LEl11l~1~i~ ~11~ij 1111~1ij~~11111mRY L 3 4 3486 For Reference in this issue: The City Council Nottobetaken • The City Council eyes Glebe, pl C • The battle for Francis and Glebe Streets, p2 • eyes Gtoo&rary • Clean up Australia - p3 The Lord Mayor of , Cr Frank Cr Sartor promised that if the City +- Sartor, has begun a campaign to Council gained control of Glebe it • amalgamate several inner city areas would remove greyhound racing from "Our Sporting Heritage" the Glebe programme, p8 1) with the City Council. In particular Wentworth Park and restore it as a • Glebe's ·Son - Edmund Barton, p9 he has targeted the Glebe ward of public park. Leichhardt Council. The following Not surprisingly, the mayors of the • St Helen's Community Centre on , p10 information from stories in the Sydney councils concerned, including Morning Herald between 15-17 Leichhardt' s Maire Sheehan, have February is republished below to condemned Cr Sartor' s move. The inform members of what is in the Minister for Local Government said wind. )

We invite members to send us _their comments so that the Management _Com~ittee can trepare ~ statement which the Society wtll send to oth Le1chhardt Council and the City Council.

The GLEBE Cr Sartor envisages only six or eight the proposal will not be examined until POSTAGE councils in greater Sydney, with the after the current round of voluntary Box 100 PO PAID City Council taking in the current council amalgamations is completed municipalities of South Sydney, later this year. Woollahra, Waverley, Botany and As Cr Sartor points out, the views of parts of Lcichhardt. He believes the local residents are important. We current boundaries of the City of The Librarian - Ms Margaret Whittaker invite members to send us their Glebe Library Sydney "gerrymandered by the Greiner comments so that the Management Liberal Go~ernment in 1988", are Glebe Point Road Committee can prepare a statement artificial and inappropriate. Glebe, he which the Society will send to both Glebe NSW 2037 says, "belongs with the city". Lcichhardt Council and the City The City Council is polling residents Council. in "various suburbs" to gauge their mail: PO Box 100, Glebe views on amalgamations and reviewing fax: Bruce Davis 9518. 9775 the implications of bringing suburbs email: such as Kings Cross, Woolloomooloo, East Sydney and Darlinghurst under Bruce Davis (C===:J _J . I'-=-' ·.:i I Sydney City Council control. Cr Sartor claims the polls were initiated in response to strong resident submissions LET'S HAVE MEMBERSHIP OF THE GLEBE SOCIETY INC. seeking a realignment of the City of YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS DEADLINE Sydney's boundaries "because residents Repeating our earlier request for Ordinary $30 want the higher level of servicing and your email address to include on a Concession: Copy for the next issue of facilities the city can offer". mailing list we arc compiling for the Bulletin is the purpose of getting information Student/Pensioner $15 The Lord Mayor is quoted as saying: out quickly (e.g. our Clean Up "The truth is that councils like Institution $30 Australia Day undertaking) and to Tuesday Leichhardt are struggling financially, canvass members' views on relevant 14 March and we actually can often help those Write to Box 100 PO Glebe 2037 matters (e.g. the proposed City communities enormously." Council take-over). We will ensure or phone Liz Simpson-Booker on 9518.6186 . Please send to The following day he said: "The your address does not appear on If you have a matter that you would like to bring to discuss critical issue here is what is in the best group messages. PO Box 100 Glebe, with the Management Committee, please ring the Secretary, interests of the people and who would Please send to: 152 Bridge Glebe 2037, or serve them best." Liz Simpson-Booker on 9518. 6186, and arrange to come to [email protected] a meeting. A publication of THE GLEBE SOCIETY Inc Box 100 Post Office Glebe NSW 2037 Australia Corporation, while outwardly A Report from the Project Team to Hands off our streets~ smiling and saying it wants to be a good local citizen has, on the matter THE BATTLE FOR FRANCIS AND GLEBE STREETS of Francis and Glebe Streets (where the collective community view has Clean Up lebe been strongly in support of Council's There was drama aplenty on Glebe Friday afternoon turned up promptly, have moved slowly, however the protective traffic measures) refused to This year CLEAN UP AUSTRALIA DAY ~ ~ Point Road the week l:iefore Christmas bur had no memory of the previous take on board local feelings and has is Sunday 5th March and The Glebe planter box which runs along the stand against littering, with the when the Walker Corporation, owner evening's deal. They said they would continued over three years of Society would like to encourage all street frontage of the Pioneer site has employment of two local government of the Broadway Shopping Centre in have to arrest us if we didn't move as consultation to bully and intimidate residents to help rid our suburb of now been completely replanted and law enforcement officers who target the old Grace Brothers buildirigs on they had received a fax from the RTA ro get its way. litter. The Society has registered a site mulched- a great improvement. littering and other minor offences, Broadway, played cowboy developer. authorising the work. Unfortunately We have won a fragile tactical in Pyrmont Bridge Rd, near the The Sydney Fishmarketing Authority and work closely with local police. In the tme proven manner of Sydney they couldn't show it to us as it was victory. But Glebe Point Road, corner of T alfourd Lane. Its members has not been as motivated regarding Eight large signs featuring the anti­ developers, Walker Corporation tried locked up at the station(?). Minogue Reserve and the whole and volunteers will be tackling the the small Strip of wasteland which littering message STOW rr, DON'T on their own bat to remove barricades We had grown to three by then residential area around Glebe Street surrounding streets and back lanes runs along Pyrmont Bridge Rd THROW IT and information regarding in Francis and Glebe Streets put there (David Gaunt, Neil Macindoe and are still at risk. Please hdp us win the from 1Oam - 2pm. For more inform­ between the main entrance to their on-the-spot fines were recently I by Leichhardc Council 20 months ago i myself) and when we refused ro move, next round by writing or faxing to: ation contact the site convenor, Jenna property and the disused coal loader. erected at the entrances to tl1e council - after extensive community they tried to arrest us, bur we won the Minister for Roads Reed Burns on 9692. 9369. The area, bounded by a rusting area. consultation and traffic studies - to ensuing scuffie as we were three {solid cyclone mesh fence on one side and Cad Scully MP Two other sites have been earmarked In August of last year when the Clean protect local streets around the enough!) and they were two. They the water on the other, remains an Parliament House for Glebe: Minogue Reserve, cnr Up Glebe Project Team met with Broadway Centre from the traffic that went fur reinforcements, so did we, eyesore, Sydney2000 Francis St and Glebe Point Rd, and and is home to several large Leichhardt Council officers, they this massive development generates. and by the rime they were six or seven fax: 9228 4633 Bicentennial Park at the end of Glebe castor oil trees and accumulated asked if anti-littering signs could be They tried first on Friday 17 we were twenty or thirty. Again Point Rd. For more information, rubbish. Although the effort to erected throughout our suburb. The Member for December in the mid-afternoon while residents and locals, and Glebe please contact either Clean Up improve it would not be great (and suggestion was met with positively, Sandra Nori MP Leichhardr Council staff were at their Society people, responded with Australia on 1800 024 890 or the site would impact positively on the Fish but since then the issue of cost Parliament House Christmas party. Local business alacrity to protect their suburb. convenors for these areas - Cyrus Market by beautifying its main appears to have prevented any signs Sydney 2000 people, their customers and Glebe The Mayor, Maire Sheehan, arrived Brooks, ph 9692. 3308 (for Minogue entrance), no action has yet been being made or erected. In the next fax: 9228 4544 residents had to sit-on the barricades at quickly, but police wouldn't listen to Reserve); and John Handley, ph taken because of disputed ownership. few weeks the T earn intends to meet A petition in both Gleebooks shops Francis Street to stop the her, the sergeant in charge was going 9338. 6760 (for Bicentennial Park). According to the Fish Markers, the with the local Chamber of Corporation's truck craning them up collected some 400 signarures (of to arrest us all, using further force if Volunteers can turn up co any of the land is not theirs, but could be owned Commerce, and will again raise the and raking them away. Again in time Glebe residents only) and was senr to necessary. We contacted our local three sites on the day and fill in a by Sydney City Council or Sydney matter of the signs, along with other proven manner Glebe police the Minister for Roads; the only MP, Sandra Nori, and she intervened registration form, then grab a bag Water. In either case, Fish Market measures aimed at reducing the threatened to arrest the protestors, response to date was a letter dated 31 with a few pertinent phone calls - to and fill it with rubbish. Only a staff claim that they are unable to amount of litter which is dumped in taking the developer's side. Eventually January advising that the RTA, whom we don't know. The result was limited number of gloves wi.11 be touch it. The Glebe Society has left Glebe. This will include asking all when a furious Leichhardt Mayor and Walker Corporation and Leichhardt that after a long srand~off the police available on the day, so please bring a messages with both the City Council real estate agents in the area to fully Traffic Officer arrived there was a Council are discussing the matter went away and Walker Corporation pair with you. You should also wear a and Sydney Water and is waiting for inform new residents and tenants of verbal deal done. Nothing would "with a view m reaching a suitable gave up, the barricades stayed in place, pair of sturdy shoes, slap on some their responses. Meanwhile, rhe correct way to dispose of rubbish, happen until Leichhardt Council had resolution by February 2000." To until further consultation with sunscreen and wear a hat. Hurstville Council has recently and shopkeepers to be responsible for date we have heard no more, and been consulted! So we broke up. Council! This time it was put in responded to our inquiry regarding its the litter that their businesses were not encouraged by the last The Clean Up Glebe Project Team writing by the RTA. very prominent anti-littering signs. generate. But the next would like to encourage all residents paragraph of the This council has taken a very firm Jenna Reed Burns morning Walker Minister's letter to make an ongoing effort to keep Corporation was Walker Corporation tried on their own bat to remove which said that our suburb clean. If resideiits actively at it again! In a barricades in Francis and Glebe Streets put there by the Glebe looked after their street front, back well organized Leichhardt Council 20 months ago ... community "will lane and local park, and reported dawn raid, be given an dumped rubbish to the Waste Service commanded by their senior traffic opportunity for community input at Inspector (Ian McCann, 9560 .6169; We were told that at a meeting 4 ~ >, consultant Ross Nettle, tl1ey had an appropriate nme. 0408 112 036), the impact on the taken away Council's traffic signs in between tl1e Council, Walker suburb would be enormous. Research Roger Mackell Francis Street and brought in new Cororation and the R.TA on 23 shows that people are less likdy to ones. A truck from Blacktown City December, the RTA disapproved of liner or grafitti places which are kept the developer's behaviour and opened Council was busy marking che new dean, than those where litter and The Glebe Society has registered a site in Pyrmont Bridge a new process over the matter. [The crunch may come at the grafitti have been allowed to lanes on Leichhardt Council's street Road, near the corner ofTalfourd Lane, and will be tackling at 7.30 am when local business Meanwhile there are serious questions Council's Traffic Committee accumulate. oflegaliry to be asked about the people and residents started to arrive. meeting attended by rhe RTA on 25 In ocher litter-related news, late last the surrounding streets and back lanes &om behaviour of Walker Corporation, But they were only just starting to February (too late for this Bulletin); year the committee wrote to both 10am until 2pm. and whether they were acting in remove the barricades. They got one discussion at the last Management Pioneer Concrete and the Sydney collusion with the RTA or not. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED onto the truck despite my protests, Committee meeting included the Fish Marker asking both organ­ but I sac on the next one and said I Locals who shop at the development suggestion that copies of letters to isations to clean up their street For more information contact the site convenor, should consider whether they wish to the MPs on this matter should be wanted to speak to the police and the frontages on Pyrmont Bridge Rd. Jenna Reed Burns on 9692 9369 Council. The same police as on continue to do so, as Walker sent to the RTA. Ed.] Because of Christmas holidays, things i The Glebe Societv Bulletin February/ March 2000 3 The Early Battle for Glebe NEW INITIATIVES 1 From the President PROJECT TEAM FORMED '::E A foundation member of The Glebe Society reflects on the early days Something I couldn't help ~ S~ciery might lose tou~h If these perceptions are wrong (and I noticing at our 30th birthday 6 with the age group which believe they arc), it is up to us to The was not a hot item in the first years of the houses and empty sites were becoming rubbish dumps and Christmas parry at Lyndhurst provided many of its demonstrate that the Society is Glcbc Society. The State Government was determined to beset with vandal-lie fires and rats became a problem. We was the age of the original members founding members. actively involved in issues which restart a policy of'slum clearance' that was interrupted by felc we were in a war zone. who spoke to us - not much older One of the issues which we discussed affect everyone in Glebe, whether the war. The inner city waterfront was to be given over to The Glebe Society had on hand members who were town than me, and in one case much during our strategic planning process they live on the Point or on the massive port: development that was to be served by an planners, architects, economists and from other disciplines younger! wa.s the need for the Society co reach Estate; whether they are '30-some­ extensive system of expressways radiating from the centre. that could be called upon to analyse what was going on. This teUs me two things: out to other groups. While we have thing' or somewhat more mature. Mementos of our embarrassing convict past (for example It also had a very healthy membership helped by the fact 'The Rocks') were co be obliterated and we were to that it was involved in many local activities and was nor • the Glcbe Society was links with Leichhardt Council, the To widen the Society's influence and become a modern 20th century city (maybe even get our founded by young people, and Chamber of Commerce and other just a resident action group. membership, the Management own Olympics TM one day). • as the Society has aged, so has associations, and the Bulletin is Because the majority of members lived in the Toxteth Committee decided at its first When The Glebe Society started there were few allies to Esratc (area around Toxtcth Rd), some of us (in the war its membership. widely distribute(il. throughout Glebe, meeting for the year to establish a be found in local, State or Federal politics. The press zone) felt chat roo much effort was being put into flower There is nothing surprising about there arc many irldividuals who don't New Initiatives Project Team which readily applied the labels of'Commies', 'Reds' and 'Rem­ shows and morning teas while the rest of Glebc was this, and it's not the cod of the have the opportunity to interact with · a-crowd' to resident action. The Open Road magazine will be led by one of our newer crumbling. As it turned out it was the diversity of the world. As the melee in Francis Street us under our current program of members (and a newcomer to Glebc), (NRMA) accused those opposed to inner city expressways Society that allowed for a much larger involvement of the late last year demonstrated [see p2], activities, or don't want to know as " ... having blood on their hands". Many residents ex­ Ilz.e Frank. community than if we were just a bunch of dedicated there are plenty of members ready co about us because of perceived socio-- pressed the view that "you can't stop progress, you know" protesters. The Bulletin allowed us to communicate ideas take to the barricades when necessary. economic differences. Others say we The aim is to develop new activities while having their own lives shattered by forced eviction, (I used to imagine that the Bullain writers and deliverers Nevertheless, now we arc '30- are irrelevant to their personal and campaigns which will encourage or their local environment rendered uninhabitable. were the true core of the Society). We were winning allies something', there is a danger that the ambitions and the modern world. more people to take an interest in our The very existence of Glebe was under threat. We were bur losing the battle. work and eventually become shown a proposal for the complete demolition of the One problem was that gentle folk do not find it easy to members. · churchland (half of Glebe) and the area co be given over to march in a demonstration or lie in front of a bulldozer or a combination oflight-industrial, commercial and high­ do things that might jeopardise their jobs, land them in Neighbourhood action The project team's task is to think rise residential use. There jail, bring ridicule upon them or 'outside the box' and bring forward were two expressways under even physically cause them at the blunt end of Glebe some original proposals for way. The North-Western was harm. But more radical action consideration by the Management small compared to the Neighbours living around The Broadway Centre got together recently to was the only remaining avenue. Committee. Ideas which have been Western Expressway which help improve the local streets. Council has. already greatly improved the There was at the time a rising kicked around already range from a was to come through Glebe lighting in Franklyn Street and the landscaping, and is investigating ride of consciousness about from the side of Grace Bros introduction of an alcohol-free zone in Minogue Reserve and surrounding heritage pub crawl co a Glebe Society what we were doing co our and up Glebe Point Road. streets. Web site, and a campaign to establish cities. The Whidam Container depots, cement a new home for artists in Glebe when Government had come into Council bas also been greatly supponive of the residents, the Glebe Point silos and other ship-to-truck Blackwatt!e Studios close. power and Neville Wran was Road Strcetseape Committee and the Chamber's resolutions in the related industries were setting One problem was that gentle folk do not 6nd it easy standing in the wings in New ongoing battle to keep Francis Street one way [see p2] and to maintain the While Glebe is not in crisis as it was up because the North­ to march in a demonstration or lie in front of a South Wales. traffic barricades in Glebe Street. Council proposes a permanent closure in 1969, there are some black clouds Western Expressway was bulldozer or do things that might jeopardise their The Glebc Society, with Kate of Glebe St with landscaping allowing for emergency vehicle access. Have on the horizon, such as the Ciry going to enable the removal of jobs, land them in jail, bring ridicule upon them or and Bernard Smith at the front, you seen kids playing handball around the street barricades in the new, Council's bid to absorb Glebe [see the old Glebe Island Bridge even physically cause them harm. But more radical and allow lots of heavy marched several times through quieter Glebe Street and the cricket matches in Cowper Street? Our pl]. action was the only remaining avenue. shipping into Blackwatcle Bay. Glebe and finally, in Fig Street streets are now being used as they should be! Ultimo, sat down in front of the If we hope to be half as successful as While these proposals were bulldozers to successfully halt the construction of the Residents are approaching Council about the ongoing 24-hour noise from Bernard Smith and the founding going ahead Glebc was being glutted with the worst type North-Wes tern Expressway. our neighbour, The Broadway Centre. The Centre's rooftop funs and members of the Society in preserving of three storey walk-up unit development, anything then chillers for air conditioning, including the Hoyts, Bi-Lo and other The battles for Glebe were really a holding partcrn rill the and improving the quality of life in being considered better than the 'slums' they replaced. I mechanical plant, are all now powering away; full bore, battling the think the underlying feeling in The Glcbe Society was that rationale for the old design for Sydney was realised as Glcbe, we need to broaden our summe.r beat for the benefit of shoppers and cinema goers. This is all rhe juggernaut was just too big to stop. This did not stop being futile. Container shipping and heavy industry have membership base and grow our happening well outside Environment Protection Authority guidelines and many letters being written and requests that the damage been moving away from the centre. A larger Glebe Island numbers. bridge has been built instead of the North-Western at the expense of residents' sleep and lifestyles. be minimised (that the North-Western be cunneUed under I hope that in the new millennium, the Toxteth Estate rather than open cut). {which was planned to make a destructive loop th.rough Working bees for a cleanup, replanting of some kerb growth and removal Glebe, Annandale and Lilyfield and join onto Victoria the Society will not only reinforce its Our little house in Cardigan Street suddenly came into of graffiti are also all part of the plan, which is the project of an informal Road at White Bay, just so large ships could get into role as a guardian of the the path of one of the expressways which was diverted co group of residents, community representatives, business people and Blackwarcle Bay). The Rocks, rather than being the environment, but also emerge as miss a proposed grandstand at the Wentworth Park dog agency representatives working to improve the local amenity. shame of Sydney, is now a major tourist attraction. The dynamic leader in Glebe affairs - a track. We began to experience the tactics of the DMR of 'slums' of Sydney have become desirable places to live source of new ideas with the 'clout' emptying houses and smashing the roof riles and toilers WATCH OUT FOR STREET BARBEQUES- (probably too desirable). We still make mistakes with (to prevent squatting) or removing the odd house in the THE INAUGURAL ONE MAV BE ON necessary to get our ideas road building (as in East Sydney) but we are more middle of a terrace to make the adjoining houses CLEAN UP AUSTRALIA DAY SUNDAY 5 MARCHI implemented. conscious of the effects of giving too much to moving cars. dangerous. I saw two elderly people die from worry Andrew Craig about what was going to happen to them. The shelled Albert Mispel Bruce Davis 4 The Glebe Socletv Bullettn February/ Morch 2000 5 An Interpretative Walk The Changing Face of Glebe COMMUNITY at Tranby College Glebe INTEREST the public interest. In this case the PARAMOUNT IN situation is exacerbated by the fact HAROLD PARK that the proposal impacts on a ill to attend, and Jack Beetson, DELOITTE ToucHE ToHMATsu - DEVELOPMENT heritage building and will result in Tranby's Executive Director, in also supports the Australian the permanent alienation of land officially launching the Walk, Indigenous Cultural Network to "Community interest rather until recently under the direct control acknowledged "the enormous role expand their work &om the model than the maximisation of of the State Government. Tranby has played in the developed with the Pitjamjatjara financial returns to the At a cc:remony bdd during an "We reject the plans as an anempt by Aboriginal history of this country". Council to a feasible program that Harness Racing Club", must Open House Day on 20 a small group to maximise financial up to 50 Australian communities be the guiding principle for November last year, Tranby Jeremy Wright, representing the gain at the expense of the local can access and use. Deloitte are assessment of the present Aboriginal College launched an Australia Foundation, applauded community." proposing a national mentoring proposals for redevelopment Interpretative Walk in the College the achievements at Tranby over The submission also includes detailed program to assist the communities' of Harold Park, according to a grounds at 13 Mansfield Street, its 40 year history and told guests THE LEICHHARDT comment on many aspects of the use of information technology co community submission to Council. Glebe. The Walk was sponsored about the Foundation's recent TOWN PLAN proposal, including traffic, parking, archive and access their culture and The G!ebe Society helped to draft the by The Australia Foundation for work to raise corporate funds for · Although there has been a lot of noise, the conversion of the old history. submission which was prepared Culture and Humanities and indigenous projects. While the publicity about the proposed new trarnsheds to a health club, and the following a public meeting arranged consists o(stone and marble tablets Foundation is no longer dispensing THE DEPARTMENT OF lMMlGRATION Leichhardt Town Plan, it would not proposal for a hotel and new stables by local MP, Sandra Nori, at the arranged in the courtyard Government funding, it is success­ AND MULTICULTURAL AFFAIRS - have a major impact on Glebc. on the site. Neil Macindoe has also Glebe Town Hall late last year. The containing historical information fully encouraging commitments sponsors the Koorie Heritage Only one major development site made a submission to Council on preamble to the submission states: on the Glebe area, home of the from business, such as: Trust to establish a permanent remains - Fletchers, and this is behalf of the Society. Cadigal ancestors, and Tran by. QANTAS - supports the Bangarra exhibition of Aboriginal artifacts delayed by complex: land swaps. "While residents of Glebe and and cultural items in the centre of The event was opened by Kevin Dance Theatre, especially with The Town Plan is directed mainly at Annandale accept that the paceway is Melbourne. This project will Tory, Tranby Chairman; their overseas travel. the suburb of Leichhardt, where lots a facility of State-wide significance, NEW PLANS FOR BELLEVUE contribute to the Department's this is no eiccuse for the disregard of Community Elder Auntie Sylvia R.10 TINTO - supports the are relatively large and can be Leicliliardt Council has asked the 'Living in Harmony' program Scott, who works at grass roots Australian Indigenous Cultural combined fur multi-dwelling local interests which has characterised Society to support a bid for encouraging multicultural relationships between the club and level in Redfern and Waterloo (and Network in their collaboration developmenL There are some large Commonwealth funds to restore harmony throughout Australia. has been on Tranby's Management with the Pitjantjatjara Council to lots in Glebe, mainly in the strip the community in the past. Bellevue, the historic house in Committee for four years) develop a Model Digital Archiving Jeremy said that the Foundation between St Johns Road and Wtgram Understandings reached with the Park which has welcomed the guests and said that Program. This will assist will continue its active involvement Lane, and these need to be watched: club at the time of the last major been derelict for years. The Council she knew the "ancestors were communities to electronically in Tranby; it will also continue to but most are relatively small. Of upgrading of facilities have not been hopes it may obtain a grant which watching". Julie Cracknell record their cultural heritage encourage the welcome and course, preserving Leichhardt is still honoured, and in particular the will enable Bellevue to be developed (architect of the new buildings) materials using an innovative growing interest the corporate a worthy cause, and The Society has matter of the hockey club is yet to be for community use, including a spoke the words of Executive multimedia database as a model world is showing in indigenous a long tradition of supporting its resolved. Despite an undertaking to gallery for local artists and a cafe. Adviser Kevin Cook, who was too that could apply around Australia. activities. (More information can &iends and neighbours, so it is still become involved in discussions with The Society will be offered a room be found at their website worth a fighL the community, the club has failed to for its archives if the bid is www.afch.org.au) At this stage, the Town Plan appears do so. successful. to have been signed off by the LAUNC':1 FOR PUBLIC ART PROGRAM Readers may not know that "The rationale for the current The Council had hoped that individuals can be involved in the Depanment, and now requires the proposal is clear from the club's 1999 Bellevue might be restored using The three completed components of the Glebe Public Art work of the College by joining the Minister's approval only. H owever, annual report in which the chairman private money, but this plan has program were officially launched on Saturday 13 February by the FRIENDS OF TRANBY - information the pan that would be most helpful writes: 'Realising that the club is fallen through. While the current Mayor Maire Sheehan. The an wo:rks were the Tll.P. PROJECT, is on the membership form to Glebe is the one they are thinking situated on very valuable property at option is unlikely to see the house with handmade tiles from community workshops by artist enclosed with this Bulletin. of dropping: the restriction on Harold Park, it was necessary to redeveloped to its former glory [see Bronwyn Kemp on the Post Office corner, the CAST BRONZE AND expansion of private dwellings. Tranby was recently the subject of maximise the financial return of this Bulletin 2199, pB] it is a great JARRAH SEATS along Glebe Point Road by Eveleigh wo:rkshop an article entitled 'Continuity, The battle to reform the Land and asset and the club sought other improvement on the present artists Wendy and Guido Govemeur, and the BmaNG GLOVES in conservation and contemporary Environment Court would also ventures which could provide the impasse. front of Glecbooks, by artist Ian Lisser Sproule. values' in the National Trust benefit Glebe. Many good decisions dub premium financial return'. The I told Bruce Lay, Council's Heritage A small crowd of well wishers came together and walked Glebe Quarterly magazine Refkctions, of Council have been overturned on core function of this site is the Architect, that we would be concern­ Point Road followed by a pleasant morning tea at Darling Mills - October 1999-January 2000 appeal, and Council sometimes conduct of trotting and pacing ed about any plan which would complete with local musician Claude Woodwood and his baby (which we may feature in a future decides not to fight proposals with meetings for the enjoyment of the generate significant additional traffic Baby Grand. issue). If you would like to see the little merit because of the Court's public. This proposal dramatically in Leichhardt Street. Bruce said he Other news includes the announcement by our local MP Sandra Interpretative Walk and the new lack of support. changes the profile of this faci lity to did not expect traffic would be a the detriment of the local Nori, Minister for Tourism, of Stage 2 funding for Leichhardt buildings, just phone the The current range of applications is problem as the facilities proposed community. Council's Tourism Strategy. Stage 2 money will help promote Programme Director, Yvonne a severe test for the new Council. were for local people and he the heritage and cultural character of Glebe to visitors, and will be Jackson. Visitors arc always We should not hesitate to provide "As with many property development anticipated most would walk to acompanied by photographs taken during Stage 1. welcome at Tranby. guidance. proposals, the desire to maximise Bellevue. Neil Macindoe profit puts the developer at odds with Bruce Davis Bobbie Burke 6 The Glebe Socletv Bulletin February/March 2000 7 "Our Sporting Heritage" 1 - 9 April Glebe's Son - With seven events, Glebe is well represented in the National Trusts's Heritage Festival 2000 Programme (and four of those events feature local historian, AFL supporter and undefeated boxer, Max Soiling). Things arc planned in NSW fromAberglasslyn to Woodford, the Father of the Nation featuring Australian sporting heroes, venues and achievements. The full programme can be found on Sir Edmund Barton, Australia's They included: SATURDAY 1 APRIL from 2- 4 pm WEDNESDAY 5 APRIL from 3 - 6 pm first Prime Minister, was born in • free trade vs protectionism GLEBE'S SPORTING STARS RACISM IN SPORT: INDIGENOUS Glebe on 18 January 1849. He (Barton favoured free trade was the second of eleven children WALKING TOUR AUSTRALIANS between the States but his of William and Mary Louisa Protectionist Party sought Meeting at the Bronze Boxing Gloves, outside at Tranby Aboriginal College, 13 Mansfield Street Barton. Barton's biographer, John protection against cheap Gleebooks, 49 Glebe Point Road. The struggle for training, recognition and acceptance in Reynolds, describes Sydney at the imported goods until local Max Salling will guide you through the suburb of the wider community. There will be guest speakers, film time of his birth as "an energetic, industries could become sporting stars. Discover their identities, their sporting and informal talks with indigenous sporting heroes. bustling, self-seeking community, well-established) with little thought for anything but achievements, where they lived and played. Arranged by Tranby Aboriginal College. • education (Barton Arranged by the Glebe Chamber of Commerce. money-making and the cruder Phone: 9660. 3444, Yvonne Jackson supported state-controlled, Cost: $5 - light refreshments at the end of the tour. forms of amusement." 1 free, non-religious and Phone: 9522. 1546 THURSDAY 6 APRIL at 7.30 pm Edmund Barton was educated at compulsory education) the 'Model School in Fort's Street', SUNDAY 2 APRIL at 10 am THE GAMES PEOPLE PLAY • land ownership and control Sydney Grammar School and (Barton supported the wide and GLEBE'S SPORTING HISTORY WALK at the Community Room, Benledi, 186 Glebe Point Rd Sydney University.2 He was a rational distribution of the land THE CENTENARY OF Max Soiling will talk about the games people played in brilliant student and graduated Meet at cnr. Glebe Point Road and Wigram Road rather than siding with the larger FEDERATION Glebe, both traditional and not so traditional, from the with first class honours in classics. The Glebe we know is changing. Discover the land owners and squattocracy). remarkable waterside suburb and its sporting heritage mid 1800s to recent times. He was admitted to the Bar at the JANUARY 200 1 Arranged by the Friends ofBenledi and Glebe Library age of 23 and entered the NSW He was knighted in 1902 and with Max Soiling. Learn how boxing, trotting, hockey Glebe has a special focus for the Cost: $7.50 - includes light refreshments Parliament at 30. served as Prime Minister until and rowing evolved. There is plenty of walking Centenary of Federation involved, so bring drinking water. Maximum group size Phone: 9660. 7430 RT HON SIR EDMUND BARTON - QUICK FACTS celebrations_to be held in January of 25. Bookings essential. 2001, given: that it is the birth place Born: 18 January 1849 at Glebe, NSW Arranged by the Total Environment Centre Inc. SUNDAY 9 APRIL from 2 - 4 pm ofAustralia's first Prime Minister, Cost: $25/$20 - a delicious lunch in included. GLEBE'S SPORTING STARS-WALLS OF Married: Jane Oean) Mason Ross in 1877 Edmund Barton. {For further Phone:9299. 5599 They had six children, one of whom {W"dfu:d) FAME TOUR background on the Centenary of became the first Rhodes Scholar from NSW4 Federation, yciu could consult the MONDAY 3 APRIL from 6 - 8 pm at the Toxteth Hotel, 345 Glebe Point Road, tour the Sir Edmund was a member of the Protectionist website at www.centenary.gov.au) ORAL HISTORIES OF SPORT IN GLEBE walls of Glebe' s famous sporting stars with Max Soiling. Party. His electorate was Hunter, NSW. The Society's Management Meet the stars and listen to their stories. Entertainment He was Prime Minister from 1 January 1901 to 24 at Glebe Library, 186 Glebe Point Road Committee has formed a Project by renowned busker John Dengate. September 1903, and Senior Puisne Judge of the Come along and tell your sporting story and share your T earn to look at ways in which the Arranged by Glebe Chamber of Commerce H igh Court ofAustralia, 1903 -1920. sporting experiences with others. An exhibition will be Centenary of Federation can be Cost: $5 Died: 7 January 1920 at Medlow Bath, NSW. held at the library incorporating "Our Sporting commemorated and/or celebrated Phone: 9552. 1546 Heritage". by the Glebe community. During Barton's 20-year political 24 September 1902. In 1903 he Arranged by :!:..eichhardt Municipal Library Interested members are invited to career in NSW, he was Attorney­ was appointed a Senior Puisne Phone:9367. 9266,MargaretPenson join: please contact me on General in two administrations, Judge of the High Court of 951 8. 6186. Speaker in the Legislative Assembly Australia and served until 1920. TUESDAY 4 APRIL 6 for 6.30pm Each year the National Trust of RACISM IN SPORT: as well as Acting Premier and At the time of his death on 7 Liz Simpson-Booker Australia (NSW) brings together PANEL DISCUSSION Leader of the Opposition for short January 1920 he was described as community, cultural, business and periods. In the early 1890s, Barton "Australia's Noblest Son". at Gleebooks, 49 Glebe Point Road other organisations throughout the turned from state affairs to join the The Sydney Morning Herald At the time of printing it is anticipated that the launch 1 Reynolds, John. Edmund Barton: State as part of an Australia-wide push for federation of the States to obituary read: of One-Eyei A View ofAustralian Sport, by Douglas become the Commonwealth Prime Minister ofAustralia 1901- "Barton saw Australia's destiny Booth and Colin Tatz will precede the panel discussion celebration of heritage. {Barton's term) ofAust ralia. H e is 1903, Bookman Press, 1999. and worked for it; he had a led by George Bracken, Aboriginal Liaison Officer at said to have made three hundred 2 Australia Prime Ministers, The first Heritage Festival was held gift of political foresight denied s Glebe Police Station, and Colin T atz, (also author of speeches in three years in support AGPS, Canberra 1994. in 1981, and as Sydney is preparing to many more astute Black Diamonds) on the experience of indigenous of Federation. 3 3 politicians. His work will last Barnard, Marjorie. A History of Australians in boxing, hockey, rugby league and AFL. for Olympics 2000 the theme this Barton was commissioned as Prime as long as Australia remains a Australia, Angus and Robertson, Details will be confirmed in the next Bulletin. year 1s: Minister on 1 January 1901. The nation, and therein he has 1980. Arranged by The Glebe Society. Bookings essential. issues which dominated his term in made for himself a monument 4 Norman, L.G. Historical notes on Cost: $6/$4 "Our Sporting Heritage". office may sound surprisingly more lasting than Bronze and The Glebe, Council of the City of Phone:9660.2333 familiar. more precious than Gold." Sydney, 1960. Dear Editor, St Helen's Inner West Light Rail Progress Notes Given the high~incidence of graffiti in Glebe, I was somewhat surprised Community Centre Construction is now 20% complete Their design is for a structured from the by the lack of response to Ena and on target for the first test trams landscape rather than an ad hoc bush Fovthis' story in Bulletin 9199. One to run in July. Weed removal is landscape - sketches can be made Management would have thought that you would 184 Glebe Point complete and the old asbestos cable available to interested parties. be flooded with comments. Not so. Committee Road conduits have also been removed. Biodesign is working with the Interestingly, there also seems to have The second platform at Wentworth Community Nursery for availability been no response from the Society's meeting held The Victorian style house, Park is nearly finished and work in oflocal species and plant stocks. Clean Up Glebe Project Team, Italianate 'St. Helen's', at 184 Glebe Point earnest is about to start on the Glebe There is an intention to 'brand' the whose brief, I believe, covers graffiti. 9 February I Road, recently been completely platforms. Glebe station with either black Does this mean we are learning to has refurbished for use by Leichhardt Fare structures are still being finalised wattles or perhaps paper bark trees. live with it? Or is the Great Council as St. Helen's Community and at this stage there will not be a Feedback was asked for. WELCOME from the Australian Apathy alive and well in Centre. Judy Wingfield, Council's ticket sharing procedure. Noise and Glebe. COMMUNITY INPUT Society members Dwican Ball and Editor's Project Officer for this work, vibration compliance testing will be It is intended that each station should Ms.Fovrhis' story was a poignant Bob Day attended the February advised that all services, which will carried out as part of the have a shelter at the adjacent roadway piece and showed us that self-styled meeting to pursue concerns Desk he predominantly for older or commissioning of the project. where people may wait to be picked Dear Editor graffiti artists are human, as is shown regarding trolley pollution and disabled people, will be in full up. There was some concern that by their camaraderie with the late PARKING traffic respectively. Any member is Glebe now has shopping trolleys operation by the end of February. these shelters might attract Reg Mavin, yet they show no similar Leichhardt Council is advancing the welcome to attend Management abandoned everywhere thanks to The A very large amount of money has undesirables and the siting of these is concern for the property they deface, design of the base line parking Committee meetings. Broadway Shopping Mall where no been spent on restoration and to be further discussed with residents. nor the cost to Council and surveys and has given an assurance attempt is made to discourage this. renovation, including almost NEW FOOTPATHS ratepayers, such as his mother. Ms. that it is amenable to further The access to the proposed Jubilee There are no signs to tell people not from HACC (Home and Fovthis also commented that perhaps $500,000 meetings after the rail is opened to station has been relocated following Council is to be congratulated on to take the trolleys away, and the Community Care, which is run by this graffiti stage was a passing phase discuss parking issues. Parking input from adjoining residents. its renewal and remediation of security staff do nothing to in her son's life. This may be so, but the State Government's Department problems adjacent to the stations is There is concern about an incident of several stretches of footpath in discourage it. The mall seems of Ageing and Disability); Council if every teenager in Glebe goes dearly a major concern for many. trespassers entering the tunnel, and Glebe Point Road. .It is content to wait till someone rings the has contributed substantially from through this same stage, then we will The prerogative of residents to annex the consortium will tighten site understood that Council is aware Trolley Tracker telephone number funds &om its s94 Community never see a reduction in the level of public streets for their own parking security. of persistent poplar shoots affecting [1800 - 641. 497] to report Services Plan. graffiti in our community. can best be resolved by local area The Department of Transport is the the new work and has the matter in abandoned trolleys and then, The front section of the house {'St. parking permit schemes and this will custodian of the reserve hand. eventually, collect them. The trolleys Yours truly, rail and Helen's'), was built in 1902, the be the probable solution to any appears receptive to community - mostly from Coles and Bi-Lo - are Ms N.O. Moore THE BROADWAY CENTRE back section was built in the 1950s. problems. However the approach is input as to what to do with some an eyesore and a hazard to traffic: The new paintwork is based on to wait and see what happens. small parts of the reserve that will not The Management Committee both automotive and pedestrian. CONGRATULATIONS! colour scrapings of the original be required for the rail. People with plans to invite representatives of Unlike Leichhardt Market Town LUCY and HILLIER LANDSCAPING colour scheme of the house. Plans ideas to offer should contact Trevor the Walker Corporation to its April where there are signs posted at the Landscaper Biodesign brief is limited The Society's St. are to make the garden part of s Townson at the Department of meeting to discuss concerns about mall advising people not to remove to the soft (non structural) areas Scholascica's College parkland for public use. Transport (phone 9268. 2800) or a number of issues including trolley the trolleys from the grounds and around the platforms and within the Modem Histoiy The Centre co-ordinator is Paul myself. pollution, noise and traffic. More where there are bollards placed Prize 1999 was rail reserve only. The general design details in the next Bulletin. Carson, who has been LMC Aged The input of residents is resulting in closely together to make it difficult awarded to Year 12 principles have an emphasis on and Food Services Co-ordinator for several small but nonetheless WAR MEMORIAL for customers to do so, the managers student Lucy promoting loc.al species, increasing many~- Council services which significant and worthwhile of Broadway seem content to let Watchirs Smith for both 3 unit and 2 loc.al biodiversity and low The Memorial that stands in Foley will operate from the Centre refinements to the scheme. Everyone people wheel them away for later unit Modern History. maintenance. Impact on water Park has been vandalised again. include: home maintenance; meals welcome to attend meetings - collection or dumped in the tiny quality and providing a habitat for is jusr The Society's Glebe High School on wheels; daily centre-based meals Repairs are under way. If you have public park near Glebe Point Road local fauna are also high on the list. the next is scheduled for 6:30 pm, History Prize was awarded to Year for aged or disabled people; and a any suggestions on how to make where the pedestrian ramp from the Attention will be given to security 2 March 1999 at Benledi. 12 student Hillier Mackell. daily activities programme. The the memorial vandal-proof, we shopping centre comes down - and issues. Steve Stewart Leichhardt Council community bus would like to hear from you. where there is no trolley bay The inaugural Hoddinott Poetry will also be based there. LITIER provided. Prue will be awarded to a Glebe High student this year. Council has let space in St. Helen's I have recently written to the Council Litter, particularly in Glebe Point to four tenants, the Physical NEWS FROM ST. JOHN'S about this and wonder if anyone else Both of Glebe' s s secondary school Road, is an on-going problem. Disability Council ofNSW, We welcome the Rev Martin Hunnybun, who has been appointed would like to do the same. Perhaps a students fared well in the 1999 HSC The State Government has recently Recreation and Peer Support (for Rector of St Johns and will commence duties after a service of scrap metal dealer would be examination; the Glebe Primary announced tougher penalties for yotmg people with disabilities); induction on Thursday 13 April, 2000 commencing at 8pm. All are interested in this situation. School was also very proud of the littering. Further information CommunityTranspon, and 2RPH \ I results their students achieved in the welcome. about the proposal is being sought Yours sincerely, - Radio for the Print Handicapped. Maths Competition run by the St. John's Youth Worker, Andrew Talbot, works extensively in the from the relevant department, Duncan Ball .... University ofNSW, where students The Mayor of Leichhardt will local Glebe Schools and the community, including youth groups for Vice-President Jenna Reed Burns is were awarded two distinctions and officially open the St. Helen's various ages on Friday afternoons. For further details ring 9660. 1818. also reviewing Hurstville Council's four credits. Community Centre on 29 March initiatives on littering [see Clean CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL! 2000. Up Glebe report, p3]. 1 0 The Glebe Socle1v Bulletin February/March 2000 11 o«ti 0 r for Your Diary . . . Thursday 2 March Lunch hour talk by author Richard Zimler 1 pm at Glebe Library, see Notice Board Thursday 2 March Light Rail Consultative Committee meeting WALK AGAINST WANT 6.30 at Benledi - all i~terested parties welcome, see p 11. Sunday 5 March Clean up Australia Day IO - 2 pm, see p3 At the 61ebe library WE 1RE ON THE MAP I Wednesday 8March Management Committee meeting m· 7.30 pm Toxreth Hotel Meeting Room - all welcome Community Aid Abroad (CAA) is an Monday Art Exhibition Australian subsidiary of Oxfam, 13 March Three Periods of Music- talk by Judith Loughlin 7.30 pm at Benledi - see Notice Board INTO THE NEW AGE: Reµections on a life of living founded in 1942 as a committee for famine relief. It has since expanded Sunday 19 March Walk.Against Want -see Notice Board 20 March-14 April its activities to include more general 19 ~ 26 March Seniors' Week: 'A New Age'~ events/displaY5 at Glehe Library assistance to disadvantaged Wednesday 22 March Glebe High School Open Night An exhibition of 30 art works In various formats by octogenarian communities to help them help Dr Leslie V Barnet 5.30 - 7pm starting in the Library- all welcome themselves. Monday 27 March Official Opening 'Into the New Age' Art Exhibition Works will be for sale and range In price from $55 -$195, with a CAA organises Walk Against Want all 6.30 pm at Glebe Library, see Notice Board percentage of the profits donated to the library. over Australia every year to raise Wednesday 29 March St. Helen's Community Centre Grand Opening Refreshments wlll be served. Gold coin donation. funds. I don't know what we've done 11 - 2.30pm 184 Glebe Point Road, see plO Offlclal Opening, Monday 27 March from 6.30 p.m. to deserve the honour, but this year's I ADVANCE NOTICE] Sydney walk will start at 10 am on 1- 9April National Trust Heritage Festival- details p9 Sunday 19 March from Victoria Park, Sunday 16 April lnnominata Choir performance Richard Zimler Lunch time talk go past the Great Hall of the 3.00pm St. Scholastica's Chapel - details in next Bulletin 2 March at 1.00 pm University of Sydney, over the footbridge and through Glebe. Author Richard Zlmler Is an American expatriate who lives in Porto, Portugal. His first novel, The Last Kabba/1st of Lisbon was If you wish to participate you can The Glebe Society Inc an international best seller. His latest work Is The Angelic obtain a sponsor book by ringing Darkness. 1800 034 034. I hope to see some of We are glad to publish MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE you on the day. letters or articles: President Bruce Davis 9660. 7873 RSVP to Margaret Whittaker 9367. 9262 tor both events Ian Edwards Vice-President Jennifer Reed Bums 9692.9369 on any matters of Immediate Past President Russell Stewart 9660.8324 Internet training for beginners Secretary Liz Simpson-B_ooker 9518.6186 interest to Glebe Treasurer Alan Hum 9660.2407 Every Monday at 12 midday on any topic raised Committee Members: The one hour course covers the basics to get you started on Marianne von Knobelsdorff 9692.0916 the Internet. $15/sesslon - maximum of three people ln a class. in the Bulletin, or AndrewCraig 9566. 1746 Ian Edwards (bh) 9660.3240 Cynthia Jones 9660. 2451 TedMcKeown 9660.3917 To book call 9367. 9262 Friends of Benledi and Glebe Library on any issues invite you to a talk on - relating to The SUB-COMMITTEE CONVENORS GLEBE PRECINCT MEETINGS Three Periods of Music Glebe Society. All convenors are ex officio members of the Management Committee 7.30 pm at Benledi BAYS AND FORESHORES Collin Hills 9660'. 8608 ENVIRONMENT Christine Whittemore 9660. 7969 Precinct 12 - Forest Lodge: Monday 13 March Contact - Anthony Nicholson: 9660. 4393 - including Noise Pollution Andrew Craig 9566. 1746 FRROGs Roberta Johnston 9552. 3248 Precinct 13 - Glebe Point Judith Loughlin, Glebe resident All correspondence should PLANNING Neil Macindoe 9660. 0208 Contact- Christine Newton: 9660. 8349 and lecturer in music at Wesley be addressed to: TRANSPORT AND TRAFFIC Jeanette Knox 9660. 7781 Combined Meeting Precincts 12 and 13 Seniors' College will talk about - including Light Rail Steve Stewart 9660. 5845 the thre~ periods of music - the The Glebe S_ociety Inc Toxteth Hotel Meeting Room PROJECT TEAMS baroque, the classic and the Box 100 PO 1st Wednesday each month- 7.00 pm Centenary of Federation Liz Simpson-Booker romantic. 9518.6186 Glebe 2037 Clean Up Glebe Jennifer Reed Burns 9692.9369 Precinct 14 - Glebe: Light refreshments will be Conserving Glebe Heritage Christine Whittemore 9660. 7969 Contact: Peter Wright: 9566.2018 served. All welcome. Cost: $5. Foreshore Walk and Cycle Way Judy Vergison 9692.9200 Last Monday each month DISCLAIMER New Initiatives Ilze Frank 9571. 8495 Mitchell St Community Hall - 7.30 pm CONTACTS fjust off Glebe Point Road) OOPSI Views expressed in this Archivist Lyn Milton 9660.7930 In an article about Glebe's street trees in Bulletin Bulletin are not Historian Max Selling 9660. 1160 10/99, we paraphrased a comment which we Membership List John Sleeman 9692.9507 The next issue of the Bulletin will be produced by Cynthia wrongly attributed to Scarlett O'Hara. It was, necessarily those of Bulletin Editor Bobbie Burke 9692.0343 Jones, and copy can be sent to her at 152 Bridge Road, or of course, Rhett Butler who said "Frankly, my The Glebe Society Inc. Assistant Editor dear, I don't give a damn!" [Ed.] and New Members Contact Cvnthia Tones 9660.2451