March 04, 2011

Grammar Intro Week 4.1

Subject and March 04, 2011

A is used in the subject of a sentence. Singular subject pronouns are I, , , , and it. Plural subject pronouns are , you, and . When you use a person’s name and a pronoun in a compound subject, be sure to use a .

We invented an imaginary country. It is far away. She and I planned a trip there. March 04, 2011

An is used in the predicate of a sentence after an action or with a preposition, such as for, at, into, with, or to. Singular object pronouns are me, you, him, her, and it. Plural object pronouns are us, you, and them. When you use a person’s name and a pronoun in a compound object, be sure to use an object pronoun.

That story reminds me of him. Leon told them. He helped Jenny and me. March 04, 2011

Directions: Write S if the underlined word is a subject pronoun. Write O if the word is an object pronoun.

1. I would like a treehouse. S?

2. Will you help me with O? the project? March 04, 2011

3. Dad and we can get S? lumber and nails.

4. Use this rope to lift O? materials to Dad and him.

5. You and I have done a S? fine job.

6. They’ll climb up the ladder O? with us. March 04, 2011

7. It will make a great S? clubhouse.

8. Let’s invite Danny and O? her to join.

9. She and Jamahl brought S? sandwiches.

10. This lunch in the O? branches tasted great to them. March 04, 2011

Directions: Underline the correct pronoun in ( ) to complete each sentence.

11. Sometimes (us, we) pretend the treehouse is a fort.

12. Both Brian and (I, me) want to be in charge.

13. Larry and (them, they) will be the troops. March 04, 2011

14. Janmarie made a cool flag for (us, we).

15. We made (her, she) an honorary member of our club.

16. Because Dad helped us, we made (he, him) an honorary member too. March 04, 2011

Well done! March 04, 2011