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D0006661 RESUME ED 166 926 CS 205 566 AUTdOR Spann, Sylvia, El.; Culp, Mary Beth, Ed. TITLE Thematic Units in leaching English and the dumanities. Second Supplement. INsTirurION National Couacil of Teachers of English, Urbana, PUB DATE 30 NOTE 159p. AVAILABLE FRO3 Sational Council of Teachers of English, 1111 Kenyon Rd., Urbana, IL 61801 (Stock No. 53755, $6.50-member, $7.00 non-member). EDRS PRICE SF01/PCO7 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Advertising; Communication Skills; Curriculum Development; *English Instruction; Futures (of Society); History; *Humanities: Justice: Listening Sicills; Logic; Politics; Popular Culture: Resource Units; Schools; Secondary Education; *Teaching Guides; *Thematic Approach; *Units of Study; Writing Instruction; Writing Skills ABSTRACT Tae seven units in this second supplement to "Thematic Units" focus oa communication skills, offering English teachers conteaporary plans for teaching writing, listening, persuasion, and'reasoning. The units were selected for their humanistic approaches to student language learning, combining English instruction with,topics in the humanities. Each unit contains comments from the teacher who developed the unit, an overview of the unit, general obfectives, evaluation methods, daily lesson plans and activities, study guides, resource materials, and other appropriate suggestions and at:dchments. The topics of the units are the school system, logic, nostaigia (studying the popular culture ofa past decade), futurism as a framework for composition instruction, advertising, politics, and law and justice. (RL) ********************************v************************************ Reproductions supplied by EDitS are the best that can be made froa tae original document. *********************************************************************** U S DEPARTMENT OF nEALTN. EDUCATION A TVILITAIIE NTMNAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION TmpSDOC UMENT HAS BEEN REPRO. nur.t.,E.A Fl V AS RECEIVED FROM 111 -Admai-i-ka *HI Pf RsON OR ORCAN QAT tON OSI 'GIN- I.
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