Emergent Multiplayer Games Sebastian Wodarczyk and Sebastian von Mammen Games Engineering, Julius-Maximilians-University,Wurzburg,¨ Germany
[email protected],
[email protected] Abstract—In this paper, we introduce a novel video game community building and enable social interaction. However, concept called Emergent Multiplayer Games (EMGs). It aims none of the existing platforms have fully delivered a unique at providing a platform for large crowds that tune in live gaming experience tailored to players and viewers alike. game streams. EMGs offer an emergent game experience by empowering a large set of individual players to influence the While there is rising demand for game streams targeted course of a single, collectively played game. We introduce the at spectators who do not want to engage in the actual play general concept of EMGs and present our approach to an EMG [4], there is still a lot of leeway between the role of the solo prototype. Our implementation is built for audiences of varying entertainer who is the only player streaming to hundreds or numbers and diverse personas. It features a control system based thousands of spectators and the spectator himself who does on multiple forms of voting ballots. A preliminary evaluation of the prototype helped to identify EMG designs effective in terms of not want to be bothered interacting with the game. However, usability and fun, but also the relationships of our implemented even a spectator might feel the urge to interfere and make his game mechanics and game control system in terms of information voice heard once in a while.