The Parish Council meeting was held virtually on Monday 2nd November 2020 at 7.15 pm via Zoom.

0224/20. Members present:

Councillors Sue Pritchard (Chairman), Sue Greasley (Vice Chair), Stuart Eyre, Rob Haylock, Vicki Lightfoot, Tara Pickles and Tim Porte.

Also in attendance: Clerk – Hannah Shaw, Borough Councillor - David Snartt and County Councillor - Deborah Taylor and one resident.

0225/20. Apologies for absence:

Registrar for Burials – Pam McMorran.

0226/20. Confirm and sign minutes of the 28th September 2020 meeting:

These were approved and duly signed by the Chair.

0227/20. Declaration of Parish Councillor’s personal and/or prejudicial interests on agenda items:

There were no new declarations of interest.

The Chairman represents the Gardening Club on the Village Hall Committee.

The Chairman is a member of the Management Committee at Lingdale Golf Club.

Councillor Tara Pickles represents the Council on the Magazine Committee.

0228/20. Police Matters and NHW reports:

 Crime Statistics for September 2020 as reported by PCSO Mitch Jarvis

1 x Burglary (business – money taken) 2 x Vehicle Crime (exhaust, phone, keys and wallet stolen and a Catatlytic Converter theft).

 A response had been received from Police Road Safety Unit following a covert speed survey carried out between 28th September and 6th October 2020, on Upper Main Street. 18% of motorists had been caught exceeding the National Police Chief Council enforcement threshold of 10% plus 2mph and the matter had now been referred to the Police Traffic Management Department to coordinate enforcement operations.

Resolve: Noted with thanks to Leics. Police Road Safety Unit. Clerk to enquire if further data on highest speeds recorded is available to Councillors.

0229/20. Report by the Borough Councillor, David Snartt.

See Appendix One

Resolve: Noted with thanks.

0230/20. Report by County Councillor Deborah Taylor. 1 Parish Council Meeting Minutes 02/11/20 See Appendix Two

Resolve: Noted with thanks.

0231/20. Village Governance and Residents:

 Village Advent Windows – Resident, Ruth Brutnall, has instigated an Advent Windows initiative for the village and hopes to have 24 houses/businesses participate in lighting a decorated themed window during advent. Currently, no properties have come forward on Bradgate Road and 5 spaces remain unfilled. The Chairman asked the Clerk if it would be possible to organise the Village Christmas Tree to coincide with the start of the Advent Windows initiative.

 A request for safety barriers outside the school gates on Main Street was submitted to LCC Highways on 08/10/20 following a near miss incident. The request was investigated and refused for a number of reasons and NLPS have been advised to consider a chicane within the school grounds to slow pedestrian traffic.

 The Chairman reported plants had been ordered for the Village troughs, however, they had not arrived. The troughs will be tidied for the winter period and existing bulbs would be complemented by spring bedding when appropriate.

Resolve: Noted with thanks to Ruth Brutnall for instigating the Village Advent Window initiative and LCC Highways for their response. Clerk to liaise with Malcolm Brewin regarding Christmas tree and Lights. Thanks to the Chairman also for her work in maintaining the troughs.

0232/20. Planning: Buildings and Tree Issues:

 Decisions

a) P/20/1267/2 - Land adjacent to Lane - Change of use of agricultural land to outdoor equestrian use with construction of manege, retaining walls, and associated stables/store building and formation of access road to Ulverscroft Lane. - Refused 08/10/20.

b) P/20/1321/2 - The Gatehouse, Road, – Erection on single-storey rear extensions - Grant Conditionally 19/10/20.

c) P/20/1301/2 (Listed Building Consent) and P/20/1319/2 - 28 Main Street - Rebuilding of existing outbuilding to rear of dwelling to provide an office in connection with smallholding at No 28. Internal and external alterations to range of outbuildings to the rear/side of No 28 to provide living annex and replacement barn roof - Grant Conditionally 23/10/20.

Resolve: Noted.

 Comments submitted through Planning Explorer

d) P/20/1561/2 - 8 Grey Crescent - Two storey extensions to front, side and rear of detached dwelling. No objection 05/10/20.

e) P/20/1452/2 - Benscliffe Meadows, Priory Lane - Desilting and elargement of 2 ponds and creation of two new ponds. No objection 19/10/20.

2 Newtown Linford Parish Council Meeting Minutes 02/11/20 f) P/20/1681/2 - 23 Grey Crescent - Two storey side extension, single storey rear extension and drive alterations (revised scheme, P/19/2610/2 refers) - No objection 19/10/20.

Resolve: Ratified 02/11/20.

 Discuss

g) P/20/1526/2 – Benscliffe Cottage, Benscliffe Road – Demolition of existing dwelling, garage and outbuildings. Erection of a replacement dwelling including annexe and attached garage and associated hard and soft landscaping works.

Resolve: No Objection 02/11/20. Councillors felt careful consideration had been given to the proposals and the sympathetic design would have minimal impact on the surroundings. However, concern was raised over potential increase of surface water run off onto Benscliffe Road and would ask consideration be given to the amount of hard landscaping and/or possible mitigations to reduce further surface water run off.

Resolve: No objection. Clerk to submit comments on Planning Explorer.

 Trees

h) P/20/1665/2 - 521 Bradgate Road - T1 Oak - crown raise up to 4m, T2, T3 & T4 - crown raise up to 3m, T5 Maple - crown raise up to 5m and cut back over hanging branches, T6 Oak - crown raise up to 2.5m and cut back overhanging branches, T7 crown raise by up to 4m and cut back overhanging branches. 05/10/20.

Resolve: Noted. The Clerk had passed details to Tree Warden, Brian Anderson

 Other

i) A Five Year Supply Position from 9th November 2020, had been received from CBC on 07/10/20. Cllr. Snartt explained the 5 year Local Plan comes to an end in November 2020 and this could potentially leave areas open to developers. There is again more emphasis on Neighbourhood Plans, as it could be possibly a year before the new planning process is in force.

j) Planning For The Future – The Chairman and Clerk had compiled a Parish Council response, submitted online on 14/10/20.

Resolve: Noted.

0233/20. Bob Bown Memorial Field:

 Councillors considered a quotation received on 07/10/20 for replacement goals as follows:

Supply only of socketed football goals Set of 76mm OD steel 12’ x 6’ goals c/w sockets, continental back irons, 3mm nets, clips & pegs Price per set: £595.00 ex VAT (£714.00 inc VAT) including delivery to Leicestershire

3 Newtown Linford Parish Council Meeting Minutes 02/11/20 Resolve: Councillors unanimously agreed to the purchase of the goals. Clerk to action when appropriate.

 Quotation received and accepted for new football fencing as follows:

Supply and install new football pitch fencing Install 2 x football goals (supplied by NLPC)

Date of work to be carried out – TBC Approximate time on site – 5 to 7 days

Quote is based on current timber prices. £3300.00

Square timber posts / individual mesh panels with square timber rails along top & timber boards along bottom. The mesh will be in individual panels (stronger & if a panel is damaged, this can then be easily replaced). The timber is pre-treated, as previous timber. Unlike previous fencing, all my posts will be cemented in ground (previous fence was hammered into ground). All waste to be taken off site.

Resolve: Ratified. Clerk awaiting date for works to commence.

 The Clerk updated Councillors on the application for Severn Trent Community Funding. A Project Consent form had been requested from CBC for work proposals, however, concern had since been raised over the current lease agreement dated 1971. CBC to update lease agreement for consideration at a future Parish Council meeting. Consent for the installation of the Viking Basket Swing and Dinosaurs Domain modular play unit had now been received and the Planning Team at CBC had also given approval. A decision on the funding application should be made by the end of December.

Resolve: Noted.

0234/20. Village Magazine:

Nothing to report.

0235/20. Parish Council Website/Facebook Page:

The Clerk reported Facebook group membership had increased to 308 members and was going from strength to strength. A Halloween Prize Draw had received 90 entries.

Resolve: Noted.

0236/20. Village Hall:

 Clerk to attend future Village Hall Committee meetings as an observer from 26/10/20.

 The Chairman reported the Village Hall had been considering reopening to small socially distanced groups in the evenings, however, possible plans had now been halted by new lockdown restrictions, which come into force from 5th November 2020.

Resolve: Noted

4 Newtown Linford Parish Council Meeting Minutes 02/11/20

0237/20. Highways, Footpaths, Street Furniture, Traffic and Transport:

 The TRO public consultation will commence on 26th November 2020 for restrictions proposed in Newtown Linford and . Anstey Parish Council are not in support of double yellow lines within their boundary. Large numbers of vehicles had been parked dangerously and obstructively on Sunday 25th October and many motorists drove along pavements as they tried to navigate past parked vehicles. BPT car parks were at capacity by 11.15am. Two residents also reported abusive/anti- social behaviour by motorists. With new lockdown restrictions in force from 5th November 2020, it was felt the number of visitors to may again increase, causing further traffic mayhem. Cllr. Taylor advised she had requested the TRO be implemented by 1st March 2021 subject to the Public Consultation. The Chairman stated that, in her opinion, BPT are not being held to account for the negative impact caused to the surrounding areas.

Resolve: Noted. Clerk to liaise with Charnwood Police regarding a Police presence over forthcoming months.

 Councillors considered the Wildflower Verge Scheme for the 2021/22 period.

Resolve: Councillors identified two areas on Bradgate Road and Lane for consideration. Clerk to liaise with LCC Highways and investigate the possibility of the ‘Blue (Heart) Campaign’ (or other similar indication) for the wildflower area of the Churchyard.

 National Highways and Transport Public Satisfaction Survey response had been submitted by the Clerk on behalf of the Parish Council on 14/10/20.

Resolve: Noted.

0238/20. Churchyard and Cemetery:

 Councillors considered a motion to increase Cemetery fees from 1st April 2021 following a review by the Clerk and Registrar of Burials (see Appendix Three). A Councillor suggested the fee for Erection of a Monument on both earthen graves and ash plots should be unified.

Resolve: Councillors agreed unanimously to the proposed Cemetery fee increases effective from 1st April 2021. However, it was decided the Erection of Monument fee be kept equal for both earthen and ash plots at £100. Clerk to promote fee increases to residents who may wish to purchase plots before the new charges take effect.

 The quotation for the 2021 grass cutting schedule for the Cemetery, Churchyard and Bob Bown Memorial Field, had been received on 02/11/20. Total amount spread across four payments is £13,700 which is an increase of £500 on 2020, however, this includes all weed killing.

Resolve: Councillors unanimously accepted the above quotation.

0239/20. Correspondence:

 Building Better Hospitals for the Future Public Consultation received by email 25/09/20.

Resolve: Noted. Councillors will respond in a personal capacity to the consultation, if they wish to do so.

5 Newtown Linford Parish Council Meeting Minutes 02/11/20  Markfield Parish Council Neighbourhood Planning Consultation received by email 30/09/20

Resolve: Noted. Councillors discussed the impact of the A511 Growth Corridor proposal for part-time signals at the Roundabout. The Chairman stated a lot of time and work had gone into the Markfield Neighbourhood Plan and there were no further items detailed that would affect Newtown Linford Parish. Clerk to submit a response of support.

 Request to support the Agricultural Bill Trade amendments received via LRALC Round Robin 09/10/20.

Resolve: Councillors felt this request was not appropriate and it was decided not to discuss the matter further. No Parish Council response to be submitted.

 Standards Matter 2: Public Consultation and Public Sector Surveys received from NALC 22/10/20.

Resolve: Noted. Councillors to email Clerk with comments for submission.

0239/20. Scheme of Delegation

 Councillors were asked to review the motion to provide for delegation to the Clerk, any decision that must be made if the council is incapacitated and unable to hold a meeting.

Resolve: Councillors unanimously agreed that in response to the Covid-19 outbreak in the UK and in the event that it is not possible to convene a meeting of the council in a reasonable time, the Clerk shall have delegated authority to make decisions on behalf of the council where such decision cannot reasonably be deferred and must be made in order to comply with a commercial or statutory deadline. The delegation does not extend to matters expressly reserved to the council in legislation or in its Standing Orders or Financial Regulations. Any decisions made under this delegation must be recorded in writing and must be published in accordance with the relevant regulations. This delegated authority will be reviewed monthly at meetings of the council after the delegation was put in place, until such time a decision is made to rescind the agreement when the Covid-19 outbreak is stable.

0240/20. Reports on Meetings and Training by Councillors and Clerk:

 Clerk attended LCC Parish Clerk’s Operational Meeting 02/10/20  Chairman and Clerk attended CBC Parish Clerk’s District Meeting 06/10/20  Clerk attended Biodiversity Training over three 1 hour sessions during October ’20.  Clerk to attend LRALC Cemetery and Churchyard training via Zoom 17/11/20.

Resolve: Noted. Clerk to cascade training notes from Biodiversity training and enquire if the course will run again at no charge.

0241/20. Items of Interest or for future meetings:

Nothing to report

0242/20. Finance: Authorisation for payment of invoices:

 Second precept instalment of £25,750 received 29/09/20.

 AGAR Section 3 – External Auditor Report and Certificate 2019/2020 received 19/10/20 and Notice of Conclusion of Audit published to the website 20/10/20. 6 Newtown Linford Parish Council Meeting Minutes 02/11/20

Resolve: Noted.

 Councillors to consider a motion for the application of an Equals Spend Prepayment Mastercard for online purchases, as used by other Parish Councils. £500 Limit of transferred funds. If agreed, Clerk proposes a separate statement for any use of a prepayment card, be included in future agendas.

Resolve: Councillors voted unanimously in favour of applying for an Equals Spend Prepayment card for online purchases. Clerk to submit an application.

 Authorisation for payment of invoices: - 09.10.20 HS Expenses – Memorial Tree Plaques for Cemetery £152.00 Cost borne by family 20.10.20 PKF External Audit 2019/2020 £360.00 28.10.20 HS Salary October £1112.83 28.10.20 PAMc Salary October £185.15 28.10.20 HS Broadband October £49.10 28.10.20 PAMc Broadband October £8.47 TOTAL £1867.55

Bank Balances

Business Current Account @ 28/10/20 £2429.58

Business Reserve Account @ 28/10/20 £70750.45

Total £73180.03

Copies of the bank transactions for the month are attached to the filed hard copy of the minutes.

0243/20. Dates of the next three Virtual Parish Council Meetings:

Monday 7th December 2020 7.15pm Monday 11th January 2021 7.15pm Monday 15th February 2021 7.15pm (TBC)

The meeting closed at 9.00pm

Signed by Chair:-……………………………….


7 Newtown Linford Parish Council Meeting Minutes 02/11/20 Appendix One – Report by Borough Councillor, David Snartt

Report from David Snartt.

We All Have a Role to Play. As the cases of coronavirus continue to rise, everyone in Charnwood has a role to play in tackling the pandemic. It is down to us all to help stop the spread of coronavirus, protecting our community and the NHS. Please follow the basic rules, wash your hands, stay apart, wear a face covering if you can and stick to the rule of six. The Leader of Charnwood Borough Council has stated “The increase in the number of cases in Charnwood is very concerning and should serve as a stark reminder to everyone in the Borough that we cannot switch off and we all have a role to play in tackling the pandemic.” “We have seen a spike in cases in University which has happened at almost every university city and town across the country. If you took those cases out of the Charnwood figure, we would be at similar levels to other boroughs and districts in Leicestershire.” “However we cannot ignore the fact that the number of cases has gone up across the Borough and Country, and that means everyone has a duty to take action to stop the spread.”

Charnwood Community Heroes. Residents are being urged to enter nominations for Charnwood Community Heroes 2020. The awards, run by Charnwood Borough Council are a chance to thank people, groups and organisations who have carried out a good deed, no matter how small or large, in their community. It could be someone who has helped a neighbour, raised funds or is always there for others. It could be a group, organisation or business which has carried out some excellent work in the last 12 months. Whilst there isn’t a special Covid-19 category, the Council welcome nominations in each of the categories for those who have gone above and beyond during the pandemic. Covid-19 has meant that the award presentation will be a virtual event this year, presented on the Charnwood Community Heroes and Council Facebook pages throughout the day on Saturday 12th December 2020. There are nine categories to enter plus the Harry Cook Award, which is awarded to someone who has made an outstanding contribution to the community. To find out more about the awards, details on the categories and how to nominate please visit

Loughborough Local Testing Site. There is a walk-through Covid-19 Local Testing Site in Limehurst Avenue, Loughborough. Local Testing Sites are designed to supplement existing testing routes such as regional and mobile testing units. They are part of a national network being created by the government. The concept behind a walk-through local test site is that it is aimed at those without a car who are unable to use a drive-through test site. The site offers walk-through appointments only. Appointments can be booked at or by calling 119. Please only book a test if you have one of the symptoms of Covid-19, such as a high temperature, a new continuous cough or loss of smell or taste. Users attending the site will be asked to self-swab. This location for the walk- through site was chosen by the NHS Test and Trace Service and Public Health.

Remembrance Sunday. I have received this information from Charnwood Borough Council. Residents of Charnwood are being asked to stay home on Remembrance Sunday this year and find other ways to honour those who served and sacrificed in the line of duty. In line with national government guidance on social distancing, most events across the country have been scaled back or cancelled. On Sunday 8th November a small service attended by invitation only will be held at the Carillon Tower, Queens Park, Loughborough at 10.45am led by Reverend Wendy Dalrymple, Chaplain, Royal British Legion, Loughborough Branch. Members of the public can watch the service live on Charnwood Borough Council’s Facebook page, photos from the service will be published across social media. In past years, I have attended services at Anstey and Welbeck – The Defence Sixth Form College at Woodhouse. This year as Mayor of Charnwood I will attend the service at the Carillon. It is a great shame that we cannot come together to commemorate Remembrance Day this year. It is important that we give our thanks to all who have 8 Newtown Linford Parish Council Meeting Minutes 02/11/20 served and died for our country and honour those veterans and actively serving members of the Armed Services. I hope that we will be able to come together next year on Remembrance Sunday and share a two minute silence for all our heroes. Covid-19 has also meant that the Royal British Legion’s Poppy Appeal has had to go on line, but families can still get involved by downloading and colouring in a Remembrance Poppy to display in their windows as a show of support. Please visit For information about Remembrance 2020 including what is happening in the villages around Charnwood, activities to do at home and more, visit

Brown Bin Collection. Apologies from Charnwood Borough Council. The Council are having to pause the garden waste collection service for two weeks due to staff shortages. They also had to cancel the bulky waste item collection for Monday October 26th. The services are operated by the Council’s waste partner Serco and a small number of staff have tested positive for Covid-19 and a number of employees are also having to isolate. This has impacted the service. Resources are being diverted to ensure the refuse and recycling services can continue. Cancelling the garden waste service for two weeks will allow time for crews to return.

Appendix Two – Report by County Councillor, Deborah Taylor

County Council Report – November 2020


Charnwood has now joined Leicester City and Oadby and Wigston and moved to Tier 2 from Saturday 31st October. A third of the positive cases are within Loughborough University but the rest of the positive cases are spread around the borough. Our cases in the over 60’s is double the national average at the moment. We all need to play our part to get the cases down to try and go back into tier 1 in time for Christmas. Following the national announcement at the weekend, we will all now move into the full lockdown from Thursday 5th until 2nd December and then wait for further announcement from then.

Free School Meals

Around £500k has been earmarked for the rest of the school year. The move is designed to ensure that children and young people won’t go hungry during the Christmas, half-term and Easter breaks – and will benefit the 12,000 pupils across Leicestershire who are eligible for free school meals.

I am working with the Director and the team on the details of the scheme will operate. The criteria for free school meals are set by the Government.

Armistice Day

Alternative ways to commemorate Remembrance Sunday have been shared. County Hall and the Stand Easy memorial will once more be lit up in red in support of the Royal British Legion’s Poppy Appeal 2020 – with organisations across the county encouraged to get involved. The service to mark Armistice and pay tribute to the fallen which is traditionally held at County Hall’s Stand Easy memorial, will not go ahead this year. Instead, the Lord-Lieutenant and Leicestershire County Council chairman Pam Posnett MBE, will pre-record a short film, in which they will lay a wreath at the memorial on behalf of all members and officers of the council. The film, which will also include the Last Post, two-minute silence and Reveille, will be available on our YouTube and social media channels.

9 Newtown Linford Parish Council Meeting Minutes 02/11/20 County residents are being encouraged to stay at home on Remembrance Sunday this year and find other ways to honour those who served and sacrificed themselves in the line of duty. Many services and parades have been cancelled or scaled back in line with government guidance on social distancing.

The Royal British Legion has shared alternative ways for residents to commemorate Remembrance Day, including:

 creating a remembrance space in the garden by planting plants that have a connection to remembrance;  using Zoom, Facebook or another online meeting resource to host an online remembrance service or activity;  creating an online exhibition of remembrance related photos from residents that schools or others could use to discuss local remembrance activities.

Full details of information and resources can be found on the Royal British Legion website:

Covid-19 has also meant that the legion’s 2020 Poppy Appeal has had to go online, but families can still get involved by downloading and colouring in a Remembrance Poppy to display in their window as a show of support. The poppies can be found by visiting

Average Speed Cameras

Proposals to roll out more average speed cameras across Leicestershire were approved at the Cabinet meeting held in October, following a successful trial of seven cameras.

The Council will be introducing up to a further seven average speed camera sites across the county. The proposals would see the average speed cameras move locations yearly to change driver behaviour in towns and villages.

The proposals under consideration follow a successful scheme which saw cameras installed at seven locations, Sharnford, Walcote, Oadby, Groby, Measham, and Freeby.

Sites where communities have previously raised concerns about speeding will be reviewed by the council and the police. Once sites have been identified, we will consult with residents about the proposed locations. There are a few areas within my division on the list for consideration.

Since the cameras have been operational just over 17 million vehicles have passed through the sites in Sharnford, Walcote, Measham, Oadby, Woodhouse Eaves and Groby, with 0.09 per cent of those vehicle owners (15,300) issued with notices.

Bradgate Park Parking Consultation

I have been advised that the parking consultation will go ahead on 26th November and include all the areas in Newtown Linford and Cropston. The area in Anstey is still under review and will go out at a later date. Anstey PC did not support the double yellow lines within their parish.


I have asked Jack Harriman from LCC for a site meeting with Jelson’s regarding their land at the back of Grey Crescent. Under the new lockdown rules, that is not going to be possible until after 2nd December.

10 Newtown Linford Parish Council Meeting Minutes 02/11/20 Appendix Three – Review of Cemetery Fees for 2021/2022 Financial Year

Item Current Fee Proposed Fee Average Fee*

Double Earthen Grave £230.00 £300.00 £308.25

Double Ash Plot £170.00 £210.00 £184.75

Interment in Earthen Grave £140.00 £280.00 £380.50

Interment in Ash Plot £95.00 £120.00 £131.75

Erection of Monument Earthen Grave £85.00 £100.00 £134.50

Erection of Monument Ash Plot £55.00 £100.00 £134.50

Additional inscriptions £55.00 £75.00 £61.25

Transfer of Ownership Variable TBC on Application

Preparation of Statutory Declaration £25.00 Minimum £40 Fee TBC on Application

Issue Deed of Grant under Same Terms £150.00 £150.00 (No Change)

Additional items to be added:

Memorial Tree and Plaque - £150.00

*Average Fees have been calculated using current fees charged by Anstey, Groby, Markfield and and Cropston Parish Councils.

** Fees are double for Non-Residents.

11 Newtown Linford Parish Council Meeting Minutes 02/11/20