Timeline / 1000 to 1900 /

Date Country | Description

1032 A.D. Croatia

Croatian king Stjepan I (1030–58) focused on rebuilding Croatia’s military strength and in 1032 he sent his naval fleet to assist Byzantium in its war against the Arabs.

1094 A.D. Croatia

The Hungarian King Ladislas establishes the Diocese.

1102 A.D. Croatia

Pacta conventa between Hungarian King Koloman and Croatia. Koloman Arpadovi# crowned as Croatian king in Biograd and the personal union established.

1134 A.D. Croatia

Issue of the Charter of Felicianus mentioning the founder of the Diocese, King Ladislas, the first bishop of Zagreb, Bishop Duh, and other clergy.

1186 A.D. Croatia

Zadar rebels against Venice and allies with Hungary.

1205 A.D. Croatia

Dubrovnik recognises the authority of Venice, which will last until 1358. In that period was obliged to pay Venice annual tribute and to accept Venetians as its dukes and archbishops.

1242 A.D. Croatia

The Croatian–Hungarian King Bela IV grants the Golden Bull to Gradec, as a token of appreciation for the citizens who provided him shelter during the Tatarian invasion.

1288 A.D. Croatia

The Law of Vinodol is composed, one of the first juridical regulations in this part of .

1358 A.D. Croatia

The peace of seals the defeat of the Venetian Republic by Louis of Anjou, King of Hungary–Croatia, and marks the reunification of with the Croatian crown within a common kingdom.

1409 A.D. Croatia Date Country | Description

Ladislas of Naples, Croat king and a claimant to the Hungarian throne as King Ladislav of Anjou, sells Dalmatia to the Venetians for 100,000 ducats. By 1420 Venice controlled all of Dalmatia except for Dubrovnik.

1433 A.D. Croatia

Turks occupy a large part of north Croatia.

1493 A.D. Croatia

Battle at Krbavsko Polje after which Ottoman armies overran most of Croatia and Islamisation followed, particularly in the so-called ‘Turkish Croatia’ between the Una and Vrbas rivers.

1527 A.D. Croatia

Croatia forms a state union with . By a decision of the Croatian Assembly, the dynasty of Habsburg comes to the Croatian throne.

1537 A.D. Croatia

Defeat of the Klis, the last southern fortress. Ottomans constitute the San#ak of Klis.

1538 A.D. Croatia

Founding of the Ottoman governing unit in Middle with the centre in Požega. For more than 40 years the governor was Hadži Mehmed-aga who supported Sulayman during the siege of Siget.

1556 A.D. Croatia

Nikola Zrinski defeats the Pasha of Budim near Bobocsa. The fall of Kostajnica and the arrival of Ottomans in Turopolje.

1565 A.D. Croatia

On the initiative of the Council of Trent the Bishop of Zagreb, Juraj Draškovi#, establishes the Zagreb Seminary (Seminarium Clericorum) to promote theology.

1566 A.D. Croatia

The siege of Siget. Nikola Šubi# Zrinski holds out against the army of the Sultan Sulayman I and falls during the last attack.

1599 A.D. Croatia

Zagreb and a major part of Croatia are stricken by plague of epidemic proportions.

1606 A.D. Croatia Date Country | Description

Arrival of Jesuits in Zagreb. In 1607 they established the Classical , the first gymnasium (high school) that still exists today. Arrival of the first pharmacist J. Gasparini in Zagreb.

1609 A.D. Croatia

King Matyas II approves the new Statute of the Zagreb Gradec.

1615 A.D. Croatia

Venice conquers Karlobag attacking Novi Vinodolski, the city of the Frankopans. This marks the beginning of the Austro-Venetian war, at this stage known as the .

1618 - 1648 A.D. Croatia

Around 30,000 Croatian soldiers, mainly cavalry, participate in the Thirty Years’ War. Croatian troops fight against Miklós Bethlen (1642–1716) in Bohemia and Hungary.

1620 A.D. Croatia

Jesuits build the Church of St Catherine in Zagreb, from its architecture and inventory one of the most outstanding Jesuit churches in Croatia.

1638 A.D. Croatia

Jesuits build their church in . Dedicated to St Vitus it is the first and the biggest circular Baroque building in Croatia.

1642 A.D. Croatia

Jesuits build their church in Varaždin dedicated to the Assumption of Virgin. The church is considered to follow the style of the Roman church Il Gesù.

1656 A.D. Croatia

Governor Camilio Gonzaga establishes the city of Split. He proposed to the Venetian Senate to build a bulwark to defend the town. The Paulist School of philosophy was established.

1670 A.D. Croatia

In the church of Our Lady of Pirates in Komiža on the island of Stjepan Killarevich from Krakow builds one of three preserved 17th-century organs in Croatia.

1671 A.D. Croatia

Petar Zrinski and Fran Krsto Frankopan executed in Wiener Neustadt (Be#ko Novo Mjesto). Building of Dubrovnik Cathedral after the plan of A. Buffalini from Urbino which displays features of developed Roman Baroque. Date Country | Description

1673 A.D. Croatia

Jesuit Stjepa Glava#, a professor of the Zagreb Academy, publishes the first domestic geographic map of Croatia, which meets the high standards of cartography of that time in Europe.

1684 A.D. Croatia

Great victories over Turks in north Croatia. The commanders of the victorious army were Banus Nikola Erdödy, General Leslie and Johann Joseph Herberstein.

1699 A.D. Croatia

Peace in Srijemski Karlovci. The end of Turkish rule in north Croatia It remained under the rule of Habsburgs while south Croatia, with the exception of Dubrovnik Republic, was dominated by Venice.

1700 A.D. Croatia

In Dubrovnik the Jesuit church of St Ignatius is built according to the plans of Andrea Pozzo.

1714 - 1715 A.D. Croatia

The authority of the Hungarian- over Croatian internal legal questions is acknowledged at the joint council at Požun.

1720 A.D. Croatia

The beginning of the Baroque city of , building of the city centre, Franciscan monastery, parish church and the Palace of the Counts Eltz.

1726 A.D. Croatia

On the initiative of Charles VI the Karolina road from to Bosilje, Vrbovsko, Mrkopalj, Bakar and Rijeka is built.

1741 A.D. Croatia

Jesuit mathematician Ru#er Boškovi# publishes his work De natura et usu infinitorum et infinite parvorum in .

1754 A.D. Croatia

The ‘Fundamental law’ for military territory (the so-called ‘Vojna krajina’ of the Varaždin and Karlovac military district) in Croatia is established.

1780 A.D. Croatia

The ‘’ road between Karlovac and Rijeka is constructed. The first stockmarket in Rijeka is established. Date Country | Description

1781 A.D. Croatia

Joseph II abolishes all male and female religious orders except those which take care of the sick and helpless or are engaged in education.

1785 A.D. Croatia

In Varaždin the first Jewish commune is established. Joseph II announces his ‘Patent on the abolishment of slavery’ for the territories of Hungary and Croatia. The first Real Gymnasium is opened in .

1797 A.D. Croatia

Napoleon incorporates Dalmatia, Dubrovnik and western Croatia as the French . France stimulated agriculture and commerce in the provinces and fought piracy.

1799 A.D. Croatia

Travelling artists perform the first opera in Zagreb I Filosofi imaginari composed by Giovanni Paisiello, which marks the beginning of the new repertoire including Rossini, Bellini, etc.

1850 A.D. Croatia

On 9 July is born in Croatia.

1867 A.D. Croatia

Emperor Franz Joseph enters the Dual Monarchy with Hungary. Conflicting interests prevent Austria-Hungary from uniting the : Croatia and Slavonia fall under Hungarian control, while Austria retains Dalmatia.

1867 A.D. Croatia

In pursuit of a South Slav cultural union bishop Josip Strossmayer founds the Yugoslav Academy of Arts and Sciences.

1881 A.D. Croatia

Austria-Hungary reincorporates the military border into Croatia, increasing the number of ethnic in Croatia to about 25 per cent.