The Glass Menagerie

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The Glass Menagerie +­ '~'"1y.) ... /'\ ( BY TENNESSEE WILLIAMS TENNESSEE WILLIAMS PLAYS Baby Doll '" Tiger Toil Camino Real Cat on a Hot Tin Roof CI"Ihts for a Summer Hotel Dragon Caunrry The Glass Menagerie The Gloss Menagerie A Lovely Sunday for Cre.e Coeur Nor AOOur Nightingales The NOlebook of Trigorin The Red B."ery Sign Small Cndl Warnings Nobody, not even the rain, has such small hands. Somelhing Cloudy. Somerhing Clear Stopped Rocking and Orher St,«n PI~y. e. e. cummings A Streetcar Named Drsire S....t Bird of Youth THE THEATRE OF TENNESSEE .... 1l11AlWS. VOLUME I B""lt of IIngtl,. II 5,,..,,,,, N"tn«J o.,ir'r. TN GIaJ, Mmagtrit THE THEATRE OF TENNESSEE WilliAMS, VOLUME 1I TN El'Clfll,icilitl of" Nighlinxalt, s_,,11(/ S...... TN ROlt TaIlOf). Ca..i.. RraJ THE THEATRE Of TENNESSEE WILLIAMS. VOLUME 1)1 Ca, " a HoI Tin Roof. 0rphtJa o."...aing. S,,"""'I, Unl S".._ THE THEATRE OF TENNESSEE WILLIAMS. vOLUME IV S".., BirJ of Yo"lh, P"ioJ of IIJjlm....'. TN N'ghl ofIN ig"''''' THE THEATRE Of IENNES-SEE WILLIAMS. VOLUME V TN Millt T,ain v..s.', SIll/' Hm II.,...... of Earth (TN s...m 0.,'''1' of MY"lt!. S ....II Craf, W"rning'. TN Two·Char«1tr Pia, THE THEATRE OF TENNESSEE WILLIAMS, VOLUM~ VI 2J Wag.", F"I/ of Coil." ..fill OIM Short Pia" THE THEATRE OF TENNESSEE WILLIAMS. VOl.UME VB in 'N Ba, ofa Tole,. H."I all(/ OIM Pia], THE THEATRE Of TENNESSEE WILLIAMS, VOLUME VIII Vi."x Cam. II 1.-1, S"nday for C..... CDt""' CloI"" for as"....... Hottl, TN Red Devil Ballery Sign I 27 Wagon. Full ofCatron and Orh.r Plays The Two-Characrer Play 'I Vieux Carre f ~ POETRY :J Androgyne. Moo Amour In {he Wimer of Chies INTRODUCTION BY ROBERT BRAY PROSE Collecled Slorie. Hard Candy and Orher Stories A NEW DIRECTIONS BOOK One Arm and O,her Srori.. The Roman Spring of M" Slone Where I Live: Sele«ed Essays • l • .. ,. Copyright e 1945 The Univ....ity of the South. Renewed 1973 The Univ....ity Of The Soullt. '",rnduction topyright 0 1999 by Robe" Bray AU rights reserved. EXfepr for brief quoted 1n a newspaper, magazine. radio, or television rev,ew, no pan of chis book may be reproduced in any form or by any means~ electronic or m«han~ iul, including pho(()(:opyinS and recording. or by any informalion storage and reult"Val system, without pel'missJon in wricing from [he Publisher. CAUTION: Prokssionals and amareurs .re hereby .....oed tha. The GI,." .41_8"", being fully pro­ CONTENTS ."".ed under .he copyrigh. I..... of .he Unired S.ates of Amerka, ,he Bri.ish Commooweahh including the Dominion of Canada. and all o.her counlti.. of the Copyright Union. is sub;"". to royalry. AU rights. including professional, amateur, motion pK:tUft'~ rtt.:itarioo. lecruring? public n:adinJ(, radio and television broadcastiog. and the rights of rransLuion inw fOJ'eigo languages, art strictly reserved, Particular emphasis .5 laid on • he question ofreadings. permission for which mUSE I be s«:ured from the ag~nt IOc The Universi.y ofthe Sou.h. Casa",no Ramsay Ltd., National House, 60-66 Wardaur S.., London W I V 3HP. England. )• Inquiries concernin8 [he ama[eur acting rights of The GI4JS MOIAr« shouk! be dirt't:ct'd co The Dramatists Play S.",i«, 440 Park Avenue Sou.h, N ..... York, NY 10016, without whose n permission in w'l'ln8 no arnau"ur performance may be given. 1be Dramatists Play Service i .Iso publishes the aCling v.nion of the play. The GI,." Mmapit is published by,h { The University of the South. Sewanee, T.n........,. Introduction by Robert Bray vu The GI"" M_g",i, ..... li"t published by Random House in 194~. New Dire"ions lint f published The GLIIS M.Ntg.." in a New Classics Edition in 1949 and .. New Directions Paperbook 21810 1966. reset in 1970. An introduction by Robe" 8ray I Cast Listing/Scene XVII w...dded [0 the paper edition, published as NDP874. in 1999. \ Manufactured an [he UntIed 5t1un of America I ! The Characters XVJ11 New Directions Book...." printed on .dd-f.... paper. I Published ,imuhaneously in Canada by Penguin Books Canada Limited Library of Congress Ca.aloging-in Puhlic.<ion Data Production Notes XIX, Tennessee. 1911-198.~ The glas' menagerie I by Ten........, Williams: in.roduction by Robe" Bray. ( p. cm. The Glass Menagerie 3 ISBN 0·8112·1404·4 I I, Young men-Missouri-Saint Louis--Drama. 2. Pamily-MiSliOUri--Saint Louis--Drama. I. Title. PS:l~45."3MG5 1999 98·54624 ) The Catastrophe of Success, 812'54-<1<21 CIP an essay by Tennessee Williams 99 SECOND PRINTING New D.rec<icns Books are published for James Laughlin by New Oire"ions Publishing Cmpo.... ion. 80 Eighth Avenue, New York. NY 10011 .. THE GLASS MENAGERIE S~ENE TWO and pretty!-It's almost time for our gentlemen callers to .....,u."'..",.......""'."m....."'.",...._",..-_._,..,-.......'.........,III-......_"",......"...."....._'10...'...""........,...,,"""''',,·,........·.... start arriving. [She pounces girlishly toward Ihe kitchenette] On Ihe dtwk stllge the sC'l'een is lighted with the imllge of bl#e ,w many do you suppose we're going to entertain this after~ ,oses. G,ad~ly u#"rs fi,g#,e becomes apparent and the noo\.) sct'een goes 0#1. The ffl*sic s#bsides. [To;"""tMows down Ihe paper lind i#mps #1' wilh II g,olln.] ~'II is seated in the delicllte wory chllir at the small cw­ one in the dining ,oom]: I don't believe we're foot table. She wears II d,ess of soft 1Iiolet mIItet'ial fOf' a going to rece~ any, Mother. kimono-her hllir is tied bllck f,om her fOf'ehead with a ,ibbon. She is wlllhing lind polishing her collection of glllls. AMANDA airily]: [,e~earing, What? No one--not one? Amantl. IIppears on the fi"e escllpe sleps. Atlhe so#nd of her You must be jokin, IIscenl, La*1'11 clltches her b,elllh, tM#sts the bowl of Qt'niI­ [U#'II nerllo#sly e oes her lau:gh. She slips in II f#gitille menll IIWIlY, and sellls herself sli/fiy befo,e the diag,am of Ihe manner tMo#gh Ihe hal en pOf'tieres lind d,lIWs them gent­ typew,iter keyboard 111 tho#gh it held her spellbo#nd. Some­ ly behind her. A shllft of 11 clear lighl is tMown on her fllCe thing hili hllppened to Amanda. II is written in her fllCe 111 she against the faded tllp8swy of e c#,tllins. Fllintly the m#s;c of climbs to the landing: II look thlll is grim lind hopeless and "The GIllis Menagerie" is he 111 she contin#es, lightly:] II little IIbs*1'd. She hili on one of those cheap Of' imitation lIelllety-looking cloth coats with imitation f#, collar. Her hili Not one gentleman caller? It ca 't be true! There must be a is fi,lIe Of' six years old, one of those d,eadf#l cloche hills that flood, there must have been a torn o! were wOt'n in the lllle Twenties, and she is cl#tching lin enQt'­ LAURA: It isn't a Bood, it's not a tor do, Mother. I'm just mo#s black patent-lelllher pocketbook with nickel cllllPS lind not popular like you were in Blue Moun . ... initials. This is her f#ll-dt'ess o#tfi,t, the one she #s~ly wears [Tom wiers another gf'oan. ~'II glance III him with II to the D.A.R. BefOf'e entering she looks tMo#gh the doOf'. faint, apologelic smile. Her lIoice clllches Ill' e:] She p*1'ses her lips, opens her eyes lIery wide, ,oils them #1'­ ward lind shllkes her head. Then she slowly lell herself in the Mother's afraid I'm going to be an old maid. doOf'. Seeing her mOlher's e"Fession ~'II lo#ches her lips [The scene dims o#t with the "GIlliS Menagerie\m#sic.] wilh II net'1IO#S gest#,e. ."'."'......",.,,,,t............,.,tW«>..... 'lt' __.... ,... _"'____-.....--.n~~....-....,"_..".lOo{_ .. LAURA: Hello, Mother, I was-- [She makes II net'1I0#S ges­ t#t'e toward the chart on the wall. Amandll luns IIgainst the sh#t doOf' and Jlares III ~'II with a martped 10Qk.] AMANDA: Deception? Deception? [She slowly t'lmOlles her hat and glolles, contin~g the sweet s#lJering stare. She lets the hat and glolles fallon the {lOOf'-II bit of IIcling.] II 10 • -' ~ - _. THE GLASS MENAGERIE SCENE TWO ...........,,,..'''''''.\III.'''.>1IU............,,,,...14_.....''I<....''m.IOII_.,'.......U_...."_..,...........................I1......'H'_...."mll.n...."..m......."........m.... LAURA [shakily]: How was the D.A.R. meeting? LAURA: Has something happened, Mother? [Amanda !lowly opens her f!Nrse and remotles a dainty [Amand .lraws a long breath, takes out the handkerchief white handkerchief which she shakes 0111 delicately and again, goes Ihrough Ihe dabbing process.] delicately tOtlches to her lips and nostrils.] Mother, has--something happened? Didn't you go to the D.A.R. meeting, Mother? AMANDA: I'll be all right in a minute, I'm just bewildered AMANDA [faintly, almost inaudibly]: -No.-No. [Ihen -[She heS;laJes.] -by life.... more /orcibly:] I did not have the strength-tO go to the LAURA: Mother, I wish that you would tell me what's D.A.R. In fact, I did not have the courage! I wanted to find a hole in the ground and hide myself in it forever! [She happened! crosses slowly to the wall and rem01les the diagram 0/ Ihe AMANDA: As you know, I was supposed to be inducted into typewriter keybOllrd.
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