Abstract Harmonic Analysis 2018 (AHA2018) (第九屆) 抽象調和分析研討會 2018

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Abstract Harmonic Analysis 2018 (AHA2018) (第九屆) 抽象調和分析研討會 2018 AAbbssttrraacctt HHaarrmmoonniicc AAnnaallyyssiiss 22001188 International Building (國研大樓) National Sun Yat-sen University 台灣‧高雄‧中山大學 Kaohsiung, Taiwan. June 25 (Mon) - 29 (Fri), 2018 Special guest: Anthony To-Ming Lau An arhat thinking math This conference will especially pay attention to the recent rapid development of the interrelationship between Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Classical Harmonic Analysis and Applied Analysis. Main Speakers: 1. Der-Chen Chang 張德健 (Georgetown University, USA) 2. Jungkai Chen 陳榮凱 (National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan) 3. Garth Dales (Lancaster University, Lancaster, England) 4. Anthony To-Ming Lau 劉道明 (University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada) 5. Chin-Cheng Lin 林欽誠 (National Central University, Chungli, Taiwan) 6. Jean Ludwig (Université de Lorraine, Metz, France) 7. Zhong-Jin Ruan 阮忠進 (University of Illinois, Urbana–Champaign, USA) 8. Keith Taylor (Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada) 9. Wataru Takahashi (Keio University and Kaohsiung Medical University, Tokyo, Japan) 10. Ali Ülger (Koc University, Istanbul, Turkey) Other participants: Ngoc Muoi Bui 裴玉邁, Chung-Chuan Chen 陳中川, Xiao Chen 陳瀟, Mao-Ting Chien 簡 茂丁, Yemon Choi, Chih-Sheng Chuang 莊智升, Xiang Fang 方向, Hwa-Long Gau 高華隆, Jong-Shenq Guo 郭忠勝, Hao-Wei Huang 黃皓瑋, Manoj Kumar, Vishvesh Kumar, Hun Hee Lee, Jyh-Hao Lee 李志豪, Chi Wai Leung 梁子威, Denny Ho Hon Leung 梁浩瀚, Lei Li 李磊, Lai-Jiu Lin 林來居, Ying-Fen Lin 林英芬, Tao Mei 梅韬, Qing Meng 孟慶, Parasar Mohanty, Hong Wai Ng, Chi Keung Ng 吳志強, Przemyslaw Ohrysko, Vignon Oussa, Alexander Mark Powell, Volker Runde, Chun-Yen Shen 沈俊嚴, Nicolaas Spronk, Wee Kee Tang, Ming-Cheng Tsai 蔡明誠, Cheng-Chiang Tsai 蔡政江, Pei-Lun Tseng 曾培倫, Lyudmyla Turovska, Liguang Wang 王利廣, Jiun-Chau Wang 王俊超, Ya-Shu Wang 王雅書, Qin Wang 王勤, Jared Todd White, Ngai-Ching Wong 黃毅青, Pei Yuan Wu 吳培元. Steering and Local Committee: Hao-Wei Huang 黃皓瑋, Eberhard Kaniuth, Anthony Lau 劉道明, Zhong-Jin Ruan 阮忠進, Keith Taylor, and Ngai-Ching Wong 黃毅青. Sponsors: Taiwan Ministry of Science and Technology, Kaohsiung City Government, The Mathematical Society of ROC and National Sun Yat-sen University. http://www.math.nsysu.edu.tw/~wong/aha2018 Applied Math, Campus Map, Travel Guide, NSYSU (The 9th) Abstract Harmonic Analysis 2018 (AHA2018) (第九屆) 抽象調和分析研討會 2018 International Building, NSYSU National Sun Yat-sen University 中山大學國研大樓 Kaohsiung, Taiwan June 25–29, 2018. as of June 20, 2018 Monday, June 25, 2018 08:00 – Registration j Wah Lee Hall 華立 Chair: Ngai-Ching Wong 黃毅青 08:45 – 09:00 Opening Li-Da Tong 董立大 (National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan) Jungkai Chen 陳榮凱 (National Center of Theoretical Sciences and National Taiwan University, Taiwan) Anthony To-Ming Lau 劉道明 (University of Alberta, Canada) 09:00 – 09:40 Ali Ulger (Bogazici University, Turkey) (page 27) Contractive Pointwise Approximate Identities in Banach Function Algebras. 09:50 – 10:30 Jungkai Chen 陳榮凱 (National Center of Theoretical Sciences and National Taiwan University, Taiwan) (page 10) Fourier-Mukai transform and its applications. Group Photo tea/coffee/snacks 1 k Parallel Session I: Lecture Theater 1001 Chair: Chi-Keung Ng 吳志強 10:50 – 11:30 Xiao Chen 陳 瀟 (Shandong University at Weihai, China) (page 10) Bekka-type amenabilities for unitary corepresentations of locally compact quantum groups. 11:40 – 12:30 Qing Meng 孟 慶 (Qufu Normal University, China) (page 18) Weak Haagerup property of W ∗-crossed products. Lunch Chair: Ya-Shu Wang 王雅書 14:00 – 14:40 Denny Ho-Hon Leung 梁浩瀚 (National University of Singapore, Sin- gapore) (page 15) Local convexity in the space of measurable functions. 14:50 – 15:30 Chi-Wai Leung 梁子威 (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong) (page 15) Norm-Attaining Property for a Dual Pair of Banach Spaces. tea/coffee/snacks Chair: Lei Li 李 磊 16:00 – 16:40 Liguang Wang 王利廣 (Qufu Normal University, China) (page 28) On perturbation of TROs. 2 k Parallel Session II: Lecture Theater 1002 Chair: Jungkai Chen 陳榮凱 10:50 – 11:30 Cheng-Chiang Tsai 蔡政江 (Stanford University, USA) (page 26) Character expansions of reductive p-adic groups. 11:40 – 12:30 Ying-Fen Lin 林英芬 (Queen’s University Belfast, UK) (page 17) A Fourier inversion theorem and prime ideals for nilpotent Lie groups. Lunch Chair: Ali Ulger 14:00 – 14:40 Przemyslaw Ohrysko (Chalmers University of Technology and Gothen- burg University, Sweden) (page 20) Spectral theory of Fourier-Stieltjes algebras. 14:50 – 15:30 Tao Mei 梅 韬 (Baylor University, USA) (page 15) Hilbert Transforms on Free groups. tea/coffee/snacks Chair: Mao-Ting Chien 簡戌丁 16:00 – 16:40 Lyudmyla Turovska (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden) Completely bounded maps and invariance properties. (page 27) 3 Tuesday, June 26, 2018 j Lecture Theater 1001 Chair: Zhong-Jin Ruan 阮忠進 09:00 – 09:40 Der-Chen Chang 張德健 (Georgetown University, USA) (page 10) On heat kernel asymptotic expansions for sub-elliptic operators. 09:50 – 10:30 Chin-Cheng Lin 林欽誠 (National Central University, Taiwan) (page 17) Local Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator. tea/coffee/snacks k Parallel Session I: Lecture Theater 1001 Chair: Der-Chen Chang 張德健 10:50 – 11:30 Xiang Fang 方 向 (National Central University, Taiwan) (page 13) Random Hardy Spaces. 11:40 – 12:30 Qin Wang 王 勤 (East China Normal University, China) (page 29) Group actions on Banach spaces and coarse geometry. Lunch Chair: Denny Ho-Hon Leung 梁浩瀚 14:00 – 14:40 Hong Wai Ng (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) (page 19) On ordinal ranks of Baire class functions. 14:50 – 15:30 Ya-Shu Wang 王雅書 (National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan) (page 28) Weak-2-local isometries on uniform algebras and Lipschitz algebras. tea/coffee/snacks Chair: Xiang Fang 方 向 16:00 – 16:40 Ming-Cheng Tsai 蔡明誠 (Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan) (page 25) Upper triangular similarity of upper triangular matrices. 4 k Parallel Session II: Lecture Theater 1002 Chair: Ali Ulger 10:50 – 11:30 Jared Todd White (University of Lancaster, UK) (page 29) The Jacobson radicals of second dual algebras. 11:40 – 12:30 Hun Hee Lee (Seoul National University, Korea) (page 15) Beurling-Fourier algebras of compact quantum groups: characters and finite dimensional representations. Lunch Chair: Lyudmya Turowska 14:00 – 14:40 Vignon Oussa (Bridgewater State University, USA) (page 20) Frames arising from solvable actions. 14:50 – 15:30 Alexander Mark Powell (Vanderbilt University, USA) (page 21) Sharp Balian-Low theorems and Fourier multipliers. tea/coffee/snacks Chair: Wee Kee Tang 16:00 – 16:40 Yemon Choi (Lancaster University, UK) (page 11) Twisted tensor products and 2-cocyles on Fourier algebras. 5 Lau’s Wednesday, June 27, 2018 j Lecture Theater 1001 Chair: Garth Dales 09:00 – 09:40 Anthony To-Ming Lau 劉道明 (University of Alberta, Canada) (page 14) Characterizations of Banach algebras related to locally compact groups. 09:50 – 10:30 Wataru Takahashi 高橋涉 (Keio University, Japan) (page 22) Attractive point and mean convergence theorems for commutative nonlinear mappings in Hilbert spaces and Banach spaces. tea/coffee/snacks Chair: Hwa-Long Gau 高華隆 10:50 – 11:30 Pei Yuan Wu 吳培元 (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan) (page 30) Equality of numerical ranges and numerical radii of powers of a matrix. 11:40 – 12:30 Chi Keung Ng 吳志強 (Nankai University, China) (page 19) Property (T ) for locally compact groups and C∗-algebras. A half day tour to Cijin Island Banquet at 7:00 pm, Kingship Hotely y Kingship Hotel, No.98 Cisian 3rd Road, Kaohsiung 漢王飯店, 高雄市七賢三路 98 號 Tel: +886-7-5313131, which is close to the O2 metro train station. 6 Thursday, June 28, 2018 j Lecture Theater 1001 Chair: Jean Ludwig 09:00 – 09:40 Zhong-Jin Ruan 阮忠進 (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA) (page 21) On abstract quantum harmonic analysis. 09:50 – 10:30 Keith Frederick Taylor (Dalhousie University, Canada) (page 25) The wavelet representation for shifts by wallpaper groups. tea/coffee/snacks k Parallel Session I: Lecture Theater 1001 Chair: Chung-Chuan Chen 陳中川 10:50 – 11:30 Lai-Jiu Lin 林來居 (National Changhua University of Education, Tai- wan) (page 16) Optimization for the sum of finite functions over the solution set of opti- mization problems with applications. 11:40 – 12:30 Chih-Sheng Chuang 莊智升 (National Chiayi University, Taiwan) (page 11) Hybrid algorithms and convergence theorems for the split DC program. Lunch Chair: Chun-Yen Shen 沈俊嚴 14:00 – 14:40 Pei-Lun Tseng 曾培倫 (Queen’s university, Canada) (page 26) Linearization trick in infinitesimal freeness. 14:50 – 15:30 Jiun-Chau Wang 王俊超 (University of Saskatchewan, Canada ) Recent progress in bi-free harmonic analysis. (page 28) tea/coffee/snacks Chair:Hao-Wei Huang 黃皓瑋 16:00 – 16:40 Chun-Yen Shen 沈俊嚴 (National Taiwan University, Taiwan) (page 22) An estimate of the size of the set AA+A. 7 k Parallel Session II: Lecture Theater 1002 Chair: Yin-Fen Lin 林英芬 10:50 – 11:30 Ngai-Ching Wong 黃毅青 (National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan) On a notion of closeness of groups (page 30) 11:40 – 12:30 Nicolaas Spronk (University of Waterloo, Canada) (page 22) Topologies, idempotents and ideals. Lunch Chair: Hung Hee Lee 14:00 – 14:40 Manoj Kumar (Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India) (page 13) Fourier analysis associated to a vector measure on a compact group. 14:50 – 15:30 Vishvesh Kumar (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India) (page 14) Hypergroup deformations of semigroups and Ramsey hypergroups. tea/coffee/snacks Chair: Nico Spronk 16:00 – 16:40 Parasar Mohanty (Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India) (page 18) Non-Sidon completely bounded Λp sets in discrete non-abelian groups. 8 Friday, June 29, 2018 j Lecture Theater 1001 Chair: Anthony To-Ming Lau 劉道明 09:00 – 09:40 Jean Emile Ludwig (Université de Lorraine, France) (page 17) 1 Simple Modules of L (SL2(R).
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