Lcl[~;. ~;Mlicnnrfiiuillr It~Tnrll 1:>LD NORTHVILLE SPRING for 84 Years - - Friend, Companion and Kindly Counselor
,.-- lcl[~;._~;mliCNnrfiiUillr it~tnrll 1:>LD NORTHVILLE SPRING For 84 Years - - Friend, Companion and Kindly Counselor- Volume 84, Number 13 12 PAGES Northville, Michigan, Th,ursday, August 26, 1954 $2.50 Per Year in Advance Io't ~ 'Ret:Md New Village Near Northville Now Under Construction by G. H. C. , , When we return from a vacation there always is the 1,000 Homes To Be feeling that the Great Lakes region has much to offer in the way of desirable li'1ng-fertile fields dotted with woods and lakes, pleasant.villages like Northville, chang- ing seasons to look fOl'\vard to, friendly nPighbors. Doub~ Built On Ten Mile, At less those from Montana, Wyoming and Arizona who . spend their vacations in Michigan feel the same way when they return to their own home states, although it is hard for a native Michigander to understand why. Anyway, Cost of $15,000,000 we're glad to be back on the job again and we look for- ward to a busy, interesting and happy year ahead. A new community of more than 3,000 persons will * * * * come into being two and a half miles northeast of N orth- We were most happy fo have as guest columnists dur- ville under plans announced this week by the president of ing our absence the supervisors of Northville and Novi the construction company, Paul LeBo,st, of Detr.oit. Cost townships and the president of the vill~ge of ,Northville. of building alone, LeBost said, will exceed $15,000,000. Everyone who read what they had to say' must have been Already under construction the new community, to impressed by their interest in civic anairs and their de- be known as Willow Brook Village, will be located on a sire to explain the problems of the townships imd village 350-acre plot between Nine and Ten Mile roads, and be- so more people will be familiar with their work.
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