The Doo-Wop Drive-In Opens on Friday, May 22 in Wildwood

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The Doo-Wop Drive-In Opens on Friday, May 22 in Wildwood THE DOO-WOP DRIVE-IN OPENS ON FRIDAY, CUSTOMER APPRECIATION SATURDAY AT MAY 22 IN WILDWOOD CREST • SEE PAGE 7 EL ALEBRIJE IN WILDWOOD CREST • SEE PAGE 21 PAGE 2 PAGE 3 PAGE 4 TV CHALLENGE SPORTS STUMPERS NASCAR history By George Dickie 9) Who was the 1979 NASCAR Rookie of the Questions: Year? 1) When was NASCAR 10) Who holds the record formed? for most consecutive Cup 2) Who was the first wins? Grand National (now NASCAR Cup) cham- Answers: 1) 1948 pion? 2) Red Byron in 1949 3) What is the oldest 3) Virginia’s Martinsville track currently on the Speedway, which hosted Cup schedule? its first Cup race in 1949 4) Who has the record 4) Richard Petty, with 27 for most wins in a Cup in 1967 season? 5) Petty, with 200 5) Who has the most ca- 6) Petty, Dale Earnhardt reer Cup victories? and Jimmie Johnson 6) Who has won the have won seven. most Cup titles? 7) The Coca-Cola 600 7) What is the longest 8) The United States was NASCAR-sanctioned in the midst of an energy race? crisis. 8) In 1974, the Daytona 9) Earnhardt 500 was shortened by 20 10) Richard Petty, with laps (50 miles). Why? 10 in 1967 WORD SEARCH K AVBAGMCUNGESWA I CJIHAMIS HQZWBR V FLOOBFSBULCOFO U RGALWRRLBCEBWE I OMJUEOWOMARIDK P ZSHMDMNONMVKMT Y CHARLESRETSEG F B AERMFATDAEIWCE F RWDLQYLHIWLEMB D TSEKWIKTEDUART A WXNYHMLCTWHORN R NOUTCASTSPLOZQ H CBAA YCHMXACIKW O AMUOBARNARDWSR W RELVXUKAWBKVAH “Barkskins” on National Geographic (Words in parentheses not in puzzle) Claude (Trepagny) (David) Thewlis Wobik (New France) Mathilde (Geffard) (Marcia Gay) Harden Outcasts Hamish (Goames) (Aneurin) Barnard Dreamers Charles (Duquet) (James) Bloor (Brutal) Frontier Mari (Kaniehtiio) Horn (Tangled) Loyalties Custom Features Release the week of May 24 - May PAGE30, 2020. 5 TV CHALLENGE SPORTS STUMPERS NASCAR history By George Dickie 9) Who was the 1979 NASCAR Rookie of the Questions: Year? 1) When was NASCAR 10) Who holds the record formed? for most consecutive Cup 2) Who was the first wins? Grand National (now NASCAR Cup) cham- Answers: 1) 1948 pion? 2) Red Byron in 1949 3) What is the oldest 3) Virginia’s Martinsville track currently on the Speedway, which hosted Cup schedule? its first Cup race in 1949 4) Who has the record 4) Richard Petty, with 27 for most wins in a Cup in 1967 season? 5) Petty, with 200 5) Who has the most ca- 6) Petty, Dale Earnhardt reer Cup victories? and Jimmie Johnson 6) Who has won the have won seven. most Cup titles? 7) The Coca-Cola 600 7) What is the longest 8) The United States was NASCAR-sanctioned in the midst of an energy race? crisis. 8) In 1974, the Daytona 9) Earnhardt 500 was shortened by 20 10) Richard Petty, with laps (50 miles). Why? 10 in 1967 WORD SEARCH K A V B A G M C U N G E S W A I C J I H A M I S H Q Z W B R V F L O O B F S B U L C O F O U R G A L W R R L B C E B W E I O M J U E O W O M A R I D K P Z S H M D M N O N M V K M T Y C H A R L E S R E T S E G F B A E R M F A T D A E I W C E F R W D L Q Y L H I W L E M B D T S E K W I K T E D U A R T A W X N Y H M L C T W H O R N R N O U T C A S T S P L O Z Q H C B A A Y C H M X A C I K W O A M U O B A R N A R D W S R W R E L V X U K A W B K V A H “Barkskins” on National Geographic (Words in parentheses not in puzzle) Claude (Trepagny) (David) Thewlis Wobik (New France) Mathilde (Geffard) (Marcia Gay) Harden Outcasts Hamish (Goames) (Aneurin) Barnard Dreamers Charles (Duquet) (James) Bloor (Brutal) Frontier Mari (Kaniehtiio) Horn (Tangled) Loyalties PAGE 6 Custom Features Release the week of May 24 - May 30, 2020. PAGE 7 PAGE 8 PAGE 9 PAGE 10 PAGE 11 PAGE 12 PAGE 13 PAGE 14 PAGE 15 FRIDAY EVENING MAY 22, 2020 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 (3-CBS) News CBS Inside Ed. ET MacGyver Å Magnum P.I. Å Blue Bloods News Late Show-Colbert (6-ABC) News ABC Jeopardy! Wheel Fam-Singalong 20/20 (In Stereo) Å News J. Kimmel Nightline (10-NBC) News News News Holly Escape Room Dateline NBC (In Stereo) Å News Tonight Show (17-MNT) black-ish Big Bang Big Bang Gold Mod Fam Mom Gold Mom Action News Mod Fam Two Men Two Men (23-PBS) News Newsline One/One News Frankie Drake Vera “Old Wounds” Å Good News One/One World (29-FOX) The Six Shore Extra TMZ Å WWE Friday Night SmackDown News FOX 29 News TMZ Å Dish Nat. (57-CW) FamFeud FamFeud FamFeud FamFeud Masters Masters Whose? Whose? News News Broke Girl King Mike (A&E) (5:00) Live PD “Live PD -- 05.16.20” Å Live PD: Rewind Live PD “Live PD -- 05.22.20” (In Stereo Live) Å Live PD (AMC) (4:00) ››› “Fury” ››› “G.I. Jane” (1997) Demi Moore, Viggo Mortensen. Å Friday ›››‡ “Ghost” (1990) Patrick Swayze. (CNN) Situation Room E. B. OutFront E. B. OutFront Cuomo Prime Time CNN Tonight CNN Tonight OutFront (DISC) Bering Sea Gold Bering Sea Gold Bering Sea Gold All on the Line Å Gold Rush: The Dirt Aussie Gold Hunters Sea Gold (DISN) Raven Raven Bunk’d Bunk’d Big City Big City Big City Big City Gabby Coop Sydney Bunk’d Jessie (ESPN) SportsCenter Å SportsCenter Special ››› “Miracle” (2004) Kurt Russell, Patricia Clarkson. SportsCenter Å SportsCenter Å (ESPN2) Jalen Question NBA2K League Teams TBA. (Live) Å NFL Live Å Baseball (FNEWS) Special Report The Story Tucker Carlson Hannity (Live) Å The Ingraham Angle Fox News at Night Tucker (FX) ››‡ “Red Sparrow” (2018, Suspense) Jennifer Lawrence. Å AKA Jane Roe (In Stereo) Å AKA Jane Roe (In Stereo) Å (HBO) “That Thing You” Run Å ››‡ “Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw” Real, Bill Maher Betty Real, Bill Maher (HIST) Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Å Ancient Aliens “The Alien Phenomenon” Aliens (ION) NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: LA (LIFE) ››‡ “Baby Mama” (2008) Tina Fey. ››› “Wedding Crashers” (2005) Owen Wilson. Å King King King “Wed (MAX) ›› “Don’t Let Go” (2019) David Oyelowo. ››‡ “The Mule” (2018) Clint Eastwood. ›‡ “Little Fockers” (2010) “The Descendants” (NBCSPA) NBA2K20 Å NBA Basketball Å NBA2K20 Å Sixers World Poker Tour Poker (NICK) All That Loud ››‡ “Shrek Forever After” (2010) Å Dylan Sponge. Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends (PARMT) Two Men Two Men Two Men ››› “Independence Day” (1996) Will Smith. (In Stereo) Å ››› “I Am Legend” (2007) Will Smith. (TBS) Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Burgers Burgers ››‡ “San Andreas” (2015) Dwayne Johnson. ›› “Walking Tall” (2004) Punch (TCM) (5:30) ›› “The Legend of Lylah Clare” ››‡ “Mad Monster Party?” (1967) ››‡ “The Daydreamer” (1966, Comedy) “Wacky” (TNT) Bones Å ››‡ “The Magnificent Seven” (2016) Denzel Washington. All Elite Wrestling ›‡ “Red Dawn” (2012) (USA) Chicago P.D. Chicago P.D. “Trust” Chicago P.D. Chicago P.D. Chicago P.D. Chicago P.D. Chicago PAGE 16 PAGE 17 Wildwood and North Wild- June 1. Wildwoods.” measures may include hav- wood Hotels, Motels and “We are enthusiastic about Short-term rental proper- ing later check-in times to Short-Term Rentals Re- welcoming the visiting pub- ties, like all aspects of re- allow additional time for opening Tuesday, May 26; lic back to the Wildwoods for opening the Wildwoods guest room preparation and Wildwood Crest on Mon- overnight stays to enjoy our for the summer, will take enhanced sanitizing. day, June 1 beaches and boardwalk,” measures to meet social GWTIDA is working collec- said Greater Wildwoods distancing guidelines by tively with the island’s three Hotels, motels and short- Tourism Improvement and initially opening at 60% municipalities, the Greater term rental properties are Development Authority capacity. Increased sanitiz- Wildwood Hotel and Motel scheduled to begin reopen- (GWTIDA) Executive Direc- ing and cleaning protocols, Association (GWHMA), the ing in Wildwood and North tor/CFO John Siciliano. “We especially in high-touch Wildwood Business Im- Wildwood on Tuesday, May look forward to having visi- areas, will be encouraged provement District (WBID), 26. Wildwood Crest proper- tors and locals alike experi- to ensure an optimal visi- the Wildwood Special Im- ties will reopen on Monday, encing summer 2020 in the tor experience. Additional provement District (WSID), PAGE 18 and the Greater Wildwood tions – including 8,000 ho- Chamber of Commerce to tel and motel rooms, and encourage them to imple- over 3,000 vacation rentals. ment initiatives among the Mid-century themed hotels/ destination’s businesses motels, as well as other and attractions to enhance businesses, can be seen the safety of employees and throughout the five-mile guests as the Wildwoods island. These hotels reflect gradually reopen.
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