Ministry of Higher and Secondary Speciaiized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan Uzbekistan State University of World Languages SCALE UP Studenfs Book Course 3 Publishing house named after Gafur Gulyam Tashkent - 2015 UO‘K 372.881.111.1 (075) KBK 81.2Ingl S-30 Scale Up: student’s book Course 3: darslik / Boqiyeva Gulandom, Rashidova Feruza [va boshq.]. - Toshkent: G‘afur G‘ulom nomidagi nashriyot-matbaa ijodiiy uyi, 2015. - 80 b. UO‘K 372.881.111.1 (075) KBK 81.2Ingl-923 Mualliflar: Boqiyeva Gulandom, Rashidova Feruza, Xodjiyeva Ra’noxon, Samatova Barnoxon, Qosimova Zulfiya, Shaxakimova Mavjuda, Shamsimatova Barno,Tursunov Mirzo, Karimova Durdona, Jaloliddinova Malohat Scale Up Student’s Book Course 3 Muharrirlar: Qambarov Nosir, Muratova Elmira Dizayner va rassom: Rashidov Jamshid, Aliboyev Abdurashid Nashriyot litsenziyasi AI JNe 154. 14.08.09. 2015-yil 27-mayda bosishga ruxsat etildi. Bichimi 60x90 '/g. Times New Roman garniturasi. Ofset bosma. 10 shartli bosma toboq. 8,5 nashr tobog‘i. Adadi 1700 nusxa. 249 raqamli buyurtma. Bahosi shartnoma asosida. 0 ‘zbekiston Matbuot va axborot agentligining G‘afur G‘ulom nomidagi nashriyot-matbaa ijodiiy uyida chop etildi. 100128. Toshkent. Labzak ko‘chasi, 86. Telefon: (371) 241-25-24, 241-48-62, 241-83-29 Faks: (371) 241-82-69 e-mail:
[email protected] © G. Boqlyeva va boshqalar © G‘afur G‘ulom nomidagi ISBN 978-9943-03-628-4 nashriyot-matbaa ijodiiy uyi, 2015 PREFACE The Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan PD-1875 as of 10 December 2012, “On Measures on Further Improvement of Teaching of Foreign Languages”, was the essence of the country’s reforms in the field of foreign language learning.