Clark-Fultonclark Elem Meeting Hall ! R CLARK AV !

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Clark-Fultonclark Elem Meeting Hall ! R CLARK AV ! å å Walton Elem Ceska Sin Sokol D West 25th/Clark Retail District Clark-FultonClark Elem Meeting Hall ! R CLARK AV ! å FIRE COMPANY 24 N Æc O ²µ T Community Assets - 2006 L U F å Buhrer Elem Legend Merrick House ! D R Cleveland Municipal Schools å St Rocco Elem N kj O kj Other Schools Lincoln-West High T N å A Miscellaneous R C S EMS ²µ Fire Luther Memorial Elem ! # Health kj Meyer Pool Metro Lofts qÆ Hospital ! Parks (see below) _ Police Steelyard Commons ! Service Shopping Center ! Utilities Æc Library EMS (2005) METROHEALTH MEDICAL CENTER Parks qÆ EMS (2005) Historic District 2ND DISTRICT POLICE HQ ENGLINDALE _ Jones Children Home ! ! Milford Place Æc D Riverside Cemetery EN I ! SO N AV y a w Brooklyn Centre Historic District y B y Æc a w l a Brookside Park T n S a ! H Y C T K 5 E P 2 Aerial: Airphoto USA 2005 & N W O O T L U F T S Clark-Fulton V D N A R I RA Connecting Cleveland3 L O2020 Citywide Plan - Retail District Strategies 7 Cudell W Detroit-Shoreway Ohio City CLARK AV Clark-Fulton T S - Focus redevelopment efforts on West 25th/ H T Clark intersection 5 T 6 - Redevelop vacant & underutilized buildings S and properties D W R - Develop streetscape enhancement plan for 3 7 portions of Clark Ave and West 25th St Tremont - Consolidate Latino-oriented businesses on W West Boulevard West 25th St into regional retail destination D R N D O R T T N S N O A Clark-Fulton H T R L T C U 5 F 2 S Stockyards W - Establish consolidated retail district centered around K-Mart Plaza along West 65th St between West 67th Pl and West 65th St - Establish Cleveland Landmarks District on Clark Ave, between West 48th St and West 53rd St - Establish design guidelines and BRD for portions of West 65th St, Storer Ave and Denison Ave - Create identity/directional signage at major neighborhood Steelyard Commons gateways - Create infill development strategy for Clark and Denison Aves - New regional shopping center Stockyards R I D G E R D South Broadway Brooklyn-Centre Brooklyn Centre - Consolidate utility poles to create less cluttered streetscape - Target underutilized properties for mixed-use development Masonic Temple and YMCA Building. Y DENISON AV K - Improve deteriorated housing conditions on P adjacent side streets. N O T L U F Old Brooklyn Clark-Fulton Connecting Cleveland 2020 Citywide Plan - Development Opportunities 2.A.6 Canalway Ohio National Scenic Byway - auto & bicycle-oriented route that highlights Ohio & Erie Canal National Heritage Corridor 2.A.7 Hispanic Village - development of Hispanic-themed arts, cultural and retail district 2.H.20 St. Rocco Area - multi-family residential & mixed-use: live-work 2.H.21 Fulton Road & Roehl Avenue - townhouse residential 2.H.22 West 25th Street-Metro Area - retail & mixed-use: residential + retail/office primarily on infill sites 2.R.6 West 25th Street-Clark Avenue - redevelopment of vacant & underutilized grocery store and surface parking lot properties 3 0 h h tt le t ow t 2.P.8 H 3 t d h in Kidder 4 8 3 t h n Hope 2.H.23 a 0 7 h r h t 1 t s t T t 5 2 t h 2.S.2 1 h h 7 1 8 d 3 t h 2.H.19 1 r h 4 t 5 4 2.R.6 h irlo 4 M t t 2.H.23 3 Clark 2 Development Opportunities 2.A.7 1 6 7 5 1 h 1 t n 6 ay v 1 s 3 o No Noye h t h t l 7 1 t Seldon Buckeye 4 nimac Fanta Milford u t 8 Wi Kinkel h 3 d h ley F Row Seine 5 t r Rowley h t Cesko Rowley h Emily 8 t Cyril 3 Economic Development Opportunities t Merrill s Prame 3 3 0 0 1 Blatt h h Schneider 3 4 t t 4 Paris me h Pra d 3 7 t Hall Zoar 4 e t n k 6 h 6 4 8 rer t Buh s c 2 t h 6 o h 6 t 1 h t h Buhrer 6 t t h nt Housing Opportunities: New Construction t Tre S 2 hrer 7 u 9 B h t t 0 6 t Camden Tren s Althen 6 h Camden 8 2.H.20 7 4 0 t 1 Frontier h 4 t 7 Kouba 4 Kouba 0 d 6 Kouba 5 r 5 Oakley en 3 Holmd 6 Housing Opportunities: Infill/Rehab ewark h N t d t n Brinsmade Pilsen h Holmde r 7 t d s n 3 rto Mehling No 1 4 n 1 Newark 7 5 2 Xenia 5 olmden t H t 3 s s Roehl 1 1 Retail Opportunities d Hyde d r h t 2 t Dearborn 4 Brainard t n 3 s Hyde s t 0 h Field 2 Montana 4 1 s 1 2.E.9 t Hyde 2.H.21 5 d d h r 5 yde eye 6 H M 1 3 t 5 de r Hy Calvin n 2 5 Arkansas 9 3 2 d 3 4 Recr7 eation Opportunities Robert Wentworth Otto Otto n Corning t 2 h h t t s 2 h h t t s 6 5 1 Alvurnu Robert d Juneau 7 3 t 8 3 r 4 h Niessen h s t 4 1 2.H.25 t 3 d 1 r 5 le rly 2 School Opportunties Carlyle s Ca 4 r 2 Clove 3 Neville 6 e 3 2.P.9 d 2.R.7 Koch 4 d Gilbert r h o t 3 us Berne Rem h Biddle Catharina Carlyle t 8 5 d S s r a 2.E.8 h R cket 1 2.H.24 t t 1 3 h Arts Opportunities 4 ett Sack t 2 3 Valentine h 4 t 5 h Pacific ckett 5 t Sa h 2 4 it 9 Pretoria Lucius Zen 5 h t h t Storer 9 4 3 Storer 3 d Sabinas Reich n 2 rowbridge 4 T h Trowbridge 2.E.11 t 9 4 h Atticus t h Menning t 5 R 3 7 d i Woodbridge d 6 n 2.H.23 2.R.5 d n 2.E.6 d g 2 r n Gennett o h t e h 3 t 3 2 dbridge t Woo iken n A 6 6 h 9 0 t Stardale a 6 Ma 6 rvi n r E 4 h ich o Marvin c 2.E.10 t r 4 h n t arvin M S 9 5 8 h ale h d t Eglin 5 Tyler t 6 9 h 5 J t 2 e 7 n 6 Daisy th Titus n 6 D in 6 G h g e e t h d n t eo s is n 5 Library o 0 w d 4 r n t ie 5 3 s V h B C h Bush d a t a 6 r 1 t rb n los Library 9 e 5 7 rt 2 2.A.6 h o t 3 n 6 s t 4 h 0 1 t 6 5 Arnold 0 C h a t h rl 6 t os 4 9 Ho Poe Poe 4 dg 4 son h t 8 5 Smith 2.E.11 L eadi Kerns ng C h on t River c 8 side h o 4 t D rd Riverside 6 o b h d 5 t h e n t c h 7 t k 2 m 5 4 9 3 u 3 n 3 s Mapledale r Mapledale a e h t t R S s h wdale e 7 Willo t Chestnutdale d h 1 t m 3 6 d t 4 s a h d 3 n 7 Virginia n Delmar t r ack 1 M 3 2 8 h h 2 3 t 4 S t ke 1 3 e h 4 l 5 Mount Vernon stdale t Fore h 1 1 t h 3 7t h t 4 4 D 1 6 2 en Archwood 1 m 2 ark 4 n 2.A.8 d d h h d r h n t t t 3 2 4 9 Peoria Peoria 4 3 3 3 4 3 2.H.26 2.H.27 Cantor Sly d r in 3 4 Walton ra Walt T t on t h h t Clark-Fulton s h t h h r Kidder s t t h t d 0 Howlett 1 h t o 1 t 7 7 h 6 n h 5 w 4 t 8 5 l t 0 Agne 4 s 4 a 4 2 3 3 h 8 3 t 3 W d 1 4 r Connecting Cleveland 2020 Citywide Plan Land Use 9 3 1 5 h t Clark 6 1 h t 8 Winimac Fan ta h 5 Novay h Milford Seldon t t 3 4 1 1 Buckeye h Merrill 3 t h 7 t 8 Stock t Cyril Kinkel t 4 h Cesko h 1 t s 1 h h 0 t 1 t Rowley 4 4 Zoar 4 Rowley 0 Prame d 4 B 3 latt n Paris 2 h Prame 6 t 6 h h t t Frontier 3 t Trent Trent 6 46th 6 s Buhrer Kouba 2 5 1 Kouba Kouba d u r B hrer 5 Althen Buhrer St Roccos 3 h t Oakley 3 Existing Land Use - Year 2000 8 Pilsen 4 Newark Mehling VACANT LAND Xenia en h d Newark Norton Holmden t lm 7 o t d SINGLE FAMILY 1 H t s n s 1 l Roeh 2 h Holmden t 1 t 4 Hyde Montana 3 s h 6 Field h 8 t t TWO FAMILY t Hyde 1 3 s 5 0 t 2 d h 1 5 t r s 5 h Arkansas d Brainard t 6 4 Hyde r Hyde 3 1 3 t 7 TOWNHOUSE 3 6 3 s 3 Meyer 4 n Otto Otto o 1 d t Calvin 2 r Robert l MIXED USE: LIVE-WORK 3 u 5 F h t h d h 7 t d Corning h 6t n r Ro r Alvurnus be t t 4 MULTI FAMILY Niessen 3 5 2 3 9 3 2 4 t h 3 t d h s r u t J neau 8 d Carlyle t 1 r 3 4 O F F I CE Koch h Carlyle Gilbert s 1 t 4 s 3 2 3 1 4 e 4 d 2 4 Clover RETAIL Catharina Carlyle Remus o h Berne h R t h t d 4 r Biddle t 8 h S h a RETAIL (w/ upper floor uses) 4 c 3 k t Pacific Sackett e tt 1 s t 3 9 1 5 Sackett h 5 2 4 t Valentine COMMERCIAL SERVICES Pretoria 9 Lucius 3 Zenith d h r t h t 3 LIGHT INDUSTRY 9 Storer h 5 4 t d Storer d 3 2 4 r n 3 3 2 6 HEAVY INDUSTRY 4 Reich Sabinas h h t INSTITUTIONAL t 9 9 Trowbridge Trowbridge d 3 4 n h 2 t 6 RECREATION/OPEN SPACE/LANDSCAPE4 h 5 t Menning Atticus 0 TRANSPORTATION / PUBLIC UTILITIES 5 Woodbridge Gennett d h n t COMMERCIAL PARKING 2 0 d n 3 6 h n Woodbridge t Stardale o h 2 t 9 t 5 n n CLARK-FULTON5 BOUNDARY E Aike 8 ic hor a 5 h n M Ma v Marvin r t arvin r in c 6 S WA TER 5 Tyler h l t Eglinda e 9 h h t 2 t 5 5 4 3 Daisy Ge J h de e t on n 0 Titus n 5 t in s Library Ca g rl 1 os h s 5 t Bush w h h 7 e t t i 4 V h 0 t 9 Library 5 0 3 6 Ca rlos Arnold h h t t H 4 o Po 9 dg e 4 s 4 on Poe L Smith D Ker ead h e ns in t n g 8 is C 5 o o n nc h ord t 8 Riv h ersi t 4 de 6 5 h t Riverside 7 d 4 h h t t n 5 9 2 3 3 3 Dobe Map Mapledale ckmun ledale t t s s 1 d h h 1 t t 3 n h Chestnutdale 4 7 t 6 Willowdale 2 3 3 7 4 Virginia d 3 Mack t r Delmar S s 3 k h h A e 1 t e t h 7 rch l 3 t 4 w 2 oo Mount Vernon 8 h d 5 D t 1 e 1 nma 6 Forestdale rk 4 2 2 n d Cantor Sly d r in 3 4 Walton ra Walt T t on t h h t Clark-Fulton s h t h h r Kidder s t t h t d 0 Howlett 1 h t o 1 t 7 7 h 6 n h 5 w 4 t 8 5 l t 0 Agne 4 s 4 a 4 2 3 3 h 8 3 t 3 W d 1 4 r Connecting Cleveland 2020 Citywide Plan Land Use 9 3 1 5 h t Clark 6 1 h t 8 Winimac Fan ta h 5 Novay h Milford Seldon t t 3 4 1 1 Buckeye h Merrill 3 t h 7 t 8 Stock t Cyril Kinkel t 4 h Cesko h 1 t s 1 h 0 1 t h Rowley 4 Zo 4 ar t Rowley 0 Prame d 4 B 3 latt n 4 Paris 2 h Prame 6 t 6 h h t t Frontier 3 t Trent Trent 6 46th 6 s Buhrer Kouba 2 5 1 Kouba Kouba d u r B hrer 5 Althen Buhrer St Roccos 3 h t Oakley 3 8 Pilsen 4 Newark Proposed Land Use - Year 2020 Mehling Xenia en h d Newark Norton Holmden t lm 7 o t d SINGLE / TWO FAMILY 1 H t s n s 1 l Roeh 2 h Holmden t 1 t 4 Hyde Montana 3 s h 6 Field h 8 t t MIXED USE: DOWNTOWN t Hyde 1 3 s 5 0 t 2 d 1 5 r s 5 h Arkansas d Brainard t Hy 4 Hyde de r Hyde 3 1 t 7 TOWNHOUSE 3 6 3 s 3 Meyer 4 n Otto Otto o 1 d t Calvin 2 r Robert l MULTI FAMILY 3 u 5 F h t h d h 7 t d Corning h 6t n r Ro r Alvurnus be t t 4 MIXED USE: RESIDENTIAL + RETAIL/OFFICE Niessen 3 5 2 3 9 3 2 4 t h 3 t d h s r u t J neau 8 d Carlyle t 1 r 3 4 MIXED USE: LIVE-WORK Koch h Carlyle Gilbert s 1 t 4 s 3 2 3 1 4 e 4 d 2 4 Clover O F F I CE Catharina Remus o d h Berne n h R t h 2 t d 4 r Bid 4 dle t 8 h Sa RETAIL 4 c 3 k t Pacific Sackett e tt 1 s 3 9 Sackett 1 h 5 2 t Valentine COMMERCIAL SERVICES Pretoria 9 Lucius
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