The London Gazette, November 26, 1901, 8195
THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 26, 1901, 8195 Murton : New York Village, Hedley's-buildings, Tramways:—None. streets on Shiremoor Estate, Murton-aquare. To authorise the Undertakers to acquire and The Eural District of Tyiiemoutb. hold patent rights and licenses in relation to the West Hartford: Hartford Bridge, Plessey manufacture and distribution of electricity, and Checks, West Hartford Farm Place, Bassing- to manufacture, purchase, hire, sell, and supply ton Cottage. meters, lamps, appliances, machinery, and East Hartford : East Hartford Farm Place and apparatus in relation thereto. Cottages, Colliery-rows, East-row, West-vow, To authorise the Undertakers and any local Old-row, Dickinson's Buildings, Double-row, authority, body, company, or person to make Cottage-row, and North-row. and carry into effect agreements for the pro- Bebside : Bebside North Farm, Bebside South duction, supply, and distribution of electricity, Farm, Bedlington Bridge Cottage, "Bebside and for the performance of all acts incidental to public and private lighting. Horton : Albion Inn, Church and Cottages, High To authorise the Undertakers to enter upon Horton Farm, Low Hoi-ton Farm, Laverick any houses or other premises supplied by them Hall, Strickley Farm, North Moor Farm, for any purpose relating to such supply. Seaton Delaval Colliery Relief Pit. To empower the Undertakers to make charges New Delaval Colliery: Sinker's-row, Double and levy and recover rates, rents, and charges iow, New-row, Middle-row, Brick-row, for the supply of electricity, and for the use of South-row, Lennex-terrace. any machines in connection therewith, and to Seaton Delaval (at Seaton Delaval Colliery) : define and limit the prices to be charged for such Foreman's-row, The Manse, Co-operative supply.
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