March 2007 Vol. 17 No. 3 II AASSBBSS NNEEWWSSLLEETTTTEERR 国 際 真 宗 学 会 INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SHIN BUDDHIST STUDIES Ryukoku University, Shichijo Ohmiya, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto 600-8268 Japan Tel: 077-543-7873 Fax: 077-543-7873 E-mail:
[email protected] Website: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Message from the President Dear IASBS Members: The forces of spring rejuvenation are in the air. It is my hope that they propel us to pursue our studies and contemplation with greater enthusiasm and concern for the problems of the world. In the conference information (included in this newsletter), you will find that Prof. Leslie Kawamura and his conference committee have been working hard to prepare a meaningful and enjoyable gathering. I realize that the cost and time of attending a conference in Canada pose a burden for many of you, but I hope that many of you will consider attending. Today, I would like to discuss some of the important administrative matters related to our Association that will be taken up at the Steering Committee and the General meetings. If you have questions or opinion, please direct them to your district Steering 2 Committee members or to the Headquarters by emailing
[email protected] either in English or Japanese. I will here mention only the most important items: A) Main changes proposed in the By-Laws: (I hope to put this up on our website by April 15th for your reference.) - Add “Pure Land studies” as part of the aim of IASBS. - Increase in the membership fees (A first increase in nearly 20 years.) to: (1) Regular members in Japan: 3000 yen for 1 yr (current rate: 5000 yen for 2 yrs) (2) Regular members other than Japan: US$20 for 1 yr (current: $30 for 2 yrs) (3) Student members in Japan: 2000 yen for 1 year* (current: 3000 yen for 2 yrs) (4) Student members other than Japan: US$15 for 1 year* (current: $15 for 2 yrs) *For student members, no charge the first year Limits on the term of office for the Officers and Steering Committee members: 2 terms or 8 years.