DumaII (Okla.) Elks G&CC supervise 18-holc course for in sjhtiiel $ir>0,000 <111 new George Bennett Enterprises clubhouse and pool . , . Jay in Kansas City area . , , Ex- Love is [lies., Ctiisholm Trail pect to open new Meadow- Recreation Assn., which is brook GC, Lafayette, Calif., building course near Cimian- this spring . . . Ray Frost is rile, Okla. . . . Jack Church, supt, . . . Glendora, Calif, pro-mgr., Carson City (Nev.) getting 9 hole par 5 course new muny inursc gni his and lighted range owned bv junior promotion going early Warren Beach, Bill Cullen. when he had 45 kids from Truman Johnson of Glen- Siewari Indian school clear- KERB GRAFFIS dora and Ranee Parks of ing jinks oft ihe course be- •Viusa. fore it was seeded . . . Carson City and S|H>kane, Wash., had two public courses Stewart kids are gelling tree group lessons showing slight decrease in play but larger from Chun h. income due to small increase in price . , , Stuart Miller heads Baysidc Land and Spokane's Esmeralda course got good play Investment Co, which is building 9-hole in its first year . , . Schenectady (N. Y.) course to design of Bob Baldock at Bay. County advised by planning engineer to side near Areata, Calif. . . , Re v. Bruce build iwo 9 or one IB-hole course as addi- Cooper serves as pro and gives class tional County golf facilities. lessons several days a week to develop Architect Orrin F. Smith prepares plans golfers and encourage play at Blvthe for 18-hole course of Wintonbury CC to (Calif.) CC which recently got grass greens be built near Hartford, Conn, . . . Louis for the first lime in thr dub's 20 vears of G. Rulniek is Wintonbury pres. . . . Carol life. O. Hegenauer to oi>en second 9 of his Ted Maged now is gen. mgr. and pro Maple Hill GC at Hemlock, Mich., July of Loch Alpine CC, Dexter, Mich., a com- 4 . . Hegenauer designed 9 for Rudolph bined golf course and homesites proposi- Von Planck which will be in play at F.d tion . . . Lots of those enierprises being more, Mich., this spring. built or planned . . . Junior golf on Chi- PGA's release of first 25 money winners cago Park District courses (three 9*, one in P(>.\ co-sponsored tournament* from IB) up 40 per cent iu 1956 over 1955, says [an. 1, 1956 thru the Western 0{Xt> ex- golf supervisor, Packey Walsh , . , Adult plained why the PGA 1956 championship golf about saute . . . Cut-rales for kids, en- was a financial flop ... Of the first 25 on couragement of matches, practice of school the prize winners' list, 13 were ineligible teams and kid golf league teams boosted to play in the PGA. They were Holscher, plas. Finsterwald, Littler, Sourhak. Thomson, L. E, (Red) Lambert, formerly supt. Oak Casper, Rosburg. Maxwell, January, wood CC (KC dist.) to construct and Winingcr. Palmer, Vossler and Dickinson

When Johnny Gibson, pro ol Westmorelond CC, Wilmetle, III., Front summed up tho figure! on lhe 1956 season, he found thol hit women members accounted for 65 per ceni of lesson lee Irm*. This didn't come as a big surprise since Westmoreland women, who make up 35 per cent of the ploying membership, ore fanatics when it comet to polishing their games. In tho picture with Gibson ore Mrs. James F. Ramsey, Jr. (bock to comer a) and her mother-in-low. Cov«r Fred Kaehn photo

Getfdtin l> mblltSsd monthly »<*pt N«. still Ok. ut Rsclitllt, III. JtietrlslKS Htidsr Section M M. P.L.tR. Autksrlie*. Congratulations to editor, Juan Jose Diaz, and his associates on the stafl of El POACEAE or Golfer Oriental, Uruguay golt magazine, on completing the first year of their FESTUCOIDEAE interesting publication . . . Warren Or lick. Tarn o' Shunter CC, Orchard Lake, You don't need to know the scien- elected pres., Michigan PGA . . , Vps: Ron tific names as long as you have a LaParl, Alex Sinclair. Bill Easse/ke and good source for Bluegrasses and Hon Soper . , . Sec.-treas. Calvin T. Huff- Fescues when you need thein. De- man, also of Tam o' Shanter . . . Honorary pend on Mock for— Pres. and vp. respectively, Tom Shannon QUALITY — We handle only the and Emil Beck . . . Director*; Horton finest of carefully tested and dou- Smith, Al Watrous and . ble cleaned seed. High among 1954) golf feats were the VARIETY — We can supply all the best-known st tains of turfgrass, iw'o ares by 75-year-old Alex .Marshall either pure or misted to your own playing his 5-iron and an Acushnet ball on formula. the 165 yd. '•fh hole at Twin Lakes CC (De- troit disl.) . . . Second are was made day DELIVERY — Large stocks and im- mediate attention to orders assures following tbe first , . . Maiirie Harris, you seed where you want i(, when Acushnct salesman, advises that these were you want it. first ares made hy Marshall, a retired General Motor* engineer who plays in the company's goll league, although Marshall lias been golfing many years. George S. May. after looking over roped in fairways at 1056 Western Often and making survey among spectators, con- cluded (according to Tam o' Shanter News) that if the PGA players insist on


Lawnmower Sharpener 0

Many Exclusive Features . . . —" The NEW SIMPLEX is the fastest, most accurate straight-line lawnmower grinder ever built. ,. gives you all these advantages;

• Grindt oil mowtn—r«l typo, reiory, hond or power, any *ii». • No dit-otiembly ti-eded, got and oil remain In engine, support bar rolotes. • Grinding htod ftrdt both horiionlaHy and vt III rally, lurnt VO for bed knWot. • Fpil, potHivft odjvilmenti, d-poinp tppport on itMl bot« with luriling linwi, • ffpggrd. long lit* tontlruelion and many sthtr f*atur*t.

The fate*Root*Heath Company Dept. G-l • Plymouth, tournaments being roped olf, attendance at all tournaments will go down rapidly because of the spectators' dissatisfaction. . . . Maybe so, but attendance at National Open and Masters lias increased greatly and play is faster since fairways have been roped. Allien H. Surprenant, pres., of Surpre- nant Mfg. Cn. Clinton, Mass., after visit- ing the course of a company with which he was doing business and being a guest overnight in the clubhouse, decided to have a coursc for his own employees al- though his company isn't a big corpora- tion . , . Course designed by Geoffrey S. Cornish, is on 5IM) acres and has five sets of tees providing ihesc courses and lengths: short (6,055), regular (6,480), long (6,810), championship (7,1611) and siijtrr- (hampionship (8,005 yds.) . , . The super course will Ire the world's longest ... It will have 5ih and 12th boles among the world's longest; both will be over 650 yds. . , . Hobby Grant came from Wayne CC, Mountain View, N. J., to superintend con- struction and slay in charge nf rourse maintenance . . . Surprenant makes plastic pipe which will IK- used throughout the

"Five years ago, I started a fairway rebuilding program with AGRICO Country Club 8-6-4 fer- tilizer to really encourage good, healthy growth. For the past two years, I used AGRICO FOR BIG NEW CATALOG TURF 6-8-2 I am very pleased with the out- standing AGRICO results of this 5-year program. JUST The turf is much healthier, has thickencd up and now has excellent growth and color

AGRICO has given the same excellent results on OFF greens and tecs. But the one big diflcrcnce was this: prior to my AGRICO fairway feeding pro- gram it was necessary to play winter rules because THE of thin, sparse turf. Now we no longer need to play winter rules thanks to AGRICO!" PRESS GROW TOP-Fl/GHT TURF—Use AGRICO ond AGRINITE the 100% Noturol Organic Fer- tiliier. See yoot regular supplier today—or write to The American Agricultural Chemicol Co., 50 Church St., New York 7, N. Y.

AGRICO' You'll find a gold min» of ideas for keeping Amtrha't Premier Golf Course Fertiliier your course moderniied in thit colorful book. Aik for it today. AGRINITE* STANDARD MANUFACTURING CO. the Better, 100% Natural Organit Fertilizer Box G57, Cedar Falls, Iowa Surprcnam-Naiinnal GfcCC of Massachu- setts . . . Vesper bent will be on greens . .. New England supts. are in the project in advisory capacities. Tri-County Golf Proprietors' Assn. attive in Akron, O., has sponsored very successful pee-wee tournaments, last year conducted a pee-wee league that scored PART-CIRCLE SPRINKLER big success and now is considering a Rub her City Invitational Pee Wee tournament The most for boys and girls in the 10-12 and 13-1$ age brackets . . . Write to Paul Sheeks. 1521 Marlowe ave., Akron, 13, ©., a direc-

M Sprinklor •v«r tor of the association, if you've got kids built! who want to enter. Scotty Chisholm lookrd over the 1 ltitl Bell Easily sel to has done for Bill Bryant tn rehabilitating \ water any area, die California C.C, near Whlttier that Brvani regardless of shape. Ixiught but year and Seottv tells lis: "The Serves as a full circle, part-circle, and fixed nine greens In seed are moulded with the position sprinkler. Can be used with Coup- loveliness t»f a virtuous girl's bosom. Swerves ler and BUCK NEK Quick-Coupling Valves, galore and never overdone." . . . That's a installed on permanent risers, or mounted pretty way ol putting it, especially when ynu recall' that Scotty was 79 lasi Oct. 20, on roller or sled stands for use with hose. Con stilt your avthoriied frank Moore and Sid Salomon of St. ' BUCK NEK distributor. Iritis expect to spend between £75,000 and SI00.000 on restoring DeLand (Fla.) CC IS- WII&VCKXER MANUFACTURING CO„ int. hole course which ha

vhwJ ; Back Lapping

SmMdionjaL!" Machine

Sharpens most all makes oi reel and bed knife mowers Erom etlgers to 72 in. width. Especially good for green- mowers and tbe Toro Spar- tan gang mowers. No wheels, sideplates or gears to remove or change. Sharpens all mowers in 15 minutes or less. Fully guaranteed lor I year.

For full in/orniniton, tor ite: j See this machine in j I action at the GCSA ) CARL RICHIGER, MFR. convention in Louisville 4853 Broadway Gary, Indiana with newspaper* in Tabor City ami LorU, N. C., elected pres., Carolina* CC which is to build a course between the two cities . , . Wilmington, Calif., lo have course on 2(10 acre site now used as a dump, San Clemen te (Calif.) Apartment-Hoi el- Motel Assn. in big mail campaign to golfers in I'at i tic Norihw-est with brochure about the city's tnunt course close to Paciric Ocean , . . Course recently enlarged from 9 to 18.,, Architect jack Haras says real estate appraisers value 75 acres dredged out of Minima (lav r to be used as part of Cornnado, Calif., course, at $1,000,000. LEWIS The Old Course at St. Andrews whirh was closed Oct. 16 will reopen April 1 after the Bull Washer course has been restored to good condition Joint Links Committee unanimously Specially treoted recommended to the St. Andrews Town Coun point, staled end til that tbe Old course be closed, get con protected with a sidcrable maintenance work and l>e given a tough roofing of chance to recover from hard use in Ifand weather-resistant 1956 . . . Chicago Tree & Landscape Co. plastic. "Magic makes successful bid of $157,152,97 to build paddle action'* Brown County. Wis,, public 18 near Green spins boi'i' to c/eoo Bay . . . Course to be completed June 1. fvs'l port of tho rartoca. David W. l.uptim and associates al 550 5th Ave., New York, pulling oil "National Itrvlca for yean — with so littl* molntenont* Golf Show'' Mar. 22 thru Mar. M at 71st. Keg line it I armory. New York . . . William E. CONTAINER DEVELOPMENT CORP. Harriet and A. Kussrll Trvon architects nf Watoitown • Wisconsin the 18-hole course Erie Counts, N. V,, is to build at Elma, Ituffaln suburb . . . Lake-

During the G.C.S.A. Convention Louisville, Kentucky February 11-15, 1957 Visit MILORGANITE Booth 11 and see the exceptional GOLF TURF PICTURES Changed Daily

Discuss your turf problems with representatives in attendance mmmTHE SEWERAGE COMMISSION, Milwaukee 1, Wis. wood (N.J.) Naval Air Station building 9 hole course, F.xpeii to open Otterkill GC near Middle town. N, V., this spring . , , Wolf Island Creek 1H owned by Hunter Gammon and Jess Wall opened ai Reidsville, N.C, late til lflr>6 . II t'SGA Women's Open STOP! can draw much of a gallery al Winged Fool |line 27-1W. lhe event will Ire established as a major championship instead of just another circuit affair because the New York Met Pon t sperilv any mower district is lite toughest to get Out to watch golf. until you've had a Querying Winneconnc, Wis., residents on establishment ot a summer recreatiotia) area tit include 9-hole course . . . Dr. Chalks demonstration! Marker I to open course on his Hound up Kamh at I>ownsville, N.Y., ibis summer . , . Watkins Glen, N. Y-, got plans horn Ccorgc If your budget calls for a power mower, llall, Cornell university pro, and John Cur- your first step to economical, trouble-free matt, Cornell golf turf authority, for a new mowing is to see America'* most wanted public course. mower in action. Danny Donnelly has been pro at llollenback, Wilkes Bane, I'a , public course, since it open- ed 41 years ago . . . Golf interest and plav has been built up by Danny lo the extent there's now a ple.i (or increased public golf facilities in the city . . . Seems to us there were more golf clubhouse tires than usual last year with ilrs old clubhouses going quick. Expert lo open first 9 of El Kiviuo CC, near BlnomiitKlun, Galif., soon. Gilbert fines

Power Mowers and Trimmers guarantee to save time and phys- ical eneition, because they cut while thev trim; overhang raised borders and eliminate hand trimming. The exclusive "finger tip" control and "floating" action assures ma- neuverability to do a compfere /06 in one operation, without leaving streaks or rolled You ore always welcome to down uncut grass. It's the most versatile, visit us when you ore in Chi- efficient power mower for your money! But cago, Right now we have a dont lake our word for it... see it tor yourself. large stock of mochinery and supplies for your selection. Arrange For A Demonstration Today!

• 4 Ratit SLwa: 25". JO", 70", 7$* Be sure and send for our • Single or Triples * Riding Sulkies 1957 catalogue and price list • Briggs fit Stratum Motors • 70" IS 73* avulabla with f»*wrse g*«r. POWER LAWN MOWERS A efwfacr ol iHtt I'M'' Choin Co. | 371 (OHNIcntlll AVI UIDOfPOiT I. CONN

S«*0 Marlhwcil Highway, Chicaita JO, lit. ii pres. . . . Frank S. Smith hat liaught Wil- ing stock of Tecunueh (Midi.) CC from Te- iiimncli Products Co, . , . The 9-holc course and clubhouse will be improved , . . Leo PHILLIPS Iti i hop remains as pro-supl. and Kay White as mgr. CAM LOCK [ten Beuhler giving a lot of lessons to be gin nets at newly opened Wiiineinucca, Nev.. public course . . Work being pushed on new Willard (O.} CC . , . Plan new dub with 18-hole course fur residents of Ventura and Santa Paula, Calif. GOLF" SPIKES Cen. mgr. Dim Davis poshing construction of second 9 of Valley GC, Phoenix, Ariz. . , , Had to bite some hunks out of Camethaik mountain for the new tt . . , Los Angeles City Planning Commission refused Signal Oil Co. permission 10 drill under Hillcrcst Ct: . . . When playing Mil It rest don't lake deep divots! Second 9 of Portland (Mich.) Ct; to lie in play this fall . . . Lot of the early work on the 9 was done by members . , , Portland (pup. 2200) is said to be smallest Michigan town wiih an 18-hole coursc . . . Chiui, The world's finest and best inown. Calif., completes second II of its muny coursc . , , llaggin Oaks 9-bolc muny course al Will not turn or brook apart. Sacramento, Calif,, to be enlarged to IB . , . PRO'S CHOICE Dayton {Tenn.) G&CC expects io have ii-. 9-hole course in play by September. P. C. PHILLIPS. INC. Construction being rushed on Indian Lakes STOUftHTON. MASS. Lstatrs, 7000 acre site east of Lake Wales, Fla., which is to have three 18-hole murses

• Siie: 1114"* 10" x 3". • Machined from heavy gauge steel. • Self-closing cover on piano hinge. • Rust-proof enamel finish. • Tight, weatherproof construction. • Threaded pipe flange for easy mounting, • Holds 300 men's, 300 ladies' cards, 2 grots pencils.

This SCORECARD BOX® Is o brand new idea in golfing convenience . . . keeps ico records and plenly of pencils handy right on the tee. Speeds ploy on busy days because golfers hotp them- »lv»i. Put one of ihese bright ted ond yellow reminders on lha 1st and 10th tees — and per- haps an tho 2nd for "forgellers." Frees pro and his helpers af storecard bother . , .a minute io fill, no maintenance . . , Easy tc install — screw threaded flange into 2-inch pipe ond lock with colter pin. Originally designed by Harold Seig, pro ot the Golden Valley Golf Club, Minneapolis, Minn Now available to you. A AND € SALES COMPANY 65IS Walker Street Minneapolis 26, Minn. Order Today — Mail CfiecA or Money Order wiih complete shipping directions Protect your floors from spike holes with rugged Pneu-Mat Runners. Absolutely spike- resistant, they provide a comfortable walk- ing surface — improve [he appearanee of tlttB your club house. Woven of rubber-impregnated fabric, fiows Pneu-Mat Runners ore tougher than rubber runners. Reversible lor double wear. mower SACK TRIAL OFFE*: Hondo rd Wldtht Order a I rial section. Test 20"-2*"-30" il on an area which gets espe- trio I IHIIOBI cially hard wear. Money hark il 110.00 not satisfied. 20".JC S4.00 WVile today /or ilium rated folder, SUPERIOR RUBBER MFG. CO., INC., 145 Wcedlonrf Av.„ Weitwood. N. J and HOfK) half-acre borne sites . . . Airmen professional, last fall has stirred bright remi building their own course at Vlalhrr Air Force niscences among pro pioneers at ihe PGA Base near Sacramento, < a I if., got great help National course . . . Jimmy, an Aberdeen when Sacramento contractors rolled a lot of lad who came to the U.S. in 1914, served at equipment intn action on ihe earth-moving Glen View in the Chicago district and Feu job. way in the Mew York Met district and sev- Venice-Santa Monica area complaining lhat eral other fine clubs . . . He set a new and I os Angeles 1'aik dept. iv taking loo much dapper sartorial noic for pro golfers who up lime in making good on promise of public io Ihen had dressed in dull attire . . . Un- course . . , Marysville, Calif., asks city doubcdly, more titan any other one man, council 10 increase inimy course from 9 to Donaldson also first sounded the "country IS holes . . West Point, Miss., planning club" lively theme iu men's fashions. It-hole course , , . Meadow lark Ranch wesi Mensem Maples of Piurhurst re-elected pres., cif San Marcos. Calif., to be residential devel- Carolina* Coif Course Supts. Assn. . . . W. opment including golf course . . . first golf P. Ftarkey, Charlotte (N.C.) CC was re-elected unit lo be par course. vp; Grant Bennett, Florence (S, C.) CC, see.; John R. Van klcck designing course tor C R Ripley, Anderson on . . . Joint Bourwell is Mobile, Ala. . . . George Mellen, Alhuqurr. Forest CC pres. . . . Henderson (Nev.) GC t|tie, N. M,, Richard Misener, Carlr MrEvoy incorporated . . . Glendale CC, Seattle, Wash., and George Rifley of St. Petersburg, Fla.. arc which is building IB-hole course at new site, among those in dent to build and operate offers its 9-hole course and buildings to the dub . . . Course construction being fi- Seattle Park Dept. for $250,1X10 , . . Glen- nanced by sate of lots on the Island thru dale sold property bordering its 9-hole tourse a campaign conducted bv Mobile Chamber of for S'UHXI an acre. Commerce. The passing «f Jimmy Donaldson, veteran (Continued on ftage 59)

Get More Late Play! End Your Caddy Problem! Speed up Play!

Safe, easy-to-handle, comfortable — Out-performs even more expensive cars! The Chjinip is tony lo operate! Anyone can u« it! Only 3 simple controls —. ball MOrinfl lillrr nteeriftff — 2 speed*, forwjrd end reverse. Welded steel body . . , Internal ev- The Champ imriHian brakes , , . Four-ply tire* . . . Dual wheel drive is manufactured . . . I ii.i-ii rubber »eau . . . Timken roller bearing* . . . In the shops of specialists — 60 Twenty-tour volt, 192 ampere-hour electrical system. years of emparlance engineer- Far information, J IHt MID COW. ing and building electrically S 9*0 Wett SI. Pool Ave. operated equipment. writ* la L Miiwovfc** 3, wit. Swinging Around Golf Tournament Dates 18) (Con ti nurd from page MEN'S EVENTS Selling (Okla.) 9-holc sand green coiinse I Hilary in play late last year . , . Gillbcrt A. Cur He. sr., »- 1 Ui Attain OIWI R inr ho CC 8ir.« CrntSy, Del Monti., Call!.. Cynrm PI. * donor of Midland. Mich., Currie muny course, Pat* I a Brarh GO designed and he I [red to build a <)-hoIr par 10-IS PUUII Open 8 if tut, C.I. ,1 addition to the muny course . . . New lay- IS. 19 Colombia eM. Bogota out expected to be in play in June . . . 17 70 Caliafita Open Tliuam. Mti S4I7 Thundartilnl Op, n, P.t.n Sprint., Caltl. Charles Smith retires after II vears as pro ti ll iaiMlrA Oprp. K.nqiton at North Shore CC (N. V Met dist.) . . . The 1111 PC* Sasinra, (H.nrdi., Fla. Assrxiation of Golf Salesmen of the N. Y. Met J9-SH PGA Quarter CCTlury. 0 until ih FU. Jl.Crli J ptieMlt Onin, Arljsna CC disiriti has been revived . . . McNamara Si-Tib. J Puerto Hlra Own. Sir Juts of Wilson is pres. . . . Mauric Marabou. Mike r Fotrwy I.ring. Fred Decker and Jack I.ust also are 7 It Vinilurli Optn. CIIUH officials. R.|» Turann DNR CI flto CC 14-IJ Ton OHM. Bratfcritrldie Park. San An lull Hat Eangdon, pro at Coloilia CC, Wood- 11.21 Homton Oprn, Minor la I Park GC bridge, N.J., already has the winter golf in- S 8H'n Rcuit Onto. Baion Rnu|> III) CC struct ion schedule going strong . . . t aogduu Mirth is teaching evening classes in begiinters and 7-III Ptniartli Opto, PesMunfi CC advanced golr at < ran ford (N. J.) Adult High 14-17 St. P>t(c,blir» Oeui, Llkfwr.nil CC 31-34 T- be annttmrtd . School , , . Present indications point to this !,!S Miami 8«TH OPMI. Miami CC being by lar the biggest winter in indoor tt-SI Ait If. Ours. Cant Fur CC. Wllmlfttlea. N C. golf instruction. WOMEN'S EVENTS Dick Wilson. Delrav Beach, Fla., designed new course being built for Harder Hall at iaauary 11-13 Su til and (Ga.) Opwi Sebring. Fla. , . . Robert J. Coffee, director 17-id Tampa Ourfl. Palmi Call of Mercer County (N.J.) Rccreation dept.. 14-V Lak. Wnris Olirn. Lit, Worth GC George R Coulton, counts supt. of public II-Feb. J Havana Oprn. Havana Y * CC works, and Russell Kerns, Trenton (N ].) CC

supt , who is in consulting capacity ou new t«-tr 81. Pelertburi Open. Sun tat 0 A CC Mercer Courtly public 18 say efficient use of il-24 Strwla Own Itanlallvn county machinery and key personnel is keep- JtS-Mtr. 3 Jar kann villa Opan. Hyde Park CC ing construction costs remarkably low. Marrh Itayside I.iuks, in Queens, N.V., which IS-lt Tltletinldeni, Autuil* (Ga.t CC Jl-M Ptiwnla Own. Ariinna CC (tMMNt) closed last fall after 24 sears and is bring sub- WJI Tinwi 0»an (IHIIIIT*) divided, was deigned by Dr. Mister Mackenzie who also designed the tngusla National course, affairs among them being lite Ilth annual Pasalierupo and other fine courses . . , [lay- tournament for Danny Williams, pro at the side was on 97 acres and laid out so no slice knolls. Bonmnn, N.J. , . , More than 1*20 was mil ol hounds , . . Walter Gregn kept 1 men ami women. pros and amateurs, placed the course in great condition despite traffic and at a dinner hailed that grand gentleman that averaged 1,500 a week in season . . . who's served in |ci*ey pro golf for S5 sears Turf from several of the Bavside greens was . Bruce Matthews, mgr. and supt at given by Jack Parker, buyer of the course, to Green Ridge CC, Grind Rapids, Mich,, for the club where he is a former ihampion, years, was honored by a tournament and Fresh Meadow. a dinner at which he and his wife were crown- Manuel de la Torre re-elected pres., Wis- ed with laurels antl oratory . . . Bruce, protni consin PGA . Harry Pcrrullo reelected nent nationally as well as regionally in turf pres., Illinois PC.A . , 1 Lew Fraser elected maintenance work, has been active in the pres.. Philadelphia PGA . , . Dugan Ay cock planning of the course now being built at re-elected Carolina PGA for Ilth lime and Michigan State College. Purvis Ferrec re-elected Carolinas PGA sec.- Among the other fiestas honoring golf Dot- trcas. for 1+th time. allies was lhai given Army ml Farina, mgr.. Mrs. T. E. Patterson, Lubbock, Tex., re- pro ai Schenectady (N.Y.) Municipal course elected pres.. Women's Trans-Mississippi Golf at whirh Mayor Sam Sirattnn, vjKirls editor, Assn. . . . The 27th Women's Trans-Mi si Al DcSantis, and other luminaries s|Mike in praise of Armancl and his work . . . They will Ire played at Desert lun C( in late Oc- gave him a diamond sludded wrist-watch . . . tober or early November, Course workers gave him a desk set . . . An- Wiih Golfdom's last issue inch year on our other part v was for A- B, Thomef pro at ten-titnes-a-year schedule combining our Octo- Lancaster (Pa.) CC . . . Thome got a check ber, November and December issues, we don't along with the kind words . . . Bernard (Bun) get a chance to record the grand parlies that Quinn. pro at the Watertown (N.Y.) CC, was clubs put on In the fall for stars who work honored by his club at a dinner following an for them . . . Cast fall saw many such gala afternoon tournament. Alabama: MrCoein Lr<.iu lid*, r* . Mobile; Kilgort HrRn ft., Blrmiis bam Anient: Sha*« Arlwna Torn Co.. Pltoenir. Arkansas: flwrtaw Inc . Mem Tenn.; Harry Conjitr Supply. 8 prim: Ot Id, SJo. . Cujtlne Sales mil Service, Stocitport, Li California: Pacific Tnro Co., 1-M Angeles, fitif.; Tore (Tn.. San Franctjco. Yilley Tnro Sales Co.. Fresno Colorado: TORO Coio. toro Co.. Colo. Springs: Colorado Tnro Co . [:™ Co . Atlanta: Z»nn K<|uit>t. Co . Jarbanniille. Fla Irtaho: Waahlngtoa Tittf k Turo Co . Seiitlle. Wash : Stall l-ske Ititee Co . Salt Lake CilJ. Clah Hilnoii: Crorce A. Daii; Inr . Chimp-. Melirl lilaL Co . HI l.oula, Mo : Trl Stala Toro Co.. ti,»e«]«irt. Iowa: Keruggs Drake Equip! Cn , Dtcalur; Heidi llomti Co.. Kians illle, Ind : in ii to Scran E<|iili>mriit Co , spiingfleld Indiana: George A Datli. Inc. Chicago. ill : lleldt Monroe Co . fSssuntllc A. H. Heine Co , Fnrt Wayne; Kenoey Jbch Cn . India iiapnlla; H K Cohre Co . Woeltpirowr. MtiU': Bunion Sred Co . UKIIS illle. Ky. Iowa • Trl State Toro Co.. Daienport; Z Vf. Cterile Co , Umaba, Neh Kansai: Turf F-<)u!|.! Co . inr Kansas City. M> Kanlocky: WI lion Impl. Co , Inr . Uilngton: H K. Cobee, Hoi.Icon'cry. llblo; lleidl Monme Co . Eranwille, In.) . Human Seed Co . Lonlnllie, K( . Van Z.ii-dl Supply Co . Hunlinsti n, W Vu Louisiana: tthjilrn Tnro Co . N«t Orleans: Kusllne Sates am! Mertlct I'o Shreleport Maine Pidllin K Vena. Sottth I'ortlatid Maryland: Kallimrre Toro Co. Hail : Natl Canitiij Tora. Slltrr Spilny Massachusetts: Sprliigfirld Tnro Co.. Afawarc; Tlir flip per Co . Bert Srutnn Mictiiuan: i: [, Hyrrwn Co Hllwauker, wis.; c E Aitdrrsnti fo . Royal Oak: Spartan Ulsiff . Spana. Kinnetcta: Minnesota Toro Ine . MpII Misussippi: flwelaw. Int.. Mrmphls. Tenn.: WrGowin I.yum tld««. Co. Mobile, Ah ; Wlialeti Two Co.. Set Ortaana, l.a Missouri: Mrlsel fllsl CO . fit IflUi': Turf Kit 111 |l Co Kansas City S: Harry Coo per Supply, SprlnjtflrlH Montana: Montana Tore Salrs Co Hillings; Minimis, Kallt|>ell: Sail Lake llil«t Co. Hall Ukt CUT. Cloti hlbrnlj Z VV Crodlr. Onii.lui ficada: Salt Lake Hdne Co , Salt Ukr city. Ctali: Calif Toro Co., Kan franelaeo. fai litw Haamthirt: Tlie Cla;ipcr Co . Weil Nerton Ma.n New Jtri(»: Toco Gquipt. Co . White Plains. N. V : I'lilla Torn Co.. Phlla., Pa Km Hnico: The Uyrrs Co , Kr..«-f!l Cnkradu Torn Co . Denver. Colo.: Halt L.nlie llihre Co . Sill Ukr flly. t'lati NTVR York: KB I on Eqitipt Co.. Itmriliiire: ItuttMn Tori) Haifa Co , Ijlbam: Clan K. Lennon k Sons, Lilirrtj: Hairisllrli Toro Sales Cntii, liorliKtet: Jamrn II Lyiifh. Southampton; IMF It Trad or F.uultit Corp., Sjrartisfl: Toro F.ijiiiid Co . Inr , While Plains Ncrlh Carolina: E J Smltti & Sons Co . Cjurlolte North Dakota: Minn. Tom Inr . Jlnlii Minn. Ohio: llblo Tore Co., Cinrlind: M'oodln Sales Co Colmnbm: ii t. shone Co., Dayton; H. K Cobee Co . Montctmery: Bochl Kut'ldj Co., Tol«t'.; Van Zandt Sut>jdy Co.. Huniiiwion, W Va Oklahoma: n..ij Dunnintt Jnnea. Inr . Tulsa Orejon: Western Coif Coorse Supply Co.. Portland: Salt Ukr Hihte Co . Sill tjike City Flah Pennsylvania: Raton Eqalpt, Co . tlomburn. N T.: Choi E Lennon Jr Son, Liberty. S. V : Philadelphia Tnro Co . I'hlla ; Penn Toto. Inc.. Plllsl.nreh: Haierrtlrii Toio Sale* S Smlee. Huclirsier, K. T Rhode island: liny Toro l>lnra.. inr,. Proildenee South Carolina: E. J Smith k Sops. Cbarlotir, N C. 5outh Dakota: Z W Credle, Onalis. Neh : Wyemini Toro IK Sheridan, ftyo . Minn Torn. Inc., Wfils.. Xlinn Tennessee: Williams Tqulpt Cn Chtttawmaa; Term. Tint A Tom. KnntiiHe; ChocUa, Inr Memphis; Klleore MrHre Co . ttttmlMhim. Ala Tevas: Col dt ilea It« Tens Tnro Co . Il.illit. Tin M;n» Co El P»no; (lolftlnraltos Trms Torn Co , Fort Worth: Cnldihiraltes Trtaa Toro Co.. Itmision; Oustlnr Salos and Senlre Shreiepert, La Utah: Soli Lake Hd»« Cn Salt Lake City Vermont: S|"li^tflrld Tom Co , Apnnn, Mats Virginia: Sydnor Pump A Well Co . Hltlimniid: .Vat'l CJiptlol Tmo Co . Slher Sprln*, Md Washington Wriirrn Golf Cnurtr Supply Co . p.Tllind. Ore . Innlnti Turf & Toro, Se.sttlr: Wasblnirtno Turf k Toro, Spok'am Wtst Virginia: Prnn Toro Inc . Hitstiurib, P.i : Nai l Capitol T'lin. Sitter Spring. Md.; Sydnor Pump 4 Wid! fo , Mlrhmonit; Van Kindt Supply t'o. Honllnftnn, H t. Wisconsin: Ttl Stale Toro Co Dairtiport, lima; l( 1. Ityer.inn Co Milwaukee; Mlnnenoli Toro Inr itph , Minn Wtoming: i nlorado Toro Cn Deiorr. fnlo ; s.ill Lake Ild«f Cp . Sal! Lake Cllr. Ctati; Wyomlnit Torn Co . Shrrldan CANADA—Alherla:

Iturtrn Hide k Plumbing Supplies, Ltd.. Calgary British Columbia: Wlllard E<|ulpt Cn . Vanrouver Manitoba: Contoildatrd Industrial, Ltd Winnipeg Nod Scotia: tliitifns Seed Co Hallfnv Ontario: F Manley k Sons. Md , Tomnlo Quebec Sgrl Terh, Inc.. Iinugueil

National Amputee (•<>]! Assn. to hold !ith signs as kahkua CC, Erie. Pa, JIIO to make (hampionship at Heather Downs, I'oledo, O., tournament tout with his brother. Jay. Awg. 17-18 . . , 1937 matches, to J. Oliver Johnson, founder of Chicago seed lie playeil when I S. lournamenl schedule iv company whirh bore his name and a pioneer in umililiatls and f wit hail takes sport section in golf equipment and supply business in space, will take American pros to a course the Midwest, died in late November at his (hat hasn't seen any cil our pro visitors . , . borne iu Dak Park. 111. . . He founded ihe It's I.indrick CC, near Worksop. 15 miles company more than 5tl sears ago and sup- sou then st of Sheffield in north central plied seed and equipment that 'lanes! roam hind . . The course record is 63 held t>\ mi si western courses . . In 19341 he was pres. | A. Jacobs . . , I»u W'arobick is new pro of Medinah CC . . . His widow and a daugh- al Manitowoc, Wis., IIranch Riser CC after ter. Mts. Shirley Former, survive. prepping as assistant at Brynwood in Milwau- wilbert M, Allen, pres. ol Belmont Hills kee for last four scars . . . fllind golfers lost CC, Wheeling, W. I'a., lot 22 years, rrsigns io a great friend iu Boris I'. Sleinberg. 37. who devote more lime in hit business enterprises died in Hollywood. Fla . in November follow. . . , His suciessor is Lewi* Martin, one of the inR a heart attack . . . After losing bis sight area's lop goiter* . . . Riverview CC construc- iu 1954. Mr. Sieinberg continued to play and tion in Wichita, Ks., to get underway Feb. 1 encouraged other blind persons in do like- . , , Plans tall lor building Itt-holr course, wise . . . For his efforts in this lcspect, he swimming pool and clubhouse al cosl of $2M),- was cited by Illinois PGA. OtHI . . , Indies Auxiliary of PGA Seniors Carl H. Anderson. Miami, Fla. arrhitcrt, vlarliug iu ItHh year this mouth. designed and is supervising coustniclion of National Amputee Golf Awn's (older on IS-holc course for Venezuelan government in handtcap|>esl golfers, designed to encourage Maracav, fin mites Irom Caracas . . . f ourse non-playing amputees, is enrcllcni motivator lo measure 7,mm vards from ires ...... It shows mote than a sloven a ratles s or leg t'CA members are lifting iheir eyebrows tip less players in action with descriptions of how •>ri heing told lii.ti selling of FCA-hrand golf they compensate lo overcome iheit ha mil tap* Koods isn't PGA pro—onls , . , A legal leth- I wo of the amputees arc pros . Mike uicalitv is involved . . . Lionel Heliert re- Krak. one of tbe headline™ of ihe tournameui circuit, has been named pro at l-akeview CC. 1957 as a 9-hole course wiih part of the old Worgantown, W. Va. , . . Reuben (Scotty) layout being converted to homcsiics . . , New Scott, for many years supt. of Detroit Muni- pro is Chuck Monitor!, formerly a Forest Hill cipal and charter member of Michigan and Range instructor . . . Fresh Meadows CC in Border Cities supts' organisation, died in Oc- Great Neck has bought iwo Baysidc greens tober. and possibly Iwo more will be transplanted Construction of Santa Barbara, years, and CC. Irwin, Pa. , . New Jersey State Police hold Mike Omelianoff, Detroit CC, who is going lo first annual golf tournameni at Lalcwood CC take it easy after 54 years , , . Victor Swan- . . . Trooper John Hamiska grabbed the lain son has been named successor to Goodrich. els with an H2 . . Fraser M. Horn, general , who reached the pinnacle iti counsel of USGA since 1050, died in South 1941 when he won the 0[tett and Masters', ampton, N. Y„ in November at age of ,55 is the latest addition to PGA's Hall of Fame He had been renominated for 1957 . . . His successor is William W. Forshay. New York . , . Writers antl PGA officials gave htm ft? attorney, who is cxpectcd to be eleclcd for full votes, ranking him ahead of . term when USGA meets ibis month, Sr. ffi8), Denny Shute (53), (ohnny farrell (47), Fred McLcod (32) and (31). Wilson Sporting Goods Co. is now moving Douglas Burnett, formerly supt. at Chicago's lis warehouse slocks to a big new fartots North Shore CC, died in Clearwater, Fla., building west of Chicago. Manufacturing opera- in Novemlx-r following a heart attack . , . tions will be runnitig in the new plant not Bergen (N.J.) Comity Board of Freeholders later (ban May 1 Wilson sold its old building votes lo build a course on county properiv on N. Campbell ave„ Chicago, to the J. A in RockIcigh, appropriating $11,000 to grade Dubow Sporting Goods Manufacturing Co the land , . . Green Valley CC, Portsmouth, Teat her* is financing the British counter Mass., to open 9-holes .Mav 1 with a second pari ol the PGA of America Seniors rhampion- nine eventually to he added . . . Mercer ship which the distilling company has financed County (N. J.) constructing public course for several years . . . The British event will be on site of former airport. played al Fulwcll, near London, in April . . . Hcnrv Cotton will be 50 in January and wili (Continued on page 82) Vol. 31—Number 1 • January, 1957

CONTENTS The Iwiincif lovrnol ol Coll

.Sicirtxing Around Golf Herb <«mffi> 3

Moffitt, Sargent, Mund Reeled*J by PGA Herb Graffiti 21 Supt*. Strire for Playability, Eye Appeal 21

Feminine Touch — It Sella Sportswear Kosemuud Mnrco SCI PGA Pros Slutly How to Increase Profits 36 Program Set for GCSA I.nuisrille Show 40

Penn State Fieht Day H. B. Monger 41

Weed Problem Attacked by Californians Verne Wiekhnm 4-1

Wide Range Covered at Florida Meet Kalph W. While, Jr. 46 Midwest Supts. Discuss Their Value to Clubs 48

1956 Turf Roundup Fred V. Grau & O. J. Noer 52 Municipal Gourses Becoming More Important 54 Golfs rSeu> Rooks 56 Tournament Dales SI l\ews from the Manufacturers 70

distinction by being ai Blue Hills for I95ii Swinging Around Golf I'GA antl al May fat I Inn course, Sanlord, Fla., (Continued from page 62) foi a big winter circuit event. 's first school of a chain that is be eligible to compete ill lhe British Senior hoped to total 21M1 goll schools and be lo goll pros* tournament. what (lie Murray and As lair schools are to Start Clark, vp antl credit mgr., MacGregor dancing, opened itcc. Ifi at Dallas . . . Charles Co., convalescing after a spell in St. Francis Kite, care of laldic Bush, 330 F„ l.akewood hospital, Cincinnati, following a heart attack ltd., West Palm Beach, Fla.. is hooking Joe . . . Clark, a good pal and counsellor of many kirk wood's exhibitions . , , He's got a jot of pros, was the object of many good wishes ex 11.lies set in Ihe south , . , There's an interest, pressed when news of his attack got around ing tie.up between thr loial pro and his ladies' at the PGA annual meeting. goll committee in putting on a 9-hole match Kalph k. Filling from Haverhill (Mass.) CC preceding nick shot exhibition bv joe, plus to lie gen. mgr. and pro al Uavloua Beach local sale of program advertising with the net (Fla.) G&CC »n year-around basis . . . Mrs. split between pro and ladies' committees. Filling wiih him on Daytotia job . . . Kalph, Bruno Minklcy, 67. long and widely known one-armed pro, has excellent record as teacher as a golf salesman and amateur player, ilieil ... He and Mrs. I bling are tine golf business recently at Miami Beach, Fla. . . . lie had been team . . . Touching poi-m that Dorothy P. An- retired from golf business for several ycais derson, one of "Pop" llarbcn's players at Sar- and had been in poor health . , . Ai one lime asota, Fla., Par-3 course, wrole in tribute to he was a pro wrestler , . , Bruno was a merry Italic Zaharias . , . Pat Doyle, Bar Harbor, Me., fellow with thousands of fiieuds in golf . widely-known pro, in good condition again His brother, Arnold, is prominent iu golf after hospitalization following heart attack. busi ness. Rill F.ntwhistlc, pro for many years ai Ilelvc- Big Bertie Way, a mighty 6 ft, 3 in. of vrl- dere CC, Syracuse, N. Y„ taking it easy at bis era» pro, managed lo gel into the spiny winter home at Dunedin , , . Hill is another displayed in Ft, Harrison hotel Inbhy one of the fellows who recently had some during PGA meeting . . . Bertie lit the car heart trouble . , . Seldom Is a fellow ihe pro tighter than thr paint on it . . . Car is to be at two clubs that have big tournaments in (he given as a pro prize at Ihe National Goll same year , . . But Porky Oliver has that Show in New York City, March 22-30.