RECOR MIRROR ....4101111* Largest selling colour pop weekly newspaper.No. 39.; Price ed. Every Wednesday. Week ending October 5th, 1968 t, aft "011111110111111.110111110011/011. 2 RECORD MIRROR, Week -ending October5, 1968 . want to let off steam? Any questions on the scene? Any problems? Then drop a line to VAL orJAMES, letters dept. RECORD MIRROR -EVERY -WEDNESDAY -116 SHAFTESBURY AVE, LONDON, W.1. GER 7942/3/4 JULIE: A TATTY GIMMICK? TerryGoldsmith, 57 Denecroft 1. Run,Run, Run(12),2.Tied; Cres.,Hillingdon,Middx. - Here Breath Taking Guy (6); Come See aretheresultsoftheSupremes About Me (6)andInand Out of An irate reader strikes! poll.(a)Most popular record; 1. Love(6);c)Most popular group Reflections(20),2 Forever Came member; 1. Diana(49),2.Mary WHY don't Julie Driscoll fans come offit! We'vehad to Today (15), 3. Stop! In the Name of (18), 3. Flo(17),4.Cindy(16). listen to drivel about how "wonderful" her voice is, for Love (14);(b) Least popular record, Many thanks forthe response. months now. C. Trenholme, 13 Hambleton View, She's just a tatty gimmick, gaining attention from her Thirsk,Yorkshire. - I have a ridiculouslylaughable looks and clothes. But now we're practically new copy of the "Birth- day" LP by the Association, which told she's beautiful! !! WellIcertainly wouldn't take her I would liketo exchange for any home to meet the family. er111N1 Beach Boys LP except "Concert" Give me Helen Shapiro any day. Someone with looks and and"Party",or any Mamas and Papas LP in very good condition.
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