
Veronika Kaufmann blog post for Zindigo ! Drop Dead Diva or how to make your ex feel bad when he sees you next! ! Handsome Paul Newman-type waiter looks up as fabulous girl walks into the bar. "Queen" classic ‘It's you you're all I see/Ooh you make me live now honey/Ooh you make me live’ spills onto the patio at Freeman’s. Across space, brown eyes meet blue. You, you're all I see. Time ramps down. Long brown hair sways and is tucked behind her ear, a dimple appears. Her black dress caresses a lithe body (Charlotte has a drop dead figure) He stops what he's doing. A frozen moment. Is it love at first sight? Mr. #notperfect aka ex-boyfriend is also there, has observed the whole exchange. Seems quite upset at the girl he let go.! ! This actually happened. Yes. The waiter was completely blown away by my dear unlucky-in-love friend Charlotte. Her on again/off again boyfriend (aren’t those the worst kind of partners?) was caught inflagranti, cheating on Twitter of all places. I mean, really, the least you can do is create an account that your partner doesn’t know anything about. I find it very gauche to be such a rotten cheater. If you are going to cheat, at least be smart about it. Not that I condone this at all. You are either with someone or you are not. If you are with a chronic cheater, dump immediately. He or she is not going to change. Get rid of them like a penalty kick (France is doing so well during this World Cup, I can’t help but use a futbol pun) ! ! Life is too wonderful to have bad karma dragging you down. Really. Oh, and btw, love at first sight doesn't exist darlings. Lust, yes. And that’s why we found the perfect outfit for Charlotte: the #LBD or lusty black dress as I like to call it - a little creation by Stella & Jaimie. ! ! Stella & Jaime. I adore them. “The Stella & Jamie girl is a dynamic vixen. She is confident, with a sexiness uniquely hers, but can be innocent and coyly demure at the same time” Right out of a romance novel with an apt description of my sweet Charlotte aka heroine. She is going to sway those hips, toss her hair, look over her shoulder and Veronika Kaufmann blog post for Zindigo rock her way to “I was never was that into you" without having to say it directly. One should always try and stay classy (well, as often as possible) ! ! Smoothing a body conscious #LBD over your hips, flirting with the waiter while your ex looks on? We’ll take it. Who said “don’t get mad, get even.” No idea but she (it had to be a female saying this) knew what she was talking about. And as far as fabulous dresses go, it is love at first sight. ! ! So how did the evening end? The waiter at Freemans continued to make goo goo eyes at Charlotte and her ex couldn’t seem to take his eyes off her either. Patricia and I were watching carefully from the terrace. ! ! Charlotte was signaling the waiter.! ! "I will take a Margarita." (the margaritas at Freemans are divine btw) Charlotte was a lady who doesn't drink much therefore one must make sure every drop counts. A functioning alcoholic had given her that advice. Charlotte had passed it on to me. ! ! "Of course. Anything else I can get you?" Up close the girl..woman was even more beautiful. Charlotte took his hand to draw him closer. He bent down so she could whisper in his ear. "Can you come back in 10 minutes and say I have a phone call?" "Don't you have a cell phone?" He whispered back.! "No." Releasing the waiter's hand, she sat back and smiled at him. ! "Thank you." As handsome waiter walks away, she winks at her date. "It's a surprise.”! ! Just then darling Taylor Swift came on.“I am Never Ever Back Together!” Charlotte smiled in our direction. We smiled back. I think the evening was a success. Well, except for Charlotte’s blind date. We were positive Mr. too smooth forehead could see through to the scalp when he checked his hair in the car mirror. Oh la la. We can't have that. ! XoXo!