129TH YEAR, No.39 OJAIVALLEYNEWS.COM FRIDAY, JULY 17, 2020 Mass meditation held to summon ET to Ojai Perry Van Houten “I really landed in the perfect place,” he
[email protected] told the Ojai Valley News. Can extraterrestrials be contacted Sims saw his first ET in 2012 at a re- through global, synchronized medita- treat in Borrego Springs, as he was learn- tion? ing the contact meditation protocol. Organizers of a 10-day virtual mass He was skeptical, at first. “I had never experiment, the grand finale originating meditated in my life before this,” Sims from Ojai, say they can — and were — said. “It was on the fifth evening that a during a unique astrological alignment ship appeared above our group. I saw it this week. materialize out of thin air and it was in- The Harmonic Convergence 2020 is credible, and I knew that this was not a the brainchild of tech engineer, entre- military craft, like many people believe.” preneur and author Mark Sims of Ojai, The purpose of this week’s experi- the creator of a meditation protocol to ment was “to help usher in a new era of facilitate mass contact with ETs, organiz- world peace and to make contact with ers said. Photo courtesy THC2020 our star family,” according to organizer Sims was attracted to Ojai from Mich- Unify, a nonprofit that specializes in igan three years ago, drawn by the moun- Mark Sims of Ojai, the creator of a meditation protocol used to contact extraterrestrials, tains, Ojai’s spirituality and its people. leads participants in a Harmonic Convergence mass meditation in Ojai.