Performance of Demutualized, Cross-Listed and Newly Listed Ipos: Evidences from Alternative Investment Market (AIM)
Performance of Demutualized, Cross-Listed and Newly Listed IPOs: Evidences from Alternative Investment Market (AIM) By Abdul Wahid Reg # S16C06P04001 Faculty of Management Sciences Riphah International University, Islamabad 2019 Performance of Demutualized, Cross-Listed and Newly Listed IPOs: Evidences from Alternative Investment Market (AIM) By Abdul Wahid Reg # S16C06P04001 Supervised By: Dr. Shahzad Ahmad Khan Co-Supervised By: Dr. Muhammad Zubair Mumtaz A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy In Management Sciences (Finance) at Riphah International University, Islamabad, Pakistan 2019 ii RIPHAH INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY, ISLAMABAD APPROVAL SHEET SUBMISSION OF HIGHER RESEARCH DEGREE THESIS The following statement is to be signed by the candidates ‘supervisor (s), Dean/ HOD and must be received by the COE, prior to the dispatch of the thesis to the approved examiners. Candidate’s Name & Reg #: Abdul Wahid & Reg # S16C06P04001 Programme Title: PhD (Finance) Faculty/Department: Management Sciences Thesis Title: Performance of Demutualized, Cross-Listed and Newly Listed IPOs: Evidences from Alternative Investment Market (AIM) I hereby certify that the above candidate’s work, including the thesis, has been completed to my satisfaction and that the thesis is in a format and of an editorial standard recognized by the faculty/department as appropriate for examination. The Thesis has been checked through Turnitin for plagiarism (test report attached). Signature (s): Supervisor: Dr. Shahzad Ahmad Khan Signature:__________________ Date:______________________ Co-supervisor: Dr. Muhammad Zubair Mumtaz Signature __________________ Date: _____________________ The undersigned certify that: 1. The candidate presented at a pre-completion seminar, an overview and synthesis of major findings of the thesis, and that the research is of a standard and extent appropriate for submission as a thesis.
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