Fivb Board of Administration Generates Exciting Plans for Future

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Fivb Board of Administration Generates Exciting Plans for Future OFFICIAL BULLETIN No. 26 April 2008 Edition in English FÉDÉRATION INTERNATIONALE DE VOLLEYBALL FIVB Board of Administration generates exciting plans for future Rule changes for The FIVB Board of Administration looked towards a bright future a fast-growing sport for Volleyball after a number of progressive proposals and presentations at the 2008 Board in March, with all decisions Three pages of this World Volley News April issue are dedicated to a summary made during the working session to be forwarded for approval of the main points of the FIVB Board at the 31st FIVB World Congress in Dubai on June 16-17, 2008. FIVB President Dr. Rubén Acosta wel- comed all Members to the new techno- logically state-of-the- art Boardroom in Lausanne where they discussed a range of topics including how to increase the number of local play- ers in leagues, suc- cessful Anti-Dop- FIVB President Dr. Rubén Acosta H. ing controls, a new Mikasa ball for the of Administration in March. Even the Olympic Games and abridged version of events is rather wide-ranging so one can easily imag- dates and places of future events. The FIVB Board of Administration convenes ine the lengthy discussions and inter- in new Boardroom in March esting work that emanated from the three-day session, which was hosted Club players for the first time in our new Board- coming from other National National Federations, simultaneously, on room equipped with state-of-the-art Federations the court at the same time. technology. The Board discussed how to increase the Since we were faced with so many number of local players playing for each “We have a full understanding of the Euro- important decisions over the future Club in order to protect the identity and pean laws, but we believe that sport is of our sport, it was decided to have culture of each country. The ultimate goal not a matter of labour,” said Dr. Acosta. another meeting. Thus, the FIVB for the Board is to have nine local play- “The FIVB and CEV have agreed upon and Board of Administration will come ers and three players coming from other will continue to determine how to best together for a second session this year National Federations, allowing two play- implement this plan in Europe, and will on May 12 here in Lausanne in order ers simultaneously on court at any one be ready to provide information upon to prepare all the working files for the time for each Club. request by the European Union.” 31st FIVB World Congress in Dubai on June 16 and 17. The Board agreed to increase gradually From the main topics discussed at the the number of local players in each Club. In this Issue March meeting, the media world was extremely interested in the new ball for The Board of Administration For the 2008/2009 season a maximum of Volleyball, which will be used for the very first time at the Olympic Games two players coming from other National • Editorial in Beijing. Other big stories in the Federations will be allowed simultane- • FIVB Board of Administration newspapers and on the web focused ously on court for each Club. For the generates exciting plans on a solution for Clubs and the use 2009/2010 season the Clubs will be for future allowed to register players coming from of players with International Transfer Beach Volleyball Certificates. other National Federations, permitting The Board will continue discussing this the participation of two players coming • 2008 SWATCH FIVB World point in May to find the best solution from other National federations on court Tour: Brazilians sweep for developing our sport and helping at the same time. season-openers in Adelaide all the young players of each National Development Federation find their place on the Vol- For the 2010/2011 season and on, nine leyball court. local players and three players coming • 2008 Volley All Festival Dr. Rubén Acosta H. from other National Federations will be Quick Sets FIVB President allowed to be registered per Club, allow- • News from Planet Earth ing only two players coming from other FIVB The FIVB will not sanction future trans- of performance-enhanc- fer activities and a Club will not be able ing drugs throughout the The Board of Administration gathers to engage players coming from other Volleyball world was less National Federations if they ignore this than 1 percent (one of ruling. the lowest percentages in sport). Sanctions for Clubs It was proposed and approved that if a New ball for the club either does not pay a player’s salary Olympic Games or refuses to pay a player who is repre- A newly designed ball, with senting his/her country in the National the same weight, pressure Team during an FIVB competition, then and dimensions but with the FIVB will not sanction the Club’s a revamped technical future transfer activity, meaning the Club composition that includes will not be able to engage players coming indentations on the sur- from other National Federations. face, has been approved The National Federations themselves will for use for the very first be responsible for the follow-up of these time at the Beijing Olympic Games. It was New Media rulings and for stopping the actions of a also approved to continue to test lower The new official FIVB website Club disbanding and reforming in order ball pressures ( is to be launched in June to circumvent the sanctions. (in Serbia, Brazil, 2008, with fan interaction to be enhanced China, Japan) to in all FIVB marketing projects. The web- Successful Anti-Doping controls help increase the site will be revamped to include a medi- It was reported that there were no posi- length of rallies, cal and anti-doping information section tive doping cases at all in 2007 among the especially in the with educational tools for players. 39 tests for Men and 31 tests for Women Men’s game, by A new section for referees will be set up, and no positive cases in the following bettering players’ including all the signals for Volleyball. World Championships: Men’s Junior in ball control. The 2010 FIVB World Championships, to Morocco, Women’s Junior in Thailand, be held in Japan for Women and Italy for Boys’ Youth in Mexico. Development Centres Men, will have a special section on the There were 56 out-of-competition tests The Commission rep orted on Centres in website with a host of information for by the World Anti-Doping Agency on Vol- Senegal, Sudan, Tunisia, Bahrain, India, National Federations and Volleyball fans. leyball and Beach Volleyball athletes. On Thailand, Barbados, Dominican Republic, A new program for FIVB merchandise the Beach Volleyball FIVB World Tour, Venezuela, Indonesia and new Develop- also was announced and is now being there were 146 samples taken with only ment Centres in Argentina, South Africa studied. one positive result but there was no fault and Nigeria. It was approved that every The FIVB will provide highlights at the or negligence on the part of the player National Federation will be required to end of each event and will announce their and thus no suspension. The overall per- establish a Development Centre and then availability to the major video news agen- centage of positive cases in testing for use obtain FIVB recognition for the Centre. cies and will study the possibility of sell- ing these highlights to the open market. Implementation of the fer Certificate (ITC) approved by both 2008 Board decisions about Clubs Federations and duly authorized by Elective Congress the FIVB. The Board approved by consensus to The FIVB Board of Administration’s deci- move the Elective Congress to the year of sion is aimed at supporting the develop- 4. Starting from the season 2008/2009 the Olympic Games, two of the reasons ment of young local players which con- only two players possessing an ITC being to avoid conflict during the FIVB tributes to the cultural identity through may play on court at the same time. World Championships between outgoing Sport. and incoming officials and to avoid the In order to properly implement the FIVB 5. Only for the 2008/2009 and potential changing of rules during the Board of Administration decision con- 2009/2010 seasons the NF con- Olympic period. The Board also approved cerning players licensed by an affiliated cerned may authorize on court one to propose to the Congress to extend by National Federation and playing abroad more player with ITC. two years the mandate of all the cur- with an FIVB International Transfer Cer- rent Board and Commissions’ Members. tificate (ITC), the FIVB Secretariat will 6. Clubs exceeding the limit of ITC play- Other essential points related to election process the ITC requests in accordance ers on court are liable to sanctions by will be discussed during the next Board of with the following principles. the NF and, in case of serious breach- Administration in May. es denounced to the FIVB, the Club The Board also approved the forwarding 1. Only National Federations may deter- may be declared not eligible to take of proposed changes to the CEV Constitu- mine the composition of clubs playing part in International competitions tion to the World Congress. in its recognized National Leagues. and ultimately not eligible to register 2. National Leagues are supposed to be players with an ITC. Rules of the game composed of Clubs with players hav- Proposals were advanced for new Volley- ing the same nationality and operate 7. Starting from the season 2008/2009 ball rules. The World Congress will vote if in accordance with the decisions of ITCs will be valid only for one single players can make contact with the oppo- the corresponding National Federa- season.
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