08/31/01 11:17 FAX 212 963 8845 DEPUTY SECRETARY GENERAL looi


To : Lamin Sise with the Secretary-General, Durban

From: MartaMauras1'

Fax: 871-6000-59086

Date: 31 August 2001

Pages: 34


Attached please find a note to the Secretary-General on his programme for the Special Session on Children\for his attention. -L.^.,aa

Regards. 08/31/01 11:18 FAX 212 963 8845 DEPUTY SECRETARY GENERAL i]002 e-


Special Session on Children

Enclosed you will find a third yersion.QfiyoutBr.Qaramtjae,Jfor the Special Session on Children, The programme reflects your decisions till now.

MTCT Pluii Dinner on 18 September at your residence

We have now agreed with Gordon Conwav to keep the guest list: under strict control. Enclosed is an updated list. You will note that President Clinton is mcludepl (a letter was sent to him by the Rockefeller Foundation following your conversation with Holbrooke). Also, Mrs. Kagame was invited (without consultation with the DSG) and has now accepted. We are trying to keep the total number at around 37/38 persons in case . there are last minute additions (for a maxium of 40 guests). President Museveni and President O'basanjo have not confirmed and we have agreed with the Rockefeller Foundation not to pursue the matter.

Welcoming; Reception on 19 September

It is proposed that you include UNICEF Goodwill Ambassadors, iiLthe welcoming reception on Wednesday, 19 September from 7:45 to 8:45 a.m. List is enclosed for your approval. Please note it would be your and Mrs, Annan's invitation together with the President of the General Assembly and Mrs. Han So-ja.

The pre-opening ceremony suggested by UNICEF has not been approved, following your conversation with the DSG.

Meeting of the Security Council on Children and Armed Conflict on 19 September

The meeting of the Security Council on Children and Armed Conflict has been. confirrnedjbr 19 September from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. President Chirac. .will .open the meeting, followed by your remarks. A more detailed scenario is being worked out, g^ your approval.

Luncheon an 20 September

Harry Belafonte haj. agreed to be your Master of Ceremonies at the luncheon. You may want to thank Harry while in Durban. Please also note we have sent your letters of invitation to President Mandela and Bill Gates, your two keynote speakers. (Copies attached). You may want to mention this to Mandela while in .

As ypu requested, we will include along with the more senior UNICEF Goodwill Ambassadors (Harry BelafonteT Roger Moore and Peter Ustinov) some of ycmr __ Messengers, of Peace. We are exploring the availability of Eli Wiesel, Michael Douglas. and Vijay Amritraj. We understand Muhammad Alt is not available, 08/31/01 11:19 FAX 212 963 8845 DEPUTY SECRETARY GENERAL i)003

As suggested by Bill Gates, the DSG has agreed to invite Mr, Bill Gates Sr. and Ms .Patty Sj onesifer.

A list of invitees is attached for your apnroval.

Gala Concert oil 20 September

You have approved your participation at the Gala Concert on 20 September. Please note that the time has changed. Originally it was scheduled from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. It has now been programmed from 7:15 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. This is to accommodate speakers (including yourself, President Kim, former President Mandela and Bill Gates, Jr.) as well as the announcement of the final count in the "Say Yes" Campaign. A detailed scenario is being finalized.

We recommend that you and Mrs. Annan attend the entire event. However you may wish to arrive no later than 8:15 p.m and leave at 8:45 p.m. If this is the case, the Master of Ceremonies will acknowledge you and Mrs. Annan as you arrive and take your seat. Please let us know your preference.

You may also wish to attend a reception hosted byJBill Gates immediately after the event in the Delegates' Dining Room.

Marta Mauras 30 August 2001

cc: Mr. Eckhard Ms. Sorensen Mr. Stoby Ms. Lindenmayer Mr. Mortimer Mr. Tharoor Mr. Novichenko Ms. Ziai Ms. Fanzo (Mrs. Annan) Ms. Assebe Ms, Janowska 08/31/01 11:20 FAX 212 963 8845 TARY GENERAL i]004

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1 •S IS •«o« s -S g £! S 1 ! 08/31/01 11:25 FAX 212 963 8845 DEPUTY SECRETARY GENERAL i]009


HOSTS: Yes (2) The Secretary-General and Mrs. Nane Annan

GUESTS: Presidents of Foundations:

Yes Mr. Drew Altaian, President, Kaiser Foundation

Yes Mr. Gordon Conway, President, The Rockefeller Foundations

Yes Ms. Florence Davis, President, Starr Foundation

Yes Mr. Jonathan Fanton, President, MacArthur Foundation

Yes Mr. Vartan Gregorian, President, Carnegie Foundation

Yes Mr, Richard Schlosberg, President <& CEO, Packard Foundation

Yes Mr. Steve Schroeder, President, Robert Wood Johnson

Yes Ms. Joan Spero, President, Doris Duke F.

Yes Mr. Luc Tayart de Borms, President, Chairman, European Foundations Center

Yes Mr. Tim Wirth, President, United Nations Foundation

And H.E, Mr. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, President of Uganda

* Yes for drinks H.E. Mr. Nelson Mandela, Former President of South Africa * Yes for drinks Ms. Graca Machel

H.E. Mr. William J. Clinton, Chair of the International AIDS Trust Advisory Board

Yes Mrs. Jeannette Kagame, First Lady of Rwanda, heading the First Ladies of Africa initiative to fight HIV/AIDS

Yes Ms. Kate Carr, CEO, Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS F. 08/31/01 11:25 FAX 212 963 8845 DEPUTY SECRETARY GENERAL 1010

Yes Dr. Nils Daulaire, President, Global Health Council

Mr. Michael Dexter, Director, Wellcome Trust

Mr. Lawrence Ellison, Founder, Ellison Medical Foundation

Yes Dr. Tim Evans, Director of Health Equity, The Rockefeller Foundation

Yes Dr. Bill Foege, Senior Adviser, Global Health, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Yes Mr. Paul Glaser, Chair, Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS F,

Yes Mr. Richard Holbrooke, Global Business Council on HIV/AIDS

Mr. Joshua Lederberg, Chair, Ellison Foundation

Yes Ms. Kati Marton

Mr. Gordon Moore, Co-founder, Moore Foundation

Yes Mr. Gordon Perkin, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Ms, Mamphela Ramphele, Managing Director, World Bank

Ms. Rebecca Rimmel, President, Pew Charitable Trusts

Yes Dr. Allan Rosenfield, Columbia University, School of Public Health

Ms, Patty Stonesifer, Co-Chair & President, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Yes Mr. Ted Turner, Founder, UN Foundation

UN and related agencies: Yes Ms. Louise Frechette, Deputy Secretary-General Yes Ms. Carol Bellamy, Executive Director, UNICEF Yes Mr. Mark Malloch Brown, Administrator, UNDP Yes Mr, Peter Piot, Executive Director, UNAIDS Yes Mr. Amir Dossal, Executive Director, UNFIP Yes Mr. Stephen Lewis, SG's Special Envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa Yes Ms. Marta MauraH, Director, Office of the DSG 08/31/01 11:26 FAX 212 963 8845 DEPUTY SECRETARY GENERAL iiOll ?• \\IZH

TOTAL: 30 Yes, 2 Yes for drinks


Mr. Maurice Greenberg, Chair, American International Group, Starr Foundation

* Mr. Mandeia and Ms. Machel will attend the NYU dinner (the SG will drop by) and arrive at the Residence at approximately 8:15 after for drinks

Regrets: Ms. Thoraya. Obaid, Executive Director, UNFPA - will be on mission H.E. Mr. Colin Powell, Secretary of State, US Ms. Susan Berresford, Ford Foundation Mr. Bill Gales, Jr., Co-founder, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Mr. Paul Brest, President, Hewlett Foundation Mr. James Wolfensohn, President, World Bank Mr. Rien vao Gendt, van Leer Foundation H.E. Mr, Thabo Mbeki, President of South Africa - will arrive that night Mr. Lewis Colenian, President, Moore Foundation H.E. Mr. Olusegun Obasanjo, President of Nigeria 08/31/01 11:27 FAX 212 963 8845 DEPUTY SECRETARY GENERAL o, Protocol and Liaison 30 August 2001

Guest list for the welcoming ceremony hosted by the in honour of the Heads of State and Government attending the twenty-seventh special session of the General Assembly on Children on Wednesday, 19 September 2QQ1 - 7:45 to 8t45 am - North LoungeA

The Secretary-General and Mrs. Nane Annan

President of the GA: H.E. Mr. Han Seung-soo and Mrs, Han So-ja (Republic of Korea)

Deputy Secretary-General: Ms. Louise Frechette

Heads of State Albania: H.E, Mr. Rexbep Meidani and Mrs. Lidra Meidani (HS + spouse) Algeria: H.E. Mr. Abdelaziz Bouteilika (HS) Angola: H.E. Mr. Jbs6 Eduardo dos Santos and Mrs. Ana Paula dos Santos (HS and spouse) Azerbaijan: H.E. Mr. Heydar Alirza ogly Aliyev (HS) Bahrain: Her Highness Shaikha Sabika Bent Ibrahim Al-Khalifa (First Lady - Head of delegation) Benin : H.E. Mr. Mathieu Kerekou and spouse (HS) Bolivia: H.E. Mr. Jorge Quiroga Ramirez and Mrs. Ginger de Quiroga Ramirez (HS + spouse) Botswana: H.E. Mr. Festus G. Mogae and spouse (HS) Bulgaria: H.E. Mr. and spouse (MS) Burkina Faso: H.E. Mr. Blaise Compaore and spouse (HS) Burundi; H,E. Major Pierre Buyoya and spouse (HS) Cameroon: H.E. Mr. and Mrs. Chantal Biya (HS and spouse) Chile: Mrs. Luisa Duran de Lagos (First Lady - Head of delegation) Colombia: H.E. Mr. Andre's Pastrana Arango and Mrs. Nohra Puyana de Pastrana (HS and spouse) Comoros: H.E. Colonel Azali Assoumani and spouse (HS) Congo: H.E, Mr. Denis Sassou Nguesso and spouse (HS) Costa Rica: H.E. Mr. Miguel Angel Rodriguez Echeverria and Mrs. Loreaa Clare de Rodriguez, (HS+spouse) C6te d'Tvoire: H.E. Mr. Laurent Gbagbo and spouse (HS) Croatia: H.E. Mr. Stjepan Mesi<5 and Mrs. Milka Mesic (HS + spouse) DR Congo: H.E. Major General Joseph Kabila (HS) Egypt: Mrs. Suzanne Mubarak (First Lady - Head of delegation) El Salvador: H.E. Mr. Francisco Guillermo Flores Pe"rez and Mrs. Lourdes Rodriguez de Flores (HS and spouse) Eq. Guinea: H.E. Mr. Teodoro Obiang Ngueraa Mbasogo and spouse (HS) Finland: Her Excellency Ms. Tarja Halonen and Mr. Pentti Arajarvi (HS + spouse) France: H.E. Mr, Jacques Chirac (HS) Gabon: H.E. El Hadj Omar Bongo and spouse (HS) Gambia: H.E. Al Hadji Yahya A. J. J. Jammeh and Mrs. Zineb Yahya Jainmeh (HS + spouse) 08/31/01 11:28 FAX 212 963 8845 DEPUTY SECRETARY GENERAL 12)013

Heads of State [continued] 19.9.01 Georgia: H.E. Mr. Eduard A. Shevardnadze and spouse (HS) Ghana: H.E. Mr. John Agyekum Kufuor and spouse (HS) Guatemala: H.E, Mr. Alfonso PortiHo Cabrera and Mrs. Evelyn de Portillo (HS + spouse) Guinea-Bi3sa.'ii: H.E. Mr, Kumba Yala and spouse (HS) Guyana: H.E. Mr. Bharrat Jagdeo and Mrs. Varshni Jagdeo (HS and spouse) Haiti: H.E. Mr. Jeaa Bertrand Aristide and spouse (HS) Honduras: H.E. Mr. Carlos Roberto Flores FacussS and Mrs. Mary Flake de Flores (HS and spouse) Jordan: His Majesty Abdullah II Bin Al Hussein and spouse (HS) Kenya: H.E. The Hon, Daniel T. arap Moi, CGH (HS) Lebanon: H.E. Mr, Ernile Lahoud and spouse (HS) Lesotho: His Majesty King Letsie HI (HS) Maldives: H.E. Mr. Maumoon Abdul Gayoom and spouse (HS) Mali: H.E. Mr. Alpha Oumar KonarS and spouse (HS) Mexico: H.E. Mr. Vicente Fox and spouse (HS) ': H.E. Mr. Joaquini Alberto Chissano and spouse (HS) Nigeria: H.E. Mr. Otosegun Obasanjo and spouse (HS) Pakistan: H.E. General Pervez Musharraf and Mrs. Sehba Musharraf (HS + spouse) Panama: Her Excellency Mrs. Mireya Elisa Moscoso Rodriguez (HS) Poland: Mrs. Jolanta Kwasntewska (First Lady) Rep. of Korea: H.E. Mr. Kim Dae-jung and spouse (HS) (They arrive in NY on 20.9.01 in the afternoon) Romania: H.E; Mr. Ion Iliescu (HS) Rwanda: H.E. Mr. Paul Kagame and spouse (HS) Saint Lucia: Her Excellency Ms. Catliopa Pearlette Louisy (Governor-General) Senegal: H.E. Mr. Abdoulaye Wade and spouse (HS) Sierra Leone: H.E. Alhaji Ahmad Tejan Kabbah (HS) Slovenia: H.E. Mr. Milan Kufian and spouse (HS) South Africa.:: H.E. Mr. Thabo Mbeki and Mrs. Zanele Mbeki (HS and spouse) : Her Excellency The Hon. Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga (HS) Sudan: H.E. Lt. General Omer Hassan Ahmed Al-Bashir and spouse (HS) Suriname: H.E. Mr, Runaldo Ronald Venetiaan and spouse (HS) Swaziland: His Majesty King Mswati HI and spouse (HS) TFYR of Macedonia; H.E. Mr. Boris Trajkovski and spouse (HS) Uganda: H.E. Mr. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni and spouse (IIS) Ukraine: H.E. Mr. Leonid D. Kuchma and spouse (HS) 08/31/01 11:29 FAX 212 963 8845 DEPUTY SECRETARY GENERAL 1014 •fl/91-

Heads of State [continued! 19.9.01 UR of Tanzania: H.E. Mr. Benjamin William Mkapa and spouse (HS) Venezuela: Mrs. Marisabel Rodriguez de Chavez (First Lady - President is arriving 20.9.01 late evening) Zambia: H.E. Dr. Frederick J. T. Chiluba (HS) Zimbabwe: H.E. Mr. Robert G. Mugabe and spouse (HS)

Vice-Presidents Palau: Her Excellency Mrs. Sandra Sumang Pierantozzi and spouse (VP) Uruguay: Viet Nam: Her Excellency Mrs. Nguyen Thi Binh (VP)

Crown Princes Belgium; His Royal Highness Crown Prince : His Royal Highness Dasho Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck Monaco: His: Serene Highness Crown Prince Albert of Monaco

Heads of Government Andorra: H.E. Mr. Marc Forne MolnS and spouse (HG) Antigua and Barbuda: H.E. The Rt. Hon. Lester B. Bird and spouse (HG) Austria: H.E. Dr. Wolfgang Schflssel (HG) Canada: H.E. The Rt. Hon. Jean Chretien and spouse (HG) Djibouti: H.E. Mr. Barkat Gourad Hamadou and spouse (HG) Jamaica: H.E. The Rt. Hon. Percival James Patterson, PC, QC (HG) (leaving on morning of 20.9.) Liechtenstein: H.E. Mr. Otmar Hasler and Mrs. Traudi Hasler (HG and spouse) Mauritania: H.E. Mr. Cheikh El Avia Quid Mohamed Khouna (HG) Mauritius: H.E. The Rt. Hon. Sir Anerood Jugnauth, PC, K.CMG, QC (HG) Mongolia: H.E. Mr. Nambar Enkhbayar and Mrs. Tsohrton Enkhbayar HG + spouse) Nepal: H.E. The Rt. Hon. Slier Bahadur Deuba (HG) Niger: H.E. Mr. Hama Amadou (HG) Portugal: H.E. Mr. Antonio Guterres and spouse (HG) Qatar: H.E. Sheikh Abdulla bin Khalifa Al-Thani and Mrs. Al-Thani (HG and spouse) Saint Kitts+Nevis: H.E. The Hon. Dr. Denzil Douglas (HG) Samoa: H.E. The Hon. Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi and Mrs. Gillian Malielegaoi (HG and spouse) Trinidad and Tobago: H.E. The Hon. Basdeo Panday and spouse (HG) Vanuatu: H,E. The Hon. Nipake Edward Natapei and spouse (HG) 08/31/01 .11:29 FAX 212 963 8845 DEPUTY SECRETARY GENERAL i]015 p. !5/2>

Deputy Prime Ministers 19.9.01 : Her Excellency Ms. Wu Yi (Dep. PM) Lao PDR: H.E. Mr. Sornsavat Lengsavad (Dep. PM + FM) Republic of Moldova: H.E. Mr. Valerian Cristea (Dep. PM) : Her Excellency Ms. Lena Hjelm-Wallen (Dep. PM) Uzbekistan: Her Exc. Mrs. Dilbar Gulyamova (Dep. PM)

Observers Cook Islands): H.E. The Hon. Terepai Maoate and Mrs. Marito Maoate (HG and spouse)

UNICEF gm:sts Mr. Harry Bdafonte Ms. Judy Collins Ms. Mia Farrow Mr. Johann ICoss Mr. Leon Lai Mr. Roger Moore Ms. Nana Mouskouri Ms. Vanesssi Redgrave Mr. Vendela. Thommessen Mr. Peter Ustinov Mr. George Weah Mr. Sebastao Salgado Ms. Susan Sarandon Mr. YoussouN'dour

Under-Secretaries-General and Assistant Secretaries-General and spouse Mr. and Mrs. Mark Malloch Brown (Administrator of UNDP) Ms. Carol Bellamy (Executive Director of UNICEF) Mr. Chen Jinn and Mrs. Yao Wenqing (USG for GA Affairs and Conference Services) Mr. and Mrs:. Hans Corell (Legal Counsel) Mr. and Mrsi. Nitin Desai (USG for Economic and Social Affairs) Mr. and Mrs. Jayantha Dhanapala (USG for Disarmament Affairs) Mr. Ibrahim A. Gambari (USG, Adviser for Special Assignments in Africa) Mr. and Mr;;. Jean-Marie Guehenno (USG for Peacekeeping Operations) Mrs. Thoraya Ahmed Obaid and Mr. Mahmoud Saleh (Executive Director of UNFPA) 08/31/01 11:30 FAX 212 963 8845 DEPUTY SECRETARY GENERAL i]01p6

Under-Secretaries-General and Assistant Secretaries-General and spouse 19.9.01 Mr. and Mrs, Kenzo Oshiroa (USG for Humanitarian Affairs) Mr. Olara A. Oturmu (USG, Special Rep. of SG on Children and Armed Conflicts) Mr. and Mrs Kieran Prendergast (USG for Political Affairs) Mr. Joseph V. Reed (USG) Mr. Iqbal S. Riza (USG, Chef de Cabinet) Dr. Nafis Sadik and Mr. Azhar Sadik (USG, Special Adviser to the SG) Mr. and Mrs. Kul Chandra Gautam (ASG, Deputy Executive Director of UNICEF) Mrs. Karin Holmgrunn Sham Poo and Mr. Stanley Sham Poo (ASG, Dep. Exec. Director (Operations) of UNICEF) >, Ms. Angela King (ASG, Special Adviser on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women) Mr. and Mrs. Andre" Roberfroid (ASG, Deputy Executive Director for Programme and Strategic Planning, UNICEF) Mr. Shaahi Tharoor (Interim Head of DPI) Mrs. Gillian M. Sorensen and Mr. Theodore C. Sorensen (ASG for External Relations) Mr. and Mrs. Miles Stoby (ASG for GA Affairs and Conference Services)

Chief of Protocol Ms. Nadia Younes 08/31/01 11:31 FAX 212 963 8845 DEPUTY SECRETARY GENERAL ij017

Protocol and Liaison 30 August 200 L

Guest list for the luncheon hosted by the Secretary-General in honour of the Heads of State and Government attending the twenty-seventh special session of the General Assembly on Children on Tirorsday, 20 September 2001 - 1:15 pin - North Lounge

yes Hosts: The Secretary-General and Mrs. Nane Annap „

President of the GA: H.E. Mr. Han Seung-soo and Mrs. Han So-ja (Republic of Korea) yes Deputy Secretary-General: Ms. Louise Frechette no Pres. of the Security Council: H.E. Mr. Jacques Chirac (HS of France) (other engagement) yes Pres.ofECOSQC: H.E, Mr. Martin Belinga-Eboutou (Cameroon)

Guests of honour

Heads of State yes Albania: H.E. Mr. Rexhep Meidani and Mrs. Lidra Meidani (HS + spouse) Algeria: H.E. Mr. Abdelaziz Bouteflika (HS) Andorra: H.E. Monseigneur Joan Marti i Alanis (HS) yes Angola: H.E. Mr. Jose" Eduardo dos Santos and Mrs. Ana Paula dos Santos (HS and spouse) yes Bahrain: Her Highness Shaikha Sabika Bent Ibrahim Al-Khalifa (First Lady - Head of delegation) Benin: H.E. Mr. Mathieu Kere"kou and spouse (HS) yes Bolivia: H.E. Mr. Jorge Quiroga Ramirez and Mrs. Ginger de Quiroga Ramirez (HS + spouse) Botswana: H.E. Mr. Festus G. Mogae and spouse (HS) yes Bulgaria: H.E. Mr. Petar Stoyanov and Mrs. Antonina Stoyanova (HS and spouse) Burkina Faso: H.E. Mr. Blaise Compaore and spouse (HS) Burundi: H.E. Major Pierre Buyoya and spouse (HS) yes Cameroon: H.E. Mr. Paul Biya and Mrs. ChantalBiya(HS and spouse) Chile: Mrs. Luisa Duran de Lagos (First Lady - Head of delegation) yes Colombia: H.E. Mr. Andre's Pastrana Arango and Mrs. Nohra Puyana de Pastrana (HS and spouss) Comoros: H.E. Colonel Azali Assoumani and spouse (HS) Congo: H.E. Mr. Denis Sassou Nguesso and spouse (HS) no Costa Rica: H.E. Mr. Miguel Angel Rodriguez Echeverria and Mrs. Lorena Clare de Rodriguez (HS+spouse) Cote d'lvoire: H.E. Mr. Laurent Gbagbo and spouse (HS) yes Croatia: H.E. Mr. Stjepan Mesic" and Mrs. Milka Mesic" (HS + spouse) DR Congo: H.E. Major General Joseph Kabila (HS) yes Egypt: Mrs. Suzanne Mubarak (First Lady - Head of delegation) yes El Salvador: H.E. Mr. Francisco Guillermo Flores Pdrez and Mrs. Lourdes Rodriguez de Ftores (HS and spouse) Eq. Guinea: H.E. Mr. Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo and spouse (HS) 08/31/01 11:32 FAX 212 963 8845 DEPUTY SECRETARY GENERAL i]018

Heads of State f continued] 20.9.01 yes Finland: Her Excellency Ms. Tarja Halonen and Mr. Pentti Arajarvi (HS •*• spouse) Gabon: H.E. El Hadj Omar Bongo and spouse (HS) yes Gambia: H.E. Al Hadji Yahya A. J. J, Jammeh and Mrs. Zineb Yahya Jammeh (HS + spouse) Georgia: H.E. Mr. Eduard A. Shevardnadze and spouse (HS) Ghana: H.E. Mr. John Agyekum Kufuor and spouse (HS) yes Guatemala: H.E. Mr. Alfonso Portillo Cabrera and Mrs. Evelyn de Portillo (HS 4 spouse) Guinea-Bissau: H.E. Mr. Kumba Yala and spouse (HS) Guyana: H.E. Mr. Bharrat Jagdeo and Mrs. Varshni Jagdeo (HS and spouse) Haiti: H.E. Mr, Jean Bertrand Aristide and spouse (HS) yes Honduras: H.E, Mr. Carlos Roberto Flores Facusse and Mrs, Mary Flake de Flores (HS and spouse) Jordan: His Majesty King Abdullah II Bin Al Hussein and spouse (HS) yes Kenya: H.E. The Hon. Daniel T. arap Moi, CGH (HS) Lebanon: H.E. Mr. Emile Lahoud and spouse (HS) yes Lesotho: His Majesty King Letsie III (HS) Mali: H.E. Mr. Alpha Oumar Konare" and spouse (HS) Mexico: H.E. Mr. Vicente Fox. and spouse (HS) Mozambique: H£. Mr. Joaquim Alberto Chissano and spouse (HS) Nigeria: H.E. Mr. Olusegun Obasanjo and spouse (HS) yes Pakistan: H.E. General Pervez Musharraf and Mrs. Sehba Musharraf (HS H- spouse) no Panama: Her Excellency Mrs. Mireya Elisa Moscoso Rodriguez (HS) (leaves on 19.9.01) Poland: Mr,s. Jolanta Kwasniewska (First Lady) no Rep. of Korea; H.E. Mr. Kim Dae-jung and spouse (HS) (They arrive in NY on 20.9.01 in the afternoon) yes Romania: H.E. Mr, Ion Jliescu (HS) Rwanda: H.E. Mr. Paul Kagame and spouse (HS) Saint Lucia: Her Excellency Ms. Calliopa Pearlette Louisy (Governor-General) Senegal: H.E. Mr. Abdoulaye Wade and spouse (HS) yes Sierra Leone: H.E. Alhaji Ahmad Tejan Kabbah (HS) Slovenia: H.E. Mr. Milan Kufian and spouse (HS) yes South Africa: H.E. Mr. Thabo Mbeki and Mrs. Zanele Mbeld (HS and spouse) Sri Lanka: Her Excellency The Hon. Cliaudrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga (HS) Sudan: H.E. Lt. General Omer Hassan Ahmed Al-Bashir and spouse (HS) Suriname: H.E. Mr. Runaldo Ronald Venetiaan and spouse (HS) Swaziland: His Majesty King Mswati III and spouse (HS) TFYR of Macedonia: H.E. Mr. Boris Trajkovski and spouse (HS) Uganda: H.E. Mr. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni and spouse (HS) Ukraine: H.E. Mr. Leonid D. Kuchma and spouse (HS) p.

Heads of Stale [continued! 20.9.01 UR of Tanzania: H.E. Mr. Benjamin William Mkaj a and spouse (HS) yes Venezuela: Mrs. Marisabel Rodriguez de Chavez (First Lady - President is arriving 20.9.01 late evening) yes Zambia: H.E. Dr. Frederick J. T. Chiluba. (HS) Zimbabwe: H.E. Mr. Robert G, Mugabe and spouse (HS)

Vice-presidents Palau: Her Excellency Mrs. Sandra Sumang Pierantozzi and spouse (VP) yes Uruguay: H.E. Mr. Luis Hierro and Mrs. Ligia Almitrfn de Hierro (VP and spouse) yes Viet Nam: Her Excellency Mrs. Nguyen Thi Binh (VP)

Crown Princes Belgium: His Royal Highness Crown Prince Philippe of Belgium yes Bhutan: His Royal Highness Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck yef Monaco: His Serene Highness Crown Prince Albert of Monaco

Heads of Governmaat Andorra: H.E. Mr. Marc Forn£ Moln<£ and spouse (HG) Antigua and Barbuda: H.E. The Rt. Hon. Lsster B. Bird and spouse (HG) ye* Austria: RE. Dr. Wolfgang SchUssol (HG) Canada: H.E. The Rt Hon. Jean Chretien and spouse (HG) Djibouti: H.E. Mr, Barkat Gourad Hamadou and spouse (HG) no Jamaica: H.E. The Rt. Hon. Percival James Patterson, PC, QC (HG) (leaving on morning of 20.9.) yes Liechtenstein: H.E, Mr. Otmar Hasler and Mrs. Traudi Hasler (HG and spouse) yes Mauritania: H.E. Mr, Cheikh El Avia Quid Mohamed Khouna (HG) Mauritius: H.E. The Rt. Hon. Sir Anerood Jugnauth, PC, KCMG, QC (HO) yes Mongolia: H.E. Mr. Nambar Enkhbayar and Mrs. Tsolmon Enkhbayar HG + spouse) Nepal: H.E. The Rt. Hon. Sher Bahadur Deuba (HG) yes Niger. H.E. Mr. Hama Amadou (HG) Qatar: H,E. Sheikh Abdulia bin Khalifa Al-Thani and Mrs. Al-Thani (HG and spouse) Saint Kitts+Nevfa: H.E. The Hon. Dr. Denzil Douglas (HG) Samoa: H.E. The Hon. Tuilaepa Sailcle Malielegaoi and Mrs. Gillian Malielegaoi (HG and spouse) Trinidad and Tobago: H.E. The Hon. Basdeo Panday and spouse (HG) yes Vanuatu: H.E. The Hon, Nipake Edward Natapei (HG) 08/31/01 11:34 FAX 212 963 8845 DEPUTY SECRETARY GENERAL i]020

P £

Deputy Prime Ministers 20,9,01 Azerbaijan: Deputy Prime Minister and spouse Belarus: Deputy Prime Minister and spouse Belgium: Deputy Prime Minister and spouse yes China: Her Excellency Ms. Wu Yi (Dep. PM) yes Lao PDR: H.E. Mr. Somsavat Lengsavad (Dep. PM + FM) yes Republic of Moldova: H.E. Mr. Valerian Cristea (Dep. PM) yes Sweden: Her Excellency Ms. Lena Hjelm-Wallen (Dep. PM) Tuvalu: Deputy Prime Minister and spouse Uzbekistan: Her Exc. Mrs. Dilbar Gulyamova (Dep. PM)

Observers Cook Islandis: H.E. The Hon. Terepai Maoate and Mrs. Marito Maoate (HG and spouse) International, Organization for Migration: Only at the highest level International! Committee of the Red Cross: Only at the highest level

Chairperson of the Prepcom for 27"1 UNGASS yes Her Exc. Miss Mignonette Patricia Durrant (PR of Jamaica)

Chairman of the UNICEF Executive Board H.E. Mr, Movses Abelian (PR of Armenia)

Specialized agencies WHO: Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland (Director-General)

UNICEF Goodwill Ambassadors Mr. Harry Belafonte Mr, Roger Moore Mr. Peter Ustinov

UNICEF Messengers of Peace Mr. Elie Wiesel Mr. Michael Douglas Mr. Vijay Amritraj 08/31/01 11:34 FAX 212 963 8845 DEPUTY SECRETARY GENERAL i]021

Corporate Leaders and Foundations 20.9.01 yes Mr. Bill Gates and Mrs. Melinda Gates yes Mr. Bill Gates, Sr. (Co-CEO of Bill and Melinda Foundation) yes Ms. Patty Stoinesifer (Co-CEO of Bill and Melinda Foundation) Mr. John Pepper (Chairman, Procter and Gamble) Mr. Steven Hilton (President, The Hilton Foundation) Mr. John Morgridge (Chairman, Cisco Systems) yes Mr. Tim Wirth (President, United Nations Foundation) yes Mr. Eduardo Gonzales Castillo (CEO, Bancafe) Mr. Igor Landau (Director-General, Aventis Pharma) Mr. Thomas Wellauer (CEO, Credit Suisse) Mr. Azim Pranjie (CEO Wipro, ) Dr. Chung Moon-joon (Hyundai) (Attendance to UNGASS to be confirmed)

Leaders in Civil Society Mr. Nelson Mandela and Mrs. Graca Machel His Royal Highness Prince Talal Ben Abdul Aziz (President, Arab Gulf Programme for the United Nations) yes Ms. Angeles Mastretta (Mexico)

Inter-Parliamentary Union yes Mrs. Najma Heptulla (Pres ident)

Non-GovernmentalOrganizations (9) yes Mr. Mike Aaronson (Director-General, International Save the Children Alliance) Mr. John Greensmith (International Executive Director, Plan International) yes Mr. Dean Hirsch (President, World Vision International) Mr. David Morrison (President, Netaid) yes Dr. Fazle Hasen Abed (Executive Director, Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee) Mr. Richard 10, King (President, Rotary International) yes Mr. Alex A. "Bo" Shafer, Jr. (International President, Kivvanis International) Ms. Rita Veiikatasawmy (Executive Director Centre d'Education des Enfants Mauriciens (CEDEM), Mauritius) Ms. Antoinette Toureau (Konesans Fanmi, Haiti)

Presidents oflUNICEF National Committees (7) yes France: Mr. Jacques Hintzy (President) : Mr. Dietrich Garlichs (Executive Director) Italy: Mr. Robert Savan (Executive Director) yes Japan: Mr. Yoshihisa Togo (Executive Director) 08/31/01 11:35 FAX 212 963 8845 DEPUTY SECRETARY GENERAL i]022 P.

Presidents of UNICEF National Committees [continued] 20.9.0 L Netherlands: Mr. Henk Frenken (Executive Director) : Mr. Joaquin Ruiz-Gimenez (Executive Director) yes United States of America: Mr. Lyons (President)

Other guests Her Majesty Queen of Spain Her Majesty Queen Sylvia of Sweden (Founder, World Childhood Foundation) Princess Lalla Meryem of Morocco Ms. Mariann Wright Edehnan (Children's Defence Fund) One Child (selected by the Children's Forum) One Child (selected by the Children's Forum) Ms. Jane Fonda yes Dr. Choue Young-seek (Chancellor of the Kyung Yee University System, Seoul, Rep. of Korea at the request of Mr. Rccd and approved by SO )

Under-Secretaries-General and Assistant Secretaries-General Mr. Mark Malloch Brown (Administrator of UNDP) Ms. Carol Bellamy (Executive Director of UNICEF) Mr. Chen Jkn (USG for GA Affairs and Conference Services) Mr. Nitin Desai (USG for Economic and Social Affairs) Mr, Kenzo Gshima (USG for Humanitarian Affairs) Mr. Olara A, Otunrtu (USG, Special Rep. Of SG on Children and Armed Conflicts) Mr, Kieran Prendergast (USG for Political Affairs) Mr. Iqbal S. Riza (USG, Chef de Cabinet) yes Mrs. Mary Robinson (UN High-Commissioner for Human Rights) Dr. Nafis Sadik (USG, Special Adviser to the SG) Mr. Kul Chandra Gautam (ASG, Deputy Executive Director of UNICEF) Mrs. Karin Holmgrunn Sham Poo (ASG, Deputy Executive Director (Operations) of UNICEF) Mr. Andre Roberfroid (ASG, Deputy Executive Director for Programme and Strategic Planning, UNICEF) Mr. Shashi Tharoor (Interim Head of DPI) Mr, Miles Stoby (ASG for GA Affairs and Conference Services)

Chief of Protocol yes Ms. Nadia Younes 08/31/01 11:36 FAX 212 863 S845 DEPUTY SECRETARY GENERAL I! 023 P, c2 Protocol and Liaiso 30 August 200

Guest list for the luncheon hosted by the Secretary-General in honour of the Heads of State and Government attending the Fifty-sixth session of the General Assembly on Monday, 24 September 2001 - 1:15 pnt - North Lounge

yes Host: The Secretary-General

President of i:he GA: H.E. Mr. Han Seung-soo (Republic of Korea) yes Deputy Secretory-General: Ms. Louise Frechette Pros, of the Security Council: H.E. Mr. Hubert Vedrine (FM of France) H.E. Mr. Jean-David Levitte (PR) yes Pres.ofECQBOC: H.E. Mr. Martin Belinga-Eboutou (Cameroon)

Guests of honour

Heads of State Argentina: H.E. Mr. Fernando de la Rua (HS) H.E. Mr. Adalberto Rodriguez Giavarini (FM) Colombia: H.E. Mr. Andres Pastrana Arango (HS) H.E. Mr. Guillermo Fernandez de Soto (FM) Cote d'lvoire: H.E. Mr. Laurent Gbagbo (HS) H.E. Mr. Aboudramane Sangare (FM) Cyprus: H.E. Mr. Glafcos Clerides (HS) H.E. Dr. loannis Kasoulides (FM) Eq. Guinea: H.E. Mr. Teodoro Obiang Ngusma Mbasogo (HS) H.E. Mr. Santiago Nsobeya Efuman (FM) Georgia: H.E. Mr. Eduard A. Shevardnadze (HS) H.E, Mr. Irakli Menagarishvili (FM) Ghana: H.E. Mr. John Agyekum Kufuor (HS) H.E. Mr. Hackman Owusu-Agyemang (FM) Indonesia: Her Exc. Mrs. Megawati Soekarnoputri (HS) H.E. Mr. Hassan Wirayuda (FM) Honduras: H.E. Mr. Carlos Roberto Floras Facuss<§ (HS) H.E. Mr. Roberto Flores Bermudez (FM) Lebanon: H.E. Mr. Em ile Lahoud (HS) H.E. Mr. Mahmoud Hammoud (FM) Marshall Islands: H.E. Mr. Kessai Note (HS) H.E. The Hon. Gerald M. Zackios (FM) Mexico: H.E. Mr. Vicente Fox (HS) H.E. Mr. Jorge G. Castafleda (FM) Micronesia: H.E. Mr. Leo A. Falcatn (HS) H.E. The Hon. leske K. lehsi (FM) 08/31/01 11:37 FAX 212 963 8845 DEPUTY SECRETARY GENERAL 1)024 P-

Heads of Stale [continued] 24.9.01 Mozambique: H.E. Mr. Joaquim Alberto Chissano (HS) H.E. Dr. Leonardo Santos Simao (FM) Nauru: H.E. The Hon. Rene R. Harris (HS + FM) H.E. Mr. Vinci Niel Clodumar (PR) Nicaragua: I-LE. Mr. Arnoldo Aleman Lacayo (HS) H.E. Mr. Francisco X. Aguirre Sacasa (FM) Nigeria: H.E. Mr. Olusegun Obasanjo (HS) H.E. Alhaji Sule Lamido (FM) Pakistan: H.E. General Pervez Musharraf (HS) H.E. Mr. Abdul Sattar (FM) Rep. of Korea: H.E. Mr. Kim Dae-jung (HS) H.E. Mr. Han Seung-soo (FM) yes South Africa • H.E. Mr. Thabo Mbeki (HS) yes Her Exc, Dr. Nkosazana C. Zumba (FM) yes Slovenia: H.E. Mr. Milan Kucan (HS) yes H.E. Mr. Dimitrij Rupel (FM) Suriname: H.E. Mr. Runaldo Ronald Venetiaan (HS) Her Exc. Mrs. Maria Levens (FM) yes TFYR of Macedonia: H.E. Mr. Boris Trajkovski (HS) yes Her Exc. Mrs. Ilinka Mftreva (FM) UR of Tanzania: H.E. Mr. Benjamin William Mkapa (HS) H.E. The Hon. Jakaya Mrisbo Kikwete (FM) USA: H.E. Mr. George W. Bush H.E. Mr. Colin L. Powell (Secretary of State) Venezuela: H.E. Mr. Hugo Chavez Frias (HS) [-I.E. Mr. Jos6 Vicente Range! (FM) Zambia: HJE. Dr. Frederick J. T. Chiluba (HS) H.E. The Hon. Keli S. Walubita (FM) Zimbabwe: H.E. Mr. Robert G. Mugabe (HS) H.E. Dr. Stanislaus I. G. Mudenge (FM)

Vice-Presidents Afghanistan: H.E. Dr. Abdullah Abdullah (FM) Guatemala: H.E. Mr. Gabriel Orellana Rojas (FM) 08/31/01 11:38 FAX 212 963 8845 DEPUTY SECRETARY GENERAL i!025

Vice-Presideirits [continued] 24.9.01 Philippines: H.E. Mr. Teofisto T. Guingona, Jr. (VP + FM) H.E. Mr. Enrique A. Manalo, Ambassador, Deputy PR, Charge d'affaires a.i.

Heads of Government Andorra: H.E. Mr. Marc Forne Moln<* (HG) H.E. Mr. Juli Minoves-Triquell FM) Bahamas: H.E. The Hon. Hubert A. Ingraham, MP (HG) Her Exc. The Hon. Janet G. Bostwick, MP (FM) Belize: H.E. The Hon. Said Musa (HG + FM) H.E. Mr. Stuart W. Leslie (PR) Cape Verde: H.E. Mr. Jose Maria Neves (HG) H.E. Mr. Manuel InocSncio Sousa (FM) Dominica: H.E. The Hon. Pierre Charles (PM 4- FM) H.E. Mr. Simon Paul Richards (PR) Fij i: H.E. The Hon. Laisenia Qarase (HG) H.E. The Hon. Keliopate Tavola (FM) India: H.E. Mr. Atal Behari Vajpayee (HG) H.E. Mr. Jaswant Singh (FM) Latvia: H.E. Mr. Andris Sfcele (HG) H.E. Mr. Indulis BerzinS (FM) Lesotho: H.E. The Rt. Hon. Pakalitha Bethuel Mosisili (HG) H.E. The Hon. Motsoaliae Thomas Thabane (FM) Mauritius: H.E. The Rt. Hon. Sir Anerood Jugnauth, PC, KCMG, QC (HG) H.E. The Hon. Anil Kumarsingh Gayau (FM) Monaco: H.E. Mr. Patrick Leclerecq (HG + FM) H.E. Mr. Jacques Louis Boisson (PR) yes Mongolia: H.E. Mr. Nambar Enkhbayar (HG) yes H.E. Mr. Luvsangiin Erdenechuluun (FM) : H.E. Mr. Jens Stoltenberg (HG) H.E. Mr. Thorbjarn Jagland (FM) St. VincenH-lhe Grenadines: H,E. The Hon. Ralph E. Gonsalves (HG) H.E. The Hon. Louis Straker (Dep. PM + FM) Samoa: H.E. The Hon. Tuilaepa Sailete Malielegaoi (HG 4- FM) H.E. Mr. TuilomaNeroni Slade (PR) 08/31/01 11:38 FAX 212 963 8845 DEPUTY SECRETARY GENERAL [gj026

Heads of Government [continued] 24.9.01 Solomon Islands: H,E. The Hon. Manasseh Sogavare (HG) H,E. The Hon. Danny Philip (FM) Tonga: His Royal Highness Prince 'Ulukalala Lavaka Ata (HG + FM) H.E. Mr. Sonatane Tua Taumoepeau Tupou (PR) Tuvalu: H.E. The Hon. Faimalaga Luka (HG + FM) H.E. Mr. Enele Sosene Sopoaga (PR) Vanuatu: H.E. The Hon. Nipake Edward Natapei (HG) H.E. The Hon. Jean-Alain Mahi (FM)

Deputy Prime Ministers Bangladesh: DPM + FM no Belarus: H.E. Mr. Mikhail M. Khvostov (DPM + FM) Might be PR Belgium: H.E. Mr. Louis Michel (DPM -f FM) Czech Republic: H.E. Mr. Jan Kavan (DPM + FM) Germany: 1-I.E. Mr. Joschka Fischer (DPM + FM) Israel: H.E. Mr. Shimon Peres (DPM + FM) Kuwait: H.E Sheikh Sabah AL-Ahmad Al-Jaber A!-Sabah (First DPM - FM) Lao PDR: H.E. Somsavat Lengsavad (DPM -t- FM) Luxembourg,; Her Exc. Mrs. Lydie Polfer (DPM + FM) St. Kitts and Nevis: H..E. The Hon. Terrence Sam Condor (DPM + FM) Uganda: H.E. The Hon. James W. Wapakhabulo (3"' DPM + FM)

Permanent Members of the Security Council China: H.E. Mr. Tang Jiaxuan (FM) H.E. Mr. Wang Yingfan (PR) France:* Russian Fed.: H.E. Mr. Igor S. Ivanov (FM) yes H.E. Mr. Sergey V. Lavrov (PR) UK: H.E. The Rt. Hon. Jack Straw, MP (FM) H.E. Sir Jeremy Greenstock, KCMG (PR) USA:*

already included 08/31/01 11:39 FAX 212 963 8845 DEPUTY SECRETARY GENERAL 11027

Foreign Min'sters present in New York 24.9.01 no Albania: H.E. Mr, Paskal Milo (FM) Might be PR Algeria: H.E,, Mr. Abdelaziz Belkhadetn (FM) Angola: H,E. Mr. JoSo Bernardo de Miranda (FM) Armenia: H.E. Mr. Vartan Oskanian (FM) Australia: H.E. The Hon. , MP (FM) Austria: Her Bxc. Dr. Benita Ferrero-Waldner (FM) Azerbaijan: H.E. Mr. Vilayat Mukhtar ogly Guliyev (FM) Bahrain: H.E. Shaikh Mohammed Bin Mubarak AI-Khalifa (FM) Barbados: Her Exc. The^Hon. BilLie Miller, MP (FM) Benin: H.E. Mr. Kolawote A. Idji (FM) Bhutan: H.E., Mr. Jigmi Yoser Thinley (FM) Bolivia: H.E. Mr. Gustavo Fernandez (FM) Bosnia and Herzegovina: H.E. Mr. Zlatko Lagumdzija (FM) Botswana: H.E. The Hon. Lt. General Mompati S. Merafhe, MP (FM) Brazil: H.E. Mr. Celso Lafer (FM) Brunei Daressalam: His Royal Highness Prince Mohamed Bolkiah (FM) Bulgaria: H.E. Mr. Solomon Passy (FM) Burkina Faso: H.E. Mr. Youssouf Ou^draogo (FM) Burundi: HJi. Mr. Severin Ntahomvukiye (FM) Cambodia: H.E. Mr. Hor Namhong (FM) Cameroon: HJE. Mr. Franpois-Xavier Ngoubeyou (FM) Canada: H.E. The Hon. John Mauley (FM) Central African Republic: H.E. Mr. Agba Otikpo Mezodc (FM) Chad: H.E. Mr. Mahamat Saleh Annadif (FM) Chile: Her Exc. Mrs. Soledad Alvear Valenzuela (FM) Comoros: H.E. Mr. Souef Mohamed El-Amine (FM) Congo: H.E, Mr. Rodolphe Adada(FM) Costa Rica: H.E. Mr. Roberto Rojas L6pez (FM) Croatia: H.E. Mr, Tonino Picula (FM) yes Cuba: H.E. Mr. Felipe P&ez Roque (FM) DPR of Korea: H.E. Mr. Pack Nam Sun (FM) DR of the Congo: H.E. Mr. Leonard She Okitundu (FM) : H.E. Mr. Mogens Lykketoft (FM) Djibouti: H.E, Mr. Ali Abdi Farah (FM) 08/31/01 1.1:40 FAX 212 963 8845 DEPUTY SECRETARY GENERAL E]Q28

Foreign Ministers present in New York [continued] 24.9.01 Dom, Republic: RE. Mr. Hugo Tolentino Dipp (FM) Ecuador: H.I!. Mr. Heinz Moeller Freile (FM) El Salvador: Her Exc. Maria Eugenia Brizuela de Avila (FM) Eritrea: H.E. Mr. Ali Said Abdella (FM) Estonia: H.E. Mr. Toomas Hendrik lives (FM) Ethiopia: H.E. Mr. Seyoum Mesfin (FM) Finland: H.E. Mr. Erkki Tuomioja (FM) Gabon: H.E. Mr. Jean Ping (FM) Gambia: H.E. Dr. Momodou Lamin Sedat Jobe (FM) : H.E. Mr. George Papandreou (FM) Grenada: H.E. The Hon. Elvin Nimrod (FM) Guinea: Her Exc. Mrs. Mahawa Bangoura Camara (FM) Guinea-Biss=iu: Her Exc. Mrs. Antonieta Rosa Gomes (FM) Guyana: H.E. Mr. Clement Rohee, MP (FM) Hungaiy: H.E. Dr. Janos Martonyi (FM) Iceland: H.E, Mr. Haildor Asgrimsson (FM) Iran (Islamic; Rep. of): H.E. Dr. Kamal Kharrazi (FM) Iraq: H.E. M:r. Naji Sabri (FM) Ireland: H.E. Mr. Brian Cowen, TD (FM) Italy: H.E. Mr. Renato Rwggiero (FM) Jamaica: H.o, The Hon. Paul Robertson, MP (FM) Kazakhstan: H.E. Mr. Brian A. Idrissov (FM) Kenya: H.E. Mr. Chris M. Obure (FM) Libyan Arab Jamahiriya: H.E. Mr. Abdurrahman Mohamed Shalgheni (FM) Liechtenstein: H.E. Mr. Ernst Waloh (FM) Madagascar: Her Exc. Mrs. Lila Ratsifandriamanana (FM) Malawi: Her Exc. The Hon. Lilian Parel (FM) Maldives: HJ3. Mr. Fathulla Jameel (FM) yes Mali: H.E. Mr. Modibo Sidibe (FM) Malta: H.E. The Hon. Joseph Borg (FM) Morocco: H.E. Mr. Mohamed Benaissa (FM) Myanmar: H.E. Mr, Win Aung (FM) Nepal: Netherlands: H.E. Mr. J.J. (Jozias) van Aartsen (FM) yes New Zealand: H.E. The Hon. Phil Goff (FM) Oman: H.E. Mr. Yousef Bin Al-Alawi Bin Abdulla (FM) 08/31/01 11:41 FAX 212 963 8845 DEPUTY SECRETARY GENERAL 1029

Foreign Mini jiters present in New York [continued! 24.9.01 Palau: H,E. Mr. Sabino Anastacio (FM) yes Panama: H.E. Mr. Jose Miguel Aleman Healy (FM) Papua New Guinea: H.B. The Hon. John Pundari (FM) Paraguay: H.E. Mr. Jose Antonio Moreno Ruffinelli (FM) Peru: H.E. Mr. Diego Garcia-Sayan yes Poland: II.E. Mr. (Dep. FM) Portugal: H.E. Mr. Jaime Gama (FM) Qatar: H.E. Sheikh Hamad Bin Jassem Bin Jabr Al-Thani (FM) yes Republic of Moldova: H.E. Mr. Nicolae Cemomaz (FM) Romania: H.E. Mr. Mircea Geoana (FM.) Rwanda: H.E, Mr. Andre Bumaya (FM) Saint Lucia: 1-I.E. The Hon. Julian R. Hunte, OBE (FM) no San Marino: H.E. Dr. Gabriele Gatti (FM) Might be PR Senegal: H.E. Mr. Cheikh Tidiane Gadio (FM) Seychelles: H.E. Mr. Jeremie Bonnelame (FM) Singapore: H.E. Prof. S. Jayakumar (FM) Slovakia: H.E. Mr. Eduard Kukan (FM) Spain: H.E. Mr. Josep Pique (FM) Sri Lanka: H..E. The Hon. Lakshman Kadirgamar, MP (FM) Sweden: Her Exc. Ms. Anna Lindh (FM) Syrian Arab Republic: H.E. Mr. Farouk Al-Shara' (FM) no Tajikistan: H.E. Mr. Talbak Nazarov (FM) Might be PR Thailand: BE. Mr. Surakiart Sathirathai (FM) Tunisia: H.E. Mr. Habib Ben Yahia(FM) yes Turkey: H.E. Mr. Ismail Cem (FM) Turkmenistan: H.E. Mr. Rashid Meredov (FM) yes Ukraine: H.E. Mr, Anatoliy M. Zlenko (FM) United Arab Emirates: H.E. Mr. Rashid Abdullah Al-Noaimi (FM) Uruguay: H.E. Mr. Didier Opertti (FM and former GA President) Uzbekistan: RE. Mr. Abdulaziz Kamilov (FM) yes Viet Nam : H.E. Mr. Nguyen Dy Nien (FM) Yemen: H.E. Mr. Abubakr A. At-Qirbi (FM) yes Yugoslavia: H.E. Mr. Goran Svilanovic (FM) 08/31/01 11:41 FAX 212963.8845 DEPUTY SECRETARY GENERAL @]030

Secretariat 24.9.01 Mr. Mark Mtdloch Brown (Administrator of UNDP) Ms. Carol Bellamy (Executive Director of UNICEF) Mr. Chen Jian (USG for GA Affairs and Conference Services) Mr. Kenzo Oshima (USG for Humanitarian Affairs) Mr. Kieran PTendergast (USG for Political Affairs) Mr. Iqbal S. Iliza (USG, Chef de Cabinet) Mr. Shashi Tharoor (Interim Head of DPI)

Chief of Protocol Ms. Nadia Yoimes 08/31/01 11:42 FAX 212 963 8845 DEPUTY SECRETARY GENERAL


30 August 2001

Desur Mr. Gates,

I write with respect to the upcoming Special Session of the General Assembly on children, which opens on Tuesday, 19 September. I be lieve it will prove to be an innovative and productive event - just as the Woirld Summit for Children in 1990 set the stage for the many international conferences and Special Sessions in the decade that followed. Indeed, this Session can provide a strong stimulus for the work of national governments and the International community in promoting the rights and well being of children everywhere. One of the major changes that have taken place in the last ten years is the greatly increased recognition of the vital role that the private sector has in bringing about development, including in the social sector.

Some 80 Governments have confirmed that they will attend the Session at Head of State/Government level, On Thursday, 20 September I will host a luncheon in their honour, which will take on a new format In addition to national leaders, guests will include prominent members of the business community and civil society, as well as UNICEF "Goodwill Ambassadors"and United Nations "Messengers of Peace".

To encourage the greatest possible support from this diverse group, I very much hope you will agree to be the luncheon's keynote speaker along with President Nelson Mandela,

Mr. Bill Gates Founder Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Washington 08/31/01 11:43 FAX 212 963 8845 DEPUTY SECRETARY GENERAL

I am delighted that you will be participating in other aspects of the Special Session, In particular, I anticipate joining you on Thursday morning at the Public-Private Partnership Dialogue and at the Thursday evening gala, Voices and Visions: a Celebration of Leadership for Children^ which you are sponsoring withUNICEF.

I very much look forward to welcoming you to the United Nations at this highly important time.

Yours sincerely,

Kofi A, Annan 08/31/01 11:43 FAX 212.963 8845 DEPUTY SECRETARY GENERAL i)033 9.


30 August 2001

My dear Madiba,.

I write with respect to the upcoming Special Session of the General Assembly on Children, which opens on Tuesday, 19 September. I believe it will prove to be an innovative and productive event -- just as the World Summit for Children in 1990 set the stage for the many international conferences and Special Sessions in the decade that followed. Indeed, this Session can provide a strong stimulus for the work of national governments and the international community in promoting the rights and well-being of children everywhere, as well as a strong push forward for the Global Movement for Children — of which you, Madiba, are the pre-eminent leader.

Some 80 Governments have confirmed that they will attend the Session at Head of State/Government level. On Thursday, 20 September I will host a luncheon in their honour which will take on a new format. In addition to national leaders, guests will include prominent members of the business community and civil society, as well as UNICEF "Goodwill Ambassadors" and United Nations "Messengers of Peace".

To encourage the greatest possible support from this diverse aroup, I very much hope you will agree to be the luncheon's first keynote speaker. I have,, asked Mr.Bill Gates, Jr. to be the second keynote speaker. You would have fiveT tp seven minutes to speak at the beginning of the luncheon on a theme of your . choice related to the issues to be addressed by the Special Session.

His Excellency Mr. Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela Former President of the Republic of South Africa Houghton 08/31/01 11:44 FAX 212 963 8845 DEPUTY SECRETARY GENERAL 1)034

I am delighted that you will be participating in other aspects of the Special Session. In particular, I anticipate joining you at the Thursday evening gala, Voices and Visions: a Celebration of Leadership for Children, for the formal presentation of the results of the "Say Yes for Children" campaign.

I very much look forward to welcoming you to the United Nations at this higlily important time.

Yours sincerely,

" "Kofi A. Annan Note to the Secretary-General

| Special Session on Children L. ••—-——^_ Enclosed you will find a third version of your programmeJor the Special Session on Children. The programme reflects your decisions till now.

MTCT Plus Dinner on 18 September at your residence

We have now agreed with Gordon Conwav to keep the guest list under strict control. Enclosed is an updated list. You will note that President Clinton is include/! (a letter was sent to him by the Rockefeller Foundation following your conversation with Holbrooke). Also, Mrs. Kagame was invited (without consultation with the DSG) and has now accepted. We are trying to keep the total number at around 37/38 persons in case there are last minute additions (for a maxium of 40 guests). President Museveni and President Obasanjo have not confirmed and we have agreed with the Rockefeller Foundation not to pursue the matter.

Welcoming Reception on 19 September

It is proposed that you include UNICEF Goodwill Ambassadors in the welcoming reception on Wednesday, 19 September from 7:45 to 8:45 a.m. List is enclosed for your approval. Please note it would be your and Mrs. Annan's invitation together with the President of the General Assembly and Mrs. Han So-ja.

The pre-opening ceremony suggested by UNICEF has not been approved, following your conversation with the DSG.

Meeting of the Security Council on Children and Armed Conflict on 19 September

The meeting of the Security Council on Children and Armed Conflict has been confirmed for 19 September from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. President Chirac will open the meeting, followed by your remarks. A more detailed scenario is being worked out. For your approval.

Luncheon on 20 September

Harry Belafonte has agreed to be your Master of Ceremonies at the luncheon. You may want to thank Harry while in Durban. Please also note we have sent your letters of invitation to President Mandela and Bill Gates, your two keynote speakers. (Copies attached). You may want to mention this to Mandela while in South Africa.

As ypu requested, we will include along with the more senior UNICEF Goodwill Ambassadors (Harry Belafonte, Roger Moore and Peter Ustinov^) some of ynur Messengers of Peace. We are exploring the availability of Eli Wiesel. Michael Douglas, and Vijay Amritraj. We understand Muhammad Ali is not available. o

As suggested by Bill Gates, the DSG has agreed to invite Mr. Bill Gates Sr. and Ms. Patty Stonesifer.

A list of invitees is attached for your approval.

Gala Concert on 20 September

You have approved your participation at the Gala Concert on 20 September. Please note that the time has changed. Originally it was scheduled from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. It has now been programmed from 7:15 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. This is to accommodate speakers (including yourself, President Kim, former President Mandela and Bill Gates, Jr.) as well as the announcement of the final count in the "Say Yes" Campaign. A detailed scenario is being finalized.

We recommend that you and Mrs. Annan attend the entire event. However you may wish to arrive no later than 8:15 p.m and leave at 8:45 p.m. If this is the case, the Master of Ceremonies will acknowledge you and Mrs. Annan as you arrive and take your seat. Please let us know your preference.

You may also wish to attend a reception hosted by Bill Gates immediately after the event in the Delegates' Dining Room.

Marta Mauras 30 August 2001

cc: Mr. Eckhard Ms. Sorensen Mr. Stoby Ms. Lindenmayer Mr. Mortimer Mr. Tharoor Mr. Novichenko Ms. Ziai Ms. Fanzo (Mrs. Annan) Ms. Assebe Ms. Janowska -a C $Y* lau> == 1 £ S C 1/1 ca ^ iri


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HOSTS: Yes (2) The Secretary-General and Mrs. Nane Annan

GUESTS: Presidents of Foundations:

Yes Mr. Drew Altman, President, Kaiser Foundation

Yes Mr. Gordon Conway, President, The Rockefeller Foundations

Yes Ms. Florence Davis, President, Starr Foundation

Yes Mr. Jonathan Fanton, President, MacArthur Foundation

Yes Mr. Vartan Gregorian, President, Carnegie Foundation

Yes Mr. Richard Schlosberg, President & CEO, Packard Foundation

Yes Mr. Steve Schroeder, President, Robert Wood Johnson

Yes Ms. Joan Spero, President, Doris Duke F.

Yes Mr. Luc Tayart de Borms, President, Chairman, European Foundations Center

Yes Mr. Tim Wirth, President, United Nations Foundation

And H.E. Mr. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, President of Uganda

* Yes for drinks H.E. Mr. Nelson Mandela, Former President of South Africa * Yes for drinks Ms. Gra?a Machel

H.E. Mr. William J. Clinton, Chair of the International AIDS Trust -Advisory Board

Yes Mrs. Jeannette Kagame, First Lady of Rwanda, heading the First Ladies of Africa initiative to fight HIV/AIDS

Yes Ms. Kate Carr, CEO, Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS F. Yes Dr. Nils Daulaire, President, Global Health Council

Mr. Michael Dexter, Director, Wellcome Trust

Mr. Lawrence Ellison, Founder, Ellison Medical Foundation

Yes Dr. Tim Evans, Director of Health Equity, The Rockefeller Foundation

Yes Dr. Bill Foege, Senior Adviser, Global Health, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Yes Mr. Paul Glaser, Chair, Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS F.

Yes Mr. Richard Holbrooke, Global Business Council on HIV/AIDS

Mr. Joshua Lederberg, Chair, Ellison Foundation

Yes Ms. Kati Marton

Mr. Gordon Moore, Co-founder, Moore Foundation

Yes Mr. Gordon Perkin, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Ms. Mamphela Ramphele, Managing Director, World Bank

Ms. Rebecca Rimmel, President, Pew Charitable Trusts

Yes Dr. Allan Rosenfield, Columbia University, School of Public Health

Ms. Patty Stonesifer, Co-Chair & President, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Yes Mr. Ted Turner, Founder, UN Foundation

UN and related agencies: Yes Ms. Louise Frechette, Deputy Secretary-General Yes Ms. Carol Bellamy, Executive Director, UNICEF Yes Mr. Mark Malloch Brown, Administrator, UNDP Yes Mr. Peter Piot, Executive Director, UNAIDS Yes Mr. Amir Dossal, Executive Director, UNFIP Yes Mr. Stephen Lewis, SG's Special Envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa Yes Ms. Marta Maurals, Director, Office of the DSG ?•

TOTAL: 30 Yes, 2 Yes for drinks oafy 9 tbc, 1 reserve


Mr. Maurice Greenberg, Chair, American International Group, Starr Foundation

* Mr. Mandela and Ms. Machel will attend the NYU dinner (the SG will drop by) and arrive at the Residence at approximately 8:15 after for drinks

Regrets: Ms. Thoraya Obaid, Executive Director, UNFPA - will be on mission H.E. Mr. Colin Powell, Secretary of State, US Ms. Susan Berresford, Ford Foundation Mr. Bill Gates, Jr., Co-founder, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Mr. Paul Brest, President, Hewlett Foundation Mr. James Wolfensohn, President, World Bank Mr. Rien van Gendt, van Leer Foundation H.E. Mr. Thabo Mbeki, President of South Africa - will arrive that night Mr. Lewis Coleman, President, Moore Foundation H.E. Mr. Olusegun Obasanjo, President of Nigeria Protocol and Liaison 30 August 2001

Guest list for the welcoming ceremony hosted hy the in honour of the Heads of State and Government attending the twenty-seventh special session of the General Assembly on Children on Wednesday, 19 September 2001 - 7:45 to 8:45 am - North Lounge \

The Secretary-General and Mrs. Nane Annan

President of the GA: H.E. Mr. Han Seung-soo and Mrs. Han So-ja (Republic of Korea)

Deputy Secretary-General: Ms. Louise Frechette

Heads of State Albania: H.E. Mr. Rexliep Meidani and Mrs. Lidra Meidani (HS + spouse) Algeria: H.E. Mr. Abdelaziz Bouteflika (HS) Angola: H.E. Mr. Jose Eduardo dos Santos and Mrs. Ana Paula dos Santos (HS and spouse) Azerbaijan: H.E. Mr. Heydar Alirza ogly Aliyev (HS) Bahrain: Her Highness Shaikha Sabika Bent Ibrahim Al-Khalifa (First Lady - Head of delegation) Benin: H.E. Mr. Mathieu Kerekou and spouse (HS) Bolivia: H.E. Mr. Jorge Quiroga Ramirez and Mrs. Ginger de Quiroga Ramirez (HS + spouse) Botswana: H.E. Mr. Festus G. Mogae and spouse (HS) Bulgaria: H.E. Mr. Petar Stoyanov and spouse (HS) Burkina Faso: H.E. Mr. Blaise Compaore and spouse (HS) Burundi: H.E. Major Pierre Buyoya and spouse (HS) Cameroon: H.E. Mr. Paul Biya and Mrs. Chantal Biya (HS and spouse) Chile: Mrs. Luisa Duran de Lagos (First Lady - Head of delegation) Colombia: H.E. Mr. Andres Pastrana Arango and Mrs. Nohra Puyana de Pastrana (HS and spouse) Comoros: H.E. Colonel Azali Assoumani and spouse (HS) Congo: H.E. Mr. Denis Sassou Nguesso and spouse (HS) Costa Rica: H.E. Mr. Miguel Angel Rodriguez Echeverria and Mrs. Lorena Clare de Rodriguez (HS+spouse) Cote d'lvoire: H.E. Mr. Laurent Gbagbo and spouse (HS) Croatia: H.E. Mr. Stjepan Mesic and Mrs. Milka Mesic (HS + spouse) DR Congo: H.E. Major General Joseph Kabila (HS) Egypt: Mrs. Suzanne Mubarak (First Lady - Head of delegation) El Salvador: H.E. Mr. Francisco Guillermo Flores Perez and Mrs. Lourdes Rodriguez de Flores (HS and spouse) Eq. Guinea: H.E. Mr. Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo and spouse (HS) Finland: Her Excellency Ms. Tarja Halonen and Mr. Pentti Arajarvi (HS + spouse) France: H.E. Mr. Jacques Chirac (HS) Gabon: H.E. El Hadj Omar Bongo and spouse (HS) Gambia: H.E. Al Hadji Yahya A. J. J. Jammeh and Mrs. Zineb Yahya Jammeh (HS + spouse) Heads of State [continued] 19.9.01 Georgia: H.E. Mr. Eduard A. Shevardnadze and spouse (HS) Ghana: H.E. Mr. John Agyekum Kufuor and spouse (HS) Guatemala: H.E. Mr. Alfonso Portillo Cabrera and Mrs. Evelyn de Portillo (HS + spouse) Guinea-Bissau: H.E. Mr. Kumba Yala and spouse (HS) Guyana: H.E. Mr. Bharrat Jagdeo and Mrs. Varshni Jagdeo (HS and spouse) Haiti: H.E. Mr. Jean Bertrand Aristide and spouse (HS) Honduras: H.E. Mr. Carlos Roberto Flores Facusse and Mrs. Mary Flake de Flores (HS and spouse) Jordan: His Majesty King Abdullah n Bin Al Hussein and spouse (HS) Kenya: H.E. The Hon. Daniel T. arap Moi, CGH (HS) Lebanon: H.E. Mr. Emile Lahoud and spouse (HS) Lesotho: His Majesty King Letsie HI (HS) Maldives: H.E. Mr. Maumoon Abdul Gayoom and spouse (HS) Mali: H.E. Mr. Alpha Oumar Konare and spouse (HS) Mexico: H.E. Mr. Vicente Fox and spouse (HS) Mozambique: H.E. Mr. Joaquim Alberto Chissano and spouse (HS) Nigeria: H.E. Mr. Olusegun Obasanjo and spouse (HS) Pakistan: H.E. General Pervez Musharraf and Mrs. Sehba Musharraf (HS + spouse) Panama: Her Excellency Mrs. Mireya Elisa Moscoso Rodriguez (HS) Poland: Mrs. Jolanta Kwasniewska (First Lady) Rep. of Korea: H.E. Mr. Kim Dae-jung and spouse (HS) (They arrive in NY on 20.9.01 in the afternoon) Romania: H.E: Mr. Ion Iliescu (HS) Rwanda: H.E. Mr. Paul Kagame and spouse (HS) Saint Lucia: Her Excellency Ms. Calliopa Pearlette Louisy (Governor-General) Senegal: H.E. Mr. Abdoulaye Wade and spouse (HS) Sierra Leone: H.E. Alhaji Ahmad Tejan Kabbah (HS) Slovenia: H.E. Mr. Milan Kucan and spouse (HS) South Africa: H.E. Mr. Thabo Mbeki and Mrs. Zanele Mbeki (HS and spouse) Sri Lanka: Her Excellency The Hon. Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga (HS) Sudan: H.E. Lt. General Omer Hassan Ahmed Al-Bashir and spouse (HS) Suriname: H.E. Mr. Runaldo Ronald Venetiaan and spouse (HS) Swaziland: His Majesty King Mswati III and spouse (HS) TFYR of Macedonia: H.E. Mr. Boris Trajkovski and spouse (HS) Uganda: H.E. Mr. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni and spouse (HS) Ukraine: H.E. Mr. Leonid D. Kuchma and spouse (HS) Heads of State [continued] 19.9.01 UR of Tanzania: H.E. Mr. Benjamin William Mkapa and spouse (HS) Venezuela: Mrs. Marisabel Rodriguez de Chavez (First Lady - President is arriving 20.9.01 late evening) Zambia: H.E. Dr. Frederick J. T. Chiluba (HS) Zimbabwe: H.E. Mr. Robert G. Mugabe and spouse (HS)

Vice-Presidents Palau: Her Excellency Mrs. Sandra Sumang Pierantozzi and spouse (VP) Uruguay: Viet Nam: Her Excellency Mrs. Nguyen Thi Binh (VP)

Crown Princes Belgium: His Royal Highness Crown Prince Philippe of Belgium Bhutan: His Royal Highness Dasho Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck Monaco: His Serene Highness Crown Prince Albert of Monaco

Heads of Government Andorra: H.E. Mr. Marc Forne Molne and spouse (HG) Antigua and Barbuda: H.E. The Rt. Hon. Lester B. Bird and spouse (HG) Austria: H.E. Dr. Wolfgang Schiissel (HG) Canada: H.E. The Rt. Hon. Jean Chretien and spouse (HG) Djibouti: H.E. Mr. Barkat Gourad Hamadou and spouse (HG) Jamaica: H.E. The Rt. Hon. Percival James Patterson, PC, QC (HG) (leaving on morning of 20.9.) Liechtenstein: H.E. Mr. Otmar Hasler and Mrs. Traudi Hasler (HG and spouse) Mauritania: H.E. Mr. Cheikh El Avia Ould Mohamed Khouna (HG) Mauritius: H.E. The Rt. Hon. Sir Anerood Jugnauth, PC, KCMG, QC (HG) Mongolia: H.E. Mr. Nambar Enkhbayar and Mrs. Tsolmon Enkhbayar HG + spouse) Nepal: H.E. The Rt. Hon. Sher Bahadur Deuba (HG) Niger: H.E. Mr. Kama Amadou (HG) Portugal: H.E. Mr. Antonio Guterres and spouse (HG) Qatar: H.E. Sheikh Abdulla bin Khalifa Al-Thani and Mrs. AI-Thani (HG and spouse) Saint Kitts+Nevis: H.E. The Hon. Dr. Denzil Douglas (HG) Samoa: H.E. The Hon. Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi and Mrs. Gillian Malielegaoi (HG and spouse) Trinidad and Tobago: H.E. The Hon. Basdeo Panday and spouse (HG) Vanuatu: H.E. The Hon. Nipake Edward Natapei and spouse (HG) p.1

Deputy Prime Ministers 19.9.01 China: Her Excellency Ms. Wu Yi (Dep. PM) Lao PDR: H.E. Mr. Somsavat Lengsavad (Dep. PM + FM) Republic of Moldova: H.E. Mr. Valerian Cristea (Dep. PM) Sweden: Her Excellency Ms. Lena Hjelm-Wallen (Dep. PM) Uzbekistan: Her Exc. Mrs. Dilbar Gulyamova (Dep. PM)

Observers Cook Islands: H.E. The Hon. Terepai Maoate and Mrs. Marito Maoate (HG and spouse)

UNICEF guests Mr. Harry Belafonte Ms. Judy Collins Ms. Mia Farrow Mr. Johann Koss Mr. Leon Lai Mr. Roger Moore Ms. Nana Mouskouri Ms. Vanessa Redgrave Mr. Vendela Thommessen Mr. Peter Ustinov Mr. George Weah Mr. Sebastao Salgado Ms. Susan Sarandon Mr. Youssou N'dour

Under-Secretaries-General and Assistant Secretaries-General and spouse Mr. and Mrs. Mark Malloch Brown (Administrator of UNDP) Ms. Carol Bellamy (Executive Director of UNICEF) Mr. Chen Jian and Mrs. Yao Wenqing (USG for GA Affairs and Conference Services) Mr. and Mrs. Hans Corell (Legal Counsel) Mr. and Mrs. Nitin Desai (USG for Economic and Social Affairs) Mr. and Mrs. Jayantha Dhanapala (USG for Disarmament Affairs) Mr. Ibrahim A. Gambari (USG, Adviser for Special Assignments in Africa) Mr. and Mrs. Jean-Marie Guehenno (USG for Peacekeeping Operations) Mrs. Thoraya Ahmed Obaid and Mr. Mahmoud Saleh (Executive Director of UNFPA) p-

Under-Secretaries-General and Assistant Secretaries-General and spouse 19.9.01 Mr. and Mrs. Kenzo Oshima (USG for Humanitarian Affairs) Mr. Olara A. Otunnu (USG, Special Rep. of SG on Children and Armed Conflicts) Mr. and Mrs. Kieran Prendergast (USG for Political Affairs) Mr. Joseph V. Reed (USG) Mr. Iqbal S. Riza (USG, Chef de Cabinet) Dr. Nafis Sadik and Mr. Azhar Sadik (USG, Special Adviser to the SG) Mr. and Mrs. Kul Chandra Gautam (ASG, Deputy Executive Director of UN1CEF) Mrs. Karin Holmgrunn Sham Poo and Mr. Stanley Sham Poo (ASG, Dep. Exec. Director (Operations) of UNICEF) Ms. Angela King (ASG, Special Adviser on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women) Mr. and Mrs. Andre Roberfroid (ASG, Deputy Executive Director for Programme and Strategic Planning, UNICEF) Mr. Shashi Tharoor (Interim Head of DPI) Mrs. Gillian M. Sorensen and Mr. Theodore C. Sorensen (ASG for External Relations) Mr. and Mrs. Miles Stoby (ASG for GA Affairs and Conference Services)

Chief of Protocol Ms. Nadia Younes Protocol and Liaison 30 August 2001

Guest list for the luncheon hosted by the Secretary-General in honour of the Heads of State and Government attending the twenty-seventh special session of the General Assembly on Children on Thursday, 20 September 2001 - 1:15 pm - North Lounge yes Hosts: The Secretary-General and Mrs. Nane Annan..

President of the GA: H.E. Mr. Han Seung-soo and Mrs. Han So-ja (Republic of Korea) yes Deputy Secretary-General: Ms. Louise Frechette no Pres. of the Security Council: H.E. Mr. Jacques Chirac (HS of France) (other engagement) yes Pres. of ECOSOC: H.E. Mr. Martin Belinga-Eboutou (Cameroon)

Guests of honour

Heads of State yes Albania: H.E. Mr. Rexhep Meidani and Mrs. Lidra Meidani (HS + spouse) Algeria: H.E. Mr. Abdelaziz Bouteflika (HS) Andorra: H.E. Monseigneur Joan Marti i Alanis (HS) yes Angola: H.E. Mr. Jose Eduardo dos Santos and Mrs. Ana Paula dos Santos (HS and spouse) yes Bahrain: Her Highness Shaikha Sabika Bent Ibrahim Al-Khalifa (First Lady - Head of delegation) Benin: H.E. Mr. Mathieu Kerekou and spouse (HS) yes Bolivia: H.E. Mr. Jorge Quiroga Ramirez and Mrs. Ginger de Quiroga Ramirez (HS + spouse) Botswana: H.E. Mr. Festus G. Mogae and spouse (HS) yes Bulgaria: H.E. Mr. Petar Stoyanov and Mrs. Antonina Stoyanova (HS and spouse) Burkina Faso: H.E. Mr. Blaise Compaore and spouse (HS) Burundi: H.E. Major Pierre Buyoya and spouse (HS) yes Cameroon: H.E. Mr. Paul Biya and Mrs. Chantal Biya (HS and spouse) Chile: Mrs. Luisa Duran de Lagos (First Lady - Head of delegation) yes Colombia: H.E. Mr. Andres Pastrana Arango and Mrs. Nohra Puyana de Pastrana (HS and spouse) Comoros: H.E. Colonel Azali Assoumani and spouse (HS) Congo: H.E. Mr. Denis Sassou Nguesso and spouse (HS) no Costa Rica: H.E. Mr. Miguel Angel Rodriguez Echeverria and Mrs. Lorena Clare de Rodriguez (HS+spouse) Cote d'lvoire: H.E. Mr. Laurent Gbagbo and spouse (HS) yes Croatia: H.E. Mr. Stjepan Mesic and Mrs. Milka Mesic (HS + spouse) DR Congo: H.E. Major General Joseph Kabila (HS) yes Egypt: Mrs. Suzanne Mubarak (First Lady - Head of delegation) yes El Salvador: H.E. Mr. Francisco Guillermo Flores Perez and Mrs. Lourdes Rodriguez de Flores (HS and spouse) Eq. Guinea: H.E. Mr. Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo and spouse (HS) Heads of State [continued] 20.9.01 yes Finland: Her Excellency Ms. Tarja Halonen and Mr. Pentti Arajarvi (HS + spouse) Gabon: H.E. El Hadj Omar Bongo and spouse (HS) yes Gambia: H.E. Al Hadji Yahya A. J. J. Jammeh and Mrs. Zineb Yahya Jammeh (HS + spouse) Georgia: H.E. Mr. Eduard A. Shevardnadze and spouse (HS) Ghana: H.E. Mr. John Agyekum Kufuor and spouse (HS) yes Guatemala: H.E. Mr. Alfonso Portillo Cabrera and Mrs. Evelyn de Portillo (HS + spouse) Guinea-Bissau: H.E. Mr. Kumba Yala and spouse (HS) Guyana: H.E. Mr. Bharrat Jagdeo and Mrs. Varshni Jagdeo (HS and spouse) Haiti: H.E. Mr. Jean Bertrand Aristide and spouse (HS) yes Honduras: H.E. Mr. Carlos Roberto Flores Facusse and Mrs. Mary Flake de Flores (HS and spouse) Jordan: His Majesty King Abdullah II Bin Al Hussein and spouse (HS) yes Kenya: H.E. The Hon. Daniel T. arap Moi, CGH (HS) Lebanon: H.E. Mr. Emile Lahoud and spouse (HS) yes Lesotho: His Majesty King Letsie HI (HS) Mali: H.E. Mr. Alpha Oumar Konare and spouse (HS) Mexico: H.E. Mr. Vicente Fox and spouse (HS) Mozambique: H.E. Mr. Joaquim Alberto Chissano and spouse (HS) Nigeria: H.E. Mr. Olusegun Obasanjo and spouse (HS) yes Pakistan: H.E. General Pervez Musharraf and Mrs. Sehba Musharraf (HS + spouse) no Panama: Her Excellency Mrs. Mireya Elisa Moscoso Rodriguez (HS) (leaves on 19.9.01) Poland: Mrs. Jolanta Kwasniewska (First Lady) no Rep. of Korea: H.E. Mr. Kim Dae-jung and spouse (HS) (They arrive in NY on 20.9.01 in the afternoon) yes Romania: H.E. Mr. Ion Iliescu (HS) Rwanda: H.E. Mr. Paul Kagame and spouse (HS) Saint Lucia: Her Excellency Ms. Calliopa Pearlette Louisy (Governor-General) Senegal: H.E. Mr. Abdoulaye Wade and spouse (HS) yes Sierra Leone: H.E. Alhaji Ahmad Tejan Kabbah (HS) Slovenia: H.E. Mr. Milan Kucan and spouse (HS) yes South Africa: H.E. Mr. Thabo Mbeki and Mrs. Zanele Mbeki (HS and spouse) Sri Lanka: Her Excellency The Hon. Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga (HS) Sudan: H.E. Lt. General Omer Hassan Ahmed Al-Bashir and spouse (HS) Suriname: H.E. Mr. Runaldo Ronald Venetiaan and spouse (HS) Swaziland: His Majesty King Mswati III and spouse (HS) TFYR of Macedonia: H.E. Mr. Boris Trajkovski and spouse (HS) Uganda: H.E. Mr. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni and spouse (HS) Ukraine: H.E. Mr. Leonid D. Kuchma and spouse (HS) P.

Heads of State [continued] 20.9.01 UR of Tanzania: H.E. Mr. Benjamin William Mkapa and spouse (HS) yes Venezuela: Mrs. Marisabel Rodriguez de Chavez (First Lady - President is arriving 20.9.01 late evening) yes Zambia: H.E. Dr. Frederick J. T. Chiluba (HS) Zimbabwe: H.E. Mr. Robert G. Mugabe and spouse (HS)

Vice-Presidents Palau: Her Excellency Mrs. Sandra Sumang Pierantozzi and spouse (VP) yes Uruguay: H.E. Mr. Luis Hierro and Mrs. Ligia Almitran de Hierro (VP. and spouse) yes Viet Nam: Her Excellency Mrs. Nguyen Thi Binh (VP)

Crown Princes Belgium: His Royal Highness Crown Prince Philippe of Belgium yes Bhutan: His Royal Highness Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck yes Monaco: His Serene Highness Crown Prince Albert of Monaco

Heads of Government Andorra: H.E. Mr. Marc Forne Molne and spouse (HG) Antigua and Barbuda: H.E. The Rt. Hon. Lester B. Bird and spouse (HG) yes Austria: H.E. Dr. Wolfgang Schiissel (HG) Canada: H.E. The Rt. Hon. Jean Chretien and spouse (HG) Djibouti: H.E. Mr. Barkat Gourad Hamadou and spouse (HG) no Jamaica: H.E. The Rt. Hon. Percival James Patterson, PC, QC (HG) (leaving on morning of 20.9.) yes Liechtenstein: H.E. Mr. Otmar Hasler and Mrs. Traudi Hasler (HG and spouse) yes Mauritania: H.E. Mr. Cheikh El Avia Ould Mohamed Khouna (HG) Mauritius: H.E. The Rt. Hon. Sir Anerood Jugnauth, PC, KCMG, QC (HG) yes Mongolia: H.E. Mr. Nambar Enkhbayar and Mrs. Tsolmon Enkhbayar HG + spouse) Nepal: H.E. The Rt. Hon. Sher Bahadur Deuba (HG) yes Niger: H.E. Mr. Kama Amadou (HG) Qatar: H.E. Sheikh Abdulla bin Khalifa Al-Thani and Mrs. Al-Thani (HG and spouse) Saint Kitts+Nevis: H.E. The Hon. Dr. Denzil Douglas (HG) Samoa: H.E. The Hon. Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi and Mrs. Gillian Malielegaoi (HG and spouse) Trinidad and Tobago: H.E. The Hon. Basdeo Panday and spouse (HG) yes Vanuatu: H.E. The Hon. Nipake Edward Natapei (HG) Deputy Prime Ministers 20.9.01 Azerbaijan: Deputy Prime Minister and spouse Belarus: Deputy Prime Minister and spouse Belgium: Deputy Prime Minister and spouse yes China: Her Excellency Ms. Wu Yi (Dep. PM) yes Lao PDR: H.E. Mr. Somsavat Lengsavad (Dep. PM + FM) yes Republic of Moldova: H.E. Mr. Valerian Cristea (Dep. PM) yes Sweden: Her Excellency Ms. Lena Hjelm-Wallen (Dep. PM) Tuvalu: Deputy Prime Minister and spouse Uzbekistan: Her Exc. Mrs. Dilbar Gulyamova (Dep. PM)

Observers Cook Islands: H.E. The Hon. Terepai Maoate and Mrs. Marito Maoate (HG and spouse) International Organization for Migration: Only at the highest level International Committee of the Red Cross: Only at the highest level

Chairperson of the Prepcom for 27th UNGASS yes Her Exc. Miss Mignonette Patricia Durrant (PR of Jamaica)

Chairman of the UNICEF Executive Board H.E. Mr. Movses Abelian (PR of Armenia)

Specialized agencies WHO: Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland (Director-General)

UNICEF Goodwill Ambassadors Mr. Harry Belafonte Mr. Roger Moore Mr. Peter Ustinov

UNICEF Messengers of Peace Mr. Elie Wiesel Mr. Michael Douglas Mr. Vijay Amritraj Corporate Leaders and Foundations 20.9.01 yes Mr. Bill Gates and Mrs. Melinda Gates yes Mr. Bill Gates, Sr. (Co-CEO of Bill and Melinda Foundation) yes Ms. Patty Stonesifer (Co-CEO of Bill and Melinda Foundation) Mr. John Pepper (Chairman, Procter and Gamble) Mr. Steven Hilton (President, The Hilton Foundation) Mr. John Morgridge (Chairman, Cisco Systems) yes Mr. Tim Wirth (President, United Nations Foundation) yes Mr. Eduardo Gonzales Castillo (CEO, Bancafe) Mr. Igor Landau (Director-General, Aventis Pharma) Mr. Thomas Wellauer (CEO, Credit Suisse) Mr. Azim Premjie (CEO Wipro, India) Dr. Chung Moon-joon (Hyundai) (Attendance to UNGASS to be confirmed)

Leaders in Civil Society Mr. Nelson Mandela and Mrs. Graca Machel His Royal Highness Prince Talal Ben Abdul Aziz (President, Arab Gulf Programme for the United Nations) yes Ms. Angeles Mastretta (Mexico)

Inter-Parliamentary Union yes Mrs. Najma Heptulla (President)

Non-Governmental Organizations (9) yes Mr. Mike Aaronson (Director-General, International Save the Children Alliance) Mr. John Greensmith (International Executive Director, Plan International) yes Mr. Dean Hirsch (President, World Vision International) Mr. David Morrison (President, Netaid) yes Dr. Fazle Hasen Abed (Executive Director, Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee) Mr. Richard D. King (President, Rotary International) yes Mr. Alex A. "Bo" Shafer, Jr. (International President, Kiwanis International) Ms. Rita Venkatasawmy (Executive Director Centre d'Education des Enfants Mauriciens (CEDEM), Mauritius) Ms. Antoinette Toureau (Konesans Fanmi, Haiti)

Presidents of UNICEF National Committees (7) yes France: Mr. Jacques Hintzy (President) Germany: Mr. Dietrich Garlichs (Executive Director) Italy: Mr. Robert Savan (Executive Director) yes Japan: Mr. Yoshihisa Togo (Executive Director) P-

Presidents of UNICEF National Committees [continued] 20.9.01 Netherlands: Mr. Henk Frenken (Executive Director) Spain: Mr. Joaquin Ruiz-Gimenez (Executive Director) yes United States of America: Mr. Charles Lyons (President)

Other guests Her Majesty Queen Sofia of Spain Her Majesty Queen Sylvia of Sweden (Founder, World Childhood Foundation) Princess Lalla Meryem of Morocco Ms. Mariann Wright Edelman (Children's Defence Fund) One Child (selected by the Children's Forum) One Child (selected by the Children's Forum) Ms. Jane Fonda yes Dr. Choue Young-seek (Chancellor of the Kyung Yee University System, Seoul, Rep. of Korea at the request of Mr. Reed and approved by SG )

Under-Secretaries-General and Assistant Secretaries-General Mr. Mark Malloch Brown (Administrator of UNDP) Ms. Carol Bellamy (Executive Director of UNICEF) Mr. Chen Jian (USG for GA Affairs and Conference Services) Mr. Nitin Desai (USG for Economic and Social Affairs) Mr. Kenzo Oshima (USG for Humanitarian Affairs) Mr. Olara A. Otunnu (USG, Special Rep. Of SG on Children and Armed Conflicts) Mr. Kieran Prendergast (USG for Political Affairs) Mr. Iqbal S. Riza (USG, Chef de Cabinet) yes Mrs. Mary Robinson (UN High-Commissioner for Human Rights) Dr. Nafis Sadik (USG, Special Adviser to the SG) Mr. Kul Chandra Gautam (ASG, Deputy Executive Director of UNICEF) Mrs. Karin Holmgrunn Sham Poo (ASG, Deputy Executive Director (Operations) of UNICEF) Mr. Andre Roberfroid (ASG, Deputy Executive Director for Programme and Strategic Planning, UNICEF) Mr. Shashi Tharoor (Interim Head of DPI) Mr. Miles Stoby (ASG for GA Affairs and Conference Services)

Chief of Protocol yes Ms. Nadia Younes 9, Protocol and Liaiso 30 August 200

Guest list for the luncheon hosted by the Secretary-General in honour of the Heads of State and Government attending the Fifty-sixth session of the General Assembly on Monday, 24 September 2001 - 1:15 pm - North Lounge yes Host: The Secretary-General

President of the GA: H.E. Mr. Han Seung-soo (Republic of Korea) yes Deputy Secretary-General: Ms. Louise Frechette Pres. of the Security Council: H.E. Mr. Hubert Vedrine (FM of France) H.E. Mr. Jean-David Levitte (PR) yes Pres. of ECOSOC: H.E. Mr. Martin Belinga-Eboutou (Cameroon)

Guests of honour

Heads of State Argentina: H.E. Mr. Fernando de la Riia (HS) H.E. Mr. Adalberto Rodriguez Giavarini (FM) Colombia: H.E. Mr. Andres Pastrana Arango (HS) H.E. Mr. Guillermo Fernandez de Soto (FM) Cote d'lvoire: H.E. Mr. Laurent Gbagbo (HS) H.E. Mr. Aboudramane Sangare (FM) Cyprus: H.E. Mr. Glafcos Clerides (HS) H.E. Dr. loannis Kasoulides (FM) Eq. Guinea: H.E. Mr. Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo (HS) H.E. Mr. Santiago Nsobeya Efuman (FM) Georgia: H.E. Mr. Eduard A. Shevardnadze (HS) H.E. Mr. Irakli Menagarishvili (FM) Ghana: H.E. Mr. John Agyekum Kufuor (HS) H.E. Mr. Hackman Owusu-Agyemang (FM) Indonesia: Her Exc. Mrs. Megawati Soekarnoputri (HS) H.E. Mr. Hassan Wirayuda (FM) Honduras: H.E. Mr. Carlos Roberto Flores Facusse (HS) H.E. Mr. Roberto Flores Bermudez (FM) Lebanon: H.E. Mr. Emile Lahoud (HS) H.E. Mr. Mahmoud Hammoud (FM) Marshall Islands: H.E. Mr. Kessai Note (HS) H.E. The Hon. Gerald M. Zackios (FM) Mexico: H.E. Mr. Vicente Fox (HS) H.E. Mr. Jorge G. Castaneda (FM) Micronesia: H.E. Mr. Leo A. Falcam (HS) H.E. The Hon. leske K. lehsi (FM) P-

Heads of State [continued] 24.9.01 Mozambique: H.E. Mr. Joaquim Alberto Chissano (HS) H.E. Dr. Leonardo Santos Simao (FM) Nauru: H.E. The Hon. Rene R. Harris (HS + FM) H.E. Mr. Vinci Niel Clodumar (PR) Nicaragua: H.E. Mr. Arnoldo Aleman Lacayo (HS) H.E. Mr. Francisco X. Aguirre Sacasa (FM) Nigeria: H.E. Mr. Olusegun Obasanjo (HS) H.E. Alhaji Sule Lamido (FM) Pakistan: H.E. General Pervez Musharraf (HS) H.E. Mr. Abdul Sattar (FM) Rep. of Korea: H.E. Mr. Kim Dae-jung (HS) H.E. Mr. Han Seung-soo (FM) yes South Africa: H.E. Mr. Thabo Mbeki (HS) yes Her Exc. Dr. Nkosazana C. Dlamini Zumba (FM) yes Slovenia: H.E. Mr. Milan Kudan (HS) yes H.E. Mr. Dimitrij Rupel (FM) Suriname: H.E. Mr. Runaldo Ronald Venetiaan (HS) Her Exc. Mrs. Maria Levens (FM) yes TFYR of Macedonia: H.E. Mr. Boris Trajkovski (HS) yes Her Exc. Mrs. Ilinka Mitreva (FM) UR of Tanzania: H.E. Mr. Benjamin William Mkapa (HS) H.E. The Hon. Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete (FM) USA: H.E. Mr. George W. Bush H.E. Mr. Colin L. Powell (Secretary of State) Venezuela: H.E. Mr. Hugo Chavez Frias (HS) H.E. Mr. Jose Vicente Rangel (FM) Zambia: H.E. Dr. Frederick J. T. Chiluba (HS) H.E. The Hon. Keli S. Walubita (FM) Zimbabwe: H.E. Mr. Robert G. Mugabe (HS) H.E. Dr. Stanislaus I. G. Mudenge (FM)

Vice-Presidents Afghanistan: H.E. Dr. Abdullah Abdullah (FM) Guatemala: H.E. Mr. Gabriel Orellana Rojas (FM) p.

Vice-Presidents [continued] 24.9.01 Philippines: H.E. Mr. Teofisto T. Guingona, Jr. (VP + FM) H.E. Mr. Enrique A. Manalo, Ambassador, Deputy PR, Charge d'affaires a.i.

Heads of Government Andorra: H.E. Mr. Marc Forne Molne (HG) H.E. Mr. Juli Minoves-Triquell FM) Bahamas: H.E. The Hon. Hubert A. Ingraham, MP (HG) Her Exc. The Hon. Janet G. Bostwick, MP (FM) Belize: H.E. The Hon. Said Musa (HG + FM) H.E. Mr. Stuart W. Leslie (PR) Cape Verde: H.E. Mr. Jose Maria Neves (HG) H.E. Mr. Manuel Inocencio Sousa (FM) Dominica: H.E. The Hon. Pierre Charles (PM + FM) H.E. Mr. Simon Paul Richards (PR) Fiji: H.E. The Hon. Laisenia Qarase (HG) H.E. The Hon. Keliopate Tavola (FM) India: H.E. Mr. Atal Behari Vajpayee (HG) H.E. Mr. Jaswant Singh (FM) Latvia: H.E. Mr. Andris Skele (HG) H.E. Mr. Indulis Berzins (FM) Lesotho: H.E. The Rt. Hon. Pakalitha Bethuel Mosisili (HG) H.E. The Hon. Motsoahae Thomas Thabane (FM) Mauritius: H.E. The Rt. Hon. Sir Anerood Jugnauth, PC, KCMG, QC (HG) H.E. The Hon. Anil Kumarsingh Gayan (FM) Monaco: H.E. Mr. Patrick Leclerecq (HG + FM) H.E. Mr. Jacques Louis Boisson (PR) yes Mongolia: H.E. Mr. Nambar Enkhbayar (HG) yes H.E. Mr. Luvsangiin Erdenechuluun (FM) Norway: H.E. Mr. Jens Stoltenberg (HG) H.E. Mr. Thorbj0rn Jagland (FM) St. Vincent+the Grenadines: H.E. The Hon. Ralph E. Gonsalves (HG) H.E. The Hon. Louis Straker (Dep. PM + FM) Samoa: H.E. The Hon. Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi (HG + FM) H.E. Mr. TuilomaNeroni Slade (PR) Heads of Government [continued] 24.9.01 Solomon Islands: H.E. The Hon. Manasseh Sogavare (HG) H.E. The Hon. Danny Philip (FM) Tonga: His Royal Highness Prince 'Ulukalala Lavaka Ata (HG + FM) H.E. Mr. Sonatane Tua Taumoepeau Tupou (PR) Tuvalu: H.E. The Hon. Faimalaga Luka (HG + FM) H.E. Mr. Enele Sosene Sopoaga (PR) Vanuatu: H.E. The Hon. Nipake Edward Natapei (HG) H.E. The Hon. Jean-Alain Mahi (FM)

Deputy Prime Ministers Bangladesh: DPM + FM no Belarus: H.E. Mr. Mikhail M. Khvostov (DPM + FM) Might be PR Belgium: H.E. Mr. Louis Michel (DPM + FM) Czech Republic: H.E. Mr. Jan Kavan (DPM + FM) Germany: H.E. Mr. Joschka Fischer (DPM + FM) Israel: H.E. Mr. Shimon Peres (DPM + FM) Kuwait: H.E. Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah (First DPM + FM) Lao PDR: H.E. Somsavat Lengsavad (DPM + FM) Luxembourg: Her Exc. Mrs. Lydie Polfer (DPM + FM) St. Kitts and Nevis: H.E. The Hon. Terrence Sam Condor (DPM + FM) Uganda: H.E. The Hon. James W. Wapakhabulo (3rd DPM + FM)

Permanent Members of the Security Council China: H.E. Mr. Tang Jiaxuan (FM) H.E. Mr. Wang Yingfan (PR) France:* Russian Fed.: H.E. Mr. Igor S. Ivanov (FM) yes H.E. Mr. Sergey V. Lavrov (PR) UK: H.E. The Rt. Hon. Jack Straw, MP (FM) H.E. Sir Jeremy Greenstock, KCMG (PR) USA:*

* already included Foreign Ministers present in New York 24.9.01 no Albania: H.E. Mr. Paskal Milo (FM) Might be PR Algeria: H.E. Mr. Abdelaziz Belkhadem (FM) Angola: H.E. Mr. Joao Bernardo de Miranda (FM) Armenia: H.E. Mr. Vartan Oskanian (FM) Australia: H.E. The Hon. Alexander Downer, MP (FM) Austria: Her Exc. Dr. Benita Ferrero-Waldner (FM) Azerbaijan: H.E. Mr. Vilayat Mukhtar ogly Guliyev (FM) Bahrain: H.E. Shaikh Mohammed Bin Mubarak Al-Khalifa (FM) Barbados: Her Exc. The^Hon. Billie Miller, MP (FM) Benin: H.E. Mr. Kolawole A. Idji (FM) Bhutan: H.E. Mr. Jigmi Yoser Thinley (FM) Bolivia: H.E. Mr. Gustavo Fernandez (FM) Bosnia and Herzegovina: H.E. Mr. Zlatko Lagumdzija (FM) Botswana: H.E. The Hon. Lt. General Mompati S. Merafhe, MP (FM) Brazil: H.E. Mr. Celso Lafer (FM) Brunei Darussalam: His Royal Highness Prince Mohamed Bolkiah (FM) Bulgaria: H.E. Mr. Solomon Passy (FM) Burkina Faso: H.E. Mr. Youssouf Ouedraogo (FM) Burundi: H.E. Mr. Severin Ntahomvukiye (FM) Cambodia: H.E. Mr. Hor Namhong (FM) Cameroon: H.E. Mr. Fran9ois-Xavier Ngoubeyou (FM) Canada: H.E. The Hon. John Manley (FM) Central African Republic: H.E. Mr. Agba Otikpo Mezode (FM) Chad: H.E. Mr. Mahamat Saleh Annadif (FM) Chile: Her Exc. Mrs. Soledad Alvear Valenzuela (FM) Comoros: H.E. Mr. Souef Mohamed El-Amine (FM) Congo: H.E. Mr. Rodolphe Adada (FM) Costa Rica: H.E. Mr. Roberto Rojas Lopez (FM) Croatia: H.E. Mr. Tonino Picula (FM) yes Cuba: H.E. Mr. Felipe Perez Roque (FM) DPR of Korea: H.E. Mr. Pack Nam Sun (FM) DR of the Congo: H.E. Mr. Leonard She Okitundu (FM) Denmark: H.E. Mr. Mogens Lykketoft (FM) Djibouti: H.E. Mr. AH Abdi Farah (FM) Foreign Ministers present in New York [continued] 24.9.01 Dom. Republic: H.E. Mr. Hugo Tolentino Dipp (FM) Ecuador: H.E. Mr. Heinz Moeller Freile (FM) El Salvador: Her Exc. Maria Eugenia Brizuela de Avila (FM) Eritrea: H.E. Mr. AH Said Abdella (FM) Estonia: H.E. Mr. Toomas Hendrik lives (FM) Ethiopia: H.E. Mr. Seyoum Mesfin (FM) Finland: H.E. Mr. Erkki Tuomioja (FM) Gabon: H.E. Mr. Jean Ping (FM) Gambia: H.E. Dr. Momodou Lamin Sedat Jobe (FM) Greece: H.E. Mr. George Papandreou (FM) Grenada: H.E. The Hon. Elvin Nimrod (FM) Guinea: Her Exc. Mrs. Mahawa Bangoura Camara (FM) Guinea-Bissau: Her Exc. Mrs. Antonieta Rosa Gomes (FM) Guyana: H.E. Mr. Clement Rohee, MP (FM) Hungary: H.E. Dr. Janos Martonyi (FM) Iceland: H.E. Mr. Halldor Asgrimsson (FM) Iran (Islamic Rep. of): H.E. Dr. Kamal Kharrazi (FM) Iraq: H.E. Mr. Naji Sabri (FM) Ireland: H.E. Mr. Brian Cowen, TD (FM) Italy: H.E. Mr. Renato Ruggiero (FM) Jamaica: H.e. The Hon. Paul Robertson, MP (FM) Kazakhstan: H.E. Mr. Brian A. Idrissov (FM) Kenya: H.E. Mr. Chris M. Obure (FM) Libyan Arab Jamahiriya: H.E. Mr. Abdurrahman Mohamed Shalghem (FM) Liechtenstein: H.E. Mr. Ernst Walch (FM) Madagascar: Her Exc. Mrs. Lila Ratsifandriamanana (FM) Malawi: Her Exc. The Hon. Lilian Patel (FM) Maldives: H.E. Mr. Fathulla Jameel (FM) yes Mali: H.E. Mr. Modibo Sidibe (FM) Malta: H.E. The Hon. Joseph Borg (FM) Morocco: H.E. Mr. Mohamed Benaissa (FM) Myanmar: H.E. Mr. Win Aung (FM) Nepal: Netherlands: H.E. Mr. J.J. (Jozias) van Aartsen (FM) yes New Zealand: H.E. The Hon. Phil Goff (FM) Oman: H.E. Mr. Yousef Bin Al-Alawi Bin Abdulla (FM) Foreign Ministers present in New York [continued] 24.9.01 Palau: H.E. Mr. Sabino Anastacio (FM) yes Panama: H.E. Mr. Jose Miguel Aleman Healy (FM) Papua New Guinea: H.E. The Hon. John Pundari (FM) Paraguay: H.E. Mr. Jose Antonio Moreno Ruffinelli (FM) Peru: H.E. Mr. Diego Garcia-Sayan yes Poland: H.E. Mr. (Dep. FM) Portugal: H.E. Mr. Jaime Gama (FM) Qatar: H.E. Sheikh Hamad Bin Jassem Bin Jabr Al-Thani (FM) yes Republic of Moldova: H.E. Mr. Nicolae Cernomaz (FM) Romania: H.E. Mr. Mircea Geoana (FM) Rwanda: H.E. Mr. Andre Bumaya (FM) Saint Lucia: H.E. The Hon. Julian R. Hunte, OBE (FM) no San Marino: H.E. Dr. Gabriele Gatti (FM) Might be PR Senegal: H.E. Mr. Cheikh Tidiane Gadio (FM) Seychelles: H.E. Mr. Jeremie Bonnelame (FM) Singapore: H.E. Prof. S. Jayakumar (FM) Slovakia: H.E. Mr. Eduard Kukan (FM) Spain: H.E. Mr. Josep Pique (FM) Sri Lanka: H.E. The Hon. Lakshman Kadirgamar, MP (FM) Sweden: Her Exc. Ms. Anna Lindh (FM) Syrian Arab Republic: H.E. Mr. Farouk Al-Shara' (FM) no Tajikistan: H.E. Mr. Talbak Nazarov (FM) Might be PR Thailand: H.E. Mr. Surakiart Sathirathai (FM) Tunisia: H.E. Mr. Habib Ben Yahia (FM) yes Turkey: H.E. Mr. Ismail Cem (FM) Turkmenistan: H.E. Mr. Rashid Meredov (FM) yes Ukraine: H.E. Mr. Anatoliy M. Zlenko (FM) United Arab Emirates: H.E. Mr. Rashid Abdullah Al-Noaimi (FM) Uruguay: H.E. Mr. Didier Opertti (FM and former GA President) Uzbekistan: H.E. Mr. Abdulaziz Kamilov (FM) yes Viet Nam: H.E. Mr. Nguyen Dy Nien (FM) Yemen: H.E. Mr. Abubakr A. Al-Qirbi (FM) yes Yugoslavia: H.E. Mr. Goran Svilanovic (FM) Secretariat 24.9.01 Mr. Mark Malloch Brown (Administrator of UNDP) Ms. Carol Bellamy (Executive Director of UNICEF) Mr. Chen Jian (USG for GA Affairs and Conference Services) Mr. Kenzo Oshima (USG for Humanitarian Affairs) Mr. Kieran Prendergast (USG for Political Affairs) Mr. Iqbal S. Riza (USG, Chef de Cabinet) Mr. Shashi Tharoor (Interim Head of DPI)

Chief of Protocol Ms. Nadia Younes THE SECRETAFtY-GENERAL

30 August 2001

Dear Mr. Gates,

I write with respect to the upcoming Special Session of the General Assembly on children, which opens on Tuesday, 19 September. I believe it will prove to be an innovative and productive event -just as the World Summit for Children in 1990 set the stage for the many international conferences and Special Sessions in the decade that followed. Indeed, this Session can provide a strong stimulus for the work of national governments and the international community in promoting the rights and well being of children everywhere. One of the major changes that have taken place in the last ten years is the greatly increased recognition of the vital role that the private sector has in bringing about development, including in the social sector.

Some 80 Governments have confirmed that they will attend the Session at Head of State/Government level. On Thursday, 20 September I will host a luncheon in their honour, which will take on a new format. In addition to national leaders, guests will include prominent members of the business community and civil society, as well as UNICEF "Goodwill Ambassadors"and United Nations "Messengers of Peace".

To encourage the greatest possible support from this diverse group, I very much hope you will agree to be the luncheon's keynote speaker along with President Nelson Mandela.

Mr. Bill Gates Founder Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Washington p,

I am delighted that you will be participating in other aspects of the Special Session. In particular, I anticipate joining you on Thursday morning at the Public-Private Partnership Dialogue and at the Thursday evening gala, Voices and Visions: a Celebration of Leadership for Children, which you are sponsoring withUNlCEF.

I very much look forward to welcoming you to the United Nations at this highly important time.

Yours sincerely,


30 August 2001

My dear Madiba,

I write with respect to the upcoming Special Session of the General Assembly on Children, which opens on Tuesday, 19 September. I believe it will prove to be an innovative and productive event —just as the World Summit for Children in 1990 set the stage for the many international conferences and Special Sessions in the decade that followed. Indeed, this Session can provide a strong stimulus for the work of national governments and the international community in promoting the rights and well-being of children everywhere, as well as a strong push forward for the Global Movement for Children — of which you, Madiba, are the pre-eminent leader.

Some 80 Governments have confirmed that they will attend the Session at Head of State/Government level. On Thursday, 20 September I will host a luncheon in their honour which will take on a new format. In addition to national leaders, guests will include prominent members of the business community and civil society, as well as UNICEF "Goodwill Ambassadors" and United Nations "Messengers of Peace".

To encourage the greatest possible support from this diverse group, I very much hope you will agree to be the luncheon's first keynote speaker. I have asked Mr.Bill Gates, Jr. to be the second keynote speaker. You would have fiver to seven minutes to speak at the beginning of the luncheon on a theme of your choice related to the issues to be addressed by the Special Session.

His Excellency Mr. Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela Former President of the Republic of South Africa Houghton I am delighted that you will be participating in other aspects of the Special Session. In particular, I anticipate joining you at the Thursday evening gala, Voices and Visions: a Celebration of Leader ship for Children, for the formal presentation of the results of the "Say Yes for Children" campaign.

I very much look forward to welcoming you to the United Nations at this highly important time.

Yours sincerely,


To: Lamin Sise with the Secretary-General, Durban

From: Marta Mauras

Fax: 871-6000-59086

Date: 31 August 2001 / /) Af- Pages: 34 (^.^^T^u* J£d*X-J2k£-


Attached please find a note to the Secretary-General on his programme for the Special Session on Children for his attention.

Regards. 08/31/01 11:45 FAX 212 963 8845 DEPUTY SECRETARY GENERAL ilOOl

«* TX REPORT :!:*# #:;:$:=::(: **:£:!: S3 **#*:)::!::£





To : Lamin Sise with the Secretary-General, Durban

From: Marta Mauras^

Fax: 871-6000-59086

Date: 31 August 2001

Pages: 34 ^— j >i

Attached please rind a note to the Secretary-General on his programme for the Special Session on Children for his attention.
