THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT Water What Can You Do? AND PLANNING AGENCY Jamaica, as a small mountainous island, is particu- • Dispose of and store chemicals properly larly vulnerable to the effects of water pollution. Pol- • Learn more about the proper disposal of waste Pollution luted water adversely affects coastal and marine en- • Get involved in environmental action groups vironments. Some sources of water pollution include: • Reduce noise Is Our Concern • Report offensive odours and emissions from • Sewage effluent (treated and untreated) factories and commercial sites Surface run off from agricultural sources which • • Do not burn your garbage may carry solid waste and dissolved chemicals • Do not throw garbage into gullies, drains and such as pesticides rivers • Oil pollution from off shore oil spills, drilling, • Reduce, reuse and recycle tanker washing and industrial effluent Air Pollution Noise Frequent exposure to high levels of noise can cause Land pollution headaches, high level of stress and temporary or Managing & protecting Jamaica’s permanent deafness. Sleep as well as concentration land, wood & water can be affected by noise. Some sources of noise pollution include: For further information contact The Public Education and Corporate • Loud music and talking Communication Branch of National Environment and Planning Agency • Honking horns (NEPA) • Industrial activity (factory noise) 10 & 11 Caledonia Avenue, Kingston 5 Water pollution • Low flying aeroplanes and motor vehicles Tel: 754-7540, Fax: 754-7595/6 What is Environmental Pollution ? Toll free: 1-888-991-5005 Environmental pollution may be defined as; the contamination Email:
[email protected] of the environment by man through substances or energy Website: which may cause harm or discomfort to humans, other living organisms and ecological systems.