La Jolla Residents Face Eviction
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La Jolla Residents Face Eviction A second meeting to solve the crisis was For M cKinnon to be able to beat th e ov. a p rmlt In timl'. HI' referred to the recent planned for and held Wednesday in the 7 height restriction and build to five stori es, statp Supreme Court rultng that has nearly It now appears that the eight poor Greater Prince Chapel AME Church, as wa s he must show that "substa ntial construc haltl'd issuance of building pl'rmlts and amilies who fa ced eviction to make way for the first meeting. Rev. Lonnie Wormley tion" has taken place. cau~ed delays of more than four weeks condominium will be able to remain in again chaired the group. Retired judge Roger Ruffin said tha t he The ruling rl'quires that the environmen heir La jolla homes for at least 30 days past "We postponed this meeting for two days would have only to rale one of the tal Impact of any budding proJPct be he Oct. 27 deadline set by their landlord, so that Mr. McKinnon could be here; why buildings and begin to dig the foundation, evaluated. The guid Imes for e"aluatlon, li nton McKinnon. M cKinnon is a former isn't he here?" Mrs. josie Foulks asked, as well as show that preliminary expenses howevf'(, have not be n estab!:shed. ongressman and owner of the SENTINEl. speaking, she said, for the families facing had be en incurred, to establish "substan tial A rl'al answer to the problem has not M cKinnon explained to his tenants at a eviction who could not attend the meeting construction." bl'en found. Thl' clty\ Il'asl' hOUSing eeting last Sunday that he must act in his because they must work. " But," he said, " the prospects look d im program could offer no hop(' for Immediatp own best interest and begin construction on Mrs. Bloomfield, representing Clinton for iss uance of a building permit b fore rl'lll'f as there are sevl'n thousand familil'S in is condominium before Nov. 7 when he McKinnon, explained that he was very bu sy Nov. 7." " We may have som thing to San Dlello alrl'ady wailing for low-coS! xpects a 30-foot height limit to be ap and, at the tim of the meeting, in EI Cajon forestall this for a good long time" He said un II) Rev Wormlpy told thp group that roved for La jolla by the voters. This would on bu, iness. She answered few questions, that h and Gord on Rubm from the Legal thPrp hdS bl'l'n a trend for the' poor to ha\p Imit his proposed five-story building to but repeatedly said that McKinnon had Aid SOCI ty have deSigned "legal defenses" to IpaV(' La Jolla for a long tlmp hree. great sympathy for his tenants. He had been that cou ld keep the tenan ts from being A committe,' {omposl'd ot tov.n COUrKtI The tenants complained that there is no losing money, she said, because of the low evicted. m!'mbers, bu~inessmen, clPrg • local ow-cost housing anywhere in the area and rent he asked of the families. Sh e said He declined to go mto the nature of th( ch, rdnm and othpr peopl!' has bl'en formpd hat 30 days was not enough time. The 60 . McKinnon had held the land for more than defense and asked that a closed meeting of to work for pl'rmdnent ,olutlons eople affected are mostly chicanos and seven years and now it wa s time to collect th ose directly involved be held, saymg that T!'mporary chair man V\altf'r James said, lacks and many are maids and gardeners his investment. M c Kinnon h as land any decisions about possible laWSUits should "~V Nv year La Jol ld losps 10 t.Jmilr('s thiS or La Jolla families. They have neither the holdings all over the county with an be held p rivately With the tena nts. way II we' don't lind a ,olutlon thPre will ime nor the transportation necessary to assessed value of nearly a million and a half Counci lman Gil Johnson sai d he does not so m('day b(' no minorities In La Jolla at all. ook for housing that does not exist. dollars. see any p ossibility of McKinnon's obtammg ThPrp are amw('fs." Propo ition 6, 7, 8 In Trouble? Modest Propositions Legal Aid Available Greg Hicks The California Supreme Court has r cently changed The is sues contained in the requirements to 30 days Various legal ser ices are the types of problems en- Propositions 6, 7, and 8 repre for state, county, and precinct now available to all under- countered by students" Thl'se 'ent a wide range of problems (this could , however, be graduates who fill out and lawyers are a\ailable to furnish nd questions. changed by a futur court send back an appltcation form advice and answ r questions The proposals which are decision!. Proposi tion 7 would for membership In the Center regarding Indlli/dual legal ontained in Proposition 6 can al so abolish the clause in the for Legal and ocial ervices. problems (that ma pertain to e Simply stated. This proposi State Con stitution which Regularly-collected fees were aCCidents, u~('d car hassles, ion suggests a small number prohibits those illiterate in the used to pay for the program small claim rourt, consumer f cha nges. in the California English language from voting. after the student body gave Its fraud, or am ot her matter). tate Constitution. If the This requirement was approvalinareferendumheld E\en studen member also roposition is passed the suspended until Aug. 6, 1975 in la st M arch. Because the fee IS will be entitled to one free rovision in the state constitu som counties by the Federal on ly collected from un- consultation with a panl' at- IOn which limits the terms of Vo tin g Rig h t sAc t derg rad uates, a graduate stu- torne~ in hiS olilcl' durinli; the flicers and commissioners to Amendments of 1970. This dent who w ishes to obtain the period of sen ill' Once tne our years, if this term is not proposition would also cove r age must pay a student hd s b(' n referred oa Ipe'C'lfied in the Constitution, redefine residence as it affects membership fee on an in- panel attorn('\ here arf' no auld be repealed . The peopl e moving from one dlvi dual basi . The fl'e for re,trtctlom Ur()p the t\P or Legl~lat ur t' would define these county or precinct to another. UCSD graduate students and l'xtent ot leg.!1 rt'pre,ent,,1I0Q erm >. Th propmition would In addition, it would abolish th eir families has b een lor \\hich tht ,tucien! m.l\ 1>0 sti pulate that th e salaries ce rt ain aspect of the law reduced, howl.'\er, from the {ontr.1< t. )f f I('cted state officers could relating to primary elections center's normal membNshlp (3) ~m('rgpn( \ help In ot be reduced during their (no substantial changes would fee arrl',t,-th(' tudent npf>d ('[m~ of office. be made, however) . It would The c nter pro\ Ide, legal onl\ tll phollf> 0'11' numh r In delete provislom ha ving to do ervices in three area,: (1) th(' (!\('nt ot .In arrt' t, an j the with conduct of electio ns Education-throug h a (<'ntN tdt (\·hl h"on-caIl24 Proposi tion 7 likewi se (aga in, the chang s would be program including seminar" hour d day) \\t! u'<' thp I lor- rnnmes a number o f hanges relative ly minor). nl.'wspaper articles and " do- matlon furl1l,hpd 0n he n the tat Constitution. A Up to Date It-yourself" legal proolem- m('mo('r,hlr apl'II< dtlOI1 10('11 w~ , vo te on this propo it ion Th ose who favor Proposition soh,ing kit , the cente'r ~taff to P('~ thl' t.toerlt" 'pp ,1 1\ould provide for changes in 7 state that ra ss age of the hopes to prevent needle dlf- rC'll'd (' from tdt! Rplea ()r t I ( I.ltln~ to qu a lifi ca tion ~ for meas ure w ould delete ob- ficultles and unhappy con- no oad (nn thp r p·nbC" n primary elections, and in~, solete mat('rial in th State frontallon with the legdl " O\\'n rpco 'nIZ.Hhl") (an lthPr ma tt ers hav ing. to do onstitution and bring it up to y tem trequentl, b' notdlnt'd, ('l,t- IIh elections. The voting age dat . Th ey say also that it Man of the diff icul t ling the time th .. ,tudpnt mu't (qui r e m e nt would b e would remove unneces ary Ituatlon that contront ,pendinldillromupto"'"eral h,lnged from 21 years to 18 languag contained in the .--________________________-, students are problem~ onl~ \Cr\ unplN,ant Ii.!\, to I ' a I H\. (This really amounts to Constitution and provide a because the rndl\ldual lad. tcw hour" III mo,t ta P'; II I) more than changing a clear and conci article on Th e oast Cruis er will begin f ro m En initas to Del knowl('dge and or acces to ha t j, impo",hlt'. th(' (,pnlN r()\I~ lon made obsolet by ~ervice votin !>, jame ~ Whet more, ad ' the r(',ources that ,""ould \'.111 wor~ to gl't hat! wt at .1 h( Twe nty-six th Amendment .., M ar thi M on ay morning.