 11/24 11 11/25 12 11/26 13 11/27 14 11/28

YELLOW mol RED WHITE BLUE YELLOW Red WHITE RESONANT GALACTIC SOLAR PLANEtARY SPECTRAL CRYSTAL COSMIC \STAR MOON DOG MONKEY HUMAN SKYWALKER WIZARD guided by SUN guidedpurify by SKYWALKER guided by WORLDBRIDGER guided by STORM guided by HUMAN guided by SERPENT guided by MIRROR 15 11/29 16 11/30 17 12/1 18 12/2 19 12/3 20 12/4 21 12/5

BLUE YELLOW Red WHITE BLUE YELLOW Red MAGNETIC LUNAR ELECTRIC SELF EXISTING OVERTONE RHYTHMIC RESONANT EAGLE WARRIOR EARTH MIRROR STORM SUN DRAGON guided by eaGLE guided by STAR guided by DRAGONtransformguided by WIZARD guided by HAND guided by SUN guided by SKYWALKER 22 12/6 23 12/7 24 12/8 25 12/9 26 12/10 27 12/11 28 12/12

WHITE BLUE YELLOW Red WHITE BLUE YELLOW GALACTIC SOLAR PLANETARY SPECTRAL CRYSTAL COSMIC MAGNETIC WIND NIGHT SEED SERPENT WORLDBRIDGER HAND STAR guided by WORLDBRIDGER guided by STORM guided by HUMAN guided by SERPENT guided ripenby MIRROR guided by MONKEY guided by STAR R HYTHMIC Moon of Equality The Rhythmic Moon sets a pace for the year’s journey, balances our exertion into a steady pulse - a heartbeat or drum play. We organize in this time. which means we honor the inner workings of our own biology: the organs that have mastered a pattern of flow and renewal and release. It’s a beautiful moment for coming deeper into awareness of our body’s vital life force and mirror of nature: the bloodstream, breezy exhalations, the weather patterns of our moodswings in rainstorms of grief and thunderous rages. All perceived differences between ourselves and other humans - even animals, plants and minerals - disappear when we notice we are equally of nature, in body and temperament. The Rhythmic Moon remembers the grand orchestration of the larger life picture, each of us offering our harmonious or dissonant part. It’s a decisive move away from isolation on our path, and into community.

How can I extend my equality to others Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 12/13 12/14 12/15 12/16 12/17 12/18 12/19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Red white blue yellow Red white blue mol LUNar electric self existing overtone rhythmic resonant galactic moon dog monkey human skywalker wizard eagle initiateguided by dragon guided by wizard guided by hand guided by sun guided by skywalker guided by worldbridger guided by storm 8 12/20 9 12/21 10 12/22 11 12/23 12 12/24 13 12/25 14 12/26

yellow Red white blue yellow Red white solar planetary spectral crystal cosmic magnetic lunar warrior earth mirror storm sun dragon wind guided by human guidedpurify by serpent guided by Mirror guided by monkey guided by seed guided by dragon guided by wizard 15 12/27 16 12/28 17 12/29 18 12/30 19 12/31 20 1/1 21 1/2

blue yellow Red white blue yellow ch’en red electric self existing overtone rhythmic resonant galactic solar night seed serpent worldbridger hand star moon guided by hand guided by sun guided by skywalkertransformguided by worldbridger guided by storm guided by human guided by serpent 22 1/3 23 1/4 24 1/5 25 1/6 26 1/7 27 1/8 28 1/9

white blue yellow red white blue yellow planetary spectral crystal cosmic magnetic lunar electric dog monkey human skywalker wizard eagle warrior guided by mirror guided by monkey guided by seed guided by earth guided ripenby wizard guided by hand guided by sun RESONANT Moon of Attunement The Resonant Moon is a time of deep listen- ing out to the edges of the universe, where spirits breathe messages to us about how to move through the world. In this moon all busyness and high accomplishment is a distraction from the greater task of listening to the ethers: the voices of angels and spirit guides, animal and plant medicines, and our near and distant ancestors. We even hear the soul essence of each other as much as our spoken words. In this time of being resonant, our receptors to energy vibrations are stronger than our ears to actual sound. We can also listen to our own chosen words with assurance that we are also open channels, holding a truth someone else needs to hear. The active outer impulses slow this Reso- nant Moon, and we are inward, alive to the spiritual center of ourselves and all others. How can I attune myself to others Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 1/10 1/11 1/12 1/13 1/14 1/15 1/16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

red white blue yellow red white blue self existing overtone rhythmic resonant galactic solar planetary earth mirror storm sun dragon wind night initiateguided by skywalker guided by worldbridger guided by storm guided by human guided by serpent guided by mirror guided by monkey 8 1/17 9 1/18 10 1/19 11 1/20 12 1/21 13 1/22 14 1/23

yax yellow red white blue yellow red white spectral crystal cosmic m,agnetic lunar electric self existing seed serpent worldbridger hand star moon dog guided by purifyguided by earth guided by Dog guided by hand guided by sun guided by skywalker guided by worldbridger 15 1/24 16 1/25 17 1/26 18 1/27 19 1/28 20 1/29 21 1/30

blue yellow Red white blue yellow red overtone rhythmic resonant galactic solar planetary SPECTRAL monkey human skywalker wizard eagle wARRIOR EARTH guided by storm guided by human guided by serpenttransformguided by mirror guided by monkey guided by SEED guided by EARTH 22 1/31 23 2/1 24 2/2 25 2/3 26 2/4 27 2/5 28 2/6

white blue yellow red white BLUE yellow CRYSTAL COSMIC MAGNETIC LUNAR ELECTRIC SELF EXISTING OVERTONE MIRROR STORM SUN DRAGON WIND NIGHT SEED guided by DOG guided by NIGHT guided by SUN guided by SKYWALKER guided by WORLDBRIDGERripenguided by STORM guided by HUMAN GALACTIC Moon of Integrity The Galactic Moon is a time for inter- weaving back together the ways we have fallen apart. This task of integration makes us whole, and in turn gives us an inner direc- tive of integrity: we seek to include all parts of ourselves, our life experience, and the others in our midst. A piece of what we are taking in is the resonance of the last moon, that infusion of divine communication. This clarifying connection to the spirit world has shaken us up, unlodged old mysteries and given them direct light. As we reorient to these revelations, we also rise up, into new capacities for compassion, empathy and the realization that we are all mirrors of each other’s growth. We come to greater faith and authenticity, openly revealing ourselves. Do I live what I believe Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 2/7 2/8 2/9 2/10 2/11 2/12 2/13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

RED WHITE BLUE YELLOW zac RED WHITE BLUE RHYTHMIC RESONANT GALACTIC SOLAR PLANETARY SPECTRAL CRYSTAL SERPENT WORLDBRIDGER HAND STAR MOON DOG MONKEY initiateguided by SERPENT guided by MIRROR guided by MONKEY guided by SUN guided by EARTH guided by Dog guided by NIGHT 8 2/14 9 2/15 10 2/16 11 2/17 12 2/18 13 2/19 14 2/20


BLUE YELLOW RED WHITE BLUE YELLOW RED RESONANT GALACTIC SOLAR PLANETARY SPECTRAL CRYSTAL COSMIC STORM SUN DRAGOn WIND NIGHT SEED SERPENT guided by MONKEY guided by SEED guided by EARTH transformguided by Dog guided by NIgHT guided by WARRIOR guided by MOON 22 2/28 23 3/1 24 3/2 25 3/3 26 3/4 27 10/16 28 3/6

WHITE BLUE YELLOW ceh Red WHITE BLUE YELLOW MAGNETIC LUNAR ELECTRIC SELF EXISTING- OVERTONE RHYTHMIC RESONANT WORLDBRIDGER HAND STAR moon DOG MONKEY HUMAN guided by WORLDBRIDGER guided by STORM guided by HUMAN guided by SERPENT guided ripenby MIRROR guided by MONKEY guided by SEED SOLAR Moon of Intention In the Solar Moon, our pulse is quick like light, like our culture’s supersonic rate of accomplishment. We move at warp speed 24/7, year-round, and it exhausts and depletes us. To revert to more ancient rhythms, we would be slow and deliberate most moons of the year, with this Solar moment as an exception: a revelation of fast, bright flames of impulse and intention.We have done careful prepatory work, clearing old wreckage from within and facing the challenge as it arrives. We are now open to make a prayer directly to the sun itself, knowing it will be easily understood and refracted in pure light. Feel the intensity of your wishes and let them radiate without restraint. You’ve been readying yourself for moons to have them realized, and it bodes well for being seen and heard by the sun king.

How do I realize my purpose Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 3/7 3/8 3/9 3/10 3/11 3/12 3/13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Red WHITE BLUE YELLOW Red WHITE BLUE GALACTIC- SOLAR PLANETARY SPECTRAL CRYSTAL COSMIC MAGNETIC SKYWALKER WIZARD EAGLE WARRIOR EARTH MIRROR STORM initiateguided by EARTH guided by Dog guided by HAND guided by WARRIOR guided by MOON guided by WIND guided by STORM 8 3/14 9 3/15 10 3/16 11 3/17 12 3/18 13 3/19 14 3/20

YELLOW Red WHITE BLUE YELLOW Red WHITE LUNAR ELECTRIC SELF EXISTING OVERTONE RHYTHMIC RESONANT GALACTIC SUN DRAGON WIND NIGHT SEED SERPENT WORLDBRIDGER guided by HUMAN guidedpurify by SERPENT guided by MIRROR guided by MONKEY guided by SEED guided by EARTH guided by Dog 15 3/21 16 3/22 17 3/23 18 3/24 19 3/25 20 3/26 21 3/27

BLUE YELLOW mac RED WHITE BLUE YELLOW Red SOLAR PLANETARY SPECTRAL CRYSTAL COSMIC MAGNETIC LUNAR HAND STAR MOON DOG MONKEY HUMAN SKYWALKER guided by NIGHY guided by WARRIOR guided by MOON transformguided by WIND guided by EAgLE guided by HUMAN guided by SERPENT 22 3/28 23 3/29 24 3/30 25 3/31 26 4/1 27 4/2 28 4/3

WHITE BLUE YELLOW Red WHITE BLUE YELLOW ELECTRIC SELF EXISTING OVERTONE RHYTHMIC RESONANT GALACTIC SOLAR WIZARD EAGLE WARRIOR EARTH MIRROR STORM SUN guided by MIRROR guided by MONKEY guided by SEED guided by EARTH guidedripen by DOG guided by NIGHT guided by WARRIOR PLANETARY Moon of Manifestation The Planetary Moon is the integration of the lowest low with the highest high.We are low-lying here on earth, and the sun sits opposite us at an astral peak. In the Solar Moon we asked for the light to help us realize our purpose, and in the Planetary Moon we can be assured it’s shining directly on the landscape of our next step. We are now stretched from the foundation we cre- ated in the first stages of the year to the farthest height we can reach against the atmospheric and gravitational forces that keep us on earth. We love, right now, our planet. We are wed to it, rooted here but using it, too, as a platform for our outward and upward extension of self. We look and reach for the skies, but feel our footprint How do I perfectfirmly in the ground.what I do Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 4/4 4/5 4/6 4/7 4/8 4/9 4/10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Red WHITE BLUE YELLOW Red WHITE BLUE PLANETARY SPECTRAL CRYSTAL COSMIC MAGNETIC LUNAR ELECTRIC DRAGON WIND NIGHT SEED SERPENT WORLDBRIDGER HAND initiateguided by MOON guided by WIND guided by EAGLE guided by STAR guided by SERPENT guided by MIRROR guided by MONKEY 8 4/11 9 4/12 10 4/13 11 4/14 12 4/15 13 4/16 14 4/17

YELLOW kankin Red white blue yellow Red white SELF EXISTING overtone rhythmic resonant galactic solar planetary STAR moon dog night human skywalker wizard guided by SEED purifyguided by earth guided by Dog guided by EAGLE guided by warrior guided by moon guided by wind 15 4/18 16 4/19 17 4/20 18 4/21 19 4/22 20 4/23 21 4/24

blue yellow red white blue yellow red spectral crystal cosmic magnetic lunar electric self-existing eagle warrior earth mirror storm sun dragon guided by eagle guided by star guided by dragontransformguided by mirror guided by monkey guided by seed guided by earth 22 4/25 23 4/26 24 4/27 25 4/28 26 4/29 27 4/30 28 5/1

white blue yellow Red white blue YELLOW overtone rhythmic resonant galactic solar planetary SPECTRAL wind night seed serpent worldbridger hAND STAR guided by Dog guided by night guided by warrior guided by moon guidedripen by wind guided by eagle guided by STAR SPECTRAL Moon of Liberation The Spectral Moon is a primal reversal of what we describe as success and accomplishment in Western Civilization. It is the encouragement, the celebration, of everything falling apart. Spectral energy undoes manifestation, or at least redistributes it so that it is available to all. All gain, all mass, all material nature is dissolved into ether.There is disorientation in this spill of letting go. We are used to aiming for the pinnacle of achievement, and without that focal point we see things in spin, upside down and distorted by our own free fall. But the Spectral confusion is helpful healing: when we let go of our tight grip on all we’ve achieved, we have open hands to reach for each other. When we feel lost in the swirl of upheaval, we find that want and need for those also caught in quick change. How do I release and let go Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 5/2 5/3 5/4 5/5 5/6 5/7 5/8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

muan RED white blue yellow Red white blue CRYSTAL cosmic magnetic lunar electric self existing overtone MOON dog monkey human skywalker wizard eagle initiateguided by DRAGON guided by wizard guided by monkey guided by seed guided by earth guided by Dog guided by night 8 5/9 9 5/10 10 5/11 11 5/12 12 5/13 13 5/14 14 5/15

YELLOW Red white blue yellow Red white RHYTHMIC resonant galactic solar planetary spectral crystal WARRIOR earth mirror storm sun dragon wind guided by WARRIOR purifyguided by moon guided by wind guided by eagle guided by star guided by Dragon guided by wizard 15 5/16 16 5/17 17 5/18 18 5/19 19 5/20 20 5/21 21 5/22

BLUE yellow red white blue yellow Red COSMIC magnetic lunar electric self existing overtone pax rhythmic NIGHT seed serpent worldbridger hand star moon guided by HAND guided by seed guided by earth transformguided by Dog guided by night guided by warrior guided by moon 22 5/23 23 5/24 24 5/25 25 5/26 26 5/27 27 5/28 28 5/29

WHITE blue yellow Red white blue yellow resonant galactic solar planetary spectral crystal cosmic DOG monkey human skywalker wizard eagle warrior guided by WIND guided by eagle guided by star guided by dragon guided ripenby wizard guided by hand guided by sun CRYSTAL Moon of Cooperation The Crystal Moon is about co-operation, not working in isolation – at all – but giving ourselves to a collective whole. This is why we asked early on in the wave cycle what our service would be. We had our sights on reconvergence, on the communion of souls that would be the outcome of our indi- vidual adventuring, and we needed to know from our god(s) what we could bring to those of our community in need. Now, recon- nected, we enter service actively, and dedicate ourselves to others. We are ready for this interdependence, not afraid of it, because in How Can i essence we have been alone and self-reliant for so much of our journey. It’s a time to dedicate celebrate, heal and rest, and we are joyful to find others who need us, others who let us likewise lean into them for reassurance and myself to all that lives appreciation of our homecoming. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 5/30 5/31 6/1 6/2 6/3 6/4 6/5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

red white blue yellow Red white blue magnetic lunar electric self existing overtone rhythmic resonant earth mirror storm sun dragon wind night initiateguided by earth guided by dog guided by night guided by warrior guided by moon guided by wind guided by eagle 8 6/6 9 6/7 10 6/8 11 6/9 12 6/10 13 6/11 14 6/12

kayab yellow Red white blue yellow red white galactic solar planetary spectral crystal cosmic magnetic seed serpent worldbridger hand star moon dog guided by star purifyguided by dragon guided by wizard guided by hand guided by sun guided by skywalker guided by Dog 15 6/13 16 6/14 17 6/15 18 6/16 19 6/17 20 6/18 21 6/19

blue yellow Red white blue yellow Red LUNAR electric self existing overtone rhythmic resonant galactic MONKEY human skywalker wizard eagle warrior earth guided by NIGHT guided by warrior guided by moon transformguided by wind guided by eagle guided by star guided by Dragon 22 6/20 23 6/21 24 6/22 25 6/23 26 6/24 27 6/25 28 6/26

white blue yellow red white blue Yellow solar planetary spectral crystal cosmic magnetic Lunar mirror storm sun dragon wind night Seed guided by wizard guided by hand guided by sun guided by skywalker guided by worldbridgerripenguided by night guided by warrior COSMIC Moon of Presence The Cosmic Moon holds a key teaching of the Natural Time calendar. It represents the number 13, a sacred celebration of presence, of being completely in the now of life experience. In the 13 Moon calendar, we ride a long slow wave from sea level to its highest skyward peak, then feel it break before it seems to submerge completely and the ocean’s surface is only still. This quiet calm somehow holds a recent memory within it of the wave we just rode. It also has a resonance of the next wave to come, How can I expand a sub-surface swell rising from the ocean’s my joy and love depths. The Cosmic Moon, the 13th of our year-long wavespell, is held by this image. We are in the world between waves, in relative stillness or even stoppage, and yet we feel the past and future movements radiating out from this present moment. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 6/27 6/28 6/29 6/30 7/1 7/2 7/3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Red white blue yellow cumku Red white blue electric self existing overtone rhythmic resonant galactic solar serpent worldbridger hand star moon dog monkey initiateguided by moon guided by wind guided by eagle guided by star guided by dragon guided by wizard guided by hand 8 7/4 9 7/5 10 7/6 11 7/7 12 7/8 13 7/9 14 7/10

yellow Red white red planetary spectral crystal blue yellow white human skywalker cosmic magnetic ,lunar electric wizard eagle warrior earth mirror guided by sun guidedpurify by skywalker guided by worldbridger guided by storm guided by warrior guided by Moon guided by wind 15 7/11 16 7/12 17 7/13 18 7/14 19 7/15 20 7/16 21 7/17

blue yellow Red white blue yellow Red self existing overtone rhythmic resonant galactic solar planetary storm sun dragon wind night seed serpent guided by eagle guided by star guided by dragontransformguided by wizard guided by hand guided by sun guided by Skywalker 22 7/18 23 7/19 24 7/20 25 7/21 26 7/22 27 7/23 28 7/24

vayeb white blue yellow Red white blue yellow spectral crystal cosmic magnetic lunar electric self existing worldbridger hand star moon dog monkey humAN guided by worldbridger guided by storm guided by human guided by moon guidedripen by wind guided by Dog guided by STAR The ­Mayan Influence on Natural Time The ancient Maya were modern by comparison to the Greek and Egyptian civilizations - they co-existed with the Dark Ages of Europe, as their culture came to its most productive ascent in 800 AD. In that heyday the Maya mastered study and comprehension of astronomy, agriculture and the erection of mammoth stone pyramids without the aid of the wheel nor any pack animals - a mysterious and marvelous accomplishment.The colonists who arrived in the Mayan territories almost a millennia later judged the inhabitants as primitive, and the combination of imperialist violence and Catholic missionary zeal decimated all but the stone edifices. We are fortunate that the Maya had the forethought - or divine insight - to carve their highly proficient understanding of astronomical cycles as hieroglyphs into their structures. Natural Time is a resurrection of the Mayan wisdom of the stars. 2012 The Maya are thought to have had as many as nineteen , but only three are referenced in Natural Time. The The mayan prophecy primary year-count for the Maya was a series of 20-day cycles called ‘vinals’. Eighteen were celebrated each year, with a for winter solstice five-day ‘vayeb’ festival at the completion. The Mayan year began on July 26, with the rise of Sirius, the Dogstar, at dawn. oF 2012 is foremostly Their - comprised of 13 28-day cycles - was less important than the honoring of the vinals, but it feels impos- a description of the end of a 26,000 year sibly alien in the modern age to revert to that are only 20 days long. So we continue to honor the vinals as a poem calendar cycle translated from the Maya. Every Red Moon day of this RED OVERTONE MOON year, we will have spanned 20 days and can called the long count. receive a new line of verse.

We can easily imagine the great change of The most important Mayan calendar for our current usage is the Tzolkin count, which is 260 days long to reflect gestation completing a span of from conception to birth. It’s also the length of the growth cycle of corn in the Mayan territories of Central America - from time that germination to full harvest. The Tzolkin is a fractal - a microcosm - of the 26,000 year Long Count.The Tolkin calendar is parallels the sacred because it reveres the elemental gifts of life as perceived by the Maya; each day honors a foundational archetype that existence of our own forms our existence: sun, moon, star, earth, as well as the creatures - serpent, dog, eagle - and the elements - wind, storm. The homo sapien species . Maya also gave gratitude to the key roles of human society - warrior, shaman, priest - and their most basic needs of food Let 12/21/12 hold the same and shelter. We can imagine that ceremony and ritual accompanied each day’s arising, and so when we follow the Mayan sense of heartfelt renewal we feel at the influence on Natural Time, we can seek the same. We can invoke the Tzolkin day name and its energy to offer thanks for start of a new year. its part in giving us life. in the time until that The Mayan numerical system is beautifully basic, culled from sticks and stones into simple etchings of ‘dots’ and ‘bars’. It’s transit we can feel both large scale rooted in 20, not ten as our decimal system. The Mayan ‘vigesimal’ count rises to 20 then begins again - like the vinals. This endings all around reflects their use of fingers and toes - a warmer equatorial climate inviting bare feet - in tracking everything from calendar us as well as the days to commerce. The Maya also used animals to name their count from zero to 13. undeniable new beginnings already The Mayan calendar still used in Central America is in its specifics different than Natural Time - but it is the true foun- filling other losses dation of this modern version. May we honor the Mayan culture, ancient and contemporary, for the mystical insight and with great joy. inspiration of this sacred walk through time. Theof jose Arguelles Jose Arguelles is a Mexican-American with a doctorate in art history who in early life began a personal quest to invoke his ancestral roots to the Maya. He journeyed to the Yucatan in person, and furthermore made many transcendental voyages to the homeland of what he calls ‘the Lost Maya’ - a heaven the souls rose to when their earth culture was destroyed. Arguelles is a deep mystic, finding a channel to the spiritual teaching the Maya have given us for our modern age, particularly in the transit of 2012 and the Long Count’s renewal. His basic faith is that the Maya want us to return to primal rhythms of nature, particularly to a year-count that’s not disjointed and artificial such as our . The Tzolkin itself offers reverence to life in utero - reminding us that we begin our incarnation at conception rather than birth - and thereby is a metaphor for honoring the divine mother, and the darkness of the womb. Arguelles cites the war, economic injustice and patriarchal leanings of our modern age as a reflection of having a disharmonious concept of time - based on economic instead of spiritual values. He has worked to resurrect a holistic - natural - calendar from the Maya. Arguelles’ public presence began with the Harmonic Convergence of August, 1987, and continued with his creation of the ‘Dreamspell’ - the basis for the Natural Time calendar. The Dreamspell is essentially a reverence for the Dreamtime - the unconscious and surreal access to soul life that lives beneath and beyond our earth reality of ideas and material achievement. Arguelles invites the passage of time to be a dream, to be fluid and mystical - mythic and magic. If we follow the Mayan cycles as channeled through his visionary wisdon, we can invoke synchronicity and an ever-heightened sense of connection with the cosmos - with the divinity of all life. Like any spiritual path, it offers both the challenge and joy of awakening to ourselves and each other. And because Arguelles doesn’t seek to appropriate the calendars from the current culture of the Yucatan, he has ritually reinvented the original Mayan cycles to incorporate other spiritual traditions - and to show the undeniable interconnection between world cultures when we move to a bigger vision of earth and sky and the cycles that hold us within them. Vinals a phrase initated with each RED MOON day of this RED MOON year the one who knows listens in silence in order to integrate the universe based on the knowledge that reaches the foundations where with great wisdom a seed is sown a little ray of the hidden sun which unifies all of the pieces to en- ter into the well of inner wisdom - where the student clears the mind, taking account of what is not yet ripe dissipating the clouds of doubt, raising him/herself up breaks with habitual caution and reaches the white light closing the equivocating part and entering a trance receives the light of one who knows in order to see into darkness touching a music of the future with the song and the rhythm located in the correct place where the food of divination is obtained (vayeb) all that is needed to obtain the precious stone The main alteration between the Mayan calendars and Natural Time is in language. Arguelles modernized the archetypes of the Tzolkin and chose his own ‘tones’ for the count from one to thirteen. He invented the name and concept of the wavespell and imagined three words and a question to 13 Tones describe each phase of growth within it. TONE ACTION POWER ESSENCE QUESTION

Bat Magnetic unify attract purpose What is my purpose? polarize stabilize challenge scorpionLunar What is my challenge? stabilize bond service deer Electric How can I best be of service? Define Form Measure owl Self-Existing What form will my service take? Command Empower radiance peacockOvertone How can I best empower myself? organize balance equality lizard Rhythmic How can I extend my equality to others? channel inspire attunement monkey Resonant How can I attune myself to others? harmonize model integrity hawk Galactic Do I live what I believe? pulse realize intention jaguar Solar How do I realize my intention? Perfect produce manifestation dog Planetary How do I perfect what I do? Dissolve release liberation How do I release & let go? serpent Spectral Dedicate universalize cooperation rabbit Crystal How can I dedicate myself to all that lives? Endure Transcend presence turtle Cosmic What is my purpose? The wavespell is the foundation of both the 13 Moon calendar and the Tzolkin count. A wavespell can be 13 days, 13 moons or 13 years - but it always has the same arc of a wave and evolutionary stages within it. We move through the Mayan numeric system of dots and bars, as well as Arguelles’ new word phrases, and all the while have the sense of building to a peak experience that ultimately also sets us free. To understand the ride we can look to the ocean itself. From deep below sea level, a current begins an underwater swell. Slowly it alters the surface, pushing skyward. Moments later the surge is more pronounced, and the growth steadily quickens towards a crest. At the top, tension tightens between the force of water rising and the gravity keeping it earthbound. In the end gravity wins, and the spiral of water folds in on itself. The wave breaks, then turns into wild foam as it crashes back to the body of the sea. The final stage is the melting of this foment back to still water, the last bubbles smoothed into a glassy reflection of the sky. A wavespell is simply experiencing the passage of time through this oceanic lens. We feel the upswell of some deep energy beneath us, then are carried by its momentum to a high point of learning and growth. We have to accept the eventual demise of all we have gained or accomplished - our amassed wave of life experience washed back to sea level. We experience both fear and exhilaration when we let go, feeling things fall apart - and together. We really appreciate the calm after the wave cycle, because of the intensity of the rush upward, the downfall. This peace at the wave’s completion is the spiritual truth of being deeply in the present moment.

Working a Wavespell This is the wavespell of Natural Time: an arc of awakening, of rising towards the sun and falling back to the sea - but at some point vibrantly in flight.

The 13 Tones define the wavespell’s journey, and are an invitation to ride a wave for our own personal growth and liberation. The Tones shift us quickly through stages of ascension.We’re given a purpose, shown a challenge within it, and asked to be of service instead of selfish in our life’s work. We are directed to a specific form for our service in the world, a foundation to build from, then are empowered with the radiance to carry it out. We establish a steady pulse - a rhythm - that brings equality of attention to each detail of our progress. We make sure to open ourselves in attunement to divine influence along the way, then act fromintegrity in all we do as we maintain a connection to Creator. We set an intention to fully realize our aim, and feel a direct manifestation, call and response between us and the heavens. Then, even as the earth and sky converge and our own wishes come true - we have to release and let go. Our experience of liberation mixes with everyone else’s, so that spiritual revelation can be shared in cooperation. We settle from the downfall, calm ourselves from the exhilaration. For a moment we are completely centered in the dynamic awakening of presence - until the push of the next level of learning starts beneath us. some of The Tribe names have been adapted from Mayan archetypes, although their essence is the same. Arguelles gave three words to each Tribe, as well. The original Mayan name follows,, as well as a 20 Tribes description of the glyph itself, and some words inspired by the energy of the Tribe.

red white blue yellow red dragon wind night seed serpent Nurture Birth Being Communicate Breath Spirit Dream Intuition Abiundance Target Awareness Flowering Survive Instinct Life Force imix cauldron ik wind akbal shelter/hearth kan seed into soil chicchan snake crocodile, womb, divine mother air, lungs, divine father house, safe place to dream sexual reproduction reptile, medicine, phallus, lust

white blue yellow red white worldbridger hand star moon dog Equalize Opportunity Death Know Healing Accomplishment Beautify Art Elegance Purify Flow Universal Water Love Heart Loyalty cimi skull Manik eye/hand Lamat Venus muluc moon in water oc dog ancestors, heaven, crossing over touch, feeling sensation call to righteous war, harmony tides, menstruation, emotion mammal, disciple, tribal life

blue yellow red white blue monkey human skywalker wizard eagle Play Illusion Magic Influence Wisdom Free Will Explore Space Wakefulness Enchant Receptivty Timelessness Create Mind Vision chuen primate eb man/woman ben twin corn stalks ix divine insight men eagle with wing coyote, heyoka, trickster memory, responsibility, humility plant spirit medicine, prophecy jaguar, shaman, sorceress bird, observer, angel

yellow red white blue yellow warrior earth mirror storm sun Question Intelligence Fearlessness Evolve Navigation Synchronicity Reflect Order Endlessness Catalyze Sefl-Generation Energy Enlighten Life Universal Fire cib shield with smoke plume caban incense, earthquake etznab Mayan pyramid cauac eye of the storm ahau sun/priest shell, defense system, conflict ceremony, journey, cycles blade, ego sacrifice, ritual grief cycle, friction, rapid change joy, clarity, Creator The Tzolkin Calendar dragon In essence, the Tzolkin count is a series of 13-day wave- spells that celebrate the 20 Tribes: 13 x 20 = 260. Each wind wavespell explores a particular Tribe’s energy, building to night a peak experience of awakening and release.

In this depiction of the Tzolkin calendar, we can follow seed the wavespells through the dot-bar count of 13. One dot ( ) indicates the beginning of a new wavespell, named for serpent the energy of that first day. The Tzolkin calendar always worldbridger begins with the Red Dragon wavespell, then renews every 13 days at the next . hand The days and wavespells each move through the four di- rections: Red/East, White/North, Blue/West & Yellow/ star South. This is the same pattern of growth as within the moon four weeks of a moon.We move through fire, air, water and earth, and in ourselves from mind to spirit to emotions dog to body. Within this rotation we again experience the change from initiation to purification to transformation monkey to ripening. human The darkened days are portals. There are 52 within the 260, and the pattern they make is called the Loom of skywalker the Maya. It resembles the colorful weavings made in Central America. The portals are spare at the outer edges wizard of the Tzolkin, and dense towards its center. The Red eagle Serpent and Yellow Seed wavespells, in particular, offer deep transformation as we pass through ten consecutive warrior portal days in each. The center of the Tzolkin has no portals at all, but is earth in effect a 20-day gateway of its own. Named the Mystic mirror Column, this central channel runs directly between earth and the heavens - to the Creator that the Maya called storm Hunab K’u, the ‘one giver of life.’ Within the seventh column is a stillness and serenity as if in this passage we sun were most directly linked to the divine. Natural Time and Your Body The seven days of the week are counted through our seven Each day of the Natural Time chakras, giving us an opportunity to consciously clear these calendars references parts of our energy centers - as well as notice synchronicities between what arises in a day and the corresponding chakra. As Mondays body,, inviting us to awaken to feel- celebrate the Crown chakra, we may open especially to divine ing sensation rather than merely guidance and spiritual knowing. On Tuesdays our Root chakra may preoccupy us with core physical issues or connection to our think about or even family and tribe, Wednesdays’ Third Eye opening may make meditate on the words and images us especially clairvoyant, or remind us to work on trusting our intuition. Thursdays we are plunged into the Sacral chakra and may feel strong sensual desire, or need to heal hurt that has happened around our sexuality. Fridays we develop Throat Resonant chakra opening and may speak our truth or clear obstructions planetary galactic that silence our speech and creativity. On Saturdays we honor the Solarplexus - its power center and all the digestive organs rhythmic that are housed in this paradoxically vulnerable part of our solar body. And on Sundays, to complete the spiral, we celebrate our overtone Heart chakra and radiate love, as well as process grief there from past wounding. If you encounter hardship, you can check self-existing to see if it correlates with the day’s chakra. Similarly, you can use the day’s energy center as an orientation for spectral healing - intending to face any darkness in your chakra and clear it back to its full color vibrance. electric

The four directions of the medicine wheel also represent the different aspects of self. 4 Aspects The Red East is the place of our mind, the White North our spirit, the Blue West our emotions, and the Yellow South our body, The four elements of fire, air, water crystal & earth also correspond with these aspects of being. When we move through a Red day, we might notice our mind is particularly fiery with ideas. On aWhite day, we lunar ofoverltay Being the four drift towards spiritual contemplation. In the transformation of a Blue day, we are fluid with emotions, even spilling over. In a Yellow day we might settle more into quadrants of the the earthiness of our body. We may find challenge in each of these aspects as we medicine wheel pass through them, and in turn develop strength. The importance is to consciously Cosmic move through our four natures in balance, honoring that from all aspects we form magnetic a whole self. The 13 Tones of a wavespell also live in the major joints of our body. Beginning at the left ankle - a place of grounding into earth energy from the feminine and receptive side of our body - we move upward to the Resonant tone at our neck and back down the right side - masculine and directive - to earth once more. Because we simultane- ously experience wavespells of days, moons and years, we are always in touch with three Tones and body joints at once, in different lengths of intensity. Notice how you are affected by this Overtone year in your left elbow - jostling for empowerment, supple or crimped in your outreach to others, able in some sense to fly with these human wings. As you move through the 13 Moons, let each 28-day span show you what needs to be healed in your body at these junctures between bones - joints, after all, are our means to move and be fluid. When they’re stuck, our world experience also slows. This is especially true as we move through aTzolkin wavespell. Some days will have recurring hardship in their corresponding joint, and we can attribute the pain in our hip, shoulder or knee to the teaching of the Tone held there. Try to feel into the message of the Tone and embody it more in your life.Trust the process of working through injury or ache as long as it takes - all the discomfort is in truth ‘growing pain,’ and a resilient strength will ultimately emerge.

wizard night wind serpent skywalker seed warrior eagle worldbridger human hand earth dragon mirror monkey 20 Fingers star sun dog & Toes storm moon The Maya counted the 20 Tribes on their fingers and toes instead of calendar pages, so the Tzolkin lived easily in their body. We can use our own digits to teach us about relationships we have with the calendar’s energies and each other. For instance, there is a connection between the opposite fingers & toes of our body. This opposing digit is called the ANTIPODE power and indicates for each of us a challenging, balancing energy. Our analog power is similar and supporting, analagous, and the occult power represents a hidden, mystical connection between Tribes. The relationships between the fingers and toes for ANALOG & OCCULT powers is more complicated than the ANTIPODE - but exists. To start, just refer to the charts to find your own Antipode, Analog & Occult power, then tune into your experience of those days in the Tzolkin: do they challenge, support or mystify you as they pass? Antipode Powers Analog Powers Occult Powers red dragon / Blue Monkey Yellow sun / blue storm red dragon / yellow sun white wind / Yellow Human red dragon / white mirror white wind / blue storm blue night / Red skywalker white wind / red earth blue night / white mirror yellow seed / white wizard blue night / yellow warrior yellow seed / red earth red serpent / blue eagle yellow seed / red earth red serpent / yellow warrior white worldbridger / yellow warrior red serpent / white wizard white worldbridger / blue eagle blue hand / red earth white worldbridger / red skywalker blue hand / white wizard yellow star / white mirror blue hand / yellow human yellow star / red skywalker red moon / blue storm yellow star / blue monkey red moon / yellow human white dog / yellow sun red moon / white dog white dog// blue monkey Your Birth Astrology look up your ‘tzolkin birthday at It’s meaningful to find our birth energy in the Tzolkin count. Because the Tzolkin spans 260 days - similar to nine months in utero - we are often conceived and born in the same wavespell, or even on the exact same day within it. This means that as a soul we are called by the calendar’s cycles, wanting to incarnate in a particular resonance and be born through it into our lifetime’s unique destiny. Once you have discovered your Tzolkin birthday, you can start to unravel the layers of meaning it holds. Notice first in what color and direction your day sits. Then put your attention upon the Tone. See your part in a wave cycle, and what words Jose Arguelles chose to describe its stage of growth. Also find what animal was used by the Maya.The Tribe you belong to means truly that you are one of many, millions even, who share your birth energy. Play with your first impressions of your Tribe - what- ever imaginings you have when you hear the name or see the glyph itself. Trust your own intuition even before you dig into that of Resonant Truth, Arguelles or even the original Maya. After all, you’ve already been living the truth of your Tribe for years. If your Tribe has other connotations in other spritual systems - Native American or Chinese or even aspects of Christianity - incorporate what you already know or want to learn from them. The Tribe essence of your birth is vast, meant to be exponential in guiding you to self-discovery. You will learn one layer, then another deeper in, and onward, inward, endlessly. Refer to the chart of Antipode, Analog & Occult powers to find the specfic Tribes that challenge, support and offer you mystical teaching. Discover which Tribe guides you by finding your Tzolkin birthday within the calendar pages. Here you can count backwards to discover your ‘birth wavespell’ - the 13-day span you emerged into. You can also learn which moon you were born in - simply locate your Gregorian birth date in this calendar. Whatever moon you celebrate your birthday in this year is the same as your original one, Your birth represented a particular stage in the wavespell arc of that year, and was meaningful to your parents and siblings. You can learn which 13 Moon year you were born in by looking up July 26 of your Gregorian birth year. This will show you where you arrived within a 13-year wavespell, which is also a significant reflection of your role in your family of origin.. Because our Tzolkin birthday comes every 260 days instead of annually, it cycles around more frequently and doesn’t match up with our Gregorian birthday for years and years, until we turn 52, when the calendars synchronize once more. For each of us, our 52nd birthday is a true rebirth. We can experience the 260 days preceding it as a recreation of our time in utero, and ceremonially honor the Tzolkin/13 Moon/Gregorian convergence as a weaving of all parts of self into a whole. The Maya surely would not have lived long past 52, were more likely to have risen to heaven at such an age. In our modern vitality and longer lifespan, we can consider the rebirth at 52 as a time to become an angelic presence while still on earth. Most people will notice a marked passage of great change and a longing to be more true to their life’s purpose. tzolkin birthday______direction______tone words______tribe words______birth wavespell______Moon______year______guiding power______antipode______analog______Occult______FURTHER NATURAL TIME RESOURCES Resonant Truth on Facebook Read posts on the current passages of Join to receive a daily divination of the Tzolkin calendar’s both the 13 Moon & Tzolkin archetypal energies, as well as updates about wavespell and calendars. Listen to daily 5-7 minute moon cycles. Post your Mayan birthday and meet other soul kin podcasts that describe the Tzolkin through Natural Time interconnection. energies. There’s an the archive of writing on the 20 Tribes & 13 Tones, so you can read about the 13th Moon Recovery Hour characteristics of your Tzolkin Lisa Star describes the latest Natural Time transits - anticipating birthday - as well as others’. You can what’s next to emerge as well as reviewing dynamics we’ve just passed also join Resonant Truth on through. The Recovery Hour works as a parallel universe to all Facebook, look up birth dates on the paths of disciplined healing and the overcoming of addiction or self- link to, and abuse. It’s a way to recover the missing moon of our year calendar, stay connected to Lisa Star’s work. and all the reverence to nature’s cycles it represents. Meanwhile, we can remember the best of our own human nature, and come into Mayan Cosmology Readings wholeness and health along with a restored connection to the cosmos. with Lisa Star The Tzolkin Daybook Lisa Star is the sole/soul voice of Resonant Truth. A clairvoyant & writer, she has This daybook celebrates the start of the studied and taught the Natural Time cycles in daily depth for more than a next 260-dayTzolkin cycle on Christmas Day, decade. She is available by phone or when traveling near you to share insight 2010. Following the 20 Tribes through their about your Tzolkin birthday and what it indicates - and asks of you - for your wavespells, this book is ideal for journaling lifetime. She is versed in the relational aspects of the Tzolkin’s cosmology and can key memories of each day. It’s also meant for help divine the connections between you and your birth family, your children and use as a personal or professional calendar. others who matter. There is usually a grand spiritual design to how we’re born Following the Tzolkin for a whole cycle is within the calendars, and it’s both a poient affirmation and awakening to discover akin to tracking a meaningful creation from your life’s destiny through the Natural Time lens. Lisa was born on Blue conception to birth. Use this daybook to Overtone Storm, a portal day. [email protected] or 805.963.3377 deepen your path in Natural Time. NATURAL TIME Our twelve- Gregorian calendar once aspired to honor the gods that orchestrate our lives, as well as track the astronomical cycles of the moon, earth and sun. But over millennia the year count has been become more and more removed from attention to the divine or the heavens themselves. Increasingly, governmental control and scientific reason have overridden a reverence for nature and the spirit world. The Natural Time calendar is a return to honoring the most primal archetypes of nature, as well as the astronomical rhythms that invite us to be threaded each day to both the earth and sky. Following 28-day ‘moons’ instead of off-kilter 30 and 31-day months is the first stage in returning to organic cycles that connect our human bodies to the heavenly ones. Inspired by the Mayan calendar’s 20 day signs and sacred cycle of 13, Natural Time moves in circles and spirals of identifiable growth instead of a flatline or cage-like grid. Experience the flow of rising and falling with a wave of time. Change your calendar and change your life! Read more about Natural Time at and& Resonant Truth on Facebook Art and text by Lisa star - graphic design by Lisa star and kristi curtis Please recycle or treasure forever time is art $13